#but please dont act like youre somehow being morally superior by not doing so
jvlianbashir · 3 years
tiktokers are really like "not tipping servers/doordashers is actually radical praxis"
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densewentz · 2 years
personal ranting about insufferable morality about vengeance in fiction lol
now im mostly talking about stories involving Big grievances like “you burned my entire family alive/ youve abused/enslaved me since i was a child/ you destroyed everything ive ever loved” etc. not like. the “you gave me a dirty look once at a party so now im a supervillain” stuff marvel pulls but like look maybe its just me but i am so sick of "if you do this you’re just as bad as they are!” self-righteous, aggrandizing hero stories and their didactic moral superiority and unsatisfying slog endings where loose threads are left hanging. i want the vengeance. i want the pyrrhic amoral victory. i want the unapologetic emotional response to trauma and for the damaged party to take their rightful due without guilt. Whether that means physically destroying something, refusing to help someone, killing an asshole, etc i do not care. all are valid and are much more fascinating to explore than this bland-ass forced change/acceptance we always get saddled with.
“vengeance isn’t satisfying” my ass. There is no greater relief than a ghost laid to rest and a tiger off your back. i want to see a damaged character burn their antagonist to the ground and smile up at the sky because finally finally they can breathe. And it’ll still hurt. the breath will still rattle in their lungs. but for at least a moment the weight is gone. bonus points if for once we can have a character put an end to their tormentor without every other character suddenly acting like they’re a monster now for not showing mercy to a merciless creature. “but everyone deserves a second chance!” look okay. i get it. its a nice sentiment. but everyone deserves a first chance. and if you use yours to destroy someone else’s that’s called forfeit. if you want to grant a second chance to your own demons then go ahead, but no one has the right to demand for someone else to pardon theirs. moreover half the time some shitheel hero says this, 20 minutes later the aforementioned villainous entity is back to being a grade-a asshole again, and MORE innocent people suffer because the heroes were too ‘good’ to do what needed to be done to protect people who couldnt protect themselves (im looking at you, Once Upon a Time). “but revenge isnt the answer” okay but sometimes it is though, babygirl. it might not be the most morally upstanding answer, nor a universal one, but in terms of specific characters sometimes that cumulation and release of every emotional bodyblow theyve been dealt is what they need. particularly in fiction where we actually HAVE the option to explore less lawful means of holding accountability. and idk if its because im not plagued by Catholic Guilt™ or what but there is nothing more satisfying than seeing someone deservedly get theirs. hubris and karma are delicious, moreso when delivered by an injured party. even MORESO if that injured party isnt then made out to be somehow worse than the original villain now because of it.  long story short: please god everyone once and a while just chill tf out and let fictional characters absolutely lay waste to whatever antagonist plagues them and feel good about it after. and ffs unless its really off the rails you dont have to immediately call it ‘dark’ whoever babes. stop being the ‘bigger’ person and you’re left with just a person. and sometimes that can be much more satisfying and liberating to relate to. 
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citrus-feline · 5 years
ppl really are just like “lol ur just sad bcuz ur not allowed to be lazy” when mentally ill & disabled people complain about capitalism making them actually want to commit suicide because it makes us all seem like burdens.
how can you have such a lack of empathy?? for a fucking Second just imagine what it would be like from that persons perspective before telling them that they should suck it up and just do it (somehow?? despite their situations making that near impossible, if not outright).
idk what to tell you if you think that this is a thing that is okay to let happen. it is not uncommon to any degree for people in this type of situation to feel like a burden and to consider things as drastic as suicide. that isn’t uncommon. that happens, a lot. but you’d rather believe that we are all in some kind of evil group of dumb kids who pretend just because they want to be lazy??? there are kids who do that, yeah, but the majority of people who complain about this kind of thing aren’t like that.
you can continue to tell us that we are awful people for thinking this way, and i want you to know that it isn’t helping. you saying that shit is upright making it worse. even if it WAS true, what is the point of saying it? you are implying that people who go through this Deserve to feel like burdens and Deserve to want to commit suicide, even if that wasn’t your intention. that is what we see when you type that out.
you all act like we never have tried and we are just sitting with our unknowing perceptions of how things work, but let me tell you that almost all of us have tried, multiple times at that. finding a job with these circumstances in the first place is incredibly difficult. i can sometimes do an okay job at getting people to believe that i’m normal because my appearance isn’t really affected by what i go through, while other people don’t have that grace. and even then, even when i was hired after months and months of searching and being turned down over and over and over because my personality wasn’t what they wanted..... my employer would eventually learn that i am not normal. it’s Really hard to hide that type of thing when it affects you every single day of your life, turns out.
even taking the horrible process of getting hired into account, people will act like when you are hired that you are good and it’s all easy from there. it isn’t. it really isn’t. i worked as long as i did for my past jobs because i went in thinking that everything wrong with me would go away when i finally got to that point. because that’s what people act like. unfortunately, that isn’t how it works. i would find myself dreading work after a month or two. by the third month i would consider suicide nearly every minute on the job, to the point of me getting so scared that my employer would notice and i would get fired or i would end up quitting because i don’t want to die just yet.
you can go on and on about how young adults these days are just too sensitive and don’t understand anything, but like... im starting to think that everyone from older generations that felt this way just... died? killed themselves? or couldn’t find a job and ended up on the streets? you know that tons of homeless people are mentally ill or disabled to some extent, right? you know that, right??? and even with all of that you still continue to say how entitled we all are when we literally just want to survive.
my dream for what i want my future to be isn’t crazy or over the top. i just want to live with my boyfriend, get married in a few years, and maybe try to go to school when i feel ready. my goal in life is to just be happy. it isn’t to be rich or famous like you all seem to think it is. i just want to survive with the person i love. i want to be happy. why is that such an awful thing to want? how am i a bad person for wanting to be happy?
im quiet and always do as im told. i dont go out of my way to make things hard for other people. yes, doing things can be really hard for me, and they normally are. but ill end up doing it, it just might take a while. the problem with how things work is the expectation of happening fast and without issue. i’ve always done things slowly because of how much thought i put into everything. it has always, even since i was very young, difficult for me to work myself towards doing something.
this isn’t something that developed during high school like so many people seem to assume. i’ve been depressed and anxious for as long as i can remember. i remember being REALLY weird when i was very young, and that’s because i didn’t understand what was wrong with me. i was miserable most of the time, even as early as elementary school. i feel like i didn’t ever have the happy, lazy experience that everyone assumes i’m trying to keep in my life. i can’t keep that if i never had it. and even if i could somehow make it happen, it hasn’t. i’m in a pretty understanding situation with my boyfriend, and i’m given time to do things. he understands how hard things are for me, and doesn’t automatically just call me lazy like everyone else seems to. it makes me feel like i have some kind of worth.
isn’t it depressing to think about the fact that i will often find myself thinking that i am worthless because of the lack of what i do? i will find myself looking at me at the core and think “yeah this is worthless, and it should be thrown away”. even when i do well i think this way. nothing is ever enough, and no matter how hard i work to ignore it, my issues won’t magically vanish. i WISH they did. and i’ve tried so hard to make that happen. but it doesn’t. this isn’t something that is simply just a made up problem that i’ve convinced myself to believe. i was suffering from this before i even knew you COULD be like this. i just always thought that i was weird and broken and unlovable and... worthless. even as a kid. i tried the same tactic of making myself do tons of things in order to try to make it go away, but it didn’t work. being the smart kid never worked. being the kid who really wanted to have fun and play but assumed i couldn’t because i needed to work harder to be ‘normal’ like all the other kids Never Worked. i never had more than 5 friends at a time for the large majority of my school life. that got a little better in high school when i started to accept whats wrong with me, but even then it was still pretty bleak.
i just. i don’t get how people can come on here, look at a post written by someone struggling for other people struggling, and then tell everyone who agrees with it that they are all just lazy and awful people. does that make you feel good about yourself? you know that we all already know that we are far from normal, right? i know only one or two people who have gone through this all without mental illness or disability contributing, but so many more who experience it with those things being the core.
if you hate disabled and mentally ill people, just say it. because you acting like you are morally superior because you are lucky enough to be able to tolerate the work environment of today is obviously how you feel. we know that people hate us. we do. i’ve been verbally abused plenty over this exact thing, from lots of different people acting like they “know the best” for me.
please just. stop talking to us if you are so unwilling to listen. we listen to you constantly. its a rare case to come across other people being loud about this type of thing without outright looking for it. if you look for it, you can find it, but i wouldn’t have ever thought to do that for most of my life. the only reason i learned what was wrong with me was because a school counselor in middle school got so concerned for me that she made me see her once a week to talk about how i see the world. and turns out, most people DONT see it the way i do! wow! sounds stupid but i actually had NO idea that i saw things so differently than other people. what a shocker, right? well, it sure was for me when i was just learning then that some people have things like depression or anxiety.
im done with this post. im tired and im going to think about something else.
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