#catra didn't KNOW. and hell she was suicidal when that all went down.
akari-hope · 3 years
I’ve seen a number of people confidently call Catra a legitimate mass-murderer & I’m genuinely wondering- where’s the evidence? Like, correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t we see her evacuating Salineas without physically harming anyone? (Obviously she helps Hordak destroy it & that’s horrific, but citing that as evidence of her being a mass-murderer seems like a massive reach. Am I missing something? (Also, do you personally blame her for Angella’s death? I’m conflicted there.)
i've been mulling this one over, and honestly i'm coming down on the side of "no" for a couple reasons.
like you said, we don't actually see civilians die. that's a trend in the entire show to my knowledge (though it's been a hot second since I watched the whole thing, so if someone wants to correct me then by all means). destroying homes certainly isn't GOOD, but it's a far cry from straight up murder. and if we're going with the argument of she's killed SOLDIERS then...so has adora for that matter. and glimmer. and even bow. it's a war. excusing killing bc one side is "good" doesn't really cut it for me. imo, people should either condemn both or accept that it's the situation at hand. but i think it's wrong to act like catra is somehow the worse offender in that regard.
as for angella, i don't blame catra. i never did, and tbh it surprised me when i found out people did. and yeah, maybe i'm biased there. i understand catra extremely well, and while i don't AGREE with her actions, i understand why she opened the portal, and i honestly could see myself doing the same in her situation; she was NOT in a stable mental place, and fucked if anyone would be making good decisions in her place. i was never really attached to angella, and to me she made her choice - a very clearheaded and noble one. so her "death" wasn't really emotional for me. also, iirc, she's not technically dead. trapped, yes, and maybe that's worse to some people. but i think the crew said at one point that the end of season 5 was originally going to include angella coming back (if someone has a reference for that, please do share). so, technically Not Dead. i could see catra blaming herself for it and feeling guilty! i think her nightmares in season 4 pretty much confirm that. i can see how people are saying that catra is to blame bc she caused the situation, though unwittingly. but as far as me, i don't blame catra for that. i blame her for many things, but not that.
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