mexicanistnet · 3 months
Acapulco's not Acapulco without chilate, a frothy cocoa elixir worshiped by locals and tourists alike. Dive into its pre-Hispanic roots, learn to whip up this “drink of gods,” and find where to savor its fleeting chocolatey bliss.
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ghar pe sab log cheekhte chilate rahenge and the moment you raise your voice they go like "kaun sikha raha hai tumhe ye sab"
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seabysiren · 1 year
Listen I need more of the streamer au👁️👄👁️, it’s pure gold. Like are the rest of the 141 team streamers too, what about Los vaqueros. What if they form like content creator house, could you imagine the absolute chaos😭
that's what I wanted the end goal to be. unite the 141 avengers style. having our dear reader as the editor and main camera man when they start doing more in person vlogs and videos.
this may be content like exploring a haunted house at 3am in the morning! soap and gaz scared out of their minds! simon firmly doesnt believe in ghosts. johnny and gaz on the other hand... are screaming and running away at any sudden noise. you and price often stand in the dark waiting for the two idiots to approach and scaring the living daylights out of them. simon who stands in a room of what used to be a child's nursery. grimacing from the dust and gently handling the toys left with respect. even if there was no 'ghost', he respects the area and where the child had been thought to have passed away from neglect. you who just slowly walks away from the group to do your own thing. you catch doors slamming by themselves. the blue bouncy ball rolling back to you despite you throwing it away a few moments ago. you just go. nope. 'i respect you ghost dude. but like, not today.' funnily enough, the ghosts stop when you ask them to. you eventually show the feed to soap and gaz who are freaking out and shaking you back and forward. why would you do that? what if you got haunted? what if you brought the ghost back with you????
que coming back at like noon to the hotel. soap and gaz are absolutely exhausted with all the screaming and messing around they did. price just seems overall unnerved, and ghost doesn't care. he just wants to go to sleep... and possibly share the bed with you so he can hold you close and cudde-
i mean wait what? or like homemade cooking with the Los Vaqueros, Alejandro and Rodolfo. simon absolutely getting destroyed by all the spices because british food is bland af.
you had hinted at alejandro and rodolfo that simon and soap may not have that good of a spice tolerance. that was a mistake because you saw them dump a lot of red, spicy smelling herbs in when soap and ghost weren't looking.
the food they made was absolutely amazing. tamales. chile rellenos. and a spicy chicken soup (chilate de pollo). soap absolutely butchering the names because he does not, in fact, speak spanish. you smack him upside the head for that. ghost is surprisingly quiet when he eats the food. soap is howling in the background for milk, gaz is laughing at him and price is just silently enjoying his food.
ghost's face gets surprisingly red. but he doesn't complain. even goes for seconds. but when the kitchen is cleared after cleaning everything up. you see him sitting down with a carton of ice cream, digging it straight out with a spoon.
(his favorite ice cream is vanilla bean.) soap and gaz making everyone have a pretty princess remake <3. forcing everyone, including price, who just signs and drinks out of his flask of whiskey, to paint their nails and wear dresses and stuff. the reader actually getting beat behind scene because they don't have to get a makeover... that is until simon locks them into a chokehold because he wants to see you all dolled up too :))
they all gossip about each other. telling embarassing stories. stories about ghost's initial confusion about streaming. all the works. the content creator house is a mess. but its a found family that all the viewers love to see.
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jacenotjason · 6 months
Hello hello hello- hi! Yeah, question, Opposite AU's fav food???????? (Love your art, btw, I want to eat it like spaghetti. Just slurp it up. Yum. :3 Have a nice day!!!!!!)
oooh!! good question!!
Eddie likes pizza :D
Frank really enjoys sweets of all kinds! he likes anything with marshmellows
Julie enjoys anything and everything spicy! the spicer the better! She enjoys collecting hot sauces and spices, and she likes to have chilate de Pollo on special occasions
I can totally see Poppy enjoying junk food n such, like nachos
Barnaby likes fruits, like fruit kebabs! maybe chia pudding :3 I don't support putting actual dogs on vegetarian diets, but I do think Opposite Barnaby is a vegetarian. He doesn't eat much though :(..
Sally likes microwave noodles! I think the trash in her house is like 60% empty noodle containers... she buys them in bulk lmao
I think Howdy has to eat veggies bc hes a caterpillar, but he doesnt like it, and he likes the opposite actually lol. so hes normally eating like salads with an angry face.. >:( he actually likes Italian food :D
Wally still likes apples
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
Which asoiaf characters would like chocolate?
WELL chocolate in Westeros wouldn't look like the chocolate you buy in stores. Chocolate - or cacao in its original form - was used as a drink for most of history because actually making chocolate sweets is kind of a laborious process even with a steam engine and cultivating cacao is much harder than most people realize (that's......um, probably why it's so infamously tied to slave labor eeven in the modern day. shout out tooney's chocolate tho). it was considered a delicacy but the spaniards hated the bitterness of it originally, so they added honey, and then understood why half the americas had lost their damn mind over cacao. so while it’s likely there’s some sort of chocolate in Terros, they probably drink it!
Arianne Martell/Dornish chocolate - there’s two types of “chilate” drinks (this one is central american the other is mexican), I think Arianne would like the spicier version, which involves adding chilies to spice it (and you use a masa drink base like atolli, mix that with the cacao, then add chilies), and I think she would make Myrcella drink it super spicy just to fuck with her and then pull out a sweeter version when Myrcella is like “oh you think you’re so slick making fun of me bc i’m white well you’re right give me the honey”
Myrcella - I think she’d love a good cinnamony drink ya kno. The other version of chilate is served cold, basically the same concept cinnamon and sugar. I think she’d find it very refreshing with the hot Dornish weather.
Tyrion/Westerlands/Crownlands - another way they drank cacao is using the bitter white part of the bean as a fermented sugar for alcoholic drinks and personally, not only do I think the tricksters of House Lannister would be allllll over that, I think Tyrion specifically got introduced by Genna and brought it back in style everywhere he could because he loved it.
Cersei Lannister - refuses to partake because Robert also thought the chocolate alcohol was tasty BUT she WILL drink the version of it that the Spaniards loved which was spicy but add vanilla AND honey AND sugar, and it gave all those spaniards a lil tummy ache, and it definitely makes Robert’s stomach hurt but Cersei will down a keg of it without blinking on spite alone.
Sansa Stark - the second chilate drink, the one Myrcella likes, I think Sansa would also love that. Rice milk + cinnamon + chocolate + sugar girlies, besties for life, plus it’s usually eaten with a fritter of some sort and we know Sansa loves her lil cakes.
Ned Stark/The North - one of the earliest ways of using cacao was to use the whites as part of a frothy, bitter drink and I think that screams Northerners to me and I think Ned would unironically love how bitter it is. He makes sure to invest in some bee agriculture when Cat moves north so she can have honey tho
The Reach/Alicent Hightower - the fact that one of the popes said that drinking a chocolate drink doesn’t count as breaking a fast is so funny so i FULLY believe that the Faith went WILD AF for chocolate, which means Alicent introduced it to KL and got half the population hooked bc it’s the only think she and Aemond can drink when they fast so they need a constant supply just in case they gotta be super catholic about something
Baelor the Blessed - real talk though, a drink made with masa & water or rice & milk, is probably more filling and a little better for your body, so Baelor drank chocolate drinks but ONLY the spicy kind because it was punishing to his white people sensibilities
Naerys - I can’t imagine she did much fasting considering how sick she was but we know she was religious AND close to Baelor, so she’d like drinking it to feel closer to her faith and Baelor. Plus, again, both Spain and Indigenous Americans thought chocolate was the shit they used it during religious ceremonies and considered it a delicacy, so I can see chocolate really catching on in court after having back to back Alicent/Baelor/Naerys chugging it all the time.
Ser Duncan the Tall - chocolate is very much a rich people (or religious) delicacy pre industrial revolution so Dunk likely hadn't had any until after he meets Egg. I like to think he had like the chocolate milk type drink and it rewrote his brain chemistry lmao. I actually think it's likely that Egg shies away from it and sees it as sort of an example of the social stratification between the nobility and smallfolk, but probably couldn't help but get Dunk some every time he could.
Daenerys - Dany definitely takes it spicy and cold, I really think she'd get a kick out of it, she seems very interested in trying different flavor profiles and I think the play of flavors in typical chocolate drinks would fascinate her.
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chappellrroan · 5 months
ye log jaise out chilate haina mann karta hai inn sabka sar phor du not even kidding
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foodies-channel · 6 months
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🍥 Chilate de Pollo
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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b0ringasfuck · 7 months
Vacanze in Cina... note preliminari
Sono stato 1 mese in Cina a girare, in treno per altro.
Non è la prima volta che vado in giro in Cina ma non per così tanto tempo e non in treno.
Le cose importanti che ho visto e ho imparato:
le città cinesi ormai si assomigliano un po' tutte. Edilizia residenziale quasi identica, edilizia commerciale/istituzionale creativa, ma alla fine "paesaggi" abbastanza uniformi IN città. Le cose storiche sono seppellite tra i palazzi. HK è diventata vecchia. Il suo skyline ha ormai il solo vantaggio di essere conosciuto, ma anche città "minori" offrono skyline più spettacolari e pirotecnici.
I cinesi stanno sempre meglio. Le città sono sempre vive, la gente spende e si diverte, ho visto solo 2 barboni. Anche nelle zone rurali che ho attraversato con il treno le case erano quasi sempre dignitose con pochissime eccezioni avvicinandosi a Chengdu. Quasi tutte avevano macchine parcheggiate davanti.
Un sacco, ma un sacco di veicoli elettrici.
Un sacco di polizia in giro, giovane, atletica, anche donne, equipaggiati con scudi, bastoni etc... tranquilli, sorridenti, amichevoli, e disponibili alla de-escalation e mediazione. Io sono un po' ACAB e sono consapevole che la cosa abbia pro e contro, ma ci si sente molto sicuri.
Si fa tutto con cellulare e qr code. Il google maps cinese da le informazioni anche su quanto durano i semafori. È più utile avere wechat pay che sapere il cinese. Estremamente comodo. In realtà il cinese serve se no non si riescono a usare le app, che sono integratissime anche tra aziende diverse, quindi non ne servono 300.
La bolla immobiliare si vede. Un sacco di palazzi mezzi finiti con i lavori fermi o quasi. Qualche anno fa c'erano si un sacco di palazzi in costruzione, ma i cantieri erano molto più frenetici.
I treni e viaggiare in treno è una figata. Ben organizzato ed estremamente comodo.
Cibo come al solito divertente ed economico e credo pure dietetico visto che nonostante mi sia spaccato a mangiare sono tornato 1Kg più leggero. E si, avrò pure camminato, ma poco per il caldo e per i prezzi stracciati degli "uber", ma qua a Milano mica sto fermo.
C'è una spezia fighissima che sa di pepe e limone e ha una specie di effetto anestetico che ovviamente non poteva che essere abbinata a chilate di peperoncino.
Mi sono spinto abbastanza a Ovest e la minoranza musulmana era percepibile. Ovviamente in Cina ci sono più moschee che a Milano... perchè noi siamo quelli tolleranti per la libertà religiosa... Diverse ragazze con lo Hijab, ma vestite in maniera decisamente casual a lavorare o farsi i cazzi loro.
Segni di civiltà: cartelli che indicano dov'è il cesso pubblico più vicino e ce ne sono parecchi e in condizioni civili, pannelli che indicano livello di rumore e inquinamento nei parchi. Belle aree pedonali.
Seguiranno foto e approfondimenti etc...
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mythandlaur · 2 years
Epithet Erased Week - Day 2
I'm still doing this! I just wrote it super late at night and figured it wasn't worth posting until daytime.
Two of the people here aren't mundies but since it focuses on one it probably counts. Please forgive my lack of casual knowledge of Mexican food. I don't do Mexican food. I barely do food. I don't even know how he wound up Hispanic descended but I'm committing. Also I have no idea how to write this many people talking at once.
(Ben isn't here because he hadn't joined the team yet.)
"EXCELLENT work, my newest loyal minion," Giovanni crows, mouth still half-full of chicken fajita. "I, your magnanimous leader, declare this a fine offering!"
"He means the food's good," says Shelby with a pointy grin. Though, something on Emil's plate gives her pause, and she leans over to get a closer look. "Hang on, did they put an entire drumstick in your soup?"
Emil looks down at his own food, somewhat confused, though not by what's confusing Shelby. The aforementioned entire drumstick is sitting in a shallow bed of thick red sauce, with a few green peppers on top.
"Yeeeeeeah?" Emil starts spooning the sauce onto the chicken. "Chilate de pollo, chicken and salsa. It's kinda like...almost a stew? We usually gotta make it with chicken breast and it's not really the same."
Trevor looks down sheepishly at his own plate of chicken fingers. (Giovanni had immediately and loudly shut down any jabs for someone catering to their own taste and texture preferences, and everyone else had gone along with it, though did start bumming fries off his plate). "Dark meat just tastes like dog food to me."
"Have you eaten dog food?"
"...I lost a bet."
"How do you eat it," Fred asks, also leaning over. "The chicken. Not the dog food."
Sirius shrugs, swallowing a nacho before responding. "I mean, it's just chicken. It's not, like, alien legs or something."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you," Shelby smirks.
Sirius leans back, wide-eyed. "No! I wouldn't eat an alien!" Shelby opens her mouth, and Sirius' expression goes absolutely flat. "Whatever you're gonna say, don't."
Shelby cackles, ducking her head and tearing into the burrito that's disappearing alarmingly fast.
"No, but seriously." Giovanni sets an elbow on the table, grinning almost as toothily as Shelby. "I didn't even know this was here and I consider myself a bit of a gourmand."
"It's hard to find the authentic stuff," Emil replies with a shrug, sipping some of the sauce out of his spoon before trading it for one of the tortillas that came with it. "But I hope you know you're never gonna be able to go back to the imitations now."
"Yes, YES!" Giovanni raises a fajita high in the air. "Food AND corruption! You will truly make an excellent addition!"
"That smells really good, actually, hang on." Shelby steals one of Trevor's fries, reaching over and dipping it in the sauce.
Emil's eyes widen. "Uh, I don't know if you're gonna like this. It's pretty spicy."
"Spicy schmisy, I can take it." Shelby pops the fry in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. "Huh. Yeah, that is pretty good, it's a lot of tomato and holy SHIT."
Shelby's face immediately flushes roughly the color of the sauce, and she coughs, covering her mouth with a hand and doubling over. Trevor smacks her on the back a couple of times, but Shelby waves him off, swallowing hard and immediately grabbing her glass of lemonade.
Emil just watches her with a raised eyebrow. "Told you it was spicy."
Shelby makes a growling noise in her throat, then throws the glass back, downing half its contents and a few ice cubes. Once she's done, she gasps for air, slamming the glass down. "Holy shit," she repeats. "You're deranged."
Emil just shrugs, mopping up some sauce with the tortilla and eating it while making direct eye contact with her.
"Hang on, hang on, hang on." Giovanni puts down his half-finished fajita. "Now we've gotta try this. I command it!"
"You don't have to, Trevor."
"Thanks." Trevor blushes furiously at his chicken strips.
"Are you sure?" Emil's already taking another tortilla and tearing three pieces off it--he'd only been on the team for a few days, but he already knew Giovanni wasn't the sort of person who took 'no' for an answer, for better or for worse. After his own heart, really. "I kinda figured her making a face like that would be a turn-off."
"I'm dying and the sad thing is I kind of want more."
"You do?"
"No! But it's good."
Emil dips each of the tortilla pieces in the sauce and hands them off to Fred, Sirius, and Giovanni. Fred eyes his tortilla as if he's questioning all the life decisions that led him to this point, before very tentatively putting it in his mouth.
His eyes go wide. "Dude!"
"I told you."
"But dude!" Fred flaps his hand in front of his mouth as if that'll actually help, swallowing quickly. "Your definition of spicy is not our definition of spicy!"
"I mean, yeah, to me this isn't even that bad."
"You should try my mom's mole."
"...There's other kinds besides guaca?"
"Wow, okay." Having eaten his while they were talking, Sirius puts a hand to the side of his head, quickly reaching for a plain tortilla chip. "That's! Kind of a lot!"
"Hmm..." Giovanni eyes all of their reactions, then squints at the tortilla. He pops the whole thing in his mouth. "Ooh! I like the blend here. Maybe I should try their soup for potion inspiration next time."
...Giovanni then inhales sharply through his nose, tensing up to the point where the tendons in his neck. "Well! I think I might be a dragon now."
Giovanni proceeds to breathe out heavily as if breathing fire, and Shelby dissolves into snorts of laughter, covering her mouth with both hands. Emil grins, and Fred, Sirius, and Trevor crack smiles.
"WAIT!" All laughter immediately stops, and all eyes turn to Giovanni. Giovanni gives Emil a look far more intense than the sauce. "You said you eat stuff like this a lot? And even spicier stuff?"
Emil feels somewhat conspicuous now, but doesn't show it on his face. "I wouldn't say a lot but I like spicy, yeah."
Giovanni slams his fists down on the table loud enough to make Sirius jump and a couple heads turn. His eyes are practically gleaming.
A couple at the next table over glare at them, and Giovanni mutters an apology before lowering his voice to a more conversational volume. "Your name!"
"Excuse me?!" Fred looks affronted. "You give me Car Crash and he gets Flamethrower for a spicy soup?"
"Well you are what you eat! Or in your case what you hit with a car."
"That doesn't even make sense!"
"It works with his hair too," Shelby points out. "Like, the orange?"
"I'm for it," Sirius chimes in. "Only other thing I had in mind was 'Cartwheel'."
"My choice of extracurricular activitiy doesn't automatically mean I can cartwheel."
"Yeah, no, you can do cooler stuff than that, I just don't know cheerleading words."
"I think it's neat," Trevor says, peering over at Emil. "What do you think?"
Emil stares down at his chicken, suddenly bashful. Honestly, he'd forgotten about the whole nickname thing everyone else had going on (apparently even Giovanni had one, though no one used it anymore). He'd kind of assumed he'd get something dumb because of the cheerleading, but they'd never actually poked at him about that in a way that made him feel bad.
They'd never made him feel bad at all, really. Yeah, they all made jabs at each other and were all desperately trying to be the cool one, but there was this vague feeling of...understanding that ran under the whole team. They were all just here to have something, and Giovanni had happened to pull them together and made that something...pretty fun, most of the time.
"...Yeah." Emil looks up, nodding once, firmly. "Flamethrower's good."
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mariafernandam567 · 2 years
Ensayo 7mo A
En este hermoso ensayo abordaremos el tema de las características culturales de nuestra bella Nicaragua tales como sus bailes, comidas, costumbres religiosas, leyendas, modos de vida, etc. También hablaremos sobre grupos indígenas ejemplos de estos son los mestizos, los ramas, los mayangnas, los misquitos
“Los grupos humanos de Nicaragua tienen características particulares, Estas pueden ser bailes, costumbres religiosas y modos de vida.
Los mestizos practican tradiciones de la época colonial, por ejemplo la Danza de la gigantona y el enano cabezón, en el cual la gigantona representaba a una mujer blanca, y el enano cabezón es su pretendiente de origen mestizo, esto refleja como estos últimos procuraban casarse con una mujer blanca para obtener una mejor posición social
Grupos indígenas de Masaya practican costumbres religiosas como la cama de cristo, que utiliza cruces de madera pintadas en verde o celeste, con el nombre del santo al que se le dedica la cruz, cuando se hace esta tradición se celebra al santo con comidas especiales así como los nacatamales y chilate (atol de maíz con chile)
 Los ramas, en el caribe, tienen una vida dedicada a la caza, la pesca y la agricultura. Este grupo habla otro idioma, es decir que tiene uno propio pero este se esta perdiendo lentamente 
Los mayangnas sobresales por construir casa continuadas donde la separación de estas es apenas visible
Los misquitos poseen creencias religiosas relacionadas con los elementos y fenómenos de la naturaleza, por ejemplo el sol, la luna, los truenos y el arcoiris ya que piensan que estos tenían una vida en la tierra antes de nosotros  
Otra tradición es la del palo de mayo la cual es una celebración en las regiones autónomas de la costa caribe (Raccn-Raccs) que se festeja la venida de las primeras lluvias de mayo, se decora un palo con cintas de colores y se hacen danzas a su alrededor”
Una tradición muy conocida y celebrada es La purisima, esta se celebra los departamentos de Managua, León y Masaya, esta tradición se destaca ya que en ella le cantamos a la virgen Maria y se dan dulces, canastas, panitas, etc
Así mismo Nicaragua tiene muchas Leyendas así como la llorona, el padre sin cabeza y la cegüa, son parte de nuestra identidad cultural.
Todos los grupos tienen diferentes formas de vestirse celebrar de vivir y diferentes tipos de cultura y religiones tienen una vida y una forma de vivir muy particular tienen una forma de celebrar o recordar a sus antiguos grupos y se destacan por ser únicos en todos los aspectos
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Paninazzo con seitan
Una ventina di anni fa preparavo il seitan in casa e non ricordo manco come lo usassi. Ma facevo un sacco di roba discutibile, tipo il latte di mandorla a mano o chilate e chilate di yogurt (ricordo che avevo casa piena di barili di yogurt messi un po’ ovunque).Poi non solo ho smesso, ma ho proprio dimenticato che sapore avesse, ‘sto benedetto Seitan.Ed è semplicemente BUONO. Tra le tante cose…
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pepeelpollo14 · 2 months
Que ganas de estar en Acapulco tomando un chilate 🌊
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zerounotvadri · 5 months
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Participan más de 60 EXPOSITORES con deliciosos productos artesanales de diversas regiones del país.
LA ENTRADA ES LIBRE y el evento incluye ACTIVIDADES CULTURALES Y LÚDICAS completamente gratis.
Comienza temporada de frío y que mejor que tomar un café o un chocolate calientito.
La buena noticia es que ya viene el CAFÉ Y CHOCOLATE FEST - EDICIÓN NAVIDEÑA,
donde el público podrá conseguir chocolate con alto porcentaje de cacao y el mejor café directo de productores mexicanos que vienen desde Chiapas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala y Estado de México, entre otros estados de la República Mexicana.
Este es el evento ideal para surtirse de café molido, en grano, con diferentes tuestes y categorías. Por supuesto, no pueden faltar las bebidas que se podrán degustar ahí como café late, capuchinos, café de olla, café turco, chocolate espumoso y las tradicionales como el tascalate, chilate, agua de barranca y pozol, además de un gran surtido de tés.
Para los amantes del chocolate es como llegar al paraíso porque habrá miles de chocolates en varias modalidades. Desde la tableta para preparar el chocolate con leche o con agua, barras con chipotle y ajonjolí, con arándanos, taro, chapulines y gusanos de maguey, hasta deliciosas trufas y bombonería de chocolate con rellenos deliciosos y combinaciones exóticas como romero y te verde, naranja con whisky, frutos rojos, queso azul, maracuyá, queso con frambuesa y un largo etcétera. También podrán encontrar deliciosa moka y chocolate untable para rellenar sus pasteles, utilizar en postres ó simplemente para untar en una rebanada de pan.
Esta EDICIÓN NAVIDEÑA tan especial, llega con grandes atractivos como galletas, chocolates, gomitas, panqués y bombonería decorados con motivos de esta bella temporada, ideales para un regalito o para tener en casa y compartir en familia o con nuestros invitados.
El CAFÉ Y CHOCOLATE FEST se ha distinguido por su interesante Programa de Actividades Culturales y Lúdicas con Música en vivo, Catas de Contraste de Café, el Taller Sensorial Emociorama, Chocolatería Literaria, Conferencias y Charlas con contexto cultural sobre la importancia de la semilla de cacao y el grano del café en la alimentación y en actividades de comercio que acostumbraban nuestros antepasados, quienes inclusive utilizaban estos productos como moneda de cambio y también en celebraciones y rituales, por lo que la tradición de las Ceremonias de Cacao estará presente.
Este es un EVENTO GRATUITO y todas las actividades antes mencionadas también son sin costo. La gente que asista solo gastará en las compras que desee hacer de lo que más se le antoje de la vasta oferta de productos de la mano de más de 60 EXPOSITORES.
Un porcentaje de lo que se recaude por la venta de productos será destinado al fondo para el Programa de Becas de la Fundación UNAM.
El CAFÉ Y CHOCOLATE FEST – EDICIÓN NAVIDEÑA está diseñado para pasar gran parte del día en él, por lo que se ha adaptado un Área de Alimentos Preparados para que los asistentes puedan almorzar o comer ahí; todo muy rico, con mucha higiene y muy bien organizado.
Las actividades están programadas en horarios desde que inicia el evento a las 11 AM, hasta el cierre a las 8 PM. La recomendación es que al llegar, se inscriban en la actividad que más les atraiga, ya que son con cupo limitado.
El Café y Chocolate Fest- Edición Navideña se llevará a cabo el Sábado 2 y Domingo 3 de Diciembre en el Palacio de la Autonomía de la Fundación UNAM en el Centro Histórico de la CDMX, calle Lic. Primo de Verdad No. 2 casi esq. con Moneda, justo a dos cuadras de la plancha del Zócalo.
En esta temporada y siendo un evento familiar, no puede faltar Santa Claus, quien visitará la expo para que los niños le entreguen sus cartas y todos los que gusten se puedan tomar la foto.
11 A 20 H.
Calle Lic. Primo De Verdad No. 2 esq. con Moneda, C.P. 06060, Centro Histórico, CDMX.
-50 Expositores
-Catas, Talleres Sensoriales, Conferencias, Charlas, Chocolaterías literarias, Ceremonias de Cacao, Alimentos preparados, Santa Claus y Música en vivo.
Evento Familiar.
ENTRADA Y ACTIVIDADES CULTURALES SIN COSTO https://www.facebook.com/cafeychocolatefest/ www.facebook.com/fundacion.unam.mx www.fundacionunam.org.mx
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yoooouursss · 10 months
Andreita pequeñita de felpa sabor pulque de chilate
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schoenes-thailand · 2 years
Bangkok: Das thailändische Marine Department hat einen Plan vorgestellt, in sechs Provinzen entlang der Andamanenküste Jachthäfen zu bauen
Das thailändische Marine Department hat einen Plan vorgestellt, in sechs Provinzen entlang der Andamanenküste Jachthäfen zu bauen und sie in ein neues Zentrum für Tourismus und Seeverkehr zu verwandeln. Die Provinzen, die in einer Machbarkeitsstudie enthalten sein werden, die vom nächsten Jahr bis 2024 durchgeführt werden soll, sind Ranong, Phangnga, Phuket, Krabi, Trang und Satun, sagte Sompong Jirasirilert, der stellvertretende Generaldirektor der Abteilung. Er sagte, wenn die Einzelheiten des Investitionsplans klarer werden, werde dies private Investoren und lokale Verwaltungsorganisationen anziehen, um gemeinsam mit der Regierung in das Programm zu investieren.
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Jeder Jachthafen wird so ausgelegt, dass er durchschnittlich 30 bis 40 kleine Kreuzfahrtschiffe und höchstens 100 aufnehmen kann. Der erwartete Investitionswert wird später geschätzt, wenn die genauen Standorte für den Bau dieser Jachthäfen festgelegt sind, sagte Herr Sompong, wobei die Hinzufügung ihrer jeweiligen Größe von den ausgewählten Veranstaltungsorten abhängen wird. Die sechs Jachthäfen werden nach Abschluss dieses Prozesses entworfen und eine Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, sagte er weiter. „Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass dieses Gemeindeentwicklungsprojekt für Jachthäfen mehr Touristen anziehen wird, insbesondere diejenigen, die gerne auf kleinen Kreuzfahrtschiffen oder Yachten reisen“, sagte Herr Sompong. „Dies wird dazu beitragen, das Tourismuseinkommen in den andamanischen Gemeinden anzukurbeln“, fügte er weiter hinzu. Die Abteilung baut seit 2018 13 Häfen an der Andamanenküste, von denen sechs jetzt fertiggestellt sind, sagte er. Dies sind der Hafen Pak Meng in Trang, der Hafen Surakun in Phangnga, der Hafen Ko Lanta auf der Insel Lanta Yai in Krabi, der Hafen Sala Dan auf der Insel Ko Lanta Noi in Krabi sowie der Hafen Thara Public Park und Tha Le Port, beide in Krabi. Ein weiterer Hafen, der später in diesem Jahr fertiggestellt werden soll, ist der Hafen Pak Khlong Chilat, von dem aus Fährverbindungen zwischen Krabi und Phi Phi Island verkehren werden. Am Golf von Thailand baut die Abteilung seit 2020 zwei Seehäfen, einen im Bezirk Pathiu in Chumphon und einen im Bezirk Klaeng in Rayong, sagte Herr Sompong. „Der Hafen des Distrikts Pathiu wird voraussichtlich noch in diesem Jahr fertiggestellt und der andere Hafen später im nächsten Jahr“, sagte er. „Der Bau eines neuen Hafens ist auch für das nächste Jahr auf Trats Insel Ko Kut geplant. Im Jahr 2024 werden sechs neue Häfen gebaut, um der Seeschifffahrt in einem Verkehrsnetz zu dienen, das Krabi, Phangnga und Phuket umfasst“, fügte er hinzu. / Bangkok Post Read the full article
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laratropical · 2 years
Es Elena Poniatowska
Canción de Jesusa Rodríguez y Liliana Felipe
Hace más de cinco mil años Hubo como quince mil años En que no estuviste Tan presente en la tierra Como en los últimos años
Pasában como chiflonazos Tantos siglos sin tus abrazos Flores machucadas Pobres años sin aromas Páginas deserenadas
Muchos viejos pelafustanes Que decían ser Elenistas No tenían idea Que Elenita solo hay una Y pertenece a nuestra era
Princesa del jitomate Emperatríz del maguey Condesa del tepalcate
Monarca del apapache Jicaríta del chilate Soberana del toloache
Reina con corona de hule Majestad del mole Baronesa del papel
Diosa apopochadita Dueña del chapoteadero Señora del aguasero
Diosa apopochadita Dueña del chapoteadero Señora del aguasero
Sacerdotisa de la chifosca Escritora la primera Es Elena Es Elena
Es Elena Poniatowska
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