#chinese novels
vvevelur · 2 years
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celesty-scarlet · 11 months
"You are doing good, Kid". Today in particular I felt more lonelier than this entire week. When I came back from the office and read this line I burst into tears. All anyone needs is a comforting and encouraging word from someone they are very close to.
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sweetishobi · 2 years
I'm trying to figure if the slow burn is stronger in latin american telenovelas or in chinese bl novels 300 episodes vs 300 chapters
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distort-opia · 2 months
Op, since you seems to like mdzs (idk if you like others mxtx novels), then do you like other chineses novels?
[hands shaking over the keyboard] Ha. Do I like other Chinese novels, you ask... I am literally in Chinese novel hell right now, because I just finished reading all official translations of 2HA and foaming at the mouth.
I've been reading Chinese novels for a long time (and watching Asian dramas of all kinds, and reading manga/manhua/webtoons). I'm not even sure what I started with when it comes to Chinese novels, but I'm pretty sure it was something by Priest... either Guardian (Zhen Yun) or Silent Reading (Mo Du). Then I rampaged through all three big MXTX novels, all before The Untamed even came out. The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Mo Dao Zu Shi, or MDZS) is definitely my favorite; I would raze the earth for Wei Wuxian, much like poor Lan Zhan.
I'd have many good novels to recommend, but this answer would end up incredibly long if I reviewed them. Here's some of the ones I liked most:
Peerless by Meng Xi Shi
Remnants of Filth by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (Meatbun)
The Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (Meatbun)
Mist by Wei Feng Ji Xu
Little Mushroom by Shisi
However, if we're talking about personal favorites that I've read more than once, besides MDZS... it's definitely Thousand Autumns (Qian Qiu) by Meng Xi Shi. I've never found a novel with a dynamic that is so... distilled Psychopath & Autistic, and why these kinds of personalities can work together-- despite it being perceived as toxic. Yan Wushi is a horrible, horrible old man and I want to affectionately invent new ways of torture for him. The plot is basically him (leader of a demonic sect) trying to break and corrupt Shen Qiao (the leader of the most revered sect who had recently gotten betrayed and lost everything). It's literally Yan Wushi constantly going "Don't you ever wanna go feral, don't you wanna go apeshit??" while Shen Qiao just refuses to go evil. But the immovable object falls in love with the unstoppable force despite all the horrid shit thrown his way. And then the unstoppable force also falls in love with the immovable object.
What are some of your favorites though? I'm always open to recs... as I restrain myself from hunting down the last volume of 2HA online and wait for the official translation from Seven Seas to come out :)
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motivationisdead · 8 months
The funny thing about reading Chinese novels as an American is that I’ll almost never know what is actually a bit of Chinese culture and what is unique world building.
Like I can make an educated guess but is this part of some ancient Chinese custom or a quirk of this world? Are these things based on some obscure Chinese lore/legends or do they come entirely from the author?
I’ll never know.
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anyaryy · 4 months
My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn't Need Any Comforting (PT-BR)
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Autor(a): Long Qi (龙柒)
Gênero: Romance, School Life, Shounen Ai, BL
Capítulo em chinês: 113 Capítulos + 9 Extras (Completo)
Publico em: JJWXC
Ler online:
Opção 1: https://anyaryy.tumblr.com/musdnac
Opção 2: https://www.wattpad.com/story/359805096-my-underachieving-seatmate-doesn%27t-need-any
Qiao Shao, que trabalhou duro para ficar acordado a noite toda estudando, foi o primeiro da classe... se você contar de baixo para cima.
He Shen - que conseguiu uma pontuação perfeita mesmo dormindo o dia todo -, em uma rara demonstração de gentileza, comprou uma bebida para confortar seu companheiro de mesa idiota.
Então ele viu as mensagens aparecendo no telefone de Qiao Shao:
【Pai: Não entre em pânico, está tudo bem se você não foi bem no teste. Papai acabou de encomendar um novo carro esportivo para você.】
【Avô: Neto, não há necessidade de pressa. Está tudo bem, mesmo que você não tenha se saído bem no teste. Vovô comprou um iate novo para você, venha descansar.】
【Vovô: Neto, não chore, tudo bem se você não foi bem na prova. As propriedades no valor de bilhões do vovô são todas suas.】
Com uma expressão vazia, He Shen jogou sua bebida no valor de 2,5 yuans no lixo.
Tenha calma! Para que serve conforto?
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 month
Sometimes I remember that moment of a chinese novel (which name I can't remember) when the mc was being annoyed by his adoptive brother, so he went like—
The brother (AKA green tea bitch): *insults him through "caring words"*
Mc, a little shit: You're so talented. You're even good at tea ceremony. Unfortunately, I don't like green tea.
And then proceeded to make references at his "tea" making abilities through the whole novel, no matter who else was around them.
I think I never got to finish it, but it was hilarious.
Also, I think it was in the same novel where the mc and his bf used car terms to refer to sexual related things. All because of an inner joke.
And there was also the improvised sketches they pulled to escape from interacting with annoying people.
Mc, calmly going through his day: *sees the guy his parents want to set him up with* uh oh.
That guy: hey, you!
Mc: *walks past him* Darling, this is not what you think! *Throws himself to the first person he knows*
The ML, who just wanted to buy a fucking coffee: *whispering* what are you doing?
Mc: *also whispering* just follow me.
Mc and ML: *proceeds to act a full drama plot in the middle of a coffee shop*
That guy, an idiot: Poor guy. No wonder he didn't show up yesterday. His boyfriend is crazy.
They weren't even dating yet.
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missinoe · 2 months
lesbian unlimited flow/survival game when??? the people are begging (i am people)
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Novel Progress Update
MXTX - The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS), Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF), Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (SVSSS)
My Junior Still Hasn't Killed Me Yet
After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis
Nan Chan
Let's Talk About That Guy Who Transmigrated to Pursue Me
It's Not Easy Being a Master
The Script is Not Like This!
The Prince's Loyal Lover
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy (Completed Dec. 14th, 2023)
After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine - ch.25.3
Liu Yao - ch.58
Qi Ye - ch.21
How to Survive as a Villain -ch.71
The Sword Named No Way Out
There is No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman's Heart
Clear and Muddy Loss of Love - Ch.8
Cold Sands
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Dinghai Fusheng Records
The Earth is Online
Everyday I Get Up to See the Villain Stealing the Show
The Favorite Ugly Husband
FGEP - Ch.64
Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Golden Stage
High Energy QR Code
Mo Du
Qiang Jin Jiu
I'm Not a Regressor - Ch.16
Don't You Like Me
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual
Grandmaster's Weird Disciple, The
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
I've Led the Villain Astray, How Do I Fix It? - ch.29
Princess, Spare My Life
Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage
Sha Po Lang
Thousand Autumns - ch.16
Tianbao Fuyao Lu - ch.11
Xia Niangniang / Blind Concubine
Yu Wu / Stains of Filth
Where is Our Agreement to Be Arch-Rivals?
Villain Hides His True Colors - Ch.34
To Read
Cultivating in Online Games
Fourteenth Year of Chenghua, The
I Received a Wife from the Civil Affairs Bureau
Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Married Thrice to Salted Fish
The Prince Can Always Hear the Secret Servant Chanting The Qingxin Mantra Before Going To Bed
Tai Su
The Ultimate Blue Seal
White Cat's Divine Scratching Post, The
Who Dares Slander My Senior Brother
You Yi / Are You OK
Global Examination
[Last Updated: Dec. 14th, 2023]
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eirenical · 1 year
Chapter 2 is finally up!  I have about 1/2 - 2/3 of the next chapter done, so I thought it might be time?  It’s... only been 5 months...  OTZ  I did warn you this was going to be slow, yeah?
Anyway, you can follow my translation group on Novel Updates or you can follow the translation blog directly on wordpress to know when new chapters are out.  Enjoy?  ^_^
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blobofcolour · 11 months
I have read many many cnovels over the years, but the one that has always stuck with me was 清明记 (Story of Qing Ming) by 清朗 (aka  赵晨光) since I first read it more than 10 years ago. It’s a short one at only 18 chapters, telling the story of the titular character Qing Ming, an assassin from the rebel city of Yu Jing. Of course he becomes ‘bosom friends’ with Pan Bai Hua a politically savvy minister from the capital... and spoiler alert, it does not end well.
This is my favourite part of the novel, describing Qing Ming entering the capital on his final mission to assassinate Pan Bai Hua. He has always been one to accept the life he has been born into but when he catches a glimpse of Pan Bai Hua in the sea of plum blossoms, he knows this man has been properly imprinted in his heart.
  那香雪海在拥雪城外东南方,是绝大的一片白梅林,约有千株左右。此刻恰是众芳摇落之际,惟这千株白梅占尽风情。远远望去,清幽绝俗,非雪海二字,不能道其颜色。     这拥雪城之名,正是由这一片香雪海而来。     此刻因已夜深,并无人来。清明走到切近,见月光清冷洁白,洒落在梅花之上,冷烟和月,映得那白梅花瓣透明如冰玉一般。更有暗香缭绕,似有若无。他深吸了一口气,心神俱醉。     一阵夜风吹过,几瓣梅花飘飘荡荡地落了下来。清明伸手轻轻接住,正如玉盘中盛了冰片,清雅之极。他不禁微笑,随口唱起了落花风,一时间便如前日雨夜听宋别离琵琶一般,浑忘了世间诸事,心中只想:这里是天上,还是人间?     初冬薄薄雪,近风淡淡云。     倜傥标高骨,玲珑傲气心。     月夜香雪海,莫过如此。     他这里心神摇曳,自说自笑,偶然一抬头间,忽见拥雪城头,不知何时竟多了一个身影。     此时月光皎洁,映得拥雪城头恰如明镜一般。那人身形高挑,素衣银冠,风神隽雅。月下看来,实是浊世一翩翩佳公子。     清明忽然一句话也说不出来,一声也笑不出来了。     城头那人,正是天子面前有名的重臣,朝里权倾一时的中书令,眼下拥雪城十万大军的统帅,相交五年的唯一知己,自己此次入城前来刺杀的对象!     眼见小潘相登临城头,身边并无随从,却也是望向东南方,正是为了赏鉴这一片香雪海。     他身在高处,月光又明亮,清明多年训练,目力比常人要好上数倍,看得分外清晰。     而潘白华虽也向香雪海方向看去,但梅林繁茂,清明又站在梅影掩映之中,却是看不分明。     清明站在树下,脑海里一片空白。     他也弄不清过了多久,不知是片刻,还是一个时辰。总之,当他再抬起头时,城头上那个素衣公子,已经不见了人影。     清明从树影中走出,忽然低低地笑出声来。     原道是胸中自有透顶洒脱,谁曾想意中却是透骨相思。   潘白华,见到你之前,我还真当自己已是此心到处悠然了。  
Mild spoilers on the ending incoming.......
The author wrote an extra chapter set in modern times and gave the reincarnated PBH/QM their happy ending. While I appreciated having that extra chapter on my first reading, years later I preferred the original ending. While they cared deeply for each other and recognized that this person was the only one to truly know me, it doesn’t change the fact that they were from opposing camps. Well, PBH tried to force QM to change sides but they were always ones who walked their chosen path till the end. 
I’m not sure if there are English translations out there of this author’s novels, they are really well written wuxia works. Not explicitly BL but many ‘bosom friends’ bonds.......
On current reading materials, I finished 嫁纨绔 the novel that upcoming (maybe??) cdrama Chang Feng Du 长风渡 is based on. Really enjoyed the story and the host of characters from mains to villains, so fingers crossed that the drama gets to air and hopefully the script writers don’t mangle the story. I got started on another novel 山河枕 (Mountain and River Pillow) by the same author but got bored around chapter 55. The ML isn’t doing anything for me so far, I’m actually more interested in the ex-husband hahaha. Maybe I should try 四嫁 instead where the ex-husband is the ML! 
Please throw novel recommendations my way, especially wuxia ones. I have a 12 hour flight and week long work retreat coming up zzzzzz
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vvevelur · 1 year
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Lan Xichen♥
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celesty-scarlet · 1 year
Life must go on, that's the beauty of it.
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rottenreader · 6 months
The beauty in danmei is that because of the censorship, we actually get the proper emotional stuffs not just the sexual stuffs.
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pinkpolkadotflower · 8 months
In anticipation of watching Love You Seven Times (and waiting for more episodes before starting) I read the novel it’s based on and that entertained me for an afternoon and then because I also can’t wait for The Prisoner of Beauty to air (eventually at some point I really hope though doubtful if before next year) I started reading the available translated chapters.
Anyway 145 chapters had me for like a day and a half and now I’m in agony waiting for more chapters to be released but it seems like there’s only one a week 🥲
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mejomonster · 2 years
Does anyone have any cnovel recs, or chinese pingxie fanfic recs?
I like bl, gl, horror, supernatural, mysteries, realistic with some fantasy elements, good characterization, genre mashing, people from difference backgrounds meeting, found families, hurt/comfort, thrillers, and also just open to giving anything a shot if you think it's good
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