#but sometimes I just wanna draw my boy ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
backkchat ยท 2 years
Just wanna come out here for a quick second and kiss your hand, then tell you that your art is just completely outstanding, and you've got a flawless eye to draw people and actually have them look like themselves. Just found for account and I'm thunderstruck. You could paint Roger at any angle and it looks like you used a reference because you're just that good. I swear.
Oh, didn't include a question! Well... are you aware of how gorgeous your art is? Could we see some Gilmour soon?
Thank you for posting and sharing your paintings with the world, thanks a lot.
First of all thank you so much! When I first started drawing Roger it was a hell of a struggle I was never happy with how it came out but as you can probably tell I practice a lot (drawing his face) but capturing him, his features is so important to me ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ fun fact, David is actually the first of the Floyd boys I've ever drawn. He has a really fun face to draw. The reason I draw Roger the most is because 1- I like his face a lot i think he's very pretty ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ and secondly I draw from his lyrics so I associate him with it and that gives me inspiration! But to answer your question, yes I'll make time to draw David again, it might not be as extravagant as my works of Roger but I'll definitely do it sometime! Thank you so much for your question! And sorry it took me some time to answer >:3
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