#but no acc to them 6 months is too long bc what if you say no then and you have to start a 6 month thing with another person all over again
g-xix · 2 months
oh my days did u hear about wilbur soot literally physically abusing shelby
For the girlies that don't know: I was a minecraft girlie in 2021.
And Wilbur Soot was a big part of that MC phase. He was undeniably hot, but he was also quite open ab mental health stuffs + created quite a safe space for minorities whether that be the gay community, mental health talking space... That's all from the top of my head. In short - he's hot and an empath and ppl liked that ab him
He also kinda showed his "quirky loco character" in music vids or just in streams.
Kinda ironic he's now fulfilling the role that character he mockingly made, tho.
What did he do? Well, he was in a relationship w Shelby Shubble and his way of showing "affection" would be to bite her. Kinda understand biting as a way of showing love as long as it's not life threatening, painful, or in aggression... I mean, ChrisMD does that shit all the time to ArthurTV n it seems more endearing than to really do any bads.
Thing is, Wilbur would end up hurting Shelby. Aaaand so Wil said 'hey let's make a safeword for u 2 say when it hurts so that ik and can stop so i don't harm u'.... but when Shelby used that safeword, broski wuld either grind down or go a lil bit harder b4 letting go.
And Shelby's described it as she would oftentimes scream/yell bc it was so hard, and he'd 'smile' afterwards which is mad psycho (term used loosely) imo. Because also, he'd do ts in public??? Yk, with his friendship group around him n Shelby, the lovely jovely couple? Straight out weird negl.
So, there's context.
Lots of varying opinions online which i would soooo love to get into...
BUT DISCLAIMER BEFORE I DO: Realistically, this is abuse, and thus it is a crime. I've talked about this on my page before - cancel culture can be unecessary in minor incidences, and cancel culture can be not-enough in instances whereby people have simply done illegal things.
This is one of those illegal things. So, whilst I do chat about this light-heartedly or for entertainment, gossip-y purposes - do realise that this is a real life problem that has has major issues in many peoples' lives.
Now, continuing with the juicy waffley discussions that ppl like hearing:
So firstly, some of the Twitter memes are fucking hilarious. I do love that under Wilbur's Twitter apology, loads of MCYTers have joined to clown his goofy ahh. And all those memes saying that Bill smelled such a shit apology he returned to twitter after years + the DSMP are like Avengers in Infinity War returning to all fight enemy No1 WILBUR...
But that being said, DREAM REPLYING TOO????
I spoke ab Dream being a groomer around Christmas time + heard loads of ppl out on vouching for Dream or calling him disgusting, dahdahdah... But the fact that sm ppl are turning around and praising Dream for calling out Wilbur's goofiness is acc MAAAD.
Why's everyone forgotten Dream is j as goofy? And an alleged groomer? And just plain? Not even plain something, brodie is just the plainest mf i've ever seen. Ever since he face revealed, his personality j evaporated on out of his body (anyone feel this asw?)
But no, ppl who are now agreeing w Dream to combat Wilbur as if Dream hasn't also committed what is debateably a crime (ik he 'cleared up the rumours' but it's v hard to fight of groomer allegations when you let them sit and marinate for approx 6 months) is fucking WILD shit to me.
Secondly, people are analysing loads of Wilbur's other prev actions too and saying these should've been red flags to Wilbur being an a-hole before we even heard Shubble's solid proof.
And some of these clips of evidence (e.g. Niki saying Wil bites her + threw her, Tommy getting his hand stomped, throwing apple at Techno) feel very valid.
But other bits I do wonder - are they just being over analysed? Yk, like with the clip of Wil shouting at Tommy for streaming + stealing his wallet, i was super sure that was staged as is (j had it confirmed now by the Twitter community note asw lol) and also, whilst Wil's shouting does feel extreme and hurtful from a viewer pov... Having a wallet stolen, place of work broken in to, litr knowing the place where you work to make all income could be taken away from u bc a friend thought it funny to break in n loudly + rowdily stream... i gotta say that some form of anger or upset is valid there. And this isn't to validate Wilbur's assholery, this is just to point out that whilst ppl are throwing clips into the fire and saying "this is more proof Wil was a bad person from the start" - do try see other interpretations of it and form your own line of reasoning - yk - "is this a valid point or is this someone using the drama to get some extra likes and attention to boost their account" (because believe me, ppl would - if ppl would use Techno's death to get more channel views and interactions - ppl would also most definitely use abuse as a means to engage more ppl).
Aaaaaand let's talk about the little Lovejoy band. Ngl i fucken loved their stuff, quite sad to see it go down the drain because 3/4 of them are public targets, now.
So ik we hate Wil for being an abuser. And I've seen that ppl dislike Mark bc he supported Maccies (what did he do fr tho bc i have no clue - did he j eat a McDonalds or what?) And we hate Ash Kabosu for saying it's bad to make fun of those deaths on the submarine...
Controversial opinion but I don't blame Ash allat much??? Now imma explain myself - but pls understand that i don't knoe 100% ab the situation, im v detached from the MCYT sphere of the online community.
But hear me out.
I'm a big believer in cherishing life, life is v important, life is a blessing.... Not from a rly religious pov, moreso in a spiritual way. Because if we only get one life, fuck, it's pretty damn precious. And whilst all those Oceangate memes were haha heehee funny watches, at the end of the day, people did die. And I do find that quite sad.
People say it's fine to laugh and make fun of those who were in there and died bc they were just billionaires who went down there for their own personal entertainment.
Just because they're billionaires doesn't make them any less human than us? Sure, they have a lot more money and are probably a lot more detached from working class issues which the majority of the population faces... But their drowning will have hurt and caused just as much pain to them as it would to us if we were in their situation. And my god, I can't even begin to think about the pain their families must have felt.
Those deaths were a fucking tragedy, realistically - and maybe i'm 'overreacting' here - but c'mon, empathy is literally encoded into our DNA as humans, surely I'm not the only one that can see the heartlessness in just laughing and memeing those deaths?
So Ash Kabosu haterism I don't fully understand, is the conclusion of that sub-rant.
And then I think this is the final little bit I'll discuss considering this is a loooong post:
James Marriott.
Jimbo Mazza, Jimbatron, James Marriott.
Lowkey my big flex, I've been a fan of him since 2020, and I got into his hater-commentary content initially. And ngl, when he transitioned to Minecraft? It was so fkn obvious he was trying to tailor to the MCYT audience to get their approval and entrance into the MCYT community, it made me absolutely cringe - and the blindness of everybody to that fact was insane to me.
Like, he was literally beegggging to be added to SMPs, he'd try and portray this "uncontrollable, quirky" character and would be so "unhinged" that everyone would love him... But ngl, that shit was literal brainrot, and he had you guys (me included tbf, bc i'd watch - just cringing whilst watching) ROTTING your brains with spamming the chat w allat bs that u do on Twitch
Nowadays, I like James tho. I feel like he feels ingrained enough within the community to branch out and not have to play up to the disturbing, disgusting cringefest - and so now he's funnier and having a better time streaming.
I mean, he looks absolutely great too - his tours have him confidence-boosted (rightfully so), because he's in great shape, like, he's genuinely lost noticable fat and put on muscle which has him looking trim as ever - he's grown his hair out into a flattering mullet - Shit, i believe looksmaxxing is the boy-equivalent of the makeup industry profiting off of womens' insecurity....
But the Jimbatron has absolutely looksmaxxed for the best.
That being said however, people saying "I OFFER JIMBO AS A REPLACEMENT FOR WILBUR!!" are fucking weirdos (respectfully but also kinda not)
Bro has just abused people and you're mourning the loss of a content creator and oh no - your favourite band - so you're trying to serve up replacements like a fucking chef that's ran out of a specific ingredient??????????
Yeah, James is less problematic and has 2x the personality Wilbur has- BUT WHY DOES IT TAKE WILBUR COMING OUT AS A FKN ABUSER FOR PPL TO START PROMOTING JAMES????
This is like that whole thing whereby ppl put other girls down to point out to success or beauty of other girls: it takes everyone noticing how bad Wilbur is, to point out the goodness of James.
James litr banned people who wouldn't stfu about Wilbur in his chat in early streams, bc he was sick of ppl following him for Wilbur and who just wanted to talk about Wilbur on James' platform.... I don't think James rly wants to share an identity, or have his platform built from being against Wilbur.
Not proof read this post fully. But take-aways from this: -Yeah Dream is cooking Wilbur on Twitter but don't forget he's an alleged groomer + is deffo using this as a way to get back into the audience's "good books" -RIP Lovejoy but some1 explain what Mark did fully + why ppl think Ash is so abominable for showing empathy to ppl dying -Rmbr that this is acc a serious crime, don't downplay ts -Stop fucking promoting James Marriott thru Wilbur's downfall, it rly discredits James' authenticity and original building of a community -So proud to say that after a few months of getting into MCYT stuff i felt as though Wilbur was icky + just plainout didn't like him/got odd vibes -And lol, acc so jarring how Wil reminds me of this guy in my yr - complete mummy's boy, underestimates and belittles women bc his mum handed everything to him on a plate n so he doesn't empathise w them but rather expects the world from them whilst simultaneously treating them like shit, 'radical', extremely 'woke' about modern situations but is so stubborn and refuses to see two sides of a picture.... Tbh I might j hate the guy in my yr and be projecting that onto Wil
Btw, feel free to argue w me in my inbox ab this but whilst i was quite critical - pls do not be mean to me or criticise me that harshly - if im talking to some1 one on one, i won't be this mean
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edith-is-a-cat · 20 days
Answer any or all I wanna know more about you 👁️👁️
Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
good word here we go,
I used to have sun freckles i miss them a lot
Tea, coffee, and energy drinks and as sweet as i can get them, i usually use honey bc bees are cool
Toes - Glass Animals https://open.spotify.com/track/754wVXWrtf1X3ZHQOFFsnR?si=_GYqckcFRpysg3N7yFNrjA
I roll in bed like a hot dog on a roller but usually side
Yes. five.
Drawing, writing is hard for me but since when i get a flow. I prefer the defining of art though
Okay so 5-6. 1 heating blanket, 1 super soft and thick blanket, 1 big ass blanket, 1 quilt/comforter/heavy blanket, 1-2 light soft blankets
Glass Animals
7'9/175 cm
Sam (the only one i can acc hug soon), Xen (we will get there), Aster, Auburn, Grim, Silver, Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, Idia
Pink :3
Little Idia and Ortho icon on the outer facing sides of my wrists, annoying dog right wear he can peak out of short socks, as many deltarune weapons as possible on my left arm
Angel bites, Bridge, eyebrow, and a second ear piercing
Xen :3
I would say sam is my best friend? i don't get how friends work exactly but we have been friends for one year and three months
Xen's voice :((( and that cake from fresh
I felt uber sick and went home but im great now
I don't remember
carrying a plushie around (imo should be socially acceptable
Howls moving castle, Small steps: the year i got polio, and Tales from the gas station (all volumes)
hungry i really want that cake and mad I NEED MORE BOOK 7!!!!
A while...
Cruise :3
Seeing Vivi randomly and driving to see yall and force yall to watch howl's moving castle
Oregon, or moot trip to japan
..?? A squish???? googles it,,, oh?? Yes i believe
Yes i like to say two of my names show up in the book Frankenstein because of it
I love them both so much
Emetophobia i believe
you could call it a hobby
Cloudy and yes!!!
two, counting the dead ones: 4
too many people
my bed and access to tumblr so o can complian (and maybe get comfort but what ever happens happens)
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choerrylipped · 1 year
my annual im baaaack mcl post
so my friend randomly started playing mcl??? literally like what LOL so that gave me the motivation to start playing again! a few things i wanna say: 1. one of the reasons why i keep dropping this game other than just life is bc of the PRESSURE to play the mini games!!! they're so time consuming but i feel like its such a waste to not do them bc you can earn but to 10 extra AP from break basket and insect rush so idk in my mind id rather ignore the entire game than constantly think "you could've gotten more AP if you would've just done the mini games" ARGHHHH i'll try to not let that demotivate me this time! esp because i want to save AP and play when i have enough :( which can take up to two months ahhhh 2. where im at in the game: so im on ep 7 with hyun tbh i even forgot i started love life loll and im not loving it tbh hyuns attitude... should i step down as hyuns no1 fan lolol ps. i have other accs on different servers too where i do different charas: all of the og HSL boys, and I KNOW ITS LATE but im planning to play Rayan soon... 3. literally 5 months ago this was announced and im just now finding out there will be an mcl new gen??? tbh i like this bc this adult life series isn't really doing it for me as much lol i can't wait!! 4. side note about eldarya... i don't think i'll ever play that again but maybe i'll log in just to collect maana? not sure lol idek what's going on there like where the story is if its finished yet... i'll have to lookinto it but i don't want any huge spoilers in case i do decide to play soon so eek ! 5. a more in depth breakdown on where i'm at with the routes im currently playing - Castiel: HSL done, ep 4 in UL - Nathaniel: HSL done, ep 3 in UL - Lysander: HSL done, ep 3 in AL - Kentin: HSL done, ep 2 in AL - Armin: HSL ep 40 (T^T) - Hyun: UL done, LL ep 7 And hopefully I'll play Rayan soon! I knowwww it BREAKS me how behind i am!! but considering how i've been playing on and off since 2020...it's not surprising lol but tbh i forgot a lot so I'm having fun replaying a lot of the eps! :) 6. my brand as hyun's fanclub leader is long gone rip i can't lie getting to play lysander again in alternative life is making me go back to my roots T^T not getting over ur first love ever is real sh lol
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taeyamayang · 3 years
ahh i love tags like this 🥺 thank you @haikyuuublog for tagging me im soft
1. Why did you choose your url?
tae - taehyung, my bias but i love them all and all of them wreck me as hell ig its bc im already used to representing my acc with him
yama - kageyama, he's the first hq character i got so hooked on
yang - (pronounced as 'yang' in yin and yang) my childhood/home nickname,, anyone who has known me since i was a kid calls me that
2. any side blogs?
nope, only this one.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
this blog used to be a danphil dedicated blog years ago. i reopened it a month ago to make it into a hq writing blog
4. do you have a queue tag?
i tried it once but i never did it again
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
as said prior, this used to be a danphil blog ages ago (also, reading random writings onl) but when i reopened it i initially wanted to lurk into the haikyuu fandom mostly to see fanarts but i ended up writing for haikyuu
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
its tae and he looks cute there heh plus he's wearing yellow so it matches my blog color. i love yellow and black
7. why did you choose your header?
it's yellow and it's haikyuu gsgsjskshs i want to have a better aesthetically looking layout but i kinda suck at it (the art is great dont get me wrong but its just how i layout things that sucks)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
my first ever writing post! it's what your favorite hq character says about your ideal s/o
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea how to check that but im guessing less than 10 💀
(i need more moots please)
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shit post?
no, not my thing.
13. how often do you use tumblr a day?
a couple of times. sometimes i just scroll through posts but i always write before i go to bed
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
nope and hopefully i don't too in the future
15. how do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
if it's relevant (e.g.: mental health related) then i dont mind reblogging it. maybe someone who actually needs it might find it handy
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
yes yes i do! :D
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
based on followers its got to be @haikyuuublog :)
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope.. i barely have mutuals here send help 💀
ahh, this tag made me realize i only have few mutuals (bc at times i can be so awkward) leave a note and let's be mutuals, yeah?
i hope you don't mind!! im tagging:)
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ofmythsandmadness · 3 years
prompts & requests.
SO...I never meant to delay this for so long, I’m so sorry for this, but I’m excited to rejuvenate this page -- I’m quite bad with tumblr, but I just hit 350 followers and I figured I’d put in a second dime for trying to make this little account work. People seem to like my little writings (which surprises me tbh, but I appreciate the love) and I’ve gotten a lot of questions about requests, so here’s the masterpost of all that for here!
PLEASE NOTE: I don’t use Tumblr too regularly, I’m trying to be more active but because of life & stuff, I’m not always active to write. Plus, just because you request something, doesn’t mean I will automatically be able to give that! It takes time, inspiration, and often the ability to form a sentence, which weirdly I struggle with. Way too often.
ALSO! please feel free to check out the kofi link in my bio (can’t link it here bc tumblr doesn’t like links and this won’t show up at all) and buy me a coffee if you feel like it! please don’t if you can’t and i’m not trying to force, guilt or forcibly nudge anyone to do it, it’s just if you can and want to support me, that’d be real sweet. :)
WHO I WRITE FOR...most people look at this acc for tua writings, which i’ve got an abundance of! I’m quite fine with any requests of any characters, except for five (unless like it’s some aged up version of him; I don’t feel comfy writing about him and I just don’t care to). I also will write for a lot of other fandoms if you ask for them: those including marvel, stranger things (those of age, i’m not writing stories about minors), harry potter and a couple others. Just ask me, I’ll let you know if I write for the fandom & we can move from there, darling. :)
HOW TO REQUEST...I prefer not too many details in a request, just so I still feel inspired to write the piece. So, if you’re asking based on a prompt below, tell me the number(s), the character you’re looking for, and any details you feel necessary to add! Remember, nothing too specific, like don’t give me the entire plot but things like genre, atmosphere, details on the reader are okay. I usually write either genderless or female reader (I try to stick with the former to be accommodating) but you can ask for a specifically gender-neutral or female/male reader too. This also applies to fics you want garnered to a specific section of the LGBTQIA+ community (for example, if you wanted a lesbian reader with Vanya Hargreeves). I try not to add any details to appearance to the story so that everyone can enjoy the fic, but again you can ask for any specific and I will try my best to accomodate for you lovelies.
REQUEST EXAMPLE - “Can you write something with prompt number 3 and 17? Preferably with a gender-neutral reader, and with Allison Hargreeves? I’d like it to be a happy fic, please, and for the reader to not have any powers. Also, they’re a cat person! Thanks!”
Obviously, I know most people know what’s up and are respectful. But just in case you wanted an example, there you go. :)
(these were made by me and to my knowledge, they’re not used elsewhere, only some were taken off my last requests list. also, feel free to mix + match and ask for as many as you want)
Quote Based Prompts:
1. ‘I think I’m falling for you,’ clumsy character. 2. ‘C’mon, this is definitely safe!’ 3. ‘Do you believe in ghosts?’ + ‘Why, is there something you want to tell me?’ 4. ‘Shut up about your black coffee aesthetic and try my (insert here) drink.’ 5. ‘I’m only asking for a hug because I forgot my coat and you’re like a human furnace...don’t get any ideas.’ 6. ‘Just five more minutes.’ 7. ‘And you’re sure this isn’t illegal?’ 8. ‘Wanna go get married?’ 9. ‘I love you” “don’t lie to me’ 10. ‘I hate you’ + ‘no, you don’t.’ 11. ‘let’s dance to taylor swift and forget about reality for a moment, please.’ 12. ‘why don’t you trust me?’ 13. ‘promise me, we’ll make it out of this alive.’ 14. ‘we can’t just pushing each other away and expecting things are going to change.’ 15. ‘why are you helping me?’ 16. ‘tell me a secret.’ 17. ‘you can’t friend-zone me, we’re married!’ 18. ‘is this the end?’ 19. ‘I let you win.’ 20. ‘go away’ + ‘no, not until I know you’re okay’ 21. ‘we were supposed to be forever.’ 22. ‘nothing’s fair in love and war.’ 23. ‘I want to be here for the good and the bad.’ 24. ‘So...what happened this time?’ 25. ‘I just really wanted to see you.’ 26. ‘Uh, that’s the whole point?!’ 27. ‘You cut your hair?’ + ‘I just needed a change.’ 28. ‘I can’t lose you too, dammit!’ 29. ‘Don’t lie, you’re a hopeless romantic at heart.’ 30. ‘Can we keep it?!’ 31. ‘Why can’t this happen like it does in the movies?!’ 32. ‘Can you come with me? It’s just to get gum, but I don’t want to be alone.’ 33. ‘I made muffins!’ + ‘You can bake?!’ 34. ‘I can’t sleep.’ + ‘We can share.’ 35. ‘It used to be so simple...’ 36. ‘STOP SINGING THAT SONG OR-’ + ‘-or what?’ 37. ‘I just wanted to tell you...you look really nice tonight.’ 38. ‘Ooh, show me, show me!’ 39. ‘I really wish I could paint, because you’re the perfect muse right now.’ 40. ‘Where’d you learn how to do that?’ 41. ‘Hey, it’s okay...you’re safe now.’ 42. ‘Am I in heaven?’ + ‘Aw, you think I’m your idea of heaven?’ 43. ‘I’m not crying!’ + ‘Oh, so it’s normal for your eyes to leak like that?’ 44. ‘Why wouldn’t you tell me that sooner?!’ 45. ‘What do you think of kids?’ 46. ‘Do you think I’m a good person?’ 47. ‘Don’t look down.’ + ‘You’re only telling me that now?!’ 48. ‘It’s okay...it’s going to be okay...’ 49. ‘I didn’t think it would hurt so much to do this.’ 50. ‘Nerd.’ + ‘Loser.’ 51. ‘Wait, you actually came?’ 52. ‘You didn’t notice the one bed before?!’ + ‘It didn’t say on the website!’ 53. ‘I’m in the hospital, but don’t worry--’ + ‘Don’t worry?!’ 54. ‘Yeah, I was jealous. So what?’ 55. ‘Did you know you talk when you sleep?’ 56. ‘Of course I kept it. Why wouldn’t I?’ 57. ‘I can’t get you out of my head...’ 58. ‘I made you it because I love you, duh.’ 59. ‘I trust you.’ 60. ‘How am I supposed to trust you?!’ 61. ‘You have to start getting better excuses.’ 62. ‘I think they like you!’ 63. ‘I swear if you sing baby it’s cold outside ONE MORE TIME--’ 64. ‘You’re telling me you don’t know all the words to Promiscuous? Who are you?!’ 65. ‘I only went along with it for your sake, you know I hate (insert here).’ 66. ‘Hold my hand but only so we don’t get lost. I don’t need you getting any ideas about us.’ 67. ‘Loosen up, jackass, and give in to evil a little more!’ 68. ‘You didn’t respond to any of my texts, so I assumed you were either dying or crying. I brought answers to both situations.’ 69. ‘That’s it. I’m officially convinced that you’re actually three years old.’
Situation Based Prompts: 1. Person A refuses to dress for the cold and gets sick; Person B is stuck taking care of them afterwards. 2. Person A finds a stray and wants to take it home, but Person B isn’t so interested. 3. Coffee Shop AU; Person A shows up every Saturday to work, and Person B becomes infatuated with the mysterious person. 4. Person A wants to watch a scary movie. Person B accepts, too chicken to admit they’re terrified of horror movies. 5. Person A falls asleep, and Person B plays with their hair. 6. Person A and B wake up hungover and realise that they got married last night. 7. ‘Oh...you love them’, where Person A realises that their real feelings for Person B. 8. Person A is a Christmas enthusiast, but Person B hates the holiday season. 9. (School Based Prompt); Person A doesn’t know how to talk to Person B, and decides to pretend to need help in a subject they definitely don’t need help with. 10. Person A decides to confess their feelings to Person B through a series of anonymous gifts...only they aren’t who B suspects behind it all... 11. Person A and B have a Catwoman/Batman type relationship, dancing around one another and ignoring their obvious feelings. 12. Younger!Person A and B shared their first kiss with each other -- not because of feelings, JUST to get it over with. It never meant anything, right? 13. There’s only a little bit of time left for Person A...will they make it to B, in time? 14. (Flower Shop AU) Person A comes in every day to purchase the same single flower every time, and Person B has no clue why. 15. (Villain/Hero AU) Person A goes home to find B in their bed, bleeding and fast asleep. 16. Person A has a fear of driving. Person B finally asks why. 17. (School Based AU) Person A and B get paired together to complete a project worth a lot of their grade. The only problem? They hate each other. 18. (Coffee Shop AU) Person A comes in every day with a different name and sunglasses on, ordering the same thing every time. And Person B is obsessed. 19. Person A has a hard day at work. Person B doesn’t know what they should do to help. 20. Person A finally finds out about Person B’s big secret -- only, it doesn’t come from Person B. 21. Person A is the most oblivious person in the world. Person B is slowly losing their mind over it. 22. Everyone thinks that Person A and C are meant to be together, and it’s only A and B who really, really don’t see it. 23. And they were roommates (oh my god, they were roommates...) 24. Person A’s roommate’s boyfriend is over again, and they escape to Person B’s for peace of mind. 25. Person A finds a random bag and is determined to return it to the owner -- only, all the clues she has for who the person really is, is in the contents of the bag. 26. (Party Based Prompt) Person A and B really, really didn’t want to go to the party. But maybe meeting one another makes it worth it. 27. Person A and B go laser-tagging for some stress relief. 28. There’s a Halloween party and neither A or B knows who the other is going as. But the (insert costume) standing in the corner is looking rather suspicious... 29. (Apocalypse AU) Person A and B have been struggling for months alone, and finally reach something that gives them hope.  30. Person A and B both head to the roof for some escape. They definitely didn’t expect to see someone in their special place... 31. Person A works really late shifts downtown; Person B always makes sure they’re there to give them a ride, no matter how inconvenient it is. 32. Person A forgets about changing their emergency contact, and this backfires when they end up in the hospital... 33. (Soulmate AU) In a world where people don’t age past 21 until they meet their soulmate, Person A is surprised to learn that the partner they’ve been with for four years hasn’t aged a day -- but they have. 34. (Airport AU) Everything shuts down in a last-minute snowstorm, leaving two strangers stranded. 35. (School AU) Everyone ships Teacher A and B together, and scheme to finally set them up. 36. Person A and B ride the train together every day. 37. (Doctor AU) Person A has to take Person C to the doctors. Much to both surprise, Person A falls quickly for the Doctor who comes in (Person B) -- and Person C takes it upon themselves to let B know. 38. (Neighbours AU) Person A is tired of hearing Person B being so loud so late at night -- especially when they have to get up super early. They finally decide to confront them on it. 39. (Soulmate AU) Everyone has the same cuts, bruises and scars as their soulmate, which really freaks out Person A, who becomes determined to find their soulmate to make them stop getting hurt. 40. Person A and B are hiding their relationship from everyone. They’re not very good at it. 41. Person A finally trusts Person B to meet their (insert here); the last step in their relationship. 42. Person A sends their text to the LAST person they wanted to send it to: Person B. 43. (Delivery Person AU) Person A somehow always manages to be the one to sign for the office packages...does Person B have anything to do with it? (Also, why does A keep buying so much stuff?!) 44. (Arranged Marriage) Person A is being forced into a marriage to Person C neither they or Person B wants. But B might just have a plan out... 45. (Bodyguard AU) Person A always knew that Person C was rich, but never rich enough to need a legit bodyguard. But when C’s father’s company is threatened, they call in the big dogs -- and they’re cute, too. Aka...A makes a point to catch the attention of Person B at any time possible, much to their upset. 46. (University AU) Person A needs a model. Person B needs a way to occupy their afternoon. Thus, a deal is struck. 47. Person A is a private detective hired to work the case on a mysterious murder (that strangely, Person C doesn’t want getting out). Person B is C’s lead suspect, but A can’t help but feel like they’re not the real culprit... 48. Person A drags Person B along onto a roadtrip across the country to go visit their oddball grandparents. But things go south quickly. 49. Person A gets robbed, and has no one to call when they can’t shake the nightmares but Person B. 50. Person A can manipulate time, but only by an hour. Person B doesn’t know this, but gets suspicious when they see A do something very, very weird... (you can supply more details for this one) 51. (Neighbours AU) Person A and B have the thinnest walls ever, which would suck, but they both oddly have the exact same taste in music. It’s nice; if only they got to meet. 52. (Store AU) Person A and B get locked into their work’s freezer for the night. 53. (Coffee Shop AU) Person B has never met Person A; they always miss them by only a minute. They do, however, manage to sit at the exact same table every day and pick up the piece of art they leave for the next customer. 54. Person A has loved Person B their entire life. Too bad they’ll never get to tell them. 55. (Diner AU) Person A meets Person B at three in the morning when they stumble in soaked. They’re surprised, when they show up again...and again...at the exact same time. 56. (5+1) Five times Person A told Person B they loved them, and the one time Person B finally said it back. 57. (5+1) The five times Person A surprises Person B, and the one time Person B surprises A. 58. (5+1) The five times Person A broke Person B’s heart, and the one time they didn’t.  59. (5+1) The five times Person A saved Person B...and the one time Person B couldn’t save A. 60. (5+1) The five times A and B almost meet, and the first time they finally do. 61. (5+1) The five times Person A lies to Person B, and the one time they finally tell the truth. 62. Person B is like, super allergic to dogs. But Person A doesn’t need to know that. 63. Person A has no clue how to tell Person B how they feel. So, they make a playlist. 64. Person A and B accidentally switch luggage at the airport.
Happy requesting, darlings.
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riskeith · 3 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don’t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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sugawara-sweetheart · 3 years
i’m answering all of them because i can.
1. How did you find this blog?
before making starofmiran, i was wanting to read some suga smut and came across your sexy teacher suga drabble.
2. What was the first story of mine that you read?
sexy teacher suga.
3. Roughly, how long have you been following this blog?
including on my personal?  like 2-3 months????  don’t ask me how long i’ve been following you here, i have no idea.
4. What’s something you’ve noticed about me, personality wise?
you just kinda emit like mom energy???  or like protective big sister?  does that make sense??
5. Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was your perception of me?
i’m just going to say i love you, neems 💙💙💙
6. What’s your favourite story of mine?
i’ve already told you, BUT I’LL TELL YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN.  sexy teacher!suga, lollipop, basorexia, cuddly!kyotani, and dance with the devil.
7. What’s a story you’d love to see me write? Or a story idea/trope/AU you think I’d write well?
literally anything.  i’ll read anything you write [except oikawa because we know my feelings on him]
8. What’s your favourite pairing I write for?
bokuto x reader and sugawara x reader.  especially suga.
9. Who’s your favourite reader insert/OC I write? What do you like about them? What do you relate to about them?
you’re really great at not putting like specifics in your works, so it makes it easy to seem like it’s all one person instead of multiple people.
10. Have any of my stories helped you through a hard time?
the cuddly!kyotani one did when i wasn’t feeling well recently.
11. Have any of my stories hit closer to home? Reminded you of moments in your own life, either good or bad?
i don’t know if it’s good or bad that none of them have, but they haven’t reminded me of my own life.
12. Do you genuinely like my blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content?
yes.  i love your whole candy shop aesthetic with all my heart.
13. Is English your first language? If not, what is your first? Do you have to translate my stories to your own language to read them?
it is, so no translating needed!
14. Is there anything you want to tell me, or wish to share with me, but just never had the chance to? Or were to nervous to reach out? Well, now’s your chance!
imma say it again because i can:  write what you want, backstory or not because there’ll be someone out there that’ll love what you’ve wrote.  💙💙💙💙💙
thank you so much for answering these miran I love you so much🥺💞BUT ALSO I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE FOLLOWING ME ON A PERSONAL TOO SGSHSG 
also its funny that I have big sister/mom energy bc im acc the youngest from my family and the second youngest in my friendship group so im usually the baby around them hehe🥺thank you so much for enjoying all my work (minus oikawa, but I wanna make you stan him eventually😌) and for being so supportive and wonderful ily!!! <333
answer questions from here 
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dtsugabby · 5 years
BTS Fic Rec
Bear with me, I’m trying to organize all of my recs from various sources. In the meantime, check out below and also my ao3 bookmarks here if what’s below isn’t enough!
Basically, I’d rec anything by these authors. They are incredibly talented and I always enjoy their works.
 dirtysope (ao3, also on twitter)
wispyoongi (ao3, also on twitter)
pauline (twitter)
bri (twitter)
kaythebest (ao3)
metastacia (ao3)
babiesko_o (twitter)
moonlitaehyung (twitter)
bloom (twitter)
<History> sope au in which murder mystery writer Yoongi joins a new dating app that connects people based on their internet search history. He’s matched up with Hoseok, who, unbeknownst to him, is a notorious serial killer all over the news.
jikook au where idol jimin is having a competition, whoever has the highest scores on his superstar app gets to go on a date with him. only one problem, 90% of the songs have an unbeatable high score all from the same user, "jjklovespjm". that user happens to be the idol jungkook
jikook au where jimin and jungkook are new roommates and jimin finds jungkooks hidden stash of yaoi and boylove manga under his bed but it's funny bc jungkook is straight.
jikook au where jimin and jungkook are both gay af but they think the other is straight. so, they act extremely heterosexual around each other, causing them to believe the other is straight even more. this only leads to awkward conversations and situations.
「 euphoria 」   ✧ jikook au ✧ -in which they were childhood friends. later on they both become part of different rival musical groups, and one day jm finds a love letter from jk which he wrote years ago.
jikook au where well known ceo, jeon jungkook, is seen as a huge playboy by media and the public. nobody knows that hes been married to his childhood best friend for 6 years and has a son.
Jikook AU} Whiskey   In which Jungkook comes back traumatized from war and Jimin is the bartender who lives next door. One day, as he’s coming back from work, he sees Jungkook sitting in his front porch, a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
NamJin AU In which for some reason Seokjin is just really really convinced that Namjoon is a witch. Joon found it interesting and keep taking Jin on a date, disguising it as a "prove research"
taekook au Jeongguk tries breaking up with his boyfriend through an AirDrop note but accidentally sends it to Taehyung instead, which of course, leads to a series of unfortunate events.
[jikook au] where youtuber jimin reacts to jungkook's video and jimin is introduced to the mess that is jeon jungkook
「 vminkook 」♡ hidden where taehyung finds this very popular vminkook stan account that he shows to jimin and jungkook and they spend the whole night laughing at the edits, aus and posts. what they don't know is that jungkook is the person running the account.
「 jikook au 」♤ little do you know when popular kid jeon jungkook's crush is revealed to be a certain park jimin everyone assumes it's cheerleader and social butterfly girl jimin and not nerdy bookworm boy jimin
「 jikook au 」◇ encounter park jimin's idol group makes an appearance on the hottest variety show in korea. he has a big fat secret crush on one of the hosts, jeon jungkook who is very clearly flirting with his fellow member, min yoongi - so jimin becomes petty on national tv.
[NAMJIN AU] “SKY HIGH” Seokjin is a flight attendant who keeps clashing with HR. He gets a final warning letter with one last chance. Desperate, he offers to give a passenger a blowjob in exchange for not writing a complaint, not knowing the other’s true identity...
Jimin is a single father and his little son is the biggest fan of the worldwide known singer Jeon Jeongguk~
[ jikook au ] - show me:  where jimin sent jungkook nudes over twitter but those pictures wouldn’t load on jungkook’s phone so he just replies with an ‘lmao’
[jikook au] solo artist, jeon jungkook, is getting married.
jikook social media au in which jungkook is a very famous kpop idol in the middle of his world tour and jimin is a small nsfw twt acc their worlds collide when korea’s favorite idol accidentally likes a tweet on the latter’s account
yoonseok!au in which hoseok accidentally drunk texts yoongi instead of his ex
yoonseok au where yoongi accidentally sends the wrong picture to his coworker hoseok
Yoonseok/SOPE AU In which amateur police detective Min Yoongi has to solve a series of public murder cases with no witnesses while being assisted by murderer and conman Jung Hoseok who agreed to help as it can shorten his prison sentence
<YOONSEOK/SOPE AU> in which Hoseok confesses to his long-time crush, Yoongi, by sending him a Spotify playlist. Oblivious to what’s going on, Yoongi goes ahead and drags his music choices. [mostly crack and fluff tbh]
[ jikook au ] - time where jimin can see a person’s lifespan and knows that his own time is limited but discovers that whenever he shares physical contact with jungkook he gains time but the thing is they hate each other
[jikook au] — the list nsfw in which jungkook just wants to go grocery shopping and jimin sends him an unexpected list
jikook au where jimin is a popular beauty youtuber, known for his lipstick looks. jungkook is a gaming/vlog youtuber who finally gets the confidence to post his own makeup tutorials that hes been filming for months (secretly) after discovering jimin.
jikook au where jungkook has tattoos, lots of piercings, and always wears black. jimin thinks hes dangerous and bad, until he sees jungkook with a pokemon lunchbox surrounded by dogs at the park one day.
Dynasty (series, completed, sope, taenamjin, jikook) Royal AU, slight fantasy?, I cried several times 
“Hundreds of years ago, the Gods intertwine the lives of seven boys. They suffer through war, heartache, & separation, but with the help of the Fates & their inner wolves, they all try to find their happy endings.
abo au universe on twitter;; https://twitter.com/dirtysope/status/1054116662620778496″
Peaches (series, incomplete, sope, namjin, vminkook) BDSM 101, somehow the most adorable thing ever, all commissioned
“A very nsfw modern setting AU which is centered around the boys exploring their sexualities predominantly through BDSM. The main ships are Sope, Namjin, and Vminkook, but various pairings will be explored in poly situations in shared BDSM scenes.”
Infinity (series, incomplete, sope, vmin) Vampire AU, all commissioned (I’m part of the commission group!!), sope are soulmates wbk
“This is an OT7 vampire universe that involves all seven of the boys. Main pairings will be Sope, Vminkook, and Namjin. This is your warning for darker themes⚠️ There will be compulsion, mind control, gaslighting, possessive behavior, violence, death, murder, & angst. ~no toxicity occurs within the ships~ Blood drinking will be very relevant and featured heavily!”
Charmed (series, complete?, sope-centric) HP AU! So cute, my first dirtywisp fic and tied for my favorite HP au in the fandom
“Bangtan in the Harry Potter universe.”
Infectious (chaptered, complete, sope, yoonmin, namjin, taekook, jikook, vmin, vminkook) THE zombie apocalypse AU, very angst filled, major character death, semi-happy ending (if you discount the MCD)
“During the first leg of their US tour, BTS, depleted, weary, tempers flaring, step on the stage for the second night of concerts. Little do they know, this is not going to be like any other show of their lives--instead before the end of the first song they are going to be on the run against what they can only call a zombie attack. Determined to stay alive until BigHit can rescue them, BTS is forced to be smart, resourceful, and get over themselves to survive.”
Hand In Hand (chaptered, incomplete, namgi) adoption au, disabilities au, i cried literal tears several times
“Namjoon, a sign language professor, and Yoongi, a songwriter, got certified to foster. But, they never expected that would open the door to love, heartache, pain, and most importantly, family. But, as they figure out this "dad-thing" hand-in-hand, they realize that family isn't made up of blood, it's the love that they have for each other.~or~ Namjoon's a deaf college professor Yoongi is his husband and a songwriter Seokjin is their case manager Hoseok, Jungkook, Tae and Jimin are kiddos with their own set of challenges and triumphs“
Heart of War (chaptered, incomplete, namjin, taegi, jihope) royal au
“For the protection of his people, Prince Seokjin has to marry his fiancé’s killer: the alpha king of the most ruthless and feared kingdom in all the lands with a reputation of being a cold blooded monster on the battlefield. Worst of all, the omega prince doesn't even speak their language.“
Until Dawn (series, incomplete, jikook, sope, namjin) fantasy creatures au, 100/10, tae is in it too, they all come together to save the world from various disasters major and minor, read this series
“The Documented Adventures of Your Favorite Local Supernatural Gang”
Raspberry Vodka (chaptered, complete, jikook) college au, misunderstandings
““You don’t have to make excuses.” Jimin crosses the room and Jungkook follows him to the doorway, all the words he wants to say jumbling together in his head but never making it to his lips. He wants to tell Jimin he’s just inexperienced and way too drunk and all he needs is a second to calm down and reassess his thoughts before he throws up from stress, but Jimin is already opening the door and stepping out into the hallway and oh god, he needs to say something.“I’m a virgin!” Jungkook shouts.“
Like A Hard Carry (chaptered, complete, namjin, yoonminseok, taekook) overwatch au, social media au
“In which: Jungkook, a popular Twitch streamer with both the self-esteem of a wilted piece of lettuce and the impulse control of suicidal squirrel, convinces his best friend Jimin to do a livestream for him; RM, captain of a pro Overwatch team, is suddenly missing a sniper; Jin, in an attempt to make things better, just makes them worse; Hoseok screams in various different volumes and moods; V, a pro-gamer, finds an incredible sniper, a cute boy, and a crush, making the mistake to think that they’re all the same person; Yoongi isn’t sure which one of his friends is going to make him die from second-hand stupidity first; and Jimin is caught in the middle of a love triangle that he’s not ACTUALLY a part of, one that he actually is a part of, and that fact that no matter how much Jungkook tries, Jimin will always be absolutely terrible at Overwatch.“
Vocal Princess (chaptered, complete, yoonmin) crossdressing on a dare au, yoongi is very gay and very confused, Jimin is embarrassed and trying his best
“Fed up with his inability to understand women, Jimin's sister dresses him like a girl. Jimin finds himself working with a producer, Yoongi, and donning his disguise for much longer than he intended. Jimin wonders if he’s losing his mind or if he’s really falling for a guy. Meanwhile, Yoongi is VERY GAY AND VERY CONFUSED WHY HE’S SO ATTRACTED TO THIS WOMAN IN HIS STUDIO. aka Jimin dresses as a girl and Yoongi has a heterosexual crisis.“
City of Stars (chaptered, complete, namgi) hanahaki au, so so good, but fr, FUCK THE ENDING
“hanahaki disease: an illness where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love. this can only be cured through surgical removal, however the victim's romantic feelings for their love disappear along side with the infection. yoongi starts coughing petals for namjoon, a witch with a constellation of stars glowing on his cheeks – except, flowers aren't the only things ripping his insides apart.“
jung hoseok writes instruction manuals (while stupidly in love) (series, complete?, sope) so so fluffy and cute, list au
listen to my heart (can you hear it sing) (chaptered, complete, namjin-centric) abo au, namjoon is a big dummy but we love him
“Seokjin wasn't his, but he was still as every bit of 'his' as the rest of the wolves in the pack, and Namjoon was going to have to learn to live with that.In which Namjoon constantly, to everyone's disappointment, fucks up.“
delta (chaptered, complete, namgiseok) very very good poly rapline, canon divergence?, angst but happy resolution
“He was the last person Namjoon expected to hear from - thought he was dreaming when he saw the email in his work inbox. It was short and simple, typical Hoseok. Just: We saw what happened. We’re so sorry. If you need get away for awhile, you’re always welcome to come stay with us - JH. He wonders now if Hoseok was surprised when he said yes. If Hoseok only extended the invitation because he didn’t think Namjoon would actually come.(Or: Namjoon chose a solo career and left Yoongi and Hoseok behind. Seven years later, after being outed by a Korean tabloid, he ends up on their couch in Queens, trying to face an uncertain future. And confront feelings that have persisted for nearly a decade.)“
Good Friends (series, complete?, yoonmin, namjin, taekook, vhope) hilarious, misunderstandings, college au
“Yoongi likes to brag to his friends about his boyfriend. Jimin likes to brag to his friends about his boyfriend. Little do they know there's actually crossover in their friend groups.”
Just Another Game (chaptered, incomplete, yoongi x everyone, many side pairings) a n g s t, I am a beta on this fic, great writing, author is interactive
“Set during 2019, after their world tour and after Answer's release. Min Yoongi's career has put him in bisexual hell: living with six hot bandmates who think it's really funny to flirt and get handsy with him and with each other all the time. Between constant struggles like not knowing whether he and Jimin nearly made out while drunk, to bed sharing with Jungkook every other night, to not being sure how to stop imagining what it'd be like to kiss Namjoon, it's only a matter of time before he loses his mind as he realizes he's in love with six perfect but very straight boys. After Yoongi drunkenly comes out as bi, he can’t remember the confession the next day. Taken by surprise, the boys lightheartedly start a competition to see who Yoongi finds the most attractive in the group. The objective is set to getting a kiss from Yoongi before he finds out about the competition. Though they mean well, things go downhill fast for all of them. As they each realize they are attracted to Yoongi, they start taking things too far beyond what they’d signed up for.”
eternal sunshine (oneshot, complete, sope) canon au, i commissioned this fic!!, I love it so much, slight angst then fluffy sexy times
“Yoongi is having a rough day at practice. He's not focused on the choreo, and no matter how hard he tries he just can't seem to get anything right. But luckily for him he has Hoseok, and he always knows how to put Yoongi's broken pieces back together. “
offer me your deathless death (yoongi is a serial killer!AU) (series, incomplete, yoonmin, namjin, vhope) a bit of an odd read but I loved it, dark, not what you think, pulls at heartstrings
“a peak into the lives of the rich and the powerful (non-linear; no specific order of stories)Notes:mainly yoonmin, but there's namjin and vhope too! :D (also known as the jimin is a ceo!AU and the namjoon is a hospital-owner-person!AU)”
to the moon and back (chaptered, complete, vmin, vminkook) vmin are supernatural hunters, poor kookie, something’s not quite right in this town 
“"The other kids think that Jimin is strange. And he is, to be fair. Sometimes Jimin talks to people that aren’t there. Sometimes he starts crying, randomly, and then a moment later the wailing siren of an ambulance or police car can be heard outside. Sometimes he just shuts down and won’t talk to anyone." Jimin and Taehyung are basically professionals. When they're called in to deal with a werewolf terrorizing a small town, they know the deal. Things are rarely as they seem.”
Spine Breaker (chaptered, complete, sope, namjin, taekook) hunger games/ready player one au, video game brought to real life, plot twists, angst but a happy ending
“The clock is ticking, Jeon Jeongguk only has two bottles of water, one lunchbox, and ten bombs with which he has to kill six people if he wants to live. He's just eighteen and the only experience he has throwing bombs includes sitting in front of his screen, smashing buttons on his controller and swearing at his longstanding in-game rival, VforVictory. Someone has recreated the hit warfare videogame, Spine Breaker, and although Kim Seokjin is the mascot of the game, he knows nothing about how to play it but now finds himself launched in the middle of a stranded island, his bombs missing, his glasses smashed, and a pursuer who wants something more sinister than just his death. Min Yoongi knows why he's here. He knows why everyone is here, but his battles had begun long ago. The clock is ticking and Yoongi is running out of time, but he knows that zero is not the end. It's kill or be killed.”
The Shaman and the Exorcist (chaptered, complete, namjin-centric) SO GOOD, ghost hunter au, seokjin is a fake bitch and namjoon is pissed, angst angst angst, ok ending though
“Seokjin doesn't believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he's kind of a big deal at his university; he's a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn't remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money. Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there's a certain phoney shaman at his university who's stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he's not happy about it because haunted people pay good money. So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.“
charmed (oneshot, complete, namjin) very cute, existential, seokjin got tricked boo hoo
“"So you’re not going to eat me?" Seokjin asks, just to confirm."Why would I eat you?" "Because you’re a dragon," Seokjin says slowly, because it should be obvious, despite Namjoon not looking very dragon-y at all. Namjoon looks unimpressed. "I may be a dragon, but I’m not an animal."”
Monster Private Eye (series, incomplete, namjin, vhope, jikook) funniest thing ever, namjoon is a detective and kook is his assistant, tae is a mess, jimin is an idol, solve crimes be gay 
“Kim Namjoon (klutz, genius, poet, private investigator) solves cases for the unusual and secretive clientele of Monster Private Investigator. His assistant, Jeon Jungkook (big muscles, bigger heart) helps out. Each story revolves around Namjoon taking on the request of a different member (noted in the title), for a total of 7 cases in this collection, all from Namjoon’s POV. Members also appear in chapters that are not focused on them. All works can stand alone, but I suggest that you read them in order to fully enjoy the characters and relationships as they grow. Enjoy!“
bts hogwarts au (series, incomplete, vmin, namjin, sope) my other favorite HP au, set in the same time as the books but focused on the boys instead with their own storyline, angst, fluff, dealing with coming out and accepting yourself and others
“a series of non-linear snapshots of bangtan’s life at hogwarts. [all ships are main ships] green: yoongi, jimin, jeongguk. red: seokjin, namjoon. yellow: hoseok, taehyung.”
creating a home (series, incomplete, namjin) foster parents namjin kids all the other members, heart wrenching, fluff, would read again and again, follows them as they grow up
“A BTS Foster Care AU”
the professor’s family (series, incomplete?, namjin, taekook) professor! namjin, jungkook is his student, poor kookie, he has the hots for tae
“Professor Kim Namjoon is married. He doesn't have a wife. They have a sort-of son. And Jeon Jungkook just crossed paths with them.”
More to be added!!
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yeonjuins · 2 years
hiii! It’s the goingtouniversitysoonforgfx anon again💀💀
call me june☺️! ngl that’s what I acc go by on my blog so if you ever find it, cool and hi :) (im just anon bc im shy lmao) - honestly i really love that name and it’s my birthday month, (I finish in June too!), also one of the first krnb artists I started listening to back in 2020 is called june and I was absolutely in love w his music, like he was all I had in rotation with gsoul and couple others
i haven’t acc tried using ae yet, your guide gave me a rough idea of where to start, I just haven’t gotten round to it . Truth is I’m so so so soooooo bad w time management and getting stuff done so I couldn’t make any extra passion projects for my portfolio (I ult txt and procrastinate like crazy so put that together with having to prepare for a 6hr exam) 😭
I had this really cool idea for an Ateez zine but all I’ve done is the cover roughly and nothing else - so I just quickly made a few things and compiled school and personal stuff together and sent it off, im really bummed out about the zine because it’s something I would’ve really put my all in and be so proud of but I didn’t wanna rush it and not be proud of it 🥲 if I ever make it I’ll be sure to show you!
On the bright side I made this fairy of shampoo poster that I love and a Polaroid love poster that I made on a whim-that oddly turned out really good that I sent off, but i wanted to animate it which I ended up not doing….. I’ll get round to it eventually…..
I have 2 offers tho! Just not from where I wanna go lmao, I should have the rest by the end of March so fingers crossed..
this could be the weirdest question you’ve ever gotten but like, how do u sort all your gfx stuff..? Like resources wise (colourings, pngs, elements) idk if I’m using the right terms but you get what I’m saying right?
I do have them in folders but most of the time I go on downloading sprees and then I end up leaving everything over the place - I may have just answered my own question but I’m just wondering what works for you or if you know anyone that has anything organised in a specific way where it’s easy to navigate, u know?
SORRY FOR THIS REALLY LONG ASK, I see you’re really swamped with asks already but….yeah. I also saw that you take music recs so I wanted to make a few! (That was the originally whole reason why i was sending an ask but i rambled alot replying to ur last answer to me…)
I have a million and one favourite songs rn, but these are my faves in rotation - lmk if you’ve already heard!
snowy night - billlie
sincerity - WONPIL
super rare - epik high, wonstein and ph-1
again - def, LEON
Cool to see other DVWN Fans and also it’s really cool to see how you’ve kinda created a space to talk about music, krnb and such, I always felt like I was the only one in this music bubble skhsjsj
Anyway, ENJOY :]
(putting under read more cause lengthy response (": )
please please !! never feel bad for having a long ask (": i'm honoured really people want to talk to me hehe <3 secretly typing up my response in class right now because this class is boring LMFAO
hello june !!! i acc have a friend with the same name on here so i'll call you 'june anon' if thats alright hehe (will go back to previous asks and change the tag as well so we can look back if we ever need to <3) and I CANNOT BELIEVE JUNE WAS ONE OF YOUR FIRST KRNB ARTISTS..... if we're talking about the same person- he's also apart of plt records right?? i am absolutely in love with anyone that is aware of plt....
oh my- please i feel like that wasn't even a proper guide ;; ik i already said this but i feel like i should've gave something more structured PAHHAHA hopefully it still helps you in some sort of way ;; and a 6 hour exam wtf that's acc insane imo ):< time management is super hard (<- literally micromanages everything to get stuff done <- horrible at micromanaging <- don't micromanage either, it's horrible for mental health if you don't condone time for it)
omg zines... i absolutely love making zines they're so fun... i think the first zine i made was an isometric house illustration based off of childhood photos of my friends ;0 i think i titled it the 'HOME' project or something but that was one of my first big projects that really pushed me towards wanting to do stuff with design in my fuutre (": i entirely know what you mean by 'wanting to give it your all'... it's really polarizing but as creators you feel the weight on your shoulder to make things good esp if the topic means a lot to you ;; please do show (if you feel comfortable and if you end up making it) !!!!
wHAHHAH edits on the whim are SOOO fun... i made my animal crossing edit / gyugle on a whim and they're truly one of my favourites hehe... i think i said this with humming anon but i feel like anything associated to fos is instnatly god tier... like nothing can go wrong with it ever and that is simply the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND YAYAYAY CONGRATS ON GETTING TWO OFFERS OMG ! that's acc amazing ;0 excuse me for prying but are you perhaps in canada...? it sounds like your school system is the same as mine ;; if you don't feel comfortable with sharing though feel free to ignore !! whatever college/uni you end up going to, i'm 90% sure it's all purely what you make out of the experience (the other 10% comes from me not even . being in university so i can't entirely vouch for this PAHAHAH) i believe in you my love <3
i’m going to answer your gfx organization question in a separate text post !! just in case someone else asks me so i can just redirect it easily ;; (you can find it here!) 
oh my god i wanted to get into billie for so long because i absolutely love their debut song + concept + THEIR ?? CHOEROS ARE SO COOL (lia kim <3 she never misses... <3) snowy night feels so christmasy it’s so cute... omg i acc never listened to wonpil’s solo stuff ;; i used to be obsessed with day6 in like 8th-9th grade but his voice is so angelic and soft ): my spotify acc broke listening to wonpil’s song SO I CAN’T . PAUSE IT NOW . (<- had to force restart my phone PAHAHHAH wonpil your power...) ASDHOIAKLMW AND OMG EPIK HIGH SOOOOO TRUE.... istg the more i answer asks the more anons bring out my krnb/khiphop days... absolutely love epik high’s ‘we’ve done something wonderful’ album... no skips on that album imo but i’m not sure if everyone would like it since it does have some of those ‘old school’ vibes to it (the song is lovely btw ph-1′s part is <3) ouu i feel like i’ve heard of leon before but this song is new to me ;0 it’s so chill wHAAHA it has like..... a hint of dpr vibes to it (<- thinks about dpr live’s jasmine obsessively... i also hate the fact that i use the word ‘vibes’ but idk what else i should say like ‘energy’ sounds equally as........... ‘gen z’ to me ASOHDIMKLWA)
thank you for the song recs my love (”: and thank you for dropping by my inbox hehe like i said all the way above, i don’t mind long asks !! let’s me talk about similar interests and i just think it’s wholesome overall <3 i hope your day has been going lovely as far my angel <3
0 notes
racingtoaredlight · 3 years
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This is by far the best “opening” slate of games we’ve had in at least a couple of decades. The great thing about having a bunch of cross-country, inter-conference, top 25 matchups in the first week of the season is that we’ll all have a clear expectation of every team involved and will mostly have those ideas flipped over by the end of the month. Answers to questions but wrong, you know?
That’s ok because, really, the whole college football season is that same cycle over and over. And we love it, don’t we folks? We love it more than dying unfulfilled and for no reason with nothing at all to show for it in the larger scheme of the world. College football is a metaphor for life which is just an elaborate metaphor for college football.
Blah, blah eastern times and websites. There have already been approximately one million games played this week with a few FCS over FBS upsets and, upsettingly enough, Kansas was not one of the losers. Whooooooooo! Let’s get it on!
Saturday, September 4
Fordham at Nebraska   12:00pm   BTN
Fordham +46.5 might be the safest bet you can make this week.
ULM at Kentucky 12:00pm SECN
What can you say about Kentucky being favored by 31 over anybody except that it seems incredibly overconfident. They aren’t ranked in the top 10 so I assume they either skip Bama this year or don’t play them until October.
Temple at Rutgers    12:00pm  BTN
In real time the scheduling is fine but these first handful of games feel like a punishment for me crowing about the general quality of this week’s matchups.
Tulane at 2 Oklahoma  12:00pm  ABC
These are the games that come back to win Heisman trophies for Oklahoma QBs later in the year. If the Sooners don’t beat the spread (-31.5) they probably shouldn’t keep their ranking next week.
Holy Cross at UConn  12:00pm  CBSSN
If you can still get UConn -4 anywhere don’t. Holy hell that’s bleak. 4-points at home against Holy Cross. It’s getting real close to time to turn the lights off on the Huskies football program.
Colgate at Boston College  12:00pm  ACCN
If the Toothpastes can just score more than 7 they will have outperformed expectations. If they score more than 7 and hold BC under 60 they will likely have beaten the spread. Chomp ‘Em, Colgate! (I don’t think that’s really their motto but it should be.)
Western Michigan at Michigan  12:00pm  ESPN
I could’ve sworn Michigan played last week and lost but maybe I’m just used to that.
Stanford vs. Kansas State (in Arlington, TX)  12:00pm  FS1
There have been times over the last 25 years where this would be a matchup befitting of a premium neutral site but this is not even close to being one of those years. Definitely not in week one, at least.
19 Penn State at 12 Wisconsin  12:00pm  FOX
Nobody will ever make it make sense that Penn State still has a football program, let alone a football program that puts some of the best athletes into the NFL year after year in a post-Sandusky world.
Army at Georgia State  12:00pm  ESPNU
I can’t be the only one that thinks if the troops put together a football team with the best training and facilities available they’d still get their asses handed to them week after week like they do in illegal wars of aggression.
Fresno State at 11 Oregon  2:00pm   P12N
Kayvon Thibideaux didn’t make the list of “freaks” this year in the Athletic and I can’t tell if I’m just wildly overrating his abilities or if there was some weird oversight due to him announcing that he’ll be playing more standing up on the outside than with a hand in the dirt. Anyway, he’s fun to watch when he’s just pinning his ears back and rushing the QB and Fresno State throws a lot so this could be worth a few minutes of entertainment in this weird in-between time slot. Though, be warned, early kickoff Pac-12 games do tend to suck.
Lafayette at Air Force  2:00pm Stadium
Air Force favored by 42.5. You don’t see that often.
Rice at Arkansas  2:00pm  ESPN+/SECN+
A beautiful reminder of the old SWC. Nothing else. And that’s probably not enough reason to watch this. Arkansas is probably pretty bad but I have trouble believing Rice is going to keep it within 20 of anybody on the road.
17 Indiana at 18 Iowa  3:30pm  BTN
B1G’s plan is to prime the polls early so their teams seem better later on. I’m not falling for it. These are two shit teams that will only look good within the context of the B1G.
14 Miami (FL) vs. 1 Alabama (in Atlanta, GA)  3:30pm   ABC
Miami’s starters are about as old as an average NFL team’s and they’re still gonna get run over by the Bammers. The Canes do actually have a decent stock of pro prospects right now but a lot of these guys were on the field against UNC last year watching as the Tar Heels put up 3,492 rushing yards. So it’s a bunch of middle aged mid-round prospects against a shiny new crop of future stars. Bama should just get an auto-bid for the playoffs at this point until they prove they don’t belong anymore. I’m calling it now: it’s fine, I had a bunch of chores to do around the house anyway.
Marshall at Navy   3:30pm  CBSSN
Ah, the AAC. So dear to my heart. I hated everything Navy did last year but last year was a mulligan anyway. This year might be, too, in the end but for now we can pretend it’ll go off without a hitch.
Miami (Ohio) at 8 Cincinnati  3:30pm  ESPN+
The Bearcats are the darling of mainstream coverage if you’re looking for a playoff Cinderella. Which usually means they’ll lose three games in the regular season and won’t even make it to their conference championship.
West Virginia at Maryland  3:30pm  ESPN
Wait, is this a conference game now? A future conference game? I won’t be paying close attention to realignment. This should be a rivalry of some sort but I can’t quite put myself at ease with WFV in the ACC and Maryland will never belong anywhere but the ACC.
UMass at Pitt   4:00pm  ACCN
Pitt being favored by 35.5 feels like a trap.
Louisiana Tech at Mississippi State   4:00pm  ESPNU
LaTech must be sliding backwards as a program judging by the +23 line. I got nothing else here.
Montana State at Wyoming   4:00pm   ESPN+
I’m intrigued by the screaming amateurism that this game projects. I won’t actually watch it but the way it will look like a 4k remaster of a game from the 60s is appealing on a spiritual level.
Central Michigan at Missouri   4:00pm   SECN
Fuck Missouri.
23 Louisiana at 21 Texas   4:30pm   FOX
The line has moved heavily towards the Ragin Cajuns since it opened. Texas is still a solid favorite but there is something here that I have not been paying attention to so if you want to dig a little you might find some relatively easy money.
Northern Iowa at 7 Iowa State  4:30pm  ESPN+
Iowa State, #7 in the preseason. What a weird fucking time we live in.
San Jose State at 15 USC   5:00pm  P12N
Clay Helton is still the coach at USC. That’s crazy. This program has been sleepwalking through the last decade and they’re still able to pull a #15 ranking because they only have one or two teams on their schedule with a relatively equal talent level.
Gardner-Webb at Georgia Southern   6:00pm  ESPN3
Campbell at Liberty   6:00pm   ESPN3
Liberty’s QB is this year’s unheard of draft prospect that every self-styled draft expert/prognosticator on god’s green twitter is touting as a first round pick. I don’t have an opinion on him because I generally feel gross watching Liberty do anything.
Nicholls at Memphis   7:00pm  ESPN+
Go, Tigers, go. I don’t actually have any expectations calibrated for this year’s Memphis squad. I saw Kenneth Gainwell made a 53-man roster for the Eagles and couldn’t remember him being anything other than a freshman. Time is cruel.
Missouri State at Oklahoma State   7:00pm   ESPN+
If Oklahoma State can’t hit for at least 60 in this game they aren’t real and I hate them.
Monmouth at Middle Tennessee   7:00pm  ESPN3
Ah, Monmouth, Monmouth! These chips are too spicy!
Texas Tech vs. Houston (in Houston, TX)  7:00pm   ESPN
The future of the Big 12 is the SWC, as it always should have been. Well, I mean, aside from the SWC’s tentpole programs. Ah, fuck, it’s so weird and stupid.
Syracuse at Ohio   7:00pm   CBSSN
I still love CBSSN but no thank you.
Southern at Troy   7:00pm  ESPN3
Fading fast.
Oregon State at Purdue   7:00pm   FS1
Fading faster.
Norfolk State at Toledo   7:00pm   ESPN3
I’m evaporating.
Central Arkansas at Arkansas State   7:00pm   ESPN3
Eyes are closing.
Eastern Illinois at South Carolina   7:00pm   ESPN+/SECN+
Snoring softly.
Baylor at Texas State   7:00pm   ESPN+
Snapping to just to talk about how evil Baylor is in general, aside from the horrifically cursed athletics department.
Akron at Auburn   7:00pm   ESPN+/SECN+
Back to sleep.
Abilene Christian at SMU   7:00pm  ESPN+
Snoring loudly.
5 Georgia vs. 3 Clemson (in Charlotte, NC)   7:30pm   ABC
Ah, shit, here we go! It is party time! On paper this is an insanely good “opening” week matchup. But this is also the game that I most had in mind when I wrote about how kind of useless this week’s games are for the season going forward. Clemson is in the DJ Uiagalelei era now and even if he’s better long term than I suspect him of being, he’s still bound to be raw against a Georgia team that might actually have more overall talent than Clemson right now. But if he shows out he’ll be an immediate Heisman darling until he starts throwing lawn darts for a few weeks in a row. It’s fun but meaningless.
NIU at Georgia Tech   7:30pm    ACCN
Northwestern State at North Texas   7:30pm   ESPN3
UTSA at Illinois   7:30pm   BTN
William & Mary at Virginia   7:30pm   RSN/ESPN3
Funny if William & Mary wins but probably just miserable all around.
Florida Atlantic at 13 Florida   7:30pm   SECN
I don’t often fall into the trap of daydreaming about mascots fighting but an owl fighting an alligator is too good to pass up. There are owls of some sort pretty much everywhere in the world so they have to cross paths in nature with a gator every so often. If you have any videos of an owl winning these fights, please share them.
Southern Miss at South Alabama   8:00pm   ESPN+
Hell, yes. I can’t fully explain why this shitbox gets me a little bit excited but it does.
Kent State at 6 Texas A&M   8:00pm   ESPNU
Always root against Jimbo. Don’t always bet against him but definitely always root against him.
Montana at 20 Washington   8:00pm   P12N
Now this is interesting brand building to me. I don’t think there’s much here for UDub other than an expected win but Montana has been a pretty good team in I-AA over the years. If they can run closer than the +24 they’ve been given it could boost their profile quite a bit.
Duquesne at TCU   8:00pm   ESPN+
I’m not falling for this one.
ETSU at Vanderbilt   8:00pm   ESPN+/SECN+
Vanderbilt is a 21-point favorite and I am telling you, gentle reader, that is a mistake.
16 LSU at UCLA   8:30pm   FOX
UCLA hasn’t been a top talent draw on the West Coast in the last 20 years for whatever reason. This is what I meant by USC sleepwalking. It feels like, to me, going to school in Westwood and playing home games in the Rose Bowl would be a bigger draw than University Village and the Coliseum. But maybe being able to walk to games is important to recruits. Whatever, LSU is going to fuck the Bruins up right there in the Rose Bowl so that’s not gonna help anything.
Bethune-Cookman at UTEP   9:00pm   ESPN3
This is as close to a bodybag game as UTEP can get, at least where they’re the favorites, but I will say this for BCU: their uniforms are usually pretty cool.
New Mexico State at San Diego State   10:30pm   CBSSN
This is that real MWC shit. Lovely to me for reasons I have not been and never will be able to articulate.
Arizona vs. BYU (in Las Vegas, NV)  10:30pm   ESPN
This game is Mormon as hell. If you know any Mormon football fans then they probably have an interest in this game. Bless ‘em, nobody else will have an interest but readers of Moroni sure as hell will.
Nevada at California    10:30pm   FS1
Hmm. Maybe. I doubt I can sink much time into it but I do like the overload of different dark shades of blue threads involved here if nothing else.
Utah State at Washington State   11:00pm   P12N
And here we have a ton of red, depending on alternates and whatnot.
Portland State at Hawaii   11:59pm   Spectrum PPV
A historic showcase for the run & shoot but I don’t know what either offense is supposed to be right now.
Sunday, September 5
9 Notre Dame at Florida State   7:30pm   ABC
Notre Dame is only favored by 7. Did FSU get a huge influx of talent that I totally missed or is the line just something nice in honor of Bobby Bowden? From what I know of these two programs from last year, the Irish should be at least a 3 TD overdog. Was Ian Book really all that great? I thought he was a good QB but I am thoroughly confused by what’s driving the odds on this one.
Monday, September 6
Louisville vs. Mississippi (in Atlanta, GA)   8:00pm   ESPN
Yehaw. What a weird way to close things out. Why aren’t the UGas and the Cocaine Tigers playing in this slot? The racist south is favored by 10 but, off the top of my head, I don’t think they’re actually any better than Louisville. Whatever, there’s close to a zero percent chance I even remember this game is happening.
0 notes
coxinyoface · 6 years
i usually don’t do this but it’s 4am, i’m cramping/anemic/generally in pain and out of it, i’m procrastinating, and it’s been like. probably 2 years since the last time i did one of these? so why not since i have new followers after my acpc obsession! (the reason why not is... i write too much, sorry. a couple others have tagged me recently with similar questions and i stopped myself but hey i’ll let it go this time and try to be social)
i’m not sure who else to tag. i see the top three ppl i recognize often in my notifications lately are @lonelylittlewarlock @betumbledpolaritis @lavender-aquarius so how ‘bout you guys? feel free to ignore if you’re not up for it tho
Get to know me tag! got tagged by @sundaycrossing and @lilcasshole
Nickname: on this account most people just call me CIYF and that’s fine. i haven’t had a proper nickname in a long time and i try to keep this acc separate because. coxinyoface is not the best name to reference offline or with work/art stuff lmao. 
Gender: nonbinary. they/them preferred.
Starsign: taurus.
Height: 5′3″/1.6m-ish? i’m short and fat and friendshaped i like to think.
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw or hufflepuff. when i was little i’d insist ravenclaw bc i’m a nerd who tried to persuade themselves they like school, but i’m likely hufflepuff bc i try too hard n am painfully stupidly loyal. idk. hp house discourse frustrates me.
Favorite animal: this changes frequently bc birds but today... potoo. potoos are often my favorite bc they could be my fuckin fursona and i relate deeply.
Favorite color: grey. stormy grey i think.
Current favorite song: зын зын by jokeasses. i found this through a random video of someone dancing in nosferatu drag to it months ago (thanks internet) and it’s still stuck. i keep switching between looping this, boogie by brockhampton, or yellow ferrari by mystery skulls. i can loop the same song for 10+ hours at a time. i do this bc i can have up to 5 songs stuck in my head at the same time and this somewhat cures that. it’s bad.
Ways to get creative: well. listening to music until my brain melts is one way. it’s easy to get creative but difficult to be productive, so i’d say just. trying to really really enjoy an activity, whether it’s reading, watching, or playing something, and trying to hold onto that feeling when i work on something. and then 4am binges of researching random shit that i can use to inspire myself later.
What do you do when you’re home alone: i’m either on tumblr, watching youtube, reading fanfic, or working on work art or art prints. acpc became a thing bc of lack of sleep and bird cult aesthetic n distraction. i’m currently stuck in a fic cycle of interest, it switches a lot. current fandom is HP (again) but i’ve gone into fic hell for naruto, opm, mcu, fucking anything that makes me hate myself. but then, i’ve also been reading a lot of bnha and some of that shit is actually so healthy and wholesome i cried. i want to get back into anime.
Average hours of sleep: hooo boy. it used to be 2 hours, consecutively, with maybe 4 total a day, while in college. i’m trying to fix that and i think i’m getting 3 hours consecutively and 5-6 total? i was doing great at some point last year and was somehow getting 5 consecutive hours up to 8 but. well. sleep’s a bitch and i have sleep paralysis and insomnia. today i managed to sleep maybe 5 consecutive and 15 total holy shit because i dreamed i had a heart attack and was dying and believed it (bc sleep paralysis)! in reality it was anemia fuckin me up today thanks google  
Cats or dogs?: cats. sorry dogs, i love you but you have too much energy. besides i feel like cat people are dogs and dog people are cats, and i’ve worked very hard to earn my cats love so i’m loyal now lmao
Numbers of blankets you sleep with: i’m going to say pillows instead, because i live in a warm area and blankets are the mortal enemy. so--four. one to make sure i don’t smash into the wall, one for my head that i will never use as i slowly rotate like a flailing turtle on its back, one for my legs to make sure i don’t kick, and one to hug so i don’t punch.
Dream job: honestly my standards are so damn low i’d probably do any digital illustration/graphic design art job that (1)pays decently for my area where (2)the clients weren’t from hell and (3)i could work from home. like. i used to have specifics like ~concept art~ and shit but i had a good couple of work months (before some very bad ones) where one really good nonprofit client made me realize i genuinely don’t give a fuck what i do so long as it genuinely helps someone/somepeople and also helps me exist.
Dream trip: i. don’t actually want to travel much. tbh, i did japan, korea, and the philippines in one week somehow, and it killed my interest in traveling due to over-planning. if i could go back in time and do it again, maybe i’d spend more time chilling in japan? i just want lipton milk tea in those lil cartons. why can’t they make those here. and omurice. and katsu. and... ok i’d travel to japan again just for food fuck it.
Sexuality: It’s Complicated but for simplification, grey ace. i say aro-ace but go back and forth using that label because it’s useful but i can’t tell if i’m aro or just too anxious to function bc i feel like i’m somehow tricking people if they like me, and have no idea what i find attractive in the weird range of people i’ve been attracted to or to what degree i am attracted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tbh, QPRs seem way more appealing to me because i’m just that kinda grey gay. none of this matters unless i maintain a healthier lifestyle that isn’t a hot mess or somehow get the fuck over myself tho. idk one day i’ll be more socially active again.
When did you make this account?: shit, like... 6 years ago i think? oof. a lot changes over six years. if i wasn’t lazy i’d make a new shitpost account so i could pretend to forget what an ass i was but i can’t even separate most of my interests by blog.
Number of followers: 3,050, around. it hovers back and forth due to i assume bots and ppl getting very confused. those of u here for youtubes, thanks for sticking around all these years and i’m sorry; those of u here for acpc, i’m sorry and hope you enjoy me being really mad abt acpc. i have no idea how accurate follower count really is, though; apparently my highest activity was back in 2015 and i had less than 2k then i think? fuck if i understand tumblr
anyway if you’ve somehow read through all of that thanks for listening to the ramblings of a madman hopped up on pain at 6am you’re a champ and this random online stranger loves you and wishes you a good day
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dreampvck-archived · 6 years
ok woW i see my last ask haha i'll try to keep it simple but i'll probably go over the word limit :D soo yess theres three dogs one german shepherd and two shih tzu! -- and yess i got side job on sat at my aunts trucking buisness so im not that broke anymore but also today in a couple hours actually i have a training trial? at this job so hopefully they get me if i dont fukc up!! and also did you hear back!!! -- ohhh~ i love checking out new or rec music!! so i will listen to it 🖤 (1) -ymt
i finally got an ao3 acct!! so expect my comment to be thereee but also go at your own pace im gladd you took time to work on it i can't waittt bub! 💕✨-- ahh my yoonmintae recs okk okk i'll put them in another ask so sorry for the spammm! >.
i've been listening to yoonmirae's new singleee i feel soo powered up now!! gahh it's called Kawibawibo 🔥✊🏼 also the recs : WHO IS JIMIN'S MYSTERY BF!! - pansexuall (its not done but ajdjs it's worth reading) -- Meme Works Makes The Dream Work - Taetaehyungie (its by my good friend :') im soft!!) -- Unmagical Moonlight - AlixSkyeDawg (rollercoaster of fucking feelss!!) -- so those are my top3 fav ajsksksk ok this is long hope our day goes good! ✨ (3) -ymt
ahhh lovely it’s so good to hear from u !!!!! i put my replies under the read more bc it got hella long oops :’’)
oaisdjfoisd okay i LOVE german shepherds !!!! 😍😫 they’re my absolute fave breed of dog ever !!!!!!!!! i’ve always planned to get one once im living on my own, they’re just so cute - i even have a name picked out n everything :(( but shih tzus are so lovely too !!!! one of my dogs was a shih tzu (he passed away two years ago) and he was the sweetest, most chill lil dog i’ve ever known 💓
omg yay !!!! congrats sweetheart !!! how did ur trial go ?? trucking sounds super exciting omg - do u enjoy driving ?? i hope ur having fun at ur new job !!! & yess i did hear back !! so i have a job at my local night club rn, but i’m on like a three-month probationary period before i get legit hired -- but i also got an email yesterday inviting me to a group interview at a similar place i also applied to !! i’m a lil torn on what im gonna do, tbh :(( i said i’d attend the group interview & hopefully i’ll be able to find out what their hours are like compared to this other club - atm i’m working longgg shifts super late (i dont get home until abt 2am) n i don’t know if it’s the healthiest thing for me :(( buT i’ve also been talkin to another one of my friends who works as a kitchen hand & i asked her to let me know when they’re hiring as well bc im so indecisive haha :’) the pay there is a loT better (an additional $6 per hour !!) and the shifts are still long but at least they’re during the day ya know ??  :’’)
oiasoidjf omg u got an ao3 acct im so excited !!!! ahhh !!!!!!!! do you write fics & are u gonna post them, or are u just using it to bookmark n comment ?? also if u do pls lemme know ur acc name so i can read them 😫 ahHH im so excited for u !!!!!!!!!!!!! 💓 and omg ur gonna write a comment on hbts aHH ur so sweet 🤧 thank u honey !!! don’t feel pressured to tho ofc, i know how hard it can be to write comments on fics !!!!!!! 💓💓 and asdoifjsadf thank u !!! its actually so lovely to hear ur lookign forward to the new chapter !!!! ngl one of the reasons it took so long in the beginning was that i kinda had a crisis of self-confidence n i was like ‘mm the main plot is kinda wrapped up now, i dont think anyone even wants to read the rest ://’ but hearing that ppl are excited for it is sO reassuring, i can’t even express how grateful i am to hear it 💖✨
hA omg sweetheart no pls don’t apologise for spamming !!!! i love getting messages from u !!!!!!! 💓💓 also i should b the one apologising bc this reply is so heCKing long iajsdfiosdf oops :’’)
omg omg thank u for the recs !!!!!!!! i’ve actually had “meme work makes the dream work” by taetaehyungie in my ‘marked for later’ list for ages, n i finally got around to reading it after u sent this & it was so good !!!! ur friend is so talented !!!!!!!! ((also pls tell her i want a hobi/jungkook sequel aaHHH that ending was too cute 🤧))  i haven’t read the others yet but ive opened them in my phone & they’re all ready to go !!! aHH im so excited to read them, thank u for sending !!!!! 💐💖🌷
also holyy hECK i just listened to kawibawibo & it’s so good !!!!!!!!! i can’t believe i haven’t listened to yoonmirae before !!!!!! i love the beat of the song omg & the aesthetics of the mv are unreal ,, i’m kinda tempted to turn it into an edit ngl 😫 and that lil bit w all the female dancers ???!!! AHHH IT WAS SO GOOD !!!!! 😍
aiosdfi my music taste is super diverse, i dont rlly listen to one particular genre :’’) but i do like listening to chill/minor key covers of popular songs like these bc they make me feel rlly emo and calm:
billie jean - eden
you’re the one that i want - lo fang
say my name - olafur arnalds and arnor dan
hey ya - denm
me n my friends also often send each other playlists so i get a lotta variety & they all have really good music taste too !! also i’m gonna b super lame n predictable and say my fave korean artists are ,, bts :’’) they’re probably the only ones i listen to consistently !!!
i hope u have a lovely day today !!! 💓💓💓
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theday · 6 years
tagged by @ikyh and @younghyuuns ill be doing both sets !! :D thank you both for tagging me!! this got long so yall dont hav 2 read <3
ru?? rushee’s set!! me: wow ru does not sound like rushee at all ? djsjdhhjd im dumb but i realize now
i. do u believe in astrology? whats ur sign and do u line up with the features usually attributed to it?
fucc... i guess i do ;-0...... and yeah i think?????? like they say capricorns are cold bitches and funny nd im like ya thats me... but they also say we’re hard workers and im like uh.. dont know abt that karen !
ii. what’s ur favorite pair of socks?
bbbbbbb..... socks huh...... i guess my ankle ones? there are also socks that have actual designs on them and those r usually thicker.. keep my feets safe! most of them have pkmn designs bc.. yeah... love the poke mans
iii. what’s a food that reminds you of a specific moment/memory?
i could think of anythiing and get reminded of one situation if that makes sense.. but i thought of pineapple..pizza... anyway the memory isnt anythngn special its just me staring at my delicious hawaiian pizza..... at my favourite pizza place.... love that shit
iv. what’s the longest you’ve gone without sleeping?
i dont have the actual hours but the latest ive stayed up.. like willingly would be until 2am
v. how has ur taste in music changed throughout ur life?
went from 1d to 5so/s + other bands to utaite.... they cover vocaloid songs ig i never kno how2 explain what utaites r then 2 kpop.. but i still listen 2 bands + kpop and utaites.... so nothing much has changed ive just gone broader.. wider... expanded my tastes... 
vi. who’s ur fashion icon?
oh definitely kim wonpil
vii. what’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done without realizing?
i breathe dumbass particles.. i cant think of one bc my brain probably blocked off all access to my horrifying past but ive been thinking abt how i used 2 send the boy i used 2 like 1d songs....................... 12 y/o old me rly thought. he’d listen.... 12 y/o me thought spamming him was a good idea glad ive learnt from that! 
viii. what’s something you want to brag about?
my grades but it didnt get me into psychology so nvm ! its still good though i didnt expect to get an A1 (hghest grade) for combined humanities since ive had a B my whole life without it i wouldnt be able to move on education wise lmao so thank god for that thanks cambridge thanks bell curve sunbaenim 
ix. when you imagine urself being happy in the future, where exactly are you (like the location!)?
oh definitely an apartment somewhere where its always windy and the curtains are always Moving and the sun just Shines in the room but its not that hot either its just full of warmth and yeah thats the dream maybe also walks in the park without having 2 worry abt sweating my pits out u kno! tldr anywhere but here
x. what’s something you’ve always wanted to own?
let me Think.... i dont need a lot/?? but id love hm.............. i want stability but realistically i want all the hh pcs from the code albums. 
xi. how’ve you been lately?
good good! i finished my *** fic and its. im proud of it though i know its not that good nd i can do better but its done ! and hm i could be going to see mx but asking my mum is stressing me out speaking of her she wont stop Coughing and she refuses to see the doctor ;-/ love those sleepless nights ! other than that i just want 2 get out and feel the sun ???/ wanna get out of this house yea but i need to be.. shady with my money i cant get a job because school is starting in a month and im going overseas again sometime next month so ! no ones gonna hire someone who can only work for 2 weeks at most dhzjhhs shouldve worked when i had the time dumbasses only
ok now falen
1. what’s been on your mind??
hm redacted feeling towards my mum but i cant say them bc itd be insensitive 
2. what are you looking forward to? 
mx? possibly but also finishing my enrolment papers
3. story time!: how and when did you get into day6!!!!!
fuck...... listen up LADS. 
ive told the same story like 10 times but im never gonna get tired of saying this shit bc i love miss boxy so much nd she deserves the appreciation anywy she introduced me 2 day6 after i saw this one (1) picture of brian in minion glasses and instantly i knew in that Fucking moment thatd id die for him. so i asked for the name of my murderer and was introduced to day6 whom frankly id never heard of b4 bdjhjh she sent me all their mvs and i still remember the night . i remember walking out of this japanese restaurant, twitter open, chat wiht boxy there and i was like.. interesting ill go listen when im home so i Did! and my mind was blown away bitch? i honest 2 god expected them to be a boy group,,, dancing and shit yknow? i didnt know k bands existed ! so as a previous 5/sos stan i was like wow. this??? this shit is 10/10 a fucking BANGER thats what i felt listening 2 i smile and just going :O over the fucking instruments so idk if how can i say was the last or second song but Damn. .. it made me scream thanks mister j** he rly dragged me by the collar of my shirt and threw me face first into Heaven so i watched everything i asked my friend for video recommendations and after boxy sent me a page with their face and names i was like this jae kid is 182 cm? wow gotta stan now im stupid and stupid for glasses and tall people so ! it happened bithc,, ugh i lov eday6 so much i remember binge watchng all their vlives after the july after party live (that being the first vlive i watched Ever in my entire life and i laghed so hard despite not understanding a damn thing) please id giv my heart and soul2 day6 im so happy with the way ive progressed as a myday :^( 
bonus when i first started stanning it was 26th june and shortly after i made a stan acc teasers were being dropped but i didnt kno why ppl were freaking out i remmeber seeing jae’s teaser nd going ? ok? its just a pic damn ;-/ and then eveeryone was like: dowoon! choker! me: wdhs? what
4. ????do you have any allergies????
did u think of jae and no i used to be allergic 2 dairy products but thats disappeared
5. a fond memory???
bowling with friends and im just a disaster of a friend im always so loud with them and i thank god everyday that they handle my energy ? i would cheer for them even if they got a gutter or whatever and when they got a strike id go clap like crazy i love my friends i also went i have the power of god and anime on my side before flinging the ball and theyd laugh despite not knowing what vine that was from i love my friends... psg if ur out there yall are the best x i miss hanigng out with them as a trio.. three of us :( 
6. do you paint your nails?? if so, what are your fave colors to use?? if not, why??  
thats so.. tiresome.......... dont u have 2 wait for it 2 dry and shit ? my mums always worried abt ruining the colour or some sht nd im like !!! okY!!!!!!! tldr its a pain in the ass
7. what are your favorite colors?? what are your fave colors to wear??
i like hte colour of the sky... all the colours........ yeah love that bithc and lately ive been wearing a lot of black shirts finally went out of my embarrassing colourful phase ! 
8. what languages would you like to learn?? for what reason(s)??
japanese nd korean jp because i listen to a lot of things in japanese and korean for the same reason but my priority would be jp even tho id love to communicate with my faves i just... yeah although im not exactly making an effort 2 learn bc im lazy but if i Could.... itd be those two
9. when you get stickers, do you use them or do you keep them??
10. are there any groups that you might get into/want to get into?
hm... well theres knk ive learnt their names and im finally able to put name 2 face so thats nice svt too if htey didnt have such large numbers... thats all for now i think?? i love evry girl group though i love gIRLS... 
11. how are you???
idk im constantly just fine?? not the im sad but im fine kind of fine im literally just neutral half the time wjhddshs wild 
both of your questions were really unique and i loved answering them thank you so much for tagging me and if youve read until the end thank you i hope you have a good day!
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spnife · 7 years
91 question tag
Tagged by @vanillabeanniall​ and then @uswntinharmony​
More below the cut bc that’s how I roll
the last – 
1. drink: Arizona Tea
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: my mom - she sent me two climbing videos. Or I sent them to me, from her phone
4. song i listened to: What a feeling, but I was asleep (i checked the music app just now), so the last song I remember hearing is Ray of Light by Madonna
5. time you cried: wednesday. First day of school was today so it was some stress
have you ever – 6. dated someone twice: yeah
7. been cheated on: yeah. I became friends with the guy though. Similar tastes I guess???  (( Actually I blocked him on snapchat last year bc he was talking some bs on his story but in eigth grade he wasn’t awful))  She lied abt it though and then talked to me two years later and still lied like okay
8. kissed someone and regretted it: no ragrets
9. lost someone special: not really
10. been depressed: fuck hell yep
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no. I had like a sip of beer on a trip but it was just to mess with a dude while he was in the porta potty
list 3 favorite colors – 12. light blue
13. orangish pink
14. dark purple
in the last year have you – 15. made new friends: heck yeah. I switched schools and found a really good group of people there already. It’s been alright
16. fallen out of love: not in the last year. gotta be in love first
17. laughed until you cried: probably but I don’t remember rn
18. found out someone was talking about you: I think? I found out parents were saying nice things about me. Mean wise maybe? I’m not really sure. Probably
19. met someone who changed you: at least one. a teacher last year
20. found out who your true friends were: i think? 
more –  21. kissed someone on your facebook? alas, i do not have a facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? see 21
23. do you have any pets? A super sweet black lab named FeeBee, a kitten named Mulder and a cat named Milo, and a hedgehog named Wembly
24. do you want to change your name? i like my name. My last name bothers me sometimes bc dad stuff but it’s gotten better
25. what did you do on your last birthday? I had a chill day at school, got a nice car, got a card from all of the kids on the climbing team. One of them said “Wow Coach Ella, you only have two more years til you can drink,” like i’m sorry kid I’m only 16
26. what time did you wake up? 7. first day of school
27. what were you doing at midnight? crying and putting school stuff in my backpack and watching VEEP
28. name something you can’t wait for: to keep getting better at climbing, the Harry Styles concert on oct 11, my birthday on oct 13 bc it should be fun and I hope I’ll get another card from the climbing team bc they’re all lovely
29. when was the last time you saw your mother? today
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life? i want to know that I’ll be able to be happy
31. what are you listening to right now? watching Raising Hope
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom? yep
33. something that is getting on your nerves? I keep getting anxiety while I’m at climbing practice and that’s one of my most comfortable places. it feels like im going downhill with climbing even though I know im getting better
34. most visited site: netflix
school –  35. elementary: i loved my elementary school. every teacher i had was amazing, small school in austin and a good community and i still talk to my friends from there. so when i moved to the new school in fifth grade and depression was already showing up, the differences made it literally hell. it was awful. i didnt like my teachers and i didnt know people
36. middle: 6th grade was hell, 7th grade was even fuckin worse, 8th was still pretty bad. All the worst years of my life so far, and tbh it’s gonna be hard to top them
37. high: better than middle school but thats a really fucking low bar. like incredibly low.
38. college: planning for ACC for two years to get base courses, dream school UT in an engineering major. I love the school and the program there, but I worry if I could barely get through middle school, how tf am I supposed to survive college. Also it didn’t feel great when I was talking to a friend and I was like “yeah ut is tbh my dream school, if I can get in” and she was like “oh that’s one my last choice colleges” like fucking okay love you thanks for telling me that makes me feel real good about my intelligence and how you view me
me –  39. hair color: brown
40. long or short hair? shoulder length
41. do you have a crush on someone? yep. according to a friend i am “so gone for this girl” but um. oka y what if she doesn’t like me? I feel good around her though and she likes being around me and we work well together I think. She’s lovely and I wouldn’t want to make things weird by asking her out if I don’t know she feels that way too.
42. what do you like about yourself? I am able to figure things out and I work with kids really well. I’ve also been getting better at climbing again so I’m proud of myself for that
43. piercings? just my ears
44. blood type: lol yeah like i know?
45. nickname: ellallalala is something I’m getting from people at the new school, and I’ve had some climbing nicknames over the years but Coachella is sticking. I coach and my name is Ella it’s great
46. relationship status: nope
47. zodiac sign: libra
48. pronouns: she/her
49. favorite tv show(s): always sunny, parks and rec, my name is earl, curious george
50. tattoos: soon
51. right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? right
first –  52. surgery: i had one on my pelvis in 2013? i was in preschool and it was for this weird group of veins on the side of my leg. We’d always called it a birthmark and after the surgery the scar looked like a sunset over water but the sun is purple (still looks like that it’s rad) and the first time someone showed me a birthmark i was like??? Um no thats just a little dark bit of skin?? my birthmark is purple what is this shit
53. piercing: ears
54. sport: rock climbing. found it early and still love it
55. vacation: no idea
56. pair of trainers: first i remember are a PAIR OF DORA LIGHT UP SHOES
current –  57. eating: nothing
58. drinking: arizona tea
59. i’m about to: finish my arizona tea
60. listening to: the episode ended so me typing and the clock my great grandmother gave is
future –  61. waiting for: me to feel alright
62. want: to like what i’m doing and to know i’m able to be happy doing it. I wish I could just skip to being married with kids and a dog and everything.
63. married: oh for sure
64. career: astronaut has always been my dream career but with this level of anxiety it’s probably a no go. I am not over it. I’m def gonna cry abt it in a couple of minutes bc thats how it goes, ya know. The last astronaut I talked to though said “the biggest disqualifier is not applying” so i’m still going to try my hardest. I also love engineering and physics and space and science and education and would love to be a librarian, so we’ll see
your type – 
 65. hugs or kisses? depends
66. lips or eyes? eyes, i guess. There’s more character there
67. shorter or taller? in my head i’m always like oh taller but really it doesn’t matter. as long as i can be little spoon im good to go
68. older or younger? doesn’t matter
69. nice arms or nice stomach? tummies are cute i guess. 
70. sensitive or loud? i don’t know
71. hook-up or relationship? right now relationship and at some point relationship but ask me a couple months ago and it would have been different
72. troublemaker or hesitant? both. troublemaker with a lot of decisions but in fun ways, but hesitant when it comes to talking to new people that i want to be good friends with. and asking people out
73. kissed a stranger? yep. on a bet
74. drank hard liquor? had some jack daniels mixed with coffee and it tasted like cinnamon toast crunch
75. lost contact lenses/glasses? my glasses always turn up
76. turned someone down? yeah. accidentally on a few though lol. As i had a crush on someone i went out with for a little while last yeah legit three other people liked me and i guess im oblivious bc i had no fucking idea
77. sex on first date? depends
78. broken someone’s heart? i don’t think so
79. had your heart broken? yes but in a friendship way along with the relationship. it goes back to the you should kill yourself stuff
80. been arrested? nope
81. cried when someone died? no one i’ve known closely has died. My great-great grandmother died when i was fiveish but she was really old. There have been a few suicides at my old school (i switched 2 months before end of last year) and those hit hard, just knowing that there are so many people here dealing with that stuff and me relating to it. I didn’t know the people well but we’d spoken and I knew them some, but I had some friends who were much closer and really affected
82. fallen for a friend? yeah
do you believe in –  83. yourself? i try
84. miracles? shit happens, and sometimes it’s good
85. love at first sight? who am i to say tbh
86. santa claus? no
87. kiss on first date? if i like them
88. angels? no
other –  89. current best friend’s name: skip
90. eye color: hazel
91. favorite movie: i dont know im tired and want to cry sort of so maybe i shouldnt think about this stuff as much when im already stressed im going to go drink more tea and eat some soup
I’m tagging anyone who reads this far. gotcha
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Bones, Cats, and Children: Titan BIG, SWEET, DORKY BOY WHO TRIES SO HARD TO BE POLITE. LOVES TO BE HELD, PLAY WITH TOYS, SIT ON YOUR FEET. EVEN LOVES BATHS. RELAXED & GENTLE W/KIDS TOO! ADORED BY VOLUNTEERS "A GOLDEN GOD!" *** TO BE KILLED - 1/4/2018 *** “Titan loves to be held and take baths.” That’s what the person said who dumped Titan at the Manhattan Center after Titan’s real parent completely abandoned him. He has tried so hard to roll with the punches – abandonment, abandonment again, and now the scary shelter. He’s “a golden God” say the volunteers who adore this super sweet, wiggly, playful “dorky” boy. No one could be more endearing or try so hard to please. He’s simply adorable from head to tail and he proved his perfection when he got ALL COVETED 1'S ACROSS THE BOARD ON HIS SAFER! Titan just wants to be loved, he just wants to fit in, and he really, truly deserves a home for the holidays – with a family who never leaves him again! How could anyone leave such a peach of a dog anyway? As a smitten staff member writes: “Titan, aptly named as he is a golden god. His smile lights up the room as he saunters over for some petting. Titan is a big kid at heart, bouncing around the room with a toy (or leash) in his mouth. He tries so hard to be polite and will sit on your feet or lean into your legs but sometimes he just can't help himself, and will jump up ever so lightly to take the treat from your fingers, or accept the petting you are offering. Titan is the god of dorks but he can be the god of your life if you let him.” If you can save the life of one of the most wonderful dogs on earth, don’t hesitate a minute longer. His life depends on YOU> Hurry and MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] to foster or adopt our “Golden God” now! My playgroup video! :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CILQL4Rkv9E TITAN, ID 50076, @ 4 Yrs. Old, 70 lbs. Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Brown, Unaltered Male Surrender Reason, 12/8/2018: Abandoned by previous owner Shelter Assessment Rating: Experienced Home Intake Behavior Rating: 1. Green AT RISK MEMO: Titan becomes very anxious in the care center and has shown levels of frustration and arousal. For this reason, it is best that Titan be placed into a low stress environment with an experienced owner where he can receive behavior modification to manage his anxiety. Medically, Titan has dental disease and Otitis Externa, a condition of the ear, which may require follow up vet care. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE, 12/8/2018: Titan came into BxRC on a chain leash. He was pulling hard against it and was bleeding slightly due to it. He was sniffing around the lobby with loose body language and peed on the floor. He allowed counselors to approach, pet him, and scan him for a microchip. He remained in the lobby for the intake. After the intake, he followed counselors to the photo area where he sat when presented with a toy, and then followed them and his owner to the dog holding room where he went right into the kennel. BASIC INFORMATION: Titan is a 4 year old large mixed breed with a brown and white coat. He was abandoned by his previous owner and taken in for 6 months before being surrendered due to behavior issues. He previously lived with 2 adults. Titan is friendly around strangers and will approach them and jump on them. : Behavior around children is unknown. The previous owner stated the owner before her had young kids in the home and that Titan was very relaxed with them. Titan’s behavior around other dogs or cats is unknown. Titan displays no resource guarding behavior. Titan has never attempted to bite or scratch any human or animal. He is housetrained and has a very high energy level. Titan is always energetic and playful. . Other Notes:: Titan loves to be held and take baths. He is not bothered when being disturbed while resting. Medical Notes: Titan has a skin rash around his neck with bleeding due to a chain leash. He also has calluses on his elbows. Titan has not been to the vet with his previous owner. He will bark when a stranger approaches his house or owner, and has never been on furniture, been brushed, or had his nails trimmed. For a New Family to Know: Titan is a friendly, affectionate, and confident dog who loves running around and playing tug. His favorite treats are Milk Bones and guarding the door to his home. He loves walks on leash and knows the command sit. SHELTER ASSESSMENT – DATE OF ASSESSMENT, 12/10/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft 'popping' of the body, etc. Dog might jump on Assessor once play begins. Paw squeeze 1:: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Eyes are averted and ears are relaxed or back. Paw squeeze 2:: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Eyes are averted and ears are relaxed or back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. Dog does not place his/her body between you and the toy. Summary:: Titan approached the assessor with a soft body and jumped up in a social manner. He jumped up several times during the assessment and grabbed the leash in his mouth during tag. He was social throughout and allowed all handling. PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Summary (1):: 12/9: When introduced off leash to the female greeter, Titan is initially anxious and distracted. He at times becomes tense and rushes over, then roams away. Slow, future introductions are recommended due to limited history and opportunity for interaction in the care center (lack of appropriate helper dog). INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake:: 12/8/2018. Summary:: Loose body, allowed handling. ENERGY LEVEL:: Titan is described as having a high level of activity. He is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: While Titan presents to be a challenge in the care center with his rope reactivity (grabbing the leash in his mouth and biting up the leash), he remains highly social when interacting with his handlers. Titan is playful, exuberant and actively seeks/solicits attention. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No young children (under 5) Recommendations comments:: No young children: Due to the high level of jumping and leash biting seen at the care center, we recommend a home without young children. Older children who are comfortable around large, jumpy dogs should have an in-depth interaction prior to adoption. Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Anxiety,Leash-biting,Strength/leash pulling Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control: Titan jumps up a lot on people in a social manner. It is recommended that default behaviors such as "Leave it", "Sit/Stay", "Down" are reinforced to substitute any frustration and teach him to control his impulses instead of simply reacting; proper management is also advised. Force-free, reward based training only is recommended. Leash-biting: Titan is quick to grab the leash in his mouth. We recommend walking him with a toy to dissuade him from grabbing the leash. Positive reinforcement, force-free training is advised to teach him to focus on you rather than grabbing the leash. Strength/leash pulling: Titan is a very large, strong dog with the capability to pull over an average adopter. His adopter must be prepared and able to handle a dog of this size and strength. It is recommended that he be walked on a front clip harness or head halter, which help diminish his strength through leverage, and that he be trained using positive reinforcement, reward based training to not pull on leash. Anxiety: Titan appears anxious at the care center, panting, pacing, and barking. If this behavior occurs in a future home, future home, we recommend puzzle toys, long walks, and giving him other things to focus on to alleviate his anxiety. Positive reinforcement, force-free training only should be used. MEDICAL NOTES: 12/12/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~4yrs based on O hx; consistent with exam Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative. placed by LVT History : Surrendered by O. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR; allowed all handling. very energetic. Loose body and panting throughout exam. Allowed handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears have moderate brown greasy exudate, AU; no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: dc 2/5; pd 2/5 PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: intact male. testicles are smooth and symmetrical MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, alopecia along the neck, especially ventral portion. Hypotrichosis along the dorsum with mild amount of scabbing. pressure sores along the elbows and dorsolateral carpi. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal. Assessment otitis externa dental disease alopecia and hypotrichosis with crusting r/o bacterial infection, parasites, allergies Prognosis: excellent Plan: skin scrape: negative. ear cleaning claro otic, AU simplicef 200mg PO q24h x 10 days recommend routine daily dental care and follow-up for skin and ears once placed SURGERY: Okay for surgery 13/12/2018 Starting trazodone 150 mg PO BID due to stress in shelter. 1088 *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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