fleurfay · 2 days
Favorite book of the Bible quick!
.....or Genesis‐ Joseph's story is amazing
Joshua is so good too
1 and 2 Samuel??
Ohhhh i cant decide but for now is the first 5 + Joshua
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floralcavern · 3 days
My dad told us to bless the car before we drive out. We forgot until we were already out on the road. So, panicked and frantically searching for the holy water, me and my brother sprayed holy water on each other and around the car and said a quick Glory Be XD
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oliviartist · 1 month
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jesusfreakspeaks · 2 months
Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, death, is your victory? Where, death, is your sting?
1 Corinthians 15:54-55
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ainsi-soit-il · 8 days
Given how Catholic this website is, I'm pretty sure I know how the answers are going to work out, but I am interested nonetheless.
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People please, I cannot stress this enough: READ YOUR BIBLE AND DON'T JUST TAKE WHATEVER ANYBODY SAYS AS TRUTH, TEST IT AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD & TEST THEIR SPIRITS. Scripture says that God's people perish for a lack of knowledge. Gosh.
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candela888 · 5 months
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Christmas gift bringers of Europe 🎄
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crustyglowstick-art · 23 days
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2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Easter is all about transformation. It’s about hope and glory and power seen in the Lord Jesus. It’s about his resurrection from the dead, the moment He crushed death itself under foot. It’s about the veil being torn, and the separation of God and man finally being bridged by the cross that our savior hung on. And because of this miraculous day, the most amazing day in history, we can be resurrected as well.
Believing in Christ is more than just words. It’s more than a simple prayer. It’s full transformation. It’s throwing off the old self, the dead body we drag around, and putting on the new self. We are new creatures in Christ Jesus, and I wanted to encapsulate that this Easter as my mind felt inspired to.
Praise Jesus for his death and resurrection, that we may have new life.
— Art by me, please do not repost without my permission.
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purpleisnotacolor · 7 months
K, what's Christblrs thought on prayer over minor issues?
Example: praying to find a lost key, for a favor or luxury, or to ease a minor anxiety (Like praying from strength when you see a spider).
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orchidblossomsbg · 3 months
God: *gives humans one rule to follow*
Humans: *breaks the only rule God gave them*
Death has entered the chat
God: *sends Jesus*
Salvation has entered the chat
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suziesfaith · 7 days
i am now closer to God that i’ve ever been sooo i’ve decided to post a few tips how to heal your relationship with Christ:)
1. read the Bible. even one verse is enough. look up „Bible verses for [mood/situation]” on pinterest, pray for wisdom and then read it!
2. engage in christian community. find christian friends - there are groups on fb, creators on tiktok, discord servers etc etc. ofc you can also look for irl friends! i am going to a biblical academy organised by my church today<3
3. pray. God already knows, so don’t avoid talking about difficult topics! if you have a trouble praying, i’d recommend analysing with Jesus what you’re grateful for, what you’re sorry for and what you ask for. that’s the core of my prayer.
4. watch a christian series or a movie (The Chosen my beloved!)
… more tips coming soon ┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
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floralcavern · 4 months
I cannot stand people who depict Satan and God as rivals or Yin Yang. God does not need Satan. He never did. Satan needs God. Think of it this way. God is all that’s good and he is love. Satan is all that’s evil and he is hate. He is vengeance. He is jealousy. He is wrathful. Why would love and goodness need those things? God does not need Satan. He created Lucifer, and he was God’s most beautiful angel. But Satan wanted more. He did not feel God’s love was enough, which is impossible because God is the embodiment of love. Satan needs God because that’s who he fights against.
God created the world without Satan, but Satan was the one who destroyed it. Creation doesn’t need destruction, but destruction needs creation.
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oliviartist · 3 months
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I have once again bestowed upon ye memes
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jesusfreakspeaks · 2 months
God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not banish me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore the joy of Your salvation to me, and sustain me by giving me a willing spirit. Then I will teach the rebellious your ways, and sinners will return to You.
Psalms 51:10-13
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ainsi-soit-il · 3 months
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How many times are you going to ask Jesus Christ to have mercy on you for being a sinner? How long will you continue to be with him and not change? How is it that the Holy Spirit is not within you yet? How?
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