#but they're becoming fewer and more manageable
caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
CLASSES - a comprehensive guide
The first thing that needs to be said is that there is no such thing as a "bad" class. All of them have the potential to be a great detriment OR great boon to the rest of the team, depending on how far along the journey of self-actualization a party member is. Some may have steeper challenges, but this corresponds with greater rewards.
The second thing that needs to be said is that all players are part of a team, and all personal journeys and playstyles are interlinked. No class is truly "solo." Even the smallest viable session is still two people, and even the most suitable classes for solo play are stronger when they're in a party.
The last thing that needs to be said is that the game wants you to succeed. The game, inherently, wants every player to reach godhood, wants every player to self-actualize, wants every player to win. It respects free will and free choice, so it will allow for failures (and, indeed, doomed timelines are vital to the alpha one existing), but Skaia is ultimately optimistic, and tries at every turn to ensure that a golden ending is possible.
Because, after all, SBURB/SGRUB - and Homestuck itself - are about children growing up, maturing, and learning compassion for each other. About fixing their flaws and rejecting the negative aspects of the society they came from. It's about how it is our duty, our responsibility, to become kind, mature people who care about one another, because we will one day be responsible for creating a new society.
And so, without further ado:
ACTIVE (-) Classes and PASSIVE (+) Classes are described with the dichotomy of "powers working for the self" vs. "powers working for others," but I believe this to be an oversimplification of what the active and passive split is. Both active AND passive classes benefit from being in a party; however, an active class will gain fewer party benefits in exchange for being more suited for solo play, while a passive class will be less suited for solo play, but confer much greater benefits to party play.
This is reflected in their personal quests: while active classes and passive classes will both require intervention, empathy, and guidance from their teammates, the struggle of an active class is usually one of grappling with internal flaws, and the struggle of a passive class is one of grappling with interpersonal or societal relations. In other words, the personal quest of an active player will usually involve getting therapized, while the personal quest of a passive player will usually involve addressing a systemic societal issue. Often, both will be required, but whether a class is active or passive will indicate an area of focus.
one who wields [aspect] or leads with [aspect] / one who distributes [aspect] or manages with [aspect]
KNIGHTS (-) are a very flexible and versatile class; "wielding" their aspect does not necessarily mean they are skilled at DPS. It actually indicates the way a knight interacts with their aspect, a very straightforward relationship of tradesperson and tool, or soldier and weapon. Similarly, while a knight does not always take up the "leader" position in the party, they will be the "spearhead," a point behind which the other players rally, a beating heart keeping the party together.
This straightforward relationship between a knight and their aspect leads to knights finding little difficulty mastering their aspect once they've begun. Many knights are, in fact, instinctively drawn toward utilizing their aspect, in the same way that they are naturally drawn toward roles of importance or heroism.
Knights often struggle with their perceived place in society, as well as with their innate sense of self and self-worth, seeing themselves as outcasts, resenting the responsibility placed on their shoulders, and fearing vulnerability. Unaddressed, these issues will lead to knights who actively become a detriment to party success. For example, they can dismiss valid concerns, shirk their duties, and in the worst case scenario, actively lead the party down the wrong path, invoking their natural ability to lead for ill.
Therefore, a knight's journey is one of accepting themselves and accepting their duty to better the world. It is about coming to terms with their own insecurities and learning to rely on others. It is about learning to take responsibility, and accepting the banner of a just and glorious cause.
A fully realized knight will be the center of every charge, the guiding star behind which the other players rally. They can provide clarity and guidance to those still on their journeys, and peace and comfort to those who are struggling or in pain. Where the knight goes, the party will follow, as a unified and united front.
MAIDS (+), meanwhile, tend to be on the backlines. If the knight is the forward march, then the maid is the supply line, an incredibly vital role whose absence is disastrous, even if its presence is nearly invisible. Maids have a nearly infinite well of their aspect to distribute, and are uniquely talented at managerial duties - keeping players on task, patching up the holes in a plan, sourcing and supplying resources, so on and so forth.
This is not to say that maids are relegated to support roles - a maid is usually capable of holding their own in combat just fine, especially if they've been endowed with a more combat-suited aspect. Both knights and maids are extremely versatile. That being said, maids truly shine when they're able to take on these backline roles, and many maids are more noticeable by the devastating effects of their absence rather than the invisible touch of their presence.
However, they are the class that most often starts in subservient conditions - low status, strict duties enforced upon them, so on - and their personal journey is a constant struggle against the control of others. Maids whose parties fail to grapple with and undo these shackling forces will find their maids succumbing to the influence or control of malicious entities; in the worst-case scenario, a maid can become an actively hostile enemy or saboteur, invisibly pulling the party's strings and setting them up for failure.
Therefore, a maid's journey is about rejecting societal oppression and throwing off the chains that bind them. A successful maid rises to become the head of the household - nothing occurs within the game that does not first pass the maid's inspection, and their touch ensures that there is a place for everything, and everything is in its place.
A free maid, who belongs to themselves, incomparably increases a party's efficiency. Every communication line is clear, every distribution route is clean, every mystery is solvable, and every plan is airtight. A maid guarantees that nothing can ever go too wrong.
one who must earn [aspect] or inherits the mantle of [aspect] / one who is beloved by [aspect] or awakens to [aspect]
PAGES (-) start the game with the fewest benefits from their aspects, but the greatest potential for growth. Theirs is a constant battle with the self; they are often cowardly and naive. They possess sensitive souls, and while it is incredibly easy to hurt a page, it's much more difficult to build them up. Because of the difficulty of raising this class, it's practically defined by its journey - a constant struggle against the self - rather than its destination, and the powers the class confers.
Pages, like heirs, are classes of inheritance. A page is promoted by trials and tribulations and comes to inherit a greater power than they begin with; in the same way, the class will one day come to embody its aspect, although the road will always be turbulent and long. Moreover, it is a journey without end; pages, being as sensitive as they are, are the most prone to backwards progress, even after reaching their peak.
They prone to staying weak throughout the entire game, never self-actualizing past being the party joke. They attract the obsession and ridicule of stronger-willed players, and their mistreatment can become extremely divisive. A page can easily become a party's albatross, the epicenter of massive interpersonal conflicts, which can tank an entire session.
Therefore, a page's journey is one of the most difficult of all - that of teaching others how to care about other people. Pages rely on great patience, kindness, and understanding. Their sensitive souls must be carefully nurtured and propagated with love and attention. In the same way that a page can tear a team apart, they can bring a team together, all in the name of compassion and empathy. A fully-realized page is the symbol of a party that has linked hands with one another.
Self-actualized pages, as a result of the difficulty inherent to the class, are incredibly powerful and versatile when fully realized. Inheriting the mantle of their aspect, they become pure embodiments of their aspect, capable of achieving impossible feats of raw, unfiltered power, and inspiring all those who gaze upon them.
HEIRS (+) begin the game very strong, but have a difficult time becoming stronger. This is because their usage of their aspect is very instinctual to them, even at times being entirely beyond their control, hence, "beloved by" in the class description. However, because of how naturally their aspect comes to them, it makes taking further command of their powers difficult.
An heir "awakens to" their aspect because their natural, intuitive control often renders them too comfortable to grasp the greater implications of their class. As an inheritance class, heirs can come to embody their aspect, transforming entirely into it. Their challenge lies in breaking out of their comfortable shell and learning how to utilize their powers in more active, intentional ways.
This is reflected in their personal quests. They are often set to inherit great privilege or wealth prior to entering the game, and are thus naive to the realities of the suffering and pain of others. Without a supportive party willing to challenge their views, heirs can perpetuate that pain by submitting to their place in the world, becoming a divisive force within the party, or, in the worst case, losing themselves to their inheritance, and submitting so wholly to their aspect that they become lost to the rest of the team.
Thus, an heir's journey is to question the stratification of the society they belong to, so that they can recognize and address its flaws. They must learn to interrogate their inheritance, separate it from themselves, and reconcile with it. Theirs is an arc of examination and understanding, descending from their position of privilege and peace to learn about the suffering of others, and deciding that they wish to do something about it.
With full command over their aspect, and a clear vision for how it ought to be distributed, the party gains a new and powerful ally - the aspect itself, which will come to embrace the entire party as family. A fully-realized heir connects the privileged and underprivileged, spreading their inheritance to all.
one who invokes [aspect] or is drawn to [aspect] / one who comprehends [aspect] or is guided by [aspect]
MAGES (-) are a class of prophets, although saying they "see the future" is misleading. Rather, mages "invoke" the future, collapsing causality to align to their desires. Most mages remain unaware that they are doing so until well into their journey. While all players weigh on the scale of causality, affecting both past and future events, and which sequence of events is the "alpha" sequence, mages have the most direct effect.
Because of this ability to invoke future events, mages possess powerful buffing/debuffing abilities. Furthermore, as one of the two knowledge classes, a mage usually has a very deep understanding of their aspect, and an intuitive knowledge of how the flow of time and causality function. They are "drawn to" their aspects in this way, instinctively searching out points where their influence can affect the flow of events.
However, with great power comes great cost; the mage class is usually assigned to those who are stricken by tragedies and prone to negativity and self-loathing. Mages often begin the game as a detriment to the party, "prophesying" future events that leave the party - including themselves - at a disadvantage. In the worst case scenario, a mage can invoke certain doom for their party or themselves.
Therefore, it is vital that a mage address their tragedies and be given a chance to heal and grow. The ones most struck by tragedy, theirs is a journey of reclaiming lost joy and rediscovering lost hope. However, the transformation is powerful once completed - as the one who suffers tragedy and loss most intimately, a mage can also come to be one of the most empathetic and compassionate members of the team.
If a mage is uplifted, and capable of believing in a kinder and gentler world, then their ability to invoke the future - and the aspects of their aspect that they are drawn to - become kinder, as well. Pain and suffering still have their place, but the ending will be a happy one. With a fully empowered mage, the future will always be better than what came before.
SEERS (+) see multiple branching paths. A mage determines where a road will be built, but a seer tells you where a road CAN be built. They are also often gifted with knowledge of the game and its mechanics, and are especially uniquely gifted with understanding of their own abilities. In this way, they "comprehend" their aspect.
Seers themselves are not particularly gifted in combat through their classpect alone; however, in exchange, they often play a vital role in steering the party. They are the game's built-in guides, with an intuitive knowledge of the game's victory conditions, as well as an instinctive desire to lead others along their paths. Seers are, therefore, one of the most important classes in the game, when one is present.
However, the ability to see is a burden as well as a gift. Seers find themselves paralyzed by choice, and often doubt their own abilities to choose "correctly." They are prone to becoming mired in what-ifs, and struggle with political or ethical debates with no clear answers. In the worst-case scenario, a seer may feel so cursed by their sight that they self-destruct, and deliberately choose poor or incomprehensible answers, in an attempt to free themselves of their sight.
Thus, a seer's quest is, ironically, to see the world beyond the purview of their aspect. They must come to have a more comprehensive understanding of the world they live in, and what purpose they are trying to achieve, so that they can feel confident in the choices they make. A seer is often blind - their journey, therefore, is that of regaining their vision, by connecting with the world outside their inner sight.
A seer with a clear vision for the future will always know exactly which path to choose. A party with such a seer in it will never be stuck and never be lost. If there exists a path to self-actualization, the seer will know it. And if there exists a path to a breathless and perfect victory, a fully-realized seer will light the way.
one who steals [aspect] from others or steals with [aspect] / one who steals [aspect] for others or steals from [aspect]
THIEVES (-) are a very difficult class to play. They start out with almost no passive abilities regarding their aspect, and their ability to actively use their aspect is contingent on their ability to first "steal" it from someone else. Thus, they are always playing a game of resource management, and there is always a chance for them to be left helpless after a heist gone wrong.
However, their gimmicky nature allows them to overtake other classes even in that class's specialty, if they can set up the exact right circumstances and manage their resources well. This makes them incredibly versatile, especially when a thief is working together with a party, and thus able to count their party among their potential resources. It takes great cunning to play the thief class well.
However, this also makes the thief a potentially dangerous element to the rest of the party. Thieves are often egotistical and self-serving, willing to see enemies and allies alike as resources and tools. Unaddressed, their reckless, selfish natures will earn their teammates' distrust and enmity. In the worst case scenario, a thief running rampant can severely harm the party, or earn so much ire that the party turns against them.
Thus, their journey is that of realizing that their selfishness and ego are flaws - the classic parable of "money doesn't bring happiness." Beneath their uncaring surface lurks genuine emotional distress; a thief must come to realize that their greed and selfishness is an active detriment not only to the people around them, but their own selves. Only then can they heal from their injured souls.
A thief that has undertaken this journey is one who has realized that they are stronger when they are working with others. Their versatility, creativity, and cunning are incredible assets once harnessed toward the will of the party. No situation will ever be inescapable, no safe uncrackable, and no problem unsolvable - not if the thief has anything to say about it.
ROGUES (+) are similarly difficult to play. Unlike the thieves, rogues do see passive benefits from their aspects. However, their active abilities are much less straightforward, and rogues often struggle with understanding them. A rogue's role is to redistribute wealth - thus, "stealing for the sake of others."
A rogue, being able to steal directly from their aspect, truly shines when given enough time to prepare. If a thief must fly by the seat of their pants, then a rogue is a heist planner - they have an infinite box of tools to pull from, if only they know what tools they'll need for the job. This makes them incomparably versatile, even if not necessarily in the heat of combat.
Rogues take on the mantle of challenging the status quo. They usually begin the game already in opposition to their society, seeking out better alternatives and considering unorthodox options. However, not every party is ready for a rogue's radical ideology, and not every rogue has considered the full consequences of their belief in change; in the worst case scenario, the rogue can become outcasted and disregarded, or cause an upheaval that proves disastrous, rioting for the sake of rioting.
It often requires the help of others for a rogue to understand how to use their powers. In the same way, it requires the party's honest communication and exchange of ideas to help a rogue grasp exactly what form their rebellion ought to take. A rogue knows instinctively that something must change; their journey is learning how they ought to go about it.
Once they do, a rogue - given enough time to prepare and plan - is the ultimate utility player, having the right tool for every possible situation. Their abilities are only magnified in a party setting, as their teammates become variables that unlock new possibilities. A party with a fully-prepped rogue always has a perfect plan, a way to solve any problem that they might face.
one who manipulates [aspect] or achieves dominion through [aspect] / one who nurtures [aspect] or creates a land of [aspect]
WITCHES (-) carry with them the winds of change. A witch manipulates, changing properties of their aspect and their aspect's effect on others, creating a "territory" over which they rule. They see few passive benefits of their aspects, in exchange for their active abilities being so all-encompassing and overwhelming.
Once their territory has been established, witches make the rules. Their changes can be permanent, temporary, massive, and miniscule. However, a witch "achieves dominion" with their aspect - this means that they must first struggle to create this domain, and it's difficult for their abilities to manifest until they do, often leaving younger witches weak and vulnerable.
Witches have strong feelings for how things should and should not be, but not necessarily grounded ideas for how to implement them, often due to some "outsider" status in society. Unfocused witches become dangerous for the party, as they are easily manipulated; in the worst-case scenario, they can fall in with malicious forces, who can sway a witch's turbulent heart and utilize them as a force for negative change, rather than good.
Thus, a witch's journey is that of interrogating right and wrong. A witch must struggle with morality and ethics, and come to clarify their own beliefs; only then can they know what sort of domain they wish to establish, and what sort of rules they wish to enforce. Once they know their own hearts, they can shake off the insidious whispers of malicious external influence.
As if a reward for their struggles for autonomy and independence, the witch is the one whose will is most imposed on the world that comes after them. Just as an evil witch putrefies the world around them, a fully-realized witch who has decided to use their influence for good can create a near-utopia.
SYLPHS (+) call to mind the images of fey folk who sprout plants where they walk. That is how a sylph "creates a land" of their aspect - merely by existing, the world around them becomes suffused by it. A sylph's mere presence nurtures, grows, and heals their aspect; unlike witches, who manipulate what is already there, sylphs can create something from nothing.
The establishment of their domain comes naturally to them. Those caught within it are on the receiving end of their aspect, whether they want to be or not. In exchange for such powerful passive abilities, a sylph's active abilities are weaker, and usually unsuited for solo combat, generally being of healing, buffing, or debuffing nature.
A sylph is prone to selfishness - to luxuriating within their own land, their own aspect, their own mind. They often have difficulty connecting with others and understanding why their own personal world may not be to the liking of the world outside of themselves. Often, they are aloof. An unrealized sylph can cause great harm to the world around them, their domain choking out and smothering their party; in the worst case, they can mire their party within it, leaving their party unable to proceed.
Thus, it often requires the outside world to breach their safe haven in order for a sylph to grow. They must be made uncomfortable, and then made to accept that uncomfortable things are also important - maybe even more important than comfort, at times. Growth often requires pruning; a sylph's journey is to come to understand that good intentions may lead to harm, and, vice versa, that harm can often lead to true growth.
Sylphs can provide the greatest compassion and emotional comfort within a party, encouraging - if not enabling - their teammates' growth in their personal journeys. Once a sylph understands when it is appropriate to encourage, and when it is appropriate to pull back, there is no refuge safer for the party than the sylph's domain.
one who destroys [aspect] or destroys with [aspect] / one who allows the destruction of [aspect] or allows destruction through [aspect]
PRINCES (-) possess the ability to annihilate, a destructive class not limited to physical or tangible objects. Princes also enjoy auxiliary benefits as befits their royal titles - many princes start the game with great talents, great status and wealth, or both. They are also endowed with royal presence; their very existence provokes strong emotions from those around them, for good or for ill.
One of the more straightforward classes in the game, a prince's ability to destroy most commonly manifests as DPS. However, their abilities encompass a greater scope than mere damage - the prince's ability to annihilate figurative or metaphysical concepts makes them capable of directly removing any obstacles that stand in their way. As if hungry to consume their aspect, they are naturally drawn towards where it congregates.
However, with great power comes great responsibility: princes are often the most psychologically maligned within the party, and their destructive talents can very easily become self-destructive instead. Usually the result of societal pressure, trauma, and suffering, a prince is prone to embodying the lack of their aspect, rather than its presence. In the worst-case scenario, a prince spreads this misfortune to the rest of their party, destroying the presence of their aspect from their session altogether, often taking themselves along with it.
A prince must be shown compassion. Though they are often viscerally unpleasant to engage with, turning a blind eye to foolishness, loneliness, and suffering - which a prince embodies - is one of the worst things that a party can do. Though the effort at times seems undeserved, to heal a prince requires a staunch belief that there is good to be gained if we are kind to each other. This kindness will be returned; once you are counted among a prince's "people," they will do anything to keep harm from befalling you.
A prince, once shown this grace, is incomparably powerful. To destroy their aspect or with their aspect is the ability to destroy nearly anything, including concepts such as despair, death, and doom. As if proclaiming a royal decree, a fully-realized prince can banish misfortune and ill tidings altogether, leaving nothing standing in the party's way.
BARDS (+) are a wildcard of a class, often responsible for a party's improbable victory, abject defeat, or both. Their abilities are not very well-understood, even by the bard themselves, and they often utilize both passive and active abilities intuitively, unaware that they are doing so. The morale of the party is deeply tied to the bard's own, and it's unclear which side is cause and which is effect.
The ability to allow the destruction of their aspect, or invite it through their aspect, is actually something of a debuff rather than DPS - the bard's ability is to break unbreakable shields, tear down unclimbable walls, and nullify unstoppable forces. Rather than dealing damage themselves, they allow for damage to be dealt that would otherwise have no effect - in other words, by nature, they make the impossible possible. This is the true source of their ability to evoke "miraculous" situations.
Bards are inextricably tied to society - after all, their tales only hold as much value as their relevance to the audience. This means those with the bard class are invariably molded by the worst aspects of the society they come from. They serve as living embodiments of the most unpleasant aspects of society, and living reminders that leaving these elements to fester only means they will multiply in severity. If these beliefs are allowed to go unexamined, bards will always steer a party towards ruin.
Therefore, a party must engage with the bard earnestly, compassionately, and openly, and help them see the errors of the past. A bard must be led, with gentle guidance and genuine openness, to discard their harmful beliefs, and sing a new, more beautiful tune.
A bard that has been brought back into the fold is a worker of miracles. When every other possible option has been exhausted - the knight and maid in disarray, the page and heir unable to keep the party together, the mage and seer blinded, the thief and rogue out of action, the witch and sylph with their territory lost, the prince no longer able to function - this is where a bard will step in, transmuting abject defeat into a perfect and breathless victory.
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wip · 6 months
Hi there! I am a long time user (over a DECADE on my original blog), but this is a brand new blog I just made, on the web, after seeing a post about the creation process for new blogs and wanting to test it myself. I like the suggestion that people follow some tags to start, to help put some good stuff on their For You page! However, you'll also notice that this blank blog with a generic name and default appearance looks an awful lot like a bot. And there is also an influx of spam bots right now as well - @changes always tells us to report those when there's a new wave of them, and we usually block them too. I think I've managed to discern the difference after looking at the suggested names vs some actual bots, but most people can't. Suggesting random names for new users (which is fine on its own), sending them to an unskippable page where they have to follow *people* (not just tags) before they've had a chance to explore the site, and not ever pointing them in the direction of their personalization settings (which are buried in the new layout) is going to end up with a lot of new users getting blocked and reported as spam! Perhaps after the tag following page, you could redirect people to the Blog Settings page, where you can have informative pop-ups suggesting people add a profile picture and header that reflects their personality/interests, and point out the description section to "Tell people about yourself!" You could make the page skippable if you think it would discourage people who just want to jump right in, but it would be really useful. I see on the app that a section like that comes up when you go to your own blog, but I think it should be a step in the sign-up process, before you follow anyone. Skippable, but encouraged. (Also, the requirement to follow individual blogs REALLY needs to be skippable) Encouraging new users to have a profile picture, header, and personalized bio would really help in preventing real users from getting blocked by all the cool blogs they're trying to follow who think that they're spam bots! Getting blocked for no reason won't encourage new tumblrs to stick around! Please, encourage some individuality from our new internet neighbors, so they can become our internet friends 💙
Answer: Hey, @lefttragedysandwich!
Thanks for getting in touch with this. We are very aware of this situation, and we are trying to find the best way to solve it—without just adding more steps to onboarding, which (unfortunately) most people won’t do.
This, in turn, just adds friction to signing up for Tumblr, which means fewer people sign up to join us. Which means fewer internet neighbors, let alone less individuality. 
But this is an important question to answer, and we are grateful you raised it with us. As and when we have a good solution, we’ll announce it on @changes. Keep your eyes peeled, and hopefully, it won't be too long.
—The Tumblr WIP Team. 
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no-psi-nan · 7 months
Why Tousuke (Akechi x Kusuke)?
Akechi can beat Kusuo, and by extension, Kusuke, at many games, which gives Kusuke a new rival to focus on
Similar intelligence levels but in very different areas, so they can respect, admire, and actually learn from each other
Roughly same age (~2 years difference)
Kusuke can't lie to Akechi and Akechi doesn't lie, so they'd actually be able to communicate lol
Akechi has a strong moral compass so he'll #influence Kusuke towards fewer weapons of mass destruction
But also Akechi is a lunatic so he would think it perfectly cool and awesome that Kusuke made a cat with a hypodermic needle eye (such efficient packaging, you've managed to fit an enormous quantity of equipment into the compact and adorable body of this robotic feline– a sharp gaze indeed!)
Akechi & Kusuke collab on making assistive devices for Kusuo (without any built-in traps 🙄)
Kusuo, Kusuke, and Akechi all now get TWO playmates. What sorts of insane games will they play??
Akechi & Kusuke doing research on psychics together and helping the other characters discover/develop their powers
Akechi could probably get Kusuke to sleep more than 17 minutes a day or w/e lol.
Kusuke finally gets a real friend and cuddle buddy and maybe more...
They're both somewhere in the aromantic + asexual spectrums and Akechi would totally know how to figure out and navigate those feelings.
Akechi wouldn't be freaked out by Kusuke's bizarre fascinations and kinks or by his occasional need to lock himself in the lab and make something insane
Parallel play in the laboratory or Akechi helping Kusuke with experiments & builds <3 Akechi cooking real meals for Kusuke on occasion and often preparing fancy little desserts to share.
Completely insane date nights. Visits to advanced nuclear reactors. Jet pack excursions. Giant mech battles. Billionaire yacht party where someone gets coincidentally murdered and Akechi gets do a "whodunnit" for realsies. Stealing something out of a museum together. Kidnapping politicians who are making very bad decisions. Eating at both Michelin 3-star restaurants and holes-in-the-wall. Cheating casinos. Debating the morality of cannibalism until 4am. Tour of Europe. Fully immersive virtual reality games.
They PVP psychoanalyze each other for fun.
Most intimidating aura combo of all time. Local blond menaces.
They steal each other's clothes all the time and it becomes an increasingly elaborate game to add security measures to their closets. Until they accidentally end up obliterating each other's closets at the same and laugh and have to go shop for new clothes together.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ Succumb to my propaganda... ]
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transholmes · 11 months
"Fandom is a community!" is a very common cry in fandom but while that was once true it hasn't been for a while now. Fandom has long since, consciously or unconsciously, decided to become a consumer culture instead. Yet the cry persist because most fans don't want to own up to what they are: consumers, not community members.
I don't know if it's because fandom is mostly made up of white people that but as a whole it doesn't understand, nor does it want to learn, what community is and how it works. A community isn't just a collection of people that's gathered together. A community, whether a fandom or some other form, is based on the Social Contract of Reciprocity.
Now what is that and how does it work, you may ask. Let me explain.
The Contract of Reciprocity means that you don't just take out of a community, you give back too, with your time and energy. What you give depends on what the community is about and in the individual in question. For a fandom community it means that its writers, artists, gif makers and other creative people give their time and energy in the form of their works, it's their fic, art, gifs and so on. The non-creative people give with their enthusiasm and engagement for these works.
This is of course a bit simplified but we're on the introductory level here.
Which is why the arguments of, "write/draw/whatever for yourself!," and, "you're not owed kudos/reblogs/comments," aren't just utterly wrong but very harmful. Because they maliciously encourage non-creative people to break the Social Contract of Reciprocity and tells creative people that we shouldn't not expect that contract to be honoured. We shouldn't expect anything in return for our time and energy.
They are the battle cries of consumerist fans who doesn't want communities because communities mean effort. They want a consumerist Paradise where they get as much content as they can for as low a price as they can manage to pay. And since creative people in fandom can't really demand money, for writers in particular it would put us on shaky legal ground, and we have no way of enforcing the upholding of the Social Contract of Reciprocity, what these fans can get away with is often repaying nothing.
But a consumerist fandom is directly antithetical to having a fandom community.
Alas I must report that the consumerist fans and fandom have, by and large, won. There are holdouts in older fandoms, but even these are being encroached upon and destroyed. A slow process to be sure, but one that is happening faster and faster, and one that is 100% of fandom itself.
Unfortunately this means more and more creators, writers, artists and more, are leaving. And fewer and fewer are arriving to replace them. Because, and pardon my French here, why the hell would they?
Why the hell would anyone put time and effort into making something that they don't get money for and where the people consuming it will just throw it in the trash the moment they're done with it? Where they as people are only seen as a nuisance? Where they will be sucked dry by people who loudly and proudly announces that they don't matter and that the Social Contract of Reciprocity will never be honoured?
You'd have to be a particular kind of masochist to subject yourself to that and really most of us aren't.
So fandom really needs to cut it out with the, "fandom is community!". No, we're not, we haven't been for years. It was destroyed by the consumerist "creators aren't owed anything!" brigade and its resulting apathy towards creative fans. Because if you want a fandom community then yes yo do owe your creatives your time and energy. You owe to give back to them and not just take from them as much as you can. Even if all you can give today is a tagless reblog, hitting the kudos button or writing 'second kudos' in the comment section, or whatever small effort it is that you can manage. But yes you do owe it.
Or you can decide that you'd rather have a consumerist fandom that doesn't owe its creators anything and suck them dry. But in that case I hope you enjoy AI generated content because very soon that's all you will have.
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amoirsetpacis · 6 days
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Long overdue, but here's finally Vash's permanent starter call.
Liking this post means you're letting me know it's okay to hop into your inbox with either memes or whatever random ideas might pop into my head-- and vice versa! It also means that you'd be up for either receiving semi-spontaneous starters or just throwing them like so many rocks in my general direction, whether they be event related or not.
It's also an invitation to create pre-existing relationships with Vash, given some discussion, in the event you want to skip directly past the initial meeting thread.
Finally, it means that even if I post a starter call with a cap, I might ignore the cap for you if we've already worked through some relationship dynamics, hehe.
A list of what I'd be interested in is below the cut! Feel free to either IM me over tumblr or find me on the isola d/iscord as well if any ideas jump out at you!
★ Friends! Most people end up here by default, especially if you've known him for longer than five minutes. He considers a great many people friends, even if they're not close. Vash could make friends with a literal rock if you gave him more than a couple of minutes. But in reality, Vash is the sort of person who either turns others off immediately, or he grows on them like a vine-- whether they particularly want him to initially or not. He has a tendency of worming himself into other people's lives with how much care and love he has to give. He's always willing to lend a helping hand or give advice where he's able. However, he also has a tendency to keep others at arm's length while simply giving them the illusion that they're becoming just as close to him. While he cares so deeply about others, he still has a lot of trouble letting most people get any closer than surface-level with himself. There are very few people who have seen him deeper than he's wanted to allow, and even fewer among those on the island.
★ Frenemies! Despite Vash making a fair few enemies over the course of Trigun, he's also got quite a few antagonists that end up giving him some grudging respect even if they don't agree with his point of view on life. He's got a bad habit of accidentally 'befriending' people who he very much shouldn't-- and by befriending, usually it means he's managed to get himself tangled up in their schemes and has to get himself un-pretzeled. It's just that most of the time this ends up keeping said frenemy alive as well-- or sometimes also accidentally breaking them out of prison. Who's to say. A lot of antagonists end up in this category specifically because of his usual tendencies, even if he remains fairly warry of them. His self-preservation may be in the dumpster, but it's not entirely zero.
★ Enemies! Sorry, you've gone past the point of Vash's high propensity for shenanigans. You've directly threatened someone he loves in ways that he can't easily forgive-- and this is saying a lot, considering he forgave his genocidal twin. He'll still have the belief that you're worth saving, that you are capable of good and change, but he won't sit idly by if those he cares about are threatened, nor will he do so if you treat human life as disposable or lesser-than ( and go on to act upon it ). He is a pacifist though, so more than likely he won't be the first to jump to violence unless it's absolutely called for. Even then, he's committed to being non-lethal; and has significant trauma around when he had been lethal, if you'd like to toy with him about it. There's a chance he'll push himself past the brink of his capabilities, if you find the right buttons to press. One of my favorite categories, because throwing him against the wall like a wet piece of spaghetti repeatedly is one of my favorite hobbies.
★ Interactions with child characters! Vash loves kids, and has a great time horsing around with them, playing games, etc. He's very protective of children while also being just as playful as them if given the chance. He's been treated as a walking-talking-screaming jungle gym on many an occasion, and will often go out of his way to make sure that kids are safe and happy and having a good time. He's already an over-dramatic clown, but with kids it gets even worse just to crack a laugh and a smile out of them.
★ Interactions with humanoid-non-human characters! Some of my favorite threads that I've ever done have been exploring the differences in life; Vash has spent his entire life feeling othered, in some form or fashion, no matter how much he loves humans. He knows he's different, and for a long time considered himself a monster because of it-- and still does, sometimes. At the same time, he's also felt disconnected from others of his kind; before the end of the series, he and Knives were the only independent Plants on their planet, and his destructive powers vary greatly from the creative ones of his immobile sisters. Connections with others that aren't human, that have something else about them, are really interesting for him to explore.
★ Discussions on religion/belief! Challenge him. He doesn't believe in God, not really, and his ideals rub most the wrong way. Despite his bending into grey areas at the end of the series, he's still a pacifist and doesn't believe in the taking of life. Despite his goofy personality and the way he tends to phrase things, he's got a lot of philosophical thoughts-- no matter if they're hesitant to budge or not. A lot of enemies/antagonists tend to get spawned this way, honestly.
★ Annoy the shit out of him. A la Spamton and Zelos. For funsies. Why not.
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fuck-customers · 8 months
It's almost sad that when I tell my regulars I only make $14.50 an hour at a job where I do professional level graphic design and print work, they all get shocked and say I should be making more (I work at a locally owned print shop, and I love the job for the most part, I just hate how I'm rushed and hate certain clients).
WcDonads employees make more than I do. Gas station employees around here make more than I do. And I honestly feel quite jipped because I was told to go to college. Get a degree. Find a job in the field I go to school for and I'll be set (I'm one of those "zillenials," too young to be a millenial but too old to be gen z). Some people say i should be thankful, $14.50 is a lot, but cost of living where I'm at is at least $20/hr. Granted, my college is completely paid for so I don't have student loans to worry about and I'm happy I have graphic design and photography experience. But when I'm at work and I feel the bald patch from where my hair has been falling out from stress from workload, it makes me feel like I was tricked.
I'm so conflicted. Like I said. I like this job. When things aren't busy it's wonderful. But those are becoming fewer and farther between where stuff has completely reopened from Covid and more people want printing for events and sales.
And I've met wonderful people! And learned about small businesses in my community I would have never known about otherwise! I love getting to make nice designs and print beautiful art every day. One of my current friends I've met copying her artwork for her! My gifts to my family have been photo prints and even signs for my dad's workshop that I've gotten printed at a discount and they're all loved so much. And I don't have to wear a uniform - jeans and a t-shirt of my choice every day!
But I've also been yelled at over small shit like maps not being printed on time, or how the color on a flyer isn't as "vibrant as it is on screen," or told to hurry up on a yard sign that someone decided they needed today rather than next week, or have a someone chew me out because I haven't even had time to print three sheets of mailing labels because I've had to hold the hand of a very picky woman who wants her rental guest book to look "just right" yet can't be assed to learn how to use a computer on her own. I've had packages thrown at me when I've said people need to pay to ship them. People getting mad over $.20 black and white copies and $.49 color copies. People saying they're going to get their business cards from PistaVrint because it's cheaper. People come to us and act like we're tech support - "Why is my computer not opening Wicrosoft Mord?! Why is my email not sending?! Why is my phone doing this?!" Like I don't know! Take it to Bye Best!
My manager hardly gets paid any more than I do and she's been with the business for almost 30 years and drives an hour each day to come to work. I only got bumped to $14.50 after my boss overheard I was interviewing at a college print shop that would have paid me $18 an hour. He couldn't even wage match! And I didn't even get the job.
I don't have funds to move to another location where I could find a better paying job in my field, nor would I want to as my family and community are here.
There is a pillow factory here I never knew about. They're hiring various positions starting at $19 an hour. Evenings and weekends mostly off, only needed to work if they need to fill a very large order. My friend started there this week and while she says she's physically tired, the environment seems nice so far and I'm so burnt out here that I've already asked her if she can get a word in for me to start there. More pay? And way less customer interaction? I could do that! But it sucks that I feel like abandoning what I like to do because of my pay grade and the stress I feel. I wish it was all different.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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rin-and-jade · 10 months
Here's the continuation about dissociation! Call it part two, because im going to talk about the what's and why's when you're still dissociated despite active approach in attempt to 'sober' up.
Not all people can tell they're dissociated, so if you'd like a simple list of how it can look like when you're not educated yet, please visit here (part one) and come back.
What should i do about this?
When you tried grounding and other techniques out there yet it's still not resolved, i highly advice you to stop pushing through and take the second act of waiting it out. Though this can be done improperly which could cause dissociation longer than needed, so, here are some things i have collected myself during those times:
Minimize stressors: extra stress allegedly became the main reason in being dissociated longer for us. If it's possible to fix, or ask someone else to do it, or postpone to catch a breather then you should do it before the executive dysfunction catches up and overwhelms you even further.
Engage in comfort activities: be it treating yourself a dessert or watching markiplier videos, this will help you in staying calm and serves as a distraction from the detached feeling. It also feels much better than just sitting down and go blank as your hands look weird as ever so yeah you get that.
Slow down: its suggested to do fewer things when you're dissociated, it is not your maximum capacity to function at this moment so focus on the important tasks for now and take it easy because other things can wait, such as replying messages (because i tend to struggle and forget) and doing work (this blog, as an example)
Safe place: get yourself comfy, put some songs as you burrito in a blanket,, you could also talk to your close ones. Anything that makes you feel safer and if you're currently at outdoors, going to a favorite place helps,, if not just use headphones/earbuds to keep the bustling noise at bay as you have your own bubble now.
Why do i dissociate often or have long periods of it?
There are some causes (not completed) that i had ruled out such as:
Ongoing stress
Dissociating as a coping mechanism
Neurobiological factors
Defensive approach from the brain after exposed to triggers or threats, and is usually defaulted as first
Please make sure to search for the cause thats keeping you in a dissociative loop, as it can become disruptive and impacts life quality if left alone. You could also list what sorts of things trigger dissociation to prevent it happening more often in future, practicing a healthier/better coping mechanism will also lessen the severity of dissociation thus making it more easier to manage. have a good day guys!
- j
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themarginalthinker · 7 months
Woke up, got up, took a shower, and started to think about population densities of vampires in the Lost Boys universe.
Unlike many other vampire medias like Vampire: The Masquerade or Underworld, while there COULD be vampires, as Edgar says 'occupying high positions in the government', I think it's just not really a thing in this world. Vampire's feeding issues (needing to exsanguinate at least one human on order to be sated) puts a pretty big roadblock in any high-profile schmoozing any vamp may want to do. Max was likely already pushing it with owning a local business on a fairly popular seaside town.
So if vampires in this world are not creating massive networks of influence across the world, being the hand behind governments and all society, then..what is their actual population?
My take: much fewer and farther between.
Think about it: they're big pack predators. Their prey is...well, abundant, but tricky to actually get. If they wanted to stay in one place, that territory would need to be pretty damn large. Staying in centers of activity with a lot of people coming and going and creating barriers of time before someone would even know anyone was missing, like a town or city, is a no-brainer, right?
Well...yes and no. See. Just like with humans, cities attract people. The prey comes in, and predators follow. But that also means a LOT of those pack predators in close proximity to one another. Which means pretty fierce competition.
Max and the Boys seemed to have cleared out Santa Carla pretty well for themselves, but this doesn't read as nearly the norm to me.
Vampire packs are likely pretty small, getting no larger than the Boys and Michael and Star (Max wanting to add in Lucy and Sam as well was just plain unhinged overkill with no actual thought being put into territory management tbh.) As such, the easiest option for most TLB'verse vamps is likely...to just move. Become nomadic. Follow music tours as 'fans', tourist seasons in towns, hell, even hopping continents once and a while. This is often the reasons clans form, a stable central group that acts as something of a gateway to certain regions, hostels and camps for nomad singletons and packs.
The hard numbers on this are iffy? But I can check some stuff and make estimates later, just for fun. The vampire to human ratio is Definitely much much lower than you'd think though, with it being in my mind anywhere from 1000 to 3000 humans per vampire in any given area.
We head canon vampires need to eat somewhat less frequently than every night (Santa Carla would be empty by now if that were the case) so let's say...once a month for a healthy vamp with access to a steady supply of prey? That's 12 humans a year. Multiply that by pack size (4) and that's 48 humans missing from a designated space per year. That's. Still quite a bit. Again, much easier to hide if it's an active town. Much harder for rural areas.
Surviving in the vampire world ain't easy. Especially as a singleton with no pack or coven, especially if being one of those on the move.
The canny survive. The stupid do not. There are two ages of vampire's you'll usually meet out there:
The very young, and the very old. The dullbloods and rainbow teeth.
We'll let you decide which one is more dangerous.
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elementaskylos345 · 4 months
I love your interpretation of Island of Slaughther! So, as I'm curious about anything, I wanted to ask some questions that I keep asking myself every month, both the original version of eaveery and your version (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
-Will Alejandro and Sierra return or will the team of survivors investigators return to the island? Or won't they?
-Of all 15 teenage spirits, Which of them they are the most vengefuls on the entire island?
-How did Duncan, after the massacre, decide to become a priest or something like that in relation to the church? (I don't remember what he turned into but that's all I remember 😭)
-Do some of the spirits have the ability to fly, pass through walls or teleport like normal ghosts?
-From Chris's death, who were the spirits that managed to catch Chris when the survivors left Chris behind on the island?
And again, I love your version of the AU and how you did Sierra and Katie designs (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧!
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Thank you sm!! Thus au holds a special place in my demonic heart -v-
1. Al and Sierra do help out the main cast, though (in my story) they're more in the background documenting things in case the group never comes back
2. All of the spirits have become pretty chill, and while they do linger, they aren't very angry. Save for a few. Justin is the first that comes to mind but he's aggressive to everyone and Noah is still pissed that Duncan got him killed (he probably wouldn't try to hurt Duncan but he'd scream at him a lot). Any other spirits that were left to die either are just saddened or grew to understand in the 8 years they've inhabited the island. Passed that there aren't many revenge plots since they've been fulfilled (Chris and the killer are dead)
3. Duncan turned to God not too long after Courtney's death. His family is pretty religious so it was always in the back of his mind but the stress boiled over and he pleaded for God to help. After the island religion became one of his few comforts so it slowly turned into an obsession from there (only heightened by the psychosis he developed)
4. All the spirits can, in some, teleport, fewer can move through walls, and only Zeke, Heather, and Courtney can levitate
5. All the spirits had some part to play in Chris' death. Quite literally. They all ripped him apart and took a piece of him to their respective zones to torment
Hope this was informative and thank you again! ^-^
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learnfromkarl · 1 year
Yo, what's up guys, it's your boy Karl, and today I want to talk about Cloudways - the cloud hosting platform that's taking the internet by storm.
First things first, let me tell you what Cloudways is all about. Essentially, it's a cloud hosting provider that offers managed hosting solutions for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're running a small blog or a massive eCommerce store, Cloudways has got you covered.
So, what are the benefits of using Cloudways? Well, let me break it down for you:
Lightning-fast speeds: Cloudways uses the latest in server technology to ensure that your website loads lightning-fast. That means fewer frustrated users and more happy customers.
Easy to use: One of the great things about Cloudways is that it's incredibly easy to use. Even if you're not a tech whiz, you'll be able to navigate the platform and get your site up and running in no time.
Fully managed hosting: With Cloudways, you don't have to worry about managing your server. That's because Cloudways takes care of everything for you. From server updates to security patches, they handle it all.
Affordable pricing: Despite offering some of the best hosting services around, Cloudways is surprisingly affordable. You won't have to break the bank to take advantage of their world-class hosting.
Great customer support: If you do run into any issues, Cloudways has an excellent customer support team that's available 24/7 to help you out. They're knowledgeable, friendly, and always ready to lend a hand.
Overall, Cloudways is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable, affordable, and easy-to-use hosting solution. And the best part is, you can test out the platform for yourself by clicking on this link: . So what are you waiting for? Give Cloudways a try and see for yourself why it's quickly becoming the go-to hosting platform for businesses around the world.
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somnefarious · 10 months
I've decided it may be best to do asks a little differently - I'll still be answering them of course, because I appreciate the messages, but I'll present them a little more concisely in one post after collecting them together so that there won't be as much to scroll through whenever I work my way through my inbox. For asks where I'll have longer or more in depth answers, I'll still plan to post those separately.
tldr for the answers under the cut: Favorite hypnotic tools - dumbed down - catboy hypnosis - straight jackets - nagas - Bees - personal questions - kind messages
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I'm not too picky when it comes to tools - I think a lot of the fun of hypnosis is finding new and creative ways to lead someone into trance, in real life or fictionally. If I had to choose though, I think the basics are my favorite - eye contact, a soothing voice, finger movements if need be, drawing on the focus and concentration of the subject. Can't go wrong with the classics.
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I'm a fan - though I think of it more as not being allowed to access one's thoughts more than a literal decreasing of a character/person's intelligence. Like, they know the right answers somewhere inside of their head, but when they go to retrieve them the trance forces their thoughts to drift off, pulled away from coming up with the answers or making sense of the situation they're in and left in a fuzzy and confused state of mind. There's something about that that is so indicative of what hypnosis is or can be, and that's very cute to me.
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Haha, most hypnosis to create a catboy is good 👏 next question
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I can't say I have much of an opinion on them, to be honest. As a form of restraint to either aid the sensation of a trance or prevent the escape from one, I think they're fine. But I view them as pretty similar to most other forms of restraint (though I do have a favorite, and that's usually coils).
Although, if I think about it specifically in the case of a magician about to do an escape act only to get caught halfway through and hypnotized by a passing hypnotist, I think there's some better potential there than using it regularly as just a forced restraint on another person. There's something fun about the idea of a person presenting themselves in a trap of their own making to a hypnotic passerby who couldn't pass up on a good opportunity.
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No, no regular predator instincts, at least not in the ones that I create. It would be based less on a biological instinct and more on each individual one's personality. Some prefer having their prey come to them willingly for a mutually beneficial hypnotic relationship. Others like to chase their prey down, with some specifically liking to play cat and mouse, catching and releasing the same prey in a chase that devolves further and further into fractionation the longer the hunt lasts. Others prefer to catch their prey unawares and dote on them once they're under, leaving them none the wiser once they wake up. Some only use hypnosis as a means of escape and survival. There are likely possibilities for more options other than those, but yeah, depends on each naga.
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A person would be able to breathe in the honey pretty comfortably, though they wouldn't be able to stay conscious for long (if at all).
If a human was immune, the bees likely wouldn't be able to understand and would continue trying to assimilate them in the honey. As a last ditch effort, they have a method of closing off individual honey cells to try and 'incubate' a person longer. Even if a person is immune to the assimilation properties of the honey, very few are resistant to it's sedative effects, and even fewer are fully immune. Even if they didn't become a bee, most would eventually at least succumb to sleep inside of the honey cell. If an immune person was ever caught, they'd likely be stuck in the cell until they were rescued or whenever the bees were defeated and the Hive started to break down.
The only task that the drones have are to take care of the Queen bee, manage the honey and the Hive, and go out to recruit new bees. The Queen and the bees don't really have a driven goal in mind - similar to actual bees, their main goal is solely to live together, produce honey, and expand their home if need be.
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Thank you - I post most of the finished art pieces I do on Twitter, Tumblr, and deviantArt, so most of what you'll see here outside of a couple doodles will also be on my dA.
For commissions, I'm not sure. Possibly. But if I do, it likely won't be for a while. Before the break I ended up burning myself out a little bit, so for now I'd like to focus on drawing what I would like to draw.
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As always, thank you for the kind messages 👋
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mittensmorgul · 3 months
idle musings on the spngeorg podcast under the cut, mostly just me muttering so i can get some thoughts out of my own head... but also there's a poll at the end, because I honestly don't know what to do with all this paperwork :'D
i was just looking through my notes on past episodes. When i first started this, I didn't script anything, just noted a few key points for my reference while I talked. I quickly realized I needed to impose some sort of structure on episodes because they were... wildly out of control and meandering, and far too long. I know, I can and will talk forever if given the chance. So by the end of season 1, I was writing far more detailed notes. But I didn't start saving those documents until 3.13 Ghostfacers. All my notes before that episode are just... gone.
(well, they're probably in previous versions of that document, but there's no way I'm going back to try and recover them now lol)
It wasn't until episode 138 - 7.12 Time After Time-- that I started writing out what amounts to a full script. If you'll notice, episode lengths have become more manageable and consistent since then, and I probably forget to mention fewer things too. It's also far easier for me to actually record episodes and I save about four hours every week on editing. So it's a system that works very well for me, personally.
But this means that I do have the full text of my scripts for episodes beginning with 7.12. I don't follow them exactly, but for the most part, they're fairly accurate as a transcript.
And I was wondering if, despite the fact I only have rough notes and a full script of the intro section of episodes between 3.13 and 7.11, would anyone actually like me to like... post those notes and scripts online? either here or on tumblr?
I hadn't up to this point, because they are just messy little notes to myself for the most part, but I realized my archived episode post is now approaching 100k words, and was thinking I should probably post them all somewhere, you know? For reference, the document stats where I've been stashing notes since 3.13:
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That's a screenshot of the doc, showing it's 214 pages long, and almost 93k words. And this is only for episodes that have already posted (including 7.17, which hasn't posted but has been uploaded and scheduled to post later this week).
There's two more completed episodes in another document totaling 21 pages and over 11k words. The next episode I'll record is 7.20! wheee!
So... what to do with all these things? Just post the complete scripts? Post all the notes, even though I don't have anything for the first 56 episodes of the series? Jump in with episode 57 and then just keep going? or only start with 7.12 with the complete scripts?
Does anyone have any interest in any of that at all? Or is it a good idea to stash these on ao3 at least? I mean, yeah, probably on that last question, but that means a lot of work. So I'd like the thoughts of listeners and other random folks who might be interested in my notes for whatever reason. Help a mitten out:
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
So you have a reverse Robin au and a reverse billy au (adult William & kid marvel). What about Danny phantom? how would you reverse it?
Okay, so. The thing with Danny Phantom is that, unlike the DCU, it's a much more contained universe with waaay fewer characters. Which makes things easier and harder. So I have two options (with suboptions) for age reversing
Option 1.1: Danny and Jazz switch ages (Danny Dies)
Danny is Jazz's older brother trying very hard to parent her while their parents work 24/7. He's not doing Great but by god he's trying his absolute best. This is his little sister we're talking about, he'd kill a god for her. Jazz is a mini-genius, Danny is also a genius but his academic performance is shit because he's preoccupied at all hours of the day with a) trying to give Jazz any semblance of a normal childhood and b) trying to make sure she doesn't notice just how uhh different? different her childhood actually is. The important part here is that Danny is trying really really hard but also failing.
Danny works a lot with Jack and Maddie in the lab here, they finally started letting him help out with their research/engineering mid-freshman year and so he's less skeptical than he is in canon. They get the portal built the summer before his senior year.
The portal accident goes similar to how it does in canon except Danny actually knows how it works here. Sam and Tucker were over to hang out but Danny is like "FIVE MORE MINUTES" trying to fix the ghost portal to surprise his parents when they return. Then he dies rest in peace. So now Danny is afflicted with senioritis, eldest daughter syndrome, and Dead, and he is having a Bad Time. He's trying to take care of Jazz, fight off the ghosts invading their town, ward off his parents' suspicions, work through internalized ghost bigotry (because he fully believed everything his parents said about ghosts, he had no reason not to), and try to graduate high school. I have no plot here just Danny's Havin A Bad Time Vibes
(everything else under the readmore because i'm having thoughts)
Option 1.2: Danny and Jazz switch ages (Jazz Dies)
Same living situation as above. Danny gets an A++ for effort and a C- for performance with the Eldest Daughter Syndrome (gender neutral)
Here, Jazz, as the resident friendless child prodigy alienated from her peers because of the autism because she doesn't know how to connect with other students, is the one to go to the lab. Danny, Jack, and Maddie are mutually devastated the portal didn't work, they're all out of the house that night. Jazz is like "I can definitely fix the ghost portal they can't turn on!" She's like fully in the wiring, trying to figure out if red cord goes to green or blue, when she connects the wrong two wires and gets got.
Jazz manages to hide her Death from her family for a while. Instead of her first ghost being the Lunch Lady, it's Spectra, which first shakes up and then really solidifies Jazz's intention to study psychology. Jazz is less chill than in canon because less responsibilities+half dead+brain is four years less developed+same amounts of Very Smart, so in the beginning shes like. A tightly compressed ball of rage psychologically torturing every classmate who was ever an asshole to her. Then Spectra happens and she mellows out a Tiny bit. She is a very "work smarter not harder" kinda ghost fighter- she makes the ghosts fight each other, she bullies the ghosts into backing down, she makes ghost hunters fight the ghosts, she convinces the ghosts to not attack, but she rarely goes out and actually starts punching.
Danny finds out really early on (he's kinda overbearing with taking care of her) and he becomes her guy in the chair type. He makes it so their parent's weapons don't target her, he tries to ward off suspicions, he's doing everything.
Option 1.2.1: Option 1.2: Danny and Jazz switch ages (Jazz Dies)
Same everything as above except Danny doesn't figure out Jazz dies ever and instead of Jack and Maddie being the ones to hunt the new ghost terrorizing the town, it's Danny. Jack and Maddie are too invested in squeezing every last bit of data and information they can from the ghost portal, they don't have time for no ghost hunting. Danny is like, fully the villain of the story for a season and a half and it's horrible because Jazz knows how much Danny loves her and tries to help her in every way in her human form but he absolutely hates her ghost half and tries to kill ("kill") her daily.
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sunderwight · 5 months
Aziraphale falls during the Job minisode.
God knows what he did and the scales tip a little further in that direction, and between that and the flaming sword incident, well, it's enough. Aziraphale loses angelic privileges and becomes a demon.
But the thing is, during the war between Heaven and Hell, the Fall was this big dramatic (traumatic) event. Hell was created for the Fall, so the realms were torn asunder and reshaped, and all of the angels who fell slammed into the burning raw essence of their new home like falling stars, because of the sheer scale of the event going on.
For Aziraphale, a lone angel already on Earth (already halfway there), it's a lot less spectacular. He just sort of trips and falls into one of Hell's upper lobbies, midway in his conversation with Crowley.
Crowley being Crowley, he naturally goes after Aziraphale and manages to convince whatever unfortunate demon is on arrivals duty that Aziraphale has pursued him to the bowels of Hell as part of an epic duel, and then easily convinces the lower-ranking demons that they should scurry off and get help from somebody stronger rather than interfere. Then he whisks Aziraphale back up to Earth, concocts more fiction about it to cover their asses, and no one's the wiser.
No one is the wiser. Except, of course, for Aziraphale and Crowley.
The thing is, Hell's not a nice place. Working for Hell isn't a nice job. It's definitely not the kind of job that someone like Aziraphale wants. And, cultural attitudes being what they are, well... demons are not terribly merciful to their fellows, and that's among the lot who rebelled and fell together after fighting on the same side of a war. A fallen angel like Aziraphale? Who didn't take their side? Who fought for the other team, and probably kicked a decent amount of demon butt while doing so? They're not going to be nice to him, and that's an understatement. If Hell gets their claws into Aziraphale then he's never going to see the light of day again, probably.
Crowley puts it plainly to Aziraphale, who is scared and uncertain and so agrees to just... not say anything. To anyone. About this development.
It turns out, Heaven doesn't really have a means of telling when an angel has Fallen either. Like you'd assume that alarms would go off or that records would at least update, but in the former case, no, and in the latter case, turns out the angels need to be aware and updating the records themselves. Since nobody knows, no steps are taken, and nothing happens. Aziraphale is extremely stressed out the first time Gabriel stops to do a check-in, certain he's been found out or that he'll be smote or at least that now someone will be able to tell.
But, no. Gabriel can't tell. The meeting goes like normal. He keeps getting order from Heaven, and even gets a commendation for using fewer miracles. And since Hell's a bureaucratic mess and they don't even have Aziraphale on their books, they can't tell where some of their extra miracle energy is disappearing to either.
Aziraphale thinks about confessing anyway. After all, it's God's Will, right? He's supposed be punished. At the very least he ought to get caught.
But what if, Crowley suggests, what if there's a reason he hasn't been? After all, God definitely knows. She could tell whoever, whenever. Just a quick word to the Metatron, oh by-the-by, that angel Aziraphale's a demon now. Yeah, shun him, and all that. But She hasn't.
Maybe this is a chance for Aziraphale to do an even better job of thwarting Hell than he could have done before. Using Hell's own power against them! Maybe there's also something to be said for not being affiliated with Heaven anymore either. Couldn't hurt to just keep going along with it, right? See where it all leads?
So somehow that's what Aziraphale ends up doing. Going along with it. Heaven gives him jobs and he does them. Hell sends Crowley to thwart him and they tweak the Arrangement to suit them even earlier on, and with even more frequency and flexibility. Neither side catches on, or even suspects that there's something to uncover.
But Aziraphale knows. Always. He's a Fallen Angel. He's a demon, just like Crowley.
Maybe that doesn't have to be permanent. Maybe that's why God hasn't done anything further, why Heaven still doesn't know, or acts as if they don't. Maybe there's a way for a Fallen Angel to rise back up again, and if that's the case, perhaps the point of all of this is for Aziraphale to actually do it.
Not only that, maybe the point of Aziraphale doing it isn't just to redeem himself, but to bring someone else along as well. Someone who fell during the first Fall, who might think they are unforgivable but maybe shouldn't really be an evil demon at all...
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llatimeria · 4 days
j got very intoxicated last night and had to excuse myself from the group activities because I kept getting overstimulated and distracted from writing down the most self indulgent game design idea I've ever had
It's a 1v1 creature battler with hideously deep breeding and husbandry mechanics. instead of physical fights, creatures perform magical Tricks at each other trying to lower the other's Heart Points (HP) to 0. Heart Points are determined as an average of many stats that are affected by your creature's genetics and the way you're caring for it.
the Creatures are all the descendants of genetics lab animals after an experiment gone wrong gave them magic powers. some of them escaped to the wild, becoming invasive species, others were kept in captivity and managed by humans. you can get new Creatures by
going outside and collecting them, either by harmlessly stunning them with one of your creature's Tricks or by going to the same place enough that the feral Creatures become familiar with you, either way gives you a chance to nab the creature and bring it to a vet to get a health check (thus revealing its invisible stats to the player).
adopting them from people/organizations that have done most of the heavy lifting for you, but these creatures will be older - more of their stats have been determined outside of your control and they have fewer breeding cycles left before becoming sterile (or they've been fixed and cannot breed even if they're still young)
buying them from other independent breeders - they've done the selective breeding, but you receive the Creature earlier in its lifespan and usually intact so they can breed their traits down
different species of creatures appear in different ways - some are primarily found in the wild, others primarily in captivity, some are common and some are rare, a few can only be produced as sterile hybrids with human help, some are very rare in the wild but once captured the traits can be bred down to more offspring, some are very rare but have entirely random traits that cannot be passed down, lots of different categories
You play as a Creature Enthusiast who's goal is to unravel the mysteries of the Creatures and how to help humanity successfully live alongside them. you need to meet certain requirements to keep them healthy with different diets, keeping them mentally active with toys or other enrichment items, keeping them socialized and friendly by interacting with them, etc. you study each species and different traits within each species to determine what helps them flourish, then you share that knowledge with other people, unlocking husbandry tech for the entire community or receiving new husbandry tech from other people to up your own game.
am I making any sense. I feel like I'm repeating myself and having a thought is a war against brain fog rn but I feel like I have something? maybe ? interesting ???
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barnabytremayne · 1 year
Why I use multiple types of therapy
Growing up, I always felt like there was something "off" about me. I struggled to make friends, had trouble understanding social cues, and often found myself feeling overwhelmed and anxious in situations that others seemed to handle with ease. It wasn't until my teens that I was finally diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder.
At first, I was hesitant to seek help. I thought that I should be able to handle my issues on my own, and that therapy was something only "crazy" people did. But eventually, I realized that I couldn't keep going on like this. I was barely able to function on a daily basis, and I knew that I needed to do something to take care of myself.
I started off with traditional talk therapy, which helped me to unpack some of the trauma and negative thought patterns that had been holding me back. But as helpful as it was, I found that I needed more. That's when I began exploring other types of therapy and counseling.
I tried cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helped me to identify and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that were contributing to my depression and anxiety. I also tried art therapy, which allowed me to express myself in ways that I had never been able to before. Through creating art, I was able to tap into emotions that I didn't even know were there, and to work through them in a healthy and constructive way.
Throughout my journey with therapy and counselling, I also found solace in creating music. Whether it was writing lyrics or picking up an instrument, music allowed me to express emotions that I struggled to put into words. It became a form of therapy in itself, and I found it helpful to incorporate it into my sessions with my therapists. Music gave me a way to communicate what I was feeling without the pressure of articulating it perfectly, and it allowed me to feel a sense of control over my emotions. I found that incorporating music into my therapy helped me to better understand myself and my experiences, and it gave me an outlet to continue to heal even outside of my sessions.
Another form of therapy I found beneficial was group therapy, which gave me the opportunity to connect with other people who were going through similar struggles. It was a relief to know that I wasn't alone in my experiences, and to be able to share my thoughts and feelings with others who understood what I was going through.
All of these forms of therapy, in addition to medication and lifestyle changes, have helped me to manage my depression, anxiety, and autism. Of course, I still have bad days - but they're becoming fewer and farther between. I'm grateful for the support and guidance that therapy has provided me with, and I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without it.
If you're struggling with mental health issues, I encourage you to reach out for help. It can be scary to take that first step, but it's worth it. There are so many different types of therapy and counseling out there, and it's important to find what works best for you. Don't be afraid to try something new - you never know what might make a difference.
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