#chapter 286 spoilers
ilovemyblanket · 2 years
Guy took the quote "your worst enemy is yourself" too literally
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I'm gonna go to hell for laughing at this
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redhandedjillie · 11 months
if i had a nickel for every time that bakugo had died i would have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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mustardyellowsunshine · 5 months
In today's episode of Shut Up Robin, Nobody Cares:
I finished Maison Ikkoku back in February, and I had a lot of feelings about the series. (It's good, do yourself a favor and go read it if you haven't.) As I read through it, I couldn't shake the thought: this is the caliber of romantic development Rumiko Takahashi can bring to the table?? We could've had this kind of relationship development in InuYasha??? 😭😭
The other thought I couldn't shake: InuYasha fans who still question the sincerity and depth of InuYasha's feelings for Kagome might benefit from reading Maison Ikkoku all the way to the end. They should read the final chapters of Maison Ikkoku, think for awhile about the blatant parallel themes found in InuYasha, and then try reevaluating InuKag's dynamic.
Now, I should clarify: I think the InuYasha series already makes it abundantly self-evident that the Inu/Kag/Kik "triangle" (🙄) is a complex situation that puts InuYasha in an extremely difficult position. (Well, it puts all of them in a difficult position, but you get the idea.) You just have to read the series with your brain on to see that. To review: teenage boy is tricked and terrorized by a demonic murderer; that demon successfully murders the boy's ex while masquerading as him; later his ex is revived from the dead against her will, wanders the earth as a vengeful spirit for awhile (who wouldn't be pissed about being brought back into that bullshit?), and is actively stalked by the demon who already murdered her once; teenage boy is falling in love with someone else when this happens, but he still wants to save his ex from being re-victimized by the demon who already brutally murdered her once. Anyone who sees that situation and describes it with a straight face as "InuYasha needs to make up his mind already" is probably never going to reconsider their assessment of InuYasha's character. They've already formed an opinion in defiance of the evidence. That ship done sailed.
But for some folks, I think experiencing the way Maison Ikkoku explores the same relationship themes—and particularly how it resolves those themes in the final chapters—could help them re-evaluate the emotional nuances in InuKag's relationship, and maybe help to re-contextualize the Inu/Kag/Kik conflict.
The parallels between Godai/Kyoko and InuYasha/Kagome are pretty obvious—Rumiko Takahashi consistently revisits this relationship dynamic in her work (it's present in Mao to a lesser extent). But I think Maison Ikkoku more directly confronts the emotional complexity of that dynamic. You can feel the difference in how RT more directly explores the messiness, complications, and pain of a) grieving a former relationship even while falling in love with someone else, and b) loving someone who is still tangled up in grieving their past. The InuYasha series obviously deals with those themes too, but Maison Ikkoku brings more focus and resolution to its exploration.
This may be for two reasons: 1) Maison Ikkoku had an older audience, as it was published in a seinen magazine geared for adult men between 18 - 40 years old, and 2) the relationship tension between Godai/Kyoko pretty much constitutes the main story of Maison Ikkoku; in InuYasha, the plot (such as it is) revolves around a vengeance quest and the monster of the week, and the relationship tensions between InuKag are second to that. Maybe that's why RT was more willing to get into the weeds with Godai/Kyoko and to more directly resolve the tension.
InuYasha does have some standout chapters where it explicitly deals with the tension of InuKag's situation (e.g., chapter 78, chapter 124, chapter 176, chapter 286, chapter 458, etc.), but there's this distinct hesitance in the narrative to resolve that tension in a substantive way. That's one of my beefs with the InuYasha series: it gives us moments of standout, concrete relationship development which then doesn't impact the future narrative all that much. The same relationship conflicts play out over and over again, well past their narrative expiration dates. See: Miroku flirting with women right in front of Sango after they've acknowledged feelings for each other; also the entire Kaō arc, which just... I do not understand the narrative purpose of that arc when it just exacerbates tensions that already existed and resolves none of them. Anyway. I digress.
You could argue this hesitance to permanently resolve relationship conflict comes from the episodic nature of InuYasha's storytelling. There's some truth to that, but that's not a satisfying explanation for why the main couple's relational status quo remains inert for the latter half of the series. Maison Ikkoku also does this to an extent—the "will they, won't they?" tension is strung along for as long as possible—but in general Maison Ikkoku does a better job of allowing relationship development to actually affect the narrative. Moments of emotional revelation and growth do change the relational status quo between Godai and Kyoko. They don't stay in quite the same relationship limbo that InuYasha and Kagome get stuck in for the latter half of the series. (It probably also helps that Maison Ikkoku is significantly shorter than InuYasha.)
All that to say: I think Godai/Kyoko is actually a useful mirror for examining InuKag, because they share the same themes and relationship dynamics without sharing the same narrative failings.
Okay, so: big time major spoilers ahead for Maison Ikkoku. Stop here if you don't want to see the conclusion of that series.
I want to look at how Maison Ikkoku's conclusion simultaneously revisits and resolves the main conflict between Godai/Kyoko.
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Ahhhhhh my feelings!!! Man I love this series.
Okay, let's review the major takeaways from this scene:
• Notice how the tension between Godai and Kyoko—Godai's struggle with insecurity and Kyoko's feelings for her deceased husband—mirrors the tension between InuKag. And notice that the reader is encouraged to sympathize with both Godai and Kyoko. Godai is not "at fault" for struggling with insecurity and feelings of jealousy. That's a natural human feeling to have, especially in a relationship that hasn't been anywhere near secure until very recently. And despite whatever jealousy or inadequacy he may be feeling, Godai tries to see things from Kyoko's perspective. Part of Godai's struggle—the heartache of it—is his understanding that Kyoko is also not at fault. It's not her fault that she married before she ever met Godai, it's not her fault her husband died, and it's not her fault that she's struggling with the grief of that tragedy. She's trying to reorient herself to her new life after loss; she's falling in love with Godai, but she's also scared of betraying her husband's memory. (Let's hold that mirror up to InuYasha now, shall we? SHALL WE?) Moving on from Soichiro emotionally represents to Kyoko a breach of duty to a loved one.
• To reiterate: neither Godai nor Kyoko are "at fault" in this situation. That's precisely why it's a tragedy. They both have to process painful, messy feelings; both their feelings are valid and understandable. (Hold that mirror up to InuKag, girl. HOLD IT UP.)
• Notice how Godai explicitly acknowledges that loving Kyoko means loving the Kyoko who once loved Soichiro. "On the day I met Kyoko, you were already within her. That's the Kyoko I fell in love with." It's impossible to divorce Kyoko from her feelings for her former husband: that part of her life significantly shaped her into who she is. And I just love that Godai is hashing out his feelings at Soichiro's grave: it shows a sort of respect for Soichiro's memory, but more importantly it also shows that Godai knows his negative feelings can't ultimately be "fixed" by Kyoko. If she could fix them, he'd be having this conversation with her. (And by this point in the series they have had this conversation.) But Godai knows he's the only one who can truly work through/resolve his insecurity—especially now, when Kyoko has already assured him that she loves him—and I love how the scene's setting subtly demonstrates that. Soichiro's ghost is haunting Godai's feelings, not Kyoko's, and Godai is trying to work through that with Soichiro himself. There's no love triangle to resolve here: what needs resolving is Godai's own feelings of inadequacy which no amount of assurance from Kyoko can ultimately "fix." This is his ghost to fight. (We get an echo of this kind of inner conflict in chapter 458 of InuYasha: Kagome directly wrestles with the "ghost" of Kikyo and struggles toward some resolution of her own insecurities.... Only for the Kaō arc to come along later and materially damage that resolution and character growth for no clear reason, BUT I DIGRESS.) And this scene shows that Godai wins that fight: he comes to understand that loving Kyoko has to include accepting her past. Kagome reaches a very similar understanding in chapters 175 and 176 of InuYasha.
• To reiterate: Maison Ikkoku's conclusion is not the resolution of a "love triangle." It's the resolution of a series-long conflict, which is completely different. In order for love triangles to work—to actually function as love triangles—two competing love interests have to be viable options. This is quite evidently not the case in Maison Ikkoku: Soichiro is dead at the start of the series. It's literally impossible for Kyoko to choose him in any meaningful way. RT blatantly acknowledges this early in the series when Kyoko's father-in-law tells her she has to live her life. I cannot stress enough how self-consciously the series is not about a love triangle between Godai/Kyoko/Soichiro. (Mitaka is another matter entirely, for a different post.) Rather, the series is about the damaging power of grief in our lives, the rocky and painfully non-linear journey to healing from that grief, and how messy, fraught, and ultimately profoundly beautiful it is to love another person for exactly who they are — past pain/trauma and all. (Please for the love of heaven hold that mirror up to InuKag.)
• No, you know what? I'm not leaving that at a parenthetical. I'm just gonna say it: exactly as Maison Ikkoku is not about a love triangle, InuYasha isn't either. For the same reasons as stated above, the Inu/Kag/Kik dynamic is not ultimately a love triangle because Kikyo is dead at the start of the series. And while her spirit is magically revived—in an altered/diminished form—she is still not truly alive. The story conspicuously communicates this: her body is literally created from decomposing bones and cannot sustain itself (she needs to consume souls—other deceased spirits—to remain animated), symbolically suggesting she is of the dead even as she walks among the living. This is a facsimile of life. RT is not subtle about this. Kikyo is a tragic and complex character whose arc can be interpreted in many ways, but I think it's fair to say that the series self-consciously represents her as a past which can't be recovered. The damage has been done. She is dead, time continues to move forward, and there's no reversing that. (That's, again, why it's a tragedy.) Even her resurrected body symbolically represents this reality via death imagery. Ergo, from the very start of the series—just as we see in Maison Ikkoku—Kikyo is not a truly viable option for InuYasha. He can't choose her in any meaningful way. To "choose" her would be to essentially choose death—abandonment of life—just as Kyoko choosing Soichiro would make her "a wife who hadn't died yet." Kikyo represents an irrecoverable past just as Soichiro does. And the main thematic trajectory of each series does not suggest that Kyoko/InuYasha should give up on life by choosing death — it suggests they should choose life. Godai and Kagome conspicuously represent life, the possibility of living into the future. (Kagome is literally from the future, that's how unsubtle RT is about this.)
(A quick aside while we're here: no, Kikyo's not being a viable option does nothing to diminish the sincerity of InuYasha's feelings for Kagome. Kagome is not a "second choice," for the love of God the series blatantly addresses that very thing many, many times—like it's right there y'all—and I have already written a long ass post about why Kagome's insecurity over InuYasha's feelings for her shouldn't be taken as gospel truth.)
So, rather than being an actual love triangle, I think the Inu/Kag/Kik dynamic is a complicated emotional landscape that explores the same themes Maison Ikkoku does: how grief and trauma affect our lives, how painful and messy it can be to heal from that grief, and that loving someone—choosing to take that mutual risk with them—means trusting that they mean it when they tell/show us they love us, and choosing to trust them more than our own insecurities.
It's just that Maison Ikkoku explores those themes a little better. 😅 Which is why I think it makes a good mirror for re-examining InuKag: all the same themes without all the narrative failings and missed opportunities. ✌🏼
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14muffinz · 1 year
Statistics Rambles!!
so, before we begin, this includes unposted/never to be published chapters, going from old drafts of the 07 crossover to the beginnings of a cassandra-centric adventure in the bayverse, but here is the calling out statistic post that nobody wanted, made in the nice hours between 1 and 4 in the morning
Some characters have not appeared yet.
Spoilers, obvis. Some is from deleted which I will not be specifying but still.
So to clarify names:
slipper_slime = 18!Sunita kickin_karai: 12!karai nardo87 = 07!Leo
If you do the math, the 07 boys could have been mutated in 1987, which is obviously something that this fandom would find nice enough to headcanon. It's not just me. anyways.
For each individual universe, here's who (percentage-wise) talks the most! (Sorry mobile users)
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In order:
2012 Dontron97 24.7% - 473 happy_Mike 20.2%% - 387 newage_red_artist 19.1% - 366 Cpt_Leo 13.7% - 263 sticks_n_pucks 10.6% - 204 ello_yello 7.6% - 146 kickin_karai 4.1% - 78
I was honestly surprised by how close Casey was to Leo? I knew he was gonna catch up despite his late entrance but have I not been including Leo enough or is Casey just everywhere.?
I thought that I had April talking a lot more than i did, lmao. Then again I have a few chapters in my notes app that aren't in these numbers yet so maybe she's a lil closer than will be shown in the images.
Rise NeonLeon9000 27.3% - 512 Bootyyyshaker9000 21.7% - 407 mystic_mike 17.5% - 328 red_Raph 14.7% - 276 sherlocked_corn 7.3% - 137 free_brownies 6.1% - 114 CJones 4.4% - 83 slipper_slime 0.9% - 16
Raph's number in comparison to his bro's is where I expected 12Leo to sit. Percentage-wise the two are essentially the same, but Leo is way behind his mikey whereas raph is only about 40 messages away, which mind you is still a lot but its less noticeable.
Cass is definitely further up because of the times her name is used in the 600 word abandoned draft of an actual fic I mentioned previously, but other than that her being just barely below April is what I guessed. CJ being so close, though, was a surprise.
Bayverse sleepdeprived_shell 26.9% - 286 im_blue_katanas 26.5% - 282 dear_pizza_supreme 23.3% - 248 callme_rafi 21.1% - 225 Casey 1.2% - 13 April 0.9% - 10
I knew Don was going to be first. Not a doubt in my head. I expected Mikey to be above Leo, but I guess I had a little too much fun writing the blue one. I did also use Bay mike as a conversation starter rather than a carrier a lot, so I guess that's why he's so little to what I remembered. Raph's expected, I removed him for the entirety of the winter arc which is like 1/6 of the fic rn.
Poor April and Casey 😭. I'm sorry but Bay April is confusing and Bay Casey is annoying and that's how they're probably going to stay for the durration of the fic.
2007 secretly_mike 56.9% - 112 don_247 29.4% - 58 raph87 10.7% - 21 nardo87 3.0% - 6
Leo and Raph were in an old draft of the first 07 appearance. In that draft, Mikey also sends 34 messages, apparently? I was surprised when I saw it, but it turns out i just had him do triple messages a lot.
MM sarcasm_stabs 33% - 35 tech_hits 27.4% - 29 actually_mike 19.8% - 21 blueberry 19.8% - 21
Next up: who do I write the most.
There was a version of this with every character in the fic, but it is way too eye-hurty and way too long for me to list out each individual character in this post, but here's the simplified version that combines each iteration into one person.
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Same numbers as last time, just combined differently.
Characters Don 24.6% - 1149 Leo 21.4% - 998 Mike 21.2% - 990 Raph 18.6% - 871 Casey 7.5% - 351 April 5.4% - 251 Karai 1% - 47 Sunita 0.3% - 16
I knew Don was gonna be in first. Hes the fav. Leo being in second? Surprising, but Leon was the most talkative person which is not only on brand but theres also 2 leo cult chapters and I'm always a sucker for some disaster twins. I expected Raph to be 2nd, so him being 4th? Shocker.
I knew the Caseys would be bigger than the April's just because there's an extra one for their possee. I considered making JR his own collumn but decided eh whatever.
Also Rip Karai n Sunita I love you both but self control <3
And of course, finally, by dimension. We already knew the results but here we go.
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By Iteration Rise 40.1% - 1873 TMNT 2012 32.9% - 1539 Bay 22.8% - 1064 TMNT 2007 4.2% - 197
Yep. Just as I guessed. Rise, then 12, then Bay. And then of course 07 who haven't even been given a chance to shine yet.
I'll get to them. At some point.
Anywhizzle, I'll come back to this post a lot just to edit numbers if I'm bored, but the images probably won't ever change, so take then with a grain of salt.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Nacht Faust: A Story of Evil and Unresolved Atonement
So with Black Clover back to regular serialization and some thoughts brewing in my mind, I've decided to do a sort of mini essay/rant/character analysis of Nacht Faust.
Big surprise, I know.
Now this character analysis of Nacht Faust doesn't have months of research and writing behind it, despite Nacht not really being a new character at this point. I just recently got the fire to write down all my (objectively correct) thoughts.
Fair warning to my readers, this post contains manga spoilers and none of this was beta read.
So in the beginning...
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Nacht acknowledged that he was never really a good person. He did things for the fun of it and fun things were bad things. In chapter 286, the description of Nacht's past self includes the line "He used magic arbitrarily, and only for himself." To put it simply, Nacht in the past was a self-serving individual. Satisfaction for him came from serving his own interests.
In contrast, Morgen was "picture of a good man." He was an individual who put others before himself, helping them as second nature. He found satisfaction through serving others, rather than himself.
Nacht, at an early age, picked up on the differences between himself and Morgen. Morgen was good. Nacht was evil. Because of their differences, Nacht decided to pull away from Morgen. Quoting again from chapter 286: "I really loved you. Even if I couldn't shine, I wanted you to do it. If I was besides you, it felt as if I'd defile your light, so I—"
So Nacht doubled down on his bad nature as a way to cope with what he felt to be an unresolvable rift between himself and Morgen. He got became a delinquent, turned down being a Magic Knight on Morgen's suggestion, and eventually...
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Now on a first reading, this comes off as Nacht merely being excited at the prospect of something as dangerous as Forbidden Magic and devils. Or perhaps it's satisfaction in knowing that he was considered the rightful heir of House Faust. However, I've come to read this moment as Nacht's malice towards himself, an already present self-loathing and self-destructive nature, finally being confirmed. His internal view was given external affirmation. And so of course Nacht took to Forbidden Magic as a way to continually affirm to himself that yes, he is evil while Morgen is good. Nacht cannot be close with the brother he loves so dearly, otherwise, Morgen would get hurt.
But despite Nacht trying to keep his distance, Morgen constantly sought him out and tried to reach out to him. The attempts were unsuccessful but what matters is that Morgen never stopped being a presence in Nacht's life.
And it eventually led to the tragedy that changed Nacht's life forever.
Morgen's death, though not brought about by Nacht's hand directly, is Nacht's greatest sin. In Nacht's mind, because of him, goodness was lost and all that remained was pure, illogical evil.
Chapter 286 is titled "A Night with No Morning." There are several meanings. Because of their names, the chapter can refer to Nacht no longer having Morgen in his life. It's also symbolic of there being dark despair with no light of hope. And, given Nacht's view of himself and Morgen, the chapter title can even be understood as "evil without good," a lack of balance.
What Nacht does following Morgen's death is him attempting to atone for his sin. Atonement is a complex concept—and it is frequently used in religious contexts but it exists independent of theology—but what it boils down to is a person taking action to correct their past misdeeds. Nacht is atoning, attempting to make up for his sin of killing Morgen.
Nacht devotes himself to the kind of life Morgen led. Instead of being self-serving, he acts self-sacrificing. Instead of reveling in bad behaviors, he looks down upon them.
Nacht even has a spell dedicated to his desire to atone.
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However, atonement is... insufficient.
Although atonement is meant to make up for what someone has done wrong, there is no way to take back actions or undo the consequences. As much as Nacht grieves Morgen, his brother is staying dead.
Furthermore, Nacht's atonement for Morgen's death is, as I described in the title, unresolved.
Because as far as Nacht is concerned, his atoning for his sin is also meant to be an eternal punishment to himself. I mean, look back at the way he described Monument of Atonement: "no light, life, or death" and an "endless hellish game of tag."
But why would Nacht punish himself while trying to right his wrongs? Because Nacht hates himself.
Nacht's self-loathing is one of his most notable flaws. I kind of implied it earlier but I'll state outright here but I believe that self-loathing stems from the difference between the twins. Because Morgen was good and Nacht loved him, Nacht ended up hating himself since he was nothing like Morgen. The hate was there from the beginning and then got magnified by Morgen's death.
Thing is, Nacht doesn't admit to hating himself. Rather, he projects.
Nacht hates Yami and the Black Bulls because they represent his own failings. Being aimless and selfish and violent and showing a bad face to others. And then there's something he says regarding how the Bulls turned themselves around.
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Nacht rejects the idea of bad people becoming good. He does not believe in redemption, in coming from a bad place and becoming better. And since we know Nacht is projecting, this is him saying that he can never be good.
Nacht is bad. Always has been. Always will be.
Because Nacht was born bad, born evil... Because his evil destroyed Morgen, who was born good... And because evil can never be good... Nacht decides to punish himself.
Nacht knows he can't bring Morgen back so he traps himself in trying to make up for Morgen's death forever.
Nacht's atonement is one without end. Without resolution. Without redemption. Without the one thing that he actually needs. It's something Nacht denies himself.
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Nacht wants to atone and even apologize to Morgen, as seen in his thoughts when he thinks he's about to die (for a second time). However, Nacht never asks for forgiveness for causing Morgen's death. He doesn't fear the idea of not being forgiven. Rather, Nacht actively rejects the possibility of forgiveness.
Nacht being forgiven wouldn't erase his misdeeds. It wouldn't automatically make him a good person. But forgiveness is what would give his atonement any sense of closure. Closure, an end to it all, is what Nacht is avoiding though. Because Nacht sees himself as evil through and through, and seeks to punish himself forever for it, he cannot accept the mercy of being forgiven. If Nacht is forgiven, he can then be redeemed. He can go from bad to good. But Nacht doesn't want to be considered good because he believes he cannot, must not, be anything like Morgen whatsoever.
Unforgivable and irredeemable. That is how Nacht views himself. And so his atonement, his punishment against himself, is unconditional to him.
There is no condition which Nacht can meet in order to earn any amount of forgiveness. He deems himself undeserving of that second chance that forgiveness creates.
It's why he tries to drive Yami away. To get Yami abandon him and leave him to die. Because if Yami saves Nacht, that implies Yami's forgiveness. Nacht doesn't want to be forgiven though.
In the end though, Nacht being forgiven is not up to him. It's not his place to ask for forgiveness. But neither is it his place to deny any forgiveness given to him. And it's not about earning forgiveness either. There is no need for atonement to precede forgiveness (though some people would prefer it that way). Forgiveness is simply something given from one party to another.
(This portion delves into my oc content so if you just want the canon Nacht stuff, feel free to skip the next couple paragraphs.)
(It's why I have my oc, Josele, forgive Nacht so easily. In their story, Nacht also carries with him the sin of blaming Morgen's death on Josele and his accusation being a contributing factor to her curse. Nacht hurt Josele personally and tries to atone for that misdeed by looking for a way to break her curse. All the while, Nacht tells himself and other people that he doesn't deserve to make Josele happy even after it becomes possible for her to be happy at all again. Nacht wants to atone for accusing Josele without ever seeking for be forgiven for it.)
(And Josele sees what Nacht is doing to himself. She understands that he is trying to punish himself by never letting his actions be "enough" to make up for the past. And so because Josele loves Nacht, and knows he can do good despite his beliefs, she forgives him. She gives him what he is not asking for but what he needs to end his suffering. Nacht does reject it for a time, unable to think he can do anything good for Josele in comparison to Morgen. He eventually realizes that the unconditional love and forgiveness Josele offers is better than the unconditional hatred and punishment he puts on himself though.)
(Because of Nacht's love for Josele, he wants to atone for what he did to her. And because of Josele's love for Nacht, she forgives him for the pain he caused. Neither really asked for what the other offered, but both still needed those acts in the end. Which is... something.)
To me, Nacht's character reflects this conclusion I've come to: that redemption is the meeting point of atonement and forgiveness.
Nacht was once a bad person and in the present carried the sins of his past with him. He seeks to atone for his misdeeds. He refuses the possibility of being forgiven, of becoming good in the eyes or other or himself. In refusing to be forgiven or redeemed, Nacht leaves his atonement unresolved. Atoning forever does nothing but perpetuate Nacht's guilt and pain. Nacht's struggle, and his atonement, is resolved by Yami (and Josele) giving Nacht that unwanted but entirely necessary forgiveness. From there, Nacht is free to redeem himself and finally move onto a brighter future.
This analysis has made me grow to love Nacht even more.
So often there are characters who have done wrong in the past and get on their hands and knees, begging to be forgiven and accepted as good. But Nacht completely goes against that idea. He does good as a way of punishing himself for once being bad and he doesn't want anyone forgiving him.
It's tragic to see a character not feel deserving of something. But then it's heartwarming when they still get it because they don't need to deserve it and they need it in order to heal. To me, unconditional love and forgiveness will always be better than having to earn forgiveness.
To make a long post short: my love for Nacht redeems him of being a stupid complex and angsty character.
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acacia-may · 2 years
Maybe My Soulmate Died
This Yamichar hurt/comfort, soulmate AU fic is my contribution to Yamichar Week 2022 (Day 7 Prompt: "Coincidence") (The title is inspired by the song of the same name by iamnotshane) Thanks for reading!! ^^
Description: From the time her supposed “soulmate tattoo” had inexplicably appeared on her wrist over a decade ago, Charlotte Roselei had never given it much attention–-until she began to wonder why the name etched into her skin was “Morgen Faust” rather than “Yami Sukehiro,” that is. Yami, himself, has always been a soulmate skeptic–-insisting he knows better than fate the kind of person he’d choose to share his life with, and though Charlotte isn’t sure what to believe, a late-night conversation with him leaves her wondering if, perhaps, she has been looking at her so-called “soulmate tattoo” in entirely the wrong way. Perhaps fate has other plans after all…
Rating: T (for some language) 
Warnings: Mentions past character death & depicts grief. Some spoilers through Chapter 286--Early Spade-Arc.
Fandom: Black Clover 
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Soulmate AU
Characters: Charlotte Roselei, Yami Sukehiro, Morgen Faust
Relationships: Yami Sukehiro/Charlotte Roselei (pairing) and (secondarily) Yami Sukehiro & Morgen Faust (friendship) 
Word Count: 2689
Link to original post on AO3.
Story Under the Cut:
Charlotte Roselei’s soulmate was dead. At least that was the most straightforward explanation for the name ‘Morgen Faust’ which had appeared on her left wrist over a decade ago. Other theories had floated around from the time these inexplicable tattoos began to appear on the wrists of the citizens of the Clover Kingdom, but the soulmate theory certainly had the most weight after some records from the time of the first wizard king detailed the existence of names magically etched into skin as a sign of intertwined fates.
If her destiny was somehow tangled with Morgen Faust’s, she had certainly never felt like it. In fact, she had never even met the man. Her alleged soulmate tattoo had appeared at a time in her life when she was far too preoccupied with growing strong enough to break her curse to pay it too much attention. Truthfully, she hadn’t paid it any attention until she began to wonder why it said ‘Morgen Faust’ rather than ‘Yami Sukehiro.’
Charlotte blushed at the thought—shaking her head at her wine glass. Just a few sips and she was already losing her grip on her tightly controlled emotions. She would have never thought such a thing if it wasn’t for the alcohol, especially when Yami was sitting right next to her guzzling down his third or fourth glass of port without even batting an eye.
“You okay there, Prickly Princess?” he asked with a tilt of his head. Charlotte could feel the blood rushing to her face, but she stiffened her shoulders and turned her head away from him.
“Fine,” she insisted curtly. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Yami shift in his seat. He leaned his elbow on the bar and quirked an eyebrow at her.  
“You sure about that? You’re lookin’ pretty pale.”
Charlotte sniffed. “I said I’m fine. I don’t understand why that’s any of your business.”
“Alright. Alright,” he conceded, holding his hands up in almost a mock surrender. “Don’t get your briars in a twist.” He sighed and muttered under his breath, “I’d have thought that wine might help you lighten up a little.”
A frustrating blush filled her cheeks, but she frowned. Before she could say anything in retort however, a clanging clattering sound down the bar pulled their attention. Nozel Silva had dropped his glass, and champagne spilled across the bar counter as he stared at his shaking hands with an indistinguishable expression—shock, horror, confusion, embarrassment perhaps. Seemingly realising the entire bar had turned to stare at him, he clutched his right wrist with his hand as the bartender began to clean up the mess. Nozel stiffened and cleared his throat. “Please excuse me…” he stumbled with as much decorum as he could manage. “I need to go,” he added before he darted out of the bar as quickly as he could while, Charlotte presumed, still maintaining his dignity.
“What do you know, Braids has a soulmate,” quipped Yami dryly with a slight, lopsided grin and a hearty somewhat derisive laugh as he shook his head and returned to his drink.
Charlotte crossed her arms. “I don’t see what’s so funny about it.” Feeling suddenly self-conscious she adjusted her sleeve, ensuring that the name on her wrist stayed hidden.
“Eh, I think the whole thing is a load of crap. Don’t see why everybody’s making such a big deal out of it.”
Charlotte blushed. “Do you not believe in soulmates?”
“I just like to think there’s more choice to it than that—that we get a say beyond just bein’ forced to be with someone just because the universe or whatever says so. I think I know who I’d want to spend my life with better than fate does.” He paused. “Why? You got a good one?”
Charlotte swallowed hard but admitted, “I don’t know. He’s dead, and I never met him.”
“Oh that’s too bad.” Yami sighed before he started on his next drink—something dark and swirling over ice. “You know Vanessa—on my squad—she’s got this theory that the name isn’t actually your soulmate. It’s the person most important to your soulmate when the tattoo shows up. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but if it is, maybe your real soulmate’s still out there—if you believe in that kinda thing, that is.”
Charlotte wasn’t sure if she believed in soulmates or not. Her tattoo had always been a source of confusion for her, particularly when she started to feel that strong, undeniably romantic pull towards someone whose name was not etched into her skin. Though she had never heard Vanessa’s explanation for the tattoos before, Charlotte supposed it made as much sense as any other theory, but she couldn’t help but wonder what name that drunk witch had on her wrist that made her think up such a thing. Surely, not something—or rather someone —connected to Yami…
“Whose name does she have?” The words slipped out before she could stop herself, but it wasn’t as though she cared…well not that much. Charlotte sighed. Though she had set aside her more childish rivalry, if she was being perfectly honest, she had always been a bit jealous of how easy it was for Vanessa with her warm and friendly personality that instantly made anyone feel at ease and her uncanny ability to strike up a conversation with anyone she wanted, especially Yami. Whereas Charlotte struggled to put a string of coherent words together whenever he was around, Vanessa was constantly hanging off of his arm, laughing, drinking and carrying on a conversation with him like it was nothing. Even if there was nothing romantic between them, Charlotte couldn’t help but wish that she could feel half as comfortable with him as Vanessa clearly did.
“No idea,” Yami answered, pulling her out of her thoughts. “I don’t think anybody’s seen her tattoo, but I guess it could be somebody awful and she’s just trying to make sense of it.” He shrugged, and Charlotte pursed her lips, a bit relieved he hadn’t read too deeply into her question. “Wouldn’t surprise me though. I don’t know anybody who isn’t confused or disappointed by their tattoo.”
“You’re upset with yours then?” she asked, trying not to sound too curious.
Yami shrugged and took another gulp of his drink. “Never really gave it much thought, but yeah, I guess. My ‘soulmate’s’ apparently some annoying girl who hates men and especially me , so no matter what the universe has to say about it, I can’t imagine we’d be anything but miserable together.”
Charlotte swallowed hard. She gripped the stem of her wine glass even tighter in her shaking hands. Despite her best attempts at a stiff and dismissive indifference, her voice still wavered just slightly as she asked, “It isn’t me…is it?”
“Nope.” Yami’s mouth twitched into one of his signature lopsided grins. “I don’t think that’d be too bad. Maybe for you but eh, I’d be okay with it.”
Charlotte blushed, and her heart raced. How could he possibly say such things with such dry nonchalance? “Really?” she squeaked before she frantically stopped herself.
Yami shrugged his shoulders. “I already told you I’d take care of you when we’re old if neither of us have anybody else, didn’t I? I wouldn’t have said that if I thought I’d be miserable with you.” He paused. Aside from the ice cubes rattling in the glass as Yami finished the rest of his drink, the bar, exclusive for Magic Knight Captains, was almost eerily quiet. Charlotte could almost hear her heart pounding. She worried Yami could too, but he seemed entirely unphased. “But I’m not your soulmate apparently so will that be a problem for you?” he asked with a dry, sarcastic teasing.
Charlotte swallowed hard. She bristled. “Well I won’t have been able to compare you to him since I never met Morgen…”
“Morgen?” Yami interjected, and Charlotte fidgeted, staring intently at her twisting hands. She hadn’t meant to say his name—it had just slipped out somehow, probably from that wine. As she turned red, she mentally cursed herself for being such a lightweight, but she nodded with a conceding sigh as she rolled up her sleeve and held out her bare arm to him so he could plainly see the name ‘Morgen Faust’ on her wrist. She waited for him to crack a dry joke or tease her about it, but surprisingly, the hard lines of his face softened and a bittersweet sadness filled his eyes before he motioned to the bartender and ordered a whiskey, neat.
“Morgen was a good man,” he said in a quiet but somewhat curt voice as he took his new glass—tilting it in his hands and watching the dark, swirling liquid. As if he could somehow anticipate the question she didn’t know if she could ask, he continued, “We were in the Deer together until he—“Yami stopped and cleared his throat—something sad in his eyes as he quickly downed his drink and waved to the bartender for another. “He would’ve been a great soulmate.”
“I’m sorry,” Charlotte sighed sympathetically. She wasn’t sure what she should do—what she could do to erase that melancholy grief in his dark, stormy eyes.
Yami shrugged and grunted though there was an almost biting bitterness to his tone as he said, “Comes with the territory of being a magic knight, I guess.”
“Did he die in battle?”
“You could say that…” Yami replied almost cryptically as he took his new glass of whiskey. “Heard it was pretty heroic. He was protecting someone he loved.” Yami stopped and swallowed hard with a slight shake of his head. “Of course he’d sacrifice himself like that—the dumbass.”
His tone was softer, sadder and had much more tenderness than the usual short-tempered annoyance with which he would’ve usually said those words, so Charlotte hoped it would be alright to ask, “What kind of person was he?”
“Too good for the kind of shit he had to deal with. Kind, selfless, generous—would’ve given you the shirt off his back without a second thought. I always said someone was gonna take advantage of that, but he always believed the best in people. He could find something good in everything and everybody—even me.” Twisting his mouth, he almost rolled his eyes. “He believed I could be a magic knight captain. I laughed it off as a stupid, ridiculous idea. But he saw something in me I didn’t—and when he died I guess I…wanted to try it for him.” He stopped abruptly with a sigh—something almost affectionate in his face as his mouth twitched in the corners. “I sometimes wonder what he’d think of my knuckleheads…”
“I’m sure he’d think you’re a good captain and would be proud of everything you’ve accomplished,” said Charlotte gently, her stern expression softening. She reached out her hand to him, seriously considering patting his arm reassuringly, but she curled her fingers and pulled it away nervously. He may be opening up to her, but she still felt such a gesture would be too intimate.
Yami didn’t seem to need it, however, as his mouth twitched in the corners, and he met her eyes as he said, “Thanks, Prickly Queen.”
Charlotte blushed at the gentleness of his smile which swiftly curved into that lopsided grin of his as he lightened the mood with a dry quip, “Hey, if Vanessa’s theory’s right, maybe your soulmate’s Nacht or something?”
“What?” she asked as her blush deepened.
“Nacht, my vice-captain—Morgen was his brother, and even though he’s been gone for 10 years now, he’s still probably the most important person to him.”
“I don’t think it’s—” Charlotte stopped abruptly. 10 years? If that was the case, her tattoo had appeared a few years before that, around the time that he and Yami would have been on the Grey Deer together. Maybe… She stopped herself and pushed the thought away, angry with herself for even entertaining it after Yami had shared his grief with her. It hardly seemed like an appropriate time.
Yami’s brow furrowed. “What?”
“Nothing,” she lied, but Yami’s face told her she hadn’t done a convincing job of it.
“Nacht’s not that bad when you get to know him,” he insisted with a grunting chuckle.
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Charlotte conceded. That wasn’t really what she was worried about.
Yami chuckled. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said that.”
“Please don’t.” She crossed her arms and glared at him, but Yami just shrugged before he returned to his drink.
“I’m not makin’ any promises.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes, but her mouth twitched in the corners, in spite of herself. She fixed her sleeve and covered up her supposed ‘soulmate tattoo’ once again. Maybe Morgen really had been her soulmate. Or maybe Vanessa’s theory was right and her soulmate was Nacht or—she blushed at the thought—even Yami.
His words echoed in his head: I think I know who I’d want to spend my life with better than fate does, and she tried and failed to hold back the smile that tugged at her lips. What would he think of her if he knew she was even entertaining such a thought? She pushed it away, but her smile lingered. And as they sat together in their corner of the bar, talking and teasing each other in their dry way, she couldn’t help but think that maybe she too knew better than fate. Maybe Yami wasn’t her ‘soulmate’…but maybe that didn’t matter.
Yami smoked a cigarette as he stood outside the bar waiting for his ride—or rather his portal—back home to his base. He and Captain Charlotte had practically closed the place down, and though she hadn’t even finished her first glass of wine, she had seemed to have a pretty good time. His mouth twitched in the corners at the thought. In all his years, he couldn’t have imagined he’d have closed down a bar with Charlotte Roselei after talking to her about soulmates of all things—just like he couldn’t have imagined her soulmate tattoo would read ‘Morgen Faust.’
Something twisted in his chest at the thought of Morgen, but he shook his head slightly as his mouth curved just barely, off to one side. He could almost imagine that his old friend was getting kick out of this from the afterlife—Morgen had always believed in soulmates, after all, and, despite having never met her himself, had been the first to suggest that maybe Yami and Charlotte would be well-suited for one another after listening to him talk, or he supposed more accurately, complain about her.
“You would’ve been better for her…the kind of man she deserves…” he thought though he could almost hear Morgen’s reassuring protests on a gust of warm wind that blew his cigarette out of his hand. He frowned and shook his head. Stupid Morgen, always trying to get him to quit, even after he was gone. His face softened at the thought.
With an almost playful defiance, he reached into his pocket and pulled out another cigarette but paused as he went to light it—the match illuminating the name on his wrist he had nearly forgotten about: ‘Sol Marron.’
Yami’s mouth twitched into a lopsided smile. It was quite the coincidence: his tattoo being, arguably, the prickly queen’s best friend and hers being Morgen—one of the first real friends he had had in Clover who saw the best in him, even when he couldn’t see it in himself and who really had, at one point, been the most important person in the world to him.
The wind blew by again—blowing out his match. Sighing, Yami shrugged his shoulders and put his cigarette away muttering, “Alright, you win, but this soulmate crap is still bullshit.”
Despite his protests, however, a smile tugged at his mouth as he fixed his sleeve over his tattoo and conceded that maybe, just maybe, there was some merit to Vanessa’s theory after all…
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miammey · 1 year
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That's 3,389 more posts than 2021!
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#bsd - 390 posts
#bungou stray dogs - 389 posts
#bungou stray dogs manga - 371 posts
#bsd hunting dogs - 345 posts
#the hunting dogs - 342 posts
#my art - 298 posts
#art - 298 posts
#self reblog - 286 posts
#bsd manga spoilers - 278 posts
#bsd tecchou - 220 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i’m a little too dumb to figure out the meaning behind everything but i’m not dumb enough not to notice just how gorgeous your rendering is
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I’m tired, here’s Jouno in a dress
453 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
First off
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LOOK AT THEM!! Oh my god, it’s actually happening, I know they were in the trailer but this kinda just solidifies it
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737 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
(Some) BSD Ships and How they Carry Each Other (Literally)
(Contains MANGA SPOILERS (characters, mostly)
⁃ Chuuya has no problems picking Dazai up, Dazai’s pretty scrawny
⁃ Speaking of Dazai’s scrawny ass, he could probably do it but would be struggling
⁃ Chuuya might think that he was faking it to make fun of his weight but no, Dazai’s just struggling
Shin Soukoku
⁃ Atsushi can pick up Akutagawa no problem (he’s probably done it before in canon, I just don’t remember exactly), even without his tiger Ability
⁃ Akutagawa can pick him up with Rashomon, but not without
⁃ Don’t even ask Ranpo to do any physical labor
⁃ I feel like he’s tried to pick up Poe at least once (ended in failure, Poe’s feet didn’t even leave the ground)
⁃ Poe isn’t exactly physically strong, either, but he might be able to carry Ranpo for long enough to move him, like from a desk to a bed or something
⁃ Yosano lugs around massive weapons like it’s nothing, picking up Kouyou would be a piece of cake
⁃ Kouyou can probably pick up Yosano, tho, again, not for a long time
⁃ Not much to say, they’re both strong mafia girls, I think they can pick each other up pretty easily
⁃ Gin probably more-so than Higuchi, I just have a feeling, tho Higuchi does carry heavier weapons (guns are typically heavier than knives)
⁃ Tachihara can pick up Tanizaki pretty easily, being a soldier and all
⁃ Tanizaki probably could, again for a moment. Most his his strength comes from adrenaline rushes (when he feels more murder-y than usual), so casually he probably can’t
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765 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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949 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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BSD Chapter 99 Summary
1,036 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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princessofxianle · 1 year
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I posted 308 times in 2022
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#tgcf - 169 posts
#xie lian - 154 posts
#hua cheng - 131 posts
#hualian - 57 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 15 posts
#heaven official's blessing - 14 posts
#tian guan ci fu - 14 posts
#san lang - 14 posts
#mxtx - 13 posts
#tgcf spoilers - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#but he is still my smol bean and i wanna protecc him even tho ik he can defend himself
My Top Posts in 2022:
I have finally gotten to this chapter in the novel...
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...im combusting, I love this book so much
28 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
XL really just put the kids in timeout...
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84 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
The amount of happiness I get just by looking at tgcf content is unreal like I'll just look at a snip of XL from the manhua itself...
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...and im just like 😇😇😇 for the rest of the day because I LOVE HIM
But you add HC to the mix...
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282 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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284 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Did you know?! ...people tend to tilt their head to the right when they kiss
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Ya I dunno how this unrelated image got here
293 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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panicatthediaz · 1 year
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#0 - 698 posts
#eddie diaz - 466 posts
#evan buckley - 286 posts
#stranger things - 272 posts
#eddie munson - 203 posts
#911 spoilers - 179 posts
#steve harrington - 139 posts
#kiwi queue - 117 posts
#pokemon - 58 posts
#cat - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#it was the fact that buck came back — had been trying to come back with the lawsuit — plus that near-death experience that made eddie say
My Top Posts in 2022:
11 and 56 for the mash up? ☺️
11. Neighbour AU + 56. Awful First Meeting
Oh goodness, Lorna. Neither of these is my usual thing, so let's see 😂
A few months ago, Buck had moved into this apartment — about the size of what Abby's had been, but properly his — and his neighbors knew he kept weird hours, sometimes (most of the time), what with being a firefighter and all.
They also found him mostly approachable, which was pretty nice. Less nice, however, was no one telling any of that to his new downstairs neighbor, who'd just finished moving in, if he heard some other neighbor right.
(He'd have offered to help, but everything seemed to have happened either when he was on shift, or too early for him to actually be of any use.)
And, listen, he'd just gotten home from a long shift (long, not particularly difficult. Lots of calls and not much to distract him between them), and he's tired, and, sure, he knew the building was slowly being renovated, but he couldn't possibly be blamed for the burst pipe; he was just taking a shower, nothing fancy.
Okay, not gonna lie, I have no idea what I'm doing. Eddie's just moved in, he's stressed beyond belief, and Buck's dead on his feet, barely computing half of what Eddie's telling him.
But I do like the mental picture of like, Buck immediately going downstairs to warn Eddie to not go into his bathroom (idk, I imagine he might have heard it?), and Eddie going upstairs because what the fuck, and them just missing each other, but then spotting each other again going back to their respective floors and just a "wait" moment where Eddie's whole stress rant happens and Buck's just... "I'd offer my bathroom, but I don't actually think that will help".
21 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Firehouse 118 Crew (9-1-1 TV), Maddie Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: U.S. Navy SEAL Evan "Buck" Buckley, Army Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Hurt/Comfort, Developing Relationship, (from friendship to romance over the years), Alternate Universe - No Lawsuit (9-1-1 TV) Summary: Something that the 118 didn't realize was that Buck and Eddie knew each other before they met at the station. This is the story of their evolving relationship since they met, told through their pain and comfort found in each other.
Well. There is one more chapter. Did I expect that? No. Am I surprised? Also no.
This is now my longest fic ever and I have no idea where it will end up, length-wise.
But either way!! Enjoy this new chapter :)
Tagging the giftee @klairwritesthings, of course!
27 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Evan “Buck” Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Firehouse 118 Crew (9-1-1 TV), Maddie Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: U.S. Navy SEAL Evan “Buck” Buckley, Army Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Hurt/Comfort, Developing Relationship, (from friendship to romance over the years), Alternate Universe - No Lawsuit (9-1-1 TV) Summary: Something that the 118 didn’t realize was that Buck and Eddie knew each other before they met at the station. This is the story of their evolving relationship since they met, told through their pain and comfort found in each other.
It is 12:30 am on Easter Sunday. But the final chapter is up!! This fic has been the fruit of a lot of work, plenty of writer blocks along the way, and also a lot of love. It's been a very fun one to write!!
I hope you enjoy the last chapter of your gift, @klairwritesthings!!!
33 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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See the full post
47 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This is stuck in my head now but
I'd like to once again urge people to just talk about asexuality.
And do it in a way that sexless relationships become just one other way a good, healthy relationship can take shape.
No "you haven't found the right person", no "your partner will want sex".
Get used to the idea that a relationship doesn't need sex to thrive.
197 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
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threepercentmiilk · 3 years
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‘Planet of Love’ by Richard Siken really reminded me of this scene
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omnipotentgod88 · 4 years
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spaceinmyhead13 · 4 years
Chapter Breakdown: 286
(TW: Gore) 
Alrighty, I’m not going to focus on Bakugo all to much this chapter, as thee biggest thing here is Shigaraki. But Bakugo is alive, that much is pretty clear. I feel like Hori would’ve spent more time on Bakugo this chapter if he was actually dead, but that wasn’t thee case. 
So, the main focus of today: Shigaraki and Midoriya
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Hori really went all out with the gore this chapter, but for good reasons. Over the past few chapters, we’ve watched Shigaraki internally battle AfO for control of not only his mind, but also his body. Here is the point where he clearly looses that battle. 
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His face splits open, revealing AfO behind it. I’m still not 100% sure if this is a representation or something that’s actually happening, but I suppose it could be a combination of both. Also, notice how the white of Shigarakis left eye is dark in this panel, almost like it’s clouded over. That plus the clear shock on his face gives us a pretty good hint that AfO has completely taken control over Shigarakis body, forcing Shigaraki into his unconscious mind. 
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Based on the fact that Shigaraki is no longer in control, we now know that this isn’t Shigaraki touching Midoriya. The first thing that really caught my eye in this panel was the expression on Shigarakis face. This entire fight, his expression has always been a mix of manic desperation and fear. But here, after what we saw earlier, his expression is all of a sudden cocky and self assured, absolutely nothing like we had seen before. Sure, some can say that this is because he has the upper hand, but he really doesn’t. Nothing has changed between the previous panels and this one to indicate that Shigaraki now has an upper hand. So the only reasonable place that confidence can come from is AfO. The same man who has been fighting for actual decades and has bested All Might. He’s so self assured that he’s going to win, hence the cocky demeanor. 
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Now this one is a bit confusing, and I’m hoping it will be clarified next chapter. But I think that Shigaraki is addressing AfO here. He’s clearly stated his distain for AfO being in his mind, so this sentence telling him to “get out” and “don’t get closer” make sense. This also cements the idea that it’s not Shigaraki in control anymore a bit more.
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Also, we know from past flash backs that AfO is a clear emotional abuser, and thee words he’s saying right now are  those used by emotional abusers to make a dependency with their victim. He’s forcing himself onto Shigaraki, practically forcing him onto the floor. Shigaraki is clearly still fighting him, but the fight has taken a toll on him and the same cocky grin we saw before is on AfO’s face now, showing that he knows Shigaraki can’t fight him for much longer
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Of course, we’ve heard all of these things from Shigaraki before. However, this is the first time Midoriya is hearing it for himself. Us fans have always seen Midoriya and Shigaraki as basically 2 sides of the same coin. With Midoriya being saved at his lowest point and Shigaraki being left to suffer, causing both of them to lead a life that could’ve been very different had their situations switched. Both wanted to be a hero, both were discriminated because of their quirk status, and both of them were found by powerful men who gave them equally powerful abilities. We as the readers know this. But Midoriya doesn’t. He’s always viewed Shigaraki as the big bad, as having nothing backing his actions other than he’s just evil. So seeing that what he’s doing is his “dream” is confusing and ultimately life changing here. Midoriya has always been known to shove himself in dangerous situations to save others, even at the risk of his own life. So seeing that Shigaraki is being forced to become AfO’s second body if you can say, probably hit’s something far to close to home. 
That’s the main break down for this chapter, but I do have some predictions on the next chapter. I think that the last panel we see of Nana and Midoriya are pretty indicative of what’s going to happen next. The look on Midoriyas face is the same one when he’s trying to save people, and it appears as though Shigaraki is no different. This plus the addition of Shigarakis grandmother, Nana, gives us a pretty good chance that Midoriya is going to try and save Shigaraki from AfO. 
Maybe things will go different, who knows. I’d love to hear what the rest of you guys think. See you for chapter 287
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one-cherry · 4 years
Newest frames from chapter 286. Deku, you good buddy?
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898 notes · View notes
blindlemontree · 4 years
Hearing “Stop trying to win this on your own” coming out from Bakugou’s lips is SO meaningful.
They’re both growing passing through each other’s limits, uh?
769 notes · View notes
ella390-the-potato · 2 years
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I love how far these two have come.
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yanano-hiresei · 4 years
So leaks are here...
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I'm ded...
435 notes · View notes