#chloe ting challenge
mik1mik2mik3 · 1 year
Study-sketches of Chloe Ting for my first anniversary with her workouts 💪💝
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Five Chloe Ting challenges are passed sucsessfully! It was hard, but absolutely worth it.
I've been not into sport before at all, but wanted make my body better and improve descipline.
And I did it and not gonna stop!
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I like quality of her content, visual, especially it free. I'm so thankfull 🤲❤
She helped me became more active. And I found a workout side of YouTube. Here are so many cool people with fitness content of different difficulties!
So here are some sketches of her. During workouts I had notice of some nice poses I'd like to draw, and paused video for too a quick screenshots 👌
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this lama tree just awesome.
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yourcaptainnancy · 1 year
Дрожат коленки при виде краша? А может, лучше от тренировок Хлои Тинг? Я снова начала заниматься, и мое тело в Аду.
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wingedgirl · 1 year
Chloe Ting workout journey ~~
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I decided on a whim today that I'm going to do Chloe Ting's 2023 weight loss workout challenge for a week and document the process on my blog. The whole program is four weeks, but I've never been good at keeping routines, so I'm giving myself a smaller goal. If I get through a week, then I'll go for another and see if I can make it to the end!
Even though it's technically a weight loss challenge, I'm not going to focus on losing weight, and while I'll be keeping track of my progress and writing about it, I am NOT going to weigh myself or focus on that at all. The truth of the matter is that I just want to exercise more and this workout challenge is a great way to do that. By the end of this, I don't care about how much I weigh--what I do care about is whether or not I'm taking care of myself, and helping myself become a stronger and more energetic person in my day to day life!
So I'm going to be writing little diary entries here every day to reflect on my exercise and take note of what I ate so I can track my progress over the next week. I'm really excited about this, I can't wait to see how it goes!
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hoebehaviour · 1 year
OH. MY. FUCK. I did it. I did it... I REALLY FUCKING DID IT!!!!
I completed the 2 week shred challenge! I couldn't be happier! I did it without any extra rest days and with unprecedented commitment!
Warmup: 5 minutes
HIIT: 25 minutes
I fared well but I realized I'm shit at even knee push-ups.
Ab workout: 10 minutes
I paused every 2 minutes like always but today I could do a few reps of contralaterals so yay!
Arm workout: 10 minutes
It involved the arms and back, and you know me, I died. It was pretty difficult. Especially when doing plank walks. I struggled to do all the reps but did the majority no matter how many times my muscles gave up.
Cooldown: 10 minutes
I'm gonna rest for a few days or do light stuff. Currently, both my wrists hurt and my left calf is injured. I'm sure my body needs a break too. I'll probably start another program next month or by the last week of May.
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I started a new job 2 months ago and haven’t worked out at all since then so I’m gonna be doing the Chloe Ting 2 week challenge! Hopefully by the end of it I’ll feel confident enough to go the the gym and renew my subscription :)
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leaking-stardust · 1 year
2 week shred update
i'm on like day 13 of the 2 week challenge and i've never been more unsatisfied </3 i definitely intend to continue and maybe just do the program continuously because it WAS challenging and it does definitely make you sweat lol. but overall i'm ending at the same weight as i started @.@ and it's definitely because my family's been very pushy about making me eat every day so i am HOPING that once spring break is over and i can go back to fasting regularly i will see more results (disclaimer: this is not because of the program itself, i think it's a very good and challenging workout)
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midnights-wish · 4 days
i've been eating too little again these past few days, so today i sat down & made a proper meal plan that i have to stick to. :)
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romamoo · 2 years
I am starting again Chloe Ting Ab Work Out which I accomplished last quarantine. It never fails to squeeze my whole body.
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ovaruling · 1 year
ok no one cares but i have to brag a bit!!! so i’m still struggling with spiking disorienting brain fog BUT i have been doing a 30 min jillian michaels workout plus 1 chloe ting workout each day 6 days a week (varying up which body parts are focused) and for ref i worked out daily already but this is a new step up from my normal (usually low-impact) routine
and i’ve made so many gains in just the last month and a half. so so much stronger and my endurance has doubled if not tripled. six pack becoming visible and my leg muscles are looking cut!!! my butt was extremely strong already from years of rehabilitation work but even that is getting stronger and i can do bulgarian split squats w relative ease now. my triceps are hardening and i can do dips with ease as well!!! which i’m excited abt bc when i started dips a month ago i was shaking so much w weakness
and my bodyweight strength has improved TENFOLD. a month ago i could hardly do floorwork at all and now i’m finding that difficult moves are becoming pleasantly challenging and my balance and proprioception are way way way better
but more importantly i am pushing thru every chronic illness and disability in my life rn and modifying where i need to and women in my phone hear me when i say i am getting STRONGER
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drifftingg · 3 months
Ej motylki mieliście kiedyś taką depresjyjną erę pro0
Która mniej więcej polega na tym że się bardzo malo je z powodu złego samopoczucia ale w sumie nie czuje aż tak bardzo głodu bo to nie jest takie odmawiania sobie jedzenia tylko bardziej zaniedbanie?
U mnie takie okresy calkiem dlugo trwają teraz mam coś w tym rodzaju nie moge sie doczekac aż sie zrobi chociaz troche cieplej i ruszam z bieganiem (oby codziennym albo chociaz 4 razy w tygodniu) + niezależnie od tego osobno challenge z codziennym cwiczeniem na macie (chloe ting) po 45-60 minut tutaj minimum 5 razy w tygodniu ale cel na bieganie i cwczenia to po 7 razy na tydzien minimum
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yourcaptainnancy · 1 year
Прикиньте, мне осталось три дня до окончания челленджа от Chloe Ting 😳
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hoebehaviour · 1 year
Day 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warmup: 5 minutes
HIIT: 15 minutes
I pulled it off well like usual but today I drank a few sips of green tea in between each set. While doing single leg deadlifts, I found out how I hurt my left calf. Since yesterday, my left calf has been hurting and today, I felt the exact part of the muscle hurt while doing the reps. Good form is really important.
Ab workout: 10 minutes
I'm not even joking it is so draining. I had to stop every two minutes to either rest my arms or legs or core. I couldn't do contralaterals today either. Also, while doing side plank crunch, I did better on my right side than on my left.
Lower body workout: 15 minutes
I did everything without breaks and I think my lower body especially thighs and calves are the most developed out of all. The last exercise was squat pulses and for the first time, I felt my thighs burn.
I'm gonna take a nice break after tomorrow. I think my right wrist is healing a little but now I've got a calf injury.
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zzzzzestforlife · 6 months
Getting My Life Together // 7
I am one match away from total burnout and I keep adding matches but they keep burning too quickly and every time I go to bed I feel so drained and I think, "I am one match away…" *insert record scratch* Nuh-uh 😤 Not today 🍋
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Self Care Things 🌟
Did my physio exercises (2x)
Day 1 of Chloe Ting's Workout Challenge**
Software Engineer Things 📁
Meetings for five hours straight 💀
Fixed so much code***
Peer-reviewed code (3x)
Learning Things 🐤
Completed Japanese lesson
Completed Korean lesson
Completed Chinese lesson
Read for Cognitive Psych
*- I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and frustrated, considering just doing the bare minimum for myself today since there seemed to be so much else that needed to get done, but once I got all my thoughts out on paper, I was able to take a step back and think, "Wait a minute, what actually matters to me? What do I actually want to carry with me today?" I knew I would feel much better after physio and a workout, so I pushed myself and it felt so rewarding! So, if you're somehow still reading this, go take care of yourself, everyone and everything else can and will have to wait, and you're going to be so worth it 😉
**- I only did the warm up and HIIT cardio (actually finished it this time!!!) but in my defense I was multitasking between this and deploying my code 😅
***- Okay, I'm not actually sure it was "much" but we have many different microservices so I was hopping between them, solving different issues, and collectively it felt like a lot 😅
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💌: Two different senior colleagues helped me with two different issues that could have been long and arduous processes but because their knowledge was shared, growth can be accelerated and I'm so grateful that this is just the cultural standard at my workplace! 🌱🙏
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leaking-stardust · 1 year
we went out this weekend and i HATED having to eat with everyone, luckily i didn't gain anything but i felt gross the whole time:/ i'm starting the chloe ting 2 week shred challenge because i've seen lots of good reviews on it and OMG i am so sore.
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midnights-wish · 2 days
i started a chloe ting challenge :(
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generalluxun · 8 months
New ML Fanfiction: In Direct Opposition
I figured I would post the first section of this fic here on Tumblr while announcing it's inception. Future installments will be on AO3(as this one is) which is linked in my profile.
The fic is Alya-centric and begins the morning of Origins. Alya's alarm goes off early, she gets up early, she leaves the house early, and she meets Chloé Bourgeois before anyone else at school. Events quickly clue her in that her new 'friend' is, problematic, but Alya is nothing if not stubborn and takes this as a challenge. The fic will revisit several canon-events from a different point of view and with alterations along the way. However one thing Alya begins to notice ealry... something is altering events as she's experienced them, creating multiple perceptions of the true flow of events. She sets out to find out what this is, while still living through the life of a girl at FDP stuck between Chloe and Marinette, Ladybug and Hawkmoth. Full text below the cut.
Alya Césaire scanned an article about the mayor dedicating a new park, then entered his name into her phone's search engine. She finished the article while stirring more sugar into the remains of her morning coffee then tapped through search results to scan for more info.
Ten years, daughter, wife-Audrey Bourgeois.
Alya stopped at that name. She glanced over the embedded pictures of the mayor's family, then opened a new tab to double check her theory. Yes, it was Audrey Bourgeois, fashion critic. She was often mixed up with the New York heroes in some manner or another. Usually it was some villain seeking revenge. Majestia and Knight Owl had saved her countless times. It seemed like Audrey was really good at inspiring revenge.
Alya finished her coffee, moving on to the next article, search engine open beside her. She was deep into an article about fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste when her sister's voice interrupted her.
"What's all this, sis?" Nora indicated the breakfast array Alya had spread across the table, before grabbing an orange and peeling it.
Alya folded the newspaper and tapped it against her lips. "Well, despite my triple checking, my alarm went off a whole hour early this morning. So I put my extra time to good use.  Some for me, and some for you and the twins."
Nora's eyes widened as one part of that sunk in. She froze with an orange slice poised in front of her mouth. "New school? It starts today? As in…?"
Alya couldn't help but grin at her big sister's reaction. "That means the twins are all yours today. Good luck, this breakfast should have them docile for a little while."
As if on cue a sleepy but insistent, "Mama?' and 'sis?' made themselves heard through the apartment.
Alya grabbed one last piece of toast and her bag. "Oops, look at the time. See you when I get back, Nora!" then she fled.
Early up, early out the door, and now early for school. Alya lingered outside, watching the new kids coming and going. It was a little conceit her mother had taught her to make the move easier. ‘You’re not the new kid, honey. You’ve been around since you were born. They’re the new ones. Just give them a chance to show you who they are.’
Alya liked the idea, but it did come with the tricky afterthought. Who do I give a chance to first?
A limousine pulled up to the curb as if on cue. The other students ignored it, and Alya wondered just what kind of school this was. A driver opened the door and out scrambled first a bespectacled ginger haired girl, then a glammed up blonde whose body language immediately set Alya’s hair on end. The tinge of fear just galvanized her though. What good’s a reporter who is scared of the rich? If I can take on this one, I’ve got it made. Her morning dive in the paper had even supplied her with a name to go with the face as she approached.
“You’re Chloé Bourgeois, the mayor’s daughter!”
The Blonde’s head snapped around and sharp-cut sapphire blue eyes regarded her cooly. Alya stood her ground with her best smile in place. Chloé gestured to her, “I don’t know you, do I?”
The ginger was at Chloé’s shoulder in a heartbeat, murmuring near her ear, “No Chloé, you don’t. She doesn’t go here.”
Alya stuck out her hand, bulldozing the social barricade, “Alya Césaire, new student. So, you really are the mayor’s daughter, right? I saw your picture on the mayor’s website while doing my research.”
The other girl was clearly not used to being approached. She regarded the hand as if it might be a weapon, but a few beats later what Alya had said seemed to register and her scowl turned into a delighted smile. “You saw my picture on daddy’s webpage? Was it big? Was it on the front, or was it buried again? Why were you looking me up? I mean, I am interesting, I know, but why specifically? ”
Alya kept up the pressure, recognizing tells. “Well, it just made sense, looking for the important people in town. I’m an independent reporter. While I have you, can I line up an interview?”
It worked. The delighted curiosity morphed into a self-satisfied pleasure on Chloé’s face. She reached out and plucked at Alya’s hand, not a proper shake but a gesture that could be worked with. “An interview? Well, I suppose I could do something like that. Are you very famous back where you come from? You’re not… dressed… very fashionably.”
Fashion! Alya remembered the other little nugget of information and put it to use. She clasped her hands behind herself, squaring her shoulders. “I’m rising in the journalism world.” Not technically a lie, even if I’m very close to the ground right now. “As for fashion, we can’t all be as well versed as Audrey Bourgeois, can we? Anyway the story is supposed to be what stands out, not the reporter.”
A series of reactions danced over Chloé’s supremely-readable face, not all of them positive. Alya filed that away for later. In the end though her smile remained, if slightly more pasted on. “Quite right. Well, it’s a very busy day, new girl. If stories are what you are here for, today is the very first day Adrien Agreste will be attending Francis DuPont. Oh, I know!”
Chloé’s face brightened with childish delight again.
“You can do a joint interview for the both of us. The mayor’s daughter, Chloé Bourgeois, and Adrien Agreste, fashion icon, friends finally united!”
Professional interest joined with her desire to make new friends. Alya nodded with a toothy grin of her own and clenched a fist, “I’ll interview the two of you within an inch of your lives.”
Chloé nodded, “Excellent. Just follow me Césaire. I can see we’ll be good friends.”
The school was definitely a change of pace. Alya knew her father’s new job was a lot better, but everything about this school screamed money. There were only a few dozen students in total from what she could tell, and her classroom had seats for twelve at most. She was still taking it in when Chloé stopped beside one of the front desks and held up a hand.
“Wait here. I have some adjustments to make.”
She ascended to the next tier and stopped beside a dejected looking girl who wore her dark hair in pigtails. Chloé said something in a normal tone that Alya couldn’t hear. Alya tried to strain her hearing, snooping being a perfectly valid journalistic activity, and so flinched when Chloé’s voice went from normal to bellow.
“Wake up, Du-Pain-Cheng! You’re sitting in my seat!”
The pigtailed girl jumped, her eyes focused on Chloé and she sighed, “Chloé, this is my seat, this has always been my seat.”
Beside Alya, Sabrina opened her mouth, but then snapped it shut and gave Alya a side-eye. Alya’s hackles rose.
“Not anymore!” Chloé snapped. She thrust a finger at the empty first row seat in front of pigtails. “It’s going to be Adrien’s first day and that’s his seat. Which means you’re sitting in my seat.”
Pigtails seemed resigned, but still questioned, “Who’s Adrien?”
Chloé laughed into the back of her hand. It was not a nice laugh. Alya’s hackles rose further. Chloé leaned in too close to pigtails, “Adrien Agreste! What, have you been living under a rock? Well, no, scratch that. I know you have been. Adrien is only the most famous model in all of Paris, and he’s my best friend. I was the one who had daddy get him enrolled here, so I get to sit beside him.”
Alya’s senses expanded, taking in the room, the reactions, tiny details that mattered in an instant. She stepped up to the pair, “Hey!”
Not just two pairs, but all the eyes in the room swiveled to her.
Alya gestured back to the empty front row desk Sabrina still stood beside. “If it's the proximity you want, this seat makes a lot more sense. No desk in the way, and he’s not facing the wrong way. I mean, I’m new to Paris so I don’t know who he is either, but I’m guessing it’s not the back of his head most people go gaga over.”
Chloe and pigtails exchanged looks. Alya counted to ten in her head to keep from going on, she had to let it stew. Chloé went from confusion to confidence again. “Of course! Up front is where the winners are anyway.” Alya was congratulating herself but Chloé snapped back to pigtails, “Being behind Adrien will remind you that you’re beneath him too, Du-Pain-Cheng.”
Chloé immediately stepped away from pigtails, and Alya considered it a partial victory. Behind her, the other girl wilted with relief. Chloé stopped short when the problem of three girls and two seats became apparent, but this time she had a solution of her own.
“Sabrina! You go up and sit beside Dupain-Cheng. She clearly needs all the help she can get. Don’t let her out of your sight. Cesaire, you stay with me, we can’t have you getting lost on your first day.”
Shuffling took place. Chloé was rattling off information about Adrien Agreste, but Alya was listening with half an ear. She’d been in school for less than thirty minutes and already she sensed she was in the middle of something big.
Lunch was Alya’s first free moment. This Adrien Agreste hadn’t shown up, and Chloé had gone from energetic to reticent as the hours wore on. It was Sabrina, not Chloé, who informed her, “Chloé’s going back to the hotel for lunch. As her best friend , I’m going with her. You stay here, and try not to get into too much trouble.”
It was funny, 35 kilos of awkward girl trying to look intimidating through glasses thicker than Alya’s. Alya made sure not to laugh though, it wouldn’t help anything. Instead she just gave Sabrina the same innocent expression she gave the twins when they were trying to be bossy. “Of course not! I’ll be fine. Go cheer her up. Only a best friend can do that, you know.”
Sabrina’s suspicious look had Alya thinking maybe the other girl saw through her, but she didn’t say anything. She just trotted out after Chloé, who’s ground-eating stride had almost taken her out of the courtyard already.
Alya had a goal this lunch and scanned for her target as soon as she entered the cafeteria. Finding her, she crossed to the table-for-one, and tried a cheerful sing-song. “Heya, pigtails.”
The intensity of the glower she got surprised her. “I have a name you know.”
Alya tried again. “I know, Du-Pain-Cheng, right?”
The glower darkened. Everything about this girl screamed cute and perky, but her expression would have fit a hardened criminal. “It’s Dupain-Cheng. That’s my last name. My friends call me Marinette. You’re Chloé’s friend though, so I guess that doesn’t matter.”
Alya would not be defeated. She helped herself to the seat opposite Marinette. “I’m going to be a friend to lots of people if I can help it. Can I count on you being one of those people? The name’s Alya Césaire, journalist-in-training.”
She stuck her hand out, and just as Chloé had, Marinette eyed it suspiciously.
Alya offered, “I did manage to avoid you having to give up your seat this morning.”
At that, Marinette cautiously extended her hand. “Yeah, why did you do that?”
Alya grabbed it before Marinette could reconsider and gave a solid shake. “Because, as Majestia says, ’All that is necessary for the triumph of evil if for good people to do nothing.’”
Marinette looked thoughtful for a moment, but then shook her head. “Well, you’ve set yourself up with the evilest girl in all of Paris.”
Alya’s own observations has been piling up, and before this morning she would have agreed instantly. However, Alya had already made nice with the blonde girl, and she would not be defeated , even by herself. A new line of thinking presented itself and Alya took hold of it with both hands.
She looked Marinette in the eyes, speaking slowly to convince herself and the other girl at the same time. “No. People aren’t evil. Evil gets inside people. If she’s evil now, then we just have to defeat that evil. That’s what heroes do. They defeat evil and save everyone .”
Marinette looked doubtful, but she slid a beat up box containing a single intact Macaroon amid a lot of mushed crumbs across the table toward Alya. “Well, thank you for what you did this morning, my hero.”
She finished with a smile and Alya smiled back in relief. Alya broke the macaroon in half and offered one piece back to Marinette. “Glad to help. Now, I need you to give me your version of what goes down in this school. A good reporter can’t ever have too many sources.”
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