#c: tesni
pathstheychoose · 1 year
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
for Tesni
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! | Accepting
Besides her gifts, there's another part of her father Tesni inherited; his wrath. If pushed to the edge, Tesni's emotions can become very unstable like a sunspot, and it can cause her powers to go to a 20 and anger just envelope her until she delves out what she perceives in that state to be a proper punishment.
She's learned how to temper this, but it does lurk in the back of her mind.
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tesclav 625 tablet
•       Amoxycillin 500mg, Clavulanic Acid 125mg tab.
•       Tesni Pharmaceuticals
•       Amoxycillin (500mg) + Clavulanic Acid (125mg)
•       STORAGE
•       Store at room temperature (10-30°C)
Tesclav 625 Tablet is a penicillin-type of antibiotic that helps your body fight infections caused by bacteria. It is used to treat infections of the lungs (e.g., pneumonia), ear, nasal sinus, urinary tract, skin and soft tissue. It will not work for viral infections such as the common cold. Tesclav 625 Tablet is best taken with a meal to reduce the chance of a stomach upset. You should take it regularly at evenly spaced intervals as per the schedule prescribed by your doctor. Taking it at the same time every day will help you to remember to take it. The dose will depend on what you are being treated for, but you should always complete a full course of this antibiotic as prescribed by your doctor. Do not stop taking it until you have finished, even when you feel better. If you stop taking it early, some bacteria may survive and the infection may come back or worsen. The most common side effects of this medicine include vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. These are usually mild but let your doctor know if they bother you or will not go away.
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autoring · 7 years
Tým Peugeotu v celkovém hodnocení stále na prvních třech místech.
Při vzrušující zkoušce se posádky
– Team Peugeot Total Peterhansel/Cottret a Loeb/Elena utkaly v dech beroucí bitvě, když na 292 měřených kilometrech etapy bojovaly s výsledným rozdílem pouhých 18 sekund. Nyní, kdy do konce Rallye Dakar 2017 zbývá jen jeden den, jsou Peterhansel/Cottret v lepší pozici získat celkové vítězství, neboť na dvojici Loeb/Elena mají pohodlný náskok 5 min 32 s.
• Bylo velmi pravděpodobné, že 11. etapa Rallye Dakar 2017 bude rozhodující před sobotním krátkým měřeným úsekem. Očekávaná bitva předčila veškerá očekávání. Dvě posádky Teamu Peugeot Total, které se zapojily do rozhodujícího boje o letošní vítězství, do něj daly vše, co bylo v jejich silách a možnostech jejich vozů PEUGEOT 3008KDKR. Loeb/Elena nejprve zkrátili dosavadní ztrátu téměř na polovinu, ale jejich snaha byla vážně nahlodána poté, co byli nuceni zastavit a vyměnit kolo po defektu, který měli v první zatáčce druhé části zkoušky.
• Kromě toho, že Peterhansel/Cottret zajistili Teamu Peugeot Total páté umístění na prvním a druhém místě během Rallye Dakar 2017 (včetně tří dojezdů na prvních třech místech), jejich druhé místo v dnešní zkoušce, pouhých 18 sekund za dvojicí Loeb/Elena, jim poskytlo záviděníhodnou pozici v čele dnešního prozatímního hodnocení s náskokem 5 min 32 s na francouzsko-monacké týmové kolegy.
• Despres/Castera, kteří se do souboje o první místo nezapojili, předvedli dokonale zvládnutou jízdu, aniž podstupovali jakékoli riziko. Jejich opatrná jízda s vozem PEUGEOT 3008DKR č. 307 jim umožnila uhájit třetí místo v průběžném celkovém pořadí.
Charakter tratě 11.etapy:
Typ terénu: prvních 50 km duny, poté trať ve stylu WRC.
Teploty: mezi 20 °C a 36 °C.
Průměrná rychlost: 95 km/h.
Nejvyšší rychlost: 193 km/h.
Klasifikace v 11. etapě:
1. Sébastien LOEB (FR)/Daniel ELENA (MON), PEUGEOT 3008DKR, 3 h 21 min 15 s
2. Stéphane PETERHANSEL (FR)/J.-P. COTTRET (FR), PEUGEOT 3008DKR, +0 min 18 s
3. Orlando TERRANOVA (ARG)/Andreas SCHULZ, Mini, +6 min 37 s
4. Giniel DE VILLIERS (ZAF)/Dirk VON ZITZEWITZ (ZAF), Toyota Hilux, +7 min 01s
5. Yazeed AL RAHJI (SAU)/Timo GOTTSCHALK (GER), Mini, +7 min 25 s
7. Cyril DESPRES (FR)/David CASTERA (FR), PEUGEOT 3008DKR, +7 min 32 s
Provizorní klasifikace po 11 etapách:
1. Stéphane PETERHANSEL (FR)/J.-P. COTTRET (FRA), PEUGEOT 3008DKR, 28 h 20 min 16 s
2. Sébastien LOEB (FR)/Daniel ELENA (MON), PEUGEOT 3008DKR, + 5 min 32 s
3. Cyril DESPRES (FR)/David CASTERA (FR), PEUGEOT 3008DKR, + 32 min 54 s
4. Nani ROMA (SP)/Alex HARO BRAVO (SP), Toyota Hilux, +1 h 15 min 41 s
5. Giniel DE VILLIERS (ZAF)/Dirk VON ZITZEWITZ (ZAF), Toyota Hilux, +1 h 49 min 37 s
Bruno Famin
„Dnes se jela poslední opravdová etapa Rallye Dakar 2017, ale vždy existuje možnost, že se toho může mnoho přihodit. Byl to nakonec den, při němž se nám tajil dech, a první pozitivní zprávou je to, že všechny tři naše vozy dojely do cíle. Sébastien a Stéphane se pustili do jedinečného souboje, který v podstatě skončil, když Sébastien píchnul pneumatiku. Svůj útok vystupňoval na maximum a v jednu chvíli to už vypadalo, že vymaže svou ztrátu 5 min 50 s. To se nestalo, ale pro tým je hlavní to, že naše tři vozy jsou stále na první, druhé a třetí pozici celkového pořadí. Cyril zvolil tempo, které odpovídalo jeho postavení. Vzhledem k tomu, že pro něj nebylo nic v sázce, je důležité, že dojel spolehlivě do cíle.“
Sébastien LOEB (PEUGEOT 3008DKR č. 309)
11. etapa: 1./Celkově: 2.
„Náš den začal skvěle. Uvědomovali jsme si, že terén je pro nás příznivý, a tvrdě jsme se snažili snížit ztrátu na Stéphana. O výhodu jsme přišli v okamžiku defektu pneumatiky v první zatáčce druhé části zkoušky. Bylo to zničující! Nadále jsme jeli naplno a dokončili zkoušku v prachu za Stéphanem. Pak už bylo naším cílem vyhnout se jakémukoli riziku a dojet s jistotou do cíle.“
Stéphane PETERHANSEL (PEUGEOT 3008DKR č. 300)
11. etapa: 2./Celkově: 1.
„Náš souboj se Sébastienem byl dnes nesmírně těsný. V první části zkoušky jsme zčásti přišli o svůj náskok, ale Sébastienův defekt pneumatiky nám umožnil dohnat čas, o který jsme přišli. Zítřejší poslední zkouška soutěže je poměrně krátká. Dnes večer si připravíme strategii. Může se stát cokoli, ale cítím se jistý, neboť náš vůz 3008DKR dosud šlapal jako hodinky.“
Cyril DESPRES (PEUGEOT 3008DKR č. 307)
11. etapa: 6./Celkově: 3.
„Pro nás to byl poklidný den. Ráno jsme vyjeli s velkým náskokem před vozem na čtvrtém místě a naším cílem bylo vyhnout se potížím a dopravit náš vůz bezpečně do cíle. Máme za sebou poměrně dobrou jízdu a druhá část zkoušky byla zajímavá. Začal jsem se dokonce cítit jako jezdec WRC!“
Sledujte Peugeot Sport & tým Peugeot Total:
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violetrps · 11 years
She is not in love with him, that has nothing at all to do with it. All it is is that she—as Tesni—finds him—as Erasmus—attractive, and it could only be more ridiculous if she were in love with him. But she's not, for she deals in certainty and knowledge and the past, whilst he is uncertainty and fantasies and the future. She is History, and he is Dream, no matter what guises they may be thrown into.
It just so happens that History thinks Dream has adapted a particularly nice guise this lifetime. 
Tesni had hoped that as she got older, and more used to seeing Erasmus with her eyes rather than Dravko's, such attraction would have diminished. And true, they are both older, as evidenced by the lines on his face and the curve of her silhouette and his silver specked hair and her long long legs. Just as used to each other as they'd been before she'd been an idiot and gotten himself killed so many years ago. Yet all that's changed is that now she wants to kiss his wrinkles smooth, wants to kiss his nightmares away; her blush has remained constant throughout the years, her stutter whenever he tells her to move over, he's spending the night.
She gives herself over to Lucerne youth now and again, when she can't decided whether Erasmus hesitates or lingers when he hugs her, yet they're not him. They don't know how to make her laugh, or how to comfort her when she's had a bad night's sleep ("surely it wasn't as bad as mine," he'll chuckle, and Tesni'll rest her head on his chest, reassure herself that he's still alive, he hasn't left her yet), don't know that she likes to lead or that 'idiot' is the sweetest pet name she can muster. They never know her quite as well as he does, and that frustrates her to no end.
Because she's not in love with him, that'd be ridiculous. But she does love him, and it just so happens that this life, she wouldn't mind loving him romantically as well as platonically.
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pathstheychoose · 1 year
Most fashionable to least fashionable of my muses!
Katrina van Huerten - girl has to stay on her A-game and is always on top of the latest fashion. Even though she was born in the 1920s doesn’t mean she has to dress like a grandma. She enjoys putting a vintage flair into her attire, though, every now and then.
Damjan Kasun - he likes his name brands and he likes to sport a sophisticated style, looking like he stepped off of a runway in Europe (not the artsy one but the one with functional clothes to wear).
Megan Willis - dress to impress but with a bit of fun. Megan knows what she’s got and will work it but also knows how to dress to work her cases. From professional to fashion party, she can drop it on a dime.
Sumati Thomas - You want a professional? You’ve got a professional. She’ll dress in a way that you know she knows what she’s doing and trust she knows what she’s talking about. 
Alian Dmitrievich Romanov - a little bit outdated, but outdated in the way that he stepped out of a period romance novel kind of way. Charming, noble, and slightly roguish, his style can charm anyone.
Annalee Louis - You want an alt style? you’ve got it. Her alternative punkish style is never without the eye makeup to match. Able to have her style and keep it professional when she needs to is the real talent, though. Which she does half the time.
Vladimir Fyodorovich Garin - if you want a style that screams ‘I’m a questionable person with a slight flair for fashion when I need it’ that’s this guy. Less interested in general appearance needs and more inclined to pursuits of questionable knowledge, he still knows he needs to dress the part when he must.
Tesni LeClair - quirk. That is the best way to describe it. Bright colors, in your face, with no shame but still manages to make it work due to her artistic skill. She may take people by surprise and not be seen as too professional in her clothing choice, she takes pride in her eclectic individuality.
Michelle “Mikey” Scott - when you work as a photographic-journalist, you gotta have a few good outfits, but mainly outfits you’re fine getting roughed up. Mikey wears what’s practical and wears it well, with the t-shirts with silly slogans on them.
Casimir Stan - A man who isn’t sure how to dress himself, but manages the nerdy look, which counters well with his alternate, more confident, persona. As an investigative journalist focusing on the paranormal field, things can get odd quick, so best to wear something comfortable. The nice things are for meetings.
Andre Rios Hernandez - what’s better than a comfortable hoodie? A comfortable hoodie with comfortable jeans and comfortable t-shirt with sneakers. That’s it. If he has to, he will dress up, but only when he has to.
Joey Rogers - the man is a writer and tired. He will wear his boxers and tank top out to get the mail, baggy sweat pants, slides, and an old t-shirt to get groceries. He’s got too much on his mind with his writing and other responsibilities to pay attention to what he wears.
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pathstheychoose · 1 year
Tesni LeClair / Sunblaze Tag Drop / Interest Call
Tesni is the daughter of Apollo and a mortal woman. Trained how to use her powers by her aunts, Artemis and Athena, Tesni uses them for the greater good. Her demigoddess physique grants her superhuman strength, durability, healing, flight, heightened senses, and enhanced speed/agility as well as Healing Light, pyrokinesis, thermal blast, body temperature regulation, and solar empowerment. Her day job is an artist in New Orleans.
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