#choices tc&tf
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Sent by anonymous
‘This is a kenna rys appreciation post. I love her and I miss her and thank you, goodbye’
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the-unconquered-queen · 4 months
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sciralta · 10 months
I just remembered that I once saw someone say that either the characters in TC&TF or its art style wasn’t great and I just want to grab that person by the shoulders and look deep in their eyes in a fit of mania with my nails unconsciously digging in because to me, that art style was absolutely better and had more character than the current Choices style.
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onefernecito · 3 months
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Did I replay the entire thing for these scarce moments between them? Bet your ass I did. They're precious and Annelyse deserved better.
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ok I need more on the crown and the flame characters in the zombie apocalypse, who’d live and die GO
(also endless summer if you have time thanks <3)
Alright I’m just listing the main TC&TF characters plus one or two who also stand out in some way:
Kenna would live obviously. The worst thing that would happen to her is getting bitten and having to cut off her arm/leg to save herself, but she’s definitely strong enough, smart enough, and a good enough leader to survive.
Dom would also live, as would Sei, Anu, and the rest of the fire users. How could they not with fire magic at their disposal?
Val would probably survive because she’s tough as hell, brave as hell, and she never took any shit from anyone in the series. However, I could also see her getting herself killed by pissing off the wrong people because she’s also really aggressive and brash at times.
Annelyse would definitely die. She gets stronger and braver by the end of the series but she still isn’t a fighter and ultimately can’t hold her own. I’d say she’d probably die about a week or so into the apocalypse trying to protect Aurelia and her people before it falls to the undead and she succumbs to the hordes.
Raydan would also probably die. Not because he’s weak or anything, but because he’s a spymaster and is risky by nature. And in zombie media, everyone’s luck runs out eventually. He’d probably survive a good year or so before he takes a risk that’s too dangerous and ends up costing him his life.
Tevan would probably die too because even though he, like Annelyse, has grown stronger over the series, he’s still ultimately only a fighter out of necessity. I could see him lasting about a month.
Diavolos would 100% make it through the zombie apocalypse. He tells Kenna he trained in combat and strategy since he was a child and fought in his first battle at 13. He’s basically a human weapon.
Zenobia, however, would die pretty early on. Even though she’s a Nevrakis, Zenobia is all talk. We never see her fighting except in one of the last chapters when she’s desperately swinging a fire poker at Iron Empire soldiers and we have to swoop in and save her. She would probably last about two or three weeks only because she’d be one of those characters in zombie media who’s only alive because they’re being protected by people stronger than them.
Whitlock would be one of the very first casualties. He’s a Technocrat, and the minute he and the rest of the Technocrats caught wind of a zombie outbreak, they’d do their best to contain and cure it. Whitlock would last about three days before the outbreak becomes too big and too deadly to contain. Just think: there’s a real life phenomenon where doctors and scientists are often the first exposed in outbreaks and epidemics. This is also very much a thing in zombie media.
Helene, Rowan, and Lia would also all survive because Helene and Rowan are powerful, and in Lia’s case, she has lightning powers and an entire legion of highly-trained soldiers willing to defend her to their last breath.
The only one I’m unsure of is Jackson. I think he could go either way in terms of living or dying. If he died, however, I know for a fact it would be in direct defense of Kenna because even before he becomes her official crown guardian, he’s fiercely loyal and protective of her.
As for Endless Summer…
I honestly don’t think any of them would make it. The two with the best chance of survival are Estela and Jake, who were both in the military. And in Estela’s case, she had trained as an assassin.
But no, I truly don’t think the ES characters would survive. I mean, The Endless says they’ve all died 2,139 times, a lot of times on the very first day on La Huerta.
So instead of listing who would live and die, I’ll list who would last how long.
Quinn, Diego, Raj, Grace, and Aleister would all last roughly two or three days. None of them are particularly strong or athletic characters and would easily fall in the chaos of the first few days.
Craig would probably die about a week or so in. He’s strong for sure, but he’s also really reckless, and that’s what gets you killed quick in the zombie apocalypse.
Sean would die probably three months in. I don’t know for sure that’s how long he’d survive, but I know he would die before Michelle. The two have had their drama and history, but still really care for one another. Plus, Michelle is knowledgeable in the medical field and Sean wants to do what’s best for the group, so I know he would risk life and limb to keep her safe.
Michelle would die sometime after Sean. Weeks? Months? Who knows. But the group is very thin at this point and her downfall would be because she got herself into danger she couldn’t get out of.
Zahra would survive a year before dying. She’s unique though in that she would probably take off soon after Craig dies and survive on her own. She actually managed this pretty well in the actual series: she determinantly abandons the group at the end of book one when the Vaanti attack The Celestial and returns unharmed, and she survives (and THRIVES) for months on her own in book three. Zahra would do really well for herself until she gets into trouble and there’s no one else there to back her up and she dies.
Jake and Estela would die at the same time, probably a year and a half in. I could see them surrounded by a massive horde of zombies, no escape, supplies running low, and a silent, unspoken agreement passing between them to take as many with them as they can.
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zoeywades-spouse · 1 year
Can you imagine making a company that’s based around interactive and engaging books that were full of talking about serious issues (transphobia, trauma, mental health, misogyny, etc.) and that were truly immersive with complex characters and plots. And years later all those wonderful books have been pushed to the side and replaced with superficial, boring, and harmful books with the only goal to make money
The moment PB pushed away books like ILITW, TC&TF, ES and so forth and began writing books like Surrender, TNA, WB, etc., they lost their passion for writing complex and engaging books
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I forgot how funny Val from TC&TF is
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Hey guys!!!
First of all, THANK YOU for the 214 votes on the BEST CHOICES MC poll!!!🎉🎉. As promised, I have decided to make a second poll, featuring many other MC's who probably will be your all-time favourites. Be sure to reblog this poll for a greater sample size.
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
saw (and wrote) a lot of shit about the newest (and even older) books from Pixelberry so I decided I would make a positive list for once. Hugh spoilers ahead.
By alphabetical order (if a book is not there, it means I haven't played it yet):
Across the Void: the three different endings. It could have been dealt with better, like actually spending time on vanguard/jura planets or with vanguard/jura people rather than just having us listen to the endless arguments of the siblings, but it was nice to be able to chose an end. Also nice to have different MC
America's most eligible: the smiley system. Don't remember much of the books tho so there might be more.
A very scandalous proposal: the letters which enabled us to live the life of that ancestor of Simon/Ava.
Baby Bump: the blanket patch, the fact that Mr Covington was totally on board with trying to take responsability for putting MC pregnant without having to be forced to. All the people we could ship together. The former fiancée's and Covington Sr's redemption.
Big Sky Country: Duke not being a bad guy despite fitting some criterias for it (unattractive sprite, the city dweller son who left the ranch and doesn't know how to take care of it...), the fact him calling the guy from AgraCorp was seen as a move in character and not as an act of treason or not only, the fact Brooklynne, while a blogger, wasn't a birdbrain child.
Blades of Light and Shadow: everything basically, but mainly the fact it's not genderlocked, that we can be elves, orcs or humans, the fact we could flirt with Aerin, the fact Baldur was still considered a bully even after Aerin's true colours being revealed, I mean frankly we tend to redeem bad characters to whom bad things happen... here, none of it. The whole powers system.
Bloodbound: the fact the collectibles were actually woven into the bloodkeeper storyline. Kamilah's character was well written too. Lester being a creepy leech and that being addressed and not normalized like in more recent books. Didn't finish the series yet so can't say more right now.
Crimes of passion: I kinda liked the general ambiance and the whole infiltrating the cult thing. Not much else to say tho.
The Crown and the Flame: The plot oh my god the plot is sooooo good. Maybe too many LIs, like, it appeared later but that book could have used a system like in TE where you chose your sexuality at the beginning and only get propositions of premium flirt scenes with LIs from your orientation? I mean it would have spared me a bit of time. I LOVED the dynamic between Dom and Rose, too bad she wasn't there after some point but I headcannon she went into hiding with Tristan, helping civilians fend for themselves, all that, and that after the war she reunited with Dom. The whole fire and legend score was great too, and the fact we had two alterning pov was chef's kiss. The different cultures/uniforms, the LIs, having the possibility to slap Marco in the first chapter was great... yeah basically everything was great except for a few details here and there.
A courtesan of Rome: Loved that book. Having the possibility to sleep your way to vengeance instead of making it a book in which you fall in love with one of the roman LIs and abandon your revenge project, that was great. Shall I add that Anthony was hot? Nah, you already know that. Wasn't a great fan of Delphinia and the other members of the family's pov, but I love the system, I just didn't get fully attached to the characters themselves, so on me, not on pb.
Desire and Decorum: loved that through and through, Ernest my beloved, etc. Matching a former LI with someone else and deciding who Briar ends with was great too. I wish we could match former LIs with side characters more often.
DIstant Shores: Loved that too, from the number of scenes with each I guess Edward was the main LI? I went with the guy from the navy. Many criticize the ending on a cliffhanger with Robert's sudden rise from the dead unexplained, but I loved that. It kind of made an open end in which we knew the great lines of what would happen next thanks to the museum visit.
The Elementalists: loved it. can't really explain why, must be the general vibe. Oh yeah, and the fact we could chose our sexuality beforehand. Avoided weird moments with rejected LIs (well you still rejected some but not as much, and none at all if you decided you were ace)
Endless Summer: loved everything. The plot, the art style, the smiley system, the three possible endings, the large cast, the different LIs who each had a tragic but compelling backstory without being the same as the other three, shipping other members of the large cast together... everything was great.
Foreign Affairs: loved the general vibe, was less a fan of the whole sex scandal storyline.
The Freshman Series: kinda liked it. A bit of a soap opera vibe. Too long tho, and the side books (luxury getaway/masqued mascarade/love bites all that) where too much, because if you're a completionist and a monogam you cannot combine both since, if you want to ever finish all the books on the app you'll have to rerun the whole series or cheat on your main LI in the side stories.
The haunting of Braidwood Manor: creepy and grim, but in a good way. Compelling story. Short, too, so it doesn't get too creepy. The whole ''accepting the truth and finding peace'' was so sad but wholesome.
The Heist: Monaco: loved it, Ansel's got a very punchable face, the heist system was good, the trust scores too, the three possible endings but you dont chose, your score choses, was great. The two possible characters for each member of the team? chefs kiss.
Hero: why oh why was there no second book? yeah I know why, something about being too expensive, but still, why? That was great. General vibe and art style? Great. Characters? Good. Cliffhanger? Aaaargh (affectionate)
Home for the Holidays: liked that we had the possibility to pitch Holly's book. Didn't leave me a great memory or anything so wont say more but it was not disagreeable.
Hot Couture: nice, the design notebook was quite a good mechanic too.
(here you've got Laws of Attraction but I wont say anything because I don't have anything positive to say)
It Lives: the stress/smiley system? Great. The storyline? Great. The Art? Great. The lore? Amazing in its simplicity. The characters? OK I didn't love everyone of them, but it was nice to have a large cast. Loved both books.
LoveHacks: nice story and multiple points of view in a large cast, good points for them.
Most Wanted: so great. Like the crown and the flame, I wasn't there at the beginning of the app, and I only played them recently after many others, but they still have that atmosphere that sets them appart from the rest, like they want us to know they are the eldest children of the app.
Mother of the Year: that was cute and wholesome and I loved the antagonists, sympathized with the protagonist and ardently loved hating the two main villains.
Ms Match: meh, didn't really like the forced romance (and when I mean forced, I mean whether or not we like it we end up in bed with the LI in the first chapter) but it had that somewhat nice vibe and that revenge/exposure scene at the end was nice.
Nightbound: great storyline.
Open Heart: loved Ethan but when he didn't trust me at all in the third book I broke it off with him but that's none of your business I'm just still not over him. It was nice to have the whole ''we change patients every once in a while'' thing although I have to admit it is true the second and third books were not as good as the first.
Passport to Romance: nice I guess. Didn't leave me any lasting memory nor trauma.
Perfect Match: didn't finish yet but it was quite inventive and compelling, full of twists and turns. Tbh it was kinda indescribable.
Platinum: like it as a whole, but won't leave me any lasting memory either.
The princess swap: well it's obviously not over yet but I love the story and the characters. It's cute.
Red Carpet Diaries: Loved it. I'm pretty sure it was the first books I played once I got out of the first story imposed by the app (ya know when you get to chose between romance and steamy) so it holds a particular place in my heart. Loved everyone. Oh, why didn't they put Thomas Hunt in it sooner, I had chosen Matt before and felt like it would have been cheating on him to change LIs halfway through. Like you guessed with my Ethan and Kamilah comments earlier I have something for stern LIs with emotionnal trauma or distance.
Ride or Die: I had a crush on Jason Shaw. That says it all. Appart from that my god what a book! Thought i would be bored or dissappointed because it would be ya know your typical ''oh my bf is a bad boy and my father is a cop what am i gonna do'' story but it was more a ''thriller slash spy story with corruption, illegal racing and gangs war'' book. And that was great!!!!
The Royal Masquerade: wow so many twists and turns, I was hooked all throughout the book. And the fact it felt (however true or untrue that might be) that our choices had lasting consequences, and of course the different possible endings, that was all great.
The Royal Romance: a bit weird of a story if you didn't chose Liam I think. I don't know, maybe we shouldn't have had so many LIs or we should have been forced to marry him for the sake of appearances while he would have been all in for MC having a lover on the side since they were not in love? Idk. I liked it tho.
Rules of Engagement: gotta love a multiple points of view story.
The Unexpected Heiress: loved all the twists and turns, loved the period drama, loved the period, loved the drama, loved the costumes, loved the crime story. Thought it would have been more believable if our sister hadn't been black by default, I dunno, I mean if they had such a hard time accepting a proletarian american among them, being black sure wasn't gonna make it any easier, and since MC's skin was customizable, and yet all the rest of their family (half siblings, step mothers, aunts...) was black... I dunno, either Amelia shouldn't have been black by default or MC's skin shouldn't have been customizable.
Veil of Screts: LOVED that story. Thriller, crime, all that. Compelling characters, loving to hate the bad guys, twists and turns everywhere, just a gread book.
Wake the Dead: loved that book.
Wishful Thinking: original! Also like the fact she was the only one with powers contrary to elementalists or hero, it was original.
With Every Heartbeat: sad, bittersweet, but all that in a good way.
Wolf Bride: well I guess if you're around here for spicy scenes it's good.
So here was my list of positive things about the pixelberry stories, I do realize I did put a few negative things in it but it's out of love. Except for Laws of Attraction. Hate that book. Nevermind. Think positive. Think positive.
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yourqueenb · 1 year
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Girl ew 💀😷😭
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she-x-wolf · 1 year
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Pb stop adding ridiculous first lines to say to a stranger challenge
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Sent by anonymous
‘Queen Charlotte said in D&D3 that the jewelry you can wear at the wedding was a gift from Queen Kenna to Queen Elizabeth. So the writers are trying to tell me that Kenna fought dragons the SAME TIME Lizzie was fighting the Scotts or whatever? 🤨’
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the-unconquered-queen · 5 months
Gonna have to start a list of TC&tF characters who just vanish randomly
Rose and Trystan - Rose was practically forced on Dom in b1 but then from book 2 onward she and her brother are virtually nonexistent outside of Dom's spirit realm scenes?? Trystan can suck it, though :/
Severin - I paid to have him join Kenna's side and I actually ended up really liking his character in the first two books, but then book 3 came along and the guy isn't even acknowledged in the battle?? Hello, my diamonds???
There are probably more, but I keep wondering about these.
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thefirstcourtesan · 2 years
My biggest issue with The Cursed Heart isn’t the content (dark fae content doesn’t phase me) it is the pacing. The chapters are so short, generally only have two diamond scenes and one is an outfit or lore (so don’t add length). I get that it’s a slow burn and that we are unthawing Kieran slowly and that so much of the story is tied into him and his curse, so it can’t be rushed, but it leaves the chapters feeling short and the story feeling excruciatingly slow.
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onefernecito · 5 months
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I am in love with 1 (one) bimbo.
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choices-binglebonkus · 5 months
The Crown & The Flame: An Exceptionally Rare Critical
I have made no secret of how much I love The Crown & The Flame. One of the three original series that accompanied the launch of Choices back in 2016, it holds a very dear place in my heart as one of my all-time favorites. However, I value objectivity, and am fully aware (and even appreciative) that all of my favorites, no matter how much I love them and no matter how good they are, have flaws.
The Crown & The Flame is no exception to this, and though I think the books have held up remarkably well, they’re definitely very flawed. Particularly book three. Most of my gripes with the series come from book three, actually, and that is the very subject of this post: the issues that came with the final book in the series.
As always, these are just my personal opinions. So if you love TC&TF, that’s great! I love it too. I just thought that, since the series gets so little criticism, I would take an objective stance and take up that role.
Pacing and filler
The first issue I’d like to discuss about book three is its pacing. Compared to the first two books where everything was go, go, go, this book doesn’t really do that. And I’m not a huge fan of that since the stakes are arguably larger in this book since Empress Azura has literally threatened to kill everyone in the Five Kingdoms should they not submit to her.
A lot of the chapters are positively BLOATED with fluff and filler. The first three chapters take place in Ducitora and the only major plot points that occur are that Kenna meets Azura, Leon is killed, and Azura wages war on the Five Kingdoms as Kenna and co. make their escape. I think that the first three chapters could have been condensed into one and a half chapters bridging onto the next major plot point. At the very least, we should have gotten to see more of Ducitora and Marossi. We got to see very, very, VERY little of it, and with little substance to show for it all.
Dom’s chapters didn’t have a lot of substance to them, either. It’s mostly just Dom fighting Hex’s mind control, making some semblance of progress, immediately failing and succumbing further to her control, and getting frustrated or feeling guilty. And, while I’m thinking about it, what purpose did Dom being captured by Hex serve? In what way does it further the main plot? It honestly just felt like the writers had Hex capture him just so he and Kenna wouldn’t be together 24/7 to keep them separate for their dual-lead chapters. In other words, his capture seemed to serve primarily as filler as well.
My biggest complaint regarding filler comes from chapters 13 and 14, which are E N T I R E L Y filler, no two ways about it. Chapter 13 focuses on Kenna speaking with all the allies she’s amassed, and the chapter time is seriously cut down if you haven’t recruited any diamond allies. Chapter 14 is the exact same thing, but this time, Dom is the one who talks to all the allies. Why they needed two chapters of pure filler, I’ll never know. But I’ll tell you what: back when TC&TF was still releasing on a weekly basis, I was so annoyed that we had two whole weeks of filler. There was no need.
The worst part about all the filler was the impact it had on the buildup to the final battle. Compared to book one and two where we fought tooth and nail for the entire book to get Stormholt back or to prepare for Luther’s return, the buildup to the battle with Azura felt very underwhelming: the book was mostly just a little bit of plot here, filler there and there, here we are switching POVs to one of the side characters for a couple of chapters, here’s some more filler. In books one and two, there was practically NO filler, and the buildup to the final battles was much better for it.
A lot of books are pretty notorious for filler and fluff, but TC&TF book 3, dare I say it, may have been the worst about it given the high stakes and the generally fillerless precedent set by the previous two books.
POV flipflopping
In books one and two, you got to play as characters other than Kenna and Dom in diamond scenes, plus that one time where Val infiltrated the Nevrakis stronghold masquerading as a handmaiden. Other than that, the writers stuck religiously to the Kenna/Dom POVs, and the story was much less choppy, confusing, and generally less all over the place because of it.
This is not the case in book three. You play as Kenna and Dom, yes, but the POV flip-flops around between other characters as well. Leon, Val, Raydan, even Whitlock. I’m shocked as hell that they didn’t somehow manage to cram in a chapter where we played as Annelyse or Sei.
Of these different POVs, Raydan’s was the most important and by far the least filler-y. It still didn’t really sit well with me, though. The Crown & The Flame is Kenna’s (and Dom’s, but mostly Kenna’s) story. Book 3 is 17 chapters. Kenna—the main freaking character—is either unplayable or mostly unplayable for nine of them. Nine! But she gets off much better than Dom—the deuteragonist, mind you—who only gets three chapters where he’s the main focus. And, of course, you’ll recall my previous complaints about how Dom’s chapters were filler. So.
Having all these different POV switches was not graceful in the slightest. It was unnecessary for the most part, and at times, it really came across as a Wattpad POV fic where the pre-teen author interjects every few paragraphs with <{[CHARACTER A’S POV]}> and ~{[CHARACTER B’S POV]}~ because, like I said, it wasn’t graceful, and it wasn’t necessary. Especially since TC&TF is a dual-lead story.
The allies
I actually made a ranking list from worst to best of every recruitable ally in TC&TF across all three books. It’s currently unpublished on my blog, but it’s been sitting on my computer for a while. At any rate, most of the book three allies were ranked very, very, VERY low. There are 32 recruitable allies in all, and numbers 32-27 on my ranking list are all book three allies.
Aurynn Amanth, though I liked her as a character, doesn’t do shit after you recruit her and is only in a grand total of two extra chapters if you recruit her, and for 25 diamonds, that’s so goddamn steep. Clover Hapley also serves no real purpose for 23 diamonds, but somehow appears more than Aurynn and for two fewer diamonds. Florian Tartassis and Zenobia Nevrakis were recruited just to fill the allies roster, plain and simple. Anton Luno was just kinda…there. And Luther—the Blood King who mercilessly slaughtered the royals and nobles of the Five Kingdoms, who conquered the realm and waged war against any who dared to rise against him—does fuck all unless you give him control of the Nevrakis army, then tries to murder Kenna at the end regardless.
There were only a few book three allies I ranked higher than #27. The Mechawolf Pup, who didn’t do much, and who I also found annoying as hell, but he was kiiiinda cute I guess. Lia really stuck her neck out for Raydan by translating the anti-magic book for him, but she doesn’t do much when you recruit her. And I love Madeline to pieces, but she’s 30 diamonds and only appears in five chapters.
Hex was the second highest ranked book three ally on my ranking list at #6 overall because she was such a complex character, and though she was incredibly morally grey, recruiting her nudged her towards active atonement and the chance to actually do some good in the world. Diavolos was ranked #3, and I think he really could have been an awesome character in the series if we had gotten to know him sooner because the dynamic between him and Kenna is impeccable, and he’s such a vulnerable character when you think he wouldn’t be.
Unfortunately, most of the book three allies are just there to fill the ally roster or do damn near nothing once you recruit them. The only allies we got who were heavy hitters were Hex and Anton (recruited jointly to fill the ally spots) and Diavolos. Since book three is the highest-stakes book of them all since we fight an entire fucking EMPIRE, we should’ve gotten some seriously powerful allies. Instead, most of who we got were characters who couldn’t fight: Aurynn, Clover, Madeline, Lia, the Mechawolf Pup, Zenobia, and Florian.
What kind of sense does that make?
Finishing things off…
The Crown & The Flame, to reiterate, is one of my favorite series in Choices. I’ve replayed it time and time again and never get tired of it because it’s just that kind of story. And I do like book three. I’m not saying it’s a bad book at all: it’s actually quite a good book. I just think it’s much less of a good book than 1 & 2, which were absolute titans to compete with.
Even my faves are imperfect. But that doesn’t mean I love them any less. And TC&TF book 3 is a shining example of that: flawed, but still perfectly lovable.
With all that said, I think I’ll give the series another replay soon.
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