#christmas was cancelled here because we're on full lockdown at the moment
dawnsdarkside · 3 years
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     “ If I may say a few words. ” It’s impressive how strong his voice can be if he so wishes, surpassing most of the accumulating chatter across the tavern and silencing it gradually. Though it’s a bit of a spontaneous speech, it seems the best moment to give it, now that so many patrons are coming in for a night of celebration while others are getting ready to leave to attend their own.
     “ First and foremost, I’d like to thank each of you for supporting this establishment, whether on a regular basis or for the single drink a year you currently have in hand. As you all know, every single coin of Mora spent here partly finances the order that keeps our country safe. The importance of your contribution, no matter how small, cannot be overstated. ” A small nod at the few Knights of Favonius present. A mandatory mention, however unpleasant. 
     “ That being said, I imagine none of you are here specifically to fund our defenders. And I don’t blame you. ” Clears throat. “ Whether you are on your way out or just arriving, you are here for festivities, for today is cause for celebration. Celebration for home and family, celebration for making it through the year and for gearing up to support one another through the cold season. A sweet holiday for most, bitter for an unlucky few, and a mix of both for others. ”
     “ It’s important to keep in mind that your home needs not be the house you grew up in,  nor your family those who share your blood. Home and family need only be the sentiment of what feels right, where you feel you belong and who you feel you belong with. Whether you can indulge in them for the holidays or have to make-do with a different situation, make sure they are aware of how they matter to you so that the point of these revels is not forgotten. ” 
     A short pause - some might say hesitation. “ ...And remember that whoever you are, wherever you come from, so long as you have an open mind and honest motives, you are always welcome in the city of freedom. ”
     A glass is raised; the same cherry-red sweet drink with sprinkled ice around the rim that has been distributed to all those attending. “ To your loved ones, and may the thousand winds of Mondstadt watch over them, and guide them home if need be. ” A sip and a nod. “ Please enjoy your evening. ”
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