#charlie the sasquatch
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sasquatch roaming in the violet hour
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poubellesouriante · 2 months
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oh, yes! Since childhood, I dreamed of that very Bigfoot hat from Charlie Murder, and finally I made it!
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waugh-bao · 1 year
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Charlie and Keith (2012)
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deancaskiss · 1 year
is it too late to let you know (under the mistletoe)
Summary: When Dean rescued Cas from the Empty, it should’ve been easy to yank Cas close and kiss him; making the confession a two-way street. But Dean was caught between too many emotions, and the moment slipped away. Days of silence bled into months, and Dean felt the distance between him and Cas growing into a chasm as Christmas fast approached. When Sam decides to meddle with some well placed mistletoe and claims that by the end of Christmas, they would be deanandcas again, Dean doesn’t believe it. The kisses don’t mean anything, it’s just mistletoe kisses. But, with each kiss, things start to change, and Dean begins to wonder if maybe these kisses do mean something after all.
5 times Dean and Cas kiss under the mistletoe and it doesn’t mean anything, and 1 time they kiss and it definitely absolutely without a doubt means something.
Word count: 4,838 (continued under the read more). Also posted on ao3.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Time for some deancas kissing under the mistletoe!
This whole thing should’ve been easier. It should’ve been instinct to yank Cas into his arms, shake him senseless and maybe push him away for doing such a dumbass thing like gambling his life like that, and then tugging Cas back into his arms and kissing him stupid. 
That’s how it should’ve gone.
But when they finally rescued Cas from the Empty, when Cas was standing back in the Bunker, chunks of inky blackness chipping off of him and pooling on the ground around him in large clumps, Dean just stood there, shaking, caught between vibrating relief and shuddering anger. 
He wanted to slam Cas against the wall; caught between the urge to pick a fight with fists or to crash their lips together instead.
Words got caught in his throat. Dean wanted to scream and yell, threaten Cas for leaving him the way he did. For the words that Cas left hanging between them. He wantes to grab Cas, hands cradling the back of Cas’ neck as he made the confession a two-way street.
But none of those things happened.
Instead, Dean got up into Cas’ space, pointing his finger accusingly in Cas’ face as he snarled, “Don’t ever do that again.”
And, just like that, the moment was over as Dean turned and stormed away.
Dean thought the seven months without Cas were shitty, but these last few months now that Cas was home were a different kind of pain. At this point, Dean wasn’t sure if it was him avoiding Cas or Cas avoiding him.
The forced conversation. The averted eyes. The stilted attempts to avoid running into each other. It was a slow torturous agony. 
Dean hated it. Hated Cas and hated himself. 
But he hated the space between them the most. Because it felt like they were never going to be deanandcas again.
The silence stretched between them. Hours turned into days into weeks and bled into months. And Dean ached. Ached for his best friend, even though he was right there.
August shifted into September without a stir. September into October and Halloween occurred without any affair. November gave way to December.
And that’s when Sam came bounding into Dean’s room, with far too much excitement and happiness, and it made Dean’s stomach lurch.
“Christmas, Dean. We’re going to celebrate Christmas this year. The whole family. Bobby, Charlie, Jody, Donna, and the girls. Jack’s even gonna join us- Cas convinced him.”
“Oh, did he now?” Dean said, the words coming out like a growl.
The sound that left Sam’s mouth was caught somewhere between a sigh, a frustrated huff, and something else almost mischievous. “Christmas is happening, Dean. And by the end of it, you and Cas will be deanandcas again. Mark my words. It’ll be a Christmas miracle.”
Dean grabbed the nearest thing he could reach, which was only a pillow, and he hurled it at his meddling brother's head. 
Great. Just what they needed. A giant Sasquatch forcing the Christmas spirit to “magically” solve the tension between him and Cas. Perfect.
As it turned out, Sam’s version of a Christmas miracle was mistletoe.
Piles and piles of mistletoe.
Hanging from every doorway, wait, scratch that, hanging from every available surface of the Bunker. Dean had witnessed Sam catching Eileen under it a whopping 15 times already, and it had only been in the Bunker for less than a day.
Maybe it was just an excuse for Sam to kiss Eileen at every chance he got.
But Dean very quickly realized who the intended target was. And he’d just fallen trap to it, walking through the doorway into the kitchen just as Cas was leaving.
“Looky what we have here,” Sam taunted, motioning to the mistletoe above the doorway. “You two have to kiss now.”
“It’s tradition,” Eileen piped up, grinning from her place next to Sam at the kitchen table. “Couldn’t mess with the ritual behind that, could we? Might cause unnecessary ramifications, and I don’t feel like hunting any monsters during Christmas,” Eileen said, eyes darting between Dean and Cas with a sneaky glint to her gaze.
Goddammit. Sam completely had her in on this little plan of his. Now Dean was going to hunt them both down and feed them to the nearest vamps nest for this.
When he finally shifted his dagger-like gaze away from his traitorous brother over to Cas, he felt the air lurch out of his lungs like a punch to the gut.
Cas had this look in his eyes, caught somewhere between wistful and angry; yearning and threatening. It drew Dean in like a magnet, pulling  him closer on instinct.
Something deep in Dean’s chest ached, open and raw and bleeding. Whatever that feeling was, it must’ve been written on his face, because Cas swooped in with angel-speed, grazed his lips against Dean’s for a fraction of a second, and then marched off before Dean could even blink.
The realization hit him as the last glimpse of the trenchcoat disappeared around the corner seconds later. Cas just kissed him. Kissed him and walked away, as if it meant nothing at all.
The next time it happened, it was the doorway into the War Room. Eileen was sitting at the table by herself, with a spread of books that she and Cas had obviously been looking at together before Dean had walked in and interrupted their moment.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” Dean teased, the joke falling from his lips on impulse. The way he used to tease Cas before. Like nothing had changed.
For a brief moment, there was a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of Cas’ lips. As if he’d forgotten that they weren’t on speaking terms; like there wasn’t a chasm cracking wide open between them.
That little smile was enough. It gave Dean a dash of hope. Maybe they could fix this. Maybe they weren’t too broken.
He could do it. Right now. Close the gap between them, and kiss Cas like he should’ve done the second he’d rescued Cas and brought him home. And if it went South, then he could blame it on the mistletoe. No harm, no foul, right?
But that would mean crossing the bridge before they’d mended it. There was no stability, and the thinly layered stones would crumble beneath their feet; sending them into icy waters once again. And Cas deserved better… he deserved more.
“Dean,” Cas said, quiet and slow.
His name. The first time Dean had heard Cas say his name since they’d broken out of the Empty together. Dean felt the sudden yearning strike. A need to hear his name on Cas’ lips like that again; not with anger or betrayal, but a hint of tenderness seeping into the once reverent way Cas used to say his name.
Leaning down, Dean pressed a feather-light kiss to Cas’ cheek. A chaste touch; there and then gone. It wasn’t enough, but it was a start. 
Shifting out of Cas’ space, Dean moved into the War Room, grabbing the stack of candy he was supposed to be bringing to the movie that the girls and Jack were watching.
From the corner of his eye, Dean could’ve sworn he saw Cas’ arm move, his fingertips grazing over the spot on his cheek where Dean had kissed him. But by the time Dean actually looked over towards the doorway once his candy stack was stable, Cas was gone.
Dean was starting to feel like he was seeing mistletoe everywhere he looked. But it was the glimpses of Cas that really had Dean doing double-takes. The way he could just see the trenchcoat fluttering around a corner or the flicker of bright blue eyes connecting with his own across the room before darting away. It was occurring more often, as if Cas was letting Dean see him for the first time in months.
And if it was just that, it would’ve been enough. Really.
But… the mistletoe was increasing in numbers.
And the kisses shouldn’t mean anything. They didn’t. They really didn’t. Or, maybe they did.
Dean couldn’t go down that road.
Because that would mean words would need to be spoken. Out loud. And he couldn’t… didn’t know how.
The kisses didn’t mean anything. They were just mistletoe kisses. Not going down the road of something more.
Speaking of roads.
There was a new filter that he needed to switch out in the Impala, and at least that was something he could do to keep his mind off of mistletoe and kisses and a certain angel. Making his way out to the garage, he wasn’t expecting to run into anyone. Or to find a clump of mistletoe hanging in the doorway leading into the garage.
Yet, here Dean was, in the doorway, his hip bumping against Cas’ as the angel made his way back into the Bunker. They both stopped. Two sets of eyes flickering up at the same time and then dropping down to each other again.
“I thought you said we had to stop meeting like this,” Cas said, darting his gaze back up to the mistletoe before landing on Dean again.
It was the longest sentence Cas had said to him in months.
Dean swallowed thickly, his eyes locking on the smudge of dirt on the collar of the trenchcoat. “I’m starting to think you’re enjoying catching me under the mistletoe,” Dean said, nudging his shoe against Cas’ in a gentle bump.
Cas shuffled slightly, and Dean winced. Dammit. Wrong thing to say. This thing between them, whatever it was, was too fragile to be throwing grenades like that. He wanted to take it back, to reach out and snatch the words lingering in the air and hide them back behind his ribs.
“Maybe you’re the one hanging the mistletoe waiting for me,” Cas replied. They both knew that wasn’t true; both knew it was Sam and Eileen with the stash of mistletoe.
But before Dean could point that fact out, Cas was leaning in, his lips grazing over Dean’s jaw.
The kiss was subtle, just a hint of plush lips against stubble, but the warm tingling sensation lingered as Cas pulled away. There was a ghost of a smile on Cas’ lips as he turned and walked away, leaving Dean standing under the mistletoe; fingers reaching up to touch where Cas’ lips had left an impression against his skin.
“Oh, hey,” Dean said, catching sight of Cas walking down the corridor in the opposite direction from the Dean-cave.
Cas turned around at the sound of his voice, his steps slowing down as he raised an eyebrow at Dean.
“I was just, uh-” Dean started, pointing towards the room with his thumb. “Just about to watch a movie. Jody and Donna were gonna join in a few. Just thought you might wanna, you know…” he trailed off, realizing he didn’t know how to finish that sentence.
Before, it wouldn’t even be a question. Dean would just bump his hip against Cas’ and flash him a smile, nodding his head in the general direction of the Dean-cave. Cas always knew what Dean was offering, and he’d smile back, and they’d move that way together, without having to say a word.
But now, when he actually needed to say the words, he didn’t know how.
Down the hallway, Cas was almost frozen in place, his body half tilted towards Dean as if he wasn’t sure he wanted to move closer or to bolt the other way. The angel’s eyes darted towards the room where they’d watched movies together a hundred times, before moving back to look at Dean.
“I’d like that,” Cas finally said, the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
The air trapped in Dean’s lungs suddenly rushed out past his lips, and he sighed in relief. “Great, yeah, awesome,” he said, motioning for Cas to follow him.
But of course, as luck would have it, they both managed to walk into the room at the same time. Under the doorway. Where a collection of mistletoe hung just above their heads. Mistletoe that hadn’t been there 5 minutes ago when Dean had set the movie up before going to pop some popcorn.
Their eyes locked almost immediately, and Dean let out a huff of air that turned into a laugh. “Let me guess, there’s mistletoe above us, isn’t there?”
Cas pretended to wince, looking up in a deliberately slow motion before tilting his head in that way that made Dean’s stomach twist in knots. “It appears so,” Cas said, and god dammit, was that a hint of playfulness in his voice? Or was Dean just imagining it?
“I think it was my turn to kiss you, if I’m not mistaken?” Dean asked, before realizing that yes, he’d just admitted he was keeping score. That Cas had kissed him first, then he’d kissed Cas, and the last time Cas had kissed him.
Cas nodded, his eyes darting down to gaze at Dean’s lips before quickly looking away.
From this angle, standing almost side by side, Dean could see the curve of Cas’ hair moving around his ear, and the sudden urge welled up in his chest. Without stopping to think, Dean quickly moved to press his lips to that spot behind Cas’ ear, just below a curl of hair. He lingered there for a beat, savoring the way he could almost feel the tremor that made its way down Cas’ spine.
He only pulled away when he heard Jody and Donna’s footsteps down the hall.
Cas quickly moved to his old seat, and once again Dean found himself left standing under the mistletoe, repeating to himself like a mantra that these kisses didn’t mean anything.
The knock at his door broke Dean’s concentration, and he looked up from the mini vending machine he was building for Jack as a gift. Why he thought ordering this would be a good idea, he had no idea. It was like a piece of ikea furniture, with far too many instructions that were too vague in Dean’s opinion.
Maybe a break from the infernal contraption would keep Dean from throwing it at the wall and buying Jack 20 boxes of nougat instead.
When his eyes locked with Cas’, he froze. “Hey,” he said, gaze suddenly glued to the way Cas’ throat worked as the angel swallowed.
Cas offered him a small smile, motioning with his head back down the hall towards the main area of the Bunker. “Charlie’s looking for you. Something about Claire and Jody in the kitchen and that you were needed.”
Dean grinned, remembering the pie challenge that Jody and Claire had suggested that morning.
Pushing away from the desk, Dean grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair and he draped it over the vending machine, hiding it from view in case Jack came peeking. “Gotta pie-crown to defend,” Dean said in answer to Cas as he moved towards the door.
But, instead of moving out of the way so that Dean could get through, Cas was rooted to the spot in the doorway.
“Earth to Angel,” Dean teased, bumping against Cas with his shoulder. “You gonna let me leave or am I going to have to push you into the kitchen with me?”
But Cas’ eyes weren’t on Dean. They were looking up.
Frowning, Dean cast his eyes up, too.
“I didn’t! That wasn’t… I didn’t put that there,” Dean quickly defended as he looked at the mistletoe, down to Cas, and then back up to the plant. Dean was going to kill Sam. Absolutely kill him.
“If you wanted to kiss me, Dean, all you had to do was ask,” Cas said, a lilt to his tone that took Dean one second, two seconds, three to catch.
Cas was… was Cas actually teasing him right now?
“Told you I didn’t put it there,” he muttered, even as he caught sight of that half-smile on Cas’ lips that clearly said Cas was enjoying himself far too much. “Besides, it’s you who owes me a kiss this time, so how do I know you didn’t put it there as an excuse to kiss me.”
“You caught me,” Cas said, putting his hands up in defeat even as rolled his eyes playfully.
“Yeah, well,” Dean huffed. “It is your turn, so pay up.”
Cas smiled, this time genuine, and Dean could’ve sworn his heart stopped for a second before kicking back into gear at full speed.
“As you wish,” Cas replied, closing the gap as he pressed his lips against the crinkles next to Dean’s right eye. If Dean thought his heart was beating fast before, it suddenly felt like it was racing a marathon at the tenderness of the kiss.
It was… intimate. Soft. Almost reverent. Cas pulled back a few seconds later, but Dean could’ve sworn it felt like Cas’ lips were still there, kissing along the wrinkles and up across his temple.
Without a word, Cas moved out of the doorway and started to walk towards the kitchen.
“Are you coming?” Cas called over his shoulder.
“Yeah,” Dean said, voice thick and rough, and he cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he said again, but even as he followed Cas to the kitchen, Dean couldn’t shake that warm feeling that was still lingering on his skin.
Christmas Eve had crept up quicker than Dean expected. But maybe that was because his mind had been a little preoccupied lately. He’d spent the last two days avoiding Cas. Not because he didn’t want to see him, but because an idea had been forming in the back of his mind. The idea to take matters into his own hands.
After that last kiss, standing in the doorway to his bedroom, it was as if Cas had spelled it out for Dean in big bold letters across his door.
It was right there. And now they were… it felt like that bridge had been crossed. They were talking again. Seeking each other out and interacting like they used to. They were deanandcas again.
Except, there was something else. Something written in-between the words. Dean had felt it, maybe since Cas had kissed his jaw. Or maybe it was when he’d kissed Cas on the cheek. But it was there, and Dean had to do something about it.
It had to be him.
It should’ve been him all those months ago, when Cas was shedding clumps of darkness to reveal angelic light standing in the Bunker again. It should’ve been him who closed the gap, who said the words back to Cas with actions instead of verbally. He hadn’t then. But he needed to now.
Finding Sam’s stash of mistletoe had been easy. Honestly, the sock drawer, Sammy? How cliche.
Sliding the plant into his pocket had been a little more challenging, mostly because it left an obvious clue he was carrying something in his pocket. 
But the most difficult part was closing those last few steps. Dean found himself lingering in one of the archways to the library, watching Cas read as if it were the most riveting thing he’d ever seen. And maybe it was; because Cas was here, and it was Christmas, and they were deanandcas again.
Taking those last steps felt like torture, but not the bad kind. The kind of sweet torture that Dean knew meant he was making the right choice. The choice he should’ve made months ago.
Approaching Cas from behind, he peered over the angel’s shoulder to see the book splayed out on the table.
“Whatcha reading?” he asked, sliding his hands into his pockets, fingers grazing over the leaves of the plant.
Cas darted his gaze from the page, offering Dean a smile. “It’s about Christmas traditions. Jack said it was important that I read it. Didn’t have the heart to tell him I already knew it all, so I took the book and promised to read it anyway,” Cas said.
Yep. That was Cas all over. Ready to do anything just because it meant something to someone he cared about.
“Well, I-uh, needed to borrow you for something,” Dean said, inching the mistletoe out of his pocket and keeping it hidden in his hand.
Cas grinned, closing the book with far more care than anyone ought to. “As long as it isn’t more wrapping. Charlie and Kaia had me helping them wrap all morning.”
Dean laughed, but he shook his head. Moving his hand, he held the mistletoe above Cas’ head and then gently nudged Cas’ shoulder with his other hand. “Look up.”
Tipping his head back, Cas looked up, his eyes latching onto the mistletoe that Dean held over his head. He quickly looked at Dean, then at the mistletoe; a dawning realization washing over his face.
“Last time, you said if I wanted, all I had to do was ask,” Dean said, swallowing thickly as the words swelled up in his throat. “This is me asking.”
Now it was Cas’ turn to swallow, and Dean watched the movement of Cas’ throat as Cas kept his head tilted back, eyes never leaving the mistletoe wrapped between Dean’s fingers.
“Asking for what, Dean?” Cas whispered.
Here it was. Now or never. No going back. Time to right his wrong and do what should’ve been done from the moment he’d rescued Cas from the Empty.
“To kiss you,” Dean said, the words rushing out in a breath that tasted like relief.
When Cas moved, pushing back from the chair, it was with purpose. Reaching out, Cas’ fingers wrapped around Dean’s wrist, keeping the mistletoe above their heads as he leaned in closer into Dean’s space.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Cas breathed out, and Dean lurched forwards, using his free hand to grab hold of Cas’ trenchcoat as he pulled Cas closer until their lips finally met.
This kiss wasn’t anything like their first.
While Cas’ lips had barely grazed against Dean’s for a fraction of a second the first time they’d been under the mistletoe together, this time it was like neither of them were in a rush to let go.
Cas immediately melted into the kiss, and Dean dropped his hand until he was wrapping his arm around Cas’ shoulders. Slotting their lips together was easy. It was the easiest thing Dean had ever done in his entire life.
A stuttered sigh escaped between their mouths as Dean traced over the shape of Cas’ lips with his own, and Dean couldn’t give a damn if it was him or Cas making the sound, because right now all he could focus on was the way Cas’ lower lip felt caught between his own.
They broke apart with a gasp, and Dean quickly dove in again, chasing Cas’ mouth at the same time as he marginally tilted his head. Their mouths met perfectly, both of their lips parted just enough that they were pressed flush against each other. Dean held the kiss, keeping their mouths locked together like it was a lifeline.
Cas pulled back a fraction, before his lips caught against Dean’s lower lip, and Dean felt a shiver dash down his spine. A hand was suddenly cupping his cheek, and Cas leaned in again and again, repeating that same motion as their lips met in the middle with a fervor that had Dean feeling weak in the knees.
Then it was Cas tilting Dean’s head, with his hand still on Dean’s cheek and the other brushing against Dean’s jaw, and a soft graze of tongue darted out across Dean’s lip. Dean felt his knees wobble as a shuddering breath slipped from his mouth and melded into Cas’.
Gripping hold of the trenchcoat tighter, Dean chased that teasing touch of tongue with his own, lightly tracing over Cas’ lower lip before pulling away.
Now it was Cas who was letting out the softest groan between their mouths, diving in deeper to chase the taste of Dean. It was just a fleeting touch of Cas’ tongue against his own, enough to leave Dean breathless, before Cas broke the kiss.
Dean leaned in again, lips gliding together as he slowed the kisses down. And Cas seemed to like that even more; lingering on each brush as they traded touches back and forth.
Easing back slowly, Dean alternated between open mouthed brushes and catching Cas’ parted lips with his own. The kisses were slow and languid, as if there was no rush in the world.
And God, Dean loved it. The way he could feel the tremble in Cas’ body as he captured the angel’s lower lip and tugged on it softly. Or the way he felt like he was half absorbing and half swallowing the little gasps and shaky breaths that Cas kept making. If he’d known kissing Cas was going to feel this good, he would’ve pressed the angel against the wall and kissed him senseless from the second he’d gotten Cas back from the Empty.
Closing the gap again, Dean pressed their mouths together, and he shuddered as he felt how warm Cas’ lower lip was. Nudging back slightly, he caught sight of Cas’ kiss swollen lips and everything in his brain went blank. He’d done that. He’d just kissed Cas so much that the angel’s lips were red and glistening.
Peppering quick pecks to the corner of Cas’ mouth, Dean leaned in for one last lingering kiss. Cas huffed out a breath through his nose, the air cascading over Dean’s cheek, and Dean slowly eased back until their mouths were just barely ghosting against each other.
Adjusting his arm, Dean moved to tilt Cas’ head until their foreheads were pressed together. Cas let out a little hum, slightly moving so he could press a quick kiss to Dean’s cheekbone.
“That was-” Cas started to say.
“Long overdue,” Dean murmured, unable to stop himself from nudging Cas’ nose with his own before he inched his way back to Cas’ mouth.
He couldn’t stop. Now that he’d had a taste, had felt the shape of Cas’ mouth against his own, he just couldn’t get enough.
It was as if they were making up for lost time, lips moving against each other again, this time more hurried as Dean nudged Cas back against the table so he could use the leverage to press more hungrily into Cas’ mouth.
“We should…” Cas said against Dean’s lips before he pushed forward to kiss Dean again, letting out a groan.
“Yeah,” Dean hummed, licking along the seam of Cas’ lips before teasing his mouth open so he could initiate those open mouthed brushes again that had them both breathless. 
At some point, Cas’ hand had shifted from Dean’s shoulder and had slipped down into the back pocket of the hunter’s jeans, and if that move wasn’t enough to have Dean seeing stars, then Cas’ tongue in his mouth was about to make him go supernova.
Just as Dean wrapped his tongue around Cas’, a slow clap behind them made Dean break the kiss with a gasp.
“About damn time,” Sam said from the doorway, a massive grin on his face.
“Oh, don’t stop on our account,” Eileen teased. “We were enjoying the show.”
Dean felt his face flush, and he glared at Sam and his meddling girlfriend. He was sure his rumpled appearance was severely dampening the threat, but he shot daggers at them anyway. “Yes, yes, your plan worked. We get it. Unless you want to watch me push Cas up onto the table, I suggest you get out,” Dean said, making his point by nudging Cas backwards until his thigh slipped between Cas’ legs.
Cas’ mouth parted again, this time with a breathy gasp, and Dean leaned back in to feel that gasp against his lips. He didn’t have time to look back to see if Sam and Eileen had gotten the hint, other than the vague noise of Sam making a disgusted sound and the echo of retreating steps. But Dean couldn’t bring himself to care, because if he didn’t get his lips on Cas’ again in the next two seconds, Dean swore he might just cease to function.
Nudging Cas up onto the table, Dean stepped between Cas’ legs as he chased Cas’ mouth into another bruising kiss.
“You know they’re just-” Cas broke off, meeting Dean’s lips and sighing into the kiss. “-going to go tell everyone that we’re-” Cas stopped again as he lurched forward to find Dean’s mouth again. “-making out.”
“Don’t care,” Dean huffed, finding a very delectable angle that meant he could catch Cas’ lips fully between his own. “Shut up and kiss me.”
The moan that slipped between them was shared, and Dean drew Cas closer until it felt like they were melding together as one.
The mistletoe lay discarded on the ground, completely forgotten; dropped at some point when Dean slipped his fingers into Cas’ hair as they continued to kiss.
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rpfisfine · 2 months
@rechenzentrum tagged me to post my top 5 songs this year and @kalaharidown and @fireeating both tagged me to post 5 songs im currently into so guys how about we make a deal and stack all the tags on top of each other and i show you my top 15 songs right now. how does that sound
once upon a time (freestyle) - IDK, denzel curry
sadeness - enigma
gross - bulldog eyes
i'm every woman - whitney houston
kitchen witch - ariel pink
no flex - tiny meat gang
sasquatch - earl sweatshirt & tyler, the creator
爸爸的煩惱 - 江音 (no idea abt the english translation unfortunately... its from a boy boy video)
oldie - odd future
I.crawl - childish gambino
couch - earl sweatshirt & tyler, the creator
the boy from ipanema - julie london
love is a long road - tom petty
ill vibe - busta rhymes, q-tip
fancy - iggy azalea & charli xcx
i tag @vzajemnik @triija @startreatment @airender @moldycrow @traviisano @ancientext @z4chstone @folaireamh @ballad-of-what-could-have-been and YOU 🫵
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eepy-pleepy · 2 years
“Look up at me?”
Dean lifted his face but kept his eyes on his phone, still tapping. Charlie leaned in and dotted over another one of his freckles in blue. The kitchen table beside them was covered in brushes, wipes, Q-tips, and little pots of brightly colored face paint, in rainbow colors.
“I can tell you’re nervous,” Charlie said offhandedly, laser-focused and very close to Dean’s face, her pinky braced against his cheek.
“No you can’t. Why would I be nervous?”
“You always play Crossy Road when you’re nervous.”
“I always play Crossy Road when I’m bored. Seriously, how long is this going to take?”
“It’s your fault you have so many freckles.”
“Don’t pretend you’re not bullshitting new ones everywhere.”
Charlie poked him in the middle of the forehead with the butt of her brush. He pinched her side and she yelped, jerking sideways. The lid to the blue paint clattered onto the linoleum floor.
“Pick that up, ungrateful knave!”
“I can’t, I’m paralyzed by nerves,” Dean said, leaning back and setting one ankle on his knee. He turned a sunny grin up at her. Charlie cooed and grabbed one of his cheeks like a doting grandparent and Dean almost tipped his chair over trying to yank back.
“Don't smear the paint!”
Smug, Charlie exchanged the blue paint for purple. “Nope! This is the good stuff. You’re gonna have to work to get it off.”
Dean blinked up at her in horror.
“Jesus. Why did I agree to let you do this.”
“Because you look fucking adorable with rainbow freckles,” she said, and handed him the small mirror on the tabletop. He stared, then brought the mirror in closer and rubbed at his cheek. The rainbow colors didn’t budge.
“Oh no.”
Someone started hammering on the front door of the apartment and Charlie bellowed IT’S OPEN over her shoulder. Dean leaned away from her, protesting the noise with a loud, annoyed yowling. She rolled her eyes and pulled him forward by the chin.
“Shut up. One more color.”
“Shoulda just gone full Pride Braveheart, woulda been faster.”
“I told you, but you wanted ‘subtle’.”
“There’s always next year!” Sam said, poking their head around the kitchen doorway. They stepped in with Eileen and Dorothy in tow and Dean spluttered, pushing Charlie aside so he could sit forward.
“What’s with the heels, Sam, you’re already a tree!”
Sam was indeed wearing boots with three-inch heels. They were also wearing heart-shaped glasses, dangly earrings that almost touched their shoulders, metallic paint on their nails, and a loose, half-sheer top covered in constellations. Their cross-body bag strap had several pins on it, the largest of which said THEY/THEM above a small enamel nonbinary flag.
“You won’t be complaining when I’m an easy landmark in a sea of people, dipshit.”
Dot bent down to lay a smacking kiss on the side of Dean’s head. “Happy first Pride, Dee! I come bearing gifts.”
She swept a spot clear on the kitchen table and upended a small paper bag. A collection of pins clattered onto the wood.
“For Eileen,” Dot said, holding up an enamel pin of the ASL sign “I Love You”. Eileen beamed and pinned it to her jacket, along with her SHE/HER button and pansexual flag. Charlie helped to face and sort the pins, squealing when she discovered the Live Long and Prosper in the colors of the lesbian flag. She squished Dot in a side-hug and kissed her on the cheek.
“For Sam,” Dot said, handing up a little Sasquatch to an answering eye roll, “aaand Deanie Bean.”
Dean held out his hand to accept the last pins. One was a HE/HIM pronoun button, then a small enamel bisexual flag, then a pair of cowboy boots that said “PAGING DR SEXY, STAT”.
“Awesome,” he said, then grunted when Charlie plopped down on his lap. She took the pronoun pin and started fastening it to Dean’s Led Zeppelin shirt, which they’d altered into a sleeveless boatneck via some clever ripping.
“You don’t have to wear them all if you don’t want to,” she said quietly, tugging Dean’s shirt lopsided so the top of Dean’s flaming pentagram tattoo showed.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Charlie shrugged. “You just went a little green when you saw the flag.”
“Blame the freckles,” Dean grumbled, and Charlie kissed his forehead before bouncing to her feet.
“Alright, queers, wheels up, let’s rock ’n’ roll!”
“Who’s got sunscreen?” Dot called out, rifling through her tote bag as the group started migrating towards the front door.
“There’s some in the car. Pocket check!”
Everyone tapped chest, hips and butt and then threw a sassy snap in the air, everyone except Dean, who was busy pinning the bi flag to his shirt. Charlie patiently held the door for him, smiling like a proud mom.
“There,” he said, pulling the shirt lopsided again. Charlie slapped his ass as she pulled the door shut behind them.
“Gonna have to keep an eye on you, lookin like such a snack.”
Dean threw her a cheeky wink. Charlie cackled, looping their arms together as they caught up with the group. She whooped and threw devil horns in the air with her free hand.
“Pride’s not gonna know WHAT hit it this year!”
A fuckin’ heatwave, as it turns out.
Dean was too hot, and not in the Bruno Mars kind of way. Well, not just that way.
The heat was making him grumpy.
“How was your first Pride, Dean? Oh, fine, I got heatstroke and died. Music was good, though.”
“Oh my god. Go get another beer and stop whining,” Sam said.
“I spent my last buck on this itchy feather boa.”
Dean made his best puppy-dog eyes up at Sam until they rolled their eyes and pulled a ten from their bag. Dean beamed and scrunched his shoulders.
“Thanks mom!” He turned and cupped his hands around his mouth. “OI! Charlie! Dot! Want anything?”
Dancing under some water misters, they raised their cups and shook their heads, tapping Eileen on the shoulder. She turned and Dean signed more drink?? and waved the ten with his eyebrows raised. She tapped her bottle of spiked lemonade and raised the number 1, nodding. He lifted a thumbs up and she blew him a kiss.
“Sure, I’ll take a beer,” Sam said loudly as Dean shouldered past them.
“Not good for trees. It’ll wilt your foliage. I’ll bring you a nice hose water.”
Dean was grinning and tapping the folded ten-dollar bill against his hand, eyes on the nearest drinks tent, when something very large and very rainbow tumbled out of the crowd and knocked into his side, shoving him into a small group of people wearing a lot of leather. He hit the pavement with a surprised oof.
A hand reached down to him. Dean squinted up at the stranger’s silhouette haloed by the blinding sun; a man, with… two very large wings.
“Did I fucking die?”
The hand closed around his wrist and pulled.
“I didn’t hit you that h—“
The man’s voice trailed away as Dean stood up and met his eyes.
Dean stared.
The girls pushed their way back through the sea of people to where Sam was standing, bumping into the arm they had raised over the crowd.
“What’s up? Did you spot someone famous?” Charlie said, pushing up on her tiptoes to try to see over the crowd. Her red hair was beaded with little pearls of water from the misters, sticking to her face.
“No, get this,” Sam said, lowering their phone and tapping the screen. Chewing on a grin, they turned it to show Charlie.
She grabbed the phone.
“Shut up. No way.“
He was tall, almost as tall as Dean, with messy dark hair and big blue eyes, a strong stubbled jaw and a mouth that made Dean think strawberry marshmallow. The very tanned, very smooth skin of his chest was on full display, showing off a wordy tattoo on his left side, just under his ribs.
The only thing he wore above the waist was a pair of great big, rainbow-feathered wings. Like proper enormous, angel-of-the-lord sized wings.
Dean shut his hanging jaw with a click.
“Are you alright?” The man asked, his voice as low and gritty as the pavement that had caught Dean’s fall. Dean dusted off his hands.
“Uh, depends. Are you real?” He leaned back and tapped one of the leather clique chicks on the shoulder. “Hey, sorry. Can you see him too?”
“What, the gay angel? Yeah.”
Dean held out his arms in a tah-dah sort of gesture. “Hallelujah.”
The man’s eyes caught on one of Dean’s hands.
“You’re bleeding.”
Dean looked down. The stinging skin of his palm was, indeed, starting to bleed.
“Ah, it’s nothing,” he said, blotting it on his black shirt. He watched the blood start to well up again. Angel guy came closer, his fingers grazing the back of his hand like he wanted to cradle it but didn’t want to come across as too familiar. The hesitant brush was almost more intimate than if he had just taken his hand. An electric thrill ran up Dean’s spine and he tensed to prevent a visible shiver.
“I’m very sorry. I knew the wings were a bad idea,” the man said.
“You kidding? It’s the most badass shit I’ve seen all day. Did you build them yourself?”
“My brother did. His are pink, yellow, and blue.”
“There’s more of you?”
“Just us,” he said. “Here, at least.”
Dean tipped his chin up a fraction. He clapped the man’s shoulder amicably.
“Us black sheep are cuter anyway,” he said, and reveled in the small smile he got in return. “I’m Dean.”
“Hello, Dean,” the man said, taking Dean’s proffered hand and shaking it. “Castiel.”
“Wow. Props, man. Never heard that one before.”
“You’re not religious?”
“It’s the name of an angel.”
“Oh. Is that why…?” Dean asked, gesturing to the wings. Castiel nodded.
“My siblings and I are all named for angels. Gabriel thought these would be fitting. And adequately blasphemous."
Dean grinned.
“Who do you work for?”
Sam jumped and Charlie yelped at the sudden accusatory voice behind them. The group turned to find a man glaring daggers, hands on his hips.
Above his head stretched a pair of pink, yellow, and blue wings.
“What’s with the sneaky pictures of my friend over there, huh? What are you, P.I.s?”
“Nothing like that!” Charlie said, holding out a placating hand. “That man in the black shirt over there is their brother!”
The winged man looked up at Sam, who was nodding vigorously, and immediately adopted a less intimidating stance.
“Ah. Sibling blackmail, I respect it. Whatcha got?” He said, and moved in with eagerly wiggling fingers.
“The freckles are a nice touch.”
Dean snorted. “Sure. Looks like I contracted a bad case of the gay.”
Castiel laughed, throwing his head back. His dark hair shone like a rich red wine where it caught the sunlight.
“Condolences,” he said. "Did you know, some people believe they're angel kisses?"
A sly smile grew on Dean's face. "You tryina take credit for something, angel?"
His smile only got bigger the pinker Cas' cheeks got.
"Of course not, Dean. Just making small talk."
They stood in line together at the drinks tent, caught between the baking pavement and the punishing sun. Dean grimaced and pulled his bi pride feather boa away from his neck, arranging it like a sash so it didn’t touch as much skin.
“God. Don’t those things itch?”
“No. They’re very hot, though,” Castiel said, pulling the wings away from his back to let the breeze through. Dean eyed the curve of his spine in the little alcove he’d created – the way his skin shone with sweat, the outlines of his phone and his wallet against the swell of his, uh. Castiel started to turn and Dean quickly averted his gaze.
“How’s your hand?”
Dean lifted it between them. It was still trying, sluggishly, to bleed.
“I’ll see if I can get some ice and napkins,” Castiel said.
“It’s fine, man, really.”
“To you.”
“What can I get you two?”
They looked up to find that they were next in line to order. Dean started to open his mouth to correct the person but stopped when Cas touched his hand.
“I got it. What do you want?”
“You don’t—“
“Fine.” He’d just sneak the ten into Castiel’s pocket later.
He gave his order and stood off to the side, holding his drinks while he watched Cas pay for them, asking for extra ice and napkins. Dean rolled one cold, wet beer bottle against the side of his neck, eyes on Cas’ slender fingers as he tucked his wallet back into his pocket. The motion pulled the waistband of his jeans lower over his hipbones and Dean had to look away or risk accidentally boiling the beer he held against his skin.
“Here, over here.”
Cas led them past the drinks tent and up onto the grass, finding a relatively uncrowded shady spot under a large tree. He set his drinks on the ground and gestured for Dean to give him his hand.
Dean hissed when the ice hit his palm.
“Dude, quit apologizing.”
There was a flash of blue when Cas’ eyes flicked to look up at him. He patted one of the napkins gently against Dean’s raw skin.
“Thank you,” Cas said.
“…Weird track switch, but sure?"
“For letting me help,” Cas clarified. He gave a wry smile. “Despite protest.”
Something akin to panic fluttered like a single trapped moth behind Dean’s ribs. Shit, was this goodbye? Why did this sound like goodbye? This couldn’t be all there was.
“It, uh… it ain’t all better yet,” he said. Cas’ brow furrowed.
Dean’s heart was hammering. Risk it? Risk it?
God, yeah.
“You didn’t kiss it.”
Cas searched his eyes. Dean wondered if his own pulse was visible slamming against his neck.
Slowly, Cas lifted Dean's hand between them. He touched his lips to Dean’s palm, over the napkin. Dean swallowed.
Dean shook his head. God, he was going to rupture several veins the way his heart was going, but something – maybe everything – about this guy made him want to throw caution to the winds. He took a step closer. He turned his hand in Cas’ lax grip so his fingers brushed the strong line of his jaw.
Cas didn’t stop him. He leaned in.
Dean closed his eyes and kissed him.
They leapt apart, almost spilling the drinks by their feet.
Sam, Charlie, Dot, and Eileen were standing at the curb by the drinks tent, whooping and hollering along with a man wearing a set of pink, yellow, and blue wings. Gabriel leaned back to check Sam’s raised phone screen, then cackled and high-fived them.
“Don’t worry guys, we got it!” Gabriel called, throwing them a thumbs-up while Sam gleefully showed the other three the footage. Dean looked over at Cas like he was afraid Cas might try to deck him. He found Cas watching him in much the same way.
“Do you know those people?” Cas said.
“Unfortunately. The skyscraper? That’s my sibling. The gals were the ones who talked me into attending. I don’t know how they found your brother.”
“Trust me. Gabriel found them.”
The group was coming in to join them under the tree, making ridiculous cooing noises.
“You’re all horrible,” Dean said, and swiped the drink he’d ordered for Eileen before she could grab it. She pouted at him. He narrowed his eyes and mouthed traitor, but gave it over anyway. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, then discreetly flicked her eyes in Cas’ direction and signed he is smokin’ so only Dean could see it. Dean shrugged in the universal sign can you blame me? and she grinned.
“So when’s the big daaay?” Gabriel sing-songed, looping his arm through Cas’. Cas shoved him off.
“It’s a wonder I make any friends with you around.”
Gabriel just laughed and pinched his sides, making him hunch over defensively, which brought his head low enough for Gabriel to pull him into a noogie.
“Oooo looked like a little bit more than friends, little bro!”
“I’m so proud of you!“ Charlie said, swinging a punch at Dean’s arm. “Way to just go for it!”
“Charlie, ow?”
“Our little gaybie, growing up so fast.” She wiped away a false tear. Dean rolled his eyes and pulled his feather boa from his shoulder, winding it in loose coils around Charlie’s neck and lower face. She laughed, spluttering through the feathers.
He jumped when he realized Gabriel was standing right at his shoulder.
“Shit. How do you do that with those on?” Dean said, looking up at the wings. Gabriel just narrowed his eyes at him, singular in his focus, like he was reading the fine print of his soul through the back of his retinas. His gaze shifted to consider the middle of his face.
Dean hissed when Gabe suddenly gave him a cheerful clap on the arm. It was right on the same spot Charlie had punched.
“Damn it,” Dean muttered, rubbing his arm.
“Cute freckles, Prince Charming.”
Apparently satisfied, Gabe turned away, almost knocking Dean over with one of his wings. “Seriously melting my balls off out here, where’s the nearest ice cream tent?”
“The snowcone van is right over there,” Dot said, pointing. Charlie bounced up and down, grabbing Dot’s arm.
“Ooo! Do you think they have rocket pops?”
“Gangway!” Gabriel declared, leading the charge back towards the thick of the crowd milling on the street. Charlie and Dot followed in his feathery wake.
“Hey, um,” Sam said, still hovering nearby. “I can delete that video. I don’t mean anything by it. Your business is your business.”
“Since when?” Dean said. He felt feathers brush his arm and glanced over.
Cas met his eyes, his gaze a calm, steady blue. Dean’s stomach did a little pirouette.
“Might be nice to remember. Look back on someday,” Cas said. Dean raised his eyebrows.
“You goin’ somewhere?”
In his periphery, Sam and Eileen started to sidle away. Dean hooked Cas’ pinky with his own, loose.
“I wasn’t going to presume anything,” Cas said. Dean’s fingers crept further, capturing Cas’ ring finger along with his pinky.
“Yeah I probably shouldn’t, either.”
Cas looked down, threading their fingers together properly. Their palms settled against each other. When he raised his eyes, it was tentative, almost shy.
Dean couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this giddy. He swung their joined hands between them.
“Hey. Did it hurt?” He said.
Cas squinted at him. “What?”
“When you fell from heaven.”
Dean cackled when Cas rolled his eyes in a dramatic full-body gesture and shoved him over onto the grass.
Feathers and Freckles on Ao3
Tag list (message me to be added or removed!)
@one-more-offbeat-anthem @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @yourspecialeyes @sleepycas @castiel @wormstacheangel @meg3point0
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martyslittleusedblog · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel characters in a Modern Fantasy AU
Aesthetically similar, but...
Rather than demons / damned souls, the characters are living, humanoid creatures in a modern (at least more modern than medieval) world that also contains humans, trolls, goblins, merfolk, dragons, youkai, Sasquatches, and more.
If the show's plot were carried over to this AU, it would certainly be different, no longer about damned souls seeking redemption, but either way, the Happy Hotel is still open to give travellers a bit of respite from their wandering, adventuring, etc, despite the staff not exactly being experts at running the place (though possibly not as unpleasant as in canon... possibly).
Again, the characters would still look the same as they do in canon, but would be different fantasy races and, in a few cases, possibly have different names.
Angel Dust and Molly - Spiderfolk / Ettercaps (I'm gonna ignore what seems like a Molly cameo in the show in favor of her previous design)
Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar - human? Not sure, TBH; I once thought she was meant to be a dog or something.
Vagatha / Vaggie - human? Still has her moth theme
Sir Pentious - Snake Centaur / Nagalamia
Alastor - deer kemonomimi (a humanoid that appears aesthetically human save for certain animalistic traits, usually ears and a tail), may either be a steampunk cyborg with radio implants or he may still have some connection to dark forces... Haven't decided yet.
Niffty - cyclops-antfolk hybrid
Husk - Tressym (winged catfolk, name and basic concept comes from D&D)
What's the point of this AU?
Simply a change of pace inspired by my interest in fantasy, not much else to it. : )
From what I hear about the show's fandom, though, I'd rather not get too involved... I'll just play with this idea in my own little corner, LOL
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heavenfalls · 6 months
friday top five time :)
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ilivefordarcy · 1 year
tao: charlie's refusing to wear their glasses! charlie: tao, look, I wore the glasses for a day. My eyes are much better now. Watch. charlie: points to elle elle. charlie: points to nick nick. charlie: points to aled Sasquatch.
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kingfaramund · 9 months
Sasquatch Charlie
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a really quick personal sketch i did a while back for my new persona. i think this one is gonna stick!
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fazedwithphase · 1 year
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Sculpted Charlie the Sasquatch from "We Bare Bears" as for the Sculpt January's 9th prompt, "Long Hair". Yes, I referred it from Panda's enlightened painting.
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axels-corner · 2 years
Death to the Moonlark happy ending
notes: this is the happy ending to this fic
characters: Sophie, councillor Oralie, Elwin, Councillors Zarina, Clarette, Alina, Bronte, Gethen and Dex are there briefly and have some lines,
warnings: character injury
words: 899 words
Sophie awoke slowly, she could hear people talking. She blinked once, twice, before her vision focused and she saw Oralie talking to Elwin along with the rest of the council. She tried to sit up but her muscles gave out half way through and she fell back to her back. Elwin turned around and when he saw she was awake smiled
“There you are kid. You gave us quite the scare.” He said as he started gathering different medicines,
“How long was I out?” Sophie asked her voice gravelly from not being used for so long, that's not a good sign. Oralie moved to her side and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear
“About a month in a half.” She said quietly.
“A month in a half!” Sophie exclaimed and Oralie held her down as she tried to sit up.
“It's not a good idea for you to move right now.” Oralie told her. Just as Sophie was about to ask why a sharp pain shot down her abdomen where she had been stabbed.
“Oww.” She said as she tries to curl up into a Sophie ball but Elwin stops her, and hands her an elixer instead
“Councilor Oralie is right you shouldn't use your abdominal muscles to much right now. Whatever Gethen's sword was coated with was nasty stuff. That's why I had you sedated for so long but it looks like the last bit will take a couple elixirs.” He told Sophie
“What kind of elixirs? Please tell me they aren't the kind that Fitz had to drink after he got impaled by that bug in Exile.” She said, Elwin gave her a sympathetic smile
“Sorry kid, but I think they are. Also what bug in Exile? You guys never told me that story.” Zarina and Clarette looked panicked as they both said
“You know it's really not that interesting, just a little fight.” Eliwn raised an eyebrow and nodded
“Okayyy.” Dex said as he laughed
“Wow, you guys really don't want an Elwin lecture about you hurting one of his kids do you?” Elwin turned around slowly from where he had been setting the elixirs down
“You what?” Sophie giggled at the councilors reactions
“We were in Exile and Clarette had summoned one of those bug things to intimidate us. Dex threw a gadget that was just supposed to be like a smoke bomb, but Zarina zapped it causing it to go hay wire. So Fitz jumped on it and threw it away but the explosion threw him backwards on to previously mentioned bug's antenna. Speaking of which what happened to them? Did their antenna grow back?” Sophie asked Clarette the last two questions. She answered as Elwin prepared the medicine
“Yes, his antenna did grow back and his name is Charlie I met his great grandmother when I was around your age and befriended her and know generations later I am still friends with her grandchildren.” Sophie nodded and asked
“Can I meet Charlie? Properly I mean not in Exile.” Clarette nodded as well
“Yes, but not right know if I brought him into the healing center I do not think Elwin would be happy with me. But one of these days I'll bring him to a Team Valiant meeting.”
“I would not be happy if he was in the healing center.” Elwin agreed “And on that note the medicine is finally done.”
“What is it going to do?” Oralie asked him
“Well hopefully it'll take out most of the arthropleura poison that Gethen's sword was coated in, but she'll be on bed rest for a week.”
“Wait, where are my parents?” Sophie asked
“There on an assignment to found a sasquatch, but their imparters are out of range so we can't reach them.” one of the councilors explained
“And you're sure their okay?” Sophie asked
“Yes Ms.Foster, we just talked to them a couple hours ago where they warned us that they would be out of range.” Councilor Alina told her, and that's when Sophie realized
“You beguiled me didn't you? When they sedated me?” Alina turned around sighed and told her
“Yes, and I will not apologize, because if we didn't sedate you we wouldn't be able to light leap you to get you to Elwin for treatment, and the quickest way to do that was to beguile you. So short answer yes.”Before Sophie could say anything a thick smoke filled the room, Gethen's voice filled the room
“Do you think you will be so lucky to escape death a second time moonl-”
when his voice was cut off and just as quickly as the smoke came it was gone and there Gethen laid
“What?” Sophie asked
“You're not the only inflictor Ms. Foster.” Bronte explained walking into the room.
The council arrested Gethen, taking him into custody and performing a memory break. They were finally able to catch the Neverseen, and end the threat returning peace to the lost cities. The black swan worked with the council to change the lost cities for good. Sophie made a full recovery and though the scars would always remain on her, her friends, and everyone else who had fought the war it was a reminder that they survived to tell the tale. They become legends in the history books and they were finally happy. Sophie Foster was finally at peace, at home.
Writing taglist (ask to be added or removed): @gay-otlc @fintan-pyren @almostfullnerd
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ovnihoje · 2 years
Estranha história de assassinato de Sasquatch perto da base militar
Estranha história de assassinato de Sasquatch perto da base militar
Por Micah Hanks Uma das muitas questões persistentes sobre avistamentos alegados de Sasquatch (Bigfoot), o bípede peludo recluso que muitos acreditam vagar pelas partes mais remotas da América do Norte, envolve se o governo dos Estados Unidos sabe sobre sua existência. Imagem meramente ilustrativa. Para Charlie Raymond, pesquisador do Sasquatch do estado do Kentucky, ele acredita que a resposta…
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waugh-bao · 1 year
*sigh* So we can’t even get a Charlie in swim trunks photo. It has to become a visual puzzle of arms, hands, and legs. Why must this be the plight of the Charlie fan?
We’re going to find Sasquatch before we find a single normal picture of Charlie in swim trunks.
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Although I feel like we do know (of) someone who’s got exactly the photo we’re searching for. Probably framed and on the wall of his office.
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tech-obssessed-shark · 2 months
Some of my Liked Songs on Spotify sorted by BPM
This is just a goofy little list that I'm posting so I don't forget about it later
Homage- 73
Ghost Town - 74
The mind electric/Chonny- 75
The Mind Electric- 77
I wanna tell you a secret - 78 Eventually- 78
I dropped out- 78 
Mama’s Boy
Ammonia Baby/Junie- 80
Alien Blues- 82
Nothing Man- 83
Cupid- 83
Ruler of Everything-83
Long Long Time Ago/Jack Conte- 84
Make The Grade- 85
You can't hide- 87
Hey kids– 87
I’m gonna win- 87
Feel Better- 87
Blah Blah Blah- 90
Long Time Friends/The Living Tombstone- 90
Sunflower/Michele Leigh- 90
The woods/San Fermin- 92
Simple Science/Cricket!- 92
Lay Down - 94
Drown Me! - 96
It’s Been So long-  96
Goodbye to a world - 96
Hayloft- 96
Crutches/Drive45- 96
AngstMode3000/Junie- 96
Soul on Fire/Mystery Skulls - 96
Nothing’s New/Rio Romeo- 96
Over and Over- 96
Wrecking Ball- 97 
Stuck Inside/Black Gryph0n- 97
Boi Cha Cha/Junie- 97
Leviathan, the Girl- 97
Locket/Crumb- 98
Icicles - 100
For the departed- 100
Saint Bernard- 100
Adapt/That Handsome Devil - 100
Bloody!Bloody! - 101 
Hollywood Endings/Jack Conte- 101
When It Rains-102
Something Stupid/Frank Sinatra - 103 
Five Nights at Freddy’s- 103
Problems/MM- 104
Pantsuit Sasquatch- 106
Wonda/Caravan Palace- 106
This comes from Inside- 107
End-world normopathy- 107 
Dead Weight- 108
Bonnie’s Mixtape/Griffinilla- 108
Memento Mori- 110
Die in a fire - 110
Nothing Critical- 110 
Vacillate- 110
Artificial Sweetener/Drive45- 110 
Oleander - 112 
Maniac/Caravan Palace- 112 
A Man Without Love- 112
The Family Jewels/MARINA- 112
Kids- 113
Girls/Marina- 114
Bad Things/Cults- 114
Candle Queen- 115
Hullabaloo/Rare Americans- 115
Freezer Burn/T1lt- 115
Crucified/Ghost- 116
Chug Jug with You- 116
Circus/Brittney spears- 116
Highway to Hell- 116
Notion/Rare Occasions- 116
Michelle/Sir Chloe- 116
Coffee/Jack Stauber- 116
Brass goggles- 117
Copacabana- 117
Fifteen Minutes- 117
Hansel- 118
The Fool/Roan Martin- 118
Watermelon- 118
Absence- 119
Money, money, money- 120
Moonsickness 120
Honey I’m Home-120
Buttercup- 120
Nunemaker’s Parable- 120
I am not a Robot/Marina- 120
I created a monster- 120
Mister Money Bags- 121
Dumb Dumb- 122
Crucified/Army- 122
Human Leather Shoes for Crocodile Dandies-122
Hermit the Frog- 122
Egg and Soldiers- 123
The Distortionist-124
The Water’s Fine- 124
Are you satisfied- 124
As the world caves in- 124
Hand Me my shove, I’m going in- 125 
I’M SANE - 125
Nightmare Parade- 125 
Love I Need/The Living Tombstone- 125
Redmageddon- 126
Watch Your Back - 127
Labyrinth- 127
Oh No!/Marina- 127 Clash/Caravan- 127
Weird Science- 128 
Dog of Wisdom(Blue Verison)/The Living Tombstone- 128
Animal/The Living Tombstone- 128
Crown/Limbo- 128
Freely Tomorrow- 129
Getting Bigger- 130
Hungry for Another One-130
Dinner is not over- 130
You weren’t meant to see that - 130 
Welcome to Freddy’s/Madame Macabre- 130
Smile Ukulele- 130
Chamber of Reflection/Steezy Knicks- 132
Gretel- 133
Simon Was- 133
Queasy/Drive45- 134
They’ll keep you running - 135
1000 Doors- 135
My time- 135
Ruler of Everything/Chonny Jash- 136
Chickens- 136
I wanna haunt you - 137
Off with his Head- 137
Follow Me/Dream Valley Music- 137
Little Clown/Phemiec- 137
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land- 138
Bloody Nose/Jack Conte- 138
Fighter - 139
Feel Good Inc- 139 
Burning Pile- 140 
Aftermath- 140 
Something for your mind- 140 
Arms Tonite- 140 
Crash/Neovaii - 140 
Honeywell- 140
No wind resistance!- 140
Eighth Wonder- 140
Still Life- 142
Carousel Waltz- 142
A Million Gruesome Ways To Die- 142
Tetractys- 143
Murders/Miracle Musical - 144
RAT- 144
Goose Goose Revolution/The Living Tombstone- 145
Charlie’s Inferno- 146
Princess Andy/Petrojvic- 147
Body - 148
Death by Glamour-148 
Savages/That Handsome Devil- 148
Are we having fun yet?- 150 
Breezeblocks- 150 
Take A slice- 150 
Under My skin- 150
Cheeseburger Family- 152
Squid Melody- 153
Microchip- 153
Dog Nightmare- 154
As Your Father I expressly - 155
Poison Pop- 157
Leopard- 158
Shutup You’re Stupid/That Handsome Devil- 158
There’s something happening- 159
Chosen- 160
Bring Her Along- 160
Idwtgtbt- 160
Everything I own/Drive45- 165
The Worlds Dumbest Puppet Show- 165
Like a Match/Jack Conte- 166
Join Us(And Die)- 166
Along Came A Spider- 166
Like a Star/Mike Krol- 169
Cabinet Man- 172
Push/Jack Conte- 174
My Ordinary Life- 176
Dopamine high score - 180
I Got No Time- 180
Twist the Knife- 182
I can’t handle change- 184
Just take my wallet- 184
Eat you/Caravan of Thieves- 184
Community Gardens - 190
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laresearchette · 3 months
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Red Wings (SN) 10:30pm: Sharks vs. Ducks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 8:00pm: Nuggets vs. Thunder (TSN3/TSN5) 8:30pm: Suns vs. Nets
THE OTHER SIDE (APTN) 7:30pm: The Yates Building in Victoria, B.C., is haunted by something sinister from its infamous past - even the ghosts that are stuck there are afraid. What scares the team on the first night also moves them to tears on the second.
WILD CARDS (CBC) 8:00pm: After a surfer gets shot and washes up on the beach, Ellis goes under cover and Max puts on her detective hat to unravel a criminal plot worthy of Hitchcock.
SPIRIT TALKER (APTN) 8:00pm: At Sts'ailes First Nation, Shawn immerses himself in the culture with the guidance of cultural tourism host Ryan Charlie, who introduces him to the mesmerizing Sasquatch Dancers.
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP (CTV) 8:00pm: Approached by Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym, Scott Lang once again dons the Ant-Man suit to fight alongside the Wasp. The mission soon leads to secret revelations from the past as the duo finds itself in an epic battle against a powerful enemy.
D.I. RAY (CBC) 9:00pm: Rachita makes a shocking discovery which has a huge impact on both her investigation and her personal life.
RED EARTH UNCOVERED (APTN) 9:00pm: Doc guides Hayley to Kamloops, a city famed for encounters with merfolk in its lakes and rivers. On her way, Hayley stops at the Banff Trading Post to see an encased merman.
LATE BLOOMER (Crave) 9:00pm/9:30pm
LANDS ENCHANTED (APTN) 9:30pm: Discover the fusion of spirituality and art as Cree Blackfoot artist Mitchell Poundmaker visits Iniskim Umaapi, a medicine wheel in Siksika First Nation. Accompanied by Blackfoot Knowledge Keeper Kent Ayoungman, Mitchell shares some of his inspiring artwork.
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