#carnation coral
Daffodil 2 VS Lavender VS A bouquet of coral bells, caladium and carnations
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First, let's talk about the Daffodil 2
Meaning and why this flower was chosen: It represents truth/clarity/honesty as well as forgiveness. He, being the worlds greatest detective can find the truth behind any matter. The forgiveness aspect comes from how at first he assumed everyone was as smart as he was and that they were purposely being hurtful towards him since they understood things he didn’t, however once he realized that those around him simply couldn’t see the world the way he did, he learned to forgive their ignorance and mistakes Description: He is the child prodigy born of two master detectives, but when his parents died he became lost an alone believing the people around him to be monsters. One day he comes across a particular old man causing detective shenanigans to ensue and lifelong bonds to form.
Check his post here
Now, let's talk about the Lavender
Meaning: distrust Description: Their goal is to make a better, more equal world, but their means to an end are questionable. They're manipulative and distrustful of others, but capable of empathy towards others like them. They're a child prodigy but clueless about social interactions. Not on hero or villain side, more of a chaotic neutral. Dramatic theatre kid who loves their mom and has lots of trauma to work though
Check their post here
Lastly, let's see the bouquet of coral bells, caladium and carnations
Meaning and why they were chosen: In the victorian floral code these mean sea voyages (he sailed around the world), great joy and delight (hes delighted by practically everything), and pure and deep love (technically the original meaning is romantic love but he would do pretty much anything for his friends, and he cares about people so much), respectively. Description: He's a wonderful sweet guy who cares a lot about his friends and about his best friend/(fanon) boyfriend. He's such a coward about some things, like rats, but really brave when it matters. Also he has adhd
Check his post here
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siilkthreads · 1 year
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Tag dump: Relationships
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twstbookclub · 1 month
Inked Blossoms
Summary: Jamil didn't think much of you when he received a flower basket. You were his new neighbor running a flower shop—nothing more, nothing less. So, why can't he stop coming by after visiting you once? POV: 2nd Person Pronouns: Gender-neutral Admin/Writer: Cressa🦋 Tags: Tattoo Artist x Florist AU, Tattoo Artist!Jamil, Florist!Reader, Fluff, Romance, Angst, No happy ending, sorry folks, Mentions of Blood and Self-harm, Use of Flower Language, Jamil's POV Word Count: 4, 025 Main Reference for Flower Meanings: Boeckmann, C. (2023, November 17). What does each flower symbolize? The Old Farmer's Almanac.
And I thought the Riddle fic I wrote is my longest one 💀 I actually had this plot in mind in the same month as I thought of the Riddle fic, which was back in April of last year. I only put in one link here, but I fact-checked every flower I used in this fic with other sources. Admittedly, when I wrote this, I received some heartbreaking news that morning and I cried my eyes out. I may or may not have projected those feelings into this and incorporated my previous experiences here. To all the Jamil stans, I'm so sorry that my first fic of this guy is long and angsty. I hope you all enjoy, though 💕
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Jamil stared at the flowers on his parlor’s doorstep. Pink peonies and coral roses filled the twine basket, along with a purple flower that he didn’t know the name of. The arrangement emphasized the purple flowers, while there were a few peonies mixed in with the roses. What piqued Jamil’s curiosity were the leaves that lined the edges of the basket. He squinted, subconsciously leaning down to peer at the blooms at his feet.
“... Is that basil?” He mumbled, confused about the inclusion of a familiar herb. It was something he often used in his cooking, particularly when he was roommates with Kalim back in high school. That boy’s palate was too refined for anything bland and ready-made, so Jamil always had to cook with spices and herbs. It came to the point that the smell stuck to his clothes, even after a thorough wash in the laundry. Not just his clothes—even his hair. He already had a meticulous process with his hair care and bejeweled braids, so it was a nuisance.
He shook his head, before he took the flower basket in his hands. The blooms jostled a little, and a gentle hand pushed a peony back in place. Something nagged at Jamil to look to the left, for some reason. When he turned his head, the sign of the shop next door caught his attention.
“A flower shop, huh.” That was new. Jamil vaguely remembered this lot being sold recently, but he never thought it’d be turned into a store like that. It used to be an antique store owned by an elderly woman. She minded her own business, despite the weird and judgmental looks he received for the henna tattoos that decorated Jamil’s tan hands and arms.
Jamil’s eyes darted from the cursive letters of the sign to the flowers and plants displayed behind the glass walls. The name of the shop was painted on one of the walls in gold—above some of the artful arrangements of red roses, white carnations, and calla lilies. There was a shift of color behind them, and he narrowed his eyes again for a better look.
Someone was tending to the flowers. He could vaguely make out the color of their hair and the verdant apron over a white polo shirt. With the large bouquets in the way, Jamil couldn’t see a face. Sighing and shaking his head, he walked into his tattoo parlor with the flower basket in his arms.
If all his time in the city taught him anything, it was that nothing in this world was free.
Still, Jamil couldn’t help but wonder what the purple flowers were. They reminded him of tulips, but the petals were thinner and pointed at the tips. The stamen was visible, too. It was a stark contrast to the blooming tulips he knew: blunt-tipped and oval petals without the stamen being visible. He made a mental note to search about them once he went home.
Jamil found out that the purple blooms were called crocuses, and he wound up finding a website detailing the meanings of every flower imaginable. The flowers replaced the lamp that used to be on the table next to his bed. Every morning, he’d wake up to the colorful arrangement in a vase with his mind stuck on the meaning of each flower.
Maybe he should see what the florist was like. If they were like the antique shop owner from before, then Jamil would just remain polite and ignore them whenever he could.
On a slow and quiet day in the parlor, Jamil flipped the sign and locked the door. He shoved the key in his pocket, while his eyes drifted to the flower displays and bouquets through the glass walls. A blur of white and green moved behind them, but he still couldn’t put a face to the florist.
Jamil would have to see if he was curious enough to put a name to that face, too.
A chime echoed in the store once he stepped inside, and an onslaught of fragrance hit him. He noted that it wasn’t as powerful as the smell of spices, ones that he can taste from the scent alone. Still, it was strong enough to leave him a little lightheaded.
“Ah, welcome!” A voice rang through the back, behind an open door that led to what Jamil assumed was a small greenhouse. Sacks of fertilizer and clay pots filled with flowers peeked out of the metal shelves. The sight was obscured by a green apron, stitched with the same cursive letters of the store sign.
Charcoal gray eyes met lively, cheerful ones. The gloved hands that gripped the door frame were smeared with soil, maybe even fertilizer. Dirt smudged your cheek, but his gaze drifted to your lips. Your smile—too bright to be natural—was difficult to look away from. Something churned in his chest the longer he looked at it.
“Oh,” you mumbled, which made Jamil look back into your eyes again, “you’re my next-door neighbor. Hi! I hope you like the flowers. I’m, uh…”
A sheepish chuckle left your lips, making Jamil’s heart lurch. He resisted the urge to scowl at the feeling. He just met you, and he’d rather not make a bad impression. The tattoo artist came to your store to meet you like a proper neighbor, not to antagonize you.
“I came by to say hi, and you weren’t there. I had to get the shop ready and all, so I decided to leave the basket and hope that it stays there—” You sighed, took off one of your gloves, and ran a hand through your hair— “and I’m rambling. Sorry about that.”
Jamil watched you, anxious and fidgety, and he suppressed a smile. There was something amusing about how you acted like a mouse: squeaking and retreating at any sign of danger. Although, he highly doubted that you saw him as a threat.
You were just… shy. You talked a lot, but you were shy.
“It’s fine,” Jamil raised a hand and smiled, practiced and polite, “and I appreciate the flowers. Thank you. It’s a beautiful arrangement—you have a way with bringing out their natural beauty.”
He probably laid it on too thick. It was a habit at this point: butter up people to ease them, to let their guard down. Jamil merely planned to meet this florist to satisfy his curiosity. He never considered the option of befriending this person, much less engaging in a long conversation with you.
Your face lit up, as if something dawned on you in that moment. Chuckling, you stretched out the hand without the glove and gave him your name. It was followed with a cheerful, “It’s nice to meet you! I hope we can get along, um…”
“Jamil,” he shook your hand with that same, practiced smile, “Jamil Viper. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He noticed your eyes dart towards his hand and arm, inked with the traditional motifs and patterns of his homeland. Under the sunlight that streamed through the glass, your eyes seemed to sparkle. Your mouth parted in a silent, “Oh.”
“That’s so pretty,” you blurted out and continued to stare at the henna tattoos. Jamil simply watched you with wide eyes, but the surprise disappeared in that same instant. Your voice, loud and happy, filled the silence of the room.
“The amount of detail here is amazing, and—Oh, there’s even more tiny patterns inside another pattern. That’s so cool!”
Even though this much praise usually annoyed Jamil (it reminded him too much of Kalim), he found himself flustered. A faint warmth spread across his cheeks as he watched you marvel at the tattoos. You raised a hand, probably to trace the design with a finger, when you paused.
Your smile was frozen on your face, as if you caught yourself doing something embarrassing. Your own cheeks flushed in shame, before you pulled away with a nervous giggle. Jamil almost laughed at how ridiculous you looked at the moment.
He ignored the small voice in the back of his mind that called you cute.
It was supposed to be a one-time encounter. Jamil only visited your flower shop to see the person who opened a new business next to his tattoo parlor. He wanted to see whether this new neighbor of his was going to be tolerable or otherwise. One meeting was enough to deem you tolerable; someone that Jamil could politely wave to if you two happened to pass by each other.
So, why was he looking at a bouquet of irises and white jasmines right now? Why was he standing in your store on a Sunday morning?
“You’ve been coming a lot here lately.” Your voice rang from the back, much like how Jamil first met you. He looked over his shoulder to see you admiring the other flowers with a small smile.
“I don’t mind, really, and it’s nice to have you here. I just didn’t expect you to come here almost every day,” you clarified with a chuckle as you approached him. The telltale flush of your cheeks already told Jamil about how embarrassed you were to confess that. He watched you caress one of the petals of a hydrangea with a gentle look.
For a weekend, it was surprisingly quiet here. People flocked to your store during its first week, and Jamil observed all this in the comfort of his parlor. The window provided a clear view of what was going on, so he didn’t need to go outside. You became frazzled in a matter of moments—running around and arranging the flowers yourself—and that amused Jamil. Just a bit.
Still, you smiled throughout that hectic week.
Me neither, Jamil wanted to say. Instead, he answered, “It’s another slow day in my shop, so I decided to visit. I suppose it’s become a habit whenever I have nothing else to do.”
You chuckled, and Jamil pretended his heart didn’t skip a beat. He ignored the twitch of his lips, curling into a small smile. Oblivious to the look the tattoo artist gave you, you continued to admire the flowers.
“That’s fine with me. Besides, I like your company.”
Your shameless honesty was going to be the death of Jamil. The tips of his ears grew warm, and he tugged his hood over them. He already concluded that you were a thoughtful and considerate person after spending some time with you. You prepared tea and cookies, ones you yourself baked, every time he visited. Careful hands arranged the flowers by meaning and color, which already said enough about you. Being a florist sounded just right for someone like you.
Jamil briefly wondered what flowers you’d give him if you wanted to give him a bouquet.
He cleared his throat, mimicking a cough, before he shifted his attention to the irises and jasmines again. Ever since he searched the meanings of the flowers in that basket, he couldn’t help but be curious.
“Can you tell me what these mean in flower language?” He asked, glancing at you from behind his hood. Whether you found this action odd or not, you didn’t comment on it.
With a curious hum, you leaned over to look at what Jamil referred to and smiled wider. You replied, “Ah, irises can mean wisdom, faith, trust, valor, and hope. As for white jasmines…”
You raised an eyebrow at Jamil with a mischievous grin. He didn’t dare entertain the thought that you were being adorable from the action alone. He didn’t dare hope that the gesture actually meant something.
“They can mean sweet love, and the person who receives them is seen as friendly and pleasant.” You paused, before you suddenly left Jamil’s side and reached for the adjacent wall of flowers. Before Jamil could say anything, you already extended a white bloom under his nose.
Wide-eyed and bewildered, he stared at the flower in your hand. It somewhat resembled a rose in full bloom, but the petals were shaped differently. Another amused laugh echoed in the room. You took his hand, inked with intricate patterns that crawled his skin like vines, and placed the flower in it.
Jamil realized that it was a gardenia. This species of flora grew in some part of the botanical garden of his high school. He was only familiar with it because he used to pass by the area to relax, preferably alone.
“I think this suits you, though.” You hummed and returned to the counter with a spin of your heel. Jamil watched you wordlessly as you disappeared into the greenhouse. From where he stood, the tattoo artist saw pink and white camellias peeking through one of the shelves. He nearly jumped when your head popped out of the door frame.
“Oh, and can you help me carry some of these pots around? They’re pretty heavy, thanks!”
It was only until Jamil got home that he searched for the meaning of the gardenia. The bright laptop screen glared at him as he entered the keywords in the search bar. He clicked on the first result and—
Jamil stared at the words with darkening cheeks. His mouth became dry, and his tongue was tied into knots. His hand slammed the monitor shut, before he abruptly stood up and left for the kitchen. He needed some water. He needed to not think too much into things. You were going to be the death of him, Jamil swore to that.
Still, the words were already seared into his memory: you’re lovely.
Jamil found himself visiting you whenever he could. You always asked for his help whenever heavy labor was involved. If it was anyone else, he would’ve felt annoyed. With you, it was just an excuse for Jamil to stay longer.
Fleeting touches, subtle glances, and shy smiles—it was like your own language. Not a single word was exchanged, yet it felt like you said more than Jamil could comprehend. He didn’t miss the moments when your hands lingered too long over his. He would be a fool not to notice that a cookie jar and a box of teabags sat on the counter each time he visited.
For the past year, you’d give him a single flower every day without fail. One time, after the usual tea, it was a morning glory. Another time, when you were particularly homesick and Jamil stayed to chat, you gave him a hydrangea. When he visited your house and took care of you when you became sick, you gave him a yellow lily the next day. He always brought them home, but it came to the point that a mishmash of flowers in a vase brought color and life to his workspace. It sat under the window, where it bathed under a patch of sunlight. He even considered buying another vase due to the sheer amount.
You gave him all kinds of flowers, but he’d never forget the first gardenia he received from you.
“That looks out of place,” one customer pointed out while Jamil prepared the needle. He already knew what he was talking about, but the tattoo artist still followed his line of sight. A soft smile stretched from one ear to the other, and he didn’t bother hiding it.
Without looking away from the flowers, he answered, “They’re gifts from a friend. It’s the only place I can think of where they can be cared for.”
He ignored the sly, knowing grin on the customer’s face. Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes, Jamil gestured towards the chair and continued to prepare everything he needed for this job.
One sunny day, your storefront was crowded more than usual. Jamil paid no mind to the crowd as he pulled his hood over his head. Inked hands grabbed a bundle of flowers, tied with twine, from the table. They were placed far from the vases that decorated the parlor; just to avoid confusion. His eyes fell on the gardenia he drew on the back of his hand. Jamil added that some time ago, maybe around the past month. Still, it made him smile.
Jamil locked the door, then he instinctively looked at the flower shop. His heart stuttered at the sight of the flowers amongst the crowd. The vibrant and lively blossoms were like a splash of color against the dull tones of the city. What used to be gray pavement and monochrome buildings seemed to come to life with just a few flowers.
He blinked his surprise away, before he gripped the bouquet in his hands. The thrum of his heart and the sweat on his palms weren’t something foreign to Jamil. He always felt like this at the thought of you, even Kalim noticed the change in his friend when he visited once. Your smile flashed in his mind, and his own lips curled into a small one. His feet led him to where he knew you were.
Past the flower shop; past the crowd that lingered at the storefront; past the fresh flowers that gathered against the glass walls. Jamil’s feet grew heavier with each step, as if lead hit the concrete and left faint cracks behind. He stepped through the iron-wrought gates with a soft exhale. His grip on the flowers tightened. He considered going back to the tattoo parlor.
In the end, he thought he’d regret it if he backed out now. Blades of grass grazed his sneakers as he walked through rows of stones. Names were etched into each one, a reminder of who they were to the loved ones left behind. Charcoal gray eyes looked straight ahead. He didn’t bother looking at any of them.
It had been a year since that day, but he still remembered where you were.
Grass crunched under his feet as he stopped in front of an unassuming headstone. Engraved in the stone was your name—funny how he never knew your surname until the funeral. You never told him when you introduced yourself, and he didn’t pry. He even imagined you with his surname at some point, but…
Jamil swallowed the lump in his throat. He crouched on one knee and laid the bundle of flowers on your grave. The tattoo artist made the effort of arranging the colorful blooms in a way that you would. At least, how he remembered that you would.
He stood with his hands in his pockets, and he stared at your gravestone with that same lump in his throat. A sigh rang in the empty cemetery. A cool breeze carried the hustle and bustle of the city. The laugh that used to plague Jamil’s everyday life here was missing. It was gone for months now, but he could still hear it clearly in his head.
“Hey,” Jamil mumbled, clenching his hands into fists, “it’s been a while. I’m sorry I only visited today. It… took me some time to come to terms with what happened. Regardless, you deserved an earlier visit.”
No answer, Of course, there was no answer. You’ve been dead for quite some time now. That was an understatement, considering that a year has already passed.
Jamil’s stomach churned, and an insufferable heat filled his chest. His eyes stung. His nails pierced into the skin of his palms. The lump in his throat seemed to grow bigger, and he found it hard to breathe. Memories of your smile, your laugh, and the time he spent with you and your flowers overlapped in his mind.
He dug his heels into the dirt as he gritted his teeth. The sting behind his eyes grew worse. It was hard to breathe, and he found it harder to speak. He somehow forced the words out with a broken heart, pieces scattered along the ashes of what was left of you.
“You idiot,” Jamil choked out as his vision blurred with tears, “you could’ve called me to help you. How was I supposed to know you were still sick? How was I supposed to know you needed to carry that ridiculously huge flower display across the street? How was I supposed to know that car would lose control and—”
Jamil looked up to the sky with a clenched jaw, teeth clacking and shaking his skull from the force. He wanted to scream. He wanted to curse whatever deity existed in this world. He wanted to forget how you looked, pale and bleeding on the street, that day. He wanted to erase that memory of you until his heart bled out and his voice croaked its last scream.
“—they haven’t found the driver. Everyone who knew you petitioned to keep the shop in your memory. Someone else took over, too. You don’t have to worry about your flowers anymore.”
Since that day, whenever Jamil looked at the ink that adorned his hands and arms, all he remembered was your loud voice and bright smile. Your praise and astonishment echoed in his head like a broken record player. He couldn’t count the amount of times he tried to scrub them clean from his skin. If that didn’t work, he scratched at them until he bled and the patterns were hidden under that shade of red.
In hindsight, Jamil thought that was idiotic of him. Love turned anyone into idiots, anyway.
Sighing, Jamil forced the tears back and looked down at your gravestone. If he tried hard enough, he could imagine you smiling and laughing again. The image of you, lifeless and still on the road, would become a scar that faded with time. He hoped it would be.
“I thought of giving you baby’s breath,” Jamil began as the lump in his throat returned, “along with forget-me-nots, and blue salvia. It would be a horrible contrast, but I also thought of adding pink carnations.”
He paused, before bitterly chuckling to himself. “I don’t have your skills, though. You were always amazing with flower arrangements. I couldn’t hold a candle to you, and I rarely tell anyone that. I didn’t want to give you something that was less than perfect—you deserve more than that, so I settled with sweet peas.”
Jamil knew he was talking to himself. He always found it ridiculous how anyone talked to the dead, even if he understood the necessity to respect the ones who passed. This one time, he understood why people did this. Jamil just couldn’t bring himself to accept the circumstances that led to that revelation.
“They mean goodbye in flower language, but I prefer the other meaning. Maybe, in another life, I would’ve bought you flowers for a date. I was thinking of asking you on a date before. Did you know that?”
Another bitter chuckle. Another shaky breath.
“I was supposed to ask you that day. I finally found the courage to try, and what did I see? You…” The words were stuck in Jamil’s throat. He couldn’t force the words out this time. The clamor outside and the harsh slam of his parlor door echoed in his memories. He didn’t want his last memory of you to be your dying breath. He’d rather not remember that at all.
Jamil shook his head and continued, “I apologize for that. What you need to know is that I like you. I may even go so far as to say I love you, and I’m sorry I never told you earlier. I hope you can forgive me for that.”
The tattoo artist sat down in front of your headstone. He didn’t care if dirt and grass stained his jeans this time. He reached out to trace the name etched into the stone, with the same hand where the inked gardenia peeked out of his sleeve.
“I like your flowers. I like all of them. I still keep them with me. I wish I told you that sooner,” Jamil mumbled, voice cracking at the end. A tear rolled down his left cheek and dripped into the soil. His shoulders shook in a silent sob as he breathed his last words to you.
“Thank you for a lovely time. I’ll never forget you.”
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
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- 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓 𝐎𝐅𝐅 (satoru gojo x reader) wc: 2.4k
my submission for my lovely bub @134340am‘s sundress szn collab! i absolutely adored writing this and i can’t wait to read everyone else’s works...be sure to check out the other pieces as the masterlist updates ;0
tags: NSFW 18+, AFAB! reader, penetrative sex, creampie, cum eating, semi-public sex, slight exhibitionism, minors and ageless blogs will be blocked. 
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“You can’t be serious right now.”
The banquet hall is bright and elegant, tastefully garnished in light and dainty flowers. You recognize the reoccurring petals of baby’s breath centering each table, pairing with a few blush colored carnations to liven up the assortments. 
The sundress you wear is coral and silk, the material light and faint on your skin as it sways with the slight breeze in the summer air. Falling mid-calf, it’s delicate fabric caresses your body in all of the right places. With dainty straps holding your chest up and a fit that’s flattering but tasteful, it’s a perfectly acceptable choice for Nanami’s luncheon party—or it would be, if your boyfriend could keep his hands to himself for a few hours.
The wall you lean up against is cool on your exposed arms, purse in hand as you glare at your impatient lover before you. 
“Satoru,” you attempt to scold him, but the way your voice slightly wavers reveals your true flush at his implication, “you’re serious?”
His eyes don’t falter from your lips as he practically growls, “Deadly.” 
“No,” you put your foot down with a hushed demand, “we are in public, with our friends,” you drawl out the syllables of the words, as if enunciating them slowly and sternly will get your point across to him.
It doesn't. 
He groans with a roll of his eyes, “It’s Nanami,” he spits his friend’s name as if it’s cursed, “he already can’t stand me. Might as well give him more of a reason.”
You scoff at his childish remark, mentally reminding yourself of your whereabouts. Nanami was nice enough to invite you to his celebratory event, just barely agreeing to your begs and hounds of bringing Gojo along under the one condition that he agreed to behave. 
You should’ve known he was a liar. There’s always more when it comes to Satoru. 
You brush his lingering hands away from your shoulders, but he’s persistent as ever—wiggling his way around you so you’re pressed between his giant frame and the wall, he presses a tiny kiss to your neck. It’s innocent enough, or it would be, if you didn’t know him. But you do, and the way he allows his mouth to linger over the damp skin, blowing a cool huff of breath onto the sensitive area to watch you shutter beneath him, is filled with nothing less than filthy intent. 
“Satoru,” you try to persuade him again, though you can feel your will slipping from your clenched grip as he places another delicate peck to your sweet spot. 
“You said you’d be on your best behavior,” you meekly remind him. 
“I did,” he agrees, much to your surprise, “I didn’t say for who, though.” 
There it is. 
It takes a split second for your sigh of annoyance to turn into one of need as his knee forces itself between your legs, opening them just enough to gain access to your barely clothed cunt. The slit of your sundress perfectly allowing his hand to just barely slide between your thighs, his knuckle grazing the pearl of your clit, making you gasp lightly at the sudden flicker of pleasure. 
“And right now, I wanna be good for you,” his voice is saccharine and teasing as it vibrates the shell of your ear. 
Answering far too quickly, you whimper at his words. “We’d have to be quick,” squeaks from your throat, already giving in to his subtle touches. 
Gojo laughs in the crook where your neck meets your shoulder. 
“Is that a challenge?” he beams, stepping away from you to lace your hand with his and drag you from the cornered wall. 
It takes him about a minute and thirty second stroll through the crowded banquet room to find a hallway with a single-stalled private bathroom. You curse beneath your breath as he smugly pulls you through the door, praying to whoever’s watching over you that no nursing-mother or hobbling-elder is in need of the decently secluded restroom for the next 20 minutes. 
The very second the door is closed, Satoru hoists you onto the perch of the sink, his lips immediately attacking yours before urgently moving down to your neck. They litter open-mouthed kisses down your throat, taking their sweet time as they reach your now exposed cleavage. Satoru’s tongue dances around the lace hemline of your dress, licking and sucking on the plush skin spilling from its corset. 
“Can’t—nghhhh—believe we’re doing this,” you gasp with a stifled moan.
“Can you blame me, baby?” he teases, voice heavy with lust as his hands reach beneath your dress and roughly grip your thigh, “You wore this dress. It’s like, perfect access for stuff like this.” 
Though your eyes roll with irritation, your back instinctually arches as he squeezes up your legs and closer to where you want him most. 
“Didn’t wear it for that reason, idiot,” you bark. 
You feel Satoru smirk against your skin. He steps back for just a moment, expertly ridding himself of his blindfold with a single hand. 
“Really?” he taunts, before his head disappears beneath the light fabric, “You didn’t wear this so I could fuck you in it?” 
You feel his hot breath hit your covered cunt as he takes his pointer finger and runs it over the wet patch you’ve formed on your panties. 
“Huh,” he humors himself, his reply muffled from between your thighs, “you’re so pretty when you lie.”
“I’m not—” your words fall short with a moan as Satoru licks a fat, wide strip along your clothed pussy, the heat radiating from his tongue sending chills up your spine. 
“Fuck, Satoru,” you throw your head back against the mirror, bucking your hips further into his face. His nose scrunches against your unattended clit and it sets your body up in flames. 
He chuckles once more, “You were saying?”
As much as you want him to devour you whole on the plaster of this restroom’s sink, you logically know you're still racing against the clock—it’s only a matter of time before someone notices your missing presence or knocks on the locked door, and you’re hoping to cum before then and not spend the rest of the evening frustrated with chasing a high you can’t quite reach.
With all of the strength your lust-clouded mind can muster, your fingers laced through his hair pull his face away from your heat. 
“We don’t have time for all that,” you whine as his eyes poke out from underneath your dress. “please,” you practically beg him to give you what you want—what he wants, too. 
If it were any other scenario, Satoru wouldn't have given in so easily, but the hungry look in your eyes paired with the growing mumbling of party-goers outside makes him cave. 
“Only cause we’re pressed for time,” he mumbles as he rises from between your legs, pulling his dress pants down and messily freeing his red and angered cock, “don’t think you're not in for it later, though.” 
Your stomach flutters at the sight paired with his threat. “Can’t wait,” you dryly retort, further spreading your legs for him. 
Satoru wastes no time as he collects your slick with his tip before hurriedly sliding himself into your cunt. He’s slow and calculated at first, wanting you to feel every pulse, vein, and bend of his cock—wanting your gummy walls to mold to his shape, permanently. 
He speeds up after a few experimental pumps, finding a pace that leaves you panting in his hold and writhing around him. He feels you clench around his cock when he finds that certain angle inside of you, your sweet spot, causing you to rasp out a drunken moan. 
“Yeah, baby?” he mocks you, purposefully hitting the spot a bit harsher with his next few thrusts, “Right there, huh? There?”
You shake in his hold, the pressure of the pleasure and stretch burning just right. 
You babble nonsensically into his neck, “Yes, yesyesyesyes—”
“Look at you,” Satoru hisses, picking your head up from his collar and forcing it to the side. Pressed up against the mirror, you see your reflection in your peripheral vision, the mirror shaking as Satoru fucks you senselessly. “taking me so well with all those people right outside,” he taunts with a groan. 
You clench once more at his words, and Satoru releases a laugh laced with complete adoration and faux disgust.
“So dirty,” he mewls, “bet you wanna get caught, huh?”
His words make you involuntarily moan loader, waves of pleasure ripping through your body as he continues to drill his cock into you, mushroom tip ever-so-slightly rubbing against your cervix.
His grip on your waist tightens, “You want everyone to hear how good I’m makin’ you feel?” He brushes the spongey spot of your cunt that has you seeing stars. 
You move to stick your fingers in his mouth, an attempt to quiet his lewd comments at such a dire time like this, but he’s quicker—as his hand meets you halfway and pins your wrist against the mirror. 
With a pornographic moan barely stifled, you reprimand him, “Shut up.”
He removes a hand from your waist and uses it to cup your jaw, turning your face from the mirror and forcing you to look at him. 
“Nuh-uh, angel,” he coos and shakes his head, slowing down the desperate snap of his hips to a more deliberate and agonizing pace, “I believe I asked you something.”
You eyes falter down to where he sinks into you and Satoru proudly follows your gaze. His length slowly stretches in and out of your tiny hole, coated in your cream and leaving strings of slick clinging to your skin with every drag. He goes as far as to completely pull out of you, revealing his sticky pink tip flush with pre-cum—he teasingly runs it through your folds as he awaits your response. 
Desperate at the loss of warmth filling you, you swallow your pride and growl, “Yes.”
“Yes, what?” Satoru pushes. 
You blink up at him, eyes watery and needy as you whisper, “I want them to hear us.”
Gojo’s smile could run the sun for its money as he snaps his hips harshly, forcing his cock back into your welcoming cunt. 
“Damn right, you do. That’s why you wore this dress, right? So I’d fuck you against the wall, right?” he eggs you on, tone mocking and condescending as he speeds up his movements. 
“No! Satoru—fuck,” your body writhes beneath his pressure as you feel a familiar coil brewing below your lower abdomen. 
Satoru shows you no mercy, as if he’s suddenly lit a fire beneath himself, slamming into you and bottoming out on each thrust. The sounds echoing in the bathroom are lewd and nasty—skin on skin and wet squelches as his hot breath coats your neck. 
Feeling yourself approaching your finish, you sink your nails into his blazer-clad shoulders. “I’m close,” you shamelessly babble, “I’m—I’m gonna cum—gonna cum, I’m—”
Satoru interrupts your cries with a groan so deep it vibrates your chest, “Fuck, me too baby. I know, I know.”
Seeing white as your body jerks and contracts on the sink, you cum hard around his cock, chasing your orgasm as it ricochets throughout your whole body. 
Satoru follows quickly after you, the clenching of your warm pussy sending him over the edge. He paints your insides white with hot spurts of cum, overstimulating both you and himself and he continues to drill it into your hole throughout his high.
“Come on,” he shakes with each thrust, “fuckin’ take it.”
When the two of you finally come down, bodies shaky and sweaty with adrenaline and pleasure, he places a gentle kiss to your puffy lips. Pulling away slowly, he smirks at your fucked out face. 
“You hav’to help clean me,” you mumble, closing your eyes as you rest against his still-heaving chest. 
Satoru lightly scoffs, “So bossy, even after all that, huh? Figured I would’ve fucked the attitude out of you.”
You smack his chest with the back of your hand, resulting in a chuckle as he rests your limp frame against the mirror. 
Slumped on the weight of the wall, you wince as you feel Satoru pull out—already missing him filling you to the brim, you feel his seed gush out of you as you whimper at the loss. 
Satoru is quick to mumble an apology and collect what he can with his fingers, eventually bringing them to your mouth and allowing you to suck off what coats them. He does the rest with his own tongue, collecting any leftover cum that paints your sensitive pussy lips. 
As you focus on evening out your breathing, Satoru pulls his pants back up and secures his belt once more. He runs his fingers through his hair, fixing it’s wild pieces before quickly retying his blindfold. 
Returning his attention to you once more, he gently dabs the plush of your thighs with a tissue, collecting the rest of the white stripes of cum leaking down your legs. He brushes the stray hairs slick to your forehead out from your face, readjusting your appearance to a more reasonable party look. He offers you a hand as you unevenly hop down from the sink—he uses his fingers to straighten out the hem of your straps, his palms to brush out the crevices of your skirt. 
“Can I tell you something?” you weakly press yourself into his chest, still slightly dazed from the pleasure your body just underwent.
“Mhm,” he approves, gently pecking your soft lips once, twice, three times, before moving a hand to the doorknob. 
“I did wear this dress so you would fuck me in it.”
Gojo opens the bathroom door for you, mouth hung ajar as he gawks back at you in surprise. 
He beams as he points an accusatory finger, “Fuckin’ knew it! You’re just as filthy as I am—”
“Because you’ve contaminated her.”
The pair of you quickly turn around and are met with Nanami’s disappointed scowl. He eyes the two of you up and down, before clicking his teeth and shaking his head. Before either of you can open your mouths—you to explain yourself and Gojo to make a ruthless comment—he holds his palm up flat to signal your silence. 
“And if the two of you are done acting like horny teenagers,” he whispers the words harshly before straightening his back and composing himself, “drinks are being served in the foyer.”
Satoru attempts to high-five his still raised hand, but Nanami quickly retreats it with disgust as he makes his way towards his other guests—the ones who didn't just fuck in the bathroom of his event. 
Face red with humiliation and disbelief, you turn to your boyfriend with an exasperated gasp, “We are never getting invited to another one of his events ever again.”
Peering down at you, Satoru looks as smug as ever—dashingly charming as he merely shrugs and presses a thumb to your bottom lip. 
“Can’t say I’m upset about that.”
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thatdammchickennugget · 3 months
Camp Half-Blood Cabins
(these were made using microsoft bing image creator)
[Part One]
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Cabin One - ZEUS
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Zeus's Cabin is described as looking like white marble, with heavy, white columns in the front. It has polished bronze doors that shimmer like a hologram, and have lightning bolts streaked down them. The dome-shaped ceiling is decorated with moving mosaics of a cloudy sky and thunderbolts.
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Cabin Two - HERA
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Hera's cabin is made out of marble and is shaped like a box. The cabin is more graceful than Zeus's Cabin, with slimmer white columns, garlanded with pomegranates and flowers. The walls are carved with images of peacocks.
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Cabin Three - POSEIDON
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Poseidon's cabin is low, long and solid, with the windows facing the sea. The outer walls are rough stone and wood with pieces of seashell and coral and look like the bottom of the ocean floor.
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Cabin 4 - DEMETER
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The roof of the cabin constructed of growing grass and has tomato vines growing on the walls. It has wild flowers and roses growing on the porch. 
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Cabin Five - ARES
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Ares' cabin is a gray building with a boar's head over the door, barbed wire lining the roof and support beams on either side.
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Cabin Six - ATHENA
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The Athena Cabin is a gray building with an owl carved over the doorway and plain white curtains.
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Cabin Seven - APOLLO
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At first glance, it looks like an ordinary cabin, but when hit by sunlight it looks as if it's made of solid gold, and gleams so much that it is difficult to look at. It is built with cedar wood. The only decorations are some flower pots on the windowsill, filled with cheerful yellow blooms from the island of Delos. They only grow in and around the cabin.
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Cabin Eight - ARTEMIS
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Artemis's cabin is a silver building that glows at night, as if reflecting the moon's rays. During the day, it looks like a regular cabin. It is decorated with the paintings and carvings of wild animals, mostly the stag.
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The cabin is made of brick and has a smokestack sticking out of it. The entrance is like a vault door, circular, and of thick metal. It opens with a lot of gears turning and smoke hissing.
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Aphrodite's cabin has a painted roof, with pillars and a blue-and-white checkerboard deck with steps and gray walls. It has a pink door, lace curtains and potted carnations by the window.
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ornii · 11 months
Trends, Part 2
A Woman appears on a TikTok, asking a question.
“Okay, for all my POC Viewers, what’s the whitest thing you do?”
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(Y/n) duets, and slowly turns their camera to Enid; who holds up two pink dresses.
“(Y/n), what’s the better dress? Salmon Pink or Carnation Pink? Oh! Maybe Coral!” She says, Enid goes on and on about pink and (Y/n) slowly turns their camera to themselves and just smirks.
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ashensgrotto · 9 months
A Merfolk's Melody (Part 3)
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Characters: Yan!Floyd x Reader, Yan!Jade x Reader, Yan!Azul x Reader
Word Count: 13.5k
Intro   Floyd Leech Jade Leech (You Are Here)  Azul Ashengrotto Epilogue
Synopsis: The sea always calls to those who feel lost and alone, wanting to fill the empty part of their soul until they are loved and full… and as such, it’s only fair that the strange creatures that live beneath its depths would want the same as well…
Author’s Note: Another 4-part fanfiction courtesy of @merakiui ‘s headcanon of the reader being stuck in a room/wall (I’m sorry, but I just enjoy your headcanons and they always give me these ideas) -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/722393818829373440/in-addition-to-being-stuck-in-a-locked-room?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/722677892623056896/about-the-stuck-in-a-wall-trope-in-the-oceani?source=share
Here’s how it’s going to work: each character is going to get their own part following the intro. It is going to focus on the Octrio again (bc it’s my current liking, sorry guys). If you want to read a certain character’s part, feel free to jump around and select the one you’re most interested in. 
Again, as stated before, this is a work of fiction; I disagree with any and all behaviors that are represented in this story.
During your earlier days in college, you and another of your close friends had once discussed the difference between coral and mushrooms - as there were some fungi corals that lived in the coral reefs, even though they were not classified in the fungi family. You both agreed that fungi and coral played huge parts in their own ecosystems, providing both nutrition and hiding areas for the wildlife that inhabited the area around them. Both were made up of microscopic organisms - as most plants and other wildlife are - but while one shot spores, the other grew polyps on top of each other over time. 
Your friend had asked if you knew if there was a coral reef back in your childhood home - to which you responded that you weren’t sure. You had been told by someone once long ago that beyond the crashing waves of the sea outside of your family’s cabin that there were coral structures the size of Burj Khalifa - the world’s tallest building - and a few that were wider than the Aerium - the world’s widest building. Imagining the depth and how big the ocean was already a monstrous task as it is, but the knowledge that some coral was as large and as wide as two of the world’s biggest buildings was mind-blowing.
Now, a few years later as you dipped beneath the surface as the waves pulled you further into its depths, an amazing sight greeted you.
Colorful coral of all shapes, sizes, and types spread before you - elkhorn coral, fungia and pocillopora corals spread along the ocean floor as pillar and staghorn coral reached for the sky. Sun coral and sea anemones waved with the current of the tide while bubble corals and zoanthids peered out from dark crevices. The colors of neon in pink, green, teal, orange, and yellow shifted together with the darkness of the water here and there, making everything seem like a blacklight room from one of the city’s downtown clubs.
But the coral and plants weren't the only thing colorful within the dark waters.
Bright colorful fish of all shapes and sizes surrounded you from all angles - clownfish peered out from behind the sea anemone as the occasional blue or yellow tang fish passed between the coral walls alongside lionfish and butterfly fish while nudibranch slugs crept along the edges with starfish as seahorses perched among the organ pipe corals and the carnation corals. You saw banded pipefish hidden in the crevices between rock and coral while moon jelly swam out to deeper waters, their nearly opaque bodies hiding their forms in the shifting waters that crashed against the waves. Manta rays swam close to the bottom of the hidden paradise, one occasionally coming up to you and brushing along the side as your light-weight tank top fluttered in the water around you, the feeling of soft smooth skin coated in a slick film surprisingly pleasant.
The colors of the deep dazzled you - pulling you into deeper waters as you held your breath for as long as you could before your lungs would force you to the surface, gasping out deep breaths as you floated above the surface world for a few moments before diving back down to stay for as long as you could in the peaceful paradise that existed beneath the waves, amazed by everything that surrounds you. You swam along the coral beds, fingers grazing over the pieces of coral polyps as you passed - as beautiful as the structures were, you could never break a piece off. The same person from your past had warned of doing such things as a child - breaking off pieces of coral can take years to grow back, and if they are broken off consistently, the coral eventually dies. Seeing the bright beautiful healthy green coloring of the coral beneath you reminded you of that memory - a smile tugging on your lips as you dived deeper. 
Lost in thought, you didn’t even realize you had swam as deep as you did until you felt your lungs struggling to hold your breath until your sides ached. You had traveled between some coral beds and were now surrounded completely by it, the coral twisting around you like thorns on a rose bush and every time you would attempt to get through, the coral would dig into your skin - cuts forming along your arms, face, and legs. 
You looked around desperately - but there appeared to be no way out.
“Poor child…” you heard a voice then, something soft and sickly sweet that tickled your eardrum, “Poor sweet child…”
Your head turned in the direction of said voice, seeing nothing in the darkness. Fear ran along your spine as you did your best to keep calm, the anxiety eating away at you as you struggled to think of a way out as well as struggled to keep yourself from falling into exhaustion from losing oxygen.
A shadow shifted then as a pair of heterochromia eyes - one brown, one gold - peered out at you from the darkness beneath you. You watched as a figure appeared before you, their form coming into the light that shone in between the coral that surrounded you.
The figure was that of a very large creature that was half man and half fish - the pale sunlight reflecting off of his pale teal skin that was the color of sea water; his tail was long, making him approximately six or seven feet in length, and swayed with the water as he propelled himself toward you, slowly and filled with caution while his hands - which you thought may have been webbed - clenched at his sides, the claws digging into the flesh of his palms. His facial features appeared strong and sharp, eyes clear and calculating, as his lips spread in what appeared to be a friendly smile that was anything but; his dark hair - nearly the same color of his body - framed the strong features, though one long strand - nearly the color of deep seaweed green - fell over his left eye as the golden hue began to glow the closer he came to you. 
It was then that you realized you were looking at a mer - a moray mer, to be exact.
Moray eels were known to attack when provoked, but the mers were known to hunt anything that trespassed into their territory - watching from the darkness before striking unexpectedly. You had heard stories about them when you were a child - the locals believing that they typically traveled in pairs, meaning that there was likely a secondary one close by and you had to tread carefully now that one of them had found you.
The mer only smiled, teeth sharper than a shark’s gleaming in the darkness as his body began to glow; the large teal stripes that lined his hips, arms, and face began to glow in the darkness, his left gold eye nearly turning yellow as he gazed upon you.
“You seem to have a very serious problem,” the mer spoke, his voice sounding like sweet honey dripping down from a hive on a hot summer day, “... There might be something I can do to help you.”
You were beginning to slowly lose consciousness, the edges of your vision fading into darkness as you struggled to stay awake - to stay aware. The mer seemed to sense this as he drifted even closer, slipping through the water like a water snake as he stopped in front of you, looking down as his smirk grew wider. The moray mer’s features were now mere inches from your face, his webbed hands closing in to cup your face in between his palms before he pulled your face up to look at him, your body slowly becoming numb as your eyes drifted closed - the oxygen nearly out.
Something soft and surprisingly warm pressed against your lips before a sudden rush of air filled your lungs. 
Your chest heaved as your eyes snapped open to see the mer pressing his lips to yours, pulling the water out and breathing for the both of you as the gills behind his finned ears fluttered with the current. You pressed your hands against his chest, trying and failing to push him away before one hand moved to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him as his other hand tangled into your hair, keeping your head still as he pressed his lips harder against yours - no longer breathing for you, but kissing you. You felt his long tail curl around your legs, keeping you trapped within his hold.
When he pulled away, his pupils had dilated; hunger reflecting within them.
“I saved your life, little pearl,” he whispered, “and now… I will take something from you as payment.”
You struggled, wanting nothing more to do with the mer that now wrapped completely around you.
However, the moray pulled you down into the depths of the coral enclosure, pressing the front of your against a large stone with one hand on your shoulders and the other holding your hands together above your head. You held your newfound breath between your lips before cool lips pressed against the nape of your neck, drawing the skin into the mer’s mouth as he lapped and sucked on it like a newborn babe. You shuddered with every lap of his tongue and whimpered with every nip that you barely registered his hands releasing you before something dug on either side of your neck, deep enough to draw blood.
You cried out, bubbles escaping from your lips before the mer pressed his lips against yours again, breathing for you as he turned you to face him - webbed hands and claws creating small cuts in the fabric of your cotton capris before the fabric was removed along with your bottoms. You threw your head back as one thumb rubbed circles against your entrance - a musty-sweet odor slipping into the salty waters around you before something fleshy and hot pressed against it. You mewled as the mer flicked over your entrance, slipping one, then two fingers within - thrusting them in and out at a leisurely pace as the glowing on his body increased, his eyes never leaving yours. You whimpered softly, one hand reaching out and clasping onto his dark hair, his eyes closing and humming against you as a fire began to build in your thighs and lower belly - threatening to consume you as your body twitched with want.
As he worked you over and over, you shuddered and groaned, arching your back away from the stone as your muscles clenched. He pulled away after a few moments, the loss of contact making your body grasp at nothing. You whimpered in need before something long, thick, and rigid rub between your legs.
“Ah… mine,” the moray mer sighed as he bared his teeth at you in a mocking grin, grabbing a hold of your ankles and pushing them into your chest as he leaned against you, moving his hips and rubbing himself against you, “Mine… my precious little pearl… Do you know what you’ve done to me?”
You can only quiver in response as he leans close, his nose nearly touching yours as his length continues to tease you, making your insides squirm with anticipation.
“How long I’ve waited for you, little pearl,” he brushes his nose against yours, his voice soft and sugary-sweet, “I’ve waited over six years… six years for you to come back to me. And now that you’re here… I can never let you go.”
Then, you feel him thrust hard and fast inside you, pushing your stomach into your throat as a silent cry leaves your mouth. The mer is merciless against you, pressing you hard into the stone beneath you and keeping a firm grip on your ankles as he pounds into you, each thrust making the precious air that still exists within you leave in the form of tiny bubbles from your mouth and nose. 
He presses his lips to yours again as his eyes close, breathing for the both of you again before pulling away to lavish at your neck, his tongue flicking over the scratches he made as you feel something rise up and down from your skin. Both of your chests heave together, the pounding of your hearts argue in your rib cages as he presses his lips against yours, no longer breathing as his thrusts become more urgent. He releases his grip on your ankles and hauls you up by your waist, moving your position around so you may settle onto his lap, your thighs resting on either side of his hips as he presses deeper into your core.
The change caused you to gasp again, feeling him practically nudge into your stomach. The mer slows, allowing to adjust to this new position as he kisses your features - your forehead, your nose, eyelids, brows, cheeks, and lips - as if he is completely worshiping you.
“Sweet, precious little pearl…” he whispers, snapping his hips in urgency against you after a few moments, “Let me lay you… keep them safe for me, for us…”
You whimper softly, a name long forgotten now bubbling forward, “J-Jade…”
Jade lets out a low growl in response, thrusting hard and fast against you, “That’s r-right, little pearl… my precious (Y/N)...”
You let out a cry as your entrance grips onto Jade’s member, the muscles in your lower body spamming wildly as something thick and heavy slips between your legs.
Jade presses his forehead in the juncture between your neck and shoulder, his breath caressing your skin, billowing the tank top you’re still wearing, gasping, “...not enough, little pearl. Not enough, yet…”
Jade has carried you to his corner of the shadows, curled beside you as you laid on his bed of seaweed surrounded by coral. His hand cups your cheek and follows the curve of your cheekbones before pressing another kiss to your lips and resting his forehead against yours. 
It had been years since he had last seen you - the two of you plus his twin had been thick as thieves, frolicing along the shore lines and had taught you to swim. He had gathered many pieces of coral during that time and presented them to you when you all met up each and every day - the giggles that slipped past your lips making him smile with pride and puffed out his chest like a seagull. Eventually though, those days of spending time with one another along the shores became fewer and fewer. 
Floyd had moved on, now more interested in antagonizing Azul verses waiting on the rocky shoreline for you to come out to play - but Jade was more patient than his twin, his tail swaying with anticipation along with the tide as he watched from his spot on the rocks, his heterochromia eyes never straying from the shoreline. Eventually, his patience thinned to the thickness of a thread, going to Azul to test out his latest potion that would allow him to take on the form of a human for an hour. He headed into the village, searching high and low for your family. One of the village members had been kind enough to explain that your family had moved to the nearest city where you had been accepted into college.
Jade felt his heart break. There was no way he could follow you - and even if he did, how would he find you?
Azul noticed his sour mood upon his return, the typical Jade he knew would never lounge on the rocks among the coral like his brother did unless something happened. Jade had stayed silent about what he had heard on the surface above - merely going through his life day by day as the heartache festered and grew within, making him irritable - once snapping at Floyd which made the younger of the two surprised. It didn’t take long after that incident that Jade decided to move away to another part of the coral city, hiding within the darkness of the crevices as thoughts of you consumed him day and night.
He was about ready to give up on himself when you came swimming back into his life - quite literally. 
Jade tucked his head under your chin, arms wrapping around your waist as he hummed. Tomorrow, he would go to Azul to find a potion to make you more like him… even threaten the octomer with becoming fish bait if he refused.
But, for now… Jade was content to have you in his arms, back in his life. His precious little pearl…
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robobarbie · 1 year
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yomogi-mogi-mochi · 1 year
Myth Inspired Twst Series
Access my masterlist here. Already written:
Lilia x Dullahan MC (Oneshot)
Malleus x Light Fae Changeling MC (7 Parts- Completed)
Rook x Pygmalion MC (6 Parts- Completed)
GN terms for all!
Vil x Orpheus MC (Completed)
You're one of the ancestors of Orpheus- great poet, lyricist, and musician. However, your family is cursed to sing songs of heartbreak, woe, and sorrow until your last days due to Orpheus disrespecting Dionysus shortly before his death (his head was cut off, thrown into a river Hebrus to sing mournful songs). The gods also cursed you for all of your relationships to end in heartbreak until you find your soulmate- someone you would venture to the ends of the earth for (based off of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth). Many of your family members were driven to madness- singing songs of sorrow without having a soulmate to share them with; and many of the lovers of your family members met their untimely demise from the wrath of Dionysus. This curse is as well known as the prolific poets and bards of your family, so though people enjoy your songs- they stray away from getting romantically involved.
Despite this curse, you sing your songs with a merry tune- gaining reputation at NRC as the party person/just someone who knows how to have a damn good time. You're a hopeless romantic- falling quickly- but it all ends the same when you confess- "You know how it ends- you get it right?" . You laugh with a knowing smile- because what else could you do in the face of such absurdity?
You're childhood friends with Vil, and he's watched your heart get broken many times. Despite his feelings for you, he doesn't think you'd want to be with someone like him. The ones who did find their soulmate in your family were together with other bards, kings, heros, honorable soliders- so he thinks it's a very low probability that he's actually your soulmate- especially as he us typecasted more and more into the villan role (and is somewhat comfortable in that role with his sharp tongue, even towards you)
Slow burn ensues- friends to lovers dynamic :)
Azul x Mute Siren MC (Completed)
You used to be a relatively well-known singer in the Coral Sea, even being invited to the Ashengrotto family's restaurant on occasion. However because your mother is also a famous singer, you have a lot of her harsh standards to uphold. One day you disappear from the public eye because you are affected with the hanahaki disease- the cause of which is unknown to everyone. Azul, as a child, is worried- but you soon become a distant memory
My take on hanahaki disease is a little different- I think it could affect many types of love including familial, parental, etc. Heartbreak and unrequited love doesn't only exist in romantic contexts. When you find that you're mother doesn't truly love you- but loves you for the extension of herself that you are- you begin coughing up carnations- a flower which symbolizes a mother's love.
Finding that the flowers permanently damaged your throat after surgery- your mother sends you off to one of her sisters since you're no longer of use to her. You grow up in the Southern parts of the Coral Sea at your aunt's flower shop, before your enrollment into NRC where Azul is surprised to find you (and the slow burn begins >:) )
You speak through the language of flowers- hanakotoba- your aunt teaches you. Though no one really reads into the symbolism of flowers, Azul is familiar with it since it was one of your interests as a child.
Jamil x Shikigami MC (Completed)
As a Shikigami, you are bound to your master (an Onmyoji), to serve him until death. Shikigami are usually seen as gods, spirits, or a representation of an Onmyoji's power- so there is no escape from this life unless your Onmyoji is killed, or willingly sets you free (if you've ever seen Spirited away- they're those little paper things thay follow Haku). Because Shikigami are expendable, they're usually set up for less favorable tasks like spying, stealing, assassination, stalking, etc.
Because Shikigami are usually not able to be seen through the human eye- you show quiet signs that you don't actually have a corporeal form- like no shadow, no reflection, no footsteps, no shine in your eye, doll-like limbs. But the body that you're in actually used to be yours- which was cursed into a Shikiouji (a more elite and powerful version of Shikigami) form because you angered a powerful Onmyoji in your past life.
You are ordered by your master to enroll into NRC and kill the Kamil. However- you are stopped by Jamil, who takes you to the headmage who orders temporary in school suspension. Jamil sees your master put hands on you due to your failure- and his instinct kicks in- ordering the Onmyoji to free you. Little does he know this makes him your master now, and you trail him where ever you can.
Though he wants you to leave him alone at first, your admiration of his true skill and talent slowly begins to reveal the humanity in you, as well as bringing him out of his own shell. Enemies to friends to lovers
Lmk what you think (゜゜;)
Feel free to add!
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Requested by: @ cherrypunks
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NAMES: Pinkie / Pinkay, Cherry, Blossom, Carnation, Blush, Coralie, Azalea, Bellerose, Agate, Crystal, Hyaline, Quartz, Ayla (Turkish), Helena, Thea
PRONOUNS: pink / pinks, 🎀 / 🎀, light / lights, sie / her, blush / blushes, coral / corals, rose / roses, sparkle / sparkles, crystal / crystals, gem / gems, 🌹/🌹s, 💘 / 💘s, 🌸 / 🌸s, 💟 / 💟s
GENDERS: pastelpinkgender, femfrill, lacefem, feminic, girlything
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mote-historie · 6 months
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Giorgio di Tomaso Schiavone (Dalmatian, ca. 1433-1504), Madonna and Child with Angels, between 1459 and 1460.
In this altarpiece, the Virgin Mary wears gold brocade with pearls, and the Christ Child, with his necklace of red coral, stands on a tasseled cushion. Through these precious materials, the painter has communicated the divinity of the figures. On the parapet at the bottom of the painting is a carnation. Its Greek name, dianthus, means "flower of God."
Schiavone uses the vibrant color of coral throughout this painting and portrays the baby Jesus as wearing a coral necklace and pendant. Having these figures draped in luscious fabrics and fine gemstones set them apart and was a way to depict to the viewer how divine the figures were.
Children were gifted branches and strands of coral beads to wear as a form of mystical protection against evil. Once the child grew up and their strand of beads became too short, they might double the strand and wear it as a bracelet.
Schiavone was born in Dalmatia (present-day Croatia) and immigrated to northern Italy, where he studied with Francesco Squarcione of Padua. On the cartellino (little paper) in the foreground, he proudly identifies himself as the disciple of this master. Like his contemporaries, Schiavone was concerned with reviving the arts of antiquity, as seen by the garlands at the top that imitate Roman sarcophagus reliefs.
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A bouquet of coral bells, caladium and carnations
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Meaning and why they were chosen: In the victorian floral code these mean sea voyages (he sailed around the world), great joy and delight (hes delighted by practically everything), and pure and deep love (technically the original meaning is romantic love but he would do pretty much anything for his friends, and he cares about people so much), respectively.
He's a wonderful sweet guy who cares a lot about his friends and about his best friend/(fanon) boyfriend. He's such a coward about some things, like rats, but really brave when it matters. Also he has adhd
(Here's the sites where the pictures are from: coral bells, caladium and carnations!)
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 7 months
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‎‧₊🦋˚✧A Bouquet for you My dear✧˚🦋₊‧
- Pick 3 flowers - Pick a character to give these flowers too - Pick fluff or angst - Add a message
Characters I write for:
- Can be found here
Event Status: CLOSED
A/n: Some might have the same meaning, So if they do, then you can choose a better deeper meaning for them.
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Welcome to my flower shop! Today is our Grand Opening! To commemorate this big day, you can have 3 free flowers to send to someone! Here is our selection along with their meanings!
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1.) Anemone- Protection
2.) Anthurium- Hospitality
3.) Azalea- Fragile Passion
4.) Baby's Breath- Innocence
5.) Hibiscus- Rare beauty
6.) Hollyhock- Rebirth
7.) Zinnia- Remembrance
8.) Plumaria- New beginnings
9.) Primrose- Young love
10.) Pansy- You occupy my thoughts
11.) Nemophila- Healing
12.) Moonflower- Dreaming of love
13.) Lotus- Purity
14.) Marigold- Despair
15.) Larkspur- Strong love bond
16.) Peony- Bashfulness
17.) Cloven lip Toad flax- Notice my love
18.) Coreopsis- Always cheerful
19.) Crocus- Youthfulness
20.) Daffodil- Respect
21.) Buttercup- Charm
22.) Speedwell- Commitment
23.) Primrose- Optimism
24.) Ox-eye Daisy- Patience
25.) Mallow- Consumed by love
26.) Lily of the Valley- Good luck
27.) Delphinium- Levity
28.) Lilac- Wisdom
29.) Honeysuckle- True happiness
30.) Carnation (general)- Fascination
31.) Red- Deep romantic love 32.) White- Luck 33.) Pink- Gratitude 34.) Yellow- Rejection 35.) Purple- Impulsive 36.) Striped- Refusal
37.) Rose (general)- Admiration
38.) Red- True love 39.) Blue- Mystery 40.) Bud- Hope 41.) White- Loyalty 42.) Dried White Rose- Sorrow 43.) Black- Death 44.) Yellow- Friendship 45.) Pink- Comfort 46.) Dark Pink- Apperciation 47.) Light Pink- Grace 48.) Burgundy- Devotion 49.) Coral or Orange- Desire 50.) Lavender or Violet- Love at first sight
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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1218-814 · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland Characters' Birthday Stones, Stars, And Flower Meanings
It's back by the demand
Riddle Rosehearts: 8/24
Stone: Lava- "Lovers" Flowers: Diatom- "Elegance/Fashion", Cypress vine- "Delicate love", Montbretia- "Lovely memories" Star: Lambda Hydrae- "Logics based on tradition"
Trey Clover: 10/25 Stone: Red spinel- "curiosity" Flowers: Maple- "refraining and precious memories", Sieboldii- "special someone", Celestial Chrysanthemums- "cooperation" Star: Phi Centauri- "Mostest yet honest"
Cater Diamond: 2/4 Stone: Bi-color amethyst: "Awakening" Flowers: Camellia- "perfect, whole love", Red primrose- "unflawed/natural beauty", Quince- "precocious" Star: Nu Aquarii- "Ideas and self-reliance"
Ace Trappola: 9/23 Stone: Ametrine- "light and dark" Flowers: Spider lilies- "Lonely/passion/giving up", Dahlia- "beauty/betrayal", Purslane- "a hidden love" Star: Pi Virginis - “A conscious mysterious charm”
Deuce Spade: 6/3 Stone: Pink diamond- "A soft beauty and elegance" Flowers: Hydrangea- "High pride/high endurance", Honeysuckle- "Flexible love", Garden phlox- "Agreement" Star: Mu Eridani- “a talented independence”
Leona Kingscholar: 7/27 Stone: Melee diamond- "A start from a supporting character" Flowers: Pelargonium- "Well raised", Thunberg lily- "Falseness", Geranium- "Unchanging trust" Star: Beta Volantis- "Brave and independence oriented"
Ruggie Bucchi: 4/18 Stone: Dolomite- "Courage to the whole body" Flowers: Lily daffodil- "Exotic", Statice-"Unchanging heart", Love-in-a-Mist -"Love in a dream" Star: Tau Ceti- "Coexistence of strength and kindness"
Jack Howel: 10/11 Stone: Rhodolite Garnet- "Active love" Flowers: Coleus- "Unfulfilled love", Lythrum Ancesps- "Good family custom", Peacock Plant- "Love at first sight" Star: Xi 2 Centauri- "Bright with a charming way of talking"
Azul Ashengrotto: 2/24 Stone: White Pearl - "Modesty, sincerity" Flowers: Amaryllis- "Vanity", Crocus- "Believe me", Coptis- "Transformation" Star: Pi Aquarii- "Intuition and sensibility"
Jade/Floyd Leech: 11/5 Stone: Nephrite Cat's Eye - "The charm of the eyes"/ "The charm of maturity" Flowers: Pentas- "Your hope will come true", Dancing Lady Orchid- "Dance with me", Moss Rose/Sun Rose/Mexican Rose (however you may call it)- "Innocence" Star: Alpha Lupi- "Richness without profit and loss"
Kalim Al-Asim:2/25 Stone: Malachite- "Dangerous love Flowers: Bindweed- "Bonds, Friendship's sake", Montbretia- "Cheerful", Drumstick Flower- "Knocking on the door to the heart Star: Kappa Cassiopeiae- "Kindness that dislikes loneliness"
Jamil Viper: 9/12 Stone: Peridot- "The bond of fate" Flowers: Diascia- "Forgive me", Indigo- "It all depends on you", Clematis- "Stratigest/Creativity"/"Bondage Star: Delta Crateris- "Strong companionship"
Vil Schoenheit: 4/9 Stone: Cerasite (Cherry Blossom Stone)- "Mental beauty/Purity" Flowers: Cherry blossom- "Mental beauty", Acacia- "Grace/secret love", Wallflower- "Long-lasting love" Star: Theta Cassiopeiae- "Effort to get through on their own"
Rook Hunt: 12/2 Stone: Black Coral- "A calm wit" Flowers: Cineraria- "Always comfortable", Heliconia- "A weird person", Carnation- "Increasing feelings Star: Tau Scorpii- "Not restrained by common sense"
Epel Felmier: 5/6 Stone: Lemon Quartz: "Bear fruit/harvest" Flowers: Chinese redbud: "Modest/simplicity", Butterfly flower: "Rebellious", Gardenia: "Carrying happiness" Star: Tau Persei- "A sense of responsibility that does not despair"
Idia Shroud: 12/18 Stone: Fire-Opal -"One who is falling in love" Flowers: Pomegranate- "Beauty of maturity", Leopard plant- "Humility, Restraint", Kumaszasa: "Lonely" Star: Beta Ophiuchi (Cebalrai)- "authoritarianism with strong courtesy”
Ortho Shroud: 8/14 Stone: Inca Rose Stone: "Welcoming new love and romance" Flowers: Globe Amaranth- "Immortal", Cheeses flower: "Gentle heart", Oleander: "Danger" Star: Ursae Majoris (Chalawan)- "Lonley and honest"
Malleus Draconia: 1/18 Stone: Roselite- "The bliss of reaching goals" Flowers: Hepatica- "Trust", Primula- "I can't live without you" Star: Gamma Sagittae- "A self-reflective maturing person"
Lilia Vanrouge: 1/1 Stone: Jade- "Long life and prosperity" Flowers: Pine- "Immortality, and longevity", Snowdrops- "Hope", Adonis Ramosa- "Permanent happiness" Star: Vega- "an optimistic person with a peaceful heart"
Silver: 5/15 Stone: Red Jadeite- "Judgement" Flowers: Houttuynia Cordata- "Wild", Campanula- "Moderation/Sincerity", Western Azalea- "Dignity" Star: Xi Tauri-"The charm of being lonely and unreliable"
Sebek Zigvolt: 3/17 Stone: Emerald- "Mental stability" Flowers: Lupine- "You are my peace", Ixia (African corn lilies)- "Unity" Star: Tau Cassiopeiae- "A focus that doesn't fail twice"
I know ppl are going to say, this looks familiar...
Yeah, you are right, idk if anyone's reposted this tbh but ppl liked this when I posted this
It helped me see characters better ngl
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cowboisadness · 1 year
The Seer and the Shadowsinger
Pairings: Elain x Azriel 
Summery: Elain and Azriel make the most of an empty townhouse.
Warnings: Filthy smut, shadow play, hornyyyyy, 18+!!!
Elain treasured moments like these with her sisters. The three of them along with Nyx gathered in Feyres' sitting room, the fire roaring at the hearth, Nesta sat beside her on the couch, two books in her lap that she had previously lent to Feyre. The latter on the floor with her son as he showed them all how he can now walk. Gaining three steps before wobbling, his mother’s hands at his side ready to catch him at any moment. Elain thought it a blessing to be here and to wittiness it. After everything they have been through, for this to be their present. She could cry if she thought too long about it. But she wouldn’t.
“I’m heading back,” Elain spoke a while later, putting on her coat as she glanced outside at the golden hues from the evening setting sun covering everything it could touch.
“Want me to walk you back?” Nesta asked but Elain just shook her head, giving her sister a warm smile, “no need, I might stop by the tea shop before heading back. They might have the blend I currently can’t get enough of.”
Elain embraced her sisters and gave Nyx the biggest squeeze out of them all before saying her goodbyes and leaving out the door.
The air was still warm, and despite needing to visit that tea shop, as well as a few others including an order she was supposed to pick up yesterday, she made her way straight to the townhouse instead.
Shrugging her coat off and hanging it up in the foyer as she entered her home, she called out to anyone else that might have been there. She knew she should be alone and couldn’t help the smile from gracing her face when no one called back to her. With her shoes kicked off, she made her way to the kitchen, her ingredients laid out and waiting for her.
It wasn’t long until she was almost complete, humming a tune her mother would sing to her when she felt the air in the room cool slightly. The slight drop in temperature not something most could feel she realised. A sweeping cool that wasn’t enough to have the airs on her arms stand on end but would do so from the reason it was there.
Her back was to the kitchen entry. It was quiet, as quiet as the grave once the mourners had left, and the overpowering sensation of eyes on her should have made her fight or flight instincts kick in, urging her to seek out the threat as it stalked her. Instead, she said, “What took you so long?”
Azriel stood at the doorway, wings tucked in, feet not even over the threshold. His from striking a menacing picture that it would be difficult to believe he doesn’t leave that sort of foreboding intimidation to Rhysand and Cassian.
“Thought I’d keep you waiting.” He spoke, low and quiet, his voice in a way that has the listener begging for more. And it was not lost on Elain the slight teasing in his tone. He crossed the threshold then, his hair slightly askew from flying, his expression peaceful, The usually harsh edges and curves of his face now soft. But despite this, his shadows swirled around him. He was nervous, unsure. Elain had learned some of the tells of his shadows. They are part of him, an extension bound to a communalistic relationship. He feels safe and guarded with them at most times, others he referred to them as ‘downright parasitic’. The swirls of darkness stilled then retreated. A fire now firmly extinguished. From behind his back, he pulled out a single rose. Deep coral in colour and at full bloom. The leaves on its stem broad and brilliant green. Her eyes met his and she couldn’t help but smile at the slightly unsure look he was giving her. This wasn’t the first time he had gifted her a solitary flower. First, it was a bright yellow Ranunculus, then a subtle pink Carnation, then a purple Hydrangea and now a rose. Despite her joy at the simple gift, of something she likes to work with and tend to in the garden just behind her, his hesitance each time stayed the same. “Thank you, it’s lovely,” she said as he plucked it from his outstretched hand, bringing the head of the flower to her nose and inhaling its scent, fingers gently running down the stem to feel the sharp bite of the thorns. “You left the thorns on too.”
“Thought it would be an insult, considering what you have growing out there,” he nodded to the windows that framed the array of plants and blooms, soaking up the last of what the sun will give them today.
“None of the others have noticed,” She giggled slightly, still taking in the scent of his rose. “The lantanas, Wolfsbane and Rosery Pea I understand, but I’m surprised no one has noticed the Belladonna or Hemlock.”
“Where is everyone?” She asked him after a few moments of silence. He didn’t reply straight away, instead taking a few silent steps towards her, closing the gap between them slightly. They didn’t even lock eyes, not even when a cool caress around her wrist stopped all her thoughts and movements, focusing solely on the whisps of shadows that slipped and entwined through her fingers. Her mind instantly thought of how they felt wrapped around both her hands, her wrists. Tightening to an icy bite. She was pulled out of those thoughts when he spoke, “Rhys is at Hewn City, the twins with him. Cas is at one of the camps for the next few days. Mor is shopping and your sisters are still where they were.”
Anticipation brewed low in her belly. The increasingly growing tension between them as each of them waited to see who would snap first under the pressure only made that feeling intensify. The sneaking around was fun for the most part. Stolen glances from across the room. Creative excuses on their whereabouts to extinguish any suspicion. Hiding deep within the garden. The various bushes and low-hanging branches of trees hiding them from preying eyes as their hands explored each other. But as fun as it was, Elain thought it a shame to have to hide like this. The desire to hold his hand and smile fondly up at him while surrounded by the others was growing as the weeks went by. It would come eventually, she told herself, so she was happy to lie, to not give anything away. Just like her beds of poisonous and toxic flowers. It was fine to present as innocent and unaware until the right moment arose.
Making her way out of the kitchen, still not looking at him but at the flower in her hand, finger delicately running from one petal to another she said, “I’ll put this in a vase.”   He watched her go, shadows retreating from her, the tendrils like mist. It wasn’t till she started to climb the stairs to her room that she finally gave in and met her eyes with his from the kitchen door.
“it’s in my room…are you coming?”
His feet began moving before he realised.
Elains bedroom was simple but comfortable. A large plush bed with golden sheets. An ornate chair by the window with a thick knit blanket strewn across it. An armoire and dresser against the wall opposite the bed, the latter displaying some of her possessions – a few books, a necklace from Amren, a small portrait of her and her sisters and the vase, small enough to hold just one or two blooms. As she placed the rose into the vase it began to fill with water, enchanted to do so whenever a flower was placed in it.  
She turned to Azriel then as he was making his way over to her, eyes on each other. “You’ve been gone a while.”
“My work on the continent took longer than expected.”
“Want to make it up to me? For keeping me waiting?”
“Do that thing I like.”
“My pleasure.”
His mouth was on her then. Breathing her in. Holding back until he felt her press herself to him. When she did, his hands came to her sides to rest on her waist, bunching up the light material. Her hands held firm on his chest, slowly tugging on the straps and buckles on the leathers. But it seemed Azriel was in no mood to draw this out. His hands on her pulled her in even more to eradicate any space between them, but Elain thought it wasn’t close enough. The kiss grew in intensity as they stripped each other from their clothing. Glinting opal buttons released, silver heavy buckles unclasped. Leather against cotton till it was flesh against flesh. Whatever slither of skin was exposed was then met with the brush of fingers or the press of lips. Elain couldn’t hold in the breathy moan as his lips met the swell of her breast. The buttons that travelled down the front of her dress undone and his hands brushing it off her shoulders to fall to the ground. Her hands on the hardness of his abdomen travelled down to his pants, stroking him once – twice until she heard the groan in his throat. Only then did she pluck the last buttons free and push down his pants.
Once they were free of their confines, their hands and mouths turned fervent. Azriel pushing her back into the dresser, rattling the objects upon it before sliding his hands around her thighs and lifting her till she was wrapped around him.
Her back met the coolness of her golden sheets and Azriel draped himself upon her, his mouth on her neck, biting and sucking till his mark was left behind. His. It was a shame she would have to cover it until it had faded completely.
His lips travelled south, leaving kisses and marks in his path. Between her breasts, on her stomach. A bite on her hip had her whine, his tough darting out to sooth the sting.
“Az…” She whimpered. Impatient. Yes, she didn’t care for the long drawn-out teasing he usually tormented her with until she was a withering mess below him. As much as she hated to love it, she needed the growing ache to be satisfied. Desired him to touch her however he liked. Craved him. He couldn’t say no to her and before she could prepare herself, his mouth was at her core. Languid, testing, soft licks that had her thighs closing around him. His hands held them apart, baring her to him. His fingers pressing into her flesh had her hoping more marks would be added to the collection.
Soft breathy moans flowed from her as he feasted. A growl from deep within him vibrating against her, heightening her pleasure. He could do this all day, bring her to the edge again and again until she was begging for the mercy he would eagerly give. Fingers carding through his midnight hair, gripping to hold him to her, not like he would willingly depart. Then the shadows appeared again. Fine mist of darkness growing around him as it made its way toward her. Skin prickling as it flowed over her curves and divots like soft waves of a calm sea. Wrapping around her legs, arms and throat. Its cold nip a stark contrast to her hot flesh. The shadows didn’t stop once it reached and wrapped around her throat, instead venturing further, a caress on her cheek until a tendril covered her eyes, blocking out all light.   The loss of one sense only heightened the others. Touch and hearing now at the forefront. He continued his ministrations between her legs. Licking and sucking in all the ways he learned she loved until her breath began to stagger, breaths coming and going until she fell from that edge he had her dangling from. Her back arched off her golden sheets, the grip on his hair tightening as her orgasm took her higher than the stars.
He slowed then, prolonging her pleasure until the hand still in his hair pulled him up towards her. He gazed upon her, breathless and stated. Still replying on her other senses. His mouth met hers in a tender kiss, tasting herself as their tongues met. Her hand was on his cock, stroking firmly before lining him up at her entrance. He didn’t push in, instead rubbing himself through her to her sensitive clit.
“Az…” she mewled “…fuck me…please” her hips rising to meet him in the hope he would give in.
Azriel chuckled deeply, the sound making Elain whine in frustration mixed with arousal. “Impatient today are we?” he spoke, his breath fanning her heated face. He gave her what she wanted then—sliding in with ease and familiarity. Her breath hitched at the welcoming intrusion that evolved into a moan that matched his. The blissful feeling of finality as her warmth embraced him.
He began to move, slow and deep at first just as they both liked, but that soon turned into something more feral. Hot kisses on her neck and her legs wrapped firmly around his waist. Pulling her arms to lay above her head, hands and shadows clutching her wrists as he drove into her. She was completely at his mercy, her moans fuelling the fire within them. He wasn’t going to last long, seeing her like this for him – because of him. No one would believe it. Sweet darling Elain crying in pleasure and begging to be fucked. He counted his lucky stars and whatever blessing the cauldron gave him for being the one to witness her like this. Debauched, wanton and so fucking beautiful.
He bit down at the juncture of her neck between her throat and shoulder, unable to control himself. Keeping his pace as she began to flutter around him. “You going to give me one more?” All she could do was nod until her second orgasm hit her with sudden intensity, moaning into the air above them. He couldn’t hold back then, raising up and with a firm grip on her thighs the shadows vanished. Binding light hit her until her eyes adjusted to see him, sweating and looking down at where they met. Watching completely enraptured as she took him. No place he’d rather be than deep in her cunt as she whined for him. A few more thrusts and he buried himself as deep as he could as he emptied himself into her heat. Collapsing back down till their faces were together. A deep moan punctured out of him, his eyes shut tightly.
They didn’t move for a few moments. Intent to come down with their mouths on each other. Gone was the ferociousness, now overcome with a sense of peace and delicacy.
An hour later they lay at the top of the bed. Cleaned up and holding each other still nude. Allowing the cool breeze from the now-open window to cool their heated skin. Elain’s head was on his chest, a finger tracing his tattoos so gently he could barely feel it. One of his hands running up and down her back, leaving goosebumps in his wake. Both of them content to enjoy whatever time they could spend together.
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aquatark · 3 months
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Cepheus Coin's Location - Zahhab Region
Endless Ocean: Blue World, Nintendo Wii
i do really like the distinct selection of coral used in zahhab region, the carnations especially are really cute
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