dapper-lil-arts · 1 year
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DAMN!! NOW THIS IS A TRIAL!!! Happy birthday to Kid icarus uprising, one of my favorite games! Here's to my favorite boss fight in the game, the Great Sacred Treasure -v-
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solluchero · 5 months
il sesso non appaga il desiderio, lo moltiplica
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lilaira · 1 year
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byrinaoka · 8 months
Emu is meaning smile!!!
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klimt7 · 1 year
Scorrevo Tumblr, senza un'intenzione precisa, senza seguire nè una ricerca, nè un percorso mentale ben definito. Mi portava come al solito, la curiosità e il voler contemplare la Blogosfera come un grande dipinto. Un affresco. Qualcosa che tutti quanti noi, produciamo ogni giorno, semplicemente, appuntando i nostri pensieri su questa immensa lavagna che è Tumblr.
Ed ecco che all'improvviso mi son trovato davanti a una "perla".
Forse il miglior riassunto dei tempi che attraversiamo, in appena tre righe. Qualcosa di geniale!
Oggi mi sento particolarmente "buono" e quindi mi piace regalarlo a tutti questo piccolo capolavoro di sintesi:
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mamamittens · 7 months
Its been a while since I've talked about magical girls so here we go.
I love the idea of like, horrific transformations into cutesy outfits. Like, in universe, the people can't see it but the magical girl still has to go through Eldridge horror just to access powers beyond mortal ability. Just... the crossing of ✨ magic ✨ and friendship and overwhelming horror.
It's still cute and they have nice color coordinated outfits with themed powers and names. It's just every so often you get gut punched by a reality check that whatever they're getting their magic from is nowhere near our reality. And crossing them together has devastating effects when not used properly. And sometimes even when you do.
Sorta like madoka magica, really. Just unsettling vibes that only get worse as they grow stronger. By the time they defeat the final horror their magic is too strong to safely use. Maybe some good old retiree comes back years later when they can actually physically and psychologically handle it, idk.
I also like the mix of cutesy magical girl aesthetic with brutal horror. Like, you expect the whirlwind of sparkles and petals to poof the monsters away but they get shredded in gore before slowly dissolving into the ether. And the magical girls just get used to doing this so later we get a fun outsiders view of these horrifically powerful kids swearing to uphold justice and friendship before exploding knock off Godzilla's head.
Maybe not full Madoka Magica but a mix of slotchy cheesy 90's inspired girl power but Everytime Sailor Moon does her dizzying as hell twirl thing her enemies aren't vaporized into sparkles but blood. Still keeping that upbeat vibe but there's this edge and sense of real, horrible danger around every turn. Not dystopian but oddly hopeful.
Idk, it's hard to explain. Brutal optimism?
I'm going to make the world a better place or leave it covered in blood.
Something like that. Yeah.
Idk, I just think it sounds fun.
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ideeperscrittori · 1 year
Anche Zuckerberg introduce gli abbonamenti, proprio come ha fatto Elon Mask.
E questo cambia tutto.
Ok, tecnicamente Twitter, Facebook e Instagram sono ancora gratuiti. Per ora i benefit per le persone abbonate sono poca cosa.
Ma siamo davanti a una svolta epocale.
La direzione è tracciata.
Cosa significa veramente "gratis"?
È una parola un po' ambigua, lo avete notato?
Il prossimo futuro me lo immagino più o meno così: se vuoi è gratis, ma sei invisibile, non hai sicurezza, non hai assistenza, non hai nulla, fai parte di una casta inferiore e faremo di tutto per fartelo notare.
In pratica: è gratis, ma non è gratis.
Per adesso Telegram sembra al riparo da questa cosa. Anche Tumblr ha gli abbonamenti, ma riguardano l'esperienza da utente, non cose come visibilità e sicurezza. Tuttavia tutto potrebbe cambiare da un giorno all'altro.
In previsione della burrasca, ho vinto la pigrizia e mi sono appena iscritto a Mastodon.
Cerco ancora un riparo per continuare a fare quello che faccio da anni: esprimere la mia opinione, rivolgendomi a persone che per qualche strano motivo sono interessate ad ascoltarla.
A proposito: su Mastodon sono @[email protected]
Stavo dicendo? Ah sì, dicevo che i social media stanno diventando un'altra cosa.
Prima sono stati introdotti gli algoritmi di visibilità, che già hanno avuto un impatto mostruoso.
Ora possiamo osservare l'ultimo livello della mutazione. Stiamo entrando in un'altra era. Ed è un'era che non mi piace.
Da boomer nostalgico, rimppiango la vecchia internet dei blog su Altervista.
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rainyladyluminary · 9 months
I just love the design of Aziraphale's bookshop. It's old, and whether it's cluttered or tidier (like in the new season), it feels so lived-in. I would love for a place like it to exist in real life. I'm longing for the comfort of a place that is just there, a place that has existed for a long time and will always just exist, and be a home.
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idettaglihere · 11 months
come mi annoiate
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allnameswaretaken · 6 months
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God omens now lives rent free in my head and I'm not sure if that's a good thing
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theghostofaname · 6 months
Sometimes when I am standing on the platform watching my train come in, I look up at the driver and worry they might think I'm about to jump in front of the train. I try to do whatever I can to reassure them, pull out my phone, look distracted. I know its dumb, most people don't think about suicide every day. I wouldn't think this way if I didn't have that little tug on my heart drawing me to the track, if no part of me wanted to die. But I guess I still do.
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freedominthedarkmp3 · 2 years
Italians will be doing a passeggiatina serale and they will pass a house and go "sai chi ci vive qua? Ti ricordi Gianni il nuovo marito della madre di Daniela? Ma si dai Daniela quella che stava con Filippo, che poi lo ha lasciato per andare con Mariateresa alla festa al laghetto. Beh comunque non sai Gianni che ha combinato [3 ore dopo] e quindi nulla, nessuno lo ha più visto ne sentito da allora"
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fiddlstyx · 2 years
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michael corleone and his bottomless pockets
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nicktremblaywayfu · 2 years
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Wondering how wealthy Arthur actually is. Sure he probably had some rich followers for donation but still running a cult aint cheap, let alone having dozens around the world.
And not to mention he often fly from a country to another like, have y'all seen how expensive plane tickets are hadkajskjac
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peachy-kaiju · 9 months
Ok im gunna oc post again (under the read more)
but like I feel if Evren ever had any actual in canon interaction with any SF characters, it would most likely be Luke ( he runs a gym and teaches MMA so Evren would have most likely started there). So i think he would be pretty chill with him.
Though, of course, he would interact with JP (bc i can <3). But i want it to be the most funny way both of them know each other. Like, i just imagine Evren casually beating some random people that attacked him in some area somewhere and JP happens to just be there and overhears Evrens dumbass talk about his goals in wanting to do anything to get a name for himself and JP being the man he is just goes "Hm Anything?" and makes him his little erand boy like in WT mode or even just a bodyguard so he doesn't have to do any real fighting for himself. He can just send Evrens goofy ass and he goes in the name of training.
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Rose getting weird about humans mixing with aliens as if she isn't one (1) opportune moment away from dragging the doctor into a closet?????
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