blackpinkig · 6 months
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[231104] sooyaaa__: cartier ellesingapore 🎀
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(Art: Photograph by Henri Cartier Bresson)
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I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I'm beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me. My story isn't pleasant, it's not sweet and harmonious like the invented stories; it tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves.
~ Hermann Hesse
(Book: Demian)
(Philo Thoughts)
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Mérou géant - Il est hermaphrodite, et peut changer de sexe selon les besoins en reproducteurs.
Lieu : Nausicaa - Centre National de la Mer
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kariachi · 5 months
Who wants fic!? Some Kevin, some Argit, shopping went wild and our favorite rat is indulging in some of his ancestral culture.
It had been expected for Argit to come back to the apartment with a decent pickling jar and a collection of whatever fruits and vegetables caught his eye. Ever since getting somewhat settled on Earth Kevin had begun working on making a traditional-enough broth like had been a mainstay of his early childhood, and Argit had sort of gotten the urge to follow suit. He hadn’t grown up with traditional Erinaen fare, his nostalgia was for what could be eked out of the Null Void, but since their escape he’d been slowly getting more and more exposure to the cultures, cooking, and so on of his parents’ homeworld. Especially now, with the thriving population in Geilla Bohln giving him every opportunity to sink into the whole. To try to get a pickle together, a household mainstay of the vast majority of the species, especially with Kevin doing similar with his broth? Had been an obvious step to take.
Kevin had not realized that it apparently required restocking the kitchen.
He stood leaning against a wall and watched, cheek on his fist, as Argit pulled item after item out of a jar that had to be at least twice what he’d expected. A stack of papers, about six different varieties of fruit and veg- only half of which recognized- a container of vinegar, a box of salt, cutlery-
“When you were late,” he said, “I was kinda hoping you’d met a cute guy.”
“I should be so lucky,” Argit said with a derisive snort. “Made the mistake of mentioning I was trying to make a pickle for the first time and was forced to buy a larger jar than I wanted because ‘planning for later never hurts you’. Then, the bastards had a few of the teenagers go with me to buy some produce, people there insisted I grab this-” He grabbed a bundle of some sort of green. “-because apparently it makes a healthier and faster pickle.”
“Then,” he continued, and at that point Kevin had to hop up to sit on the counter, “somebody asked what color knife I was using. I said ‘I’ve got metal ones’, immediately half the shop was arguing about what was the best color knife for cooking because apparently that makes a difference. Anyway, another couple of teenagers got sent to escort me to get some ‘good crystal’.” Stepping away from the jar as he finished unloading, Argit grabbed one of the small handful of knives. They were a cream color, with bones handles shaped down to grip that looked natural in his hand. Kevin couldn’t help a little smirk.
“And is that color good for pickles?”
“Not a fucking clue.” Argit shook his head. “Once the other mentioned the pickle the argument started up again, finally said I wasn’t getting multiple sets and seems everyone could at least agree that blues are good for general everyday use. Still tried to talk me into getting multiple colors, but by then I was just done. Damn near everybody with access to a pen and paper gave me a different recipe to follow too.” Snickering, Kevin shook his head. Reached out to fiddle with one of Argit’s ears.
“Think at this point I’m required to make some prayers to help it work,” he teased, snorting as Argit leaned into his touch.
“It fucking better, because if I have to go through this again we’re moving.”
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katewalker · 2 months
Having the time of my life, because I don't get to watch one (1), but TWO speedruns of BG3 (All Acts + Any%) and I didn't know Shadowheart was a means of transportation or that you could one shot Ketheric by jumping on his head lmaooooo
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imitacionalarte · 1 year
When Joy Leaves Us
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zine-e · 2 years
Zevent is a caritative event on twitch that will happened this weekend and starts with a concert Thursday evening.
Come see us, also on place.zevent.fr we had a r/place but with donations included and on the channel Zevent Plays, there will be Twitch Plays Pokemon
It's a small post but it speak from my heart 🤗
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hazelandglasz · 2 years
Article Etsy disponible dans ma boutique
Retrouvez cet article dans ma boutique Etsy https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/1313924916/together-against-pancreatic-cancer
I decided to support the research against pancreatic cancer with this bright ribbon embroidery :)
If you can't purchase it, please share this post !
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slapiz · 2 months
Invitación para el Homenaje In Memoriam a la showwoman Neris Amelia Martínez Salazar –la inolvidable Juana Bacallao. Se mostrarán videos e imagines inéditas de la artista, el libro estará a la venta para todos los interesados. El Centro Cultural Hispano para las Artes de Miami, dirigido por el maestro Eriberto Jiménez; la Fundación APOGEO y su revista CARITATE, de conjunto con la Asociación de…
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random-racehorses · 2 months
Random Real Thoroughbred: EL CARITE
EL CARITE is a bay horse born in Argentina in 1956. By BRITISH EMPIRE out of CHUNGA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/el+carite
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hellodeashelle · 2 months
25ème saison du théâtre de la Clarencière
... complice, en cent rimes ou raison, pour allumer l’olympique flamme de l’amour toujours…celui qui sauvera le monde.
Ballade Galante de morceaux choisis Au clair de la lune… mon ami Mathieu… entre d’emblée …en conversation avec son public, avant de lui envoyer, tels des avions en papier, tant il s’amuse, des volées de billets poétiques amoureux et enflammés : des épigrammes en veux-tu en voilà, des joyaux à la manière courte et ludique, des tirades sous forme de vers, envers et contre tous, des mots anciens…
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whydonate11 · 4 months
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alinladaru · 5 months
Crucea Alb-Galbenă primește sprijin financiar în urma IWA Charity Christmas Bazaar
Crucea Alb-Galbenă va beneficia de un sprijin financiar considerabil în valoare de minimum 45.000 de lei, în urma celei de-a 31-a ediții a Bazarului de Crăciun organizat de Asociația Internațională a Femeilor din România (IWA). Evenimentul  va avea loc duminică, 10 decembrie 2023, începând cu ora 10:00, la parterul Bibliotecii Naționale a României. ”Suntem onorați și profund recunoscători pentru…
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stephanedugast · 7 months
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📌[COULISSE] Un spectacle, des stars, de la musique, Le Grand Rex Paris et 2 500 spectateurs pour une pluie d'émotions. Et une nouvelle corde à mon arc : l'écriture et la réalisation d'une soirée de gala pour l'ONG Aviation Sans Frontières 🌟
Bravo à "ma" présentatrice de choc : Nathalie Renoux.
Bravo à "mes" acteurs : les Petites Mains Symphoniques, la violoniste Zhang Zhang et la chanteuse Anggun qui nous ont montré la puissance de la musique pour inspirer le changement 🎵👊
Bravo à "mes" explorateurs : Thomas Pesquet, Sam Davies (cf. ci-contre), Bertrand Piccard et Yann Arthus-Bertrand pour avoir sur partager leur expérience, nous rappelant l'importance de préserver notre planète 🌎 🤝
Merci à Marine, Pierpaolo et Gérard pour leur confiance à orchestrer cette notre soirée caritative inoubliable ! 🌟 Découvrez en images 📸 ces moments magiques de solidarité, de musique et de partage 💙
Photos : 📸 Laurent Caron I Agence Zeppelin
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Che fine ha fatto il Motu Proprio di Benedetto XVI sul come gestire la vera carità nella Chiesa?
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alexsavescu · 9 months
Inițiativă caritabilă a doctorului Răzvan Hristea - Ajutor pentru bebelușii din Spitalul Municipal Fălticeni
Într-un gest plin de generozitate și empatie, Dr. Hristea Răzvan, medic la Spitalul Municipal Fălticeni, a lansat o inimoasă inițiativă menită să ofere ajutor și sprijin mamelor și bebelușilor din comunitatea locală. Sub deviza “Dragi Mamici, cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu și prin grija voastră bebelușii au mai crescut, așa că… Hai să facem un pic de ordine prin dulap!”, Dr. Hristea Răzvan îndeamnă…
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