#castilla-la mancha
cajon-desastre · 8 months
Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón
Yesterday we went on an excursion and we went to Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón, which contains a medieval layout and has been declared a Historic-Artistic Site. It belongs to the province of Albacete within the community of Castilla - La Mancha.
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The highlight is the castle-fortress that dominates the landscape from the hill of San Blas. Due to its strategic position, the castle had Iberian, Roman and also Arab bases. The current building dates from the 15th century and remains, after numerous reforms, as it is currently seen, although access to its interior is prohibited.
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Of special interest are the caves at the foot of the wall framed by white chimneys that divide the outer space while the interior is carved out of the rock. Cool houses to combat the extreme temperatures of the La Mancha plain and which, currently, are still mostly inhabited and are second homes for their owners.
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The next stop was in Alcaraz, also with a main square that stands out for the two adjoining Renaissance towers, the church tower and the Tardón tower, and the number of slopes and stairs to go up and down (in case I didn't have enough when I went to Cinque Terre lol).
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Ramón Masats. Tomelloso. Ciudad Real, 1960 Silver gelatine with archival selenium treatment
Photograph of a woman marking the edge of her whitewashed walls.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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Lynx Cub Licking.
Iberian lynx are one of the world’s most endangered cats because of habitat loss, decreasing food sources, car collisions, and illegal hunting. But thanks to conservation efforts, the species is recovering and can be found in small areas of Portugal and Spain. Antonio Liebana Navarro took this image while leading a conservation project based around photography in Peñalajo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. Focusing on this cub, he was lucky enough to capture the moment it lifted its head from a waterhole, licked its lips, and gazed straight into the camera. #
© Antonio Liebana Navarro / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
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juliancallejo · 11 months
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Atardecer (borrachera de).
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Juanma Moreno y Emiliano García-Page celebran que Andalucía y Castilla La Mancha son «comunidades hermanas»
ANDALUCIA/ESPAÑA El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, ha subrayado la importancia de la Casa de Castilla-La Mancha en Andalucía, que cumple 40 años «divulgando las singularidades del pueblo castellano manchego en nuestra tierra acompañándolas con las tradiciones andaluzas, generando enriquecimiento al país». Además, ha destacado que Andalucía y Castilla-La Mancha son…
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fotograrte · 2 months
Palacio de los Duques de Medinaceli (Cogolludo, Guadalajara)
In Cogolludo, one of the most monumental villages of Guadalajara, is the Palace of the Dukes of Medinaceli (late 15th century), considered to be the first Renaissance palace built in the Peninsula. Arte Viajero. Twitter..
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immersetravel · 3 months
A Tourist's Guide to Los Molinos of Don Quixote in Consuegra
Explore one of central Spain's most iconic landmarks in the sparsely populated province of Castilla La Mancha.
One of Spain’s most famous epics, Don Quijote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes, is tied to the region of central Spain. And there is no place to better imagine Don Quijote in real life than Los Molinos in Consuegra, Castilla La Mancha. Aside from Madrid and Toledo, central Spain or Castilla La Mancha is often overlooked by tourists from North America. Here I will share with you some of the…
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lacarrasca · 6 months
Nerpio - río Acedas-molino de las Fuentes - Peña Jarota
Domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2023 El próximo domingo día 5, nos desplazaremos a la bonita localidad albaceteña de Nerpio. Desde esta localidad iniciaremos nuestra ruta. Saldremos desde nuestro aparcamiento en busca del río Acedas donde lo cruzaremos y continuaremos por el sendero entre nogales paralelo al río iremos cruzándolo varias veces hasta llegar al área recreativa del Molino de las Fuentes.…
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haveabuendia-blog1 · 1 year
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lescroniques · 1 year
El ressorgir d'Iván: «Vaig passar dos anys de depressió i ansietat per ser sord»
Manuel Moreno / abc.es «Paciència, perfeccionisme i a controlar l’estrès», respon quan preguntes quines li ha aportat estar entre fogons. Els seus brillants ulls blaus irradien satisfacció perquè, a les seves 22 anys, està a punt d’acabar un cicle formatiu de Grau Superior de Direcció de Cuina en la Universitat Laboral de Toledo; només li falten les pràctiques…[…] (abc.es)
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cajon-desastre · 6 months
Yesterday I was visiting this magnificent site located in the province of Ciudad Real. It is one of those unknown gems that are scattered throughout our country and that are not as famous as others but that keep a lot of history among their stones and that are worth a visit.
Former Templar fortress of the Order of Calatrava, intended to stop the advance of the Arabs during the Reconquest and which, later, during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, became a Monastery. In its decline it was a victim of the great Lisbon earthquake in 1755 because the aftershocks reached here.
Currently, after a series of restoration and consolidation campaigns, it has an interesting tour explaining what life was like in a castle-fortress.
Accompanied by good footwear and the courage to climb slopes, you will be surprised.
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Here and here you have more information.
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danieleleoz-blog · 1 year
Molinos de Consuegra, los 12 Gigantes
La villa manchega de Consuegra es famosa por albergar sus doce molinos de viento que coronan el Cerro Calderico junto al Castillo de la Muela. El pueblo forma parte de la Ruta de Don Quijote por La Mancha y su conjunto de molinos presume de ser unos de los mejor conservados de Castilla-La Mancha, junto con los de Campo de Criptana. (more…) “”
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joselpolo · 1 year
Riópar Viejo
Riópar Viejo, un pueblo con encanto en Albacete Riópar Viejo Mountain bike por las Gabias Las Gabias – Cantera de la Escribana – Cortijo de Santa Pudia Paseando por Aguas Blancas Dehesa de los Reyes Católicos – Mirador de la Vega Quien mueve las piernas
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juliancallejo · 11 months
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La tristeza.
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pepmiralles · 2 years
Noche Estrellada
Hola a tod@s. Os traigo esta fotografía hecha recientemente. espero que sea de vuestro agrado. Es una carrasca, quercus ilex, con un tronco peculiar. Gracias por el apoyo del último mensaje que subí pidiendo ayuda por una equivocación mía, muchas gracias y saludos. Iso 4000 F/4 15″ 4300K 24 mm
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lastnews-espana · 2 years
El PSOE a las órdenes de Otegi: se niega a poner una calle a Miguel Ángel Blanco en Cuenca
El PSOE a las órdenes de Otegi: se niega a poner una calle a Miguel Ángel Blanco en Cuenca
La iniciativa ha salido finalmente adelante con el voto afirmativo de todos los grupos municipales salvo los socialistas. Source link
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