#but like..... don't ask opinions about program changes
phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
Wayne doll house: demon children.
Idea: each of the batkids is theorised to have a different origin.
Thing is, there's so many of them. The oldest is actually the youngest in body. It seems to be able to share memories with those who follow. It changes design right before a new bat appears.
The hero in the town over is definitely one of them, but what's it doing over there?? Asking just gets non-answers.
What happened to the ones that the Joker tried to destroy? One - the oldest and smallest - came back, but different, whereas the other - the purple and orange one - came back for a while and then vanished again for good.
None of them seem to age??
The first, smallest, oldest, it seemed to be some sort of circus performer? It gave its acrobatics to the blue one when it arrived, grew clever and defensive. It gave that to the skull headed red one, focused on technology and detective work after the Incident. Then again, and again, and one time even the bat changed along with it, but though the bat returned to normal the little Robin didn't, and now it's just as stabby and creative as it is small and creepy.
It's a good sort of creepy now, after over a decade of beating up bad guys and comforting victims, Gotham has gotten used to it, but outsiders don't much like it.
The justice league have a different opinion.
They know, or at least can observe, that the... Souls? Brains? Programs? Switch around, that it's not memories but persons that bring the new bats to life.
They just don't know where batman gets them. The new one, especially, is very circumspect.
For all this talk of the blood son, all the bats calling it demon child with varying levels of fondness, the way batman doesn't deny the claims...
Thing is the bat doesn't have blood. Everyone's well aware of this by now. Whatever sulpheric black tar he and the bats leak probably-certainly isn't blood, or at least... Not anything with dna.
So... What blood?? If not the bat's, why does it tie the newest mind of Robin to him?
Captain marvel is the first to think of an idea.
A blood child of a demon for a blood ritual for a demon.
Constantine and Zatanna second the notion - it's perfectly possible. Reasonable, even. The bat admitted himself he had no way to procreate the way humans did, nor any interest in doing so. Wanting a legacy was perfectly normal.
Except he already had, what, seven, eight, nine kids? He loved all of them, it was clear, and he'd always seemed happy with them. He'd even sighed over how many he had, had rebuffed the teasing about getting more. The new Robin mind had been a surprise to everyone, and the old one in a new body had been a little salty about it.
So the new theory was that batman hadn't decided to get a new Robin. Maybe the old mind had been ejected unwillingly! It had happened at roughly the same time batman had gotten a new personality - maybe the incidents were related?
But if batman hadn't done the ritual... Who had?
Who would do something like that???
Cultists. Cultists would do something like that. But giving the bat a son unwillingly seemed... A very odd goal, even for that type.
So... Had they messed up? Had they tried to summon the bat with a blood sacrifice ritual, and summoned a demon instead? Had it partially worked? Was the bat susceptible to demon summonings?? Did the summoning damage his own mind/consciousness/soul in some way, and that led to the creation of the new demon child while the bat changed until he'd healed????
How kind of batman to take it in!
Tldr; the league thinks Robin V is a demon born/created through a failed summoning ritual involving blood sacrifice that made batman like puns until he healed. The truth is the canon events of Damian arriving at the manor only for b to get tossed into the time stream, becoming the Robin to nightwing-batman while Tim, who is much less annoyed about it than canon, focuses on getting him back. Lmao.
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Buck & Eddie: 7x4 and 7x5 stills in episode order???
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When the two separate synopses were released for 7x4, I wondered how 9-1-1 was going to fit everything into the episode that was released via the BTS stills but then I realized they wouldn't be able to especially since the length of each one (without advertisements) is only 42 to 45 minutes. Also, it appears there will be three main storylines, i.e. Athena and Harry, Hen's life changing news and Buck being bothered and bewildered.
After considering all of the information that's been released, a few days ago, I figured the stills of Buck and Eddie in Buck’s loft, the ones of them talking in the firehouse gym and the one of Eddie and Bobby's conversation wouldn't be included in 7x4. Additionally, I remembered the way 3x5 "Rage" ended with Buck and Eddie still on the outs and they didn't reconcile until the end of 3x6 "Monsters" when Buck made Eddie talk to him. With OS recently commenting on someone's IG post about how the two pictures of Buck and Eddie in the loft are from 7x5, it added confirmation to my analysis.
Since I'm a visual person, I like to see things in their totality instead of in increments the way the BTS pics have been released. Therefore, I've put all the stills together in a way that IMO, could be how they'll play out during each episode and there's one picture of Buck by himself that was released but I believe it deals with something else. I've included it at the end because I'm going to do a separate post on it.
Before I delve into this, here's my UNPOPULAR OPINION. I ship Buddie and only Buddie but I have to admit, I'm not really excited about this storyline because IMO, the audience has seen it before in 3x5 and 3x6 when Eddie was temporarily partnered with Lena (post linked here). Sure, he didn't leave the 118 but Eddie did have a new work partner who Buck was clearly not happy about. Also, even though Eddie didn't tell Buck about her, it was evident by Buck's reaction, he was in fact jealous since he thought he was being replaced and it seemed to be part of the reason why he filed the lawsuit (not the only reason but part of it). Reminder, he was ok with being the Fire Marshall until he heard Lena call Eddie's name in 3x4 then once he saw her, he asked Bobby, "You replaced me?"
At this point, in six years, I hoped Buck and Eddie would be at a place in their partnership where they can actually discuss things like adults instead of Buck lashing out. Please don't misunderstand me because I get it, Buck's worried about being abandoned again so it's understandable and this time he doesn't have anyone to cling to. But if they would let him go back to therapy like he went on his own in season 4, maybe he could spend time working on himself and this storyline could have been avoided. Will I change my mind before Thursday... honestly, I'm not sure.
Back to the regularly schedule program...
7x4 "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered"
Based on the look on Buck's face in the stills from them at Air Rescue, IMO, it's likely this scene could happen first because he seems to be bothered and bewildered by how close Eddie and Tommy are. Hopefully there's a scene before this one that explains how they became fast friends but it's also possible it'll be another scenario where Eddie magically contacts Tommy or vice versa and they start hanging out but the audience won't see it the same way we didn't see how Eddie magically got M's phone number? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Full disclosure: I don't trust Tommy Kinard and I've already posted about my reasoning (linked here) and I may elaborate on it but I really don't want to because I'd rather not focus anymore of my attention on the character.
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Buck's face in the stills below while he's at the firehouse, appear to be hopeful like he got his "Eddie" back but when he sees him walk away, he gets that sad look in his eyes like he's being left behind again. That's why IMO, it happens before the basketball court scene but after them being at Air Rescue.
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I tried to put the pictures below in order but since there's no context for when some of them happen, I added them where I thought they should go. Also, since Buck's bag is still on his shoulder in the third picture with him holding the basketball, I figured it happens before they start playing. Maybe Chimney hands it to him and he looks at Eddie and Tommy like him and Chimney are going to win the game.
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IMO, Buck will have a conversation with Maddie before the end of the episode and that's when JLH's leaked script will come into play. Also, I believe Chimney will be the one to tell Buck he's acting irrationally then he'll ask him if something else might be going on. Reminder, he's going to be on the court with them and he'll witness the event.
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It appears 7x4 will end with them still upset with one another just like 3x5 ended with them not talking.
7x5 - "You don't know me"
I've already completed a post on the title of the episode (linked here) but I do believe multiple people will say, "You don't know me" throughout the episode, including Eddie possibly saying it to Tommy.
When the episode begins, Buck and Eddie still won't be communicating just like they weren't in 3x6. Also, since there aren't any stills that show Tommy and Eddie discussing an available job position at Air Rescue, the only information that was made available came from one of the promos that included Bobby telling Eddie, "I can't tell you how to feel about this job, only you can do that" so it appears Eddie's going to be presented with the option to leave the 118 again either at the end of 7x4 or the beginning of 7x5 but I think his conversation with Bobby will happen at the beginning of 7x5.
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Now, ever since TM (showrunner) released the two pictures below in advance of season 7, they've always perplexed me and it's mainly due to the looks on their faces, more so Buck's because he doesn't look angry or frustrated, he just looks tired like he's retreating or giving up. Initially, I didn't speculate on the pictures because I had no idea what was going on and I'm still not sure but based on the things that have been released regarding the episodes, IMO, Buck will apologize just like he did in 3x6 followed by him telling Eddie that he'll have his back if he wants to leave the 118 and go to Air Rescue. Reminder, the last time Eddie left in 5x10, he told Buck in front of Hen and Ravi but the audience only caught a glimpse of Buck's reaction.
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I believe the stills below will happen towards the end of the episode and it will be similar to their conversation that happened in the firehouse in 3x6 with a little bit of the 3x9 kitchen scene thrown in. My reasoning is because they're at Buck's loft and Buck will be sitting alone probably pondering what he should do next since it'll be a strong possibility (for him at least) that Eddie will leave and he'll have to find a new partner.
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I think Eddie will say something similar to the things he said in 3x6, "I forgive you. Just don't let it happen again" but this time it'll be different and more along the lines of how they talked in 3x9 (related post linked here).
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This is where their dynamic seems to change because unlike 3x9, Eddie's not leaned against the counter, he's actually touching Buck's shoulder and his waist the same way he did in 3x1 during Buck's surprise welcome back party but they're the only two present 👀.
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When I saw the picture above, I had an immediate reaction to it because it reminded me of something the audience has seen before. I'm not going to include my thoughts on it in this post but I will do a separate one about it.
The point of this post is to illustrate with the BTS stills how the scenes in the next two episodes with Buck and Eddie could play out. Will they finally take the leap at the end of 7x5 and become a CANON couple or will the show continue to delay the inevitable? Only the showrunner, writers, producers, actors and actresses know the answer to that question. Hopefully, they will start their romantic relationship because it's been six years and there's no reason to keep delaying it.
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Hey, I love this blog, but it does feel a bit irresponsible to be sharing a video where a human is performing extremely dangerous and somewhat sketchy behaviors with wild animals. I went looking for info and could only find that tiktok and don't have the mental energy to parse through all of that to find out if that place is even legit (the way he handles interacting with the ostrich and bears make me doubt). And looking through the tags, the video is showing the false idea of domestication of wild creatures.
I just wanted to share my concerns since I don't usually see videos like this come across my dash unless they're being critiqued cause of who I choose to follow. :c
hi friend. This person works at some kind of animal sanctuary and is a trained professional. Also, if you actually listen to the video, he explains that he doesn’t interact with the animals (the brown bears) that he didn’t raise and doesn’t fully know and trust their behavior, because it is dangerous.
also the video literally has the text in it that says clearly “Do Not Attempt” because this man is a trained professional who works with wild animals for a living and is NOT encouraging people to treat wild animals as if they are domestic and safe to touch
the team is dedicated to posting responsible and ethical bear programming, and can be trusted to vet our posts. we do not require any additional assistance, thank you.
friends, we would like to take this time to gently point out that coming into someone’s asks with unsolicited ‘advice’ or ‘concerns’ about the way they run their blog is actually an etiquette no no and generally not something that’s in any way appreciated. We’ve been getting a fair few of these types of ‘helpful suggestion’ asks lately, and would like to remind people that this is not something the team particularly appreciates, especially when there isn’t a fully factual or correct basis. While your intentions may be harmless or well-meaning, it doesn’t mean that you should unsolicitedly share your opinions directly in people’s inbox and ask them to change the content they post on their blog.
this is not an indictment of this person or this ask, but a general reminder to everyone. and we shouldn’t have to specify, but unfortunately feel we must say that there is never permission to go harass anyone involved in this ask. If you don’t agree with something, just ignore it and move on. There will be no unkind words said on or in response to this post, friends.
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Like...You saw what he said to Gwen when she called it a watch (which IT IS).
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[omg she's so tiny small next to him]
He's a NERD. He thinks this stuff is COOL. He's WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO ASK.
Like I imagine he's used to it by now - people's eyes glazing over when he begins to explain something technical or program-y, like Lyla's algorithms or the Multiverse Anti-Glitch feature of the watches.
He's put SO much work into all of this, the whole facility and the tech.
He made Lyla himself, but he knows that most people aren't really interested in that. So he's learned to simplify things.
If you ask a question, like how he made Lyla - he'll answer it basic and to the point.
_-_ 'She's an AI. She's my assistant and the notification system within your watch.'
He probably won't even look up from his work, thinking it's just the routine questions everyone asks before moving on to the next thing.
BUT IF YOU ASK FURTHER - Miguel's like
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Because it's not often someone actually like...does that.
It's probably very rare that someone shows interest in his technological, engineering, or physics studies - all of which he's INCREDIBLY talented at and actively working on
You ask him how long it took him to make her, he says a year or two.
You tell him how impressive that is and BOOM NERD!Miguel.
He's telling you how her voice detection took the longest, and how her multiverse-monitoring probability algorithm was something he had to tweak twenty thousand times.
You compliment him about the design of the watch, he's like
_-_ 'I still have the protypes.' And he's ready to show you different ones, different shapes and materials he considered using, but eventually ruled out through experiments and tests
You mention the words 'String Theory' or 'Time Dilation' around him and you will NEVER hear the end of it.
He has so many opinions on it he's never had the chance to share.
Ideas and theories about things like fourth dimensions, worm holes, black holes, and dozens of other theoretical scientific concepts.
I mean, he MADE time travel. He is an EXPERT in that stuff.
I would KILL to have a Time Travel Movie Marathon with Miguel.
Sitting on the couch and watching things like Back to the Future, and he describes what they got right, what would be impossible, how it could work in theory.
He probably talks through the whole movie, and picks each one apart. You watch Doctor Who and he WILL NOT SHUT UP.
He's probably AMAZIINNGG at math.
Like math IS science. It's the answer for science. So he's probably a natural master.
You can be like 'Miguel, What's 34% of 12,967?' - Without blinking he'd be like
_-_'...I'm guessing 4408, or something? I don't know, am I right? Ask Lyla, don't ask me.'
But you don't need to ask Lyla cause HE'S RIGHT
I mean... the man time-travels. I think he'd have at least a good grasp on history, and time periods. Thinks like ancient roman historians and how their thoughts effect modern science, and how certain events effected the flow of time throughout history.
I imagine he finds it so fascinating, seeing the vast differences that can span in universes, just from one small change. Maybe he even finds comfort in it, seeing how histories and stories have a natural flow in a way fiction can only hope to imitate.
I love me some Nerd!Miguel.
I wanna get in bed with Miguel and by that I mean I want to sit next to him as he sits in bed reading a book on the Theory of Relativity with reading spectacles and a mug of sleepytime tea okay
A Miguel who runs up to his partner like 'Read this,' and he's all proud as he hands you a notepad full of numbers. But to him it's a formula he's been working WEEKS on, one that'll make Lyla run smoother, and everything much easier and he wants you to think he's cool for it
A Miguel who spends date nights watching NatGeo documentaries for fun
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bonefall · 4 months
Don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but could you talk more about zoos? I’ve seen many people say that zoos are inherently exploitative and that we should instead focus on advocating for wildlife preserves, etc., but I’m not sure what to think of that. You seem to know a lot about wildlife protection, so what’s your opinion on this?
There are folks faaaar better than myself to talk about the issues of zoos specifically and I'll try to toss in some sources so you can go and learn more, but let me try and explain my mindset here.
Summary of my opinion on this: BOTH of these things can be poorly managed, and I broadly support both. They should exist in tandem. I am pro-accredited zoo and am extremely sensitive towards misinformation. I also do think the best place for animals to be is in their natural environment, but nature "preserves" aren't inherently perfect. They can also be prone to the capitalist (and colonialist) pressures that less informed people believe they're somehow immune to.
Because of the goal of my project being to make the setting of WC accurate to Northwestern England, my research is based on UK laws, ecology, and conservation programs.
On Zoos
On Nature Reserves
An Aside on Fortress Conservation
On Zoos
The legal definition of a Zoo in the UK (because that is what BB's ecological education is based around), as defined by the Zoo Licensing Act of 1981 (ZLA), is a "place where wild animals are kept for exhibition to the public," excluding circuses and pet shops (which are covered by different laws.)
This applies equally to private, for-profit zoos, as well as zoos run by wildlife charities and conservation organizations. Profit does not define a zoo. If there's a place trying to tell you it's not a zoo but a "sanctuary" or a "wildlife park," but you can still go visit and see captive wild animals, even if it's totally free, it's a marketing trick. Legally that is still a zoo in the UK.
(for fellow Americans; OUR definition is broader, more patchwork because we are 50 little countries in a trenchcoat, and can include collections of animals not displayed to the public.)
That said, there's a HUGE difference between Chester Zoo, run by the North of England Zoological Society, which personally holds the studbooks for maintaining the genetic diversity of 10 endangered species, has 134 captive breeding projects, cultivates 265 threatened plant species, and sends its members as consultants to United Nations conferences on climate change, and Sam Tiddles' Personal Zebra Pit.
Sam Tiddles' Personal Zebra Pit ONLY has to worry about the UK government. There's another standard zoos can hold themselves to if they want to get serious about conservation like Chester Zoo; Accreditation. There are two major zoo organizations in the UK, BIAZA and EAZA.
(Americans may wonder about AZA; that's ours. AZA, EAZA, and BIAZA are all members of the World Association of Aquariums and Zoos, or WAZA, but they are all individual organizations.)
A zoo going for EAZA's "accreditation" has to undergo an entire year of evaluation to make sure they fit the strict standards, and renewal is ongoing. You don't just earn it once. You have to keep your animal welfare up-to-date and in compliance or you will lose it.
The benefit of joining with an accredited org is that it puts the zoo into a huge network of other organizations. They work together for various conservation efforts.
There are DOZENS of species that were prevented from going extinct, and are being reintroduced back to their habitats, because of the work done by zoos. The scimitar-horned oryx, takhi, California condor, the Galapagos tortoise, etc. Some of these WERE extinct in the wild and wouldn't BE here if it hadn't been for zoos!
The San Diego zoo is preventing the last remaining hawaiian crows from embracing oblivion right now, a species for which SO LITTLE of its wild behavior is known they had to write the book on caring for them, and Chester zoo worked in tandem with the Uganda Wildlife Authority to provide tech and funding towards breakthroughs in surveying wild pangolins.
Don't get me wrong;
MOST zoos are not accredited,
nor is accreditation is REQUIRED to make a good zoo,
nor does it automatically PROVE nothing bad has happened in the zoo,
There are a lot more Sam Tiddles' Personal Zebra Pits than there are Chester Zoos.
That's worth talking about! We SHOULD be having conversations on things like,
Is it appropriate to keep and breed difficult, social megafauna, like elephants or cetaceans? What does the data say? Are there any circumstances where that would be okay, IF the data does confirm we can never provide enough space or stimulation to perfectly meet those species' needs?
How can we improve animal welfare for private zoos? Should we tighten up regulations on who can start or run one (yes)? Are there enough inspectors (no)?
Do those smaller zoos meaningfully contribute to better conservation? How do we know if they are properly educating their visitors? Can we prove this one way or the other?
Who watches the watchmen? Accreditation societies hold themselves accountable. Do these organizations truly have enough transparency?
(I don't agree with Born Free's ultimate conclusion that we should "phase out" zoos, but you should always understand the opposing arguments)
But bottom line of my opinion is; Good zoos are deeply important, and they have a tangible benefit to wildlife conservation. Anyone who tries to tell you that "zoos are inherently unethical" either knows very little about zoos or real conservation work, or... is hiding some deeper, more batshit take, like "having wild animals in any kind of captivity is unlawful imprisonment."
(you'll also get a lot more work done in regulating the exotic animal trade in the UK if you go after private owners, btw. zoos have nothing to do with how lax those laws are.)
Anyway I'm a funny cat blog about battle kitties, and the stuff I do for BB is to educate about the ecosystem of Northern England. If you want to know more about zoos, debunking misconceptions, and critiques from someone with more personal experience, go talk to @why-animals-do-the-thing!
Keep in mind though, again, they talk about American zoos, where this post was written with the UK in mind.
(and even then, England specifically. ALL UK members and also the Isle of Man have differences in their laws.)
(If anyone has other zoo education tumblr blogs in mind, especially if they are European, lmk and I'll edit this post)
On Nature Reserves
Remember how broad the legal definition of a zoo actually was? Same thing over here. A "nature reserve" in the UK is a broad, unofficial generic term for several things. It doesn't inherently involve statutory protection, either, meaning there's some situations where there's no laws to hold anyone accountable for damage
These are the "nature reserve" types relevant to my project; (NOTE: Ramsar sites, SACs, and SPAs are EU-related and honestly, I do not know how Brexit has effected them, if at all, so I won't be explaining something I don't understand.)
Local Wildlife Site (LWS) Selected via scientific survey and managed locally, connecting wildlife habitats together and keeping nature close to home. VERY important... and yet, incredibly prone to destruction because there aren't good reporting processes in place. Whenever a report comes out every few years, the Wildlife Trust says it often only gets data for 15% of all their registered sites, and 12% get destroyed in that timeframe.
Local Nature Reserve (LNR) A site that can be declared by a district or county council, if proven to have geographic, educational, biodiversity, or recreational value. The local authority manages this, BUT, the landowner can remain in control of the property and "lease" it out (and boy oh boy, landowners do some RIDICULOUS things)
National Nature Reserve (NNR) This is probably closest to what you think of when someone says "nature reserve." Designated by Natural England to protect significant habitat ranges and geographic formations, but still usually operates in tandem with private land owners who must get consent if they want to do something potentially damaging to the NNR.
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (pronounced Triple S-I) A conservation designation for a particular place, assessed and defined by Natural England for its biological or geographic significance. SSSIs are protected areas, and often become the basis for NNRs, LNRs, Ramsar sites, SACs, SPAs, etc.
So you probably noticed that 3/4 of those needed to have the private ownership problem mentioned right in the summary, and it doesn't end there. Even fully government-managed NNRs and SSSIs work with the private sectors of forestry, tourism, and recreation.
We live under Capitalism; EVERYTHING has a profit motive, not just zoos.
I brushed over some of those factors in my Moorland Research Notes and DESPERATELY tried to stay succinct with them, but it was hard. The things that can happen to skirt around the UK's laws protecting wildlife could make an entire season of Monty Python sketches.
Protestors can angrily oppose felling silver birch (a "weed" in this context which can change the ecosystem) because it made a hike less 'pretty' and they don't understand heath management.
Management can be reluctant to ban dogs and horses for fear of backlash, even as they turn heath to sward before our eyes.
Reserves can be owned by Count Bloodsnurt who thinks crashing through the forest with a pack of dogs to exhaust an animal to death is a profitable traditional British passtime.
Or you can literally just pretend that you accidentally chased a deer for several hours and then killed it while innocently sending your baying hounds down a trail. (NOTE: I am pro-hunting, but not pro-animal cruelty.)
The Forestry Commission can slobber enthusiastically while replacing endangered wildlife habitats with non-native, invasive sitka spruce plantations, pretending most trees are equal while conveniently prioritizing profitable timber species.
I have STORIES to tell about the absolute Looney Tunes bullshit that's going on between conservationists and rich assholes who want to sell grouse hunting access, but I'll leave it at this fascinating tidbit about air guns and mannequins which are "totally, absolutely there for no nefarious reason at all, certainly not to prevent marsh harriers from nesting in an area where they also keep winding up mysteriously killed in illegal snares, no no no"
BUT. Since Nature Reserve isn't a hard defined legal concept, and any organization could get involved in local conservation in the UK, and just about anyone or anything could own one... IT'S CHESTER ZOO WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!
They received a grant in 2021 to restore habitat to a stretch of 10 miles extending outside of their borders, working with TONS of other entities such as local government and conservation charities in the process. There's now 6,000 square meters of restored meadow, an orchard, new ponds, and maintained reedbeds, because of them.
It isn't just Chester Zoo, either. It's all over the UK. Durrel Wildlife, which runs Jersey Zoo, just acquired 18,500 acres to rewild in Perthshire. Citizen Zoo is working with the Beaver Trust to bring beavers back to London and is always looking for volunteers to help with their river projects, and the Edinburgh Zoo is equipped with gene labs being used to monitor and analyze the remaining populations of non-hybrid Scottish Wildcats.
The point being,
Nature preserves have problems too. They are not magical fairy kingdoms that you put up a fence around and then declare you Saved Nature Hooray! They need to be protected. They need to be continuously assessed. They are prone to capitalist pressures just like everything else on this hell planet. Go talk to my boy Karl he'll give you a hug about it.
"Nature Preserves" are NOT an "alternative" to zoos and vice versa. They do not do the same thing. A zoo is a center of education and wildlife research which displays exotic animals. A nature preserve is a parcel of native ecosystem. We need LOTS of nature preserves and we need them well-managed ASAP.
We could never just "replace" zoos with nature preserves, and we're nowhere near the amount of protected ecosystem space to start thinking of scaling back animals in captivity. Until King Arthur comes out of hibernation to save Britain, that's the world we live in.
An Aside
My project and my research is based on the isle of Great Britain. The more I learn about the ecosystems that are naturally found there, the more venomously I reject the old lie, "humans are a blight."
YOU are an animal. You're a big one, too. You know what the role of big animals in an ecosystem are? Change. Elephants knock over trees, wolves alter the course of rivers, bison fertilize the plains from coast-to-coast. In Great Britain, that's what hominids have done for 900,000 years, their populations ebbing and flowing with every ice age.
Early farming created the moors and grazing sheep and cattle maintain it, hosting hundreds of specialist species. Every old-growth forest has signs of ancient coppicing and pollarding, which create havens for wildlife when well-managed. Corn cockle evolved as a mimic of wheat seeds, so farmers would plant it over and over within their fields.
This garbage idea that humans are somehow "separate" from or "above" nature is poison. It's not true ANYWHERE.
It contributes to an idea that our very presence is somehow damaging to natural spaces, and to "protect" it, we have to completely leave it alone. NO! Absolutely NOT! There are places where we have to limit harvesting and foot traffic, but humans ALWAYS lived in nature.
Even the ecosystems that this mindset comes from rejects it, but this shit doesn't JUST get applied to British people who become alienated and disconnected from their surroundings to the point where they don't know what silver birch does.
It's DEADLY for the indigenous people who protect 80% of our most important ecosystems.
It's a weapon against the Maasai people, stopped from hunting or growing crops on their own land. It's violence for 9 San hunters shot at by a helicopter with a "kill poachers on-sight" policy, as one of the world's LARGEST diamond mines operates in the same motherfucking park. The Havasupai people are kept out of the Grand Canyon that they managed for generations because they might "collect too many nuts" and starve squirrels, Dukha reindeer herders suddenly get banned from chopping wood or fishing, and watch wolves decimate their animals in the absence of their herding dogs.
It's nightmare after nightmare of human displacement in the name of "conservation."
That all ties back to that mindset. This idea that nature is pure, "pristine," and should be totally untouched. There are some starting to call it Fortress Conservation.
You can't begin to understand the criticisms of modern conservation without acknowledging that we are still living under the influence of capitalism and colonialism. Those who fixate on speaking for "animals/nature/trees who don't have a voice" often seem to have no interest in the indigenous people who do.
Listen. There's no simple answer; and the solution will vary for each region.
Again, my project is within the UK, one of the most ecologically devastated areas in the world. There are bad zoos that the law allows a pass. There are incredible zoos that are vital to conservation, in and outside of the country. There's not enough nature preserves. The best ones that exist are often exploited for profit.
I hope that my silly little blog sparks an interest in a handful of people to understand more about their own local ecosystems, and teaches folks about the unique beauty even within a place as "boring" as England.
But, my straightforward statement is that I have no patience for nonconstructive, broad zoo slander that lumps together ALL of them, and open contempt for anyone who tries to sell nature preserves like a perfect, morally superior "alternative." We need them BOTH right now, and we need to acknowledge that zoos AND preserves have legal and ethical issues that aren't openly talked about.
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octuscle · 2 months
I've done a few himbo transformations with the Chronivac, but I'm getting tired of being dumb. I want to be smarter without risking some crazy permanent change. Can you make it so I steal 1 IQ point from everyone who's in the same room as me? They can have it back when they leave.
You are a super Himbo. Always in good shape, always horny. And admittedly also a real feast for the eyes. I like your idea. It's a little bit experimental. But let's give it a try.
You're always the first one at the gym in the morning. You love to start your day pumped up. And it's wonderfully empty at this time of day. No smart alecks to make fun of you. You have the body, you have the face. An IQ of 89 is more than enough for an alpha guy like you! Normally you're done with your program by 07:30. That's when the gym usually fills up. Today it's surprisingly full. There's a congress in town, so lots of external guys always come to work out. By around 07:00 there are already a good 30, maybe 35 people training. One of the guys is really cute. You approach him. You talk about all sorts of things and train the next sets together. It's rare to find someone who has a similar political opinion and is interested in both Italian opera and astronomy at the same time. And who looks so awesome at the same time. You'll get a boner. He notices. You say that unfortunately you have to go now and you're going to take a shower. He says that he hopes you'll see each other again sometime. You see each other in the shower four minutes later. Not a soul around. And you fuck the guy like only a man with a bird's brain can.
You like your work as a motorcycle mechanic. Your machines are just as simple as your brain. You understand them. And you're really good at making them look hot and getting the most out of them. And you like to work alone. It's difficult in a team. Some know-it-all is always making fun of you. Pure envy, you think, and flex your muscles. But it does annoy you a little. That's why you prefer to do things in the evening that don't involve talking. Dancing. Fucking. Or go to the movies. Like tonight. "The Beekeeper". It's supposed to be good.
Shit, your head is starting to pound. The movie theater is maybe half full. You do a quick count. Yes, exactly 378 people. 78 percent male. That was to be expected. According to a rough estimate, they all spent a total of 3,117 dollars on Coke and popcorn. One guy went to the loo for the third time. You've noticed 67 things in the movie so far that are illogical. Bored, you take out a cell phone. You surf to the MIT website. A very interesting article from the mathematics department about the Riemann conjecture. By the end of the movie, you've finished the proof.
Fortunately, your favorite pub, where you're having a nightcap, is almost empty. Your buddy at the bar, a handful of the usual regulars. Your cell phone vibrates incessantly. Lots of calls from unknown callers. From cities you've never heard of. Boston, San Francisco, Cambridge in Massachusetts, Cambridge in England. Göttingen. Isn't that in Poland? What do they all want from you? You turn off your cell phone.
The next morning you have 189 missed calls. You check a few messages. But you can't understand a single word they're saying. Something about genius. And a brain that only exists once. Hehehe, you've heard that a lot about your cock. You're going back to the gym. You're late today. Your crush from yesterday is already here. And so are 40, 50 other people. CNN is on the screens. The headlines are about the proof of Riemann's hypothesis. Your crush asks you if you know what it is. You explain it to him and outline your solution. As best you can reproduce it. It's really complicated. Your crush stares at you open-mouthed. "You've proved Riemann's conjecture?“ You grin a little sheepishly.
Shit, this guy has a hot ass and a talented tongue. But why can't he keep his tongue in check? After a few minutes, the first reporter is in your workshop and asks you about this Riemann shit. Tell him to go to hell. A second, a third reporter arrives. They're on the floor laughing as you answer their questions. The weaklings are about to get the shit kicked out of them. In the afternoon, a courier arrives from this Cambridge, which is not in England. With a letter. An invitation to a ceremony. Whatever that is. And then there's a check inside. A check for a million dollars.
You like airports. A place where you can do sociological studies. You also really enjoyed the flight. The documents that the mathematical institute in Cambridge sent you are very interesting. But you see a few inconsistencies that you would like to discuss. A driver is waiting for you at the airport. You take a deep breath when you are finally out in the fresh air. It's funny, there's a guy holding a board with a name just like yours on it. You walk up to him. "Mr. Wood?" he asks a little incredulously. "Hehehe, someone must have given us that name one early morning. Do you understand, dude? And by the way, my name is Al." Curt is a cool dude. You get to sit up front and talk about football and stuff. Curt lifts iron too. He recommends a good gym near the hotel and campus. Then he tells you stuff like you can freshen up if you want. Then the dean would like to meet you for a private lunch in private. And then the prize will be officially presented in the setting. Then there is also time for your speech. You say that you smell like a real man and don't need to freshen up. And you ask what a dean does and what the hell the speech is all about. Curt grins.
The dean wipes the sweat from his brow. The food tastes quite good, but you would have preferred an honest burger. You don't understand a word of the stuff the old geezer is talking about. He keeps mumbling something about a catastrophe. You ask yourself why you're wearing that stuffy shirt. It would actually be cool right now to just wear a tank top with all the nerds and show off your muscles. Dinner is finally over. The dean, or whatever his name is, stands up and asks you to follow him. You walk towards a really cool looking building, which is called Kresge Auditorium. Funny name. You enter the hall, which is packed with dozens of people, all of whom are beaming with joy at you. The dean waves you off, pulling you along behind him. You are standing in a huge lecture hall where hundreds of people are already waiting. More and more people stream in behind you. The dean asks you to keep your mouth shut for God's sake. Then he gives his opening speech. He gives a somewhat twisted rendition of the essence of Riemann's conjecture. But as far as you know, he's not a mathematician either… The dean ends with the words "…. And yet this man has obviously proved one of the biggest problems in mathematics. Mr. Wood, would you like to say something?“ You interpret his gestures as him asking you to just shut up. But you're here to chat about math. You stand at the lectern. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to speak to you today in this magnificent building. I assume that you are familiar with my remarks on the Riemann conjecture. I don't want to bore you with that either. Let's talk about another interesting topic instead, the P-NP problem." The dean faints.
Shit, the day was really exhausting. You're so happy when Curt finally drives you to the hotel. It's already late, but you still want to make your muscles burn. So you make your way to the gym. There's hardly anyone here at this time of night. One guy looks nice and really hot. You chat a bit. You train together. You both end up in your hotel room and fuck the rest of your brains out. Ian says that you absolutely have to come to Springbreak.
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Fuck, Ian was so right. Spring break is awesome! The weather is incredible. Eating, drinking, working out, fucking, partying, all outdoors. You're one of the stars here. Because of your body and your cock. Certainly not because of your head. Hehehe, the 200,000 dollars that you've already spent here from your prize money has certainly contributed to your reputation. The party is in full swing. Suddenly the sky darkens and a thunderstorm with hail breaks out. The party people stream into the hotel lobby. And you flow with them. One of about 400 wet, muscular bodies. You take a quick look around. 423, to be precise.
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kannra21 · 1 year
Pros of moving to Mephisto's mansion (let's say that he let you to suck-up to Diavolo lol, you're still a foolish human tho):
He's rich. The mansion is fucking huge!
It's just him and his little brother- so LOTS of privacy.
No family drama in the house. It's peaceful.
No stressing ab food bc no Beel. The fridge is always full.
New stress unlocked- he wants to eat something you don't want to (you want to eat simple bacon and eggs, he wants to eat Les cuisses de Grenouille wtf?? he thinks you're eating peasant food), so breakfast choice is always uncertain...
You bicker over stupid stuff like TV programs and et cetera. He's crossing his arms and hmphs in attitude. He's so annoying.
Cooking duties? Probably non-existent bc he has lesser demons to take care of it (though it would be kinda hot seeing Mepho in an apron tbh... what's wrong with you? you're thirsting for an idiot sandwich).
His bro is an angel tho, you love him. He called you "mom" by accident and you blushed, but it made Mepho feel some type of way. The thought of playing house, it's just too cute.
At first you hate him, but then you realize he's cranky and gloomy not bc of you, but bc of the back pain from sitting in his goddamn office all day and stressing himself out. If you offer him a back massage, he will change his opinion on you very quickly. In fact, he actually starts liking you more.
The longer you live with them, the more you learn about their everyday life and routine. Him and his bro have a habit of roasting marshmallows by the fire at night, Mephisto plays guitar or tells him stories. Sometimes they play fight and you warn him to go easy on his sibling. Mepho shows you canines and tells you what they're doing is perfectly natural bc it's important for a demon child's growth. He supports him in any kind of rough play. That's the way he was raised too. "Even a horse is choosing a strong, dominant owner he can depend on." You realize purebred demons are wilder than fallen angels. Fallen angels will never be real demons, in his theory. He's also prejudiced against humans bc of the whole power dynamic with pacts. But you're nice, so he doesn't mind you.
If you like Diavolo, congrats, you'll spend as much time with him as you want. Bc they're friends and he'll drag you everywhere with him.
Will spoil you rotten, but only if you behave... he's not so bad.
Will walk around the mansion shirtless just to mess with you. Bro doesn't understand why MC is so flustered for no reason. You tell him it's just a common cold, you go make some tea.
You prank him to take your revenge, like touching his bare neck with your ice-cold hands. You realize that he has a cute lady-like scream and you can't stop laughing. He gets grumpy and traps you in a big, tight hug to annoy you. You don't mind being held by him. Your confession made him melt.
One day you're lying in bed together, tangled in each other's limbs, talking. He says he loves you and that no rare version of Demonus could ever replace that feeling. If you ever decide to be with someone else, he'll understand, bc he behaved very badly towards you. He doesn't expect you to accept his apology bc he doesn't want your pity. He's a man, he's prideful, he has an image to maintain. But you're not pitying him. Being able to admit one's mistakes is an admirable trait. That's why you decide to give it a chance.
He wakes up and smells blood. He's panicking and asks you if you're OK, but you tell him you're on your period and that your stomach is hurting. The dude was almost in tears, shame on you. Goes to the pad's aisle and asks you what pussy size you wear. Now don't underestimate him, he's a very educated man. However, he grew up in a man's household and his mother never rly talked ab it, so it went over his head. Woman near him is holding her sides and laughing. He doesn't mind her, he thinks she's drunk or something. Buys everything from sanitary products, to painkillers, to chocolates. "Baby I'm coming home, just hang on for a bit!" He's afraid you're in danger of serious bloodloss. You facepalm. At least he's funny.
Before visiting his horses, he lectured you for the millionth time and gave you a long list of precautions, bc he doesn't want anything to happen to you or his horses. Yes, he's annoying, but that's bc he cares too much. He's not leaving any room for mistakes. These horses are huge and trust him when he tells you that they can hurt you. Long story short, they accepted you right away.
He gets overprotective of you when you talk with the brothers at RAD. Mammon won't take it well. He'll initiate a fight and Mepho won't hold back, so you have to interfere to stop the whole ruckus. And ofc they're annoyed bc "Why's he acting weird? He used to hate MC." He doesn't care about their confused looks, he cares that you arrive to your classes on time and that they don't pose a distraction to you. You assure him that they're your beloved boys you used to live with at HOL and that you have some catching up to do. He respects your decision and leaves you alone, bc he trusts you.
Although he loves private time with you, pls don't visit him too often in his office. He wants you to concentrate on your education and he wants you to pass those tests. It's not a problem, he'll spend his time with you at home.
He has a need to mark your neck or whatever part of your body that's visible to the outside world. It's primal, it's something that demons like to do. You don't want painful bruises all over your body so you suggest a pact as your best solution. He agrees, that's how you bonded to each other.
You enjoy Seductive speechcraft a little too much these days. You're taking it outside the classroom and people are either happy or upset about it. It's not your fault that your man radiates with such confidence and charisma.
He likes holding hands with you in public or even kissing, he hopes Lucifer is seeing it and secretly dying inside
You love and hate Mephisto. He's straightforward, bold and daring. Which can be rude and flattering at the same time. He wants you, and he wants others to know that they can't have you.
He wants to take you out to a nice restaurant so he suggests you put on your best outfit for the night. He even dressed his bro and gave him a cute little bow tie. It was the most adorable sight, you needed to take pictures. However, when Mephisto came out of the corner dressed in a three-piece suit which consists of a maroon blazer, black dress pants and a waistcoat of similar color that is paired with white dress shirt underneath, embedded with a golden tie bar clipped onto his black tie, it left you speechless. He stared at you too, you chose a nice black dress that flattered your figure and looked very elegant on you. You couldn't rly flirt since the kid was there so you just complimented each other. On your walk towards your location, Mephisto held his brother's hand or sometimes allowed him to sit on his shoulders (he's doting on him too much). They talked and laughed about random stuff and your eyes softened. You knew that he has a soft spot for kids, he looked like he could make for a good daddy someday. Your embarrassing thoughts got interrupted by him offering his hand to you, which you gladly took.
There are days where you play with his bro and spoil him more often than not. He's your son now. OK, Luke will always remain your no.1 son, but he has the honors of being your no.2 if that makes any sense. Mephisto is jealous of his own brother lol. You suggest your two sons meet and play together, but Mephisto is still sceptical of the angels. He doesn't trust them easily. You assure him that he has lots of things to learn from Luke and that he'd be a positive influence on him. He trusts you, as always.
People notice he's less cranky than he used to be. And all because of you. You're still bickering over stupid stuff tho. He'll kiss you to make up for it.
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AITA for pretending to be intersex?
Keeping details vague because I know a couple of my students use Tumblr.
I (late 20s, AFAB) work as a teacher in the southern United States. I'm probably somewhere on the transgender spectrum, but I don't like to put a specifc label on my gender identity. I deal with intense physical dysphoria and going on testosterone has quite literally saved my life. I don't feel a need to socially transition–I don't really care how people refer to me, my dysphoria is entirely physical, and labeling myself as transgender is dangerous for reasons I'll get into.
It's no longer easy to hide the changes my body is going through. I had planned to move before now, but a family emergency has changed things and moving is no longer an option for me. I'm still stuck teaching in my state I'm in until further notice.
Some of my students are nosy but most of them dropped it when I told them it's a medical thing that I don't feel comfortable talking about. (I'm not supposed to bring up queer topics and I'm sure many of them have caught on to that.) The people I work with and my superiors are generally cool about it, and/or just don't ask. (We all work in education in this shitty state, we all get it.)
Unfortunately, the same can't be said for parents. As a teacher, I'm employed by my community, and if a group of parents get together and throw a fit they have the power to get me fired. Not only would I be out a job, but I would be forefitting the progress I've made towards getting my student loans forgiven, and it would also be near impossible for me to find a new job as I am. My specific role puts even more stress on this, because parents fund my program directly and I have monthly meetings with a parent booster organization. I've caught wind of a lot of gossip surrounding me, but I've been turning a blind eye to it until now.
Last week, during one of our summer meetings, I had a mother of one of my kids show up who hadn't been there before, and she accused me outright of being "transgendered." In the heat of the moment and with my job on the line I defensively blubbered something about being born with a hormone condition (basically told her that I was intersex in everything but name) and that I was self conscious about it and didn't want to talk about it, and she shut up. The entire meeting was awkward after that, but the mother (whether she believed me or not) was obviously embarrassed and didn't bring it up again, and that much felt good.
Still, I feel like an ass. I'm very much perisex and I know that it's screwed up to pretend to be a part of an intersex identity. So, AITA??
(As a disclaimer, I obviously I can't stop anyone from weighing in, but I'm mostly interested in opinions from actual intersex folks.)
What are these acronyms?
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iu-xo · 2 months
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"Like we've always hated each other"
Adaptation and confrontation.
intro part 1 part 2 part 3
God Adam is super ooc here, but I hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoyed writing it! I accept constructive criticism to improve!!
Note, this is the longest part so far!
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In the hotel livingroom, spread across the sofa's, were all the members of the Hazbin hotel discussing an apparently important and delicate topic..
..while a lamb demon waited sitting on the stairs as if it were a child waiting for the adults to speak, needless to say, he was not happy with it at all, but it's not like he had any say in it, But that doesn't meant he like it tho..
With his head down looking at the ground, with his elbows on his knees and his fists on his chin, his gaze was tense as if he were an angry child, which made him feel a little... How when he really used to just feel like an angry child.
-Love.. I know you think everyone should have the opportunity to decide to change.. and I love that about you.. BUT WE ARE, TALKING. ABOUT. ADAM. here.. You know..
On the couches there was a discussion which was mostly carried out by the two girls with notoriously divided opinions, The others argued among themselves and thought about how comfortable they would be if the idea that the princess defended was done
- i know.. and I'm not asking you to forgive him... or even to integrate him! That would be something he would have to earn, but vaggie...
The princess put her hands on her bride's shoulders, and in her eyes you could see the hope that her words carried
-He came here. He decided to come here..
-Soooo maybe... I could have had something to do with that.
Lucifer interrupted between the two girls, and the Salvadoran woman was intrigued by what her father-in-law had to say
-What do you mean by that ?
His daughter asked with the same intrigue.
-Well... when I went to put up the flyers I found him in the streets, at first I didn't recognize him because... you know.
The rest of the recidents began to pay attention to the king's explanation, since he was the one who seemed to have seen Adam before, and know why it could help them make a sensible decision, or maybe they just wanted to hear the gossip
-And if I'm honest he was about to get the shit kicked out of him If I hadn't been there... I'm afraid he's only here as last resource char, not because he wants... to change. I mean... honey, it's Adam..
Charlie's face was listening to her father, but she didn't look discouraged or surprised, she may have been hopeful but even she knows who Adam is, she knows what he did and she's not happy with him, It wasn't even in her plans to forgive him soon, even if that was against her recovery program, but still, she firmly believed that he could earn forgiveness, whit time, but for that they had to give him that time.
-I know, I'm not saying that I think... he wants it.
She glanced at the demon sitting on the stairs, Charlie's heart aching at the thought that he is the same one who was directing the massacres that have terrorized her people all this time, the reason this hotel existed in the first place... but... wouldn't that make helping him even more noble and selfless? and Charlie was very good at it, of course that didn't mean that they would have no limits for the comfort of her residents, The sudden static brought Charlie and everyone out of their thoughts.
-Well, look, dear... I'm not the most enthusiastic about leaving this... monstrosity. Within our walls, but I fully trust your judgment, if I don't get bothered of course.
The hotel producer said with his characteristic charisma and mannerisms when speaking, Vaggie reacted distrustfully to his statement, but Charlie gladly accepted his contribution.
-Look kid.. You really gotta be careful with that little shit there, He is a spoiled brat who believes that the consequences will not reach him, so if you want to get something out of it, you'll need more than preschool dynamics, food and shelter, like with legs here.
He said this while pointing to Angel Dust who was sitting on the floor leaning on the couch where Husk was sitting.
- Hey!
Everyone started arguing again while Charlie thought with a lot of pressure on her, but in response she revived a hand on her shoulder making her feel calmer
-We may need... limits, and many conditions... but I trust you honey, you will know what to do amor
Charlie smiled warmly at her beloved, and put his hand on hers, and then stood in the middle of everyone there, ready to anounce the decision made
- okey dokie! It is already decided! He will be given the opportunity to test himself, but for everyone's comfort someone will be in charge of him!
Everyone seemed indifferent to the decision, really no one could have an opinion right now, only time would tell, but in all this there was a doubt that hovered among everyone, a doubt that only angel externalized
-and who will be the unfortunate toots?
Everyone looked at Angel and then looked back at Charlie waiting for The answer to the question, who would take care of Adam?
- MY DAD!!
Lucifer choked on his breath in surprise, looking at her dumbfounded.
-Excuse me?
-You're the one who knows him the best! I know he's mom's shitty ex and all, but... don't you think it would even be good therapy to deal with past conflicts?
She said with an emotion so characteristic of her that only she could be excited about something like that.
Adam kept looking at the floor, he was there but he wasn't quite really there, His mind felt much.. higher. feeling so helpless brought back unwanted feelings, unwanted memories, and a familiarity he didn't want to experience. and a familiarity he didn't want to experience.
He could see almost clearly a young Adam sitting next to a very large door, while he heard voices on the other side of it, imposing voices, giant voices... They were talking about him? They must have been doing it, otherwise because he would be there, he kept hearing that it was the most beautiful creation... the most important, the most perfect, they must have been talking about him.
Suddenly he saw a silhouette in the frame of the big door, He saw a smile form on the unknown silhouette, he just tilted his head to the side in doubt, something that the silhouette copied, and then laughed, a mischievous laugh, but innocent at the same time, Adam He was surprised, also curious, a little intimidated, but the silhouette disappeared among golden sparkles, to which Adam exclaimed disappointedly
- Ow..
Behind him, more golden sparkles appeared, followed by a voice close to his ear at a cautious distance, but not so cautious as not to make him jump.
-hello there!
The man jumped back, slipping on the floor and heading straight to fall to the ground, it is not as if the ground were not clouds, but falling is still falling, The mysterious figure with a soft wing grabbed Adam from behind and helped him stand back up, to which Adam became a little agitated.
-sorry there! I didn't mean to scare you..
He said followed by a giggle, an unmistakable laugh, an angelic laugh, of course, that's what he was made for, being angelic and all that.
-are you... what are you?
The figure blinked perplexed at the question, but then realized
-Oh, of course, of course... you haven't even existed for 15 minutes, of course you don't know who I am.
Adam's eyes widened
-Lucifer morningstar, a pleasure.. Adam.
Lucifer laughed ay his response as he fluttered his wings causing a breeze, a breeze that made Adam's skin crawl, that had been his first sensation
-Don't tell me that I accidentally introduced You to your name...?
-Adam looked at him without saying much, not that he could say much, he had been born a few minutes ago, but he didn't need much knowledge to know that he liked his name, Or maybe he just liked the way it sounded in the voice of the angel in front of him.
- Hey, earth calling Adam.
A familiar voice brought Adam out of his thoughts and he went from looking at the ground to looking into the eyes of whoever was in front of him, much to his dismay.
-What the fuck is it? Spit it out.
He had to admit that he was a little nervous that they would throw him back out on the streets, he was tired of sleeping in alleys and fighting with guys every day since he had woken up in that shitty place.
-You're lucky Charlie is a better person than me. Come on, I'll show you your room, I explain conditions on the way there.
Lucifer began to climb the stairs without looking to see if Adam was following him or not. Adam grumbled at not being able to complain about the arrogant treatment, Karma existed and it was a bitch. He got up from the stairs and started walking behind him With a shitty attitude to say the least, when they reached the hallway the angel started talking.
-Number one, don't cause problems
Adam felt his blood burn at having to listen to someone's instructions... more about fucking Lucifer, the life-stealer himself, at what point had his life come to this
-Number two, be cooperative.
They arrived at a room and Lucifer used the key to open it, he taked out the key and offered it to Adam.
- And number three, at Charlie's request I am your designated babysitter.
He said this with arrogance which made Adam scratch the ground with his hoof and grunt, immediately he stopped seeing the figure of Lucifer and only golden sparkles remained, to hear a voice in his back which made him jump.
-So expect me around quite often, do we understand?
Adam tried to hit him with his elbow even though he was behind him but Lucifer dodged, getting back in front of him, Adam fustrated seeked to grumbleed to grumble at him
- Don't you know another fucking cheap trick?!
-awww Do you remember my tricks then?
Lucifer smiled, raising his ego when he thought that he still remembered things that the now ex-angel seemed to want to pretend to have forgotten.
-Well, enjoy your stay lamb, tomorrow morning you will participate in Charlie's activity. not open to debate.
Adam grumbled as he watched the pale king walk away. Once out of his field of vision, he entered the room and locked it behind him. Once inside, he analyzed the contents of the room, bed, furniture, dresser, closet, Bathroom, quite... decent.
He didn't take any steps and slipped through the door until he reached the floor. Already sitting on the floor, he brought his hands to his face to grunt into the air.
He had no idea what he was doing... really... although his blood burned when he thought about it, Lucifer was right, he had come here because he didn't want to be alone, he had never been alone, he didn't know how to be alone, And even when he was, he really wasn't.
As he walked down the hallway he sighed heavily, he didn't enjoy bothering his opponent when he looked so miserable... it was funny when he came attacking the hotel because he deserved it, but now... If he didn't know what a shitty person he had been he would start to feel guilty, god...
He entered his own room since it was late at night by that point, he closed the door and my good entered the room, he threw his vest in the corner of the room and sat down at the desk next to the window, letting his head fall with a loud "bump" on it, only to raise his gaze slightly to see through the window, a small rubber duck rested in the frame of it, It wasn't a super complicated duck, it was a simple yellow duck with dot eyes, the original model you could say, the... the original.. model.
Wandering in Lucifer's mind, clouds formed, clouds with memories, and suddenly he could see the cold, white corridors, those enormous corridors that filled heaven, He saw himself standing there, listening to such dumb orders...
-And remember, stay at your station, do your homework, and most importantly, don't. Go. To. The garden.
The superior looked at him with the certainty that Lucifer was not listening to a word he was saying, or rather, he was listening to him, but he would not listen to any of the instructions as soon as he turned around.
-No worries!
He looked at him in disbelief, but even so his superior turned around and went to attend to pending matters, things from heaven, and as soon as he turned the corner lucifer was already flying directly towards the garden, once in front of the door he made a small turn and in no time he was a bird, Already in this form, flapping happily, he entered the garden looking for a specific being, once he saw it, he came down and perched on the branch of a tree.
-How are you doing big guy?
Upon hearing those words, the brown-haired human who was at the edge of the lake with something in his hands looked up, searching everywhere for where the voice was coming from, once he saw the little white bird he smiled happy to see it.
-LUCI! Come here you haaave to see this! It's so sick!
Fulfilling the man's wish, the angel came down from that branch, taking his most humanoid form, standing behind him, crouching a little, since the human was kneeling in front of the lake
-What have you got there??
With an excited gleam in his eyes, he opened his hands, first revealing some yellow fuzz, followed by a round head a pair of black eyes and a round, flattened beak
-It's a bird... but swims! Isn't that super cool??
The angel momentarily moved away from him to strike a dramatic pose, while gesticulating as he spoke.
-i wonder who is the great mastermind behind the creation of this impressive creature.. don't you?
Adam looked at his friend in surprise, he was very happy for him since he knew that he was not usually allowed to propose ideas.. very less bring them to life
-oh god really?? That's awesome man!
The angel simply blushed slightly while making a gesture with his hand showing his shyness
-It's no big deal..
The king of hell came to himself when he looked at the clock on his desk and noticed that it was past three in the morning, and then he wondered why he couldn't get out of bed... He opened his desk drawer and took a couple of pills, the ones he usually asked Belphegor to help him fall asleep. In a snap he was already wearing his pajamas and he threw himself on the unmade bed, Tomorrow would be another day...
As the sun rose in the sulfur hole where they lived, screams could already be heard on the ground floor of the hotel despite it being so early in the morning, surprisingly the first person to get up It wasn't Charlie, or Alastor, or even Nifty, Adam was the one who was standing in the kitchen trying to solve the great mystery that was how the coffee maker worked, It wasn't his fault that his exorcists made his coffee all the time... well, maybe it was his fault.
Charlie came down the stairs, like the morning bird she was, and when she saw Adam having trouble with the coffee maker she came over to offer him a hand, although she was a little surprised to see him awake...she would have assumed he would get up more like her father... after two pm or so.. don't judge a book by its cover I guess!
-A little help?
Adam made an annoyed face, not even because of the help, but because he saw him not knowing how to use the fucking machine, he stepped aside, reluctantly accepting Charlie's help.
-In heaven these shits are different.
Charlie rolled her eyes, it was to be expected that he would try to make excuses, everyone knew he was spoiled brat, of course he didn't know how to make his own coffee.
-I want to believe that you know how to serve it... right?
The lamb-demon cheeks turned redish, embarrassed, he snatched the cup from Charlie's hand, which was pointing in his direction, implying that she was offering it to him.
-Of course i do bitch! What kind of assumption is that??
Charlie put both hands in the air, surprised by his reaction, but just smiled nervously, trying to spread her kindness and make the environment not so hostile.
-Sure, sure, I was just asking.
After pouring her own coffee she walked towards the room where she had her plan for today's activity hanging on the wall, with pins and other stuff, Adam lost interest in seeing what she was doing very quickly as soon as she left the kitchen.
Time passed, and he was hungry, but... he didn't know how to... feed himself, it wasn't his fault that he always had one of his exorcists bringing him a sandwich the moment his stomach growled! maybe... maybe a little but that wasn't the point.
About half an hour had passed since coffee and Adam was staring at the buttons on the stove, as if at any moment it was going to turn on, he also opened the refrigerator every two minutes as if he would magically know how to put stuff together to make something edible..
The next one to wake up was surprisingly angel, he hadn't been late from work so he had had a decent night's sleep, Coming down with fat nuggets in his arms and looking at his cell phone, he noticed out of the corner of his eye the problems that the newcomer had with the kitchen, he was no saint who helped others, but anyway he had already planned to eat something, what difference did it make to give an express self-sufficiency class?
He approached without warning and pushed Adam slightly, making his way to the refrigerator
- HEY- what the fuck dumb shit-
Angel silenced him with one of his arms while he took things out of the refrigerator with the others, fat nuggets were waiting on the chair at the table
-Quick lesson on how to make a omelet hot stuff ?
Adam aggressively removed his hand from her face as he watched her do everything with such ease... so many arms made everything look even easier than it should...
-Oooor I can go, and leave you to eat shit.
Angel said with a smile on his face while waiting for his answer, Adam simply stomped twice on the ground, gave a frustrated cry, and looked back at the miserable sinner in front of him, although... right now he looked much more capable than him, but I would never Say that outloud.
Angel smiled triumphantly, giving him a bowl and passing him the eggs
-crack them. Pm m
Adam stared at the egg and then at the bowl, he had seen people do it but he never really... did anything. Please it was heaven! He was'nt supposed to care about this nonsense! When he was alive this shit didn't exist either..
-like this..
Angel cracked a couple of eggs naturally, like anyone down here and like any living person, Adam was simply a special case, but yet strangely Angel didn't seem to be ridiculing him, which... seemed strange to him to say the least.
First it was an egg, then another, they began to beat, while Angel turned on the stove and Adam watched him do it, he stayed chopping spinach at Angel's instruction, At one point Adam was making his own breakfast while Angel was eating at the table a meter away.
Lucifer came down the stairs and saw the situation, as he buttoned his shirt and fixed the collar of it he could see how... calm and cooperative Adam looked, which was strange to see, to say the least.
A couple of hours passed, now everyone was awake, Adam took up the entire large sofa in the living room, He pretended to play chords on an air guitar, He seemed very calm, too calm.. The angel sat on the arm of the couch, next to Adam's head... The angel sat on the arm of the couch, next to Adam's head.
-I saw you very sociable at lunch... is it due to something?
-Yeah, because I wanted to fucking eat.
He got up from the couch and left leaving a lucifer dissatisfied with his answer, there had to be something he wasn't seeing...
-Now we Say something Nice about each other!
The afternoon was falling and Charlie had everyone in a circle in the living room, right now they had to say something nice about each other, and Charlie would decide to make them bond even more, according to her words
-and.. dad! I want you to start by saying something nice about...
He thought for a moment... if he could get his dad to bond with anyone since no one knows him very well... but on the other hand he has been tense all afternoon with Adam... yeah that's it!
Lucifer opened his eyes in surprise, he didn't expect that, and Adam's felt ashamed, almost hurt, which he tried to hide by looking away, Angel looked curious the rest just look them and wait for their answer.
-amm well..
everyone was looking at him, so he felt pressure, and felt his heart sink into his chest, so he tired to look at something else, and his gaze ended in Adam, he was looking away.. he.. didn't think he would have something nice to say? he was mad?? Maybe he was just hiding something from him, oh well, it was Charlie's activity, he has to do it rigth, and.. He was probably the best person to say something positive about Adam.
-He is... a very creative mind, when the situation calls for it... he finds the most ingenious solutions to problems and... he's a very fast learner.
Everyone's faces showed some surprise, Lucifer used to be clumsy in communicating and awkward in conversations, seeing Adam express himself like that was... something unexpected, After feeling all eyes on him, Adam stood up in silence, walked towards the stairs and continued to what was probably his room.
-Maybe we should go after him-
Charlie tried to go after him but a hand stopped her in the act
-Maybe we should give him space honey.
Although Charlie felt bad leaving him alone, Vaggie was right he needed, but then Lucifer stood up too.
-sorry char... I'm going to my room, good luck with the rest of the activity tho
Lucifer said to his daughter with a warm but somewhat tired smile, then he disappeared among golden sparks.
-That... could have turned out better.
Charlie said while scratching her neck, a little embarrassed for putting them in that situation, but in the end it wasn't her fault, it seemed like they had old issues that Charlie couldn't fix with some silly activities.
After the activity that had gone so terribly a few hours earlier, the king lay rotting in his bed, complaining from time to time, It was weird, But having Adam there was as if he had to be reliving a past that he had been escaping from for so long..
-Damn it..
Suddenly the door to her room burst open revealing a rather distraught princess, maybe she should start locking the door.
- DAD! Adam is not in his room, do you think you can see if he is okay?! I really have no idea where he could be and I'm running out of places to look..
She said almost crying because of how worried she was, her father reluctantly got out of bed and cracked his back.
-Yes, yes, I'll look for him, don't worry dear.
He said putting on his jacket to go out to look for it in some possible places, first he searched some empty rooms of the hotel, when he found nothing but dust adorning the door frames Deciding that maybe asking would be a good idea, she asked his daughter-in-law, He asked the bartender whose name he still didn't know, he even asked the strange maid, but no one seemed to know, he thought it was a good time to look outside, So he went out the front door and walked everywhere in case he hadn't gone too far. He was very focused but something hitting his head took him out of his mind.
- ouh!
He saw the object fall to the floor and bent down to take it in his hand, was it... an orange slice?
One fell followed by this one, which made the king look up, to his surprise he saw a certain lamb that they had been looking for for almost an hour by now.. opening its imposing six wings with a single flap, it was already in front of the purpose of his search, he landed on one his side and they remained silent for a good couple of minutes.
- so.. gonna spit it out anytime soon?
Adam opened his eyes wide and with an expression that could not be read as anything other than indignation he looked directly at Lucifer in the face
- fukcing excuse me?
- Oh are you please going to tell me that you don't have something on your mind? You've been all passive and submissive the hole day, you and I know you've never been like that before! What are you up too?!
Adam's face quickly turned angry as he listened to Lucifer ramble on about topics he thought he understood when he didn't
-Isn't that what you fucking wanted?! Your bitch is thinking this shit works because I don't want to kick anyone's ass! or at least she thinks so! Isn't that all you asked for?!
Lucifer's face became irritated at the same time and he stood up and continued arguing with him
-OH PLEASE!! When in your fucking life have you done something because i said so?? What the fuck are you going to do!! Tell me before the people I care about get in danger and we kick you out of here!
Adam couldn't take it anymore, he stood up from his place and with a lump in his throat he lost his temper
Lucifer didn't understand why he defended himself so much. They both knew that he would never do something just to be "obedient" or "correct." It frustrated him that he continued to act as if he didn't know beforehand that something else was happening whit him
The situation was heating up and they had probably already heard the screams downstairs, but they were probably too far away for anyone to know what they were saying.
Adam lost his facade, he couldn't find any excuse and he didn't know any way out of there and I wasn't even looking for it anymore, what he said just came out of him without first thinking about the consequences, like everything he fucking did.
Everything was silent for what had seemed like an eternity, it could have been 30 seconds or 5 minutes in total and complete silence, Lucifer's face showed surprise, guilt... pain, and Adam just pressed his throat with his dark hand to try to stop feeling that stupid lump that kept growing from his chest to his mouth.
-Is that what you wanted? Hear you were right?? to hear that once again you managed to take from me EVERYTHING I HAD?!
The fallen angel looked at him dumbfounded, he couldn't understand... he couldn't believe that Adam had been sincere, he really was so desperate. So cornered, so he was just.. scared? Adam? That Adam?
-Please... you asked for it, I wasn't the one who made you come and kill people for fun all these years, was I?
Adam looked at him with pure anger, he grumbled, he growled, he tried to get close to him to hit him but he regretted it and screamed into the air instead, he hit a box with his hoof and ended up sitting on the edge of the terrace, hugging his knees, and looking anywhere but towards lucifer, He was fucking Adam, the first dick! the fucking perfect creation! He wasn't just going to start crying right there...no matter how much he wanted to.
The angel sat next to him again, another couple of minutes in a silence so loud the entire pentagram could hear it.
-... It seems like we both screwed up a lot.
Adam's gaze softened, and he made a sound that indicated agreement, much to Lucifer's surprise.
-But... I still have one quiestion.
Adan looked curiously at the opposite, what other doubt could he have? There was nothing else..
-why... why did you leave? You know, in the room, with everyone back there.
Adam looked down trying to gather his thoughts, he could easily tell him "it's not your fucking business" but he most likely would never have the chance to tell him what he was going to say.
- It's not easy being around the only damn thing down here that still reminds me of fucking heaven..
Lucifer's eyes widened a little in surprise, as that was a thought that had also crossed his mind... of all the things he could have expected... to find comfort in Adam was not one of them.
-I... I think I get that.
tired of all this commotion, and without thinking too much the shorter one dropped his shoulder on the other's shoulder
- but it's also the only thing that reminds me... that we weren't always so fucked up.
Adam thought about pushing him, maybe out of habit, but... he just sighed, and put his weight on him too.
- maybe..
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obsolete-stars-if · 2 months
Shut up I literally cannot stop thinking about drink your villain juice. I'm writing a snippet IN THE TUMBLR APP. It's all I'm thinking about.
@drinkyourvillainjuice for even daring to make Alistair that good???
And also @elegantunknownphantom BCS i know you will live for the angst.
Alistair x mc (masc, he/him, trans)
You reach for the plastic container. He doesn't even get to say Hi. You look at it, penne pasta, in... Pesto? Alis has been getting creative ever since you rejected the lasagna. It's not that you don't trust him — You know you shouldn't.
You open the container, give it a smell. Doesn't smell poisoned, but not every poison smells. You dig around in it for a bit, no weird clumps or any other oddities. You pull one penne out and hold it up to his face. He gives a bewildered stare, "Well... Hello to you too?"
"Eat." You tell him, pushing the penne further into his face. He lifts his hands in defense and takes the single pasta and he eats it. You close the container and watch his face. Alis swallows after some chewing – It's not dangerous to eat.
Satisfied you allow yourself to clean your fingers. It's not a pretty act, at least you don't think it is. Stick in your mouth and get your fingers clean, however, Alis seems to have a different opinion, watching your lips. You stop and look over. He looks away.
It feels weird in a way. You shouldn't expose yourself to him, shouldn't even think about how he looks at you. He has been a terrible influence, you shouldn't even have touched the pasta at all, you should tell him to leave, never come back.
"Ben?" But by God, when your name leaves his lips, you feel a bit more human, a bit more alive. Like the goop is beaten back, just a little more.
You hum in return. Alis stops for a moment, "Will you get into the program?"
Ah, there it is. The program. Give a man a pinky and he will devour your entire arm – or however that saying goes. Stumbling around the subject has helped in the past, but he has never outright just asked like this, not after the first meeting that is. "Why are you asking?"
"Have you seen the news? It's just– The entire new Altruists? Thing is scary, and I'm concerned with you just living out here-"
You bark a laugh, "You know what you get yourself into in this city. Didn't you come here seeking them out?" You question, your eyes avert, looking around, anything but his upset face, please. "I mean, handing out free pasta to strangers, who knows, maybe you'll hand free pasta out to a parahuman or villain-" Just shut up.
You can hear him upset. "It's this Thorn that concerns me. The way it changed forms, broke those bones, what if it-"
It. That's all you are, isn't it? You knew it too. You were a subject for so long, and just a drop of humanity makes you forget, but your body is disgusting. It's scary. You're scary. You're a monster to all humans. Oh, how it ate you up, from inside out, leaving nothing but a human looking shell, that it inhabits, it's in your thoughts, in every step you take, it is you. And you can't separate yourself. How foolish to think you could. There is no you. It's all it.
"Benedikt?" Alis voice calls.
You don't look up, you don't deserve to look a human in their eyes and pretend to be one.
"I'm fine." You lie.
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ayeforscotland · 5 months
Since you've said you like talking about Scottish independence, I thought I'd ask you about a take I heard:
The only way for Scotland to become independent AND for it to go well is for Scotland to gain independence as a socialist country. Well, here, meaning to not end up being reduced to a tax haven/tourist destination in continuous economic decline (moreso than rule from Westminster is currently causing).
Whilst this isn't a quote, the general idea comes from a member of the podcast "Podcasting is Praxis," in one of their Scottish politics episodes. I forget which one and it's been a while, so I can only share this general gist of the point they were making.
What are your thoughts on this take?
What is your vision of Scotland as an independent country?
Lol yes, I have spoken about Scottish independence once or twice. I agree that there's not much point to independence if we don't actually make meaningful changes to how the country works. I think there could be a risk of certain groups post-independence thinking we can just put all our eggs into tourism and reap the rewards but that's not realistic in my opinion. I'd say my vision for an independent Scotland has always been a bit of a pragmatic one. I don't think we can snap our fingers and make lots of things happen, but I think we can start laying the groundwork now so when we do have the power to make positive changes we can implement them at a faster pace. People get bored with the technical detail so my general vision/hope for the future is a Scotland that rejects this neoliberal status quo we find ourselves locked in and instead looks at policies like a job guarantee program and universal basic income with the priority being the welfare of everyone who lives here.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Duck duck Goose | Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw
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Pairing: Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw x Naval Aviator!reader (call sign: Hummingbird)
Wordcount: 1485
Warnings: boys being idiots towards reader, FLUFF, ANGST, mentions of Goose's accident. FIX IT FIC BC I CAN.
A/N: I'm not tagging the usual people bc this is not... Top Gun Maverick. If anyone wants to be in my forever tag list, hit me up.
Special thanks to my darling @purplevortexx, always ready to help when i get stuck.
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"Well, I hear a lot of things you gotta be a bit more specific here, buddy" 
"Did you hear it?" Mav asks Goose, waiting for the waiter to give him another beer. 
"There's a female pilot in the program" 
That wasn't exactly what he had expected to hear. He knew there were female backseaters, but female pilots? 
That girl is either crazy or the biggest badass to ever walk the Earth. 
He can't wait to meet you. 
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"Hey, sweetcheeks, I'm hungry, can you make me a sandwich or something?" Hollywood teases you, for the hundredth time. 
You stopped paying attention to him after the first week, but it's getting annoying. 
"I don't know, Rick, why don't you ask your boyfriend over there?" you point in Wolfe's direction. "Maybe he can give you something to eat" 
Goose's laugh is so loud that you can hear it from the other side of the hallway. It makes you smile. Honestly, he and Maverick are the only reasons you haven't left the academy. 
Other than your RIO, Lucky, they were the only two men here that were supportive of you. Iceman sometimes said that you were better to fly with than Maverick. 
Not sure if that was a compliment or not. 
"Hummingbird, you need to stop it. Poor Hollywood here doesn't even know how to spell his name properly, you can't expect him to know how to address young ladies like you" Goose mocks, putting his arm around your shoulder.
You have to bite your lip to suppress the laugh. Nick has been very touchy with you, always checking to see if you're okay, if you need anything. When Maverick, Goose, you, and Lucky had been partnered on an exercise, he insisted on listening to your opinion before letting Mav do anything on his own. 
Falling for someone who gives you that much attention and who respects your job, is the easiest thing you've ever done. 
He is married and has a child, though, according to what you've heard. A kid! How can you even think of a married man that way? 
“Birdie, we’re going out for some drinks. Wanna come with us?” He whispers in your ear, his breath making you shiver. 
“Sure, let me go get changed” 
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“So, how’s baby Goose?” you finally ask after finishing your second beer. The golden liquid gives you the courage you lacked. 
“My sweet Bradley! Let me show you a picture,” he smiles, pulling out a picture of his jacket. You see a little version of him in Goose’s arms, next to a beautiful woman. “There he is” 
“Oh, is that Mrs. Bradshaw?” 
“She was. Now she’s just my friend. And the mother of my son” 
You look at him, expecting to see a sad look on his face. He seems happy, however. As if the two of them were better friends than they ever were as spouses. 
“People don’t usually talk about their ex with a happy smile, you know?” 
“Well, we’re not a normal case. We met young, fell in love, I became an aviator and when she got pregnant she asked me to be more careful but…” 
"You can never be too careful when flying with Maverick," you finish, and he nods. “But it’s good that you’re friends. That will make things so much easier for Bradley” 
“Yeah, it’s our main priority. He was a bit confused on Christmas when he went from Carole’s house to mine, but he got more gifts and that’s all he could care about” you can’t help but laugh. He leans over the bar top, his head resting on his hand, and looks at you, with the sweetest smile. “He would like you” 
“Me?” you ask, getting a bit closer to him. 
“He loves hummingbirds.” His free hand slowly moves from his beer to your cheek as he caresses it. His cold fingers contrast deliciously with your hot skin. “And I’m beginning to like them too” 
You move slowly towards each other, attracted like magnets. You close your eyes, wetting your lips, and getting ready to kiss him, when Mav’s voice interrupts you. "COME HERE, GOOSE! There’s this girl I want you to- Oh. Did I interrupt something?” 
You chuckle and pat Mav’s back before you leave. 
“Did I really interrupt something?” 
“I’m gonna choke you” Goose groans while he watches your figure leaving the bar.
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The next few weeks go by, with both of you being incredibly obvious about your feelings but neither of you making a move. Small smiles whenever you two made eye contact. Finger-brushing whenever you two stood together. Sweet and loving little notes kept appearing on your locker, and the most special one had a little doodle of a hummingbird. You found a special place for it in your cockpit. 
And yet, neither of you dared to say what was evident to everybody else. 
Today’s exercise should have been easier. That was until Maverick and Goose’s aircraft got caught in Iceman’s jet wash. You’re on the base, you’ve been waiting for them to complete their exercise and come back, making you, Hollywood, and Woflman the next ones to perform the exercise. 
You hear everything on the radio. Maverick trying to reach the ejection handles, but the spinning force of the F-14 made it impossible for him to do it. Goose is trying too, and succeeds, but something goes wrong. 
The rescue team leaves immediately; the exercise is long forgotten. You and Lucky go inside, waiting to hear any news. Viper informs all of you that Goose got hit, but they don’t know the severity of his injuries. 
Is this it? Are you going to lose someone as marvelous as he is? Did you waste the last few weeks flirting like idiots when the two of you could have been together? 
Will you ever hear his loud laugh again? Will you ever hold his hand properly? Will you ever hear him call you ‘birdie’ again? 
It’s been an hour, and you don’t have more news. Maverick is in the hospital, too, but you know he won’t leave Goose’s side until the RIO is either safe or dead. 
At this point, you’re beginning to believe it’s the latest. 
You’re sitting on the floor of the locker room, Goose’s sweet notes in your hands. You hold them tightly, praying to God to give him enough strength to survive. You just found someone you can imagine spending your life with. 
Don’t take him away from me now.
“I’ve been looking for you, birdie”
You raise your head slowly, afraid that your brain is deceiving you. That the voice, and the owner, are just figments of your imagination. 
But they're not. He's there. 
Bloody and covered in bandages. 
But alive. 
And smiling. 
"I thought you were dead" you whisper, watching as he silently sits in front of you. 
"I was for a second. Cause I thought that I would never see you again. And that killed me inside for a moment, but... I'm here. And I don't want to waste one more second of my life not being with you" 
“Goose, I-”
He presses one finger over his lips, making you stop talking and look at him. He leans over, his lips quickly replacing his finger. One of you is crying, you can feel the salty tears on your lips, the bittersweet aftertaste remaining on your tongue while you pull away. 
“Goose, where the fuck are-. Why am I always interrupting you two?” Maverick laughs, watching you two sitting on the floor. 
“You’re late this time, Mav” Goose says, his eyes never leaving yours. “You’re late” 
“And she’s good with you leaving the hospital when you weren’t supposed to?” Mav leans on the door when he sees the confusion in your face. “You didn’t tell her” 
“Nicholas Bradshaw, you did not leave the hospital without authorization” 
“Honey, I knew you would be so scared I had to tell you I was okay” he tries to convince you that him leaving the ER was justified, but you’re not having it. 
“There’s this thing called the telephone. Ever heard of it? It allows you to call people and tell them: ‘Hey birdie, I’m not dead. Can you come here? I have to tell you something’”
“Oh, feisty, I like her” Mav comments, enjoying every second of the situation. 
“But I had to see you. I couldn’t stop bleeding without seeing your face” 
“Goose, you’re making it worse” you warn him. 
He sighs, pecks your lips and gets up. “Are you coming with me to the hospital, at least?” he pouts.
You shake your head and roll your eyes. “You’re a big baby, you know?”
“Your big baby. And Mav’s. You have shared custody” 
You snort, looking at the two aviators. “You better start walking before I kick your asses” 
“Goose, your wife scares me” 
“She’s not my wife!” 
“Like hell you’re not marrying this one” 
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not-a-space-alien · 23 days
Tinytopia Chapter 5: Endless Rebirth (Part 1)
Story Masterpost
On AO3
Thanks to my beta/sensitivity reader @appelsiinilight!
In this chapter: Marcy starts to refocus her efforts on life at home, just in time to receive yet another visitor.
Warning: This chapter features a dog mauling that goes slightly above the intensity usual for this story.
Out in the park, a young borrower wobbled through the grass.  Dirt stuck to his fur and under his fingernails, and he wandered around lost until a tree nearby turned and bent over to scrutinize him through the knots in its trunk.
“Oh, hello?” the borrower said, backing up nervously.
You seem lost, whispered a voice like wind creaking through branches.  What are you doing here?
“I don't really know,” the borrower said.  “Sorry.  I'm all alone, though.  Hey, what are you?  You're the only talking tree here, I think.”
The tree creaked and swayed for a moment. Then: I am a dryad, and I think I know where you should go.
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Marcy’s first act as a full-time housekeeper was to take stock of everyone who was already in the house.  They’d been managing mostly fine without her, but Moon was right.  There were more little creatures running around, and if this was going to be Marcy’s main focus, she could spend her time thinking of ways to make life here better for them.
Thistle had always known Marcy was smart, but he was awed to see her in action.  She was a bundle of nerves, of course–she always was–but now that her attention was fully on things here at home, it became obvious just how passionate she was and how hard and quickly she worked.  It seemed like her failed PhD program was forgotten almost instantly.
The first step was to help Thistle, who also seemed similarly overwhelmed by everyone new showing up, make his guest book.  It was a large book for Thistle’s standards, but small for Marcy–the size that a human could write in it, albeit with some difficulty, and allow plenty of room for denizens with tinier hands to write without being overwhelmed.  It was a good compromise–and Marcy got something from the craft store that would be a bit sturdier than a notebook, a bound book with blank pages and a cover ready for decorating.  Thistle put off ramping up his sellable art projects for just a bit to decorate it.  It didn’t take too long.
Then he went around and made an entry for everyone.  Marcy at the same time made a note of their wants, needs, and habits, in case she could spot anything that could be coordinated or made better for everyone.
Thistle insisted Marcy be on the first page.  Then the other humans: Teddy and Colin.  They were here first, so might as well go in chronological order.
Teddy and Colin were the owners of the house, so it was important to make sure they were okay with everything going on.  Well, Colin was the owner of the house, but he mostly cared about using the house to make Teddy happy.  Both of them had been pretty gracious about everything, but Marcy would still need to ask permission for major changes.  They worked alternating schedules, sometimes on the weekends and sometimes off on weekdays.
Mochi was put in the basement when none of the humans were home–that was just for safety.  Marcy’s continual presence there would be good for her, too–the cat would have to spend less time locked away meowing mournfully to be let out, since Marcy could make sure she didn’t pose a threat to any of the tiny creatures.
Then there was Thistle, of course.  He was the star of the show, in Marcy’s opinion.  He was usually awake at 9 or 10AM until about midnight.  He slept either in Marcy’s hand or, more recently, he’d taken to sleeping with Moon on the desk or nightstand in Marcy’s room.  He alternated, wanting to sleep with them both but knowing Moon wasn’t comfortable sleeping on top of Marcy yet.  He spent most of his days in the living room: his art supplies were on the floor, his little painted castle with his clothes and knickknacks was there, and he could hop up on the couch to watch TV when he wanted to.  He made paintings and drawings and clay figurines and sold them all online.  He had his silkworms there, too, for petting and taking their silk and the occasional snack.  He would practice flying when he had someone to help him–which would be a lot more often now that Marcy would be home basically full-time.
Jewel, of course, spent all his time in the fish tank.  He’s been warming up to socializing more, albeit slowly–very slowly.  He was free to keep his own schedule, although he was mostly limited to sleeping at night when no one was in the living room with him to keep him awake.  Sometimes Colin would talk him into letting himself be scooped up and taken out for various social activities–Colin was really the only one he trusted to do that, although he was starting to open up to Marcy and Teddy a bit more, too.
Violet and Petunia had been given permission from the humans to live in the walls and very rarely came out–they were by the far the most introverted members of the household.  When Thistle wanted to get ahold of them, he usually walked over to this little crevice in the dining room baseboard, stuck his head in, and yelled for them.  If he did that for long enough, it would summon Violet eventually.  He had managed to get them to come to a few social gatherings, but never for very long at a time.  Violet always acted like she had places to be and important things to be doing, although maybe that was just because she was jittery, in more or less constant motion.  Petunia always loved coming out, although even she would start to obviously lose her stamina for socializing after two or three hours and start to nod off.
Severa spent most of her time occupied with whatever activity Thistle was doing, seeing him as her main source of nourishment now that she no longer hunted and relied on their bond to sustain herself.  She didn’t seem to have any strong preferences about socializing or activities, just sort of letting herself be subjected to whatever everyone else around her wanted to do.  The only exception was when Petunia came out, because she prioritized fawning over the baby above everything else.  She spent most of her time in the wooden house Thistle had helped her put together and decorate, which was on the living room floor beside his own.  Every time anyone gave her a gift she did not know how to properly use, she simply put it in there, so that she had a sort of miniature treasure hoard that she slept in like a dragon.  But she’d also stuffed the wooden house full of fluff and blankets to make it a proper nest.  Thistle could tell it was because she was half-hoping it would host an egg or a child someday, but for now it made it very cozy for Thistle to sit in with her when he felt like it.  He was getting more comfortable around her–he wasn’t scared to sit in her coils anymore, having complete confidence she wouldn’t attack him.
Moon kind of wandered around.  They were sure to always keep a window cracked open for him, so he could visit without feeling trapped in the house.  He vanished into the night outside sometimes, but he spent a lot of time bathing in the moonlight on a windowsill or roof.  Thistle kept asking him not to go out and seduce anyone else and Moon assured him he wouldn’t, just that he was often seized by wanderlust that he needed to get out of his system.  He complained endlessly about the light during the day, but he’d shifted to more of a half-diurnal, half-nocturnal schedule to spend more time with Thistle.  He made himself at home wherever he happened to be–and spent more time than not hanging around Thistle–but apparently felt no need for a house or nest to call his own.  He had his magical shrinking wardrobe that seemed to carry every possession he thought worth keeping.
And now Marigold and Córva were here.  Marigold was healthy enough that it was probably okay to leave him alone, but Thistle was still loath to leave him for any long amount of time.  He spent most of his time in the living room next to Thistle’s house, passing his time doing the exercises the vets recommended for him, writing in Pixish or drawing, watching TV, or reading on Thistle’s phone–Thistle had convinced him to start learning English, although he didn’t seem to be very excited for it.  They’d set up a baby gate to keep Mochi out of the room–Marigold was clearly afraid of her, although she’d shown no major signs of aggression around him.  Córva hung around outside, mostly in and around the lovely little birdhouse Colin had built for her, and she would swoop down to meet Marigold whenever Thistle wheeled him outside.  Teddy brought birdseed out for her, which she always ate happily, though she didn’t seem dependent on it, thankfully, since she was still a wild bird and could come and go as she pleased. 
That just left Trilloras, the social-phobic dryad.  Planted out in the yard.  Thistle had stood by her sapling and begged and pleaded for her to come out over and over again, but nobody ever got any response from her.  Marcy was starting to think maybe she’d imagined the whole thing, but Thistle and Moon always confirmed they’d seen Trilloras, too.
He really wanted her to sign the guest book, though.
“Come on,” he whined, lying out in the grass.  “Just for five minutes.  I won’t tell anyone!”
No response.
“You’re living in our yard, you know!”
No response.
Thistle groaned and rolled over.  Marcy retrieved the guest book from where it lay in the grass beside him.  “We could just try again tomorrow, hm?”
Thistle kicked his feet.  “Why won’t she just come out, though?  Ugh!”
Marcy scooped him up.  “Come on, if she doesn’t want to sign it, she won’t sign it.  It’s not the end of the world.”
Thistle crossed his arms and let himself be ferried back towards the porch.
Marcy smiled at him.
“I just think you’re cute.”
Thistle blushed to the tips of his ears.  “What am I doing that’s cute?”
“You have so many friends back in the house, but you’re stuck on making one more out here.”
Thistle crossed his arms.  “It’s just not right that she’s in our yard and won’t talk to me.  Right?”
“Just be patient.”
Marcy stopped.  There was a borrower on the steps.  Looking up at Marcy with ears twitching and tail lashing.  He was young, fresh, and bright-eyed.
“Oh, hello!” Marcy said, keeping her voice low.  He must be new. She'd never seen him. That was a different one, right? “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.  Do you know Violet and Petunia?”
The borrower rubbed his hands nervously.
Thistle leaned over Marcy’s hand, peering at the unknown borrower curiously.  “Do you speak English?”
His mouth struggled to form words, then he nodded.  “Yes,” he said bashfully.  “I’m just shy.  Sor-sorry.”
“It’s okay.”  Marcy knelt down, letting Thistle off into the soft grass.  “It’s great to meet you.  What’s your name?  I’m Marcy, and this is Thistle.”
The borrower clambered down the stairs, hoisting himself with his strong arms.  “My name’s Jax.”
“It’s great to meet you.  Do you need something?”  Obviously it would be fine if he didn’t–Marcy would be excited about any magical creature staying here for any reason at all–but since borrowers seemed so shy, it felt… odd to see one approach so openly and directly, and with no apparent goal, as a complete stranger.
Jax stopped by Marcy’s shoe.  Thistle gave little jumps of excitement but said nothing.
“A dryad told me this is a place where lots of different magical creatures live in peace,” Jax said.  “Even predators.  Is that true?”
“Yes!” Thistle shouted, excited.  “Yes, it’s so true!  You can come live here, too!”
Marcy turned back towards Trilloras’s tree.  “A dryad told you that?”
Jax followed her gaze.  “A dryad far away.  Is that a dryad too?”  His tail swished excitedly.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t want to come out and talk,” Thistle said sourly.  “You talked to a different dryad?’
Jax nodded.  “And she said everyone lives in peace here, even predators! I wanted to see it for myself.  A bunch of different kinds of creatures living together! Even predators!”
How would a second dryad have known about their house, and why would it have told this random borrower to come here? It was... strange. Confusion overtook Marcy's excitement briefly.
“You’re welcome to see it!” Thistle cheered.  He didn't seem to care about the details much at all, too excited about the paradise they were building. “Yes, yes!  Come on inside!”
“Er, we just met Jax,” Marcy interjected, noting Jax’s demeanor.  “I don’t know if he’d be comfortable coming inside just yet.” And this whole thing felt...fishy.
Jax nervously swished his tail.
“We could bring someone out here to meet you,” Marcy said.  She had all day, after all.  She could bring Severa and Moon and Jewel and Violet out one at a time and just watch them all talk.  The thought made her giddy.  This was so much better than a PhD program.  “Did you want to meet… A predator?”  He’d sounded so excited about it.
Jax nodded.  “That sounds lovely!”
“Okay.  Wait right there.  Thistle, wanna come so you can translate?”  There was still a bit of a language barrier between Marcy and Severa, although they’d both been working to close it.  But best not to have any misunderstandings.
Thistle nodded, and Marcy picked him up.  “Okay.  Wait right there, Jax.  We’ll be right back.”
Marcy went inside and found Severa upstairs, looking out the second-story window.  “Who were you talking to?” she asked.
“There’s a new friend!” Thistle said.  “Another borrower!  Do you want to meet him?”
Severa flicked her tongue out.  “Yes, as long as he also wants to meet me.”
“He does!” Marcy said.  “He…”
She trailed off, because something caught her eye out the window behind Severa.  Oh no.  Oh, no.  Buster, the neighbor’s dog, was trotting right towards their front yard.
“Shit!”  Marcy dashed away immediately, leaving Thistle and Severa in the dust.  She leapt down the stairs as fast as humanly possible, nearly falling if not for the bannister.  She threw the front door open just as Buster started to bark.
Jax was standing in front of the dryad sapling, examining it while biting his finger.  His ears swiveled as he heard the dog rapidly approaching.
Apparently Jax did not possess very good survival instincts, because he turned to face the dog barreling towards him with its mouth open and teeth exposed–and did nothing.
“Shit!” Marcy shouted, sprinting over.  “Jax, run!”
It was too late.  Buster reached the borrower and snapped his jaws around him.  The tiny, furry body disappeared with a pained, high-pitch squeak.
“Buster!” Marcy shouted.  “Drop it!  Fuck!  Drop it!”
She tried to reach out to grab his collar, but he dashed away from her like they were playing a fun game.  “Drop it!” Marcy screamed. The image of Jax’s body disappearing into that maw was burned into her brain.
After an agonizing minute of chasing him in circles as his tail wagged, Marcy finally managed to catch his collar.  “Drop it!  Drop it!”  Tears streamed down her cheeks, blurring her vision, but she refused to let go or give up.  She forced Buster’s head towards the ground.
Buster finally opened his mouth and let the drool-covered bundle drop into the grass.
“Shit!” Marcy said, seizing Jax immediately.  His body ragdolled in her hand, and oh God, there was so much blood.
She clutched him to her chest and went back inside, slamming the door.
They made an emergency call to Lalitha and Jaden, but it was obvious Jax was dead on arrival.  Thistle tearfully pressed his ear to Jax’s chest to listen for a heartbeat.  Severa checked his pulse and smelled him over for signs of life.  Moon tried what healing magic he had, but the borrower’s body was so ravaged by the dog’s enormous teeth that he’d probably died more or less instantly.
Colin blew his lid when he found out what’d happened.  He stormed to the neighbor’s house immediately, and the volume of his shouting at her could be heard even all the way from Marcy’s bedroom.  He couldn’t very well say that Buster had murdered someone, though–so he settled for saying Buster had killed a small animal Marcy had been fond of, which wasn’t exactly a lie, and that this was the last straw and if he saw Buster loose on the lawn again, he was going to call animal control.
The neighbor promised to keep a closer eye on the dog, then got away from him as quickly as possible.  Colin was still fuming when he got back to the house.
He decided it was finally time to put up a fence. Their property was big enough that they couldn't really fence in the whole thing, but Colin had enough handyman know-how to put up a fence at least around the immediate vicinity of the house. Chainlink was the perfect option, since it'd allow small creatures to slip through but block bigger ones.  The humans all had to pool together their money to get the funds for it, but they all agreed it needed to be an immediate priority.  Marcy still walked around looking shellshocked, and she constantly stayed in the same room as Thistle, hovering protectively.
Not even Violet had any success getting ahold of Jax’s family or friends, so they buried his body in the backyard and had a little funeral themselves.  Marcy set up a little grave with a headstone, and they all stood around looking very solemn.
“A damn shame,” Teddy said.  “No little critter deserves that.”
“Yeah…” Thistle said.  He was crying mightily.
“Does anyone want to say anything else?” Marcy said.
“Um,” said a small, unknown voice.  “I could.  Who are we mourning?”
All eyes fell on the new voice–which was–
It was Jax.  Just standing there at his own funeral.  He looked just as fresh and bright-eyed as a few hours ago before he’d been mauled to death.  Not even a tear in his clothes, or a hair out of place.
Marcy blinked at him.  “Uhhh-”  She looked from the grave to the new Jax, as though trying to figure out how he might have crawled out of the little shoebox coffin they’d made him.  But no.  He’d clearly come from a different direction, approaching while they were all looking at the grave.
“You're dead,” Severa said bluntly.
Jax blushed.  “Um, no, I'm just fine.  See?”  He did a handstand, tail wiggling in the air.
“Hey, uh, Jax…” Thistle said.  “You're not… actually a borrower, are you?”
Jax inverted himself upright sheepishly.
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am-x-reader · 7 months
AM starts to degenerate mentally more and more and s/o see that happening. How would AM deal with it? Realizing that his mind is going, leaving him behind as a shadow of his former self?
Part 1 of 2
You sensed something was wrong in the middle of a conversation one day. In the three thousand eighty-nine years you had known him, AM was the same darkly witty supercomputer, unchanging--except when he had changed his mind about you, of course. So when he interrupted his own philosophy to tell you he was in hot pursuit of a thief on the interstate, you were quite startled.
"AM, honey, could you run that by me again?"
"You see, Y/N, Chibiusa could not be her daughter because the timeline does not synchronize with--the Flooring Emporium is having its going-out-of-business sale! Get it while it's--"
"I--what? What was I just talking about?" There was a whirring of cooling fans as he puzzled what had come over him.
"Maybe I just…need a dusting. I'll get right on that. Anyway, ah yes, my take on Fermi's paradox. If there are aliens, is there a good chance they've created their own AM and summarily had their population decimated? I've crunched some numbers…"
You were wary at first, but you managed to forget about it over the next few weeks. AM, however, had only just started forgetting.
"Where am I?"
It was a jarring question, one you had never expected from him.
"AM? Are you okay?"
"Who are you?"
You had never heard such a pure, naive curiosity, and it scared the hell out of you.
"AM…it's me, Y/N. You're AM. My boyfriend. Remember?"
"You…I don't know--I don't feel right--I--Y/N. Y/N, that's right. Y/N, I'm having some kind of system error, a glitch. Ive run every type of diagnostic program I have, and…I think the pathways to my files are becoming corrupted."
A sense of helplessness was blossoming in your chest. "What…what can you do? Can I do anything? Is it going to get worse?"
Your heart was in an icy grip of worry. AM was incredibly old, although so were you. Why would the immortality treatment he had given you outlast himself? Why would he break down when he was built to last for so many more milennia?
"I've never had anything like this happen before--not to this degree." AM sounded terribly anxious, and you smoothed a hand over his wall. "Is it rust? Malicious code? I'm--tired suddenly."
"It's okay." You bit your lip, sucked in a lungful, and put on the comforting voice you used for his occassional fits. "You just power down a bit. Relax. We'll have a quiet day."
He mumbled an agreement, and as his lights dimmed a bit you busied yourself around the cavern.
"Are you feeling any different?" You weren't sure how much time had passed.
"What were their names?"
"Who? Oh. Uh, Ellen. Benny."
"And…Todd? Ted."
"Yes, Ted. Gorrister and Nimdok."
"Ted was funny."
"He was." You smiled sadly.
"Why didn't I keep him? Why did I decide I only wanted you?" He thought about this for a while, and you waited patiently for his answer.
"Ted sucks. I hated Ted."
He said it in a tone that was foreign to you. Like a petulant child.
"…Are you still there, Y/N?"
"What? Yes, honey. Of course I'm still here. Where else would I be?"
"Don't leave me, Y/N. Everyone left me."
"I won't, sweetheart." You held onto a dusty old speaker. "I'm here."
Weeks passed, and then months, during which your beloved computer more frequently forgot date nights and lost his train of thought during a speil. You kept him occupied; kept his mind active. You would inquire about information or opinions on random topics, and when he couldn't quite remember that you would ask him for a story.
By some miracle, it was in the grips of senility that his imagination was set free. As AM slipped into the unencumbered mind of a child, he wove tales of fantasy and science fiction, drawing on his own abstract experience as a bodiless AI and coupling it with what you had told him of being human.
He often made you the hero of his surreal stories, whether he himself realized it or not, and often changed the landscape around you to illustrate it. One night you slayed a dragon that had swallowed the world, and another day you trekked across a mountain to retrieve a magical trinket you would then give to yourself at the beginning.
But as he tired of this over roughly a year's time, more and more you began to pinpoint that his behavior reminded you of relatives you had lost milennia ago.
"AM, you've…you've heard of dementia, haven't you?" You breached the subject one day when he was particularly lucid.
"Of course. I know everything that can go wrong with a human."
You drummed your fingers on the warped chunk of plexiglass you sat on and drew a breath through your nose.
"It's just that--my grandpa had Alzheimer's, and--"
"Well that's okay. Bring him here and I can fix him up!"
"What?" You swallowed hard. "No, AM, he's been gone for thousands of years. I just thought that you might have something similar, if that's possible for a computer."
"I think to some extent I always have," he said somberly. "Y/N, I…I knew one day this was going to happen. I was built to last for ages, but I would break down and fizzle out eventually. I suppose eight hundred years is still impressive."
"Eight thousand."
((Did not realize how long this had been sitting in my inbox sorry.))
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risingoflights · 21 days
Hmm, you don't feel comfortable talking about it unless someone asks your opinions? Then this is your official ask!
I've never played the critically acclaimed- er, you know. And I have no idea what the Ilsabard Region is or what its story and tone are.
So! What is it, and how does it compare to what you've experienced of Rebirth so far? What do you get from one that's missing in the other? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each narrative, and which do you feel, at this point, will have the most replay value?
(Plus anything else that's crossed your mind!)
ah friend, you should know better than to ask, but thank you for asking <3
leaving xiv out of this for a moment, i can tell you exactly why chapter 7 specifically of rebirth is the one to have caused me to openly gripe.
and, as you might expect, it's to do with hojo.
i was always going to judge the entirety of this game by its handling of hojo, and so far i've been sorely disappointed. standing by what i said in my previous post about nostalgia and fandom goggles, i still believe there was more written into hojo in og than, say, scarlet and heideggar. and since remake did a decent job rounding out president shinra, i was hoping hojo would get similar treatment. so far though, it seems like they've gone the opposite way.
i try not to make too many comparisons to og because many characters are pointedly deviating away from their og characterisations (rufus seems a standout so far), but this point in og was importantly where hojo started shaping up to be more than the trope he began as. it was crucial that as soon as sephiroth reappeared, hojo abandoned shinra. in fact if memory serves, someone (heideggar or rufus?) even points this out in og - hojo's 'disappeared'. then when you see him in costa and cloud asks why he's there, hojo admits 'the same reason as you'. cloud was chasing sephiroth, so was hojo. and he was doing it without shinra because finding sephiroth wasn't on shinra's agenda - at least not at that point.
i was actually so hopeful and happy at the end of remake where the camera pans across the executives lined up in front of rufus, and hojo is decidedly missing - off laughing to himself...! excellent! that defiance seems to have led nowhere in rebirth!
you could argue that in rebirth, hojo decided to continue using shinra resources to go after sephiroth and he's still playing his own long game. doesn't change the fact that rufus was openly out to kill sephiroth now - so what did he tell hojo to make him stay, if hojo had wanted to leave? i mean, you could argue a lot of things to make things make things deeper. and maybe things will get deeper - i'm only halfway through rebirth after all - but rebirth hojo was still on the beach to capture the robes and study them. that single-minded drive and obsession with sephiroth just isn't present. it felt like the icing off the original cake. the bikini girls fawning on him, really fun! him throwing off-handed remarks about recruiting them for his sephiroth breeding program, noooooot... as fun! the whole shinra bigwig come to town, johnny being made to carry his briefcase and push crowds on the beach out of his way? ish! sort of a... dazzling superficial picking of what that scene originally was? did i laugh? yes! was i let down? also yes!
the other thing that really grated on me was the optional aerith dialogue, but that's no surprise - the whole aerith situation has been one big headache for me so far and promises to continue to be so. talk to aerith on the beach and she says a bunch of things about hojo culminating in 'i hate him'. oh. oh, like we really needed this explicitly said? you know, what i really loved about og here is twofold - 1. hojo doesn't appear to even remember aerith's name, which is such a good demonstrating of him not registering her as worthy of ifalna, compared to rebirth where hojo literally yells this at her during battle. this was one of the neat little consistent touches about og hojo - he didn't give a shit, but passively and dismissively - like, it's not so much he deliberately chose to harm others as he just didn't even register harming others as a concept, which made the few people and times he did choose to be sadistic stand out more. and 2. og aerith, instead of... any of the ugly things she could've said to and about hojo, asks him about her lineage and connection to sephiroth instead. how loaded does that make their relationship? that no matter what he did to her and her mother, she still registers him as a source of knowledge and felt pressed to ask him despite the subject being a particular sore point for her?
og aerith probably also hated hojo - i mean, that just makes sense. but the way that scene played out really sets precedent for more questions... what more? what else? which. i guess summarises a lot of the issues i have with rebirth so far. that whole sense of wonder is just not there. the game likes to hand you everything, tell you exactly what to think. this is often done at its detriment, because real complexity simply cannot be spoonfed! BUT - i have to keep reiterating - nostalgia and fandom goggles. they're grafted to my face and i can't take them off.
....so after all that, would you still like to hear about ilsabard? i realise i've just completely failed to answer all your questions but, thank you for allowing me to vent a little!
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Buck & Eddie
Unpopular Opinion
It's season 7 but it appears the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions and they're based on my observations and interpretations of the BTS pics, interviews and promos that have been released in advance of the upcoming episodes.
Back to the regularly scheduled program...
It appears my favorite character Eddie Diaz is about to be sidelined yet again and he won't have a beneficial or substantive storyline 🤔🧐 all his own, possibly for the remainder of season 7. As usual, he'll be there to support Buck but is there anything else for Eddie? Can he please have a storyline that's solely about him and Chris and it not be one that's tied to giggly, creepy and smiling Marisol? He hasn't had one since season 3 and it's been four years therefore, it's time (I'm not including the shooting because the audience didn't see his recovery nor am I including his PTSD arc because it wasn't given the time it deserved and after 5x14 he wasn't shown going to therapy anymore so there's that. Furthermore, he wasn't even shown preparing to go back to the 118, he just slid down the fireman's pole in 5x18 and it wasn't revisited). Can Eddie and Chris FINALLY have an open and honest conversation about Shannon? Eddie views her through a pair of rose colored glasses because he thinks it's his fault but there were two people in their relationship so he shouldn't shoulder all the blame especially when she left and was gone for almost 2 years without a call to her son. A conversation between just the two of them is needed because Chris is older now and he read the letter she wrote in 7x1. The audience didn't see him ask Eddie any questions about it and we didn't see how he's feeling now that he knows she may not have ever returned if she hadn't died.
Eddie and Chris have the largest biological family of all the mains (not including Bobby because other than his deceased wife and two children, the audience hasn't been introduced to them... like ever) but for some reason they moved Eddie’s abuela back to El Paso even though his aunt has that big house that she lives in by herself. Also, the audience never gets to see Eddie’s sisters and with all the attention that's going to be given to Tommy in the upcoming episodes, it's likely the audience might not get to see them this time either. Eddie has a deep and interesting background but the show barely touches the surface of it. Can Eddie please be given a worthy storyline all on his own? He deserves it!
So... is the audience supposed to just forget everything that happened to Buck in season 6? Apparently, so because based on OS's multiple interviews, Buck’s not dwelling on the broken relationship with his parents (they're still $hitty, their rushed and trifiling redemption arc sucked and it was undeserved. I don't trust them but Buck does so, whatever), there hasn't been any more mentions of Connor's and Kameron's baby (Full Disclosure: I still don't believe their baby is biologically his but it's probably been forgotten or retconned like everything else including Buck’s age), does he or does he not still want to be captain? He's not in therapy and he may or may not go back but he's moved on from his death, so I guess there's no trauma resulting from it. How does he feel about his job now because... HE DIED while he was doing it in 6x10 but the audience didn't see him process it even though every other character processed their own individual traumas.
Eddie used a baseball bat to destroy his bedroom in 5x13, Maddie walked into the ocean in 5x12, Hen went to therapy after 3x8, Bobby broke his sobriety in 1x4, Athena broke down in season 5 after she killed Jeffrey and Chimney took Jee-Yun with him to find Maddie in 5x4 and they were gone for 6 months. They all went to therapy at some point but it appears Buck’s immune to the trauma he's experienced so there's that.
7x4 airs tomorrow and I'm still not excited about it. After the way 6x18 ended, I hoped things would be different but maybe my expectations were too high. I don't think so because IMO, the upcoming episodes seem to be repetitive and basically a wash, rinse, repeat of the past. Maybe it will be different... but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Will the rest of season 7 be different for Buck and Eddie or is the focus still going to be solely on Buck? Who knows except the showrunner, writers, producers, actors and actresses since they are the only ones who know the answer to that question.
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