#character planning
Hii!! I LOVE your story and your writing!! Deadass, I wasn't expecting to actually care about a tennis story. I actually put off reading it since I'm the opposite of athletic lol, but I was floored by the effort and story building you've created. You're so talented and I hope you know that you're a beautiful human being who deserves nothing but greatness. What was the first things you decided about the characters/does that still apply to them currently? Okay, I love you, have a great day! <3 <3
Hi!!! Thank you so much, this ask warmed my heart right through!! Hope you have a great day too <3
Interesting question! I think I decided on the main motivations/biggest fears of each of the ROs first, mostly because I love that idea in film/theatre. I think those things still hold true today :)
Main motivation: To find an anchor, safe harbour. What they don't know is that they're also looking for someone they can lean on, while they're propping up the entire world. Biggest fear: That they're not enough, or that they've failed someone they care about.
Main motivation: To explore, to learn, and to adapt to this thick, roiling ocean that is life. Biggest fear: That they'll be tied down to something that no longer works, and in the process, be unhappy and cause unhappiness to the people they care about.
Main motivation: To do their absolute best in the few things they care about - tennis, school (to a lesser extent). What they don't immediately realise is that some people might make that list of things they will give everything for. Biggest fear: That they've fallen short, or that they've not been entirely true to themselves.
Main motivation: To have a good time. Preferably while ensuring that the people around them are having a good time too. Biggest fear: That they'll be alone and unhappy and unloved.
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tilseptemberends · 23 days
saw one too many post citing Lucien's hair as a reason to dislike him so my newest FEMC is a redhead. I wonder if I can make all my character choices out of spite like this.....
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stratataisen · 5 months
Zaberial & Leland Musings
Well, I decided since I've put my smuggler and bounty hunter's parents into Aketho's story (Cafe owners from chapter 2) then I should put in Zaberial and Leland as well. And since I'm doing that I'll need to switch up Zabe's romance interest. So I'm thinking Rass, and I have a few ideas for them already. Also, if they make Rass romanceable...I may need to re-level Zabe in game. I just can't do the switching romances on a whim thing, even if Zabe is a flirt with everyone. Yes, I know its just a video game, but I still feel bad about it. Leland is going after Torian. I found out they allow you to flirt with him (waaay later on, but it'll be worth it. ;-; ), I just need to get around to leveling the BH. lol
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doodleybugg · 2 years
character building template (idea stolen from amino :p)
you could also use this as a shifting script <3
Name: This is pretty self-explanatory, full name, maiden name. Nicknames/Alias: Again, self-explanatory. If they have nicknames explain the meaning behind them (unless its an abbreviation). Face Claim: I normally write bios before picking face claims but some prefer to do it the other way. This is a very general rule but try not to deviate too far from the FC’s real age, no more than three years either way. Age: For some supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi genres you may need “appearance/physical age” as well. Gender: Again, self-explanatory. Sexuality: Again, self-explanatory. Date/Place of Birth: Time and place of birth is quite important as it’ll effect other parts of the bio like name choices or childhood life. Currently: Location-wise. Nationality/Species: Self-explanatory. Please note that ethnicity and nationality are different. If there are different species in your roleplay, you might also have sub-species groups. Occupation: If applicable. Rank: For roleplays that feature hierarchies like royal families or schools where there are no jobs, a ranking system might be more suitable. Can also be used to describe social class.
Childhood/Family Life: Who they grew up with, family life in general? Does your character know who their parents are, are they the biological parents, what were their expectations for your character? Any particularly memories, traumatic or life changing? Did your character grow up in a specific type of culture or belief system that shapes who they are now? Any lingering health problems or hereditary family illnesses? Education: For the real life based roleplays set in the present, level of education can be important. For roleplays set further back in history, how much education can be important. I find education to be an important factor because it effects who we are, who we can be and who we want to be. Education and wealth is also intertwined with social background. Accomplishments: Mention those relevant to the personality development or plot. For example, if your character received a music scholarship, you can have them memorize numerous Mozart pieces and still be realistic. Or if your character graduated top of the class in sword fighting, it might explain why they started hacking away at zombies with a machete as opposed to running in the opposite direction. There can also be negatives to some accomplishments, for example, receiving a military medal can show a character as courageous and dedicated to their country. But (depending on the medal) it could also mean they were the only survivor of an air raid which resulted in long term guilt causing them to avoid meaningful relationships that could lead to their happiness (Survivor’s guilt). Regrets: Everyone has regrets; if only I could turn back time, if only we had known earlier, if only you had seen the other choice earlier. Regrets can be a huge part of a character’s subplot (talked about later) because when someone acknowledges they’ve done something wrong, the first reaction is normally to fix it. Someone who has no regrets, also says a lot about them. Secrets: Everyone has secrets, how big are your character’s? Think about things like who knows, how many people does it effect, anyone in particularly that cannot know the secret, consequences of certain people knowing.
Positives/Virtues/Skills: In general, positive traits are aspects that make that your character likable whether it’s their attitude, behaviour or actions. Positive traits can also be skills your character is good at, placing them at an advantage.
1000 Character Flaws and Strengths (thewolf-rph)
Positive Character Traits
Traits of Human Consciousness
638 Primary Personality Traits
Huge List of Virtues (writeworld)
Flaws make your character real and believable so think before you write something down for the sake of it. Read the history again as qualities will emerge from events in the character’s past. To me, flaws include negative aspects (especially in abundance) which have a negative effect on themselves and/or others, traits that prevent your character from being ‘perfect’, or just weaknesses like phobias.
1000 Character Flaws and Strengths (thewolf-rph)
123 Ideas for Character Flaws
Character Flaws List (Dark World RPG)
Character Flaw Index (TVTropes)
11 Character Flaws To Use In Your Script Right Now!
Traits of Human Consciousness
Huge List of Vices (writeworld)
Do not just come up with a random list of traits totally plucked out of thin air. A number of personality traits are often directly related to our history/background - so re-read what was written above and make logical connections. Personality is revealed by behavior, how one interact with others and what decisions they make. Also be careful that you don’t contradict yourself; someone who is childish will probably not be the leader of a political rebellion any time soon. Likewise, someone who is physically weak will probably not be jumping into every bar fight they see. A classic Mary Sue contradiction is lack of self-confidence even when every male character is lusting after them. I read a very interesting piece on 5 Stupid Habits You Develop Growing Up In A Broken Home which is a great example of actions/events and consequent personality traits. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you no Mary Sues and Marty/Gary Stus. Or Anti-Sues. It’s all about balance, I’m not sure if there’s a general rule but it’s best to try for one negative trait for each positive. Even with positive and negative traits, there can be different types of positive and different types of negatives. Some traits can double as both strengths and flaws depending on the context*; some flaws are only viewed upon as flaws by a certain demographic**; certain positives that are shown habitually can come off as a flaw instead*** and then there are those traits which aren’t really flaws at all****. (*) Stubbornness is generally viewed upon as a negative trait but at the same time perseverance is a positive trait. I call these neutral traits where context is most important. If Character A is refusing to even listen to why Character B thinks A is doing something wrong, this is viewed as negative. However if Character A refuses to give up on their dream job even if Character B says they don’t think they’re suitable, this is viewed as positive attitude. (**) I have no idea if being sarcastic is considered positive or negative (another neutral for me) but sometimes the younger generation will see sarcasm as being snarky and sassy, thus cool whereas the older generation will just see it as being rude and/or argumentative. (***) Confidence is a positive trait, too much confidence can make a person cocky and arrogant, over-valuing themselves. Same with intelligence, one can turn arrogant and look down on others less fortunate. Another popular one I see is cautious characters who can be seen as paranoid. (****) Clumsiness. To be totally honest, I don’t even know what ‘clumsy’ is. Is it a lack of co-ordination, a lack of grace, a lack of common sense (tripping over your feet when walking across a flat platform is not clumsiness; thats just the inability to walk across flat platforms., in which case I would be more worried about their health) or an excuse used to cover up mistakes/accidents? Well anyway, this is not a personality flaw because the majority of the time it’s used to portray the character as cute instead.
Personality Type:
Sometimes for my own characters, or major characters in a story I will give them one of the sixteen personality types.
Myers Briggs Personality Types
Again, this is when I want to be detailed or sometimes I use to plan out bios to make sure there are different types of characters.
Caroline Myss Archtypes
The 12 Common Archetypes
A List of Character Archetypes
The 16 Villain Archetypes
Okayophelia’s Archetype Picspam Series
Likes & Dislikes:
This is more of a fun section. Favourite colour, foods, places in the world? Music, books, quotes? Types of clothing? Hobbies? Preferred activities in their free time? For people your character dislikes, leave it to the relationship/enemies section.
Dreams will often change due to circumstance or age but I would still make a note of short term ambitions and goals which can later tie in with the character’s subplot (mentioned later).
Can include phobias that will be relevant but also fears related to the plot. For example there’s a zombie outbreak, their greatest fear could just simply be turning into a zombie. Or if these zombies are soul-losing, flesh eating zombies, the character’s greatest fear could be hurting (a.k.a. eating) a family member.
Parents: Including whoever was the acting guardian. Details on how the relationship was. Was it more like mentor and student or best friends, how close are they now. Siblings: Those bound by blood or by factions or cults. Again details on how the relationships worked. Favourite sibling, sibling rivalry, twins? Children: If applicable, make the ages realistic. Spouse: If applicable. Current Partner: If applicable. How stable is the relationship, is marriage something both people are thinking about? Ex-Partners: If applicable. Maybe small details on why/how the relationship/s ended. Boss/Employer: If applicable. Co-Workers: If applicable. Friends: If applicable. How did they become friends, how do they interact with each other, does your character behave differently in front of their friends and the outside world? What do the friends think about your character, are they truly friends or is there an ulterior motive? Enemies: If applicable. A good one to include for creating future drama though have a realistic reason. She has better hair than me is not really enough to imply they are enemies (I guess unless it’s a high school RP?).
Weapon of Choice: I noticed a number of fantasy characters tend to name their weapons as well? Physical/Magical Strengths: If you have a vampire and all vampires in your world have super strength, include it here. (Unique) Powers: If you have a vampire and all the vampires in your world have super strength, don’t include it here. Write about powers that don’t come collectively to the same species/group. Physical/Magical Weaknesses: With every power should come a weakness, again to make your world believable. Maybe the more power used by your character, the quicker their body runs out of energy. Or maybe a classic elemental approach, water kills fire and fire melts metal?
Build: Includes height, weight and general build. Hair Colour: Remember to find a face claim who has gifs with the same hair colour. Eye Colour: Gif-wise I don’t care about eye colour because you can barely see it, personal preference. Distinguishing Marks: If I have a face claim in mind, I tend to skip over this section apart from distinguishing marks and tattoos. Making a note of physical features can make description paras easier. If you have a shape-shifting/glamour species, what do they look like in their ‘other’ form?
Where was your character just before and at the start of the roleplay? Firstly, a physical location is important. So for a town RP, is your character a resident, a tourist or a new citizen who moved in just before the start of the RP. If we use the zombie outbreak example again, was your character at home, were they on vacation and got stranded, are they able to contact their family, etc. Next is where their head is at. Did any events happen just prior to the start of the story, any deaths or life changing events? Who is the most important person in their life prior to the RP starting, will it change during the story? What is the storyline unique to the character? The plot/setting on the main RP is a group plot, each character needs their own subplot. Their own goals, their own motivational reasons and a conflict which stops them reaching that goal (can be tied to the main plot). Is their conflict internal or external, does your character even know how to reach their goal, if so, what is their next step?
So now that you have a clear idea of the character, it’s time to write the actual bio. There are a number of formats out there and just use the information above to fill in the blanks. You do not have to include EVERYTHING you wrote down.
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aquillis-main · 1 year
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As much as I don't like the card game (especially in it's current format), the idea of making character decks themed around what the character is like is an interesting challenge in and of itself, as it means not only do you have to think of the themes of the character in general (I.E. Moon and the ocean), you also have to think about what can play into those aspects as well (I.E. Apparently Pirate Space Android/Robotic Bunnies fit?).
Not too sure if I'll stick to some of the names and shapes of most of these rabbits, but I know I'm on the right track for my silly little 5D's OC.
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lociepaniemakrela · 1 year
The best part of creating a new character is basicaley giving them cool powers in exchange for your childhood trauma.
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feverforever4 · 2 years
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So these are two designs of my original character, Samara (name will probably change) they are meant to be Melanesian. I wanted to change the design because she didn’t look like they were from Melanesia, and more like Polynesian.
Also deciding on what island/country she’s from.
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adinelleggreeo · 4 months
The Puzzler Bunch- Cute Story Idea
I already posted the art for the characters here if you wanna see it. This one is an older draft that I've been meaning to post.
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I was sketching in my sketchbook, coming up with as many different character designs for children as I could. I'm working on refining this new drawing style I'm working in, you see.
I drew a trio of characters, a boy and 2 girls.
The boy was tall and skinny. I gave him curly hair, a rectangular-shaped head and slightly angular features (I used shape language a lot for my character art) One of the girls was also on the tall side. She had an oval-shaped head, long straight hair and round eyes. She looked very kind. The last girl was shorter than her friends. I already had in mind that she would be a bold and smart character (both in intelligence and cheekiness) She has a triangular-shaped head, narrowed eyes and a little smirk as if she knows something you don't know. I gave her neat braids (the simple, stylized kind) that end as a little afro puff atop her head.
I really liked this trio of characters and came up with a little backstory for them. I named them Harold (who goes by Harry), Marissa and Alice.
They're a group of friends that live in the same neighbourhood and attend the same primary school. Another thing they share in common is that they have a love for puzzle-solving.
Each of them has a type of puzzle they are best at. Harold likes word puzzles, Marissa likes mechanical puzzles and Alice likes logic puzzles, especially math puzzles.
Fellow students at school call them the Puzzler Bunch. They're known around the schoolyard for their 'unnatural' (for ten-year-olds) cleverness when it comes to figuring out complex puzzles.
If I were to write a story with these characters, it would revolve around them finding increasingly complex puzzles left around the schoolyard and places they frequent in their neighbourhood after the overly dramatic Anaiah (a year-mate of theirs) demands that they help her find who stole her jewel-encrusted compact.
They left a cryptogram puzzle in its place, so obviously Anaiah runs to her sweet 'Harry-bear' so he can solve it and find her stolen compact! Oh and his sidekicks can help too, she supposes (she doesn't know nor does she care about who can solve what type of puzzle)
They decide to take up the challenge and they're led around the schoolyard and their neighbourhood as each puzzle leads them to the next, getting increasingly more difficult as they get closer to solving the mystery of the missing compact.
The questions are who's leaving these puzzles, why are they leaving these puzzles and did they really have to involve 'Madly in love with Harry' Anaiah?
I'll have an answer to all those questions once I do some more planning. I've also realised that I've made a lot of work for myself. I barely know anything about solving puzzles and now I've gotta create 10 puzzles for this story!
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the-bunnys-code · 8 months
Hi there's a spider above my bed that is a friend and I don't want to crush it in my sleep if it drops down so I'm waiting for it to patrol elsewhere. In the meantime, guess who's been thinking about updating their Sun and Moon designs again!
Yeah okay, so, I'm looking at what I've done with the Glamrocks. I gave them a ton of fluff and hid most visual signs of them being animatronics under said fluff... but I didn't do that with Eclipse. Well now it just looks inconsistent to me! So I plan on smoothing them out, which means exporting their PNGs again but who cares.
(NOTE: I finished writing the first draft of this post here and came to the conclusion that the spider would not come down. It didn't! It hung out on the ceiling the whole time... but the smoke alarm went off at 5 AM for no reason. Odd luck I've been having this week that I may or may not elaborate on later!)
The funny thing about Sun and Moon is that their decal art in-game portrays them with robotic features anyway, something that I continue to wonder about to this day. The Glamrocks have decal art that that displays them as the characters that the animatronics are portraying...
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... right?
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Ah, well, either way, the robotic part in my style is not presented as obvious, so I should probably update Eclipse's designs.
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stratataisen · 7 months
So, I'm leveling my Jedi Knight, Ritenvi, as a Sage because I like their healing kit and the dps specs make me happy. The sfx are just 'Whoomp!' and for whatever reason I love them...the make me happy to hear...yes I'm weird. Anyways, I'm trying to make the 'opposite' on the Imp side. Probably going to go Inquisitor/Sorc instead of Warrior/Sorc. 1.) I don't want to make the Vette/Torian choice on a Warrior just yet. 2.) Inquisitors are just so sassy. I love them. But the real question is, what race to go with.......... Chiss....it's probably going to be Chiss....who looks like all my other Chiss....I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have a problem. -sigh- I should at least try to give them different hairstyles, I guess. ;-;
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egophiliac · 5 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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topbanana-art · 4 months
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Breaking news: Durge monk realises they have a crush on Shoe eating wizard
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lociepaniemakrela · 1 year
If you put any Lana Del Rey song on your „character vibe playlist” it isn’t character vibe, It’s your neglected childhood trauma.
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chiro-asuta-vulpes · 2 years
Descriptions of all my Ocs📝🖋✨✨
(View Whole Post if you wish to read and get to know them all)
Prisma Illumina
-- "THE ORIGINAL", Project "Rainbow Wish"
-- The first "Female Bot created by Mr. Antonio a Nanny Bot in disguise to his children that watches over them as they grow. Later on, revealed as a "SECRET WEAPON" for a certain mysterious purpose? (Past)
-- Prisma was the forgotten interfuse of both Ivy and Snowy-----, despite of being infected by the Virus, which is Viola herself---...this bot was forced to get dismantled by her own creator splitting her into two thus The Flower Sisters were BORN.
-- The beginning of her extraction a left over code of Prisma have mysteriously passed down to Snowy unknowingly, unexplainable---even Tate and Winter couldn't figure out how Prisma was able to live and evolve like that....as the bot sleeps dormantly within the lil flower bot's system as she lives, in her head she begun to grow, evolve and shape herself back to her old self, she regain a conscious----of her own thru Snowy's mind and able to take over and control her with her own will and strength......
--As the New Half of Snowy.
Snowdrop Azura
-- "The First Broken Piece" and "Project Snow Angel", known as the separate broken piece of Prisma, possessed the trait of Compassion, Empathy, and Thoughtfulness. This Lil White Delicate Flower is very "Timid" if you first encounter her. Although she is very "Friendly" and "Affectionate" Very easy to talk to and get along with.
-- Snowy Is Programmed To Help And aid whoever is in need or serious help she will quickly go protocol" is triggered. One, is TO PAMPER AND COMFORT, Two, "ANGEL GUIDANCE" a PROTOCOL PROGRAM SET TO SNOWY TO HELP OTHERS AND PROTECT IN SHORT "PROTECT THEM AND HELP THEM IS A MUST!" Snowy will have the sudden eagerness to help, worry and automatically obey her programming. To aid, help, comfort and pamper!
-- Its Either She Heard A Cry For Help, anyone crying from injury, mental breakdowns, anyone needs or seek comfort, company, emotional support, affection/snuggle time, etc.
Winter Frost
--"The Lovable Adventurous" and "Playful, Clumsy Heart-warming Boi". You will never get bored with this cute loving caring, dreamer indulging fantasies with his imagination, commencing fascinating big or small adventures group or solo.
--This boy have this sweet bubbly energetic behavior will do anything to see you smiling and laughing again. He's also reliable on tech and repairs.
--During breaks he loves going outside exploring places, even this joyful happy kind hearted boy undergo a lot of shitty relationship, trauma, depression etc. Even so much pain Winter is doing the best he can to reach the freedom he longed desired to be free from all the suffering and pain he undergo his regretful unforgettable past that haunts him.
--Overall he always believe Love and Hope always find a way and will once again give him a new beginning and a new start.
Oleander Ivy
-- "The Second Broken Piece" Project "Bloom-Angel" known as the second separate broken piece of Prisma, possessed the trait of being Enthralled, Perseverant, Strong, a Thinker and very Playful. Before she was hacked and infected by Viola's Virus, She took the role of a Counselor and Instructor Bot alongside Snowy after they were born.
-- She's a Counselor that helps to address problems in a positive way by helping clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness.
-- Both Snowy and Ivy were inseparable the flower sisters work together, as they work. One that Comforts (Snowy) and the other Counsels (Ivy).
-- Ivy too loves playing with Children but she mostly prefer her big sister, to play with the youngsters. Because Snowy is more capable to be patient and blissful towards them, her on the other hand takes her counselling seriously.
Tyiana Tate
-- "The Worrierat Loving Big Sister", "Upbeat and Sufficient Warm-hearted gal" Known as Winter's older sister, Tate was just a simple girl she grows up with both parents being busy, but her bond to both parents never die. She may have struggles, but she always let out a nice lovely smile on her face.
-- Tate is a sweet loving big sister to her orphaned lil brother "Winter" they are both inseparable when they grow up, they only parted ways when they went to "College", Although after hearing the incident what happened to Winter, Tate argues her brother will never do such thing. False accusations have caused her lil brother to think self suicidal, self blame, hurting himself physically and mentally.
-- As his big sister, Tate did her very best to take her brother away from that horrid past he's been burdening within himself. Tate came to the rescue she know how much heartbreaks and aches Winter experienced in his school, she decided to give Winter a break, he may haven't finished his college but he's still have the qualifications to work, offering her brother to take her place of work. Nothing is more powerful than the sibling bond of the two is strong even tho the fact Winter is just a orphan they still have each other's back TOGETHER they stand tall overcoming whatever challenges, and trials this world in store for them.
Viola Nightshade
Known as "The Virus" , "The Manipulator" , "The Purple Flower Glitched Maniac" and "Ambitious Foe"
The main Antagonist of all my Oc Arc, She's Self-indulged, Ambitious, Crafty, Vindictive, Judgemental, Abusive, and Aggressively Manipulative.
Viola have the ability to manipulate anyone whoever have a single electronic or device nearby them--- as much being bodyless or no body she's aiming to look for a certain someone to aid and help her KILL THE FLOWER SISTERS AND PUT HER BACK TOGETHER.
Viola's capability on making illusionary dreams, by absorbing or sapping anyone's fears not just they're fears also they're deepest desires, turning them into illusionary dreams using the illusion disks Viorel planted to her flower, the purple flower like satellite dish, signalling any nearby devices, to make the illusionary dreams possible, as they're user slumbers or literally anyone have any electronics or devices near them will be victim on this Illusions
Viola will do anything in her will and power to please and make her master proud of her, doing his bidding for him.
Viorel Saffron
-- Known as the Obsessive and Narcissistic ex boyfriend of Winter, second antagonist OC of all my Ocs, Viorel as this rich popular kid in school, have all the fame and reputation he could ever had. He's arrogant, selfish and above all ambitious when it comes to riches, and status. One thing Viorel is weak at is "Knowledge"
-- So the boy found his "guinea pig" / "lab rat" a test which is Winter, he manipulated the poor boy to fell in love for him despite of Winter being a lonesome guy he's also smart. Viorel used him in the end for enjoyment, to satisfy his needs treating him not as a lover but a test subject. The toxicity, and reality hurts indeed.
-- He uses his popularity to do a fake game of love to pretend to fell in love on Winter back. He only used Winter to got off on college and graduated, while he laughs at the same time break Winter's heart during the boy's birthday, and last day of school. And Winter was held back accused the boy as a Hacker and a Cheater. Thus, Winter ended up getting expelled.
-- After he's done with Winter that's when he commence his plan to spread rumours about the poor boy, Planted many fake evidences to cause him to get expelled, while he stands tall as mighty and stronger than Winter by ripping off the boy's confidence when it comes to relationships and love.
Other Characters?
Haven't make appearances yet, But Connected to the main characters.
Antonio and Rosaline
Tate's Biological Parents, and Winter's foster Parents.
- Antonio works as a Scientist and a Robotic Engineer at Robotic Corps as head scientist, and the company's head creator of every electronics, techs and bots he create and share to the world. However, soon after he quits his job after the incident of Prisma's hack and repurposed her splitting her into two thus Snowy and Ivy were born after extracting the original.
- Rosaline works as a Psychologist, she have her own clinic running, for years. She loves her job exploring psychological difficulties, and help people,Giving her patients "Psychotherapy" treating psychological disorders and mental distress.
Pasquale Liam
Winter's old closest friend, and had a crush on Tate. A guy with a good heart and intensions, passionate on etiquettes, being casual and exquisite. Teaching people how to be proper and well behaved when it comes to parties, fancy occasions, etc. Behind this high class status, this person is also a Gardener and a Florist as his part time. And giving his crush hydrangeas each time they meet.
Winter's Rival when it comes to Knowledge, Relationship goals and Reputation, Lastly an arrogant boy also Viorel's older brother responsible on expelling Winter's degree on 3 years as a college student. And the one crafted this master plan for Viorel to ruin WINTER as payback for what? (It's still a mystery coming soon)
What do you all think of it? Who among my ocs is your favorite and hated ocs?
Feel free to leave a COMMENT DOWN BELOW, of your answers hehhehe
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starcunin · 2 months
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ORDER STICKERS HERE: https://nixzee.etsy.com
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