mia-nina-lilly · 2 months
Regarding Damen's innocence/ignorance:
We know that C.S. Pacat felt that Damen shouldn't have discovered why Laurent was so reserved about sex and so tense at the prospect, but taking a different approach, I would like to interpret the character, the way he thinks, because it's really frustrating to watch Damen not reach this conclusion after being informed that the Regent was a pedophile, and that Laurent had been alone - both in terms of family/friends, and other companions - all this time, with the Regent being his only guardian.
In my view, throughout Damen's perception of Laurent, the idea that the Prince of Vere was untouchable was consolidated, and I'm not just talking about the fact that Laurent doesn't lie with anyone, I'm actually talking about Laurent being someone inaccessible, extremely difficult to captivate or even defeat, and this in the eyes of anyone, even the most loyal men to the prince.
Damen truly believes that Laurent, being in the position of heir, and also being so astute and a remarkable warrior (the scene with the assassins in the room and many others show this to him clearly), and overly self-sufficient, is unattainable even to the Regent. That's his interpretation of Laurent. Therefore, when he sees him hesitate so much in the face of sex, it's more likely that he thinks all the tension stems, in truth, from the fact that Laurent struggles to let someone connect with him so intimately, so accustomed he is to solitude, and not some abuse, because Laurent is practically unscathed to him.
Sobre a inocência/ignorância de Damen em relação ao abuso de Laurent
Sabemos que C.S. Pacat sentiu que Damen não deveria ter descoberto o porquê de Laurent ser tão reservado em relação ao sexo e estar tão tenso na iminência do ato, mas indo por uma linha diferente, eu gostaria de interpretar o personagem, a forma como ele pensa, porque é realmente custoso assistir a Damen não chegar a essa conclusão depois de estar em posse da informação de que o Regente era pedófilo, e que Laurent esteve sozinho – tanto em relação à família/amigos, quanto outras companhias – todo esse tempo, sendo que o Regente era seu único tutor.
A meu ver, ao longo da construção da visão de Damen sobre Laurent, foi consolidada a ideia de que o príncipe de Vere era alguém intocável, e estou falando para além do fato de Laurent não se deitar com ninguém, estou falando, na verdade, de que Laurent era alguém inacessível, extremamente difícil de cativar ou ainda, derrotar, e isso aos olhos de qualquer um, até mesmo dos homens mais leais ao príncipe.
Damen realmente pensa que Laurent, estando na posição de herdeiro, e também por ser tão astuto e um guerreiro notável (cena dos assassinos no quarto e tantas outras mostram isso a ele de forma clara), e em demasia autossuficiente, é inatingível mesmo para o Regente. Essa é a interpretação dele sobre Laurent. Logo, quando ele o vê hesitar tanto diante do sexo, é mais certo que ele pense que toda a tensão é fruto, a bem da verdade, do fato de que Laurent tem dificuldade em deixar alguém se conectar a ele de forma tão íntima – tão acostumado ele está à solidão, e não algum abuso, porque Laurent é praticamente incólume para ele.
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universe-cityz · 1 year
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ask-nicaise-anything · 11 months
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sweetfairydreams · 1 year
to the captive prince stans i have a question... (im new in this community so...  sorry if this is a much discussed topic) but if jokaste had stayed in the castle (for whatever reason lmao) and had the baby, do yall think damianos would’ve care of him as if he were his own?
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unreadpoppy · 2 years
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northisnotup · 15 days
SecUnit sick!!! Or Caprince au if someone asked for secUnit already (because who wouldn’t!!)
SecUnit sick is my little nothing burger of a fic where I was miserable and also wanted MB to be.
Gurathin made a noise in his throat that sounded annoyed. I felt him in the feed and realized too late what he was doing to stop him, which was…a problem. So I wasn’t just physically slow, my processing speed was taking a hit too. Belatedly, my internal sensors notified me that I was running at, oh shit - 67% performance reliability. That was…lower than I wanted it to be. It was lower than it should be, with only fatigue, compressed air intake and, ugh, leaking listed under the list of: ‘things that are currently wrong with Murderbot.’ “Traitor,” I grit out, and began to haul myself toward the door. “You didn’t ask to hide here,” he said, “I betrayed nothing.” I hated that it was true as much as I hated that I could have asked to stay here and he would have said yes. Now I had to try and walk while fighting waves of vertigo. I’d had vertigo before, or what I assume to be vertigo. Did I mean vertigo? I thought I did.
“I’m not hiding.” It was important to me that he knew that. I may not have intended to come here, but I definitely wasn’t hiding. And even if I was, I didn’t have an active contract at the moment. I was subject to Preservation law regarding worker’s rights just like everyone else, Pin-Lee made sure of that. So I was technically on ‘rest break’ where I couldn’t take another contract even if I wanted to before the time limit was up. The rest break timeframes were based on the length of your previous contract, and as my previous contract was much longer than it was supposed to be, I got overtime pay and an extended rest period. Joy. But the point was, I could hide if I wanted to. I didn’t have to see…the people I liked. My humans. Not clients, not right now. I had no contract. Crew? No. That was still ART’s word and it still didn’t fit what the PresAux team was to me. They were mine. That’s all. My intake hitched, clogged with the gel-like fluid that had been building and before I could do anything, it hitched again, pushing, and a great glob of it pushed out of my nose. I didn’t want to look like I was hesitating, but there was no way to pretend that was something I would have done voluntarily, so I awkwardly raised the scrap of cloth Gurathin had given me and wiped up what I could, before blowing the rest of the clogged fluid out.
It was, like the fluid from my lungs, a thick sticky gel with a yellow tinge.
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leopardwitheadache · 6 months
it pains me so much being a 'foreigner' c.s. pacat fan, because, firstly, i probably will never have the opportunity to meet them and thank them for quite literally saving my life with caprince, i also, secondly, can't preorder dark heir since it's NOT available for my country yet
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pearis-a · 2 months
tenho uma cena de caprince bem formada na minha cabeça e eu tenho certeza que em algum momento da história dos lamen isso aconteceu.
um dia os lamen, cansados e cheios das responsabilidades como reis, decidem dar uma fugidinha juntos, disfarçados, para espairecer e acabam indo parar numa taverna. já tem tempo que eles não ficam a sós só bebendo e jogando conversa fora por causa do trabalho, então decidem pegar um quarto e pedir bebidas. eles bebem e conversam, lembram quando estavam viajando juntos e foram parar em uma taverna como aquela, então o laurent se empolga e acaba bebendo demais, ele tá com o marido então não tem problema. mas aí acontece uma coisa, ele fica tão bêbado que acaba esquecendo que é casado com o damen, ele flerta com o damen, e, para implicar, damen diz que é casado e que é bom o loiro parar de beber, então o laurent fica tão puto por ter sido "rejeitado" que expulsa o damen do quarto e jura assassinar todos naquele lugar.
isso é tão vívido na minha mente que consigo ver claramente as bochechas rosadas de vergonha do laurent quando ele percebe que flertou com um homem bonito e foi rejeitado. normalmente ele n faria isso, porém estava bêbado.
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babylonfelldown · 10 months
so @15-lizards tagged me in this AGES ago and I was so caught up on work I didn't have time to actually do it, but here I am now
Three ships
Laurent and Damen: this bitches are so so so fucking personal to me, reading the caprince trilogy was almost a religious experience and Damen and Laurent are soOO GOOD. They're my favorite couple of all time and I love everything about them. From the build-up to the getting together, they have so much chemistry and their story makes me so emotional. The angst, the tension, and their scenes together are always charged with so many emotions and everything about them is just pure gold! "If I gave you my heart, you'd treat it tenderly" "I asked myself this question 'a kingdom or this? ' and now, I know the answer" The whole "don't think" "Kiss me" thing?????????
Katniss and Peeta: listen, I love me some charismatic soft blonde boys and Peeta is just!!!!!!!!!!chefs kiss!!!!!!!!!!! I love THG in general, but there's something special about Katniss's relationship with others, and I just love the way Peeta was her choice, even when she didn't know it, she always chose Peeta, and I don't even have to talk about Peeta, Haymitch did it for me "You could live a thousand lives and not deserve that boy", and he's right! Katniss is so flawed in her love for Peeta, but she *loves him* nonetheless. She remembers the little things about him, she reminds him of who he was before the highjacking, and in the end, he falls for her again.
Evelyn and Celia: These girls are just... the epitome of "If I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more", their love is this force of nature that can be restrained but not tamed, they´re inevitable and it doesn't matter how much the world and themselves tried to break them apart, they loved each other. “Please never forget that the sun rises and sets with your smile. At least to me it does. You’re the only thing on this planet worth worshipping.” I want what they had, it would absolutely destroy me, but I WANT IT
last song: False God, by Miss Taylor Swift herself (I'm currently listening to my Throbb playlist while writing this)
last movie: Honestly, I don't remember, The last one I have any memories of watching was Hamlet like, two weeks ago. I had just woken up and my stepdad was zapping through channels on our tv, I sit down to drink my coffee, and the last thing I know that man has stopped on an old movie that looks like it was filmed with an uncooked potato and we don't know what the fuck is going on until I pull up my phone and google it, we watch the whole thing and my mom is shocked to know that we watched hamlet at like, 9am on a normal Monday
currently reading: Almond, a Novel, by Son WonPyung
currently craving: there's some pizza waiting for me at the dinner table
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yozinha-z · 2 years
I think I'll leave the Caprince review for the weekend, I made notes so I won't forget
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mia-nina-lilly · 1 month
I've never seen anyone talking about how quickly Laurent mastered the Akielon language. Guys, our golden boy is a genius ✨✨✨
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universe-cityz · 1 year
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i havent posted here in over a year and I really miss editing and posting here.
so heres a "i don't know what it is" from caprince :)
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ask-nicaise-anything · 11 months
Laurent has a giant snorlax plushie that he hugs instead of Damen
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sweetfairydreams · 2 years
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auguste-of-vere · 3 years
Laurent: he sucked my cock too. 
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northisnotup · 16 days
Tagged by @redjayson (and I think @kreauxlighe AND @saltytothecore WAY eariler ♡)
EDIT: AND @deformed-globule i am so sorry my ugly ass would forget you 🥲
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay - with the acknowledgement that I cannot POSSIBLY tag as many ppl as I have wips, here we go!
Wife Perks
Skies'll Be Blue
Cooks in the Kitchen
Blowing Smoke
Night Moves
SecUnit Sick
Unnamed Caprince au
These are the In Progress works currently on the docket, and with that - I pass the torch to Salt, Aster and @themarchrabbit @blue-mood-blue @hazel-athena @neveranygoodupthere @audikatia @parakeatswrites @tropdangereuse @sanerontheinside @ivyontheholodeck ♡♡♡♡
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