#c: marinette dupain cheng
wield-the-mighty-pen · 11 months
My new favorite genre of humor is people insulting Gabriel’s Pancakes
Exhibit A
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Exhibit B
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and now, our lovely Exhibit C:
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
A very merry Christmas to you, @2-depressed-4-u . It is I, your secret santa from @mlsecretsanta . I have had a wonderful time talking to you this year (even if I wasn't supposed to, oops), and hope you have a wonderful holiday.
And now, without further ado, your present.
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
If his father could see his room at that moment, Adrien was sure the man would faint with shock. Fortunately, Gabriel Agreste was needed in China to investigate one of his companies’ main manufacturers, so Adrien was in the clear… for now.
His room looked like his couch was almost pushed up against one wall, but he’d left a foot of space between it and the wall so he had full access to his masterpiece. Along the north-facing wall was a chaotic conspiracy board, with red string threading from picture to picture. Some of his pieces of evidence were printed out from his computer, like the article about Marinette designing for Jagged Stone or the picture of Ladybug kissing him from back during the Oblivo incident. Others were hand drawn to the best of his ability if he couldn’t find an appropriate image online.
But in the end, all the pictures led back to a center image: his limited edition poster of Ladybug.
Plagg hovered near one of the most important pieces of evidence, the feathered bolo hat Marinette had made. “Hey, kid… when’s the last time you got any sleep?” he asked, his eyes flickering between Adrien and his evidence wall.
“I don’t need any sleep,” Adrien spat, climbing over and onto the back of the couch so he could connect some string between a picture of Marinette and badly-drawn recreation of Multimouse. On the hand drawn page, he wrote no earrings????, with multiple question marks going off the page and onto the wall. “I need answers.”
“I thought you’d decided that you weren’t going to look for Ladybug’s identity anymore?”
The boy scoffed. “I thought so too, but you didn’t see what I saw! During that last akuma battle, Ladybug left, and then… Marinette was there! She always hides during akuma battles, she wouldn’t just run around during one, unless…” He pinned another picture to the wall, wrinkling the paper with his force. “She was Ladybug.”
Plagg sighed. “Or she was trapped in the area and took it as her chance to run. Or she was hiding but someone was in danger, so she rushed out to help. Or some other reason why she’d risk her life. Why don’t you just ask her, kid?”
“Because if she’s Ladybug, she’d just lie!” Adrien explained. “I know how this works, Plagg; we’re not supposed to know each other’s identities. Ladybug sticks to that rule better than me… and no matter how good of a person she is, or how much Marinette hates liars, she’d still be willing to lie to protect herself.”
“If she’s lying to protect herself, then wouldn’t she be safer if you didn’t discover who she is? If you stopped your investigation now, before someone gets hurt?”
Adrien shook his head, picking up another picture of Ladybug. “You don’t understand, Plagg. She shouldn’t have to look out for herself. I should be the one to do it for her.”
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
Adrien’s plan started the next day at school.
Keeping an eye on Marinette proved impossible when she sat directly behind him, but he kept a keen ear on her and Alya’s conversation. While he didn’t think his Lady would be so blasé to discuss her superheroine life where anyone could hear her, he was expecting at least some reference. Alya was her best friend after all; he’d certainly let things slip to Nino throughout his months as Chat Noir.
But no. There was nothing. When not distracted by classwork, all they talked about was the Ladyblog, and Marinette’s new commissions for Kitty Selection. So, it was onto plan B.
When Plagg was trying to talk him out of this—and really, wasn’t that evidence unto itself, that Plagg was trying to talk him out of investigating—he’d said that Adrien reminded him of Alya. Reminded him that Alya had once done the same thing to Chloe, and gotten akumatized for it. But Adrien wouldn’t get akumatized! For one thing, Marinette was in no way like Chloe. For another, Adrien, and Alya back then, had direct evidence that Chloe wasn’t Ladybug, since Chloe was often seen with or around Ladybug.
Outside of the Multimouse incident, had Adrien ever seen Ladybug save or even talk to Marinette?
But Plagg’s words had reminded him that he wasn’t the only person who’d ever searched for Ladybug’s identity. And his best ally sat behind him and to the left.
Adrien pulled Alya to the side during lunch, with Marinette watching curiously and Nino shaking his head in amusement before engaging Marinette in a conversation. Adrien knew he could count on him. And when he found an abandoned classroom to talk to Alya, he swallowed and began to explain.
She’d looked nervous, when he began, but as he kept explaining all his evidence as to why Marinette could be Ladybug, a thoughtful expression bloomed on her face. But that didn’t mean she automatically believed him. And then she asked a damnable question. “What about Lila?”
Ah. He’d forgotten about Lila.
He preferred to forget about her rather than think about—
Alya continued. “Because she and Ladybug are best friends, you know? But I’m pretty sure Marinette hates Lila. Not that she’d ever say she hates Lila, but she refuses to go to girl’s day when Lila is invited, and she leaves sleep-overs early when she’s there, but Lila has no idea why—”
Oh, Adrien had a good idea why. And it was the same reason why Adrien had convinced his father to only allow single or boys-only shoots for him this spring, that it was more fashionable that way.
“Maybe it’s a ruse?” He offered instead. “Maybe Marinette’s only pretending to dislike Lila so she doesn’t find out her identity? It’s not like Lila has ever said she knew Ladybug’s identity.”
“Well, she did imply it once…” When did that happen!? Adrien might be mostly ignoring Lila at this point, but how did he miss that? “But she backtracked when I asked some more questions, so I think she only suspects she knows who Ladybug is. But if Marinette is Ladybug, then we could talk to her and she doesn’t have to pretend to hate Lila anymore!”
Alya gave a blinding smile. Adrien didn’t have the heart to tell her that Marinette definitely would not change her opinion of Lila if they discovered her identity.
In fact, she might yell at them both.
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
With Alya on board to stalk Marinette for all the wrong reasons, Adrien had started to feel a little more secure in his plan to discover Ladybug’s identity. For the rest of lunch and the remainder of class, Alya used some leading questions on Marinette to try and get any information, but she was like a steel wall. Alya had even thought up a cool audience participation event where Ladyblog would post everyone’s fan heroes that sounded really interesting.
(Marinette said she’d want to be a black cat hero! She was so cute—)
But there was nothing that pointed towards Marinette being Ladybug. After school, once Alya had begged off girl squad duties and Adrien had lied about an extra long fencing meeting, the two met up to stalk Marinette.
First, she spent a few hours at Eiffel Tower, designing. Then, she spent an hour in a fabric store, picking out a few yards of champagne fabric, all of which looked the same to Adrien’s discerning eye, but were clearly different to her. And finally, she met her parents at a local Italian bistro for dinner. And despite spending their entire afternoon stalking her, they’d learned nothing.
Nothing except the fact that Marinette had an adorable habit of talking to herself when she was alone, but that wasn’t strictly evidence.
Alya sat back on the bench, pulling her disguise hat down to cover her eyes. Marinette and her family were clearly visible from the restaurant window. “Maybe she isn’t Ladybug?” Alya asked. “I mean, Ladybug usually patrols in the afternoon, and she hasn’t left our sight all day!”
That was more because Adrien had offered to talk Ladybug’s afternoon patrol that day, but Alya didn’t need to know that. He hiked the newspaper with holes cut out for eyes higher onto his face. “She could be having an off day?”
“No. Adrien, what was your real reason for—”
Suddenly, the ground shook and people screamed as an akuma, eye-screaming pink and cackling at the top of his lungs, whipped past. They shot to their feet. Alya begged off to chase after the akuma and Adrien let her, his eyes glued to the window. Her family was still there, but Marinette was gone. Was she in the restroom? Or…
“Adrien, what are you doing?”
“I’m just going to check,” he told his kwami, running to the backside of the bistro. If Marinette was Ladybug, she’d have to escape out the back, right?
“There’s an akuma! Come on, you have to—”
“I just need to check!” He scolded. He was almost there!”
“Damn it, kid!” Adrien froze. Was Plagg… mad at him? Plagg was never mad at him! “This has gone on long enough! Is your love life really worth other people’s lives!?”
No. No it wasn’t. And Ladybug would hate him if he even considered for a second skipping out on a battle just to look for her identity.
Really, there was only one choice left.
“Plagg, claws out.”
He’d have to try again another day. Think of a new plan of attack. But for now, he was Chat Noir. And Chat Noir had a fight to win.
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
The next day, Plagg immediately wriggled his way into Marinette’s purse, where Tikki sat, contently eating a chocolate-chip cookie.
“Sugar Cube, you’ve got to make sure your user is more careful,” he said, rubbing his head with his paws. “Adrien almost found out her identity!”
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burntwaffle12 · 3 months
A never-ending ouroboros
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Ladybug with Chat's Fang (she swears she didn't steal it). Based on the wonderful @siderealscribblings Rift Wars
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Why does she still give out the charms?
I’ve been seeing a lot of people question the purpose of Ladybug continuing to give charms to the citizens after they are deakumatized, after all, now that Hawkmoth can destroy them, shouldn’t she stop giving them away now that they are useless against his power? well, no actually, despite the charms no longer being capable of rejecting Hawkmoths control, they can still be used to help civilians. 
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 Although the  charms Ladybug has given people are now capable of being destroyed, as of now they are the only thing she can offer to the akumatized civilians, the reason being is because although they are not as strong as before, they can still help bring a sense of ease towards Parisian when they are being given something to be hopeful in. The charms can still help them by letting them know and believe they at least now poses something which can help protect them to some extent rather than be left with nothing at all and remain in a state of fear over the risk  of being akumatized. By continuing to distribute the charms, Ladybug can at least help reduce the risk of negativity in Paris in order to help prevent Hawkmoth from finding more victims.
Ignore the haters who say they don’t matter because clearly they do since she is still giving them to people.
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lily-drake · 1 year
[Bio!dad Dick] when Dick had amnesia and became 'Ric Grayson' He hooked up with a traveling Sabine. He later discovers when looking into his old things when he was Ric he had been contacted by Sabine who told him he has a daughter named Marinette (maybe 5 years old now?idk), during his time as Batman (with Bruce 'dead', Tim missing, and Damian being well Damian) Dick makes the hard choice to stay out of his daughter's life to keep her safe from the world he lives in, but watches from a distance when he can. Before he knows it more years pass and he wants nothing more than to meet her but feels like it's to late. However everything changes when he goes down for patrol and finds one of his brothers at the batcom with a file of Marinette open, and the words 'Master Fu, ex-guardian' 'Mutlimouse, Known' 'New Guardian?'. And files on a Ladybug hero who bares a striking resemblance of his daughter.
Ric Rolled
Note, Ric/Dick is 21 at the beginning of the story while Sabine is 23.
Ric Grayson liked his job as a taxi driver.  He learned a lot about the people in his city and even people from outside of it.  But he always felt like he could be doing, or rather was meant for something more.  Ever since he had left the hospital once the bullet wound was healed, he felt like he was missing something important from his life.  It was his 21st birthday, and he decided to celebrate it at one of the nicer bars in his city.  
“Hello, is this seat taken?”
A gentle voice spoke from beside him.  Ric slowly turned his head and saw a beautiful woman with charcoal black hair, silver eyes, her makeup was done naturally, and her dress was a beautiful red and gold knee length qipao.  
“No, you can sit here.”
He replied, gesturing toward the seat on his right side.  
“My name is Sabine.”
She spoke as she gestured for the bartender.  He didn’t respond, just took a sip from his glass.
“So what’s brought you here tonight?”
Sabine asked in a honeyed voice.  Ric thought about whether or not he should answer that question, his already addled brain found nothing wrong with it though.
“It’s my birthday.”
“I see.  You celebrating with anyone else?”
“Afraid not ma’am.”
“I see.”
Her voice was like that of a siren.  Enchanting and full of life.
“Let me buy you a drink, whatever you want.”
Ric smiled at the lady and nodded.
“Of course.  No one should spend their birthday by themselves.”
One drink led to another, which led to another, which led to a night that Ric hadn’t imagined he would have.  When he awoke, he was alone, only a note.
Thanks for last night.  Hope we can meet again one day, Ric.
Ric let out a groan, his head pounding up a storm.  He wasn’t going to be able to work today.
3 years later
Dick Grayson stared at the screen in front of him in shock.  He remembered bits and pieces of his time as Ric Grayson, but he liked to pretend that those three years of his life never existed.  But as he stared at the information in front of him, he wasn’t so sure he could ignore it for much longer.  Turns out he had a daughter, and it had to be his because “Ric Grayson” was listed as the father on the copy of the birth certificate that he had been sent and the girl–his daughter– was just barely 2 years old.  
Sabine had sent him a letter, but he had never seen it before as he had moved on from being Ric by that time.  It was pure luck he even stumbled upon the letter in the first place when he was cleaning up the rundown apartment that he had stayed in.  The overwhelming feeling of need that he felt at the thought of meeting the little girl, Marinette, was so overwhelming he couldn't think of anything else.  Even breathing felt like a chore.  He imagined being a real father, teaching her to read, watching her color, listening to her stories, he could even teach her gymnastics.  It was a wonderful fantasy.  But that was it, a fantasy.  One that came crashing down with the sound of a katana slicing through a training dummy.  
He shook his head as reality came crashing in around him.  Bruce was dead, Tim was missing and probably hated him, Jason left the city, and he needed to make sure that Damian was being taken care of, he needed to be Batman and protect Gotham.  He took a single minute to mourn what could have been before he stole himself and closed the files.  She would be safer and happier without him.  From what he saw Sabine was in a relationship with another man in Paris.  He could watch after her from a distance, but it would be better if he was as far away from her as possible.  It seemed everyone he loved got hurt in some way, and he would make sure that nothing would happen to her by keeping his distance.
8 years later
Dick stared at his phone.  There was a picture of a young girl at a sewing machine with the brightest smile.  She had hair as black as Sabine’s and his eyes.  She was growing up so fast and now that everything was working out he desperately wanted to meet her.  But it has already been so long, it was probably too late now.  She had Tom as her dad now.  He had another daughter now, he and Kori had finally tied the knot, and now they had little Mari’.  It wasn’t intentional, in fact it was Starfire that had named her that.  It made his heart hurt when he thought of his other daughter.  He often wondered if his girls would get along with each other if they ever met.  
He sighed as he set down his phone and looked around the cave.  He was in Gotham for the weekend just visiting his family—which was finally happy (well, as happy as they could be) together— with his wife and daughter.  Star would be down soon, she was just putting Mari’ to bed.  Star knew about Marinette and often encouraged him to reach out, and though he was thankful for her support, he was still too scared to approach her.  
He could hear the fast click clacking of the Batcomputer’s keyboard, and as Bruce was upstairs he knew that it had to be Tim.  Slowly he walked down the stairs to make sure that his brother hadn’t been down here for a consecutive 56 hours again.  He had been getting a bit better at taking care of himself, but he knew Tim and which meant that if Tim found something overly important all of Tim’s own needs would be put aside until he was sure that he had finished everything.  
“Tim, how long have you been down here?”
He asked as he carefully approached his baby brother from behind.  Tim didn’t answer, he just kept clicking and moving things around on the screen.  There was strike one, Tim may not always answer, but his shoulders would often either scrunch up or relax.  And as neither of those reactions happened he may not have heard him showing how tired he was as Tim was one of the most aware and attentive one out of all of them.
Dick got closer to the screen and looked up to see what was so important to Tim.  There files upon files of absolute chaos and destruction filling the screen.  It looked horrifying and Dick couldn’t believe that it was real as if this was anywhere on Earth or even in space they would have heard about it by now.  On the top and bottom right monitors there were files of three different people open at the moment.  On the top there was an image of a girl with strikingly familiar blue eyes, dark raven hair, and a face he was staring at only a few minutes before.
Marinette Lenoire Dupain-Cheng
Identity (Known): Multi-Mouse (First)
New Guardian?
Pupil of ex-Grand Guardian: Wang Fu
Age: 11
Ethnicity: Asian-American
Location: Paris, France
Mother: Sabine Cheng
Birth Father: Ric Grayson
Step-father: Tom Dupain
Dick gulped as he read through the data.  He hadn’t told his family about Marinette, but now they would know.  He had told Starfire before they had gotten Married, and he was so relieved when she still accepted him, still loved him despite his mistake and cowardness.  But he kept reading.  He would have to process that his daughter was a hero, a hero at the same age he was.  That his efforts to keep her out of this type of life were all in vain and that it didn’t matter now.  That he was a failure.  He started reading again.  
Wang Fu
Identity (Known): Ex-Grand Guardian
Belonged to “The Order of the Guardians”1
Age: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Needs to be further investigated
Then there was the final one.
Identity: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Relatives: Unknown
Source of power: Earrings
Power: Creation and restoration
Danger level, high.  Need more data.
Tim studied the girl before him.  He didn’t like what he saw.  He looked at the picture of Ladybug, then the picture of his daughter, then the picture of his daughter in a mouse themed suit, then back to Ladybug.  Dick was going to be sick, he was going to pass out, he was going to have a panic attack.  He should have just been part of her life.  Maybe if he had been in it she wouldn’t have had to become a hero.  Maybe it was because he stayed out of her life that she unintentionally followed in his footsteps.  He was a terrible father, how would he tell them, how would he tell her?  What was he going to do now?  
“Dick!  Dick, you need to breathe!  Come on Dick, please breathe with me.”
There was a distant voice talking to him, but it was so hard to hear over the raging voices in his head.  What was he supposed to do now?  It was too late for him to just insert himself in her life.
“No it’s not Dick.  It’ll be okay.  I won’t tell anyone, it’s your news to share.”
That was a nice thought, but there was no way that the others wouldn’t figure it out now.
“That may be true, but they’ll respect your boundaries and wait until you feel comfortable enough to talk about it.”
The voice said.  Dick tried to breathe, he could feel his hand against something hard yet soft, and he clutched onto it.  He could feel a gentle beating against his hand and slowly he began to even out his breathing all while the voice seemed to rattle on, saying things that he couldn’t seem to process as he focussed all of his efforts into simply breathing.  How pathetic, he couldn’t even breathe right.
“You’re doing so go.  That’s right, deep breath in, then a slow long breath out.”
Dick leaned forward until his forehead was resting against Tim’s shoulder, silent tears that he hadn’t even realized were falling leaking onto the boy's shirt.  He could feel Tim’s arms slowly wrap around him as they both sat on the floor, silent except for the chittering of the bats and the light drip of water from the ceiling.  
“What am I supposed to do?  It’s too late to meet her, and now she’s in danger, she’s like us.  I stayed away to keep her away from this life and it was all useless.  It didn’t matter, I could have been in her life all this time but I didn’t and now-”
Dick let out a shuddering sob, unable to finish the sentence.  Tim was frozen; he didn't know what to do.  He could count on one hand how many times he had actually seen Dick cry.  It was always so strange and foreign and he never really knew what to do.  So he held Dick even tighter, rubbing his older brother’s back as he cried.  He could feel someone’s gaze on them from above and slowly looked up to see Jason and Bruce, eyes wide in shock at the scene.  Bruce snapped out of it first, racing down the stairs until he was at Dick’s side only a few moments later.
He barked panickedly, unsure of exactly what to do to help his oldest son.
“Dick found something out and he’s in distress.  I’m not allowed to say what about as it’s his business to tell.”
Tim replied automatically, but he never let go of his brother though he glanced over to the Batcomputer.
Bruce looked over the data on the screen and nearly short circuited when he stumbled across the name of the father for Marinette/Multi-Mouse before he glanced down at his son.  He understood the distress of his son when he had just discovered that he in fact had a child.  Not knowing about Damian until he was ten because Talia had hidden his existence from him had been heartbreaking.  He could only imagine what it felt like for Dick who loved those he was close with and trusted with all of his being.
Slowly Bruce bent down glancing at Tim who slowly nodded and backed away a little, but Dick only held on tighter with a slight whimper.  Tim looked like he was in pain himself.
“It’s okay Dick, Bruce wants to give you a hug too.”
But Dick didn’t let go of his little brother.  The little brother he nearly lost to Ra’s, to The Widower, to Lady Shiva, to the Joker, to so many people.  He clung onto the boy even tighter, he didn’t want to lose anyone else.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay here with you.”
Tim whispered softly, pulling Dick closer.
“You’re going to have to pick both of us up B, he’s not letting go, and I think bad things will happen if I try to move away again.”
Bruce grunted in his ‘I understand and I’m really worried’ way and carefully picked up both of his sons, moving them towards the upstairs family den.  Jason had already left to get Alfred, worried about his big brother, but unwilling to admit it.
“We’ll figure everything out, you’ll get to meet her.  I think that she’d love to meet you.  You could just take Star with you, we could watch Mari’ for you.  I’m sure everything will work out, don’t give up.  It’s never too late Dick.”
Dick didn’t know how much he believed those words, but Tim was right.  He needed to go visit her, he needed to make things right.  But until then, he would hold onto the family he had now, because they loved him and he loved them.  He loved the daughter that probably didn’t even know existed, and he protected the people he loved.  So he would need to protect her, and in order to do that, he would need to finally meet her.  He would never give her up, he would never let her down, and never again would he desert her.
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @miraculous-ninja @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @miraculous-ninjabird @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor
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swimmingelectron · 3 months
More chlonette/queen bug cz exams are coming and i do not want them to
Part 1
Lb now deals with two of her regular partners flirting with her
Hello, m'lady~
Hey, bug, need me?
Chloe legit did her homework the next day and complained to mari over call ab how hard it was
She realised she couldn't stop being mean to everyone simply out of habit, so she just straight up started being mean about things they shouldn't do.
Sabrina! You need to tell me if you can't do something.
Ugh, Kim, if you don't stop being so loud in class-
You're such a worrywart, marinette, maybe learn to live a little.
Sure, a lot of mistakes were made, but it was that much better being around chloe.
In just a few months, chloe proved adept at staying out of sight of akumatised victims and capable of shattering akumas on her own. Moreover, she was a great fighter, a good hero.
With time, the number of akumas targetting her went down to zero and she was almost a new person.
Then, one day, lb needed her for something different. She needed bee to find out chat's identity and pass him messages in his civillian form.
When chloe found out it was "ADRIKINS!?" she realised she couldn't possibly continue hating chat. But she also couldn't give lb up to him for grabs.
That's exactly what she told him.
Adrien, Chat. You've been my best friend since childhood. I've seen what you go through, with your fa-umm... what you've gone through since your mother's death.
If you ever need to talk about anything, you are always welcome. About anything at all.
Thanks, but i kinda already stop by mari's terrace to talk about my problems as chat. Of course, i haven't revealed my identity to her so maybe there are some things i can come to you about.
Righhhht. Hm- so another thing is, chat, i really like ladybug too. And i won't give her up to you without a fight. And I'll never lose to you!
XDXD Looking forward to it, your highness :)
Then on, queen bee would drop by at the bakery, through the front door, flowers for her buginette.
(I'd like to imagine chat also upped his game when he found out chloe was getting close to mari and brought his princess little trinkets.) (He wasn't aware she was also lb at all.)
With time, mari became fond of the bee buzzing around her everywhere.
Before either of them realised they were calling each other sweet treats and honey tart, bug and bee
Mari couldn't have pointed out when she fell, but at some point, she accidentally told queen bee she loved her as she left for home from the bakery.
Chloe carried that blinding smile all the way through the weekend and into school on monday. Sure, mari was an anxious wreck that whole week. Because what else would you expect out of her? But chloe? Chloe had learnt a new skill in the past year. The ability to stay hidden and melt into bright light. She became the white noise in marinette's life until mari couldn't help but feel comforted by her presence.
They started dating in secret in a few months. As lb and qb, they told chat. He was, well, depressed to say the least. He'd tell mari all about it, and mari couldn't help but feel guilty.
Chloe and mari had comforted him in the bakery more than once in the middle of their dates. Chloe could forgive him. She'd also be broken if mari chose him over her.
Chat never did get over lb, but he got better at putting his mask back on.
Meanwhile, the viewers get to realise something about marinette that is not too obvious in the show. Marinette is not a mary sue. She is stubborn, she needs things to go her way, and she doesn't think any of her partners are capable without instruction. Yes, she is a good leader, but she is a very, very bad standby observer.
Chloe and mari both value their freedom, they both don't like making too many compromises and they both prefer if things move according to their plan. So while chloe is quick to anger, marinette frets. They get into fights. Chloe uses insults as her weapon. Marinette launches into tirades or sasses her back.
The fights aren't frequent. Because both the girls do compromise to quite an extent; out of guilt, love, and empathy. But there are these other more frequent little squabbles between the two about little things.
One wanted a particular flower. The other can't afford a certain cafe. Marinette's morals, chloe's standards. Usually, marinette would bring chloe baked goods and chloe would give in.
All good, right? Well, everything keeps happening according to mari's wishes. Marinette rarely compromises on these. Rose accidentally points it out during a project one day.
It sort of breaks chloe when she realises. When she asks marinette, the girl points out she thinks it's because chloe realises she's wrong.
Chloe barely manages to keep her tears in check as she breaks up with marinette. Does mari still think she is better than chloe? Maybe. She goes straight home and locks herself in. After crying 2 days straight, she finds chat at her window. She can't tell him anything really. But the support is good enough.
When he realises she isn't in a position to answer his questions, he simply gets her into the bath, playfully swatting the water at her with his tail. He gets her a towel after about 30 mins, washes off all her running makeup, and wraps her up in it. Chloe sits, dripping water on her bed while chat rummages for a change of clothes.
He gets her one of her childhood favourites and begs her to change out of wet clothes. It takes chloe another half an hour to make it even with pollen's help. Chat dries her hair off and brushes it into a fancy updo. He recharges and takes chloe to a food joint, and gets take out that they have on the eiffel tower.
(Chloe doesn't speak but chat doesn't actually need her to. Afterall, lb has been out of it too. But he knows something now. Because he comforted marinette through a breakdown, he knows who his lady is, now. He doesn't tell the girls. They don't realise it through their pain either.)
When the girls start talking to each other again, months later, the pain and hurt remains. But they've both grown into better people. Sometimes, they still call each other bee and bug. Old habits do die hard.
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fenomeno-invisible · 1 year
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I lost some info so I may have to keep working on it but I like where it’s headed. Ladynoir is the only thing keeping me practicing digital art so I’ll keep drawing them :3
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Canary, Part 47
Felt weird about not posting today so... double update??
Marinette stared at Batman. She didn’t even look all that angry, and when she spoke her voice was perfectly level, but there was still something in her eyes that screamed danger when she said:
“What do you mean I can’t go home?”
Two weeks had passed since Valentine’s Day, and things were finally starting to calm down. Gothamites never let things affect them for long – they couldn’t afford to stay stuck in the past lest they be unprepared for the inevitable future just around the corner – it was not surprising that their anger didn’t even last an entire week. Her phone no longer lit up every few seconds with Court members calling either to beg for mercy or to offer payment in return for shelter (along with that one guy that called to curse her out, but he wasn’t a problem anymore). She was allowed out from time to time to keep herself from getting cabin fever and had found that Talons were no longer coming after her every time she dared to step outside.
Red Hood had finally put the list of snitches she had given him at the beginning of the year to use while the bats were distracted, though, which meant that Jonathan and Edward were able to use his distraction to continue going after members of The Court. It was a symbiotic relationship.
But, despite all of this, the man remained stubborn:
“It’s still not safe,” Batman said, his lips pulled into a thin line.
And, okay, fine, maybe there was still a one-in-two chance she would get attacked by a Talon every time she left the safety of the Waynes’ forcefield, but she hadn’t died yet! So, really, who cares?
Batman, apparently.
But that wasn’t even the worst part. No, that was just mildly annoying. The bats couldn’t keep her trapped in Wayne Manor if she really tried to leave.
No, the thing that had her pacing around her room, swinging a knife around to try and alleviate that intense need to stab, was the news that Emma brought when she got home only a few hours later:
She had found nothing.
You see, Canary was never one to do something for only one reason. She capitalized on every opportunity that came up, whether it was thrown her way or she had created it herself, and taking down the Court was a brilliant example of this.
Yes, she had wanted to get the Court off her back. It was annoying and it left her indebted to the Waynes and she just generally didn’t love it when people tried to murder her.
But it was also an excuse. Emma hadn’t just been looking for Court members when she had been lurking in the houses of the rich. No, she had been trying to catch out the bats. And, while the entirety of Gotham was hanging onto their every word, checking for any update tweets with more names, Emma had had every excuse to follow the last few people around obsessively.
They weren’t the bats, though.
Which left them firmly at square one.
She could already see Cobblepot’s smug face. Because he was winning.  No matter what, whether she got the answers or not, he would win. He would either watch her struggle for a year to keep those she loved alive and then get to watch on, satisfied, as his goons killed her parents and her reputation was ruined because the best informant in Gotham couldn’t figure out its biggest secret… or he would get the bats’ identities, to use and tell the world as he saw fit, to take credit for. There was no losing for him, he had no real stake in the outcome. And that irritated her to no end.
She sunk her knife into a pillow.
And then she sighed and turned to Emma and Adrien, who were watching her with a strange mix of concern and understanding.
She let go of the hilt of her knife, leaving it embedded in the cushion, so she could take off her gloves and begin picking at her nails. “Okay. Okay. Okay. So they aren’t rich… but the Waynes have to know who the bats are somehow. Bruce had to have known at least Batman, and at least by the time he was twenty-six…”
“Maybe a college buddy?” Offered Adrien.
“No,” Marinette snapped, only to sigh and murmur and apology when he flinched. “I mean… no. Brucie dropped out, remember? And he went to med school, so I don’t think any of those ‘college buddies’ would have enough free time to do the vigilante shit anyways.”
“What about that tour of the world he did?” Said Emma.
“Nah, why would someone from another country come to Gotham just to fight crime? No, they’ve got to be a native Gothamite –.”
Marinette broke the skin on her pointer finger by accident and cursed, bringing it to her lips to stem the blood.
Adrien’s eyes flicked to her metal pinky briefly before he averted them to the ceiling. “Everyone he’s interacted with since has been high-society… but those aren’t usually real relationships, so I doubt it’s anyone like that… and, besides, we already checked all of those…”
“And he was a shut-in for basically the entirety of his childhood,” Emma remembered, her eyebrows furrowing.
“So that leaves…”
“His job,” confirmed Marinette. “It has to be someone at his workplace.”
Desperation tinged her tone as she spoke the last words. Because they all knew that they were running out of time. The deadline was now less than three months away. This would be the last plan, whether it worked out or not.
(And, though Marinette would never admit such a thing aloud, she was out of ideas. When she had opted to let Adrien live many of her contingencies went out the window. She had had a few, sure, in case he hadn’t died… but many of those hinged on him still hating her, so even more plans were scrapped. She had nothing.)
“I could try working at WE,” Adrien said, pulling her from her thoughts. “I could get access to the files the easiest.”
“You’re still not here legally, and Hawkmoth’s son.”
“And you’re my stalker,” Adrien sighed.
Emma frowned. “I could do it. Get in using the WE reformation program.”
“No, I need you to keep an eye on Cobblepot.”
Marinette closed her eyes for a moment, thinking.
And then she turned to Adrien. “How do you feel about visiting home?”
Ladybug and Chat Noir sat upon their old statues in the park, watching people slowly trickle in. Whether they had read the quick tweet Marinette and Adrien had sent out with nothing but the address or they had seen the news reports covering it, it didn’t take long for everyone to start piling in.
Marinette stroked her yoyo with her thumb, running her fingers over the smooth, familiar texture. There was something remarkably uncomfortable about wearing her old suit and, from the way Adrien was absently picking at the leather of his literal catsuit, she could tell he felt the same way.
(Her phone hummed as she got message after message in her DMs, assumedly from bats wondering what she was doing. They would never get to Paris in time to stop her, though, so she hardly paid it any mind.)
But, eventually, an hour had passed. And everyone was getting antsy.
Marinette pushed herself to her feet, balancing on the thin line of yoyo with ease.
People fell silent. She thought it mildly entertaining that, even after all these years, they still held so much respect for her.
“So, we’ve called you here today with good news.”
She held up the peacock miraculous, and instantly the sound increased tenfold. Cheering, gasping, talking loudly over and to each other, camera shutters flicking… neither of the miraculous holders were unused to this, not at this point in their lives, but it was still a little annoying.
And, even more annoying was the contents of the whispers that they could make out.
“It was not Adrien Agreste, he was cleared of wrongdoing…” Adrien said, his fists clenching at his side.
“But we won’t be telling you who did have it,” added Marinette. “You may know that they have been dealt with, and that they will be unable to hurt anyone ever again, but that is all of the information you are entitled to.”
The reaction to this was mixed. There was some definite disbelief and annoyance, but others were nodding firmly in understanding. After all, Adrien being cleared of wrongdoing meant that it could now be seen as bad to harass a person based only on what their father did.
“So… you must be wondering ‘what now’,” started Adrien once the crowd had quieted.
Marinette grinned. “Well, the answer is that we’re giving our miraculous back to our Master.”
Adrien and Marinette glanced at each other, each taking a deep breath as they questioned whether this was really okay… and found no doubt in each other’s eyes.
They had been heroes. They had never been saints.
Marinette’s grin turned cold. “You know, we used to talk about helping out after the whole ‘Hawkmoth’ situation, helping Paris transition back into normalcy.”
“But we’ve had a long time to consider… and you really did make the decision easy on us.”
They detransformed in front of the crowd.
It was completely silent as the entirety of Paris stared at the two people that they had ruined the lives of.
Their smiles held none of their old warmth as they looked down on the crowd gathered there.
“I know what you’re thinking: ‘WHAAAAT?!’” Marinette said, bringing her hands up to her cheeks in mock surprise. “Yeah, it’s really us. The stalking was fake, it was a cover to help me get in close with the peacock holder.”
Adrien laced his hands behind his back in feigned casualness. “It turns out, having your life ruined by a hero and having your home city hate you is a very believable reason for why we would help out the peacock holder.”
Neither of them said the words aloud, but they could still see everyone stiffen at the implication: their heroes hated them. The people that had chosen to save them time and time again, that helped out of pure compassion and love for their people, no longer cared whether they were okay. That they had ruined any good will that the heroes had for them, and they were now on their own.
“So, thanks for helping with our covers,” said Adrien, giving his most condescending smile.
“I’m going to go visit my parents now,” Marinette chirped.
The pair of them laced fingers and then hopped off of the statue.
The crowd parted easily as they made their way out. They ignored them – the stares, the guilt, the shock, the horror.
They didn’t need any of it.
They were done.
Marinette and Adrien looked over at the place where they knew Cobblepot’s goons were. Their lips twitched in unison.
They could see only one of the two goons in the window, but the one they could see was talking animatedly on the phone, their frustration obvious even from a distance.
Even if it would take a few days for their reputations to officially clear, for enough news articles to come out that Marinette would be allowed to get a job without any problems, it seemed that some benefits were going to set in quickly:
Cobblepot would never be able to reveal her identity to the public. No one would ever believe him. Ladybug? Becoming Canary? Please. Even if she had been relatively cold during her reveal, that was more than understandable considering the circumstances. But for her to become a villain? Nope. If he tried to claim that he would become a laughingstock.
It would be harder for him to get to her parents. As the only relevant people still in Paris, they were sure to be hounded by reporters day and night for quite some time. It was constant, free, effective surveillance that might make Cobblepot switch targets.
It was perfect.
Marinette hesitated as her eyes landed on the sea of reporters just outside the bakery. The old building looked exactly as she remembered, though the lettering on the sign was a little bit more faded and the specific organization of the windows was slightly off.
Adrien squeezed her hand.
She took a deep breath to steel herself.
She untangled herself from him.
And then she marched right through the reporters.
Her parents, who had been in the doorway, trying to ward them off, went completely still as their eyes landed on their daughter.
Marinette smiled, however hesitantly. “You said you wanted me to talk to you at least once before I took you on the trip. I know it’s not a call, but I hope this is good enough –.”
She didn’t get to finish her thought. She was pulled into a bone-crushing hug, so tight she couldn’t do anything more than wheeze, but she couldn’t care less as she hugged her parents for the first time in over a decade.
The three sunk to their knees, uncaring of the many photographers gathered there, and refused to move for almost an hour.
Within a day, she was back in Gotham and robbing a bank.
It was a great alibi. There to further disprove Cobblepot in case he ever wanted to release her identity. How would she have been able to Paris and back so quickly, after all? Portals? Please.
But, maybe, she had another reason…
She hopped over a table with ease, the gun in her hand gleaming. She squinted at the old lady who was still casually getting her money from the bank teller. She brandished her gun harder. The woman stared back at her, insane amounts of disapproval in her gaze, and she quickly averted the gun with an annoyed click of her tongue.
“I’m telling you, Vicky, I just want to help your wife,” she complained. She might have even put her hands on her hips if the twin karambits hanging there weren’t already taking up that space.
(Mr. Freeze sighed, he hated that she often called him Vicky, but he had long-since realized that he was never going to get out of this.)
“Uh-huh,” he said, sounding remarkably disbelieving even though ‘uh-huh’ is supposed to be used when you agree. “I believe you. You’ve always been pro-socialized healthcare.”
“I mean… I am. I think people shouldn’t have to pay to survive,” she said slowly, giving him a weird look. But then she tackled the rest of the disbelief: “But, I have a vested interest in it now. One of my henchman friends, Polly, is only hench-ing because she can’t afford her insulin.”
“Polly?” Mr. Freeze said, thrusting an empty bag towards a teller. There had once been glass between the teller and the public, but it had been broken one too many times and now there was nothing stopping the poor guy from getting a bag to the face.
“Yeah! The one with the cargo pants,” Marinette said, grinning.
Mr. Freeze hesitated, his head tipping to the side as much as it could in the glass dome surrounding it. “Lorrie’s friend?”
“… Lorenzo, he’s trans,” she said. “But yes.”
“He’s trans?” Mr. Freeze lit up. “Poison Ivy owes me money.”
“Oh? What did she think?”
“That he was a lesbian,” he took the bag back and smiled down at all the money that had been placed inside of it. “I’m so going to brag about this later. Thanks.”
Marinette grinned. “You’re welcome. Any chance this has made you change your mind about giving me a freeze ray?”
He gave her an exasperated look. “You want me to go against the Court and give you something to damage their Talons. I’m desperate, not stupid.”
She groaned. “But Vicky!” She snatched the gun from him and shot the Talon who had been sneaking on the ceiling in the chest and watched as they were encased in ice. “They’re not even that dangerous to you. And you can lie. Say you didn’t know.”
“They’re not stupid enough to believe that,” he said, watching her continue on to shoot the Talon with her own gun, forcing it to splinter into a million pieces. He moved away from the raining Talon-bits, hand up to cover the protective dome of glass surrounding his head. “And, either way, I could get this money on my own. I don’t need your help, I can do this just fine.”
Marinette considered this, her eyes narrowed.
“I’ll throw in Jon,” she said, her voice remarkably quiet, almost a sigh.
But Mr. Freeze heard. He stilled. Turned to look at her. His eyes narrowed at her.
She hid a smirk. Hooked. “Jon is a good chemist. We both know that. Just like we both know you’ve been trying to get his help for years. I’ll make him help you come up with a cure.”
There was a moment where the man seemed to consider this, though she wasn’t at all fooled. She had seen the way he had lit up when she mentioned Jonathan’s name, no matter how hard he had tried to hide it, and she knew that he would only ever say yes to the offer.
He pulled a freeze ray from his jacket and thrust it into her hands. “Throw in whatever you get from this robbery and it’s a deal.”
Her eyes glimmered. This was perfect. The freeze ray meant that she could dispose of Talons in a way that didn’t endanger her identity as a meta, and the fact that it was a gun meant she wouldn’t even have to get in close to kill Talons anymore –.
Red Hood kicked the door to the bank open, cutting off their lovely conversation.
“… know what? Conditions changed. Help me get away from him and it’s a deal,” Mr. Freeze corrected himself.
She sighed but allowed him to scamper off.
She turned back to Red Hood, who seemed thoroughly uninterested in Mr. Freeze.
“Since when do you care about minor bank robberies?” She whined.
“Since now, because…” He started counting off on his fingers. “You’re supposed to be on house arrest, you pulled that stunt earlier today, and, frankly, robbing banks isn’t your usual MO… should I go on?”
“Yes. None of those are reasons you would care.”
His shoulders slumped and he kicked a chunk of ice. “Fine. It’s because my family finally noticed those snitches I was killing, and I’m not finished going after them. Hoping this will balance it out.”
Marinette hummed her understanding. “I hope you succeed in getting away with your murder spree.”
“Thank you.”
They looked at each other for a beat.
And then Marinette was knocking the table she had been on over and using it as cover from a hailstorm of rubber bullets.
She kicked the table across the floor once she had decided that he had wasted enough bullets.
But, because she knew he had been expecting that, she shot it with her new freeze ray and watched, smirking, as the rubber bullets that had previously been harmless shattered the ice right in his face.
Red Hood threw his hands up to guard himself from the ice shards, which gave her the opportunity she needed to rush in.
“Nice weapon. New?”
He dodged the first swipe of her karambit.
“Mhmm! Can’t wait to take it apart to see how it works!”
A knife of his own slid out of his sleeve to meet her second swing. Bright sparks flew as the knives bounced off of each other with a sound that was grating on the ears.
And then it was two karambits versus one knife, and neither of them were letting up.
“Hey, can I get past you guys?” Someone said, sounding oh-so-tired.
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Canary said.
The two let up so a man could reach past them to clock in, their shoulders heaving and pants spilling from their lips.
“Thanks guys!”
“No problem,” Hood said, tone cheerful even with the voice modulator.
And then Red Hood was backing her up, step by step as she dodged a knife that was very determined to stab her.
Her back touched the bank teller’s booth.
She pressed her hands down into the wood for extra leverage and kicked up, smiling when she got rewarded with a loud yelp.
She watched Red Hood crumple to his knees, cursing so much he would make even a soldier blush. Maybe she would have felt worse about it, but he had been wearing a cup anyways so it wasn’t even as bad as it could have been.
“Hope you like adoption as much as your dad does,” she teased.
“— bitchass motherfucker what the fucking fuck you bitch why would you fucking —!”
“Loser,” she teased, making an L with her hand and holding it by her head.
Only for a grappling line to wrap around the hand and tug her towards him.
Marinette heard her nose crack against his fist and stumbled backwards again, hands flying to her nose as tears built behind her eyes involuntarily. “Ow! You absolute cunt!”
“Yeah. Not so fun being hurt, now, is it?” Red Hood seethed.
“What is going on here?” A familiar voice said.
Everyone watching would swear that they could almost see the immediate urge that they both had – that they could see them both mentally going over the pros and cons of running away. That they could see them look at each other briefly, wondering whether they should work together to escape, all of their anger forgotten in favor of the bigger threat. That they could see the exact moment they gave up and accepted their fates.
And then they slowly turned to face Black Bat.
Marinette smiled, though her teeth were stained with blood. “Hiiiiiiii.”
“Weapons down.”
Their shoulders slumped and they put away their weapons.
Then, Black Bat grabbed her hand. Marinette allowed herself to get dragged along, knowing that she could never beat the woman in a fight if it ever came down to that.
“Where are you going?” Red Hood asked, falling in step with them with what might have looked like ease if he wasn’t limping ever so slightly.
Marinette lit up. Whether this was because she was excited to get smoothies with Black Bat or was just relieved she wasn’t going to get murdered, it was hard to tell.
“Oh. Can I come?”
“No,” the women chorused.
Marinette absently swung her legs back and forth, her smoothie long-since abandoned at her side.
Black Bat leaned close to her shoulder, her mask rolled up to allow her to drink smoothie, so she could watch as Marinette played Minecraft on her phone (Damian had insisted she download it and, though she would never admit it to the gremlin, she liked playing it).
They didn’t talk much, but that was okay.
Until it was broken.
She frowned as her phone chimed, telling her she had a text message. She swiped it off the screen without even bothering to read it.
But then she got another.
And another.
And –.
She sighed and tapped on the fourth message.
Craneium: You pimped me out to Mr. Freeze
Craneium: Why
Craneium: You’re killing me
Craneium: You’re killing your father
CarrieCanary: it be like that sometimes
Craneium: Explain yourself young lady
CarrieCanary: only if you promise to never talk like that again ew
CarrieCanary: okay so basically it benefits you because itll help you get credibility back within the scientific community
CarrieCanary: and i really need the freeze ray so i can deal with talons without anyone realizing im a meta
CarrieCanary: oh and I guess because we should help his wife or whatever
Craneium: … Fine but you still owe me
She snickered quietly and closed out, going back to Minecraft.
But now she could feel eyes boreing into the side of her head.
“I’ve been bored for the past month, okay? I wanted some chaos,” she said, refusing to look at her.
She rolled her eyes. “Well, lying is kinda what I do, so…”
Black Bat was unimpressed.
She sighed and closed out of the app, then turned to look at her, drawing her smoothie back into her lap.
“Fine, I’ll explain, but you have to promise to keep it a secret, okay?”
Black Bat stared back at her.
“Oh. Right. You’re you.” Marinette coughed into her hand awkwardly. “Right, well… I want to get Jon and Ed out of the game. Our job is dangerous and, even if you bats won’t kill them, that doesn’t mean no one else will.”
She nodded sagely. “You are worried.”
“… I am,” she agreed quietly. The words felt strange as they slipped past her lips – not quite bitter, but definitely new. It was the first time she had ever voiced her thoughts aloud, the first time she ever really allowed herself to express anything other than vague amusement with the people that fancied themselves her fathers. She took a sip of her smoothie to get the strange taste out of her mouth. “I figured that, if I managed to find them lives outside of villainy… if I got them what they actually need instead of just what they want… made them less fear obsessed and overall murder-y… they might stop, y’know?”
Black Bat scrutinized her for a moment longer.
And then she smiled and reached a hand out. Marinette let her ruffle her hair.
“Good kid,” said the woman,
“You’re barely a few years older than me!” She protested.
“Kid,” she said, firm and leaving no room for argument.
Marinette pouted playfully, her cheeks puffing, but she couldn’t fully keep the smile from her face.
They went back to enjoying their smoothies and Minecraft in companionable silence.
TheBetterCanary: nothing is more painful when you send your friend a meme and they tell you theyve already seen it
DeadHood: You kicked me in the dick less than five hours ago.
TheBetterCanary: it’s what it’s
Daylightwing: The one time you use proper grammar and its for THIS.
SignalOfficial: You are a menace to society
@jayjayspixiepop @unoriginalmess @miraculousfanfic127 @probably-a-hologram @iloontjeboontje @mystery-5-5 @flyhighdreamer @starlit-dreaming @aespades @lowhangingtreebranches @twsssmlmaa @queenz-z @patton-ly-absurd
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
That time you saw something cursed but in a crack way on any media platform go.
Oh! I'll give you an example of cursed cracked images!
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They're all from the same show. And it's funny to me.
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[image description: a blue banner, the text reads: six sentence sunday. end of description]
WIP: new face old face (think i found a friend face)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
"I want you to find them," she says it so easily, like it's not an impossible request, like this isn't taking a battering ram to something in her heart and something in her head and something in her throat just to hear and know that she can never do it. "But more than that, I want you to keep it from happening again."
And just like that, Chloé's shedding her bone-deep exhaustion, tucking it away in favor of the same harder exterior from earlier.
She looks at Marinette, and it feels like a threat.
"If one more kid from my class, from my school, from my arrondissement goes missing like this again," Chloé narrows her eyes, her lips pulling into the faintest imitation of a snarl, "then your number's up, Ladybug, and I'm coming for you."
Marinette wants to protest, wants to say that kids in a city as big as Paris go missing all the time, that every member of their team is still just one person, that they do the best they can, that people have been trying to stop others from going missing for ages and look where that's gotten them, that this is an impossible task to ask of anyone, but then Chloé looks at her again, and any words she might've said shrivel up in her throat.
"If you're any hero at all, it shouldn't be a problem."
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screaming into the void but
can someone tell me why timnette/timari isn't more popular
bbs can be overworked coffee soulmates together
i know coffeenette isn't canon but there is literally no way for marinette to handle the schedule she has without it
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WIP: new face old face (think i found a friend face)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette eyes the old Guardian carefully.
It occurs to her that none of them really know exactly how old he is, nor when he first took up a miraculous of his own.
Her eyes linger on the lines webbing from the corners of his eyes and across his forehead, the dips and curves of his stooped figure, the fine tremble in his hands.
Bodies, she’s learned, are vessels for a great many things, and no matter who passed through them, the primary one will always be a story.
Wrinkles come from time, come from emotion, a million tiny things happening that little by little change the people they happen to as surely as they change the world.
Shaky hands had to start somewhere; at one point or another they must’ve been steady, and she tries to think about all the things a man like him would’ve done with them when they were.
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peaches-faust · 2 years
God, even when it's an AU, people still love to give Marinette crap...
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melissak2802 · 2 months
Reading a number of posts about ML too often portraying girls as fighting over love interests rang a bell of sad irony.
The thing is, in the magical girl shows I knew as a teen (W.I.T.C.H. and Winx Club) in both cases the central protagonist was notable for impulsiveness and jealousy. Will, the protagonist of W. I. T. C. H. (I'm judging mostly by the animated show, since I had much less interaction with the original comics), several times had irrational enmity towards a potential romantic rival or a popular girl in general and jumped to assumptions they must be the enemy's agent, and at least once even used her superpowers to sabotage one rival in a competition. Bloom, the protagonist of Winx Club, when learning her crush is engaged to someone else, outright violently attacked that girl (with her pretty dangerous superpowers, through the girl had powers too), and in the first feature-length film one of the main plot twists was literally provided by her being jealous out of nowhere to her love interest being called to attend another event during their date, and wouldn't listen to his attempts to explain, expecting romantic context (there was none, but that event turned out to be plot-relevant).
So when I just wad introduced to ML (early ML), I actually breathed in relief that Marinette wasn't like this, and neither she was exaggeratedly infantile crybaby like the protagonist of Sailor Moon, but a reasonable, confident, friendly, smart and creative girl... I ran into a disappointment. Guess at least she never directly used her superpowers against a rival, through the S3 finale may count in a way, being abuse of position for jealousy reasons. And at least Marinette befriended one of her rivals and the latter became one of the heroes (Kagami), while Will's rivals were one-episode characters never appearing again and Bloom's rival became an actual entitled and possessive antagonist, not unlike Chloe and Lila in ML (but not this actively demonized, if I recall right).
0 notes
mochinek0 · 7 months
I'm a Princess
Chloe sipped her champagne as she looked around the Waynes' Gala. She spotted many people that were clients of her mother and some that promoted Gabriel. She noticed a few other designers, but the rest of the people…..well, they at least dressed the part. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a girl who she could have sworn was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The girl had darker skin and green eyes, but her face, her eye shape!
Chloe sauntered over and shoved the champagne flute in front of her face.
"Go on." she demanded, "Get me another drink."
The girl looked her up and down.
"You still wear Gabriel?" she questioned, "Ew."
Chloe gasped, "He is an amazing designer!"
"He's an asshole." the girl retorted.
"You better shut your mouth, you Twerp!" Chloe bristled.
"Or what?" the girl commented, "You're gonna tell my mommy about your horrible fashion choices?"
"How dare you!" the Bourgeois heiress cried.
"No. How dare you show up to the Wayne Gala in something that is four seasons old!" the girl claimed.
"I am a Princess and-" Chloe began.
"No." the girl interrupted, "You are the daughter of a hotel owner, who didn't even wear clothes designed by her mother. You decided to wear trash."
Chloe was fuming. She had never been spoken to this way and the face of the girl wasn't helping.
'Her face is irritating! She looks just like Baker Girl when she started pushing back!'
"I am a princess and-" Chloe spoke again.
"I'm a princess." the girl declared, "Technically, after Great-Grandfather and Grandma passed way, Daddy became King. I'm a princess; you're playing dress up."
Chloe scowled, "You little-"
"Princess Amaya Wayne, lovely to see you again." a voice called out.
"King Ali of Achu." Amaya curtsied, focusing her attention on him.
Chloe closed her mouth and focused on the interaction in front of her.
'The Waynes have royalty in their blood and this….brat is actually a princess?'
"I'm very sorry, Ms. Bourgeois, but I must get going. My family will be summoning me soon." Amaya smiled, "King Ali, why don't you accompany me? I'm sure Father would love to discuss the next fundraiser for the children's hospital."
"Of course." the king answered.
The hotel owner fumed as they walked away. She lost sight of them in the crowd; Ali had never forgiven her for that fish-smell fiasco when they were younger. Chloe had to see for herself if the girl who humilated her was actually a Wayne. She followed them from a distance and tried to blend in with other girls nearby. She was too focused on Amaya to notice the judged looks thrown her way, as she tried to incorporate herself into their circle talks.
Sure enough, King Ali walked Amaya up to Bruce Wayne and someone else. Chloe couldn't make out who the guy was, but she heard the King of Achu refer to him as Damian. Amaya hugged Bruce and call him 'Grandfather', before he was asked to answer some questions for the Daily Planet.
'She's actually a Wayne!'
Bruce excused himself and the hotel owner was able to get a clearer view of the guy. He looked exactly like Bruce, but his complexion was similar to the kings' and he had green eyes.
"Why don't we continue this conversation tomorrow, Your Highness?" Damian spoke, "There are some things I want to go over without prying eyes or ears."
The King nodded and walked off.
"Have you seen your mother, Amaya?" Damian questioned.
"I believe she is with Uncle and people watching, as usual." she smiled, "She does love to look at everyone's outfits."
Out of the corner of her eye, Chloe spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. As Adrien walked out of the crown, Chloe scowled as she noticed his companion: Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe dropped her glass as Marinette Dupain-Cheng walked over and kissed Damian Wayne.
"Mother." Amaya smiled, before hugging Marinette.
'Baker Girl; she married into the Wayne family! How did she manage to weasel her was into a family with royal blood?'
Chloe stomped and politely shoved her way through the crowd towards the stage. She couldn't believe that she saw that brat was hugging her Adrikins, after she disgraced the Gabriel name!
"You look lovely as always, Amaya." Adrien complimented, "You definetly get your beauty from your mother."
Amaya smiled, "Thank you, Uncle Adrien."
"Don't act high and mighty!" Chloe demanded, "You were just trash talking his father a few minutes ago!"
"Chloe." Marinette spoke.
"Baker Girl." the hotel owner sneered back.
Adrien and Damian were quick to push the girls behind them.
"So what?" Adrien asked, "Who cares if my niece talks shit about Gabriel?"
Chloe looked at him in shock, "But you-"
"Left his place and company when I was eighteen and I never looked back." Adrien declared, "I hated being a model and everything that came with it. The rules, the photoshoots, the diet, the loneliness, that stupid schedule pack dictating when I woke up, went to bed! I couldn't even hang out with my frineds!"
"But we're suppose to run an empire together!" Chloe shouted back.
"Is this some bullshit my father told you?" the former model questioned, "The last time I saw him was twelve years ago and the last time I spoke to him on the phone, was eight. I don't know what he told you, but I never wanted to own Gabriel. I can't draw to save my life; I never want to model again. I don't know what you would do, but it's certainly not draw."
"I can draw!" the hotel owner shouted.
Adrien smiled, "Really? Anytime there was a competition, you tried to steal Marinette's sketches and frame her. You have never put in any effort to practice drawing. I never even saw you take fashion classes. You just decided since your mommy was a fashion designer, you would be too. Audrey probably des more in a day, then you do in a week!"
Chloe could feel the promises she was fed start to crumble. Gabriel had told her that once Adrien was done with his vacation, they would run the company. Adrien was telling her that was never going to happen. She had been waiting for the da when she didn't need to watch over the hotle anymore. It was annoying having to serve others and make sure their needs were met. What about her needs? She wanted a trip to Cancun! She wanted to sail the Caribbean! She wanted to sleep past six am!
She snarled, "What about Baker Girl, huh? You seriously expect-"
Damian was quick to get in her face, "Call my wife that again and you'll be thrown out on the street."
"She is-" Chloe faltered
"My wife is a fashion designer." Damian stated proudly, "Number one in the country and number three internationally."
"Hah!" Chloe smiled, thinking she had caught them in a lie, "Zahr is-"
"My wife." Damian replied, wrapping his arm around Marinette's waist, "She makes all designs and has total control of her own design company. It's not even associated with Wayne Enterprise."
Amaya laughed "She's just sore that her gown is horrible."
"Amaya!" scolded Marinette.
"It's true." Amaya declared, "She tries to act big, but that spray painted gold just screams 'Look At Me; I Deserve Attention'!"
Adrien began to laugh since Chloe had been wearing the same color scheme since they were toddlers. Her attitude certainly hadn't changed. Damian just smirked at his daughter's decleration.
"And what is with that horrible blue eyeshadow?" the Wayne heiress continued, "No one wears eyeshadow that blue; it's outdated. It doesn't even match your dress or skin tone. If anything it makes you look a bloated fish. Why on Earth would you wear a nude lip shade of color? Even in the 50's, when they did use that shade, at least they had red lips."
Chloe's jaw dropped. Never had she imagined a child would tell her off for how she dressed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette biting her lip and could see Adrien laughing himself to tears.
"Yep." Adrien cried, "Tha-That's definetly your kid, Damian."
Mari sighed, "Is Yami and Malik gonna be the same way?"
"You do love honesty, Habibiti." Damian pointed out.
His wife groaned, "I'm gonna get so many phone calls when the twins go to school."
Chloe scowled and began to stomp away. She couldn't believe that someone who was related to bakers talked to her like that. The trash that came out of that girl's mouth left her fuming!
"Good." Amaya called out, enough for Chloe to hear, "Grandma is leaving. My eyes were starting to hurt, just from looking at her. Thankfully, the galas are at night. If we had it during the day, we'd have a disco ball on the floor with all that metallic strips sewn in."
Chloe could hear the baker's daughter snort, before laughing along side her Adrien.
"Amaya, you know how much your grandfather cares about appearances at these." Damian stated, causing his daughter to sigh, "Grounded for a week."
"Yes, Baba." Amaya spoke, "I only did it to get back at her for being a bully to Maman, when she was my age."
Mari kissed her daughter's head, "As long as you're not like this at school."
"Never, Maman." their daughter answered.
"Come along, Amiriti (Princess)." Damian spoke, "Let's go find your grandfather."
Chloe looked back to see the baker's daughter on her husband's arm. Adrien and her bratty daughter were right behind them, talking and laughing. Chloe had never felt so humiliated before.
'Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!'
Nothing was like how it was before when they were all in Francois Dupont College. She was no longer the Mayor's Daughter. Her father had moved to NYC with her mother, after high school. She had taken over as the owner of the hotel. Chloe had tried to use the same control she had in school to dictate the hotel's conditions and staff, but it failed miserably. People started to leave bad reviews of the hotel; some of the staff quit. When her father had heard about it, he offered to come back for a few months to show her how to run it properly; she had hung up on him.
Chloe Bourgeois couldn't believe that promises she had overheard as a child were over. She was suppose to marry Adrien Agreste; he was her Adrikins!
'I never should have helped him runaway from home to get into school!'
Chloe knew that was the moment everything changed in their realtionship. Everyone had turned him against her! He started speaking up more, defending others from her, and calling her a bad friend. She had hoped that one he finished 'exploring' that his new habit would be broken and they would get married after university. She had never even looked at another guy so when she found out that he had quit modeling, she thought he was getting ready to take over the company and propose. The proposal never came and Adrien had left Paris, without a word.
'It was all Baker Girl's fault! She ruined my Adrikins! Her Adrikins never behaved like this 'til he met her!'
She continued to glare at Marinette. She hated how Marinette was now rich, even richer than her. Marinette always got what she never had; a loving home, parents who cared about her, and now a husband and family. Chloe refused to believe she was jealous.
'I deserve more! I deserve my happily ever after with My Prince!'
Chloe turned her gaze to Adrien and she felt her heart stop. Adrien was on his tip-toes, kissing some guy taller than him. To add insult to injury, he looked just like Marinette. He had dark hair and blue eyes. Adrien Agreste had always been her dream Prince Charming, but she wasn't his Princess. Apparently, Adrien Agreste was the princess.
Chloe walked away as she heard Amaya ask if Uncle Adrien and Uncle Jon were excited for their wedding next month.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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lily-drake · 2 years
Here's an idea you can do if you want. Marinette is Tim's younger sister that goes missing before he became robin. She somehow ends up in Paris with almost no memories. Only a few of her brother. Years later she is in Gotham (maybe a class trip or something. I will let you decide why she is there. When I think of this I imagine she is still in school.) and she ends up in an attack and gets seriously injured. You can then decided how Tim finds out.
Stay With Me Now
It never made the news.  He was stupid to believe that his parents really had when he told them.  It was as if she never existed.  His parents said that she was traveling with grandparents. Tim didn’t even know if they actually existed.  Said she was at boarding school.  Said she was on a humanitarian trip.  She was always somewhere else far away from Gotham.  And Tim knew that everything his parents said was a lie.  The rest of the world may have forgotten Marianne Drake, but Tim wouldn’t.  That was his little sister, and he would do everything he could to bring her back.
_________ When she opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was that the whole room was white.  There was a beeping noise next to her.  And her head hurt.  
“Tom, she's awake!”
A gentle voice said from the edge of wherever she was.  
“Hello Marinette, we’re so happy you’re awake.”
The voice said.  Was that her name, she couldn’t remember.  It must be if the voice is calling her that though.
“Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright.  We were so worried about you after that car hit you, but the doctors said you were going to be okay.”
Marinette—that didn’t feel right, but her head hurt when she tried to think why that was, so she’d let it be for now— turned her head to side slightly and cracked her eyes open ever so slightly to look at the two people next to her.  There was a lady with short black hair and gray eyes, her skin was pale and looked very smooth.  Next to her was a man with chestnut brown hair and mustache, his face had more curves than the woman’s and was not as smooth looking.
“Sorry, who are you?”
The woman looked almost heartbroken, but she didn’t understand why.
“The doctors said this might happen.  Mon amor, do you remember what happened before you woke up here?”
The woman asked so softly.  Marinette shook her head slightly, but that was a mistake as everything began to spin slightly from the small movement making her feel a little queasy.  The woman nodded sadly.
“I see, it’s worse than I thought.  Marinette darling, on your way to school, you were hit by a car causing you to hit your head on the road.  The head injury was pretty bad, the doctors said that there was a possibility you might have amnesia, but we didn’t want to believe that it would happen to you.  Marinette darling, I’m your mother, Sabine, and this is your father, Tom.”
Marinette didn’t turn to look at them again, her head was still spinning a little and she didn’t want to risk throwing up.  A shudder went down her spine of even the thought of doing so in front of others, but she didn’t know why.
A few days later she was released from the hospital and went back to the bakery/apartment where apparently her and her family lived.  The place felt completely unfamiliar to her, just like her…parents.  But everytime she tried to understand why that was, her head began to hurt so badly that she would need to lay down for the rest of the day to make the pounding stop.  So, in order to stop the constant pain, she stopped trying to understand why her head was saying that everything around her was wrong.  She went along with everything, did what others said, kept busy in order to halt even the temptation to understand on a deeper level why nothing was right and why she was missing something very important.  When she did this, Tom and Sabine were much happier, her classmates would stay around her longer, and they would even invite her to events as long as she helped them with something!  That was familiar, that felt right!  Being left alone except when someone asked her to help them felt familiar and her head was singing at the normality of the actions.  Was that bad?  She didn’t dwell on it, in fact she just stayed on that path and let everything continue its course.
Often though her mind would wander anyways and she would remember bright blue eyes that looked like hers, but were more steely.  She would draw a young man with untidy black hair and a bright smile.  She would draw an outline of an unfamiliar city with a boy and mini her next to him taking pictures of dark shadows hidden in the background.  She even drew a big garden with the boy dangling upside down from a tree.  She giggled when she was done with that one, a feeling of childish glee running through her for reasons she didn’t fully understand.  She didn’t know who this boy was, but she felt so drawn to him.  So she kept drawing him in a bunch of different positions that made her laugh and smile.  Sometimes though, he would be sad or scared.  A few times when she drew him in a nice suit he would be stoic, and that made her feel weird and sad, so she stopped drawing him suits.  He looked nicer in comfortable clothing and nerdy t-shirts anyways.
Things rarely ever felt right in this city no matter how much she tries to convince herself otherwise.  Tom and Sabine were nice and were always very warm, but everytime she said they were her parents her brain felt all weird.  But at least she had the boy in her drawings, the one thing that could make everything feel right in her mind.
_________ Five years later
Marinette knew this wasn’t a good idea!  She shouldn’t have believed them!  Ever since Lila had come all she has done is make her life miserable, and she hadn’t even done anything to her!  She tried to make peace with the girl, she had even made her own dress for goodness sake!  But no, that wasn’t good enough because even after that she wouldn’t stop spreading lies about her.  And worst of all she threatened to lie about Tom’s and Sabine’s bakery!
Currently they were visiting Gotham for US and France friendship day because even though there were so many cons to coming here, Lila “knew the Wayne’s”, so they “had to”become here to the “Crime Capital of the World”.  
They had been eating at a small dinner quite a bit away from their hotel, and when Marinette left to use the bathroom a bit before they were supposed to leave, they got up and left her.  She didn’t know exactly where she was, but from her surroundings she knew to keep her phone away and to make sure the taser she had bought at the airport here was clutched tightly in her hand.
Constantly she looked around her to make sure nobody was following her and looked into alleyways before she got too close to them.  This felt familiar, it felt right, and everything about this strange city didn’t feel so strange after all.  Unfortunately, despite her attempts at being cautious, she still wasn’t able to escape from the multiple pairs of hands that pulled her into one of the alleyways.  So tried to scream for help, but they covered her mouth and took the taser away from her before she could do anything.  The next thing she knew she was being slammed harshly against a wall with three filthy faces leering at her from above.  The scent of alcohol and cigarettes filled her senses and it took everything in her to keep the cough that was itching at her throat from escaping.
“Lookin Wha’ we go’ ‘ere.”
The man right in front of her drawled out.  There was a dark twinkle in his eye that made her shudder.  Not to mention that she couldn’t escape his breath which made her want to gag.  Her eyes darted side to side looking for an opening of some kind that she could use to escape.
“She’s pretty small.  Whatcha’ doin’ all by yourself girlie?”
The man on her right asked while taking a lock of her hair into his hands only to begin to fiddle with it.  Marinette glared up at the men and kicked the man in front of her in the shin.  He let go of her and while the others were in shock she tried to run for it.  She got only a few feet before she was hit in the head by something hard.  Her body hit the dirty pavement hard and her head began to throb in time with her racing heart.
“Tha’ wasn’ very nice little lady.”
The man she had kicked growled.  She tried to push herself up, but then there was a sharp stinging in her abdomen where one of the other men had just kicked her.  She tried to gasp for breath but all she could hear was her own heart and the clicking of metal against metal.  Tears poured down her cheeks and her head hurt.  She didn’t even notice when everything went silent, too silent.  All she could think about was bright blue eyes, a large mansion, a bright city on the rooftops, shadows, empty halls, cold parents, a flight, walking across the street, a car, it didn’t stop!  It was the people she saw earlier who were driving, they lived in the big manner with the boy, she lived with the boy!  Her head felt like it was going to explode!
“Miss!  Miss it’s okay.  They can’t hurt you ever again.”
There was a small reprieve from the pain where she could hear a gentle voice speak.  They were about a foot away and keeping their distance.  She appreciated that.  She opened her eyes—when had she closed them—and saw a man in red and black armor.  He had black hair with a streak of white and a red domino mask.  
Because she remembered looking at that face with her brother, SHE HAD A BROTHER!  Then the pain was back with full force.  She clutched her head hoping it would make the pain go away or at least lessen it, but no!  It got worse and worse and though she couldn’t hear herself doing it, she knew she was sobbing.  Something warm and solid was holding her and she quickly leaned against it because maybe that would take the pain away?!  But it never faded, never lessened.  She wanted her brother back!  Tim, where’s?  She hadn’t seen him in what…five years?  She wanted to go home, why wasn’t she home?  At some point she lost consciousness, the pain in her head too unbearable for her to process while awake.  But all she could think about was a boy with steely blue eyes and a goofy smile.
_________ Jason didn’t know what to do.  He had stopped three scumbags from hurting a girl who couldn’t be older than maybe 14, and then she’s screaming and clutching her head in pain.  He had noticed that there was a cut on her head she was bleeding from, but it didn’t look bad enough for this type of reaction.  He tried to comfort her from a distance but that didn’t seem to be doing much.  Then when he heard her whisper,
He was silent himself and slightly in shock.  But then she started crying almost hysterically again and he had to do something.  He slowly approached her and carefully picked her up.  He was glad when she leaned into his chest and not away from it, but she wouldn’t stop crying.  Then she began to mumble,
“Tim-Tam….where’s Tim?  M-mother……F-Father, why?!  WHY?!  Home!  Tim, where’s b-big brother Tim!”
She was clutching at her head so tightly he had to remove and restrain her hands to keep her from hurting herself.  He felt a burn of rage at the mention of his replacement's name.  He doubted it was him though, she had an accent that wasn’t Bristol or Gothamite, more…French.  He was relieved when he finally reached his location.  He looked down and was both relieved and filled with anxiety when he saw the girl seemed to be unconscious.
“Leslie!  She needs some help.”
He called out as he entered through the back of the small clinic near Crime Alley.  Dr. Leslie quickly came in and examined the young girl in his arms with a nod.  
“Follow me.”
Was all she said before she turned and headed towards one of the private rooms.  He quickly laid the girl on the gurney and gave his report of how he found her.  Leslie just nodded along as she began to clean and wrap the wound on her head and the scrapes on her hands.
“Thank you Red Hood.  She’ll be fine now,  she won’t be able to answer any questions till she’s awake.  I’ll let you know when that is.”
Jason gave a small nod and with one last glance at the sleeping girl he left back into the night.  
As Jason ran across the rooftops his mind wandered back to the girl and the constant murder of “Tim”.  There was no way it could be true, afterall Timothy Drake was an only child…but then his mind wandered back to the galas.  He had seen at least once before, and now that he thought about it there was a small girl that followed the boy.  Then there was the whispering of how one of the children was always gone, doing something else, they never visited Gotham once even though they were very young.  
He paused atop one of the taller apartments in Crime Alley and glared out into the night.  There are millions of Tim’s around the world, so why was he so set on believing she was talking about the stinking Replacement?!  Whatever, Leslie will let him know more about whatever happened later.  For now, he had a city to protect.
_________ When Marinette woke up, her head still throbbed slightly, but not as much as last night which was a reprieve.  She looked around the small white room that smelled like chemicals.  There was a soft beeping on her right and her throat felt scratchy.  Everything felt a little dizzy, and goodness this felt like déja vu.  The next thing she knew when she didn’t see Tom and Sabine sitting next to her was that someone had opened the door.  She was a rather tall lady with greying hair and wrinkled with age and stress, but she still held a soft bright smile.
“Hello, how are you feeling right now?”
She asked as she slowly approached Marinette and began to check her bandages and vitals.
“I’m feeling okay.  My head still hurts, but other than that.”
She nodded then asked,
“Do you remember what happened last night?”
Marinette was about to shake her head no, but stopped as everything began to flood her brain once more and all of the memories she lost filled her mind.  She sat up quickly only to fall back against the gurney as the world started to spin around her.  Thankfully Leslie had already prepared and placed a trash can in her lap and Marinette Marianne began to throw up.
“You need to be careful, you have a concussion.”
Leslie stated once she was done emptying her stomach that was practically empty already.  She handed Marianne a cup of water and once she finished asked,
“Now you don’t have to, but can you tell me your name and what happened last night?”
“My name is Marianne Janet Drake.  Last night I was walking back to the hotel my class was staying at after they had left me at the diner we were staying at and was attacked by three men.  I tried to get away, but they took my taser and pinned me to a wall.  When I found an opening I kicked the man in the center in the shin and made a run for it, but they caught up to me and hit me in the back of the head with…I think it was the back of my taser.  I fell and hit my head against the pavement and before I could move one of the others kicked me in the stomach.  I blacked out a bit after that because my head was hurting so badly at the time with memories, and the next thing I knew was Robin was there in a different outfit and he saved me.  Then the pain came back and the next thing I know is I woke up here.”
The woman just stared at her with a neutral face.  She looked back down at her clipboard and finished writing something before looking back at her.
“What do you mean memories came rushing back?”
“I travelled to Paris, France with my parents, and got hit by a car.  I’ve been an amnesiac for five years now.”
She nodded.
“How old are you?”
“Do you have any other relatives?”
“Janet and Jack Drake, Timothy Drake, and I honestly don’t know if I have any other relatives.”
“Alright.  Thank you Marianne, I’ll be back soon.”
And with that Leslie left the room.  She needed to make a phone call.  Marianne laid back against the bed and stared at the ceiling trying to reorganize her thoughts and memories as she tried to sort out why Tom and Sabine had lied to her all of this time and why her real parents would hit her in the first place.
_________ About two hours later the door to Marianne’s room burst open and Marianne quickly sat up to come face-to-face with steel blue eyes that held a deep familiar worry in them.  They stared at each other for a long time, neither knowing how much time actually passed when he whispered,
She said just as quietly, tears forming in the siblings' eyes.  He raced towards her and scooped her into his arms as he kissed the top of her head.
“I’ve missed you so much.  Don’t worry, you don’t have to leave again.  I’ve got you, I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
Marianne sobbed against his chest as she clutched into her older brother.  He should be 16 now, he’s grown a little too.  He carefully maneuvered them so that he was laying against the bed and she was curled up atop him, the two siblings holding onto each other as they cried.
“Robin saved me.”
She whispered, 
“He brought me here which led me to you.”
Tim placed another kiss to the back of her head and whispered,
“Really?  That’s so amazing.  I’ll have to thank him the next time I see him.  I owe him a favor for this wonderful miracle he’s brought me.”
Marianne giggled softly through her tears and rested her head under his chin, just like when they were younger.
“I missed you!  I mi-missed you so much Tim-Tam.  I couldn’t forget you, I couldn’t stop drawing you.”
Tim smiled gently as more tears fell like a waterfall down his cheeks,
“Good.  Because I never stopped looking for you.  Now you’re back, and you don’t ever have to leave again.  You can stay with me now.”
“I’d like that.”
She whispered as her eyes began to slowly close and exhaustion took hold and she fell asleep in the safety of her brother's hold.
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