ryonello · 5 months
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funky little frog guy !!!!!
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femboytrain · 10 months
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I love my boyfriend <3
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Meeting and bath time with your Alien Catman Boyfriends: Part One
Alien catman assassins x female reader
Qhen and Ceth
T: Some blood and violence, kidnapping, assaults, slight nsfw, yandere behavior, pet names, magic, blood drinking, minor character death
General Plot: You've been kidnapped by cat men who have made you their princess!
Time to meet your alien catman boyfriends! This is part of a much longer story about Qhen and Ceth X female reader
Words: 4K
“Goodnight (Y/N)!” you coworker at the grocery store you worked at said, as you slipped out of the door. You waved her goodnight and turned into the dark parking lot. It was winter and the snow fell outside in a gentle flurry. You smiled up at the dark sky, glittering with sparkling petals of snow as they fell towards you. 
Work had been tiring, but it was nice to come out to fresh snowfall. You breathed in the cold air and pulled your threadbare jacket tighter. You didn’t have much money for anything better than a thrift store jacket and it wasn’t the warmest, but if you wore a warm sweater you could be comfortable. 
Your boots were old but good, which was nice because you had a long walk home through the deserted town you lived in. It was the same small, nowhere town you'd grown up in. You'd gone to college, with high hopes of studying history. You'd done great in school, but after graduation, there just wasn’t much out there for you, so unable to afford to stay in the city, you had to move back home and you'd never left. It wasn’t the bright future you'd dreamed of when you were a young woman. You lived in the only thing your alcoholic dad left you when he died of liver cirrhosis, an old house on an empty cul de sac in a dead neighborhood. You'd made it nice with a fresh coat of paint and new shutters, but it needed a ton of work done. 
After all the factories in town closed with the last economic downturn, the town was almost empty. You barely got by working full time at the small grocery, because that and the gas station were two of the only stores left open. 
“Hey there (Y/N)!” a male voice shouted to you from over your shoulder. You peeked to find the unwelcome face of Larry Dwindle. He’d been a jock in high school, if you remembered correctly, and had hardly noticed you, but now that you worked in the grocery store you saw him much, much more often than you would have liked. He had a lumpy face and sagging neck that wiggled like a turkey when he talked. 
“Where you runnin’ off so fast, little bunny?” he asked, sidling up to you. You looked up at his dishwater blonde hair and dim blue eyes. 
“The same place I go every night Larry,” you grumbled, “home.” 
The street was empty, with only every few street lights on. He walked with you, nattering on about something or another while you left the town center and turned down a side street heading to your house. 
“Come on bunny,” he said, grabbing your arm, “let’s go get a drink.” 
You gave him the same look you always did. 
“When will you take no for an answer?” you asked, your eyes flaring with annoyance. You weren't a frightened little teenage girl, blushing over a football player’s attention. He was really bothering you. He gave me you slimy grin. 
“You can’t resist me forever,” he said, “you and I make a great couple. You can’t deny that.” 
He leaned in to you and you could smell the alcohol on him. You swayed back, jerking out of his grasp. 
“Leave me alone!” you shouted, marching down the street, “if you keep this up I’m calling the cops!” 
“Hey don’t walk away from me, bitch!” he snarled, snatching you by your ponytail and jerking you suddenly to the ground. 
You squealed, the cold cement smacking into your tailbone and looked up to meet his watery eyes. 
“You’re not too good for me you know,” he went on, grabbing his crotch lewdly.
Your ass hurt like a mother fucker and you had never done it before in your entire life, but you hopped up from the ground, balled your hand in a fist and swung at his nose. Your fist made contact and pain shot through your knuckles. You cried out, tears forcing their way to you eyes. There was a thunk and when you could finally blink your eyes open, Larry was crumpled on the ground, blood pooling around him in a scarlet lake.  
You stared at him, your mouth dropping. Did I-?
“That was a good try, but you need to work on your form. You probably broke your little hand,” a deep voice said. You screamed as you glanced to the side to find two large figures looking down at Larry’s body. One toed it not too gently and then his mis-matched eyes, one blue and one black, flicked up to you. 
Your mouth fell open and you blinked rapidly trying to process what you were seeing. Cat men! Giant cat men! In front of you, just past the shadows stood two, almost identical men with pointy black cat ears sticking out of their heads and fluffy black tails lashing eagerly behind them. They were absolutely huge, standing at what must have been seven feet tall and completely shirtless in the winter air. They were also quite blue, their bodies the color of rich sapphires. 
You were having trouble focusing, between the shock of being presented with blue cat men and the pain radiating up my arm you started to feel dizzy. Black spots appeared in front of your eyes, so you squinted. 
“Are you okay, princess?” the one with long, messy hair asked. 
You didn’t feel okay. You felt your body swoon and everything spun. The next thing you knew the ground was rushing up at you very quickly and blackness overtook you.
You rolled around in fluffy, soft sheets and stretched. 
“Mmmmm,” you moaned, happily. Your body felt like it was drenched in warm honey. It must have been Saturday. Your alarm hadn’t gone off so you'd slept in. You smiled. You would make some coffee and some apple butter toast, maybe read a book. 
Your eyes popped open and you shrieked. You were not in your cozy childhood bedroom! Two blue faces peered down at you. One had short, neatly cropped hair and the other’s was long and fell over his shoulder in waves. The one with short hair was dressed in a tidy suit. It wasn’t exactly like the western suits you were used to, but it was obviously more formal with a high collared neck and crisp pleated sleeves. The other one had no shirt on and was just wearing a pair of tight black pants and boots, showing off his broad chest. The cat men! 
Your eyes flew around the room. It was lavishly decorated, but the style was foreign to you. It was vaguely oriental, but the patterns were all wrong and with different details. The room was draped with starched sheets displaying motifs of strange flowers and animals. 
The one with the long hair gave you a feral grin, revealing sharp fangs. 
“You’re awake princess,” he purred. 
You blinked up at him. 
“Who are you?” you asked. 
He seemed pleased by the question. 
“Qhen and Ceth Khavul, we are at your service,” he responded, waving a hand at you. You suddenly felt lighter than air. You floated out from the covers and drifted over the bed, coming to rest gently on Qhen’s lap. You looked up at him, quite stunned. You’d never experienced anything like that in you life. You'd floated! Was it magic? Were they aliens? Mystical creatures? Were you dreaming? 
“Wh-what…is going on?” you murmured, unsure what to ask first, exactly. You weren't even sure if this was real. You felt like Alice in Wonderland. A large circular window in one wall revealed a thousand pinpoints of light that could only be stars. We were in space? 
“That’s a big question,” Qhen teased, “but I’m sure you mean, your current situation. To put it simply. We’ve abducted you. You are our mate and we are taking you home with us where we will have a ceremony to introduce you to our Guild. There they will swear fealty to you and will be yours to command. With you at our side we will drench the galaxy in the blood of purification, all to honor you as our princess and guiding star.” 
You blinked at him. 
Ceth sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“One thing at a time, please, brother,” he muttered, before turning his eyes to you, “the most important thing to understand is that you are our mate.” 
You looked at him. 
“And you are Ceth,” you said pointing at him, “and you are Qhen…and you are twins...” 
Ceth frowned and glanced at Qhen. 
“Did you let her hit her head?” he asked. 
“I did not harm our mate,” Qhen snapped back. 
“You must have knocked the sense out of her, she’s speaking strangely,” his brother grumbled, his ears going flat on his head. 
You shook your head trying to sort my thoughts. Were you talking to the mad hatter? You were still wrapping my mind around the thoughts spinning in your brain. Cat man twins? Mate? Wait…mate? 
“Mate?” you asked. 
Qhen looked down at you and revealed a fang, one of his ears went down and he cocked his head, looking like a very curious cat. 
“Are you disappointed?” he asked. 
Your eyebrows went up. How could you be disappointed? The two of them were gods. They both had more muscle than you'd ever seen on a human man and though they were blue, they were both incredibly handsome. Their jet black ears and fluffy tails reminded you of the stray cats you used to feed that lived in the dilapidated barn behind your house. No one like them had ever looked your way before, but what did they mean by mate? 
“I don’t think I understand,” you said, quietly. You were frightened and didn’t want to provoke the creatures. 
“You are ours,” Qhen said, as if that explained everything. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Both…of yours?” you asked, your mouth going dry. 
Qhen gave your his maniac smile. 
“We’re brothers. We share everything,” he said. 
“Why me?” 
He licked his rather large fangs, thoughtfully. 
“Fate guided us to you,” he said. 
Your eyes widened. Madness. This was madness. Fate guided the cat men to abduct me? They want to purify the galaxy with blood?  
“Ummmm…fate? So…that means…I can’t go home?” you asked. 
“No,” they both said at the same time. 
You looked between them. What were you to do? You'd been abducted, apparently taken to space by insane cat creatures…you just had to roll with the punches. 
It wasn’t like you had anywhere in particular to be. You were a homebody with a few friends that you didn’t see often and no family. Your coworkers would probably miss you, and there would be a search, but in the end you weren’t an important person. It would end quickly and you would be forgotten. 
“So what now?” you asked apprehensively. 
The two creatures' eyes flashed. 
“Now we bathe our mate,” Qhen announced, “you stink of that human male I killed.”  
Bathe me? He killed Larry?!
You reflexively hopped out of Qhen’s lap, but before you feet touched the ground you felt again like gravity had reversed and you were floating. You tried to get your toes back on the floor, but you only managed to turn yourself upside down in midair. Qhen grinned at you and plucked you out of the air, carrying you like a princess. 
“That’s really unnecessary,” you babbled, “I’m perfectly capable of bathing myself. I don’t need any help!” 
“Nonsense,” Ceth said, “it is our right to bathe our mate and we want to see your body.”
See my body?
You started screaming bloody murder, but Qhen merely clamped a large hand down over your mouth. 
“It’s good to see that your lungs weren’t affected by your injury,” Ceth said as he led you through a doorway into a pretty bathroom, "you're welcome, by the way. We injected you with nanites that healed your broken hand."
In other circumstances it would have been romantic. The room was lush and warm with a hundred potted plants, bursting with flowers in a rainbow of colors. Low light emanated from the ceiling in a soft glowing ring and smaller shapes, like origami flowers of light littered the floor. In the center of the room was a large bath, steaming with hot water that smelled something like jasmine, but not quite.
Qhen floated you in front of him and started to strip you of your grocery store uniform. You shrieked and struggled, but it was like fighting a ghost. You couldn’t quite grab onto anything and wobbling aloft like that you couldn’t get any traction.  
The brothers stood back staring at you as if you were some fine art piece, as you hung in front of them, trying desperately to cover yourself. Your cheeks burned so hot you thought you might actually catch fire. 
“She’s shy,” Ceth said. 
“How sweet,” Qhen commented. 
You floated across the room and were gently deposited into the bathwater. Happy to have some cover, you quickly retreated to the opposite side and sank down to your neck in the pool, glaring up at them. 
They made themselves comfortable at the edge of the bath. Qhen dug around in a chest for some colorful bottles, while Ceth found three glasses and what must have been some kind of wine. Meanwhile, you watched them carefully from the water. 
How does one deal with complete insanity? 
“Your little glares are quite stimulating princess,” Ceth said, his eyes flashing at you over his shoulder as he distributed the dark liquid into the glasses, “every time those (E/C) irises flicker at me, filled with fire, I find my heart beats faster. Aren’t you impressive for having such an ability?” 
Your cheeks burned hot and you averted your gaze quickly. You weren't sure what Ceth was talking about, it just sounded like nonsense. Your heart thumped in your chest so hard you could hardly hear what he was saying clearly anyway. 
Without warning you drifted through the water backwards towards the edge of the tub until you bumped softly into the side with your shoulder blades. Large warm hands sunk into your hair and you could smell the sweet scent of some kind of soap as Qhen drizzled it over your head. He pulled your head back with surprising gentleness and wet your hair, before lathering it with his long fingers. 
Ceth sat prim and proper, sipping his glass as he watched your hair being washed. You tried not to look at him, but his eyes were arresting. The two brothers both had mismatched eyes. One powder blue, so that it was almost white, and the other rich black like infinite space. They were each other's mirror images so each brother had the blue eye on the opposite side. 
Ceth’s gaze was calculating and sharp, but not clinical. He was like a predator admiring his future catch from a distance. Unlike his brother, there wasn’t a bit of insanity in his smile. It was all ice, his lip tipped up slightly at one end, but not a bit more. His every expression was carefully selected and presented. He was a whole different kind of psycho than Qhen. 
You could see the tendrils of darkness that flickered in and out of existence around him in delicate whorls. The aura surrounding Qhen was erratic and fiery, but Ceth’s was smooth and fluid, like a steady pillar of water spilling silently from the heavens. Yet, you wouldn’t call it soothing. There was electricity wrapped around it that exuded deadly power. 
He extended his long arm and handed you a glass, which you took in your trembling hands. You knew it was probably drugged or something, but in your nervousness you took a big gulp right away. The flavor was complex and bitter-sweet, almost nutty like baking chocolate. It went down easily and made you feel warm when it hit your stomach. 
“Do you like it?” he asked. 
“What is it?” you replied with a question. 
“Trevin blood,” he stated matter of factly. 
If your stomach didn’t feel so warm and tingly you would have spat it all back up. 
“Blood?” you whispered, unable to hide the horror from your face. You begged the gods that whatever you had just put in my body was not something cute and fluffy. His smile deepened just slightly and something in his eyes flashed purple. 
“Do your people not drink the essence of your enemies?” he asked, swirling the dark liquid around in the glass in his hand. 
The blood fled from your face and your hands trembled so hard around the cup, you thought you might drop it. 
“Is a Trevin an animal?” you asked, voice hoarse. 
Qhen chuckled. 
“You can call those bastards animals if you want.” 
So not an animal then. Probably something walking and talking. 
You shakily passed the glass back to Ceth, which he kindly took from your hands. 
“I think I’ve had enough, thank you,” you said as politely as possible. 
You still weren't sure what to make of these kidnappers. They hadn’t hurt you, but they were obviously insane, even for aliens. You'd never met any other aliens but they couldn’t all be bent on galactic conquest and blood drinkers…could they? You certainly didn’t want to piss them off. You could feel and see the wild energy rolling off them in waves. It was nothing you'd ever experienced before. It was as if their presence filled the whole room to the brim and they felt dangerous. 
Qhen tipped your head back and poured warm water over your hair to rinse it. 
“Your hair matches my drir,” he mused.
“Is that what’s floating around you?” you asked, pointing out the fiery aura that he put off. 
He smiled as if you'd asked the right question. 
“Yes, drir is the destructive force of the universe harnessed into our bodies,” he explained patiently as you felt him carefully put your hair into sections and apply some nice smelling oil to it. 
“Were you born that way?” you asked. 
“No,” he went on, “we were abandoned in a place very far away from here when we were born and adopted by a hermit. She raised us and when she died, she gave us a gift to share. The gift of drir. Fire and darkness. It took us many years to be able to use it properly, but now it is part of us.” 
“Mate,” Ceth said, getting your attention, “these are our secrets. They should not be shared easily.” 
You nodded at him. You had no idea who you would share these details with, but you agreed anyway. It was best not to upset them and who were you going to tell? 
“My name is (Y/N), not mate,” you snapped at him before thinking better of it. 
You didn’t like being kidnapped and declared a girlfriend. It wasn’t exactly romantic. 
“(Y/N),” they both said, trying it out at the same time. 
Qhen spun you around to face him, your hair slapping your back in two damp pigtails that he’d surprisingly managed to braid. 
“Do not let anyone else call you by that name,” he said, his eyes boring into yours, “it is for us alone.” 
“Okkkaaayyy…” you agreed, again, trying to placate them, “what should everyone call me then? I’d rather it not be mate, if I’m allowed to have a preference.” 
“Princess or your highness will be sufficient,” Ceth said tightly. 
“In my language, princess usually means royalty,” you said, “are you royalty?” 
“Royalty can mean many things,” Qhen answered, brushing a curl off of your forehead, “we swore when we accepted our power that we would never become kings, but you are our princess.” 
It was as if they only spoke in riddles! You nodded weakly, unsure of what any of Qhen said meant. Perhaps “princess” was just a nice nickname? If they weren’t royalty, what were they? What was their world like outside of this warm room? Were they just teasing you?
You drifted back closer to Qhen, but this time you could see the tangles of drir that pulled you towards him and your eyes widened. It seemed as though time passed, the aura became clearer and clearer to you. At first the power had just been a feeling, but now you could see it plain as day. 
Ceth’s eyes tracked yours. 
“How strange. Most can’t see it, but it is clear you can. It must be because you are our mate.” 
Qhen lathered up his hands and wrapped one around your neck. You drew in a ragged halting breath as his large, clawed fingers circled your throat. There was a wild glint in his eyes.
“Your neck is so thin, (Y/N),” he said softly and squeezing, “how much force would it take to snap it?” 
Your heart picked up in your chest and you flinched, preparing to jerk away from him, but his fingers loosened and drifted down your shoulder, applying soap. You were so frightened, you couldn’t do anything but sit there and tremble as he gingerly washed you. 
“I want to make you cry,” he said, casually, as his hands moved deftly down your sides. 
“B-b-but…why…?” you asked. 
He looked at you, smiled, and shrugged. You felt a chill go down your spine. You had to get out of this place. These aliens were going to kill you. But how? You had no idea where you were or who you were with or anything about the galaxy other than that you were in a bathtub with two complete psychos that fed you blood. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. You needed more information. That was all. You needed to get your bearings. Then you could form a plan. 
There was a trill at the door and a voice echoed in the bathroom. 
“Masters, we’re approaching Yoldrir,” a voice said. 
“Time to get out, we’ve arrived home,” Ceth said, standing and neatly replacing the glasses and decanter. 
You stared at them both unsure of what they wanted you to do, but all at once you drifted out of the bath and a sheet large enough to fit around you wrapped you body. Then you landed lightly in Qhen’s arms. 
“I can walk,” you snapped, peevishly. You were hungry, frightened, and confused. Your patience was running thin. 
“It will be a while before I’m ready to put you down,” he said, plainly. 
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hellosunnycore · 1 year
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all my loving
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freyalir · 12 days
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I saw @gay-robot-boyfriends's cat art of X, Vile, and Zero and was reminded of more old art I have stored away. Observe... Cat Vile with his loving owner Zero who is not at all infected with Toxoplasma Vava in the brain.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
My boyfriend turned into a cat (he was still wearing his sunglasses, though).
1K notes · View notes
heleizition · 1 year
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missing kuroyaku in this house tonight
385 notes · View notes
freckliephil · 5 months
Im taking him to the humane society
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mens tits...
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rouge-the-bat · 2 years
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hiei is kuramas cat/boyfriend
812 notes · View notes
cryptidshadows · 2 years
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Monster Boyfriend 🔥
299 notes · View notes
gravityguava · 3 months
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My boyfriend got me some super cute new clothes! Gods, I love him
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bbpoltergayst · 2 months
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some of yall might not be ready for this but here is microsoft clippy as a femmed cat boy
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asherritsuko · 24 days
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✰ ∘ Rules and Requesting Info
✰ ∘ Request status: OPEN
✰ ∘ Please keep these requests reasonable, my guidelines still apply to these the same as they do the other reader inserts that I write for.
✰ ∘ Special requests can be made for these ones to have a specific name you might like or want. For example, instead of writing it with (Boyfriend's Name) or (Friend's Name), you can input a name you'd like. All I ask is that when you request for these imagines with a specific mind in mind, just put next to your request !!SPECIAL NAME!! + (name you want). Just be aware that I'll retype the name you wanted in, but the reader will still stay as (Y/N) as I do not write for other people's original characters.
✰ ∘ If you also want, you can end your request with "Anon" and an emoji. Please don't use repeated emoji's for different Anons, each anon must have their own emoji please.
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➜ to be written...
➜ to be written...
➜ to be written...
➜ to be written...
➜ to be written...
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©ASHER RITSUKO ━ I do not give permission to having my works plagiarised, copied, modified, or translated onto any other platforms, including Tumblr. On Tumblr, my works are allowed to be reblogged, along with credit back to me. My works belong to me unless stated otherwise.
17 notes · View notes
hey girl! you know how we put your catboy boyfriend into that box? yeah well, um, ok he’s simultaneously alive and dead until we open it. yeah. ok yeah i’ll let you know how it goes.
147 notes · View notes
puppercupboard · 2 months
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Such a ✨Brat✨
Remember to tip your artists! 🐈‍⬛
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