brazilspill · 4 months
What is the traditional meal given to people who are sick in your culture and what does it look like?
For example, in Brazilian culture in the state of Minas the dish traditionally served when someone is sick is a soup called canja. It looks like this:
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It has garlic, a bit of thinly shredded chicken, chicken broth, and chives. (the exact recepie may include more stuff depending on the family recipe).
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indoor-growblog · 4 months
E no meio daquela bagunça me veio a paz.💨
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erotismolight · 4 months
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gastronominho · 9 months
Festival de Sopas Ceagesp o ano todo na sua casa
Caldo verde, sopa de cebola, minestrone, canja a um pedido de distância
Caldo verde, sopa de cebola, minestrone, canja a um pedido de distância Você já deve ter ouvido falar do Festival de Sopas do Ceagesp, não é? Esse evento tradicional começou em 2009 e acontece anualmente, durante o inverno, no Ceagesp, que fica na Vila Leopoldina, zona oeste. Agora você poderá saborear as maravilhosas sopas do Festival o ano todo no conforto da sua casa ou em qualquer lugar da…
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promovevendas · 1 year
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Canja Esbanjando Adulação
Este governo atual só se resume em; balujação, adulação, costas-quentes... quando rezão a agenda dos agentes do MSC - Movimento Socialista Comunista.
E quando não rezam; caçar, perseguir, emboscar, sabotar, azarar e se vingar.
Esta é a sina deste atual governo.
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mgsiglesias · 1 year
HILÁRIO: Janja vai ganhar homenagem e ninguém sabe por quê.
via #oiluizTV
al parecer el primer cuidador recibirá un premio 
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capeverdequeen · 1 year
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receitariadapaty1 · 2 years
Lição de vó: uma boa canja para os dias frios
Lição de vó: uma boa canja para os dias frios
Sempre há alguém com uma história cheia de afeto ligada à cozinha. As sopas compartilhadas em família costumam estar entre os relatos – especialmente a tradicional canja de galinha. Você tem lembranças de caldos preparados por avós, tias ou pais? Nesses dias frios, resgatamos a receita dessa delícia. Uma boa canja de galinha aquece o corpo e o coração. Tempo: 45 min Rendimento: 6…
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menu-receitas · 2 years
[ad_1] [ad_2] Oioioi meus amores! 🥰 Tá tudo bem por aí? Eu espero muito que sim viu!! Quem aí também ama Canja de Galinha? Gente do céu, essa receita de hoje tá sensacional demais, vocês tem que conferir! Muito fácil de fazer, tudo numa panela só, tá incrível! Pro almoço, pra janta, e lógico, pra se esquentar nesses dias frios que estão por vir! Bora conferir os ingredientes? Ingredientes: -3 fios de óleo -400g de peito de frango -1 cebola -sal a gosto -colorau a gosto -meio tablete de caldo de carne -pimenta do reino a gosto -2 batatas -1 cenoura -1 xícara de arroz -1 litro e meio de água fervendo -salsinha a gosto As xícaras do vídeo são de 240 ml cada. E-mail para contato comercial: [email protected] Endereço para envio de correspondências/encomendas: Receitas Da Cris Caixa Postal 13502 CEP: 80.420-981 Curitiba - PR Me sigam nas redes sociais: Facebook: http://goo.gl/XBwkeR Fanpage: http://goo.gl/w3aTWl Instagram: @receitasdacris http://goo.gl/JU9fyh Músicas usadas: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ #receitasdacris #canjadegalinha #receitasdeinverno [ad_2] Link da fonte https://receitas.blogdosergiocoach.com.br/pra-aquecer-o-seu-inverno-%f0%9f%a5%b6-canja-de-galinha-receitas-da-cris/?feed_id=11586&_unique_id=62ee5a399d013
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 19 hours
Sooo, tell me about Canja? 👀
Haven't thought about Canja in so long @magicallulu7 so thanks for the excuse!
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The most important thing to Canja is her family. Every action that she takes is ultimately to aid the wider Xallaj family that is spread across the Empire. So, while she ultimately does what she can to ensure the Empire's continued survival and well-being, her motivations are to help her vast extended family gain power for themselves.
The Xallaj family is actually a highly influential slave family that has spent centuries building up a network that spans the entire Sith Empire. With eyes and ears everywhere, Canja gained a spy network that rivaled Imperial and later Sith Intelligence once she rose to the Dark Council. It made eliminating enemies and ensuring there would be no reprisals against those responsible quite easy for her.
Canja Xallaj's family can actually trace their relationship with Dark Jedi all the way back to the Hundred-Year Darkness (Second Great Schism) where members of the family acted as mercenaries during the conflict. They found great glory and wealth during the century of war and would later offer their services once again when Tulak Hord and Aloysius Kallig began their own wars.
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enbyshads · 8 months
chicken soup 👍
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Hullo! I was doing some research and I found out about a new species called the Aurelia cebimarensis, recently described last year ^-^
It's native to Brazil, and according to reeflex.net (a little bit of a sketchy website but they at least list their resources) are found in these areas:
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It was also described by the University of São Paulo, which also happened to describe our favourite Nausithoe aurea hehe :)
Apparently it's named after the Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMar), so that's cool :>.
Anyway hope you enjoy the uhm. World Cup was it? Yeah the world cup :)
i love her
i don’t like in SP but now I know where to visit when I go there on vacation lmao
Im so glad to be your Brazilian mutual lmao, it makes me really happy and also shy 😳😳🥺🥹
also yes thank you so much the World Cup has been pretty decent- todays game was our best yet tho so I’m really excited lmao
I’m not a big football (soccer 👀🤨🙄) person but yeah the World Cup really gets to me, I think it’s a cultural thing lmao, and I’m really proud of it!!!!
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lesbienneanarchiste · 2 years
The Canadian African has a recipe for tofu yassa, I'm about to be so powerful
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polisena-art · 1 year
I’m jumping in to submit a request! I love it when people draw one of the caballeros cooking. I think they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Personally I feel like Panchito is a dream in the kitchen. Part of me wants to make a joke about Donald burning water but he can probably at least make a good fucking sandwich. Zé…. Man I have no idea. He is a mystery to me.
I ended up rambling about headcanons OTL but! I’d love to see you draw a cab of your choice cooking or something like that!
OK SO,, Zé has been shown cooking in his comics and apparently he's pretty decent at it (his nephews do like his food) but, as everything in those comics, it all depends if it's gonna be relevant to the plot.
José might not be a chef but I'm sure he can make the Brazilian classics like rice and beans, strogonoff (the Brazilian remix), pasta with sausages, farofa de ovo, canja, bake a cake AND OF COURSE he can work a grill for churrasquinho of whatever mystery meat he can put his hands on. He doesn't do much cooking because it's "ARGH... work", but for his nephews and when it comes to showing his friends what Rio's cuisine is like, he will do it. Also, I think if he's feeling truly inspired and has people helping him, he can make a traditional feijoada, just... don't criticize it. like, EVER.
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Traditional Feijoada is supposed to be rich, it's not supposed to be spicy/hot!
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luccaixu · 10 months
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Aruna, o Mago Anão 🧙‍♂️
Projeto: RPG - Os Cabeças de Canja
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mgsiglesias · 1 year
Fantastic video of her showing the lies of the lying journalistic press in Brazil and Canja the woman of 🦑
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