#cause uh empathy tends to make people less mean
This is meant to be informational, all of this is /info
I'm not sure if you know this but hyper-empathic people with autism aren't ableist for not liking people with narcissistic personality disorder. Yet, a lot of people who do have that type of autism (which is rare yet more common in the biologically female genome side of it), can spot people with narcissistic personality disorder very easily. This is because of common phrases which in turn make them feel unsafe. This may impact the autistic person negatively, and MAY cause long-term PTSD (C-PTSD for Complex PTSD), but that does NOT make the person with NPD an abuser. Its common for those with hyper-empathy to feel unsafe around people with NPD because they are two polar opposites of intentions on the spectrum and often get mistaken for each other by strangers. Like its common for you to immediately tell if someone is homophobic or not, its also common for people with NPD and people with HE autism to recognize each other even if those without it can't tell them apart easily. Its a common fear response and nothing more. The best thing you can do if someone seems to think that Narcissistic abuse is real and has HE autism is to tell them to talk or see a therapist, or at the very least to look up information online from credible sources. (Of course, its also good to deliver this gently as they will be defensive.) TLDR; HE autism and NPD recognize each other and don't get along well but that doesn't make it abuse or ableism. /info
This is ! a lot of great info that... does not contradict any of what I have ever said, so I'm not sure why you felt like you needed to say it (or even less why you felt like you needed to put big ol' info tone tags all around it as if it was going to be offensive)
(Guessing you're referring to that post where I said "narcissistic abuse isn't a thing and not every single person with autism is hyper-empathic")
It does sound, uh, strange to me that someone just existing would cause PTSD in another person, but I've never claimed to be an expert. Also seeing the points you're making I do think ASPD could be grouped with NPD in this as well (yknow, because of the low empathy and all) — but when I say "narcissistic abuse" doesn't exist I'm strictly talking about the term. Of course people with NPD can be abusers. People with ASD can also be abusers, but we don't call that "autistic abuse" because it'd be stupid.
I get the point with the fact that they can recognize each other more easily, but uh, no, I can't identify whether someone's homophobic or not without asking them. People have been wrong. Like, it happens a lot. You can't... say that it's a reliable way to identify someone with NPD/HE autism. Literally yesterday I had a friend at my house who has HE autism and we ended up talking about this exact topic because they called themselves a "victim of narcissistic abuse" and I nearly had a fucking stroke. When I told them I had low empathy, which happened years ago to be fair, they were surprised.
I'm very easily triggered by what you call "common NPD phrases" (if I understood that right, and if did then I'm assuming you mean something that sounds manipulative, which.... moving on) to the point that it's something I have to discuss with pretty much everyone I know because it always comes up at some point and I get triggered by something completely innocent. It's a really big problem for me. But I am far from being uncomfortable around people with NPD (or people who just have low empathy for that matter), usually because they tend to be very honest with me the moment I open up about having low empathy (usually in a "oh thank God I don't have to keep masking around you" way). I tend to feel more unsafe around hyper-empathic people, not because of "common phrases" or anything, but because I've heard them say so much shit about people like me that it's become automatic to feel wary of them (see: my best IRL friend telling me they're a "victim of narcissistic abuse" after I've already opened up to them about my own empathy issues; trying to listen to a podcast my friend is in and getting hit with a "yeah I'm a decent human being, I've got fucking empathy"; trying to explain to someone that people with ASPD aren't all serial killers and being met with "some things deserve to be demonized ❤"; etc etc.).
For these reasons I do not believe that HE autistic people feeling unsafe around people with low empathy or NPD isn't at least partially for ableist reasons, whether conscious or not. Feel free to prove me wrong, it'd be great.
#sunny#tw ableism#(for the mention. i dont think any of xhat you said was ableist in nature)#this is sad because it's generally something i like to talk about. im glad you were at least coming to me in good faith though#had an... experience a while ago talking to someone who explained that 'no no psychopathy in cognitive science is totally different-#-from the outdated term for aspd and its not linked to aspd at all! its a completely different thing!'#only for me to look it up and go on a .gov website and the first review of several studies that i see had a big intoductory disclamer#basically saying 'umm we're not sure because according to our MRIs what we have identified as psychopathy in the brain would-#-be more common than not having it with like over half of our evaluated population... but it could just be high IQ we didnt check :)'#im kind of losing faith in people who dont have low empathy just because they want 'psychopathy' to eb a thing so bad#i'd already lost faith in the field of psychiatry but. they want to separate good and bad people so bad. they want low empathy to be bad.#again im no expert but if you start your paper with 'we did this with only MRIs and the MRIs didnt have the results we want them to-#-so we're choosing to ignore it and pretend we're right anyway in this vague idea of a thing existing'... i'm not gonna believe you#just way you think people with low empathy are ~different~ and ~bad people~ but dont try to make a science paper out of it#im tired of people pretending the concept of bad people even exists and choosing that it's low/no empathy people actually.#--i do want to say that its completely valid to just feel uncomfortable around certain people for any reason at all#like we dont /have/ to all likr each other. thats not how humans work socially. some people just dont go very well together#but you cant convince me that saying ''i dont like people with this mental disorder because they make me feel unsafe'' isn't ableist at all#ask#anon
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Rest of the tags were fucked up but this one was my breaking point -- ...thank you for the submission, @hiveswap​?
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cinnamonest · 3 years
seeing your gore razor post,, i wonder..would he hurt darling? would he pin them down or actually pretty severely hurt them? srsly your yandere hcs are my life fuel <33
OOOH so the thing is with most people who have desensitization (or lack natural empathy), they tend to separate people into two categories: those they just feel nothing for, and those they *do* feel natural pain empathy for, even if diminished. The second category is usually just those very close to them, because psychologically those people are an extension of themselves and, as the natural empathy process in most people goes for all people, they care about them.
The problem is that their empathy tends to get... Significantly diminished when *they themselves* are the cause of the pain. If something else hurts you, he's acutely aware of it, and actually responds, you know, like a normal person, even though he doesn't have that response towards all those others that he didn't care about. They weren't you. So the response is different, he'll actually get protective, angry at whatever caused it, and try to help you to the best of his ability.
But if *he's* the one causing it, there's... Significantly less, unless it was just an innocent accident. He doesn't always feel guilt about it. Whether or not he feels guilty depends on mood. If he was mad about something he probably will feel significantly less guilt, but again, if it was just an accident at random he'll feel bad and apologize. Lots of face nuzzles.
In addition to heavy desensitization, there's also the fact that one, he has an unnaturally high pain tolerance himself, two, he's dangerously unaware of his own strength, and three, he's not good at recognizing vocal and facial indicators of pain... all of these things combined does not spell good news for darling.
It's not that he's intentionally trying to hurt you, honestly. He doesn't really process that he is. He would not really go out of his way to hurt darling with the intent, that is, but at some point he will likely end up accidentally hurting them beyond just being a bit rough.
He is smart enough to understand the vitals so you don't have to worry about him accidentally killing you or anything, but that doesn't mean that when you're trying to run or walk away or he's mad about something he won't latch onto your wrist or arm and squeeze so hard it snaps, grab darling by the collar of their shirt and jerk them backwards with such force that the impact with the ground gives them a concussion, bite too hard and break the skin, things like that. It's not intentional, but oh well. He's still mad and pouty and can be really immature about things like that (he's actually rather immature in general at times tbh). He can't really articulate it, but his mentality is more or less "well then you shouldn't have done the thing."
And then we get to the much worse downside... You don't need that dumb human medical care. He's never been to a doctor in his life and look at him, he's fine. Just uh... Sleep, and eat some meat, and drink some water, and you'll feel better about that... Shattered wrist. It'll be fine. You get cut by thorns or rocks? He gets cut up all the time. It's nothing some licking and sleep can't fix. Sick? He's gotten sick before and he's still alive so. You just need to sleep more.
The exception to this would be you're severely injured by something, or anything where you might actually die, in which case he'd take you to a doctor.
He makes up all the injuries to you with lots of licks. Poor darling.
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dreamteamfanblog · 3 years
Y'know, what I really like about c!Bad and c!Skeppy is that there's kinda never been any question about the fact that they're pretty bad people.
Like, the first plot relevant thing Skeppy ever did was hold the corpse of a mans beloved pet hostage in return for items with Sentimental Importance that he literally never had any stake in and only wanted for the sentimental value they held to other people (damn lowkey might have been the one who inspired dream's revelation regarding the value of sentimentality and that whole plan, good job skeppy, you're the reason the worst tyrant on the server is like that /hj) and while I obviously don't like Dream and literally never feel bad for him when bad things happen to him at this point, that was honestly still kinda ruthless, Skeppy.
The first time Bad ever bothered being plot relevant as well was because he heard about the Manburg-Pogtopia conflict brewing and basically went "Lmao they're ALL losers tho? Liiikkkeeee? Imma go help the Screeching British Toddlers? Or the one and only Alcoholism-Is-Fun dictator? C'mon. C'mon." (paraphrasing for comedic effect but that was kinda the gist and vibe anyway) up until the realization hit him that it'd be so fun to fuck with everyone and ran to go suggest they do just that to Skeppy who was literally just like "bet" instantly and that's how the plan to feed the flames of conflict was born, aka the formation (and naming, even) of The Badlands. Cause it'd be really fun to watch the world burn lmao, and "the most fun we can have here is the chaotic kinda fun~" (bads exact words), like, this is the first time Bad does anything plot relevant and the second time ever that Skeppy's important and they're already out here planning atrocities like it's a game to them.
They spend like the next few months hopping around from conflict to conflict and causing chaos and shit talking literally every other character behind their backs. Even their relationship with Sam and Ant is super dubious and they've been pretty deceptive and flippant with the others all things considered cause like who the fuck cares about....uh....anyone, basically? And like they had Tommy's disc for a WHILE after Tommy manipulated a man into giving it to him for like no reason by holding his pets corpse over his head, and they didn't really know what to do with it. Like. They were like "well we can't give it to Tommy cause that's be boring" and just kinda passed it back and forth in their ender chest and chatted about maybe burning it for the amusement they'd get out of seeing the pain it'd cause Tommy. At one point Dream tries very hard to get them to give it to him and they're like "Nah". They weren't using it for anything, they didn't like, have any plans with it, they just very firmly didn't want Dream to have it specifically because he wanted it and for no other reason, cause like, it's just so funny to see the sheer disappointment on people's faces as their sentimental items sit in your chest collecting dust and you still won't give it to them even tho you don't plan to use it for anything ever. Like. Why do they do this? Because they're John Mulaney kinnies and this is their equivalent of stealing family photos from house parties cause It's The One Thing They Can't Replace. I'm pretty sure they ended up tossing it at Ranboo in the end since the next time we see the Cat disc it's with him and like. One second it's in their enderchest and the next it's with him so i'm pretty sure they're responsible for the fact that he wound up with that actually (i know it's implied dream gave it to him but it was in skeppy and bad's possession and they were pretty apparent about not wanting to give it to tommy or dream at all so like...yeah no i think they knew it'd end up with ranboo when they parted with it, at least). And that raises the question. Why pass on the most important item on the server with sentimental value to many many people and a history of wars being fought over it......to a kid with memory problems and the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair who did not want the disc and was deeply disturbed about learning he had it? Well...probably the same reason they refused to give it to Tommy or Dream to begin with even though they didn't ever use it for anything. Same reason Skeppy went so out of his way to use dirty underhanded tactics to get it. Cause it's amusing.
Then Bad very eagerly agreed to commit atrocities for The Egg and Skeppy wasn't happy. I mean, he didn't have a problem with the atrocities, c'mon, this is Skeppy, but the fact that he was doing them for The Egg wasn't pog. Only Skeppy's allowed to be Bad's muse when he does horrible horrible things. So Skeppy pouted and threatened to leave Bad if Bad doesn't start doing war crimes for him instead of "some dumb egg" again and Bad's like "fiiiinnnneeeeeee" up until Skeppy gets himself infected at which point Bad freaks the fuck out and spirals into....pretty in character actually villainy but this time it's Significantly Less Fun then their earlier actions because this time his Skeppy's not with him. And like. This time Bad decided not to play around as he tortures his friends, tries to manipulate people, attempts to murder children, just full on decides he's cool with sacrificing everyone to the egg, y'know, the works, though in his defense, as I said before, this time he did do it so Skeppy would hang out with him again instead of for the lulz like before.
And like. They're actually fullstop some of my favourite characters in the whole server BECAUSE they're just very Blatantly not good people. They hardly even pretend to be or try to put on much of a show for other characters, honestly, they are just unapologetically Like That.
Of course, they're not completely lacking depth. Like, there's no way to make em' look good or justified or like they even THINK they're decent people. But that doesn't mean they don't have compelling and complicated motives/ideologies/personalities. I mean i'll be real their fixation with one another is absolutely fascinating. Like. A lot of the time they're so lacking in empathy and decency and morality overall but then they see each other and a flip is switched instantly. I mean don't get me wrong the unapologetically cold chaotic energy isn't lost when they're together (in fact it's often highlighted and fueled by the others presence) and they can be very bitchy and petty with each other. But there's never been a moment of doubt in my mind about how completely devoted to one another they are. Bad has stated in no uncertain terms that there's one side that matters to him and that side is Skeppy. Skeppy being consumed by the egg very much reads as a sacrifice as well and I guarantee he wasn't making that sacrifice for Puffy or Ant. Bad would later willingly follow The Egg all in a desperate attempt to get Skeppy back. They matter so much to each other, hell, maybe even more then is normal/healthy all things considered, as if all that empathy they're lacking towards everyone else somehow all went to the other. And I mean even beyond the depth of their relationship, their ideology itself is an interesting one. You don't really see many characters who very blatantly and openly are here to do bad things because it's fun for them. With most characters there's always some sob story. Some poor attempt at justification. Some insistence that they're totally doing the moral thing. Skeppy and Bad...don't do that? I mean, as I said before, they're incredibly unapologetic and unabashed and don't at all seem to think their behaviour is wrong most of the time. But they're lacking in that attempt at convincing the world they're really the heroes that most bad guys have. Their reasonings range from that they're having fun to that they're annoyed with the other characters to that they feel like the other wants/needs them to do whatever it is they're doing. But whatever it is they almost never seem like they feel the need to justify themselves to anyone unless it's a ploy to get the other person to do something for them. They know they're not Good Guys or saving the world or whatever else, they know they're selfishly motivated, and they....don't see the issue with that nor are they particularly interested if others do most of the time. They're self aware enough, they just don't give a shit. There are a few one off moments where this has slightly wavered but for the most part...not really? And that kind of ideology in of itself is really interesting.
Plus I mean stepping back from the Character Analysis intrigue, I just kinda lose my mind with excitement when they get particularly mean/devious because they're just really cool okay? Like i'm not actually rooting for them generally, but sometimes in the moment when they get particularly into the Watch The World Burn And Laugh attitude i'm like "oh, fuck, pop off i guess-". Something about the mixture of how competent they can be, how intensely they care about each other, how immoral/unempathetic they tend to be, and how little they care despite knowing about that last aspect, all end up being really cool to see and I just love these characters so much whether they're Committing Atrocities For Their Own/Each Others Amusement or Committing Different Atrocities Out Of Love For One Another; Angst Edition.
also the fact that their lives are linked is really interesting and like i kinda wanna know how/why that happened and if it's like something the characters chose to do or if they were born that way or if they were somehow connected some other way later in life or what cause like that's a really unique thing they did there and i feel like that doesn't just happen with people for no reason usually actually.
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copperpieceharlot · 3 years
Bud I’m sorry to swing into your inbox uninvited like this but my soul is having an OOTS renaissance thanks to your content in the tag and did you say Leverage AU
haha holy SHIT this got Long. but yes. i’ve been. Thinking. (also literally Never feel like you have to apologize for sending me messages. i was Hoping someone would ask me about this. now i have an Excuse to share EVERYTHING ive written abt it :3)
Obviously, Roy is the leader/brains of the outfit. He grew up having some Strong Opinions abt what’s Legal versus what’s Right due to tragic backstory involving the death of his little brother which was definitely SOMEONE’S fault for negligence but since there technically wasn’t any illegal behavior, there were no consequences for it. Also he’s still angry at his dad bc he thinks his dad is also partly culpable (and also also just a dick). He’s the Moral Backbone of the team (alongside Durkon, more on that later) in basically the same way Nate was in og Leverage. He’s actually not the best at figuring out what people want (that’s Haley and, shockingly, occasionally Elan), but once he has that info, he is the absolute best at figuring out the ideal plan of attack to use in any given case.
Haley is still a thief. I mean she maps to Parker almost PERFECTLY. Her dad was a thief & a conman, her mom wasn’t but knew about it and mostly accepted it, but she died tragically in a mugging gone wrong or smth, which made Ian crank the paranoia WAY up and taught Haley to do the same in the name of “safety”. Let’s keep the “Ian is in Trouble and Haley needs money, Fast” which is why she signs on to the first job in the first place. She’s less acrobatic than Parker, tending towards finding (or making) weak spots in security, but she can still make a tumble check when she needs to.
Elan is the grifter who is somehow an Idiot but also not???? It baffles everyone. When he’s playing a part for a con, he’s FLAWLESS, but then the rest of the time he’s just. No Thoughts Head Empty. He probably gets lured in initially because he’s decided to try his hand at being part of a full team, rather than the two-man cons he’s been running that invariably end w his partner conning him as well and stealing half of his take. Also he likes the idea of being Crime Friends. He’s that tweet where it’s like, Roy: “after the heist is over, we split up and never communicate again” / Elan: [about to unveil his Crime Buddies Forever Friendship Quilt Puppets]: “never?”
Vaarsuvius is the hacker/gadget person. They have a Vaguely Snobby Yet Unidentifiable accent, dyed(?) purple hair (nobody has ever seen their roots) and nobody knows who they “really” are or where they came from, but they’re good at what they do so everyone just accepts the mystery. They probably got suckered into the team by their initial employer (who I’ll get to Eventually, lol) framing it as a challenge to their intellect, like, “oh, I see, you’re not smart enough to make this team work for you...” to which they were like Fucking Watch Me and also melted his computer. Anyways. They are joined (digitally) by their Intrepid Friend And Co-Conspirator (his words, not theirs), a fellow hacker known only as Blackwing, or, on certain forums, Blackwing_Bird. (In the first season, V only occasionally references him when saying they’re “calling in extra help” or smth for a particularly complex hack job. He starts showing up a little more in s2 and eventually by the start of s4 is a regular & established presence, but only appears as actions in a computer interface or output.) Elan is convinced he’s an AI, Belkar doesn’t think he actually exists, Haley pretends she doesn’t think he exists, and Durkon and Roy try not to think about it too hard, as long as B and V still get the job done.
Belkar is the hitter. He is on the team bc their initial employer got him out of jail for it. He doesn’t have a tragic backstory, he just likes doing violent crimes. As the series progresses, he grows some empathy & stuff, but really only for people who actually deserve it. Assholes still get decked. It’s all very touching. (Also he has dwarfism caused by achondroplasia. It doesn’t actually bother him and is useful in fights bc his opponents frequently have no fucking clue how to approach him, but he likes Pretending to take offense at stupid things just to see how far he can go with it.)
Aaaand last but not least, Durkon is the least involved member of the team. He’s actually a career criminal and Roy’s mentor, and wasn’t a member of the initial team that [redacted, I’ll tell you later, PROMISE] put together for a couple of reasons, the main one being that he’s Officially retired in order to spend more time with his family, which consists of his mom, his friend (not girlfriend) Hilgya, baby Kudzu, and a truly stunning number of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Roy frequently calls or visits him for advice and he Occasionally shows up to help out on local jobs, but generally he avoids doing crime if he can (as part of a deal with Hilgya, who is also a career criminal; basically, they’ve both cut back on the crime in order to provide a more stable home environment for Kudzu. But sometimes, you gotta do a little crime, and in those cases, Sigdi enjoys spending time w her grandson.)
NOW. THE BIG REVEAL YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Who got the team together in the first place?!
The answer: Lord Shojo (or whatever Normal Person Name you want to assign him). Now this is where it gets tricky: he had them do a thing that they thought was good, THEN they thought it was BAD, but then when they confronted him he revealed that it Appearing to be bad was actually a test of character and would they consider working as basically internal investigators for him? But then he had a heart attack, so, rip. But THEN it turned out that he’d left them a bunch of money anyway and they were all feeling kind of Inspired so they formed the Order of the Stick, LLC (which, no, i am not coming up with a new name, actually, because I just don’t care. someone else can come up w a justification for that name, tho, i’m sure it’s possible). Also Miko was there and was unhappy abt their actions, and also their general existence.
Moving on. Villains!
Redcloak is the Sterling replacement, because that DEEPLY amuses me.
Xykon is a season-long main villain, probably one that Redcloak finds himself working for but then “teams up with” (read: blackmails) the Order to bring him down bc even Redcloak finds Xykon distasteful. That’s season 3, let’s say.
Tarquin is another season villain, say season 2. Nale probably shows up pretty early in s1, actually, as another recurring antagonist like Sterling but uh. Less good at it. Anyways the s2 final 3 eps deal with them (accidentally) discovering that Tarquin runs some Evil Empire Company, then trying to outplay him and take him down. Idk if Nale still dies in this version tbh.
Tsukiko is a one-off s1 villain who returns briefly in s4 alongside Miko, who has gone well and truly off the rails.
Season 1 finale has to do w Roy finally getting Vengeance for his little brother.
The vampire squad is the s4 finale villain who do smth terrible to Durkon and then get the Mother Of All Revenge served up to them by the Order.
I envision the show as being 5 seasons (like og Leverage) but I’m not going to sketch out s5 because I think it should be based off whatever happens in the current story arc, possibly involving some legacy of the OotSquiggle.
Other stuff!
The Order of the Squiggle is a legendary criminal team from the 60s who stole a BUNCH of famous shit & then proceeded to legendarily implode. This has no bearing on the plot I’ve sketched out, I just think it’s fun.
The Sapphire Guard members should probably be reworked as FBI. I don’t care about most of them but I do think that Lien and O-Chul could be like, FBI agents who Choose to look the other way while the Order does their very-much-not-legal-but-still-fair Justice Crime, and maybe even help them out on occasion.
So, the Final season-by-season outline, based on everything I’ve written so far:
s1 e1: getting the team together, doing a con for Shojo, then at the end he dies and the gang is like “dang what now?" and intend to split up except then they Don’t.
mid-s1: Nale shows up and tries to trick the Order, but then gets beat like a drum.
late s1: Tsukiko is an underling of the Villain Of The Week, winds up in police custody. But She’ll Be Back.
s1 finale: Roy’s Vengeance: The Vengeaning. also we meet Redcloak as an antagonist.
s2 e1: the truth abt Haley’s father comes out
early s2: The Two Live Crews Job but it’s the Order vs the Linear Guild and the Linear Guild ARE all bad guys.
mid-s2: Redcloak returns. ugh.
late s2: the sapphire guard FBI makes its first appearance, hello O-Chul and Lien.
s2 pre-finale: once again they’re in conflict w Nale over smth, he spends the whole episodes making Cryptic Remarks, they basically beat him (like a drum!) but then the stinger at the end is that Tarquin reveals himself and Elan is like “Dad?!”, roll credits.
s2 finale, part 1: Elan is hanging out w Tarquin bc he’s DEEP in Denial, the Rest of the team tries to take Tarquin down, but it doesn’t work.
s2 finale, part 2: Elan finally gets a clue and they manage to beat Tarquin. still haven’t decided if Nale dies or not, but I’m leaning towards yes. also they rescue Haley’s dad.
s3 e1: fuck dude idk.
early s3: Redcloak shows up, AGAIN, everyone groans. he has blackmail on them, he wants them to take Xykon down.
mid s3: The Rashomon Job but it’s about stealing the Talisman of Dorukan and it turns out that Nale was there too (“oh!” Elan says. “I was wondering why I looked so weird in all those mirrors! But it wasn’t my reflection, it was Nale’s!” “Sweetie, that wasn’t Nale’s reflection,” says Haley. “Huh,” says Elan, “so the mirrors were broken?”, cue eye rolling from everyone else.), and the Successful thief was Hilgya, who’d nabbed it from the owner before it even went on display.
s3 finale: they beat Xykon, actually factually, because he deserves to get his ass Thoroughly kicked, even if only in AU form. Lien and O-Chul are there, so are some other less helpful FBI people. There’s a bit where O-Chul Exact Wordses his way out of telling his superiors about the Order’s less legal activities without technically lying. King shit.
s4 e1: doesn’t really matter. maybe smth to do w some legacy of Tarquin’s company to set up the drama w Malack & Durkon later.
early s4: Durkon gets SENT TO PRISON. Malack approaches the Order abt this because sure they have Different Ethics but they’re still Friends. (Roy is surprised and a little hurt that he’s never heard of Malack, but he ignores that in favor of Let’s Get Whatever Fuckers Did This To Our Friend.)
immediately after that: Miko and Tsukiko return as a Team, preventing the Order from working on the Durkon situation
mid s4: Redcloak makes another unexpected & unwelcome appearance but he’s maybe a little less of a dick? the Order collaborates with Malack & his Crime Buddies (hello, Vector Legion) to pull one over on him tho, because “less of a dick” does not mean “a pleasant or decent person”, and also he was mean abt Durkon being in jail, so he totally deserved it. he still gets whatever he wanted tho, just takes a blow to his pride. also prevents the Order from helping Durkon. they’re having a LOT of setbacks wonder why that could be, not to make sure the season fills its whole length or anything, no sirree
s4 finale: something something taking down the organization, headed by Hel (yes that’s her real name), which framed Durkon for their Big Crime. Durkon goes free and Extra Firmly retires, For Good, He Swears, but says he “met someone new” who might be an asset.
s5 e1: minrah joins the team! and the episode is set in like, somewhere really snowy. that’s all i got.
the rest of s5: don’t know, don’t care, it’s open-ended until the comic finishes up.
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Bat how do you feel after watching the special
There are multiple levels to my thoughts.
On a satire level, they bungled a lot of the information. They were trying to take an “all sides are stupid stance” on an issue where people are dying daily and there are actual medical reasons for one stance to be factually incorrect so taking an “all sides” stance is... fucking tone deaf. To be fair to them, I enjoyed the amount of meta that informed their episode about knowing that their episode was doing more harm than good and using Randy as a tool for that particular satire was a smart and effective mood. That said, it was a mixed message that promoted a lot of misinformation. While the meta parts were funny, lamp-shading how poor your satire is doesn’t actually make your satire good. It just means you’re lamp-shading the issue. It was disappointing because I had hoped for better as they frequently write good satire. Stan’s character journey was the only cohesive one throughout the episode and while it was a good one, there was so much of the episode that was tone deaf to the severity of this issue. While I think it’s valid to bring levity to the issue and I was hoping they would, they missed the mark by a long-shot. That said, they usually don’t do well with medical issues. The last time they bungled their satire this badly was the vaccination episode. And they infamously bungle literally every trans-related episode. There were aspects of the episode that were poignant, well thought out, and well executed, but the majority was an under-researched in-cohesive mess. Which to some extent I think that’s what they were aiming for because they view the pandemic as an in-cohesive mess. The issue is that one of the reasons that pandemic is such a pervasive issue (especially in the states) is the mass spread of misinformation so when they spread misinformation to criticize the spread of misinformation... it’s just stupid.
However on a character level I very much enjoyed the episode. It was yet another Randy focused episode and as I’ve expressed on a few occasions I just don’t find him funny. Oh no, he jizzed on the weed, that’s sooooo surprising. Honestly Randy is a very one-note character. He does something horrifying, people are horrified, he faces no consequences, rinse, repeat. That all established, I think it’s important character information that he cheated on Sharon twice in China with no guilt whatsoever. He only wanted to hide his crime because “my wife is a bitch”. Also considering he cheated with non-human entities, I think this is strong proof of Rowelie’s viability so take that as you will Rowelie shippers. Also the fact that people grow Randy mustache’s if they ingest his cum and Sharon had a mustache at the end... I sort of hate that Randy took that as proof that she smoked his weed. Now, even if she had smoked it his behavior still is completely and disgustingly inexcusable but also... everyone in South Park is openly smoking so she could have very easily gotten second hand Randy-stache. Or just given her husband a blow job. Also it’s interesting information that within universe Randy’s cum has mutagenic properties. Again for the Rowelie shippers: you could use this as an excuse as to how Towelie turns into a human, Randy’s cum mutated him. Also I think it’s likely that microwaving his balls could be what caused his radioactive jizz. Or one of the times he was experimented on by aliens. Or both. Altogether Randy was a repulsive bastard within the episode who I find boring at best BUT the amount of meta information that he introduced will be very useful to inform my theories. (Also again, the fact that he so easily and guilelessly cheats on Sharon tells me that he that he has done it a multitude of times. My theory is that after he gave Gerald a handy in the hot-tub and was forgiven he just never stopped, basically assuming the permission to do it once was broad permission to do it forever) (oh and second note: this is the second time within canon that Randy has poisoned people’s weed so uh... that’s fucked up)
Freaked out a lot about Jimbo dying, I’m really scared they’ll kill Jimbo but also since they already killed Ned I wonder if the two of them can be happy in the afterlife together because no one can convince me that Jimbo and Ned aren’t canon. Also Randy’s blatant racism and lack of empathy for Jimbo’s illness was really yikes. I dunno guys, I’ve always had a soft spot for Jimbo. He’s a stupid stereotypical red-neck but he had a sort of charm to him and I thought he was funny. I miss when him and Ned were regulars on the show.
CARTMAN DANCING AND SINGING WAS ACTUALLY THE CUTEST THING EVER ON THIS FUCKING EARTH, FIGHT ME I LOVE THIS STUPID SELFISH LITTLE CRETIN also it’s yet another episode to add to the list of “times Cartman shows he can grow into a better person” and list of “times Cartman seems to show a special soft spot for Stan”. Cartman does tend to listen more frequently when Stan asks and less frequently for literally anyone else. So the Stanman was strong in this one. Also really enjoyed the Stutters. While yes, Stan was completely using Butters as a tool to project his own feelings of unease I think it really says something that he chose Butters for that role. I think to some extent he felt that Butters might be feeling the same mortality-panic he was feeling (whether it was true or not) and that kinship he felt with Butters led him to feel that Butters was also feeling the way he did. He was panicked and he thought out of all his friends that Butters was the one who might share his feelings. I enjoy that sort of subtle connection between them and it’s been a consistent thread within the show that Butters and Stan just treat each other a little different than they do literally everyone else. It’s worth thinking about.
I think Stan was also at his limit because he was already suffering from isolation issues due to Tegridy Farms from before the pandemic. He’s always been a social boy and this brought him to the brink of what he could handle.
THEY SHOT TOKEN AND I SWEAR TO GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LOUD I WAS SCREAMING AT THE TV I THINK I PISSED OFF MY NEIGHBORS i fucking knew it was coming too. The fucking SECOND they shoved those fucking corrupt ass cops in the same room as Token.... I fucking feared for his life. They’ve killed off fairly major background characters before and killing Token would be... topical. I will make it my mission to personally destroy every fucking cop in South Park (Barbrady gets a pass... BARELY). I hate them all. I’ve hated them all for a long time but they murdered several children (including Kenny, the bastards) and they SHOT MY BOY TOKEN I WILL RIP OFF THEIR FUCKING ARMS SEE HOW WELL YOU CAN SHOOT THEN YOU TRASH BASTARDS
Nothing big Kenny happened this episode, insert sad fanboy noises
There were some strong Kyman moments. Cartman went to Kyle’s house for help at the beginning of the episode, obsessed over whether or not he’d be in the same room as Kyle, tried to vomit on Kyle, AND THEN KYLE FUCKING JUMPED HIM AND BEAT HIS ASS DOWN, FUCK ALL OF YOU WHO INCORRECTLY THINK DIFFERENT KYLE IS A FUCKING DOMINANT TOP, HE DOESN’T TAKE IT, HE GIVES IT
Adding that to my long list of “episodes where Kyle shows he isn’t a pushover, is very violent, and can easily kick Cartman’s bitch ass” because every so once in awhile I have to break out that list when someone insists upon how submissive Kyle is. Bitttttttccchhhhhh, you haven’t watched the show if you think that. My favorite kid doesn’t take your shit
Very interested in Red’s new canon last name (McArthur) but I’m also unsure about it because in the scene’s where it’s shown I couldn’t quite tell if it was actually Red or Powder. She kept being shown from odd angles and her hair looked a little shorter than normal. That said, I’m happy if it is her because I’ve been wanting a canon last name for Red for a long-ass time. Even presuming you go by the cousin’s headcanon for Craig and Red, there’s no guarantee they would have the same last name.
Let’s see, I think I had some other thoughts but those were the main points
OH PAUSE THE SCREEN WHEN THE PARENTS ARE ON ZOOM it’s really cute/funny what the usernames are. For example Annie’s mom is totally just using Annie’s account so she’s probably not very tech savvy. There’s actually a lot of minor character detail that you can infer from those screen-names.
Yeah those are my major thoughts: Randy is trash, nothing new, Cartman was ADORABLE and also lots of good meta for him (I have some hcs that one of the reasons he adored the social distancing so much isn’t because he hates human contact because we know from previous seasons that he’s a bit of a lonely boy, but he likes the social distancing explicitly because it gives him an excuse to reject other people before they can reject him), good stutters moments, good kyman moments, good stanman moments, there were some style moments if you squint? Kyle was one of the people Stan consulted about his feelings of unease but since it wasn’t just Kyle that he consulted it didn’t really feel like that was a special personal part of their relationship, moreso that he wanted Kyle to kiss his booboo and make it better. Although further proof that Kyle is the dom in that relationship. Kyle was agitated over the situation but overall rational, Stan was flipping the fuck out. Stan came to him submissive, scared, and asking for Kyle to make him feel better. Kyle remained calm and logical. I swear to god if I read one more cutesy-innocent Kyle post I might flip a table. Literally Kyle’s canonical self is RIGHT THERE
OH YEAH MY BUTTERS THOUGHTS there’s nothing really new here but it continues the trend of Butters being a self centered prick. (I love him but he is) Instead of even trying to understand the number of people dying or the gravity of the situation, he’s just upset and throwing tantrums because he doesn’t get to play at Build a Bear. And it’s made explicit in the writing that unlike Stan he isn’t struggling with the nebulous fear of death (probably brought on by his uncle getting sick). Butters is just bitter that he doesn’t get to have special things. Also Stan was the only one who tried even a little to save Butters from getting taken by the guards. No one else tried to stop or warn Butters. So again, very cute Stutters moment where Stan is overtly worried for Butters’ well-being even when he’s throwing a bratty tantrum. (I don’t know how anyone perceives Butters as an altruistic person, he’s a selfish twat. he’s a lovable selfish twat, like Cartman, but he’s still a selfish twat. and none of his shitty behavior in this episode was even remotely related to Cartman so you can’t connect it to him. Butters, on his own and without anyone else’s influence, does and acts like a shit-head). There is the excuse that he’s only ten but literally everyone in that cafeteria is only ten. But Butters is the only one kicking other people’s food because he didn’t get his special prize.
This all sounds like I hate Butters. I love Butters, warts and all, I just get really annoyed when fandom ignores his warts because his warts are PART OF THE REASON I LOVE BUTTERS. Also it’s like... blatantly and observably canon that he’s selfish.
I’m going to happily ruminate on Stan feeling a strong pang of protectiveness towards Butters though. That was quite illuminating.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Part 5
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Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 2272
Warnings: Spoilers For Inglourious Basterds,
Note: Part 5, Lads. Shows How Joshua Is Clever, Meaning He Can Catch Onto Other Peoples’ Ideas Quickly. He’s Also Empathetic, And Is Able To Sway Aldo To Do, Or Stop Doing, Something.
Bridget Von Hammersmark groaned in pain as the needle injected its fluids into her body, fist covering her mouth in a failed attempt to muffle herself.
Aldo walked in, sleeves rolled up to his biceps."Not so goddamn fast, doc. Tell 'im to go play with his dog" he spoke, Donny and Joshua following him inside. Aldo pat the doctor as Hammersmark spoke to him in French, the doctor quickly dropping his equipment and going to sit by PFC Utivich. Aldo turned to Joshua, gently nudging him back to give himself room. He put his hands on the doctors equipment table, wasting no time and pushing it aside harshly, crashing it into the wall. Aldo angrily kicked the small stool the doctor sat on, Joshua taking another step back in fright. 
Donny stood menacingly over Bridget on one side of the table, his back to the barking dogs, as Aldo leaned his arm onto the table, his other hand on his hip.
"Before we yank that slug out ya, you need t'answer a few questions" Aldo said.
"Few questions about what?" She asked, gaze going from Aldo, to Donny, to Joshua.
"About I got three men dead back there. Why don't you try tellin' us what the fuck happened?" Aldo asked.
"The British officer blew his German act and the Gestapo major saw it" Bridget answered.
"Before we get into who shot John, why'd you invite my men to a rendezvous in a basement with a bunch of Nazis?" Aldo inquired, tilting his head.
Bridget shifted uncomfortably."I can see see since you didn't see what happened inside, that the Nazis being there must look odd".
"Uh, y-yea, we got a word for that kind of odd in English. It's called suspicious" Joshua piped up, hands behind his back as he stood at attention. He looked away when Aldo pressed the bullet deeper into Bridget's wound, having her moan in pain, louder than before."Aldo-".
"I know what I'm doin' Josh" Aldo held up his other hand, taking this as an excuse to look at his dearest.
"Everybody needs to calm down, you're letting your imagination get the better of you" Bridget strained, exclaiming again when Aldo pushed the bullet in deeper.
Joshua crossed his arms, shutting his eyes and turning his head away as if a lack of sight would dim down his hearing, too.
"You met the sergeant yourself. Willie. You remember him, don't you?" Bridget struggled, gripping the side of the table.
"Yea, I remember him" Aldo scoffed, taking a glimpse of Joshua's physical empathy. He also remembered how gentle Josh was, with treating the scar on Aldo's neck after the attempted lynching, back when Joshua and him fought the KKK one time. Aldo loves how Joshua's always been there to tend to his wounds, which have ranged from scratches on his knees after playing in parks when they were kids, to digging bullets out from his shoulder in more recent years. He inhaled slowly, exhaling at the same speed when he listened to Bridget.
"His wife had a baby, tonight. He had just become a fa-" Bridget squeezed her eyes shut, "he had just become a father!".
Joshua, from time to time, liked to imagine someone saying that about him, 'he had just become a father'. A soft smile graced his lips, in the worst moment possible. He always smiled, each time he thought about himself being a father. The idea of Aldo and him taking in a kid as their own, a little boy or girl the two of them could train to kick Nazi ass and fend for themselves. Joshua opened his eyes, catching Aldo looking right at him. He saw a knowing look in Aldo's eyes, automatically knowing that Aldo knew what he was thinking of.
Aldo hummed, turning his attention back to Bridget. 
"His commanding officer gave him and his mates the night off to celebrate" Bridget shakily breathed, groaning again."The Germans being there was either a trap set by me, or a tragic coincidence. It couldn't be both" she pleaded.
"Aldo..." Joshua called, in a tone that meant for Aldo to leave Bridget alone.
Aldo glanced at Joshua, looking back to Bridget with an arched brow before finally pulling his finger out. He took the handkerchief Joshua offered him, wiping his finger of blood as Bridget grunted."How'd the shootin' start?" He asked, glaring at all his Basterds, so that no one would take this as an opportunity to crack a joke about how Joshua's tamed Aldo the fucking Apache (a joke they make quite a lot).
"The Englishman gave himself away" she started.
"How'd he do that?" Aldo pressed, squaring his shoulders as the light hit him in a threatening way.
"He ordered three glasses" Bridget croaked, holding up three fingers in a way where her pinkie and thumb touched."We order three glasses" she clarified, holding up her thumb, pointer finger and middle finger."That's the German three, the other looks odd".
"So, uhm, t-that whole standoff happened 'cause he held up three fingers in a weird way t'order three drinks?" Joshua scoffed.
"It's much more serious than you think, especially nowadays” Bridget huffed."The Germans would, and did notice".
Aldo looked off in thought, pushing himself off the table."Okay, let's pretend there were no Germans, and everything went exactly the way it was supposed to" he imagined, going to lean against the doorway by Joshua."What was the next step?".
“Tuxedos." Bridget went to the point, suspiciously eyeing how close Aldo stood with Joshua."To get them into the premiere wearing military uniforms with all the military there would've been suicide".
Joshua pulled a quick sturgeon face in agreement.
"But, going as members of the...German film industry-".
"They wear tuxedos a-and- and fit in with everybody else!" Joshua cut Bridget off in conclusion, snapping his fingers."Eureka-- oh, uh, s-sorry, ma'am" he apologized, stepping closer to Aldo.
"No, it's fine, you're right" Bridget breathed heavily, catching Aldo smile down at Joshua with a certain air of adoration."I arranged for a tailor to fit three tuxedos tonight" she recalled.
"How'd you intend to get 'em in that premiere?" Aldo questioned, turning back to Von Hammersmark with a less positive gaze.
"Hand me my purse" Bridget instructed, Hirschberg obeying as Aldo walked back over. She dug inside her purse, everyone watching intently as she handed it to Aldo, who fished out a small card of paper."Lieutenant Hicox was going as my escort. The other two were going as a German cameraman and as his assistant".
Aldo inspected the paper, showing it off to Donny, then Joshua."You can still get us into that premiere?" He asked.
"You speak German better than your friends? No. Have I been shot? Yes! I don't see me tripping the light fantastique up a red carpet anytime soon. Least of all, by tomorrow night" Bridget groaned.
"Uh, a-actually, miss" Joshua respectfully cut in, pushing himself off the wall and walking over."I don't mean t'brag in front of my fellow Lieutenant," he glanced to Aldo, "nor my fellow soldiers, but I happen to be fluent in many languages other than English. French, German, Dutch, 'n' the list goes on" Joshua timidly listed, rubbing his left arm with his right hand."If you still wish for us to cover as German, I could do most o'the talking".
Bridget offered Joshua a fake smile, nodding curtly.
The dogs started barking as Aldo clattered something aside on a table, leaning against it as he kept his eyes on the paper. Finally, he slammed the paper down onto the table in defeat, hand on his hip.
"However, there's something you don't know" Bridget teased, Aldo slowly turning to face her, at that. She grinned, "there've been two recent developments regarding Operation Kino. One, the venue has been changed from The Ritz to a much smaller venue".
Joshua's lips parted, eyebrows knitting together in confusion as he glanced up. He caught Utivich's and Donny's gaze, the three of them exchanging glances of disbelief with each other."Uh, e-enormous changes at the last minute? That's not very Germatic" Joshua pointed out, as he went back to leaning against the wall by the door. 
"Why the hell is Goebbels doing stuff so damn peculiar?" Aldo asked, turning to fully face Bridget.
"It, uhm, it- it probably has something to do with the second development-?" Joshua suggested, a more friendly nod of correction coming from Bridget.
"Which is?".
Bridget sat up."De Führer is attending the premiere" she let out, Joshua's breath hitching.
"Fuck a duck!" Donny cursed, hitting the table Bridget was on.
As the dogs barked, Aldo leaned back against the table, pursing his lips in thought.
"What are you thinking?" Bridget grew curious.
"I'm thinkin’ gettin' a whack at plantin’ old Uncle Adolf makes this horse a different colour" Aldo replied, Joshua nodding along in an understanding manner.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Bridget squinted her eyes in confusion, Aldo turning to Joshua to explain.
"Yes, uh, yes sir" Joshua nodded, turning to Bridget yet again."It means you gettin' us in that premiere".
"I'm probably going to end up losing this leg" Von Hammersmark hissed, making Joshua flinch in surprise."Bye-bye acting career, fun while it lasted. How do you expect me to walk the red carpet?" She inquired, glaring daggers at Joshua, who was visibly uncomfortable with the anger targeted towards him.
He hugged his elbows, glancing to Aldo for help.
"Easy on my right-hand man Joshua o'er here, it was my idea, blondie" Aldo put his hand up, walking over to Joshua and standing by him protectively."Doggy doc's goin' to dig that slug out ya gam" he snorted, "he's gonna wrap it up in a cast, and you got a good how-I-broke-my-leg-mountain-climbin’ story; that's German, ain't it? Y'all like climbin’ mountains, don't ya?". It was almost laughable, how proud-of-himself Aldo looked at this new plan.
"I don't. I like smoking, drinking, and ordering in restaurants. But I see your point" Bridget nodded sarcastically. She tilted her head, eyes wandering to Aldo's arm around Joshua's waist.
Aldo quickly snuffed some more tobacco, putting his small box away before speaking again."We fill you up with morphine 'til it's comin' out yer ears, and just limp your lil' ass up that rouge carpet" he grinned triumphantly, as if his plan would be able to solve world hunger.
"I know this is a silly question before I ask it, but, can you Americans speak any other language than English?" She asked, leaning back."Asides from 'Joshy' over here-" Bridget coughed, nodding towards Joshua.
"Don't call him Joshy" Aldo growled, his hold on Joshua's grip tightening."I love you" he whispered, against Josh's ear.
The corners of Joshua's lips quirked up into a smile."I love you too, Aldo".
"We both speak a little Italian" Donny piped up, referencing himself and Aldo.
"With an atrocious accent, no doubt. But that doesn't exactly kill us in the crib. Germans don't exactly have a good ear for Italian...You, Joshua, you said to me earlier how you know many languages. What about you?".
Joshua's eyes widened a bit, eyebrows raising at attention."Uh, uhm, well- I, uh, actually..." he turned to Aldo, then Donny, and everyone else, all eyes on him."I was unfortunate enough to not exactly have Italian be a part o'the list o'languages I know".
"Goddammit, Josh, are you serious?" Donny howled.
"Joshy, y'gotta be kiddin' me. You grew up in that fancy mansion of yer's, been learnin' to hunt with guns since you were five, use bombs since you were ten, and learn languages since before all that, and yer tellin' me neither yer mom nor yer pops ever put a lil' Italian in ya?" Aldo exhaled, looking at Joshua, dumbfounded.
Joshua nodded shyly."Mhm. I-I've got almost every other language in my head, you guys. Polish, Hebrew, Welsh, even Spanish, but I doubt that that'd be any at all useful? I got Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Turkish, too. But no one in m'house spared the light of day for Italian if I was already learnin' Spanish".
Aldo kept his focus on Joshua, trailing his hand up to pat Joshua's shoulder.
"So you mumble Italian-Spanish bullshit and brazen through it, is that the plan?" Bridget gave them a 'you can't be serious' look.
"That's about it" Aldo shrugged.
Bridget nodded, "that sounds good" she mumbled.
"Sounds like shit, what else are we gon' do? Go home?".
"No, that sounds good. If you don't blow it, with that, I can get you in the building...Who does what?" Bridget clarified, looking around.
"Well, I speak the most Italian-" Aldo glanced at Joshua, "so I'll be yer escort. Donowitz speaks the third most, so he'll be yer Italian cameraman. Omar, fourth-most, he'll be Donny's assistant, like Josh'll be mine".
"An escort's assistant-?" Bridget questioned.
"Listen, lady we're in the middle o'some kinda world war with Jews runnin' around and Nazis huntin' after them, destroyin' everything that gets in their way. What's wrong with escorts havin' a lil' extra protection and assistance, huh?" Aldo pointed out.
Omar snapped his head in Aldo's direction, caught off-guard."I don't speak Italian".
"Like I said, fourth-best. Just keep yer fuckin' mouth shut-" Joshua cut Aldo off by snorting, "In fact, why don't you start practicin' right now?" Aldo grinned, looking down at Josh, who was holding back laughter.
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awed-frog · 5 years
When you say romance should be 18 and over do you mean the brand of romance we know today (aka toxic) or romance as a whole? If we wrote healthy romance aimed at younger crowds or presented unhealthy behaviour as unhealthy behaviour in regular romance (for older crowds) would that be a good solution?
Well - I see three questions here, all of them incredibly complex and beyond interesting: should art be political and is censorship ever a good idea and also is the romance genre okay? The answer to all of them, in my opinion, is ‘no but’.
1) Should art be political?
The stupid thing is, art is inherently political, whether you want it to or not, but art that’s deliberately political tends to be awful, and that’s a universal truth both for left-wing stuff and for right-wing stuff. When you willingly create political stuff, what you’re crafting is propaganda, and proganda is generally sad and bad. I guess there is propaganda that’s also good art - Victor Hugo’s The Man Who Laughs comes to mind - but the problem is, not all of us are Victor Hugo. 
That said, since whatever we create is political (because man is a social animal) and will have some kind of moral message, yes - ideally we want more art with an ethically ‘good’ moral message than we want garbage, because art (and here I include everything: books, movies and so on) is perhaps the most effective and impactful mind-shaper ever. That’s why Disney is doing its very best to be a monopoly, after all. But: I don’t have a good solution for how to ensure art is nice. I think art is nice when artists are nice, and artists are nice when they grow up in good, healthy societies. So the more a society rots from the inside out, the more likely it is you’ll find art that’s also rotten. I mean, while romance as a genre was always a bit dodgy (see below), what that article was talking about - the rise of the possessive, violent boyfriend and domestic abuse as the great love story - is sort of a recent phenomenon, and goes hand in hand with the deterioration of women’s rights in (Western) society. 
(As an aside, I’m not sure I agree (young) women are necessarily misogynistic for reading crap like Fiftfy Shades: I think (young) women are exhausted. Fifty Shades is, more than anything, an ode to undeserved capitalism - the only kind that seems open as an option today. After all, we know trickle-down capitalism doesn’t work and most of us will toil and toil for very little; Christian Grey is the antidote to that, the guy who shows up, basically kidnaps you, and smothers you in a life of riches for which the only thing you must do in return is give up. Having someone else decide on your job, your car, your possessions and clothes, where you’ll live, what you’ll eat and when, whether you’ll take birth control (lol: obviously not), when you’ll see your friends and family plus when and how you’ll orgasm - what women tried to escape for generations is suddenly the dream for many of us - not because of any new political ideology, but because we’re beyond tired. Women, like men, are now crushed in a neverending cycle of bs, underpaid jobs, and are apparently fed up enough in taking responsibility for anything that not only romance and ‘superhuman’ characters are booming, but a very specific kind of subset of that: essentially, slave fics. 
Just give up your agency, and you’ll be taken care of and cherished - forever.
I understand a kink is not the same as your actual political opinion, but still - I’m not enthusiastic about this trend, and I’m even less enthusiastic when it gobbles up young women who haven’t had time to experience real life relationships.)
No, I think that in the end, the answer is - if you reverse the rotting of society, automatically - statistically - you’ll get healthier artists and a healthier audience. So, really, the fight is always the same: better paid jobs, better (and free) schools, more opportunities for continued education of any kind, more democracy and transparency, more green spaces and better living conditions.
2) Is censorship ever a good idea?
Sadly, no. You’d think the logical conclusion of what I just said would be, ‘In the meantime, let’s ban the most dangerous stuff’ or something, and while part of me is tempted to support that, censorship has a way of ending very badly no matter how good and noble your intentions are.
(Self-censorship should be more of a thing, though: not everything that goes through our minds deserves to be seen and shared.)
What sucks at the moment is that on the one hand, capitalism is operating its own censorship; and on the other, its desperate search for new markets has led to a disastrous disintegration of actual human interactions.
So, problem one is that we only publish and market what makes a lot of money, and while that’s normal, to an extent, the result today is that everything is ‘almost the same’ as the previous thing (think sequels, prequels, remakes, obnoxious book covers for books that are basically all the same). So if ‘asshole boyfriend who beats you up’ suddenly makes money, it becomes very hard to escape the trope, because what will be offered to you everywhere is exactly that. This was less of a thing back when our main sources of entertainment were shared (movie theaters, the one family TV, school libraries and so on); now, it’s an epidemic, and as we see with Youtube algorithms, a dangerous one, because this obsession with watching and rewatching ‘almost the same’ inevitably leads to more and more extreme stuff.
Meanwhile, problem two is that the more tailor-made our entertainment is, the less we connect to real people. I know I sound about 90 here, but when all family members are glued to a different screen - mom watching the 50th remake of Eat, Pray, Love, dad down the rabbithole of lizard conspiracy theories, big brother now exploring some milk&peanut butter weirdness on Youporn and younger sister 30 fics deep into Stucky high school AUs - what do they have in common? What do they talk about? What can they even learn from each other? Until recently, and for aeons, fiction was shared, and its primary goal was to form a connection between group members. Now, that’s gone. We destroyed it, without even realizing what we were doing, in the space of twenty years. And yeah - I know you can create new communities, but a) these communities are virtual (which means, for the most part: not real) and b) they tend to connect like with like, which is comforting, perhaps, but not very useful. The whole point here is that we need to learn how to feel empathy and trust for those who’re different, and build a community with them - instead, what the internet is doing is isolating us inside our little bubbles, so much so that any minor disagreement is now seen as good reason to break off contact.
Censorship, however, doesn’t solve any of this. For starters, we need more regulation on how big corporations can get, what social media companies can and can’t do and who can access what kind of material. And it’d be great if we could all unplug a little, but uh - fat chance of that.
3) Is the romance genre okay?
Again, just my opinion, but personally, I mistrust it. There are no romance books for men? Instead, books for men feature a Main Character doing stuff and improving himself while accidentally meeting a Sexy Lamp he can go home to at the end of the story. And, well, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but isn’t this a healthier way to look at life? While good relationships are very meaningful (or even the most meaningful) part of any human life, if your goal is to get them, they won’t grow right. You shouldn’t be hyperfocused on finding love; I think it’s much better to be like Main Character: you work on your drawing skills, try a new sport, read poetry, defeat evil Russians, thus developing inner happiness and self-confidence, thus leading you towards towards a partner who’ll fall in love with who you are - not a partner who was looking for some empty shell to fill with their own expectations and preferences.
And I know - romance books and movies are full of exciting non-romantic events and stuff - but still, the fact they’re classified and intended as romance does imply that finding a romantic partner is the ultimate goal. Which, I don’t know, I don’t think it’s healthy, and is a particularly inappropriate message for young women. After all, why is it okay that young men are encouraged to go on ghost hunts, study dinosaurs and save the world while young women are taught to wait around for a broken (possibly violent, but it’s not his fault) bad boy only they can fix? It’s messed up, is what it is, and I may be extreme here, but even the tamest, sweetest romance revolves around the same message: that you’re not complete on your own, and that you should focus on relationships as a way to become a better, happier human being. 
Now, as much as I love this quote -
“It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it.” — Oscar Wilde
- obviously there’s no direct cause-and-effect here - you don’t read one book and become a mindless Stepford wife - so I’m not saying, ‘no one should read romance ever’. It’s just - as I said in that other post, we should all enjoy diverse stuff. Read your romance novels, but also read the classics, read some philosophy, a random poem, a badly-written thriller - read Stephen King, read how the OED was written, or a Wikipedia article on the French resistance - anything and everything. Because of capitalism, because of this push towards personalized entertainment, we’re being forced and pigeonholing ourselves in smaller and smaller cages, and the worst thing is - we’re comfortable inside them, because this is the awful truth: cages are comfortable, and that’s why we need to get out before we forget what cages are for.
[As a final point: you say ‘if we wrote’, does it mean you’re an aspiring writer? If so, you shouldn’t worry about any of this. You write what you want, you write the stories you want to read. Just remember to get out of your cage as well - experience, discover, grow, read, dare - and then put all that into your books. I’m sure they’ll be great, whatever your favourite genre.]
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cero-blast · 5 years
Your post about Gin "messing with people's heads" makes me think, doesn't this also apply to Ulquiorra? He also psychologically tortured Inoue, don't you think it's hypocritical to say Gin's actions don't nullify the bad things he did, but say that UH is good/not toxic? I'm not trying to hate on you, I don't ship anything in Bleach, I just wanted to know why Gin is considered a bad inexcusable guy but Ulquiorra's relationship with Inoue is glorified?
This will get… really long. I’m genuinely sorry it’s this long.
I never said Ulqiorra did nothing wrong (though it’s fair to say I didn’t happen to specifically point it out), or that UH is a ship with many positive feelings associated to it. That would be… an interesting take. I hope you don’t think I think that. But I also need you to understand that I don’t base my taste in ships on what I desire/consider healthy in real life. They exist in the context of the canon — not interchangeable with reality considering the existence of superpowers, ghosts, semi-human creatures and time warping — and that’s where it ends for me. Applying the dynamics in my ships to any situation other than the precise one of Bleach’s canon would make them fundamentally different.
I’ve wanted to mention this about Ulquiorra for a while now and I’ll take the occasion to do so. It’s a mistake to put him in the same framework as a human or shinigami. (The latter two also have their differences but based on observation shinigami seem to behave in a much more human-like manner compared to hollows/arrancars.) He’s practically incapable of understanding what empathy is or find any good reason not to hurt other people, which is why it’s surprising when he manages to grasp even a shred of the concept right before dying. Hollows are born from experiencing such severe pain that it distorts their whole ‘essence’, so something has gone terribly wrong with them emotionally by definition, whether they evolve to arrancar form or not. Ulquiorra’s aspect of death, his ‘theme’, is emptiness — characterized by complete neutrality towards everything. Since a person with a healthy mindset tends to focus on danger and negative events, neutrality often comes across as immoral for being equally conceding towards moral right and moral wrong. The point is, Ulquiorra’s motivations for provoking Inoue had nothing to do with him taking joy in causing pain to her. In fact, it’s hinted he’s not even fully aware he’s doing it, like the scene where he tells Inoue he’d laugh at her friends’ foolishness in her place. He’s unaffected by most things AND has difficulty placing himself in others’ perspective, which results in him assuming everyone around him would be unaffected. The only thing that factored into him doing just about anything was curiosity, the need to fill the void, however you want to put it. If a human or shinigami behaved the same way he did around Inoue, it would come across in a vastly different way and I’m not sure it would even interest me as a ship. Ulquiorra is not only a hollow, but a hollow with a particular impediment in understanding how others feel, and this is an integral part of him as a character, of his interactions, of UH, of anything regarding him. I know it’s funny as a fandom meme to act as if he were human, but he’s NOT and this needs to be kept in mind.
This applies to any arrancar or espada, really. It’s tempting to judge them on the same basis as enemies who are closer to humanity, mainly because of their appearance and intellect. But this is the trick itself the narrative plays, a progression that has been present in Bleach since the start: it created a human/monster (shinigami/hollow here) dichotomy, then spent the longest arc deconstructing it by blurring the lines between the two. It doesn’t matter how smart and eloquent the espada manage to get, the only productive way of interpreting them is as people who are missing a very core part of their personality, so someone severely psychologically ill. (I say this as someone who has their own problems, before it gets misinterpreted as condescension.) Should this absolve them from punishment? Bleach says a very clear no. They almost all get killed by shinigami, in Ulquiorra’s case Ichigo specifically — Ichigo, who, by his own admission, empathized with everyone he fought and even gets angry at Yammy for speaking ill of Ulquiorra after his death. (I don’t want to start arguing about how he was in hollow state when he defeated him. He would have killed Ulquiorra either way if he continued to stand in the way of protecting his friends.)
In summary, the espada aren’t human. Ulquiorra isn’t human. It’s unrealistic to expect him to behave like a human. You’re free to pick who you want to have compassion for among Bleach’s positive and negative characters and if you decide Ulquiorra is irredeemable in your opinion, that’s fine — many characters would agree. But at the very least it can be objectively said that Bleach spends a lot of time presenting ‘evil’ characters’ perspectives as nuanced and explicable instead of writing them off. It gives the audience a choice in the matter. A core message of the entire story is that we’re subjective and maybe we’ll never manage to see the world the same way as someone else, but that’s fine and it doesn’t make us all that different; hollows can become *almost* shinigami, shinigami can become *almost* hollows, and they both have ways to relate to one another while retaining the insurmountable differences and even fighting and killing each other.
Now, onto Gin. First off, you seem to be under the impression that I don’t like him as a character. That couldn’t be further from the truth; I only said it in the tags because I figured saying it in the post would have sounded like making excuses, which is not what the post was about. I don’t know if I would call him a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ person. All I know is that I really enjoyed him as a character and I could see how he evoked sympathy — in the tragic way antagonists do when they get some sort of redemption. I noticed it’s a common tool in fiction to make an impact on the audience, I suppose because we’re happier when we see ‘bad people getting fixed’ rather than someone already good doing more good things. It’s a Prodigal Son type of thing; can be argued about but it definitely makes an impact.
Gin is a quintessential ‘mysterious type’; he has a long-running plan that he executes throughout almost his entire life without ever consulting with anyone (an important detail). He had a hypothesis on what would be the most effective way to kill Aizen and constructed a convoluted plan based on it — a plan where the ends would have justified the means in many, many situations, and that required causing problems to a lot of people. He had, however, no certainty that what he was doing would lead to the desired results (which it then didn’t…). A lot of his provocation was a means to create a certain image of himself and there’s a big question of where to draw the line there, whether all of that was absolutely necessary. Leaving to Hueco Mundo and technical demonstrations of loyalty were, sure, but mocking Rukia on her way to being executed? He considered keeping everything a secret a prerequisite for things to work out — presumably because if he talked to anyone, Aizen could have noticed — but was it, really? Many of his actions were based on his personal judgement on what would and wouldn’t have ruined the façade, subjective and hunch-based since he didn’t know the outcome for sure.
Gin isn’t inexcusable, but I noticed a lack of emphasis on the damage his actions caused among fans, both because of the chronological order of the story and his affiliation with the protagonists’ side. Because the last thing he did was a good thing, that’s what he’s remembered by, without taking into account the sum total of his interactions with others. He posited himself as vicious until the last moment and did so consciously. Ulquiorra had a very, very gradual progression in the way he talked to Inoue, which doesn’t make it less rude and traumatic, but there’s a difference between him showing up and telling her she ‘has no rights’ and later taking an active interest in her views on the Heart. It would be equally reductive to interpret him by his last moment and nothing else, but all he did before led to that moment progressively, while Gin’s was a very abrupt twist.
My post was a comment on psychology on the most basic, technical level, not a moral judgement. The two are separate in the way we process trauma and that’s exactly what I find interesting. Having strong negative emotions associated to a memory (what I think Kira, Hinamori, Hitsugaya or Rangiku could have had with Gin’s betrayal) creates a very subconscious reaction that can hardly be fixed by suddenly finding out it was necessary for a positive cause, which is why healing from trauma requires years of therapy. Because *in that moment* you didn’t have that knowledge, the pain remains in your memory and it’s not a matter of logical reasoning. Now, I’m not saying Ulquiorra’s interactions with Inoue were numerous or productive enough to properly process the trauma he caused her — the canon info is ambivalent on how comfortable Inoue was around him towards the end of her captivity because there’s both scenes like the famous slapping one *and* her seeming more light-hearted towards Ulquiorra in Unmasked, plus no one has any idea of which came before which. All things considered, I think repeated discussion and an attempt at mutual understanding does a better job at elaborating something traumatic than one single piece of information on why what traumatized you was justified. And note that the *only reason* the understanding between Ulquiorra and Inoue could have been mutual is because Inoue was exceptionally patient, empathetic and willing to face discomfort, way beyond the base level or what should be expected from anyone. Even if it was a *small amount* of *not very productive* discussion, it’s better than one act in my opinion (which most of the people who had some sort of issue with Gin didn’t even directly witness). Which of them is *morally worse* depends on how you draw the lines and define morality and that’s not something I feel qualified to decide.
So, in the end;Ulquiorra:-working towards enemy goals overtly-motivated by curiosity, which can be considered self-oriented-gradual improvement-not fully conscious of the emotional impact of his actions-Inoue considers him an ambivalent presence but “Isn’t afraid”, in her words-half-succeeded, as in: failed the goal of killing Ichigo but sated his curiosity
Gin:-working towards enemy goals on the surface and soul society goals covertly-motivated by attachment to Rangiku and/or revenge, less self-oriented but still focused on close acquaintances -long-running façade of being a terrible person followed by a sudden twist towards the good side-completely aware of everything he’s doing, plan laid out hundreds of years in advance-Gotei 13 don’t interact with Gin throughout HM arc, consider the traitors a lost cause-failed to kill Aizen
Instead of this encyclopedia I could have just written “Gin isn’t irredeemable, I just said he did bad things before”, but I thought too much about it. And I might go through spelling mistakes once I wake up.
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Kai Parker was born in 1972, Portland, Oragon, along side his twin sister Josette Parker. To the Gemini Witch Coven. Kai was discovered to be a Siphoner more than likely before he was even born. Something that was often treated terribly by witches. As these others witches had seen Siphoner’s as 'abominations'. This lead to Kai's parents mistreating him from the moment they found out what he had been. Often ignoring him, or preventing him from touching others, or others touching him. Since the time he was four years old, or when ever his siphoning powers had begun to manifest, he had been 'needing a fix' to absorb magic. The absence of which had caused him to feel like he was on fire. So, as he grew up, feeling unwanted, feeling wrong, and feeling disgusting. His parents were plotting to screw him out of the one thing he was promised, the one solitude he did have to look forward to. Merging with his twin sister the supposed 'Glinda' of witches, as far as Kai had seen, with the way Josette was treated in comparison to himself.
Eventually all the mistreatment and need for a fix had driven Kai to become angered and sociopathic, as abused children tend to become given the stipulations. Which fit perfectly, Kai is a product of child abuse. Upon finding out what his parents had planned to do, and apparently having been causing worry from his parents with his activities leading up to the moment he was supposed to merge with Josette. Joshua had felt that Kai was much more powerful than Josette and so together, Josette, Joshua, and the rest of the Gemini coven plotted against Kai. Thus Lucas and Olivia were born. Four years later, Kai would, upon figuring out the reason for their births, try and murder them. But he only managed to murder four of his other siblings before being mislead by Josette into believing she would finally merge with him. But this had turned out to be a lie. Once Josette had lead him to the trap, and the two had begun the merging ritual, the rest of the Gemini Coven had started casting another spell. Kai also in this moment found out that Josette had hidden her magic somewhere. Kai is then, moments after, sent to a Prison World, by his own family/coven, where he would spend the next eighteen years in solitude. Not even attempts to kill himself would free him from. He was forever trapped in the year of 1994. Or so it seemed.
Eighteen years after his coven betrays him. Bonnie and Damon appear in his prison world. Kai watches them for several months as they fuck off for a while doing stupid shit and god knows what, arguing mostly. Who honestly fucking cares. Anyway, Kai finally revealed his presence to the two of them one day and then starts attacking Damon, then he fucks with the two for a couple of days. Bonnie finds a news paper and goes " OMG, he murdered four people of his family. Let's do the exact same thing his family did to him, and nothing bad will happen. HAHAHAHH!" So she fucks off with Damon and murders Kai. It's fine, not like he hasn't died plenty of times already in that prison. Later, in a cave, just as the pair are about to fuck off, Kai comes back and shoots Bonnie in the diaphragm and send her flying out of the moonlight. Damon tries to man up for a minute and he and Kai have a dick measuring contest, who cares. Bonnie eventually sends Damon back to the real world, alone. Buh bye.
Anyway, Kai, having now gotten off to a bad foot with Bonnie, officially. Starts trying to fix the artifact that will help them both get out. Bonnie, being a genius decides " Nah, I don't want to do that. Because how dare you." Or some piddly ass moralistic petty reasoning. Bonnie then stabs Kai in the neck with a fork, takes the artifact and runs off to a nearby hospital as Kai seems to bleed to death. Because that's never happened before. Anyway, Kai catches up to her and reveals he has the last piece to the once broken artifact and is like " Yo what up mama, let me show you what you forgot. I'm smart too. Sometimes." Then Bonnie starts freaking out again, because apparently that's what she's best at,...being JUST angry at Kai, a person she's just met, and doesn't know, for doing bad things. Because she DOESN'T know him, she has every right to be a bit of a bitch.
Everyone else she does know can murder people all they want. But she'd be damned if she let Kai do that. Nuh uh, not on her watch. Anyway, Kai catches her in Damon's car that he drove all the way to 1994 in order to fuck with Damon and Bonnie earlier, and he strangles her there, because why wouldn't he at this point, honestly. They aren't friends. She doesn't even GO here. Anyway, after kidnapping her and stuffing her in the trunk of the car, for safety reasons one must assume, since Bonnie is almost as insane as Kai is, clearly. He probably wants to avoid being stabbed in the neck again. Probably, who knows, MAYBE he enjoyed it. Maybe he's a masochist. You don't know! Anyway, they have thanks giving. It's fun. Bonnie is moody, because how dare she not get what she wants. How dare Kai want freedom, even if it is at the cost of murdering his entire coven. No one but her has any right to do wrong, unless she likes you. Then you can do all the wrong you want. She'll be like "Aight, you do you, Stefan." So, anyway, Eventually she makes a deal with Kai, who lies to her about letting her go her own separate way. Because of course he fucking lied to her. And she's about to spend the next few months or so of her life figuring out why.
Anyway, Kai stabs Bonnie in the gut, because all he needs is her blood and magic. Which the hunting knife he used to stab her has magic in. Because that's where Josette hid her own magic just before fucking Kai over and sending him to that prison world to begin with. He then had all of the things he needed to perform the ritual, without Bonnie. Which I mean, is literally her own fucking fault. Had she of just let him out the first time and ignored him. She wouldn't have had to be shot with an arrow, drugged, kidnapped, stabbed, abandoned and left to rot in Kai's Prison world for months. But instead, genius that she is, she basically in more or less eloquent terms, deserved everything she fucking got. Change my mind. You won't. Soooo Anyway, Kai is freed, he does whatever Kai wants to do murders a few people, finds his siblings. Pisses them off by trying to kill Olivia. Then he changes his mind and offers to merge with Josette and...leave them alone. Which is growth, motherfuckers. Because that is basically what he does. Well, once he merges with....Lucas. Instead of Josette. Lucas had offered himself up, to protect Josette. The other was pretty confident that they could possibly, maybe beat Kai in the merge. And Josette had also seemed to hope for such a thing to. However, nope. Lucas lost and merged with Kai instead.
Then he didn't murder his entire coven. But instead went about doing whatever it is that Kai generally does when he's not murdering people. Annoying them. But now he his younger brothers 'empathy' and 'emotional' range. So that's fun. He has 'grown', so it seems. Then it shows when he offers to HELP Damon, Elena, and Jeremy get Bonnie out of the prison world he left her in, because he feels bad for what he did. During the last of the attempts to try and save Bonnie however, Olivia stabs Kai and the two start kicking the shit out of each other. Because Oliva has as many brain cells as Bonnie does. Which is about two. Olivia begs for death and Kai tries to kill her, but because he is merged with Lucas, the others emotions stops Kai from going through with it. Then Kai just moves on and continues to help Jeremy with reaching Bonnie, thus stopping her from killing herself. Kai almost dies during this incident, but is saved when Damon and Elena get to him and Jeremy in time for Damon to feed Kai his blood, which heals Kai.
Life goes on, mundanely for a little while before Josette gets sick and ignored a phone call from Kai, trying to tell her he is sick. Which turns out that he just needed some magic, it's all good after that. Also Josette is pregnant with some babies of which Kai is like "Hey stupid, you're preggers, hows that for Irony." Then he fucks off to do whatever Kai does when he's not annoying or killing people. Probably enjoying his freedom and the new stuff he can toy around with in the future. Eventually however, Bonnie makes it back. Kai comes along then and tells Demon, who has just found out his mommy is alive and well in another prison world. He wants Kai to bring his mommy back and Kai is like "For a price, sure. Let me reconcile with Bonnie though." And Demons like " Sure yeah, sounds like a great Idea, let's just go do that." And they do that. Bonnie, with her two brain cells, and a bit of murderous insanity, decides to not do what's probably best for her and tells Kai he can go fuck himself for what she has done to him. Because, no one has ever felt that before, in their life. Besides Kai, who she stabbed in the chest with Pick axe, and killed him, compared to him shooting her in the chest with an crossbow bolt and then stabbing her with a knife while fucking with her.
Which one could say she did just as equal damage to him, despite his ability to revive and heal from it quicker than her. He also spent eighteen years in that prison. So if she gets to be a bit pissy about it. So does Kai... Kai decides to reveal stuff about Damon's mommy anyway. Like that she's a fucking psychopathic vampire that people in this stupid show call a 'ripper' because they are about as creative as a toddler with a marker. Messy, not too creative though. Anyway, Bonnie throws her tantrum off somewhere else away from Kai for a little while. Tries to make her point with Damon by hurting Damon the same way Kai hurt her. Which is fair, I suppose. Since she's fucking stupid and doesn't realize that her PTSD is just as valid as Kai's abuse and PTSD. So she needs to get off her fucking high horse and join the rest of the world, honestly.
Anyway, Eventually they go on the quest for Damon and Stefan's Mommy because Stefan is murdering the fuck out of people or something. Bonnie is all " Aight. I'll go. That's cool. Cool cool cool. Kai, let's hold hand." So they do that, they go to the year 1903 where Lily, Damon's mommy and her Heretic vampires are. Damon and Elena go " Nope." to it all but still want to bring Lily back so they lie to her or something, who cares. Kai and Bonnie are on a misleading mission that Bonnie suggested because she wants to fuck Kai over the way he fucked her over. Because she's still got only two brain cells, guys. Let's be real, as trash as Kai is, Bonnie becomes just as much trash in this instance as Kai times his entire fucking coven combined. Because without her petty behavior...AGaIn. The next part wouldn't have happened! Anyway, she dispatches Kai in the middle of the woods, during winter. Almost stabbing him in the heart before he vanished himself away from that.
Some time later she meets up with Damon and the plot device of conveniences. They all start the ritual to leave that prison world and just as they are about to peace out Kai screams toward them, Bonnie see's him and smirks at this. By the way, Elena and Damon are completely okay with what's happening, fully aware of it. So they are just as much to blame for what happens next as Bonnie herself is, honestly. Every last one of them is a shitty person. But this show is kind of really garbage so, let's move on- Kai is abandoned in 1903 by people he wanted to clearly be close to, maybe even befriend, after the terrible things he had done to them. BUT NOPE! He ends up finding his way to Lily's place, where the heretics remained. There he is bitten by one of the Heretics inside her house. Some time later, he manages to control the Heratics or some wacko ass shit that happens.
What is important about that moment is that he's getting out of there, 1903 that is. He's clearly no longer influenced by Lucas' empathy or emotions. But let's say that Lucas, after witnessing all the bullshittery and filtering through it was like " Nah. I'mma just let Kai fuck you all over. Peace Bitches. I'm going to get out the way." Anyway, Kai free's himself, again, and makes his way to Josette's wedding where he repeatedly stabs her in the back before revealing his presence to all and being like " Miss me?" Before killing the ceremony participants. Or well, mostly fucking them up. He also puts Elena to sleep, because hello, she and Damon ABANDONED him in a PRISON WORLD. HELLO!? Are you all idiots? He's clearly a lot smarter than these three individuals in particular, and it shows. Despite his pension for falling for traps and dumb tricks.
Anyway, he kills Josette, and Joshua is like " Kai, don't! Stop being a bad child. What's wrong with you?!" Which Kai replies with stabbing himself in the neck. Clearly, what's wrong with Kai is that he was born into a shitty family who treated him badly and got what they deserved in the end, punished for their sins. The executioner, being no one else but Kai Parker, himself. Kai then revives, wOoOW, why's that? Oh, he's a vampire witch now. It's fine. His coven is still going to die. Which, fuck them, anyway. He then gets bitten by Olivia's boyfriend Tyler, who is a werewolf. Which Bonnie later tells him and he goes " Bye Bye Bye Werewolf Blood." And then he breaks Bonnie. Damon, having had a conversation about being bitten by vampires earlier and telling Damon that Elena won't wake up as long as Bonnie is alive, arrives. Shocker. He then proceeds to save Bonnie and kill Kai, smacking Kai's head off his body, decapitating him. Which it would have been funny, if he didn't die and he was just a talking head. Wouldn't that have been funny...Anyway. Kai Dies. That's the end of that. Right? Right. Everyone gets to be idiots and continue living and doing stupid stuff. Who cares about any of it, honestly. Bonnie hooks up with Enzo, who was also doing terrible things the entire time this Kai Bullshit was going on in her life. But hey, that's ENZO, she likes ENZO.... He can do whatever terrible thing he wants to do.
Anyway, one thing leads to another and Kai is eventually like " Here, have Elena's Soul, Damon clearly doesn't want it, and I'm pretty bored with all of this. Send me back." And trades Elena's soul in order to get a get out of hell free card. Which he does, and starts bugging Damon immediately after, for some reason or another, because he's afraid of going back to hell. He could have just, fucked off, and not bothered with any of those people, since he clearly knew the entire time they couldn't help him, realistically. But whatever, its Vampire Diaries. Who gives a god damn, I guess...Logic doesn't fucking matter! Kai pisses around for a bit and then he gets captured and taken to some...magical, stronghold where conveniently enough Caroline, Josette’s baby's daddy, and Gemini Twins Next Gen are all residing. He is locked in a prison where he's like " I know what's wrong with your Gemini twins.....They are going to be great, to kill." Then everyone just, ignores him for a couple of hours. It's fine. Not like anyone has more than two brain cells in this show anyway.
SO eventually Caroline, who had the twins transferred over to her when Josette was dead, because why not. Is all "Help me with my not babies." Kai is then all " Sure, why not. Let's do this." and proceeds to explain to her that the entire building is dripping with magic and then he explodes the fucking window in her face. As she fucking deserves. Then he knocks her the fuck out. Because, why...ARE YOU. STUPID! Kai then starts running around the place, calling Baby Daddy and idiotically gloating about killing the Gemini Coven Next Gen. Picking up an axe that is perfect, for executions, and dragging it along the floor because he's still twenty two I guess and wants to be edgy, okay? So he just tralalalala's the way to whatever the fuck and gets tricked. This is the moment where you slow clap at the moronic shit that this show has exposed everyone to.
Anyway, Bonnie soon comes back into the picture and is like "I'll take that, he's actually cute. I hate him. But he cute." Then she locks him in a prison world in 2018, chains him to a chair where he can listen to a song he hates, every day, over and over again. Which I mean, congratulations Bonnie, you continually fuck it up. Along with everyone else. When you could have fixed all of this by just letting him out first, let him get his revenge and then NOT do any of the other bullshit. Because Bonnie would have had no reason to. But here we are and Kai’s back, and so is Lucas’ personality traits/Empathy, for that matter. Because I fucking said so, that’s why.
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
Mmmmmkay I have to rant about Nier: Automata for a bit; I accidentally triggered the end of the game (playthrough 2, ending B) last night and stayed up till 2:00 trying to finish the stupid “not allowed to save” phase. But y’aLL IT’S SO GOOD??????? AND 3RD PLAYTHROUGH ISN’T ANOTHER RE-RUN OF THE SAME STORY WE GET MORE STORY AAAAAAAAA
(more under the cut because there is ALOT for those who care;;;;;)
- OK SO THE MUSIC IS AMAZING??? I love LOVE that the music dynamics build in instruments and intensity as you progress towards danger/plot, but also softens again for quieter moments and just...musical storytelling is so sooooo my jam I love it. Also that the music goes 8 bit when 9S hacks stuff, it’s actually kinda cute X’D
- ON THE SUBJECT of 9S being able to hack into enemies and you getting to play that as a little teeny ship shooting down viruses and barriers and whatnot. Genius???? That added SO MUCG to the story on the second playthrough as 9S. Particularly discovering the fact that all of humanity?? Is actually extinct?? ...even BEFORE the aliens/machines attacked earth?? WH A T?????? WHAT THE HECK ARE ANDROIDS FIGHTING FOR THEN????? *every time an android salutes and says “glory to mankind” now* GLORY MY FOOT THEY ALL DEAD MOVE ON--
-  I realize it probably has alot to do with the lore of previous nier games and I’ll probably have to trawl through Wiki pages soon here. Emil himself really broke my heart aaaaaah baby...his side quest is so sad. I also looked at arts and he was a really cute kid?? Before he was turned int the freaky moon skeleton thing...?? Oh my goodness......
-  The secret lunar tear flower room is gorgeous. I just sat there for awhile to soak it all in...the music is so nostalgic and I’ve never heard that song bfore how do y’all DO THAT--
- Emil’s shop is pretty cute. He just drives around the ruins and sells stuff if you shoot him and he’ll stop X’’’D It did ruin alot of serious moments tho. *Engels, talking about how he’d sinned for killing so many androids and choosing death--* “S-A-L-E SAAAALLLEEE~~!! EVERY SALE’S A WIIIINNNNNN~~~~!!!! LALALaaaaaa~~~...” Me: *facepalm* 
- ...I just realized the little tune he sings is a cheerful rendition of the music in the flower room. H E C K
- ANYWAY. Onto the actual game. I really really enjoyed playing as 9S for obvious reasons (bABY) but it really did add so soooo much to the pretty much surface level story when you first play as 2B. Which sums them up pretty well...2B, Battle unit 2, pushes on relentlessly, avoids thinking too hard about things and what she’s doing because oh dear, EMOTION might get in the way...9S, Scanner unit 9, on the other hand, cannot stop his curiosity. He asks questions, he sticks his nose in way further than he should to some dangerous stuff. I think he realized Machines were sentient and had feelings long before 2B, but was in denial for a good while. You learn so much more about what you’re fighting as 9S, because he scans. He observes, searches, discovers. Heck, some hacking caused him to experience empathy for the poor things, to his horror...
- Actually, there are alot of scenes where either 2B or 9S questions why a machine they’re killing is screaming for help, of crying for lost family, or loudly proclaiming loyalty to a king they’ll give their lives for...they stop for a moment, but the other quickly jumps in and reminds them that it’s just imitation. It’s not real, it’s fake, machines can’t feel, yadda yadda...it was odd to me they kept switching off on reminding, but...I think they both know, deep down, what they’re doing. But denial. Because if machines DO have feelings, if they are sentient...what does that mean for all they’ve killed...? Just...hoo BOY the moral dellimas in this game?? Scary good. The quests get that across alot.
- I don’t like the theme of hopelessness in most of the side quests?? I do see many of them as cautionary tales though. We watch many characters lose hope and the will to live after their thing/person they’re living FOR is gone. It makes me worry alot about 2B, who is a soldier through and through. 9S actually does have hopes and dreams for things outside of the war, which I love ;7; they definitely lean on each other alot emotionally on this respect though...I don’t know quite what to make of the themes of the game this far in yet;;;; 
- The love between 9S and 2B is of course my favorite thing. Familial, romantic, idk. I, being me, see it as more platonic, “You’re my rock in this storm” only friend/sister/brother vibe, but as more of a fan of platonic relationships, that is what I tend to do. But 9s following 2B around like a lost puppy and trying to do all he can to help and do his job but also getting bored with said job and trying to make the most of things, asking all the “why” questions, 2B acting irritated but also always keeps him close and makes sure he’s safe....going ballistic when someone hurts her boy ;;v;; I love...2 kids. Their operators and pods are such fun dynamics too~~ 
- As far as endings A and B...DANG. It hit worse because you get backstory on the giant ocean machine (that 9S just hit with a giant missle, which he also had to ride to keep it on the right path...DX NO SELF PRESERVATION) he just...wanted his mama......;;A;;
- Also it’s not fair. 9S is so injured by that missle attack, then I guess Adam finds him and is like “HM. *sticks the lil boy impaled on a wall* Perfect. *proceeds to emotionally and mentally torture said child*“ like YO ADAM THAT’S NOT HOW YOU DO THINGS. Then 2B proceeds to kick down walls for her boy and kills Adam and walks off carrying 9S bridal style into the sunset. Lovely. I have a comic idea for this part, lol.
- Oh I don’t like Adan very much, he is pretty tho?? There was alot of blood though...how do machines bleed?? How do the androids bleed?? What??? I question this alot. 
- Fighting Eve was...annoying but still heartbreaking. He misses his brother so much....even though Adam is a butthead and couldn’t care less he left his little brother behind DX just everything about that fight was Tragic. Also Eve developing more self awareness and realizing “Eve” is a girl’s name and being a bit miffed LOL that’s what y’all get when your first book is the bible kiddos...I realize they’re technically like what? 2 weeks old still???
- The ENDING. From 9S’s perspective is especially scary....the corruption transforming him, 2B coming in to kill him to stop the pain, he BEGGED her to, just....hhhhhhh babies ;;A;; 2B’s soft broken crying over him as she’s forced to strangle her only friend to death just aaaaaAAAAAAAA I DIE ;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;
- I was actually able to cry over it this time coz. It was 2 am. No parent awkwardly watching over my shoulder. Because the pose for this scene is...........super awkward..........like......really........their clothes are super torn up and uh. The first time I was just hoping my parents wouldn’t mistake it for a sex scene or something hhhhhghhhhh;;;;;; I really really REALLY wish the pose was different, the game does need to give the fanservice a rest, at LEAST for a scene this serious DX I’m able to ignore it but when someone else is watching I don’t wanna have to explain;;;;
- That IS a big gripe I have with the game. The fanservice. Just. Why. How is 2B’s outfit practical?? Self destruct mode???? REALLY???? Get this girl battle shorts or something please.....I guess if I looked at it more as a ballet outfit?? I might make some edits when I draw her because GEEZ.
- 9S gets some of this too. Self destruct mode, his shorts are blown off???? WHAT THE HECK???? Welp, never using that again. also why is he the only yorha boy android??????????? X’’’’D They never explain that!!
- BACK TO ENDING STUFF why were there random data hologram girls standing there, watching 2B strangle 9S?? Just...silently there...they weren’t there in the first playthrough?? I’ve seen them a couple times but they’re NEVER mentioned?? WHAT ARE THEY-- is it a glitch?? Wha--
- Teeny 9S being able to dump his consciousness into a giant machine robot guy and cradling 2B in his hand ;;~;; he’s fine y’all I’m so GLAD (I wanna draw something for this scene.... I wanna draw alot of things) 
- I love Pascal. He should adopt all the sad people to his happy peace village. He already started that...what a good egg. 
- The accessories option is lovely. I’ve been running around with 9S with a blue bow in his hair forever now ;7; replaced with the flower in his hair because BOYS AND FLOWERS I LOVE but I think I might give the flower to 2B because she’d look lovely with it and....I miss the blue bow X’D
 - Also the AMOUNT of things this could line up with a KH universe....as far as how androids work, hearts (black boxes), memories making you...you, being able to transfer “hearts” to new bodies when the old is destroyed, POWER OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP...there’s alot. I dunno what to do with this info...
Anyway, I have alOT of thoughts and feelings on this game, it’s like...a very cool book. I’ve had trouble putting down. These aren’t even all of them but idk who I can actually rant to so here it is for the Void
I’m so interested to see where it goes! 
12 notes · View notes
axemetaphor · 6 years
OC Masterpost
I need an organized place to put info about all my OCs so that’s what this post is gonna be for!
In addition to basic bios and some reference images, I’ve also got links to Spotify playlists for every character, because music is a strong association with personality for me. (If you don’t use Spotify, or if you know of a streaming platform more easily accessible than Spotify, send me an anon and I’ll duplicate the playlists to that service then add a link here!) I also have moodboards for every OC.
This post will be rather long so I’ve put in under a readmore for the sake of convenience.
It’s also important to note that my OCs exist in an AU where some things are a little different. For example, Infinite in this AU is 17 and that’s definitely not because I assumed he was an edgy teen like Shadow, and after Robotnik’s defeat in Forces, the Resistance became the Restoration. All the troops who had been battling were reassigned to rebuilding whatever town they happened to be in at the time of victory, with extra troops being redistributed as needed (leading to the formation of small roving teams traveling from place to place to help out).
It’s a little bit of an unorganized info-dump at some points, but I’ll update it to be more organized at some point.
Updated 01/20/2019
Rhys the Serval
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Spotify playlist | Moodboard
Rhys was designed by @creative-sanic and she also came up with most of his backstory!
Rhys is a gender-nonconforming cis gay dude. He was born to a ‘feral’ mother in the wilderness closest to Central City (between the City and Mystic Ruins, far enough away from civilization to be undetected for a majority of his early life). At age 7 or 8, a massive fire swept the forest, putting him and his mother in massive danger. Officials sent to contain the fire discovered that she and Rhys were living alone in the forest, and took the two into protective custody while working through the devastation caused by the fire. The city pressured Rhys’s mother to join civilization, but she adamantly refused, and as a consequence, Rhys was stolen from her and put up for adoption, leading to her having a violent breakdown. She was moved to a containment facility and hasn’t seen Rhys since; he has only the faintest memories of her. He was adopted at age 13 or 14 (having been shuffled around in foster care before then) by a family of bears, and went on to be a fairly average Mobian citizen, working as a waiter at Penne For Your Thoughts. That’s where he met Vitriol, who is now his boyfriend. After dating for a few months, they decided to move in together, with Vitriol moving into Rhys’s apartment, which was the larger of the two. Rhys is now roughly 19 years old (18 or 19).
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Rhys and Vitriol have a steady relationship relatively devoid of problems. They love each other enough that no problem is too big for them to tackle, and when Vitriol became part of the Restoration (the collective effort to undo the damage done by Robotnik and the Resistance), Rhys moved with him all over the world, glad to have a reasonable excuse to travel. Neither wanted to attempt a longstanding long-distance relationship; their being separated briefly during the Resistance was frustrating enough for the two of them.
Rhys is unaware that he possesses Empathic abilities, and simply assumes he’s very good at figuring people out/being sympathetic, but in truth, the forest fire in his youth served as the catalyst for his abilities. Since his Empathy doesn’t require the same physical drain as, say, Vitriol’s Strength, Rhys mistakes his Chaos-Energy-related fatigue after using his powers to be emotional exhaustion. When he’s that tired is roughly the only time he can show unprovoked anger, but he’s also in-tune enough with himself to recognize when he’s being needlessly mean, and he’ll usually apologize right away. This happened most frequently during the events of the Resistance, where Rhys was tasked with helping to get survivors to safe places; he was very good at comforting those who may have lost friends/family in the attacks. From that, he’s begun to entertain the idea of becoming a therapist someday, though he’s not sure how he would afford the college degree for that. 
He gets along very well with Unknown due to them both having rather upbeat personalities. Though Unknown can be a little overbearing sometimes, Rhys likes talking to them and sometimes they’ll gush about how cute Vitriol is. 
As mentioned previously, Rhys doesn’t conform to typical gender norms; he’s a fashionista of sorts and doesn’t care what gender clothing is associated with. He thinks skirts are cute and feel nice, and he thinks makeup is a lot of fun, though he doesn’t do either every single day, just every now and then. For the most part, unless he’s feeling adventurous, he wears a hoodie and jeans, though his work outfit is a fancy suit. So, it’s often nice for him to just wear something low-effort. That being said, he always jumps at every opportunity to do his boyfriend’s makeup, and though Vitriol isn’t the biggest fan of it, he likes seeing Rhys smile, so he usually gives in.
Rhys often prompts Vitriol to keep up with his health, and the two go on camping trips whenever Rhys can convince Vitriol to go. He’s very good at camping; he can build a shelter easily, knows which plants are edible, etc.. Vitriol, by contrast, is pretty clueless, but Rhys is more than happy to teach him. 
When speaking, Rhys normally has a somewhat-formal tone, and he uses little to no slang (usually just words like “gonna,” and he almost never drops the G’s at the end of words). He’s very polite by nature (and some of the formality was ingrained by his job), and he tends to not talk a lot. When he’s really comfortable around someone (like Vitriol), he can chatter a lot, but if he catches himself, he’ll get really embarrassed about it. He has a soft, lilting voice that many find pleasant to listen to and soothing. When he gets excited, or raises his voice, it gets slightly higher in pitch. He’s not an anxious person (as in, he doesn’t have an anxiety disorder) but he’s rather shy and awkward around new people. He’s more of a reserved person than an anxious one, and he is by no means meek; having been raised (post-adoption) by a family of bears taught him how to roughhouse and hold his own against bigger enemies.
For the most part, Rhys isn’t bothered by his past. His life in the forest is far enough away, mentally, that to him it doesn’t feel like it even happened to him. However, the fire was a traumatic event for him, and to this day he has a deep-seated fear of fire. It’s rare, but on occasion, he will have nightmares about that day, and he doesn’t handle that well when alone. Fortunately, Vitriol is fairly helpful to Rhys—his simply being there is very comforting, even though he never really knows what to say.
Toxic the Porcupine
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Spotify playlist | Moodboard
Note: while this character started out as a sonicsona of sorts, they’ve somewhat evolved from that and I don’t see them quite so much as “me” anymore. They do, however, share my name (or rather the name I’m using currently, as I write this). To further complicate things they also look the way I do right now and I use them for vent art lmao so, if I happen to draw myself as a mobian ever again I’ll tag it as #not oc. That way it’s clear what’s Toxic the OC and what’s Toxic the...uh, human being I guess. 
Toxic is an agender porcupine who hasn’t settled on their sexuality yet--they know they’re asexual, but they haven’t thought any further into their romantic orientation. They were born in a tiny unnamed village settled in the shadow of Scrap Brain Zone, and only recently did they leave after a majority of it was burnt to the ground...by them. They showed signs of being trans at a young age, and were subsequently bullied quite harshly by both their peers and their family. They came out to their family at age 17, which only deepened the rift already forming, and subsequently Toxic ran away for a week, spending that time in Scrap Brain Zone. That was their first overnight foray into the Zone, something that would eventually become a staple of their life.
At age 19, they discovered an abandoned prototype Wispon in Scrap Brain Zone (devoid of Wisps), which they then decided to retrofit with the flaming spouts from Scrap Brain Zone to make their own strange hybrid flamethrower. A few nights later, after a particularly awful verbal spat with their family, they decided to fake their own death by setting fire to their own room. However, things quickly got out of hand, and the whole town ended up in flames. They fled, unsure if anyone made it out alive that night...and a little less than sympathetic if they didn’t. (Fortunately, a majority of the little village’s populace wound up trickling into neighboring villages and towns)
Since then, they’ve been absolutely destroying almost everything in their path. With no direction and no impulse control, they are a complete loose cannon throwing a wrench in both Eggman’s plans and Sonic’s adventures. They live by a motto of recklessness and “I’m here for a good time, not a long time.” Being an un-powered Mobian, they can’t do much of anything with the Wispon taken away, but taking that Wispon away is much easier said than done. Shortly after their ‘debut’ as a villain-of-sorts, Eggman reached out to them with a message essentially reading, “hey, do you want a direction in which to burn everything down (that is preferably not my everything)?” Since joining forces with Robotnik, though, their chaos has become much more controlled, and now incidents of mass fires can usually be linked to Eggman sending them off somewhere. They are a persistent thorn in the Freedom Fighters’ sides as they just love to fight and don’t really care who they fight.
They will not, however, attack civilians directly. Their fires might pose a threat to cities, but they don’t outright attack people unprompted--their chaos isn’t fueled of malice but rather of recklessness and an extreme lack of forethought. If harassed, however, they aren’t above punching someone in the face, and civilians are warned to just stay the hell away from Toxic. Their behavior overall is best classed as “more of a danger to themselves than others, even when provoked.”
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Toxic only owns one jacket and one pair of boots, as well as no other accessories save for the spiked bracelets and collar, since everything else was burnt. One item they are occasionally pictured with, but rarely wear, is a long ankh necklace, the origins of which they refuse to elaborate on. However, it’s clearly important to them… Prior to burning everything, they often wore ripped jeans, loose half-torn-up tank-tops with a variety of detailed patterns, and lots of bracelets. They despite feminine-coded clothing and would rather die than wear it. Overall, they’re fond of clothes that look like they’re being held together by safety pins and hope.
Their speaking pattern is completely all-over-the-place. Their accent is untraceable, they mix slang from a variety of regions, and mix pidgin street-slang with oddly formal sentence structure or complicated words. They alternate between dropped G’s at the end of words and dropped H’s at the beginning, but inconsistently; rather than being a sign that this accent is faked, it’s more a reflection of how scrambled they are on the inside. Toxic’s voice is prone to cracking, especially when they yell (which is very often), and it has a certain hoarse quality to it most of the time. It rests in a midrange between stereotypically “male” and “female” voices, and can be mistaken for a young boy or slightly-older girl interchangeably. This irritates them to no end—they’re no stranger to yelling in demand for their proper pronouns to be used.
Toxic has frequent nightmares, but never speaks of them. They often suffer from broken sleep, only getting a few hours at a time, and on occasion are struck with insomnia. During that time, they doodle or write, dealing with rather dark subjects, but never share this willingly. Oddly enough, they have a rather intense fear of fire (ironic given their Wispon) and of heights. Strangely they seem to use their fear as an adrenaline boost of sorts, embracing it to use as a motivation. (It’s somewhat similar to how Batman uses bats as his main motif, despite having been traumatized by an experience with bats in his childhood.)
They cannot be swayed to being “good,” because they truly believe they are an awful person who could never be good even if they tried. So, they just do what they want out of a very specific, Nihilistic worldview, and truth be told they’re simply a chaotic being who’s in way over their head. Despite being a villain, however, they are a big fan of Sonic and his friends, and they consider it a huge honor to be able to fight him. They’ve created an odd sort of parent-child bond between themselves and Robotnik, adopting him as their dad (he didn’t really get a say). Robotnik isn’t exactly doting but he does view them as his child in a sense, and often makes them new weapons to use alongside their Wispon (which they refuse to part with; he repairs it fro them as-needed). 
Vex the Cat/Fox Cross
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Spotify playlist | Moodboard
Vex is a bigender aroace genetic experiment who most closely resembles a fusion of a fox and a cat. (Any pronouns are applicable to them, but I use she/her most, because I have a lot of “he” and “they” OCs already) She has lived roughly 17 years, the first 14 of which were spent in the facility that created them. Partway through what would have been the 15th year, a catastrophe occurred at the facility, giving Vex, Vitriol and Unknown a window to escape. During this process, Vex and Unknown became separated from Vitriol, escaping the facility and winding up on their own. They traveled in a world absolutely foreign to them for months, eventually, through a strange turn of events, joining a thieves’ guild in an attempt to forge new identities. They had great success as a thieving duo up until the unfortunate disappearance of Unknown, after which Vex abandoned the guild to search for them. Instead of Unknown, however, Vex ended up reconnecting with Vitriol in Central City, after which the two worked together to find Unknown, eventually finding their sibling in the Resistance. Since finding each other, the three have not been separated, and now form Team Motley.
Vex is generally regarded as the smartest of the trio, having a sharp wit and capacity both to plan ahead and think on their feet. Her Manipulation ability makes negotiations and covert ops very easy for them, with its one flaw being that it doesn’t work on others with similar abilities, such as Empathy. All three experiments possess low natural levels of Chaos Energy, below what is healthy, and their bodies cannot contain it well, so their abilities rely on the Energy around them, both in the environment and other people. Mobians often report “a strange sort of tiredness” after being Manipulated by Vex, as her power functions by draining a bit of Chaos Energy from the target and matching its wavelength.
Due to her affinity for making others do as she says, Vex is the leader of Team Motley, and, despite being the ‘middle child,’ the other two often go to her for advice. She is the organizational backbone to the team, a natural leader with a kind heart hidden behind a few layers of selfishness. Vex values family and friends above all else, and has a keen sense of right and wrong, even if she doesn’t always do what she knows to be right.
Vex is aware of her Manipulation ability, and does her best to curb its effects when she isn’t intending to use it, but given that it’s activated by her voice, sometimes she can’t control it very well. In addition to that, Vex is more than a little greedy; coming from a background where she didn’t even own her own life, Vex fell in love with her life in the thieves’ guild, mainly for the riches they earned and the thrill of the escape.
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She’s a fan of loud, gaudy jewelry, luxurious metals, and other frivolous high-class things, though she doesn’t wear them in public. During their time in the thieves’ guild, Unknown and Vex lived in a network of caves, where many of the things they stole during their heyday are still hidden. While she misses those days, she doesn’t regret leaving them behind, and rather considers it an... option for future employment, once the Restoration is all said and done.
Despite her love of jewelry, Vex prefers not to wear clothes at all. They’ll wear their binder or a sports bra, and that’s about all; if necessary, they’ll wear baggy army-pattern pants or a baggy jacket. They don’t like the feeling of most fabrics on their fur, and don’t care a lot about fashion, but they tend towards more masculine clothing, often for its less-skin-tight properties. They also don’t mind skirts, but only wear them casually, as sometimes the extra fabric can get caught on things or be uncomfortable for them to sit on.
All three experiments tend towards more formal speech, but of the three, Vex has been trained out of that habit the most. She’s a real smooth-talker who adapts her speech patterns to mirror those of the person she’s talking to. When speaking casually, Vex is fairly neutral and doesn’t have any specific quirks to their speech pattern. When she’s comfortable around someone, she speaks in a rather husky voice, but not a very deep or gruff sound. It’s more of what would be described as “butch,” because their voice is closer to the stereotypically “feminine” sound than the stereotypically “masculine” sound.
Vex’s main phobia is having their mouth covered by something—anything from someone’s hands to fabric to a muzzle. This is because when her Manipulation was discovered by the scientists who created her, they immediately recognized it as a threat and she was kept muzzled for extended periods of time. The muzzle had supposedly been ‘humanely designed,’ but if at any point she frustrated her keepers, they were no strangers to shutting or covering the air-intake of it until she cooperated. Of the three, Vex has dealt with her trauma the least, and her sleeping pattern is just as broken as if not more broken than Toxic’s, and she tends to grind her teeth when she sleeps as well. She doesn’t speak of it much, but she and Vitriol have really bonded the most over their shared trauma. He is, essentially, the only person remaining who knows what they went through. 
Because they’re aroace, they have little concept of how flirting works other than when they’re using their Manipulation ability (which isn’t really calculated, more an instinctive knowledge that saying or doing certain things will achieve the effect they want). In other words, they’re extremely oblivious. The only thing they really care about is family, and they will do anything to protect them--when fighting they have no qualms about “fighting dirty” and will use anything to their advantage. Unusually, Vex has the ability to climb along walls quite easily using their claws, practically like a lizard. This combined with their night vision makes them quite formidable to fight in the dark. 
Vitriol the Ferret/Porcupine Cross
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Spotify playlist | Moodboard
Vitriol is a gay cis guy who most closely resembles a fusion of a porcupine and a ferret. He has lived roughly 18 years, the first 15 of which spent in the facility that created him. During the calamity leading to his escape, Vitriol separated from Unknown and Vex in order to give them a chance to get out, taking on the officials sent to stop them. He ended up leaving via a different route, resulting in him coming into this world in a completely different place from Vex and Unknown. Vitriol spent the next half-year wandering across Spagonia’s countryside, often stopping to spend a night or two on a farm in exchange for helping its owners, who never questioned why a mysteriously-strong stranger would be wandering the wilderness. Many took him to be some kind of nature spirit, and treated him kindly; he realized through this little pilgrimage that he quite liked helping people out, though he never stayed more than a week in one place. Searching for his siblings was his main priority.
Eventually Vitriol came across a little town, the port of which was a dock for ferries to and from Central City (primarily used by high-end citygoers for transportation to their summer homes). He was told that Central City was a place many people lived and an even larger number of people visited; Vitriol resolved that, if Vex and Unknown were to wind up anywhere, it was likely a place like that--a place people are expected to wind up at. Not understanding the concept of having to pay for things, Vitriol snuck aboard, and managed to go undetected for the entirety of the trip by packing himself nicely into a tiny corner belowdecks. The night before the trip was to end, he snuck off the boat and swam to shore in Central City. Immediately enraptured by the city’s many brilliant lights, Vitriol decided to stay there and do his best to keep an eye out for his siblings.
He spent his first two weeks sleeping on the streets and wandering through the city, until one evening, allured by the glowing neon signs on the inside, he found himself inside a rather lively nightclub/bar. One thing led to another and Vitriol ended up breaking up a fight, catching the attention of the bar’s owner (who was, at the time, half of the staff, as well). Vitriol was offered the job of security officer, no questions asked, and, having begun to come to terms with the fact that money wasn’t just something that one town invented, Vitriol accepted. For the beginning of his ‘career’ he still lived on the streets, but eventually he saved up enough for a tiny postage-stamp of an apartment. It’s only enough space for him to just exist, but that was plenty of space for him. Over time he earned enough money to live comfortably—comfortably enough to get gauges and a septum piercing, both of which helped him in his line of work immensely (as most of his ‘security’ work was simply to look scary enough to keep people from misbehaving). 
Vitriol worked there for roughly the same amount of time that Vex and Unknown “worked” as thieves, and it was during this time that he met and started dating Rhys, moving in with him after roughly three months together. He only reunited with Vex upon happening to run into her when wandering the town one weekend night. The next day he quit his job and left to travel with her, searching for their last remaining sibling. Now that the three are reunited, Vitriol serves as the muscle of the team, doing all the heavy lifting and door-kicking necessary. While he vastly prefers sitting on the couch and watching TV with plentiful snacks nearby (preferably cookies), he’s not the type to shirk responsibilities. He’s just looking forward to going back to relaxing in Central City with Rhys when the Restoration is over (and, though he won’t admit it, he does miss when his only job was looking mean).
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Vitriol doesn’t have a lot in his wardrobe. His usual staples are a crop top and leather pants, though he also wears skinny jeans and ripped t-shirts. Sometimes he wears pants without a shirt, and, overall, he doesn’t care a lot about fashion. He just picks up what he thinks is cool, which is usually a t-shirt or crop top with a few words on it (his favorites are “BORN FOR HELL” and “LIFE RUINER”). From there, he’ll often tear off the sleeves of the t-shirt, or cut holes and slits into the body of it. The only thing he always wears are the red fingerless gloves with lightweight chains dangling off the backs. 
He tends to mumble the most when he speaks, unless he’s angry or using his “Work Voice.” His “work voice” is the particular loud, gruff tone he takes that he picked up from his job; an intimidating deeper and more snarling version of his voice, often accompanied by a very stern or frightfully blank expression. This is made more intimidating by the fact that all 3 of the genetic experiment characters have a habit of needing to initiate conversation through eye contact, much in the same way that a small child might gently rest their hand on the arm of an adult whose attention they want, albeit much more unsettling. So often if one of the three wants to speak to someone, they’ll stare very intently at the person’s face until acknowledged (Vex has adapted the most of the three and therefore only does it to the other two and Rhys). When not using his “work voice,” Vitriol has a rough undertone to his voice, not necessarily a snarl so much as a growl. His voice is naturally deep, and lends itself well to singing his favorite music—rock music.
Vitriol often suffers night terrors and nightmares* linked to his trauma. When living alone, after waking from a nightmare, Vitriol would pace his apartment or wander around Central City to cool off, but after moving in with Rhys, he’s processing his trauma a bit more as opposed to just avoiding it. He hasn’t told Rhys much, just that he came from “a horrible place, where [he] was trapped,” and Rhys doesn’t pry; oftentimes it’s enough to just be reminded that he’s free for Vitriol to calm back down. 
Despite his prickly exterior (both literally and figuratively), Vitriol is much more cuddly than Rhys is. Perhaps it’s from being touch-starved in the facility for so long or perhaps it’s just part of his nature, but either way, Vitriol is no stranger to snuggling up against Rhys (most often) or his siblings (slightly less often as Vex is somewhat touch-averse). Rhys isn’t exactly annoyed by this, and often finds it endearing, but on occasion Vitriol has been known to act like a housecat--flopping down right in Rhys’s way to get his attention. He’s also a bit of a jokester, but only around Rhys and his family.
His deepest fear is of being helpless. He doesn’t tend to show much external emotion besides smiling at Rhys or his siblings, or glaring if he’s annoyed by something, but if he’s being dragged along the floor—especially if he’s being dragged by his underarms, as was his keepers’ favorite way of moving him from place to place—he will absolutely lose his mind in a panic. He also panics if cornered, lashing out with uncontrolled strength to get away, which usually doesn’t end well for his captors.
*Nightmares are your standard bad dreams that occur during REM sleep. Usually when waking from a nightmare, the person remembers what they were dreaming about. Often someone suffering from a nightmare will toss and turn, and maybe sleep-talk. Night terrors, however, are somewhere between dreaming and being awake; someone suffering a night terror might yell, thrash, kick or scream, or sit upright in bed with eyes wide open. They cannot, however, see or be woken from the night terror, and will flop back down anywhere from ten minutes to a half-hour after initial panic. They can often be confusing to the person suffering them, and only a vague recollection of what was going on remains when the person wakes up.
Unknown the Raccoon/Hedgehog Cross
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Spotify playlist | Moodboard
Unknown is an agender bisexual polyamorous genetic experiment most resembling a fusion of a hedgehog and a raccoon. They have lived roughly 16 years, only four of which have been spent outside. When Vex and Unknown ended up on their own, Unknown took on a role of the silent intimidator between the two. Vex’s Manipulation came in handy most times, but when necessary, Unknown could provide some intimidation.
Unknown was a vastly different person then from who they are now. They were far more focused, and taught themself parkour, as well as having put themself through rigorous training to maintain a good physical health. They rarely spoke, and refused to give themself a new name, unlike Vex and Vitriol. They weren’t interested in the riches, though they did suffer from a bit of a hoarding impulse, enjoying the feeling of owning something. They didn’t care for jewels or finer things, unlike Vex; they were more participating for the adrenaline rush. At that point in time, they fully understood the brevity of their power, and it was imperative for them to keep a calm demeanor at all times; they were far less animated than they are now.
Then, about a year and a half after they’d escaped, Unknown abruptly went missing. A heist went sideways, the two became separated, and suddenly Vex couldn’t find them. A few months after that, Robotnik began taking over the world, and shortly after that, Unknown awoke in a dumpster somewhere in Park Avenue, with no memory of any life prior to that. They gathered all the information about themself from this police flyer:
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From there, Unknown wandered the city amidst the chaos, confused and curious. Through that, they met Sonic when they helped him fight off a few robots. Impressed with their skills, he asked them to join the Resistance, which they cluelessly agreed to, definitely not because a cute boy was offering it to them. Unknown ended up being quite helpful to the Resistance, despite presumably having no Chaos Powers. They got along well with virtually everyone save for Omega and Vector, as they have a slight fear of people taller than them.
After being reunited with Vex and Vitriol, Unknown has stayed relatively close to them; the three are inseparable, traveling in a group for the Restoration. Shortly after the final battle, as the Resistance members were celebrating for the night, Unknown stumbled across Infinite while walking home. Unsure whether to turn him in or not, they decided to take him home and let him heal from his wounds first, then figure out who to turn him in to. In the end, after two weeks of Infinite recuperating (during which he revealed his name to be Zero), Unknown decided instead to keep Infinite in their home, unsure what would happen to him otherwise. For a short while, they didn’t tell anyone else, but once they told Vex and Vitriol, they were urged to tell the Resistance as well. It wasn’t taken well at first, but eventually the issue was settled—Unknown would take care of and reform Infinite, because having him close by and watched over is better than having him roam around unsupervised. Despite that, Unknown doesn’t treat Infinite like a child or prisoner but rather a friend. Currently, Infinite resides in the home Unknown was occupying during the Resistance, which was rather close to the site of the final battle.
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Unknown’s usual ‘work clothes’ are a leather bodysuit of sorts with buckles similar to an airplane seatbelt’s buckles (and a hole for their tail) and combat boots as well as padded gloves that help absorb shocks), but in the past, they would wear a large cloak. It’s not clear where this went during their disappearance. In their free time, they prefer to wear clothes with deep v-necks to let their neck/chest fluff breathe, and they often wear ripped clothing like Vitriol. Unknown’s thick fur makes them more prone to overheating, but despite that, they enjoy running as a hobby and a way to stay fit. They often wear fitness clothes (a tank top and gym shorts) when they’re in an urban area, though if in the wilderness, they’ll just wear running shoes.
Typically, their voice has a bright and happy tone to it, all the time, and they’re very good at faking it when they’re actually not okay. Vex and Vitriol can usually pick up on when they’re lying, but most others can’t, something Unknown is actually very happy about. When it comes to negative feelings, Unknown is very secretive, but with positive feelings, they love to share—and overshare. (The only exception to their secrecy is anger; an angry Unknown is frightfully quiet and cold, and painfully obvious.) Oftentimes they don’t realize they’re oversharing, but Vex (or Sonic, if present) is more than willing to quickly interrupt and divert the conversation. Unknown tends to use overly-familiar language with just about everyone, especially words like “buddy” or “pal.” It’s unclear if they’ve picked this up from Sonic. 
They often suffer from night terrors, similar to Vitriol, but they claim it has no effect on them, as they don’t remember the trauma giving them nightmares. In the beginning, this was the truth; however, they refuse to open up to anyone, even their siblings, about what’s going on in their head. They’re well aware that they’re the most positive of the trio, and part of them doesn’t want to ruin that idea. Another thing they never tell anyone is that they often suffer from sleep paralysis*, wherein they often see strange things from their past, but existing still in the present. They don’t really know how to verbalize the experience to anyone else.
Unknown doesn’t have many fears, but they are downright petrified of needles and electricity—not in the sense where they’re scared of electronics, but they’re more frightened of visible electricity, like a fizzing outlet, lightning, or the Electric Wispons.
That being said, they do have a few insecurities, namely their sharp teeth. They’ve accidentally frightened people with them in the past, so when they first meet people nowadays, they try to smile with their mouth closed only. The anxiety dissipates eventually, as they’re more concerned about first impressions. 
*Sleep paralysis is an event where a person is mentally ‘there’ but unable to move or speak at all. It occurs when they are falling asleep or just waking up, and episodes usually last less than a few minutes, but can occur multiple times, not just once. It’s thought to be linked to a dysfunction in REM sleep, and is caused by sleep deprivation, psychological stress, or a poor sleep schedule.
Extra stuff:
Files from the experimentation: Basic knowledge on Vex, Vitriol and Unknown, as they would’ve been presented to their guards.
Scrap Brain Zone (writing from Toxic’s perspective)
Unknown meets Infinite (Comic) Part 1 | Part 2
Experiment origins (Flipnote) [old] (Flashing light warning)
Unknown waking up (writing from Unknown’s perspective) [old] 
OC Voiceclaims (video)
Chaos Vision (superemeralds’ idea) doodles | Click bold text to see his post on his blog.
Chips Ahoy (goofy non-canon animatic that im just really happy with)
Test animation for Toxic (Flicker warning)
Pride (doodles of 4/5 OCs for pride [toxic didn’t exist yet])
Moebius AU (Drawings with short description) | Moebius!Unknown video (Flash warning)
First Punch (Animated comic feat. @creative-sanic ‘s Aurora) | Still version
Rough concept writing - Toxic’s powers [will be removed when I decide on their abilities and how they get them in canon] (Writing)
Character Turn-Arounds (Comic/Animation ref) (Includes colour hex keys!)
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moralstrong · 5 years
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alright, this is probably going to be quite long winded and i am going to try and explain it in the most detailed way that i possibly can. this headcanon will be one of many to me that is deeply personal, as it is something i deal with on a daily basis. it is something that i hold very near and dear and it is something i truly believe needs to be acknowledged.
yes, newt is on the spectrum, no it will never be called out by name nor mentioned as a “syndrome”. this is for two reasons. one, because i find it incredibly empowering that we get to see a character like this on screen, with these eccentricities and it doesn’t need a name. he isn’t the “autism hero”, he’s simply a hero with signs of autism. this --- means so much to me and it’s something i want to not only respect, but write with valor.
two, because it didn’t exist in muggle timelines fully until about 1981. beyond that, it may never be mentioned in wizard timelines or in wizard medicine, and if it were, i daresay it would probably be called something different.
now, as for what he displays and the way aspergers works for newt, as well as myself, i will explain in full detail but please be mindful this is NOT a blanket list, nor is it in any way meant to describe aspergers or autism in every person who has the syndrome. it is simply meant for me to help outline how newt is and some of his actions and why i identify with it so well, as i understand the effect of these actions, how they feel, and how it is portrayed, because i have them too. 
first things first:
physical contact. newt is not afraid of it, nor does he absolutely abhor it or not want it. newt simply wants to be prepared for it, initiate it, or at least know it’s coming. he has on multiple occasions offered the contact first and has enjoyed it. we see him brush tina’s hair, hold out his hands for others, take the hands of others, etc. simply because he wants to be able to initiate the possibility for consent or want to be asked for consent before physical contact doesn’t mean he’s incapable of it or that he doesn’t like it. however, on times where contact is initiated and he wasn’t given a fair warning, there is a physical emotion that comes with this, though depending on who you are --- it may only last a moment. he gets a pang in his chest and slightly irritable, it’s just a knee-jerk emotion that is brain puts his body through when someone physically touches him and he did not ask for it or know it is coming. it’s normal and just a part of the way his brain works.
detail orientated. newt has traveled around the world. he has seen different people, different cultures, different lives. he has taken in more crowds than most people do, and he has studied or observed the habits of humanity in more ways than one. newt is INCREDIBLY detail orientated. he is very aware of his surroundings and the people he shares a space with. yes, sometimes overly crowded areas does jumpstart his anxiety into overdrive, but it only makes him that much more aware and hyper focused on the people around him. he observes, he’s an observer, and he does this to understand and learn more about human nature. newt is a researcher, and he understands the importance of researching behaviors before putting an emotion to certain things, even humans --- because like animals, humans have habits and behaviors that are far more telling than anything any one person will ever say to you. now, socially, newt is very awkward. he is introverted and high energy areas are overwhelming, but he has been in plenty of them and if they help him obtain a goal, then he will willingly put himself in them. he does not just go out and socialize for the fun of it or for being in the company of people. that will never be newt. he, instead, wants to understand. understand people and the way they work. however, he isn’t blind to who they are either and has at many times said he prefers the company of animals, and it’s because animals? are who they are. they never pretend to be anything different and they come with far more challenges that interest newt on a whole. he has no interest in appeasing humans in their need to socialize.
obsessive tendencies. newt is very passionate, and he can be very compassionate if it’s people he cares about, it’s one of the few syndrome traits he does not express --- he has plenty of empathy, but it has to be earned and it has to be if you fall in line with something he cares about, or someone. newt cares deeply about humanity and humanity’s treatment of animals. he understands and sees that they are dangerous to the thing he cares about most, and he is obsessed and driven and determined to teach his fellow humans that they can see things the way he does when it comes to his creatures, to the things he loved first in this world and they loved him back. as an avid animal lover and protector, i understand that painful feel, that pull, to do what’s right --- for them, to protect them. to want to make others fight for your cause. newt is like this. he gets very obsessed and very driven in his areas of focus and interest. it’s also where is slightly controlling nature comes from. now what i mean by this, is newt is very uncomfortable in situations where he is not in charge or does not have a say. he also is very uncomfortable with others being in charge over HIM. this is due to his ideals, his focuses, and his obsessions. he is so passionate in things, like his creatures for example, that anyone coming in and disrupting that throws him off and it makes him supremely uncomfortable and he doesn’t like it. that and newt can talk, and theorize and obsess over something he’s interested in for ages. this is possibly where people have found him annoying before. once he gets severely involved in something he loves, he is stubborn and mostly will not budge from it. this includes doing as much research as he possibly can as well. he can become so engrossed in his interests that he also can be incredibly irritated and anxiety ridden when he’s broken away from that focus. he will get fidgety and very clear that he has one want and one want only and deviating him from that causes him to become overwhelmed and unable to relax until he can go back to what he was doing or where his interests lie.
mannerisms. this is another big one for me as when most people read or do research on autism or aspergers, they get this sense of, oh well these individuals just fidget or have repetitive movements, and while yes, this can be the case, this is not with newt. now, if he’s overwhelmed it can be. he also makes less eye contact when overwhelmed, but he can and does make eye contact, especially when it is important because he knows what it means to others, even though on a whole, it feels invasive and unnecessary to him. as for his stance and posture, newt is very tall, and has long limbs, though he walks in a rhythm or with a gait that would express a pattern. he’s hyper aware to way his feet sound on the pavement or the small weaving style one boot moves to reach the other. he also is hyper aware to how others walk and sometimes he will do his best to actually match their pace, to keep the rhythm the same, or to keep the pattern complimentary. other times, he fully takes advantage of his own and attempts ahead of others to try and get them to follow him in his own pattern, especially if a matter is urgent at hand. he has a distinct walk and more often than not, he has at least one hand up, this is all in the name of comfortability. the only exception to this is if his hands are in his coat or he is holding his wand. he likes his coat, because he likes the weight. it is oversized so that he may feel smaller, safer inside of it. the only time we really see newt take off his coat and he feels safe not being covered up or without that weight is in his briefcase, with his creatures, with his family, which makes the utmost sense.
spoken language. this is the only other part of the “repetition” or “pattern” that newt has. he tends to repeat words, he stammers over some of them, and gets frustrated intensely when things don’t come out right or how they’re planned in his head. he repeats words like “uhm” , “er”, “uh” , “hmm”, or “mmm” and stammers on words as if he’s trying to think much faster than he’s speaking, which really, he can speak sometimes very rapidly --- especially when it is about something he feels strongly. newt considers himself rather bad with words, but better in writing, words can sometimes be intense, leave you vulnerable, and all too incapacitated. he understands that they’re a way to communicate and he does try his best, but he is partial to other ways people communicate, such as writing --- which he takes a lot of pride, care, and interest in. but also in the other ways different people communicate in different parts of the world, in different cultures and/or tribes. this is also actually why he talks to animals in the way he would people. he knows, much like himself, animals study others and on some level, they understand him...and they don’t require small talk nonsense.
impulsivity. newt is not much of a “detailed plan” kind of person. now many people might be reading this and saying, huh, well this is a non-trait isn’t it? no -- actually, not as i understand it. newt is impulsive, he likes action, and he doesn’t like going over something again and again. he likes results. this is actually pretty common for aspergers individuals. newt doesn’t like small talk nor does he like talk just to fill space or silence. this is slightly why newt has a problem with over-planning, that and he likes the ability to be able to take action, and adapt in the situation. being detail orientated and an observer helps him to plan as he is going, and it’s a strength he does take pride in and he uses, more than he does with methodical talking and planning.
two things i feel i need to mention, newt does know how to read a room, understand social cues and read people. it’s how he knew graves wasn’t graves and how people may not be always telling him the whole truth. this is a learned trait and a part of what he’s gained by observing others. by seeing different people and the way they interact and their natures. he is a magizoologist after all, if it’s one thing he knows how to study, it’s behaviors and nature. also, newt doesn’t actually have the routine and “schedule” sides of this syndrome, and i can say with one hundred percent certainty that he doesn’t need it to have aspergers or autism. this is something i also don’t suffer from, in fact, i can’t stand the idea of constant routine day in and day out, it’s suffocating. as if a physical weight is on my chest, and i feel as if this may be the case for newt. the idea of boring routine in his day to day life places such a heavy and stifling weight on him. he is curious by nature, has done things as a child that perk his curiosities, some good, some regretful --- and being unable to continue to go where his focus and his curious nature takes him would most certainly be a death sentence to him.
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Kar Cat
You are Jasmine Lalonde, most commonly becoming known in this universe as Jazz. Of course that was what you were mainly known as in the universe of your origin, but that's besides the point. Jade had left some time ago and you were soooooo bored. And hungry. ................and lonely but you can't let anyone know that in seriousness............... You suppose you could use the buzzer thing to summon the doctor but this didn't seem like an emergency to you so you just lay there staring at the ceiling. Now and then you mew or sigh a little. Being trapped with nothing but your thoughts sucks.
Your name is Karkat Vantas and man, it turns out that war isn't actually all that exciting when it's in the first few subterfudge stages. Especially when you don't really have much to do outside of going to work and helping in small things. One of those small things is going to see if Gwen is busy or needs help in the infirmary today. You're always fond of spending time with her, so. You wander around a bit before opening a door, seeing Jazz inside, and blinking. "Oh, shit!"
You're head pops up and you look at the troll at the door. "No shit here. Unless you mean I look like shit which today I won't ague with too much given I was shot," you grin. "Hi there~"
"Holy shit, shot? What happened?" You squint at her a little bit, and yeah okay the bright pink hair, the tails, the ears. Who the hell else could it be. "Are you Jazz?"
"My reputation proceeds me~" you purr in delight that you don't have to introduce yourself to him. Yes good. Kitty is pleased. "Well as I've had to tell others who come in here, Mr Diamonds shot me thinking I was someone else and brought me here after. I am currently in the process of possibly being hired. But trust is a rare commodity so thus I am..." you yank a little on the cuff on your one arm that holds you to the bed. "Detained."
"Oh, shit. That's, uh, pretty fucking wild." You consider it for a second. "Though not surprising. It's a bad time to be cat shaped and unknown in this city. But you seem like you're holding up pretty well, all things considering."
"So I hear, but cats land on their feet," you wink. "And who do I happen to be speaking to?" you ask him curiously.
"Oh. Karkat. We spoke on the blogs, but I'm not like, shocked you don't recognize me or anything." You walk over and offer out a hand. She seems nice enough so far, and if she's as new as she's said she is, she's probably harmless.
You look at the hand then shake it, guessing this is a thing in this universe... Though maybe it was a thing in your universe as well but you were never one to pay attention to social graces. "Nice meeting you in person~ You're a cutie~" are you flirting? Yes. You gotta flirt like you gotta breath.
"Uh huh. That's what all the shot catgirls say." You say this as flatly as you can, but there's the faintest blush of red across your cheeks. Even you aren't immune to cute girls
You are very good at being cute! You're twin tails wave in the air as you scooch into a relatively comfortable position. "Hmm~ Get shot catgirls that often then?" you question with a wink. Come closer... Look at how cute and pettable you are. Come on now, cute Karkat~
"More than I'd hope, less than you'd think." You don't move closer just yet. Call it paranoia. "If you are let out, what're you thinking you'll be doing?"
"I'm small but I'm very good at persuasion of various types, if you know what I mean~" you purr as you stretch out an arm and wave it in a paw-like beckoning gesture. "Can I ask you a huuuuuuuuge favor?"
".......Sssssure fuck it why not. I didn't come down here because I was super excited for something, after all."
In a piteous voice you whine, "Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" You make an adorable pouty lip at him as you look at him with your pupils dilated for the ultimate cute kitten look.
You stare at her. You stare at her some more. You conider it for a moment. "So those ears of yours are real"
"Extremely real. And my hair is super soft~" you grin as you flick your ears to show him.
"...That is super, super fucking cool and also extremely confusing. I'll pet you but don't make it a whole fucking thing." You walk over and give her some good scritches. You're good at petting cats, because of course you lavish uncle Droog's with attention every day.
You purr so loudly and mew with happiness. No one has pet you since... it's been a while. You hardly register what he's saying once he's petting you. So you just hum, "Huh?..."
Okay, that's probably fine then. It seems like she really is just a big cat. Which begs, uh, a WHOLE lotta questions that can probably wait until she's officially crew or not. You ruffle her ears lightly.
You continue to purr and your free arm curls around him and tugs him close so you can rub your cheek on his chest. Oh outer gods he's so wonderfully warm!!! You could sleep on him! "Oh I like you, nya~" you mumble.
"Jesse you're cuddly. No wonder uncle Droog gave you a chance." You pause a bit to make sure you don't overpet her. That happens sometimes with cats, okay? And this one might have big claws.
The pause earns him a lil kitty pout. "Why'd you stop?"
"Oh, uh. Hey. Listen. If I don't take it careful with most cats, they tend to flip their shit and claw me up before looking at me like I've managed to become a war criminal. And it's not like I should be less careful with a human sized one"
You giggle in amusement. "While I am very cat, I am also very human and I do have an understanding of when to use my claws and when not to, Karkat~ And clawing a potential coworker would be a rather stupid thing to do," you say with a smile.
"Yeah, well. Lotsa folks got lotsa weird instincts. Assuming is a good way to get my ass kicked." You shrug and continue to pet her. She's surprisingly sweet??(edited)
Your purrs resume and you are a little less lost in the pets now thank fully. You nod slightly, "Instinct is a fair concern, but I assure you that I have control over my baser instincts and will only cause harm when intended." Deciding you like this one, you also decide that you want him to want you around. "Tell me about yourself?" you ask. You generally only bother with pleasantries with those who are are enjoying and he fits that.
"Uhhh." You consider. "I'm the son of one of the dudes who'll be your boss if you're integrated in. I like to tell people that as soon as possible so there's less of a chance of shit being weird if they find out later on."
"Oh cool. So given what I know..... I'm going to guess that you are the son of.... Spades Slick? That's the name, yes? I'm pretty good with names I bother remembering," you say playfully.
"Hey, good guess! Or, probably less guess and more "huh he looks too scrummy to be Droog's kid and he's not bee themed enough to be Deuces, and Boxcars is not nearly as angry" but you know what? I'm still gonna give you props."
"I'll be honest... Diamonds Droog and Spades Slick are the only boss names I know at the moment," you giggle. "You didn't react in a way that indicated Mr. Diamonds is your father when I mentioned him, so I guessed the only other name I knew."
"Oh, shit, man. You're gonna fit in great? We love clever shit like that here."
You beam at the praise. Yes you are a clever kitty. Let the praises rain down upon you. "I'm glad. I intend to be extremely useful~" You have to admit... You're excited to rip into some people and not think about your problems. "I have a question if you have any knowledge on the topic," you say before meowing once.
"Sure, I probably have at least some knowledge. You learn a lot of shit just meandering, around here."
"Is having side employment permissible? I am personally interested in breaking into the porn industry," you purr deeply.
"Oh. Uhhh." You try very hard not to blush and fail. "It's fine, yeah. I work at one of the casinos. With the...issues going on, though, I dunno how safe it would or wouldn't be. Plus, that's not my area of know how."
"Well I'd be recording stuff and uploading it online. It's not like I'd be meeting clients in person," you chirp. What a cute blush~ It makes you nuzzle your cheek on him again. "I suppose I'll have to get approval from those in charge when the time comes~"
"It won't be too hard, to be fair. They don't really mind. We're just all a bit, uh, on edge." You wonder how much you should be saying. Though, it is pretty damn obvious what's been going on even to people who have no connection to the gangs.
"I am aware the tensions in this city are rising to warring levels. One of the first things I did upon getting here was try to get a basic understanding of the situation at hand," you let him know. "I know someone important died though that is about it."
"...Yeah." You clear your throat and make yourself a little more comfortable. "You'll learn more about it if you're let in. Or if you listen enough, anyhow. It's not exactly a great big secret."
Your empathy is not great so you don't exactly pick up fully on the cues of his reaction, but you at least know that it wasn't exactly positive. "I'm sorry for your loss," you tell him. That's what normal people say, yes?
Don't worry Jazz, empathy is not exactly common in a whole lot of the city. He does look appreciative of it, though, and rubs his chin. "Thanks. Hey, do you need anything down here? I know Miss Paint is a really good lady, but I figure you might want something to entertain yourself."
"Oh please!!! I'm gonna die of boredom!" you say dramatically before adding, "Also she's been out a while and I'm getting hungry. Got any fish?"
"No fish on me, but I could probably grab some. And, I have like, a shitton of books"
Books.... You used to love books so much. Before.... before... "I would greatly appreciate it and some books," you smile. ...... you try not to think of before.... she's gone.
"Awesome. I have...mostly romance I'll admit but uhhh I can get you other stuff. I don't think it'd be hard."
"I'll take whatever you offer," you tell him with a purr. You're not eager to let go of his warmth, but you do because sadly you cannot keep him forever.
"okay." You think about what else you can do. Probably nothing too much. Gwen will eventually return, and Droog hasn't made a proper decision yet. It wouldn't be right for you to fuck things up no matter how much you like Jazz. But... "Are you totally cliche and like milk?"
You laugh a little and give him a chagrinned smile, "Most cats are actually lactose intolerant and sadly I am one of them. I am cursed to a life without ice cream."
"Oh fuck! Well- Uhh there's tons of non dairy shit in the city at least? Hahaha uhhhh I can bring you something else to make up for this fuck pax." GREAT JOB KARKAT, YOU BIG GODDAMN MORON.
You pat his shoulder, "It's alright. It's not a commonly known fact and there's no reason for you to have assumed I am lactose intolerant just because cats are. I like meats the most but if not, most sweets will do."
"Cool, awesome. Uhhh, did they take your phone?"That seems like something they'd do for maybe-prisoners.
"Yup! Shall be returned when I am tested and not wherever here is. It's only smart business so I understand," you tell him with a smile.
"Ahh, alright. Well, I figure you can still contact Paint..." You mumble this last part to yourself. You worry, alright? "Cool, I'll be back in a little bit with the goods."
You show him the pager. "In case of emergency I was told, but yes I am not completely without means of contact if required. And I'll be waiting Karkat~"
You give her the thumbs up and head back out, mentally berating yourself the whole damn way. You come back in about a half an hour, with the smell of fish, water, and good books attending you.
You cheer his return like he is a triumphant hero! "Fiiiiiish!!!!!"
"We had some tuna in the fridge, so I just kinda. Cooked it. Uh. I'm not the best cook by any means but it should at least be edible." You put it on the nightstand next to the bed. "And the books- Uh. A couple of history novels, a romance. A recent edition of the newspaper."
"That is wonderful. Thank you Karkat," you tell him with a purr. "Can You stay or do you have to go?"
"I gotta leave, for work. But at least you got some stuff, right?" You know this sucks. You can't imagine something like this not sucking??
Oh you've been cooped up in a much more sucky situation. Maybe he'll unlock your backstory someday~ "This is perfect. Thank you Karkat~" you assure him since you think he'd like that. "I'll be doing fabulous."
"No problem." There's the blush again. "I hope I'll get to see you later."
You blow him a kiss and wink, "TTFN, Ta ta for now~ Meow!"
You think she's hilarious but also makes you very nervous so you can only manage a small laugh before skedaddling. A+ work, Vantas.
A cutie. Absolute cuties. In your mind he is on the list of things you consider vaguely yours because you are a cat and you own anyone you like.
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mathicu-blog · 6 years
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hello fam ?? i’m ac and i very much suck at intros, now you’re warned !! uh, my preferred pronouns are she/her, i’m twenty years old and reside in the gmt+1 timezone !! i’m like pretty damn excited to be here, been stalking this rp since it hit the tags, no lie !! anyway, i’m gonna tell you a bit about my son, mathieu. also if you wanna plot please hit me up or like this post !! i’ll try to have a connection page up very soon, ‘cause i have an extended weekend so hopefully i can be productive !!
( francisco lachowski. cismale. he/him. ) // did you see who walked past just then ? couldn’t really tell from the distance but i think it’s ( mathieu blake ) actually ! the ( twenty-three ) year old is a little ( airy ) if you ask me but they’re also ( charming ). i heard that when they opened the capsule, they took out the ( mp3 player ) that they’d left seventeen years ago. i wonder what that even means to them especially now that they’re a ( nightclub owner ) ?
alright so i’m gonna try to keep it short and instead just link u to his full biography, so if you’re interested, it’s right here !!
(trigger warning; slight mention of abuse and cancer) 
basically, mathieu is from brazil, was given up for adoption right when he was born ‘cause his father was abusive and his mother wasn’t gonna bring him up in a family like that so yeah, he was born mathieu navarro and still uses it in his full name. stayed at an adoption home until he was five and then he was adopted by michael and christina blake who are some rich bitches from lorfield, except they’re not actually bitches they’re really nice lol.
anyway mathieu got an mp3 player from his grandfather when he first arrived which had some of the most iconic songs on it plus a lullaby they’d used to sing at the adoption center back in brazil. his grandfather died of cancer not too long after mathieu was adopted and all but he had a really big impact on him. even at five years old mathieu became really interested in music and all, also because his grandfather and now father owns a record label it was kind of in the cards. anyway as soon as he could he picked up the guitar and he was basically a natural.
but oh well, he was always a very outgoing and sociable kid, he’d always find something to do or someone to talk to and everyone was always just drawn to him due to the vibes and energy he radiated with. but yeah he’s always been very energetic, thought to have adhd but he doesn’t, he’s perfectly normal??? anyway he was kind of a little shit growing up, like he was nice and all but he was also just super annoying and always getting on someones nerves, he’d always throw pranks and do everything he wasn’t supposed to do, and he kind of got out of hand to the point where his parents send him to a private school in los angeles where he’d live with his aunt and uncle.
la had a really shitty influence on him, to be honest he really didn’t like the city or the people at all and suffered from home sickness a lot which caused him to act out and be even more of a bigger shit than usual. he had a lot of friends or people that wanted to be his friend ‘cause he was rich and wild i guess, he knew they weren’t really there for him when all came down to him and it was proven to be right a few times as well. so yeah, he kinda grew into an asshole and forgot everything about the things that mattered until his senior year of high school when he like realized he’d have to come home soon and he’d just been nothing but a major disappointment to his parents, so he kinda picked up his grades and all but....still an asshole.
oh yeah also during the la years he obtained information on his biological mother and got her address and everything, wrote her like a bazillion letters but haven’t send a single one to this date cause he’s afraid of ruining something..there’s a lot of worries tbh.
anyway, high school finished and he didn’t really wanna go home ‘cause he’d have to face his parents whom he hadn’t seen much during these years, they’d talked and all and met for holidays but he tried to avoid them ooops. parents and authorities weren’t cool in his social circle and he had an image to uphold after all, so instead he applied for berklee college of music in boston and was admitted, so swoosh to the other side of the country to start college, it was practically his dream education however it only lasted a month cause he just couldn’t handle it. it was too much theory and less action and too stiff for his liking.
still not ready to go home he moved to new york for like 3 years he lived there in a fancy ass penthouse and worked as an event coordinator for the marquee nightclub ‘cause boy knew how to make connections and pull people in for an epic night. so yeah, during these years he kinda grew more into himself, and became more sure of his future and so, when he turned 21 he moved back to lorfield to open his own nightclub thing, called the ivy, it’s like his little baby and probably the most serious thing he’s ever done or been part of so that’s pretty big. he’s still set to take over the family record label after his father and he’s quite alright with that.
personality wise, mathieu is a bit complicated, he’s a narcissist through and through. It’s his way or no way. He’s not very good at seeing things from different perspectives because in his mind he’s always right, even if he knows he’s straight up wrong he will play it off as if he’s the one right, and probably make you doubt that you’re right in the process. He’s not very good with empathy and putting other people first, if you ever come to him for comfort you will probably regret it, he’s the absolute worst at emotional comfort and he’ll just make you feel even worse than you already did. He’s very unreliable in various ways, if he seizes the opportunity to gain something for himself but stab someone in the back at the same time, he’d do it without hesitation, you can never be sure with him, don’t ever count on him to show up for anything scheduled, he probably found something more interesting to tend to last minute and didn’t bother letting you know, if you’ve done something to ever get the smallest rise out of him, he’s probably scheming your end as we speak.
He’s the type of person who bullshits his way through everything, he’s never really put much effort into anything besides his senior year of high school, everything else has come easily to him. He can talk his way out of everything, not because everything he says is actually related to the topic at hand but because he just keeps on talking, and while he did that he probably threw in a few snarky insults covered up in sarcasm and a dazzling smile. He’s a relatively smart guy, at least street smart, knows how to make his way through life and you don’t need math to do that.
He rarely does anything for the benefit of others, if he does help you it’s purely because he sees it benefiting himself as well. So basically he’s a snake. He’s not exactly malicious or cruel however, it’s more of a teasing except he means everything he says 100%. He plays everything off as a joke cause he’s incapable of taking anyone or anything serious. Will laugh at your insults or attempts to insult him, ‘cause he’s got himself on a pedestal so high he probably didn’t even hear you.
He thrives on pissing people off, whether they’ll be pissed at him or someone else for something he said is not important he just wants to shake it up a little. He lives for anything that gives the slightest bit of adrenaline and if you bore him for too long it’s a guarantee he’ll just up and leave. He’s very easily bored, of people, hobbies and generally everything. When he was a kid his parents would get him new toys every other week and his interest in them only went as far as a week. That’s the same with girls and hobbies. He’s incapable of relationships because he simply gets bored of people so quickly..also he’s just not very good a monogamy, it’s not that he doesn’t wanna settle down, but he’s just living the bachelor life right now and besides, he’s got enough in himself.
He’s a slut for drama as long as he isn’t involved. He loves stirring the pot and raise hell, watching everyone run around like headless chickens and blame each other left and right, he’s like Littlefinger in Game of Thrones whispering shit to everyone and then just watching the drama unfold, the second he’s involved however, it’s not quite as fun and he will try his very best to…slither out of it and remove himself from the situation. He makes it his business to know everyone else’s business. If you need something you can be sure Mathieu either knows, or knows someone who knows, of course that info doesn’t come free of charge. Doesn’t share anything with anyone cause he knows from personal experience that no one really gives a fuck. He hates being confronted with things and will pretty much always just finger gun his way out of everything or laugh as if you’re the idiot. In general, he’s just an entitled rich kid who’s bored with the world and loves doing everything in his power to make it just a little more interesting.
so yeaaaah, i think that’s like it ???
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mbtizone · 7 years
Shane Harvey (Faking It): ENFJ
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Dominant Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Shane is keenly aware of the emotions of those in his orbit. He tends to meddle in the affairs of his friends and is good at understanding other people’s feelings. He often knows what his friends are feeling before they know. The reason Liam can’t bring himself to call Karma his girlfriend is because of the guilt he feels for sleeping with Amy, though Liam insists that it’s due to his fear of commitment. Shane can often be affirming, and will congratulate even those he dislikes if he feels they’ve excelled at something. He’s able to empathize with his enemies and is often driven to help his adversaries in their times of need. Shane frequently encourages people to talk about their feelings. He doesn’t hesitate to express his own feelings, so he admonishes people when they choose to bottle up their emotions instead of just letting it all out. He enjoys hearing about other people’s problems and wants to help them, though he can become a bit controlling at times, believing he knows what’s best for his friends and significant others. Liam needs to talk, not go to a MMA class! Shane is appalled that Duke chooses to be a spokesman for a corporation that donates money to anti-gay organizations and demands that he stop eating that “homophobic sandwich.” He often believes he knows what other people need and tries to convince them to handle things in the way that he sees fit. When Shane wants to take Lauren down, he recruits Leila and Lisbeth to give him dirt on her and manipulates them into spilling Lauren’s secrets by being kind to them, which gets the girls to open up about the pills Lauren takes.
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: It’s very rare for Shane to just be. He always has a goal he’s working toward or a vision that he’s trying to turn into a reality. When the school hires a new principal with conservative views, Shane’s immediate response is to spring into action, telling Liam that they need to put their heads together to come up with a way to stop him. Shane is very good at coming to accurate conclusions with little to no prior information. He correctly assumes that Lauren is in the art room hoping to run into Theo. Shane is extremely metaphorical, which he often incorporates into his sense of humor. He has a tendency to be incredibly manipulate and usually knows exactly how to play someone in order to achieve his desired outcome. He often masterminds situations to get exactly what he needs from people. Shane scares Karma by telling her that “lesbians move fast, and they are viciously territorial” and once he has her where he wants her, he casually suggests that Karma show up on Amy’s date with Reagan in order to avoid getting pushed out (which is an elaborate ruse to create a “group hang” so he can invite Duke, who cannot go on a one-on-one date with Shane due to his refusal to come out of the closet). Shane often believes he knows how events will unfold. The student body will turn on Lauren. She only won the election by playing the intersex card, but once they realize how drastic her “radical agenda” is, they’ll all turn on her. Shane is future-oriented and focused on how things could be. He doesn’t care about tradition. He prefers to think about how things can be changed for the better (though the motivation for his plans are typically selfish and his idea of “better” is often about how things can improve for himself). Shane often comes up with creative (sometimes symbolic) ways to bring about whatever change he is striving for. “If Principal Turner wants to strip us of our rights, then maybe we should strip to protect them. Naked protest!”
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: While Shane is definitely a planner who often takes the future into account, he has an impulsive streak and often takes action in the heat of the moment that gets him into trouble later. Sometimes, he has a tendency to loop, ignoring his auxiliary function. Shane feels something and acts without thinking of the potential ramifications. He anonymously outs Duke for selfish reasons (he’s tired of having to hide their relationship and he wants to get back at him by ruining his life), without pausing to think about how Duke will react if he discovers the truth. Shane can easily allow himself to live in the moment and is comfortable with doing things just because they’re fun (such as participating in Lauren’s revenge plot). Shane cares very much about physical beauty and enjoys sensory experiences, whether they be drinking, singing, parties, or sex, and enjoys his popularity and status at Hester High.
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Inferior Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Sometimes, Shane is able to quickly and easily spot flaws in logic, which he often points out, most often utilized in his sense of humor. When Liam convinces himself that Jackson Lee has taken an interest in him because he’s Liam’s birth father, Liam falls victim to confirmation bias after he spots Jackson in a photo with his mother. However, Shane points out that he’s been in “plenty of pictures with people he hasn’t impregnated.” Shane often spots loopholes that allow him to get his way. Karma refuses to crash Amy’s date because she had said it was too soon for double dates, so Shane says he’ll bring Duke, which makes it a group hang and not technically a double date. Amy never said anything about group hangs! Shane is quick to point out that none of Lauren’s plans for revenge against Theo are practical. “I mean, arsenic poisoning could take weeks.” He doesn’t understand why she doesn’t just out him as a narc if she wants to get back at him so badly. He’s able to break things down into simple terms that are easy for anybody to understand. Shane tends to lead with his emotions and can sometimes struggle to detach from them, which often leads him to make impulsive decisions based on the way he feels in the moment.
Note: I’ve seen Shane typed as both ESTP and ESFP. While he does have all of the functions for ESTP, I don’t believe he leads with Se. He always has a plan, he’s a natural at organizing the people around him to achieve a common goal, and his Ni is far too developed to be inferior. Shane fights for what he believes in and is nearly always on a mission to fight injustice or achieve change that aligns with his personalized vision of the way things should be. He also definitely favors Fe/Ti over Fi/Te. Shane always wants to talk about his feelings and gets others to open up about theirs, has a tendency to be emotionally manipulative, and is extremely aware of everybody else’s feelings all the time.
Enneagram: 3w2 7w6 8w7 So/Sx
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Karma: If you’ve come to kick me while I’m down, just please don’t. Shane: I came to say I admired your honesty earlier. I wouldn’t be surprised if you win. Seriously, I’m not playing mind games. Karma: So what, are we friends now? Shane: I wouldn’t go that far. But I do have empathy for you and your situation.
Shane: Quit taking it out on these innocent art supplies. Liam: Shane, really, I don’t want to talk about it. Shane: That’s just your straight guy resistance to talking about your feelings. Push through it. Theo: What are y’all on about? Shane: It’s Karma’s birthday, and Liam can’t be with her for reasons too complicated and fucked up to specify. Theo: Wanna go hit stuff? Always makes me feel better. I’m taking this mixed martial arts class downtown. Shane: Nice try, Theo, but what Liam needs is to talk it all out over some grilled cheeses at Millie’s Diner. Theo: What is this, The View? Liam: Shane, I’m sorry, but that class is just what the doctor ordered. Shane: You’re not the doctor. You’re the patient. You can’t prescribe your own medicine. Theo: Wow, you really think you know what’s best for everybody, don’t you? Shane: It’s a gift. Liam: We’ll talk it out later, I promise. But right now, I just want to punch someone in the face without getting arrested. You wanna come? Shane: I’ll pass. It all sounds a bit too aggressively heterosexual for me.
Shane: Have to say, not so sure if this whole “giving Amy space” plan is the right move. Karma: What do you mean? Shane: I mean that while you’re off giving her space. Reagan could be burrowing herself deeper into Amy’s love nest. Lesbians move fast, and they are viciously territorial. Karma: Amy would never date anyone like that. Are you messing with me? Shane: Fine, if you think being a former fake lesbian makes you an expert on the gay community, go ahead, take your chances. Or you could coincidentally show up on their date Saturday and show Reagan that when it comes to Amy, you are the free gift with purchase. Karma: I don’t know. Amy says it’s too soon for double dates. Shane: I’ll tell you what. My trainer and I will come along too. Then it’s a group hang. Amy didn’t say anything about group hangs, did she? Karma: Technically, no.
Duke’s Father: Oh! All right, let’s see that killer smile. Bring the chicken burger closer to you. There we go. Shane: Don’t! I can’t stand here and watch you do this. Cluck-n-Go is a horrible corporation that has fired gay employees and given millions of dollars to anti-gay causes. Duke’s Father: They also give money to M.M.A. fighters, so less talkin’, more eatin’. Shane: Look, if you don’t want to be a role model, I get it, but it’s on a whole other level to be the spokesman of a company that’s actively working against our rights. Duke’s Father: Son, we’re not selling politics. We’re selling chicken. Eat the damn sandwich. Shane: Don’t eat that homophobic sandwich. I hope you don’t choke on it. I know you have a tricky gag reflex.
Shane: We got to stop this guy. Let’s meet after school and come up with a plan. Liam: Uh, I can’t today. I’ve got to go to the dentist. Shane: This is important. I heard he turned the art studio into a storage room. Liam: And I’m really upset about it. But he books up weeks in advance.
Lauren: Just click here to accept the terms and conditions. Shane: If you don’t mind, I’d prefer to read them first. What? Have any of guys read this? This is longer than my grandma’s Christmas letter. They want us to play by their rules. But Hester High has always been about breaking the rules. We question tradition. We trust each other. We stand up for the little guy. Can I get an amen, Brenda?
Shane: Fellow students, if Principal Turner wants to strip us of our rights, then maybe we should strip to protect them. Naked protest! Naked protest! Naked protest! Naked protest! Naked protest!
Lauren: Hello, Amy. Shane. I think it would be best for everyone involved if you two leave and we never speak of this again. Amy: No, we need to talk about this. Shane: Yeah, we really need to, because this is all wrong. None of these revenge scenarios are practical. I mean, arsenic poisoning could take weeks. What are you doing? If you want to get back at Theo, why don’t you just go to his new school and out him as a narc? Lauren: Outing people – that’s your solution to everything, isn’t it? It’s too simple and totally obvious.
Shane: Grr! Young Jackson Lee was cute. Liam: And that’s Robin in the same picture. That’s proof! Shane, he’s my dad! Shane: I don’t know. I’ve been in plenty of pictures with people I haven’t impregnated.
Shane Harvey (Faking It): ENFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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