#china isnt the real enemy
battleangel · 5 months
Black Mirror, Pigrape & WW3
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There is one thing that causes poverty, inequality, food insecurity, houselessness, starvation, unequal medical care & inhumane living conditions more than anything else --
Wealth is passed down generationally to heirs.
Literally, thats it.
Children usually inherit their parents estate.
So, wealth is naturally concentrated amongst the global elite 1%.
Virtually all of the laws in the world allow parents to confer their wealth to the next generation -- their direct heirs -- upon their death.
So, the cycle of the worlds wealth being in the hands of the 1% is never going to change.
You will never get the Waltons (Walmart), the Hiltons, etc. to not keep their money concentrated within their respective bloodlines.
These millionaires and billionaires also give money to politicians that allow their families, companies, corporations and enterprises to continue their profiteering, corporatism, exploitation, non-stop lobbying, union busting and their CEOs making thousands more than the people actually working for these companies.
This will never change.
The politicians want the funding from these millionaires and billionaires to keep flowing to them from the owners, founders & CEOs of these corporations and the families that found these corporations and their CEOs want to keep the money strictly within their respective bloodlines.
This also applies to any real estate, land and assets owned by the parents upon their deaths, per virtually all of the laws in the world, all of this wealth gets passed down to their heirs, usually their children, upon death.
As long as the parents had wills and living testaments and they all do (global elites), the above situation is going to play out every time keeping the elite 1% in control of over 99% of the earth's money.
There are movements for this wealth to be confiscated by the government, etc.
Its theater.
Its Obamas lip service to undocumented folks while throwing more children in cages than Trump.
The policies and laws never actually change because the politicians dont want them to as they are paid off by and funded by these same global elites.
Its why Cruz as a conservative voted for TPP.
Its why Biden as a Democrat is a total Zionist and war hawk.
There are cosmetic differences between the two parties, the duopoly - Democrat "vs" Republican, but the true power brokers behind the scenes and behind the curtain hand pick the people who get to ascend to the US Presidential throne.
All 200+ Presidents are part of the same royal lineage that dates back hundreds of years to the royal family in the United Kingdom.
Please look it up.
Every single one, including Obama.
Figure out who the Reptilians are.
They are the Kingmakers.
They decide all US presidential elections.
All of these things are written decades in advance.
They already know when China is going to demand the US to pay back the debt it owes them.
Our biggest "enemy" is the country who has purchased the most of our debt -- ask yourself what sense that makes if this isnt by design.
The moment China demands that we pay back the debt we owe them (look into how many trillions in US bonds China has bought), the US dollar will instantly crash.
Right now, the US dollar is used essentially as the worlds currency but you can google how weak it currently is.
Geopolitically, militarily and economically (GDP), the US is number 1.
However, we are trillions of dollars in debt to China.
Trillions of government programs are currently unfunded right now due to how massive the government debt is ($17 trillion).
The moment China demands that we pay up the debt we owe them that they have purchased, the US dollar will crash and we will go bankrupt as a nation.
Medicare is an unfunded government program and liability.
So is Medicaid.
So is Social Security.
Military, highways, hospitals, schools.
The US dollar crashing will crash the worlds economy since the US dollar is still used as the standard despite how weak it is due to all of our national debt.
China, with their Yen, will then be in the strongest position.
The Yen will take over as the worlds currency standard.
China will bankrupt the US.
Chinas economy and military will then be #1.
They will attack our extremely vulnerable and purposely antiquated electrical grid and cause nationwide blackouts that last for months via highly sophisticated & coordinated EMP attacks.
There will be Chinese terrorist attacks aided by Iran and Russia.
China, Iran & Russia will also attack London (UK).
They will attack the White House, Washington Monument and the Pentagon.
Watch ID4 and get a clue.
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All our symbols of national power will be attacked, eviscerated and incinerated.
They will blow up Mount Rushmore.
They will detonate a nuclear weapon in the mid-west and threaten to detonate additional nuclear weapons in New York City, Los Angeles and other major metropolitan US cities (Chicago, Miami, etc.) unless we surrender.
They will also have a nuclear weapon aimed at the White House but the President will be in a bunker with his family and the Secret Service.
Watch Black Mirror and get a clue.
It will be kabuki theater.
The President, First Lady and their children as well as the VP, spouse and their children will be murdered on a live social media feed if the US doesnt surrender and the above named US cities will be incinerated like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Unconditional surrender or millions will die instantaneously from the nuclear weapons but then look up the horrific after effects of the radiation poisioning on the surrounding "surviving" populations of Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
The FBI & CIA elite know of these threats now.
The US President & family and VP & family will actually be safe in a bunker but the bunker will have a recreated Oval Office.
Its just kabuki theater.
It will be streamed live on every US TV channel, Netlix, Hulu, Disney+, Facebook, IG, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube & Twitch.
The US will surrender to save the President (nothing but a figurehead exactly like how the monarchy functions -- "God Save the Queen!") and the "millions of lives in the US cities targeted by the nuclear weapons".
The fake explanation will be, "We could fire back with our own nukes but by then the President, First Lady & VP would be murdered and 'untold millions' will have been wiped out in every major US city."
The President ("Commander In Chief") , Secretary of Defense and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff will negotiate the US' surrender to "save millions of lives" as China will literally have its raised finger above the red button of the nuclear weapon.
And it will all be fucking fake as fuck.
It wont be a real detonation button or a real nuclear weapon.
The President, First Lady, VP and their families are all actually in a secure bunker that just has the Oval Office recreated in it.
There will be a surrender streamed live to China (and Russia and Iran).
This will happen a year or two into World War 3 between US & Israel & London (UK) vs China, Russia & Iran.
I predict WW3 will start next summer (2024).
This dovetails nicely with the US Presidential election November 2024 and also with the fact that student loans just went into repayment this Fall.
I want YOU to give your life for a worthless fucking college degree!
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We will be winning until China does the above.
All planned in advance and fake as fucking fuck.
They're nothing but WWE and soap opera storylines, all written in advance, and behind the scenes all the wrestlers hating each others guts and the soap actors bitch slapping each other around all get along really well.
Its nothing but theater for the audience.
Noone is a face, everyones a heel.
Noone is a soap opera villain.
Theyre all on the same side just working the audience up with fake ass rivalries.
All those 18 to 21 year old boys on ALL sides murdered for absolutely fucking nothing.
Hamas' propaganda videos are no different than the US militarys and IDF's (Israel Defense Force) propaganda.
There will be hostages raped and executed live during the social media stream.
Its the pig being fucked in the ass on Black Mirror.
Nothing but kabuki theater.
Its viscera and terror to subdue, sublimate & control the masses.
Its Hunger Games:
President Snow : She's become a beacon of hope for the rebellion, and she has to be eliminated.
Plutarch Heavensbee : I agree she should die, but in the right way, at the right time. It's moves and counter-moves, and it's all we gotta look at. Katniss Everdeen is a symbol. Their Mockingjay. They think she's one of them. We need to show that she's one of us. We don't need to destroy her, just the image, then we let the people do the rest.
Plutarch Heavensbee : Shut down the black markets, take away what little they have, then double the amount of floggings and executions. Put them on TV, broadcast them live, sow fear, more fear...
President Snow : It won't work. Fear does not work as long as they have hope, and Katniss Everdeen is giving them hope.
Plutarch Heavensbee : She's engaged. Make everything about that. What kind of dress is she gonna wear? - floggings. What's the cake gonna look like? - executions. Whose gonna be there? - fear. Blanket coverage. Shove it in their faces. Show them that she's one of us now.
Plutarch Heavensbee : They're gonna hate her so much they just might kill her for ya.
President Snow : Brilliant.
Its to traumatize on a mass scale and induce terror to make the populace sheep that submit and obey.
This is why the fear of death is so critical and why they encourage it at all times.
The fear will be visceral and palpable as death is laughably presented in society as the "worst thing ever to be avoided at all costs" when in fact it is nothing but a beautiful transformation and evolution to your eternal energetic state and a final ascension from the human 3D realm ("real life" aka the simulated virtual reality) back to the eternal limitless 10D dreamscape that we all originated from as the limitless eternal energetic beings that we all are.
We are all gods, small g.
We have all existed for eternity in the dreamscape.
We do not have a beginning or an end.
We are as limitless as our minds and imaginations because we ARE our minds and imaginations.
Its what we literally are.
Our 3D limited physical human bodies are nothing but vessels.
Our souls and our hearts and our minds inside of the physical husk and vessel is what we are truly made of.
We are energy and we are literally nature.
Its why nature is what heals us.
Reiki heals us.
We can heal ourselves.
But we do have a natural end to our lives as physically manifested humans because this is an extremely temporary state that we currently inhabit so to prolong life with endless interventions, harmful medical treatments, surgeries, medications, radiation, hormones, chemotherapy, prescriptions literally makes no fucking sense.
Accept your temporary manifestation as a physical human being.
Heal yourself through self healing practices.
medicinal plants & herbs
nature -- rivers, streams, natural sunlight NOT artificial lighting, oceans, beaches, mountains, forests, moon and the stars, the sky, fresh air, trees
shamanic healing
witch doctors
indigineous medicinal practices
market limpia
deep REM restorative sleep = temporary shift in consciousness back to the dreamscape which is why its so restorative
water = temporary human vessel is 80% water it is energy and sustains life - drink 64+ oz a day and minimize juice soda coffee & alcohol
sound bath healing
weightless floating in water
listening to mhz frequencies
expressive movement of the body -- hula hooping, pole dancing, dance, aerialism, fire breathing, magic tricks, martial arts, trapeze, etc.
expressive art -- poetry, slam poetry, stand up comedy, acting, writing, painting, drawing, clay, pottery, theater, improv, etc.
self reiki
shadow work
somatic work
solo trip
inducing your own ego death and killing your human ego
self actualization & self ascension
opening your third eye
kundalini awakening
aligning & activating all seven chakras
eliminate all toxic energy vampires -- malignant narcissists, dark empaths, abusers, sociopaths -- from your energy orbit & aura including and especially spouse, significant others, adult children, parents, mother, father, siblings, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandmother, grandfather, aunts, uncles, supervisors, managers, co-workers, mentors, coaches, teachers, professors, priests, deacons, deaconnesses, pastors, ministers, nuns, best friends, friends, etc. -- no matter how difficult or controversial or how much you are judged, go low/limited/no contact with all toxic energy vampires -- even the matriarch and patriach of your entire family -- and remove them from your obit and aura so they can stop energetically attacking you and draining your energy and depleting your aura and psychically attacking your psyche which can result in an eventual psychotic break where your literal psyche is broken-- these attacks lead to all kinds of physical and mental maladies, disorders, conditions, diseases, illnesses, compulsions, addictions, etc. that are actually being caused by constant and insidious energetic & psychic assaults and auric attacks
leave any job that has toxic energy vampires -- and this is actually every job as capitalism is based off of the exploitation of the worker via constant and sustained energetic and psychic attacks and auric assaults on your aura -- this includes a passive aggressive supervisor, co-workers, stakeholders, clients, cross-functional collaborators, your +1, your HR generalist or HR business partner, work mentors, work sponsors, executive leadership, officers of the company, CEO, vendors, prospects, etc. -- psychic & energetic attacks at work include constant emails & IMs, unreasonable & unrealistic demands, forced & mandatory unpaid overtime as a salaried employee, golden handcuffs as an executive where you exchanged a fancy title for having a life outside of your big important job, working 70 to 90+ hours a week and essentially living at your job to flex on the gram & LinkedIn at the big 4/financial services/big tech, a cultish environment like Amazon ("peculiar ways", "Leadership Principles", "Every day is Day 1", etc."), humiliations/condescencions/interruptions/belittlements/beratements/insults/being talked down to/talked over at meetings, projects & ideas stolen, microaggressions/racism/misogyny/homophobia/transphobia/misogynoir/unconscious bias/hostile work environments, verbal and mental abuse, being purposely overworked, underpaid & never appreciated, training your own replacement, being laid off when your employer made billions in record profits, being used when someone else takes credit for your work and gets a promotion and you dont, work becoming your identity and central form of validation
leave the 9 to 5 capitalist structure as well as any job in capitalism with a supervisor and mandated schedules including corporate, academia, non profit, retail, food service, medical industry, military, K-12 schools, colleges & universities, libraries, museums, etc.
become a freelancer (delivery driver, rideshare driver, content writer, virtual assistant, cold calling, data entry, etc.)
Get ready for the pigfucking.
Get ready for WW3.
Get ready for the Black Mirror & the Black Parade.
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chouchen · 2 years
okay here i go nerding again: the 3 main pages i assume youre talking about are pretty much as you said. the first is all about story; the main storyline, the open world story, the chronicles that are like backstory for some of the characters etc. (except the material stages to the right, one coop and one single player, they are basically your dailies) the second is pretty much all the abyss gamemodes. in fact, the first one on there was at some point called abyss, now its superstring dimension (for me at least, it might change as you level up but i wouldnt know). that is pretty much the main way you get crystals, and was one of the only two ways to get them for free until recently. you go in, you fight everything as fast as possible for higher points, and the higher you are on the leaderboard, the higher you get in the global rankings and the more crystals you will get. you get a set amount after completing each stage, and a larger one depending on how well you did compared to the others on your leaderboard. it resets i think 2-3 times a week, so way more than genshins abyss, but yeah its pretty much the same reason it exists. the other one is memorial arena, which, as the name might suggest, is an arena. its much closer to the actual abyss spiral as far as gameplay goes, and is also played for crystals, and some other very nice materials that can be exchanged for character fragments in the store, even S rank ones, so be sure to check that out! now, a third one has recently been added, called elysian realm. its still pretty new, and by far the most fun. its also for crystals, also very challenging, but its the only singleplayer one, and gives a fucktonne of first time rewards. it resets every week, and gives a key for a new character to unlock every week as well. it is very hard to do though, i can only do it fully with only one character i have to be fair, but you can set the difficulty after youve done all the set stages and get more money the harder youve done it. kinda like those genshin events that send a wave of enemies at you, and you have to set the difficulty and different disadvantages for yourself for higher scores! except it gives you buffs after each wave. its kind of complicated to explain, you need to like know your characters and know what you need most for them in terms of buffs, but its still by far the most fun one out of the 3, and theres a lot of rly cool characters coming out bc of it, like the very next one called pardofelis! (and some other even cooler ones that are redacted and we dont know of them yet bc were good and noone ever leaks anything... actually, honkais way of betas are a lot less secure than genshins, as the china servers get everything exactly one update earlier, so its pretty easy to figure out whats gonna be next if you just look it up lol, it also helps with planning ahead, esp for lil old f2p me) andd the last one that can be confusing is universal mirage. that one isnt for crystals, or competitive at all, its for crafting materials. crafting is way fucking harder in this game bc things need so many more resources, and you cant get many of them at all, but while its a pain to do it, if there is something in there you want, and you dont wanna pull for it in gacha, you can technically just get the materials to make them in there. its real fucking slow though. aaand the rest are just one time challenges! char trials and deep archives are there to give a one time gift, and then theyre just kinda take up space, so not much else to talk about. and the event page, wouldnt you know it, contains the event content. OKAY, so, about gacha: honkai's gacha system works way better in my opinion. theres a lot more banners to choose from first of all so lets start with that. dorm supplies are this games starter banners, one for characters and one for gear. that said, they are just as useless. there for the exact same purpose of free shit as they are in genshin. after that there are the expansion supplies. that is the featured chara banner. after that is the focused supplies, each for a
different set of featured gear. event supply is too long to explain, its event supply, it changes too much for me to explain all the kinds of em just in here. and theres also ELF supply, for the ELFs, that exist in this game also (can you tell ive never got a single one of them) the rates work like this: way better than genshin, in my humble little opinion. so, first of all, characters. there is a 100% chance you will get the featured character on your pity. none of this 50/50 bullshit. in fact, the game outright tells you how much you have till then. the guarantee for a featured char always starts at 100, but i think thats still better than a chance of getting someone you didnt even want at 90, and resetting your pity completely. so, if you pull for someone, eventually you will get them, no bullshit, no counting down your pulls by going back and checking because it outright counts for you in the corner. you also cannot get gear from the char banners, (except for dorm supply) which should sound obvious, but alas... the counter also carries across banners just like in genshin, so dont have to worry about that. one A rank every ten pulls as well. okay, equipment banners are a little more complicated, as there are more of them and work slightly different. so, when a new valk comes out, her gear comes out with her obviously. that is on its very own banner though. the focused banner will still exist, and will still have the same gear, but it will work differently. the actual featured weapon and stigmata supply will have a 30 guarantee for the weapon or one of the featured stigmata. it will work the exact same as any other banner with its one good thing every ten pulls thing, same chances, same everything, but it will have a guarantee counter. as i said, the normal focused supply will still be there, and one of them will still be the new gear, but that one will not have a guarantee meter. which means, well, you will have no guarantee to get everything. the larger rates will still be for the set you want, but there is absolutely no guarantee for anything there. all random. so, why does it exist then? other than the fact that after the main gear supply ends, it will be the only place it will be available in ever again, im not sure. im not big brain enough to math it out. maybe if you had like 3 more pulls till the 10 on that one from before, you can still try and get something at the guaranteed 4 star and hope its the one you wanted. thats what i do anyway. SO, IN A NUTSHELL: pity is at 100 instead of 90, but there is no 50/50 for characters, guaranteed something nice every 10 pulls anyway, gear supplies are a bit more sus, but there is still a good chance of getting what you want if its featured with the 10 pull guarantees, and the pity on gear banners only exists sometimes (usually when a new char comes out, or bc of an event), usually 30 pulls for a stigmata set piece or the weapon (or 60 for the weapon actually, that happens too sometimes). also, good to know for the future, there is this thing called EXPA select and FOCA select. that is i think in the event one, and that is the best one in if you want a specific char or set, as you can select who or what you wanna get. chances are the same, but the guarantees only carry over for characters, not the gear. still, very useful if youve been wanting someone for forever and they just never showed up, but they change very fast, like every 3 days or sth, so its best for whales i guess, esp for gear. THATS ABOUT IT! if i left sth out, or explained sth poorly, do ask anything, i know so many dumb things about this waifu game
thank you for this explanation, i got everything about the abyss and stuff ^^
now my question is about the gacha, i've been doing random wishes (sorry for my genshin vocabulary) and i've been getting random valkyries. So are the limited valkyries...not limited ? like after their banner they're in the gacha forever ?
second question not related to gacha or abyss, is it worth it to farm fragments to upgrade a valkyrie you already have ? i think it's the equivalent to constellations in genshin but i don't know if it's really that good D:
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tomfev · 5 years
Fallout OC Companion Meme
i wasnt tagged im just feral
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this is my oc thom$on (pronounced thom dolla son) feat. my bad art. as you can tell, he likes money. prewar, he was a rich man who threw himself into becoming successful in order to mentally and physically escape from the trauma in his childhood. he closed himself off emotionally and never let anyone close to him until years later. he has ties to many shady government operations, perhaps most prominently west-tek’s FEV experimentation.
hes a ghoul in every game except 76, and always wears his money leather jacket. he keeps his mustache and a bit of his hair even though he’s been ghoulified. he has a deep voice with a southern accent (like a mixture of augustus autumn from fo3 and augustus sinclair from bioshock 2). hes pretty overweight even as a ghoul bc i say so. skinny thom$on is cursed
he’s actually a companion in pretty much every main series game, so this meme seemed like something i had to do. anyway, his personality develops a lot over the course of the fallout games, so a lot of this changes in between games. as such, im gonna separate certain things by game
Thomson Jr. “Thom$on” Theodore Williams (dont call him thomson, thomson jr or anything like that he will go sicko mode)
116 (fo1), 196 (fo2), 232 (fo3), 236 (fnv), 242 (fo4)
(fo1-2) One-Hit Solidarity- Increases critical hit chance when fighting human enemies.
(fo3-4) Breadwinner- Increases damage dealt to enemies when health is below 25%.
Ranged-Caravan Shotgun; Melee- Sledgehammer
(fo1-2) “Better be some pay in it for me… One-Hit Williams doesn’t work for free.” [He does anyway.]
(fo3) [Anxious, but trying to hide it] “Oh, sounds like fun, kiddo. Let’s get these caps.”
(fnv) “Don’t be keepin’ me out all day, I got a family to tend to… lord knows Rob has no earthly idea how to deal with children…”
(fo4) [Sighs heavily.] “Ugh, I’m too old for this... I’m a great-grandpa, y’know that?”
(fo1-2) “...Melee? Melee. Y’know that I’m famous for shooting people, yeah? That’s, like, my thing.”
(fo3-4) [Visibly winces.] “Uh… I’m over 200 years old and have rheumatoid arthritis, but aight…”
(fo1-2) “Hell yeah, it’s One-Hit time!”
(fo3-4) “Oh, good… that was hell on my knees. And hands. Uh, hand, actually. 4 fingers. Don’t try to befriend unfamiliar dogs, kid.” [Shudders.]
(fo1-2) “I only take large bills.”
(fo3) “Here, take whatever you want. Just not the jacket, aight?” (fnv-4) [Excited to talk about his husband’s creation.] “The robot hand’s detachable, my darling husband Robert made it for me. See, it’s got my Pip-Boy in it.”
(fo1-2) “No promises, but aight. Don’t get too close, though. I, uh, gotta be able to aim.”
(fo3-4) [Sounds like a dad.] “I’ll protect ya, kid, don’t worry.”
(fo1-2) [Sighs in relief.] “Good, I was gettin’ tired of all this closeness... “
(fo3-4) [Concerned.] “You sure? I really don’t mind coverin’ ya, kid…”
(fo1-2) “Sure, ask the fat old guy to sneak around. Nice plan, chief.”
(fo3-4)  [Groans.] “Oh god, my knees… kids these days... “
(fo1-2) “Williams doesn’t back up for no one, kiddo. Unless there’s a Deathclaw in front of him. Then he backs up.” (fo3-4) “Aight… sorry if I’m bein’ too protective, just a habit.”
(fo1-2) “I’m a hitman, can’t promise nothin’. But guess I’ll try… ‘s nice to relax a bit sometimes.”
(fo3-4) [Sighs and stretches.] “‘Kay, kid… I’m a bit jumpy, so I might shoot at whatever moves anyway.”
(fo1-2) “Shooting on sight, chief. Better hope you don’t make any sudden moves...” (fo3-4) “You ever think ‘bout how these guys we kill might have families?” [Pauses.] “Uh, don’t mind that, let’s get movin’.”
(fo1-2) “Uh, thanks. I guess. Coulda gotten one myself…” (fo3-4) “Sure ya don’t need this for yourself? I’m fine, I been hurt before…”
(fo1-2) “I’m not one for standin’ still, chief… fine, but don’t take too long or I’ll leave ya.” (fo3-4) “Oh, thank god… my old bones’re screamin’... ow…” [Sits down on the ground.]
(fo1-2) “I oughta charge you for keepin’ me out here that long…”
(fo3-4) [Groans as he stands up.] “This is the cruelest form of torture…”
(fo1-2) “Aight, guess I’ll get myself a drink, tackle a few jobs… see ya, chief.” (fo3-4) [Concerned.] “You sure you’re gonna be okay on your own? It’s real dangerous out here in the wasteland alone…”
(fo1-2) “Ugh, fine… Williams out.” (fo3-4) [Dramatic.] “God, you’re gonna have to carry me, kid…”
(fo1-2) “Hey, shithead! Get a load of this!” “I’m gonna put so much lead in your face that metal detectors’ll detect ya all the way from China!”
(fo3-4) “Oh, for the love of… kid, get behind me…” “Get away from ‘em, ya bastard!”
(fo1-2) “My mustache’s the last thing you’ll ever see!” “I’m Tom Williams, bitch!”
(fo3-4) “I ain’t lettin’ this bastard hurt ya, kiddo!” “Oh, fuck off…”
(fo1-2) “Agh! I’m fine, chief, I got 3 more fingers!” “Fuck- I meant to do that!” (fo3-4) “Ow… shit… old joints ain’t made for this…” “I’m fine, keep goin’! Just a paper cut.. or somethin’ like that…”
(fo1-2) “Fuck… not yet… still gotta...” [Weakly throws up his middle finger.] “Williams… out…”
(fo3-4) “No… no, please… Robert…” “Kid... leave me ‘n run…”
AGGRESSION: aggressive/not aggressive
CONFIDENCE: cowardly/cautious/average/brave/foolhardy
ASSISTANCE: helps nobody/helps allies/helps friends and allies
(fo1-2) hes got evil karma, hes out to kill people just to get money and for fame. just about nothing bothers him, but he will get annoyed if you’re overly generous or kind to people. its hard for him to comprehend why youd ever want to give up your money and/or time for others, especially strangers.
(fo3-4) neutral karma. he isnt a saint, but if you murder or hurt innocents or steal from the weak he’ll get pissed at you. blowing up megaton, for example, is one way to get him to immediately leave you, no questions asked.
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alexboehm55144 · 5 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex, Chapter 8 - The Korean Campaign
Hello everyone! Hopefully, 2019 is off to a good start for people! I'm debating whether or not I should put this story on AO3. What do you guys think? Should I do that? Let me know, but you guys are here for the story, so here you go!
2 US allies, South Korea and Japan, were in close proximity to China, and because of that, they were being hit hard by Chinese forces. South Korea was taking slightly more punishment, as the only thing separating it and China was the country of North Korea, which unfortunately had already aligned itself with the Chinese. Luckily the typhoon was arriving in South Korea, with the objective of its crew being to relieve some of the pressure on the military forces in the area. As a sign of patriotism, a US flag had been painted on the side of the typhoon.
The ship landed in a secluded area where it could remain hidden, and Alex, Toothdee, Kion, and Jasiri disembarked.
“Ah, South Korea,” Alex said, taking a deep breath of air “home of D.va, and music groups with way too many members.”
The captain still found wonder in visiting a new place, even though he had done a lot of traveling in his life.
“I expected more destruction,” Kion said, “North Korea is always talked about as a rogue state and a hermit kingdom.”
“Intel from Jack & Skye indicates that they did launch missiles towards the United States, but they were taken down by our iron dome missile defense systems.” toothdee explained, “However we should be wary of the capacity for nuclear weapons the country possesses.”
“Those missiles may have contained nuclear warheads, and that worries me like you wouldn’t believe.” Alex hypothesized “I’m afraid that the weapons we have created may be our undoing.
“The US does possess more nukes than North Korea, so they could have decided not to use nuclear weapons. Although as Kion says, they are a fanatic rogue state, and it wouldn’t be surprising if they did launch nukes. We should probably treat those missiles like they do contain warheads.”
“Maybe China is holding them back, but let’s hope the situation doesn't escalate to the point where nuclear annihilation becomes a possibility. Otherwise, there is a chance....” the captain took a breath to calm his nerves. “A large portion of the world & billions of people, including us, will be obliterated.”
There was the honk of a horn and a soldier in a Jeep pulled up, ready to drive the team to a forward operating base.
“What’s the situation,” Alex said, as the team got into the vehicle and it drove off. They were nervous about having a rogue state with nuclear weapons out there in the middle of a war between superpowers. However, the group had to push through their worry, no matter how much it bothered them.
“North Koreans are pushing hard on the border, we’re barely managing to hold them back.” the soldier driving the team said. “Their technology isn’t the best, but they have blind fighting fury and give 100% in a firefight.”
“We need to protect the city of Seoul.” Toothdee said, checking her weapons “we can’t let the people there get hurt.”
“The City is gone.” the soldier said “the North Koreans wiped it completely off the map with artillery strikes. Thank god they didn’t use a nuke.”
“Did you managed to evacuate any civilians?!” Jasiri frantically asked.
“We got a lot of them out.... but there were still many left when the initial bombardment hit. Unfortunately, we don’t have the manpower to run a full search and rescue operation.”
“Home team please respond,” Alex said, contacting the typhoon.
“It’s Judy, we read you.”
“Patch me through to a team-wide broadcast.”
There was a short pause while Judy completed this request.
“Attention all team members,” Alex said, “I need you to gather up medical equipment and emergency supplies and head into what's left of Seoul.”
“What’s left of Seoul?” Eris said
“Correct, the whole city is destroyed, and our army doesn’t have the manpower for a full search and rescue operation. You have to go into the city and rescue as many people as you can.”
There was a slight pause, Alex assumed it was disbelief from the whole city being wiped out.
“It will be done!”
“We’re on it!”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Alex said, “I’ll send you the location of a US medical camp.”
The Jeep came out of the forest and the team was clearly able to see the wreckage of Seoul in the distance. Rubble was strewn about, and skyscrapers had huge chunks missing from them. The away team hopped their allies would find anyone trapped in the city. The team then pulled into a US firebase, while the sounds of gunfire and artillery explosions were heard clearly throughout the air.
“I feel bad for the animals in the demilitarized zone.” Alex said, “so many species that only exist there, just wiped off the map by this war.”
The group was directed inside the base, where an officer had a holographic table set up, displaying friendly troops in blue, and hostile troops in red.
Alex spotted a nearby technician and quickly went over to her.
“I need the location of the medical camp for a search and rescue operation.”
“Here, sending you the location now.” the technician said, typing away on a computer gauntlet that was embedded in the arm of her uniform.
Alex checked his own gauntlet and saw that he had received the location, before sending it to his allies and walking over to the officer at the table.
“We’re about to be overrun,” the officer said, “I’m gonna call a retreat.”
The ground shook as an artillery shell landed nearby
“No, we can push them back, we can drive them away and lessen the pressure on your forces,” Alex said, examining the holographic table.
“How can 4 operatives deal with dozens of Nork soldiers?”
“Do you have any heavy armor?”
“Yeah, outside, defending this place.”
“We might need to borrow those.”
The team was lead outside to a pair of tanks, and upon arrival, they traded places with the tank crews. Alex and Kion got in one tank, while Jasiri and Toothdee got in the other.
Alex would be driving the tank, while Kion would be the gunner. The lion was a little nervous about taking control of a tank for the first time in a real combat situation, but Alex calmed his fears.
“Don’t worry Kion, It’s just like a video game.”
The 2 tanks started up and began to move straight towards the North Korean positions.
“Alright,” Captain Boehm said “there are a couple of artillery guns shelling that firebase. Toothdee, Jasiri, you deal with them. Kion & I will take out an incoming convoy of enemy soldiers.”
“Roger that.”
“For the United States!” Alex yelled as a rallying cry.
Kion spotted a group of hostile soldiers and mowed them down with his machine gun, while Alex used the cannon to take out another group of soldiers. Jasiri and Toothdee also took down a few groups of soldiers, before the 2 tanks parted ways and headed to their secondary objectives.
“That convoy should be arriving any second,” Alex said, driving the tank down a dirt road. As if on cue, 3 enemy trucks appeared, heading towards the tank. Boehm opened fire with the cannon, destroying one truck and causing a second one to lose control and crash. The third truck tried to flee, but Kion opened fire into its back, killing all the soldiers inside.
But it was too early to celebrate, as a North Korean tank appeared heading up the road, and hit Alex and Kion’s tank with a cannon shot.
“Nork armor!”
Alex quickly fired at the tracks, immobilizing the tank, while Kion kept up suppressing fire on enemy infantry. Boehm circled the hostile tank, avoiding its main gun, before firing 2 more shots that caused the tank to explode.
“I didn’t expect that thing to go down so quickly,” Kion said, clearly confused. “But then again, That was a Soviet-era tank.”
“Stay sharp, there’s still infantry in the area.”
“Then let’s take care of them!”
Everyone else on the typhoon, save for Retsuko and Haida, had hopped into vehicles and raced into the destroyed city of Seoul.
JayJay was acting as the de facto leader, ordering everyone else to search buildings and making sure no time was wasted.
Jack, Skye, Nick, and Judy were using their smaller frames to get into areas the other team members couldn’t. Laval plugged orb of chi into his armor and powered up, using his increased strength to easily clear heavy debris. Eris was using her jet to hover and lift extremely heavy pieces of wreckage out of the way.
Once one of the team members located someone, they usually called for help, before getting the survivor out of the rubble, checking them for wounds, and getting them into one of the trucks they drove into the city.
With her enhanced hearing, JayJay heard crying from some nearby wreckage. Looking into the rubble, she found a young child with tears going down her face. It pained her immensely to see a child in a sorry state like this.
“Hello, sweetie.”
The child looked up at JayJay and stopped crying, before the wolf calmly extended a paw, and pulled the child up into the light.
“Come to me, are you ok?” The wolf said, checking the child for wounds. She noticed that the child clutched a small blue anthropomorphic wolf plushie.
“No wonder she calmed down after seeing me.” JayJay thought.
“Get down!” Someone yelled, prompting Jay to look up to see black streaks in the sky, indicating artillery shells headed for their position. Eris quickly flew out of the way to avoid being shot down, while JayJay grabbed the child and took cover under a large piece of concrete.
The wolf held the child close as explosions went off nearby. Once the bombardment had ceased, JayJay looked towards the position the artillery fire had come from and noticed many North Korean cannons
The wolf hoped the away team would take down that gun site soon before another bombardment tore through the decimated city.
Alex and Kion had received word of an artillery gun emplacement shelling the team in Seoul, and now they were racing to shut down those guns while eliminating any North Korean troops they saw.
So far the pair was doing great work, having taken out dozens of enemy troops. However, their luck took a turn for the worse when Alex spotted the black streaks of artillery shells tearing through the sky.
The shells rained down on the tank, throwing Alex and Kion around, but thankfully not breaching the hull of the tank. Alex tried desperately to get the tank moving once the bombardment had ceased, but the vehicle was unresponsive.
“Damnit! Tracks are damaged! She won’t go!”
Kion swore under his breath while Alex ushered him to get out of the tank, as a second bombardment would be incoming, and they couldn’t stay here.
The pair disembarked the tank before Alex spotted more black streaks heading for them.
Alex and Kion sprinted at top speed, while artillery shells rained down on their position, causing trees to fall and dirt to fly into the air.
In the chaos, Alex and Kion got separated, and the captain had to focus on sliding under crumbling trees and shielding his face from thrown up rocks. Once the bombardment stopped, Alex looked around for Kion but didn’t see him. However, he did see the North Korean artillery guns that were shelling Seoul.
It appeared that a US force had attacked this site recently and failed, as there were dead US soldiers everywhere, and even a US Humvee that still appeared to be in working condition. There was also a damaged artillery cannon that had been thrown over on its side.
Suddenly gunfire sounded throughout the air and the hostile soldiers went on high alert. Looking around, Alex spotted Kion, covered in cuts and burn marks, cutting down North Korean soldiers.
“No point in being quiet.” Alex thought, before engaging the enemy troops and taking cover behind the downed artillery gun.
2 heavily armored soldiers carrying LMGs began pinning Alex down, but he noticed that the artillery cannon he was hiding behind was still ready to fire, and the barrel was aimed right at the hostile soldiers pinning him down. Finding the firing mechanism, Alex activated the cannon and sent a shell right into the North Korean troops, wiping them out.
Spotting a cannon in an elevated position, The captain made a break for the gun, shooting the 2 hostile soldiers on guard, then taking control of the cannon, aiming, and firing at the enemies pinning Kion down. The lion ran from cover and joined his companion.
“Load another shell!” The captain yelled, to which Kion obliged.
Once the cannon was loaded again, Alex fired at a group of artillery guns, igniting the ammo crates and causing a chain reaction that destroyed the entire group of weapons and ammunition, as well as many enemy troops.
“Tank!” Kion yelled as the armored vehicle rolled into view. Alex fired upon the vehicle, blowing its turret off and rendering it useless.
Alex directed his fire to 2 more groups of artillery guns, turning them both into smoldering husks of metal. A North Korean helicopter appeared and opened fire with its door mounted gun. But after taking a shot from the cannon, the aircraft exploded and crashed to the ground.
A pair of US fighter jets streaked across the sky, gunning down a mass of infantry and dropping bombs.
“Another tank!” Kion yelled. Alex fired at another group of artillery guns near the tank, and the resulting blast managed to engulf and destroy the vehicle
Kion loaded the cannon again and Alex aimed downwards to fire another shot at the tank to make sure it was destroyed. However all of a sudden the captain was spun around and punched in the face by a North Korean soldier wearing an officer’s uniform. Kion was busy brawling with a heavily armored soldier, who was managing to land some pretty good punches on the lion. The commander kicked Alex over a sandbag barricade and he tumbled down a small dirt incline in front of the cannon.
The commander quickly hopped the barricade and drew his pistol. Alex jumped up and tried another melee strike, but the commander blocked the attack and headbutted Alex, forcing him back down to the ground. The North Korean commander lined up a killing shot before the artillery cannon fired.
Alex instinctively covered his face, but when he looked back at the commander, he saw the officer staring at his arm, or rather where it used to be, before falling to the ground.
Kion came out from behind the artillery cannon and gave a wave to Alex before the captain picked himself up off the ground and headed behind the cannon to see the knocked out heavy soldier.
“Open the breach.”
Kion followed suit and Alex tossed a thermite grenade in, before closing the cannon. The grenade began to melt the breach shut, destroying the gun, while the pair of heroes walked away.
Alex spotted the still operational Humvee from earlier, and the pair hopped inside.
“We did good work for the United States today.” the captain said while Kion started up the vehicle.
“All in a day's work of fighting for freedom.”
“Now let’s get to that medical camp, see how everyone’s doing.”
The city team had rescued dozens of civilians from the wreckage of Seoul and were now dropping off the injured at the nearby US medical camp. Jasiri and Toothdee had arrived and was helping the city team unload the wounded into a tent that was already full of soldiers and medics checking out survivors.
JayJay and Toothdee carried a man with a broken leg into the tent and handed him off to 2 awaiting medical personnel.
“That’s everyone,” Laval said, breathing a sigh of relief as the team grouped up. “Thank the legend beats we got to them. Feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest”
“Everyone is safe now, no ones in danger,” Jack said
“Hey!” Someone yelled “Let’s hear it for these guys saving all these people! Go, Heroes!”
Cheers broke through the tent, as emergency personnel and civilians alike clapped and yelled.
“You go, Heroes!”
“You saved my life, I’m forever in your debt.”
“No one else could have rescued as many people as you did.”
Alex and Kion arrived and headed into the main tent to be greeted by the cheering. Jasiri turned around and saw Kion, and quickly wrapped him in a hug upon seeing his burns and cuts. The hyena took out a wipe from her medical kit and began cleaning Kion’s face and wounds while staring into the lion’s eyes.
The assembled people started chanting.
“I take it you guys did well?” Alex said, giving a hi-five to Toothdee and JayJay.
“Yep, the North Koreans are on the retreat,” Toothdee said.
“And we rescued dozens of people!” JayJay added.
This victory had boosted the team’s morale and demonstrated their strength.
“Good work people,” Alex said, “we saved a lot of lives today.”
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please leave a review if you think I'm doing something wrong, or could be doing something better. Thank you for reading!
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lgbtsheep · 6 years
my aj characters
buckle in pardners cause this is gonna be a looong ride
ya this is gonna be a really long post lol
i finally got a membership!!!!!! so i can make a post with all my characters!!!! which ive been wanting to do for AGES
i’ll put my Main Kids here and then put a read more for those who are interested!
so get ready folks because this is like a big dysfunctional family
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the “main” boi, the face of the whole group
usually manages stuff like den stores and trading
genderfluid, will go by any pronouns
very friendly and sociable! he’s the one you see and think “i should talk to them”
lives in peck’s den, but needs to redecorate it
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he loves his bedroom, even if desert went a little crazy decorating it...
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this is his pet, Mumbleimus:
he’s a star and he knows it
will probably strike a pose for u
gender roles whomst? he only knows fashion
occasionally makes bad puns
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secret mira fanboy
kind of edgy
tries to act mean or secluded but he’s not really that mean
he/him but he isn’t totally a binary dude
his sexuality is a mystery to everybody, even himself
his bird tendencies are. through the roof. he is just. so very bird.
wants to become a therapist stationed in the basement of secrets
lives in peck’s den or the treehouse
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he......... lov his bed................
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this is his pet, Musicalfrost!
desert’s PRIDE AND JOY, he would kill for this little gal
punk rock
might try and attack you
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me, but cooler
Hip With the Kids™
starts celebrating halloween in august
probably a demon
cryptid and space enthusiast
lives in any of the dens, but most primarily peck’s den and the enchanted hollow
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what a nerd.
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this is their pet, Oddpebble!
a little fucking rascal
very good at percussion (he has many hands)
definitely a demon
lovable weirdo
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very first animal, ever
literally just me
has anxiety issues
tries very hard
huge nerd
lives with greencloud in the default den, but is putting together another den to move into
one of the nonmember kiddos
goes on the land missions/adventures
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they really like plants
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this is his pet, Windowbee!
kind of creepy but aesthetically pleasing
a lot like onion from steven universe
those feathers he’s holding are what remains of his enemies
Magical loves him
that’s all the main kiddos! the rest are under the cut!
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was going to be a tertiary, but he complained so much he became a primary
the cooler Magical
probably cooler than you
also hip with the kids
unmedicated ADHD
kind of annoying
acts like he isnt trying, but he really is
lives in the default den
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this is his pet, Silverysky!
quiet, tiny punk
kind of shy
is actually pretty cool when you get to know him
likes metal and screamo
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kind of freaked out by all the other animals
lives in the default den, but is rarely ever seen there
always weirded out but tries to go along
heterosexual (or... attracted to women?? idk) aromantic
the other nonmember kiddo
never talks to anybody
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this is his pet, Misscrystal!
the mom friend
all of the animals adore her
she loves u
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goes on the water missions/adventures
isnt lgbt but is a very enthusiastic ally
lowkey a softie
lives in either the treehouse, the lost ruins den, or the sky kingdom
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this is his land pet, Microbook!
he’s very old and kind of kooky
has embraced the pirate aesthetic
wants to be a pirate just like his dad
gets very excited about adventures
loves adventuring w Pear
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this is his ocean pet, Summershell!
he loves her to death
isn’t necessarily fond of the pirate aesthetic but doesn’t mind it
she especially loves when Pear gets excited about dressing her like a pirate and coos over her
loves attention
was the product of a crappy trade but Pear didn’t want to get rid of her
not as enthusiastic about being a pirate
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an absolute ray of sunshine
very carefree and friendly
there’s a running gag between the animals about Apple and Pear being a duo called “the fruit bowl”
doesn’t talk very much but will make sure u know he loves u
asexual aromantic
lives in the lost ruins den, but they really need to decorate it
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this is their pet, Uberimus!
he’s pretty spooky but actually very friendly
needs more friends. he scared all his old ones off
just wants to be loved
gets lots of cuddles from Apple
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avid australian
very adventurous
tomboy aesthetic
loves all the freaky animals out there. the more exotic, the better
wants one of those shows where they go to australia and do a lot of dangerous stuff with the wildlife
“that over there is the most venomous animal in the world!...”
“...I’m gonna poke it with a stick.”
she/they (usually they)
lives in the treehouse
the only time they’d be seen without their aviator’s hat is if they were dead
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Desert got to decorate the bedroom, and, uh... yeah.
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this is her pet, Macroimus!
she would kill for this “dapper little fellow”
used to have a top hat and monocle
recently went into an anime phase
loves adventures
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loves pink
has a very masculine build that he is very happy with
loves flowers and cute things and everything girly
lives in peck’s den
sexuality? who has time for that? i only have time for fashion.
probably asexual homoromantic (but he’s never really looked into it)
total fashionista
fuck gender roles
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this is his pet, Toyturtle! (sorry for the bad picture oops)
very pampered
the sweetest little turtle
loves her little beetle friend
friendly but a little airheaded
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is an artist
a nervous nerd
likes anime
grey asexual panromantic
lives in the enchanted hollow
shy, but once you get to know her she never shuts up
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this is her pet, Sircrystal!
very much like King George’s depiction from Hamilton the musical
probably plotting your murder
he is the best. everybody else in inferior.
thinks he’s an actual king, higher then the alphas
“i’ll kill your friends and family to remind you of my love”
Lilac is kind of terrified of him but she still loves him
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obsessed with nature
an actual child
has to be closely monitored or else she’ll probably make stupid decisions
ridiculously friendly
a mildly annoying ray of sunshine
she’s a literal child she doesn’t know romance
the equivalent of like an 8 year old
lives in the mushroom hut with her brother (she needs to decorate it though!!)
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this is her pet, Gummyturtle!
can kick ass
kind of like a tiny bodyguard for Sunny
loves being dressed up
essentially teaches Sunny how to take care of her and properly treat pets, since Sunny does behave much like a child
kawaii as fuck
big,, floppy ears,,,,,,,,
likes spicy food
from Japan
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DJ Kawaiimoon
demands you call him by his full name while staring him in the eye
tsundere type
secretly soft
likes screamo bands
bisexual but still figuring it out
the equivalent of 13 years old
Sunny’s brother
lives in the mushroom hut
relatively quiet, but usually complaining if he’s talking
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this is his pet, Jellyninja!
DJ Kawaiimoon LOVES him
is like the only person DJ Kawaiimoon is nice to
friendly and boyish
really likes sweets
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still figuring out what the hell her look is supposed to be
frenemies with Lilac
the bad kind of weaboo
pretty problematic
probably posts edgy things in hopes of getting attention
probably fetishizes “yaoi” (ew)
calls herself bisexual to look “cool” but is actually straight
lives in the enchanted hollow
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this is her pet, Snowytitan!
love-hate relationship with Juniper
absolutely loves everybody (except Juniper sometimes)
if you feed him he’ll keep you in his heart until he dies
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is a witch
very very creepy
takes the hyena laughter trope to heart
freaks everybody out
not as mean or scary as everybody thinks she is
they’ll still hex your ass if you wrong them though
demisexual aromantic
lives in the sky kingdom
not many of the other animals understand her; only really Mellow, Atom, and Magical
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this is her pet, Puppyfrost!
also very creepy
spooks everybody
probably posessed
River’s loyal assistant
can receive prophecies and communicate with spirits
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just trying to get by
nonchalant and just sort of accepts all the weird shit that happens with the group
mildly edgy
bisexual demiromantic (has a preference for dudes)
lives in the volcano den
gets along with Bean
sometimes helps River with their magic
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this is his pet, Mirrorfrost!
he adores her
sometimes mischievous
quiet and very intelligent
from China
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is a dj
“yooooo that’s radical dude!”
surfer dude personality
very leisurely and kind of lazy
bisexual, but the type of person you wouldn’t expect to be lgbt
lives in the volcano den and needs to decorate it
very friendly
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this is his pet, Zippynote!
DJ thinks he’s such a weird little fellow
and he is
very quiet
kind of just there?
relatively friendly
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moved from India
think’s he’s the “chosen one” picked by Zios to defend Jamaa
wants to be part of “the fruit bowl”
self-proclaimed air-bender
lives in the sky kingdom
doesn’t really know anybody
heavy accent
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this is his pet, Starrymantis!
he ADORES her. he thinks she is the absolute most adorable thing
he still needs to dress her up though
very sweet and friendly
loves cuddles
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Mister Wonkybuddy
literally just. a dad. he is dad
lives in the volcano den to “keep track of those rascal teenagers”
really likes mythologies
used to be an adventurer and even got to meet sir gilbert
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this is his pet, Gummypeach!
quiet and kind of creepy
it’s probably just because of his outfit though
Mister dressed him up when he was really absorbed in a book on Egyptian mythology
loves his dad and Mister loves him
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the newest member to the family!
like, she is BRAND SPANKIN NEW. she doesn’t even have a pet
soft pastel nature aesthetic
clumsy due to her masculine frame
socially awkward
heterosexual (shes been experimenting with girls though)
lives in the treehouse
i really hope you love my kids as much as i do!!!! if you like them please reblog them!! i’ve put so much energy into these kiddos. my children. i love them
if you’ve made it this far, holy shit thanks this took me a really long time to put together
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componentplanet · 4 years
What If Fallout 76 Isn’t a Video Game at All, but Something Much Darker?
Much of this story presented firmly tongue-in-cheek.
War. War never changes. On October 23, 2077, the Great War between China, the United States, and the USSR broke out. By the time it ended, two hours later, the world had been forever changed. Humanity’s once-proud cities had been reduced to ash and rubble. Only a handful of humans remained on the surface, clinging to life in the poisoned wastes.
But all was not lost. In the decades before the War, cutting-edge scientific teams across the United States had collaborated against the Red Menace. Some of those projects, like Liberty Prime and FEV, attacked our enemies directly. Some had… other applications. Long before the bombs fell, Vault-Tec’s Obsidian Butte facility had made an astonishing discovery — a portal to another world. A bare handful of Vault-Tec employees managed to leap through this gateway before nuclear fire closed it forever. These freedom-loving researchers found themselves in a world very much like — yet also completely distinct from — their own.
Abandoned and bereft, this small team of researchers headed east. In their own world, they had been the architects of one of the darkest chapters in human history: The Vaults. Pitched to the desperate masses as the only safe refuge in a world gone mad, only a handful of people at Vault-Tec knew the truth. While there were a bare handful of “control” vaults intended to operate normally, most of these facilities had been designed as twisted social or scientific experiments.
Vault 12’s door was impossible to seal. Vault 27 was deliberately filled with twice the population it could sustain. Vault 95 was filled with drug addicts who were given unrestricted access to illegal substances months after the vault was finally sealed. Some vaults were used to test the effects of genetic engineering, drug treatments, or psychological conditioning techniques. One vault was nothing but a single man and a crate full of puppets.
Marooned in this alien world, the Vault-Tec employees knew they could never return to their original studies. The only alternative? Create a virtual vault. Name it after the same pioneering spirit of discovery and adventure that had proven a critical part of the founding myth of two different versions of the United States of America.
Thus, the Vault 76 project was born. Through a still-unexplained series of events, the alt-world doppelgangers may have killed and possibly eaten their counterparts in our own world. There’s no proof they did, but there’s no proof they didn’t, either.
Little by little, the plans for Vault 76 took shape. Unlike the actual vaults of Vault-Tec, this facility would be virtual — a meta-vault accessed via the internet. To cover their own lack of skill, the replacement programming team opted to use the same engine and tools their predecessors in our own universe had leveraged for game creation. Like the physical vaults of old, this new project would appear bright and promising before failing in a number of high-profile ways. These problems would seem obvious and easy to avoid in hindsight, yet prove devilishly difficult to fix in the shipping title. The in-game store would promise not to deploy pay-to-win mechanics, only to make extensive use of them. Much-requested features, like private servers, would eventually be offered — but only for a monthly fee.
Fallout 76
Like the real-world vaults, sadism ran deep in Vault 76. In the real-world, Vault-Tec facilities were deliberately intended to stress their inhabitants. A group of Vault Dwellers with deep fears of nudity would be deliberately assigned to a Vault without any clothing. In Vault 76 — or Fallout 76, as the project is now known — players who invested in purchasing the Collector’s Edition of the game would be shafted with poor quality rewards. Multiple collectable items built in conjunction for the launch would be recalled or slagged as poor quality.
Players who stuck with the game over the long term would be rewarded with the first-ever major content update, only to be hit with a surprise delay just a few weeks later. The delays and problems mount, until even long-time fans of the franchise are left questioning how Bethesda could possibly have so little respect for one of the finest game worlds ever created. Theories fly thick and fast. EA is somehow blamed. No one suspects the truth. In his lair, Evil Todd Howard pokes Good Todd Howard with a stick, threatening to pour a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum where the sun don’t shine. Good Todd Howard knows exactly how bad strontium-90 is for you. Good Todd Howard keeps his mouth shut.
All of which is to say: As much as the above is complete and utter claptrap, it explains the long-term evolution of Fallout 76 far better than any other explanation we’ve heard to date. FO76’s collectibles have been recalled for mold contamination and replaced for false advertising (but only after enormous fan outcry). Its patches have been legendary for breaking the game. From the beginning, players have fought the game’s own systems as much as they’ve battled any Appalachian monster. People are so angry about Fallout 76, the handful of players who are actually paying for private servers are reportedly being griefed for it.
I don’t know why any company would do so much damage to its own IP, but hopefully Bethesda realizes what a problem it has created for itself. Players are holding in-game protests and openly declaring their intent to quit the game. The handful of people paying for a Fallout 1st subscription are seen as part of the reason why Bethesda has engaged in such egregious conduct in the first place. The amount of bad faith Bethesda has generated around Fallout is astonishing and the company needs to wake up to the scale of the disaster it’s creating in one of its most prominent IPs.
It really shouldn’t make sense to argue that Bethesda actually turned Fallout 76 into a virtual vault experiment. And yet, here we are.
Now Read:
Bethesda’s ‘Fallout 1st’ Paid Server Launch Has Become a Disaster
The Outer Worlds Review Roundup: A True Roleplaying Gem and Spiritual Fallout Sequel
Waste Virginia: Fallout 76 Nuked From Orbit By Reviewers
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/300999-what-if-fallout-76-isnt-a-video-game-at-all-but-something-much-darker from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-if-fallout-76-isnt-video-game-at.html
0 notes
communist-cat-girl · 6 years
Ok So
im on my shit again cause pragerU is still makin fuckin’ videos time to yell about PragerU - The Least Diverse Place In America
(0:08) They had me in the first quarter, im not gonna lie, i thought this would be some interestin social justice piece and that maybe prageru’s obvious racism and ignorance were instantly solved by this Charlie Kirk guy. I was so wrong.
(0:28) Okay because there still totally isnt racism on college campuses or anythin’??? and like a ton of misogyny??? that isnt addressed at all??? ever??? but sure dude okay, lets act like colleges are good and perfect.
(0:46) So this is just ... I mean he sounds like an idiot who did zero research already but here we go. Can’t wait to have a straight white guy tell me about queer acceptance.
(0:59) Umm no not at all, people will still forever be homophobes and transphobes and every other phobe on the block. Also who the fuck signs a consent form for sex? They’re not doing kinky shit they’re caricatures of a man and a woman kissin’. Also seriously dude? Experimenting? This isn’t the fuckin’ 80′s, we know people are gay for sure and that people know full well what the hell they’re doin’. Experimenting is the way straight people have been disenfranchisin’ actual gay feelin’s for ages and this dipshit is perpetuatin’ that while tryna’ claim that these issues are “been there, done that,” as if anythin’ is solved. Fuck you already Charlie you clearly don’t know what the fuck is goin’ on in the world.
(1:04) If I had a dime every time I heard some conservative asshole talk about this in relation to safe spaces alone I think I’d have enough money to pay for my tuition. Barely.
(1:10) Ye, that thing racists, homophobes, and straight up nazis try to say is an issue because of us nasty liberals. I know the phrase and I know you’re boutta’ spew some bullshit about the first amendment, hit me already.
(1:21) ... Have you been to a college campus ever dude? Seriously, this is an honest question. I don’t even think hes been out in the real world if he thinks conservative ideas are radical or that colleges shut down “diversity of thought.” They shutdown bullshit because bullshit questions don’t need to be asked.
If a nazi asks “Why don’t we kill all Jews?” We do not attempt to explain to them the immorality of genocide nor do we explain to them their ignorance for thinkin’ that Jewish people are somehow the issue in their lives instead of their own mediocrity. We ignore them and move on, as we should. Because they’re fuckin’ idiots.
(1:25) You mean society, right? All of society does is indoctrinate you into a specific way of thinkin’. College isn’t special in this, every single region, culture, and subculture, even on accident, will attempt to indoctrinate you to their way of thinkin’, that’s just how it works naturally. We learn and grow from new experiences and interactin’ with different people, it’s an incredibly important part of our growth. College is an incredibly diverse place where we can do that!
(1:36) I don’t know if you know what’s up politically but people on “The Right” like to defund schoolin’ and bash on our teachers for no reason. So yeah ... they’re gonna’ be more left leanin’ considerin’ who their enemy is when it comes to literally makin’ a wage high enough to pay rent and eat food.
(1:46) ‘Cause no conservative signs up ‘cause they know their antiquated ideas will be shutdown in two seconds because colleges are, often, forward thinkin’ institutions that want to include many different people as they possibly can instead of lettin’ some white middle class straight cis asshole tell other people what to do???
I’m not even overeactin’ here, every experience in college i’ve had with a white conservative man who is my superior has been hellish and degradin’, it sucks. You give assholes power and they become bigger assholes, it’s how it works dude.
(1:59) What kind of conspiracy theory bullshit are you talkin’ ‘bout. No one’s paycheck depends on victims ‘xcept ... well no one. Ever. In the history of everthin’.
(2:10) My core being is superficial to you? What the fuck dude? My pride in bein’ an Italian American, Wiccan, liberal, demisexual, polyamorous, transgender woman is important to me, it’s at the very core of who I am, not some superficial mask I put on. What I am is what I fuckin’ am and that shit that makes me a unique individual is important. Fuck you Charlie.
(2:13) What!? What the fuck!?
How is glorfyin’ who someone is at their core superficial and how is it destructive? Who hurt you Charlie? Who told you that positive feedback and kindness and love is harmful?
(2:16) The only thing destroyin’ real learnin’ is a) people bein’ willin’ly ignorant to honest to the gods facts and b) the fact that republicans are defundin’ education like a mother fucker.
(2:25) a) We’ve all learned from Shakespeare dipshit. He was a surprisin’ly forward thinkin’ man for his time period and wrote what is considered to be some of the greatest works of art in the western world. b) Who isn’t readin’ Shakespeare cause he was a white man? I still do, I enjoy his shit. I know plenty of other queer people who enjoy his shit. What are you gettin’ at here?
(2:34) N- ... no it doesn’t dude. I’m literally a queer woman on a college campus. I am accepted into a group despite my transness and ethnic background. Everyone, black, white, asian, and so forth, speak to each other with respect. Genders, while not treated equally by the old, conservative staff, all get to say what they want and are given equal value in conversations. I live in Texas, not a very liberal place, but I still experience more acceptance and confidence than I ever did with even my parents.
This is clearly bullshit right wingers pull to split apart people in the left by claimin’ that our actions somehow divide us even though, if recent protests and counter protests held by the left against the right proves anythin’, its that our differences unify us. Unlike all of you middle class cishet white asshats.
(2:42) No.
Even ignorin’ my experiences, I’ve never heard a single issue with liberals excludin’ other liberals. It’s always conservatives who either exclude or get pissy when their radical ideas get them excluded. Same with radical liberals really.
(3:03) Has it? Also does that matter? The issue is that we have a stupid amount of people in poverty and a stupid small amount of rich people who are stockpilin’ money that is ruinin’ our economy.
Look I actually like capitalism as a concept, I also like communism, and socialism, hell I even like a monarchy or a tribal system where chieftains and elders hold votes. These concepts (both the economic and ideological ones) on paper are all perfect and good and do more harm than good.
The issue is that in practice, here in America, capitalism is ruinin’ lives as we speak and is goin’ to lead to an international crisis sooner than later on both an economic and environmental level. Capitalism, as it stands, is unsustainable, and our stance needs to change.
(3:06) No? When? Can you give me an example because if you mean places like Cuba or China or North Korea or the Soviet Union those were all communist regimes that acted more like dictators than representatives of their people. Real ass communism hasn’t really been done outside of small communes. People are just too power hungry for their own good, the only difference with capitalism is that their avarice is given praise by the masses.
(3:14) Do not act like we alone made some kind’ve ever lastin’ peace. Do not act like we haven’t instigated violence in the Middle East like it’s a fuckin’ game of Hearts of Iron IV. We, as a nation, are warmongers at worst and war profiteers at best.
(3:21) Because as well all know poor people do not commit crimes because they’re poor and aren’t given a way out of their shitty economic situations no no no, they do it because they’re black and play the victim card.
And of course slavery didn’t both ruin the lives of millions of people by makin’ them and their descendants poor and underprivileged, black people are poor because they choose to be violent and lazy. Obviously.
(3:29) Maybe because they’re wrong when they say this shit and we don’t want old ideas that don’t work or are objectively wrong or based too highly on subjective thought.
(3:37) I think Trae Crowder said it best when talkin’ ‘bout the nazi bullshit in Charolettesville, “They’ve been losin’ battle after battle, fight after fight for 200 years in this country and these are their death rows.”
Your stupid ideas are fallin’ off, the reason you have a voice right now is because you’re gettin’ desperate and so are the old rich assholes who are afraid taxes will empty even 1% of their fuckin’ pockets who give you the money to even exist.
(3:34) And that’s what they do! And we look at what people on the right do and we all cringe because it’s stupid! We’re not all closeted entitled fuckin’ rich kids goin’ to ivy league schools on our parents dime! We know what the real world is and it’s fuckin’ tough and scary and everyone is pitted against us. We know these things. Dumb fuckin’ bitch. I’m seriously tired of this guy right now.
(3:50) ... ... Did this dude not think we know what liberal means?
(4:12) Noble goal, I wish the rest of America would adopt this kind of “Melting Pot” idea, we’d prolly have way less issues honestly.
(4:25) ??? Why are you mad that people are bein’ kind and decent ???
(4:31) Thanks for usin’ actual terms in an attempt to disenfranchise them of any real meanin’. The same shit is happenin’ with the word triggered so y’know, not really a new tactic. Also one that doesn’t work on changin’ minds. This entire channel is an echo chamber I swear.
(4:35) Wow he’s ... stupid huh. The words mean what they mean asshole. Maybe ask one of your queer friends? You’re diverse in thought, right? Oh wait no your diversity of though doesn’t take queerness into account. Because you’re an asshole.
(4:52) ... No.
Like literally no, where do you get this idea from? Other liberals do not think like other liberals, there is infightin’ in EVERY culture, includin’ college campuses you fuckin’ dipshit.
I’m sorry I’m mostly just callin’ him a dumbass cishet white asshole middle class piece of shit but I’m really pissed off with his willful ignorance.
(4:54) No, it’s not. The two things do not compare.
(5:01) You mean what queer, black, and many other disenfranchised people have been doin’ for ages? Okay.
(5:12) No. Shit.
Video over. I want to die. I hate this dude so much.
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
Trump just pass away the best bargain countries around the world has ever seen | David Suzuki
His rationale for abandoning the Paris agreement is outdated and false. Now, America forges its own, lonely route in being shackled to coal and fossil fuels
Since day one as a contender for the Oval Office, current US President Donald Trump has pushed a dominant narrative: hes a businessman. He gets economics. He knows the art of the bargain. This week, with his decision to withdraw the US from the Paris agreement, the president has given the world strong reason to repudiate that narrative.
His rationale that its a choice of economy over environment, and a fossil fuel economy is the top priority is outdated and false. States and nations around the world have harvested the fruits of clean energy, and are redefining their economies and energy sources accordingly. Yet under false pretense that clean coal, natural gas and other fossil fuel fixings are better than energy conservation and clean energy, the US forges its own, lonely path.
The idea that clean, renewable energy will generate power for our planet for generations to come is not rhetoric. The magnitude of human-caused climate change and the rapidly improving economics driving the proliferation of renewable energy sources make it fact.
If the US administration isnt ready to move forward, hundreds of individual states and other countries will.
California is already a world leader on climate policy. Texas is rapidly expanding its wind energy capacity. In Germany, clean energy has become a motion itself, focused on thousands of small-scale projects under the Energiewende program. In Scotland, wind generation has increased by 81% over the past year, and in March this year, it created enough energy to fulfilled 136 % of the countrys household energy needs. These are just a few examples.
The USs withdrawal doesnt mean Americans and US investors will sit still, either. There is substantial economic possibility in renewables. The US solar industry alone creates one in 50 new jobs. Worldwide, nearly 10 million people already work in renewable energy. Global clean technology exports doubled between 2008 and 2015, outstripping $1.15 tn per year. Even Americas corporate giants from Apple and Google to Walmart, and even petroleum giant Exxon Mobil support the Paris agreement.
Donald Trump: US will withdraw from Paris agreement
The economics are clear. So what about the political implications of the decision?
By withdrawing from this historical agreement, Trump will make more enemies than friends.
Polling results from Yale Universitys Climate Change in the American Mind survey( conducted after the US election) show that 73% of Trump voterswant the US to use more renewable energy.( His own supporters !) As recently as May 7, a small but increasingly vocal group of Republicans has espoused the reality of global warming, taking steps to press the issue in Congress.
Elsewhere in the world, 195 country level the European union have signed the Paris Agreement, 147 of which have ratified the convention. Only Nicaragua and Syria have not signed on.
When news of the potential withdrawal reached the United nations organization, the organizations Twitter page read: Climate change is undeniable. Climate change is unstoppable. Climate solutions provide opportunities that are unmatchable.
A Globe and Mail report showed that even fossil fuel companies the likes of ExxonMobil, BP and Shell guess the US should stick with Paris.
This withdrawal is an ugly decision, make use of a country that ought to be leading the transition to a cleaner future not only because of its stature as an international economic powerhouse, but also because of its less-than-desirable environmental track record.
After China, the US is the worlds second-largest greenhouse gas polluter.
In response, China has been become a leading producer of solar energy technology and is slowing its coal power construction.
The US, meanwhile, hangs on to a coal industry that should have been dissolved decades ago.
Just north of the border in Canada, where I live, the situation is delicate. We have been plagued by recent blunders such as approval of fossil-fuel-driven pipeline projects, but at least our governments claim a commitment to a sustainable, clean energy future. In my home province of British Columbia, recent election results may even reverse the approval of some of those infrastructure projects.
But were far from safe ground. These types of actions by the US administration show that environmental rights for Canada and all countries around the world are vital , now more than ever. Yet, while 110 countries worldwide have environmental rights written into their constitutions, Canada does not.
I tend to focus my advice on domestic matters like these. But today, I offer a word to the US president:
A global change to renewable energy is on. Theres no denying it or turning it around. Its good for business. This is not fake news. Its real life. And its happening with or without you.
You claim you know a good deal when you ensure one. Well, you simply passed on one of the best our planet has ever seen.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Trump just pass away the best bargain countries around the world has ever seen | David Suzuki appeared first on Top Rated Solar Panels.
from Top Rated Solar Panels http://ift.tt/2y3GqMX via IFTTT
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Armando Iannucci on Donald Trump: ‘This is the best moment, isn’t it?’
An open letter to the new president, from the creator of Veep and The Thick of It
Even when silent, you sound loud. You are, in fact, an avalanche of contradictions: real and unreal, scary yet amusing, fact and fiction rolled into one like a little rubber Mount Rushmore blown up to actual size by the use of helium. You confuse us. We want to laugh at your stumbles, but are petrified by what those stumbles may lead to. You are the worst person ever; and yet not as bad as Mike Pence.
But you do have a definite sense of purpose. While Hillary Clinton hedged and played the game, you said it straight. Youve been very clear: deport, build, repeal, replace. Everywhere you go, you shatter ossified politics. You slice through frozen convention like an icebreaker: set on a steady forward direction, leaving a stinking slick of oil and dead fish parts in its wake.
It was worth it, though, because of where you are now. This is the best moment, isnt it? Just as youve taken the oath of office, but still not worn down by that office. Frozen in your moment of history. All those doubters, the mewling enemies and haters, are silenced now: you are the 45th president of the US. Thats a fact. Its true.
They used to tease you about your attitude to the truth, didnt they? All your post-reality fictoid-facts, like how global warming was a myth invented by the Chinese, how you respected all women without exception, except the greedy, grasping, ugly ones who were trying to suck you dry, how Obama wasnt born in America, and also how you put everyone right when you said he was.
And that rigged election: you had evidence the election was rigged against you and you were going to lose, and then, when you won it fair and square, you had proof you would have won it even more fairly and squarely had it not been rigged against you so you couldnt win so bigly. And now they say the Russians rigged the election, and you say the election wasnt rigged, it was never rigged, and youve been saying for months: it was never rigged.
Some screwball no-mark in some pointless department will end up saying the wrong thing about China. Photograph: Andrew Harnik/AP
Yes, you were mocked nightly by damp-souled liberals who joked you couldnt tell fact from fantasy. Well, guess what? If you now tweeted, I am the 45th president of the United States, not a single person would doubt you. Because its true. Youre the president. Fact! No scientist, no economist, no so-called expert can call you out. You are literally the most important man on Earth, in the solar system, maybe even the galaxy. Right now, everything in the universe revolves around you.
But then comes the hard bit. The bit after this week. The rest of the presidency. Thats the bit others say cant be controlled. Something will go wrong. Some screwball no-mark in some pointless department will answer a letter to an elector, and end up saying the wrong thing about China, or single moms, or car manufacturers, or dyslexia, thinking that theyre echoing your opinion. Then your enemies will report it, and then people will think it came from you. Then your press secretary will deny thats what you meant and blame the no-mark, and name her. Then the no-mark will complain about sexism or bullying or some such artificial crime. Then youll act big, go against expectations, and apologise to that person.
Then some other people, your enemies, will imply youre a pussy. Your staff who attacked her and defended you, will express annoyance that you are contradicting what theyre saying. Then the person you apologised to, well, shell get arrogant and say how upset she was by what happened, and then youll have to tweet what she was really like when you met her, how annoying she was, how shes just looking for a bigger job and a TV contract, and how youre going to ask Congress to look into that department she works for and find out whats going on.
But, even then, it wont go away, and therell be maybe a hundred other little, stupid stories like that which will never leave you alone, all because other people are fools and losers. And so one night, youll tweet something bad about China and single moms and car manufacturers and dyslexics, all in one tweet, and the whole cycle will start all over again, and take up so much time, itll look like that wall will never get built.
And so, for the next four years, youll try to do stuff. With luck, the next eight years. (If your plan comes right, the next 12, even 16 years, too.) But this crap will keep coming up, wont it? This not-smart, so-overrated nonsense from the false media, determined to undermine you. Theyll say youre mishandling foreign affairs, causing conflict and hardship, arousing enmity, bitterness and division. Its all designed to make people not like you, isnt it? But you can get round that. You will tell people, again and again, that they do like you. That everything else theyve heard isnt true. And it will work. It always works.
If a war breaks out, isnt it more efficient to persuade people that it isnt happening? Photograph: John Gurzinski/AFP/Getty Images
You will explain that the things that come from your mouth are not necessarily the things that come from your heart. You will remind people that things are true not when they are real but when you believe them. You will urge the media to concentrate on covering peoples fears and feelings, rather than the dull objects and information that clutter up their potentially beautiful lives.
Why dont crime reporters report that people feel a bit funny about Mexicans? Why dont economists measure how freaked out people are about what might happen to their jobs one day, especially if your enemies were in charge? Why dont the weather people point out, at the end of the show, just how everyone is feeling so much better because of the work youre doing, and how thats making them cope with whatever rain or cloud comes their way? Why dont newscasters show the graphs that prove that anyone who fires a gun in America might well be a Muslim?
Of course, the liberal media will have fun, wont they, doing their little crazy skits about how theres no need for reporters any more because we just have to say whatever it is we think sounds true. Over now to our Chief-Bad-Feeling-About-China correspondent; We join our crime correspondent live outside the home of a suspicious couple new to the neighbourhood who keep themselves to themselves; And thats all weve got time for. Join us tomorrow night at seven for another edition of What The Hells Going On? Unfunny. You havent seen these skits (they havent been written), but theyre just so lame, arent they?
No, how you govern will be so special, and so different from that pathetic portrayal. Youre going to bring into your administration a whole heap of talented people who will oversee a climate change in the way facts are considered. You will bring in financial experts who will reassure everyone that, no matter what the markets say, everyone is, in fact, fine. You will bring in law experts who will prove categorically that anyone who feels their civil liberties are being infringed are themselves infringing the civil liberties of the vast majority who voted to change them. And, above all, you will persuade everyone, especially those who tell you that you polled nearly three million votes fewer than Hillary, that you do have a mandate since you believe you do, and it feels like the vast majority of people believe you do, too. And thats evidence no money can buy.
Thats how you will govern. Properly, effectively. Why, if the economy goes bad, or promised laws arent passed, or a war breaks out, why spend time and money and precious energy dealing with those things? Isnt it more efficient to persuade people that they arent happening? Think what money that would save, putting dollars back in the pocket of every American. You will do a deal with the American people, a great big beautiful deal, the ultimate deal, and they will absolutely love it. What youve done is started a revolution, a movement. Youve taught people to believe not what is empirically true but what is emotionally true, which is a better truth. Youve set free the credulity of the people.
So here is another undeniable fact. Soon the consequences of what you are doing will spread throughout the world. And, once done, they cant be undone. Yes, you will be remembered for a very, very long time. Fact.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2iWnsvs
from Armando Iannucci on Donald Trump: ‘This is the best moment, isn’t it?’
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