#cglg relationship
3lizabee77 · 2 years
One of the aspects of littleness I struggle with the most is the idea that neediness is a GOOD thing. Having to unlearn that being needy is bad is SO HARD! A proper CG/DD WANTS their little to be needy - its part of why the dynamic works for them, so I should just lean into it. While Sir has been away, I've been the goodest girl to take care of myself and meet my responsibilities and work towards my goals and not be sad. But without our usual amount of contact - which is a steady source of encouragement, reassurance, and validation - it's been tough. I've tried to hold back just how much it's made my heart hurt, because in the past letting someone know how much you need them was a big no-no. I have to shake that mindset. So when Sir returns from his trip I am going to cling and cry. Littles. Are. Needy.
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Ich bin M33, wohnhaft in Frankfurt und würde mich gerne mal in der Rolle eines CG / Daddy ausprobieren. Daher bin auf der Suche nach einer Partnerin, die ebenfalls an Spielchen in CGLG / DDLG Konstellation interessiert ist. Bin offen für jegliche Spielarten, die keine körperlichen oder seelischen Verletzungen auslösen. Mich selbst würde ich wahrscheinlich gar nicht in einer allzu dominanten Rolle sehen. Ich bin weder an einer virtuellen Beziehung noch an einer 24/7 Geschichte interessiert, da ich fest im Leben stehe und Hobbies sowie Freundschaften nicht vernachlässigen will. Meine Interessen liegen im Bereich Musik, Theater, Film und Sport.
Kontaktiert mich am liebsten über Tumblr.
I am M33, located in Frankfurt and I would love to experiment in the role of a CG / Daddy. Therefore I am looking for a female companion who is also interested in playing in a CGLG / DDLG constellation. I am open to any kind of activities that do not cause any physical or mental injuries. I probably wouldn't see myself in an overly dominant role at all. I am neither interested in a virtual relationship nor in a 24/7 thing, because I am firmly established in life and do not want to neglect hobbies nor friendships. My interests range from music, theatre, film and sports.
Feel free to contact me via Tumblr.
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prettymoonslut · 3 years
now accepting donations to fund my masturbation habit.
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3lizabee77 · 1 year
My Sir is away on vacation for 2 weeks and from the moment I was informed of his trip weeks and weeks ago I had been feeling anxious about it. To have access to him by text, phone, and video chat daily had become something I'd come to lean on and I was nervous about being without that lifeline to my caregiver.
I took the initiative and thought about what would make those 2 weeks more bearable and asked for it. Aside from assuring me that he would check in with me every day, he agreed to record some goodmorning/goodnight messages as well as bedtime stories (both sfw and nsfw).
So far I have gotten some cool pictures from his travels and check in messages. I haven't gotten any recordings yet and it's making me a little anxious. I have to remember that he is a whole world away and probably still getting his bearings. So I will try to do the big girl thing and be patient.
In the meantime, I have to seek out ways to feel less alone. Been listening to a lot of Rainy Day audios and watching Molang and giving my pup extra cuddles as I recover from illness. Once I have more energy I'll be able to engage in more activities to help distract me from feeling lonely or anxious.
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littlekit11 · 4 years
Me: My tummy hurts!
CG: It could be the half box of Oreos that you tried hiding from me.
Me:......no I don’t think that’s it.....
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