haha imagine needing someone to double check/write for you DMs that you want to send asking if a person wants to play a videogame with you because you've been told so many times how weird and socially awkward you are and when the someone didn't have time to double check your message immediately and you had to send a slightly modified version of the message you had originally prepared the someone who usually double checks later answered with "wtf i hope you didn't actually send that" to your draft (yes a draft of a DM about playing videogames) and when you sent them the modified version that you had actually sent they said "okay it's not That bad I'm sure they'll forget eventually" and you're left to wonder what exactly they're going to forget because you didn't see anything wrong with the message you sent in the first place (all of this happens while you obviously don't know what the person you sent the actual DM to thinks of all of this so you end up extremely stressed about asking them to play videogames because what if they hate me what if they don't want to talk to me what if I embarrass myself again)
Couldn't be me haha
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yogadaashram · 1 year
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Our Courses are very unique specially 200 & 300 hours. Our  courses are designed to provide students with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of yoga. Our courses are based on the traditional teachings of yoga, and we focus on the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the practice. We also emphasize the importance of self-care and self-awareness, as well as the importance of connecting with nature. Our courses are designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of yoga, and to become more mindful and aware of their own bodies.
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callisto8 · 10 months
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The Blackjack Dealer
Based on the lovely fic: Dealer’s Choice by @certified-handler
(Specifically based off a scene in chapter 29 that i couldn’t get out of my head).
Dealer’s Choice is nothing but phenomenal and I love it so much. Please do check it out for it is giving me massive brainrottt.
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
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tfw the two robots you married for protection yesterday wake you up at the crack of dawn and tell you to dress up and get to work
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rins-brainrot-artdump · 2 months
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Made a quick doodle of Sei (my beloved)
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machiavellli · 2 months
Buonanotte a tutti, bellissima edizione, grazie Ama e Fiorello per il caos <3
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perpassareiltempo · 3 months
C'è in me una nostalgia di qualcosa che non esiste nella vita e nemmeno nella morte, un desiderio che su questa terra niente appaga, fuorché, in certi momenti, la musica (...)
Emil Cioran
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la-novellista · 28 days
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[Parole impigliate nella carne]
Concedi la lussuria dell'attesa
al mio sguardo,
che' la mia mano possa scoprirti autentica lì,
dove mi offri la tua fame.
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Do you ever have the smallest, littlest thing go wrong with one of your most important friendships and it triggers a moment of feeling terrible and like everyone secretly hates you and wants you to never speak them again and the fact that they don't come back an hour past the time they said they would proves that they actually hate you and they've been lying this entire time about being your friend and they actually really just want you to shut up and when you thought they were jokingly telling you you sucked and to shut up it was actually genuine because it's been an issue before. And also they think you're clingy and a terrible person and they want you to go away and leave them alone but also what if it's not the case and you make them feel as if you're trying to guilt-trip them into thinking they did something wrong so they think you're actually a terrible person and never talk to you again. But what if they actually really want you to leave them alone. And what if you're not as important to them as they are for you and you misinterpreted it when they said you were their best friend and they actually didn't mean it and were joking but also you have like. Two friends total and the rest you can't tell if they're acquaintances or friends but it doesn't matter anyway because everyone hates you and nobody's your friend and you're fucking stupid and pathetic for thinking that THIS minimal amount of niceness meant they're your friend when they actually think you're just That One Person they have to talk to because you're always there and it's rude to ignore you but they really really hate you, actually, and the "friendliness" is just them being nice. But what if it's actually friendliness and now you belittled their efforts at being friendly and you could make them feel like you don't appreciate how nice they are to you so you're a terrible person either way. But you can't fucking tell if people are being nice or friendly or awkward or just want you to fucking go away or if they're joking or if they're not and now you're sure you've misinterpreted every single relationship you have with every single person you've ever met but you don't even know which way you've misinterpreted it, you're just stupid and pathetic and no one wants to be around you and even if they would you wouldn't believe it and push them away in the end.
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monologhidiunamarea · 2 months
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salinkarta · 4 months
koncept: rozprávka odohrávajúca sa počas vojny a dvaja naverbovaní mladíci sa do seba zamilujú zatiaľ čo spolu slúžia
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yourpalghost · 1 year
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Listen. Listen to me. @certified-handler ‘s fic, The Night Shift MAKES ME FEEL THINGS!!! And this scene fucked me up.
They’re a family your honor.
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mchiti · 3 months
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Mi ha colpito molto questa foto di Gigi Riva presente ad un convegno del PCI in difesa del popolo palestinese massacrato nei campi profughi in Libano. Purtroppo non sono riuscita a risalire ad una data certa - potrebbe essere, immagino, in occasione del massacro di Sabra e Shatila nel 1982? - ma mi ha colpito per due motivi:
una delle tante reazioni alla condivisione di questa foto di repertorio non è tanto il classico "tenere fuori il calcio dalla politica" ma quanto il: "non si strumentalizzano i morti e questo è sciacallaggio". Solitamente sono argomentazioni da salotto portate avanti da chi non ha un minimo di coscienza non dico politica, ma almeno civile sulle questioni del mondo. Riva non era un politico e non credo che vi sia qualcuno che stia forzando questa chiave narrativa, ma condividere un'immagine del genere è semplicemente un pezzo secondo me molto bello che va a comporre il puzzle della persona che è stata e di quello che ha rappresentato fuori e dentro dal campo.
Di contro, ho visto come il Foglio qualche giorno fa si è prodigato in un articolo di giornale in cui si sottolinea la figura di un uomo che "non si è mai piegato alla politica" e che ha rifiutato candidature, approcci dai più disparati esponenti politici, da De Mita (DC) a Craxi (PSI) sino ad arrivare in tempi più recenti a Berlusconi. Ecco, questo è un articolo di demagogia, dove si fa il processo inverso, dove si sente l'esigenza di limare e rendere inoffensivo l'uomo che è stato. Non ne stanno davvero sottolineando il suo "spirito libero", l'intento è solo di contenere questa figura silenziosa ma sempre attenta alle questioni del mondo.
Sottolineare il suo spirito libero significherebbe invece raccontare che sì, Riva non ha mai prestato il suo volto ai partiti politici ovviamente. Davvero era libero in questo. Ma si è sempre schierato in favore degli ultimi, che fossero i minatori del Sulcis: (lo trovate in fondo, non aveva bisogno di sfilare in prima fila)
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... o il popolo palestinese. Questo è qualcosa di profondamente politico, nell'ampia accezione del termine, ma credo che per certi giornali sia scomodo parlarne.
Viva Gigi Riva e Viva la Palestina Libera 🇵🇸
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lnteritus · 4 months
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ragazzoarcano · 11 months
“E in certi luoghi dell'amore saprai che non potrai più rimetterci piede ma sognerai per sempre ali, per tornare dove non si può.”
— Massimo Bisotti
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la-novellista · 5 months
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Tu profumi di poesie e pensieri indecenti.
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