#ch urrs
ask-churro-cookie · 2 months
*velvet's dough began to turn to bark.... he sobbed in pain as a tree trunk grew from his back...*
*and that was the last thing he said. He couldn't speak more, no matter how hard he tried, because his mouth had fused into his now bark.*
He tried to go to him but Aloe stopped him.
"Don't...we can't risk you getting infected...."
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omgsrtagalactica · 4 years
El bebo Ucrania norte (edmon) cuando era de niño, tiene una concha porque en la época de hambruna los países aliados de la urrs apoyaban con comida entre ellos México, edmon tiene curitas por las inyecciones ya que era experimento nuclear de la urrs, en ese tiempo usaba gorro porque ahora le recuerda a la urrs y lo desprecia
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acid--inside · 2 years
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yes. it is very much bl/urr's fault. Fattening up the Decep/ticon spy while he was on his mission. SMH bl/urr have you no shame?
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chane-vel · 4 years
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Mhhh... la URSS, cuando todavía no sabia como dibujarlo jsjsjs
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chessebox · 3 years
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coldprunemoneylamp · 4 years
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🌻 ;;Me Gustó. Posiblemente Haga Ya Mis Cómics. . . No Lo Se, Como Sea Aquí Un Dibujo De Urss. #Urss #Urrs #Countryhumans #CountryhumansUrss #Ch #MyStyle #Art #Draw #DigitalDraw https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAXcIEHHUE/?igshid=9aktve7mopdr
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alexdraws-world · 2 years
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the-one-you-hate · 2 years
Creo que ya vi/ entendí la razón del por qué tantos ships todos x todos en el fandom y quise venir a vociferar una opinión no pedida por nadie (?
Peero al final cada quien hace lo que quiere si es feliz, mientras no dañes los derechos humanos o algo así obvio, así que sigan con sus ships tóxicos o bonitos, sin sentido o con sentido, justificados o injustificados, (etc) y yo seguiré con mi blog igual de raro xd
El caso es que antes de empezar quiero aclarar que, no es por generalizar, siempre he dicho que solo algunas personas son así pero conociendo el fandom sabemos que el 80% puede ser parecido a lo que voy a decir...
Dicho esto prosigo....
Este fandom tiene la "virtud" de humanizar países, y claro, son terriblemente hermosos eso nadie lo va a negar. USA, Chile, Rusia, Alemania, Argentina, URSS, Sea quien sea, las artistas se las arreglan para hacerlos hermosos y bellos.
Y obvio... Somos lo suficientemente SIMPaticas para caer (si, me incluyo JAJA viva mi hermoso Alemania)
Por eso mismo, creo que hay cosas tan terribles como el URRS X Canadá , Argentina x T.R o cosas así que uno a veces queda ._. ...
Pero, ¿Por qué sucede esto?
Por que las niñas/niños/niñes etc de este fandom, simpatizan mucho con su país, y como les gusta X país deciden que es buena idea dibujarlos juntos. Y no es un crimen por que pueden hacer lo que quieran pero tampoco quiere decir que estén justificados.
¿Me explico?
Ejemplo, soy una chica de 13/12 (etc) de estados unidos, que tiene un crush por URSS, entonces cómo es mi país, tengo ese sentido de pertenencia e inevitablemente me veo reflejada/representada en USA, así que naturalmente los emparejo, incluso aunque sabemos que la realidad histórica es una mierda entre Rusia y USA, URSS y USA, T.R/Nazi y URSS (etc), aun así lo hacen.
(Por cierto no necesariamente ese sentimiento de pertenencia sea hacia tu país, puede que seas de Filipinas y tu te sientas identificada con Japón y hacer un Japón x tu crush de CH, solo es un ejemplo lo dado para darme a entender)
Puede que es por que "se ven lindos" pero con ese argumento todos se ven lindos por que todos los países ya son hermosos, solo ocultan lo inevitable.
Como ya dije, amo a Alemania mi colmillitos, pero no por eso pongo a Alemania con México, no...simplemente no. A veces me gusta verlo con Italia (Caso Hetalia) o Chile (C.H) por que si le leen bien en sus libros universales o van a san google, van a encontrar muchos datos y hasta películas de estos países.
Tal parece que lo que ocurre es que uno se ve reflejado en el personaje que crea a través de su país, y quiere que ese personaje viva lo que uno quiere vivir. OBVIO no siempre, si eres lo suficientemente maduro sabes separar tus gustos de la realidad. Peeero vamos, he visto Kazajistan x Perú, URSS x Rusia, Alemania x Plonia, esto ya no es cuestion histórica es cuestión de gustos y proyecciones personales.
Al ser C.H tan libre, se pierde ese control que un fandom naturalmente tiene, ya que a diferencia de otros fandoms, este no cuenta con un canon especifico y lo mas cercano a este lo deciden ignorar epicamente (la historia) diciendo a veces que los países no son su gobierno ni su historia (RIDÍCULO, SON PAÍSES!) pero bueno...como notan, no tenemos frenos, no hay un canon respetable de un autor que frene esta locura de todos x todos y jamás pasará.
Pero bueno...cada quien vive su propio canon respetable, solo quiero intentar encontrarle la razón a tanta cosa :')
(Y antes de irme, solo quiero decir que es obvio que no es aplicable para todas las personas y todos los ships, no se me aloquen, solo es una de las explicaciones del por que luego pasa esto)
Sin mas que decir me retiro
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asktogatadad · 5 years
YOU GOT THIS LRC MIRIO, MAKE IT THE BEST DATE IZU HAS EVER BEEN ON. ( I think this might be his first one *w* )
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LRC Mirio: Okay... I saved these best clothes for a day like this. I'm ready.
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LRC Mirio: Father, since it is weekend, I am going for a walk. I might run late.
LRC: *Scan his son's fashion* Pffft!! Sure why not! Have fun, sonny!!
LRC Mirio: .......?
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LRC Mirio: Sorry Midoriya-kun... Am I late?
Izuku: Not at all! I just got here too. You see, I luckily got the tickets from the draw. So, what do you want to ride first?
LRC Mirio: .....Actually, I am not sure. It is my first time being in a theme park.
Izuku: Really? What an honor! I got to be the first one to be with you in the theme park!
LRC Mirio: ......... *Blush*
Izuku: How about a Merry-go-round for starters, then?
LRC Mirio: Urr... S, Sure.
Izuku: Wow it's Log Flume! I know, how about we do something for fun??
LRC Mirio: Something fun?
Izuku: Yeah! Let's have a funny photo challenge on Log Flume! Like, making a SERIOUS face? Despite how scared you are!
LRC Mirio: Serious face? I should be a pro at that.
Izuku: But you will never know on a fast ride!
*On the Log Flume*
Izuku: Gyaaaaaaah!!!!
LRC Mirio: .........
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Izuku: Holy moly... You really are a pro! I am no match for you!
LRC Mirio: Umm... Thanks?
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Izuku: That Minnie Mouse headband suits you! Say cheese, senpai!
LRC Mirio: Ch... Cheese...
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Izuku: Thank you so much for joining me today!
LRC Mirio: No, the pleasure was all mine, Midoriya-kun. I appreciate your invitation.
Izuku: Umm... Senpai?
LRC Mirio: ....?
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Izuku: Here!
LRC Mirio: !!!
Izuku: I was watching you carefully while we were at the gift shop and noticed you were staring at Cinnamoroll character slightly longer than others! I thought I had to buy you something in appreciation... And really hope I picked the right one for you...
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LRC Mirio: Oh... Oh....... Midoriya-kun... Umm... I cannot say any other thing than thank you.
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
Partners in Time Ch.15
With Young Zeus, he had just skidded to a halt when he faced a dead end at his front.
"Grrrr! Unbelievable! A stupid dead end!" Panchito shouted in frustration.
"End of the line, Zeus!" Panchito's voice came from behind him. He turned around to see the heroes glaring at him.
"You again! You just don't give up, do you?!" Baby Young Zeus hissed, but then smirked at the last sentence as he pulls out the Cobalt Shards. "Eat my cookies, will you? Fine! I'll eat the treasure instead!"
To their shock, Young Zeus ate two Cobalt Shards right in front of their eyes!
"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" Panchito shouted in shock.
"Urr…" Young Zeus grumbled as he held his belly, until he cracked an evil smile. "Wow! Yum! Those shards were DEE-licious!"
"You… You're gonna pay SO HARD for THAT!" Panchito yelled.
"Yeah! Let's hold me!" Young Panchito said.
Both adults Super Caballeros walked towards Young Zeus and held him by his sides.
"Hey! What're you… LEGGO!" Young Zeus demanded while struggling from the adults heroes’ grasp.
"TAKE THIS!" Young Jose jumped on Young Zeus a couple of times with all his strength to try to force the shards out of him. "Come on! Spit them out NOW!"
"OOF! YURK! BLURB!" Young Zeus groaned from Young Jose's stomps.
"Wait… Do you guys hear that?" Panchito heard a familiar noise.
They stopped what they were doing and looked behind them, seeing some Shroob Saucers flying by. Two of those Saucers came back and looked at the group before leaving.
"…What are these Saucers doing here?" Jose questioned.
Just then, another type of noise was heard.
"And what was that other noise?" Panchito added.
They get a full view of the mountain, they can see that Moob was trying to climb up, but accidentally slid down, causing that other noise heard by the heroes. Three Shroob Saucers came back and one of them shot a laser at Moob, causing him to grow in size, and was now staring at the group!
"Is…that who I think it is…?" Young Panchito gulped.
"Uh oh…" Young Jose murmured.
"%$&#####!" Moob roared loudly, flinching the group, including Young Zeus.
"RUN FOR IT!" Panchito shouted in panic as everyone dashed off.
However, their progress was stopped when they were startled by Moob's tongue, trying to eat them. Luckily, the tongue barely missed them.
"That was one heck of a close call!" Panchito's eyes widened.
"%$&#####!" Moob roared again and latched his tongue to try to eat the young heroes.
"LOOK OUT!" Jose got in front of the youngsters, but unfortunately ended up getting caught by the tongue. "AAAAHH!" he and Baby Manny was eaten.
"JOSE!" the two heroes cried out, while the adult Panchito gasped in shock.
Soon, Young Zeus arrived…at the worst time, because he was the next victim to get caught by the tongue. "OH NO!" he gets eaten.
"This is not good!" Panchito panicked, only to be grabbed by Moob’s tongue next. "GAAAH!" he screamed as he was eaten, followed by Young Panchito, and Young Jose.
"%$&#####!" Moob roared once again.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Young Panchito, Young Jose and Baby Manny wailed out loud, which woke Jose up.
"Uhhh…" he groaned as he got up. He then noticed the three crying children. "Oh, great… What do I do?!" he had no idea how he would calm down three children at once. "GUYS! A little help here! Guys!" he tried calling for Panchito, who was lying on the ground unconscious, but he wouldn't wake up. The wailing then becomes louder. "Ohhh, come on!" Jose facepalmed. "Okey… Guess it's worth a shot…"
He tried to call the childrens' attention by calling them playfully and even doing a funny face in front of Young Panchito, but they didn't stop crying.
"PLEASE, Panchito! I need help! Wake UP!" Jose called out for his downed lover, but they still wouldn't wake up. "Urrrrgh!" he grunted stressfully; how is he going to calm down the children without his help? Soon, he got an idea: "Oh! I know! This will definitely calm them down!" he reaches through something in his pocket. "I just hope there's still enough space left in their stomachs."
He pull out Three Manny Cookies from his pocket. Once the children eyed at them, they immediately stopped crying and big smiles showed up on their faces.
"Yay! Cookies!" Young Panchito and Young Jose squealed.
"Yaaaaaaaaay!" Baby Manny cheered.
"Here you go!" Jose handed each baby a cookie and watched them munching on these tasty snacks.
"Cookies are soooo tasty!" Young Panchito exclaimed with cookie crumbles in his mouth.
Baby Manny chirped as he swallows the whole cookie with his tongue.
"Phew…" Jose let out a sigh of relief.
"Ugh…" he then heard Panchito groan. He was now awake.
"Oh, thank seven stars you're awake!" Jose said. "Even though I've already calmed the boys down by myself…" he thought.
"Uh… Where are we?" Young Jose asked.
"I surmise we're inside that beast's gastric chambers…" Stuffwell said after coming out of Panchito's pocket.
"Yuck..." Panchito cringed.
"You've gotta be kidding me…" Young Panchito sweatdropped.
"Well that's a first, getting eaten by a monstrous Manny." Jose said.
"Yeah, but what's next? Getting eaten by King Zeus?" Panchito questioned.
"Oh, sweet no! *sigh* goodness, Panchito… Don't give any funny ideas when we get back home." Jose glared at him.
"Young Zeus and his bellyful of star shards should be in here somewhere, as well." Stuffwell stated. "I suggest we find him and get out of here with all speed." He flies back into Panchitos pocket.
Panchoto then saw a very tiny opening on the other side of the wall.
"Hmm…" he pondered. "Guys, I can see through this wall. But we can't go through it."
"I wonder if the kids can." Jose wondered.
Hearing that, Young Jose walked towards the tiny gap and tried to fit through it, but he couldn't.
"Nope. Too small." He shook his head.
"Then how about we take that spring over there?" Young Panchito pointed to a spring at the far right. "It's small enough for us. Maybe we can find something up there."
"You have a point. Let's hop on it." Young Jose said.
"We'll wait for you here." Jose assured.
With that, the youngsters jumped on the spring and it launched them upwards.
"Eh?" Young Panchito did.
They saw the Gray Manny trying to push a large boulder towards the hole. The young kids were confused at that.
"Push! Push!" the Manny struggled.
"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" Young Jose asked.
"Trying to push this boulder." The Gray Manny answered. "If I can get this rolling, it should make a way outta here. Can't seem to budge it on my own, though…" he then attempts again.
"Hm… It DOES seem likely that rolling that giant boulder down the hole we just came from will expand that tight passage…" Young Jose pointed out.
"So we have to find a way to move this boulder somehow!" Young Panchito told them.
Baby Manny began tapping his hoofs together.
"Hold on, I think Manny is trying to say something…" Young Panchito pondered. "I've been listening to Manny Language since I was a newborn, so maybe I can understand him."
He analyzed Baby Manny's movements one by one. After he was done, Young Panchito came up with a conclusion:
"I think he was trying to say that there may be other Manny's wandering around in here. Perhaps if we find all of them, that boulder could move!"
"Hey! That's it! All of the Mannys were swallowed by that monster Yoshi too!" Young Jose confirmed. "But all of them got separated? That makes me worried for them!"
"Alright, but first of all, we gotta call our older selves to us!" Young Panchito stated as he hits a Warp Block, making a Warp Pipe appear and the adult Super Caballeros came out of it.
"You actually found a way to send us to you?" Panchito was surprised. "Tell us, what did you see?"
The young heroes explained everything to the adults.
"So we have to go on a Manny hunt, huh? I can see different rooms in this chamber, by the way. I suppose they'll lead us to where the Mannys are." Panchito said, directing to the rooms.
"I suggest we split up so that we can get the job done quickly." Jose suggested. "We can go with each of our younger selves while Baby Manny come with us."
They all nodded and split up to each room.
At the west side of Moob's Belly…
Panchito and his younger self entered the room, were they found an RC Aliener threatening a red Manny with a radio-controlled moving bomb.
"%)$" the RC Aliener sung.
"Help!" the Gray Red Manny cried for help.
"This Alien deserves a lesson!" Panchito glared at the RC Aliener.
"You bet!" Young Panchito glared next before calling out to get the RC Aliener's attention: "Hey! You there!"
The RC Aliener heard him and turned around to spot the two Panchitos. He then sent the moving bomb towards them. The bomb stood in front of the Pancchitos for quite a while, and surprisingly enough it didn't explode yet.
"Okay, this is getting boring…" Panchito rolled his eyes before destroying the bomb with his jump.
"Seriously? That's all you got?" Young Panchito teased.
"#&!" the RC Aliener's eyes twitched as he ran straight for them.
"Guess we'll settle this with a fray!" Panchito grinned as he and his younger self stood in their fighting stances.
The RC Aliener uses his antenna to command a flying bomb at the Sonics, but they dodged it and the bomb blew up by itself. After that, Young Panchito did a hammer while Panchito did a double jump Attack at the RC Aliener.
The RC Aliener tried to use that same bomb again. Panchito dodged it while Young Panchito does a Hammer attack at it to send it to the RC Aliener, killing him.
"We did, me!" Young Panchito high-fived his young self.
"You're welcome! One day, You'll be able to master the power move once you grow up!" Panchito replied.
"I will? Cool!"
The Gray Red Manny got up, thankful for the rooster killing the Alien. "Thanks!" he thanked. The Rooster then told him about the dilemma at the main chamber. "Huh? Escape?" he then ran off, lending a hand to the Manny with pushing the boulder. Even that, two Mannys still weren't enough.
At the northwest side of Moob's Belly…
Jose and his younger self came upon a large bright red wall in the room. What was surprising for them is that they heard a Manny's voice from behind the wall:
"Isn't there anybody who can help me?"
"Did you hear that? There's a Manny trapped on the other side!" Jose said. His younger self nodded. "The good question is: how do we get him out?"
"Wow! Lookie! Colorful balls!" Young Jose eyed at a row of colorful balls above the cell's door. The order of the balls' colors were blue, yellow, blue, red, yellow, blue, yellow, red, red, yellow, blue, yellow, red, blue, yellow and blue.
"It kinda looks like some sort of code…" Jose inspected the balls. He then noticed a small opening on the far right side of the wall where only his baby self could pass. "Hey! Me! Could you try to memorize the order of the colors shown here and then go down that opening?"
"Sure!" Young Jose nodded. It took a couple of seconds for him to memorize all of the colors, but once he was finished, he went inside the opening.
On the other side, there were tons of colorful buttons that light in the same three colors as the balls seen outside.
"Oh, that explains it." Young Jose pointed out. "Alright, here goes nothing!" he took out his hammer.
Some button hitting later…
"*bang!* …yellow… *bang!* …red… *bang!* …blue… *bang!* …yellow…and… *bang!* …BLUE!"
At the same time, when Young Jose completed the row of buttons, the door leading to the imprisoned Manny opened. The toddler then emerged out from the opening.
"Good job!" Jose congratulated.
"No problem!" Young Jose replied with a smile.
The Joses went through the opened door and greeted the Manny, which was a blue one.
"That…was scary." The Gray Blue Manny stuttered. Once the Joses told him about the situation at the chamber, the Gray Blue Manny went out to help with the pushing as well.
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Bueeeno he suspendido uno de los siete exámenes asi que tened un dibujo.
Antes de que me mateis, este dibujo salio a raiz de una conversación con una amiga donde yo la explicaba mis ideas raras.
Tengo el headcanon de que el imperio ruso es en realidad la URSS....es mas complicado que solo eso, pero dudo que a alguien le importe asi que ale, tened un GIF con el proceso de creación
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Pequeño detalle, quería hacerle las manos con muchas cicatrices y marcas de tortura...peeero my estómago y mi habilidad tienen limites, así que ya sabéis que hay debajo de las vendas
Además, no ye visto a nadie hacer el símbolo de la hoz y el martillo encima de vendas sangrientas asique no se si la idea es original o no, pero lo intenté.
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omgsrtagalactica · 4 years
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no voy a subir en un buen rato ya que la computadora es compartida y mi hermana la esta utilizando para trabajos escolares de la cuarentena pero subiré varios de una vez los que he echo, cada vez que tenga oportunidad los subiré, ya se que dibujo mal a mano pero bueno, el próximo capitulo de rusmex sera de esta manera a mano y enserio perdón por la calidad de la cámara espero y les gusten estos dibujos y el tiempo que no suba le den apoyo a los demás y estos hasta pronto.     
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yunabaru · 5 years
Fou yea ra kiafa rivire yasra frawrle.
Fou yea ra vit tek eazas walasye anw
dorn mahin art werllra savath chs frawr.
Wee yea ra na messe bautifal ar ciel.
Wee paks ra hyear vit anw varda frawr
porter dauane iasien chs linen tes mea.
Wee paks ra hyear vit anw plina grruw brinch
tes bengnuih chs neee anw mea.
Was apea ra firle clalliss rivire art fandel frawr
bexm nuih, urr willie weak.
kierre nille li fandel kiala.
Was apea ra na messe bautifal ar ciel.
Was apea erra firle foul ar ciel.
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chane-vel · 4 years
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Un dibujo old de urss que tenía por ahí
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trollhunter-nomura · 6 years
Ch 4 conflicting interests
As exciting as the previous night was, Nomura was hoping for a little bit of normalcy during the day, and aside from the class field trip that had come, and Strickler being ever bored, which considering he taught history in school, it was ironic that a history museum would bore him. Things were uneventful, tho one teenager was trying to find nude neanderthals or something for some reason. She never really liked teenagers, they were rather obnoxious.
Later that evening however was when things got interesting.
She sat in the employee lunchroom of the museum, enjoying a nice cup of oolong tea. Tho Blinky had given her some tea last night in Trollmarket, she much preferred her own blend. She read over some shopping invoices for incoming packages to the museum. Some were for new exhibits, and some were coded. Those were pieces of the bridge to be added when other fragments arrived.
"So, did you hear about the new trollhunter?" A voice asked, entering the room.
Nomura turned her head to the door to see a tall lanky middle-aged man. Strickler, or Stricklander as his real name was, was another shapeshift. He always wore a hideous olive green jacket over turtleneck sweaters. Even in the summer.
"What about it?" She asked, looking back to her paperwork she was sorting.
"According to Bular, the trollhunter is human. Or appears to be."
Nomura let out a chuckle. "What do you mean 'appears to be'?"
"I'm not sure, but according to Bular, the human seemed to have unusual abilities." He poured himself a cup of tea, then promptly spit it out. She smiled. Her tea was of an unusual blend, and can be rather strong if you weren't used to it like she was.
"How so?" She asked, leaning back in her chair, taking a sip of the tea.
"I'm not too sure." Strickler sat down at the table. "I wasn't there, but according to Bular, she seemed to managed to jump over his head. And as far as I'm aware, no human should be able to jump almost ten feet in the air."
"Really?" She asked, pretending to be impressed. "Where is the brute anyways?"
"Hunting." Strickler answered, rolled his eyes.
"What?" That was not good news.
"Yes, I know." Strickler continued,noting the look of apall on her face. "But he barely listens to reason. I managed to convince him to go elsewhere lest we be found out by authorities."
She nodded, pondering. She looked at the papers in front. Tho many were for bridge pieces, one in particular was something she'd been waiting for. She wondered when she would bring it to Bular's attention.
"If I didn't know any better, I would think this human trollhunter was actually a changeling." Strickler's voice brought her from her thoughts.
She gave a rather smug smile. "If the trollhunter were a changeling, you would think they'd value their live's enough to come forward immediatly with the amulet, wouldn't they?"
Strickler seemed to be trying to read her reactions. He may be older than she was, but she'd had better practice at subterfuge. He usually allowed his Humanity to get the best of him. She hated her humanity.
"You would think that. Regardless, a human or a changeling trollhunter is not the norm. If it is a changeling, they probably wouldn't last as long as most of the previous trollhunters."
Nomura looked over. "Indeed. Bular would certainly make quick work of them, human or changeling."
Nearby a clock started chiming. It was midnight.
"Well, if Bular isn't coming tonight, I need to go and sort the incoming packages. Don't you have a history class to bore tomorrow?"
Strickler scowled at her remark, but left either way. Once she was certain he was gone, she went to the safe in her office to retrieve her purse. Checking to see that the amulet and horngozzle were still there, she headed off to Trollmarket.
Over the next few weeks she got into a bit of routine of her trollhunter duties. While she couldn't really "answer the call" while she was running the museum, she managed to slip those between lunch and dinner and dodging Bular. Alot of the things she was asked to do were rather inane, such as clearing out a couple gnome infestations. She knew not to touch their hats, but even so all she wanted to do was punt the whole lot and their constant bickering.
Tho one request she got was really curious, from a troll named Bagdwella. She asked Nomura if she could deliver an ornate box to her sister who lived in a sewer on the other side of town, and to be very careful that only her sister can open it. Nomura looked over the box. She still had difficulty reading trollish. But she could make out some of the characters. She looked at the robust troll.
"This doesn't contain a curse, does it?" She asked wryly.
Bagdwella looked offended at the accusation. She demanded for Nomura to return it. Nomura shook her head. She didn't know the extent of the curse, but judging from the carvings it may have had to do with gravity.
"I'm sorry, but as the trollhunter, I can't on good conscience let you have this back. Whatever issue you have with your sister I'm sure it could be resolved more civil than a silly curse."
Bagdwella huffed and stormed off back to her stall. Nomira looked over the box knowing exactly what to do with it. A sensible trollhunter would lock it away in the vault. She had a better idea. She would send it to a changeling named Gladysgoro. She worked as a dental assistant and loved to torture children for fun behind the orthodontist back. She may not have liked children too much, but some things can go to far.
After dealing with the box she went towards the forge where she could train. Tho she felt she could hardly call it training. She wondered if Blinky was taking things slow and easy because she was a "human woman." Because lately the only thing that excited her from training was when Blinky taught her the lore. As a historian she loved learning new things.
"Blinky is there anything else that this place has to offer, I feel as if there's more to this trollhunter training." She asked, hooking her sword to her hip.
"Well Master Nomura, I don't want to overtax you."
She rolled her eyes. "Come now, I may be human, but I believe I can take much more than what your having this place dish out."
A voice laughed from the stands. Ever since their little duel, Draal has made it a point to sit in on every one of her training sessions. You'd think he didn't trust her! She got an idea.
"You think you could train me better, tough guy?" She called up to him.
"Master Nomura, perhaps it would be best that you don't antagonize him?" Blinky said, nervousness tinging his voice.
She gave the four armed troll a warm smile. "I'm sure Draal is more barl than bite."
At her remark Draal jumped from the high stand, landing a few feet from them. He walked over to them, leaning on a fist to look over her.
"If I were to train you, I would work you within an inch of your life." He growled.
Nomura smiled at him. "Well, I'm always up for more excitement. I figure you can do my physical training here, and Blinky, I'll still come by your library for the literary learning"
Blinky looked between Draal and Nomira unsure what to say, but smiled at her request he still teach her in ways he knew. He nodded.
"Very well then. As you wish, Master Nomura . I will leave you to Draal." He walked out, ARRRGGGH following.
Once they were out of earshot, Draal stomped close to her.
"What game are you playing now, Trollhunter?" He nearly spat the last word. He put as much contempt in that title than he normally would in using the word 'impure.'
"I'm not playing any games here. I want a more effective training." She smiled at him innocently.
"I don't buy that. I don't know how long you plan on stretching this scheme of yours, whatever it is. But know this: I will not let history repeat itself."
"What do you mean by that?" She asked, genuinely confused.
"Merlin's made mistakes in the past. One mistake nearly led to the destruction of troll Market. If it came to it, I WILL kill you. Even if it meant forfeiting any chance of obtaining The Amulet. I will NOT let Blinky go through that again."
She shook her head. "Draal your not making any sense."
He sneered at her ignorance.
"Why don't you just look up Tellad-Urr the Terrible." He stormed out After that, leaving her ever Clueless.
She looked around the heroes Forge, trying to pick out this terrible troll that Draal was talking about. The name seemed vaguely familiar, but she couldn't think of why. Until she saw him. she recognized the form of the supposed evil troll, but she didn't know enough of the story. She was going to need to do some research.
For those who do not know who Tellad-Urr is, he is a troll hunter from the tie-in book series. He was in "Age of the amulet" and essentially helped gunmar rise to power. He imprisoned any trolls who refused to subjugate humankind. Blinky was a very young troll in this book, so it was well before Draal's time. But he knows well enough about the events. I hadn't planned on mentioning anything from the books, and this might be the only time.
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