#c: illyana rasputina
fxllen-one · 4 years
The parade of humans who came into Lux Duo was always entertaining, but it did get a little monotonous as well. There were some "powered" people who visited, and that certainly provided a little extra entertainment, but unless they were going to perform a demonstration in the club--and Lucifer really did not want them to do so at risk of damage to his expensive furnishings--even they were not quite as interesting as he would like. Thus when someone truly out of the ordinary entered, he definitely noticed.
The woman in the club now looked perfectly normal, but Lucifer could sense the air of, dare he say it, Hell about her. She was not one of his demons nor a damned soul who had managed to escape, so why did she have such an aura about her? Deciding to investigate, he made his way over to her. "Well now, my evening is looking up," he said with a smile, "I simply must know if that eau-de-brimstone I can smell on you is something store-bought, or if you're a naughty former subject of mine who has somehow pulled a jailbreak. I didn't think anyone else but me would be able to pull it off, but I'm open to being surprised."
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roi-des-voleurs · 3 years
[ text ] Don’t let the demons drag your soul to hell and devour your soul -- @ruleroflimbo
[la magie] ordinarily i'd laugh at that, but comin from you? not so sure [la magie] you got somethin goin on i should know about? [la magie] there aren't actually gonna be demons round here sometime soon, are there??
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glxrious-purpose · 3 years
[ text ] Dump a bucket of glitter on yourself and stand in the sunlight -- @ruleroflimbo
[Miss Rasputina] Fascinating. And just what is that supposed to accomplish? Making me look foolish? [Miss Rasputina] I know that's the answer, so do not try to claim it is some time-honored Midgard tradition.
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cfstarlord · 2 years
“Ah damn,” It was a tiny explosion. Not like a big Rocket kind of boom but a medium normal(?) type of boom. Turning to the closest person, Peter asked. “That kind of thing normal ‘round here?” He wasn’t too startled but everyone else seemed to be freakin out about it. 
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insurgcnts · 2 years
@limboqxeen asked: ❝ if he keeps screaming like that, he’s gonna pass out and fall off that cliff. ❞
“Well-” Scott sighed. “Yeah.” She was right and denying it wouldn’t do anyone any favors. In the meantime however there was little they could do to change the situation. “Come on Toad we’re not gonna kill you, we’re the good guys remember!” Scott called out to the man in the tree screaming his ass off. Lowering his voice, he asked Illyana. “Think if I shoot the tree he’d fall in the right direction?” If he craned his head and angled it then maybe he’d have a shot at forcing Toad to at least fall not towards the cliff. 
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ablackwidowsbite · 3 years
Illyana do you want to go on a few dates with me?
Illyana raised an eyebrow at that before nodding. “I vouldn’t mind zat. Wherrre vould you vant to take me?” 
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13, 32 and 47 for the writer's ask!
Thank you for the ask Lindstrom :D 
What is your planning process? What is a ‘planning process’? Well, mostly I just come up with one scene I definitely want to write or a certain mood I want to convey, and then I build up around that. I’m not really one for long fics - I have the attention span of a popcorn - but I like to first cast side characters to support the pairing or take an antagonist role. Especially in X-Men, this is the interesting part, because there are so many to choose from. Of course, it depends on whether you work with movieverse or comicverse and in the latter characterisations tend to get wonky, but every now and then it’s just so satisfying to actually find someone who just fits. I have a secret love for the X-women especially - some of them are just plain underrated, like Kwannon or Betsy Braddock or Illyana Rasputina. And then comes the outline, either in my head or on paper when I feel fancy, but that’s just the usual author’s experience. Most plot points I actually come up with when I’m lying in bed and should be sleeping and my thoughts just won’t stop searching. 
Past or present tense? Oh please don’t make me choose 😭 Past is of course more classy but present tense definitely deserves a chance, especially for plot lines which contain more action. 
What fanfic of yours is truly underrated? Can’t think of a special one right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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103) COLOSSUS Imię,Nazwisko: Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin                                     Inne pseudonimy:                                                                                                 - Juggernaut                                                                                                      - Phoenix                                                                                                            - War                                                                                                                    - Pete                                                                                                                   - Peter Nicholas                                                                                                 - The Proletarian                                                                                                - Little Brother                                                                                              Pierwsze pojawienie: Giant-Size X-Men #1.                                                       Moc mutanta: Colossus jest mutantem, który potrafi przekształcić tkankę swojego ciała w organiczną substancję przypominającą stal. Substancja ta ma nieznany skład, ale wydaje się być analogiczna do osmu i stali węglowej. Potrafi transformować swoje ciało w stalową zbroję niemal natychmiast za pomocą mentalnej komendy.-                                                                                             Stalowy Pancerz: Będąc w formie stalowej, Piotr posiada taki sam stopień mobilności, jak w swojej normalnej formie, chociaż jego wytrzymałość i szybkość są zwiększone. Colossus nie może zostać częściowo ani selektywnie opancerzony.                                                                                                       - Nadludzka siła: Kiedy Piotr się transformuje zyskuje nadludzkie pokłady siły. Na tyle duże by móc pokonać Juggernauta.                                                       - Nadludzka wytrzymałość: W formie stalowej jego mięśnie produkują znacznie mniej toksyn zmęczeniowych niż u normalnego człowieka. Zmęczenie może dopaść go dopiero po kilku dniach. Nie musi też oddychać podczas transformacji, ale uważa się, że nie mógł by długo przeżyć w próżni.                   - Nadludzka odporność: Jego opancerzona forma jest w stanie wytrzymać penetrację balistyczną, w tym pocisk haubicy 110 mm. Może przetrwać ekstremalne temperatury od -390 stopni Fahrenheita do około 9000 stopni Fahrenheita. Może przetrwać kolizję z załadowaną jednotonową ciężarówką przy prędkości 169 km/h lub eksplozją 204 kg TNT. Może także przetrwać upadki z dużych wysokości, będąc w swoim opancerzonym ciele. Opancerzona postać Colossusa nie może rdzewieć w normalnych warunkach ziemskich. Co więcej, jego oczy stają się stalowe i pozwalają oprzeć się uderzeniu pocisku kalibru 45. - Zwiększona szybkość: W stalowej formie Piotr może osiągać prędkość 51-57 km/h.                                                                                                                  Krewni:                                                                                                                1. Nikolai Rasputin (ojciec)                                                                              2. Alexandra Rasputina (matka)                                                                      3. Mikhail Rasputin (Brat)                                                                                4. Illyana Rasputina "Magik" (siostra)                                                             5. Tra-Mai-A-Zath (szwagireka)                                                                          6. Peter (syn)                                                                                                    7. Nereel (matka jego syna)                                                                              8. Kitty Pryde "Shadowcat" (była narzeczona)                                               Drużyny:                                                                                                               a. X-Men                                                                                                           b. X-Men (Gold Team)                                                                                       c. Clan Akkaba                                                                                                  d. Horsemen Of Apocalypse                                                                           e. Phoenix Five                                                                                                 f. Cable's X-Force                                                                                             g. Extinction Team                                                                                           h. Defenders (New Jersey Initiative)                                                               i. Excalibur                                                                                                         j. Acolytes                                                                                                         k. Soviet Super-Soldiers                                                                                  - Piotr dorastał na syberyjskiej farmie razem ze swoim bratem, znanym kosmonautą Mikhailem oraz ukochaną młodszą siostrą Illyaną.                        - Jego moce pojawiły się w wieku 13 lat i wykorzystywał je do pomocy rodzinie. Uratował swoją siostrę transformując się i zatrzymując pędzący na nią traktor.    - Dołączył do drużyny profesora Xaviera by uratować oryginalny skład X-Men z żywej wyspy Krakoa.                                                                                          - Poznał Kitty podczas walki z Hellfire Club i ich White Queen.                       - Podczas walki z Proteusem, Colossus zabił go uderzeniem swojej stalowej pięści. Miał ogromne wyrzuty sumienia z tego powodu, nawet jeśli oznaczało to uratowanie Moiry McTaggert.                                                                            - Zaczął spotykać się z Kitty po przeżyciu ataku Brood.                                     - Podczas "Secret Wars" zbliżył się do uzdrowicielki Zsaji i uświadomił sobie, że uczucie do Kitty nie jest prawdziwe. Zerwali ze sobą.                                           - Podczas eventu "Mutant Massacre" został zraniony przez shuriken Riptide'a, co uniemożliwiło mu powrót do ludzkiej formy. Wściekły Peter skręcił kark Riptide'a. Magneto pomógł mu z raną, jednak Colossus został sparaliżowany.                                                                                                      - Doszedł do siebie po miesiącach rehabilitacji na Muir Island.                            - Po śmierci Illyany, Peter opuścil X-Men i dołączył do Acolytes (drużyna Magneto). Niewiele jednak wiadomo o tym co się działo podczas pobytu Colossusa w tej drużynie.                                                                                   - Opuszczając Acolytes, szukał jedynej osoby, na której zawsze mu zależało. Dołączył wiec do drużyny Kitty, Excalibur. Poźniej, razem z Shadowcat i Nightcrawlerem połączyli się z X-Men.                                                             - Piotr poświęcił swoje życie by pokonać "Legacy Virus" (chorobę atakującą tylko mutantów). Jego ciało zostało skradzione przez Orda (obcego, który dowiedział się, że ziemscy mutanci są odpowiedzialni za zniszczenie jego planety). Wskrzesił go i eksperymentował na nim przez lata. Uratowali go X-Men.                                                                                                                  - Został obdarowany mocą Juggernauta przez Cyttoraka po tym jak Cainowi Marko ta moc została odebrana.                                                                         - Kiedy Iron Man uderzył w Phoenix Force i jej moc rozdzieliła się na 5 części, Colossus został jednym z pięciu avatarów.                                                         - Z taką mocą Piotr chcial się pozbyć aspektu Cyttoraka jednak nie udało mu się to.                                                                                                                   - Stracił swoją porcję mocy Phoenix po walce z własną siostrą, która też tą moc utraciła.                                                                                                                - Później Illyana przeniosła go do Limbo i za pomocą swojego miecza uwolniła go od aspektu Cyttoraka.                                                                                    - Ponownie zżył się z Kitty. Niespodziewanie oświadczyła mu się. Jednak kilka chwil przed ceremonią ślubną uświadomiła sobie, że ich cała historia nie jest dobrym fundamentem pod małżeństwo i zrezygnowała ze ślubu.                          - Załamany Piotr postanowił opuścić X-Men i wrócił z powrotem do rodzinnej Rosji.  
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roi-des-voleurs · 4 years
[ text ]: Tomorrow is cancelled. -- @ofmagikandlimbo
[magique] bein optimistic, huh? [magique] or are you up to some magic stuff that's gonna cause the end of the world and you're tryin to warn me?
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egoistcs · 10 years
something has made you evil ;
Character: Illyana Rasputina
Timeframe: Past and present.
Summary: Illyana Rasputina's struggle with her Darkchilde persona, ramblings in general.
"You want to be happy again...? You need to learn how to forget."
You never knew, nor will know. Scared, forced to kill and to destroy to save yourself, forced to battle until your last breath to survive. You've lived one whole life in mere hours, and people would never find out the deep scars those lone years had left in places hidden from the world.
(You're a queen, crown forged with blood and darkness, scars earned as prizes, feared by the devils that hid underneath your bed when the air was still as pure as your soul, the devils that now claim your name as the only one that can defeat them.)
"Please, please, please." She whispers, over and over again. Her voice is hoarse and thin, blood can be tasted in her mouth from how much she had screamed, from how much she had begged. "Please..." She cries, and Storm combs her hair, briads, hums and teaches her. You need to channel it, she tells, and the petit girl whispers words in her mother language, begs the woman to take her out of there. With a sweet smile she would braid your hair until you fall asleep, In the given time, she had whispers you, when you stop crying and star ruling
You hide, from everything. You hide from the silver tongued devil, whisperer of vicious thoughts inside your head, you hide from the ones that claim to love you — because once, because of love, you were taken and forced to live a whole life alone — you hide your true being, the armored warrior, traveler of space and time, Queen of Limbo and supreme sorceress of such.
"I am sorry, I am so sorry..." She tells her to do it quickly, and it was the first time the swords appears. It slays her from inside and out, and she screams but doesn't cry. No more tears, it was the price. She doesn't know, though, that the armor that appears to protect her is like a reward; for her pain, for her loss, for her soul. An apology, a gift. The blood of her master and protector stains her face and golden hair. It's the price for freedom, she tells her. Death.
Illyana Rasputina, hidden from her parents, taken away from them until the day she watched them be taken from her. Illyana Rasputina, sister, student, dancer, hero? Villain? Demon? Prisoner? Are you never tired of fighting, they ask you, have you never noticed what you did is wrong? But fighting is all you know, is what you grew up to.
(You never wanted to be queen, but queen you are. You never wanted to be a monster, but a monster you are. Who should you be afraid of? Afraid of the monsters that had created you, or afraid of the monsters that hid inside yourself?)
She had never seen him so mad, even though the times hasn't passed for them, she feels like she would never fullfill the gaps of spending years without seeing him. Her brother, the only one she had left. He grips at her arms,and he was never aware of his strenght and how fragile she was. It wasn't the first time she had taken them away, it always happens; his touch, triggering, takes them back to where they grew up -- now is just a factory, and both don't want to remember. Why? He keeps asking. Why. Why. Why. "Because you'd become a monster." And she's afraid of them.
But your fears is what keeps you alive, is what keeps you breathing. The demon inside of is what keeps you running. You are so afraid, that you don't let anyone in. You're so sacared of what they are going to see, of what they are going to bare, that you shilded you mind, nothing comes in and nothing leaves. Mind shielded, armored body, but vunerable flesh. You're a walking sin, condemned by your broken morals and divergent thoughts. You throw a battle with yourself, and you know you'll never win.
Because you, Illyana Rasputina, don't know who you are.
(Perhaps you are a demon, poisoned blood, shredded soul. Perhaps you are the queen, ruler of the place that once held you hostage. Perhaps you are just a girl, fighting her demons. Fighting herself. Perhaps you are nobody. Which one you want to be?)
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roi-des-voleurs · 4 years
On the one hand, Remy understood how Rogue's powers worked. He knew that if she had been helping Illyana, taking things from her came with the territory. But on the other hand, this time it had involved summoning demons. Which had subsequently appeared in their apartment. While Remy would not hold Illyana totally responsible, he nevertheless felt they should have a talk. "So," he said, taking a sip of his drink, "Is dere anyt'ing else I should know 'bout what Rogue mighta gotten from you? 'Cause you might be used t' demons poppin' up at all hours, but dat was kinda a shock t' de system for us." Leaning back in his chair, he steepled his fingers and stared across the table at her. "Good t'ing dey showed up before Rogue an' I really got t'...settle in. Otherwise I'd have been even more steamed."
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ablackwidowsbite · 3 years
Elijah raised an eyebrow crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s your opinion on aliens?” He asked with a rather curious yet blunt tone. Being an alien himself, Elijah was merely trying to satisfy his curiosity.
(For any)
Illyana looked up at him. Tilting her head a little bit before she responded. “My opinion? I zink zat aliens aren't zat scary some more. When zey come to harm us. But zey are intelligent and maybe bit more zan usual human. If zat is what you are searching for from ansver? Aliens are just more beings for us to get to know and enjoy zeirrr company.” The blonde rested her hands in her jacket.  
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ablackwidowsbite · 4 years
@glitchexmachina​ wanted a starter from Magik
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Illyana was walking down the street. It was pouring rain and she mostly was just hurrying so she could find a dry place to at least stand until it blew over. She stopped under an awning shivering a little. 
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ablackwidowsbite · 2 years
“Why are you standing on the counter?”
"I had to get something up above. And the stool didn't help." Illyana huffed a little bit as she grabbed at the box that was up higher. She moved to sit down on the counter. She ate from the box of cereal. "You are tall don't tell me you didn't put that up higher than you should have."
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