#but if you can and don't: fuck you deeply and you deserve everything bad that's coming for you
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edit: i see a lot of people arguing over the 'eat the rich' thing and i'd like to clear up my standing currently! i know they aren't the same kind of fancy multi-million corporation that our beloved phrase talks about, and the reason i agree to a point with this comment is that watcher is evidently trying to become that. they're doing some shitty things in regards do disregarding poorer fans, and are seemingly blatantly ignoring the economic crisis by saying 'everyone can afford that!', all in direct contrast to their entire branding of being leftist and openly supporting things like eat the rich.
"You said 'eat the rich' then handed us the forks, laid on the plate, and expected us to spare you?" at least from my understanding isn't flat-out saying watcher are now the rich we eat, but are well on the track to becoming so, and are quickly developing the same ego.
BUT!! don't like people directly hating on steven like that!! they're all grown men who can make their own decisions, and pretending like shane and ryan are out little baby beans and then calling steven evil and whatnot isn't okay. they can all be held equally accountable. though i do somewhat understand being the most disappointed in shane, as he's the one who speaks on shit like eating the rich the most, and is generally more outward with his ideals, so it's perfectly reasonable to feel betrayed more deeply. but bottom line is they're all equally accountable for this decision.
some shit we can't take back. i probably got pissed and said some weird/uncool shit initially because of the intense emotions i was dealing with, which other people amplified. i do regret some of the things i've said to a point when it comes to being hateful, but i can't just un-say it all, so i'm not even going to try. i'm going to leave everything be and allow it to serve as something to look back on for what not to do in future circumstances. while this new path for watcher is, in my opinion, not the smartest and generally really shitty, they're human beings who make mistakes, and they deserve our acknowledgement of that.
in short, i don't like it but i'll stop being a bitch about it because they don't deserve that. also sorry for the wall of (probably incoherent lmao) text i got passionate <3
edit 2: guys. im screaming. the apology was amazing imo and i genuinely think they really mean it, like it doesn't seem bullshitted. i think they realized they fucked up for reals and feel bad. im so happy for them, but also for us as fans. yay :D
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decolonize-the-left · 7 months
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I've noticed a rise in radfems/TERFs in feminism tags and more specifically trying to rebrand as The Real Feminism or True Feminism since it's "for the girlies" or whatever.
I am begging you all to help me bury them.
Because as a teen who grew up during the peak of exclusionary "bi/pan/aces aren't vaild" and "kill all men" era where the concept of misandry THRIVED I'm telling you this feels extremely similar.
And radfem/terf ideology got mainstream from those sentiments being so popular and so easy to tap into. It was framed as being righteous since men were oppressors.
"Women are good and men are just mean oppressors! Look at everything they've done!" is such a common sentiment in those circles.
It also completely lacks critical feminist thought.
And we're STILL dealing with the affects of it over a decade later.
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.....So let's talk about JKR since she's currently the Figurehead and favorite of the movement that's trying to rewrite feminist history.
It's 2023. It's a year before a US election where Project 2025 and Trump would happily create a road for trans and queer folks to be imprisoned if not worse.
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Which is I'm sure why JKR has been photographed and interacting with multiple members from The Heritage Foundation, people whove spoken for them, and people who attended theyre meetings. She even enjoyed watching Magdalen, who who she credits for becoming a TERF.
But do you know who Magdalen is? Or what else she was saying? What about any of the other people in the photo? Do you know the scope of what JKR was internalizing and how bad it was? Do you know she has ties to conservative anti-abortion groups?
Do you know what The Heritage Foundation? Probably not and they're the worst so let me tell you why it's such a huge red flag for her and other so-called TERFs and radfems to be associated with them.
Because I can tell you right now she heard a lot of things from those people and there is no fucking way in hell that it was just about queer people or just some sex-specific concerns. And it wasn't just passive bigotry.
Anyone who doesn't conform to the idea of a white, straight nuclear family (re: single mothers, leftists, immigrants, gay couples, etc) is made out to be an enemy of the state.
Anyone they can justify as a "national threat." Yes, they call us all a national threat on their site, their book, and the pamphlets they pass out to politicians. The details are listed on their website including the Mandate For Leadership which is their instruction guide for the next president.
I'm not exaggerating when I say it calls for genocide, prison camps, and eugenic cleansing.
Several people in that photo don't even support abortion, a basic women's rights that JKR claims to care about deeply.
JKR was consuming white supremacist dogma under the guise of feminism.
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And she's not willing to admit or correct it which is where the problem lies. She won't even admit to herself that she was fooled or that it's bad or hypocritical.
My concern is that she is not the only person who's fallen for it and there are more everyday.
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So it's very important to me y'all learn how to filter out what Actual Feminism is in this age where literal fascism is attempting to take its place.
Real, actual feminism will be welcoming to EVERYONE
Because the patriarchy doesn't only affect women or cis people or white women and it's an insult to every previous feminist icon to say otherwise.
Feminists have been fighting for decades to unite people under the concept that Patriarchy is a system that will be brought down with allyship and solidarity.
They've been fighting so hard and so long to prove that everyone deserves the same rights as men.
That women are just as capable as men and shouldn't be stopped from entering fields of study and sports dominated by men. They've been fighting to prove that women are just as capable and smart as any man is, that men would benefit from it dismantling patriarchy too.
Women fought side by side with the queer community to get Roe v Wade passed in 1973. You know why? Because despite what radfems and TERFs will tell you trans women benefit from protecting and standing up for bodily autonomy.
Do not let bigots tear drive a wedge between two groups that experience gender based oppression and would benefit from the same exact rights.
We have changed history together and they're terrified we'll do it again.
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A screenshot from the largest feminist organization active right now, The National Organization of Women.
Notice how the T is included. They even posted this video two years ago when LGBT and specifically trans rights started really coming under attack in 2022.
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
ALL women deserve rights.
Every gender deserves equality and fairness.
And feminism is for all of us or it is for none of us.
Because nobody deserves to be treated the way patriarchy treats us.
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jenflirts · 5 months
mending my broken heart
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pairing: tara carpenter x fem!reader
theme: angst :)
summary: maybe you're the one...
warning: profanities, grammar, no ghostface and cheating
a/n: based on my feelings :) | enjoy.
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Falling for someone isn’t for weak people,
Nor being attached,
Nor loving someone.
These are the feelings that will make you mentally and physically weak, just because you would do everything just to have them, just to give them all your attention, love, and hell, even your soul, but why isn’t it for the weak? Well, only emotionally controlled people can survive these challenges. These are the obstacles that we face when we’re in love and this makes us vulnerable.
We’ve always thought that if a partner loves or falls for you it means they’ve accepted your flaws, insecurities, clinginess, stupidity, good days and bad ones, but sometimes don’t you think that they accepted that because they needed too? Out of pity? Or sometimes just to play you cause they’re just bored. I’ve always thought about falling in love and being vulnerable to a person, but then my overthinking mind stops me from doing so.
Yeah, taking from my perspective—a person that’s been played and got attached too many times just because they showed affection—I’ve been hurt so much that I don’t even count how many times that they scarred my heart and still gave them another chance. I did everything I could just not to fall for someone, but I just can’t stop myself ‘cause it feels like an addiction I cannot control. I keep thinking about the past relationships I had and even thought about the times that I let my heart heal and mend it by myself and yet, I keep longing for the wrong people and their fucked up affections.
And then there’s Tara, the girl that makes me feel special, the person that let me believe that love is worth waiting for, and love really does exist. Tara is the type of person that would really make you fall in love with her and not in the bad way, but because she’s the type of girl that you’ll feel comfortable to be around with, rides with your antics, will help you in any possible way, and makes you love your true self.
Tara and I have been dating for almost 2 years and the truth is I’ve fallen deeply in love with her, she already accepted my vulnerability and I accepted hers so there’s really no turning back. I’ve thought about these feelings thoroughly ‘cause I don’t want to hurt her nor she wants to hurt me, I’ve always wanted to feel vulnerable around someone I trust and love the most ‘cause I don’t want to let people see my true facade. Tara saw something in me that people don’t and she’s been helping me to cope up with that.
Everything has been great ever since I dated Tara.
December 09
It's our finals and both of us are stressed out since both of us picked a hard course and I actually want to do something special for her since it’s our anniversary so I’ve prepared dinner, movies and gifts just to surprise her. I went home earlier than she did so I could prepare the things I wanted to give and the words that I wanted to say; Thankfully, Sam and Mindy helped me to do everything.
“Minds? Do you think Tara would like it if I gave her a promise ring on our anniversary?” I asked the girl as we strolled through the jewelry shop. She stopped her tracks and looked at me surprised “A promise ring? Really? Doesn’t that curse relationships?” She asked as she glimpsed the rings.
A promise ring breaks relationships? Now what kind of fuck-mind would believe that. “And where did you get that information? Is it one of those crazies at the uni?” I joked.
“I’m just telling you that rings don't mean forever,” she said. That’s actually true, but I’m not gonna listen to her and Tara deserves a promise that I will love her forever so I picked out the ring and necklace for our anniversary tomorrow.
I helped Tara go inside our apartment and took the blindfold off. She engulfed me into a hug and kisses all over my face. "Tara, we need to eat" I said as I put her down on the floor.
Everything went smoothly and both ended with a promise to love and hold forever.
December 14
The day that feels eerie and gut wrenching, it feels so slow and bothering. "Minds, Tara hasn't texted me for the last few weeks and it's concerning me" I said as I tossed her my phone to check Tara and I's conversation.
"She also hasn't been going home" I added and groaned loudly.
"Yeah, I noticed that. You didn't confront her about this? But I always see her at the uni tho" She said.
Is Tara avoiding me? Did I do something wrong last week? Did she do something wrong? Did something happen that I didn't know? A lot of things suddenly hits me, I thought about everything that I've done last week ago, but nothing really came into my mind.
It's already past midnight and I'm still going on about Tara. I heard the door open and keys tossed on the counter. I went outside and checked if Tara's here or just Mindy wanted to crash by.
"Tara? Baby? Where were you?" I asked as I sat beside her on the living room coach.
"Sam's and did some thinking, so can we talk?" she said.
Why does it feel so suffocating? The way she looks at me feels so different; it feels empty and drained. I nodded and sat in front of her.
"For the last few weeks I've been isolating myself to you and it felt different after what I did. It's been perfect for the last 2 years and I loved every single moment that we've done, but I think we must part our ways and fix ourselves" She cried.
What? Just like that? After 2 fucking years? She's just going to throw it all away? I was too stunned to speak, my brain was spewing out words, but my mouth can't function properly. I felt my eyes stung and tears rolled down on my cheeks.
"So? That's it? Gonna throw away our 2 year relationship out the fucking window like its nothing? Damn Tara, I don't know what to say nor to react" I said as I wiped the tears that keep continuing running down on my cheeks.
She doesn't say anything, but her eyes tells me differently like she's guilty for not telling me the reason why.
"Tara, what's the sudden break-up? what's the reason? 'cause I know for a goddamn fact that it's not about self improvement shits. Tell me so that we could fix it" I assured her
She shook her head no and keeps sobbing uncontrollably. I went to her and wiped her tears; I held her hands, "Love? what happened? tell me so we could fix it" I said as I gently squeeze her hand.
She slowly stopped crying and let me wiped her mascara tear-stains. "It was at Wes's parties and you were studying for your final lesson at that time. Amber snuck me out and helped me unwind by bring me to Wes's parties then I got drunk and I couldn't control myself and so did Chad" she explained.
I couldn't believe it.
The love of my life, cheated.
The girl that I trusted the most, cheated.
I felt my whole world fell apart. It feels like my heart just shuttered into pieces, it feels like there's a new cut to it. I feel betrayed, angry and disappointed all at the same time.
I stood up and went back to my seat and comprehend what just Tara said. I can't do this right now, my mind is all over the place.
"babe? hey? I thought we were gonna fix these" she said
does she really think there's something to be fix? I gave her my everything and this is how she repays me. cheating on me with my other best friend? damn, that's another form of betrayal.
"tara, get out. I can't right now. I just want to be alone for a moment"
She doesn't understand what pain I'm going through right now.
After Tara closed the apartment door, I tried smashing everything so that I could somewhat calm down.
I sat on the living room floor and thought about the things that I have done on why Tara have to do this. Wasn't I enough? Am I that easy to replace? Is our relationship just out of pity? There's so much unanswered questions that I have on my mind, but right now I just want to be alone and mend my broken heart.
I thought she was the one that’s going to help me mend up the open cuts that people leave on my heart, but I would never predict that she was going to leave a big one.
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(part 2 of my lovely, jenna is on-going)
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hotteoki · 1 year
getting into an argument with skz (hyung line)
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warnings: slamming doors (does that count as violence?), lots of swearing, regular angst, fluff-ish making up at the end
notes: i was feeling like some angst except i haven't written it in a long time so uh it's a bit shit el oh el + idk if i want to write maknae line cause i wouldn't even know how to write for felix LIKE THAT MAN IS AN ANGEL
©️ strayedstars | do not repost
chan (방찬)
chan was stressed, it was obvious to anyone. he didn't get angry often, nor does he get upset with people easily, but the deadlines and pressure had been getting to him lately. you did everything you could to help him, from making his favourite food every day to taking him out for dinner, and he made sure to let you know how grateful he was for those.
today, however, when chan stepped through the door, you hadn't noticed how he seemed more closed off when you asked how his day was, or how he didn't give you any form of greeting. it was when you stood up from your seated position on the couch, did you feel the tension radiating off of him. you approached him cautiously, fearing that if you said the wrong things, it would aggravate him even more.
worried, you placed a gentle hand on his arm, "chan, is everything okay-" he pushed your hand off immediately, replying with a short 'i'm fine.' "are you sure? you know you can always talk to-" he inhaled deeply, "oh my fucking- yes i'm sure. i clearly don't want to fucking talk to you, so why are you still pressing me? it's like you just don't fucking listen to me. you’re so damn clingy sometimes." there was a deathly silence. you could tell he didn't mean for his words to come out so harshly, but it hurt all the same.
chan, seemingly in disbelief by his own words as much as you, opened his mouth to apologise, but closed it. you weren’t even sure what hurt you more; the fact that he yelled at you, or that he couldn’t even be bothered to apologise. "what the fuck," you whispered out. still processing his words, you wordlessly made your way to the bedroom and closed the door, hurt and slightly embarrassed. you heard his callings of your name, but you ignored them, just wanting to give him, and yourself, some space. never would you have thought your own boyfriend would be the one to make you cry.
you stirred awake. mind still fuzzy, you tried to remember what happened before you went to sleep. right. chan. you sat up, now slightly more awake. looking down, you were confused at the fact that you were holding your wolf chan plushie you lost a while back, and you definitely would not have had time to charge your phone, so what- oh.
squinting your eyes, you finally acknowledged chan sitting by the edge of the bed, his slouched back facing you. had you forgotten to lock the door? contemplating whether you should go up to him or not, you knew the two of you had to talk about it sooner or later. switching on the bedside light and crawling over until you were side to side with him, you sat with your legs crossed, your warm hands wrapped around your ankles.
you turned your head to look at him, stifling your laughter. chan had fallen asleep while sitting down, presumably thinking about the situation. shaking him awake, he blinked his eyes slowly, adjusting to the dim light from behind the two of you. you weren't sure if it was because of the witching hour, or because you simply weren't mad at him at all, but you found yourself leaning your head against his shoulder.
"i'm so sorry, angel," chan breathed out, voice shaky. "i know," you responded simply. "no, you don't get it," he stood, only to kneel down on the cold bedroom floor in front of you. he reached for your hands, rubbing circles soothingly over the back of your hand, "i'm so, so, sorry. i was in a bad mood, and i took it out on you, and you didn't deserve a second of it. i'm so incredibly sorry."
chan's head dipped down, and you could faintly see his teardrops staining his joggers. "chan," you called his name gently. his bloodshot eyes looked up to meet yours. you freed one of your hands from his grasp to place on his wet cheeks, smiling at how he instinctively leaned into your touch, "it's okay. i forgive you." he but only sobbed more, "i don't deserve you."
you knew that right now, no matter what you say, he would never forgive himself, so you opted to guide him back on his feet, leading him under the warm duvets, "let's just sleep for now, okay? we'll talk more tomorrow."
minho (민호)
minho was trying really hard to be patient with you. he really was, but you kept forgetting which brand of treats were soonie's favourite, or which pet dish is doongie's, or where to place dori's favourite toys, and it was getting on his nerves. he knew you weren't doing this on purpose, you had a lot on your mind, but, really, was it that hard to remember a few extra things?
it was the fourth time in the past week that you've asked him if the cats have had their dinner yet. minho had already had a rough day at work, with the others being uncoordinated and him losing his phone, and your 'hey min, they've had dinner already, right?' made him snap.
he felt a hot wave of anger wash over him, without meaning to, he began spatting words out, "yes, they've had their dinner. we have a schedule for their meals, what part of a schedule do you not understand? if you could just use your head for once, maybe you'll fucking remember something!" in the heat of the moment, you retorted, crossing your arms, "i could say the same to you! you never put your shit together, your clothes are always on the floor, i always have to clean up for you! maybe for once, you should be the one using your head!"
minho groaned, running a hand through his messy hair, "give me a fucking break, will you? you're so exasperating." swallowing thickly, you managed out, "fine, you want a fucking break? have a fucking break." making your way to your bedroom, him following along, refusing to let you walk away. you went straight into the room, slamming the door shut in his face and locking it. "fine! have it your way!" minho yelled, hitting his fist against the door once, storming out the house.
it had been exactly 3 hours and 28 minutes since the fight. minho knew only because he kept checking his phone every 2 minutes to see if there were any notifications from you. he wasn't even sure why he was checking in the first place, he should be the one apologising, not you.
pocketing his phone, he stood up from his seat on the bench in a nearby park. slowly but surely, minho made his way back, only praying that you were still there. rummaging for his keys in front of the door, his heart all but stung more at the heart keychain with both of your names on it along with your anniversary.
creaking the door open, minho's heart dropped at the silence that greeted him. he called out your name once, then twice. practically running up to your shared bedroom, he rattled the doorknob. still locked. his heart pounded over fear that something had happened to you.
holding back to the urge to cry in frustration, minho began rapidly banging on the door, "please, please, please, open up the door!" the door finally cracked open, your tired, red-rimmed eyes blinking hazily up at him. "you're okay? you're okay!" minho pushed the door open all the way, examining your body all around before pulling you close to his chest, wrapping his arms around you securely.
"why didn't you answer?!" he nearly yelled. you, still bleary, rubbed your eyes, "i was sleeping. w-why are you here? i thought you left?" minho almost burst into tears right then and there, burying his face in your hair, "oh love, i'm never ever leaving you again. i'm so fucking sorry. i'm so, so, so, fucking sorry. i promise you, i'll do so much better."
changbin (창빈)
you knew the pain in changbin's right leg from an injury at the gym had been irritating him for the past few weeks, rendering him barely able to do anything without wanting to scream in frustration. you had been helping him a lot, from carrying his bags to picking up things when he had dropped them.
you made sure changbin was as comfortable as he could be, especially considering how moody he was acting the entire day. he had refused to leave the bed, which was extremely unlike him. normally, even if he was in a horrible mood, he would still get up and go about his day, claiming that if he didn't, he would be 'wasting the precious moments of life'.
you knocked on the bedroom door gingerly before opening it up a crack, not sure if he was awake or not. changbin was sat up straight, leaning against the headboard, scrolling on his phone. smiling, slightly relieved you hadn't disturbed his sleep, you opened the door full, "hey binnie, how are you feel-" "oh my- i'm okay, leave me alone. you don't have to keep babying me 24/7, it's so irritating." with a final look, his eyes turned back to his phone, ignoring your presence. to say you were shocked at his outburst was an understatement.
"are you serious?" you raised an eyebrow, "i have been taking care of you all week and this is how you thank me?" scoffing, he continued to avoid your glare, "i didn't ask you to." realising that he wasn’t going to apologise any time soon, you cast aside your surprise, honestly wanting to leave as quickly as you could. pursing your lips, you set the glass of water you had been holding on the bedside drawer along with a new charger that he had been complaining for, and left the room promptly. you could only hope changbin would reflect on his words.
it was only minutes later when changbin called out your name once from the bedroom. you paused the movie playing on the television, contemplating whether you should ignore him or not. you were just about to pick up the remote again when you heard a loud thud.
without hesitating, you ran up to the bedroom, opening the door. changbin sat on the floor, clutching his leg, wincing at the pain. "what the hell did you do?" he remained silent. you immediately hoisted him back up to sit by the edge of the bed, kneeling in front to check for any bruises. sure enough, a purple spot was beginning to form on his shin.
sighing, you sat next to him on the bed, waiting for his answer. changbin sniffed, "i was trying to get up and go apologise to you, but i fell off the bed." giving him a small smile, you rubbed his thigh comfortingly. you weren't exactly sure how to respond.
sucking in a deep breathe, changbin began, "i'm really sorry for, you know, what i said earlier. i was being ungrateful, and i'm genuinely so sorry. i don't know what came over me, i just-" he was rushing his words. you rubbed his back, "no, i get it. i know you'd never hurt anyone intentionally." changbin couldn't meet your eyes. "but it still hurt me a lot."
he instantly locked his eyes with yours, "and i promise i will do anything in this world to make it up to you." he held out his pinky. you laughed, linking your pinky with his and pressing your thumbs together. "you can't break it now," you teased. "i won't." that was one of the most genuine things you'd ever heard changbin say.
hyunjin (현진)
hyunjin was experiencing an artist block. this didn't happen often, but when it did, it stuck for a long time; everything he drew looked wrong, it was either the shadows were in the wrong place, or the colour looked a little off, or the entire thing was just not what he pictured in general. letting out a groan, he rubbed his face was his free hand, feeling a headache coming along.
slamming his paintbrush down on the canvas stand, he glared at the blank sheet, like something would magically appear and would cure his annoyance. "hey hyunnie, i'm home!" your voice echoed around the house, and for once, it pissed him off. how are you so carefree and happy while he had to suffer? hyunjin got up from his stool and went to greet you, deciding that you at least deserved one.
"oh hey hyunnie, here's the drink that you've been wanting!" you fished something out of the bag. it was the wrong one. it wasn't the one hyunjin wanted. already irritated, his words came out without him even noticing, "how many times do i have to tell you it's not this one? if you really knew which drink is the one i want, you’d open your eyes and realise it’s not this one. either way, there's a reason why i didn't buy it, do you know how expensive it is?"
before you could interject, he continued on, not able to control what he was saying, "no, of course you don't. you just live in your own little carefree life, right? everything gets done for you, you never have to worry about anything, right?" word vomit. those last comments infuriated you, "carefree? carefree? hyunjin you have no idea how hard i had been working for the past few days! i have a job too, you know? news flash, you're not the only special one!"
hyunjin's heart ached. he never thought about what you might be going through. "yeah, no, if i'm such a bother because of the way i live my life, then maybe i should leave for a bit," you sighed, leaving the kitchen and to the bedroom. hyunjin couldn't even describe the guilt in his chest as he watched you leave.
hyunjin sat outside the bedroom, waiting for you to come out, but also because he was scared. scared that you hated him now. scared that you won't forgive him. scared that you decided that maybe this relationship wasn't worth-
the sound of the door opening cut off his train of thoughts. you peeked out from behind the door, looking down cautiously at him, "what are you doing on the floor?" "i- i just- i don't know," hyunjin sighed, shielding his face away from you. he didn't want you to see him cry.
"hey, hey," you slid down next to him, legs tucked underneath. you reached to hold his wrist, pulling his hand away from his face. his glassy eyes met yours, "i mess everything up." with those words, he broke down. "oh, darling," you pulled him close and held him to your chest, "no you don't." "but i do," he stifled another sob, "i can't draw at all and i yelled at you and now you hate me-" "who said i hated you?" you ran your fingers through his hair.
his body relaxed, and hyunjin found himself leaning into your hold subconsciously. "couples have fights every now and then, and that's normal, hyunnie. and yes, you did yell at me, but so did i. as for your paintings, i'm sure you just need some motivation, and i'll help you find it." he pulled himself away slightly, tilting up to meet your forgiving smile. you'd never looked more beautiful in his eyes. "you. i want to paint you."
for @minvho @hyunverse @felixore @alyszaen and them only
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merakiui · 29 days
He's gonna be so shameless about it too.... is he way way too old to cuddle in bed with "mama" ? Yes, of course. But he will anyway and his head will be on your chest. and he will cling for dear life, nobody's getting up until he says so.
A spoiled brat too he will drink up all the affection and praise and do anything to get more.... A milf darling will save him but also make him worse in other aspects I think... I'm here for it 🙈
Even better if he gets to piss off Ei with his attitude 😭
YES OMG YOU SEE THE VISION!!!!!! A milf and a nursing handjob could fix him and make him worse all at once. He deserves a loving motherly figure in his life, especially if said figure is his stepmother who cherishes him far more than Ei ever did. >_< I still can't get over how he says "my mother" in his backstory cutscene........ THE ANGUISH. OHHHHH I AM ILL. T_T IT HURTS. Even more so when you realize Ei never viewed him as her child in the way he viewed her as a mother. She just saw a puppet she had created and then set free after she realized he was unfit for the Gnosis.
Ramblings aside, these mommy issues mean he is absolutely down bad for a milf. Not just any milf. His milf!!!!!! :D AAAAAAA OTL cuddling with you and clinging like a koala omg,,,, he's so spoiled and so hungry for your attention. Scara faking being in a bad mood just so you'll hug him and then he can bury his face in your tits.
Ei seeming so displeased with his attitude!!!!! But you tell her it's fine. You coddle him too much, but then of course you would because you've never had a child of your own. And your stepson is such an angel towards you (he's a scheming devil towards everyone else, but you don't need to know that hehe)... you don't need to know he steals your undergarments or looks through your personal things (that drawer of sex toys you think is a private thing between you and Ei? He knows about it and is determined to use all of them on you at one point). You only need to know that he loves you very much and is happy you're his stepmother. Although to Scara you're more of a mother than his biological mother, so don't think too deeply about it when he drops the "step" part and simply calls you Mother.
Also,,,,,, soft non-con somno............. waking up to him fucking into you and he just shushes you to sleep. Go back to your nice dream. Let him take care of you. <3 you have nothing to worry about. Waaaa he'd have such an obsession with your tits,,, everything about your body, actually. You're just so soft and warm,,, so sweet and pliable for him in bed!!!!
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To Build a Home
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Summary: You and Eddie fantasize about your future
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!Reader
Word Count: 1,214
Warnings: a little bit of angst, and a whole lot of fluff
A/N: y'all vol 2 absolutely broke me so here's a piece i had in mind for a while
not proofread so I apologize for any mistakes!
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The door to the trailer opened suddenly when a very upset Eddie entered, slamming it closed behind him with a loud bang before stomping off into his room. You were laying on the couch and watching TV when it happened, confusion written all over your face as you watched him going into the back of the trailer.
This wasn't usual behavior for him, normally being the eccentric and radiant metalhead he is, greeting you with kisses and hugs when you were waiting for him like you did now. Something bad happened and it really got to him.
You stood up from the couch, slowly walking towards his room before peaking your head through the doorway to look at him.
He was sitting on his bed, his leg bouncing up and down while he stared into a corner, arms folded in front if his chest.
"Eddie, what happened?", you asked, sitting down next to him on the mattress and gently touching his shoulder.
He sighed deeply at the contact, gaze shifting to his hands which were now laying in his lap. He didn't answer for a moment, his mind still in turmoil, trying to calm down. You looked at him from the side, his hair was falling in his face, hiding his features from you.
"I- I uhm...," he began, his fingers nervously fumbling with one of his rings, "It's just... I really fucking hate this place."
"You mean Hawkins...?"
He nodded slowly, looking up at you with tears swelling in his glassy eyes, "Yeah... Hawkins, the people, everything about it." His voice became hoarse, nearing its breaking point when he added, "I- I just don't fit in..."
Your heart broke at his sight, the doleful expression, his usually glowing eyes reddened by the burning tears, lips trembling while trying to stifle the urge to cry.
You wordlessly pulled him towards you, holding him tightly in a reassuring hug. You gently stroked his head, smothering down his wild hair when he then began to cry, the tears streaming down his face and onto your shirt.
He held onto you, listening to your heartbeat while he sobbed in your arms, your warmth bringing him a little bit of comfort.
"Shh, it's alright, love," you whispered, rubbing his arm, "Let's lie down, hm?"
You shifted on the bed, moving up towards the headboard and lying down on the pillow, holding the blanket up in an invitation for Eddie to lie down next to you. He did, scooting closer to you beneath the sheets, turning to his side so he could face you, his fingers intertwining with yours.
He took a deep breath, his still puffy eyes glancing at you, examining your face. "Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you," he quietly admits, his other hand moving up to caress the side of your face, "You are too good for me."
You look at him, smiling lovingly before replying. "And you deserve all the good in the world, Eds."
He chuckled at that, moving his head so that your foreheads touched, closing his eyes, enjoying the moment of intimacy.
He looked so peaceful like this, so carefree. But you knew that whatever happened before he came home was still nagging on him somewhere in his mind. Eddie may seem like he doesn't care about people's opinions, but it still hurts him sometimes to be the outcast of society. However, you haven't seen him like this yet. And it hurt you, too. If only people knew him the way you did, if only they knew who he really was. They'd love him, undoubtedly, just like you do.
"You know what?", you spoke up, making him look at you know, "Screw Hawkins. Screw its people. They don't deserve you."
He looked at you perplexed for a moment, "What do you mean?"
"Let's leave this place. Find another town. Another city. A place where no one judges us," you explained, squeezing his hand in emphasis, "a place where we can be ourselves."
He looked into your eyes, brown irises scanning your face, wondering if you were joking. But you were dead serious.
"You really mean that?"
"I do. We can go wherever you want. Leave this shithole behind and build our own home."
"Hmm, I like the sound of that," he chuckled, his thumb stroking the back of your hand.
"We could go to California, get us a nice place there. Or, like you mentioned the other day, move to New York. Imagine us getting a nice apartment, maybe near the Hudson River if we're lucky. We'd get some furniture, decorate it the way we want to, band posters and all that stuff," you went on.
"Maybe even a corner for my guitar?", Eddie joined in on the fantasy, smiling at the thought of having his own place with you.
"Yes, even a corner for your guitar! You could play as much as you like, even if it'd piss off the neighbors. And we'd go shopping for groceries together, making dinner in our small, crampy kitchen, which is still cute and we'd invite our friends, the Hellfire Club, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Will and Max and whoever else wants to come and we'd throw parties and play D&D and make music and dance to the songs we like and do whatever we want to and-"
"Woah woah woah, easy now babe," he stopped you, laughing at how cute you are look with that dreamy expression on your face, "as much as I love everything you just said, you forgot one thing. We're still in school, sweetheart. And what about our families?"
"We're both seniors, right? And once we graduate we can apply to colleges there, and move away from here, visit on holidays and-"
"You don't really think that I'll make it into college now, do you?", he grinned, his infectious laughter making you crack up as well. "No, I don't, what else would you expect from a third-time senior, huh?" - "My words, exactly."
"Well, then we'll just find you a nice job. Maybe we'll even stumble across a place where you and your band could play!"
Your laughter ebbed down, the room, growing silent, both of you just laying in bed, smiling at each other. Your cheeks hurted, but you didn't care. This small moment with him is all you'd ever need. As long as he was next to you, happy and healthy.
Eddie watched you with his doe eyes, cupping your face with his hand before looking into your eyes. "I love you, you know that?"
You nodded, putting your hand above his. "I love you, too, Eddie", you said in a whisper, putting a stray piece of hair that fell onto his face behind his ear before leaning in to kiss his lips. He returned it with the same amount of love, his hand moving down to your waist to pull your closer, smiling into the kiss as he shifts to be above you.
"You really wanna do this? Leave Hawkins, move in together?", he asks, looking down at you and caressing your chin with his thumb.
"Yes. You and I. This year, right after we graduate. Let's do it."
"Well, sweetheart, I feel like this is gonna be our year then. '86, baby!"
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billys-pretty-babe · 7 months
How Could You?
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Sometimes, Billy needs reassurance that you love him especially after Neil gets into his head, using your name against Billy, knowing that hurts worse than when his father puts his hands on him.
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Warnings : child abuse, Neil Hargrove, swearing, Billy makes a sex joke 😐
Word count : 835
A/N : My mental health has been so bad recently so this might be my last fic for a while that I actually take time to write. I have stuff in my drafts ready to post in case I need them.
It hurts you deeply, seeing him like this, so vulnerable, so hurt by his own father. Neil left with Susan, leaving Max and Billy at the house. Max was the one to call you, she heard everything that happened, and heard every word that Neil spewed at your boyfriend. You're pretty sure you broke almost every law in town to get to him, needing to be with him.
She let you into the house, hugging you quickly. "I left water and Tylenol outside of his room, I don't know if he took it." You nodded and thanked her and she went to her room as you went to Billy's, the water and medicine nowhere in sight. You knocked and walked inside, seeing him in his bed, shirtless and in shorts.
He looked at his ceiling, holding his necklace tightly and you knew the chain was digging into the skin, making it raw. "Baby," you said quietly. He didn't take his eyes off of the ceiling as he hummed to you, acknowledging you. You shut his door behind you and moved to the edge of his bed, his ankle against the bottom of your back.
Your heart sank when you saw what exactly Neil did to him, "Oh baby." He shook his head, "Don't do that, not for me. I'm not deserving of that." Still, his eyes never left the ceiling. "Yes you are." He shook his head, "I'm not, trust me." Slowly and with calculated movements, you reached for his knee, gently rubbing it, doing your best to not get knots in the brunette hair that dusted the skin.
"Why aren't you?" He sighed, "Because I'm not." You hummed, "That's not an actual answer, B." He stayed quiet. "Do you want me to leave," you asked after a few minutes of silence. "No," he deadpanned. You nodded, "Okay," you said as you got comfortable, sitting beside him, gently yanking a pillow out from underneath him.
The room was silent besides Billy's ragged breathing, his adrenaline through the roof as he tried to calm down. "Do you love me?" You looked at him, "Of course I do." He hummed, "Okay." You sighed before speaking again, "It was after our second date, when you brought me back here and you were working on that junk bike. You were so open with me, I was able to ask you anything and you immediately answered. I got to know William, not Billy or the keg king, but William Hargrove. So yeah, I can positively say that I do indeed love you, a lot more than I could ever express."
He nodded, hand reaching for yours and you held it, seeing little cuts on his knuckles. "Did you hit him back?" He shook his head, "I think I'd be dead if I did. Punched the bathroom wall, there's a hole now so I moved the picture over it." You nodded and rubbed his knuckles gently. "Did you break anything?" He shook his head, "Already checked myself like you taught me to." You nodded.
"Is it hard to love me?" You shook your head, "It's second nature for me, like breathing." He nodded and looked at you quickly, "You forget how to breathe sometimes." You grumbled and he laughed. "Shut up, Billy." His laugh made you smile, usually it was something just for you. "Imagine forgetting how to breathe that you have to watch your boyfriend do it." You rolled your eyes, "Imagine eating fucking bubbles in the shower." He thumped your thigh, "That was one time because you blew bubbles at me."
He leaned down and kissed the top of your head, murmuring, "I love you." You smiled, "I love you too now give me a kiss." He laughed and tipped your head back before kissing you. You smiled when he pulled away, "Man, is this what Disney is like?" He laughed, "I mean, you do get to ride your favorite ride." You gasped and he laughed, placing his hand on his stomach as his shoulders shook, head thrown back and you laughed with him.
"Billy, that's inappropriate." He snickered, "Look at who you're talking to. Of course it was." You laughed and shook your head, looking at the bottle of Tylenol on his bedside table. "Go tell her thank you." He groaned as he got up, trudging next door before coming back a few minutes later and he laid back down. "Need me to mend anything?" He shook his head, “I'm good, maybe my dick." You sighed, "Billy, shut up." He laughed before Max piped up through the wall.
"Yeah Billy, shut up!" You both laughed and he knocked on the wall, "Shut it, Maxine!" You laughed, shaking your head and got comfortable, kicking your shoes off. You curled up against his side, trying to be aware of his bruises and sore spots. "Love you." You smiled, "I love you too." He talked to you until you fell asleep, holding you tightly to protect you from anything and everything.
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tbgkaru-woh · 2 months
hi! i was just wondering what it is specifically that you dislike about wangxian? i'm kind of intrigued, because while i get how someone could find them boring, i've never really considered anything about their dynamic (and as you mentioned in response to a previous anon, their confession scene) particularly off putting. no pressure to answer this, and this is in no way hate towards you i'm just genuinely curious <3 (i love your art by the way it's gorgeous)
Thank you for the compliment! ♥ This is gonna get ranty so I will hide it below read more as not everyone has to deal with reading this, so proceed with caution :'D
Wangxian is the weakest WWX dynamic. On god, even if I'm not fond of Yanli, they have very loving relationship where they are protective of each other and gentle with each other in a harsh world. I don't ship WWX/JC but their story and complicated love of someone you grow up with and care for deeply but clash constantly with is more interesting than anything wangxian ever had. Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian clicked together so naturally, they are chaotic and are similiarly not too interested in being up to rules. Jin Zixuan and WWX had a potential of going from enemies to partners in crime, to become family and have each other's backs but JZX was cut short and WWX never really cared afterwards either. WWX with the wens took time to build up but his YLLZ farmer era was one of the best WWX's in the story. Damn, even Lan Xichen who's always amused with WWX's temperament and secretly has a drink with wwx and is altogether looser with the rules while still being lawful matches with him way more than LWJ where there's... nothing. They were smashed together for convenience and we were suppossed to just go with it cause they are the two main characters. LWJ feels like he was just made so WWX has a "hot stoic top" to fuck him and the rest of the characters are actually build with the story and therefore feel more natural
Wangxian don't feel like they are in love, not in the way the fans make them out to be into some romantic picture perfect angsty deserved lovestory. LWJ's personal space is constantly disrespected, he's punished constantly for WWX's mistakes, he constantly needs to be the one to adjust to how WWX is instead of the other way around and after all that, LWJ doesn't really /know/ WWX so his attraction feels very idealized. WWX is the bad boy that goes against the rules and LWJ wishes he could be that (or with that) but it's almost a childish infatuation from their Gusu days that never evolved into something more mature. And WWX? I can't see how he'd like LWJ as anything more than in a physical sense. Even their obnoxious "Back then I wanted to sleep with you" confession scene is purely physical. He doesn't really know LWJ or respects him, LWJ is just a familiar face in a world that is against WWX and he's a hot body that likes him. LWJ is an easy score in a way, he's a safe option. And it'd be SO interesting if they went into that, but instead it's played like the only true love (dont forget, they are meant to be as the ONLY gay pairing in MDZS which I find insane when everyone else has more chemistry and in the end gets shat on so wangxian can fuck in a bush. I mean, LWJ leaves LXC to be depressed and alone after everything LXC stands for and did? Fucking ridiculous.)
It tries to "subvert" tropes but ends up being more stereotypical than anything. WWX was almost meant as this jock-y rebellious hotshot but instead we got a quirky twink, early 2000s shonen protagonist and every yaoi's Uke I've been seeing since like 2008. Are they suppossed to be different because the "stoic white-coded" one is not the bottom? Is the bar this low? If anything, this ornament top is the most usual top, let's be real, LWJ barely has personality or growth or focus, he's there to fuck WWX.
This is a petty reason but MXTX's "wangxian is the only gay couple" everyone else being implied straight as if to highlight just how real their love is that they are gay in time period where it's frowned upon, even though Yi City and 3zun combinations had more chemistry than anyone is. Annoying. And so is the "Don't ship them with anyone else and don't switch their dynamics" that fuels some of the most obnoxious people in the fandom to go after fanwork creators that do/like things differently.
All in all Wangxian is THE face of danmei, they are the most known even outside of danmei circles and they are extremely mediocry written for that. I mean, fuck, you put straight couple in their place and I guarantee no one would like it, it has the depth of a high school hormone-riddled couple who have different classes and "only" get to see each other during breaks and make out during lunch with others at the table, idk it's so fucking annoying to me when I know there were better options, when WWX had so many interesting dynamics that got shat on in favor of bland ass ship and I'm tired of having to like it/tolerate it just because it's gay.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, this was extremely healing 🤣
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mixelation · 4 months
notes for the absolutely bonkers time line of toxicity (that's reborn au au). note that nothing is actually set in stone because it's derivative of reborn au, which is also not set in stone
i realized i suggested tori deciding to get with obito after the cave incident, but also that in reborn au she's actually already dating itachi when that happens. so consider
tori has been dating itachi for a few months (more if you count when she was dating him unknowingly) (her life is... dumb?)
she gets trapped in a cave by Some Guy and minato bans her from seeking vengeance
in reborn au she gets itachi to go freak out That Guy and is satisfied, but in THIS au everyone is more toxic. she has "destroys village out of affection" on the table as normal human behavior. she wants blood. she deserves blood
tori: can you BELIEVE itachi won't kill a singular guy for me obito: lmao tori is it really that big a deal? just kill him yourself tori: but it was :( tori: a cave :( tori: where i doubted anyone at all would ever help me again :( obito: obito: obito: okay FINE i'll kill him
tori breaks up with itachi specifically to seduce obito
it's an amicable break up. she doesn't tell itachi it's so she can run off with obito, but she's like "look i don't have any problem with helping you shirk your clan duties, but i still want to have my own dating life. lmk if you need something else but i won't be your fake gf" which is an entirely reasonable and mature argument for someone who is about to go after an unstable ex-missing-nin
obito is extremely confused when tori starts coming on to him (she is. not good or subtle at it) but ALSO he's kind of into it. he has a lot of weird feelings about tori but she's the one person who knows all his darkest secrets and he likes having her undivided attention. is she actually into him or is she trying to use him to murder more people? he doesn't care!
anyway i have been trying to figure out how no one intervenes in this or causes, like, some sort of permanent interpersonal fallout. and i remembered @waffliesinyoface and i joking around about toxicity just having its main cast destroy even MORE villages, and what if kushina wrecked suna's shit over gaara. so further consider
kushina goes to suna for some reason. idk maybe they host the chunin exams and they're like "send a representative..... not the hokage...... pls thnx." and she realizes how they're treating gaara and she loses her mind
kushina: SURPRISE I RUINED OUR ALLIANCE WITH AN UNTOLD AMOUNT OF MURDER!!!! kushina: also i kidnapped the kazekage's son. he's ours now kushina: he is deeply emotionally unstable and completely op and has murdered so many suna-nin kushina: but i can fix him. with my love <3 minato: o-oh
i don't think i'll have kushina PERMANENTLY adopt gaara (he has older siblings he can go back to!) but he's definitely in konoha for a hot second. so minato's life is currently
bonus child who is both crazy powerful and also desires to kill
(kushina: (shoving shukaku back in with her bare hands) HE'S FINE)
like the number of people who can handle gaara is. very low. he keeps sending gaara and naruto over to the uchiha compound for "babysitting" (Naruto keeps whining he's too OLD) but it's literally a bunch of A-ranks bc someone's sharingan is on them the whole time. the ushiha massacre 1000% doesn't happen in this time line because people are like "the uchiha are the only ones preventing us from being sand-coffined"
tori just fucking broke the hiraishin, so now he has to worry about the possibility of ANYONE ELSE doing that and killing/ruining everyone/everything he's ever cared about
obito?? decides to date her????
anyway the apparent situation of "obito, a 25 year old, has decided to date a teenager, who he's know since he was in his twenties and she was 12" is like. look, it's bad. but also minato is so tired. everyone else is so tired. obito what if you just...... didn't? please?
tori: but i'm the ultra manipulative seductress villain???
also an anon sent this
Itadei fake dating arc.... No one would even really notice/care since obitori is going on at the same time would they
Deidara doesn't give a shit about the murderous suna child. He killed him before and he'll do it again, okay. However WHY IS OBITO IN HIS APARTMENT ALL THE TIME NOW???
deidara: get her back. GET HER BACK itachi: ?? she had a very sound argument for our break up deidara: YOU'RE JUST COVERING FOR BEING A BAD BOYFRIEND
deidara is convinced tori would be SO easy to re-seduce. she likes good food and getting people to commit crimes for, okay. deidara would have just murdered that guy smh
deidara is going to show itachi how it's done
itachi is pretty sure being gay won't stop his parents from trying to get him to marry someone with a working womb, but maybe it will slow them down? certainly deidara has a good shot at scaring away any perspective dates
itachi and deidara start "dating" and no one gives it a second thought because it's the least insane thing happening right now
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wen-kexing-apologist · 4 months
10 BL Boys I Would Throw Hands For
Okay so everyone is doing retrospectives and what not and I should just kinda quit while I'm ahead, but I just rewatched My Ride and decided that I needed to highlight some of the boys that I would 100% throw hands for should they be wronged by any man. So without further ado here are the people who would inspire me to seek justice and retribution against those that have hurt them with the same feral energy of cocaine bear.
Tawan- My Ride
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First if all, Por better watch his fucking back cause if he does anything to fuck with Tawan again you better believe I'm jumping on the back of Mork's pillon and we're turning a man into a pin cushion. Tawan has literally done nothing wrong ever in his life. He cares for everyone so deeply. He is so soft and kind and gentle in the most beautiful way and there is not a malicious bone in his body. Tawan is just a genuinely, naturally, and fundamentally good person and I am so glad that he is a sunshine for sunshine kinda guy because Tawan deserves a man like Mork in his life (and Mork- who would also be on my list but he throws hands just fine on his own -deserves a man like Tawan).
Uea- Bed Friend
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Uea is so incredibly lucky to have King in his life, because if it were me, and Uea told me what his parents did to him, the next thing anyone knew I'd be at Uea's parents' house ripping his step-father's throat out with my bare fucking teeth and locking his mother in the bathroom with like a pack of hungry wolves or some shit. Uea's family got off far far too fucking easy because King is capable of some level of self-restraint. I, however...if there is one person on this list who I would turn the most feral/attack dog for, it is this beautiful angel right here. Sleep with one eye open Uea's Mother, I'm coming for you.
Tian- Khun Chai (aka To Sir, With Love)
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He's beauty, he's grace, his mother will murder you in an instant if she thinks you know he's gay. I honestly probably don't need to do anything to the people who have wronged him cause between his mother, his brother, and his boyfriend he's got that shit covered, but...I love him so much. He just wants to be himself. But himself is a gay man in occupied Thailand, in a family that disowned their last outed queer member and drove him to suicide so, he's having the time of his motherfucking life. I am not saying I condone the swift delivery of a death to anyone his mother thought might threaten him, but...I get it.
Sakuko- Koisenu Futari
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Hello to one of my new-found greatest loves. Sakuko is yet another human embodiment of sunshine who has had too many people do her wrong in her life. She has built herself a little family, and she's found a life she loves, and if anyone ever threatened that you better believe I would be there swinging a baseball bat in an instant. Sakuko, my aroace queen, just know that I care about your happiness above all other things. Enjoy your bike ride!
Patts- La Pluie
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gif from @ueasking
Now listen, I know Patts is capable of holding his own against those who have wronged him, but he should not have to do everything himself. Patts, save your energy for your veterinary practice, I'll return Tai to you after he has been smacked around a little bit. Patts is one of the rare characters here that I would throw hands for both in fiction and on this website. You have a problem with Patts, you can kindly meet me in the Waffle House parking lot at 3am.
Mrs. L- Laws of Attraction
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If there is anyone on this list that I would have to bet has killed someone before, it's Mrs. L. I have no doubt that even now if someone tried to fuck with her in any way she'd have them on their ass in an instant, but bad bitches gotta stick together ya know? Call up Maya, Rose, and Nawin and I will meet them out front to take care of that problem for you. You've got your hands full with those boys of yours.
Daisy- Secret Crush on You
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Oh Daisy, oh my darling, darling girl I got your back from now until the end of the earth. Daisy is just the absolute sweetest, and I want all the best for her, and if anyone was to ever fuck with her in any way, they are getting Cask of Amontillado'd by me, personally. Look at that smile, keep your brightness, babes.
Han Ba Ram- Sing My Crush
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Okay so. Honestly I understand why Im Han Tae was immediately cute, cuddly, and flirtatious with this boy. He is an extremely huggable lad. I can also understand how that need to hold this Sad Gay(tm) could have impacted the length of time it took you to realize you had feelings for him. This sad boy right here doesn't know it but he has accidentally summoned a small gang of people who are ready and willing to go all Ides of March on his music teacher's ass. So heads up to Sangin, @bengiyo, @ginnymoonbeam, @lurkingshan, @kyr-kun-chan, @shortpplfedup, and I are outside your front door and we just want to talk.
Boston- Only Friends
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Now, I will not deny my boy is a bit of an asshole, a shit-stirrer if you will, and there are times and places where I will let Boston deal with the consequences of his own actions and get smacked around. HOWEVER, you slut shame my boy? Death. You pull an Atom on my boy? Death. You abandon my boy? Death. According to the end of Only Friends Boston's is absolutely lacking in people in his corner, so I will be there with bells on. Boston, cruise as much as you want baby, and if any of those boys give you trouble, give me a call.
Amane- If It's With You
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gif by @dramascene
In case you haven't picked up on it, sad!happy boys are my kryptonite and Amane is just the saddest boy with the best bundle of joy mask I have ever seen. He deserves the world, this boy, and if anyone ever tried to steal his joy again, I would steal their soul right out of their bodies.
Wasn't gonna make this a tag game or anything but if anyone wants to answer it, go right ahead!
I will, however, tag @negrowhat, @respectthepetty, and @sorry-bonebag since they are the ones that supported my vision so they see the post
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astraltrickster · 10 months
That follow-up post from the guy who went off on that weird rant about looking for a club with a "no ugly people" policy is honestly a GORGEOUS and valuable reminder that you never see everything that's going on with a person, especially online, and that makes it...easy to forget they're a Whole Person, BUT THEY ARE, ALWAYS, EVERY TIME.
Sometimes people just have bad fucking days and take it out on people who don't deserve it because everyone has a limit to how far their emotional regulation can go and DEEPLY and GENUINELY regret it as soon as they calm down, sometimes the guy you think is maliciously spreading misinformation is just...mistaken, sometimes genuine miscommunications happen, sometimes very minor interpersonal disputes get blown way out of proportion by people who only hear one side, and yes, sometimes people have asshole phases for any number of reasons and one day reality will slap them out of it be it gently or firmly, and yeah, all of these things can give you a really bad first impression of someone! Not only that, but this goes both ways, meaning sometimes people will overreact to a bad first impression of YOU!
But at the end of the day, behind that screen, behind those tinted car windows, on the other side of the customer service counter, even across the aisle on the bus...that other guy is a person, the main character of their own life and that's NOT the same thing as Main Character Syndrome but just an inherent part of the human condition, someone with a background and life experience and a rich inner world and perception and consciousness, someone who most likely knows things that you don't know or are wrong about, just as you know things that they don't or are wrong about, and your headcanons about their archetype probably aren't canon to their life.
And I just love when posts like that come around because they're such a valuable reminder of that fact!! Especially since we now have actual STUDIES being done into how "keyboard courage" is likely bleeding over into face-to-face interactions, ESPECIALLY after covid lockdowns dramatically increased the percentage of our interactions that are done online - we all REALLY need to be reminded about this, reminded to fight that tendency to do what I can only describe as fanonizing real people from momentary one-off interactions or singular internet posts, from time to time - and that "we" isn't rhetorical, I ABSOLUTELY include myself in this.
Just. Man. I should start collecting posts like that and make a tag for them.
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orchidbreezefc · 4 months
edgar woe.begone: low empathy, high masking
THESIS: my reading of edgar woe.begone is that he's a low empathy autistic who has no innate intuition for social cues and has had to teach himself everything about social interaction from scratch, which is an interpretation that i think explains a lot about him.
now, i am very critical of edgar as a person. i think he's a less than good person and a bad boyfriend. but let me be VERY clear right off the bat: these symptoms don't make anyone a bad person. these symptoms aren't even bad per se. theyre all disabling symptoms that make social interaction more difficult for the person who has them. like any symptom, they have to be managed and compensated for.
some people under the neurodivergent/mentally ill umbrella, as with any group of people, are bad people. being a bad person flavors one's approach to their mental illness, and mental illness in turn flavors the manner in which they're a bad person. the mental illness isn't what makes you bad, but it does affect how your shittiness manifests.
disclaimers done, a good place to start is the way edgar speaks, especially with jeremy's performance. edgar always sounds very reasonable, approachable, and agreeable, and there is never an ounce of genuine emotion in his voice. he talks like an autistic person with zero innate intuition for social interaction who has taught himself to speak in the way that he's learned will get the best response.
edgar's customer service voice is the only one we hear and likely the only one he uses if he can help it. we know edgar's a tactician, a persuader. why use any other voice than the one he's carefully fine-tuned to make people like him and be receptive to what he's saying? this isn't even necessarily cynical: what do you want him to do, talk in a more uncontrolled, emotional way--that he's not used to managing--that will make people like him less?? what good would that do?
edgar likes control. he's more comfortable when things are in his hands, and only his. propagation definitely factors in here--if [link: my theory] that propagation is what solidified the certainty of edgar's death is true, it's no wonder he wants to control and limit the spread of information. edgar prefers to be in charge of making the plans, ideally alone.
this is part of why mike is perpetually out of the loop, even regarding decisions that concern him--which is pretty damn paternalistic. but there's a more wholesome aspect as well: edgar genuinely thinks he's doing mike a favor.
edgar knows mike has undergone and is undergoing a lot, and that he's terrible with plans and a major blabbermouth. if edgar can take care of a problem without mike having to worry his pretty head and perfect eyebrows about what to do, without knowing it ever existed, isn't that so much better? that's edgar being a good boyfriend, actually. he's helping!
it probably doesn't even occur to edgar how much this limits mike's agency, how much it hurts mike that edgar refuses to let him in, how this puts them on unequal footing, how fucking patronizing it is to not let your boyfriend make his own decisions about his own life. oh, how the tables have tabled since him originally telling mike that keeping the story of woe.begone from him didn't protect him, it impeded his ability to make informed choices.
here's where the low empathy creates problems--edgar doesn't have that innate intuition for how mike's feeling, and he doesn't (effectively) manage or compensate for it, and he definitely doesn't communicate with mike enough to know how he's affected by this shit (avoiding too much information sharing is good, remember?)
and mike certainly isn't going to tell him! mike is a goddamn simp. he's not going to establish boundaries. he's not going to put his foot down and demand better treatment. as if he fucking deserves that in the first place, pshaw. the only time he pushes back is in season 10 when he doesn't remember their relationship, and edgar is deeply shaken.
edgar is devastated to learn he hurt mikey, because he does genuinely adore that man. he would get lasso lessons from michael and rope him the moon if he could. his low empathy and efforts to manage everything himself keep him from realizing that mikey, a hyperempathetic mess who gets sentimental about pens, seriously suffers from being shut out like this.
edgar's thought process must be equally inscrutable to mikey, who just figures it would be asking too much to be an active and equal participant in his own relationship and life. edgar's perfect and great, so if mikey deserved that, he would already be giving it to him. if mikey's unhappy with any part of their relationship, no he isn't. he's lucky he has edgar at all. he's lucky he has anyone.
recall michael's agonized admission that "everything is about rugby, dammit" 10(++++) years and edgar's literal death later. we can only guess at how bad his rugby was, but we do know michael never talked it through with edgar. he tells mike this was him 'letting it go' actually, when the fact that theyre having this conversation at all is proof that he extremely hasn't. this is what 'letting it go' looks like to michael: burying an issue forever and giving up on ever getting closure.
so yes, edgar does authentically deeply love his mikey-bear. unfortunately, if you never establish the communication to bridge the differences between your own methods of operating and that of your partner, love will only get you so far. and the first time around, where it got them was michael fighting back tears in an apartment in latvia over a wound from edgar that he suffered in silence until the day he died.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
Do you think we romanticize the concept of revolution (especially violent revolution) out of some weird offshoot of our tendency to romanticize and propagandize war/the military?
Like, we treat war/the military as a good thing, so when we turn against it, we basically just apply the REVOLUTION coat of paint over the "military is great and just" framework? or something?
There are a few reasons. First, America itself is totally beholden to the idea of the Glorious Populist Revolution that overthrows the tyrants and brings Freedom (TM), thanks to the American revolution. That is why the right wing has spent endless time cosplaying "1776" and "Founding Fathers" and all the other cosmetic trappings that they put on their fascism project, and keep threatening to have a "new revolution" or a "new civil war" if Trump isn't immediately reinstated to the presidency for life. Because they are steeped in the paradigm of "messianic militarism," which has a long and inglorious history in the West and is based in Christian imperialism and colonialism, they just think that The Right Kind of Violence will overthrow the Evil Oppressors and everything will then be glorious! Of course, this has been a recurrent theme in human history and it has never, ever worked.
Because the so-called progressive left often takes deeply theocratic and fascist/conservative concepts and then just changes the wording/rationale/costume dressing, they have therefore become attached to the idea of "guillotining" all the oppressors (like the French revolution, which famously worked out fine and was definitely not followed by the Terror and did not at all end with the country lapsing back into absolute imperialism under Napoleon barely a decade later!), like we can just kill all the right people and then the world will be fine! Which uh. Yeah, that's a hard no from me. I dream as fondly of Elon Musk getting into a Tesla and suddenly blowing up as anyone, but I don't subscribe to the repurposed genocidal fantasy that "killing everyone is right when My People do it!," and I don't think that this would remotely result in a better world the end, because again: Historian talking here. It literally never, ever has. There are no magic shortcuts to making things better. It only happens by doing the work and not fantasizing about how much easier it would be if all the bad things abruptly disappeared in a splendid shower of blood and gore. Because a) that's not gonna happen and b) we don't fucking want it to! What is wrong with you?! Do you think only the Deserving Sinners will die in your Progressive Rapture and everyone else will be fine??? Because! Yeah! NO!!!
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princess-nobody · 1 month
I hate Quaritch but I also really adore him but I also want to bash his head open with a rock
So I have a lot of thoughts on Quaritch as a character as well as what he represents in the greater message of Avatar; I want to clarify that I admit that I have many biases, due to my very strong connection to my ethnic background, many of the themes of Avatar affect me on a more personal level. Though I usually try to put my own reactionary feelings to the side and stay objective, when it comes to this character I simply cannot do so, and therefore this will probably be my most emotionally charged Avatar take 😭
So I hate Quaritch, like deeply, as in my biggest dream is for his story to end with him being shot in the chest 2384884933 times by na'vi arrows, preferably Neytiri's arrows. Now, I've tried to unpack why he of all villains gets to me so much, because despite all of his infractions, he's not as bad as other villains that don't nearly get as much visceral hatred from me. Quaritch is far from the only unempathetic, xenophobic maniac that jumps with glee at the chance to kill some natives if it benefits his side in media, yet he's the one I want to strangle with my bare hands the most. After some deep reflection I've finally realized why.
It's because he's so real.
It's a simple answer, but it really opened my eyes to how and why so many of Avatar's themes hit such a personal cord with me; it's all so real. I remember being told by an old history professor of mine that many people have the capability to be Hitler, but few have the power to do so. He said that there are many diet Hitlers walking around, people with the same ideology, people with the same thirst for power, people with the same hatred and bigotry. It could be your barista, it could be the lady sitting beside you on the train. Hitler is not a rare individual, he was simply a politically powerful version of an individual we encounter everyday. That is to say, these evil people in history are not really uniquely evil nor are they these one dimensional beings, they are in fact what you get if you give some ordinary people more power than they need.
Now what does any of that have to do with Quaritch and how "real" I claim he is? Well, it all makes me understand that the reason my dislike for Quaritch is so much more deep-rooted than most villains is because he represents a very real, very common person. He is the overly patriotic military fanboy that treats indigenous lives as disposable, he is the America first guy that defends any and all invasions into other (often times less powerful) countries if he feels it benefits the nation. He is the anti-indigenous racist who thinks modern natives are larpers and believes historical natives were savages and that they deserved what they got. He is the terrifyingly ignorant guy who's views are so outdated that you wonder how he functions in modern society.
Now, Quaritch himself isn't really all of those things and doesn't outwardly ascribe to all of those things in either film, but his personality, position in the military and his role in the narrative of Avatar seem to – at least to me – represent what happens when you give this archetype of person the power he has. With that, as much as I hate him, I also love him for this.
Quaritch isn't unrealistic, he isn't this cartoonishly evil bad guy who only feels rage and hatred and wants to destroy Pandora just because, in fact he doesn't even want to destroy Pandora. James Cameron could have easily went with making both him and the RDA out to be these soulless evil entities that destroy and kill everything just for the fuck of it. Instead, he went with the more realistic approach, the RDA represents real life corporate greed that destroys the planet and seeks to devour anything that can make it a quick buck, and Quaritch represents the sort of bigoted, ignorant and VIOLENT man you may encounter at least once or twice a week depending.
The only difference is the one you think of when you read those words is just some guy, whilst Miles Quaritch has the power to actually act on those things. I genuinely adore this type of writing, because I feel it's very easy to detach ourselves from stories like Avatar because the antagonists are always so one dimensional and evil just because. You can't do that with Avatar, because most of what you are watching is based on and inspired by reality; there are many Quaritch-like people walking around, they just don't have the power and backing he does.
So yeah, TLDR: I hate Quaritch because of how evil he is but I also love him because of how evil he is. He's a really good villain that makes my blood boil and I actually don't mind him being the antagonist in the coming films.
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For the 1k word fics, maybe one where Ed finally talks with Lucius? The more angsty the better >:)
This prompt has lived rent-free in my head since you sent it in. I had a lot of fun with it!!
(Pretty much always taking prompts for 1k word fics! I love 'em because they're great to write when I have writer's block on other projects, so don't be shy!)
Enough was enough.
Ed had been out of his probation period for a few days now. Most of the crew seemed to be comfortable enough with him again; they came up to him with questions, they invited him to sit next to them at dinner, they talked with him and invited his input. Lucius had…stopped flipping him off every time he saw him out on deck.
Thing was, Ed was genuinely trying to leave all that awful dark scary Kraken shit in the past, and pushing Lucius overboard to the sharks? That had been the worst thing he’d ever done during all that nastiness. Lucius had only ever offered him support and friendship, and Ed had pushed him overboard for it. And now Lucius made a point of talking over Ed, shouting at him, dismissing his suggestions, insulting him, and just generally proving at every opportunity how much he hated him.
And Ed knew he deserved all that and worse. But if he was going to leave the Kraken behind, something would have to give.
When he overheard Roach talking about something Izzy had told him at breakfast, Ed knew his game plan.
It only took Ed a few seconds to get everything he needed set up, and then he found Lucius up on deck. When someone flips you off that enthusiastically at every opportunity, you can’t really miss them.
“Hey,” he said, making a beeline up to him. “Can you come with me for a sec?”
“Absolutely fucking not,” Lucius said immediately.
Ed’s pleading desperation must have shown on his face, because Lucius made a sort of go-ahead gesture, and he let Ed lead him to a space he’d cleared out in the empty galley. He’d already set up bottles of antiseptic, gauze, and everything he’d figured he might need.
“What’s all this?” Lucius frowned at the equipment Ed had laid out, and he shouted in alarm when Ed thrust the old saw into his hands.
“Izzy said you suggested cutting my leg off,” Ed said, plopping down on the bench and stretching his bad leg up in front of him at what he figured was an ideal chopping height. “Have at it. I’d prefer this one, but, uh, dealer’s choice.”
Lucius just kept blankly looking at him.
“I expected some reluctance, but don’t worry,” he said, holding up one hand to show the length of rope he’d looped around his wrist. He put his hands behind his back, slipping his other wrist into the knot he’d prepared, then tugging at his arms to prove to Lucius he wouldn’t be able to get free. “See? Not gonna try to hit you or anything. Whenever you’re ready.”
He hoped Lucius wouldn’t be able to see how hard he was shaking, and he jumped a mile when Lucius just tossed the saw onto the table.
“You fucking idiot,” Lucius spat, “I’m not doing that!”
“It’s okay,” Ed assured him, “I know I deserve it -”
“I don’t want to chop your leg off!”
Ed just stared up at him. This had been his last hope. “Then what do you want?”
“Oh, uh, I dunno,” Lucius said, “maybe a fucking apology?”
Ed snorted disbelievingly. “That’s all you want? You just want me to say, I dunno, oh, Lucius, I’m so sorry for what I did to you, and it was the worst time of my life but that’s no excuse, I was scared and I hurt you and I’m sorry, and I think about it often, and I feel terrible, and I wish I had a way to tell you how deeply I regret hurting you, and could you please forgive me?”
“Yes,” Lucius said simply.
Ed blinked.
“Oh, Lucius,” he said softly. “I am so sorry for what I did to you. It was the worst time of my life, but that’s no excuse. I was scared and I hurt you because of it and I’m sorry. I think about it often, and I feel terrible. I wish I had a way to tell you how deeply I regret hurting you. Could you please forgive me?”
“See, that’s a fucking start,” Lucius said, crossing his arms and nodding primly. “Follow-up question. What did I do to deserve that? What did I do to you that made you do that to me?”
Lucius’ voice wobbled, a bit, and Ed looked at the floor to avoid having to meet his eyes.
“So, uh,” he started haltingly, “you remember how you listened to my lyrics? And you gave me advice and shit?”
“Izzy kinda said that he should’ve let the English kill me and I better watch my fuckin’ step -”
Lucius reeled back a bit. “Shit, did he really?”
“Yep,” Ed said, with the best shrug he could manage with his arms behind his back. “And if I had to go back to being Blackbeard, I figured you were the only one who could’ve seen through me.”
“That is fucked up,” Lucius said with a loud groan. “That is so fucked of you, that is such shit.”
“Yeah.” Ed went back to looking at the floor. “I was having a really shitty time of it, and I wasn’t thinking right. I’m sorry, man.”
“For what it’s worth,” Lucius sighed, “I was kind of having a really shitty time of it when I said the whole chopping your leg off idea. I didn’t really mean it.”
Ed let his shoulders relax. “Could you maybe untie me? This knot is really tight, I can’t feel my fingers.”
“Yeah, sure,” Lucius mumbled, grabbing the pair of medical scissors on the table.
Ed still held his breath as Lucius moved behind him, but he just cut the rope without even attempting to stab him in the back. Progress.
“We’re not good,” Lucius said when he crossed back in front of him again. “We’re nowhere close to good yet.”
“Understood,” Ed mumbled.
“But.” Lucius held out a hand. “Crewmates?”
Ed beamed, taking his hand for an enthusiastic shake. “Crewmates.”
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pinkboxess · 2 months
very long essay about ted lasso (the show) jesus fuck
sometimes I think Ted Lasso wanted really badly to subvert expectations and tell a "different type of story" and in many ways it worked fantastically and we got a truly incredible story, but other times it fell flat, because instead of the unexpected feeling refreshing, it just felt flabbergasting.
One of my absolute favourite things about the series is the way it handles forgiveness. The scene when Rebecca confesses to Ted about her scheme, Ted responds in a way that is just not what you would think would happen on any other television show. Typically in a situation like that there would be drama with Ted being angry and hurt and the writers would create a whole plot point about whether they can come back together again. But in Ted Lasso, Ted forgives her immediately, and we get this stunning representation of what it can look like to show someone grace. This surprised me, but it landed as a good surprise. It made me really happy and teary-eyed to see the scene progress the way it did.
But then there are the bits that fall flat because they feel entirely out of left field in a bad way. I'm thinking of Rebecca's Dutch Boat Man encounter-- which, for any real woman who has been alive a day on planet earth, would be utterly terrifying instead of romantic. She's literally with a stranger in his home with no phone or way of contacting anyone and she's dependent on him for dry clothes and food and things, and then he gets her drunk. The show wanted us to interpret that scene as a romcom moment, but I was just really confused the whole time, especially with the "did we..." "no" "but we did" line at the end. I knew that something like a random off-screen sexual assault didn't fit in with the tone of the show, but that's the first thing my brain thought of when he said that line, so it was just confusing to be like "no but that would be so insane to throw in like that and I don't think this show would do that based on what I know about it from prior episodes." I did eventually conclude that that is not what they meant to imply, but it's just an example of how off-kilter the whole thing made me feel.
Dutch Man just feels so random and last-minute. The storyline is incredibly underdeveloped for the person they want to be Rebecca's endgame. Rebecca deserved to end up with someone she knows and trusts and has had more than one interaction with, even if that person isn't Ted. Parachuting in a random guy just to serve a narrative purpose didn't do it for me.
And then, of course, Ted leaving. The scene in the bleachers is so devastating. It's out of character for the version of Ted who has gone through the events of season 2. And I feel pretty confident that the reason the writers did it that way is because they were so committed to wanting Ted Lasso to be a show where the couple doesn't get together and it's not as neat as that. And I do see and understand the reasoning behind that thinking-- it's always good to try to push the needle and make a different kind of art. It's always good to show the messy sides of humanity.
For me, it just landed awfully, because the show provided so much overwhelming textual evidence previously that they are deeply connected soulmates. For Ted to so cruelly dismiss Rebecca, to emotionally stonewall her like that-- it just hurt to see. It felt like it ignored everything that had previously been written about the two of them. And if the message of the show is that Ted has worked through his emotional problems, it sure didn't seem like that in 3x12. The stonewalling and guilt about his role as a father is exactly what season 1 Ted was like. If the writers wanted to show us a transformed Ted in 3x12, they didn't.
The ending of the show didn't make me think "wow that was complex and deep and that's what human life is like sometimes." It just made me think "what the fuck was everything that happened previously even there for if we are throwing it out the window in a contrived and unnatural way now."
Disclaimer that I love Ted Lasso. I'm criticizing something that I love with about 95% of my being, but there's just that other 5% that really dislikes some of the choices the writers made. Good thing we have fanfiction to fill in the gaps and end the story in more satisfying ways.
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