#but i'm 90% sure i'm neurodivergent in like. three different ways at LEAST
dominijoyce · 1 year
1, 13, 17, 21 for the ask game!
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Okay, not exactly any specific character cause there is a plenty but just this category of every neurodivergent-coded character where people will just go "oooh they are so autism/adhd" and never go beyond that. Mostly thinking of Giorno from JoJo and Twyla from Monster High right now [Twyla Gen 1, Twyla is canonically autistic in Gen 3, I know]. Like, yeah. They are heavily autism coded, but also both of them show signs and symtomps of the neurodevelopment issues that go beyond the scope of autism and ADHD but because I feel like Tumblr and Fandom as a whole seems to just not be well educated enough of just how broad neurodivergency is, they just only ever go for those. In general I learned to take "they are so autusm" with a slight grain of salt nowadays in fandom cause then I explore character and I'm just "only autusm?? This bitch has psycho* station in their head on a totally different levels you're ignoring!!" *I can reclaim psycho in case anyone will go on my case.
13. Worst blorbofication
Fun fact, I googled blorbofication and I got a picture of Gyro Zeppeli. Do whatever you want with this information. I think I wrote an entire post for a different ask game but just people making Bruno Buccellati like the most one-dimensional character. And just in general reducing many characters to like three jokes to repeat on the loop. Bruno is definitely one of the best examples in people just, ignoring all of the depth and making the same joke with the guy. It's boring.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
Good question and one I actually cannot exactly answer. Mostly because I do not really go "looking" for specific types of content of my characters. I just scroll fics and their tags, if something catches my eyes, I read it. If something annoys me, if some art makes me angry I block it.
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped
For JoJo... Mmmm... I mean it is easy to say Part 3 cause I don't like Part 3 but to be honest it is more of I do not hate Part 3, I hate certain elements of Part 3 that just happen to appear a lot. So. I wanna say. Brawling Stands and in general just "Stand Rushes" and stuff. Someone once wrote [pretty sure it was @/cyphyree] a post "if you had a different studio animate JJBA which would it be and why?". I didn't have a studio in mind, but I wanted to make a post comparing JoJo's fight choreograpghy to Arcane. In general I find fights in JoJo heavily lacking since most of the times, if you ignore the moments of characters figuring out the strategy and weak point of enemy, it is just literally fast punching at each other. I guess I cannot blame the manga, it is manga - albeit I think DavidPro could have at least try to make it more interesting. Cause as it stands, it iis just plain boring when you compare it to, as I said, Arcane. But not only Arcane - compare it to the first two episodes of Golden Wind which have a way higher production value than the rest. Reason being that they aired these live in front of huge audience so they wanted these to be heavily special and cinematic. If you compare the fight of Gold Experience vs Sticky Fingers and how smooth it is and precise and feels like an actual battle of two brawlers - if you compare it to nearly all other Stand fights that just end up as Stand Rushes. It's boring. Albeit still slow. Though I guess that might just be budget issues. However I seriously wish in a different world, the JoJo fights would be animated like Arcane close combat scenes [seriously, I sometimes google "All Fights Arcane" and just watch the pure choreographical beauty of them.] That's why I am happy that most of the time 90% of defeating the enemy is figuring out their weakness and bullshitting some way to get through their deffense and Stand Rushes are only the final of it.
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locolioness · 2 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2022
Prompt made by @autie-j & @lesmiserabby
April 19th: How do you feel about self diagnosis?
Self diagnosis is okay as long as you do a lot of research and have a great understanding of autism and other disabilities. It's important to do those things so you don't misdiagnosis yourself. If still unsure, I recommend finding a professional if possible. What bothers me though is that there are others who treat autism or any disabilities like it's a fad or something similar. I cannot tell you how many times I see so much ableism that reeks into this and making neurodivergent people looking bad.
April 20th: What are your thoughts on terminology? (ie, high functioning and low functioning vs high support needs and low support needs, nonspeaking vs nonverbal, person first vs identity first, etc)
When it comes to terminology, it depends on how it is used. I am okay with most of these terms but it depends on its usage. High functioning and low functioning are not really great terms to be used, it feels like there's division among the autistic community. I can't say about high support needs and low support needs since I don't know if anyone has used them before. Nonverbal is okay but I'm not sure about the term, nonspeaking. As for identity first, it gives actually identity to an autistic person than person first.
April 21st: What do you think about euphemisms for disabilities such as special needs, differently abled, etc?
I really think that they are outdated and shouldn't be used at all especially from professionals in the medical field. To me, they're not really good and I believe they should not be used in any time of discussion when talking about autism and other disabilities.
April 22nd: Do you like hugs or dislike them? What about other forms of physical contact? Does it depend on the person or situation?
I'm okay with hugs as long it's someone I know. Handshakes are fine with me especially when it's common to greet people. I even shake hands with my coworkers at my jobs. Kisses, I am so-so with them, I only do it to a selective few of my family and cats. Holding hands are alright, I do it with my boyfriend when we go out.
April 23rd: If you could live absolutely anywhere, real or fictional, where would you live? What would your dream home look like?
In real life, I would like to live in a bungalow with a small yard. My dream home would have at least three rooms, a master's bedroom/office, guest room and a room like a man cave but where I can put my collection of figures and it would have a 90s aesthetic look to it.
In a fictional world, I would like to live in a small cottage nearby an enchanted forest. It would have a field of herbs and produce and the inside of it would have two rooms, one for the guest and my own room. Plus, a training area where I practice archery.
April 24th: How easy is it for you to focus on things? Are you easily distracted? Is it harder if it's something you're not interested in?
It depends on what I'm focusing. When I'm playing a game or being online, I tend to stay super focus that I lose a track of time until I take a break. I don't know if I'm easily distracted to be honest unless someone says I am. It can be hard for me to focus on some things that I'm not interested especially if it's a topic I have no interest to get into.
April 25th: Do you struggle with switching tasks or is it easy for you? Does it depend on the task/situation?
I do sometimes but I adapt once I get the hang of it. I rarely struggle with switching tasks. I can manage most chores and errands just as long I understand how it needs to be done.
April 26th: Do you stim? What sort of stims do you have? What do you wish people knew about stimming?
Yes, I stim. I stim in different ways. I stim vocally by saying certain quotes from shows/movies/games and singing my favorite songs. I also stim by rubbing my fingertips together. I wish people understand that stimming is one of the ways us autistic folks express our emotions, and it is used to reduce our stress.
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