#but i think they really bit off more than they could chew trying to combine 1 and 2
Obey me Boys as students
Thank you for the love on my other posts, every reblog, note and follower is appreciated!
Also feel free to request something!
This is more of a human high school AU, so there is more human talk than devildom.
There is a bit of Nsfw in asmodeus part, but other than that it’s pretty fluffy/maybe crack?
Straight A student, what did you expect?!?
But I’ll tell you, he’s honestly kind of annoying to be in a class with
He’s such a suck up without even ACTUALLY TRYING to be a suck up
When the teacher makes a mistake he 100% corrects them with no shame
But he’s still somehow a teachers pet
People hate him because they wanna be him fr fr
I honestly don’t think he’s naturally academically intelligent like belphegor or interested in subjects like Satan
The only reason why he actually tries is probably because he thinks failing academically is embarrassing
That being said I think he’s a hardworker, always practicing and learning
Definitely pulls all nighters regularly to finish assignments
Favourite subject is probably physics like a granddaddy
Has a very simplistic pencilcase in black with an ink pen
Literal class clown
HE is the reason why class is low key fun
Everyone keeps saying he’s annoying but high key miss him when he’s not there
That being said he’s incredibly charismatic
I think he’s got lots of friends in class cause he’s super easy to be around and he’s funny asf
he’s probably one of the kids on the teachers “hate list”
Literally always gets picked on from teachers
Always goes red when they point out his mistakes but he turns it into a joke
I think he’s an average student but is crazy good at like music or something artsy
He’s that one kid who always ALWAYS forgets his stuff
If he’s lucky he might have a chewed up pen somewhere in his bag (maybe)
He’s definitely a pen biter you cannot change my mind
Oh boy
He’s a very shy kid, and honestly most people forget he’s there
Even the teachers which is kind of a good thing honestly
He sits in the back of the class and does his work calmly
Never talks like NEVER
Probably has one good friend in ONE class who he goofs off with but I think that’s honestly it
That being said there’s def some type of popular demon crushing on him
He has potential to be above average academically but I don’t think he cares enough
I think his favourite subject is art because he gets to practice drawing boobs I mean he gets to practice anatomy
Has a bunch of cool stationary from animes
Definitely has some sanrio type of stationary that he NEVER shares
A student that gives 110%
He would literally be the perfect student because he has this amazing combination of politeness, academic intelligence and actual academic INTEREST
would be if he didn’t absolutely despise all of the teachers
He knows more than the teachers so sitting in class is incredibly boring to him
Thinks the teachers have no teaching ability and knows he could teach this class better than them
He is such a good student for being such a bad student if you get what I mean
Super organized but not at all at the same time
Polite but disses the teachers- really it depends on the day
He loves all subjects but I think he’s a biology or maybe a literature guy wink wink
someone hc him to send answers in the groupchat while cussing them out- that is 100% Satan
He‘s probably super popular I mean, smart, pretty and a romantic- can’t get better than that! (Well lets skip over the anger issues)
Your residential play boy/fuck boy!
But just add sweetness to the mix; like he makes sure the person knows his intentions before starting anything with him
That cute boy in class that has a bunch of friends and is super popular for an ACTUAL reason
He does literally EVERYTHING but pay attention
He‘s still a teachers pet though
Probably fucked a teacher to get through the year
Has a bunch of stationary and has really pretty notes even if he doesn’t know what anything means
His favourite subject is probably geography or design (art)
Jock. What more is there to say?
He‘s not your typical jock, cause unlike all the other jocks he’s actually humble
(The sport bring fangol obvi)
That being said he’s crazy popular, because he’s athletic, cute, sweet, friendly and humble
People are all over him all. The. Time.
Yeah sure he might not have a whole bunch of brains and his grades are below average but at least he’s cute right???????
Yeah he’s not much of a academic person, like AT ALL- he only likes PE, maybe a little bit of art (cause it’s easy)
The teachers surprisingly don’t really care all that much about him- just a random student 🤷‍♀️
This little shit
He‘s that kid who is a genius for no reason what so ever
He reads the paragraph once and never again and still gets an A++++
He barely pays attention in class, skips like 60% of the time and still rivals Satan
Lucifer and Satan get pissy about it because he doesn’t even TRY
His fav subject is math because it’s just understanding a few rules and that’s it
His favourite saying is „mathematicians are lazy“, please tell me your teachers told you this too
He is so charming for no reason, and that makes him a little shit
All he has to do is smile and the person just melts
That being said a smile from him takes a lot of effort
He never takes his stuff to school so he just asks another person and they never hesitate to give him stuff
Teachers just don’t care about him since he barely shows up anyway 💀
Literally cannot focus in school
He‘s like a jock mixed with student body- super charismatic, super hot and reallyyyy popular
He‘s that one friend who has like a gazillion friends and says hi to someone every 2 minutes
But when he’s in class he cannot focus to save his life
At home he’s a mashine- finishing task after task but in school he gets distracted over every little thing
He has so many expensive items, shoes, pants, stationary EVEN HIS SOCKS
Nr.1 crush for literally anyone
Favorite subject is any social subject really
He‘s a pretty average student but his teamwork ability make him stand out
Teachers gossip about other students to him 😃
Straight A student, no one knows his methods
Diavolo is his best friend even if they are polar opposites
Very well liked, by students, teachers but he only willingly talks to diavolo and his crush we all know who wink wink
Very well organised, always has his stuff
Even the way he wears his uniform is neat
He‘s so mysterious…… which makes him kind of hot honestly
He probably doesn’t care about the attention though
Ugh literally the perfect student
Smart, kind and charismatic
Literally a teachers pet
Probably is in a whole bunch of clubs
I could totally see him in the drama club
Favorite subjects; drama and literature
He probably reads shakespear in his lunch breaks
He never cusses in class- even when the teacher gets on everyone’s nerves
He has so many friends! Seriously it’s hard not to like him
That being said his weakness is computer science
Yeah not really his strong suit
Poor baby gets teased relentlessly
He is super cute though
is such a sweetheart genuinely
Don’t be mistaken if anyone actually has the guts to bully him, his 11 family members are ought to get them
He works really hard to get good grades and make Micheal and Simeon proud!
He‘s in the baking club and his favourite subject is probably science honestly
This little shit (#2)
He‘s such a mixed bag of different student traits
He‘s lazy, but hard working
Social but introverted
Super popular but gets hated on
His favourite subject is science specifically chemistry
If you are in his chemistry class he‘ll pull some chemistry pick up lines to annoy you
He‘s also in the baking club which makes Luke get cold sweats every night
Also a huge shoutout to @kkeromenoo , thank you for the love!! Sadly I can’t respond to the comments 😭 someone pls tell me how it works..
I just also wanted to say sorry for the fact that 1) this post took so long and 2) some of the characters are shorter. Probably will edit this later, but again hope you enjoyed!
All credits go to @belphieslavenderscentedpillow
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e-claire · 1 year
Misophonia sucks so fucking hard and no one anywhere ever wants to talk about it. Literally the only people I've ever had listen to me about my Misophonia are other people with Misophonia. So fuck it, Misophonia Awareness Post or something, I want to vent.
Allow me to describe what it is first for all the lucky people who aren't fucked over. Misophonia is likely an Audio-Processing Disorder (Potentially some form of Synesthesia) in which certain sounds trigger a fight or flight reaction. Trigger sounds can vary and sometimes after long term exposure it can create a reaction to the visuals associated with those sounds. It is possibly genetic, there is no known cause, there is no known treatment, there is only suffering and ways of generally kind of reducing that suffering. When I hear people chewing I am filled with a rage that can only be described as "Bordering on a primal desire to Kill." and there's nothing I can do about that. A family member or friend takes a bite of something crunchy and I have to sit there and exist with thoughts of pounding their fucking skull into paste with my bare god damn hands and then afterwards I have to go back to "being normal". I have to just pretend that didn't happen, I can't do anything with those emotions, I can't put them anywhere, I can't talk about them with anyone or gain any understanding or sympathy from others for having them.
When I see someone chewing food anymore it's borderline impossible for me to remain in the room with them for any more than a few seconds because the mere sight of them chewing makes me physically ill and inspires in me a sense of deep disgust and panic that I could never ever hope to describe.
I tell people about what it's like and I get one of four reactions :
"Oh I think I have that too" With a weird amount of curious excitement at the concept of having a fun new quirky thing to mention in conversations. This means that they don't have it, and they'll then proceed to list off a couple different things that literally no human being likes to hear and how much that thing "annoys them". This makes me want to kill myself.
"Wow, Yikes." Through a grimace. This means I was too open about how it makes me feel and they now think i'm a either a freak, liability, time bomb, or over-dramatic, and will do everything they can to avoid the subject in the future so that I can't make them uncomfortable. This makes me want to kill them AND myself.
Immediately eats something really loudly to set me off as a "joke". This means that they're an obnoxious piece of shit that I have to try my absolute hardest not to beat to death with my bare hands. This makes me want to kill them, if that wasn't already obvious.
"Oh. So that's what this is called." This means they have it, and we can both engage in a brief period of mutual trauma sharing that helps us know we're not alone, and that our curse is unfortunately shared with others. This makes us both somewhat melancholy, and kinda ruins the vibes until something fun happens.
And then we get into the "How do you make the pain stop", and good news! You can't. There is no way to make it stop. But you can make it hurt less with ✨Spending Unbearable Amounts of Cash✨
You can buy a billion different types of earplugs that will all do great at muting the world but always leave you incredibly unaware of the world around you and leave you fucked in-terms of listening to media.
You can buy normal headphones that will kind of work but never mute the world around you anywhere near enough and vaguely frustrate you constantly, but hey at least you're a bit more accessible! Try combining these with a combination of rain and static noise playing at all times in the background for an extra layer of silence :)
You can buy ANC headphones that cost infinitely too much money and are almost always built to break so that they can farm cash from you in repairs, but the ANC is so useful despite not working perfectly that you can't really exist without it so you're gonna spend 200+ dollars every couple years because you don't have a choice, and spend every single day 24/7 wearing hot heavy over-ear headphones! Use the Rain and Static Noise combo with this as well for the best ANC effect.
And inevitably, all of these options will give you hearing problems, potentially make you aware of new trigger sounds, and always leave you a step behind everyone else when a conversation happens. Pro-Tip : For when the sounds are really intrusive and you're on the verge of a breakdown, Combine ANC with Ear Plugs and the R&SN background audio to basically kill noise in it's entirety for a little while :)
Listen to us. Don't ostracize us for experiencing emotions we can't control and don't mean or want to act on. If you can, try your best to do the trigger noises quietly, and try your best not to do the trigger visuals in-front of us. We know it's not something you can control entirely, but if you can make the effort to make our lives suck less, we'll really fucking appreciate it.
And if you try to get back at us during a fight by eating something really crunchy to abuse our disorder for your benefit, I swear to god I will hunt you down personally and subject you to the most violent and painful torture I can manage before killing you and hiding your body somewhere no one will ever find it so that your loved ones never have the closure of knowing if you died or if you're still somewhere out there. Thanks for reading even though I know you didn't because the length of this post is frankly unhinged and i'll probably only get like 2 likes at best.
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augustinapril · 9 months
Very random the Outsiders headcanons
warnings: mentions of really bad food combination, throwing up, insects, scratching & picking at skin, loud chewing, fears, please lmk if I forgot something!!
all created w/ @luvmarsbars & @stqrluvr !
˗ˏˋ ★ ´ˎ˗
To begin with we have food headcanons:
They all have a certain tastes in pizza!!
Johnny really likes olives on his pizza, like he just loves it.
Darry is a chicken bacon ranch pizza guy. it's his favorite pizza.
Dally really likes supreme pizzas but he can't stand pineapple on pizza. other than that he doesn't care.
Two bit LOVES pineapple on pizza, it's one of his favorites. (he argues w/ dally about it constantly). Him and Steve have no pickiness when it comes to pizza or food in general .
Ponyboy on the other hand is a VERY picky eater (me too man me too).
like he can't stand spicy foods, won't touch olives within an inch of his his life, has to have the edges of his sandwhiches cut off, won't eat pizza crust unless it's stuffed crust, hates cooked vegetables, the list goes on.
Ponyboy loves breadsticks!! it's one of the few foods he genuinely really loves. Same with pickles.
Steve is 100% the kid who you could pay to eat the gross food combinations that people came up with during lunch. yk, like the beans in milk? he would eat that. no hesitation.
Sodapop doesn't like soda because of the carbonation. (again that's me too I don't like drinking soda bc the fizz hurts my mouth).
Darry and Two bit are both lactose intolerant, Darry's just isn't as bad as Two's. Two bit does NOT care though because he loves eating lactose.
Also he loves BBQ sauce, Soda likes ketchup, and Pony loves ranch. like he LOVES it. he was the kid to eat it straight up.
Dallas hates sour foods, he can not stand pickles. He also hates fish, like he doesn't like sea food at all.
Dally also doesn't like mint, his favorite type of gum is watermelon.
He also is the type of person to chew with his mouth open. Like he didn't even realize he was doing it at first until people pointed it out. Then he did it to annoy them, especially Pony.
Ponyboy will get irritated and tell him to chew with his mouth shut and Dally would move his head so he was chewing directly into Pony's ear.
Johnny has random food cravings. like peanut butter on pickles, mustard on ice cream, etc. Pony has to hold back the urge to throw up.
Steve put sugar on his popcorn. he was also the type of person to have popcorn with his ice cream and m&ms and torn up pieces of candy bars & chocolate syrup, and probably maple syrup. he would throw any kind of sweet know to man into a bowl of ice cream and eat it.
Two bit really likes seafood. like he loves fish sticks.
Johnny was allergic to eggs and peaches as a kid. He isn't as much now, but he can't eat peaches anyway because he doesn't like the way they taste.
Headcanons w/ them and certain animals (dogs, cats, insects, etc.):
Darry loves dogs. He loves them and he really doesn't like cats because he thinks they're more of a hassle to take care of. Ponyboy loves cats and would rather have one than a dog. Sodapop loves both.
I saw someone else say Dally is scared of dogs and I just couldn't agree more. He really doesn't like them, and he isn't much of a cat person. He loves snakes though, like if he had the chance to have a pet snake he would 100% have one.
Ponyboy is terrified of any/all insects & bugs, including butterfly. He's allergic to bees as well.
He screams bloody murder if he sees a spider in the house and he HAS to be in a different room if there is one.
Johnny on the other hand isn't scared of them at all. He was the kid who would cry if someone squished a spider, so whenever Ponyboy is freaking out over one he will either a.) calmly pick it up and move it out of the house. or b.) be trying to capture it and tell ponyboy that it keeps moving so its hard to catch.
Then Darry would come in with a cup and paper and call them sissies.
Dally tormented Pony because of his fear of bugs. He would actually chase Pony around with a bug for his own enjoyment.
Miscellany headcanons:
Dallas finds horror movies hilarious. Like he isn't scared of them one bit and is completely unbothered. Johnny and Pony will be clinging to eachother during one and Dally is all like, "Cmon man, it's not even that scary!"
Johnny is afraid of thunderstorms and the dark. Like genuinely he is actually so scared of them.
Both Dally and Johnny bounce their legs when they're sitting, especially if they're nervous about something.
Ponyboy picks at the skin around his nails and Johnny scratches his hands a lot when he's nervous, neither of them really realize they're doing it.
Pony can't stand sherpa. like if the last remaining blanket was sherpa, he would rather sleep without a blanket.
Pony isn't the biggest fan of heights or rollercoasters and Soda doesn't like carnival rides that spin because they make him nauseous.
Dallas would rather die than use sunscreen, he absolutely hates it. Ponyboy loves sunscreen.
Two bit burns really easily. like he'll be outside for 30 minutes and he's already getting sunburnt.
Johnny doesn't go anywhere without his Jean jacket, it's his comfort item.
Steve was the kid to chew on his hoodie strings and his pencils. He couldn't have a wooden pencil without it having so many bite marks in it.
Darry cracks like every single one of his bones and it is so LOUD. He'll twist so he can stretch his back and it'll sound like if firecrackers and rice crispies had a baby.
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peachy-panic · 1 year
Two Way Street
Part of Do No Harm. Takes place after this chapter. 
WARNINGS: BBU/BBU-Adjacent, lots of talk around food, references to past noncon, fear of future noncon, trust issues
Sebastian knocks twice, waiting for an affirmative sound on the other side before opening the bedroom door. He nudges it with his hip—a little too hard, accidentally—and has to catch it with his foot before it hits the wall. Somehow, he just manages to keep the two plates balanced in his hands and shoots Jaime a sheepish smile.
“Hey,” he says. “I made breakfast. Um. Well, I guess it’s brunch, now. Sorry about that. Do you like egg sandwiches?”
Jaime looks up at him from where he sits against his bed—on the floor instead of the mattress itself, and Sebastian wonders if he should add another talk about the furniture allowances to his list. One crisis at a time.
“Do you mind if I sit with you for a bit?”
Jaime starts to shake his head, then pinches his eyes shut and clears his throat. “No. I don’t mind.”
He sinks down onto the floor beside him and hands Jaime a plate. Jaime seems to watch him for a cue, waiting until Sebastian has taken his first bite before allowing himself to pick his sandwich up, but at least he doesn’t wait for explicit permission. That’s a small win.
Sebastian allows himself a few seconds of stalling as he chews his first bite. “We don’t have to talk about what happened in the kitchen,” he says once he swallows. “If you want to unpack it, I’m more than happy to listen, but you should know I’m not expecting an explanation out of you. You don’t owe me or anyone else that.”
Jaime takes another small bite, and Sebastian takes some small comfort in watching it happen, seeing at least one of his needs met.
“That said, I do feel like I owe you some words. First of all, I’m not upset with you. Not even a little. The glass is cleaned up, brunch is served, you never have to think about it again. Not on my account, anyway.”
They mirror a halfhearted smile at each other, like they both know how unlikely that is.
“Second,” Sebastian says, and then takes a deep breath because he wants this to come out right. “I’m not really picky when it comes to food. Or coffee. Especially coffee. Oat milk and sugar if it’s there, but you could also probably put raw coffee beans in a cup of room temperature water and I’d drink it in a pinch.”
This earns a slow blink, which… yeah, fair. Sebastian keeps talking.
“I usually keep the breakfast staples around the house—eggs, bread, cereal, milk—and you really can’t go wrong with most combinations derived from that, but most of the time, especially during the work week, I end up running out of time for anything more than a granola bar on the way out the door.”
He pauses long enough to swallow another bite of his sandwich and give Jaime time to process.
“So now you know what I like. And what about you?”
Jaime freezes with his sandwich halfway to his mouth. A glob of melted cheese splashes down onto his plate. “About me?”
Sebastian nods. “I understand that it might make you feel more comfortable to have something productive to do. To help out.” He leans into the comfort of Ezra’s words on the phone, trusting them to be true. Feeling useful is going to be the one safety net he has at first. You shouldn’t take that away from him completely, even with the best of intentions.
“So,” he continues. “If you happen to wake up before me, like today, and feeling productive for you means making something in the kitchen, I’m not going to be mad if you pour me an extra cup. But that comes with a few caveats.”
That seems to be the part Jaime was expecting. His shoulders stiffen slightly and he looks directly into Sebastian’s eyes, signaling that he is listening.
“One,” Sebastian ticks off on his fingers, “is that you try your best to remember that this is not an obligation you have to fulfill. There’s no pressure. That’s the most important. Two, if you’re making something for me, I want it to be because you’re already making something for yourself. If I’m enjoying the fruits of your labor, so are you. And three is that I am allowed to make things for you sometimes, too. Or that we make things together. I think this should be a two way street.”
Jaime nods, holding his gaze for a few more seconds before dropping it to the sandwich in his lap. His thin fingers tear off a corner of the bread, popping it into his mouth. Sebastian tries not to watch his expression too intently as Jaime chews. Finally, he swallows and opens his mouth, closes it briefly, then opens it again.
“I like milk and sugar?” he says quietly. “I’ve never tried oat milk, but I’d probably like it. I’m not picky about food either. I like… this.” He gestures to his half-eaten sandwich. “This is good.”
A smile pulls at Sebastian’s mouth. “Thank you,” he says, and he means it for more than the compliment. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
-- -- --
Jaime can tell the conversation isn’t over, and he can read the tension in Sebastian’s posture that makes his own muscles coil in anticipation.
“There is one more thing I wanted to run by you,” Sebastian says finally. “And, to preface, this doesn’t need to be anything immediate. Just something that might be good for both of us going forward.”
Jaime nods, because he can see Sebastian is waiting for his response to go on.
“I have… a friend,” Sebastian says. “I don’t want to say too much right away, because it isn’t my story to tell. But he’d like to meet you, when you’re ready, and I think it would be a good idea, too.”
And Jaime feels something in his stomach go tight and cold. He pulls a slow, deep breath in through his nose, fighting to keep his eyes steady on Sebastian and reminding himself, over and over, that Sebastian isn’t Mr. Torley. He isn’t him. But Jaime can suddenly smell his friend’s cologne so clearly, can feel the cold bathroom tile under his bare feet and under his knees, and remembers exactly what it feels like to be introduced to a Keeper’s friend.
“He’s a really nice guy,” Sebastian continues, apparently unaware of Jaime’s budding panic. “I promise, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near you if I didn’t believe that completely. He actually… Well, he knows Aria—From the clinic, remember? That’s how I met him.”
A really nice guy. Jaime had met a lot of those. He thought Thomas was a really nice guy for the first couple hours of knowing him. He thought Bryan was a nice guy. The occasional facility worker. The man from the bar.
Nice guys wait until no one is looking. Nice guys press your back against the bathroom door and tell you, “I hope he doesn’t treat you too badly,” and “I wouldn’t want to get you into any trouble,” and “you have to know what you look like.”
Jaime must not be concealing his panic very well anymore, because there is a familiar crease growing between Sebastian’s brows that means he is watching Jaime like he might fall apart at any moment. Again.
“Like I said,” Sebastian reiterates quickly, “it’s not anything pressing. I know… I mean, I can only imagine how difficult it must be to settle into a new place like this. We probably shouldn’t even talk about this seriously for a couple weeks at least. One thing at a time, okay?”
Jaime swallows and forces himself to smile back at him, even though the half-sandwich in his stomach has turned to stone.
-- -- --
The evening finds them on the living room couch—the couch this time, and not the floor, which Sebastian counts as a small win. A laugh track for some show Sebastian had seen reruns of a hundred times drones in the background, but he gets the feeling neither one of them are paying attention.
They had spent the day performing a carefully choreographed dance of staying out of each other’s way in the most polite way possible. Fun as that was, Sebastian knows it’s not a sustainable way to play this contract out. He’s mentally exhausted and knows that it’s only a fraction of what Jaime must be feeling, but he’s trying to cut himself some slack. It’s only the first full day, he reminds himself. They have six months of room to improve from here.
Sebastian goes back to work tomorrow. He hopes it’s not selfish of him to think a little breathing room might benefit both of them. As difficult a time Jaime is having getting settled in the house, Sebastian’s hovering is almost definitely making it worse.
The sound of a stomach growling breaks through his haze of stress-thoughts. Sebastian puts a hand to his stomach on instinct before realizing the noise didn’t come from him. He casts a look at a sheepish Jaime, who is clutching both arms over his stomach with reddening cheeks.
He casts a glance at the clock and feels a surge of unhelpful guilt. He had lost track of time in his own stress.
“I don’t know about you,” he says, trying for nonchalance as he stretches up into a yawn, “but I am starving. Think you could eat?”
Jaime hesitates, then nods.
An idea occurs to Sebastian, and he latches on with both hands. “Wanna try that cooking together thing we talked about earlier?”
This seems to be something Jaime can latch onto as well, much to Sebastian’s relief. He sits up, some of the hesitance draining from his expression. For a moment, Sebastian thinks about offering him a hand up from the couch, then thinks better of it and keeps his hands at his side. He smiles instead, and it feels a little easier on his face this time.
“Come on,” he says, and leads them into the kitchen.
It’s a bit of an awkward dance, at first. Sebastian is coming to accept that that’s just the way things will probably be for a while, and he has to be okay with that. Ezra was right though; the tension seemed to lessen between them when they both had something to do with their hands.
“Sorry if the ingredients are a little sparse,” Sebastian says as he cuts up a raw chicken breast. Jaime is across the island counter, dicing an onion with expertly quick hands. “I stocked up on the essentials before you came, but I thought it might be a good idea for us to make a grocery list together.”
Jaime sections off a fresh pile of onion and swipes the papery outer layer into the trash bin. “I can help you make a list,” he affirms.
“Cool. Maybe we can do that over dinner.”
They—well, mostly Sebastian with a few terse nods of input from Jaime—decided on pasta. It’s fast and easy and difficult to fuck up in any significant way. There is leftover pizza from the night before in the fridge, but Sebastian already promised himself he wouldn’t subject Jaime to the diet of a sad bachelor just because that’s what he’s used to himself.
Although, it’s worth noting that Sebastian has done better for himself recently. And he has Jaime to thank for that.
“You want to know something?” he says, turning to the sink to wash the chicken juice off his hands. “I was never much of a cook until recently. I never really had a reason to be. Cooking full meals for one feels kind of depressing. It wasn’t until we started having lunch together in the clinic that I even felt the need to keep groceries stocked in the kitchen.”
The sink is positioned so that Sebastian is angled slightly away, so he only catches a glimpse of Jaime’s reaction. There’s a half-second pause in the movement of his knife before he continues seamlessly. In the reflection of the window in front of him, Sebastian can almost convince himself he sees a small smile.
His eyes land on his phone when he reaches for the hand towel. The mention of their time in the clinic together sparks a memory.
“Do you mind if I put on some music?” he asks. “I like to have something to listen to while I work.”
He remembers peering through the office door to find Jaime’s finger tapping along with the beat of some song playing from Sebastian’s cheap speakers. He remembers thinking it was the first time he’d ever seen Jaime look content.
“Any requests?” Sebastian asks as he thumbs through his playlists.
Jaime’s knife pauses again, just for a second. “I liked what you used to play in your office. At the clinic,” he says before resuming his work. “But I’m fine with whatever you like.”
He tries to match Jaime’s casual tone when he says, “Cool,” but he can barely contain his elation at finally getting something right.
Sebastian hits play on his favorite chore playlist and lets the music soften the space between them.
There is less pressure to fill the silence when there isn’t any. Sebastian takes advantage of that for a while and lets the two of them work in tandem without speaking more than what is necessary to pass the next ingredient. He sneaks a few looks in Jaime’s direction and doesn’t think he’s imagining the way the tension seems to lessen in his shoulders as the minutes go on.
When it’s time to combine the ingredients for the sauce, Jaime takes the helm at the stove almost instinctively. He seems content to be there, so Sebastian doesn’t argue. Instead, he backs himself against the adjacent counter and hoists himself onto it. “You’re a natural,” he observes, watching Jaime fold the vegetables into the simmering pan of chicken.
Jaime flashes a quick look in his direction, not quite meeting his eyes. “I like cooking.”
He shrugs, then nods.
“Well. You’re good at it.” Sebastian stops, hesitates, then decides to take a chance. “Anything else you like to do?”
The wooden spoon never stops moving against the bottom of the pan, but there is a slight shift in Jaime’s posture that makes Sebastian regret shattering the fragile moment. He wants to take it back, but before he can, Jaime speaks up, soft and tentative.
“I like to run,” he says. “I used to like to run.”
Sebastian takes that in, along with the desperate longing in his voice. He wonders when the last time was that Jaime got to run freely.
“Well,” Sebastian says, leaning forward. “I can honestly say I’ve never related to something less in my life. But this is a pretty quiet street and it probably wouldn't kill me to invest in my cardiovascular health every once in a while, so if you ever want a buddy to go running with…”
He trails off when the full intensity of Jaime’s big, brown eyes turn on him.
“What?” Sebastian asks, immediately worried he has said something wrong.
Jaime takes a minute to study his face, then swallows. “You would let me run?”
Don’t react. Don’t fucking react, because breaking down into tears as the raw, earnest hope in his expression isn’t going to help anyone.
“Sure,” Sebastian says, though a little bit of the vowel gets lost in his throat.
“And you would… come with me?”
Sebastian shrugs. “If you wanted me to, yeah. Though I make no promises you won’t have to fireman-carry me back when I pass out from exhaustion.”
That wide-open gaze lingers on him for a little while longer before Jaime blinks and turns back to the task at hand. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly.
They let the music claim the room once again. The next time Sebastian glances his way, Jaime’s finger is tapping against the spoon.
TAG LIST: @whumpervescence @shiningstarofwinter @distinctlywhumpthing @whumptywhumpdump @nicolepascaline @anotherbluntpencil @hold-him-down @crystalquartzwhump @maracujatangerine @batfacedliar-yetagain @thecyrulik @van-whumps @finder-of-rings @melancholy-in-the-morning @insaneinthepaingame @skyhawkwolf @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @mylifeisonthebookshelf @dont-touch-my-soup @whump-world @inpainandsuffering @cicatrix-energy @quietly-by-myself @whumpsday @extemporary-whump @the-whumpers-grimm @thebirdsofgay @firewheeesky @whumperfully @hold-back-on-the-comfort @termsnconditions-apply @cyborg0109
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rosiesramblings · 2 years
Fandom: Stranger Things, reader fic
WC: 1.5k
A/N: This is one of those fics that I wrote cause I had to get some stuff off my chest and process through my feelings lol. Your girl got an official autism diagnosis in possibly the most reluctant way, so I wrote this to try and cope. Please enjoy!
TW: some slightly self-injurious stims, but not for long (just finger chewing)
You didn’t know what you were feeling.
Almost on autopilot, you slid your feet into some shoes and left your apartment, going through the motions of locking the door behind you and tucking your keys into your pocket before you set off on a walk.
“Given the combination of your scores on the cognitive tests and your self-described sensory issues and social deficits, I am comfortable diagnosing you with autism spectrum disorder,” the doctor’s voice echoed in your head as you tapped your thumb and pinky in a pattern against your sternum. Even with your issues interpreting tone, you could tell that he had not meant “self-described” in a good way. You were used to condescending doctors, but for some reason this one really got under your skin.
You brought one hand up to your mouth and began to chew on your fingers without thinking. The crunch of the fall leaves under your feet did little to bring you out of your head.
The next thing you knew, you were in front of Eddie Munson’s trailer. You blinked in surprise, then felt a rush of warmth as you realized your body took you to where you felt safe to process through things. The hand that wasn’t in your mouth reached up to tap on the door.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie greeted as he pulled open the door.
“I need a distraction,” you said, the words coming out half mumbled as you chewed on your fingers.
Eddie looked you over. “Sure thing,” he said, grabbing your elbow and pulling you inside. “Let me check your hands first, yeah?”
He dragged you toward the sink in the kitchen, and you saw Steve wave at you from where he was sitting on the couch, his hair a bit more tousled than usual. You froze, looking between Steve and Eddie with a furrowed brow.
“Am I…” you tried to think of a polite word for what you wanted to say. “Interrupting? Something?”
Steve’s face burned bright red as Eddie threw his head back and cackled. “Should have known - nothing slips by you, Y/N. But no, we were just about to watch a movie, you aren’t interrupting anything,” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at Steve, “X-rated.”
“Are we that obvious?” Steve asked you from behind his hands, while Eddie pulled up your sleeves and examined your fingers.
“You are… not subtle,” you tried for a placating tone. “But if it makes you feel better, nobody else but Max knows.”
Eddie broke out into another round of laughter as he made sure you hadn’t broken the skin of your fingers, before squirting a dollop of soap into your hands and turning on the faucet. You dutifully scrubbed them clean, still feeling a little like you said the wrong thing. Drying your hands, you turned and followed Eddie toward the couch and sat down.
“Is it ok that Steve’s here, sweetheart? I can have him wait in my room or something,” Eddie offered.
You processed the question, before shaking your head. “He’s fine where he is.” Then you turned to address Steve directly, “But if you think it’s weird, keep it to yourself, please.”
Steve cocked his head at you, but you had already turned back to Eddie.
“You know what I have to ask, princess,” he said, throwing his leg over yours and straddling you. “Are you in any trouble?”
“Are you hurt?”
“Is the problem that I am distracting you from time-sensitive?”
“Are you lying?”
“No,” you fixed Eddie with a look. “You’d know if I was, anyway.”
Eddie smiled, “Yeah, you can’t lie for shit. You ready?”
You bit back an anticipatory grin, “Yes.”
“Arms up, then. What’s your record, now?”
“Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds,” you said as you slowly raised your arms and put them behind your head.
Eddie rested his fingers against your unprotected ribs, not moving yet. “Steve, baby, keep an eye on the clock for us please.”
“Okay?” Steve said, confusion evident in his tone, but before you had time to dwell on it, Eddie dug in.
“Okayokayokay okahahahahhay,” you echoed, falling into giggles almost immediately. Your arms jerked once before they seemed to remember that they were supposed to stay up, which made you laugh harder.
“Okay? Okay, what?” Eddie asked teasingly, moving his hands down to squeeze at your sides.
“Ihihihi dohohon’t knohohohow,” you said, fighting desperately against every instinct that screamed at you to push in away.
“Mmm, that’s fine. All you have to do right now, sweetheart, is laugh for me.��
“Wait,” Steve said, and Eddie eased up for a second, scratching at your tummy as he looked over at him. “This is so fucking cute?”
Your face burned as Eddie giggled. “Isn’t she?”
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup,” you grumbled through your laughter.
“No, this is too precious,” Steve said decidedly. “You walked all the way over here cause you wanted Eddie to tickle you?”
“Fuhuhuck off, Harringtohohohohon, I’m not prehehecious, I am terrifyIHIHIHIHING, EDDIE, GOD,” you screeched as Eddie brought his fingers up to dig into your underarms.
“Oh yeah, suuuper terrifying,” Eddie snorted, spidering his hands across the hollows.
You didn’t even realize you were gripping your hair before Eddie was stopping. “Nope, none of that,” he scolded lightly, “You need something to grab, use the back of the couch, not your gorgeous mane.” He untangled your fingers from your hair and placed your hands on the couch beside your head.
“Sohohorry,” you said.
“All good, princess, just gotta protect that big brain of yours,” Eddie said before his fingers found the backs of your ribs, and you could no longer comprehend the English language. You’re pretty surprised that you didn’t shatter any glass, honestly, with how loud you screamed. Eddie focused on your worst spot, finding the spaces between your ribs that got you absolutely howling.
You put up a good fight, but in the end your instincts won and your arms came crashing down tight to your sides. Eddie gently pulled his hands back and got off of you, leaving you free to curl up into a ball. 
“Ok to touch you?” You heard Eddie ask, and you nodded. His hand came to rest comfortingly on your shoulder.
A few minutes or hours later, you caught your breath and opened your eyes. You sat up and pushed the hair out of your eyes. "What was my time?"
"Five minutes and three seconds," Steve answered.
"Damn," you said, before looking at Eddie expectantly.
Knowing the drill by now, Eddie sat on the floor with his back turned to you. You sat down so that your back was pressed against his own, the resistance exactly the grounding pressure you needed.
“You ready to tell me what’s on your mind?” Eddie asked.
“If we’re getting technical, my skull cap is on my mind,” you quipped.
“I got diagnosed with autism.”
Eddie was quiet for a moment. “Okay. Is that all?”
“What else?”
“I’m not surprised - about the autism. I’ve always been different. But I thought it would feel… better? More validating? To have a professional confirm what I’ve always thought about myself.”
“But that’s not what happened?” Eddie asked.
You hummed, distressed. “No. The doctor, he… it felt like something that he just said so that I would leave him alone. Like… like he just gave me what I wanted, because I was bothering him.”
Eddie hummed back, and turned around to face you. You looked somewhere above his left eyebrow, the closest you ever got to making eye contact.
“He sounds like an asshole,” Steve said, and you jumped. You had forgotten he was there.
“Most doctors are,” Eddie said, nodding sagely. “But, Y/N, I don’t think that’s what happened. He’s probably busy, and tired, and arrogant, but an autism diagnosis isn’t something people just throw around. I’m guessing you did some testing?”
“Yeah,” you said, wrapping your arms around your knees.
“And what did the tests say?”
“They… confirmed it. He said that combined with my ‘self-described sensory issues and social deficits’ was why he was comfortable diagnosing me. But he said self-described like it was a bad thing. And I think social deficits is a really rude way to put it.”
“I would agree with you,” Eddie said. “I think if anyone told me I had ‘social deficits’ I’d pop them in the mouth.” You giggled at that, and Eddie smiled proudly. “But really, Y/N, if anything it sounds like he was reluctant to diagnose you. He needed proof of three separate areas of life that this affects you, and only then did he give you the diagnosis. I don’t think you have to worry about it being invalid because there wasn’t enough evidence or something.”
“And anyway, Y/N, ultimately, whatever that doctor might think of you as a person doesn’t matter, because you got what you needed. You have a medical diagnosis. So now that doesn’t have to be a barrier in getting you any help that you need,” Steve concluded.
You thought about what they were saying, and began to tap your fingers happily on your knees. “That makes me feel way better,” you said shyly.
“Awww,” Eddie said, throwing an arm around your shoulders. “C’mere, Stevie, join the Validation Cuddle Pile.”
Steve laughed at Eddie’s antics but sat down obediently on your other side, mirroring Eddie’s position. You shivered happily and flapped your hands softly, thankful that your friends had your back.
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rinphoria · 2 years
kai, congrats on another milestone! you deserve it so so much! for your event, since you mentioned s’mores, how about megumi + camping/making s’mores? please and thank you :)
- 🐨
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍’ — a milestone event
დ ft. megumi & gn!reader
დ wc: 0.8k
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"i can't believe you've never had s'mores."
during your walk home from the convenience store you had made the observation that the weather was perfect for camping. you all but dragged megumi home after he'd let it slip that he'd never been. all of your previous plans for the night were postponed until tomorrow, as you insisted on giving megumi one of his firsts. it likely would have gone a lot smoother and more accurately if it weren't so impromptu. the lush greens of the woods were traded in for those of the bushes in your backyard and your makeshift tent was more comparable to a fort than what it was meant to truly resemble. blankets and fairy lights were draped over the backs of your lawn chairs and megumi assisted you in bringing out just about every pillow and cushion you owned. it wasn't nearly as functional as a tent—the two of you would probably end up back in the house before it got too late. overall, it was pretty far off from the true camping experience, but megumi didn't seem like he minded. he was always content so long as you were around.
"i don't really like sweets," he commented, lithe fingers focused on sticking the squishy marshmallow onto the roasting stick.
"well, you will tonight." you replied, carefully placing the broken pieces of chocolate on one half of the graham cracker. "it's not camping without s'mores."
a small smile tugged at his lips. he wasn't entirely familiar with all that camping entailed, but he could bet it was more than this. although this was a far cry from the traditional activity, he knew you put effort into making this experience something special for him. so even though the thought of a sugary marshmallow combined with a square of sweet chocolate made his teeth hurt, he'd give the treat a shot for you.
"how long do i hold this over the fire?" he asked, rotating the metal stick in his hand. the flames from the firepit drifted with the summer breeze.
"until it's golden brown. it should expand a bit."
a moment of comfortable silence passed before megumi pulled the puff away from the fire. he examined the marshmallow, twirling the stick around so he could get a good look at the whole thing. other than a few spots that had gotten a little charred by the fire, it seemed like he had done a decent job.
"this good?" he presented it to you.
"perfect." you grabbed the now gooey marshmallow from him. you wouldn't say so, but you were a tad bit jealous that he had done so well on his first try. yours didn't go nearly as smoothly. "you're a pro."
it was time to assemble. your finger pushed the sticky marshmallow off from the metal skewer and onto the stacked graham cracker and chocolate. the brown candy began to melt as you pushed the top piece of cracker down to squish all of the ingredients together. you held the photo-worthy dessert out to megumi. "ta-da. give it a try."
you handed the sandwich of sweets to him and he accepted it easily. he raised it to his mouth, taking a bite out of the corner. the pillow of sugar stretched with the bite, leaving a white line behind on his lip. he stuck his tongue out to collect it. he chewed slowly as you stared at him, waiting for any sort of reaction.
"what do you think?" you urged him to speak.
"it's messy." he looked down to his fingers that were stained and sticky with sugar, leaving out his thoughts on the flavor. it wasn't bad, but he had no intentions of eating them again.
"guess i can't be surprised." you rolled your eyes. as excited as you were to introduce him to camping and s'mores, you weren't surprised to find out that he wasn't a fan. you didn't take it personally, though. disinterest was common in megumi. and just because he didn't enjoy it didn't mean you wouldn't. "here, gimme."
he held the treat out and you leaned forward to take a bite of your own. it had been a while since you'd last had one and it was even better than you remembered. you covered your mouth so that he wouldn't have to watch you talk with your mouth full.
"your tastebuds must be broken because this is amazing."
you swallowed, hyperaware of the melted chocolate lingering on the corner of your mouth. your tongue was readying to dart out to clean up the smeared snack but before you could, megumi's lips were pressed to yours. you let out a tiny gasp of surprise at the unexpected motion. before he pulled away, his tongue poked out to lick away the chocolate you were worried about. your eyebrows shot up towards your hairline at his uncharacteristic action. a questioning look was present in your eyes as you stared at him. the shocked expression on your face brought a smile to his as he shrugged and explained, "it tastes better coming from you."
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thanks for reading! comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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naminethewriter · 5 months
What Dream Are For
Chapter Five: Escalation
Masterpost | First | Previous | Next | Ao3
Story Summary: Dreams are weird. Especially when you’re metaphysical. There is a distinction between your own dreams and that of your whole. Even though Roman doesn’t know at first that he’s trapped in a dream, he does know that something is wrong upon waking in an unfamiliar room. He thinks he’s in the Imagination but can’t say for sure. Just what has he gotten caught up in?
Cast as the evil Prince and forced to act out the twisted storyline of Thomas’ dream, Roman, with help from Patton and Virgil, needs to figure out what is happening while constricted by what his hateful character would do and say which is not at all pleasant.
We dream for a reason. And as much as Roman likes to be the center of attention, this dream isn’t about him. Someone else is crying out for help.
Content Warnings: Intimidation, Berating, Insults, Yelling, Partial Mind Control
“It was awful,” Roman concludes. He watches Patton and Virgil’s faces as they digest his retelling of his run in with Remus. Well, Patton already had a vague idea of what happened but not all of it. He looks sick now, his hands shaking at his sides. Virgil meanwhile is chewing his bottom lip like its gum.
“At least we know it really is Remus?” Patton tries but neither Roman nor Virgil react.
“He said this whole situation isn’t your creation but someone else’s?” Virgil clarifies after taking a moment to think things through.
“Yeah. I don’t really know who it could be though, the Imagination is supposed to be our realm… I mean, you do have a semblance of power here but in no way enough to create something of this scale and control.”
“Could—” Patton stops, looking unsure of himself.
“Could what, Pat? Any idea could be helpful, so please share,” Roman encourages.
“Well… I thought maybe… If it’s not you or Remus then maybe it’s just Thomas’? I mean, he is all of us, he is both you and Remus combined, so shouldn’t he have the power to create something you don’t?”
“That’s… Not how this works, exactly.” Roman pauses, unsure of how to explain it. “Yes, Thomas’ creativity is more than just me but… in order for Thomas to use any of his creativity, either me or Remus has to be involved. And even if he used just Remus’ influence, I would still feel the difference to Remus’ other creations. This is different. I just can’t tell you exactly how it’s different.”
Patton looks as lost as before his explanation, but he nods anyway. They fall back into silence. Roman’s eyes wander over to Virgil, who is now chewing on his fingernails, looking deep in thought.
“Verge?” he asks carefully, startling the other. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” Virgil waves him off, though his shoulders stay hunched. “Just thinking about something.”
“About what? Maybe talking about it would help?” Patton offers but Virgil shakes his head.
“Nah, I… I need a bit more time to think.”
Patton doesn’t look convinced, but before he can say any more, Roman speaks up, “Alright, we’ll be here when you do want to talk about it.” Virgil smiles at him gratefully. “We should focus on trying to figure out what to do now anyway.”
“What can we do?” Virgil asks. “Any information gathering we’ve done so far hasn’t gotten us anywhere. We don’t know why we’re here, where here even is and how we get back.”
“I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can think of something!”
“You’ve been saying that, Pat, but, again, that hasn’t gotten us anywhere.”
“Being pessimistic about it isn’t going to help either, my dark knight. Literally!” Patton cracks a smile at Roman’s joke while Virgil rolls his eyes (Roman can see the fondness behind the gesture though.) “We do have a few more hints.”
“We do?”
“Yes! We know that ‘I’ took something from Remus that he cherishes. So maybe if we figure out what that something is, it will give us a lead!”
“But how are we supposed to figure that out?” Virgil asks. “It could be literally anything. A weapon. An animal. Fuck, it’s Remus, it might be a moldy piece of fabric!”
“Why a moldy piece of fabric in particular?”
“He had a collection of those when we were young. Janus made him throw them out.”
Patton makes a face and doesn’t ask any more follow up questions.
“Janus!” Roman calls out suddenly, making the other two flinch. “We should try and find him; he knows my brother best after all.”
“We have no idea where he could be though, right? He might just be with Remus in his wing or wherever you told him to go back to,” Virgil argues.
Roman shrugs. “Maybe, but he’s our best lead, don’t you agree?”
“Shouldn’t we look for Logan first then?” Patton interjects. “I’m worried that we haven’t found him yet.”
“Then it’s decided! We’ll try to find those two first!”
“How is this any different from our aimless wandering about that we’ve done so far?” Virgil sighs, though he does get up and ready to return to his duties. Their lunchbreak has been drawn out enough anyway.
“If we have an aim, it can’t be aimless now, can it?” Roman counters. “At least try and ask some people about them. If we can’t do that, that’s already a hint, isn’t it?”
“How so?”
“Well, my dear padre, if we can’t simply ask about them, then that means they have a place in this world since otherwise their names would be meaningless and hindering us from talking about them would be just the same!”
“Oh, I see! You’re so smart, Roman!”
“Thank you, I know.”
“Fine,” Virgil sighs, interrupting Roman’s boasting. “I’ll try asking my men about it. We’ll meet up in the evening again then?”
“Good luck, kid-Virgil.”
“You too, Pat.” With that, Virgil leaves the room.
“Did you hear that? ‘My men’ he said. He’s gotten used to this quickly, didn’t he?” Roman wonders.
“I think it’s kinda cute.”
A few hours later, Roman strolls through the castle by himself. For once there is a break in his schedule since a noble had to cancel their meeting for some reason. Roman isn’t complaining, he can really use the time to simply walk around and think. And he could do so without his entourage following him everywhere.
It feels freeing and that is very refreshing after being stuck in this place where he can lose control of himself any second. He walks wherever he wants to go, ignores passing servants (he doesn’t want to but greeting them is apparently out of character) and just let’s his mind wander.
He is about to make his way back for whatever’s next in his schedule when he comes across another person in an otherwise empty hallway. And not just any person.
It’s Logan.
Roman is overjoyed, finally he’s found him! He hadn’t wanted to worry Patton more, but he’s actually been getting antsy about not finding their friend.
Well, no more! He’s right there, and to his luck, they’re entirely alone!
He just needs to call out to him! What luck!
“How dare you show yourself in front of me!” he bellows.
Fucking shit, Roman curses in his head.
Was there a person he missed? But he can’t see anyone else!
Not that he has time to look around as his legs take him to Logan in long, angry steps.
To his credit, Logan doesn’t back away. He stays still, his posture perfect as always but Roman can see how tense he is.
Is he scared of him?
“Your Royal Highness, Crown Prince Roman, I—”
He didn’t get any farther as Roman reaches him and shoves him against the wall. His hand lands at Logan’s throat and internally, he freezes.
This is different than Remus.
Remus and he always had their differences. Their entire being demands that they oppose each other, fight at every turn and that’s why they know their limits so well, know when to stop, when they go too far.
And yes, he and Logan have butted heads before as well, yelled at each other and argued, but they’ve never gotten physical! (If you don’t count Logan throwing that paper in his eye, but that was a one-time instance.)
Now, he was holding him literally at his throat against the wall, not cutting off his air just yet but very much threatening to do so.
“I don’t want to hear your excuses, you traitor!” he hisses. “I thought I made myself clear last time that I never ever wanted to see your face again, but you didn’t get the memo, did you?!”
The anger that threatens to drown Roman is so intense and very different than the one he felt for Remus. It feels like it’s zipping through his entire body, like it’s burning through every nerve and making him very hot. His face must be as red as the cushions in his room by that point.
Logan doesn’t react even though he is pretty much screaming into his face. He doesn’t try to push Roman off him, doesn’t try to defend himself, just stands there and takes it.
And it just makes Roman angrier.
“Did that worthless piece of shit send you here? I thought he would have learned from this morning, but I guess you both are dense as bricks. Or you’re simply stupid enough to think that I would be forgiving towards you just because you used to be my advisor.” Roman is baring his teeth, growling into Logan’s ear and it still doesn’t get a reaction out of the other.
Internally, Roman is trying so hard to get his arm under control, to get it away from Logan but it’s not budging. His mouth keeps moving, throwing insult after insult into the other’s face.
He wants to cry.
He thought this morning was awful already.
This is worse.
So much worse.
Because at least Remus had defended himself. He least he had quipped back, shown that whatever Roman said to him didn’t get to him.
But Logan?
Logan’s eyes look resigned. He doesn’t argue, doesn’t interrupt, he just let’s Roman keep talking and he hates it so much.
It’s almost as if he believes what Roman’s saying.
As if he agrees with everything.
It makes Roman want to vomit.
“SAY SOMETHING YOU INGRATE!” the prince explodes after minutes of uninterrupted raving.
“I am sorry, Your Royal Highness, it was not my intention to cross your path.”
The pot boils over, his rage reaches the highest point, and his hand tightens on Logan’s throat.
Not knowing what else to do, Roman pushes.
He tries to create a connection between him and Logan.
The real him and the real Logan.
It’s hard. The anger is trying to consume him but he pushes past it.
He can feel something.
The world around him goes quiet.
He’s reaching, he can tell he’s close.
He stretches, picturing in his mind his own hand grabbing on to Logan and it’s so close, he’s almost there—
He hits a barrier.
It’s like an electric shot courses through his entire body and he’s thrown back.
He disoriented for a moment and when he comes back to himself, he sees Logan on the ground, gasping for air.
Oh, how he wishes he could punch himself right now.
“You are such a pathetic, filthy, traitorous bastard. I should never have taken pity on you and let you work with me. I had people tell me back then that you wouldn’t amount to anything and I should have fucking listened to them.”
Approaching footsteps thankfully stop another angry rant from bursting out of him. He turns to see two guards round the corner. They stare at them with wide eyes, frozen by the sight of their prince.
“Your Royal Highness,” one begins, his voice shaky, “what is—”
Roman lifts his hand and the knight stops talking immediately.
“Apparently we have a pest problem,” he growls, staring Logan in the eyes. “First the incident this morning, and now this. I though I was clear when I said that they were both not to leave the Second Prince’s wing.”
“Yes, Your Royal Highness, but we—”
“I don’t want to hear your bumbling excuses!” Roman barks and the knights shrink in on themselves. “Just get my brother’s dog back where he belongs and make sure they stay there this time!”
“Right away, Your Royal Highness!”
They approach them quickly but in the time that Roman hadn’t paid attention, Logan had gotten back on his feet.
“Your Royal Highness, would you please listen to me for just a moment, I can—”
“SHUT UP!” Roman yells. “One more word out of you and I will make sure you never speak again! You should count yourself lucky I’m confining you in your own room and not in the dungeons!”
Logan bites his lips and looks away. The knights, that had stopped their approach when Roman raised his voice, grab him by the arms and lead him away. Roman looks after them until they leave his sight.
As soon as they do, his legs buckle and he has to lean against the wall to stop from collapsing.
That was the worst moment of his life.
He feels sick to his stomach. He wants to go to his room, burrow in his blanket and never come back out.
He doesn’t want to think about how Logan must be feeling.
Slowly, he turns around and walks in the opposite direction, staying close to the wall in case he does end up collapsing.
He needs to find Patton and Virgil.
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theargentlands · 8 months
Vex poked at her meal lifelessly, dully pushing her eggs around on the plate. Her tail flicked around behind her, hungry for the thrill of the hunt. The hunt was exciting! It made her feel alive! But this? This diner that her sister had dragged Vex to? This was humiliating. She resented the idea of being given her meal without having to earn it. She was a Sly! She was born to hunt! Vex sighed and slid into her seat, she could at least act like she was hunting by poking her eggs with more force than they probably needed.
Onyx returned from the bathroom, immediately hugging her sister, "It's been so long since we've had an outing together like this!" Onyx giggled with glee as she slid into the booth opposite Vex.
"So why'd you drag me out here? You know how I feel about *this*" Vex sneered as she jammed her fork through an egg, finally spilling its yolk. Her tail flicked happily at the sight. it wasn't blood, but it was close enough.
Onyx gave a slight frown at her sister's violent tendencies, "I just felt like you could do with something cooked for once." She poured a large dose of syrup over her stack of pancakes, garnering a disappointed look from Vex. "How are your eggs? I figured that they would be the most like what you're used to eating."
"It's not venison."
"That's quite hard to find in a small diner like this." Onyx sighed internally, wondering if Vex would eat something if she cooked it for her. "At least try it."
Vex's tail swished with annoyance, matching her sister's as she lifted a generous portion to her mouth. If she was going to eat it then she might as well eat a lot, that way even if she refused to eat more she still ate more than a single bite.
"How is it?" Onyx asked through bites of her pancakes. Maybe she could still offer some to Vex. Broaden her culinary horizons a bit.
Vex slowed down her angry pace of eating to slowly enjoy the flavors. "They're not insufferable." She huffed.
"Oh come on!" Onyx said with fake annoyance, "What did you really think?" She leaned in, taking care not to get syrup on her sweater, "I saw that change in expression. So come on," Onyx spoke like a teen asking her friend about a crush, "How was it?"
Vex rolled her eyes and let out a long sigh as she slumped back into the booth, "It."
"It was what?" Onyx said, encouraging her to finish
"It was good," Vex admitted while continuing to play with her food, deciding on whether or not it was worth finishing.
"Better than. . ." She trailed off, deciding not to push her luck further, "Nevermind."
Vex raised an eyebrow at her sister before taking another bit. "I finished my sentence, what were you going to say?"
"Oh," Onyx blushed nervously and scratched the back of her neck, "I was wondering if it was better than the raw meat you eat, but I realized that it was going to be rude."
Vex gave a slight smile to her sister, she always liked her honesty, "The flavor certainly is better. It would be wrong for me to deny that." She took another bite of her eggs, becoming more casual about it, "But it doesn't come with that sense of satisfaction of a job well done." Vex's eyes glanced down at Onyx's pancakes, wondering what the sugary abomination tasted like.
"You want some?" Onyx asked, picking up on her sister's expression instantly. Vex responded with a simple nod and a gleeful shake of her tail. "I can see that sense of validation hunting your own food can give you." Onyx slid a slice of her stack onto Vex's plate, "Maybe we should cook dinner tonight, I'm sure you'd enjoy that."
"You're probably right." Vex stuffed almost all of her pancakes onto her fork and shoved it into her mouth. It was an interesting texture, something she'd never had before, combined with a sweetness she had never tasted before. She found it hard to chew, ultimately resorting to just swallowing what she could. "How can you eat that?" Onyx's face dropped, worried that Vex disliked it. "It's quite good, I just found it almost impossible to actually chew."
"Oh," Onyx blushed, "Yeah, I had problems with it too. I usually just order eggs from here, but I really wanted to try the pancakes and figured this would be a good occasion to do so."
"So how's your work going? Anything exciting?"
"I took some commissions, so that's some extra cash flow coming in for me. And thankfully nothing bad has happened during training at the Deli, besides for the occasional bad customer." Onyx suddenly burst into a laugh, startling Vex, "Put your tail down it's fine." She giggled, "I just remembered the first time I had my lunch break with my co-workers. They were stunned that I just took some slices of meat and put them on a napkin and ate it like that."
"Why?" Vex said with a puzzled look, not understanding what was so funny.
"Oh, the looks on their faces were amazing. I hate to say it, but you probably had to be there."
"Wouldn't they know you're a carnivore?"
"I guess not. I don't see any other Sly in that building besides me, so they probably never seen what we eat." Onyx shrugged. The alarm on her phone went off, yelling at her to get to work, "Oh well, I need to get going. It was nice hanging out like this with you." She gave her sister a tight hug, "See you at home, we're going to make dinner tonight." She exited and flew off, leaving Vex with a soft smile.
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here's a fact. hating someone is exhausting. [part 4]
Here's the final part of this fic! Thank you all for reading this!
Word Count: 2166 Content warning: explicit language, implied sexual content Read on AO3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
The sex had become regular for them. 
Sleeping over? Not so much, but it happened here and there.
Eating breakfast together the next morning? Unheard of.
Until today.
It was weirdly domestic, and Aelin kind of liked that. She had never been in a relationship long enough to get to the “stay over and eat breakfast” stage, and it was weird that it was with a guy she wasn’t even dating. But at this point, they technically were?
With a week left until the interview, their squabbles at work were still the same, but it was barely antagonistic, merely playful. People would quietly gossip about how an HR complaint hadn’t been made in close to two weeks.
Whenever they were alone in their designated seating area near Manon’s office, they would just talk about anything and everything while working. That was the friendly relationship she had wanted with Rowan when he had first started, and Aelin was secretly glad to have finally gotten that with some great sex on the regular.
She had learned that Rowan was a fantastic cook thanks to him living on his own since he was 18, and Aelin could now back that up as she enjoyed the omelet he made her with onions, tomatoes, and green bell peppers. Something else that she had learned was that Rowan was not afraid to tease her while at work. As he told her that his mom had forced him into piano as a kid, he mentioned that he was almost as good at the piano as he was at playing her, causing her to blush and then chuck her pen at him. He laughed, and unwillingly, so did she, and she learned another thing about Rowan at that moment.
She really, really liked his laugh. It was exhilarating to watch the way his face would transform while he laughed. His eyes crinkled at the sides, barely open, accompanied by a bright smile, and whenever Aelin could make him laugh, she felt as though she had accomplished something.
Besides her learning more about him, Aelin had also told Rowan things about herself like her penchant for doodling all over anything and everything, about how her first love was drawing and then business — that the reason she wanted the communications position was to be able to combine her academic and creative side of things in her work. 
He seemed enthusiastic to hear about her art and what she was passionate about, just as much as she was to learn everything about him. It was dangerous to get to know Rowan like this in a way that made her want him more than just in a physical sense, especially because they were competing for the same job, but she couldn’t help it. She liked him, more than she thought she would.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Rowan asked with a gentle kick to her ankle from underneath the table, jolting her out of her thoughts. “You’ve been mindlessly chewing for a bit. Or is my cooking blowing your mind?”
Aelin contemplated how to express what she was thinking. She was typically direct and straightforward when she was thinking of something — partially why the animosity between her and Rowan hadn’t been secret — but how did she go about telling the man she very much disliked a few weeks ago that she very much liked him?
“The food was great,” she instead started off with. In that split second, Aelin decided to approach this indirectly at first, and said, “I would love to try your other cooking too.”
“Maybe we’ll get around to it one day,” Rowan responded after a moment of silence. Aelin quietly nodded, forcing a smile on her face. She didn’t want to wait for one day. She wanted it to be today, tomorrow, and the day after that.
She didn’t want to believe that their relationship would have a deadline as the interview approached. Aelin wanted to believe that despite everything, they would get through it together, and if she had to quit if he got the job, then so be it. 
With that thought in mind, she decided to go for the direct route.
“I meant tonight,” she clarified, voice wavering. “I want to be able to come over just to eat with you or watch TV with you again tomorrow, the day after that, and the day after that. And don’t ask me if it’s just because I want you to feed me — because after this omelet, I totally do — but because I want this,” she said, waving a hand between the two of them, “to be more.”
Rowan didn’t respond at first, simply kept chewing, and Aelin felt disheartened, but she could deal. She tried to convince herself that it might’ve been better off anyway, but then Rowan reached for her hand and quietly held it while he kept eating. Confused, Aelin stared at him until he squeezed her hand gently twice. He was looking at her with a gentle smile. It wasn’t one that made his eyes crinkle and her heart skip a beat, but it was still one that filled her with warmth.
“I’ll make you pasta for dinner. Tomorrow we can go try out that new Chinese place. How does that sound?”
Aelin smiled, her heart soaring. “That sounds wonderful.”
With a week left to go till the interview, she was officially dating her office (ex-) nemesis, and everything was falling into place. 
It wasn’t until the day before the interview that everything came crashing down.
Aelin walked through the hallway of the building, finally feeling free in a way that she hadn’t felt in a while. The everlasting pressure on her shoulders regarding the job and the CCO promotion had finally gone away in the last week, and with only a day to go until the interview, she was ready to give it her all.
Go big or go home — literally.
She was on her way to meet up with Manon in the conference room to tell her that she would be resigning if she didn’t get the promotion. It didn’t even matter if Rowan got the promotion anymore. If he got the job, it would be fair and well deserved, but she also deserved to get that promotion. It was about time that Aelin recognized her worth, and she knew that a different company would give her the promotion she deserved if it wasn’t here.
Aelin took a deep breath as she approached the conference room that Manon was in. Her boss had a meeting this morning regarding the interview with the panel, which should’ve ended ten minutes ago, and Aelin focused on the clacking on her heels against the linoleum floor to ground her. She was doing the right thing. 
What she didn’t expect was to stop short a few feet from the glass door to the conference room when she caught sight of a man she hadn’t met before in person, and yet she recognized him from the photos in boyfriend’s apartment.
It was Rowan’s uncle, and the realization hit Aelin with such force that she took an involuntary step back. She would’ve tripped over her feet, but her back hit someone’s chest before she felt an arm snaking around her waist to steady her.
Instinctively, she knew it was Rowan. She was familiar with the weight of arm, the sturdiness of his chest, and the scent of his cologne, but the fact that his uncle was going to be on the interview panel made her want to hurl. The anger and hurt bubbled up inside of her. No one but her knew the connection between the two — if Manon knew, he’d never be on the panel — and the fact that Rowan was going to use his connections to get a job when he could’ve just joined his dad’s company caused ugly words to rise to her throat. 
She knew he’d be hurt, but she wanted him to hurt just as much as she did. He was pitying her this entire time, knowing that he’d get the job, and she’d have to resign either way. Rowan was using her, and she was done. 
Aelin ripped herself out of his embrace and turned to look at him with her emotions written clearly on her face. She wanted him to see it all, and she wanted him to feel the sincerity of the words she was going to say. 
“You,” she seethed, raising her index finger at him, “knew that he was on the panel. You knew he was going to want to hire you. Is that why you’ve been so nonchalant about this entire thing? You don’t want to work for daddy because he hurt you, but you certainly don’t mind using your fucking connections to get a nice, big promotion.”
“What are you talking about?” Rowan asked, confusion clear in his voice.
Aelin scoffed. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, or are you blind and can’t see your fucking uncle sitting in front of our boss?”
Rowan tilted his head slightly to look into the conference room and recognition filled his features.
“Stop, Rowan. How much farther are you going to take this, seriously?” She could feel her heart cracking in her chest, and the worst part was that she hated herself much more than she could ever hate Rowan.
Making a split second decision to talk to Manon later and working the rest of the day from home, Aelin stalked away, making sure she stepped far enough away from Rowan to avoid touching him. She wasn’t sure why, but she expected to try to come after her to explain, and maybe it was the hope she had in her heart, but he never came.
Aelin found out about the results of the interview fairly quickly after all of them had been finished. Manon came up to her with a big smile on her face and hugged her before she even said a word.
“Congratulations, Aelin. I’m sorry it took this long, but it was very well deserved.” Aelin forced herself to smile as best as she could. The only thing that had gotten her through the interview was pure determination and stubbornness, but now that it was over, it felt like she had been run over by a truck. She hadn’t seen or heard from Rowan since the argument, either.
“Thank you, Manon,” Aelin responded. Manon scrutinized her for a moment before a sigh escaped her.
“Are you thinking about Rowan?” Manon asked, and Aelin jolted. 
“Because even if you are, you shouldn’t be worrying. He’ll be okay, and you two are going to be magnificent together.”
Aelin was getting exponentially confused at what was going on. “What are you talking about?” she asked, but instead of a response, her boss just giggled and walked away.
“Well, that was weird,” Aelin announced to herself as she turned away to go back to her desk, but she stopped short when Rowan entered her view. 
“Congrats,” he said with a small smile, hesitantly stepping closer to her.
“Thanks,” Aelin replied with a bitter smile. “I guess you weren’t using your connections if they gave me the job, instead.”
“I never was, darling.”
The pet name struck her heart, but so did his previous words. “What do you mean?” 
“I resigned two weeks ago, Aelin. I had a job offer to be the CTO in a different company, and I took it. Today’s my last day. I was never going to be interviewing. I wanted to surprise you, and I didn’t want you to take the interview easy if you knew I wasn’t competing.”
Rather than feeling any form of happiness or relief, Aelin just felt an intense wave of exhaustion pass over her. She had been stressing and going out of her mind with the way she had hurt so badly over what had happened the previous day, and all he had to do was tell her the truth, but he didn’t.
Then again, it wasn’t like she’d given him the chance.
All of this must’ve shown on her face because Rowan stepped towards her quickly with worry in his eyes, and he wrapped his arms around her. She took a deep breath, finally allowing herself to take solace in his presence the way she wanted to yesterday. 
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled into his shirt, emotion clogging up her throat. “I should’ve let you explain.”
“And I should’ve told you earlier, so I’m sorry too.”
“I can’t believe we’ve reduced ourselves to apologizing,” she spoke, “I think that’s what regular people in healthy relationships do when they fuck up.”
“I don’t think we’re regular people.”
“I swear I thought you were going to say we didn’t have a healthy relationship.”
“I mean, considering how we started off, we didn’t at one point.”
“You’re right.”
“I’m always right.”
“Why can you never take a compliment?”
“I’ll take the compliment when you stop being a dick.”
@morganofthewildfire @fireheartwhitethorn4ever @story-scribbler @swankii-art-teacher @larisssss @thegreyj @vasudharaghavan @aelinchocolatelover @tomtenadia @live-the-fangirl-life
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the-ikran-man · 11 months
May 29: Fix It/Gift/Ally
Scrambling to join Recom week because we're very late. Combining the days we missed. The rules made it seem fine so, full steam ahead!
Mild Blood
Very Animal Like Eating Habits
Pandora Animal Death [Mentioned]
Possible Incorrect Medical Knowledge [We don't know what we're doing]
But other than that, reasonably wholesome stuff between recom mens.
--- ---
"What you piss off this time, lil Dragon?"
"...it hurts."
"I'm sure it does."
Dragon's fellow recom quietly sighed, before he leans down to scoop the smaller injured Recom up, humming, "Try to not bleed out on me, okay? I'm not the first aid type."
Dragon let's out a pathetic noise at his words. Like he could really stop himself from bleeding out. For all he knew, most of the damage could be internal, and if it was, there was nothing he himself could do.
"One day you're really going to have to figure out whatever is going on in that head of yours that makes you do this,' Fellow says, "We thought maybe you were doing this on propose, but if it's something medical, you should get looked at before you get yourself killed."
"..don't wanna."
"Course, valid, totally understand, but, you might need help, and shoving your face into Direhorse stomachs and trying to eat Viperwolves, well, isn't doing that. I don't even think it's safe for you to be eating some much uncooked meat."
"...better than what- hiss -they give."
"Your growth says other wise and you know it, Dragon. You're what, 20? And so small."
Dragon grumbles, pressing his jacket harder against his wound. He's been holding it in place to stop the bleeding, but he's really not good at this stuff. How he's kept his head on his shoulders is beyond everyone else.
"You're lucky I'm around or you'd have died a long time ago."
Dragon, rather immaturely blows a raspberry at Fellow in response.
"Geez, what am I going to do with you?"
"...not let pandora kill me."
"That's a little hard, all things considering, you're always running off into it," Fellow says, his tail swishing behind him at the thought of the first time Dragon had done something like this, hopping the fence like he didn't know the meaning of gravity and hunting some poor lonely Direhorse down.
They'd had to drag him off of it kicking, screaming, and hissing.
Fellow had shoved the rubber of his knife handle grip into Dragon's snapping teeth to avoid him biting anyone.
Oddly enough like a dog with rubber bone, that'd had seemed to calm him down somewhat.
Dragon had gifted him with many chewed knife grips after that, Fellow constantly having to replace them.
Most probably would have gotten tired of it, but not him. Dragon and him were as thick as thieves. Pretty loyal to each other on a moon where you weren't sure if you'd live to the next day. Probably helped that Marines tended to stick together.
"Another creature feature gone bad?"
"Pretty sure you used that wrong, but yeah. Could we bother you to patch him up again?"
"Maybe dying will help him not do this."
"Right mister invisible, you can't be killed," the doctor said with a serious eye roll, "Put him on the table so I can fix him up."
Fellow trots over to the table with Dragon and carefully set him down.
"Sometimes I'm really tempted to not knock you out before I do this, maybe the pain would make you learn," the doctor says as they prep sedative.
"I'm sure the lecture he's going to get later will make him think a little bit," Fellow says, even if he knows it won't.
Dragon barely winces when he's jabbing in a vein with the sedative.
"You'll be right as rain by the time you wake up," Fellow says, grinning down at Dragon.
"...your smile is baaad."
"And you sound like a goat."
Dragon hisses.
"Good thing I like goats."
"Don't flirt in my work space."
Getting to ramble out a fic about our recom babies really made this fun, can't wait to do more!
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xalygatorx · 3 months
Hi! What's a scene in your stories (any) that you're dying to write but hasn't happened yet?
And what scenes do you find most difficult?
Any headcanons about Astarion that aren't official in-game (like his background, etc.).
Thank you!
Thank YOU for the questions! :)
Let's see... I have a few scattered scenes for Unbound that I've jotted in my (messy) outline docs that I'm amped about. I just today had some new details come to me about how the big endgame battle will go, so I've had that on my mind a lot.
One scene I've been hanging onto for a while will happen after the Cazador fight when they're trying to figure out how best to deal with the caged spawn (and I'll plonk details under the fold because spoilers). x
I've found two scenes really difficult with Unbound, which have been the sex scene in Chapter 10 and the sort of "summary of events" scene sequence in Chapter 13 (latest one). The first because I was really worried about doing it justice and the second because I bit off way more than I could chew content-wise. :')
I think "summary" or flash-forward scenes in general are hard for me because I start slipping into telling rather than showing what happened in an effort to not forget to mention something.
As for headcanons... Sorry, nothing original that I can immediately think of off the top of my head! Most of the ones I've seen on my feed that I really like are post-canon and either have to do with Astarion having a tailor shop or becoming a monster hunter (and finding a way to be in the sun again).
I hope that all answers your questions!
The spoilery future scene is (admittedly cheesy and somewhat self-indulgent, but) after killing Cazador when they're trying to figure out how best to deal with the caged spawn. When I played through this part, I wanted a middle option between letting them all go and mercy-killing them that would give the spawn the choice of whether they lived or died.
Áine's old oathbreaker abilities she refused to connect to pre-Nautiloid and that her tadpole ends up dredging back up start to combine with the bardic abilities she's gaining and this is the first instance of that being apparent. She basically breaks her usual performance rule to sing a funeral hymn for the culled spawn when everyone is too shellshocked to digest the deaths (it's the only thing she can think of to comfort them) and, through the Amulet of Lost Voices (which was snooched from Withers' crypt in Chapter 1) she becomes a conduit for the passing souls of those spawn to pick up the hymn.
It'll be a very cathartic scene, both in terms of grief and also in the realization that vampire spawn do retain their souls in some fashion after they're turned. It's a really impactful realization for Astarion, his siblings, and the spawn who chose to live. It makes my heart sad, which means it will hopefully turn out to be a good chapter.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Hair Care (Final Rose)
“Ew...” Yang grimaced. “Did that thing really have to explode?”
“I did tell you not to punch it,” Averia pointed out. “You could have finished it off at a distance with your gauntlets and some Dust.”
“But punching stuff is fun.”
“And now you’re covered in gore.” Averia’s lips twitched. “It’s even in your hair.”
“How bad is it?” Yang asked, afraid to reach up and check since her hands were covered in bits of dead Grimm.
“Have a look.” Averia raised her weapon - flawlessly clean, of course - so Yang could look at her reflection.
“Damn it!” Yang snarled. “It’s all over my hair. That’s going to take forever to clean unless...” She turned to Averia and gave the pink-haired teen her best puppy-dog eyes. “So... good buddy of mine...”
Averia rolled her eyes. “Fine. But, for future reference, this is why you should probably listen when I tell you to finish something off from a distance.”
“But you didn’t use your ‘do what I say’ voice,” Yang whined.
“My ‘do what I say’ voice?” Averia raised one eyebrow. “Yeah. You haven’t noticed? You totally use a different tone of voice when you want some to listen to you immediately. It’s kind of like a whip.” Yang made a whipping motion. “It’s all ‘do what I say right now or else’. It’s kind of hot, actually.” Yang grinned. “You didn’t use that voice when you were telling me to finish it off from a distance, so I knew it was closer to advice than an order. If that thing had still been dangerous, I’m pretty sure you would made it an order.”
Averia shook her head. “You’re unbelievable, you know that, right?”
“Ask Diana. I’m sure she’ll tell you exactly the same thing.” Yang turned the puppy-dog eyes back on. “So... little help?”
“Fine.” Averia sighed. “Don’t expect this every time we go on a mission together.” Saviour’s power stirred, and a faint glow covered Yang. When it faded, all signs of her ever having been in a fight were gone. She was completely clean, and her hair was in pristine condition. “There.”
“Wow.” Yang glanced down at her hands and then reached up to check her hair before Averia once again raised her weapon, so Yang could use it as a mirror. “That is so cool. What did you do exactly?”
“Matter erasure combined with effect negation.” Averia shrugged. “The former removes all of the gunk and the latter restores your hair to its ideal state. And, yes, Saviour is bullshit.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“We both know you were thinking it.”
Yang nodded and then reached forward the grab Averia’s hands. “Marry me.”
“We’re fifteen, so marriage is off the table. Also, I’m not comfortable marrying someone who only wants me for my ability to fix their hair.”
“Oh, come on. I also want you for your lovely personality. You’re the most loveable hedgehog in the world.” Yang chuckled. “And we can always postpone our marriage until we’re eighteen.”
“Yang, you’re ridiculous.” Averia smiled faintly. “But, hey, you’re welcome to ask again when we’re eighteen.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Do to her outstanding skills even as a student at Signal Junior Academy (where she was, by far, the number one student), Yang was allowed to take on a variety of extra missions, subject to approval from both her instructors and her parents. As you can imagine, her parents were a bit cautious about letting her go on missions since they were worried she might bite off more than she could chew, especially on missions that involved smaller groups or just a partner. They were also worried that Yang being Yang, she might get hurt trying to protect people who weren’t as skilled as she was. They only agreed after she promised she would only take missions with people they approved.
Once Yang heard her parents’ condition, she knew exactly who to call.
Not only is Averia one of the single deadliest people on the planet, she comes pre-approved since Yang’s parents all know and like her. Moreover, Averia addresses all of their concerns. Averia isn’t going to let any real harm come to Yang, but she’s also happy to let Yang take the lead at times and even get beat up a bit to improve. It’s the ideal solution.
So, yeah, Averia and Yang took quite a few missions together while they were in Junior Academy (although Averia attended Beacon Junior Academy). Yang also took some missions with Claire and a few other people, but most of her missions were with Averia. Claire actually took most of her ‘extra’ missions with Trajan (who was trained in Paddra) since they get along very well (if Claire wasn’t with Anna later, she would most likely have been with Trajan), and their skillsets match up nicely. Averia and Claire didn’t take as many missions together as they could have because they were also supremely confident of their teamwork and wanted to get some practice in with other people too, not to mention they’ve already taken plenty together in Junior Academy (they’re both at Beacon).
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manonamora-if-reviews · 4 months
Have Orb, Will Travel by Jim MacBrayne
============= Links
Play the game See other reviews of the game
============= Synopsis
You've spent a lifetime travelling and solving problems for others, but on this occasion have you bitten off a little bit more than you can chew? Where will you find that elusive orb, or has The Council's faith in you been misplaced?
============= Other Info
Have Orb, Will Travel is a qBasic64 parser, submitted to the 2023 Edition of the IFComp. It ranked 57th overall. The game is a Windows Executable.
Status: Completed Genre: Fantasy
CW: /
============= Playthrough
Played: 15-Dec-2023 Playtime: around 1h-ish (with walkthrough) Rating: 3? /5 Thoughts: And Travel you will... A LOT
============= Review
Have Orb, Will Travel is an old-school style parser, where you play a wizard tasked to find an elusive orb somewhere inside a quaint cottage, to gain back the Council's trust. With its custom system and Interface reminiscing of old Minitel pages, the game is a puzzle fest. Though you will not really reach a failed state, the puzzles are fairly difficult. The game includes hints and a walkthrough, both of which I used extensively.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Old-school style parsers intrigue me, in their implementation (often confusing for new parser players), their sometimes convoluted puzzles, and the sheer amount of work needed in the back-end to make things work. They require a lot of attention, out-of-the-box thinking to solve puzzles, and knowledge of the codes in interacting with elements. Reaching the end feels like an achievement.
But I struggled with it so much. I didn't even exited the first room before I ended up opening the hint sections... which weren't actually helpful in my case. Turns out, keys are not the only way to open a door. Who knew? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Still, I persevered, because I am not a quitter, and ran around the cottage, trying to interact with anything in my path. Sometimes it worked well, and I could unlock things just fine (and feel so darn smart about it), sometimes... it was a frustrating disaster (;-; mazes yall... that one broke me.).
For how interesting and new some puzzles felt (actually, the maze, as strange as it was) or how reined-in the clues were (not always helpful, but fun anyway!), there were quite a lot of friction when it came down to playing it. For examples: you'd need to type a very specific command to get things, not just take item; even if a thing is mentioned in a description (especially an item), the program might not let you examine it unless it is in your inventory, pretending even it does not exist; one of the first items available to you is a book, but you can't read it completely unless you turn each of its pages... All of these little frictions do end up adding up, making the game maybe a bit more frustrating than it could be.
Most of the latter part of the game (which I reached only because of the walkthrough), revolves around manipulating different machineries that affects other bits of the map. So you end up going to some part of the map, interact with one thing, walk around the map to see if it affected it correctly, walk back to the machine (which is sometimes going the long way round because of one-way passageways), pressing some more buttons and doing it again... Damned if you enter the wrong combination, because the game has many rooms.
While you are supposedly a wizard, and can learn 3 spells in-game, you surprisingly use very little magic to solve puzzles - the spells being used at most 3 times in total. You spend more time walking around the cottage or manipulating buttons, dials, and handles. You do end up getting a wand at some point though...
For all the text the game has, it answers surprising little in why you need to find the orb, how it got there, what it does, or how important it is to the Council. The game is so focused on the puzzle, you mainly learn about the setting or context of the story at the start, with the quest of finding the orb handed to you. Just a little bit of nudging and framing would have helped.
I still found the game fascinating - even if it may have broken my spirit a little bit, resulting in finishing the game with the walkthrough opened next to the game instead of solving it all by myself. The interface is very playful and colourful (though the timed text gets annoying by the second use of the ring), and the use of background noise gave the game a lot of charm. The ding notification when solving something and gaining points was so darn rewarding!
0 notes
fanfictionatic · 2 years
Going to be changing some things up
I have been under a lot of stress recently and have been considering dropping writing altogether. But I think I was too rash in my decision when what really happened is I bit off more than I could chew and life started to get really stressful again really quickly. So while I am probably going to be continuing writing, I am going to consolidate everything to this blog and there will be a few changes.
The reason why I made three separate writing blogs was originally because I wanted my readers to be able to not have to interact with my darker content if possible and the keep minors away from my more NSFW blogs. What ended up happening though is that adults kept coming to this blog and minors kept trying to sneak onto my NSFW blog and follow it which led to me having to keep up a constant block list that took forever to make and wasn’t very effective since they just kept coming back. So this kind of defeated the purpose of having a sideblog in the first place.
Another reason why I am switching to a one blog format is that the methods I have been using for pacing myself do not seem to be working and I bit off more than I can chew. Having the amount of request slots for the kind of writing I do was in hindsight, way too ambitious and a mistake. I am the kind of writer that does not like to post their work for months sometimes because I need to make sure everything is edited and polished until I am satisfied enough with it. This kind of writing is not particularly good for getting requests done “on time” and I feel extremely guilty that I was unable to finish the three requests I was supposed to do and only managed to get through one of them (without even being able to edit it!).
So from now on I think I am going to stick to one request per month for full length fics so that I can truly give them the attention that they need and make sure they are written to the best of my ability.
I am not changing the unlimited headcanon requests though. That part is staying since those have never been an issue.
I am not going to be finishing any of my unfinished works from the other blogs, but they will be left up so that people can see what they would have been which I think is fair because a lot of them were requests I failed.
Because I am consolidating these blogs though, please be mindful of the content warnings and read them very carefully. I realize that I can’t stop you from reading something you shouldn’t, but I can warn you to the best of my ability. And MINORS ARE NEVER WELCOME TO LOOK AT MY NSFW CONTENT. IF YOU DO THIS YOU ARE DISRESPECTING MY WISHES AS A WRITER. There are plenty of sfw fics you can enjoy on this blog, so there is no need to go for ones you shouldn’t be reading.
What this change also means is that I do not feel comfortable with minors DMing me or interacting with me personally if I am going to be posting NSFW content on here. I’m sorry. It’s nothing against you personally, this is just for my own comfort.
Edit: Because I am combining blogs and my darker content will be on here, I will be tagging it as dark posting for easy blacklisting. If dark content disturbs you and/or you do not want to see it, please blacklist this tag.
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cdralenko · 2 years
i haven't been consistently active on here in forever but. hello fellow Resident Evils how do we feel about welcome to raccoon city
#spoilers to follow in here#i thought it was bad. but i expected it to be bad so?? its not like i was disappointed#pretty much met expectations#i've never seen the OG live actions w alice or w/e just the cgi films#and infinite darkness#and i mean. i liked this better than infinite darkness just bc it was more interesting#but i think they really bit off more than they could chew trying to combine 1 and 2#make a 0/1 movie and a 2/3 movie if you have to combine shit. but 1 and 2 together... is really tough#i think it suffers a lot because it's so short and there are too many characters and concepts to introduce at once#PLUS having to restructure so much just kinda makes everything fall apart#avan jogia is still cute though. he was never not going to be#the rewrite of wesker's character was also so messy. and jill's entire character is sacrificed to give all her traits to claire for some re#-ason#i also would've been a lot happier had they swapped chief irons out for marvin#bc there's never time to get into all of irons' business but i fucking hate that man#marvin is chill and i'd be fine with him having some fun screentime#also cutting out barry was dumb. making lisa trevor a ''good guy'' was dumb#wouldve given literally anything to have a single tyrant in this movie#but yeah i mean at the end of the day. its got some bad jokes in it and maybe one or two good ones if you squint. the sets are really cool#rewrites aren't done super well. some bad dialogue. fighting scenes.... god#the scene with chris and the lighter..... why......#it's not ruining my life just because it exists though. it's just another bad resident evil movie idk why people are so up in arms about it#video game movies are always bad. and resident evil is ALREADY very cheesy and silly a lot of the time. perfect formula for a b movie#regardless. i would buy it on dvd for $5 just because it was still fun to watch#it's like the percy jackson movie. it got literally everything wrong that it possibly could've. BUT. if you pretend its not about RE...#it's almost a good time#ALSO. the shot for shot recreation of the tape from code veronica was a win for me#because i like that game even though i hate playing it#i just hope wtrc makes enough money that we get a code veronica movie. cause alfred ashford babe you were made for the big screen...#OH GOD. THE END CREDIT SCENE LMFAO
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
take it off || k.mg x reader
Pairing: mob!mingyu x fem reader
Summary: as much as you hate to admit it, jealousy looks good on your fiancé 
Warnings: swearing, light smut (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n: reworked this old blurb originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
“Mingyu, slow down,” you said with a sigh, trying not to roll your eyes.
“What was he thinking?” Mingyu spat, not acknowledging what you had just said. He gripped the steering wheel even harder.
You watched as his knuckles began to turn white and rubbed his arm soothingly. “Baby, take a deep breath. Relax.”
He just shrugged you off and cursed at the car in front of him.
“Don’t fucking tell me to relax.”
“It’s not a big deal, Gyu.”
He actually turned his head towards you and looked at you this time. “You’re joking.”
You shrugged sheepishly. “I’ve had worse.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
You winced, knowing you’d probably made it worse and that Mingyu was likely now picturing the grimy hands of ill-intentioned strangers all over your body.
“I should have him killed,” he snarled.
To most, that threat would sound completely ridiculous or utterly insane, but your fiancé was the head of the Seoul mob-the South West branch anyway- and he was no stranger to violence. Having someone killed would be as easy as snapping his fingers.
You scoffed to call his bluff.
“You think I won’t?” he challenged and you groaned.
“You promised you were done with that.”
It’s true, one of the conditions of your engagement had been that Mingyu agree to put the more sinister side of his business to rest, and although you trusted him, in all honesty, you weren’t sure how well he was upholding his end of the deal.
“I’d make an exception.”
“Well don’t. I don’t want some poor guy’s blood on my hands.”
At that, the car screeched to a stop right in the middle of the freeway. The cars behind you honked and flashed their lights at Mingyu as they maneuvered to avoid a collision.
You huffed in frustration, wanting to bang your head against the dashboard. This was exactly why you didn’t like for Mingyu to drive himself: he pulled dangerous shit all the time like this. Literally, all of his other men had drivers who took them places and you desperately wished Mingyu would hire someone, but he insisted that it was safest if he was the one driving (yet here you were in the middle of the highway).
“You could’ve fucking killed us!” you shouted, more annoyed than anything.
Mingyu took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. But y/n, he’s not just some poor guy.”
“He was trying to get a rise out of you, Gyu. He fucking hates you, of course, he’d go after me, and he was drunk.”
Mingyu narrowed his eyes at you, foot still pressed firmly on the brake. “That’s not a fucking excuse, you of all people should know that. Why are you trying to defend him?”
“I’m not trying to defend him, I’m just saying he doesn’t deserve to die. Can we please just get home?”
Mingyu relented and put the car back into motion making you breathe a sigh of relief.
Even though he didn’t say anything else you could tell his mind was still going a thousand miles a minute. You watched him chew at his lip in silence and wondered what was going on in that beautiful head of his. Nothing good, you could be sure of that.
Mingyu’s mind was darker than most. Occupational hazard. He carried so much pain that you hadn’t known about when you first met him. He’d let you in slowly, keeping you at arm’s length for months, until he almost lost you. And then he knew he couldn’t keep things from you anymore. It was still a challenge to understand his thought process sometimes, but you liked it that way. How could a ruthless, power-hungry mobster also be the most loving, family-oriented person you’d ever met in your life? How could someone who dropped a grand on a dinner like it was nothing secretly rather spend one more night picnicking with crappy Chinese food on the bedroom floor in your old apartment? You couldn’t think of an answer, and you didn’t want to.
The guy at the bar tonight had been some rival of Mingyu’s. You hadn’t seen him before, but you could tell because when Mingyu got up to get the two of you more drinks he swooped in and laid it on heavy. He looped one arm around your waist and placed his other hand on your knee and began attempting to seduce you. Sure, you were uncomfortable but more than anything you were angry. And tired. Tired of being used as bait, something to get to Mingyu.
You didn’t want to make a scene so you listened to the asshole talk about how much better he’d treat you than Mingyu until your fiancé eventually returned with your drinks in hand, face beet red, eyes dark with anger.
The man, you never caught his name, left the bar with a broken nose. Mingyu left with bruised knuckles. You’d thought it would end at that, but of course, once Mingyu got started it was hard for him to stop. It was a gift in the bedroom, but a curse in the rest of your life.
Then, so softly you almost didn’t hear it, Mingyu broke the silence in the car and said “I know what he said to you,” and it all clicked.
Normally, a hand on your shoulder, thigh, ass was enough to set Mingyu off, but combine that with the filthy words he’d undoubtedly overheard spilling from the man’s lips… no wonder all he could see was red.
“Mingyu, I-“
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to start something.”
“Start something? Is that true? Or do you think he’s right?”
“No, of course not.”
“Do you think he can satisfy you better than I can?”
“Well do you?”
You shook your head and rubbed your thighs together, fighting a shiver. As irritating as Mingyu’s jealousy could be, the effect it had on you was even more infuriating. The man could already turn you on without doing anything and whenever he started acting a little jealous it was game over for you. It was pathetic, really.
“Why the fuck did he even think it was okay to look at you, let alone touch you?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged finally settling in to play the game. “These big dudes with huge muscles just think they can have whoever they want.”
Mingyu whipped his head back towards you. “What did you say?”
You ignored him. “I mean he definitely wouldn’t be as good as you, but he could do some damage.” Mingyu was full-on glaring at you now, and you wanted to tell him to keep his eyes on the road, but you couldn’t give up so fast. “I mean, just one of his hands could probably wrap around my whole neck. Like they were giant, and you know what they say about guys with big hands-“
“Do you think this is funny?”
Any sane person wouldn’t even think about taunting Mingyu like this, not with his reputation, but you couldn’t be sane to be with someone like Mingyu anyway, and besides, you knew he was a big softie at heart.
“A little,” you admitted. “You look really hot right now.”
He really did. His hair was tousled with silver highlights from the moonlight streaming in through the windshield, his tan skin was flushed with adrenaline, and his white button-up was unbuttoned just a few times to show off his collarbone. You bit your lip. You were so fucking weak.
“That’s not going to work.”
“No?” You quirked an eyebrow and leaned over the console to see that he was already more than half hard in his dress pants. “Because it looks like it’s working.” You reached over and began to palm him through his trousers, smirking when he cursed and rolled his neck at the contact.
“Y/n, if I have to pull over, you’re not going to be able to walk for the next week.”
Oh no, that’d be horrible you thought to yourself and rolled your eyes. He had to know that’s what you secretly wanted, right? Right? Why were men so stupid?
Either way, you took your hand back and moved it up under the hem of your dress to where you were feeling a little desperate for some friction. You sighed deeply when you rubbed yourself over your panties, not even surprised at how wet you were.
“Fuck,” you hissed out and hiked your legs up onto the seat so you could give Mingyu a better view.
“Stop that.”
He said it so forcefully that you froze, fingers hovering over your panties, about to pull them to the side. Then you smiled.
“No.” You went ahead and did it anyway, slipping two fingers inside of yourself easily.
You weren’t one to defy Mingyu often, especially when it came to what he asked of you in the bedroom, but you knew how crazy it drove him and just couldn’t resist.
Mingyu groaned, trying and failing to maintain an angry expression. His eyes betrayed an absolutely sinful lust that made you want to melt and you wished more than anything he’d just pull the fucking car over.
“Fuck, Gyu,” you gasped, “I wish these were your fingers, you’re so good with your fingers.”
“Yeah? You sure you wish they’re my fingers? Not someone else’s?”
You shook your head vigorously. “Never. You’re the only one who knows how to make me cum that hard.”
“Is that what you want? To cum hard?”
“God, yes,” you moaned, pumping your fingers in and out of you faster.
“Take off your dress.”
“What?” you weren’t sure if you’d heard him right, you were still driving down the highway after all.
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
Not wanting to push your luck any further you didn’t hesitate to listen this time and pulled the loose fabric up and over your head.
“Good girl,” he praised and you whined. You were still wearing your bra and underwear and as much as you’d love to flash oncoming traffic, you hoped Mingyu wouldn’t ask you to take them off.
“You can touch yourself,” he said and you complied, knowing it was more of an instruction than an allowance.
It felt good, really good, but you still wished it was him instead of you.
“Fuck, darling you look so beautiful like that, God, I can’t believe I get to marry you.”
“If, you stop, killing people,” you managed to get out through gritted teeth and Mingyu laughed.
“I’m not going to kill him, baby. I made a promise. You’re too important to risk losing, even if he is a fucking prick.”
You whimpered, the mixture of complete head-over-heels love you felt for Mingyu and pleasure making you crumble.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said, reaching over and taking you by the wrist, stalling your movements just as you were about to fall over the edge. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll forget you ever met that asshole.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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