#but i'm afraid of cows due to an experience
banamine-bananime · 15 days
Growing up I lived in an area with a lot of cattle farming and I was very scared of the cows. Do you have any cool facts that will make me either more or less afraid of cows?
oh hmm let me think on that!
facts related to how to interact with cows so all parties feel and stay safe:
they have a very prey herd animal mentality. they want to move with their herdmates. they want to watch any potential threats like people and move away from them. they don't like loud or unfamiliar noises (they're sensitive souls. sometimes if i visit a dairy wearing waterproof coveralls where the cows are only used to people wearing cotton coveralls, just the whisper of waterproof pants rubbing against each other can spook them) or abrupt movements or going into areas they can't see well (and they have difficulty with depth perception due to their wide-set eyes for 300 degree vision, and with high-contrast, so going from sun into shade or vice versa can look like stepping into a white or black void for them and they don't like it)
based on this, we know the keys to low-stress cattle handling are consistency in how you interact with them, calmness (small movements, quiet words to let them know you're there), moving cows in groups big enough to have friends but small enough you can control the whole group without them milling around or the ones in front stopping and causing a traffic jam, and slowly moving them by just barely getting in their "bubble" of "whoa, you're a little too close for comfort, i'm going to move in the other direction" without ever getting into their "YIKES RUN AWAY FROM THIS THING" bubble
the last point involves understanding pressure and flight zones and point of balance:
from Mississippi State University Extension:
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from grandin.com (highly recommend as a source of information about animal behaviour and welfare!!! temple grandin my idol since i was like nine i love her so. and i tear up when i think about how much she's done for millions of animals ;_; she's a genius and no lie revolutionized low-stress handling):
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pet cows that get doted on enough to bond with people may not see people as a threat so the normal ways we use pressure zones to iinteract with cows don't necessarily do anything for them. you would lead them more like a horse, using a halter. or lure them with treats.
beef cows typically have little contact with people, often just processing (vaccines, preg checks, quick exam for any health problems) a couple times a year, so they can be very wild. doesn't mean they're aggressive, the overwhelming majority are non-aggressive but they have very large flight zones, so if you don't recognize that and approach too quickly, getting deep in their flight zone, that can get you into a dangerous situation where they get aggressive as a last resort. that said, they do usually still choose flight unless their calf is with them. "never get between mom and baby" applies as it does with any species
dairy cows are in between beef cows and pet cows. they interact with people regularly, several times per day, and it's respectful but not doting. kind of a business relationship with their handlers. they're not terrified of people by any means, but they haven't been, like, hand-fed treats to get over their instinctive wariness of potential-predator-like animals, and they know sometimes handling results in unpleasant experiences like medical treatment or pregnancy checks, so they avoid touch and have a flight zone, though it's small (and sometimes they'll calmly let you walk right up to them unrestrained, or approach you and lick you out of curiosity). very very rare to have an aggressive dairy cow (as in, one that attacks you instead of moving away when you're bothering them a little. really bothering them and ignoring body language when they can't move away is much more likely to get you kicked)
bulls are not docile. not every bull will be aggressive, but you should assume that every bull has the capacity to become aggressive with little provocation, and always keep a respectful distance and know your escape route if you have to be in a pen or field with them
cows love exploring with their tongues. any time you're in a dairy barn there's gonna be at least one friendly girl mlem mlem mlemming who won't leave you alone
adding on to the above, there is a slight caveat that you still have to be a LITTLE wary of friendly cows. 99% of the time they're just friendly but sometimes cows in heat will try to mount people. you don't have to be scared of friendly cows but if they're right next to you just keep them in your line of sight so you can move away if they make like they're going to mount. again, not common, never happened to me, but something to be aware of
signs of a happy, relaxed cow: lying down, chewing cud or eating, tail hanging down relaxed, moving slowly with her herd
signs of a slightly wary cow (you have entered the "pressure zone"): standing still/stopping what she's doing, turning towards you, ears turning towards you (watching the ears is a very good way of knowing what she's paying attention to), tail swishing or raised a bit away from body
signs of a distressed cow: vocalizing (they also moo for other reasons though), tail swishing, fidgeting/pawing/looking like she wants to move but doesn't know where to, freezing up and intermittently making erratic movements (back away a little)
signs of an aggressive cow: head down with attention on you, pawing ground, turning to show you their broad side. (turn sideways and calmly but swiftly walk away diagonally)
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eldragon-x · 5 months
Ever since I first watched Cowbell of Happiness, the idea of Nanami being a therian has been on my mind and I wanted to dig a little more into an alterhuman reading of her character.
Something I want to note first: I'm aware that Nanami being associated with animals has other symbolic meanings, especially within Nanami's Egg which is a rather blatant metaphor for puberty and sexuality. This interpretation is simply assigning an additional meaning to these elements. Also while I'm mainly tackling this from the angle of Nanami being a cow therian, this is really about her identifying as some flavour of non-human in general.
Now, I've suspected that Nanami is kinda weird and that part of the reason she antagonizes Anthy - besides her whole deal with Touga - is because in an attempt to uplift herself, she puts others down, since I saw the scene where she attempts to frame Anthy as a weirdo for keeping unusual animals.
And the cowbell episode did drive that impression home for me because. Yeah, Nanami is weird. It's said repeatedly in this episode.
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And even when it isn't outright stated, it's pretty clear what impression the bell has on the people around Nanami.
There's also something to be said about the comparison between Utena's masculine representation and Nanami proudly wearing the bell. Something about non-conformity and existing in a way that is weird or generally percieved as such.
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(Then again, Nanami is disillusioned with the bell as a status symbol, but that can also loop back to her putting those around her down to uplift herself.)
Another thing in the cowbell episode that stands out to me is this bit:
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Like, Nanami, who's usually so on edge and concerned about everything around her, becomes calm and content after a while of wearing the cow bell? Wow that's interesting almost as if she allowed herself to be more true to herself instead of being uptight all the time huh.
Onto Nanami's Egg, while most of the episode serves as a metaphor for various adolescence experiences, I'm intruiged by this line:
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implying that there's yet another element to it that still alienates her from everyone else. On top of that, for a portion of the episode, Nanami is afraid of being seen as an alien
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which also serves as a metaphor for experiences Nanami thinks are abnormal due to an apparent lack of understanding how puberty works, but the fact that it's implied the egg thing is actually unique to her and by the end of the episode she embraces the egg which then hatches an actual alien feels almost like... accepting that there is something strange (and non-human) about her.
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(And of course, how frequently Nanami is compared to animals in this episode once again. Mostly after she's played out a nightmare scenario due to a fear of judgement.)
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Lastly, a common interpretation I've seen of Nanami's singular appearance in the movie is that she escaped Ohtori and I agree with that. She only makes an indirect appearance as a cow in an "scandalicious" tape (because of course identifying with an animal, one as ungraceful as a cow no less, would be a scandal in the world of Ohtori Academy) and assuming she made it out and no longer feels the pressure to abide to social expectations, she can allow herself to be true to herself.
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Also I know I'm cooking even more with water with this point than I already have with this entire post, especially considering silhouettes in RGU generally don't have mouth animations, but there's something about how Nanami doesn't have a mouth animation in her nightmare while her cow shadow does.
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Thank you for reading my self-indulgent Nanami alterhuman analysis(??) that came out of a mixture of me recently coming to terms with being alterhuman and being a sucker for characters who have been dehumanized coming to terms with identifying as non-human (because I do think the animal/alien comparisons come from a place of fear of being dehumanized too).
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
hey just sending some good vibes your way <3 <3 random thought. the minecraft pig has made me discover real life piglets and. they are so cuteee. highly recommend taking a peek. i’m going to do that now
i love pigs so much and the babies are adorable. 
some of their happy noises sound similar to the fox noises in minecraft (the little squeaks etc.) and i really like to think that techno enjoys having the foxes around because it reminds him of his family/childhood even if he doesn’t know why.
when i was in school, a friend had a pig (i’m from a rural area) and they’re great.
but thank you so much <3 <3 <3 
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dear-wormwoods · 2 years
i would love a more in depth analysis on kyle’s anxiety 👀
I talked about it a bit here, but basically I think Kyle has anxiety, however, as a nine year old, he views mental health struggles as selfish because 'other people have it worse' or 'everyone deals with [insert issue here]', so he's not about to admit to struggling.
In Buddha Box, he tells Cartman, "I got news for you, Cartman! Everyone has anxiety! Everyone gets nervous! Everyone is afraid being around people! Everyone has feelings they'd rather stay home alone! And you know what they do? They get over it. And they stop being a piece of shit!". And like... there's a lot to unpack there. Yes, everyone experiences anxiety sometimes, but not to the extent that Kyle is describing. Being afraid to be around other people isn't a universal experience, but Kyle assumes it is, because HE feels that way and he's unwilling to admit that it's a problem. He's particularly angry about the Buddha Box because he feels like Cartman is taking advantage of a diagnosis that he personally just deals with every day. Kyle is high functioning and feels that everyone else should be able to face life the same way he does.
In a way, he has a point - he says it in a dickish kind of way, yes, but he's not WRONG. The only way to overcome anxiety is to face it. Avoiding anxiety-inducing situations only feeds it and makes it worse. That's what makes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy particularly helpful for people with anxiety. It's not quite "getting over it" like Kyle says in the heat of the moment, but facing it does help to lessen it, and Kyle has always been good about facing his anxieties instead of hiding from them. He knows from personal experience that the Buddha Box will only make things worse for people, and Cartman IS taking advantage, which infuriates him.
Kyle's anxiety most obviously manifests as extreme guilt when he does something wrong or when he has reason to fear his parents. He also puts a ton of pressure on himself to be a good person and ruminates on situations where he knows he isn't in the right. In Toilet Paper he's plagued by nightmares due to guilt, in Good Times With Weapons he's so terrified by his mom that he's willing to kill Butters, in Crack Baby Athletic Association he doesn't appear to even SLEEP because he's so stressed out about the situation he's in, instead choosing to rant to Stan about it in the middle of the night, etc. He also has his pee phobia and germaphobia which was the main focus of Pee and further developed in Turd Burglars. In addition he's a perfectionist and gets really hung up on perceived flaws in himself, especially in The List. He also gets SO preoccupied with and worked up about what is/isn't reality in Tooth Fairy Tats that he ends up having an existential crisis. I'd also argue that his actions in Super Hard PCness are the result of post-traumatic stress from Ginger Cow, though that can't be proven. I've seen some people suggest he has scrupulosity OCD, which is also an anxiety disorder, though I'm not sure I would go that far personally, despite him being very morally driven. I think he has general anxiety, with some social anxiety thrown in during the later seasons after repeatedly being mistreated by his peers and the adults in town for things like making speeches or speaking his mind about something.
I think a lot of the blame for Kyle viewing struggling as selfishness or weakness can be put on Gerald. Gerald responds to Kyle's anxiety by being completely dismissive. In Oh, Jeez he says, "Kyle, you've gotta lighten the fuck up, buddy. Every day with you it's 'Dad, I feel guilty about this. Dad, I'm so confused about that.' You're a kid. You're supposed to just laugh and make fun of shit. Stop being such a pussy, okay pal? Fuck." This is in response to Kyle expressing anxious feelings to him and reaching out for help and guidance, and if that's how Gerald consistently treats him then it's no wonder he turns around and internalizes that. 'Other people have it worse than me so I just need to get over it' becomes his mantra which he then projects onto other people, like Stan or Cartman.
I know this doesn't seem to make a great case for him being a good counselor, but I actually think it does. Kyle understands the NEED to have guidance and support from adults, but it's not something he ever got from his father or anyone at school (Strong Woman dismissed him in Super Hard PCness, and Mr. Mackey completely failed to listen to his concerns in Taming Strange because he was too preoccupied with IntelliLink). I also think that through simply getting older and then taking psychology classes, he'd come to terms with his own struggles and start to recognize the validity of other people's feelings in addition to understanding the power of facing things head on instead of avoiding them.
So yeah, I hope that all makes sense!
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laimar · 2 years
Elaborate more on that Kakyoin Polnareff Jotaro dynamic? Esp Polnareff and Kakyoin. I love seeing a teenager bully an adult man
hi im so sorry this took like 2 business days i kept forgetting i got asks. i have dementia (editing to add . im sorry this kind of became a kakyoin analysis and thats really funny because hes actually my least fave in canon :') )
(another editing to add. this aint even a kakyoin analysis this is a life analysis . of everyone . holy shit. oh my god)
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnngg post below ;vv
anyway this is quite literally one of my favorite dynamics in jojo so far (these 3 but namely kakyoin and polnareff). i'm not a kakyoin or a jotaro expert but i like to think i am well versed in polnareffisms.
so as we know kakyoin never really socialized much growing up due to being a little freak weirdo who has a green monster. no hate 2 kakyoin but basically this means, in my opinion, he never developed a "real" personality because he had no one to reflect off of as a child and develop himself. and since we know that video games are one of his hobbies (and hes spent many hours playing that one particular racing game), i feel like he based some aspects of his personality on video game characters so often the shit he will say or do comes off as really uncanny and seems like something No Person In Real Life Would Ever Say Or Do
as a result he doesnt know how to talk to people or what's correct in social situations, ie when to be nice or when sarcasm is appropriate, or when to cry and feel sad etc. dont get me wrong, he understands sarcasm perfectly fine; in fact he got to fine-tune his sarcasm and rebuttal skills thanks to being one of dio's minions and living in that mansion where you have to be sharp as fuck or else the meanies are gonna tear you to shreds and not give a shit. another side effect of being a minion of dio, kakyoin also kind of became mean as hell. thats what happens when ur evil and also surrounded by mean evil people. once again, since he had no influences really growing up, he saw these people and became a social sponge and absorbed the way they talked to each other.
in short what im trying to say is, the little green booger is mean, awkward, Very strange, and still fumbling his way around relationships with other human people.
polnareff, on the VERY opposite end of this spectrum, grew up well socialized and very extraverted. he treats basically everyone like his friend as long as you dont insult him or hurt his feelings (which is amazingly easy to do) and in that case he'll either fight you or cry. it depends. or maybe both!
hes very in touch with his emotions and not afraid to express them; as a result whenever he Does experience a feeling he displays it Loudly and Dramatically. probably also because hes french.
as well as emotionally loud hes vocally loud. hes got a big mouth and a big voice and a big chest for it to resonate and echo around in. this was also very helpful for the environment he grew up in.
i personally headcanon that he grew up on a farm in rural france as sherry's sole guardian. they weren't in the meat business but rather animal products and crops. so think goats, cows, sheep, chickens- except they really didnt have all that much, because they grew up fairly poor. maybe 3 chickens and a rooster and like 2 sows (the pigs were used for truffle hunting if yall were wondering).
anyway this isnt a backstory post (but i can make one if wanted) so ill continue on with the social aspects.
another headcanon of mine is that jean's parents died when he was fairly young, somewhere between 12 and 14. so he had to take on the responsibility of a farm as well as raising sherry pretty early. subsequently, alongside being silly and flamboyant and easygoing, jean is always looking out for his friends and taking liabilities and feels responsible for nearly everything that happens. its why he was so hard on himself when something would go wrong during the trip to cairo; hes so used to being the caretaker, the one whose shoulders everything rests on, that when a disaster happens he gets in his own head about how he could have prevented it and its his fault for not doing so. (he took the deaths really hard.)
relating back to how emotional jean can be, hes also kind of like a Feelings Sonar. basically an empath supreme. he feels and reflects the energy of the people around him tenfold, which really sucks for him because the people hes around dont know how to be anything other than stressed out.
to kind of alleviate this he takes it upon himself to lighten the mood - nothing makes him feel better than making other people happy. so maybe he plays things up a little, acts a tiny more dramatic, gestures a little more, says off-color things at the wrong times. his antics almost never fail to at least get a grin, or even an eyeroll or a groan - hes content with that too.
he has a problem with boundaries though (both physical and emotional) so sometimes he pokes and prods too much, too far, anything to get a reaction; when someone snaps at him (usually nori) hes quick to escalate and take things to the extreme. (yea he experiences a wide range of emotions but no one ever said he could Control them or is even mature enough to try) its not uncommon to find nori and pol arguing with each other about something that started off as a joke, or even physically fighting (it usually doesnt get too bad, mostly shoves or 'roughhousing' but nori almost always wins because of hierophant) but sometimes if hes feeling silly or pathetic he'll hit nori w/ this face
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and that usually (USUALLY) de-escalates the situation and they go back to being literal worsties.
also, honestly i think jotaro just doesnt care anymore. he finds pretty much everything annoying, those two especially. he doesnt quite get how or why theyre friends, or if they seem to hate each other so much, why do they still talk to each other.
speaking of jotaro. our very own mr kujo is somewhere in the middle between the two, emotions-wise. he often seems to be neutral to everything (on a good day), maybe even leaning towards annoyed or kinda pissed. something he would rather die before admitting though is that he actually does feel things, and hes not an apathetic monster of teenage hormones with the most serious resting bitch face since dio died.
usually his emotions are quite muted, even when he doesn't express them. physically, he might grunt, or his lips will twitch a millimeter, or he'll huff and sigh, or do that 'tch' thing or go yare yare and cross his arms. sometimes his face betrays him and thats what his trusty hat is for - he can easily pull the brim down over his face to hide any semblance of emotion cause he cant have bitches thinking he feels anything. (small note: polnareff has been forcing him to go hatless so he physically cannot hide his face. hes evil)
inside his head, its about the same. due to his quiet and reserved nature, he didnt talk about feelings or anything growing up and still doesnt now, so often when he feels something he cant figure it out or understand it, so he tends to bury it beneath apathy so he doesnt have to deal with something new - because that scares him. but jotaro cant be afraid, of course not, thats not allowed. if hes afraid, then what does that mean for everyone else?
aside from not being able to express himself properly, his emotions are hidden due in part to fear of vulnerability and being pulled apart, dissected like some kind of creature he took a scalpel to in middle school. (he went home and cried to holly that day.) mocked, ridiculed for being human and feeling things. anger, mostly, just anger. but that's something everyone feels, something men feel, so it's okay to get pissed off at the smallest things. that makes sense to jotaro at least.
as for his relationship with polnareff and kakyoin, they've helped him tremendously in his ordeal with emotions and expression. kakyoin's seemingly unafraid to be weird and bitter and sarcastic and uncanny (or maybe feels ... comfortable?) and jean's feelings, regardless of what they may be are always being aired out, conveyed in such intensity that even a stone wall like jotaro cant help but resonate in some kind of way.
the way polnareff and kakyoin so unabashedly dote on each other, hate each other, poke fun at each other, and encourage jotaro to do the same - well, maybe it has him coming out of his shell a bit. maybe sometimes he'll make a snide comment and catch polnareff off guard and flounder, or maybe sometimes he'll contribute to kakyoin's long, long rants about something he likes, maybe even chime in with more than a few sentences about his own interests.
........... so erm.
needless to say i think this is one of my favorite relationships in jojo ever and theyre all very healthy for each other. three weird kids who complete each other in almost every way and somehow manage to not kill each other in the process (though theyve come close)
so......... SO sorry about. all of that. let me know if you want me to elaborate on anything, dont be afraid to send another ask ;>>
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
“May I have the honor of this dance, my lady?”
"I long to see such things as those you have probably seen. I want to experience everything and I wish to see them with my own eyes. See for myself what these poems of mine describe. But, the idea of doing those things alone,… do not please me, at all.”
“Would I be selfish if I ask you to accompany me, little wanderer?”
“Those scars,… symbolize the true enjoyment and will that you felt doing that special something you adore. Those feet, my Lady,… I would kiss,… over,… and over again,… if I could,… ”
“What matters is that you still have precious people around you, my Lady. You must focus on not losing them, as well.”
“Those feelings you have for me, I’m afraid we do not share them mutually.” 
"I do feel obliged to tell you that I’ am not the person you seem to know. I’ am neither a good person, nor a hero you consider. In fact, I’ am the villain of your story. And I, may I add, only helped you because you seem so,… useless. Why would you even take up this massive commission in the first place? You are not as half as strong as the weakest Devil Hunter here to begin with. You are just a weak human who relies on others for survival."
“I choose,… POWER!”
You woke up to the sound of his frightening voice that seemed to rattle the whole place. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness inside your room as you hysterically felt for the things around you. And when your cold and trembling hands reached what felt like the soft and smooth bed covers you haven't used for what seemed like ages, your heart felt like it would shatter. You know he was there, just outside your dark and suffocating room, and you knew full well that if you get up, walk to that door, and open it, you will see him.
But, at the same time, you knew you can't.
How you've wanted so much to go to him, to throw yourself at him, to embrace him, and tell him that you love him very much but, you know you can't.
"I choose,... POWER!"
Those were the words that he told you after you bore your whole, fragile heart to him. It,... hurt you, and you knew you would be lying if you said it didn't. It hurts, and you could never deny that fact.
Then, darkness. You couldn't remember anything else after that. What happened after that? And how long ago was that? A week? A month? A year?
You tried to move an inch, however, an unbelievable sensation of pain hit your mid - section, your arms, and your legs. You covered your mouth, trying to stifle the scream of horrified pain that tried to escape from it as you heard some more, incomprehensible noises outside. It seemed that he was not alone. There were others,...
... but you didn't have any idea who they were,...
... only that they sounded familiar.
With a huge amount of effort, you carefully sat up as you propped up on your elbows, still feeling the excruciating pain in your body. You carefully swung your right leg off the edge of the bed first, followed by your left one. When you felt the coldness of the floor through your toes, you slowly put your feet down, then tried to stand,...
... only for you to collapse and scramble on the floor. You swiftly covered your mouth once more and closed your eyes as you stopped yourself from screaming and crying.
Everything hurts. Everything.
You remained on the floor curled up like this as your tears fell silently from your face. Your arms on your stomach and your legs folded, you stayed there, embracing the coldness and loneliness and waiting for those ear - shattering sounds to subside. And when they finally did, you took a deep breath and tried to stand once more. It became awfully quiet but, you couldn't care less. At least, they were gone. He was gone.
And that was entirely better compared to him pushing you away and physically and emotionally hurting you yet again.
With a slight limp, you made your way towards the door, and,...
All of a sudden, you heard it - a knock. On your front door.
Your hand abruptly left the doorknob as the knock became more and more impatient. You were about to go back to your own bed, cover yourself with those heavy bed sheets, and pretend that you didn't hear anything, when you heard a familiar voice.
"Hey, V! You forgot something at the shop!"
What,... ?
Despite the pain in your stomach and limbs, you flung open the door and sped towards the front door, ignoring the mess in the living room and even failing to notice your precious antique record on the table. You grabbed the brass doorknob, flung open the door, and,...
"Whoa, Babe! You don't look so good - "
The man was startled when you threw yourself into his arms, and when he felt your body trembling as you let out those tears of agony, he couldn't help but feel even more protective towards you.
You looking so sad and broken and vulnerable,...
... it simply tore his heart apart.
He,... could not bear it!
"I'm sorry, Dante!" He heard your muffled sob. You were making his jacket wet with tears but, he didn't care.
He didn't care.
Because he only cared about you.
"I'm so sorry,..."
Wrapping his arms around your fragile frame, he said, "Why are you saying that?! You did nothing wrong, (Y/N)! You - "
"I'm sorry - !"
The man grabbed your shoulders and looked straight into your red and puffy eyes.
"Alright, babe." He told you straight in the face without so much as a hesitation. "You're coming with me."
I See My Future Before Me - Alternate Endings
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To Dante, staying low and quiet for almost three months felt agonizing enough. He could only take small Demon hunting jobs for a while so as not to raise any suspicion. Hell, he even took a different name and went as far as Gaoltown ( where there was little to no demonic activity ) past Swan Lane where no one would recognize him. Not to mention putting Morrison in charge of Devil May Cry during his absence ( he just couldn't trust anyone, even Trish or Lady, for this ). 
Well, despite this meager choice of a lifestyle, Dante still miraculously pulled through. He often volunteered for farm work when he has no Demon hunting commissions, helping with the harvest ( people were kind enough to let him take home some fruits and vegetables after a hard day's work ) or taking care of the cattle ( the sheep were all nice to him, so were the cows but, all of the goats seemed to share the same interest of kicking him in the butt for some reason ). His new neighbors, a cute old couple ( who honestly looked like an old couple from a fairy tale ), although a bit suspicious of him at first, came to really like him, often giving him meals so he would not go out of town to procure some. The simple rural days felt so calm and peaceful, and the quiet nights felt so serene and cool, unlike the always busy and chaotic atmosphere of Red Grave.
Over time, the humble rural life of Gaoltown has grown on Dante, and soon enough, he has learned to accept his new life as a simple man with simple pleasures.
And the girl who was living with him? The people came to love her, as well, just like how they've grown to love him.
"You will take long?" You asked as you watched Dante prepare for another Demon hunting commission ( this time, a pair of Hell Judecas bothering the Gaoltown mayor's family ), confused as to the sudden change in his demeanor. Normally, his missions only lasted for a few hours, four to five, tops.
But, now, he said that the mission would take an entire day to do.
And for only a couple of Hell Judeca's? That sounded so suspicious,...
The Legendary Devil Hunter, whose skin has become tan due to many hours outside helping the neighbors with farm work, looked up and gave you that charming boyish smile. "You sound like a worried wife."
You sighed as you shook your head. "I' am worried. There are only two Demons. It shouldn't take you an hour or so." You placed the kitchen towel impatiently on top of the wooden table and stepped closer towards him. "Tell me, why do you need a whole day to do this?"
The man stood up and gently laid his callous hands on your cheeks. "And now, you sound like a jealous wife."
"Stop that, please,..." You uttered as you shook Dante's hands off and turned away from him. You went towards the window and stared at the peaceful scenery, unable to explain the sudden heaviness in your heart upon hearing those words from Dante.
A worried wife? A jealous, worried wife?
"Impossible,..." You whispered.
"What is?" Dante, who had preternatural hearing, being a half - Demon, and all, asked, walking towards you and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Nothing." You said, facing him and looking straight into his eyes. "You'll be late. Go now."
To this, Dante only scratched his head in confusion. "Alright, then. I'll see you later."
"Yeah." You answered, getting your stitch work from the sofa and picking up where you left off. "Take care."
Dante's words were still ringing quite clear into your head as the hot and lazy day passed. As usual, the grandma from next door visited you once more to bring you lunch but, this time, she also gave you some linens you might find useful later on. That little boy from the farm where Dante often helped came and read books with you again. He even gave you flowers, the adorable little thing. Said he wanted to marry you when he grew old. You even managed to finish the laundry and the rest of your chores a few minutes before twilight.
For three months, your quiet life went like this. At first, you felt uncomfortable with it, being a person who was so used to traveling and doing lots of activities. But now, the silent life felt like a blessing to your tired body and battered mind. You have learned to be content with the things you currently have, you have learned to appreciate nature even more,...
... and most importantly,...
... you now see Dante in a different light. He,... changed. And not for worse. Your three months of stay in Gaoltown has taught the both of you a lot of things, simplicity, hard work, appreciation,...
... your isolation from the rest of the people you knew has taught you how to appreciate Dante even more.
Well, not that the man has been unkind to you, no. Somehow, it felt like you haven't acknowledged the man enough for all of his hard work. He even chose this kind of life for your own well - being despite knowing all of the consequences. He even did his best in fulfilling his promise to you that no one would ever find out that you're here, hence, all that secrecy and staying low away from everyone.
And honestly? He did all that wonderfully and without a hint of the slightest hesitation.
Just for you.
Of course, the pain was still there. After all, it was evident with the scars on your body and the changes you've recently been going through. You don't want Dante to know about this but, you were feeling as though you were getting weaker and weaker as the days passed, like a battery that was getting closer to its limit. Waking up every morning and getting up from bed felt like a huge struggle, and doing simple chores took most of your strength. Hell, even your hair looked different. Most of its strands were still (H/C) but, should one make the effort of taking a closer look at it, one would surely notice the strands of silver - grey here and there.
And just now, just this morning, you felt,... different. Calmer. More at peace,...
You knew you're time was coming. And Dante being gone for a full day? It felt really frightening.
You were so scared to go without Dante by your side.
Did you learn how to love him just like how he loved you? No. Of course, you were still in love with that man, and Dante knew that. He respected that, even though it hurt him too much deep inside. It broke him.
And still, despite knowing all that, he persevered for you. He may not say it to you outright but, he knew what was going on with you. He noticed your difficulty in getting up each morning. He observed how the simplest of chores would take the most out of you. And most importantly, he knew all about your granny hair problem.
Dante knew but, he never spoke up about it.
And now, as the clock struck six in the evening, you sat in front of your door, waiting for Dante to arrive,...
... only for someone else to come.
You looked up, stood, and took a few steps back. And in shock and fright, you turned away and tried to close the door, only for the visitor to take hold of your arm.
"Hon, talk to me, please!"
"Nico, leave me alone,..."
The Artisan only tightened her grip on your arm as she forced you to look her in the eyes.
"Girl, listen to me." Nico pleaded as quietly as she could so no one would notice the two of you in such a situation. "V has been lookin' all over for ya! But, for some reason, he can't see ya! He is worried sick about ya!"
That name,...
"I - i d - don't know who you're talking about,..." You stuttered as you felt your heart being crushed all over again.
The man,... actually looking for you?
"What?! Aww, come on! I know Dante has been hidin' ya! Morrison is way too suspicious. And I'm right! Ye're here all along!"
"Nico, can you please leave me alone?" You pleaded for the second time, avoiding her eyes so she won't see you crying. But, it was no use. Nico just wouldn't be budged.
"No! V has changed! He loves ya! He still does! And he wants the two of you to start all over again! He,... wants to make it up to ya! Right every mistake he has done,..." And as if in an effort to throw all of her trump cards at the table for her to win this battle, she desperately added, "V,... can't live without you!"
For a moment, you stopped struggling against her. You took a deep breath, and exhaled, dragging the air out of your lungs as long as possible. You wanted to calm down, you do.
Yes, you love him. You still do.
... it was too late.
"Where is he?" You asked, making your voice softer.
"Babe, I'm home!" Dante greeted you a few hours later as he entered the house.
"Dante, I'm right here!" You called. The man followed your voice and found you sitting on the sofa in the dark living room.
"Eh, it's too dark in here! Why don't we - ?"
"No!" You cut him off as he was about to turn on the lights. "Please."
Dante only raised his eyebrow in confusion. "O - kay?" Shrugging your strange behavior off, he brought what he was carrying to the middle of the room and placed it on the floor near the windows. "I think it's time we liven things up in here! It's getting a bit boring!"
In the darkness of the room with only the moonlight as your guide, you observed how Dante arranged and connected some wires to the thing he just brought, and a few moments later, the thing lit up, brightening the whole room.
It was a television, and connected with it was a decent dvd player that must've cost Dante a huge sum of money.
"Had to go back to Red Grave to purchase these." Dante smugly confessed. "Hey, I'm sorry I wasn't able to buy Titanic and Dracula for you. They're sold out!"
"What did you get?"
"Here's Charles Muntz piloting his famous,... "
Your eyes widened at the wonderfully colorful sight before you. 
" ... is there nothing he cannot do?! Yes! As Muntz himself says,... "
"ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE! Look out, Mount Rushmore!"
"I, ah, hope you like Pixar." Dante asked as he sat on the floor next to your form.
"It's great." He heard your simple answer. "Pixar is great."
With Dante's head on your lap, the two of you watched as the two characters interacted, how they met, and what started their romance.
"I saw where your balloon went. Come on! Let's go get it. My name is Ellie."
"I thought that's a boy!"
"Dante, it's clearly a girl."
"What? I don't get it!"
"Just watch!"
"There it is! Well, go ahead."
"Ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you, kid."
"Agh, Dante, just - !"
"Okay, okay,..."
"Go on! 
"Told ya,..."
"Oh, poor kid,..."
"AHH! Ouch!"
"Thought you might need a little cheering up! I have something to show ya!"
"I' am about to let you see something I have never shown to another human being. EVER! In my life! You'll have to swear you will NOT tell ANYONE! Cross your heart! DO IT!"
"Aww, that's so cute."
"Really? That seems creepy to me."
"You know what's even creepier, Dante?"
"Lady and Trish taking over your shop."
"Oh, right,..."
"MY ADVENTURE BOOK! You know him: Charles Muntz, explorer! When I get big, I'm going where he's going: South America! It's like America but, it's South!"
Dante felt a gentle hand caressing his hair, and he fought the urge to take it and kiss it.
But, somehow,...
... it felt weaker.
And you,...
... you sounded different.
"You know, you don't talk much. I LIKE YOU!"
Dante felt his breath hitch when you prevented him from seeing your face.
What,... exactly is going on?!
"Babe, you okay?"
"Yes! As fine as I'll ever be."
"(Y/N), tell me the truth, please."
"I'm fine. Don't worry. And, Dante?"
"Thank you. For the television. But, really. You should've told me earlier you're gonna be late because of it."
"Ahh, you sound like a jealous wife again."
"Hmm,... maybe?"
"(Y/N)," Dante began, trying his very best to see your face but, you just wouldn't let him.
Not now.
"Babe, please, tell me what's wrong. Are you hurt? Did something happen? Did - ?"
"Dante, listen to me very carefully." With those words, the man felt your caress once more as you tried to calm him down, all the while preventing him from seeing your face. And your voice,... it sounded so,... "Thank you,... for this house."
"Thank you,... for this quiet and humble life. Thank you for taking care of me. For your hard work. For accepting me into your life. For,... accepting me as I' am, flaws, quirks, everything. Thank you,... for your unconditional love."
And to those words you just uttered, Dante felt his whole world collapse before him.
He knew what you meant.
He knew.
"T - the screen," Dante stuttered, his voice failing him as he felt that burning sensation in his eyes once more. And he hated it. " ... it's getting blurry! I should have it changed first thing in the morning - "
"STAY." You almost yelled, your cracking voice giving you away. "Please."
And Dante couldn't do anything.
"I - i'm sorry." The man cried. "I,... f - failed you! I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry,..."
"No! You didn't! You did,... wonderfully. And you sound like I'm gonna leave you. That hurts."
"Aren't you?"
"Who told you?"
You hummed as you bent and wrapped the man in your arms. "I'm not gonna leave you, Dante. I,... might be,... going somewhere,... but, my spirit will stay with you. I will continue to watch over you. I will stay with you,... for as long as it takes. I will never,... leave your side."
"I promise."
The man felt your soft lips ghost the top of his head, and this only made him hold onto the fragile arms wrapped around him even tighter. He would cherish this moment, this very moment, for as long as he lived.
For as long as he breathed.
"Let's watch, Dante Sparda."
"Alright, (Y/N) (L/N)."
❤ @la-vita and @clevermentalitybeliever . ❤
A few hours earlier,...
"Where is he?" You asked, making your voice softer.
"Somewhere!" Nico answered. "He could see us right now. He could hear us."
You smiled. "If he could hear me, then,..." You cleared your throat and made your voice a bit louder despite your failing lungs. "Listen very carefully, V.
"I,... love you. I still do. And I missed you so much. So much it hurts. I still love you,… despite everything. I tried to get you out of my mind, to forget that I've known you. To forget that I have fallen deeply in love with you for the very short time we've been together. And it hurts,... so much,... to know that I will not be able to see you again, that I will not be able to talk to you again. That I will never hear your voice again as you read to me your favorite poems.
"If I could only go back in time, I would prevent all the pain and suffering from happening. I will tell you to run as far away as you can from that place. I don’t care what happens to Red Grave! I will,... save the both of us from that huge blunder. Maybe then, we could start all over again, to get to know each other again. Maybe we could take another shot at it.
"But, it is too late. I'm,... dying, V. Very soon, I will leave this world, and you will be left devastated. However, you have a wonderful life ahead of you. So,... go. Do everything that I told you: travel the whole world, watch all kinds of movies, eat popcorn and lots of junk food, go fishing and catch a boot, win the stuff tiger. See the world that your poems describe. Go,... and do all of those with the person you will love and cherish,... until the end.
"And I? I will stay with the person who gave me unconditional love. I will stay with the person who didn't give up on me despite everything. I will stay with him,... until my last breath.
"I will stay with Dante, until tonight when I close my eyes and enter eternal slumber.
"I love you, V. Now go,... and live a life you'll be proud of."
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nefja · 5 years
sorry if you already answered this: how did you learn abour icelandic sheepdogs? the breed is pretty rare afaik at least I haven't heard of it let alone seen one before I found your blog . why did you chose this breed in particular? did nefja turn out as expected I mean personality wise and what is a typical personality for this breed? sorry if i'm being nosy I just find nefja very cute and would like to learn more about the breed!
Oh, no worries, I love answering asks! :)
How/Why I chose an Icie
I was looking for a medium-sized, healthy, friendly, fluffy dog breed you could do sports and/or long hikes with and found a huge list of I don’t know how many dog breeds. I scrolled through it and I think my top 5 list consisted of Icies, Rough Collies (my aunt had one and…I loved that dog so that’s prob the reason my subconscious would only allow fluffy sheepdogs), Finnish Lapphunds, Keeshonds and for some reason a Toller? I don’t know what happened there.
Then I looked into their health issues and said bye-bye to the Rough Collie, Keeshond and that random Toller.So only Icies and Lappies were still in the race. But remember, I wanted to hike with them and the Icies just seemed more fitting according to their description.
I contacted an Icie breeder, met up with them and fell in love with their 6 Icies.
The personality
Icies are friendly, playful, curious, not fearful, tough, agile and intelligent. Their “I need to run after that fast moving object!!”-drive is manageable if you start working with them from a young age and preferably they don’t have an experience with 5 months in which they run after a long-gone car in the woods for 1km after breaking free.
Due to bad experiences, Nefja is a bit wary of big dogs, cows and sheep. Also, her ego is so big it could easily suffice for 2 Icies (and normal Icies already have rather big egos) according to her breeder and two dog trainers. She’s a challenge.
Energy level
Normally her daily walks consist of 1 or 2 times a day 1h + cue training (sit, stop, down, come) and in the evening trick training or really long playing session. But for example, yesterday we went for a walk on the beach (9km?) and she probably walked 3-4 times what I walked + running through water and soft sand and today she just wants to sleep with the occasional short (5-10 minutes) playing session.
If you still have questions, don’t be afraid to ask :)
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Remember Rock the Vote this November 2020!
As part of the establishment I'm not to really volunteer candidates for voting.
But Obama was always scared of war. Very timid. Just wanted to make the world a better place. So he was always "Joe, no! Joe no!" But Joe Biden is a military minded man and he knows sometimes we need to pick our battles wisely. And so if you recall the Obama Administration we did have some battles, of course. But it was relatively peaceful. As the Vice President for 8 years, i would have to respect Joe Biden as President as he did do very very much to limit human trafficking. Which as i have proven is a never ending impossible battle. Which we are still fighting to this day. Every Day.
That is my two cents.
We need to look for experience. If there is a lack of experience, Passion. How is the determination? The enthusiasm? What is their fight? Are they strong enough or have enough "gas" energy to make it through the four years?
In the above you'll know how they will run the country.
Donald Trump? Money. Riches.
Hillary Clinton? Ability to be bullied, stays with an unfaithful man. Disrespects herself. Not a woman i want my child to look up to.
Elizabeth Warran? Shes not above us. She's one of us, She gets down and dirty and isn't afraid to shovel snow when she knows if she just let's it sit the sun will melt it.
Joe Biden? He's not a typical American. Hes a military American. Protect. Serve. Get the fuck out the way im fucking busy. No nonsense Joe. He's our American. While he's not down and dirty shoveling snow, hes back in the barn shoveling shit. Stuff that is harmful to the animals and needs to be removed.
Hillary is afraid to go in the barn, she will find her husband frolicking in the hay. Elizabeth will, after the snow is shoveled to milk the cows and tend the sheep, brush the horses.
Bernie yeah he would go in the barn. Talk to the cows see they are alright. Give them some food. Hes a little too fragile to get down and milk but he can get a forklift and drop some hay to feed. Push some down from the hayloft. Have a glass of fresh sweet tea to rest.
Now Rock the Vote says it is for the younger generation.
Babes. We all only been allowed to vote since 1965. And Felons/ex-criminals less than that.
We are all young in voting. As a whole. As 100% allowed to vote in a 200 plus years old country.
All citizens to be allowed to vote and to exercise that right ... Babes. That's only since 1965.
90 years old African American woman? She ain't dumb. She knows. She spent 45 years fighting and not being able to vote. She is only 55 years into having the right and the right not to fear. Yet she's still afraid. Every time. Its a trial for her to go vote. Shes a baby. She's young in that freedom.
So realize that when you go to the Rock the Vote website and it says "younger generation"
That's your gramma. That's your momma.
My adopted parents were born in the 1950s they were born before the right to vote was free for all citizens.
They ain't that old. My uncle dad was born in 1955. He ain't that old. Not in my mind. He been with me all my life.
But he was 10 years old before the Federal Government said stop harrassing people. Let them vote.
Don't think it stopped magically in 1965. You know it Didn't.
So look around. Ask ages. Know someone you think you got around to live a long time with you due to age, they ain't that old. That's what you think. You think they are able bodied as you, 5 year olds. 10 year olds. 20 year olds. You know they a bit slower
But you know they ain't that old.
Yet they're older than the right to vote for all Americans.
So think about that. Know that. Own that.
55 years we are all young in this right to vote freely.
Whites too. Those that only see colors in the rainbow. They had to witness horrific things and couldn't fight back and defend.
Babies. Now we are.
Rock the Vote.
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25 years of freedom existed before Ms Chen inspired me to Inspire y'all to vote.
"The most peaceful way to demonstrate and protest and have your angriest voice heard is to vote and we are lucky in this country Because we are allowed to vote. Women and Blacks worked hard for the future of them -- you -- and i dont mean biologically i mean their heart and spirit and knowing well the people in front of them when they see the future must learn and learn well in order to protect the world. Because you see this country is very powerful... And you are this country" says Ms Chen DOD: April 16-17 at 12:01 am midnight, death finalized at 12:51am. 1990. Body found April 20, 1990 floating in New York Harbor, two index fingers removed; replaced with hope and love for the future. A Female Chinese Activist that Died for You and Your rights. 26 years old.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
I'm Afraid Nigeria May Collapse very soon, Another Drum of War All Over Nigeria...get ready for it - Alhaji Bashir Tofa Cries Out
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/im-afraid-nigeria-may-collapse-very-soon-another-drum-of-war-all-over-nigeria-get-ready-for-it-alhaji-bashir-tofa-cries-out/
I'm Afraid Nigeria May Collapse very soon, Another Drum of War All Over Nigeria...get ready for it - Alhaji Bashir Tofa Cries Out
The last time Nigeria heard him was 1993 when he sought to be president. Now, he is being heard again with a dire warning of what he sees o the horizon, what another compatriot, Gen T Y Danjuma has called the ‘war without fronts’. It is thus not whether he is making sense or not but a case of a senior citizen putting his thoughts together on an issue which he is absolutely qualified to speak on as a citizen. Read on:
Alhaji Bashir Tofa
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The clouds of war are gathering with blood sucking gods that follow the perching of vultures. Vultures from Europe, vultures from England, vultures from Asia, yes, vultures from America that deal on arms. With eyes constantly fixed on any trouble spot in the world. They’re are hopefully praying to extend their business from Tripoli to Abuja. This is because, Nigeria is fast ascending to the very path that Freetown took. The path that ruined Congo and Libya. The expressway to Rwanda, that is the path Nigeria is fast speeding into. Yet, this path is not a new path to us. It’s a familar terrain that we have taken before. In 1966, long before even the Rwandan path was paved. We wasted over 3 million people as hundreds of innocent souls were slaughtered before even the war started.
Long before the Rwandan path was paved, religious differences and ethnic intolerance as being repeated today, led to a civil war that took our best, took our leaders, took innocent souls and took us backward.
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The backwardness is still hunting and hurting us till day. And, it’s the wounds of the war that was not treated in a round table talk, talk, that is leading to another war. Yet, the leader of the nation insists that he’s comfortable exactly the way things are.
So, it’s either history is unfair to us or our leaders are blind to it. Indeed, the death meant to kill a dog does not allow her to smell faeces. And, like the saying goes, those who do not understand history are bound to repeat it.
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Even if we hadn’t experienced a civil war before, what happened in Free Town, Monrovia, Abidjan in recent history ought to have taught us a lesson. The way Tripoli was turned from a fast developing city into a slave town where war lords reign should serve as a lesson.
But no, we learnt nothing. Just 50 years after, when those that played major role to the last civil war are still alive, here the snowball of war goes rolling down from the snow mountain of stupid arrogance, gathering with it all the ethnic intolerance and religious divide that paved the path of Rwandan.
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Special responsibility to be a force for peace
Where are you Gen. Gowon? Your silence is strongly becoming cowardice. Where art thou Alhaji Abudsalem Abubakar? Your silence is strongly becoming a tactical approval to the atrocities going on in the nation.
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Where are you Chief Emeka Anyaoku for there is an error in your silence. Speak out Gen. IBB or else history will record it that you said nothing when your voice was needed most. Ochiagha Ndi Igbo Comr.Ebitu Ukiwe your children are being slaughtered in their farms and you said nothing.
You all said nothing as the youngman who watched his pregnant mother gang raped and her stomach ripped open bites his tongue and moan in revenge.
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You bigmen in power and in office, you felt secured and less concerned because you thought the evil is far of. When this Rwanda that is fast speeding to Nigeria will arrive, the distinguished Senator will be extinguished. The Honourable House members will be dishonored. Some of you in executive offices will be executed.
All by war lords who will takeover and parade the streets of Osun, Ondo, Edo, Sokoto, Abuja, Calabar, Enugu etc (All states in Nigeria). The war lords that took over the streets of Rwanda did the same. So. Let each and everyone one of you wake up while it’s day, let us collectively pursue the black sheep. Or else, when Rwanda will arrive, lizards will replace cows as major source of protein in our cooking.
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Ask Samuel Doe, when Rwanda arrived at Morovia, he hit the streets from the presidential palace in search of food after slaughtering his lions for meal. That was how he was captured and slaughtered. Rwanda does not respect big men and big office holders. As there are no big men Libya today, but war lords that are selling the children of even the rich into slavery.
When Rwanda arrives, there will be no strong man, no community leader, big men or small men. In Rwanda, there was not even religious leaders. Everyone will be to himself and God to all us. For the bigmen aides will desert them and run to take their families into the bush for safety. Then, the high fences of the local almighties will be climbed, their strong pad locks broken, their properties stolen, their wives and daughters violated before them.
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The late Muammar Gaddafi of Libya
For they’re always the first target of the Rwanda mobs. Ask the former almighty of Congo, Zaire politics, ask Qaddafi, when Rwanda visited their palaces were the first target of attack.
So, no one should feel less concerned about this Rwanda breeze that is blowing towards Nigeria. Do whatever you can today to stop it by speaking out. Or else, we all will live to regret our inactions.
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If the truth must be said, the path way to Rwanda is being paved due to our Executive arms of government lackadaisical attitude in respect to the insecurity ravaging the country.
Under this very regime that came for change, Nigeria our beloved country has unfortunately, become a lawless country. A country with no rules and regulation, a country where laws are not adhered to. A country where there is no consequence for killing of innocent citizens. Yet, we have a government in place that refuses to take responsibility and security agents that seems not to know what their work is. Yet, every year we budget and spend billions on security agencies and the citizens are taxed for this. That’s how the path to Rwandan is being paved.
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On the expressway to Rwandan, citizens got killed, innocent girls are violated, mothers raped, farmers throat slit, people going about their businesses are killed at gun point and nothing was done about it. From Enugu, Kaduna South, Bornu, Bauchi, Zamfara, Adamawa, Nasarawa, Taraba, Plateau down to Benue, the Rwandan experience is going on.
You might feel secure today because you move around with escorts, but when Rwanda will arrive it will only be war lords that will be escorted. There will be no senator, Federal or State House member, because each zone will be manned by war lords that legislate the rule of law. When Rwanda will arrive there will be no governor, no minister, no government officials because there was none in Rwanda, each area will have a war lord that will be lord of the law.
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In Rwanda, there will be no middle class, industrialist, banks etc, so there will be no ATM. The war lords controlling the areas you fall into might decide to print a new currency with his head as the logo. So, stop counting on what you have acquired now, for all be lost.
Haunting memories of Rwanda in media headlines
On the path to Rwanda men of God that speak out and speak the truth to the government of the day were arrested and detained. Just as it is happening now! On the path to Rwanda the government of the day favoured one ethnic group against the other, and those that felt neglected took to self-defense. That was what paved the way to Rwanda.
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The Rwandan highway is being paved in Kaduna South, Jos, Taraba, Zamfara, Nasarawa and Benue. Communities that felt neglected by the federal government are going into self-defense. In Rwanda, babies were born with no future. As soon as they grow up they pick up an AK 47 and start killing fellow human beings. That Rwandan path is being paved in the Boko Haram controlled areas in Northern Nigeria.
In Rwanda, bodies of dead people littered everywhere and the government of the day felt less concerned, just as dead bodies means nothing anymore in Nigeria. Nigeria is just as if we are in Liberia or Afghanistan. Nigeria has become a barbaric nation with no respect for human life. Like Rwanda, Nigeria has become a place where we wake up every day and hear that people are being slaughtered and we feel like it’s normal. In fact, like Rwanda, Nigeria has become a place where we hear 6 killed, 24 injured and we are like it’s small.
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Like Rwanda, schools have closed in so many villages due to the attack of war lords struggling for territories and the government of the day are helpless about it. Nigeria is seriously drifting towards Rwanda, but some people instead of speaking out and saying the truth are clapping and urging the president to go on as if nothing is happening. But, when Rwanda will arrive, there would be no oil money to share, no nation to govern and all the major oil fields will be controlled by Niger Delta war lords. So keep on clapping and praising the government while pregnant women are being slaughtered.
Keep on talking about 2019 while innocent children are being murdered. Keep on pretending that all is well with Nigeria when a foreign army of occupation has taken over most villages in Nigeria and our military are doing nothing about it. Keep on feeling less concerned when our national territory has been invaded by foreign mercenaries and we keep on pretending like all is at peace. The truth is, we cannot continue like this and expect Nigeria not to hit the Rwandan path. Nigerians are being slaughtered like cattle, and their cries are hitting the ground. Hearts are hurting, souls are ravaging for Revenge and they’re gathering storms of war. Nigeria will not survive a second civil war and the next war will be so shapeless because people will be hit from all angles. In Rwanda, everywhere and everyone was affected. When Rwanda visited Sudan, the former senate president lined up to beg for food from the relief agencies.
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The earlier our leaders drop their ethnic and religious differences and come together to demand an end to the killings moving from one village to another to slaughter our people. Speak out now for no matter how small your voice may sound, our collective voices will sound like a big mega phone to help stop the looming danger”.
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