#cas and sam were the first people that jack viewed as their parents
dadstielkline · 2 years
Sam and Castiel really adopted an entire child together and some people think they're not husbands smh 😔
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mishasminions · 3 years
The Last Time I’ll Write a Long Post About Supernatural (15x18-15x20)
[15x20 Speculation + evidence at the bottom]
First off, I just wanna come clean and say, after all these years, I still think they should’ve ended at Season 5.
If you’re going to come at me with “Then why’d you stick around to watch it if you didn’t like it?”, your question is immature, and the answer is simple: I just want to know what happens next (I also love the main characters and their actors too). You can watch a show and still think it’s shit.
Call me a clown, but despite all the disappointment and trust issues that this show has given me, I would still look forward to the day where it might just turn itself around and bring back the quality it once had, or realize the potential of each story it was trying to tell, or at the very least, do justice by my favorite ship.
Never happened.
They’ve had a few good episodes here and there. I can’t imagine the SPN Universe without The Man Who Would Be King, The French Mistake, and Scoobynatural. Seasons 6-10 were enjoyable at times. I blocked out most of 7 & 11-15. 
If you’ve been following this blog since its heydays in 2010-2014, you’d know I’d try my best to defend Destiel and this show’s decisions regarding it no matter what.
Because you know what, as a CONCEPT, this show is good. If you take a look at all the worlds its storylines have birthed in fanfiction/fanworks, you’d see how much Supernatural has wasted its own story arcs. The writing got shittier as each season progressed, and they’ve obviously given up in production as well because the quality in the execution has noticeably gone down too, but if you take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture, you’ll see that this show still tries to make sense of itself.
[If you’re still following this post, please bear with me, I know this is long, but I just want you to understand how jaded and pessimistic I am with regards to this show, so maybe you can buy into whatever hopeful thing I’m about to say later on.]
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that they would give us Castiel’s “I love you” speech. To the point where, if I weren’t so desperate for it, I would argue that it was completely out of character for him to word vomit the way he did (but I’m not gonna diss on that right now because I’ll take what I can get).
I’ve valued every meaningful and obscure exchange that Dean and Cas have had in the earlier seasons, and I was willing to accept their relationship as just that--undefined, without any clear boundaries as to what they really are. And I think that was beautiful on its own.
But now, they’ve chosen to define it.
After they’ve driven every possible wedge between Dean and Castiel in seasons 11-15, to try to explain away their feelings as something they offer to a collective.
Dean can’t mourn and pray for JUST Cas, he has to mourn and pray for EVERYBODY--even Crowley, even some chick he just met, because god forbid he cries about just the guy who has given up everything for him--that would be “too homo”.
They’ve even set Cas on a path to abrupt fatherhood just so he can care about something other than Dean. Make it seem as if Dean wasn’t his purpose through and through.
And after all these years of this stupid show trying to deny it, they choose to acknowledge it at the worst possible circumstance, at a time where they’ve been so far apart, that it seems so foreign for them to suddenly come together.
But here we are. And they’ve chosen to tell us.
Chosen to tell us that everything that Castiel has done leading up to his death, he has done it because he was IN LOVE WITH DEAN WINCHESTER.
Chosen to tell us that BEING WITH DEAN WINCHESTER is something that CAS WANTS BUT KNOWS HE CAN’T HAVE.
And they’ve also chosen to tell us nothing about how Dean feels.
Sure, finding out your angel made a deal, the stipulations of said deal, his newfound happiness philosophy, his long-winded monologue of why he loves you and why you’re worthy of his love, and to top it all off he tells you that being in love with you is enough to make him happy while he subtly hints that he’s always wanted to be WITH you romantically, was a lot to process in the 5 minutes after you’ve just had an existential crisis.
It’s whatever, right? Let’s culminate 11 years worth of tension and feelings in 5 minutes. Let’s waste the entire episode with cringey expository dialogue, and irrelevant sequences. The whole season was a waste anyway.
You know what Supernatural? FUCK YOU FOR THAT. They deserved better. WE deserve better.
And I would love nothing more than to hurl every possible insult your way,
But for the last time, I’m going to HOPE that you’re finally going to try to make it better for the fans that stuck by you all these years.
No more baiting new viewers, no more placating casual viewers, no more excuses. 15 years. Bring it home for the people who have actually been around.
There’s two ways this series is gonna end. Horribly or Spectacularly.
First let’s all take into consideration what Andrew Dabb says about it:
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So, let’s start with
In this scenario, Misha is telling the truth about his last day of filming being 15x18. His “camping trip” during the last few days of filming 15x20, was actually a camping trip. He doesn’t go to Vancouver to shoot.
Jensen wasn’t “being careful” during the zoom interviews that it was just him and Jared quarantining for the shoot, it really was just him and Jared (althought most of these were done pre 15x19) Supernatural isn’t smart enough to do misleading PR, and they’re once again oblivious to the potential of their own story.
Misha hasn’t posted a “Goodbye Castiel” tweet because he’s probably saving it for last episode or he forgot because it was overshadowed by the Destiel trend that night.
So what we get is:
Sam and Dean are on the road again, up against the monster of the week. Only their world no longer has actual Supernatural beings anymore, so the monsters they’re fighting are humans.
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Humans end up killing the Winchesters (despite having gone up against literally every powerful being imaginable INCLUDING God himself). Dean and Sam end up in heaven and relive their greatest hits.
Meanwhile, Castiel rots in The Empty because he died after realizing that he was happy and gay. Jack doesn’t bother rescuing him—his surrogate dad, the guy who made this specific deal to spare him—even though it was so easy for him get Cas in and out of The Empty when he had a fraction of the power that he has now.
Dean never speaks of Castiel’s confession because despite all the hints of a profound bond in the earlier seasons, and the fact that Dean has never cared for anyone (who isn’t his actual brother) as immensely as he does Cas, Supernatural just can’t have its main macho character be “suddenly bisexual” because that would hurt the male ego or some shit.
His heaven would probably be living happily ever after with his family. “Family” meaning Mary and John Winchester--two of the shittiest parents ever (but they’re not going to include them in this episode like they were supposed to because of Covid) and Sam.
Sam also gets a dog. As usual.
I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to do this. After everything they’ve pulled, this would be right up their alley. I actually expect this ending.
Anyway, onto the next possible ending
In this scenario, Supernatural tries to stick the landing, and Jensen’s whole “It didn’t sit well with me at first, but then I took a step back after talking to Kripke, and realized that I had to view it from an audience perspective, I am now really excited about it” (DC Con 2019) anecdote about his thoughts on the final episodes, were actually about Dean potentially ending up with Cas. (Which would totally make sense because Jensen at first didn’t see Dean as anything but hetero, but as of late, he has been throwing in Destiel jokes of his own, so he seems to have warmed up to the idea)
Backed with Misha’s tidbit (DLConline 2020) that he and Jensen had conversations about Destiel, and that they wouldn’t have gone through with it if Jensen wasn’t onboard with it, but Jensen didn’t push back at all. (Why would they need to check with Jensen if it was just Cas going all in?)
Robert Berens (writer of 15x18) also wrote the script at the beginning of Season 15, but made Misha privy to the concept a year prior (Season 14), so they went into this season knowing about Destiel going canon.
This one’s a reach, but this scenario also supposes that Misha was lying about his whereabouts during the filming of the final episode, and him saying that 15x18 was his last episode is part of the diversion to avoid taking away from the weight of Castiel’s death.
And that Supernatural is actually self-aware of its own material (similar to how they have wrapped things up in the past—lots of expository dialogue, poor execution, but fulfills the story arc)
Since Season 15 is basically a Meta Season (Chuck/God as a writer, pretentiously calling out how he created the worlds, its characters, and basically invalidating the past 14 seasons), and 15x19 is supposedly the finale for Season 15, written by two of the worst Supernatural writers, Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming (Bob Singer’s wife), then we can assume that 15x19 is where the shitty writers kill themselves--as Chuck, of course.
So we get a badly written episode that produces a bad ending, or as Becky put it, “All action, and no Cas”
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So we get the bad writers season ending at 15x19.
And 15x20 is where Sam and Dean write their own stories, and where the cast had a hand in pitching ideas for it.
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Dabb has mentioned that 15x20 (Act Two) is a SERIES finale, where they try to resolve the characters’ journeys.
Because as everyone has acknowledged, Supernatural isn’t about the story, it’s about the characters.
So here’s what we can get out of it:
With no more Supernatural beings left to fight, Sam and Dean are in a stalemate. They’ve resigned themselves to fighting to the bitter end, but the “end” has passed, and they’re still standing.
So they try to figure out who they are now, and what they want out of the life they still have.
Sam still wants a normal apple pie life. Before Dean dragged him out of college to go hunting with him, he had a whole life planned out for him. Become a lawyer, settle down with a nice girl, and get a dog. He gave all that up because they had work to do, but now the work is finished, he can finally go back to wanting that for himself again.
Dean finally realizes his self-worth after Cas saves him again. His prayer to Cas in purgatory may have helped him come to terms with his anger, but the whole “you’ve done everything you did for love” speech finally put him in his place, and he learns not to hate himself anymore.
But of course, he cannot fully reconcile with himself if he doesn’t get Cas back, and tell him how he feels.
Because Dean actually wants something for himself this time. Something he knows he can finally have if he can just salvage it.
So maybe this time around, with the help of Jack (off-screen), Dean saves Cas. Grips him tight and raises him from perdition.
They bypass The Empty deal by turning Cas human, and he lives the rest of his days with Dean.
Dean and Cas know they deserve to be saved, and they know that they deserve to be happy.
(Wishful thinking, maybe they kiss a little)
I’m just saying, there’s NO WAY that they’d have Cas go through that whole rushed speech, if they weren’t going to do anything about it later on.
But again, after 10 years of disappointment, I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to pat themselves on the back and say, “Okay, we sort of gave them what they wanted. We’re good now”
If that’s the case, Supernatural, I’m sorry I wasted my time on you.
Here’s to hoping 🤡
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killianmesmalls · 3 years
On your comments about Jack: ye-es, in the sense that Jack is a character who definitely deserved better than he was treated by the characters. The way Dean especially treats him reflects very badly on Dean, no question. But, speaking as a viewer, I think the perspective needs to shift a little bit.
To me, Jack is Dawn from Buffy, or Scrappy Doo. He’s an (in my opinion) irritating kid who is introduced out of nowhere to be both super vulnerable and super OP, and the jeopardy is centered around him in a way that has nothing to do with his actual character or relationships. He’s mostly around to be cute and to solve or create problems — he never has any firm character arcs or goals of his own, nor any deeper purpose in the meta narrative. In this way, he’s a miss for SPN, which focuses heavily on conflicts as metaphors for real life.
Mary fits so much better in that framework, and introducing her as a developed, flawed person works really well with the narrative. It is easy for us to care about Mary, both as the dead perfect mother on the pedestal and as the flawed, human woman who could not live up to her sons’ expectations. That connection is built into the core of SPN, and was developed over years, even before she was a character. When she was added, she was given depth and nuance organically, and treated as a flawed, complex character rather than as a plot device or a contrivance. She was given a voice and independence, and became a powerful metaphor for developing new understandings of our parents in adulthood, as well as an interesting and well-rounded character. You care that she’s dead, not just because Sam and Dean are sad, but for the loss of her development and the potential she offered. So, in that sense, I think a lot of people were frustrated that she died essentially fridged for a second time, and especially in service of the arc of a weaker character.
And like, you’re right, no one can figure out if Jack is a toddler or a teenager. He’s both and he’s neither, because he’s never anything consistently and his character arc is always “whatever the plot needs it to be.” Every episode is different. Is he Dean’s sunny opportunity to be a parent and make up for his dad’s shitty parenting? Yes! Is he also Dean’s worst failure and a reminder that he has done many horrible things, including to “innocent” children? Yes! Is he Cas’s child? Yes! Is he Dean’s child? Yes! But also, no! Is he Sam’s child? Yes! Is he a lonely teenager who does terrible things? Yes! Is he a totally innocent little lamb who doesn’t get why what he is doing is wrong? Yes! Is he the most powerful being in the universe? Yes! Does he need everyone to take care of him? Yes! Is he just along for the ride? Yes! Is he responsible for his actions? Kinda??? Sometimes??? What is he???
Mary as a character is narratively cohesive and fleshed-out. Jack is a mishmash of confusing whatever’s that all add up to a frustrating plot device with no consistent traits to latch on to. Everything that fans like about him (cute outfits, gender play, well-developed parental bonds with the characters) is fanon. So, yes, the narrative prioritizes Mary. Many fans prioritize Mary, at least enough that Dean’s most heinous acts barely register. To the narrative (not to Cas, which is a totally different situation), Jack is only barely more of a character than Emma Winchester, who Sam killed without uproar seasons earlier. He’s been around longer, but he’s equally not really real.
I debated on responding to this because, to tell the truth, I think we fundamentally disagree on a number of subjects and, as they say, true insanity is arguing with anyone on the internet. However, you spent a lot of time on the above and I feel it's only fair to say my thoughts, even if I don't believe it will sway you any more than what you said changed my opinions.
I'm assuming this was in response to this post regarding how Jack's accidental killing of Mary was treated so severely by the brothers, particularly Dean, because it was Mary and, had it been a random character like the security guard in 13x06, it would have been treated far differently. However, then the argument becomes less about the reaction of the Winchester brothers to this incident and more the value of Jack or Mary to the audience.
I believe we need to first admit that both characters are inherently archetypes—Mary as the Madonna character initially then, later, as a metaphor for how imperfect and truly human our parents are compared to the idol we have as children, and Jack as the overpowered child who is a Jesus allegory by the end. Both have a function within the story to serve the Winchester brothers, through whose lens and with whose biases we are meant to view the show's events. We also need to admit that the writers didn't think more than a season ahead for either character, especially since it wasn't initially supposed to be Mary that came back at the end of season 11 but John, and they only wrote enough for Jack in season 13 to gauge whether or not the audience would want him to continue on or if he needed to be killed off by the end of the season. Now, I know we curate our own experiences online which leads to us being in our own fandom echo chambers, however it is important to note that the character was immediately successful enough with the general audience that, after his first episode or two, he was basically guaranteed a longer future on the show.
I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure why the perspective of how his character is processed by some audience members versus others has any bearing on the argument that he deserved to be treated better overall by the other characters especially when taking their own previous actions in mind. I’m not going to tell you that your opinion is wrong regarding your feelings for Jack. It’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, it harms no one to have it and express it. My feelings on Jack are clearly very different from your own, but this is really just two different people who processed a fictional person in different ways. I personally believe he has a purpose in the Winchesters’ story, including Castiel’s, as he reflects certain aspects of all of them, gives them a way to explore their own histories through a different perspective, and changes the overall dynamic of Team Free Will from “soldiers in arms” to a family (Misha’s words). In the beginning he allows Sam to work through his past as the “freak” and powerful, dangerous boy wonder destined to bring hell on earth. With Dean, his presence lets Dean work through his issues with John and asks whether he will let history repeat itself or if he’ll work to break the cycle. Regarding Cas, in my opinion he helps the angel reach his “final form” of a father, member of a family, lover and protector of humanity, rebellious son, and the true show of free will. 
From strictly the story, he has several arcs that work within themes explored in Supernatural, such as the argument of nature versus nurture, the question of what we’re willing to give up in order to protect something or someone else and how ends justify the means, and the struggle between feeling helpless and powerless versus the corruptive nature of having too much power and the dangerous lack of a moral compass. His goals are mentioned and on display throughout his stint on the show, ones that are truly relatable to some viewers: the strong desire to belong—the need for family and what you’ll do to find and keep it. 
With Mary, we first need to establish whether the two versions of her were a writing flaw due to the constant change in who was dictating her story and her relationship to the boys, which goes against the idea that her characterization was cohesive and fleshed-out but, rather, put together when needed for convenience, or if they both exist because, as stated above, we are seeing the show primarily through the biased lens of the Winchester brothers and come to face facts about the true Mary as they do. Like I said in my previous post, I don’t dislike Mary and I don’t blame her for her death (either one). However, I do have a hard time seeing her as a more nuanced, fleshed-out character than Jack. True, a lot of her problems are more adult in nature considering she has to struggle with losing her sons’ formative years and meeting them as whole adults she knows almost nothing about, all because of a choice she made before they were born. 
However, her personal struggles being more “mature” in nature (as they center primarily on parental battles) doesn’t necessarily mean her story has layers and Jack’s does not. They are entirely different but sometimes interconnected in a way that adds to both of their arcs, like Mary taking Jack on as an adoptive son which gives her the moments of parenting she lost with Sam and Dean, and Jack having Mary as a parental figure who understands and supports him gives him that sense of belonging he had just been struggling with to the point of running away while he is also given the chance to show “even monsters can do good”. 
I’d also argue that Jack being many ages at once isn’t poor writing so much as a metaphor for how, even if you’re forced to grow up fast, that doesn’t mean you’re a fully equipped adult. I don’t want to speak for anyone else, but I believe Jack simultaneously taking a lot of responsibility and constantly trying to prove to others he’s useful while having childish moments is relatable to some who were forced to play an adult role at a young age. He proves a number of times that he doesn’t need everyone to take care of him, but he also has limited life experience and, as such, will make some mistakes while he’s also being a valuable member of the group. Jack constantly exists on a fine line in multiple respects. Some may see that as a writing flaw but it is who the character was conceived to be: the balance between nature or nurture, between good and evil, between savior and devil. 
Now, I was also frustrated Mary was “fridged” for a second time. It really provided no other purpose than to give the brothers more man pain to further the plot along. However, this can exist while also acknowledging that the way it happened and the subsequent fallout for Jack was also unnecessary and a sign of blatant hypocrisy from Dean, primarily, and Sam. 
And, yes, Jack can be different things at once because, I mean, can’t we all? If Mary can be both the perfect mother and the flawed, independent, distant parent, can’t Jack be the sweet kid who helps his father-figures process their own feelings on fatherhood while also being a lost young-adult forcing them to face their failures? Both characters contain multitudes because, I mean, we all do. 
I can provide articles or posts on Jack’s characterization and popularity along with Mary’s if needed, but for now I think this is a long enough ramble on my thoughts and feelings. I’m happy to discuss more, my messenger is always open for (polite) discussion. Until then, I’m going to leave it at we maybe agree to disagree. 
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lighteyed · 3 years
this is a place where i don’t feel alone / jack kline
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summary: jack and reader bonding after a hunt <3
word count: 1.7k
author’s note: i found this in my google docs and like... it was PRETTY cute and i didn’t want to let it waste away in my docs so here she is :) i want to post more and just write whatever i want for whoever i want and be happy on here. and i do love jack
Freshly showered after his first hunt, Jack wanders through your open bedroom door. His golden hair is messy like he’s never seen a brush before (which, to be fair, he most likely hasn’t) and his brown eyes are large in their curiosity. He hadn’t been in your room yet, despite living at the bunker for a couple weeks now. For the most part, he had no reason to go in there. And regardless, he was too nervous to even ask. You, however, were the only person in the entire building he felt completely at ease around, even more so than Castiel. The way you looked at him was reassuring. He never saw fear or apprehension when he met your gaze, just a desire to understand. A yearning for a friend. He’d heard your shower squeak to a stop, had waited a couple moments before trying to enter the room (learned that the hard way), and now here he was. Shy, awkward, but there.
 You placed the novel you were reading down on your bed when you noticed him, motioning for him to come further inside. “How you feeling after your first hunt, Jack? You okay?”
 He nodded, picking up all the little items scattered across your dresser. So new to everything, it was all unfamiliar. He touched a necklace lightly. “Yes, I think so. I didn’t realize there would be so much blood.”
 “Comes with the gig. You’ll get used to it.” If he sticks around that long. “Are you okay with using the shower now? Like the shampoo, the conditioner, body wash, the whole shebang?”
 “Yes! Thank you for making Dean show me how to do it, but I still don’t understand why you couldn’t, and Dean did not want to talk to me much during the process of showing me how to use the shampoo-”
  The cute furrowing of his brow as he fumbles around for an answer to his question makes you giggle. His inability to pick up on social cues was beginning to become incredibly endearing. “Yeah, well, it’s just different, and Dean probably just felt awkward ‘cause you know, you weren’t clothed.”
 “Oh, is that not okay?” Jack’s face scrunched up again.
 “Depends who you ask and what the situation is.” You patted the edge of your bed, gesturing for him to sit down with you. When he sat, it was stiff, hands folded neatly in his lap as he continued to gaze around your room. “But you got all the blood off okay? I know you heal quick and stuff but it was all in your hair and I don’t think Dean really drilled in the concept of a deep conditioning treatment.”
 “I think so,” he repeated, patting the top of his head. His hair was still damp and felt clean enough. You leaned forward to examine him, though, breathing in the scent of shampoo. It was kind of funny, the way he had a newborn baby look and feel to him. Even his scent was like a baby’s. It’s sweet, really. “I used the one in the pink bottle.”
 “My shampoo? I figured, you smell like flowers,” you grinned, leaning back against the headboards.
 He tilted his head, “Is that a good thing?”
 “Definitely,” you reassured. “Most boys don’t smell nearly half as good as you do right now. Your hair’s all messy, though. Do you know how to use a hairbrush?” You already knew the answer, standing up and grabbing yours from the dresser before making your back to the bed. “Sit here,” you motioned for him to move up closer to you, his back to your chest. Jack did so hesitantly, as he did most things involving you.
 “Dean didn’t teach me about a… hairbrush?” He relaxed a little at the gentleness of your hand smoothing out his hair, letting his shoulders slack.
 “Dean can barely remember a toothbrush, so much on his mind,” you say, lifting the brush and running it through Jack’s hair. There weren’t many tangles to sort through; his hair was cropped short, but it was thick enough where it needed a brushing here and there. It was nice hair. Everything about Jack was nice. He had nice hair, nice eyes, a nice smile whenever he was around you, and in general Jack was a sweetheart. You could never fathom Dean’s inability to give the kid a chance. He was never anything but kind. He didn’t even recognize Lucifer as his father. He viewed Castiel as his dad, and Castiel was the opposite of evil. He was practically harmless. And when Jack was here, half in your arms with his eyes drooping shut from the pleasantness of your soft caress, he was harmless, too.
 “This is very relaxing,” Jack tells you, breathing deeply as you continued. “Do you brush your hair out, too?”
 “Of course, but it’s not as relaxing to do it myself. Someone else brushing my hair is probably… I don’t know, calming. It’s the best.” One of the best feelings in the world really. Better than almost anything else, and something you missed dearly. A sigh fell from your lips, but you smoothed back his hair again anyway. “I think you’re all good now.” You expected for him to say his goodnights and leave the room, but he lingered. He had more questions. Mouthfuls of them.
 “Does anyone else brush your hair for you? Like you do for me?” He scoots up toward where you sat, shoulder to shoulder with you now.
 “Not for a long time. My mom used to, before I would go to school. Even when I got older, she’d wanna brush my hair for me. Said it calmed her down, helped her to stop thinking about how fast I was growing up.” You could almost see the gears whirring about in Jack’s mind, trying to figure out the story. Sam and Dean were your brothers, but you talked about your mother in a different way than they would talk about Mary.
 “But, Mary is alive, isn’t she-”
“Mary is great, but she isn’t my mom.” Jack waited patiently for you to continue, staring intently. “See, you’re half angel and you’re half regular human. Sam and Dean are just half my brothers. So, it’s kind of similar, except not really, but sort of… you get me?” Jack blinked twice, and you took that as a no. “Their mom is alive now, in 2018, but she died when Sammy was a baby and Dean was a little kid. Dean is twenty years older than me, and Sammy is sixteen years older than me, so their mom and dad had, like, no time to actually make me… uh together. Baby making is a different story, Jack, so don’t ask. Anyway, our dad, John, had me with a different woman a long time after Mary had passed away. We also have another brothers, and Dean says it’s because our dad can’t keep it in his pants, but I’ve never met him. Something about a cage. But yeah. We have the same dad, just different moms. And I don’t have my mom. So I’m totally out of luck with the whole parent thing.”
  You were sure Mary didn’t loathe you or anything, but you could tell it made her sad that she hadn’t been able to ever have her own real daughter, and that even though she’d been gone a long time when you had been conceived, you were still the result of John and someone else. It was understandable. You felt a bit nervous around her, too. Like you’d never be able to say the right thing or be the right kind of pseudo-daughter.
 “Where’s your mom? Why don’t you have her?”
 “She died, five years ago. Some demon’s sick way of getting all the Winchester siblings together again. I came back from school and she was just… dead. Sam and Dean were called in for the case and Cas told them who I was ‘cause I guess he could recognize it or something and now here I am.”
 “Do you miss her? I miss my mom all the time, and I never got to meet her.”
  “All the time, Jack. All the time.” He hadn’t meant to make you sad, but he felt it lingering in the air now. Your nose was scrunched slightly, your fists clenched and your eyes staring down at hands. “The day she died, that morning before I left for school, I wouldn’t let her brush my hair or even hug me goodbye. It was my first day of high school. I was fourteen.”
 Jack doesn’t know what’s come over him when he swipes his hand softly across your cheek, the tear smearing across your face. It’s so sweet and charming you almost wonder if maybe Dean had been teaching him how to flirt. “Thanks, Jack.”
 “I can- I can brush your hair, if you want.” He takes the brush, and you slide up between his legs and lean back against him. He runs it through your hair so very delicate in each of his movements you feel yourself flashing back to when it was you and your mother in your living room, always just the two of you no matter what, and you feel that same sense of peace wash over you as it had when you were a child. How could this boy, who provided serenity so quickly and completely, ever be anything but inherently good? It was impossible.
Jack was so content in his own actions, he didn’t realize you were already half asleep. Even breaths, relaxing into him, eyes fluttering closed. Before you can drift off, he says one final thing, “Our moms are probably in Heaven together. I think they would be friends. Best friends.”
 “Yeah? You think so? Even though God’s gone for good and it’s all kinda shitty up there?”
 “The best people go there. And our moms were the best.”
 He says it so confidently that you knock the brush from his hands as you turn around so suddenly to hug him, burying your face in his neck. “You’re so sweet, Jack. Thanks for everything,” you mumble against him. He hesitantly wraps his arms around you, and you smile so broadly you think it’s going to slip your face and your heart wide open.
 You are such a goner.
 And when you kiss him on the cheek before he leaves your room for his own, he blushes like a rose in the sunlight; he knows he’s kind of a goner, too.
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myblackeyedfire · 3 years
15x18, hurting something awful but the story’s not over for Cas and Dean
Spoilers ahead. 
I feel for the fans who left in earlier seasons due to queerbaiting or fridging or other shit in years prior who are seeing their feeds confirm that is what happened in this week’s episode and it’s frustrating feeling like the reverse of the boy who cried wolf, so I want to write out my thoughts on it because I want to believe TPTB learned from past mistakes and are going in a different direction for the conclusion. Here’s why.  
1. The story itself. We get deliberate parallels to romantic couples in Charlie and Stevie, and Sam and Eileen. The losses are of people in love, mutually. Whatever stage of their relationship they’re at, from amazing scrambled eggs together or dates and photos of the other as the lock screen, the connection is that it’s a romantic relationship. Sam is devastated when he sees Eileen’s phone but he presses on then and there because it needs to be done, and to keep from losing it (see: Dean at the end of this ep). 
Bobo Berens is deliberate and subtle. He crafted Claire and Kaia’s Dreamhunter dynamic with such care that I’m taking a reasoned leap of faith for the remaining two episodes. I’m thinking of how he wrote Rowena in The Rupture, the dignity and self determination in her deciding on closing the rift with Sam’s help to fulfil the prophesy. The music, the slow turn, she is the captain of her soul, steering it by choice. Rowena isn’t forgotten after that. She’s mentioned in in all but one of the subsequent episodes and we learn she’s taken over in Hell, so this strongly implies it is not a final goodbye.
The writer who gave one character’s dignified sacrifice a way to carry on is the same one who depicted Cas’ sacrifice as fully freely chosen and on his terms as much as it can be, to be taken to a place Cas got out of before and that Jack can enter. There’s as big a doorway to lead Cas out potentially as there was out of Billie’s library - assuming they can trick or overpower or persuade The Empty once they get there. 
2. The Doylist logistics of creating the show as a story. Aside from the way we’ve seen how Castiel’s death leaves Dean looking hollow-eyed and unable to cope, we know there are two episodes left. See Dean here giving Cas a hunter’s funeral?
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This is the face of a man who says “we’ve lost everything.” Chuck didn’t answer then and if he won’t now (hah, good luck with that!) Dean should be the one “to bring him back.” Because Cas staying gone is not a toes in the sand ending. There’s no peace when they are done if he stays gone. Sam is also devastated but Dean’s just hollowed out completely. 
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The shattered gaze here? Been there, done that. We’ve seen callbacks and parallels aplenty but at no point has this show committed itself to pantomime or exact replication. They’ve had the ending where everyone they love is gone, too, which is why I think we’ll see everyone who Chuck poofed reinstated. There was too much care taken to clarify that he didn’t kill them. They’re just *waving vaguely* not here at the moment. So here’s to bringing back Charlie and Stevie, Bobby, Donna, Becky, and everyone else. The quiet sobs as he sits and ignores Sam’s call remind me of Dean’s barely controlled breathing as he begins preparations for the funeral and starts walking around Cas’ shrouded body laid to rest. It’s already happened. 
So, this repetition. Jensen played Dean as a grieving widower until he got Cas back (see above) and TPTB already indicated they’re not going for an ending befitting the first 5 seasons or GoT, so it makes no sense to leave things there as the end to Dean’s story. We already established that Chuck’s view of them and the ending he wants is the wrong one given how Becky reacts, so it has to be subverted from the names on tombstones doom and gloom. 
Likewise, leaving The Empty, Chuck/Amara, Jack, Sam and Dean as the only pieces left on the chess board reminds me of Sam and Dean cut off from everything as the Leviathans take over. Andrew Dabb’s been instrumental in helping Sam and Dean adjust their relationship, too, to one of brotherhood instead of parenting and codependency, so leaving just them left with all their friends and allies and loved ones gone is too great a loss. It would be a regression. It would mean Chuck gets his ending. 
Remember also how Chuck confirmed that Cas hasn’t followed orders since the very beginning of meeting Dean. That’s immense. It means everything he’s ever done was because he decided on it, not because it was a beat in Chuck’s story arcs. 
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Here is the first time the shot shows Dean since Chuck starts ranting. He’s listening intently, body language like a cat with an arched back before a brawl, but he heard what Chuck just revealed. 
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We’ve had layers already peeled back about angel and human relationships, most recently with Adam and before that with Isham. We’ve seen the Cas/Colette parallels, too. It’s all there. And with the enormous work Dean’s been doing on accepting himself more, of rebalancing his relationship with Sam to one of more even footing, he is doing the work on himself to be more open and able to express his emotions. Poor boy is still not great at it as a lifetime of running on coffee, questionable drugs, minimal sleep, and fear-soaked adrenaline within a hunter culture and the ever disapproving shadow of John Winchester doesn’t leave much room for processing. 
So back to 15x18. Dean hasn't even had time to consider the confirmation/revelation from 15x17 by Chuck that Cas was never operating under his control and what it means for the magnitude of Cas' actions, the very opposite of the centuries in the making soulmates that Mary and John Winchester were from heavenly machination. He's been angrily panicking all season up to now that nothing in his life is real, that choice is an illusion, that he's a rat trapped in a deadly maze all his life but Castiel is the undoing of that. What he told Dean earlier in the season when he was questioning what’s real, that they are, is amplified magnificently. Their connection is real. Castiel’s love for Dean is real. 
Let’s take a breath and see how they explore the nature of Destiel in Act Two. With any luck there’ll be robots, a trip to the moon, and a story about love and love. Dean getting to experience things, people differently or maybe for the first time, y’know? Otherwise there was no point setting up any of those parallels, the meeting with the hunter husbands, the car conversation with Sam about settling down with a hunter, someone who knows the life. Dean’s heard Cas say he loves them, and now him in particular. It’s not a satisfying story to leave it at that and we’ve seen it already. In 11x17 Michelle says “They said I could leave an hour ago. But where am I even supposed to go? After everything we survived together... I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.” I don’t think what we’re getting is a repeat of this so here’s hoping Dean gets how in love Cas is, gets Cas back, and chooses him, too. I want them to continue making it up as they go. Dean rescuing Cas as a parallel for Cas raising him from Hell is a far better story than Dean going on without him, wouldn’t you say? So I have hope.  
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Every few days I think about how if Supernatural’s writers were just planning on killing of Cas and then never mentioning him again with the original ending involving the possibility of just a brief cameo of him in Heaven weirdly partying with (dead?) Kansas, I probably would’ve preferred it if Cas didn’t have a confession scene.
Ok here me out. Yes I ship DeanCas/Destiel. Yes I loved that there was at least acknowledgment of Cas’ romantic feelings towards Dean. Misha has outright said the confession was romantic and there have already been two official dubs in two different languages where the “I love you” specifically uses phrases that show romantic love. It’s not up for debate anymore if those feelings were romantic.
But if they were just going to throw that in there and get rid of Cas and never mention him again except for two scenes where he doesn’t appear and one that is just Lucifer pretending to be him to gain access to the bunker, I would’ve preferred it if Cas’ true happiness was something that I think would’ve been the ultimate acknowledgement of Cas’ transformation, which I feel would’ve been Jack calling Cas his dad and telling his dad how much he loves him. Of all three members of Team Free Will 1.0, Cas has been the most like a dad to Jack. Cas was the one who eventually helped Kelly hide, prepared a home for Jack and Kelly to live in, for Jack to be raised in safe and loved and cared for. Cas was the one prepared to go down fighting to protect Jack before Jack was even born. Cas is the one who always runs to Jack, to protect Jack, to save Jack, even if it means creating a rift between him, Sam, and Dean.
I love my Sam Winchester is Jack Kline’s Father fics, and my Dean Winchester is Jack Kline’s Father fics, and my Team Free Will 1.0 are Jack Kline’s Fathers fic on ao3 . I do. But if we’re talking about in the show, Cas is the one who is the most like a father to Jack.
Love Dean and wish that man had been given therapy and anger management and AA meetings and working to become a better, less violent person who takes accountability for what he’s done as his finale ending rather than just dying by a fucking nail through the chest, something Cordelia on Buffy The Vampire Slayer survives after like a twenty foot drop from a staircase. But Dean outright hates Jack during his widower arc and makes it known how much of a monster he thinks Jack is to the point where Jack repeatedly tries to commit suicide and then it’s just never really brought up again after Cas comes back and Dean then just goes back and forth on whether he thinks Jack is part of his family or not for the last three seasons. As much as I like the few scenes where Dean is actually bonding with Jack and calls him “their kid” and Jack referring to himself as a Winchester, Dean isn’t really Jack’s dad in the show. Do I think this probably would’ve been a different story if we got baby Jack? Yes, but that’s not what I’m talking about right now
Sam? Sam definitely tries at first. Sam gets what it’s like to feel like a monster and be viewed as one even when your not, and calls out Dean for how he acts and behaves towards Jack. But Dean just as easily calls out Sam for using Jack to try and get their mother back and trying to appear invested in Jack to get what he wants. Sam’s affection for Jack is conditional at first. He gradually grows to be more paternal to Jack but by season 14, it kind of just dwindles away. We got all this buildup of Sam and Jack’s relationship, which yes there should’ve been because here you have someone who was supposed to be the True Vessel of Lucifer, the Boy King of Hell and the Antichrist, the Son of Lucifer, and there’s not really any care given to it afterwards. That season was probably the last time the writers actually did anything interesting with Sam and tried to give him an arc in my opinion.
Cas though? Cas, who was a warrior of God that led garrisons and killed the offspring nephilim of lesser angels? Cas who grows a respect and admiration for humanity, seeing them as complex miraculous beings rather than hairless apes like the majority of the angels? Cas who defends humanity’s existence against other angels even at the cost of his life? Cas who originally thought of the Antichrist as a monster that needed to be killed to protect humanity but heard Kelly talk about how good she believed her child could be despite being the son of the devil and saw a paradise on earth when he actually communicated with Jack in the womb? Cas who separated from the only other two people he has consistently turned to for help and has provided help for in order to try and ensure Jack would be a child safe and loved even if it meant being away from the people he considered family and could die protecting Jack and Kelly? Cas who unconditionally loves and treats Jack as his child throughout the last three season? He is definitely Jack’s father.
I just think there’s something very fitting about the angel who unconditionally loved humanity despite never being able to entirely follow god’s orders raising the supposed antichrist who becomes a god that respects humanity’s free will. And I think that scene would’ve been fantastic in that Cas loves Jack as his child so much that he makes that deal with the Empty in the first place to protect Jack , but Cas loves Jack so much that Jack is the reason the deal is broken. Jack doesn’t realize Cas thinks of him as his child the same way Cas doesn’t think Jack sees him as his dad, and that recognition that they feel the same way is the most bittersweet moment in the world because their first moment where they mutually knowingly recognize each other as parent and child seems like it might be the last one they have together as they hug. Jack sobs while furiously apologizing as he sees black goo come to reach Cas who only has a few more second left to kiss the top of his child’s head and hug him close and say something like “I love you so much my son” before pushing him away while Jack watches, crying as he calls out “Dad don’t leave me” as his father get covered in black goo while smiling with tears streaming down his face before disappearing.
I’m not sure how that situation could’ve occurred. Maybe Jack and Cas are together when people start disappearing, and Jack worries about how if Chuck doesn’t consider him important enough to torment he could also be proofed away, and he wants to tell his dad how much he loves him in that way kids do when they think they might see their parents for the last time and despite being in basically an adult body Jack is still three and not really thinking about what could happen or doesn’t even think this could be Cas’ happiest moment because he always thought Cas knew Jack thought of him as his dad. I don’t know.
But that scene happens and the Empty collects Cas and then when Jack becomes god and brings everyone back, he somehow also brings Cas back from the empty. Look the writers gave absolutely no good reason for why Lucifer somehow came back from the empty in 15x19 when the Empty specifically states that Chuck has no power in her domain so why should I? But I guess if I was going to it would’ve involved Jack finding out how it got loud in the empty and bargaining with the Empty in trading demons, angels, and other nephilim in exchange for making the empty quiet again and managing to deal with what to do with all of these now revived supernatural creatures. Still frustrated that the show made God the enemy and turned Billie into a last minute villain when the Empty was right the, the Enpty was hyped up, and then it just took Cas and Billie and disappeared, and was never heard from again.
Anyways, Jack and Amara separate but they’re still functioning as a unit and are working together to fix the other universes as well as heaven and the systems of who gets sent to heaven, hell, and purgatory in a sort of season 4 of the Good Place style, and Cas takes on a major role as the celestial being with the most interaction with and understanding of humanity, especially with that time he was a homeless human under his belt to provide his own reflection on why certain people may do things that are wrong like stealing in order to provide just a basic need for themselves like stealing food to eat. It’s implied that Rowena’s involved in this too. Cas and Jack say their goodbyes to Sam and Dean. If I had it my way, the finale would end up being like the one I made up in an earlier post where Sam and Dean get their beach day but realize that their relationship isn’t healthy for either of them and separate and the viewer no longer has access to what they do with their lives afterwards because Sam and Dean now have control of their own stories and decide who gets to see it. But I guess what I made up fixes some general overarching complaints about the last three episodes. I still hate that last episode and what I feel is the assassination of 15 years of character development of Sam and Dean in order to go back to S1 with Sam as the main character and Dean as the side character interrupting his life but I just barely acknowledge it as the show’s finale.
I do love the confession scene. I really do. But if it was just going to end with Cas dying a minute after confessing his love and never being seen or acknowledged again, I would’ve much rather preferred it being that his happiest moment was being with his child in the endless feedback loop of familial love.
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awesomesusiebstuff · 4 years
Time Together Changes Everything
This was written for @idreamofplaid Thanks For The Memories Challenge.  It was inspired by scenes form Supernatural Season 13 episodes Patience and The Big Empty and by my love for the relationship between Sam and Jack.
Characters:  Sam Winchester, Jack Kline, Dean Winchester
Words: 2,113
Warnings:  None that I could think of.  Pure fluff.
A/N Thanks to @fangirlxwritesx67 for reading and encouraging and to @thoughtslikeaminefield for beta read and suggestions for improvement.
Summary: Dean is angry.  Jack is afraid of Dean and of his own powers.  Sam is trying to keep himself and everyone else together.  Someone has to be the adult in the bunker. Who knew trying to raise a Nephilim would be so difficult?
With Cas dead and Mary gone, life in the bunker was very uncomfortable.  Truth be told, uncomfortable was too small a word to describe the atmosphere.  Charged, hostile, despairing. Those were more accurate descriptions. Everyone who remained had been sent reeling.  The world had spun off its axis and no one had time to adjust to the new trajectory.  
 Dean was mourning his best friend, and his mother, and was caught up in blaming the bunker’s newest resident for his loss. Jack was feeling alone and frightened.  Everything was new and terrifying to him, including his own powers. And Sam, Sam was just trying to keep it together.  
He had lost his friend and mother -- and, God, it hurt!  But he was convinced that Jack was not a monster and knew that someone had to look after him. So, in one of the greatest ironies of all time,  Sam chose to step up and protect the son of Lucifer, which included helping Jack learn how to control his powers and use them for good.
Training was not going well. Jack had been trying his hardest to please Sam by making a pencil levitate.  Sam had been trying his best to be patient and not pressure Jack. He knew Jack was scared. Sam was frustrated though, and felt he was doing everything wrong.  He had no real experience with kids. And, even though Sam knew he did the best he could, his own father was not exactly a role model. Sam was worried he would not be an adequate parent for any child, let alone for a Nephilim. Just the thought of it was overwhelming.
Sam wished he could get Dean on board for some much needed help, but Dean was convinced Jack was evil and would turn on them as soon as he had the opportunity.  Dean had gone so far as to tell Jack he would be the one to kill him if he went dark side. Sam understood that his brother’s first response to any strong, uncomfortable emotion was anger. He knew this was part of Dean’s grieving process, but his brooding and glaring at Jack was not helping the situation. 
The day everything changed was the day Jack blew up at Sam and fled to his room.  Sam found him sitting in the corner in tears. Sam knew what it was to feel like a disappointment. He was mortified to be the cause of Jack’s tears. 
Sam sat next to Jack on the floor and bumped his shoulder to get the boy’s attention. In the gentlest voice possible, Sam said “I’m sorry for pushing so hard, Jack.  I forget that you’re just a kid. I want you to know that whether you get a handle on your powers or not, you are not a disappointment. Your mom believed in you. Cas believed in you.  And I believe in you.”  
By this time, Jack had turned so he could look at Sam, his face so open and hopeful that Sam found himself close to tears. “OK,” Jack said.” I’m ready to try again.”  “Great!” Sam replied. “But let’s have a little fun first, take a break.”
Sam wasn’t really sure what would be fun for a Nephilim. Truth be told, he wasn’t certain what would be fun for a child. Sam thought about things he had liked to do as a child. He remembered that most of his favorite things involved fantasy of some kind.  He didn’t think he should resort to playing Batman and Robin or soldiers with Jack. He decided to start introducing Jack to the world of Star Wars, figuring that would at least be interesting for him.   
He left Jack in his room with a laptop and Clone Wars. When he checked back a few hours later, he saw that Jack had not moved off his bed and was still working his way through the episodes.  Sam asked, ”Hey, how’s it going?” Jack looked up and replied, “Good. I’m enjoying it. I’m not too fond of Anakin, though.”  Sam laughed when he heard this. He was taking this as an indication that Jack was not going to go all Darth Vader on the world.  At Jack’s questioning look, Sam smiled and said, “I’ll explain it to you another time.” Jack just nodded and went back to his viewing.
Sam left to make Jack something to eat and ran into Dean in the kitchen. He was still smiling when he said, “So get this. Jack doesn’t like Anakin Skywalker. Dude, that’s a good thing, right?”  Dean didn’t really answer but he actually smiled. Sam chose to see this as another good sign. Maybe the ice around Dean was starting to thaw and he would begin to warm up to Jack. 
Jack really seemed to enjoy the animated series so Sam downloaded the movies for him, starting, of course, with the original one featuring Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.  While Jack watched, Sam returned to the library to do more research on Nephilim.
Thinking about Star Wars and his own childhood had triggered some not so great memories, like how much he disliked being left alone to entertain himself when Dean and his father went on hunts.  Those memories made him realize he was doing the same thing to Jack. Sam might not know the best way to teach Jack to use his powers, but he could spend time with him and show Jack what it was like to be human.
From that day on, Sam made a point of spending time with Jack and introducing him to what he called “the human experience.” He listed what he considered essentials and set himself the goal of checking at least one thing off the list every day. 
Sam was aware that Jack was too small to wear any of Dean’s clothes.  And his own clothes certainly would not fit him. So clothes shopping moved to the top of the list.
Sam never paid much attention to clothes but he found that he actually enjoyed helping Jack find things to wear that he would like and that would feel comfortable. One of their most successful shopping excursions netted Jack a new “favorite” hoodie and a pair of sneakers with Velcro, both of which quickly became part of his daily wardrobe.  
Grocery shopping was not quite as successful.  Jack discovered he liked candy, sugary cereal, and just about anything sweet.  Sam tried to introduce him to all sorts of fruits and vegetables. Jack would try everything but nothing beat nougat and Sam would always catch him trying to sneak sweets into the grocery cart. 
Sam was aware that Jack’s grocery preferences contributed to Dean’s warming up to him.  Dean would never take Jack shopping, but whenever Dean went on a supply run, Sam saw that a handful of candy bars and a couple boxes of sugary cereal mysteriously made it into the bunker. 
Dean couldn’t help noticing that Jack looked up to Sam and that Sam looked happier when he was doing things with Jack. One day he commented, “Dude, I’m glad to see you looking like less of a sad sack.”  Sam gave Dean the patented eye roll and said, “Yeah, I think things are getting better.” Sam knew better than to push Dean so he just smiled to himself and let it drop.  
Hunting was the family business, so, of course, Sam taught Jack about monsters and the lore.  He took Jack out to walk around a cemetery and explained how EMF worked. He let Jack read his hunting journal and some of the notes he kept about monsters he and Dean had encountered. 
Sam stayed away from the topic of Lucifer as much as possible.  He knew Jack had questions. Jack finally came out and asked, “Is my father a monster?” Sam answered honestly, ”Yes, Jack, he is. And someday I’ll tell you more about him and why I know he is evil.  But Jack, that does not mean you will be evil. You have a choice and I believe you will make the right one.”
After that, Sam was always very careful to make sure Jack knew he and Dean did not see him as a monster. He believed that Jack trusted that Sam saw him as a real person and not just some “cosmic entity” with potentially useful powers.  He knew Jack was still unsure about Dean, especially after Dean’s “cosmic can opener” crack. Sometimes Jack had bad dreams and he would go to find Sam. He would always ask, “Is Dean going to kill me?’ And Sam always replied, “No. I won’t let that happen.”
Jack’s nightmares became less frequent.  One morning he came to Sam and said ”I don’t think Dean plans to kill me anytime soon.” Sam recognized this as real progress and decided to plan a Lord of The Rings movie marathon to celebrate. However, before the marathon could begin, Sam decided Jack needed one more lesson.  Sam wanted to show Jack the failsafe weapon to be deployed when trying to get Dean to do anything. Sam left Jack practicing his puppy dog eyes in the mirror and went to find Dean. Sam used his own puppy dog eyes on his brother and Dean agreed to join them in watching the first movie. 
Midway through the movie, Jack asked ,“Aren’t people supposed to have snacks when they’re watching a movie?” and Sam watched Jack unleash his version of the pleading eyes on Dean.  Sam smirked as he watched Dean jump up to go to the kitchen, saying “I’m on it. Popcorn and nachos coming right up. Anybody need another drink?” By the time the credits rolled on the last film, all three were devouring a Dean made “hobbit second breakfast” of waffles, bacon, and a veggie omelet for Sam.
The next day, Jack proudly announced, “I found a case for you.”   Dean surprised Sam by inviting Jack to come with them on the hunt.  It turned out to be a simple salt-and-burn and didn’t require any use of special powers.  Jack showed he was able to listen and followed Sam’s every direction. And Sam knew Jack’s willingness to do the grave digging won him points with Dean.
Jack’s full acceptance into the Winchester family became apparent to Sam the day after they returned  to the bunker. Sam noticed that Dean had begun calling Jack “kid” and he immediately recognized what that meant.  Any lingering doubt Sam may have had disappeared when Dean began teasing Jack about his hair.
 Dean said “Hey, kid.  You’re getting a little shaggy.  Which is ok if you want Wookie hair but…” and then gave Sam a pointed look. 
Jack looked at Sam for guidance, unsure of how to respond.  Sam just laughed and directed a “jerk” at Dean.  
Sam said, “Jack, it’s your hair and you decide how you want it to look.”  
After giving it some thought, Jack said, “I guess I don’t want to look like a Wookie.  Can I get a haircut?”  
Dean volunteered to cut Jack’s hair but Sam just chuckled and shook his head.  Sam decided he would make an appointment with the girl who cut his own hair and take Jack into town for his haircut. 
The next day, Sam and Jack drove into town.  Sandra, Sam’s usual stylist, greeted them with a smile and innocently asked Sam, “And who is this?” referring to Jack.  
Giving one of his awkward waves, Jack shyly said, “I’m Jack.” 
Sam was taken aback because he hadn’t thoroughly thought this thing through. Of course, Sandra knew Sam and would be curious about Jack.  By that time, Jack was nervously staring at the floor. And Sam was hit by the realization that that this was Jack’s first haircut and it was a big deal for him. 
Not giving himself time to think, Sam blurted out, “He’s my son.”  When he saw the biggest smile he had ever seen on Jack’s face, he knew it was the right thing to say.  More than that, he knew it was the truth.  
He felt himself smiling just as big when Jack answered, “Yes, that’s my Dad.”  
He might not have been prepared to be a parent. But at that moment, if anyone had asked Sam Winchester if he was happy to be a father, his answer would be a resounding “Yes!”
 Tagging Interested Parties:  @idreamofplaid @fangirlxwritesx67 @thoughtslikeaminefield @kickingitwithkirk @klaatu51 @aeo10fan
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mila-dans · 4 years
Spells Out Trouble: Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
This is chapter nine AND the last chapter of “Spells Out Trouble.” Masterlist Here!
Chapter Eight: Long Train Runnin’
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 6237
Summary: You have been with the Winchesters for several years now going through all the literal trials and tribulations with them. What happens when Dean gets hit by a love spell and becomes head-over-heels for you? Will your pushed down emotions finally rise or will you get in over your head? Find out what happens when your best friend’s hard exterior becomes mush whenever you end up in his eyeline.
Just so you know: This is my first Fanfic so sorry if there are aspects missing. This has been so fun to write and I am so happy that people like it. This will be the last chapter so thank you to those who’ve been with the story since the beginning. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it! (Also, not my gif! - @rainbow-motors​)
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You ran out from the infirmary, trying to get away. You could still hear him.
“You should be dead! It should’ve been you! You killed your parents!”
You raced up the stairs. You weren’t quick enough.
“It was your fault they died! You killed them! It was all your fault you piece of sh-”
Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.
Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.
Bzz. Bzz. B-Whack.
You rubbed your eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. They were sore. Apparently, crying yourself to sleep every night for a month doesn’t leave your eyelids feeling rejuvenated. One months. One god awful month since you ran out of the bunker and never looked back.
You sat up in your bed, moving the sheets around thinking of how much easier it would be to just crawl right back underneath them. It would be easy, sure, but you have stuff to do. And that stuff being leaving credit card trails in far away places just in case Sam was still looking for you. You threw out your cellphone a while back, trading it for one that the boys couldn’t track. You didn’t even know if they were still on the hunt for you. Either way, it didn’t matter. You didn’t want to be found.
You walked to the bathroom, starting your morning routine. Washing face, brushing teeth, combing hair. This was just about the only constant you had in your life currently. A routine. You would leave and find a new hotel, new car, new credit card and new fake name every week. You would say that you were on the run but in order to call it that, you’d have to know what you were running from.
Were you running from Dean? The words that still echoed in your head? The pain of your heartbreaking? Or was it a mix? It seemed like your life just got ripped to shreds. That feeling of your heart crumpling is something that never went away. You missed them. You missed him. 
Dean’s reaction was something that you never could’ve even imagined. You thought names would be called and harsh words would be said, but never did you think that Dean would try to shoot you. If it wasn’t for Castiel stepping in front of the bullet just in time, you would be dead as a doornail.
His words, they haunted you. There was only one time that Dean Winchester had ever come close to being like that. It was different back then. You still don’t know why he acted the way he did. Looks like now you’ll never know.
Two years ago. Florence, Alabama. Jillian’s Diner.
You sat in the booth with Sam, trying to wipe the excess of Hellhound blood off of your face.
It was the time of the trials. You, Dean, and Sam had all been fighting over who gets to shut the gates of hell forever. Lucky you, it just so happened that you had on the glasses and a knife in hand. You managed to kill the mutt before it killed Sam. Drenched in the blood from a hound of hell. All you had to do was mumble a little Latin and the first trial was one and done.
The two of you waited for Dean to arrive at the diner. He was out in the woods, hunting with the idiots who sold their soul in the first place when it all went down. Sam had given him a call telling him where you two were getting your nutrients. 
You didn’t mention to Sam and sure as hell wouldn’t tell Dean what you felt like inside. It hurt on a whole other level. Your forearm was killing you. It was as if a chainsaw was stuck inside you and just kept hacking away. You knew it would only get worse but whatever the cost, it would be worth it. Slamming the gates of hell. Forever.
“You alright?” Sam asked as he wiped the last bit of blood off of your face.
“Yeah,” you replied with a smile. “How about you? I know that you were pretty determined to gut the mutt.”
“Eh, sure but, I don’t care who it is so long as we lock the demons up and throw away the key.” Sam chuckled and you smiled.
“It’s gonna be so great when they are gone. Think about it: no more demons. No Crowley!” You say with glee as the thought leaves you happy.
“What?” Sam says as he turns around in the seat to see who opened the door.
There stands Dean. He looks mad. Very mad.
“Dean?” Sam questions as his brother stomps over to the table with a deadly gaze directed at you.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” Dean shouts, causing a jump from everyone in the place, yourself included.
“Dean!” You reply, trying to get him to calm down. He just continues to stare at you. Maddened. 
“Why did you do it?! Why?!” He continues shouting.
Sam stands up from his seat and goes over to Dean, “What the hell, man?” He whispers. “You need to calm down,” he says with a stern tone.
“No! I will not calm down!” Dean says as he pushes Sam away.
The waiters and waitresses start to come and view the fight. You still remain in your seat with the rabid Dean hovering over you.
“Take it outside, Dean,” Sam whispers as he takes notice of the people watching. He knows that if Dean gets out of hand, a lot of people could get hurt. He pushes Dean towards the door but not before Dean can push back.
“Fine! You want me to take it outside? Then I’ll take it outside!” Dean replies as he marches back over to you, grabbing you by the arm and shoving you out the door.
“What the hell, Dean?!” You shout as Sam tries to pull Dean’s hand away from your arm. 
“‘What the hell?!’ ‘What the hell?!’ How about what the hell were you thinking by doing the trial?!”
“What?!” You say as Dean starts pacing, trying to hold himself back. “That’s what this is about?!” Dean nods aggressively at you. “I did the trial! So what?”
“‘So what?!’” Dean starts going over towards you again but Sam stops him resulting in a few hits to be thrown.
“Knock it off!” You yell as you pull the beaten brothers from one another. You stand Dean up and try to check on him but he just swats you away. “Dean,” you say grimly, “what is your problem? And talk. Don’t yell. Don’t punch,” you order.
Dean takes a few steps then falls on a bench. You go over to Sam who has blood dripping down from the side of his face.
“How could you be so stupid?” Dean asks you.
“I’m sorry?” You reply, unsure of if Dean just insulted you.
“Seriously. How could you be that stupid? I honestly want to know,” Dean chuckles a little.
“You better watch your mouth, Winchester,” you say as you struggle to control yourself. “I’d choose your next words very wisely.”
“Dean, what is wrong with you?” Sam asks.
Dean just laughs.
“What has gotten into you?” You add.
“I’m pissed off!” He shouts.
“Because I did the trials?” 
“That’s exactly why!”
“What’s it to you? The gates are gonna close. Does it really matter who locks it up?”
“Yes! It does matter!” Dean says as he rubs his hands through his hair. “It matters a lot.”
“Is this just because you wanted to do it?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, is this just some stupid ego-hero thing, Dean?” You ask as you look at the agitated Dean.
“No, that’s no--that’s not what it is,” Dean sighs. “Just, why did you have to do it, Y/N? Why?”
“I did it because I just so happened to do it! Okay?” You say sarcastically. “Could you just for once not try and be the one who saves the day? Can you just stow your crap?”
“We don’t know what the trials could do to you, Y/N.”
“So?! You were gonna do them! Just cause you like sacrificing yourself at every chance you get doesn’t mean you have to!”
“That’s not why! That’s no--” Dean stops.
“‘That’s not’ what, Dean? Finish what you were gonna say!” You order.
Dean exhales with a smile. He shakes his head and stands back up from the bench. He walks past you.
“Are you gonna answer me?” You ask. Dean goes over to the car and gets in. “Nice, Dean! Real mature!” He drives off and you turn your attention towards Sam. “Do you know what that was about?”
“No,” Sam answers as he brushes his hair out of his face. “No clue.”
And just like that, Dean never talked about it again. He just left pissed off but eventually came back around to his usual annoying self. All you knew is that Dean really liked to be the one to die or get killed. He’d jumped in front of the gun for you more times than once. Never did you think he’d end up shooting at you.
Even though he was mad at you back then, it was nothing compared to how you left him.
You are worthless! You are nothing! You are some bastard that doesn’t even deserve to live!
You should be dead! It should’ve been you! You killed your parents!
It was your fault they died! You killed them! It was all your fault you piece of sh-
I said stop!
No matter what you told yourself, no matter how hard you tried to forget, or how hard you tried to block it out, his words played like a broken record in your head. Over and over, and over, and over. Even Jim, Jack, and Jose couldn’t take the edge off. Nothing could. Nothing can.
All you could think about was Dean. God, he was stuck in your brain like glue. Even a month later and you couldn’t stop.
You had just gotten back from a grocery store downtown and made your way into the motel room. It had been two months now that you were away from the bunker.
It hurts so bad.
You missed your family. You missed your home. You missed Baby. You missed Dean. You missed Cas. You missed Sam.
You went to collapse on your bed as the floodgates opened and all sorts of tears and emotions came out. You couldn’t handle it all alone. It took everything in you to not call Sam and crawl back to him knowing that he would help carry the burden. He always had. He was like the big brother you always wanted. He was your brother.
You reached for your phone but the thought of Dean stopped you from going any further.
What if he still wants to kill me? What if he tries to? What if he's managed to convince them that I am everything he said and less? Why was I so stupid? Why am I here? What am I doing? I should come back home. They miss me, I’m sure. I miss them. I miss all of them. I miss playing chess with Cas. I miss researching with Sam. I miss looking at Dean every time he looked away from me. 
Even when Dean was annoying, you still loved that he gave you attention. You loved it whenever he would call your name. You loved it when--when--you loved Dean. Everything about him. Burdens and all. You had spent so long trying to push all of your feelings down and away but ever since… ever since the spell, those emotions arose. Now you suffer the pain of heartbreak. You suffer the pain of losing everything. Everyone.
It wasn’t but a day later that you had managed to over sleep. It wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t fourteen days now that you were in the same motel. The routine kind of got lost and you gave in to the sight of your bed and ‘On Demand’ on the television.
Knock. Knock.
You heard at the door as you turned off Game of Thrones.
This is what happens when you binge. You go into a pit of never ending stories, plot lines, character arcs, and some amazing lighting. The wonders of television.
Knock. Knock.
Right. You take a deep breath. You figure that it is the motel manager complaining that you have the volume too loud. To be honest, it’s not your fault that they make the sound too quiet.
Knock. Knock.
“Coming!” You shout as you crawl out of bed and fax your clothes so it doesn’t look like you’ve been laying in bed all week. 
Knock. Knock.
“I’m coming!” You say again as you turn the knob to open the door. You take a glance at the silhouette of a man in your doorway. The sun shines in your eyes and it takes a minute for the sight to settle. You see him. And it sure as hell ain’t the manager. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” You yell as you slam the door shut.
The door flies back open and you corner yourself in the room, trying to find something, anything.
“Two months and I get a slammed door in my face?” He asks.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” You ask as you terror in fear as he walks in the room, shutting and locking the door behind him.
“Wow, what a greeting!” He says sarcastically. You search for an escape and set your eyes on the bathroom. “I need to talk to you, Y/N.”
“Get the hell away from me, Dean!”
Dean Winchester. Cornering you yet again. The bathroom being your only escape. 
You run towards the bathroom as Dean chases after your. “Don’t--” Dean tries to say as he nearly grabs you before he gets another door slammed in his face. “Really, Y/N? Again?”
“Go away!” You order as you lock the bathroom door.
“I told you, I need to talk to you.”
“You can go to hell!” You say as you look towards the window. You try to open it but it won’t budge.
“Yeah,” Dean says from the other side of the door, “that’s not gonna work, sweetheart.” You can practically hear his smirk. You sigh as you realize that you are locked in the bathroom. The only way out is through Dean Winchester which you have to say, you have mixed feelings about.
“Let me out of here!” You command.
“Hey, I’m not the one who locked herself in the bathroom. Besides, we need to talk and I’m not going to talk to a door,” Dean replies.
“Well I’m not talking to you!” You respond. 
“Fine then.” 
“Fine!” You shout as you search for another escape. Nothing. There is nothing. Dean even made sure that the window was locked from the outside, complete with a note that said “not this time. :)”
You sat down on the floor, starting the waiting period for Dean to leave.
It had nearly been twenty minutes at least. You could still hear Dean on the other side of the door. You could only think about the situation. 
Dean was here. With you. You had no backup. No help. No defense. Like always, you were screwed. Now’s the time when you wish you had a spare knife in your shoe or even a lighter in your pocket. You didn’t know what Dean this was. It could be a whole other crazy by now. Sure he didn’t seem aggressive like he was before but you couldn’t trust him. The last time you saw him, he literally tried to kill you.
“Are you still there?” You asked as you pressed your face closer to the crack under the door.
“Yup,” he answered almost tiredly.
“What are you doing?” You asked cautiously.
“Right now? Well, right now I’m taking a nap since you are being stubborn.”
“I am not being stubborn!” You reply defensively. 
“That right there is called stubbornness, sweetheart.” You could hear Dean laugh a little.
About ten more minutes of silence passed.
“You know? I never took anyone else there,” Dean let out.
“What?” You ask, unsure if this was a trap. Dean always knew how to push your buttons.
“I said, I never took anyone else there.”
“What does that mean?” 
“Dean,” you try again with your curiosity getting the better of you. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, I’m sorry? Are you talking to me?” Dean replies. “Cause I didn’t know doors could talk!”
“Dammit, Dean!” You say knowing that he won’t answer you unless you open the door. You can picture him smiling as you think out the situation. 
This isn’t like crazy Dean. Or other crazy Dean. He seemed normal enough.
“If I open the door, will you kill me?” You ask bluntly.
“Oh, come on!” You shout in frustration. You were both stubborn but you both knew Dean was the worst. “Give me something here. At least let me know that I won’t die if I open the door!”
“Hm… I can’t promise that. I mean, you may get shot at by an intruder or there could be an earthquake or there could be a lighting storm where lighting comes straight down, bust through the ceiling, and goes right for y--”
“Okay! I get it!” You roll your eyes and cautiously open the door. You see Dean sitting with his back against the wall, very closely mirroring your own position. “You happy now?” You ask sarcastically.
“Um, sure,” Dean answers with a smile.
“So what did you mean by ‘never took anyone else there?’” You question as you slowly scoot out of the bathroom, leaning your back against the bed, facing Dean.
“I mean, you are the only person who has ever gone with me to see the rocks.” He looks at you and smirks, proud of the fact that he got you to come out of the bathroom.
“What rocks?” You ask, confused.
“The rocks! The rock monument?” Dean looks at you strangely. “Please tell me you did not manage to forget the fact that I took you to see the sunset at the rock site.”
You think for a moment and look back at him. “How do you know my dreams?” You say, with concern and confusion.
“Dream?” Dean returns the confused look on your face. “Y/N, that wasn’t a dream. I really did take you there and you really did see the sunset. Why would you think it was a dream?”
“I--Wh--Ho,” you keep trying to form words. The fact that your dream actually happened is the second most surprising thing you found out today. Soon to be the third. “I thought it was a dream because I woke up in bed?” You reply, uncertain.
“Okay, listen, do you remember me waking you up? You were in my bed?” You nod. “Good. Do you remember waking up in the car?” You nod again. “All that, it happened. And afterwards, I drove us home, then you fell back asleep.”
“But how did--how did I wake up in bed?”
“I carried you,” he answers. You look at him confused. It would make sense. “I didn’t want to wake you so I carried you from Baby and back to my bed.”
“Then what?” You ask cautiously, seeing if you might have forgotten something else.
“Then you started shivering. I figured that you wouldn’t want to be under the covers with me so instead, I, you know, I snuggled… you.” Dean smiles, almost embarrassed. 
“You snuggled me? That was it?”
“Yeah.” Dean rubs his neck, almost nervous like. “Okay, look, I couldn’t control myself very easily at the time so sorry for wanting to be so close to you.”
“That’s your excuse?” Dean nods. “I don’t care that you snuggled me Dean. In fact, I’m relieved that you didn’t do anything more.”
“Well, I wanted to.” Dean smiles at you. You look down at the ground.
You missed his smile. It’s still hard to believe that he was here. 
“How did you find me?”
“You think it was a hard task to find you? Listen, sweetheart, if I wanted to find you the minute you walked out the door, you would've been found. In fact, I’ve known right where you’ve been for months.”
“So you’ve been stalking me?”
“Are--are you serious? No. I just… I had to wait for the right time. To talk to you.” Dean’s face gets red.
“What do you want?” You notice that Dean keeps getting nervous.
“I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry, for starters.”
“Sorry for…”
Dean looks at you and rolls his eyes. He takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry for coming after you, twice.”
“Three times,” you correct.
“Yes, three times.” Dean chuckles a little. “I’m sorry for well, everything having to do with the spell.”
“You really gonna make me analyze my issues here?” You nod and grin. “Fine. I’m sorry that I sang to you in front of a crowd. I’m sorry that I tried to strip down in front of you. I’m sorry that I kept trying to kiss you. I’m sorry that I kept trying to lick your face.”
“What?!” You look at Dean surprised.
“Oh! Right. You didn’t know that or, um, need to know about that.” He clears his throat. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry about how I made you feel uncomfortable. I’m sorry that I hid the cure from you. I’m sorry that I brought up the issues with your parents and I’m sorry that trying to kill you was the most recent memory you have of me. You gotta know that that wasn’t me. I would never say those things. I would never nor would I ever try to kill you. You’re my best friend. And I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You take a look at Dean and the sincerity shown on his face. This was Dean. The real Dean.
“Dean,” you say as he looks in your eyes and you do the same. “I forgive you. In fact, I forgive you more than I forgive myself for toying with you.”
“Hey,” Dean says as he stops your trail of self hatred. “You didn’t do anything wrong. There is nothing to forgive you for. And,” Dean sighs, “there’s one more thing I have to apologize for.”
“And that is?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Dean takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry that it took some witch, some curse, and a whole lot of vodka for me to finally tell you that I’m in love with you.”
“You what?” You ask, wide eyed and confused.
“I’m in love with you, Y/N. I’m so sorry that it took so long for me to admit it.”
You look at Dean who looks at you.
“Right.” You nod your head slowly. “Right.” You get up and walk over to the table. “Right, you’re right!”
“What are you doing?” Dean asks.
“I’m uh, I’m calling Sam,” you say with an unconvincing smile.
“Why?” Dean asks as he stands up.
“Cause the antidote apparently didn’t work.” You nervously type in the numbers on your phone.
“What?!” Dean asks as he snatches the phone from your hand. “No!”
“Dean,” you say calmly, “Give me the phone and we can get this all sorted out.”
“Y/N, I’m not under the spell, alright?” Dean says as he walks away with your phone. You follow him.
“Sure, Dean. That’s right. Whatever you say. But how about you just give me the phone?” You go over towards the bed and try to swipe the cell back from his hand.
“No!” He responds as he moves it from one hand to another.
“What do you mean no?!”
“I mean no.” Dean sits on the bed and you hop up on it trying to reach over his shoulders.
“Give it!”
“Hm, let me think about it. Oh! How about: No!” Dean stands up and you stand up on the bed, hovering over him. “You’re gonna hurt yourself, sweetheart,” he says with a chuckle.
“Shut up and give me the damn phone!” You lunge for the cellular device. You slowly lose your balance just as you come so close to reaching it. You lean more towards the edge of the bed and fall towards the ground.
“I told you,” Dean says. In one swoop, he caught you before you fell and tossed your back onto the bed and pinned your arms down with his hands. He comes only inches away from your face as you stare into his bright green eyes. “I’m not under some love spell. But I am in love with you.” He continues to stare in your eyes and gives you a smile. “Now can we behave like adults or do I need to bring out my handcuffs?”
“Oh, shut up!” You respond as you wrap your legs around his waist, turning him around, on his back. You now have him pinned down on the bed and you look into his eyes. “You’re insane. You know that Winchester?”
“Maybe,” he smiles. “But It’s only cause you make me.” You roll your eyes. “I could get out of this if I wanted to. I’m stronger than you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m faster,” you respond. Dean pulls you on the bed with him and leans in close to you. “Why don’t you believe I love you, Y/N?”
You take a deep breath, “Because you can’t.”
“And why not?”
“Because… because… because…”
“...Because you love me?” Dean continues. You blush a little and Dean notices. 
“Since when do you love me?”
“Since three years ago.” He smiles. “I remember the exact night I fell in love with you and it wasn’t because of some spell either.” You and Dean take a seat on the edge of the bed as he tells you a story. “It was three years ago. In Chesterfield, Missouri. We had just come back from killing some Thule members that decided to overrun an elementary school. After we burned the bodies, we went to get drinks like usual to celebrate but for some reason, you seemed to get carried away.”
Three years ago. Chesterfield, Missouri. Webb’s Bar.
I had just walked in after Y/N. She was in that little black dress that I loved so much. Only girl I know who could rock a suit just as much as she could a ballgown.
She made her way over to the bar. Sitting down, waiting for some random Romeo to sweep her off her feet. 
Who am I to judge? I’m the one looking for Juliet.
It wasn’t long before Y/N was downing one drink after another. God knows why she’d want to get wasted. Sure, the hunt was a different go around but it wasn’t anything bad. She just seemed to be in some sort of mood.
“Another round!” Y/N shouted causing the whole bar to cheer on the drunk girl of the week. “Woo! Yeah!” Y/N sat at the counter with three douchebags surrounding her.
“Hey, baby,” I heard the one guy whisper to you, “you want to get out of here?”
“Nope! I want to play some pool!” Y/N said as she stumbled from the seat to the pool cue rack.
“What’s she gonna get herself into now?” I whisper under my breath as I watch you miss every shot you take. The three dudes are practically vultures surrounding you now. I could see right through them. The second they get to, you know they are gonna try something.
After about five more shots and three more games, those idiots see their chance. I had already ditched my entertainment for the evening as soon as I saw Y/N. To be fair, you were pretty entertaining too. 
I could see where their eyes went. Where their hands wanted to go.
“Let’s get out of here!” Said the one.
“No! More booze!” Y/N replied. “More booze, more booze, more booze, more--” You stopped your chant when the leader of the pack put his hand on the bottom of your back. I could tell that you didn’t like that. They sure did.
“Come on, baby,” another one said as he grabbed you by your arm and started to pull you outside.
You walked out the door with the three numbskulls chasing after you. 
“Alright,” I said as I got up and followed you.
They took you out behind the bar and were all over you. I would’ve come sooner but you had managed to knock them all out before I had the chance to watch the game of whack a mole.
“You good?” I asked, still in shock by how even though you were drunk, you still managed to get three guys, who are double your size, unconscious.
“Yep!” You reply, almost combining all the letters together. You start to fall over when you try to salute me.
“Woah, woah, woah,” I rush over to you before you fall, “I got you.” I smiled at you. Still gorgeous. From the minute I saw you, I knew that you must be the most gorgeous woman in the world. You collapsed downwards, not far from face planting in the ground.
“Imma… Imma… I think I’m gonna throw up,” you tell me as you lean over and start to hurl. I can’t help but laugh.
“You’re alright,” I say as I stand you back up. You walk over and place your back against the wall. You stare into my eyes and I stare into yours.
It was a beautiful night. You could see the stars thanks to the busted light beside the dumpster. It was beautiful. You were beautiful. You are beautiful.
You started hiccupping. “Dea--hiccup--I’ve got to tell you--hiccup--I’ve got to tell--hiccup--Dean--hiccup--I love--hiccup--” You never finished your unfinishable statement. 
We both heard a scream turning our attention away from one another. You bolted towards the sound, even faster than I could run.
It was a young girl. Must’ve been about sixteen. A guy had her pinned up against the wall with a knife to her throat.
The girl continued to scream as he made little incisions into her skin.
Before I could even react, you went over to the man, tapped his shoulder, and in an instant, you knocked him flat on his ass. 
“Are you okay, honey?” You asked the girl. She nodded with tears in her eyes. “It’s okay,” you said as she wrapped her arms around your neck. You gently rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. “It’s okay.”
“You alright?” I asked again, as you appeared to be fully alert while being completely intoxicated.
“Yeah, Dean. I’m fine,” you smile. You take the girl out of your arms and wipe her tears. “We’re gonna get you home, okay?” The girl nods as you guide her over to Baby.
I took care of the guy by handcuffing him to a fence, leaving a present for the cops. You took care of the girl by just making sure she was okay. You had been in the backseat with her until we arrived at her parents house. You didn’t even blink till you knew she was safe and sound.
You came and took a seat in the passenger side before we left her house.
“What?” You asked me.
“What?” I replied with a smile on my face.
“You’re looking at me.”
“Yeah. You’re looking at me. Why are you looking at me?”
“I can’t help it.” I can’t. You took out four guys tonight all while being completely drunk. That’s a feat even I couldn’t conquer.
“Well fine then!” You shout. “If you wanna look at me so much then you can just look at me as I lay right down here in your lap,” you say with a big grin.
“Okay?” I question.
“Alright,” you say as you lay down in the seat while placing your head in my lap. “Cool. Goodnight, baby.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. You were drunk. You were really drunk.
You closed your eyes, almost falling asleep instantly. I look at you. I look at your head placed in my lap.
“Goodnight, baby. Sweet dreams.”
It was only about a half hour later that I ended up carrying you bridal style back to the motel. 
Your eyes kept fluttering, drifting in and out of sleep. You kept mumbling too. I just nodded along with whatever words came out of your mouth.
I placed you gently down on your bed. I pulled up the sheets and blankets on top of you. You started to reach for my hand. You grabbed me and pulled me closer to you. Before I knew it, your lips were locked with mine. You tasted like four kinds of rum and some cheap gin but the feeling… it felt so good. It was perfect.
You just about passed out before you could make out with me even more. I just gently put your head back down on the pillow causing you to fall right back asleep.
“What?” You ask in shock of if the events he’d just revealed were true or not.
“Yeah,” he replies with a smile. “That happened too. And that’s the night I truly fell in love with you. It wasn’t even the kiss that got me. It was the fact that you completely went out of your way to make sure that that girl was safe. I don’t even think you could’ve remembered your own name at the time. Yet, you had your instinct still intact. Your instinct to save and protect people. It’s my favorite thing about you. ”
“...Can you not remember? Or why didn’t I tell you?” Dean finishes. You nod. “I didn’t tell you cause,” he takes a deep breath, “I didn’t want to risk losing the best friend I’ve ever had.”
“Okay. Okay.” You try to reassure yourself. “Okay then, if you love me, then why the hell do you pick on me all the time?”
“Oh come on! That is literally the most obvious thing that I could’ve done,” he says. You shake your head confused. “Don’t you know that in school, the guy always picks on the girl cause he likes her?”
“So you are comparing yourself to some immature child now?”
“What! No, that’s not!--Okay, look, you and I both know that I’m not Mr. Share all when it comes to emotions.”
“And whose fault is that? Huh?” You roll your eyes.
“Wait a second now, you’re the one who always runs to Sam whenever you want to talk about something. Never once have you run to me so why would I feel as if I could talk to you?” Dean answers defensively.
“So now it’s my fault? You do realize that it’s a two way street?!” You throw up your hands and lean back your head. “Wow. You just told me you were in love with me and we somehow manage to turn it into a fight,” you say with a huff.
Dean laughs. “You’re not wrong, sweetheart.”
“Really?!” You say agitated.
“That! That right there. Calling me ‘sweetheart’ like you do every other girl. Now that pisses me off.” 
“Y/N,” Dean says as he looks in your eyes. “If you think that I call every girl sweetheart, then you must be deaf. Because, see, I call them sweetheart but you are the only one who I’ve ever called sweetheart.”
The change in Dean’s voice actually surprises you. You‘ve never thought about how he’s said it differently before. “Sweetheart.” It had a nice ring to it.
You and Dean take a minute to process everything. 
“So you are really in love with me?” You ask. No harm in being extra sure.
“Yep,” Dean replies. “I’m totally head over heels,” he moves closer to you, “butterflies in stomachs,” he leans in, “crazy in love.” He places his lips on yours.
This was perfect. It was finally perfect.
Dean moved his lips away from yours for just a second to catch a breath. “And just so you know, sweetheart, the spell worked on me because I was already in love with you. The witch was trying to force love, but when it came to me, let’s just say it’s taken everything in me to not come in here and kiss you sooner.” Dean turns his gaze from your lips to your eyes.
“You couldn’t have just started with that information, couldn’t you?” You question with a smile.
“Nah, too easy.”
“Oh, shut up, Winchester,” you command as you press your lips on him once more.
You wrap your arms around each other, continuing to kiss every square inch accessible on the skin.
“Alright,” Dean says as he stands up. “Come on.” He reaches out for your hand and to take it hesitantly.
“What?” You ask.
“As much as I want to spend every second having my lips on you, I came here for a reason.”
“And that is…”
Dean smiles down at you and brushes his hand on the back of your neck as he pulls you close. “I’m taking you home, baby.”
You took a ride in Baby back to the bunker. Your heart was racing. You had laid your head in Dean’s lap again. He continued to comb through your hair. He couldn’t help but smile. You couldn't even think about frowning.
Walking through the bunker doors was something that you had fantasized about from the moment you left in the first place. 
Sam was the first one to come running through the war room, racing to you as he wrapped his gigantic arms around you. He had watery eyes that you couldn’t help but mirror when you thought of how much you missed him. 
Next was Cas. He wasn’t as quick to get to you, but his grip was so tight. He wrapped his arms around you. He almost crushed you but you didn’t even care. He kept hanging onto you with even Sam joining in the hug. Dean eventually wrapped his arms around the group too. They all hugged you so tight. It felt so perfect.
You were home. You were finally home. You were with your family. You were finally at peace. You were finally, truly, 100%, completely, happy.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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@crazybutconfidentaf @doctorlilo @pillowjj @busy-bee-angel-misska @vicmc624 @sl33pybo1
I’d just like to say that I’ve really enjoyed writing this series! I hope to write more in the future. Thank you all for reading! Lots of Love!
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I don’t know why I wrote this, or why I wrote so much. Gomen.
So I just re-watched The Scene while I’m actually awake and coherent and I blasted the volume with my headset so I could hear every little thing and while it’s pretty clear they were filmed separately(?) from a writers point of view, the dialogue and reactions made sense --- not the ‘all gays go to super-hell’-bit... there’s no excusing that, but it was foreshadowed a long while ago (hence why I’m not 100% surprised that The Scene even happened since it was obvious that the character in questions’ ‘moment of true happiness’ would be a confession the moment the deal was made. I still think they’ll end on a ‘reset the universe back to point A to prevent point B’-type to just be like... well you already know the story so even if it’s ending, it’s not really ending but going on and on and on in a paradox because the whole show is convoluted what with the time-travel and parallel universes and other dimensions and shit. 
Not my point, I started rambling. Uh... Click the ‘read more’ for more? Gods, I can’t believe this is what spurred a real-ass post from me...
If anyone wants to discuss this, please do. But don’t be an ass about it please, I’m just here to have a discussion. 
Anyways, Jensen’s acting was flat. Like he wasn’t into the script at all. Like he totally believed that this went completely against the character he’s supposed to play - and he’s not really wrong, but you can see this a lot in movies and tv shows where the actors disagree with the writing and direction that it’s reflected in their performance. 
While this scene in particular seems like the actors were shot apart and chopped together, I think they were both very much in the know about the script. Misha gave it his all, you could hear him thanking the audience for watching his performance. His in-character confession was just as much his ‘thank you’ and it shows - but while his whole speech was likely one good take (probably after a long day, especially since every one working on this show had to work around covid-19 safety procedures) Jensen’s was probably multiple takes, with the good shots being chosen and patched together to make him seem a least a little like he isn’t completely refusing the script. 
As for the characters and the writing, it worked. Now I’m no expert in homosexual relationships but I’m very queer, as is my s/o, so I’m gonna try to not stick my foot in my mouth for this part. While homophobia is in no way acceptable, it’s understandable why Jensen isn’t into this particular pairing: The fandom shoved it down his throat, down the producers throats, until it was made canon. One thing that sucks the life out of creators is self-entitled fans. Yeah it’s nice to show your support and love of a content, but you shouldn’t be shoving your ideals for the content into the creators faces. It’s just uncouth.
Rambled again, sorry. 
Cas’ speech was wonderful. He clarified his love for Dean by leveling his love for everyone and everything first, and then showing how his love for Dean was stronger than those - but stronger because of them. This way, in describing the care and love he has, Cas can be sure Dean understands that his love for him is a different kind of love without worrying about Dean being confused about his meaning when he’s already gone. Sorry I’m trying to figure out how to word this. 
An example for clarification: A tells B they love them, but then they leave/die/whatever, and without clarification B might assume that it was a familial/platonic love - like saying you love your parent/sibling/friend. However, if A prefaced with a confirmation of familial love to B and then confessed their love for B, there is a better chance for understanding. 
And from the way we see Dean shut down after the Empty takes Cas and Billie, completely ignoring Sam’s calls (which, after what he just learned from Billie as well as knowing Sam is in pain from losing Eileen - and everyone - is abnormal) in addition to not really moving from where he was thrown and burying his face - while SOBBING - I think it’s safe to assume he understood Cas’ confession as something more than family. Like, we’ve seen them ‘lose’ Cas before and Dean wasn’t as broken up about it as he was this time. Sure he was angry, but he’s always angry - but this time he isn’t angry. 
Additionally, Dean didn’t outright reject Cas. He said “Don’t do this, Cas.” Which could easily be interpreted as ‘how fucking dare you confess to me when you’re about to die, thus immediately breaking my heart’ - which, if you’re really reaching for straws, could be a ‘wow, so my feelings would’ve been reciprocated if I actually had the balls to confess - not that it matters because apparently if I did confess you’d literally be so happy you would die.’ Ultimately, it’s a lose-lose-lose situation. 
To add on to Sam’s phone call, when we see him hang up after leaving the silo we could assume he first tried calling Cas and then called Dean meaning that since Cas was taken, Dean sat there disassociating and trying to figure out wtf just happened when Sam snapped him back to reality - thus interrupting his compartmentalizing and forcing him to feel, because Dean hates feelings. 
And yeah, the whole ‘Bury your Gays’ trope is shitty, but this is Supernatural: a horror-drama tv show where People Die and unfortunately, because most of the characters that die are side characters, the queers die mostly because they’re side characters and side characters are expendable. It fucking sucks, especially now that they are using LGBTQIA+ to boost their views at the END OF THE SERIES. Honestly, would be more acceptable to have it be a thing a few seasons ago, but they also have to work with the actors to even produce the show - and if the staring actor isn’t comfortable with certain themes, they can’t really force him without the show crashing and burning - which, in good old capitalism, a little homophobia to conserve their money-maker is normal. I don’t even know where I’m going with this. 
Luckily, this is Supernatural, and Supernatural doesn’t like leaving people dead - even at the end of the series. There are a few possible endings they could go with, but through speculation there could be more without noticing.
A) Chuck taunts the brothers, probably tortures them more just ‘cause, before simply ending everything.
B) Amara somehow takes over Chuck - or they properly combine and suddenly remember why they made everything. 
C) The boys give up and accept their fate.
D) The boys don’t give up and go out fighting. 
E) Somehow they negotiate with Chuck and exchange themselves for everyone else. 
F) Chuck hits the reset button, and this time he’ll make the boys more controllable. 
G) The boys kill Chuck, but in the sudden power imbalance, the universe eliminates all supernatural beings and just create a mundane world - whether the boys are part of the world or not is up in the air. 
H) Everyone is in the Empty now cause there’s no place left to exist but the Empty - since for some reason the Empty is more limbo than purgatory, but it makes sense. 
I) The Empty is piiiiiissssssssed that Chuck suddenly made everything stop existing and then eats Chuck because Chuck will be loud making new things - or because Chuck will be a threat to the Empty... or he just wont let the Empty sleep. God what even is the Empty?  Like, really, shouldn’t they be all-powerful - moreso than Chuck - since, without God there is nothing and without anything existing wouldn’t everything/nothing be Empty?
J) Empty eats Chuck 2020 - and the show ends just like that. 
K) Chuck, to prevent being eaten by the Empty, brings everything back to put some cushion between him and the Empty - or gets the boys to kill the Empty in exchange for their world back sans God. (Their own little playpen that they can do whatever they want with.) 
L) Dean kills Chuck with Death’s Scythe. 
M) Sam and Dean somehow kill Chuck and in the power imbalance, replace him. (I’ve had this theory - unspoken though - before where Dean becomes head honcho in Heaven or Hell and Sam takes the other spot, no luck on this one yet.) 
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Either way, two episodes left to find out what the fuck is going on. 
Next episode will be dramatic and sad as Sam, Dean and Jack reconvene - probably with Sam and Jack stopping Dean from giving up. Also, Jack will probably get dusted too - I’m surprised he didn’t go at the end there. 
HONESTLY by the title of the episode, I think option K if more likely... but Chuck will probably be like... yeah here take it idgaf anymore. The road home will be very epilogue-y with flashbacks and shit to tie everything up and be all ‘They lived happily ever after.’ 
I don’t even know anymore... why can I write this much over a stupid show but not for like... a book or something. 
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lovedsammy · 4 years
we’re burning out (and burning down); commission for @awesomesusiebstuff
Commission for @awesomesusiebstuff! The prompt was Sam and Cas rekindling their relationship after 14.19/14.20 after what happened with Jack, and how much of a role Sam had with trapping him. Cas is more disappointed with Sam instead of angry, and they get the chance to talk this out. With everything that was going on, I didn’t see an opportunity during 14.20 for much talking between them so felt 15.01 was the best chance! Hope you like it!
Takes place during 15.01. After returning back to the school, Sam and Cas take a much needed moment to grieve Jack and work some things out concerning what happened with the boy.
Sam huffs as he sifts through the Impala’s trunk. Not only were they somehow relatively low on salt rounds, but there were only two full guns available between himself and Cas. In their defense, they hadn’t had an actual ghost case in a long while. Not to mention the fact that with the way things had been lately, both he and Dean had other priorities. Sam guesses that they’d simply forgotten to restock the car with everything they usually had. It was coming back to bite them now. The current arsenal was not what he’d hoped, but it should work for the time being until they could get a break to restock. Unfortunately, a break didn’t seem to be in their future any time soon. 
A thoughtless roll of his shoulder has the bullet wound smarting again, and Sam hisses, raising a hand to it out of instinct. Rubbing circle patterns on his shirt above the wound does little to ease it, but it brings him some comfort anyway. 
He can feel Cas’s gaze burning through the back of his head. 
“Sam --” 
“I’m fine, Cas,” He interrupts shortly. “Let’s just get as many people cleared out of here as we can. The last thing we need is Chuck making a bigger spectacle of this than he already has.” He slams the hood of the Impala and tosses the angel one of the guns, and keeps the other. “The sooner we get a containment on this, the better.”
Cas doesn’t protest, nor does he bring it up again on the seemingly endless long walk through the suburban streets.  
The pretty mundane town seemed quiet enough, but Sam knows better than to lower his guard. Chuck had raised souls from hell and allowed them to inhabit the bodies of the dead. If he really had undone everything that Sam and Dean had ever done, every bit of good, then that meant that this town was afflicted with not just hell-ghosts, but likely vengeance-seeking ones from his and his brother’s very first cases together.
They’d be out to get some payback. 
Sam glances over at Cas. He had a feeling that the angel only decided to accompany him because he couldn’t stand to be around Dean anymore, and much less so, Belphegor. It wasn’t easy for Sam to be near the demon inhabiting Jack’s corpse, either, admittedly. But they needed him for the time being, so they had to shelve their grief for their surrogate son until a later time -- as always. The reality of the boy’s death threatens to crush Sam, and he’s sure it does for Cas, as well. At this point, the only thing keeping him walking, keeping him going, not just physically but also mentally, is the job that they have to do. 
The job, saving people, saving the world - that came first. 
Castiel, on the other hand, seemed to have opposite thoughts. As he was right now walking beside Sam, he was all business, a storm of well-contained fury. He was only holding back from smiting the demon all together because he knew that Sam was right, despite his own reservations. Sam understood it, more than he knew how to express. He wants to, though, wants to tell Cas that he gets it, that he’s feeling just as pained and angry about what happened with Jack, but he knows that’s not exactly true. 
Cas was feeling it the worst. Cas hadn’t betrayed Jack like Sam had. Cas hadn’t turned his back on the boy, had done exactly what Sam should have, and protected him until his last breath. Sam had failed where Cas hadn’t, and he doesn’t feel that gives him the right to vent, to equalize their shared grief over the kid that they both loved like a son.  
Things weren’t exactly rosy between them right now either. 
There was a pointed tension between them, no longer the companionable silence that made their partnership so easy before. Now it was more of an acquaintance, an alliance formed out of necessity and a shared desire for vengeance. Sam hadn’t felt this uneasy around Cas since the early days, when the angel regarded him as lesser being, as an abomination. It took Sam a while to feel at ease with the angel back then, and like he could be allowed to be in his presence. There wasn’t exactly that same level of severity now, but it was close to it.
Sam felt ashamed to call himself one of Jack’s guardians, or Cas’s friend.
He didn’t deserve to be either.
Dean and Belphegor are off somewhere else doing… something. Sam doesn’t know what. He thinks he heard Dean mention calling Ketch, but he’s not sure. He’d blanked out a little, looking at Belphegor. He’d almost accidentally called him ‘Jack.’ It’d been on the literal tip of his tongue. He’d reeled in the slip up at the last possible second, and quickly excused himself from the room. To his surprise, Castiel had followed him outside. 
“I can’t be in there,” The angel explains at Sam’s questioning look, coming to stand next to him. “It’s too much.”
Sam guiltily ducks his head. “Yeah.”
“At least we got Carla and Katie to safety.” 
Sam nods absently, taking in the sorrow lines in Cas’s face. His heart aches for him. He doesn’t know how he can ever make any of this right. What happened to Jack… as much as Sam wants to blame Chuck, he can’t help but also blame himself. Part of what lead to it was his fault, and Dean’s, too. 
The angel doesn’t even need to say it. Sam knows that he’s still pissed at him. And he has every right to be.
Sam knows that he’d fucked up, and accepts it, bears that responsibility. Not only had he missed the signs that Jack was soulless, but he’d gone along with Dean to lock the kid up. He’d lied to Jack and promised him redemption and instead had manipulated him into a death box. Jack was going to remain trapped in there forever, unable to escape. It was a fate worse than death, and Sam had subjected the boy that he viewed as a son to that. 
Because he had followed his brother, and not gone with his gut. 
But he truly hadn’t known what else to do. And maybe a selfish part of him had wanted some retribution for his mother’s death, too. He hadn’t had to experience losing her the first time. Mary Winchester had just been a name to him, the woman he knew as his mother. But he’d had no actual memories of her. She wasn’t anything tangible, anything real, to him. Until she was, and he had to lose her for the first - real - time. 
He had only known a little fraction of what it meant to grieve a mother, but now he felt it in full force. It was a silent heartache, similar to how he’d felt after losing his father, but not exactly the same. Whereas with John he’d felt regret and guilt and wishing he could’ve made it right before he’d lost him, with Mary, it was pure grief. He only wished he’d had more time with her, that he could’ve saved her, that he’d seen the signs about Jack before the Nephilim had stolen her life. 
A part of him had been angry at Jack, even wished him dead. But that anger was mostly directed at himself. He’d failed Jack. He’d failed to be the parent that Jack so desperately needed. Even before the remainder of his soul had burnt away, Sam hadn’t been there for Jack, not as much as he should’ve.
He gives a long sigh before he fully turns to the angel. “Say it, Cas,” He says. “Let me hear it.” 
Cas seems confused. “Hear what? What are you talking about?”
Sam scoffs. “Come on, man. You know what. You can’t tell me that you’re not pissed at me. I messed up. I messed up bad. I didn’t stop Dean from blaming you, and I…. I didn’t stop what happened with Jack, either. I went along with it. Even if I didn’t agree, I went along with it. I let Jack down, and I let you down, too.” 
Cas regards him for a long moment, his mouth set firmly. The first signs of any friction with Sam finally start to come to the surface for the first time that day. “Yes,” Cas agrees easily. “You did.” 
Even having admitted it to himself, the words still sting. Sam blinks against the wetness. He has no right to feel hurt, he tells himself. He deserves every icy word Cas directs at him. If Cas wanted to end their friendship right now, Sam couldn’t blame him for that. If anything, he’d deserve Cas’s ire. If Cas wanted to punch him right back into Hell, Sam wouldn’t blame him. 
But instead of lashing out at him, Cas sighs, hands in his trench coat pockets. “I had thought that you would be above agreeing with Dean’s misguided choices. That you, more than anyone, would put Jack’s safety above any feelings you may or may not have. He looked up to you, Sam, more than he ever did with me. I’m not as angry with you as I am disappointed because I thought you would do right by Jack. That your first inclination would be to help him, not punish him.” 
Sam nods. “You’re right,” He says hoarsely.
“But I also know,” Cas continues, reaching out to grasp his shoulder. “How you can be when it comes to your brother. You didn’t agree with locking up Jack, but you went along and ignored your own instincts. You were as dishonest with yourself as were with Jack, or with me. And that has to hurt you just as much.” 
Sam closes his eyes, wanting to pull away from Cas, from his forgiveness. But he can’t. “I didn’t know what else to do,” He offers. “I know it’s an excuse, and I know it was the wrong choice. I fucked up, and kept fucking up with Jack. I wasn’t there for him after Michael snatched Dean, and I should’ve been. I kept failing him. Mom…. Mom said that parental guilt was the hardest. I didn’t know how to be there for him, how to help him because I was too busy to make time for him. You were right, Cas, when you said that losing a son felt different. I couldn’t admit it to myself even then, that I saw him that way. Because admitting it meant that I was responsible for him in ways that I’ve never been responsible for anyone before. I followed Dean into it because I felt that if I wasn’t calling the shots, if I wasn’t making decisions when it came to Jack’s wellbeing ... that maybe that was for the best.” 
“It wasn’t,” Cas says earnestly. “It was better that you made the choices to combat Dean’s, even if it put the two of you at odds. And you understand that now. You understood it before, when you tried to stop Dean from killing him in that graveyard. Sam, as much as you may have messed up with Jack near the end… in the end, you did do right by him.” 
Sam laughs disbelievingly, now trying to pull away, but Cas doesn’t let him. 
“No, listen to me. You tried to stop Dean. You shot God, and sustained this --” he moves his hand down a fraction to hover over Sam’s bullet wound -- “to stop him. You tried to protect Jack even with the possible threat to your own life. And it wasn’t the first time. You did the same thing when Lucifer stole his grace, when he was relentlessly beating on him. And I’m sure that Jack, even in his last moments, was grateful for that.”
The tears come then, and Sam sniffs, rubbing at his eyes. “I doubt that, Cas. He died in absolute agony, with all of us too fucking helpless to do anything for him. He died writhing on the ground while his…. his eyes burned out. Every time I close my eyes, I hear him screaming. And I should, because that’s the price I have to pay. But I still am so damn mad, too, I still --” 
“You want Chuck to pay, and so do I,” Cas says. “But I don’t know that we’ll ever get the chance now, with him out of the picture.”
“I hope we do. For Jack, I hope we see him again.” 
They stand there for a long while, even when the night air begins to chill and Sam starts to shiver a little. Finally, Cas inclines his head towards the door. “You’re beginning to get a chill, Sam. It’s time we go back in. We can’t run forever.” 
No, they really couldn’t. And that, Sam supposes, was fine. 
“And just to make it clear,” The edges of Cas’s lips twitch just slightly. “I already forgive you, Sam. And in time, you need to learn to forgive yourself, too. I want that for you, and so would Jack.”
Sam stares in awe as the angel walks ahead of him. 
He doesn’t know if he can forgive himself, not right now, but if Cas could… well, it was a start.    
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
A Kiss Upon Your Shoulder
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Trouble Lacroix (OFC)
Warnings: 18 + only: kissing, humping M/F, intercourse, cursing, mention of addiction, angst
A/N: For @saxxxology #saxxxology vol.1 writing challenge
SONG PROMPT: Off My Mind-my favorite on the album
A/N: Set season 14 during Dean Winchester's possession by Apocalypse World's Micheal. Timeline extended and some events altered from series. I borrowed title from song lyrics.
*no beta- all mistakes are mine.
*GIF not mine
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The sound of the bunker door closing reverberates through the room.
Several of the hunters around the map table stop what they're doing to watch an unusually tall Omega with long, smoky pink hair braided in a loose plait and wearing hunters garb descend the metal staircase halting at its bottom.
Sam Winchester is sitting at the far end of the table alternating between his phone receiving updates from hunters out in the field and the laptop looking for clues in the search for Dean while strategizing with Mary and Bobby their next move froze disbelieving his eyes.
“Sammy,” the Omega hesitantly says, her lightly accented voice startles him out of his stupor.
Batten down the hatches Sammy boy, Trouble just done walked back into my life… Dean used those exact words years ago introducing him to this Omega, never knowing how true they would turn out to be.
But not for him.
Sam's eyes shift into a fiery glow as his inner Alphas outrage surfaces at this imposter trying to pass itself as his long gone Omega.
“What fucking game are you playing at?” Sam gets up growling, stalking towards her pulling his demon blade.
“Sam wait!” Mary hollers at her youngest son knowing all too well the damage Sam can inflict under normal circumstances but in the state of extreme stress he’s currently under doesn’t want him to do anything he’ll regret.
The Apocalypse World hunters glance at each other perplexed having never before seeing an enraged Alpha, unsure what they should do.
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After their arrival to this reality Sam gave them a crash course on life here, including the multiple genders of humans, Alpha/Beta/Omega, their confusing hierarchies and how they relate to each other.
The Alpha/Omega intricacies and nuances were still hard for them to comprehend since all of them were Betas.
The Omega cast her eyes down in deference to the large Alpha. “I'm here abo...” she doesn't finish speaking as he wraps his hand around her throat, slamming her back against a support column. She seizes his wrist as her eyes snap up meeting his glaring back before tilting her head as far as she can to the right exposing more of her throat.
Sam cautiously leans in, running his nose along her neck. The unique scent of winter, perceptible only to the Alpha under the scent blockers she’s used triggers memories he’s diligently repressed to keep this Omega off his mind come flooding back. The blade clatters loudly on the floor in the now silent room.
Wrapping his arms around her nuzzling into the curve of her neck he sucks on that spot he knows drives her crazy. Biting her lip she tangles her fingers in his long hair drawing him back up, running her tongue over his lips seeking entrance that he grants swirling his tongue around hers.
Someone's wolf whistling snaps them out of acting couple newly presented teens caught by their parents being very naughty.
“Hmm, not sorry,” she whispers nibbling on Sam’s ear making him quiver.
“Behave,” Sam mutters back taking a deep breath and subtlety adjusting himself before turning around to deal with everyone's reactions, not really ready to answer the inevitable questions.
Scenting his anxiety she twines their hands together offering a reassuring squeeze.
They’ve drawn quite a large audience from the library and adjoining hallways. People are elbowing each other grinning, whispering among themselves about their Chiefs and strange woman's reactions to each other then necking in front of everyone.
Mary stands there, arms crossed with the patented mom’s not amused look.
Sam huffs out an embarrassed laugh. “Everyone this is Trouble Lacroix, she’s my...she's an old friend.”
“I’m just an old friend after everything I went through for you?” Trouble snaps and Sam growls a warning at her tone but fuck it, she was right.
When Dean introduced them they were both junkies. Sam drugs of choice were demon blood and the power it gave him. Trouble’s was whatever made her forget her hunter fathers dominance over her as an Omega.
By the time they both got clean Sam found he could love again and she had learned to trust the Alpha in him wouldn't hurt her like others had. Sam swore during his next rut he would claim her as his Omega.
A week before he said yes to Lucifer and the subsequent showdown at Stull Cemetery he went into rut.
At their secret rendezvous, an old hunters cabin in Arkansas with his rut over Sam hadn’t claimed her, saying he couldn’t damn her, that this was his last chance to, unlike Jess, save her from certain death.
Trouble stood at the cabins window overlooking a small lake silently crying, unable to respond. The Alpha scented her sadness wanted nothing more than to comfort his Omega but all he could do was to kiss her shoulder, as he’d always done before leaving that last time.
Almost a decade later Sam can see the damage his refusals done in her sorrowful eyes.
“You kiss all your old friends like that?” Bobby quipped sarcastically eliciting a few laughs and breaking some of the tension.
“You look like Bobby Singer but you...resonate all wrong,” Trouble remarks as her light colored eyes surveys the others in the room finally coming to rest on Jack. “A Nephilim without Grace?”
“Yes, he is,” Mary answers crossing over to stand next to Jack, “how can you know that?”
Trouble shrugs “I’ve always been able to perceive things that are outside the normal spectrum.”
“You can what?” Maggie asks confused.
“The Omega can see that you’re out of tune with this reality,” Castiel states tipping his head to the side studying her, “she also possess other abilities.”
“I don’t need them to see your a dick.”
“Trouble,” Sam warns knowing she’d picked that up from Dean.
“Sorry, Angel of the Lord.” She half ass apologizes.
“And you suddenly show up here out of nowhere because?” Mary tersely inquires in her Alpha voice. Sam bristles unhappy that another Alpha, even his own mother, thinks they can question the Omega.
Releasing Sam’s hand she steps closer to Mary taking the same stance staring her straight in the eye. “I’ve seen Dean.”
Trouble tells them everything about her encounter with Dean in Nova Scotia, where she’s been the last two months.
They question is why he let her live when he’s killed others he has had contact with, another piece in a puzzle not making sense.
Sam asks her to stay but she turns him down, telling him it's safer for her to keep moving. He counters what better place is there for protection than in the heavily warded bunker?
She reluctantly agrees but only until Dean returns.
Mary makes it vehemently clear it’s problematic having an unclaimed Omega stay.
Sam reminds his mother that he is a mature Alpha, been making his own decisions without her input his whole life and with the daily suppressants he’s taken for years can control his instincts.
That got Mary’s back up, ready to argue with her youngest son, reminding him the Omegas already made the unmated Alpha act out. Bobby pulls her to the side and somehow he convinces her that the Omegas will be an assist in finding Dean. She doesn’t like but relents. Trouble is to stay in Dean's room, his Beta scent will help cover hers more to mollify Sam and a physical space between them for Mary.
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Sam's frustrations over having not found Dean yet and his personal anxieties were intermittently fluctuating. The stresses he’s under, hardly eating, barely sleeping a couple hours a day while keeping track of people out on cases and figuring out how to help Jack adapt to not having his powers. Then there’s Nick, the mere mention of his name makes Sam shudder, let alone the traumatic physical and emotional memories dredged up by their face to face interactions.
Thankfully, there hadn’t been any real drama between Mary and Trouble. They’ve avoided each other as much as possible in the bunker.
It was really late or early, depending on how one looked at it, and Sam was still setting in the quiet library, waiting for the last couple of hunters to check in. “Sam, you’ve been here for hours, go to bed.” Trouble softly remarks as she walks up behind him gently running her fingers through his hair.
Sam closes his eyes enjoying her touch. “Just waiting on Maggie and Sharon to check in then I'll go.”
She snorts snagging his phone when it sounds, “Who you lying to? OK, their at the one star for the night. Everyone's accounted for.” Sam reaches for his phone and she dodges typing before handing it back and walking off.
“Cas is what...the hell that’s happening!” Sam gets up going after her.
“Bobby’s idea so go bitch to him mister ‘cause technically your off duty for the next twenty-four hours.” Trouble says unintimidated with him following her fuming, “Your exhausted Sam, you need a break so quit fighting and let us help.”
She stops at the shower-room door. “First, go bathe, you reek Alpha, then meet me in your room.” Sam goes from pissed off to aroused in three seconds. Trouble scents him, “Yeah right, it’s Netflix and chill...” She remarks them gives him a mischievous grin sashaying off.
Sam had been making courting overtures towards her, even though they were on a time limit, hoping he'd be awake long enough to make the most of this opportunity.
After the much needed shower Sam heads to his room in nothing but a low slung towel tosses it with his clothes into the dirty laundry hamper. Trouble came in carrying a tray of food locking the door behind her stops, inhaling sharply at the view of a completely naked Sam. He shivers as her eyes rove over him.
Sam’s not as bulked up as he was a decade ago, a leaner version still possessing a well defined upper body leading down to his flat stomach, the sharp v of his hips and those long legs. And between those legs...Swallowing hard and flushed Trouble moves setting the tray down on his bedside table as he hastily pulls on sweats and a grey t-shirt.
“Your three episodes behind in that series, figured you might want to watch it.” Trouble says grabbing his laptop and crawling onto his bed pulling up what he had been watching. “Have you seen it?” He asks sitting next to her.
“No, first your gonna eat,’ she gestures towards the tray with tomato rice soup, crackers and fruit, “then you can catch me up.”
By episode three Sam had eaten everything on the tray, brushed his teeth and was sacked out. Trouble shut the laptop down and placed it on the desk.
Turning out all the lights but a bedside one she slips back in next to Sam picking up the book she brought from the library. She’d been reading for awhile when Sam rolls over in his sleep, one leg landing between hers, arm draped across her waist and his head on her shoulder nuzzling into her neck murmuring, “back in my bed.”
As consciousness slowly filtered through the haze of extended sleep two things simultaneously get Sam’s attention, the cool scent of the Omega he’s spooning and his morning wood trapped between them.
“Must’a been a good dream,” Trouble yawns rolling onto her stomach, the sheet sliding down reliving her long legs and lower cheeks peeking out under her oversized T-shirt burying her head in the pillow mumbling “I was gonna leave after you fell asleep.”
Running a hand up the back of her thighs he pushes till she parts her legs far enough for him to touch her outer folds feeling how wet she already is before slipping two fingers into her tight channel. Trouble moans as he them slides deeper, making her wriggle against the mattress seeking friction against her clit. Sam crawls over wedging a knee between hers.
Pulling his fingers out Sam moves straddling her legs, pinning them closed as he sits on her thighs stroking himself, using her slick as lubricant. Grasping her hips he starts rutting his cock between her ass cheeks.
Grunting, Sam shifts picks up momentum and with her under him, even like this, knows he’s not gonna last long. “Fuc..fuck Trouble..gonna cum…” Sam jerks back fisting his cock rapidly, cumming on her before falling forward and catches himself with one hand next to her, breathing hard. With his other hand Sam runs his fingers through his spending's rubbing it across her back.
Trouble pushes up onto her elbows looking back at him, “Dude, are you scent marking me?”
“Maybe.” Sam replies with a smug smile.
“So gross, Alpha.”
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Sam was beyond frustrated and feeling sick on his drive back from Atlanta. The rumored sighting of Dean end up being a bust, another one of those crazies he’s sick of wasting his time chasing. Switching off the radio that's making his headache pound harder making him wish he was home already.
Trouble, utilizing her abilities, was able to help eliminate some of bogus reports. Unfortunately, when any of them got to close, Dean disappeared.
The last time she had him, he created some kind of feedback knocking her unconscious. Cas checked her over, telling Sam she would be fine.
When she woke up Trouble tells them she’s seeing Dean doing strange experimentation on different types of monsters using Archangel Grace and it scares the hell out of her.
That was Sam’s breaking point. He stormed through the bunker in full Alpha mode from the infirmary to Deans room, packed her duffel and hauled it to his room. Even Mary knew better than to get in his way this time.
Sam couldn’t get her off his mind anymore now he had her back in his bed. She allowed him hold her whenever they slept together but wouldn’t permit anything else since that morning.
The Lebanon City Limits sign was a welcome sight. Sam was sweating, shaky and just wanting to get home.
He arrived at the bunker wondering what the hell he had caught. Mary greeted him with a hug and frowned catching his scent. Sam played it off, saying the Beta who had one too many hits of the brown acid was ill and he must have caught it.
Another hunter handed him a bowl of soup and bad news about some gypsy vamps attaching truckers. He had them set up checkpoints and sat down to hack the traffic cams. Mary gripped his arm concerned as he’s typing but he says he‘s good. She didn't believe him but doesn’t push knowing he wasn't gonna stop.
Six hours later as he left Nicks room he felt a massive surge go through him, no longer able to ignore what was wrong and it was his own damn fault.
Sam had forgotten his suppressants and for the first time in years was going into rut. He made it to the end of the hall before passing out.
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Cas had been by his friends bedside since Sam was found unconscious in one of the hallways days ago. He had been able to temporarily bring Sam's fever down and gave him sedatives to help him rest but with his age not being mated and having gone years without a rut his biology was demanding only cure, his chosen Omega.
Cas had called the Omega only getting her voicemail, left a message and began sending multiple texts.
He explained to Bobby that Mary had to leave the bunker, not only for her safety but the Betas also living there, unsure of how Sam will react to having another Alpha present when his Omega returned. Bobby found a case in Oregon that would occupy them for at least a week.
So Cas continued to do the only thing he could and watches over his friend.
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Sam woke groggy from the sedatives to the strong scent of an Omega in heat pulling him to full consciousness.
Rolling onto his side he finds Trouble lying next to him naked, covered in a light sheen of sweat fitfully sleeping.
Moving to spoon her from behind he grips one leg hooking it over his rocking his hips sliding his engorged cock through her dripping folds, Half asleep she whimpers pulling out of his grip, drawing both legs to her chest. Rumbling in discontent Sam scoots behind her again, lines up and buries himself in her tight heat making her moan with pleasure, her cunt stretching around him.
Sam pulls out and hauls Trouble onto her hands and knees spreading her legs wide and sinks back in till his hips are flush against her ass. Feeling her relax around him Sam grasps her waist so tight bruises already forming and growling at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her slick cunt he starts pounding his hips rapidly.
Trouble reaches out grabbing the headboard to stop Sam from shoving her into it since he has six inches and nearly seventy pounds on her and is running on his instinct to mate.
Sam's knot starts to swell he continues thrusting wildly wrenches her hips up, forcing her to arch her back more as he grunts ramming the now fully engorged knot into her cunt locking them together and falls over her back, rolling his hips as she clenches him cumming.
Sam pushes himself back upright pulling her with him, flush against chest seizes a fistful of her thick hair bends to bite deeply into her neck making Trouble cry out loudly and cum again.
As they counterbalance each other Sam runs his tongue over his mark cleaning off the seeping blood helping the wound seal up faster before shifting to lay them down on the mattress.
Feeling the tug of his knot Trouble clenches tightly around him again, sending another orgasm rippling through Sam, releasing more of his seed into her.
Sam wraps his arms around Trouble, their bodies trembling from the exertion and a feeling of immense peace he’s never had before settles within him. He places a kiss upon her shoulder as it dawns on him he’s finally being to call her his omega.
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“It's just every time I think about ya know its a..its like a nightmare. I can't eat, can't sleep, it’s always just there watching.” Dean bitched as they’re walking through the hallways.
“Dean, it’s just a beard, I’ve been a little busy lately” Sam remarks back exasperated and relived to have his brother back giving him a hard time.
“Yeah well, that’s not an excuse ya know, ‘cause a.. Duck Dynasty called and they just they want it all back.”
“Some people say I look good.” Sam proudly states almost telling him why he’s really kept it.
“No..no Sam, no people say that.” Dean shakes his head.
“Duck Dynasty is a step up from Dr. Sexy in some peoples opinions,” Dean turns to counter that insult disbelieving his eyes like Sam did weeks ago.
Trouble’s leaning against the wall now sporting titian tresses that rival Rowena's.
“Good to have you back Dean,” She says giving him a hug, “and I like the beard.” Walking over to Sam she pushes him against the wall wantonly kissing in front of Dean.
Breathless, Sam touches his forehead against hers running his fingers along the flannels front, “I was looking for this shirt the other day ‘mega.”
“Hmm, my bad, suppose I need to be punished Alpha.” She teasingly remakes biting her lip as Sam purrs low in his chest sliding the shirt off her shoulders.
“You’re back together?” Dean blurts out in disbelief interrupting them.
Sam turns pulling Trouble with him, her back flush against his chest reaches up moving her hair revealing his mark.
Dean looks between them, “fucking took you long enough Sammy,” he barks before continuing down the hallway grumbling, “there better not be any more surprises.”
Sam nuzzled into her neck breathing in the new honey-vanilla scent mixing with her naturally cooler one reaches down placing his large hands protectively over her womb where their surprise is resting tenderly kissing her shoulder.
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SPN 15x03: A Few Thoughts
*walks onstage*
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There’s a lot to cover this episode. Finales are kind of like that. Because make no mistake, The Rupture is as close to a spiritual successor of Swang Song as we will ever get in this series. From the callback visuals in Rowena’s fall to the devastating character loses experienced by our leads. The entire episode is a redux of the season five finale, except this time others are making the sacrifice the Winchesters “should” be.
Which is part of the reason I find it bitterly hilarious the boys think they’re done.
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I pointed out a couple times in my previous reviews that the tone of this season has been...tense to say the least. There’s this inescapable feeling we’ve intentionally seen all of this before. Like in addition to fucking with the Winchesters, Chuck’s decided to take his shit out on the viewing audience as well. It’s why I pointed out in my two parter that (like Dean) I was ready for the shoe to just fucking drop.
And it did. And the game has changed.
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Losing fan favorites (and not so favorites) is hardly unusual. In fact, it’s practically SPN tradition. Charlie. Bobby. John. Crowley. Kevin. Almost all of them sacrificed themselves to fix TFW’s mess. And it isn’t that those sacrifices aren’t noble or they didn’t mean anything. But, there’s always been this air of resignation in the act. This tiny (or in Kevin’s case not so tiny) seed of blame that keeps online fan communities yelling at each other into the wee hours of the morning. We feel for TFW and the people we’ve lost, but we also can’t help but recognize the choices (stupid, reckless, brave, and sometimes the only ones available) that led to those deaths.
This was the first time in a long time I haven’t felt that. The current apocalypse has nothing to do with it. It’s not born of a selfish, TFW split decision. It’s a whiney response to a genuine act of contrition and forgiveness ....you know, those things god is supposed to want from people.
But I am getting off track.
There’s something absolutely devastating in the selection of characters we lost. Now, I’ve never personally been a huge fan of Ketch, given how much of an utter bastard he was for the British Men of Letters. While I appreciate the steps he eventually took towards redemption, he’s mostly been a lukewarm, utility character to me. There is something to be said, though, in his reflection of Dean. Some of the best and worst qualities of Dean are present in Ketch. His loyalty, which is shown to be a dangerous force if given to wrong power. His skill in battle. A blatant disregard for most rule of law...In many ways Dean is the man Ketch is unconsciously striving to be had Chuck-pocalypse never occurred.
I have, however, been on team Rowena since the very beginning. Even as a villain she was a fabulous character. There was always an element of humanity to her even at her most selfish. But, one of the things I loved most about her was her relationship with Samuel.
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Fuck Destiel. Fuck Sam and Ruby. This is the ship I will go down with in SPN. In part, it comes down to the great natural chemistry between Jared and Ruth. Yet, the characters also really did share a unique understanding. Both knew more about each other than they were willing to share with anyone else in the universe. They supported each other even if they occasionally had to talk each other down from terrible decision making, and there’s evidence throughout the series of the trust they had in each other.
What hurts most about Ketch & Rowena’s deaths is that they died for the Winchesters not because of them. They made their choices so the boys wouldn’t have to. I mean take one look at Rowena’s face during Belphegor’s “plan” and the fact she tapped Sam as her assistant. She knew the only way this was going down was her death and that was her plan from the beginning. Ketch, meanwhile, finally surpassed Dean by realizing the one thing Cas was trying to explain last episode. What matters is the characters and what they mean to each other and it’s worth dying for.
The thing the boys don’t seem to understand (magic god-bullet accidentally trapping Chuck aside) is that this apocalypse isn’t a single world-shattering event. Like any good writer, Chuck knows his characters. He knows what bonds sustain them. Rowena has been willing to die to save the world since the return of alt-Michael (she said yes in a bid to kill him with Sam, fight me on this). Chuck simply provided the situation so she could do it again. He knows what buttons to push to slowly destroy the boys. By turning the love of their friends into a weapon against their support network. It’s as vindictive as it is clever.
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Which brings us at last to this episode’s figurative namesake. I’m not going to defend Dean’s response to Cas at the end of this episode but nor am I going to villainize him. As both he and Cas made clear to Belphegor, Jack was their son. Right now what we are witnessing are two parents who have lost a child. Both are responding in natural ways and it’s not uncommon for the loss of a child to drive couples apart.
Belphegor as a character makes little sense. World-shattering event happening and a “low-level” demon is going to take over hell? Bull and shit. The thing Belphegor could do, however, especially wearing Jack, is add to Cas & Dean’s grief. By forcing Cas to smite him wearing Jack’s face, he made him live through Cas’ worse case scenario pulling the trigger himself. I mean, does no one else find it interesting Cas’ mojo returned in that precise moment? Right after we were told using the rook would make Belphegor god-like strong? And under any other circumstances, Cas would have had the boys support in changing the plan. But we know from last episode that Dean’s grief is formulating as undirected anger. Well, that anger now has an inadvertent direction.
My point is, I had guessed Belphegor was part of Chuck’s overarching plan and it turns out I was right. He used him to break one of the tentpole relationships supporting the Winchesters. The question is, where do we go from here?
As this episode ended I was reminded again of Cas’ “We are.” It’s a simple phrase, but one that carries a lot of thematic meaning. I have no doubt it will be what echoed once more in the mending of Dean & Cas’ relationship. I only hope it isn’t the last words they say to each other.
But the more pressing question is what’s going on with Billie? Death, the Empty, and now Jack don’t seem to fall within Chuck’s range of control. With Rowena now dead, one wonders if she’s been brought into this Supernatural cabal “underground resistance”. Part of me really doesn’t want that since her death, though painful, was an elegant end to a beautiful character arc. The other part of me can’t wait to see what her, Amarra, and Death as best friends would do to Chuck.
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charliesshitposts · 5 years
Supernatural Omens (part two)
The nice and inaccurate prophecies of someone.somewhere about something that never happened. A fan fiction.
Warnings: None. :) Feel free to read this in front of your family and pets.
Word Count: Idk but it will probably take you 20-30 minutes to read. Maybe less. This chapter is much shorter than the first one,I think.
  Jack, once on the other side of the portal, felt sick to his stomach. He collapsed onto the floor behind Crowley’s chair. His groans weren’t heard from the boys. They were to busy complimenting Crowley on how nice his apartment was.Crowley didn't see him either as he was too busy proudly thanking them. But Aziraphale did notice.
  Once the boy collapsed the angel rushed to his aid.He laid Jack on his back and ever so slightly leveled him up. He laid his free hand over Jack’s stomach and said “Don’t worry. I’ll fix you right up. You wont feel a thing.” Within seconds Jack was sat upright feeling much better. He looked at Aziraphale in surprise.
  “I do feel better.”he stated.”Thank you. I guess angels everywhere have the same gift.”
  Aziraphale smiled widely.”You’re welcome.I guess we do. Jack, is it?”
  Jack nodded.”Yes sir.”
  Dean,Sam,Cas and Crowley gathered around them. Sam looked down at Jack worriedly. “What happened?”
  “My stomach was hurting.”He explained while the angel helped him to his feet.”But Aziraphale made it go away.” 
  “Thank you for helping him.” Dean said.”Now too business. What's our next move?”
  “Well-”Began Aziraphale.”We don’t really have a next move. But until we think of something I think it’s best if we split up. I’ll take Sam and Jack here back to my book shop. Dean,you and Castiel stay with Crowley. That is assuming he wants company.”
  “No I do I do.”Replied Crowley.”It’ll be fun. Dean here looks like he could use a drink. What will it be,Dean? Wine? Whisky?”
  “Neither.” Dean replied.
  “Well we’ll find something that peaks your interest. And Castiel. What will you be having?”
  “Nothing.”Said Cas.”I don’t eat either.”  
  “Alrighty well I’m sure we’ll be fine.Go on now Aziraphale. Keep in touch.”
  “We will.”answered the angel. “I’m just going to need your house phone to call a Taxi.”
  “By all means darling,go ahead.” After the Taxi arrived Sam,Jack and Aziraphale left for the book shop.Later Jack would tell Dean how beautiful he thought The United Kingdom was. The people he met were incredibly nice too.He liked the buildings and parks in particular. Especially the parks with duck ponds.
  Crowley grabbed two more chairs and brought them to his desk. He asked Dean what his alcoholic drink of preference was. When Dean replied with ‘beer’, Crowley thought of it as a rather bland drink, thus thinking that Dean was a rather bland person.But remembering what Aziraphale had taught him about what to do when he had company, he swallowed his comments.
  Cas had gotten into the habit of opening Deans beers for him. It started out as something nice he occasionally did but later on became a habit. Cas didn’t mind. Neither did Dean.  The seraph popped the bottle cap off and handed it over to his favorite human. Dean took a swig and smiled.
  The three strangers sat in silence for a long time. Crowley looked from Dean to Cas. He racked his brain trying to think of something to talk about. But he suddenly remembered he needed to take care of something. He rose from his chair and excused himself for a moment. “I need to check on my house plants.” He didn’t wait for them to answer. As he walked towards his house plants he grabbed a spray bottle off a table by the doorway.
Once alone, Cas let out a huge sigh.”Things seem fine so far.”
  “See.”Dean smiled.”Look, i’m going to be honest with you. When I first met Crowley I thought the same thing you did. Heck, I still do. But Aziraphale trusts him. That should be enough for us to trust him too.”
  “It’s partly that but..theres something else thing too.”Dean leaned in to persuade Cas to continue talking.”He scares me.” The Seraph admitted.”He’s probably the first creature we meet who's ever scared me. I can’t look him in the eyes without shaking. Without feeling weak or naked,even.I don’t know what it is.”
Dean was about to open his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of rumbling leaves. From the corridor they could hear Crowley threaten his house plants. The realization that the plants were terrified of the demon made Cas’ skin crawl. They watched as Crowley strode back to where they were.”You gentleman are more than welcome to turn on the television. The remote is right there on the desk. I just need to do something. Then I’ll be with you.” Crowley walked with his whole body. Meaning that when his feet moved,his hips move too. So did his arms. Even his head leaned back a little to give the walk style. Castiel raised his eyebrows, somewhat impressed. Dean clicked away at the remote.
“The only thing on right now is the news.”
“Leave it on.” Castiel Said.”Maybe they’ll say something interesting.”
“Alright. If you consider how to make a 3 layered chocolate fudge cake interesting.”
“As a matter of fact I do. I’ve been thinking of getting into baking.”
Dean smiled thoughtfully. “You could make me pies.”
Castiel smiled.”I could make you pies.”
Crowley came to meet them. He held an empty pot in his hand.”Sorry about that boys. If I don’t yell at them they’ll never learn. What are we watching?”
“The news.” Dean said.”It’s in a baking segment.”
“Ah I see.” The phone suddenly ringing made the three jump.”I’ll get it boys. You keep watching the baking show.” Crowley picked up the receiver.”Talk to me baby.” After a few minutes agreeing and disagreeing he hung up and turned to Dean and Castiel.”Time for a road trip fellas. Have any of you ever been to an ex convent?”
“Your brother,the boy and Aziraphale will be there too. They’re taking a taxi to meet with us.”
“Good.” Dean nodded.”You’re car is really nice. What kind is it?”
“A 1926 Bentley. This car is my pride and joy. Well it shares my pride and joy with my flat.”
Dean looked at Crowley with admiration.”I know the feeling. Our bunker may not mean a lot to me but my car does.”
“What do you drive?”
“A 1967 Chevy Impala.”
“The Impala is an excellent car model. It goes fast but you can’t feel it.”
“I can feel it.” Cas chimed in. He sat in the backseat holding for his dear life. Crowley was going 100 miles in downtown London. Cas was surprised they hadn’t hit anyone. Dean looked sympatheticly at the Seraph. Crowley picked up the conversation again.
“Sure. What do you have in here to listen to?”
“Guns n’ Roses. AC/DC. Bon Jovi.”
“Guns n’ Roses it is.” They continued their chat with Welcome to the Jungle playing lowly on the radio.
Aziraphale anxiously checked his watch. It was very unlike Crowley to be late or to arrive somewhere before he did. At the rate he drived Crowley was always early. Sam swayed back and forth on his feet next to the angel. He was worried about Dean and Castiel. And at Sams feet sat Jack. Aziraphale had given him permission to take a book to read along the way. He planned on giving it to him as a gift later on. Jack had picked Sherlock Holmes. He sat oblivious,submerged into the pages of the book.
“It’s very unlike him to be late.” Aziraphale said.
“Don’t worry. They’ll be here.” Sam assured. As if on cue the black Bentley came into view. Sam and Aziraphale sighed in relief.
The car stopped at the curb where they were waiting. Crowley came out and was greeted by an upset Aziraphale. His arms were crossed against his chest.
“Can you explain why you’re late?!” The angel asked.
Crowley wrapped an arm around Aziraphale.”Aw come on now don’t be so sour. I’m here aren’t I? The traffic in central London is hectic.”
“Yeah.” Dean said.”We needed to slow down because Cas was getting vertigo.”
“I didn’t know Cas could get vertigo.”
“Neither did I. So why are we here?”
Aziraphale cleared his throat.”Right. I’m sure Crowley told you that this place used to be a convent/hospital.The son of the antichrist was switched with another baby here. The family he was placed in wasn’t the one we were taking care of all these years. We hope that someone here kept the hospital birth records. If we can access them we can look for the records for the exact day and year he was born in. We find that,we find the parents and we find the boy.”
“That’s brilliant.” Castiel said.
“Thank you.” Smiled Aziraphale.”Shall we?”
The six of them walked through th courtyard and into the building. Most of the hallways were empty,which made things much easier for them. Castiel kept both his hands on Jacks shoulders to steer him while he read. He worried that if he didn’t do so Jack could hit a wall. Or walk into a different hallway and get caught. Sam looked at Aziraphale.
“Do you think this is going to work?” Sam asked.
Crowley answered for the angel.”I know it’s going to work.”
“Okay...but I mean you have a backup plan in case this doesn’t work?”
“Nope. Because i know this is going to work.”
“You can’t be so cocky Crowley. What if it doesn’t.”
“It will.”
“But What if it doesn’t?”
Crowley growled. Through clenched teeth he said.”It will.”
“Sammy.” Dean warned.
Sam looked at his brother.”All im saying is-“ Sam was cut off when Crowley grabbed him from his collar and pulled him in. They’re faces were inches apart.Crowley hissed.
“Listen to me boy. I can be easy going if you don’t test me. If I were you i’d find my place and stay put. You really don’t want to see me when I’m mad.”
“You don’t scare me.” Sam smirked.
Crowley glared. Aziraphale walked over to break up the fight but was caught off guard when Crowley’s head turned into a snakes head. He hissed terribly loud in Sams face. All the color in the younger Winchester’s face drained,leaving him pale white. Dean,Jack and Castiel all had the same reaction. They stepped back a few feet. Aziraphale didn’t flinch.
“Now was that really necessary?”Aziraphale scolded.
“Yes it was.” Crowley said,now back to normal.”And that goes for each of you. Know your place.”
  Aziraphale rolled his eyes. He turned his attention to the four who accompanied them.”I hope he didn't; startle you too much.”
  Dean smiled.”Nah we’re okay. Sam and I have both seen the devils actual face. By this point nothing scares us.”
  “Yeah.”Sam said. He was now standing next to his brother.
  A woman dressed nicely walked up the hallway towards them. As she drew closer she asked if they needed help with anything. Crowley turned and said “Yes actually we do.”
  “We’ll i’ll be happy to..oh dear! It’s Master Crowley.”she turned to leave but a snap of Crowley’s fingers made her freeze. She involuntarily turns around. The boys, the seraph and the nephilim watch Crowley and Aziraphale interrogate her.
  “Would you mind answering a few questions, love?”
  “Yes.”replied the woman, who was under a trance.
  “Very well.”The Demon began.”Were you or were you not a nun here a few years ago?”
  “Yes. My name was Sister Loquacious.”
  “Ah yes I remember. Were you here during the night of the switch between the a  baby and the antichrists son?” 
  “Yes. I was.”
  “Excellent.” said Aziraphale.”Did you by any chance save the birth records before the convent was shut down?”
  “Sadly no.” Said Mrs. Loquacious.”All of those files were lost in the fire. Oddly the fire started the same night we were all let go. As if someone said they no longer needed the convent and everything inside of it.”
  “DAMMIT!” shouted Crowley. “DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!” 
  “Thank you very much ma’am.”Aziraphale said. He snapped his fingers, pulling her out of the trance. By the time she assimilated what had happened, the six were already gone.
  The car ride home wasn’t pleasant. Crowley wouldn’t stop complaining about his bad luck. The boys were actually impressed with Aziraphale. Crowley would cuss and shout but Aziraphale would always respond to him calmly. Thanks to him the car ride was tolerable.It was also thanks to him that the car now had enough room for everyone. Sam,Dean and Was road in the middle. Jack rode in the extension back seat behind them. Aziraphale had whipped it up with a simple eye blink.
  The angel and the demon were so distracted by their conversation that they didn't notice the bike rider coming towards them. 
  “I need a good long bath followed by a nap to help me get over all this disappointment. Is there any chance you can house Castiel and Dean tonight?”
  “I was going to offer anyway. There’s plenty of space where I live to accommodate them.”
  “Good.” Crowley sighed loudly.”I still don’t see a silver lining in our situation.”
  “How about we play music to help with the stress. Sound good boys.”
  “I wouldn’t mind listening to the rest of that Guns n’ Roses album.” Dean said.”Let’s just try not to play it so loudly. Sam and Jack are asleep.”
  “Okay. Just press that button right there Aziraphale.” Crowley pointed to the button he was talking about. In that second he took his eyes off the road.
  “CROWLEY WATCH OUT!” Castiel screamed. But it was too late. The front of the Bentley struck the bike rider. She was thrown a few feet away into the grass. Aziraphale and Castiel ran out to aid her. She groaned as Aziraphale lifted up her wrist.It was broken.
  “Ah ah.”Aziraphale warned.”Try not to move sweetheart. You’ll only make it worse. I’ll fix that up right away.” The second she could move her wrist she gasped in surprise.
  “How did you do that?” She asked.
  “No time for that. Let us help you to your feet.”
  Castiel held her steady by the elbow.”Does anything else hurt,miss?”
  “No. My head hurts a little but i’ll be okay.”
  “Let us give you a ride home.”  Aziraphale offered.
  “That would be great, thank you.”
  From inside the Bentley Crowley protested.”Nope.No no way.”
  “Don’t listen to him. He’s just having a bad day.Get inside now. Watch your head” She helped her into the car.She took a seat next to Jack.
  “Aziraphale.” said Castiel.”Her bike. It wont fit in the car.”
  “It will fit in the bike rack.”
  “What bike rack?” The bicycle disappeared from in front of Crowley. It was now safe placed on the back of the Bentley in a bike rack that hadn’t been there before. Both the angel and the seraph got back into the car. When they asked the girl where too she gave directions to her house in a village not that far away. They road in silence. It was at this moment that the girl placed the book on the floor by her feet. She didn’t realize it then, but there was another book right next to hers.
  The car pulled around the side of her house, stopping at her gate. When she stepped out of the car her bike was already against the fence of her house. She thanked the strange men for the lift, reached in and grabbed what she thought was her book, and closed the door. The car drove off without a glance.
  ________________________________________________________________   Crowley was kind enough to leave them in front of Aziraphale’s book shop. This place doubled as the angels home. Not that Aziraphale slept or anything. In the back room where his personal belongings were,the angel had set up mattresses on the floor. He felt absolutely ashamed of it.
“I do apologize for this last minute set up. I don’t own a bed frame. And if I were to whip 3 up there will be no space for us to walk.”
“No it’s okay.” Castiel smiled.”What you’ve done is really nice.”
“Yeah.” Dean said.”I like it. They look comfy. It kinda looks like a sleep over.”
Sam would have agreed but he was already asleep in his mattress. The warm blankets wrapped around him. Jack was sitting upright on his mattress having a panic attack. Aziraphale looked at him worriedly.”Everything okay,son?”
“No.” Said Jack as he stood up and walked towards the angel.”No everything isn’t fine. This book isn’t my book. My book was Sherlock Holmes. Not this. I lost it Aziraphale. I lost your book. I’m so so so sorry! I’ll pay for it. I’ll find a way to get money and pay for it. I’m really sorry-“
“Hey hey whoa.” The angel put his hands firmly on Jacks shoulder.”You don’t owe me anything. I was going to give you that book as a present. This book that you have was probably unintentionally switched. It belongs to the young woman we gave a ride to tonight. You didn’t meet her because you were sleeping. Here.” He took the book out of Jacks hands.”I’ll mail this back to her in the morning. By now she probably knows the book she has isn’t hers. She seemed kind enough,perhaps she’ll return it to my mailing address.If not then I will let you have any other book in my shop free of charge. It’s quite alright son. Don’t worry about it a second more. Now go to sleep. You’ve had a long day.”
Jack thanked the angel plenty. He hugged him before turning and getting under the blankets. Next to him Dean and Sam slept soundly. Aziraphale turned to Castiel and whispered.”Care for some hot cocoa?”
“I don’t..I..” Castiel gave in.” I would love some.”
“Let’s go talk in another room so the boys can sleep properly. They need there rest for tomorrow.”
Castiel followed Aziraphale out into the main bookshop entrance. It suddenly dawned on the angel that he didn’t see what book Sherlock Holmes had been switched with. He lifted the book to eye level and read the front cover. There was a catch in his breath. Lowly he whispered.”On dear god.” When the Seraph asked what was wrong, Aziraphale said nothing. Instead,he showed Castiel the front cover of the book. “The nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter.”
“Our answer is in here.” Aziraphale breathed out. A smile creeping on his face.
** authors note**
There might be typos. I’ll fix that tomorrow (: enjoy! And stay tuned for part 3.
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vvivacious101 · 4 years
Long Live The Queen
Okay, I have now watched this episode twice more and I have so many more thoughts.
On the Second Watch:
1. Maybe I'm not thinking this whole Dean and Cas thing, in Purgatory, through. They have to get a Leviathan Blossom, do they even know what it is? I think not, which indirectly means we are definitely going to be catching up with someone in the next episode. It could be a new character but given that this is the last season I am more inclined with the former view.
Also, there is something else in Purgatory that hates both Cas and Dean's guts, Leviathans which would make it extra special if Dick Roman makes it back on the show which is unlikely because I believe he is dead dead. But still cool thought. Anyhow, I can't wait for thirty-one flavours of bottom dwelling nasties.
2. I can't imagine I forgot to mention Lilith makes a reappearance on the show and Michael just dusts her, like how could we ever forgot how powerful archangels are. But the short second life of Lilith means that ie one player off the chess board.
3. This entire episode I couldn't shake the feeling that Eileen was going to die but somehow I still managed to not connect it with Chuck. I fear for Eileen's life. Fingers crossed. I hope I'm not right.
4. Do Sam and Dean have the power of God seems to be a subtly veiled question? After all what will it take to take down God.
5. I am still loving Donatello's performance in this one. He is so good.
What is it with you people? Can't anything you do be easy?
Donatello literally runs out of the bunker. God, was he always this funny. This guy is so good!!!
6. Can we also talk about the fact that team free will gets trounced by Demons who haven't even been scary since season 6.
Like Dean's “anyone of us winning” is a good indication of how increasingly Sam and Dean find themselves on the wrong sides of fight. In fact they seem to be consistently loosing on that front especially when they are going up against supernatural creatures. The one exception being Dean vs the MOTW last week which was an off screen battle but since Dean comes out of it uninjured it probably went really well considering Dean was tied up and had just managed to get loose when the creature set itself free. They lost against the witches in Golden Time and Eileen was the one who saved them that time. In Proverbs 17:3 they only managed to survive because Andy decided to kill his brother and himself. In Atomic Monsters there was no fight. There seems to be a trend here were fights seem to be turning uglier than usual for Sam and Dean even if it's just demons.
7. MVP of this episode is Donatello hands down.
8. Castiel and Michael are very interesting. So while rewatching season 1 I had this realisation that Sam leaving hurt Dean more than John purely because in a way the most consistent parental figure in Sam's life has been Dean. This dynamic can be extrapolated to Cas and Michael while Castiel's real father is God the most consistent fatherly figure that he has followed is Michael. I mean they weren't following God's orders in Season 4, they were following Michael's but this doesn't quite fit because Cas and Michael are not at all close. Yet he still answers Cas' prayer it has been a long time since he has been able to answer anybody's prayer but he chooses to answer Cas' which begs the question why? Why did Michael choose to answer the angel who he only seems to remember as the being who doomed him? Which brings the question that maybe Michael isn't so bad he has always had good intentions and they definitely paved his way to Hell but still the intent has never been purely malicious unlike AU Michael this one still hasn't lost his faith or maybe he just seems to have the right guide in Adam, who is ready to forgive Sam and Dean.
9. Sue Barrish is an interesting character especially as Chuck is basically moonlighting as her. I like how he gets Eileen to participate with the key words ‘do you have to ask for permission’ because prior to that part Eileen is maybe  thinking it’s not the right time considering they have a walking talking WMD in the bunker but that gets to her. Chuck at his manipulating best. Then he throws the cherry on top.
How did I not notice this the first time? Eileen sees that Sue is alright and she says “Thank God” which is exactly when Chuck breaks cover as Sue to come back with “Anytime”.
10. This is seriously not right. How can Michael open a rift between the Earth and Purgatory while the handcuffs still on. Exactly what do the handcuffs prevent, only him flying out, then he could just kill everyone, get the key and get out like that has got to be a major flaw right? Right?
I mean shaking the bunker I get he is distraught emotions seem to make them stronger like when Jack gets super jacked when he breaks out of the box at the end of Season 14 because he feels betrayed and he gets angry though how he can get angry without a soul is still subject to debate. But opening rifts that has got to be super specific and powerful magic which Michael can still perform with the handcuffs on, like how powerful is this guy and what does putting him in handcuffs truly achieve.
11. I loved how they didn't have Ruth's name in the beginning so that her return would be a total surprise because at times the actors names can give away plot points because I remember seeing Samantha's name in the beginning seasons and freaking out every time because I knew that met Sam and Dean were up for a tumultuous time.
12. So generally the mid season finale is the point where the characters are at there lowest like they make a gamble to defeat the big bad and it fails, like in Season 5 where the mideseaon finale is literally title “Abandon All Hope...” But this episode doesn't do that. Infact it isn't self contained at all from the ending we can tell that it is like the first three episodes which were like a self contained little arc but even they had endings. This episode really doesn't its got a big TBC at the end that they just forgot to put there. So they are not at there lowest which should mean that they have either already been there or this time the low point is going to come later in the season which is scary because the emotional burden of a low point near the end might kill me but they really seem to be going all out this season. They are going to rip us to shreds.
Then I watched it again:
a) Basically this episode begins with a subliminal message - Chuck always wins.
b) Okay I can't get over the fact that Rowena just tells Cas that no one ever gives you anything you have to take it. 😏
c) Let's talk about Sam and Dean's conversation it's basically a rehash of a similar convo in season 8 except with the roles of Sam and Dean reversed. I feel like I can read more into that but right now I am just cautiously optimistic. Dean also agrees he was in a bad place because of Cas and God and now Cas is back on the job and he atleast feels better. Dean being in a bad place is a loaded statement I'm actually surprised Sam doesn't want to talk more about it especially considering he picked up the earlier tension between Dean and Cas but that might just be about him respecting Dean's boundaries. Also I feel like in this particular conversation Sam feels put on the spot truly reversing their roles from season 8 he tries to say something to that effect but Dean interrupts. Right now I really want to know what's going on with Sam the last good look we had at Sam was in Atomic Monsters and I want another one.
d) Next up is Dean and Cas’ conversation which has to be the only conversation they have ever had where they don't make eye contact like at all. So I was thinking that some of Dean's dialogues could be interpreted as his own as compared to Michael's or maybe at this point he empathizes with him. But Cas repeating Michael's words was so epic.
“Leave. Go out. I want you dead.”
Kind of similar to what Dean said to Cas.
“We didn't bond.”
This episode just keeps on giving. I loved it!
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A lot of people think Dean could be a great father. After all the seasons I saw, I'm not agree. I think dean is a terrible father. I didn't find him good with Claire or Jake. Even in season 5, he wasn't so great with Jesse (the antichrist in season 5). I didn't find Dean so good with Ben, even if he was right about the gun stuff, he didn't have to yell on ben this way. Most of this relationship feel like funny uncle/nephew. I just don't understand why people think Dean likes kids.
People (particularly Dean stans) feel like Dean would make a good father or is good with kids due to his raising of Sam as the baseline for it and I wholeheartedly disagree on that consensus. Even though it is true that Dean essentially raised Sam, he was not a good parental figure for Sam. Sam dealt a lot with low self-esteem and loneliness as a direct result of the manner in which he was raised. He felt isolated and there’s a reason why when we got a glimpse of his own personal heaven in Season 5, that Sam’s happiest memories were of him spending time with a family that wasn’t his. This was a direct result of the isolation he felt while growing up. He didn’t feel like he was a member of his own family and craved a sense of belonging that he never got with Dean or his father. Those feelings were a direct result of the manner in which he was raised. I also feel like Dean had very little patience when it came to raising Sam which is understandable as Dean was also a child himself so I certainly don’t fault Dean on the raising of Sam. However, this whole idea that Dean is good with kids and is a good father figure as an adult, I just don’t see it. As an adult, he is not a good father figure. He lacks patience, he lacks empathy towards these children, he’s too driven by his own emotions and they constantly get in the way of every single one of his relationships on the show. And a person who is constantly dictated by their own emotions and lets their emotions control them and allow those emotions to lash out at others around them, in my book, do not make good parents. And we’ve seen this multiple times with Dean. He lashes out at anyone and everyone and Dean stans will defend him each time and blame it on his trauma and “how he just feels so much and he should be allowed to feel things” but I can no longer accept that. While it is true that Dean has undergone a significant amount of trauma and trauma will stick with you for the rest of your life, it is NOT an excuse to be a shitty person, and it’s certainly not okay for a grown man in his 40s to behave this way. And you know, Sam and Cas have also gone through a great deal of trauma and when was the last time they lashed out at people they loved? Few and far between probably because Dean makes them feel like crap and that they’re not good enough when they don’t live up these impossibly high standards he sets up for them despite he himself not even adhering to those standards.
As you said, Dean is fine as like the “fun uncle” or something like that but is he someone that should be responsible for the raising of a child? Definitely not. He lacks the patience, understanding, and empathy necessary. I know I know, certain factions of the fandom are all about, “ Sam sympathizes but Dean empathizes” and I completely disagree with that. Dean’s only good with children when, like I stated earlier, they’re adhering to his impossibly high standards of being a good person. Let’s not forget that when Jack was first introduced, Dean was all for killing him. And he only warmed up to Jack when he realized Jack wanted to adhere to those standards. Whereas Sam and Cas believed in him from the start. They both genuinely wanted to help him even when he had essentially crossed the point of no return. I mean Jack straight up told Cas that he doesn’t know if he has the ability to love Cas and Cas told him that didn’t matter, that it didn’t change the fact that Cas still loved him and would continue to be there for him. 
And Dean doesn’t even really have that great of a track record when it comes to children and young adults, really. When Claire was first brought back into the story, Dean told Cas that he should abandon Claire. When Kevin Tran came into the story and was going through a full-blown panic attack, he told Kevin to basically suck it up and deal with the cards that were dealt. Oh and let’s not forget the straight up kidnapping at gunpoint of Kaia in order to use her abilities for his own purposes which ultimately lead to Kaia’s death. And of course killing a boy’s mother in front of the boy. If there’s any justice in the world, season 15 will start off with Sam and Cas holding Dean accountable for his actions in season 14...but I doubt it will happen.
I truly can’t understand why the show puts Dean with children so much, he’s absolutely terrible with them and even worse, they keep on trying to frame it like he’s a good parental figure when he’s really not. He’s only about what these children and young adults can do for him and not what he can do for them. Well, really, I can’t understand why the writers make Dean the focal point of 95% of the relationships on this show. They just have a real stan-itis infection with Dean. I guarantee that in Chuck’s book series about supernatural, this story is being told in 3rd-person-limited in Dean’s point of view. Because nearly all of the stories told in this show are framed in a way that directly link everything to Dean. And very little with anyone else. Sure, characters like Sam and Cas have active roles they play at times but it all leads into how it affects Dean’s life.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
14x16: Don’t Go in the Woods
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Jack is FINE.
In a deserted rest stop at a park, two teens are enjoying some alone time in the back seat of their car. The girlfriend, Barbara, hears a noise that doesn’t seem like it came from nature. The boyfriend, Thomas, shrugs her off at first but then agrees to go check out the noise. He’s confronted by his sheriff father just as he opens the door. AWKWARD.
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They fight about what he’s up to and Barbara heads to the bathrooms to give them some space. The bathroom is …the picture of perfection. She heads to the least disgusting stall. Once inside, she hears noises and sees a shadow in the room, and then a creepy monster hand curl itself around the top of the stall door.
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Cue the screaming! Sheriff Dad rushes in to a now empty bathroom. He runs into the forest, briefly sees a Bigfoot-like creature in the shadows of the trees. Thomas cries out and the sheriff finds his son bereft over the dead body of Barbara. (Honestly, I thought we were only going to kill off white men for the rest of this show. This seems regressive.)
At the bunker, Sam is sitting alone in the dark kitchen. He’s clearly not doing well by pouring himself into finding another case to work. Dean wanders in and I enter a fugue state where I can’t remember what happens for the next couple of minutes. (I actually agree with this post 100%. Dean knows Sam’s state of mind. He’s always willing to fit that role that will help Sam feel better, more confident, and distract him with antics they both know aren’t real.)
Anyway, Sam has a case of missing people through the years in Iowa. Dean agrees, and Sam says he’ll grab Cas. Dean admits that Cas left earlier in the morning.
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Dean also thinks that Jack should sit out hunting for now. He’s a bit of a wild card and it might be better to keep him close to home for a bit.
They find Jack in the library reading about zombies. Dean tasks him with restocking the bunker with beer and beer. (Um, I guess those driving lessons paid off. Now Jack can drive to the store alone and buy liquor he’s totally old enough to buy. Good parenting, Dean!)
Once in Iowa, at the sheriff’s station, the brothers are told the murder was actually a coyote attack, nothing more.
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They still insist on viewing the body. They see the claw marks, and the burns around them, and know this isn’t a coyote attack.
Jack, meanwhile, is on his shopping excursion in Lebanon. It pains me how friggin’ cute he is. He’s awkwardly waiting for the store to reopen when Eliot, Max, and Stacy arrive. Eliot is garbed up in a cute brown and plaid jacket (such a hunter in training!) and watching videos of the Ghostfacers (what a blast from the past!) They notice “Bambi” just chillin and talk with him.
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Eliot wants to know if Sam and Dean are ghost hunting, and Jack asks, “What’s a ghost?”, followed instantly with, “I have to go.” Boy, that line delivery was so perfect. In any event, Jack’s making friends, guys!
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Jack and Eliot bond over reading about monsters. I just want to squish them, they’re so cute.
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Also, how can Alex Calvert seem so young? Jesus, he does a good job playing baby Jack. We learn that the bunker has movie night every Tuesday, and that Dean really likes The Lost Boys. The kids learn that Jack is two, er, um, twenty-two. Whew, good save there, buddy! They still invite him to the abandoned house to hang out. Then they ask for ID to buy the beer (and I’m all like? Hello, you now have someone old enough to buy beer for you? What kind of narc kids are you?) Jack agrees to hang with his new friends.
At the sheriff’s office, Sam and Dean get free reign of the joint after hours (my how things have changed for them.) Sam thinks they’re dealing with a Kohonta, a local and ancient forest monster (in the great Northwest forests of Iowa —the X-Files often explored these forests as well.)
At the park a couple are hiking, in the dark.
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They hear a weird whistling, and then see a figure in the trees. They call out to him. It’s the forest monster! All twigs and stomach acid! (And once more not a dead white guy in sight. Sigh. —I don’t know what I’m focused on this this week?)
At the crime scene, Dean and Sam interview the other hiker. She gives them a location on where to look. The sheriff arrives and wants to shut down operations. Dean insists that because they’re the feds, they can still search the forest. He tells them they can’t, and the brothers are totally going to follow those orders.
Jack shows up at the house laden with books from the bunker’s library. Jack! Did you fill out a borrowing slip for those? Jack wanders the room with his signature awkwardness. In the space of minutes, he reveals that he likes Dean’s music, has never heard of the SATs, and that demons are made of smoke and totally real.
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The Local Teens ™ are intrigued by Jack’s purported hunting prowess and, encouraged, he brings them outside to demonstrate an angel blade. It goes poorly at first… Poor Jack. It’s hard to impress older kids.
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In the woods, Sam and Dean hunt the kohunta. As they’re stalking through the woods, the Sheriff sneaks up behind Dean with his shotgun and orders them to drop their weapons. Yikes, but also mad props to the Sheriff for sneaking up on Dean. He doesn’t get the drop on them for long, though.
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Cut to night… Jack’s apparently been trying to throw his blade all afternoon and the Local Teens ™ are bored. They goad Jack into defending his skills and he activates his newly restored nephilim power to finally hit the target. Hooray! Cool! Also, whatever.
Until…Jack uses his power to mind-mojo the blade back through the air and into his hand. Jack’s ecstatic about this, Eliot’s excited, and the two girls (who are clearly more sensible) are majorly weirded out. (Max is intrigued, at least.) Jack, encouraged by the sudden interest, levitates the blade in the air and then begins to swirl it around. It zips around in ever-increasing complex patterns. “I can control it,” Jack chirps while whipping the blade feet away from the teens, who are getting freaked out. Stacy tries to run and Jack’s blade cuts right into her, buried up to the hilt. Jack pulls out the blade and light glows from his hand as he tries to heal her. We’re left to wonder for just a moment if Jack failed…but Stacy sits up. She’s healed!
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Jack moves towards them, encouraged by being able to heal Stacy and thinking he’s back in the teens’ good graces. They turn him away and Eliot orders Jack to stay away.
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Dean and Sam talk to the Sheriff about the kohunta and we get a quick info dump on the MoTW. It’s an old tribal legend about the Parker family - some of the first white settlers in the area. One winter was particularly hard and the boy went crazy and ate the rest of the family. He developed a taste for people and started going after the people of the tribe. Instead of killing the crazed cannibal, they transformed him into the kohunta - a starving creature cursed to roam the woods and either eat people or slowly die of starvation. Legends being legends, this was forgotten and the woods they trapped him in were eventually invaded by interlopers a.k.a. tasty snacks.
Phew. Okay. Plot continues…. Sam and Dean totes kill monsters and they’re ready to help the Sheriff. The Sheriff asks them about going to YouTube to tell the world how to fight monsters but Sam’s against it.
The Sheriff’s son, Tom, interrupts their narrative wheel-spinning by calling and telling his father that he’s going after his girlfriend’s killer himself. The Winchesters and the Sheriff race to save him, silver blades at the ready (because it turns out that is what will kill them).
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Tom reaches an old cabin, stalked by the monster, only to be attacked! It’s not looking good for Tom, who is about a second away from getting a giant acid lugey to the face. The Sheriff and Winchesters break in and they fight off the kohunta. One punchy kicky fight scene later and the monster gets a knife to the heart and dies. (Query: if this beast was around for long enough that the tribe forgot it existed, then how does cloth survive on its back? Magical curse blah blah, I guess.)
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Tom’s alive. The Sheriff’s alive! Everybody wins. Sam and the Sheriff discuss the truth of the monster. Sam counsels him to tell the truth to his son; it’s the right thing to do.
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Later, in the Impala of Feelings, Dean asks why Sam wanted to tell the truth. Lying’s the best way out of anything. Sam reminds him of lying to Jack…and all the times they lied to their dad about being “fine just to make him happy.”
Dean and Sam arrive back at the bunker. Jack got all the groceries except for the beer. (He only has fake IDs!) The Winchesters tell him they’re worried about Jack’s powers and they want him to not use them for a while. They’re telling him how they feel because they care. Feelings!
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Jack mulls this over, and then fails to tell them about how terribly his powers just went wrong. Yeah. This is great. (Side note: he has learned one thing from Local Teens ™: subterfuge.)
Let’s Have a Quote Saber Fight!
Dean says that any music made after 1979 sucks ass
Well, there are standard hand to hand moves…like a light saber
Are you like a Jedi or something?
Whoa, that’s like full on Raiders!
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