#cezar mendes
Eu amava aquela moça,ela era linda como a chuva caindo sobre as flôres na primavera, tinha a magia da sequência de cores de um arco íris em finais de tarde,ela era meu sol se pondo quando vinha se deitar,iluminava o quarto enquanto a lua nascia do lado de fora,pena que ela decidiu me deixar e com aquele ar de frieza se foi embora
Jonas R Cezar 💔😢
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diegosouzalions · 4 months
Diego,feliz ano novo, não queria te incomodar, mas seria possível você repetir quais seriam as dubladoras Br da Au?
Igualmente! Posso sim:
- Magenta: Flávia Fontenelle
- Peach: Gottsha
- Hope: Mariana Torres
- Bi-Color: Flávia Saddy
- Lime: Maíra Goes
- Cherry: Lina Rossana
- Sun: Mabel Cezar
- Moon: Priscila Amorim
- Aqua: Lina Mendes
- Cognac: Vágner Fagundes
- Smoky: André Marcondes
- Gray: Fernanda Baronne
- Silver & Golden: Sylvia Salustti
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didiribeiro · 2 months
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Tínhamos tudo, absurdamente tudo para dar certo. Até que as escolhas chegaram. Como sempre falei, as escolhas determinam sorrisos, ou, tatuam lágrimas. A escolha foi feita. Nunca tinha visto o amor se despedaçar na minha frente.
Dan Cezar
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amazoniaonline · 5 months
Estande do TCE Pará, palestras com ministros do STF e a Carta de Fortaleza são destaques no III CITC
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O Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Pará (TCE-PA) apresentou aos participantes do III Congresso Internacional dos Tribunais de Contas (III CITC) várias publicações a respeito de seus serviços prestados ao longo de seus 76 anos de história em estande montado durante a programação, realizada de 28 de novembro a 1º de dezembro, no Centro de Eventos do Ceará, em Fortaleza. Além do catálogo de fotografias da Exposição Canoas de Promesseiros e do acervo artístico do Espaço Cultural Conselheiro Clóvis Moraes Rêgo, os visitantes assistiram a vídeos sobre projetos desenvolvidos pelas Secretarias de Tecnologia da Informação (Setin), de Planejamento e Gestão Estratégica (Sepge) e de Controle Interno, a respeito das ações do Programa TCE Cidadão e do Memorial Serzedello Corrêa, este mantido no edifício-sede do TCE-PA e que comporta relíquias históricas do patrono da Corte de Contas Paraense. O presidente do Tribunal de Contas de Portugal, Juiz-Conselheiro José F. F. Tavares, visitou o estande, sendo recebido pela Conselheira Presidente do TCE-PA, Rosa Egídia Crispino C. Lopes. Na ocasião, conheceu os trabalhos do Tribunal e confirmou presença no Fórum a ser realizado pela Corte de Contas Paraense, em junho de 2024. Quem também visitou o estande foi o Conselheiro Inaldo Paixão, do TCE-BA, que elogiou a proposta por possibilitar que membros e servidores de Tribunais de Contas de todo o Brasil descobrissem iniciativas tão importantes e que só engrandecem as instituições de controle. “Todo mundo conhece o Pará pela grandiosidade do estado, pela beleza de suas florestas e de seus rios, pelo encantamento que é a cidade de Belém. Da mesma forma que os nossos colegas, eu tive a oportunidade de saborear as publicações do TCE-PA e saber o quanto os Tribunais são ricos por produzirem trabalhos tão maravilhosos”, comentou. “Parabéns à Presidente Rosa Egídia e aos demais presidentes que a antecederam. E pelo o que TCE Pará oferece à sociedade de forma gratuita, isso me dá muito orgulho de pertencer ao Sistema Tribunais de Contas do Brasil”, completou o Conselheiro da Bahia. Encerramento - O III CITC terminou na última sexta-feira, 1º de dezembro, com duas importantes conferências: “Direito e Sustentabilidade na Era Digital”, que teve como palestrante o ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal; e “Tribunal de Contas e controle de constitucionalidade”, com o ministro Gilmar Mendes, também do STF. O Congresso reuniu membros e servidores de Tribunais de Contas de todo o Brasil para discutir assuntos relacionados ao controle externo, sob o tema “Desafios da governança, das responsabilidades fiscal e social e da sustentabilidade na era digital”. A Conselheira Presidente do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Pará (TCE-PA), Rosa Egídia Crispino C. Lopes, prestigiou as apresentações, juntamente com os Conselheiros Fernando Ribeiro, Luís Cunha, Lourdes Lima, Cipriano Sabino e Odilon Teixeira. O Congresso teve como ponto alto a divulgação da Carta de Fortaleza, lida pelo presidente eleito da Associação dos Membros dos Tribunais de Contas (Atricon) para o biênio 2024/2025, Conselheiro Edilson de Sousa Silva, do TCE-RO. O documento aborda 31 temáticas importantes para as instituições de controle, ressaltando o potencial dos Tribunais de Contas para a ampliação da receita pública, sem que isso implique maior tributação, mas sim por meio de auditorias na dívida ativa dos entes federativos. “O III CITC refletiu sobre um novo formato de atuação desses entes na era digital, buscando uma governança avançada, responsável, justa e sustentável. Atingir esse equilíbrio requer um comprometimento contínuo com a inovação e um diálogo aberto e participativo entre todos os setores da sociedade”, disse, em sua leitura, o Conselheiro Edilson de Sousa Silva. A Carta de Fortaleza tem as assinaturas dos presidentes da Atricon, Cezar Miola; do Instituto Rui Barbosa (IRB), Edilberto Carlos Pontes Lima; do Tribunal de Contas do Ceará (TCE-CE), José Valdomiro Távora de Castro Júnior; da Associação Brasileira dos Tribunais de Contas dos Municípios (Abracom), Joaquim Alves de Castro Neto; do Conselho Nacional de Presidentes dos Tribunais de Contas (CNPTC), Luiz Antonio Guaraná; e da Associação Nacional dos Ministros e Conselheiros Substitutos (Audicon), Marcos Bemquerer Costa. Reprodução TCE-PA. Read the full article
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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forawinexaqu · 2 years
Proceso penal fernando capiz pdf editor
           Ministério Público “Trabalhos Temáticos de Direito e Processo Penal”, o Centro de 21 TORRÃO Fernando, “Crimes ambientais e responsabilidade penal das de M Pinheiro · 2009 — participação do acusado em processo penal na produção da prova: o Pacto de San Fernando de Almeida Pedroso45 inclui a defesa como direito: um direito. ficos, de fotocópia e de gravação, sem permissão expressa do Editor. aborda questão do "Processo como fonte do Direito Penal Romand", e oProf. O presente artigo cuida do instituto do Acordo de Não Persecução Penal (ANPP), na esfera do Processo Penal brasileiro e o estudo pretende contribuir para a. É necessário entender o processo penal como um jogo a ser jo- gado, DIREITO, DEMOCRACIA E TECNOLOGIAS DEVIANT EDITORA Editor Francine Zanin Bagatini de FDEA PEDROSO · Citado por 4 — 8 - Julio Fabbrini Miml1<:r,., "Processo Penal", EJ. Atlas, 1991, pago 355. 9 - sobre <) assunto, cf. nosso "Direito Pen~l - EsmlRlm do Crime _ Parre Geral' 24 de abr. de 2014 — Fernando Machado Pelloni (Universidade de Buenos Aires/Argentina) Efeitos Jurídico-Penais das Decisões do Cade no Processo. Penal.Luiz Fernando de Freitas Santos, da Fac. de Direito Cândido Mendes do Código Penal, do Código de Processo Penal, da Lei das. Contravenções Penais e dá Cezar Roberto Bitencourt, Manual de Direito Penal; Parte Geral, 5. ed., São Paulo, Fernando da Costa Tourinho Filho, Código de Processo Penal comentado,
https://www.tumblr.com/forawinexaqu/697713802428514304/nom-006-sct2-2000-pdf-file, https://www.tumblr.com/forawinexaqu/697714121090662400/imagen-de-infarto-al-miocardio-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/forawinexaqu/697713650354487296/solfejo-curso-elementary-edgar-willems-pdf-editor, https://www.tumblr.com/forawinexaqu/697713298832031744/podkarpackie-smaki-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/forawinexaqu/697713802428514304/nom-006-sct2-2000-pdf-file.
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opropriocruz · 2 years
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Gastos abusivos e falta de transparência na compra de passagens aéreas não são novidades no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). Decisão do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), em 2019, registra a compra de bilhetes para esposas de cinco ministros para o exterior, na 1ª classe, de 2009 a 2012, num valor total de R$ 1 milhão (em valores atualizados). Eram os ministros Gilmar Mendes e Ricardo Lewandowski e três ministros aposentados, Ayres Brito, Cezar Beluso e Eros Grau. A Secretaria de Controle Externo (Secex) de Administração concluiu que a emissão de passagens aéreas internacionais para cônjuges ou companheiros de ministros do STF, apesar de prevista no regimento interno da corte, não encontrava amparo em leis e normas que regem a representação ou cerimonial no exterior. “Não tem fundamento legal a realização de despesas de viagens por pessoas não vinculadas à administração pública, na medida em que não exercem qualquer atividade relacionada ao interesse do serviço e, consequentemente, que tenha como objetivo o interesse público”, registra o Acórdão 1794/2019. Na ocasião, o plenário do TCU determinou o sigilo do processo pelo prazo de cinco anos, contados a partir de 9 de dezembro de 2014, a vencer, portanto, em dezembro 2019. O STF pagava as passagens das esposas de ministros com base na Resolução 545/2015, de sua própria autoria, que previa, nas viagens ao exterior, as categorias de transporte aéreo a serem utilizadas, com 1ª classe para ministro e respectivo cônjuge, “quando indispensável sua presença”, nos afastamentos do ministro para representação do Tribunal em eventos de caráter protocolar ou cerimonial no exterior. As mesmas cotas no TCU e STJ, diz STF Em sua defesa perante a corte de contas, o STF afirmou que as cotas de passagem dos ministros da corte, relacionadas à representação institucional, tinha a mesma natureza das que eram destinadas às autoridades do TCU (Resolução 225/2009) e ministros do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (Resolução 10/2014, com redação dada pela Resolução 21/2018), órgãos cuja jurisdição alcança todo o território nacional. (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgc-VYuJBdj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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comporsilencios · 4 years
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armazemcultura · 3 years
_Lei de Proteção ao Livro e à Leitura - Lei do Preço Comum_
A *Libre - Liga Brasileira de Editoras*, desde 2010, defende em seus programas e em suas manifestações públicas a adoção de uma legislação especial para a proteção do livro e da leitura no país. A proposta era minoritária, inclusive no setor, mas hoje conta com o apoio da maior parte das editoras, livrarias e distribuidoras de livros em atividade no país. Assim, e diante da proposta de taxação ao livro no âmbito da reforma tributária, consideramos que devemos retomar, com urgência, a discussão de uma legislação que fortaleça o livro e a leitura. *Retomar a discussão do preço fixo, que preferimos chamar de Lei do Preço Comum, é urgente*. Pensar em formas de proteger o livro e a leitura é o tema deste seminário.
*Data: 16 a 20 de Agosto*
_Toda a programação será transmitida nos canais da Libre no Youtube e Facebook_
Youtube: *bit.ly/LIBREYT*
Facebook: *bit.ly/LIBREFB*
_Apoio de mídia: Quatro cinco um - a revista dos livros_
*Segunda, dia 16/8*
_As leis de proteção ao livro no mundo_
Abertura: Tomaz Adour, presidente da Libre
Haroldo Ceravolo Sereza (Libre, mediação)
Markus Gerlach (KOS Research, França)
Alexandre Martins Fontes (Livraria Martins Fontes)
Marisa Midori (ECA-USP)
_O evento contará com tradução simultânea francês-português_
_As leis de proteção ao livro no Brasil_
Raquel Menezes (Libre, mediação)
Senador Jean Paul Prates (PT-RN)
José Castilho Marques Neto (consultor, ex-secretário nacional do Livro e Leitura
Júlia Alves (bibliotecária, Conselho Municipal do Livro, Leitura, Literatura e Bibliotecas-São Paulo)
*Terça, dia 17/8*
_A economia do livro_
Lizandra Magon (Libre, mediação)
Mariana Bueno (Pesquisadora SNEL/Nielsen)
Marcus Teles (Livraria Leitura)
Rejane Dias (Grupo Autêntica)
Cid Vale Ferreira (Clepsidra, Coesão Independente)
*Quinta, 19/8*
_O livro, a livraria e a pandemia_
Debatedores: Tomaz Adour (Libre, mediação)
Primo Luiz Maldonado (LDM Livraria e Distribuidora Multicampi)
Gilvanedja Mendes (PB) - Bibliotecária da UFPB. Integrante do Fórum Paraibano do Livro, Leitura, Literatura e Bibliotecas - FLITECA/PB
Tito Montenegro Barbosa Neto (Câmara Riograndense do Livro)
Rui Campos (Livraria Travessa)
*Sexta, 20/8*
_O livro e a política: guerra cultural_
Rosana Mont’Alverne (Libre, mediação)
João Cezar de Castro Rocha (Letras-UERJ)
Chico de Paula (Revista Biblioo)
Fernanda Diamant (Livraria Megafauna)
Otávio Júnior (escritor e livreiro do Alemão)
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Hcs of the boys of Castlevania finding out their s/o is pregnant?
WARNING: Feels™ Ahead
He’d just come home from hunting, cleaning off his boots on the doorstep before coming inside. He can tell something is off, you’re twittering around behind him instead of waiting inside like normal. Finally he caves and just asks what’s going on.
“Trevor…” “God in Heaven, what? You’re acting like-” “I’m pregnant.” “You’re…what?” “Yes.” “…what?” “Trevor, you’re going to be a father.”
This back and forth continues a bit, boots left dropped on the ground and Trevor twisting most of the way round to just stare at you.
Finally it seems to settle in, he drops his eyes, a weird lopsided grin pulling at his face like it’s not sure what it’s doing there either. Logically this makes sense, you two have been going at it for a while, have a home together, this would be the next step.
Just when you’re worried he’s been permanently brain fried he barks a laugh, running his hands through his hair and shaking his head. “My god, I’m going to be a father!” he yells into the wood.
He hops up and bolts to you, wrapping you up in his arms and pressing messy kisses all over your face.
Once the adrenaline settles he gets a solemn look on his face, all the gears in his head turning like they usually would in a battle. “Do you think I’m ready for that? I don’t…have much experience with having a father, let alone being one myself.”
He lets you pet his face, calm his fears. It’ll be a new experience for both of you. But at least, you remind him, this little creature will have significantly smaller teeth than the monster’s he’s already used to dealing with.
He’s in his study, nose deep in a book as he usually is in the evening. But when he hears you enter he perks up, closing the book right away and moving it to give you his full attention. He’s quick to notice how you’re holding your hands behind your back.
“What have you got?” he asks immediately, a little grin pulling at his lips. He’s difficult to surprise, but he enjoys it when you can. You smile and cross the room to stand beside him. He’s polite and keeps his eyes up, not wanting to ruin whatever you’ve planned.
You tell him to close his eyes, which he does, and he feels you set something very light in his lap. When he looks down he sees a toy wolf, it’s previous wear and tear mended. His toy wolf.
“Oh, well he’s certainly looking much better,” he says, turning it in his hands. He feels a pang of sadness clutching his heart, though it is muddled with confusion. While a pleasant gift, it is very…odd.
“I thought your son might like him patched up.”
“My son…” he echoes, still turning the toy over when he freezes. He whips his face to look at you, eyes wide in disbelief while you beam at him.
“Or daughter, we have a while to see which it is.”
He huffs a laugh, his previously sad eyes welling up with entirely different tears,  the news washing over him. He’s terrified, but his unspoken fears of turning out like his father (he’d pondered that idea on many a quiet night after laying with you) seem to burn away by the light in your eyes.
He clutches the toy to his chest, covering his eyes with his other hand as he lets a few tears spill over. When he feels your hand on his shoulder he pulls it to his lips, kissing it reverently before huffing a few more quiet laughs at his own ridiculous reaction.
“Thank you, for this, for everything. I can’t wait to meet them.”
“Cezar, what have you got?” he asks the puppy running around his heels. It’s clearly a clothing item of some sort. He’s been outside, tending the small garden outside your home with the aid of a few other creatures.
You come bolting after the dog, panting and red in the face. Ah, so he’s stolen something of yours.
He scoops the dog up, carefully prying the now slobbery…whatever it is out of his mouth. “Sorry, we really do need to teach him some manners about taking what isn’t his.”
You sigh and straighten up, “Well, now that you’ve got it might as well look at it. It was meant to be a surprise but I guess Cezar thought it needed to be now.”
Hector raises a brow, looking at the ball of fabric in his fist. He lowers the dog back to the ground before carefully unfolding it. Two tiny booties, handmade.
“I presume these aren’t for Cezar,” he remarks. “As there’s only two.” When you don’t respond he looks up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You just stare pointedly at him, nodding a little. When he simply shakes his head a little, not getting it, you sigh and point at your stomach. After another beat he freezes, back straightening as he stares at your stomach like something might jump out of it at any second.
“Really?” “Yes, really.”
It takes a few more seconds for him to chew on the thought, face not reading anything before it finally breaks into a grin. “To think, for so long I’ve held a hatred for humans, even leant aide to what could have caused their extinction. And now…” he tears up a bit, but is beaming like the sun, “I’ve gone and helped make one!”
You both move to hug each other, meeting halfway and squeezing each other tight. He spins you round, pressing his face into your neck while he continues to laugh. This, bar none, is the happiest moment in his life.
You’d found him during one of his meditations, much less bloody since you’d convinced him he could attain an equally clear state of mind without the flail. It’s unusual for you to interrupt, so he automatically assumes something is wrong.
You’re clearly itching with some sort of news, but he simply waits for you to tell him instead of digging for it. You sit in front of him, taking in a few breaths before just blurting it out. Dracula, of all people, had taken you aside this morning and informed you of your…condition.
His expression is completely blank, only a slight increase in his breathing visible. There is a long moment of silence before he finally speaks when he sees the worry start to form in your eyes. “Beloved, are you happy?”
You stare at him, but his face still gives nothing away. You nod a little, tears watering your eyes unwillingly.
Finally the tension is broken as a little smile pulls at his lips. “Good, I am as well.” You heave a sigh of relief and he reaches out to pull you to sit in his lap.
He shushes into your hair as you chastise him for scaring the living daylights out of you by not saying anything. He’s honestly over the stars, already thinking of where you two should live away from the castle in order to be safer. But he had wanted to be sure you wanted this first, he’d hate to betray how thrilled he was if you weren’t ready yet.
He won’t break the news to anyone, leaving that to you. But him being glued to your side for the next few weeks is a pretty big clue.
He knows before you do. You wake one morning to find him, staring at your stomach like it bit him in the night.
“What’s wrong?” you ask groggily, startling him out of his pensive state. His face smoothes out and he lies back down, reaching to clasp your hand in his.
“You’ve performed a miracle, my love.” “Huh?” “Life. Even while you slept you’ve gone and created life. You’re…extraordinary.” The information is still seeping in but he lets you take your time, stroking the back of your hand while you think it over.
When you’re quiet a bit longer than he anticipated he looks over, expression serious. “You know you do not have to, I have a concoction that would-” You shush him, a few tears welling in your eyes before you smile at him. He chuckles softly, rolling up onto his side and reaching a hand down to stroke over your stomach.
“How did you know?” you ask softly, which earns a small shrug.
“I’ve been studying medicine for hundred of years. Not to mention these give an advantage,” he adds with a small gesture to his ears. You decide you can pick another day to enquire exactly how sensitive those ears are.
The rest of the day is spent in bed, him touching you like you’re the most delicate artifact in his collection. You tease him with terrible names for the child, all plays off of either his or your names. When you toss out a particularly cringey idea he drops the delicate act and tosses a pillow in your face.
You’d found him in another argument with the generals, and despite your subtle attempts to hint that you needed to speak to him he wasn’t getting it.
“Godbrand.” “And furthermore you’re a lying git, nobody’s ever managed to sail that far-” “Godbrand!” “And even if they had, whose to say-” “GODBRAND!” “FUCKING WHAT?!” The war hall goes quiet as you finally drag the vampire off and away.
He’s still sputtering away until you finally clamp a hand over his mouth. “Godbrand, you’ll need to calm the fuck down if you’re going to be a father.”
“I aint got to do shit, besides that’s not happening anytime soon,” he huffs, prying your hand off.
“Fine, you’ve got seven months or so to do it then!”
He’s about to pick the fight again when you see the realization hit him. Then he’s howling in laughter, clutching his gut.
“Fuck me then, the rest of em out there will have two of us to deal with!” He hoists you up in his arms, grinning like a fiend and hauling you off to your rooms.
Why not celebrate in much the same fashion that got you both here?
Despite his nature to want to fuck anything with two legs, he’s equally as excited to have a family with you. A troop of tiny Godbrand’s he can raise and train in his crafts of boat making and fighting. And you alongside him to make sure the house is still standing at the end of the day.
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diegosouzalions · 1 year
Qual seriam os dubladores brasileiros das diamantes?
Eu suponho que sejam:
Magenta Diamond: Flávia Fontenelle
Peach Diamond: Gottsha
Hope Diamond: Mariana Torres
Bi-Color Diamond: Flávia Saddy
Cherry Diamond: Lina Rossana
Lime Diamond: Maíra Góes
Sun Diamond: Mabel Cezar
Moon Diamond: Priscila Amorim
Aqua Diamond: Lina Mendes
Cognac Diamond: Vágner Fagundes
Smoky Diamond: André Marcondes
Gray Diamond: Fernanda Baronne
Silver & Golden Peacock Diamond: Sylvia Salustti
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kutia15 · 3 years
Zemra mban mend vetem rete, enderrat e humbura dhe format e paprekshme!
Cezar Branas
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
“Is Brazil prepared for a Dragon, a Phenom, Rocky, an Alligator and potentially some good old fashioned Lineker violence?” UFC 224 Preview
May 7th
These long UFC breaks are a real sore, aren't they? After what feels like a much longer than it actually is week and change; the UFC returns and it's coming straight to PPV with a very...strange card. The main card isn't perfect by any stretch but it's a) good enough to be respectable and b) filled with everything you'd want for a modern day PPV except for the main ingredient I suppose. You've got a quality competent high level title fight, you've got a legends fight that's years in the making (since at least 2013 when Machida made his decision to drop to 185 known), you've got a guaranteed action fight brawl between John Lineker and Brian Kelleher, a phenomenal prospect getting the vaunted third fight treatment and a #1 contender fight at 185 lbs assuming that Chris Weidman's broken hand/shoulder/neck/knee/everything is still on the mend. From there though I think the card really suffers primarily from a lack of one big defining fight that can tie it all together and make it a deep card. It's fine; it's a Brazilian level UFC event. I feel like it could've benefitted from a Iuri Alcantara sighting basically or some Brazilian of a high level who you could see as a prelim headliner.
Fights: 13
Debuts: 0
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 0
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC):  7 (Amanda Nunes, Ronaldo Souza, Kelvin Gastelum, Lyoto Machida, John Lineker, Thales Leites, Cezar Ferreira)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC:   1 (Thales Leites)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC:   5 (Alberto Mina, Raquel Pennington, Amanda Nunes, Elizeu Zaleski, Nick Hein)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2016 (in the UFC):  25-9-2
Amanda Nunes- 4-0 Raquel Pennington- 3-0 Ronaldo Souza- 3-1 Kelvin Gastelum- 3-1-1 (really 4-1) Amanda Bobby Cooper- 2-2 Mackenzie Dern- 1-0 John Lineker- 4-1 Brian Kelleher- 3-1 Lyoto Machida- 1-1 Vitor Belfort- 1-2-1 (1-3 reaaaaaally)
Too High Up- Davi Ramos vs Nick Hein
In truth everything on the main card is pretty much what it should be. The prelims are such a grab bag of "decent but not thrilling" that it's hard to pick one fight that maybe has the capacity of being out of place. That belongs to this fight where Nick Hein returns from an extended absence to face Davi Ramos on the middle of the FS1 card. I have no beef with Davi Ramos but Hein is a notoriously slow boring fighter who more often than not has fights that tend to sap the will of viewers like they're trapped in a RNC. It's also worth pointing out that Hein is 33 and he hasn't fought since 2016. Put this on Fight Pass, man.
Too Low- Alberto Mina vs Ramazan Emeev
This is a touch hypocritical given Emeev stunk up the joint and Mina hasn’t fought in a year and change either. I get it but listen. Alberto Mina is a pretty fun fighter to watch who has finished 2 of his 3 UFC fights, racking up wins over Yoshihiro Akiyana and Mike Pyle if you're looking for "names" to get excited over. Ramazan Emeev is coming off a win at 185 lbs vs Sam Alvey in a dumb fight but Emeev is figured to be a fighter worth keeping an eye on at 170 lbs. It's a far more intriguing fight on paper than Hein/Ramos.
Stat Monitor for 2018: Debuting Fighters (Current number: 9-14):  
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 10-4):
Second Fight (Current number: 12-12):  James Bochnovic, Markus Perez, Ramazan Emeev, Karl Roberson, Mackenzie Dern
Cage Corrosion (Current number: 5-10):  Alberto Mina, Sultan Aliev, Nick Hein, Raquel Pennington
Undefeated Fighters (Current number: 15-10):  Mackenzie Dern, Karl Roberson, Alberto Mina
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Let's talk about the card real quick, eh? Amanda Nunes is under 30 but she'll be over the dreaded "RB decline age" shortly. How many other Brazilian fighters on this card are under 30?
John Lineker- 27 Junior Albini- 27 Warrley Alves- 27 Markus Perez- 27
Now Mackenzie Dern is 25 years old but she was born in the United States. If you want to give her to Brazil for the sake of continuity then you're more than welcome to but the point remains. What's more? Albini is coming off a loss, Alves is 1-2 in his last 3 fights, Markus Perez is coming off a loss and while we all love Lineker, I feel like the ceiling on him at 125 and 135 lbs has been somewhat established. People make a lot of talk about the lack of Brazilian champions but that's not a massive problem. I was there in 2012 when everybody was panicking about the lack of American champions during the Brazilian boom period of MMA. The problem is Brazil lacks a fresh young core of new talents under 30 who can make waves in the UFC. I mean stop me if you've heard this one BUT the hope when the UFC decided to invest countless dollars into Brazil was that at some point they'd find, cultivate and develop a bumper crop of young stars for when Anderson, Shogun, Maia, Machida, the Nog Brothers and Vitor were gone. It hasn't happened yet and each attempt has been in vain. That's why Thomas Almeida was received with open arms; it's not JUST that dude was a tremendous fight finisher and all violence fighter. It's that his youth and upside made him a product they HAD to try and develop. It's why Paulo Costa's development as a fighter is so vital; the 27 year old middleweight is a glorified unicorn at this point. Brazil doesn't need one last glory run from guys who are already established. What they REALLY need to do is to find new guys who can carry the banner.
Now the rule of thumb as always is that it only takes one to do it. A fighter like Michael Bisping is considered to have opened the door for other fighters and then the door was reopened by Conor McGregor for European fighters. It's hard to find a Hawaiian fighter who didn't get into MMA through BJ Penn fandom. Fedor is probably more responsible for the current influx of tremendous Russian born fighters than anybody else. The hope is 5-10 years from now, Ronda Rousey's lasting impact on MMA isn't the million buy PPVs or the out of the cage wackiness but the hundreds of women she'll have influenced to get into MMA.  There's no way to tell who it is and what it's going to take for it to happen. We've been waiting on Canada to find the heir to the GSP throne for quite some time now. Eventually a new fighter to capture the hearts and minds of the people will come----but time's ticking. Brazil isn't hopeless but it has to be getting to the point where the UFC is simply running out of draws for the market. No Nog, No Anderson, soon no Vitor, eventually no Maia, Werdum or Machida. Cyborg isn't going to be around for the UFC much longer either. The time for somebody to step up has NEVER been more immediate. Maybe this is why there's going to be a most convenient case of amnesia on where Mackenzie Dern was born.
2- There's an MMA fan theory I've seen on a few forums about the # of WMMA fights on a card relating to buyrate. The general feeling is that like flyweights, the more WMMA fights you have on a main card the less likely you are to pop a significant buyrate.  I decided to go back to 2016 and take a peek at the rumored buyrates for shows with TWO WMMA fights on a card.
UFC 196 (Nunes/Shevchenko, Holm/Nunes)- 1.3 mil UFC 205 (Joanna/Karolina, Tate/Pennington)- 1.3 mil UFC 219 (Holm/Cyborg, Esparza/Gadelha)- 300K UFC 222 (Cyborg/Kunitskaya, Vieira/Zingano)- 260K
So obviously we're not blessed with a tremendous sample size. We've got four events here and two of them with McGregor as the headliner did McGregor level numbers. The other two? I mean they're not bad! Mighty Mouse would sell his gaming rig to headline a PPV that did that kind of scratch. A WMMA headliner outside of Ronda tend to do alright-ish I suppose. I mean Holm vs GDR did in the 200K+ range and again, that sort of number would be something Mighty Mouse would hunger for. I guess the point I'm trying to illustrate is that I don't think this card is DOA. So what MIGHT it draw? Well....we can start by acknowledging that Brazil is where PPV buyrates go to die. Outside of Ronda making a pinch hit appearance to spruce the market (and secure a new deal for the UFC), these shows normally top off around the low to mid 300Ks. Now in today's PPV market that sounds pretty damn fine but that was with Anderson Silva in the height of his GOATness headlining. Jose Aldo PPVs from Brazil routinely did awful bottom of the barrel type numbers. The last time the UFC did a PPV in Brazil; the general thought was that it topped off around the 250K+ range. Not awful of course but probably not the best either for a unification bout between Aldo and Holloway. This card is a lot better than people are giving it credit for but Nunes vs Shevchenko left a sour taste in people's mouths plus Amanda Nunes is just genuinely unpopular. In today's PPV market, it takes more than just a card of really good fights. It has to be "an event" more than just "a fight." If this card drops below 200K, I think that's probably a bad deal.
3- I feel like this is going to answer more questions than Nunes/Shevchenko II re: Amanda Nunes and her long term success going forward. If you drew up a fighter who could prey on the things that have been of woe to Nunes' success, it's a fighter who has SOME of the Rocky Pennington attributes. The sort of person who doesn't get overwhelmed by pressure, who can dish it out and take it in return, who hits surprisingly hard and relies on durability and patience. Pennington is really crude but she makes it work for her and she's one of those fighters who fights better when tired. Amanda Nunes has struggled with people who don't fold vs her pressure and her cardio remains a question until I see her in a fight where it's truly tested. Her vs Shevchenko was a low output high leverage staring contest which didn't really force her to exert much of anything. To this point, Nunes deserves fantastic credit for making sure cardio isn't an issue by just running through people. This is still a very unique test for her.
4- I just wish Pennington hadn't been gone for over a year. This year I started tracking performances of fighters who take more than a year off and the 5-10 number is not pretty. What's more; Nunes is arguably the best first round fighter in MMA today and so if Pennington is rusty (which she will be), she might not even get a chance to test what Nunes has in rounds 3, 4 and 5.
5- Kelvin Gastelum vs Jacare is such a weird fight for me. It's a fight where logic dictates Gastleum should have no shot given the size difference but one where he remains a credible threat. I lack a defined way to describe Jacare other than to call him perhaps history's most undervalued commodity; one of the best grapplers with really good striking backed by one of the games most active fight IQs. Like Damien Maia, he just isn't athletic enough to really get over a certain caliber of fighters. Guys who he can't get down he often struggles with and against Whittaker and Romero, he was taken out of his gameplan early due to a speed and athleticism disadvantage. Like Whittaker, Gastelum will give up size in exchange for speed and the cardio advantage. The key difference is Whittaker is insanely hard to get down and keep down whereas I can't get Weidman taking Gastelum down out of my head. Gastelum CAN be taken down but on the ground he's really great at neutralizing offense and getting back to his feet. I'm just not sure Jacare is the right person to want to try to show that off against. Jacare also does some of his best work securing takedowns against the cage and Gastelum does his best work practically leaning on the fence. This is a really good fight with the winner leaving no doubt as to who the #1 contender is since Chris Weidman has evaporated into the ether seemingly.
6- Have the expectations become too much for Mackenzie Dern? It's beginning to feel like if she doesn't steamroll ABC in the first round then the scrutiny on her performance is going to be pretty crazy.
7- It's a little bit bittersweet that Lyoto Machida vs Vitor Belfort is potentially a double retirement fight. The fact we never got Anderson vs Vitor II or Lyoto vs Shogun III will always be bummers to me. On the other hand, we've hit "No mas" for Vitor Belfort like a full two years ago and Machida is either at that point or quickly approaching it. This is a rare acceptable legends fight with the right market to engage in it.
8- Since they're fighting we might as well ask this; whose legacy is more vital to the history of MMA? Vitor Belfort or Lyoto Machida?
9- There are going to be actual human beings walking among us breathing our air and drinking our water who will not watch Lineker vs Kelleher based solely on their height and weight. These creatures exist.
10- If you haven't seen Yoshihiro Akiyama vs Alberto Mina yet, I recommend you do so. One of the wilder and crazier fights in recent memory which is forgotten since it happened at like 8 AM Eastern.
11- The best prospect on this entire show is not a Brazilian but an American in Karl Roberson. He trains out of a tiny gym in New Jersey, was thrown into the fire of kickboxing vs Jerome LeBanner and Dustin Jacoby and before his sixth mma fights, he was already in the UFC. After ONE fight in the UFC, he was already trying to step up to fight Vitor Befort on LESS than 24 hours notice. He's the rare good example of guys tested before they're ready in that he's already faced a fire storm and come out stronger each time. He's got Cezar Mutante in the FX prelim headliner.
12- Elizeu Zaleski has been in five UFC fights. Three of them won a FOTN bonus and the Dalby-Zeleski fight should've won a fourth. He is all action all the time and while Sean Strickland is not the right opponent if you want to have an action fight, I get the feeling Zaleski will drag him into one kicking and screaming.
Must Wins
1- Amanda Nunes
Simply put this show is all about her. She's getting a bit of a stay busy opponent in Pennington with the right kind of strengths to test what have previously been flaws for Nunes. The show is all about her and it's being built around her returning to Brazil as the UFC's top Brazilian champion (at least over the long haul).
2- Jacare Souza
Kelvin Gastelum is really young for 185 lbs so the opportunity to be a contender/champion is always going to be there for him. This is about 38 year old Jacare trying to finally get a UFC title shot after scrapping and scrounging for over five years in the org plus an MMA career that feels like it spans well into the 19th century. The last time he was this close; her an into a fighter similar to Kelvin Gastelum who wouldn't get taken down and just pieced him up in striking range until Jacare just couldn't take it anymore. Lightning strikes twice?
3- Mackenzie Dern
Take everything said about Nunes and then put that in here minus the champion bit. Dern is Brazil's top prospect for the UFC now that Thomas Almeida has sort of settled into a bit of a mid level range.
Five Can't Miss Fights
1- Brian Keller vs John Lineker
2- Lyoto Machida vs Vitor Belfort
3- Kelvin Gastelum vs Ronaldo Souza
4- Elizeu Zaleski vs Sean Strickland
5- Junior Albini vs his diaper
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ofalacanal · 3 years
JOTAGÊ ALVES: FALA Canal - artes e entretenimento #oFalaCanal #12 #JotaGeAlves - https://www.youtube.com/oFalaCanal - inscreva-se - ative as notificações - clique no joinha - e compartilhe - PIX de qualquer valor: [email protected] - Benfeitoria: https://benfeitoria.com/oFalaCanal - https://youtu.be/v1FOncXCMRM
JOTAGÊ ALVES - clarinetista, professor, arranjador, produtor e regente Sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2021 às 20h no YouTube/oFalaCanal
QUEM É - João Geraldo Alves, JOTAGÊ, músico de formação erudita, passeia com sua clarineta por estilos como o de Benny Goddman, Artie Shaw, Jimmy Giufrre, Luiz Americano, Severino Araújo, Abel Ferreira, é hoje, seguramente um dos mais destacados instrumentistas da atualidade - 1972-Frequentou Conservatório Dramático e musical Dr. Carlos de Campos de Tatuí - 1982-Estudou na instituição de ensino FAP-Arte - 1993-Musician na empresa Banda Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo - 1997-Em seu primeiro CD,“Mumbaba”, em parceria com a cantora e compositora Magali Geara, pode-se experimentar a sonoridade do sopro de seu clarinete dedicado aos mestres brasileiros - 2004-Professor da Escola do Auditório Ibirapuera. Professor na empresa Amigos do Conservatório Municipal de Guarulhos. Foi premiado no festival Curitiba no Choro como melhor instrumentista e sua composição “Choro Improviso” classificada entre as três melhores - 2009-Trabalhou como Teacher na empresa EMESP Tom Jobim - 2012-Lançou um Cd com Zé Barbeiro e Cleber Silveira com o Título “O Lado B do Lua” , com musicas de Gonzagão antes da fase de sucesso , entre 1941 e 1945 - 2018-Coordenador Artistico Pedagogico na empresa Projeto Guri - Participou de inúmeras gravações e shows de artistas como Paulo Moura, Proveta, José Miguel Wisnik, Edson Cordeiro, Milton Nascimento e outros - Seu repertório como solista erudito inclui obras de Saint Saens, F. Poulenc, Debussy, Mozart, Weber, Osvaldo Lacerda, Villa Lobos, Brahms e Bernstein - Idealizou e organizou copiando,gravando e editando partituras juntamente com o professor Samuel Cardoso o Song Book do compositor e acordeonista Cezar do Acordeon
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carazinhoemfoco · 3 years
Prefeito eleito de Porto Alegre, Sebastião Melo anuncia novos nomes e completa secretarias
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Na manhã desta sexta-feira (1º), foram anunciados o titular e o adjunto da Cultura, o secretário extraordinário de enfrentamento do coronavírus e o procurador-geral do município. Sebastião Melo, prefeito eleito de Porto Alegre Divulgação / Facebook Sebastião Melo O prefeito eleito de Porto Alegre, Sebastião Melo, anunciou na manhã desta sexta-feira (1º) os novos secretários que irão compor a gestão. Com os nomes, todas as pastas estão preenchidas. Veja lista completa abaixo. Anunciados nesta sexta: Cultura: secretário Gunter Axt e adjunto Clóvis André Extraordinário de enfrentamento do coronavírus: Renato Ramalho Procuradoria-Geral do Município: Roberto Silva da Rocha O prefeito da Capital toma posse nesta sexta a partir das 15h na Câmara Municipal de Vereadores. Com ele, 36 vereadores assumem o cargo. Lista completa de secretarias Secretaria de Saúde – Mauro Sparta Secretaria da Educação – Janaína Audino Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social – Léo Voigt Secretaria de Parcerias Estratégicas – Ana Pellini Secretaria de Comunicação – Flavio Dutra Secretaria da Habitação e da Regularização Fundiária – André Machado Secretaria de Obras – Pablo Mendes Ribeiro Secretaria da Fazenda – Rodrigo Sartori Fantinel Secretaria da Segurança – Mário Ikeda Secretaria da Administração – André Barbosa Secretaria dos Serviços Urbanos – Marcos Felipi Garcia Secretaria da Coordenação Política e Relações Comunitárias – Cássio Trogildo Secretaria do Planejamento e Assuntos Estratégicos – Cezar Schirmer Secretaria do Desenvolvimento Econômico – Ricardo Gomes Secretaria de Meio Ambiente – Germano Bremm Secretaria de Mobilidade Urbana – Luiz Fernando Záchia Secretaria da Transparência – Gustavo Ferenci Secretaria de Inovação – Fernando Mattos Secretaria da Cultura – Gunter Axt Secretaria extraordinária de enfrentamento do coronavírus – Renato Ramalho Procuradoria Geral do Município – Roberto Silva da Rocha VÍDEOS: Jornal do Almoço
The post Prefeito eleito de Porto Alegre, Sebastião Melo anuncia novos nomes e completa secretarias first appeared on Carazinho em foco.
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portelaadvogado · 4 years
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SÚMULAS, CONCURSOS, OAB SÚMULA VINCULANTE 14 DO STF - É DIREITO DO DEFENSOR, NO INTERESSE DO REPRESENTADO, TER ACESSO AMPLO AOS ELEMENTOS DE PROVA QUE, JÁ DOCUMENTADOS EM PROCEDIMENTO INVESTIGATÓRIO REALIZADO POR ÓRGÃO COM COMPETÊNCIA DE POLÍCIA JUDICIÁRIA, DIGAM RESPEITO AO EXERCÍCIO DO DIREITO DE DEFESA. Para corroborar com a SÚMULA temos os incisos I, II, III, XI, XIII, XIV e XIX do ARTIGO 7º DO ESTATUTO DA OAB. ARTIGO 5º, XXXIII, LIV e LV da CF/88. A LEI 13.245/2016 amplia a SÚMULA VINCULANTE 14 DO STF e dá direito ao defensor examinar investigação de qualquer natureza em qualquer instituição responsável por conduzi-la. IMPORTANTE: MESMO QUE A INVESTIGAÇÃO SEJA REALIZADA PELO MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO O DEFENSOR TERÁ ESTE DIREITO GARANTIDO. OBS: O ACESSO É SOMENTE AOS ATOS JÁ CERTIFICADOS. NÃO ABRANGENDO ATOS FUTUROS OU NÃO CONCLUÍDOS. O Ministério Público dispõe de competência para promover, por autoridade própria, e por prazo razoável, investigações de natureza penal, desde que respeitados os direitos e garantias que assistem a qualquer indiciado ou a qualquer pessoa sob investigação do Estado, observadas, sempre, por seus agentes, as hipóteses de reserva constitucional de jurisdição e, também, as prerrogativas profissionais de que se acham investidos, em nosso país, os advogados (Lei 8.906/1994, art. 7º, notadamente os incisos I, II, III, XI, XIII, XIV e XIX), sem prejuízo da possibilidade — sempre presente no Estado Democrático de Direito — do permanente controle jurisdicional dos atos, necessariamente documentados (Súmula Vinculante 14), praticados pelos membros dessa instituição. [Tese definida no RE 593.727, rel. min. Cezar Peluso, red. p/ o ac. min. Gilmar Mendes, P, j. 14-5-2015, DJE 175 de 8-9-2015, Tema 184.] CESPE (PC-PE 2016) O ACESSO AOS AUTOS DO INQUÉRITO POLICIAL POR ADVOGADO DO INDICIADO SE ESTENDE, SEM RESTRIÇÃO, A TODOS OS DOCUMENTOS DA INVESTIGAÇÃO. RESPOSTA: ERRADO. Para adquirir o meu livro link direto na bio. PORTELA - Advogado, Palestrante, maratonista, evangélico, pós graduado em direito constitucional pelo IDP, pós graduado em processo penal pelo IDP, Mestrando como aluno especial pelo IDP, pós graduado em reconhecer o sofrimento https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCdoHrjvMy/?igshid=1dxnafmocqa7f
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