#ch: kara danvers
jakascoo · 4 months
A JayKara Christmas Scene
T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house… 
Well, a lot of creatures were stirring. This was the El - Todd house we are talking about, which has a very compelling argument to suggest that there is always someone awake within its walls. 
But first, we start our tale with Boo. After all, it is nice to work in alphabetical order. Our darling lady was attempting to sneak out of the house, which really should have been her first clue that something would go wrong. When you have a Kryptonian in the house, and a man raised by Bruce Wayne, the idea of sneaking out just should never occur to you. 
And yet, here we find Boo, at nine o’clock on Christmas Eve, attempting to whisper down the stairs. 
What was going through her mind? Well, we may never know, because she only made it halfway down before the lights turned on, illuminating the aforementioned Kryptonian and member of the Batfam at the bottom of the stairs. 
Neither of whom looked particularly impressed. 
“Uh… I forgot to put my presents under the tree?” Boo tried, straightening her back and walking down the stairs with all of the confidence that she did not have. 
Jason snorted at that, before shaking his head. “Nice try, child, but you have had your presents under the tree for a month.”
It was true- Boo had put the tree up on November Twenty Fifth, and immediately populated it with presents.
“Alright, fine,” Boo sighed, dropping down onto the staircase in far too dramatic a fashion. “Erik and Rori invited me over for a movie.”
“And you thought you had to sneak out?” Kara asked, tilting her head in that way that just screamed I am not mad, I am just disappointed.
Boo had never been able to stand up to that look, so it was a good thing that she was currently sitting. “Maybe?”
“Do you want a lift?” Jason asked. 
At this, Boo’s face lit up. “I am allowed to go?”
“Again, why would you think that we would say no?” Jason asked, before gesturing between himself and Kara. “Not prison wardens.”
Boo jumped up off of the stairs, and put an arm around each of the adults that had let her into their home. “Rori is swinging by to pick me up. You two are the best!”
And with that, Boo soon made her escape, to see how her evening would take shape.
Which left Jason and Kara at the foot of the stairs, the next sight not catching them unawares.
Scott had always been far less stealthy than his twin sister, and was walking down the stairs without a care in the world.
“And where are you off to?” Kara asked, a sweet smile on her face.
“The library,” Scott answered, readjusting the strap of his backpack. A backpack which looked far too packed for a trip to the library.
“Try again,” Jason said, his voice brooking no argument.
Scott sighed. “Spending the night with a friend, I hope?”
Kara looked up at Jason, before looking back at Scott with that same sweet smile that had brought down so many villains and bakery owners. “Be safe.”
Scott took the opening, and left without a backward glance, not wanting to leave his evening up to chance.
This left Jason and Kara alone once again, at the bottom of their stairs when
Jason swept Kara up into his arms, putting on all of his charms. 
“A house all to ourselves,” Jason said with a smile.
Kara shook her head, placing a hand on her stomach. “I am afraid, not for a while.”
Jason’s step faltered, but was swiftly recovered, for this news that he had just discovered
Was enough to have him asking, “Really?”
“You understand me, darling,” Kara said, putting a hand on Jason’s cheek, “do not be silly.”
So with laughter and mirth, the two retired to their room, the activities which followed easy to assume.
So with this Christmas tale, make sure to sleep tight, and Merry Christmas to all- and to all a good night.
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eqt-95 · 2 years
a crisis of indulgence
also on ao3
Lena Luthor didn’t indulge in much. 
Even that was an overstatement.
Lena Luthor didn’t indulge, full stop.
So when two straight years without a holiday, weekend, or full night’s rest passed and the latest L-Corp product successfully launched without an ounce of cynical, passive aggressive doubt about its potential use for world-domination or human-destruction, Lena did something she never did:
She decided to indulge.
If it could even be called that.
It wasn’t a week long stay at some resort deep in the mountains. It wasn’t a European vacation filled with stops at her favorite French cafe and Irish pub. It wasn’t even a weekend off. It was something so trivial and simple that Jess’ stoic demeanor collapsed and sent her jaw tumbling to the floor in obvious disapproval.
“Gelato?” she asked - guffawed. “That’s what you want?”
“There’s a little place off North and 73rd."
“Gelato,” Jess repeated, unable to process anything past that simplest of fact.
Because it truly was preposterously small and hardly counted as a suitable reward for over 7300 cumulative hours worked over the last two years without so much as a thank you from the board, her peers, or the headlines.
"The owner took over for his mother who immigrated from Italy forty years ago," Lena continued explaining past the scowl of disapproval on her assistant's face.
It nearly made Jess double over with disbelief when Lena rejected the idea of having the gelato delivered.
“I’ll go myself.”
“But Ms. Luthor, it’s all the way up town and-”
“Jess, are you really trying to keep me in the office?” Lena asked, peering over her glasses toward her loyal and sharp assistant.
The accusation was enough to send Jess retreating back to her desk and putting a stop to any incoming calls for the rest of the day.
Fifteen minutes later Lena was tapping her way out of the main lobby and into the bright late afternoon sun. She inhaled deeply like a prisoner just released from years of hard time, and it felt fresh. She waved off her driver and cradled the surge of energy that came from a bright spring day in her chest and began trekking north the twenty two city blocks.
It was at the fourteenth block that she felt the first chafe against her heels. She wore three-inch heels everyday to see eye-to-eye with her board, but that hardly meant her feet were used to taking the 8,632 steps required to get her from L-Corp’s front door to a tiny gelato stand.
But she wasn't about to let a little lingering pain ruin her afternoon-turned-evening stroll. No, she was on a mission to partake in a tiny treat she hadn't satiated since she was a young child. It was half the reason she'd sought it out: eating gelato was a memory harbored as one between herself and her birth mother only.
This tiny bubble of sentimentality carried her blindly up to the eighteenth block when she felt the sting of her shoe rubbing her skin raw, and it was at the twentieth block that she realized the sun was now being swallowed by dark, ominous clouds.
Lena tried to remain optimistic. A realist at heart, she still knew how to craft a narrative worthy of keeping spirits high. She wasn’t a CEO of a multi-billion dollar international company for nothing. 
She only had two blocks of suffering left. After that even the risk of rain couldn't sour her mood: she’d simply enjoy her gelato inside at some tiny table with a diner-style booth in the peace and quiet of - 
Lena stalled to a standstill when the fine establishment she’d read rave reviews about came into view. The articles had described it as a quaint hole in the wall, but Lena had hardly believed it was a literal hole in the wall. A tiny faded sign with hand painted lettering was the only indication she was in the right place.
Instead of a door there was simply a counter and a tiny window. When she approached she was greeted by a warm smile and any nerves were relieved by the welcome and offer of free samples. For a moment she forgot about the looming clouds and the radiating heat and pain settling against the back of her ankles.
She settled on a blend of pistachio and hazelnut - flavors reminiscent of the memory she held so dear. It was when she pulled out her wallet to pay that a tiny sign caught her attention: “Closing Down!!”
“Is business suffering?” Lena asked, swapping plastic for the pint the older gentleman offered.
“No, ma’am,” he chuckled. “Just retirement.”
“Retirement?” Lena parroted, trying to imagine a world where her life didn’t revolve around work. “What will you do?”
“I’m going home,” he smiled warmly. “Florence. It was always my mother’s dream to return.”
Lena felt a pang of disappointment at losing something she’d never experienced before, but nodded and smiled as her card was returned. She turned away, clutching the pint’s cardboard walls, already condensing in the warmth.
She stepped back toward the busier street she’d turned off of three blocks earlier, planning to suffer only a few moments longer before hailing a cab and savoring her tiny treat at home.
But as fate would have it, even this small treat was too earth-shattering of an event to go smoothly. The axis of the earth may very well have tilted out of alignment at the thought of Lena Luthor indulging for even a second in a spoonful of childhood nostalgia.
Because the moment Lena was a block away from the gelato hole, the skies broke open and sent golf ball sized hail falling from the heavens and threatening Lena’s very existence. 
Lena didn’t even give herself a moment to sigh at her bad luck, because she heard then saw the chunks of hail sending webs of fractures into car windshields. If that wasn’t motivation enough to book it, she didn’t know what was. Lifting her handbag over her head, she began bolting down the street in shoes that sent her heels screaming with pain. 
And of course as luck would have it, she made it all of half a block before a snap sent her off balance and one extra stumble from falling into the road.
She recovered but just barely, and spent half a glance searching for some sort of sanctuary from the plagues being cast down on her. She didn’t bother second-guessing her decision when a dim neon sign caught her eye and a Corona beer sign flickered with age in a dusty, dark window.
Shoving her handbag and gelato in one hand, she used her free one to click the latch and, for lack of a better word, collapse into the dimly lit bar. Lena didn’t take a second look before pushing the door shut, body half supported by the old, decrepit timber.
The sound of muted hail pelting outside confirmed her next choice: there was no way she was about to go back outside. So she inhaled bravely and turned into the bar. 
Her first thought was how much more like a pub the entire place felt. She was certain she hadn’t descended any stairs, yet the walls were stone and reminded her of a cellar. Weak fixtures of different styles and design were mounted to the walls, flooding the space in a soft, warm glow. If she hadn’t just been outside, she might have assumed it was well after dark for how intimate and moody the space was. 
Her second thought was that she’d just barged into a closed establishment. There wasn’t a single lifeform around, and the complete lack of workers sent her fingers back toward the door handle. She was half a second from resigning herself to hail-filled death when a flash of blonde hair caught her eye. The woman clearly had no idea Lena was there: earbuds in, bar rag drying a glass to the tune of some unheard song.
Lena waved twice before a pair of sea blue eyes shifted from the glass to Lena’s, and a small squeak of surprise sent the glass fumbling, jostling, and, regrettably, shattering onto the floor.
“Hi,” the woman greeted, red-cheeked and overly enthusiastic for having just destroyed a highball. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“No, I.. I was just uhm… It’s hailing.”
“Again?” the woman asked, hands now equipped with a broom. “Twice in one week,” she whistled.
“Would it be a problem if I just uhm, waited it out?”
“Sure thing. Take a seat,” the woman nodded, gesturing toward one of the barstools. “What’ll you have?”
Guilt for imposing on an establishment sent her mouth asking for a whiskey. The least she could do was order something. The woman nodded - winked - before her hands made quick work behind the bar.
“Ooh, is that from Stella’s?” the woman asked, eyes lighting up in recognition of the pale blue container Lena set down onto the bar. “It’s a real shame he’s closing down, but gosh it’s so great that he gets to go back to Italy. Can you imagine?”
“No,” Lena answered honestly, her tone bordering on curt. The bartender seemed hardly offended as she put an extra splash of whiskey in the lowball. 
“Want me to put that in the freezer? Won’t be much good if you let it melt. I mean, unless you like it that way. I definitely don’t, but we all eat gelato different ways and I am completely respectful of any way someone wants to eat their-”
“Actually,” Lena interrupted, realizing the conundrum she’d created for herself. She also feared the bartender may very well have rambled on until the gelato was liquid, and then nothing would have mattered. “Actually, if you wouldn’t mind?”
The bartender smiled and slid the pint across the bar, leaving behind tiny drops of water in its wake.
“Just don’t forget it. There’s a whole lot of people who’d pay good money for that on the gelato black-market after next week,” she winked, before disappearing under the bar. She returned a moment later and slapped a rag onto the polished maple bartop.
Lena nodded, taking a cautious sip of the whiskey and letting it spread over her taste buds. It was hardly any good, but after the abominable last ten minutes of her life, it was practically a twenty year Macallan.
“Weird that it hailed, huh?” Kara asked, and Lena realized it was directed at her because there was absolutely no one else occupying the tiny bar at 4:30pm on a Tuesday. “I didn’t even know it was supposed to rain. Hey, what’s got you out and about anyway? Don’t take any offense, but you look a little too well-dressed for this side of town.”
“I… well actually, I-” but whatever Lena had planned to say next was drowned out by the familiar buzzing coming from her handbag. “Sorry, just, uh…” she said, fingers sliding off the lowball and diving into her bag. She retrieved it easily and barely acknowledged Jess’ name appearing before her thumb hit ‘answer’.
“Hello?” Lena asked, staring glumly into the caramel liquid. 
“Ms. Luthor? I’m sorry to bother you on your night off-”
“What is it Jess?” she asked, recognizing the strain in her assistant’s voice for what it was: there was an emergency.
“There’s been a break-in and-”
“Where? Which facility?” Lena asked, already standing to leave. Her free hand reached into her bag and slapped a fifty onto the counter before curling around the leather handles.
Maybe if she hadn’t been so conditioned to come calling whenever a fire broke out at L-Corp, Lena might have heard the bartender calling out to her as she hobbled to the door. Perhaps if she didn’t have blinders on when it came to any risk that threatened the precariously good will the rest of the world had finally offered Lena, she might have remembered the whole reason she was in this mess.
Be that as it was, she was and she did, so it was another three hours after she’d dealt with the police, the press, and her board that she finally returned home, broken heels clutched in one hand, that she remembered what she’d forgotten. 
She gave herself a full minute to dwell in disappointment. It involved collapsing onto her overpriced, underused couch, abandoning her ruined shoes onto the ground next to her, and dropping her head on the armrest. 
This was why she didn’t indulge, she thought glibly. Indulging always led to bad things happening. Why she thought one afternoon off wouldn’t become a series of unfortunate events was something she’d chastise herself for over the next three days.
Until two Fridays later when Lena found herself uptown for a meeting with a start-up she was looking to fund. She nearly forgotten all about the hail-induced crisis of indulgence from ten days earlier - an assassination attempt thrown into the mix usually minimized the tinier hiccups in Lena’s life.
She was leaving an incredibly productive, highly promising meeting with a trio of eager, idealistic recent grads who made her think that the world wasn’t destined to be run by old curmudgeons nickel and diming their way into billions of dollars built on the backs of the middle class. It was refreshing and enlightening, and with that injection of energy, she looked up at the street signs and realized she was one block away from the gelato stand. 
Having chosen far more sensible shoes and drunk on the possibility of a greater good, she texted Jess to cancel the rest of her meetings and found herself walking toward the hole in a wall joint.
Reality crashed down mere seconds later with the most disappointing realization: it was closed. It was closed for good. Lena had missed her chance. It was so disheartening that she let out an audible sigh of resignation.
Even her spontaneous urges to indulge weren’t meant to be. 
Shoulders soft with defeat she turned back, trudging in the most un-Luthor-like way back toward the main street. If she called Jess, she might still be able to keep her scheduled calls and meetings and-
“Hey,” came a voice from the alley.
Lena wasn’t spooked by the sound, but she sure as hell wasn’t about to acknowledge it. Hardly interested in another assassination attempt, she kept her head down, even as the voice called after her again. Footsteps followed, and Lena felt her fingers fumbling desperately inside her handbag for the tiny pepper spray she kept for just these occasions. 
She hardly gave a second thought about whether there was even any left after last week's attack when a hand caught Lena’s upper arm and she swung around wildly, wielding her weapon of choice into the face two feet away from her.
“Oh, woa,” the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, strangely familiar face said, lifting her hands in surrender. 
Lena’s forefinger pressed firmly to the top of the canister and for a moment was struck with surprise then fear then confusion that - even though this stranger seemed fleetingly recognizable - she wasn’t doubled over in pain from a toxic liquid being sprayed directly into her glasses-covered eyes. 
“I… I don’t really think that’s my shade. But gosh it looks great on you.”
“Your lipstick. At least, I assume it’s yours. It was in your handbag and now it’s in your hand, and, well if I’m not mistaken it’s also on your lips. Unless that isn’t your handbag and actually maybe you stole it. But it goes so well with your jacket that it seems impractical you’d steal something that matched so well with your jacket. Unless that’s how you get away with it, but you don’t really seem like a thief, and I usually have a pretty good intuition for that kind of thing.”
Lena blinked, her focus shifting from the woman’s rambling to the glossy black cylinder clenched between her white knuckles. The band of familiar rouge explained it all.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” Lena asked, and as she said it she felt the pull of familiarity in the warm smile that blossomed over the woman’s face.
“You’re the ice cream lady, right?”
“The ice cream…” Lena parroted slowly, brow tucked in confusion before - “you’re the bartender.”
“Kara,” she said.
“I gave you my gelato.”
“You did,” Kara said. “But then you left it, and you didn’t come back.”
There was something curious about Kara’s inflection. It wasn’t accusatory or said in jest. If Lena hadn’t known any better, she might have thought it sounded disappointed.
“Yes, well, something came up. At least someone was able to enjoy it,” Lena sulked in a very unbecoming way. She smacked her lips at the thought of her missed indulgence, glancing regretfully toward the closed window half a block beyond.
“Who?” Kara asked.
“You said someone enjoyed it, but I know for a fact that’s not true because it is definitely taking up an ‘unreasonable amount of space, Ms. Danvers’,” the woman said, her tone dropping to imitate someone Lena didn’t know and lifting her fingers to also air quote this stranger.
“Wait, you… you didn’t eat it?”
“Eat it? Me? Are you kidding? What kind of bartender would I be if I let a customer in distress down? It is the bartender’s sworn duty to protect the forgotten and abandoned until it may be rightfully returned.”
“That is the strangest code I have ever heard,” Lena said, her arched brow revealing the incredulity her voice had been trained to hide.
“Well, it’s the code. So if you still want it…” the woman said with an infectious smile that rendered Lena useless.
And just like that Lena found herself back in the dumpy bar, the familiar pale blue pint appearing from under the bar. 
“See? Told you,” Kara said proudly, setting it on the bar with such forceful declaration that the tiny crystals of ice that clung to it scattered onto the surface. “Bartender’s code.”
“I see,” Lena nodded, feeling strangely conflicted: she had what she wanted, so of course she should go. But again, for whatever absurd reason, the bar was completely empty, and Lena felt like running off was the worst way to show thanks. “But maybe I could get a drink first? Any chance you held onto the one I didn’t finish? You know, bartender’s code and all,” she quipped.
“Alcohol doesn’t count,” Kara clarified. “Can you imagine though? If I kept every unfinished drink… oh boy, J’onn would be furious. Well, first we’d be out of glassware, and then what? Would we build shelves? Or rent out a storage facility? How would I even begin tracking each glass? I guess there could be a database of-”
“A fresh whiskey is also fine,” Lena interrupted to the relief of both parties.
“So, you never answered my question,” Kara said, pulling out a fresh glass and giving it a generous pour of the same shitty whiskey. “What got a fancy business-looking woman like you this far north?”
“Lena, please. And business, actually,” Lena answered honestly before taking a sip of the familiar drink. “There’s a start-up I’m looking to invest in.”
“You? Investing? But you… well you look younger than me. Are you a genius superstar?”
"Do you have any spoons in this joint?" Lena asked in lieu of answering. "Because I'd rather not leave this go uneaten a moment longer. Who knows what catastrophe is going to send me fleeing any second."
"Oh! Definitely," Kara replied, the sound of metal clinking around behind the bar. She placed a single silver spoon next to the pint, and Lena eyed it thoughtfully.
"You're not having any?"
"Oh," Kara replied, cheeks flushing. "Can I? Could… could I?"
Lena nodded, a small smile suppressed by her controlled expression. 
“So, you said you keep things you find safe,” Lena said by way of a tangent, and was thankful when Kara seemed to understand their previous topic had ended.
“Yep,” Kara replied, pulling the pint lid off and sucking errant gelato from her thumb.
"Like what?" Lena asked, accepting the open pint and digging into the frozen treat.
This simple question became an hour-long regaling of impossibly ridiculous stories about forgotten items. They ranged from simple personal items like umbrellas and chargers to briefcases.
"Two thousand dollars?" Lena gawked at one point.
"Well, technically it was one thousand nine hundred eighty four dollars."
"Did she come back?"
"Oh, yea. Apparently she'd just moved to the city, and it was her security deposit and first month's rent in cash. Babysitting money if you'll believe it. She didn't have a bank account or anything when I told her off for walking around with a wad of cash."
"You're her hero," Lena remarked, scraping the bottom of the pint for the final drips of gelato.
Somewhere in the mix Lena had watched Kara grow from hesitant to blatantly indulgent in her participation in the gelato. Between stories Lena watched as she impressively worked a mountain of a bite around her mouth without so much as hinting as brain freeze.
“So what’s the strangest thing you’ve found?” 
“Oh, that’s easy: an engagement ring.”
“A what?” Lena asked past the spoon and final mouthful of gelato, unable to contain the bulge or her eyes. “You found an engagement ring?”
“Well, it wasn’t so much that I found it as it was left behind," Kara answered.
“Wait, what do you mean it was left behind?”
“There was this cute couple who came in, right? I’d never seen them before, but they sat together at that corner table for about two hours,” Kara said, pointing to the most intimate location in the cozy space as she circled around the bar to join Lena. “And for two hours I watched their faces go from upset to resigned to teary to angry to sad. By the end, the girlfriend had pulled the ring off and handed it back to the boyfriend. He wouldn’t take it, and the girl was so distraught that she just left. The boyfriend stayed for another round. I think he was hoping she might come back, but she never did, and when he got up to go, he placed the ring right in the middle of the table and left.”
“He left the ring?” Lena asked, completely engrossed and far too invested in this story.
“He left the ring,” Kara said.
“So then what? When did he come back?”
“He didn’t.”
“Yea. Wanna see it?”
Lena nodded, feeling a whole new rollercoaster of emotions at the revelation. When Kara reached into her pocket, Lena gaped. “You just walk around with it?”
“Well yea. What if I run into him one day? I wouldn’t want to make him trek all the way back here when I could just give it to him. If ice cream didn’t melt so fast, I’d have tossed that in my backpack.”
“Gelato,” Lena corrected again, squinting at the ring clutched between Kara’s thumb and forefinger. “So what happens if you never see him again?”
“Not sure,” Kara shrugged, dropping the ring into Lena’s outstretched palm. “I’d never really thought about it.”
“You walk around with a vintage wedding ring everyday and never think about the fact you may never find this guy?” Lena asked, absorbing the intricate detail of the square cut surrounded by tiny silver filigree and smaller diamonds. It was not a trivial thing to just keep in one’s pocket.
“Well what good is that? If I thought that way I might as well just toss it into the ocean.”
“You could pawn it,” Lena suggested, setting the ring down between them. It was hardly a creative idea, but she was still so gobsmacked that someone who lived off minimum wage and tips would just leave a tiny fortune stagnant in her jeans every day.
“But then it would lose its story.”
And the look of disappointment that rippled over Kara’s face was enough to make Lena wish she’d never suggested such an outrageous thing.
So of course there was only one solution: “So what did he look like?”
“Oh, well… brown hair, blue eyes. His hair wasn’t shaggy but it also wasn’t super short or anything.”
“Kara,” Lena began, letting the sound of her name roll off her lips for the first time. It felt nice. “This is a city of six million people. Brown hair and blue eyes is hardly enough detail to go off. What about distinct features? Did he have facial hair? A limp? A fake eye?”
“No, nothing. He was actually extraordinarily generic. But I’d know him if I saw him,” Kara said defensively.
“Did you catch his name? How tall was he?” Lena asked, her analytical brain firing on all cylinders. Why this captured her interest she didn’t quite know. Maybe it was because she’d spent so long alone that this strangers company was tapping into some carnal need to solve a strange ‘Where’s Waldo’ problem of someone else’s own making.
“Well he was sitting for most of it, but when he stood up to leave his head lined up with that sconce,” Kara said, pointing to the wired candelabra precariously tacked to the wall.
“That’s not a sconce,” Lena corrected before rising to walk up to it. She stood at least five inches below it which meant he was roughly six foot. Another hardly unique detail. “What else?” she asked, turning back toward Kara and her puckered expression of concentration.
“Maybe a name?”
“Mike!” Kara practically shouted. “His name was Mike.”
“You could have led with that-”
“But I only just remembered,” Kara exclaimed, victory written all over her face. “Lena, we’re such a good team. If we keep at it like this, we’ll find him in no time.”
That was certainly hyperbole if ever Lena had ever heard it, but as she took in the scene: an empty bar, an empty pint of gelato with two spoons resting on the bar, and a contagious smile coming from this random bartender she’d just spent the last two hours with, Lena couldn’t help but offer her own smile in return.
Maybe this was preposterous. Maybe this would never work. Maybe Lena would wake up tomorrow and dismiss this whole thing as an absurd waste of time - an indulgence. And maybe it was. Maybe, just maybe, this silly little ring and this random guy named Mike would never be reunited. And yet Lena couldn’t imagine telling Kara the odds were completely against her.
“So,” Lena said finally, settling back into the stool next to her. “What do you remember about the girlfriend?”
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superfandomcorp · 2 years
the power of looks 👀
8 notes · View notes
waytooinvested · 2 months
Vengeance, Victory, and Undying Love - pt 2
Chapter 2 of my Supercorp fic in which Lena still creates something called Non Nocere to deal with her broken heart after finding out Supergirl's identity, but this time she gives the name to a different project. A more personal one. And now she’s coming for Supergirl.
This and previous chapters also available to read on Ao3
This wasn’t over.
Even as Lena watched Kara stumbling out to the car on her security feed she knew her night was only just beginning.
That was fine though. It was expected.
And it wasn’t as though she hadn’t prepared for it – the serum had been ready for weeks by the time the opportunity had arisen to use it, during which time she had run every variation of this scenario she could think of along with a dozen contingency options.
Of course the missile strike and Supergirl’s near death when it exploded hadn’t been part of her original plan, but Lena was ready to take the opportunities fate dropped into her lap, and aside from a brief helicopter ride and a little first aid, the essentials of the delivery had gone precisely as she had hoped. If anything the violence that had brought Supergirl into her hands just went to show how vital Non Nocere was.
Kara would understand that in time.
Or not.
It really didn’t matter either way, because Lena didn’t care one bit what Kara Danvers thought of her anymore. After all, this whole plan would make sure that she never had to think about Kara or Supergirl ever again. And she was so close now she could almost feel what it would be like when she achieved it.
But first things first.
Kara would be arriving home in a few minutes, and as soon as she got there she’d find Alex waiting, doubtless frantic with worry for her lying traitor of a sister. After that it was only a matter of time before she found out about the injection and started trying to unravel what Lena had done.
She would fail of course. Alexandra Danvers might be good, but Lena Luthor was better, and she doubted whether anyone at the DEO would even be able to identify what the serum was made of, let alone what it was for. At least, not until it was too late.
They would work that out for themselves soon enough, and then they would come for her. Lena estimated she had two, maybe three hours before DEO agents stormed in to arrest her.
She had considered making herself scarce for a few days to avoid all the unpleasantness, but in the end she couldn’t bring herself to run away. It would seem cowardly. Villainous. And despite what they might think of her, Lena was not a villain: everything she did, she did for the good of the world.
Well, in this case maybe 99% good of the world, 1% vengeance…
So she would be there for the 1%, to witness the fear and betrayal she had stirred up among Supergirl’s duplicitous posse from the very epicentre of their panic, and it would be balm to her wounded pride to be able to keep them in the dark this time. Besides, if she was on site she could make sure everything went smoothly until the serum had had a chance to work beyond any possibility of reversal. It wouldn’t take long – a matter of hours at the most.
She smiled to herself at the thought, and began to prepare.
A meal first, a change of clothes, and some flat shoes, so that she would be comfortable if they kept her detained her for more than a few hours. After a brief hesitation she pulled the shirt she’d just put on back off and added a bullet proof vest underneath it, just in case things got out of hand. It felt a little melodramatic to be planning for the possibility of being shot by people she had, not so long ago, been playing Scrabble and cracking up over silly jokes with, but she had learned the hard way that you couldn’t go about blindly trusting people just because on the surface they seemed like the good guys. Besides, Alex Danvers would go absolutely feral at the thought that Lena had done anything to hurt her little sister.
So, bullet proof vest, check.
Ideally she could have done with a power nap too, but the timing of this hadn’t exactly been left up to her and she refused to be caught out in the vulnerability of sleep, so she settled for strong coffee instead.
By the time they arrived she was sitting behind her desk with an overnight bag at her feet, halfway down her second double espresso and idly flicking through the signed first edition of ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ she had found languishing in one of her desk drawers. The book had been purchased months ago, on a whim and for far more money than she should have spent on it, as a surprise for Kara. She had hoped at the time that it would make her friend smile to know that she had remembered this was her favourite film and tracked down a copy of the original book for her, but the right moment for the gift had never presented itself, and in the messy aftermath of her brother’s death and Kara’s betrayal Lena had forgotten all about.
Finding it again now it struck her as grimly funny that the titular character of Kara’s favourite story turned out in the end to be nothing more than a liar and a con artist, and despite the sharp ache it created in her chest, she hadn’t been able to resist looking through it while she waited. The reminder of what their friendship had once meant to her goaded her anger to the surface of her skin, where she gathered it and wore it like armour against whatever entreaties her former friends might make when she saw them.
An alert pinged on Lena’s phone to let her know that one of the silent security alarms had been triggered, and she watched the CCTV feed as six (overkill, surely) DEO field agents approached swiftly through the outer office. There were various security measures she could have deployed to delay them had she wanted to, but she didn’t. She waited calmly until they were at her door, then rose to meet them with the polite-but-frosty smile she reserved for meetings with the most obnoxious of her board members.
‘Good evening everyone. If I’d known there’d be so many of you I’d have waited in the conference room, there would have been more room to spread out. Still, I suppose we’ll be on our way shortly – you can put the guns down by the way, I’m quite prepared to come quietly. Would someone mind grabbing my bag?’
Needless to say, they did not grab her bag.
Packing it had been a pointless gesture really, but it was worth it just to see the looks of consternation at the clear message it sent that the DEO was expected, and had come on her terms, not their own.
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drvcxrys · 6 months
hello guys! i'm going to post this starter call and also a plot call for the event. feel free to ask the starters that you like or just like to plot, for the starter call, there is no cap. i'm going to put under this read more who is there willingly and who is there not and also the ones that are open for death has an asterisk so you can see <3
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willingly went in:
alice cullen
edward cullen (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore) kaiden (monster: werewolf)carlisle cullen (monster: masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask)laurent da revin (monster: minotaur) kate denali (characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.)
*anna of arendelle
*betty cooper
*beverly marsh
*buffy summer
*caitlin snow
*caroline forbes
enzo st. john (though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress)
emma swan
patia por´co (monster: masked murderer wearing the ghostface mask) killian jones (monster: giant spiders)
*hermione granger
hagrid (though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress) harvey hufflepuff (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around) james potter (monster: a hoard of geese)
*hope mikaelson
rebekah mikaelson (monster: living scarecrow) klaus mikaelson (characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.) josie saltzman (monster: skeletons)
*isabelle lightwood
max lightwood (monster: ghosts) leia organa (monster: skeletons)
jill roberts
tatum riley (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.) stu macher (characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.)
kara danvers
lexie grey (characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in) alex danvers (monster: living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.)
korra (characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.)
lila pitts
diego hargreeves (monster: a swarm of bats)
*lissa dragomir
isaac lahey (monster: ghosts)
*nancy wheeler
rapunzel corona
*samanha carpenter
kirby reed (monster: gelatinous cube) billy loomis (monster: masked murderer wearing the ghostface mask) feng xing (monster: stormtroopers)
sara lance
sheila hammond
kevin snipe (monster: minotaur)bloo regard (monster: a rat with a gun)marco del rossi (monster: murderous clown)
usagi tsukino
madoka kaname (characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.)
wednesday addams
dragged in:
*annabeth chase
*annie cresta
*bianca di angelo
bree tanner
choi nam ra
*daenerys targaryen
drogon (monster: dementors) aelin (the husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in)
daphne bridgerton
eloise bridgerton (monster: a rat with a gun) edmun bridgerton (monster: living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.)
*effy stonem
*elizabeth midford
*hanna marin
heidi volturi
yoon chi woo (monster: a hoard of geese) victoria sutherland (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore)
intouch chatpokin
*jean grey
jessica riley
malia tate
peter hale (the area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. characters are aware of this when they enter the space)
team siriyothin (characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour)
*mary stuart
lola fleming narcisse (characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud)
*melinda halliwell
piper halliwell (monster: living scarecrow)
myrcella baratheon
*narcissa black
rabastan lestrange (monster: skeletons) lily evans (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore)
*rhaena targaryen
lucerys valeryon (monster: a rat with a gun)
sharon carter
daisy johnson (characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them) peggy carter (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.)
*victoire weasley
fred weasley (monster: minotaur) fleur delacour (characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark) teddy lupin (monster: dementors)
win wanichakarnjonkul
*yelena belova
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Wake up babes, we’re back from the dead!
Never Yield to Force, Ch. 15
It’s Kara’s idea to go to lunch after she accepts your invitation. She apparently has a list of restaurants, ordered by distance from her cubicle at CatCo, that she’s working through. And she wants to take you on her latest excursion.
And really, this is the crux of the problem with Kara Danvers in a nutshell: she makes you want. Your mind is a quick-footed thing, always racing days and weeks and years ahead of you, spinning webs of possibility and peril until you can see the best path forward. And that’s the opposite of helpful now, when that process sees you imagining your days filled with the bright light of Kara’s presence, warming you like the sun.
Luthors do not make decisions based on emotion is the way your mother had put it, but what she’d absolutely meant, from the first time she’d caught you staring just a little too long at the daughter of one of your father’s business associates, was that Luthors definitely didn’t yearn.
Find the rest of the chapter here on AO3. And if you’re so inclined, you can find more of my writing - fan- and otherwise, on my Patreon.
Love ya!
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this-is-lightning · 10 months
Supercorp FicRec P.27
Sooo its been a hot minute! I will start up with this series again and expand on the others. I will also start fic rec series for other ships (gonna make a master-master post lol) so look out for that if ur interested. Here we go!
As usual 5 fics after the cut.  Masterpost
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A Wordless Song by NikiFrost
Leaving her manipulative and infamous family behind, Lena Luthor escapes to the quaint little town of Midvale to live in a cabin that once belonged to her biological mother. In need of a handyman for far too many repairs, she hires a recommended local. Enter Kara Danvers, a gentle soul who hasn't spoken a word since she lost her parents at a young age, yet hums the most beautiful wordless songs that will turn Lena's life upside down.
w: 25,439
r: general audiences
So soft and heartwarming! There's art too! Kara is mute in this and the incorporation of ASL was done so so well! Truly a joy to read! Mostly fluff with a little angst (as per their trauma). Bit of James bashing. Some very fun easter-eggs and callbacks to other ships.
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K2 by MyCatIsMyEditor
Lena Luthor loves working with her best friend. Granted her best friend is an android her brother made but she still loves working with her. Not that she'd ever tell anyone. Her life is already pathetic enough without everyone knowing she works 100 hour weeks because her closest relationship is with a robot. Not that K2 is the main factor in her hours, no she and her team make revolutionary medical technology for Luthor Corp. She's there because she loves her job, not because sometimes K2 hugs her and it makes her crushing loneliness disappear for a moment.
Kara Zor-El was kidnapped by Lex Luthor when she first landed on Earth and has been kept hidden from the world disguised as a robot ever since. It's not so bad though, his sister found her and brought her to work with her and her team and despite believing she's a robot they treat her as one of their own. It's a little awkward that she has a teeny tiny crush on Lena and Lena thinks she's a robot. But Kara can deal with that. It's not like Lena could do anything even if she did know Kara was a person, Lex made sure of that.
w: 47,441
r: mature
Such an interesting and creative concept and its done so so so well. There's longing and loneliness and connection, fluff and sadness. And a happy ending. (Also pls yall read her other stuff, shes great!)
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i don't know you, not really by LavenderMandarin
Set in season 3.
Lena doesn't know Kara is Supergirl and they recently had the argument about kryptonite. Supergirl comes to Lena's balcony one evening, but she doesn't bring up the kryptonite.
Supergirl reveals that she's Kara, but she reveals her name last
w: 4,284
r: teen and up
Quite possibly my favorite identity reveal. It digs into Karas feelings and psyche a lot. Feels soft and sad but there's also a deep feeling of connection. Angst meter medium - Lena is mad and its sad so yanno. But happy ending.
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A legal loophole by MyCatIsMyEditor
When Kara and Lena left on their weekend trip to Vegas the plan was to spend a few days having fun and posting pictures for Catco Travel to keep Andrea off Kara's back. The plan most definitely didn't include getting drunk and getting married. It also didn't include consumating said marriage and waking up the next morning with their memories intact... mostly.
So what are two best friends to do but get a quick divorce and pretend they didn't have sex or actually mean it when they said they loved each other. Finding out they can't get a quick divorce because of some poor wording in a clause of the Alien Amnesty Act really doesn't help with this new plan.
w: 62,499
r: mature
Its funny and fun and a bit salacious. They are absolutely atrociously insufferable about it. Then they get a little dumb about it for a hot second. Gay hi-jinks and shenanigans of the 'just friends' variety ensue. A little good smut. Lex is being his usual charming self about this - so some badass action too.
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A Christmas Princess by AsprinForest
Just before Christmas, an aspiring journalist, Kara Danvers, is sent to the foreign nation of Thorul to cover a press conference given by Princess Lena, who is set to take the throne following her brother's arrest. With all the press surrounding the scandal of the Thorulian Royal family, Kara hopes this could be her big break, but upon her arrival, there is a mix up and Kara finds herself assigned the role of the palace tutor for Lady Ruby. With only two weeks before the real tutor arrives, Kara scrambles to find an exclusive for Catco as well as help Lady Ruby deal with her recent family trauma, but the dark haired princess proves to be quite a distraction
w: 70,137
r: general audiences
Kara accidentally fumbles her way into the inner circle of a royal family and develops a crush on the ruling monarch - as you do. Ruby is a little genius with one leg, Lena is her lovely brilliant self, Kara gets space to reconnect with her East European heritage and gets to be smart. Sweet with a little angst and a happy ending.
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Happy reading and don't forget to leave a little love on ao3 for the writers!
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
Cover Art for: Come Back Home, by IrredeemableCanary
by UtterlyBabbling
As the title says this is cover art for a moment in ch. 2 of Come Back Home by IrredeemableCanary.
Small Spoiler Warning for people who haven't read it, but have been interested in it, or have thought of reading it later on.
Words: 164, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Lena Luthor, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Minor Spoilers depicted, I don't know which Kara name applies so I'm going with both, Cover Art, Content Warning: reference of Lex's abuse towards Lena
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/PZmH6wp via IFTTT https://ift.tt/PZmH6wp
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 2 months
About Last Night-Chapter 5
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor, Andrea Rojas, Lionel Luthor, Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Alex Danvers, Eve Teschmacher, Jess, Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, Winn Schott
Summary: Lillian Luthor is eagerly wanting to get to her daughter's destination wedding. However, a couple of detours with the docile Kara Danvers changes her life in a big way.
Rating: Mature
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Jess tapped her fingers against her leg nervously. She looked down at the clock and it was 8:55 pm. She was in a rented car with Diana and Bruce in the front seat. 
Diana sighed and said, “Tapping your fingers is not going to make things run faster.”
Jess frowned and asked, “How do you know what I am doing?”
Diana chuckled and said, “You are giving a nervous vibe.”
Jess rolled her eyes and continued tapping her fingers. She was beyond stressed right now. When the trio first started their search for Kara and Lillian, they didn’t realize that there were ten Elvis Chapels in Las Vegas alone. They have checked nine so far and the management of those places have no record of Lillian or Kara making arrangements with them. They were almost to the last place now. If the drunk pair weren’t there, it meant one of two things. Either they got sidelined and went off course to some other crazy shenanigan or the more likely option: they went into the chapel as a walk-in instead of making an appointment. Right now Jess wasn’t feeling all that confident of their odds. Jess was knocked out of her spiral of despair when she felt the car come to a complete stop. She looked up and saw that they had arrived at the chapel. 
She looked down at her watch and saw it was 8:58. 
“Shit!” Jess shrieked as she opened the door and ran out of the car.
Bruce gradually got out of the car and yelled, “Wait for us!”
Diana sighed and said, “It’s no use. That girl is too wound up over this.”
Jess bolted for the door, quickly opened it while looking down panting, and screamed, “Stop! You can’t follow through with this!”
She looked up and saw a priest and groom staring at her mystified and a bride looking very pissed off. The bride turned to the groom and slapped him in the face. 
The groom looked at her horrified and exclaimed, “Hey! What the hell was that for?”
The bride glared at him and said, “You told me that you ended it with that bitch from work.”
The groom looked back and forth between the bride and Jess dumbfounded and said, “I did! I have no idea who that is!”
Jess waved her hand, shook her head sheepishly, and said, “I am so, so, sorry. I thought that you guys were another couple. I didn’t mean to interrupt your wedding.”
The bride glared at her which caused Jess to take a step back. 
“You have some nerves you psychotic little…”
The groom placed his hands on the bride’s face so that he could turn her to face him and said, “Baby, just ignore her. This day is about you and me wanting to spend the rest of our lives together.”
The bride’s eyes started watering and said, “Adam, you know how to say just the right thing!” 
She leaned forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his hands around her waist and leaned into the embrace. 
Jess slunk into the closest pew and hung her head with her face in her hands. They looked everywhere and Lillian and Kara, and they were nowhere to be found. Jess felt a pat on her back. She looked up to see Bruce staring down sympathetically at her with Diana right behind him. 
Bruce gave a soft smile and said, “We gave our best efforts to find them. Diana and I think it would be best to just wait back at the hotel. For all we know, they could be there now.”
Jess sighed while looking down at her watch. It was 9:10 now. With no leads on where to go, it didn’t make sense to run themselves ragged searching for them. Given the state that they were in, the chapel they were trying to get to could have been Elvis adjacent in the title (several chapels had Graceland in the title). There were over 100 wedding chapels in Vegas not including the ones that were built into the hotels.
She looked up at Bruce and said, “You’re right. We’ll call it a night and hope that they return from whatever escapade they were in.” 
As Jess was about to get up from the pew, she heard someone said, “Up next is the wedding of Ms. Kara Danvers and Ms. Lillian Luthor.”
Read the rest on AO3
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lanseax · 3 years
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Where the Phantom Zone is just deep space where your mind becomes trapped as your body floats in space...
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thewintersoldier · 4 years
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Kara Zor El | 1.13 “For The Girl Who Has Everything”
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eqt-95 · 2 years
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// or the Formula 1 AU no one asked for
check out ch 1 here
"I'm serious about the media bit. You can't skimp out on it this year. I need you to make appearances in that ridiculous Mediaflix series, too," Lex said, his face sobering to something reminiscent of seriousness.
"Why?" Lena asked, jaw clenching to control the grimace threatening to show. "My contribution to the press circuit is not going to get us new sponsors."
"No, but it will put you in Kara Danvers' sphere."
Lena didn't like being surprised, but Lex had a knack for doing just that. Kara Danvers was so far out of left field that the topic might as well have been in foul territory.
"And why do I care about that?"
"Because her contract is up this year, and I want her racing under LuthorCorp's banner next year."
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[text]: why do i have a stop sign in my living room? || @maidenxfmight
(✉️ ➡️ supergal): okay so that’s a /really/ long story but i was serenading your sister with ‘stop in the name of love’ with some good drunk karaoke and I needed a place to ditch the stop sign because the cops might have been after me...
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ofcosmicwonder · 4 years
{ @maidenxfmight​ }
They hadn’t talked. Not really. Kara tiptoed around Donna like any sudden move might break her -- because Kara already had broken her and she knew that Kara would never forgive herself for that. Especially now that the truth was out. The texts had turned awkward and stilted in their group chat and Donna couldn’t help the sigh of relief when Kara took the offer to come in her room and just hug and hold each other. Lar joined them and for a moment all seemed right in the world again as they cuddled in a heap on a bed that was far too small for the three of them. The moment ended when Lar made a flimsy excuse for leaving the room to get snacks or something, giving Donna a look that said ‘now’. “And I thought that I was subtle,” Donna sighed, tilting her head to look up at Kara who was curled up on the bed with her. “Talk to me. Just... talk to me, Kara.”
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thatsjustsupergirl · 4 years
i’ll be here
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@youngbloodbuzz​  for the best internet little sister ever, SURPRISE AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Here’s to many more years of digital shenanigans. 💛 Also please know that I’ve had this gift planned and sitting in a draft for over a year. Because sometimes... life things... happen...  Anyway ilu nerd, enjoy the story!
Kara & Alex, G (804 words)
It’s eight o’clock at night and Kara is painting. Painting because it’s calm, and steady, and the gentle scrapes of brush on canvas provide a soothing white noise that contrasts nicely with the blackness of the canvas. (And wow, doesn’t she have some opinions on that “blackest black” discourse. No human pigments will ever quite capture the bleakness of staring into space, alone, while suspended within it.)
Kara is painting because she hates change and she needs to forget that it’s…
Well, it’s a Thursday.
It’s just a regular old Thursday and— here’s Alex, strolling into her apartment like everything is fine. Normal.
(What was it she’d said to James years ago? Ah, right: being herself didn’t help her feel more normal.)
“You—” Kara stares at Alex, who is here, in her apartment, carrying an armload of packages that Kara absolutely did not order for herself. “You remembered?”
Kara barely remembers not to slide her glasses down and peek at the contents. But she does. Remember, that is.
Alex rolls her eyes and explains that of course she remembered that her little sister is the worst adult on the planet, and how did she miss this stack of stuff (“Do you even walk through the lobby?”), and that as the responsible older sibling, she is here to save Kara from the pain of stolen Amazon orders.
Alex is here.
Kara holds onto that thought as she smiles and thanks her sister and experimentally shakes the top box— it clunks around in a way that makes her think it’s food. Possibly candy.
Alex laughs and eggs her on to open the box, and Kara nearly— but doesn’t— forget that she should probably use scissors or a house key or something to cut open the packing tape.
As she separates the flaps, Kara wonders if this element of mystery is why Alex was always so excited for birthday gifts. It’s fun, in a weird way, not to know for a change.
The smell gives away that, yes, this package is indeed chocolate, and Alex whoops in approval because it’s all custom Honeydukes candy from the Harry Potter theme park. A whole lot of it. Clearly sent by someone who knows Kara well.
Kara laughs and forks over the first bar into Alex’s expectant hand (“I carried it up. You owe me!”), then pauses to look at the packing slip.
There’s a gift message.
Kara’s eyes burn, and for one horrible second she’s not sure if she’s going to cry or set the paper on fire.
A tiny ball of foil bounces off her glasses. Alex has apparently been asking if she was okay long enough to finish three chocolate squares without her, not an ounce of remorse in her expression.
“I’m fine,” she says. “The receipt just reminded me that I need to take this other stuff to work,” she lies. (Or, well, maybe she doesn’t. For all she knows, some of the other items could be work-related.) Alex nods and lets her collect the other boxes off the kitchen island, then announces that she’ll get the popcorn ready while Kara cleans up.
If there’s an antithesis to white noise, popcorn kernels ricocheting in the bag as they explode is definitely it. Kara sets her packages down, arranging them in a little pyramid and trying to remind herself that the world is not ending (again) and that her microwave is not the enemy. She also wonders how Alex would react now if she grabbed a pillow and covered her ears.
By the time she’s ready to go back to her living room, Alex has the popcorn in a bowl and the Netflix logo gleaming on her TV. Kara resists the urge to super-speed over to the couch and steal the remote, because for as much as she loves her sister, she is not sitting through a marathon of Stranger Things tonight.
Instead she takes her time, folding the flaps on the candy box so it closes neatly, brushing imaginary lint off her sweater. Alex yells over to her, promising to let her pick the show if she would just hurry up already and Kara smiles at how normal it sounds.
As she shifts off the bed and turns to walk away, a scrap of paper drops to the floor and nearly blows across the room in the backdraft.
It’s the gift message.
Kara reaches out to catch it, skimming the words one more time before tucking the paper safely into her pocket and joining Alex on the couch.
Surprise! Managed to squeeze the order in before I went back to work. AS IF I’D FORGET. There are multiple boxes, hope they all show up. Yes, the candy delivery is scheduled to repeat. And yes, I will expect you to share it. Happy Earth Birthday! Love, Alex
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jadamel · 5 years
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Kara Danvers | Supergirl Episode 12 | Season 3
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