#chubby bts
soft-bellied-tannies · 2 months
Well, That Was Unexpected
Read here or on AO3!
Hoseok knew certain interests he had would likely be kept nice and safe inside his head. He would watch and read things here and there, but he had no intention of ever pursuing an arrangement with a partner…until Yoongi. 
He loved Yoongi and would have gladly spent his life with him without ever mentioning it. Hoseok didn’t even give it up at first when Yoongi asked, but he trusted his partner and now, he would never regret where his admission ended up. 
Never would Hoseok ever dream of Yoongi indulging him, but if Yoongi brought it up now, Hoseok would simply say it was his own fault because honestly, he did bring it on himself. The conversation still replays in Hoseok’s head from time to time. 
"Hyung, I can't tell you. It's just too embarrassing."
"Hoba, I promise you nothing you say can scare me. You can trust hyung."
"It's weird."
"So? Just try me. Obviously, you are not into blood and torture. We both know your stomach would never handle that.”
“Ugh, Yoongi, that’s disgusting.”
“See, exactly my point. It’s not something out there like clowns, right? Oh god, please tell me you aren’t into clowns.”
“What!? No! Hyung, what the hell?”
“I was just asking! Can’t be that weird if it’s not clowns. Is it feet? Pain? Temperature?”
“Would you stop guessing? Jesus, hyung, why do you - never mind, just let me explain.”
“Sorry, go ahead, jagi.”
Hoseok had taken a deep breath as he fiddled with his hands. Yoongi had never seen his usually confident boyfriend so nervous and all he could think was “God, maybe it is something weird”.
Hoseok quickly mumbled something and looked away blushing. He was desperately trying to find a reason to end this conversation as he looked around the room.
"What? You're gonna have to speak up, Hoba. I can’t hear you."
"I like bigger guys!" Hoseok exclaimed quickly making Yoongi recoil in surprise.
It took a couple of seconds to process Hoseok's confession before Yoongi let out a small chuckle.
"Oh jagi, come on, that's not even bad," Yoongi replied as he rolled his eyes. "So you're a chubby chaser, you’d be surprised how normal that is. I thought you were gonna say something actually crazy."
Hoseok visibly cringed, and suddenly Yoongi got the distinct feeling he was missing something. He didn’t mean to offend or misunderstand Hoseok, but he was struggling to see the source of his partner’s concern. 
"That’s not…” Hoseok started before pausing to think and eventually continuing, "Okay, well, yes that's a part of it, but it's a bit more involved than that."
“What? Like you want to tie me up and feed me?” Yoongi asked, a bit teasingly. He even threw a smirk that started to drop when he saw his partner’s reaction.
Hoseok’s face flushed bright red and let out a small whimper of embarrassment. “Well…”
“Oh shit, you want to tie me up and feed me. Like a witch from a fairytale?" Yoongi blurted out.
"No! Hyung, what the hell, you promised you wouldn't make fun of me!" Hoseok cried out as he covered his face in embarrassment.
Yoongi winced and reached out to pull Hoseok’s hands away from his face. “I’m sorry, Hoseok-ah; that was rude. I promise I’m not making fun of you. I just want to understand.” 
Hoseok nodded, still bright red in the face, but Yoongi’s genuine words and gentle hold of his hands were certainly helping. 
“So it’s like a food kink?” Yoongi asked, still wanting to understand but not judge.
Hoseok paused for a moment, considering the best way to explain. “No, it’s a lot more than that. Honestly, it sounds weird, but what the food is doesn’t really matter to me. It’s more about the body and the gain - you know, the intimacy. It’s not just someone being bigger; it’s also the process of getting there.”
“Oh, that actually makes sense,” Yoongi replied slowly before adding, “So, tell me how it would work.”
“Wait, really?” Hoseok responded instinctively, shocked at the easy acceptance. “You mean…how it would work with us?”
Yoongi smiled at him and stood from the couch to lead them to their bedroom. “Come on, jagi, tell hyung all about how you want me to get fat.”
Hoseok whined again, face growing warm once again as Yoongi’s laugh echoed off the walls of their hallway. “I knew this was a bad idea.”
But Hoseok’s words couldn’t have been more wrong. It was actually the best idea as they had spent the rest of the night walking through all of his interests and deepest desires. Most of that had now happened in memorable and satisfying ways.
After explaining the inner workings of his kink, Hoseok was prepared for Yoongi to say he supported it, but he couldn’t give up his body. Maybe a little roleplay or even watching porn together at most.
Yet, another surprise came when Yoongi absolutely accepted it. 
It, of course, started slow. Yoongi wanted to research to understand and “properly participate”. Hoseok demanded the clearest of boundaries, not wanting to risk overstepping something so important as Yoongi’s bodily autonomy and comfort. 
But once they got started, it went incredibly well. So well that Yoongi’s gain would become a surprise. 
It was like Yoongi’s body was made to gain. Hoseok saw results even with the smallest changes. 
Extra snacks throughout the day began expanding Yoongi’s appetite. Putting more on his plates at meals became second nature. Regular soda and milkshakes became staples in Yoongi’s daily beverage rotation.
They broke through Yoongi’s metabolism like a wrecking ball.
Yoongi had never expected their relationship to grow closer than it already was, but this unlocked a new connection between them. He felt praised and pampered in a way he didn’t even know he craved until he had it. 
And on top of the pure love and attraction he felt from his partner, the intimacy was truly unmatched. Hoseok liked to be in charge most of the time and he brought shock and even shame out of Yoongi with his intensity. He never knew being overly full, teased, and manhandled did it for him, but it was a type of satisfaction he couldn’t describe.
Although, Yoongi could bring Hoseok to his knees with control of his own. Even the suggestion of a tub of ice cream and a tight shirt had his partner worked up and ready to drop everything with his full focus on feeding Yoongi until he felt ready to burst. 
More than anything, Yoongi quickly learned that Hoseok had an affinity for the numbers. It wasn’t a fixation and they decided early on that goals would stress them both out too much to be enjoyable, but on rare occasions, Hoseok just had to ask about his weight. 
Yoongi admittedly didn’t even think about it. He was just heavy once he hit a certain threshold in his mind. To him, he was big, he knew it, and that was enough for him so the scale grew dust in its corner of the bathroom closet. 
That was until Hoseok asked him for an update. 
After watching Yoongi swap pants for the third time that morning, Hoseok realized that his partner had broken through the gaining plateau he seemed to hit a few months ago. 
It had been a while since Hoseok was able to visibly distinguish where Yoongi’s gain had gone considering his body’s tendency to settle weight evenly, but the last pair of pants requiring a little wiggly dance to shimmy them down Yoongi’s thighs caused his shirt to ride up, revealing a new pair of matching stretchmarks above his hips. 
Hoseok would not have described Yoongi as bottom-heavy or pear-shaped usually, but the recent gain around his hips and ass was making him look rather grabbable in Hoseok’s eyes. 
However, there was a bigger question burning in Hoseok’s mind before he could firmly grasp his partner’s plush love handles. 
“Hey Yoon, when’s the last time you weighed yourself?”
Hoseok watched in anticipation as Yoongi looked down at his half-clothed body, still without a well-fitting pair of pants. He seemed to think it over before he shrugged. 
“I guess, it’s been a while. I kind of stopped bothering with it after I hit 300. Just kind of…I don’t know, I feel big so that’s enough for me.”
Yoongi had to suppress his smirk as he immediately knew where this conversation was going. He felt smug knowing that Hoseok could barely resist the full-body shiver that Yoongi’s ‘I feel big’ had just elicited. 
“Just out of curiosity, how much do you think you’ve gained since then?” Hoseok asked, still trying to mask his desperation to know even if he was well aware that his partner saw right through him. 
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe 25, eh, could be 30 pounds. It’s been at least six months since I hit 300, and we celebrated both our birthdays so….” Yoongi trailed off, still biting back his smirk as Hoseok’s eyes narrowed in thought. 
Hoseok knew 25 pounds was an absolute lie. He needed Yoongi to step on the scale immediately because Hoseok could visibly locate more than that on his partner’s body at that moment. He also was just a tad bit nervous because at one point, 300 was Yoongi’s hard limit and that is certainly well behind them now. 
With a brief pause, Hoseok opened his mouth to respond before looking at Yoongi and ended up having a silent conversation. He knew Yoongi wouldn’t outright refuse, but there was usually more of a fight which meant Yoongi was interested to know too. 
Grabbing the scale from the bathroom closet and setting it on the floor in front of Yoongi gave Hoseok a rush of anticipation that never got old. He loved the suspense before the bright red number inevitably wrecked his composure. 
Yoongi couldn’t help but laugh as Hoseok offered his hand to Yoongi like he were a young royal about to descend a staircase. He gently smacked his hand away, breaking the tension that filled their bathroom and bringing a laugh from them both. 
It was quickly brought back to the anticipated result as Yoongi stood on the scale watching for Hoseok's reaction - the days of reading the number himself were long gone.
"What's the verdict, Hoba? I'm right, aren't I? Can’t be more than 330, surely,” Yoongi rattled off smugly. He thought his offer of 330 was even too high, certainly nothing higher than 325, but he didn't want to be too right about it. He knew Hoseok was just working him up.
Hoseok's smirk dropped the second the scale beeped with the final number. His eyes scrunching in confusion as he asked Yoongi to step off and get back on.
"What? Can't believe I'm not fatter," Yoongi chuckled before adding, "I told you that my gaining had plateaued.”
The scale beeped again, but Hoseok's eyes widened even more than the first time, his jaw dropping a bit as he stared at the scale on the floor. 
“Would you stop being so dramatic?” 
“Yoongi, I can't read it."
"What do you mean you can't read it? I know its upside down to you, but it's not like you haven't done this a million times and-”
"No hyung, you don’t understand. I can’t read it because there is nothing to read. It just says max error.” 
Yoongi scoffed and tried to keep his cool. He knew Hoseok well enough that this could be some elaborate rouse to get Yoongi worked up.
"It’s probably just low on battery," he grumbled while rolling his eyes. "Here you get on. I bet it'll say the same thing."
Hoseok looked at him with a raised brow, shocked that Yoongi was so completely in denial about this. His partner had to know why he couldn’t find a pair of pants that fit him. 
Without hesitation, Hoseok stepped on the scale. They both watched as the red lines danced around the screen until his correct weight of 157 lit up. 
“Get off, let me try again,” Yoongi huffed, again trying to keep calm. He wouldn’t exactly be upset about a higher number than he expected, but it definitely would be a shock. He always said he felt big…not quite this big though. 
There was less patience this time as they waited for the result. Yoongi had to resist the desire to tap his foot in wait. 
"Holy shit," Hoseok whispered. "You maxed out the scale."
Yoongi stepped back enough to look down at the screen himself, staring at the words ‘MAX ERROR’ displayed until it blinked and went black. He then turned his stare of shock toward Hoseok who bent down to pick up the scale.
Hoseok turned it over and started reading through the fine print of the label. His fingers traced the words searching for his answer before making a small, whimper-like sound in the back of his throat. 
"Hyung, this maxes out at 350,” Hoseok said quietly, finally looking up at his partner to see wide eyes looking right back at him. “You weigh over 350 pounds, Yoongi.” 
The direct confirmation broke Yoongi from his stupor as he started to run through his excuses, a way to reason how this could have happened. “But I - well, I just ate breakfast, and…and I had a big dinner last night. I’m seriously so full and-“
“And I have some clothes on. This is a heavy sweatshirt and I have a shirt on underneath-“
“I mean, look at me, I’m obviously bloated right now. I’m probably retaining water too and-“
They both stopped and stared at each other, Hoseok clearly waiting for Yoongi to respond honestly.
“I can’t believe I maxed out the scale…” Yoongi whispered as he nudged the scale with his foot, still seeming to process the realization.
Hoseok felt sweat start to prickle at the back of his neck. He was getting anxious that this was the sudden and difficult end of Yoongi’s gain. “Tell me what you are thinking.”
“Honestly…I’m thinking that maxing out a scale shouldn’t turn me on this much.” Yoongi's face flushed at his own admission, looking up to gauge his boyfriend's reaction.
Hoseok's eyes were slightly glazed over, a blush getting darker by the second. This was wildly unexpected, but the most incredible outcome Hoseok could have gotten.
"It's turning me on too," he finally admitted breathlessly.
Yoongi bit his lip as a shiver of pleasure ran down his spine. He wasn’t surprised to hear Hoseok’s reply, however, the confirmation sent a deep feeling of satisfaction through him.
"But it's okay if you want to stop," Hoseok quickly added. "You get to control this. Your body, your rules."
"But what if I don't," Yoongi whispered - gaze once again going to the floor. "What if I want to keep going?"
Hoseok's blush got several shades darker and reached the tips of his ears. "T-Then we keep going," he stuttered out breathlessly. “We absolutely keep going, hyung. As long as you want.” 
Yoongi's hands moved to his middle, kneading the impossibly soft flesh as if it were proofed dough. When his eyes left the floor to find his partner’s, it encouraged him to continue.
"Well, that’s good, jagi because I suddenly feel very, very hungry. Must be some of that fancy breakfast spread left, right?” 
Hoseok was completely red all the way down his neck at this point, but he also could barely contain himself. His hands joined the soft caress of Yoongi’s belly before he quickly worked out a plan. Yoongi became more than a willing participant since their arrangement began, but this was a new level of intensity for them. 
“Why don’t you go get comfortable on the couch while I reheat our leftovers?” Hoseok asked, his voice taking on a darker, firmer tone that he knew made Yoongi weak in the knees. 
Yoongi nodded breathlessly, ready to agree to anything as his eyes were fixed on their hands on his rotund middle. Hoseok lifted Yoongi’s soft chin with two fingers so they could make eye contact before he continued.
“Then, once you are all nice and comfy, I want you to order a box of your favorites from the bakery down the street. Okay?” 
Hoseok smirked at the small gasp that left Yoongi’s lips. He normally ordered from the bakery for special occasions, but in Hoseok’s mind, this certainly felt like a special moment. Before Yoongi could do more than gasp and nod, Hoseok continued on again. 
“And after you order your box of treats for delivery, you are going to buy yourself a new scale that can actually hold all of this,” Hoseok said as he hefted up his boyfriend’s malleable belly before letting it drop back down - both struggling to hold back a moan from the gentle smack of Yoongi’s belly falling.
Yoongi’s chest was heaving now, ignoring the latent ripple that coursed through his belly and the sweat starting to build on his brow. All he could do was again nod in response. Hoseok had never felt more in control than he had right then.
“And while you are picking out your new scale that can handle all of this, I’m going to feed you all the breakfast leftovers until our delivery arrives and you can work on your box of fancy pastries all day long. Sound good?”
Yoongi felt like he hadn’t stopped nodding and letting out little whimpers, but he couldn’t do more than that, feeling overwhelmed by his boyfriend’s words and touch alone.
“Words, baby, you know the rules,” Hoseok instructed with a smirk. He could see Yoongi’s eyes getting a bit cloudy, entering a headspace that meant he would likely be increasing his stomach capacity by the end of the night.
“Y-Yes. Please,” Yoongi eventually stuttered out, the only words he could find in his mix of anticipation and arousal. He wasn’t even really full yet and here he was, already falling apart. 
“Good boy,” Hoseok responded, dropping a kiss on his forehead and a gentle pat on his belly as if Yoongi wasn’t an absolute mess. “Well, go on then. And maybe pick something comfortable to wear, babe. Something with a bit of room to grow, if you even have anything left in the closet.”
Yoongi let a louder whine fall from his lips as he ambled out of their bathroom without a second thought, knowing Hoseok’s eyes weren’t leaving him. As he riffled through his drawers for his bigger shirts, Yoongi tried to catch his breath and focus on making more room in his stomach because it was certainly going to be a long and filling day. 
The type of day that would be a good start to breaking another scale.
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trivialovehandles · 4 days
I know you listed hybrids as a maybe but I was thinking of lazy cat hybrid Yoongi, and his active dog hybrid boyfriend Namjoon. Yoongi feels like Namjoon could be using the time he exercises to cuddle with him. So Yoongi makes plans to fatten him up, starts making more food he likes, and offering to drive him to work so that way he doesn’t have to ride his bike. Namjoon’s happy because as part of this, Yoongi makes more steak dinners and gives him more belly rubs
(ao3 link) had to re-send this anon's ask to myself because tumblr ate the draft of this post, so anon, i hope you see this anyway (i know you literally requested this over a year ago lmfao)
The alarm goes off when it’s still dark, which is too-fucking-early o’clock in Yoongi’s mind. He tries to roll over, to curl up and go back to sleep, but the lingering heat on the now-empty side of the bed is now leaching all the leftover warmth, and his ears keep twitching at every muffled noise from the other side of the wall.
When the noise stops, Yoongi feels a kiss pressed to the center of his forehead. He glares through half-closed eyelids.
“Sorry, hyung. Gotta get to work,” Namjoon apologizes quietly, even though Yoongi’s already been so rudely awakened. He doesn’t even have to be at work for an hour, but Kim Namjoon is Kim Namjoon, and Kim Namjoon bikes to work and leaves at too-fucking-early o’clock. “See you tonight. Love you.”
Kim Namjoon is Kim Namjoon, and Yoongi loves Kim Namjoon, so he catches him by the grown-out scruff of hair at the back of his head and tells him as much, kissing him on the lips before he has to go.
And then he falls back asleep for another hour, two hours.
The perks of working from home are less perky when Namjoon works not from home. Yoongi spends the parts of his day that he’s not actively dialed into his work pacing the house, tidying up, cooking. By the time Namjoon gets home in the evening, they basically only have time to eat dinner, watch a show or two, and go to bed. Even sex gets penciled in for the weekends.
So sometimes Yoongi just wants to take Namjoon’s stupid bike and throw it off of their balcony. Serves it right for taking husband time away from him.
(He doesn’t, because despite everything, he’d like to believe he’s good husband material, but when Namjoon wakes up early and gets home late because of that thing, sue Yoongi for resenting it a little.)
The time apart means Yoongi picks up new hobbies. He was a basic cook when they first moved in together, but with all the practice, he can throw down in the kitchen, which is now filled with odd gadgets, different pans for different meals, and no less than four types of flour in the cupboard (because they always need all-purpose, but then there’s glutinous rice flour for tteok, cake flour for birthdays, bread flour because you need the right amount of gluten development for brioche, and shit, they could probably use some almond flour, too).
Yoongi’s in the middle of a soul-suckingly boring meeting with his webcam turned off when he remembers the package he’d brought in that morning, still sitting on the kitchen counter. He drags his laptop out with him as he slices the box open, grinning to himself at the sight.
Namjoon loves bungeoppang; now they are the proud owners of a brand new bungeoppang pan.
By the time evening settles and Namjoon comes home, sweaty from his bike ride, Yoongi’s filled the counter with an array of food. Galbi fresh out of the pressure cooker, melting off the bone, sticky glazed sweet potatoes, kimchi jeon still crackling in the pan. He hasn’t cooked the bungeoppang yet, but the batter and filling are mixed in separate bowls, ready to be made fresh once they finish dinner.
“Wow,” Namjoon says, racking his bike up on its place on the wall of the entryway (another demerit for the bike: they live in a tiny fourth-story apartment and to avoid it taking up precious floor space, it now takes up precious wall space). “Special occasion?”
Yoongi shrugs. “Meeting that could have been an email. I had to entertain myself somehow.”
“I’m not offended by this kind of entertainment.” Namjoon swoops into the kitchen area to give Yoongi a soft, lingering kiss. “Do you think I have time to shower?”
Yoongi pinches the front of his sweaty t-shirt. “If you make it quick.”
“So quick,” Namjoon promises. “I’m starving and that smells amazing.”
(Bike demerit number 3001: Namjoon always comes home needing a shower, meaning more time away when Yoongi just wants to sit him down and feed him dinner and kiss him senseless.)
By the time Namjoon comes back out, Yoongi’s spread everything across the counter, their empty plates and full bowls of rice placed next to each other so they can sit elbow-to-elbow at the island like they always do for dinner.
Yoongi likes to savor these moments. It’s the shortest portion of their day, but his favorite: side-by-side with Namjoon, talking, eating, recharging after time spent without each other. He can always tell when Namjoon’s settled down comfortably by the slow swish of his tail versus the fervent wag of it when he first gets home, too keyed up to focus. Now he savors each bite of his food, delicately laying a piece of galbi on top of his rice, layering it with a pinch of pa kimchi, and humming low in his chest when he scoops it into his mouth, like he’s picked up on Yoongi’s purring after so many years together.
“Good?” Yoongi asks as Namjoon chews. There’s sauce on Namjoon’s cheek, and Yoongi wipes it up with the edge of his thumb, not even flinching when Namjoon licks it off again, the oversized puppy he is.
“So good,” Namjoon says, reaching for more food before he’s even finished chewing his bite.
“Pace yourself, Joon-ah,” Yoongi reminds him with a soft laugh, “we still have dessert.”
Namjoon does not pace himself. He keeps on eating, starry-eyed. “I can’t believe you bought a bungeoppang pan.”
Yoongi shrugs. “Boredom and disposable income cause me to do a lot of things.”
It would explain the waffle maker, the immersion circulator, the pasta roller, and the little gut that’s just started poking at the front of Namjoon’s shirt.
It’s not totally Yoongi’s fault. Namjoon hasn’t really been rail-thin since they were still university students living on a ramyeon budget and denying their feelings for each other. He has a big appetite, as evidenced by the quick work he’s making of his next portion of meat, already almost finished with his rice. He’s probably three times as physical as Yoongi with the whole bike thing, and Yoongi’s always been slim but soft. So technically the pudge that sits over the waist of Namjoon’s pants isn’t on Yoongi, even if Yoongi likes to take advantage of it.
(But even then, is it really taking advantage when Namjoon, the dog boy of all dog boys, loves getting his belly rubbed as much as Yoongi, loathe as he is to accept the cat making biscuits stereotype, loves to rub it?)
Namjoon eats all of his dinner, and when Yoongi realizes he made too much batter for two servings of bungeoppang, happily eats the extras too. And when he’s done eating and has moved onto cleaning the dishes because Yoongi did the cooking, Yoongi can’t help but plaster himself to his husband’s back, face buried in the scruff of his neck and hands crossed over his bloated stomach where it’s pressed against the rim of the sink.
“Affectionate tonight,” Namjoon chuckles, leaning his head to softly touch against the side of Yoongi’s. The pan he’s cleaning has been fully rinsed for a while, but both of them are too distracted to notice or care.
“Sue me,” Yoongi murmurs into the shoulder of Namjoon’s t-shirt. “You leave early and come home at night and I only have, like, four hours to spend with you every day.”
“It’s a good four hours, though.”
“Out of twenty-four,” Yoongi grumbles. When it startles a small, hiccupping laugh out of Namjoon, his little gut jumps and shakes a bit between Yoongi’s hands. “I fantasize about throwing your bike off of the fire escape sometimes.”
Namjoon covers Yoongi’s hands with his own, and the only thing keeping Yoongi from bristling at the wet touch is the sight of both of their hands placed over the swell of Namjoon’s stomach. He looks good, fuller like this. It suits him.
“You wouldn’t,” Namjoon says, stomach stretching out in a breath.
“I wouldn’t,” Yoongi confirms. “Only because I don’t want manslaughter charges for crushing a pedestrian with a bike.”
“Valid,” Namjoon laughs. His stomach shakes again, but this time, they both feel it. “I can bike less, take the bus so I can sleep in more with you. It’s starting to be too cold in the mornings anyway.”
Yoongi just half-purrs, kneading the softness between his hands. Namjoon’s moved his to turn the sink off, but he doesn’t stop Yoongi’s ministrations; in fact, he leans more into him, back arched, giving some more access to the lower half of his stomach that had been squashed against the sink. The bit of skin that’s stretching the waistband of his flannel PJ pants more than when he bought them.
“I’ll just have to figure out a way to exercise at home,” Namjoon’s saying when Yoongi can feel his ears flatten at the back of his head in displeasure.
“Why? Who are you trying to impress, hm?” he gripes, purring effectively stopped. One of his fingers has found its way to circle Namjoon’s belly button; deeper now, more flesh around it, his long finger sinks in halfway up to the second joint.
Namjoon laughs. His dimples are much more prominent now in cheeks that are also more prominent. The softening of his face has been so gradual that Yoongi only really notices now, with his head perched right beneath it, that Namjoon’s jawline is more obscured than the razor curve of their youth, and that he doesn’t have a double chin, not yet, but there’s definitely a little pocket of skin that’s just barely swelling up beneath the point of it.
His face has taken well to the weight. All at once, Namjoon looks both like the college kid Yoongi first fell for and the grown man he sees himself growing old with—and growing soft with, maybe, in Namjoon’s case.
“Guess the only person I’d want to impress is already impressed,” Namjoon says, lifting one hand from their shared spot on his stomach to gesture where Yoongi’s got his shirt rucked up, finger teasing at his belly button.
Yoongi lifts that same hand, instead taking a handful of bared, supple underbelly and giving it a teasing grab, just to watch the way the whole thing’s starting to develop a jiggle to it. Without two combined hours of biking every weekday, surely it’ll develop faster.
Not that Yoongi minds. In fact, whatever the opposite of minding is, that’s how he feels, tucking his hand back beneath the lowest curve of his husband’s paunch just to feel it quiver with Namjoon’s contented laugh.
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chubbiekookie · 1 year
Wip? 👀
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chubby-manggae · 1 year
Chocolate Lover
New idea I dreamt of but how bout picky eater jimin who rlly isnt a picky eater he just hasn’t tried many foods, including all things chocolate, milkshakes, and many other foods.
but now jimin has a goal to try many new foods so he starts out with the easiest one to find, chocolate. He starts off with chocolate candy, Twix, KitKats, Reeces, Snickers and he loves them all so much. He makes sure to buy those huge bags of them to keep in the refrigerator at all times, never being out of stock of any kind. On one of his chocolate runs Jimin spots a brand that he’s heard amazing thing before about but never had the courage to try, Lindor. After contemplating for a second, he puts a bag of them in his basket. When he tries them they don’t disappoint, they outer chocolate shell is good but the softer, more creamy chocolate on the inside is absolutely splendid. Unfortunately lindor is a bit pricey so jimin can’t have it as often as the others so Jimin looks forward to his once a week lindor days. Next he tries chocolate chip cookies, he steals them from one of his roommates and realizes he rlly likes them. He starts to put them in his vanilla ice cream making some delicious cookies dough vanilla ice cream, which he eats every other day. Then he tries those Swiss roll (twinkies), and omg are they to die for eating only two a meal is such a challenge on the poor boy. The chocolate and cream filled things from heaven were always running out, luckily one of Jimin’s roommates was always quick to but more. He learns they taste even better when you stuff marshmallows inside of them, creating a beautiful mix of marshmallow cream chocolatey goodness. Chocolate doughnuts are the next thing jimin tried and oh boy does he realize what he’s missing out on. He ends up loving them so much that he can’t help but eat 3 every time he passes the box in the kitchen. It definitely didn’t help his expanding waistline when he found out u could buy munchkin doughnuts. You would think because they’re smaller in size it would be less calories but nope, they were just easier to hold more in your hand. Poping abt 8 into his mouth every time he passed them in the kitchen. Next up for him to try was brownies. Jimin got one of those boxes of Little Bites brownies but had to go back to the store that very day because he had eaten all the ones in the box. On his way to buying another box, something in the bakery caught his eye, a box of 24 brownies covered in amazing butter cream frosting. There was no way Jimin was passing up this opportunity and quickly grabbed two boxes of the frosting brownies. That night jimin ate 12 after dinner then another 12 when he wondered to the kitchen at 2am after being woken up but his stomach. He’s been getting hungrier a lot sooner than he used to but his roommates always makes sure the kitchen is fully stocked with all the chocolatey sweets the now chubby boy enjoys. The last thing on Jimin’s list to try, the big kahuna, chocolate cake. Jimin when to the store and bought one of those small circle cakes, he was still a bit worried that he wouldn’t like it but his desire to at least try it out won. So jimin cut himself about a fourth of the cake and slowly took a bite. It. Was. Perfection. Jimin ate more and more of his slice before finishing and cutting another one, then another…then another until he realized he had finished the whole cake. Getting up was a bit of a challenge with how full he was but he quickly refilled his cup of chocolate milk, another thing he was trying, before as quickly as one could do with a full stomach went to the coach where he then stayed after getting tired from all the eating. Over the past month and a half, Jimin’s eating habits had changed a lot, from healthy small snacks throughout the day to big meals of noodles and pizza and chocolate treats in between each meal.
It had only been a little less then two months since jimin started his journey to try more foods but his waistline definitely looked like it had been more. With his new eating habits along with his job at a pizzeria, jimin rlly packed on the pounds. His chubby cheeks coming back and bigger then ever, a little double chin forming when ever his looked down. His abs melting away and forming a little tummy and his ass and thighs getting a bit bigger and softer. Jimin seemed a bit obvious to the changes but his roommates sure won’t but hey that’s what happens when you eat pizza every other day and eat chocolate so much to the point that your finger tips and face are covered in it almost 24/7. Not that they all mind though, they’re happy to spoil there chubby, soon to be fat chocolate loving jiminie.
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plumpyoon · 9 months
Hi! I'm Coral (that's an alias), and I've been 'lurking' here for a while. I have posted previously about roleplaying, but I do tend to delete the posts as to not get swarmed with requests, maybe this time I'll keep this post up, who knows.
I'm a pretty versatile roleplayer, and I can do any length, but I will get bored if the replies are constantly one-liners. Also the length I can deliver depends on the situation, I simply cannot deliver 12 lines of description just to pair it with the one line of mandatory dialogue when the characters are talking, but when they're doing something, I'll happily do those longer messages.
I'm also very open to brainstorming for any ideas surrounding feedism as I'm open to pretty much anything, soft or dark (except general roommate AUs without any other predetermined plot, please not those). I mostly prefer to roleplay as Yoongi, Jimin or Taehyung, but all of them are possible. So if you're interested, please do send me a message! :)
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askfeedeebunkook · 1 year
Hello everyone!
I’m bubble universe’s Jungkook! I’m a book editor at one of the most well known publishing houses in the city. I enjoy going to the club to destress and pretend like I don’t have thousands of deadlines to keep up with.
I’m a bunny hybrid and often dress like a predator but these bunny ears don’t fool anyone. I try to stay fit but that hasn’t been working out lately with all the stress eating and club visits. But being soft isn’t so bad now that I think about it…
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yoontteokki · 1 year
🍥master list🍥
hello! you can call me tteokki :]
i'm in my 20's and my pronouns are she/her. this blog is dedicated to feedism so if that's not your cup of tea, please do not interact with my posts. any hate or non-constructive criticism will be deleted and you will be blocked.
i'm mainly a fanfic writer but since i'm an art student i will occasionally post art to coincide with my writing. if there's anything you would like me to write or draw, my bio will indicate whether or not requests are open.
most of my work is nsfw. if you're a minor, please do not interact with me or anything on my blog.
i will accept most requests granted they do not fall under any of the things listed below. a lot of my work will be feedee yoongi-centric because he's my absolute fave but other pairings and feeder-feedee dynamics are cool as well!
poly ships are okay!
sub/dom dynamics, soft feederism, brat!space and corruption kink are my favourite feederism tropes so expect to see a lot of those here
everything is au unless stated otherwise
i will not accept requests that are x reader or oc-centric or death feedism. i'm not a big fan of a/b/o dynamics, gender swap, hybrids or kidnapping, so if your request includes any of these, i will most likely not accept it.
and now for the fun stuff! here's everything i've ever posted on this blog:
blissfully unaware (🐿️🐱)
spoiled brat (🐥🐱)
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chubbychecksjiminii · 2 years
Me, my English lesson and little chub Kookie
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soft-bellied-tannies · 6 months
Full, Fuller, Fullest
It's the last day of Chubtober! I can't believe it went by already.
For the last day, I am posting a fic I have been working on for a while and love quite a bit. It fits with fatguarddog's prompt "surprise stuffing" and there are multiple surprises here for both partners. Plus, I promise I will eventually finish the 20 days of Chub: Jikook Edition - this is post #14 so I am getting closer!
I had a great time posting this month and I hope you all enjoyed it! :) Thank you for all the supportive comments and encouraging words, reposts and likes, all the engagement really helped me stay consistent and have a great time with it!
Read here or on AO3!
Jimin paused mid-bite as he realized Jungkook was staring at him from the entryway of their living room. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, don’t mind me,” Jungkook said as he shook his head with an endearing expression. He walked over to the couch and sat next to his boyfriend.
With a skeptical look, Jimin continued eating - working through the last slice of his pizza as he knew that was his boyfriend’s focus. He chased it with what was left in his can of Coke before leaning back into the couch with a sigh.
Jungkook’s hand snuck over to his bloated stomach, giving it a little curious press. Jimin was slowly creeping toward potbelly territory and Jungkook couldn’t keep his eyes or hands off of it.
Jimin felt a wave of satisfaction knowing he could get his partner so worked up. They had only been trying this out over the past year, but lately, he had really been pushing himself to get this reaction.
“I’ve never seen you eat this much, baby,” Jungkook said softly, leaning in to place kisses along his boyfriend’s jaw.
Jimin smirked and pushed his belly farther into Jungkook’s hand. “You want to see me eat a little more?”
Jungkook’s head snapped up and he looked at Jimin with an interested smile. “Of course.”
“There’s still ice cream cake in the freezer from your birthday,” Jimin said suggestively, moving his hands to button his pants with the impending addition to his midsection.
Jungkook hopped up and quickly made his way to the kitchen. He was back in less than a minute with the cake box and a spoon, sitting beside Jimin as he already was carving out the first bite.
Holding the spoon up to Jimin’s lips, Jungkook watched excitedly as his boyfriend accepted the bite.
As he fed Jimin bite after bite, Jungkook could barely contain himself. Every time he thought Jimin was going to tap out, his boyfriend opened his mouth for the next bite.
After what would have been two full slices of ice cream cake, Jimin finally asked him to stop.
“Ah, I think I might have overdone it…” Jimin mumbled as he reclined back, panting a bit as his hands rested on his stuffed belly.
Jungkook was in awe, ready to worship every inch of Jimin’s body. His hands worked under Jimin’s tight shirt as he gave him a gentle belly rub.
“You are incredible,” he whispered, followed by a kiss.
Jimin smiled and kissed him again. “Feels incredible, Gguk.”
Jungkook spread his hands over Jimin’s belly again, squeezing slightly and bringing a moan from his boyfriend’s lips. “Yes, it does, baby. Absolutely incredible.”
Jimin rolled onto his side and tucked his face into the pillow, trying to hide from the morning light. They had not gone to bed until late into the morning after their little session the night before and Jimin was exhausted. He hadn’t even remembered going to sleep. 
Not only was Jungkook motivated after seeing him eat so much, but the state of his stomach was really a sight. Since exploring their shared kink, they had not yet entered the realm of actual stuffings and his gain was only forty pounds or so. It had all been very casual with Jimin eating more calorie-dense foods or snacking throughout the day along with his meals.  
With no intention of eating as much as he did last night, Jimin decided in the heat of the moment that he wanted to go for it. He had genuinely been hungry before dinner, starved really since he had to skip a full lunch for a work meeting. It truly was a surprise to himself just as much as Jungkook to stuff himself beyond full. 
His goal had been to finish a whole pizza for himself and thought that would put him near his capacity. Unexpectedly, he ate it easily with a few sodas to help wash it down. He could’ve stopped there and been perfectly happy about it, but something about the way Jungkook reacted made Jimin want more.
Again, without Jungkook feeding him, more would have never been nearly a third of the ice cream cake from their freezer. More would have probably been a few cookies from the pack in the pantry, but Jimin was not complaining about how their night went in the slightest. 
Eating that much had honestly felt great and the absolute body worship from his partner that followed was even better. Jimin was starting to question why they hadn’t tried it sooner. 
Jimin opened his eyes and found that he was alone in bed which was surprising since Jungkook was always the one who slept in longer after their long nights. He heard distant sounds in the kitchen and his confusion only grew when he realized that Jungkook was likely cooking breakfast. 
He wasn’t even sure if he was actually hungry yet and that was only further emphasized when Jimin finally pulled the covers back and sat up. Even after a few rounds with Jungkook last night, he was still feeling full when he drifted off to sleep and he was still looking full this morning. 
Jimin had never been this bloated in his entire life. His stomach was just as rounded below his cotton shirt as it was last night after Jungkook cleaned him up and dressed him for bed, maybe even more now as it was settled lower from digesting it all. 
When he first started gaining, it felt like every pound went directly to his lower half. His ass and thighs still filled out more than anything else. While Jimin certainly didn’t have the flat plane of his stomach anymore, it was really just an added layer of softness. 
But this morning, Jimin was sporting a genuine potbelly on full display and he was loving it. He knew that after getting up and moving around, the bloating would work its way out, but he was going to enjoy the feeling for now. 
Little did Jimin know, Jungkook had a surprise of his own after their eventful night. He had always thought the part of the kink that did it for him was just Jimin’s body. The effects of his eating making him softer over time was what Jungkook fixated on, but last night changed some things for him. 
Seeing the immediate effects of Jimin pushing his stomach capacity, feeding him bite after bite himself, hearing the sounds from his partner not only while he ate but also while they made love - Jungkook realized he had been limiting their potential and enjoyment.
That is the exact reason why Jungkook was cooking all of Jimin’s favorite breakfast foods. He could see how much Jimin loved every part of their night and they were officially on a week-long staycation for Jungkook’s birthday so he made a plan. 
Feed Jimin as much as he was willing to eat for the next few days. 
It was around their birthdays last year when they finally discussed trying it out so it only felt right to take another new step. They had always agreed that the minute either one of them felt uncomfortable, they would back out, but they were never going to find out how far they wanted to go if they didn’t try.
The minute Jimin stepped into the kitchen, Jungkook knew he made the right decision. 
Rather than high-waisted leggings or bike shorts that he liked to wear around the house, Jimin had chosen a pair of Jungkook’s sweatpants that hugged his soft hips and thighs, tucking the waistband below his stomach - only emphasizing the roundness of his bloated middle. 
Jimin had kept Jungkook’s black oversized t-shirt on, but with each step, the shirt bunched up on his hips. The shirt slowly tucked itself into his low waistband as he walked, making his belly even more evident. 
Jungkook crossed the kitchen and couldn’t resist getting his hands on Jimin. He slowly ran his hands along Jimin’s sides from mid-thigh up to his chest and back down. “Good morning, baby.” 
“Good morning,” Jimin whispered in response before leaning in for a kiss. “What’s got you up so early? I thought you would have been sleeping for at least a few more hours.” 
“Well…that is something I want to talk to you about,” Jungkook said, taking Jimin’s hand and leading him to their dining room table which held a nice spread - a bowl of fruit, a few different street toasts stacked with egg, ham, and vegetables, some rice and kimchi, and the most surprising for Jimin, a stack of American-style pancakes.
Jimin’s eyes grew a little wider as he switched his focus between the table and Jungkook. “What’s the special occasion, love? I think I barely have more room from last night as it is,” Jimin joked as he ran his hand over his stomach. 
Something about Jimin acknowledging his body pushed Jungkook to lay out all of his feelings. He explained how amazing last night had been for him and that he hoped the same went for Jimin, told Jimin how incredible he looked and how he wanted to see that belly on him all the time, admitted that he really loved feeding Jimin last night and wanted to do it more. 
Jungkook felt at ease the more he talked as he watched the recognition and excitement build in Jimin’s eyes. He hadn’t expected Jimin to disagree, knowing that his partner would have stopped them last night if he grew uncomfortable. 
“So, you are going to start making my breakfast? Is that what this is all about?” Jimin asked lightly, giggling as he motioned to the food across their table. 
“Oh, not quite. I have, uh…a proposition, maybe, is the right word for this,” Jungkook answered, trying to think of the best way to present his request. 
Jimin nodded with a small smile, seeing some of Jungkook’s nerves return. “I’m all ears, Ggukie.” 
Jungkook took a deep breath and figured the worst thing Jimin could say was no. “I was thinking…hoping, really, that we could keep going.” 
“Keep going?”
“Sorry, I’m not explaining this well. Last night was amazing.” 
Jimin nodded again, his smile growing a little more. “Yeah, it was. I felt great, still feeling great this morning actually.” 
Jungkook felt motivated by that answer. “So, we are officially on our little staycation for our birthdays. We have all week off and we don’t really have to go anywhere or do anything, right?” 
“Right, that’s what you wanted for your birthday and I have no intention of changing that. I want you to have exactly what you want, love,” Jimin responded confidently, still unsure of what Jungkook was proposing. 
“Well, by keep going, I was thinking that we treat each meal like dinner and dessert last night. Maybe for the next day or two, I just keep feeding you. Keep you nice and full,” Jungkook explained, his voice dropping lower as he talked and his hands massaging Jimin’s sides. “See if we can make this cute little belly a bit bigger, hmm?” 
Jimin inhaled sharply as arousal shot through him like a hot knife. Between Jungkook’s wandering hands and enticing idea, he couldn’t stop himself from pulling his partner in for an intense kiss that devolved into a brief yet vigorous make-out session in the middle of the kitchen. 
“Yes, fuck, please, baby…feed me for as long as you want,” Jimin replied, his voice dropping low and raspy as he panted in between kisses. 
Jungkook didn’t have a chance of holding himself back now. He managed to break the kiss long enough to lead Jimin to his usual seat at their table and immediately started filling his plate. 
Even though he was certain that he wasn’t going to eat much after his hefty dinner last night, the wave of hunger that ran through Jimin after Jungkook’s enticing offer could only be defined as ravenous. 
Jimin accepted one of the breakfast sandwiches and started eating it while Jungkook prepared his pancakes with more butter and syrup than Jimin would ever normally consider appropriate. 
The rest of his breakfast went by in a blur. 
Jimin knew that Jungkook had eaten some of the food he prepared, but he had no idea how much either of them truly ate. He felt as though the excitement for the next few days made him block everything else out and he simply ate anything Jungkook put in front of him.
It wasn’t until the last pancake that Jimin felt his body push back. That familiar feeling came creeping back from last night as he tested the limits of his stomach capacity. His belly was firm as he packed every available space with Jungkook’s delicious breakfast. 
“Ggukie?” Jimin finally asked the first word he had spoken since they sat down to eat. 
Jungkook had to shake himself from his stupor, having spent the past twenty minutes just watching his partner eat more than he ever expected Jimin to eat given the fact that he was still quite bloated. 
“Yeah, baby? You okay?” 
Jimin let out a long breath and leaned back into his chair to give his stomach some more room to expand. He rested his hands on the crest of his belly, lightly massaging the tautness of his skin. “Mhmm, just…can you feed me the rest? Please?” 
The added pout was truly unnecessary considering the fact that Jungkook was barely holding himself together as it was. He would’ve given Jimin just about anything he asked for at that moment. “Of course, Min. I’d love to, actually.” 
Although he felt stuffed full, Jimin’s stomach always somehow found more room when Jungkook was feeding him. He polished off the last pancake quickly and felt thoroughly well-fed. His body wasn’t putting up quite the fight it was the night before, but Jimin suspected that his stomach had gained a little more capacity over his past two meals. 
Before he even had time to process the fact that he ate a majority of their large breakfast spread, Jimin was on his feet and being led to the living room. Their soft couch seemed much more inviting than the dining room chair he was trying to get comfortable on. 
Jungkook sat him down, gave him the remote and a throw blanket, kissed his forehead, and said he would be back. Even though it was Jungkook’s birthday week, Jimin was feeling pretty spoiled, but he also was well aware of how much satisfaction his partner was already getting from his little surprise. 
Jimin pulled up the latest drama they were watching and let the episode load while he pulled up the Notes app on his phone. Jungkook’s reaction had given Jimin an idea of his own which was tracking everything he ate throughout the next few days. 
He was thankful to his past self for randomly deciding to jump on the scale after his shower yesterday morning, typing in his most recent weight before starting to list the contents of both his meals so far. 
Seeing it all laid out on the screen and knowing that was technically two meals so far, Jimin was impressed with himself and felt pretty turned on by how much Jungkook had gotten him to eat. He wasn’t interested in knowing the exact calorie count as he really did not want to start fixating on numbers rather than enjoying himself, but even just estimating in his head was enough to get Jimin worked up. 
Hearing footsteps headed his way, Jimin locked his phone and situated the blanket on his lap, trying his best to keep his hands off himself. His eyes widened when he saw that Jungkook had not returned empty-handed. 
While he was a bit thankful for his water cup, Jimin felt his stomach tense up as his partner handed him a huge glass of milk filled nearly to the top. He simply stared at it in his hand as Jungkook took a seat next to him. 
“Figured you would need something to wash down all the sugar from those pancakes, baby,” Jungkook said, completely nonchalant as he grabbed the remote and pressed play on their episode. 
As if muscle memory took over, Jimin brought the glass to his lips and took a large sip. He had to admit, it was cold and refreshing compared to the heavy meal he had barely started digesting yet. 
Jungkook’s arm slid around his shoulders as he genuinely watched the show, not even acknowledging Jimin’s reaction. He knew that it wouldn’t take much to persuade his partner to eat or drink more right now so he just let Jimin take his time with it. 
However, Jungkook hadn’t expected Jimin to have another surprise of his own. He saw him lift the glass back to his lips out of the corner of his eye, but after a moment, Jungkook didn’t see him lower it. 
Jimin felt his stomach protest almost immediately as he began to chug the rest of the milk. He felt a cramping sensation as soon as his full belly was hit with the wave of cold dairy. 
Either seeing or hearing his discomfort, Jungkook’s hand found the crest of Jimin’s bloated middle and worked in slow circles to help alleviate the pressure. And to his credit, Jimin did not stop until he finished every last drop. 
Taking the glass from him, Jungkook returned a little firmer with his massage as Jimin collapsed back into the couch cushions. He groaned a few times when Jungkook hit a sensitive spot, but he otherwise enjoyed the help settling his now overly full stomach. 
“You know, as impressive as that was, I was thinking you were going to sip on that for a while,” Jungkook said lightly, almost teasing as Jimin’s face scrunched in discomfort after his fingers dug a little deeper into his side. 
Jimin let out a laugh and turned his head, pouting his lips for a kiss. “I guess your enthusiasm about all of this has me extra motivated.” 
Jungkook knew that Jimin was teasing him in return, but he couldn’t help the feeling of attraction for his partner and the excitement for this new stage of their dynamic. It was like they had discovered their enjoyment for this all over again. 
“That’s great, baby, but we do have a few more days of this so maybe pace yourself, hmm?” 
Jimin felt equally aroused and challenged by Jungkook’s words. They were only two meals into their days-long stuffing session and Jimin was already a horny mess. Bloated and a little uncomfortable at the moment, but horny as hell. 
Jungkook slipped his hands under his shirt which had considerably less room following his hefty first meal of the day and started to tap his fingers along his taut skin, enjoying the thud that resonated through Jimin’s swollen belly. 
An appreciative hum came from Jimin, enjoying his partner’s warm hands alleviating some of his discomfort. He asked for his water cup in hopes that sipping on it would help encourage his meal to begin digesting. 
What Jimin hadn’t expected was Jungkook filling his tumbler with Coke. 
Jimin took a sip and felt his stomach immediately reject the bubbly sensation. Sugar and carbonation on top of cold dairy on top of his heavy breakfast brought some gurgling and groaning sounds from his belly. 
It felt like nothing would move down at that point, a painful pocket of air developing at the crest of his tight stomach. 
“You tricked me,” Jimin said with a pout, knowing that he didn’t even need the pout to convince Jungkook for a massage. 
After stealing a quick kiss, Jungkook started to push slowly but more firmly to help Jimin get some relief. The pressure from his fingers finally dislodged the air resulting in a deep, unexpected belch bubbling up and out of Jimin’s chest. 
Jimin thought that the heat of embarrassment on his cheeks was going to be permanent soon with how much he had been blushing that morning. He mumbled ‘excuse me’ into his chest as he looked down and around, finding anywhere else to look except his partner. 
Jungkook laughed quietly, partially at Jimin’s reaction but also to hide his own embarrassment from the fact that he was feeling way more turned on than expected at his partner burping from a full stomach. 
This was yet another entirely new side of their dynamic and Jungkook was loving every minute of it. 
“Feel better?” 
Finally looking up and hoping the color on his cheeks had simmered down, Jimin nodded with a little laugh of his own. “Yeah, feels a lot better with the air out, like I actually have a bit of space back in there.” 
Jungkook’s hands stilled from their spot on Jimin’s distended belly. “More room you say?” 
“Take it easy, you menace. Let me breathe,” Jimin joked as he laid his head back on the couch, hoping it would encourage Jungkook to continue his movement. 
Jungkook brought his hands out from under Jimin’s shirt, much to his partner’s disappointment. He brought the straw back to Jimin’s lips with a smirk. “At least finish your Coke, baby.” 
Jimin didn’t put up a fight, taking the straw flirtatiously between his teeth and actually sipping this time, knowing his stomach couldn’t take it all at once. The relief was short-lived as that pocket of air started to refill rather than move down to digest. 
Before he could even complain about it again, Jungkook got more enthusiastic with his massage as if he could see the discomfort on Jimin’s face. The more intentional belly rub dislodged the air again, bringing more short but rumbling burps from his throat. 
The embarrassment seemed to wear off quickly as Jimin could see how it only encouraged Jungkook to continue, even dropping a few kisses to Jimin’s swollen middle. He simply excused himself or tried to hide the sound in his fist. 
Ten minutes later, Jungkook’s dedicated massage finally relieved the intense bloat at the top of Jimin’s stomach, physically feeling the shift as he relaxed further into the couch. Letting out a resounding moan, the relief mixed with the arousal made Jimin feel as though his body was moving through molasses. 
Jimin didn’t even flinch when Jungkook lifted his shirt and began laying open-mouthed kisses and loving nips along his taut skin. The moans only continued as Jimin’s hands found a home in Jungkook’s hair, encouraging him to continue his thorough treatment. 
One of Jungkook’s strong hands moved up his stomach and around his back, turning him and coaxing him onto his side. The second Jimin began leaning, a pinch along his side and a loud gurgling sound started low in his belly. 
“Ah, hang on, Gguk,” Jimin gasped, straightening back up and reclining back into his original position against the cushions. “Hurts.” 
Jungkook immediately stopped and went back to his tender motions. “What do you need, Min?” 
Jimin closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths as the cramping stopped. “Just this, just your hands, please.” 
“You always can have that, baby.” 
Jungkook brought his touch back to a gentle caress, still placing soft kisses occasionally along Jimin’s skin while his partner continued to breathe through his discomfort. 
The room was silent aside from Jimin’s breathing and the sound of Jungkook’s movements for nearly ten minutes. Just as Jungkook was about to sit back and check on Jimin, he heard a quiet snore as Jimin’s head fell to the side. 
Between his full stomach and Jungkook’s calming hands, Jimin dozed off within minutes. Jungkook decided to let him sleep in hopes that he would wake up ready to eat once again, planning to keep him snacking in between their meals as much as possible. 
The next day and a half passed by in a blur. Jimin wasn’t even certain that he processed the past two days and six or seven…possibly eight meals worth of food. Everything had become a cycle of sleeping and eating in bed or on the couch and neither of them were complaining. 
Jimin had just woken up on the third day of their arrangement, slowly becoming a week-long stuffing instead of a day or two, when Jungkook brought the tray of food to their bedroom. He needed to stop being surprised by the elaborate spreads his partner was preparing for him.
“We are doing breakfast in bed this morning, baby. Didn’t think you’d be ready to get up and moving this morning after our past few days,” Jungkook said in a teasing tone. 
Even though his cheeks were blushing from Jungkook’s words, Jimin couldn’t help but smile at the gesture, thanking his partner as he looked over the delicious food. Jungkook helped him get adjusted against the pillows into a comfortable position and set the tray over his lap, encouraging him to dig in. 
Jungkook couldn’t help but stare for a moment as the tray pushed into Jimin’s stomach each time he leaned forward for a bite. Near the end of the night before, it seemed that every bite was simply making Jimin’s belly more firm to the touch as he maxed out his capacity. 
This morning, however, it felt like every bite and sip Jimin had taken was more and more visible. The pattern of filling his stomach, letting it settle, and filling it right back up certainly was giving the desired effect. Jungkook couldn’t wait to get his hands back on Jimin, ready to give him belly rubs until his hands cramped up. 
For the next twenty minutes, the pair ate with one of their shows on in the background. Jimin praised Jungkook’s cooking a few times as he downed his bowl. 
Neither chose to acknowledge that Jimin had double the portion of stew and rice that Jungkook did or the fact that Jimin was likely going to finish first with his enthusiastic eating this morning. 
“Hungry, Min?” Jungkook asked, truly out of curiosity. 
Jimin grew warm at the implication as he sat back and rested his hand on the crest of his belly. “Um, yeah, I actually am pretty hungry this morning. Guess I’m getting used to eating a little more.” 
Jungkook smirked, feeling a little proud of his accomplishment seeing as he was the one keeping Jimin so well-fed. “Do you want seconds?” 
After rubbing his hand across his stomach and taking account of how full he was feeling, Jimin nodded. “Yes, please.” 
Jungkook couldn’t stop himself from leaning over and stealing a kiss at seeing how cute his partner was being, but he also decided to test the waters hearing the signature sweet tone Jimin takes on when he’s feeling a little submissive. “Good boy.” 
Jimin made a little sound of surprise, knowing that he was yet again growing red from embarrassment. He was quiet as he watched Jungkook take the tray back to the kitchen, preparing himself for another long day of feeling full and spoiled based on his partner’s eager attitude. 
The second portion Jungkook set in front of him looked bigger than the first which had been bigger than Jimin’s typical serving size to begin with. Even though he knew it would go down slower than the first round, Jimin actually felt like he had quite a bit of room left. 
He had clearly started to train his stomach to take more and more because Jimin always enjoyed his food, but he had never been able to eat so much before. 
Jimin savored each bite, enjoying the flavors and textures of the food. The warmth in his belly grew with every mouthful, and he marveled at the fact that he could accommodate so much more than usual. Jungkook watched him with a mix of delight and desire, noting the subtle changes in Jimin's expressions as he indulged in the generous servings.
As he finished his second helping, Jungkook couldn't help but notice the satisfied look on his partner's face. Jimin seemed completely happy and content, a mood Jungkok wanted to keep on his face forever. 
Jungkook should have learned to stop underestimating Jimin’s appetite this week as his brows raised as he watched his partner scrape the last few bites from the bottom of the bowl. He truly thought Jimin would have tapped out with the second, larger bowl yet his partner ate it with ease. 
The other thing Jungkook couldn’t stop staring at was the fact that Jimin’s belly was now folding against the edge of the tray consistently instead of just when he leaned forward. His two substantial servings of breakfast had thoroughly restored his full belly. 
Seeing Jimin already melting back into the pillows with a hand attempting to relieve some pressure helped Jungkook decide to keep his partner stuffed in bed all day long, not even venturing to the couch.
With a gentle massage and loving whispers, Jungkook had Jimin dozing for the rest of the morning. The only movement was a single bathroom trip for Jimin and Jungkook’s run to the kitchen about an hour after breakfast for the second cheeseball container of the week. 
The afterthought to grab an extra container at the store paid off for Jungkook considering that on top of Jimin’s three meals that day, he managed to feed his partner the entire second container throughout the day. 
Between the already hefty meals, the cheesy and salty snack mixed with quite a bit of Coke and Sprite gave Jimin the most satisfying bloated belly so far.
Day three really seemed to unlock Jimin’s inner glutton; his appetite remained voracious for the rest of the week defying the odds of his consistently filled stomach.
By the following Friday night, officially one week of near-constant eating for Jimin, the couple was working through their last meal so Jimin had the weekend to recover. 
However, just because it was the last meal of their incredible week, Jungkook was not going easy by any means. 
“One more bite, baby. You can do it,” Jungkook encouraged, one hand holding another bite to his partner’s lips with the other massaging his bloated middle. 
Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes, resting his hand on top of his boyfriend’s on his stomach. “Ggukie, you’ve been saying ‘one more bite’ for the last four bites.” 
Jungkook leaned in and kissed the pout on Jimin’s lips. “And you’ve finished every bite so clearly I was right,” he replied with a smirk. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Jimin mumbled as his cheeks turned red, not actually upset in the slightest but actually getting very full...yet again.  
“And you are adorable,” Jungkook said, planting another kiss on his partner’s lips before following it with the next bite. He wasn’t going to stop until Jimin said so. 
Jimin ducked his head as the blush spread to his ears, but he still opened his mouth to what Jungkook was offering him. He had very much slowed down throughout the massive dinner and was honestly surprised that he was able to keep eating. 
That one, however, may have genuinely been the last bite.
After a heavy swallow, Jimin attempted to take a deep breath and felt that familiar pinch in his side. He grimaced and brought a hand up to apply some counterpressure against his diaphragm.  
“I don’t know if I can eat anymore, love. I can barely breathe at this point.” 
Jungkook had to contain himself once again, hearing those words many times that week but never losing their effect. 
If Jimin wasn’t stuffed to the brim and nearing the point of cramping, Jungkook would have absolutely had his way with him. 
The only thing he would have changed about the week was more opportunities to fully show Jimin his appreciation for his body, but his partner deserved all the tender massages and sweet kisses he received and Jungkook would gladly worship Jimin’s body in any way he could for his partner to be comfortable. 
They had more than enjoyed themselves and they had never been more attracted to each other so no matter what, the week was beyond successful.
Jungkook admired Jimin’s beauty as his partner relaxed into the cushions of their couch in pure contentment. His breathing was a little labored and he was directing Jungkook’s hands to certain places to relieve pressure, but overall, Jimin had never looked happier. 
However, Jungkook did have one particular question in mind that he just couldn’t help himself from pondering aloud. 
“I wonder how much you gained this week. We went a little crazy.” 
Jimin looked over at him with a bit of a mischievous smile. “I mean, I did weigh myself Friday morning after my shower.”
Jungkook snapped his head toward Jimin, probably with a bit too much excitement, but he couldn’t contain himself. Considering Jimin’s big dinner on Friday night had started it all, that was as close as they were going to get to measuring how productive their week had been. 
“Would you be interested in a trip to the bathroom? You know…just out of curiosity…” 
Jimin threw his head back with a laugh and held his hand out for Jungkook to help him off the couch. After spending an entire week bloated, Jimin wasn’t even sure what his empty stomach would look like anymore. 
It was going to take a few days before everything settled because right now, his distended and swollen belly looked and felt like he was hiding a leaden bowling ball under his shirt. 
Following behind him down the hallway, Jungkook smirked as Jimin still walked with an awkward waddle going on which he thought was adorable. He was also anticipating the number even though they tried to limit their fixation on that from the beginning since they were both pretty competitive, goal-driven people. 
That is truly why it had started so casually because they had both been afraid that setting goals and tracking things closely would have taken all the fun out of it, but now, they were enjoying themselves more than ever. Jungkook had felt like their past week had been a dream, spending so much uninterrupted quality and intimate time together was a gift for both of them. 
As Jimin pulled out the scale with his foot from under his vanity, he said, “So, I was 186 on Friday morning.” 
Jungkook made an appreciative sound and smacked Jimin’s ass, enjoying the slight jiggle it sent throughout his body. “Getting close to the fifty mark, baby.” 
Jimin rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. Even though he always acted annoyed when Jungkook was open about his excitement for Jimin to gain fifty pounds, Jimin was looking forward to it just as much. He also was holding onto a little hope that all his weight gained from the last week would stick to his middle because he was getting a bit attached to his new belly. 
After waiting for the light to stop blinking and make the quiet ready sound, Jimin stepped on and anxiously stared at the rotating numbers as the scale thought about its reading. It finally beeped a second time and the numbers flashed up at them. 
“193…damn, baby,” Jungkook said softly, sounding surprised by the reading which Jimin had to admit, he was just as surprised. “So, that’s-”
“Seven pounds in a week,” Jimin finished his sentence, feeling equally shocked and proud of his own body. “That also means-”
“You hit fifty,” Jungkook now took his turn to finish Jimin’s thought. He brought his arms around Jimin’s waist, pulling him back off the scale and starting a gentle massage of Jimin’s midsection. “You are incredible, you know that? Look at you, my pretty baby.” 
Jimin felt his cheeks grow warm at the complete adoration in Jungkook’s voice. “It's because of you, Ggukie. I couldn’t do this or feel confident about this without you.” 
“Well, lucky for you, I don’t plan on going anywhere so I think you are stuck with me.”
Turning in his hold, Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck and leaned in for a long, slow kiss to show him exactly how he was feeling, unsure if words could do it justice. “If you are interested, I would like to say thank you.” 
Jungkook pulled away just enough to make eye contact with Jimin, seeing that his partner was already stepping back and guiding him toward their bed. After spending the last week in control, Jungkook was ready to let Jimin have the reigns - hoping that he would get the joy of his partner’s heavy weight on top of him for a while. 
As Jimin pushed him back onto their bed and crawled over the top of him, he saw the sparkle in Jungkook’s eye and knew some sort of comment was coming. “What’s that look for?” 
Jungkook brought his hands up and caressed Jimin’s thighs until they landed on his belly which was struggling to stay contained in his shirt. He softly sunk his fingers into his middle as far as Jimin’s still bloated and firm stomach would allow. 
“I was just thinking that maybe we could set one tiny goal. I know we don’t do that, but I think you may be on board.” 
Jimin raised his brow, trying to stop himself from swatting Jungkook’s hands away when his touch grew soft and ticklish. “I’ll consider it…”
Jungkook smiled and patted Jimin’s full belly a few times. “Well, it’s just that your birthday is about a month away now.” 
“Mhmm,” Jimin replied, knowing exactly where this was headed. 
“And I just thought, you know, if you could hit seven pounds in a week, surely you can hit seven in a month.” 
Jungkook’s touch grew more assertive, pushing and prodigy into Jimin’s soft thighs enough to leave evidence of his fingertips. “So, really it’s a small goal, baby.” 
“Just say it, Ggukie. You know I’m going to say yes,” Jimin said as he leaned down, resting more of his weight on Jungkook’s body beneath him. 
“Two hundred by your birthday.” 
Jimin, even though he knew exactly what Jungkook was going to say, still lost his breath for a moment. Something about knowing that he was so close to that made him want it so badly. He simply nodded. 
Keeping himself lifted enough not to completely squash his still digesting belly in between them, Jimin got close to Jungkook’s ear and whispered, “What if I have a little goal of my own?” 
Jungkook gasped softly, feeling that they were entering an entirely new part of their relationship after their week of diving all in. “You can make whatever goals you want to make, baby,” he replied, just as quietly. 
Jimin couldn’t resist kissing him in appreciation before pulling away and feeling his own arousal building before even saying what he was thinking. 
“Well, we started last year and we’ve learned a lot. Since I gained fifty this year, I was wondering if, over the next year, you’ll help me double it.”
Jungkook stilled and felt like every inch of his body was on fire. He had never been so attracted to Jimin in his life. “Fuck…of course, I will, baby.”
As Jungkook started to bury himself underneath his partner’s shirt which had much less room than it did a week ago, Jimin seemed to remember his little project in his Notes app. 
“Oh wait, Ggukie, hang on,” Jimin said breathily, already overstimulated from a packed full stomach covered by his partner’s enthusiastic kisses and firm hands. 
Jungkook didn’t seem to hear him considering how focused he was on finally having his way with his partner’s incredible body. 
Jimin tapped the back of his head that was still tucked fully below the fabric of his shirt. “Come up for air, babe,” Jimin joked, “I need to show you something.” 
With one lingering kiss that would surely leave evidence of itself behind, Jungkook hovered over Jimin with a bit of fire in his eyes - ready to duck back under any second.
Holding up his phone with a bit of a taunting grin, Jimin encouraged Jungkook to lay beside him and whispered, “I forgot I had one more surprise for you, love.” 
“What?” Jungkook breathed out, uncertain of what more his partner could possibly provide him after their perfect week. 
Opening up his lengthy note, Jimin turned the screen toward Jungkook and replied, “Want to see everything I ate this week?” 
Jungkook’s eyes widened watching his partner scroll and scroll and scroll through a running list of each and every bite he fed Jimin. He pulled Jimin into his arms tighter and started covering his face in kisses before taking his partner’s phone to set it on the nightstand. 
“Let’s save that for later. We might need some reading material for your midnight snack,” Jungkook said into Jimin’s ear, leaving a trail of kisses that led him to the hem of his partner’s shirt to continue his original plan. 
Jimin let out a bright giggle that devolved into a gasping moan, fully on board with Jungkook’s plan to work off some of his big dinner so he had room for more later. 
As they devolved into celebrating Jimin’s recent gain, both of their heads were filled with ideas for the next year. It was certainly going to be fun. 
They also both decided that they needed to surprise each other more often. 
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trivialovehandles · 1 year
Omg Pls can you do an either taekook/ jikook squashing
Where Jungkook is gaining weight fast after eating something and suddenly he’s squashing his bf
ngl squashing is a lower-tier kink for me so this is maybe more focused on the rapid wg aspect but? so fun to write (ao3 link! i will be putting all request fics here as well)
Jimin’s learned throughout the years that Jungkook coming home looking sheepish and excited is either a very good thing (see: the day he came home with a puppy who is now no longer a puppy and is currently napping next to the refrigerator) or a very bad thing (see: the day he came home with a bunch of stuff to do stick-and-poke tattoos and now they each have the Hangul for each other’s names on their left ass cheeks forever).
When he breezes through their apartment door today, he’s clearly trying to hide it, but Jimin’s known him long enough to see the telltale signs: his teeth clamped on his lower lip, the excited way he covers his ears with his hands, and the way he keeps spacing out, like he’s thinking of something else.
Jimin doesn’t push for now, too busy finishing their dinner, but he’s sure by the time they’re done eating that Jungkook won’t be able to keep holding it back anyway. Instead, he accepts the kiss Jungkook gives him on his way to change out of his work clothes and pinches his hip affectionately as he leaves.
And he’s right: Jungkook’s only halfway through his first serving of bibimbap when he can’t take it anymore.
“So I found something today,” he says with a mouthful of meat and rice, like the thought couldn’t wait until he swallowed.
Jimin places his chopsticks gently back down so he can give his clearly excited boyfriend his undivided attention. “Oh?”
Jungkook doesn’t stop eating as he talks. “At the pharmacy, when I was getting those blister pads for you—”
Not a very appetizing moment to be reminded of the blisters from his new pointe shoes, but Jimin nods anyway.
“I saw”—Jungkook starts to dig through the oversized pockets of his cargo pants, rattling beneath the table—“these supplements.”
What he pulls out is a small bottle that can’t be holding more than four or five pills. The label has bold writing, terrible graphic design honestly, but Jimin squints across the table and sees GAIN WEIGHT FASTER written beneath the brand name and raises a curious brow.
For the couple of months they’ve been experimenting with Jungkook’s burgeoning weight gain kink and Jimin’s growing love for seeing, well… his love growing, progress has been slow-going. Jungkook laments his current skinny-fat phase near-daily; he wants to be big already, not having to settle for taking it one measly kilo at a time, and there’s only so much Jimin can do to help his boyfriend get extra calories, short of inedibly drowning their food in oil.
Truthfully, Jimin thinks Jungkook looks cute at his current weight, soft and pudgy and barely erring on the side of plump, just bigger enough for it to be a bit noticeable when he’s fully clothed, but he’s also a firm supporter of his boyfriend’s happiness and would never begrudge having more Jungkook, so he plays along. He’s heard of these dubiously legal supplements that claim to make your appetite grow, your metabolism slow down, and the resulting weight flow to more desirable places. He’s fallen down that particular Instagram rabbit hole before—he doesn’t blame Jungkook for wanting to give it a try at least. And hey, good on him for grabbing what seems to be a trial size first. Sound financial decisions look good on a boyfriend.
Jimin leans back in his seat, picking up his chopsticks again. “So it’s like an appetite stimulant? A ‘take it and hope it makes you hungrier and fatter’ kind of thing?”
Jungkook twists the bottle between his fingers, squinting at the small label. “Not exactly. I grabbed it because… well, it made the results seem kind of… instant? Quicker, at the very least?”
He slides the bottle across the table so Jimin can read the label in full. No real drug facts, no specified ingredients, just the promise of quick weight gain, some brief directions, and a generic warning about abusing medication. Rattling in his hands, there really are only a handful of pills inside the glass, which is more like the size of a bottle of facial serum than any supplement Jimin’s ever seen before.
Jungkook fidgets in his seat, radiating nervous excitement. “They only sold them in these tiny bottles, and… I don’t know, I probably just got scammed, but that made it seem more legitimate to me, you know? Like I wouldn’t need to keep taking them all the time?”
Sliding the bottle back, Jimin asks, “Did you ask the pharmacist about them?”
Jungkook shakes his head with a laugh. “I did self-checkout. I wasn’t about to ask someone with a PhD if a sketchy pill was gonna make me fat.”
Jimin can’t help the small snort he lets out as he finishes the end of his dinner. That’s just like Jungkook: impulsive, determined, almost single-minded in his dedication to gain.
 After dinner finds them in a familiar position: Jimin comfortable on the couch, Jungkook planted over his lap, the two of them kissing feverishly. Jungkook’s foregone his flannel shirt, shrugging it off before he sat down and now in just his cargos and the t-shirt he’d had beneath that’s well on its way to too small. Meaning that it is too small, but Jungkook insists it still works as an undershirt. Where the t-shirt had been form-fitting before, it now clings to the round distension that is Jungkook’s stomach, sliding up to offer glimpses of his pudgier hips and belly whenever he so much as slightly lifts his arms. He’s not as small as he complains he is, but Jimin’s not about to stop him from letting himself get bigger.
Which must be on Jungkook’s mind too, because as he pulls back from a kiss, the bottle he’d put back into one of his pants’ many, many pockets rattles. He grabs it with one hand, the other keeping Jimin’s in place beneath the stretched hem of his t-shirt, fingers dug into pudge.
“Do you think I should?” Jungkook asks, eyes wide. “It says to take one tablet within an hour of a meal. It’s been… what, 45 minutes?”
Jimin tilts his head, mostly listening while also appreciating the spillage of flesh between his fingers when he squeezes Jungkook’s hips in reply. “Wouldn’t hurt,” he says, pauses, and amends, “Well, might hurt, but we’ll see.”
Jungkook uncaps the bottle, and nothing happens: no hiss of smoke, no immediate waft of poison. He upends a single pill into his hand and looks long and hard at it. It’s just a plain white tablet, indistinguishable from the various painkillers and supplements in their medicine cabinet. He stares at it for a long moment, shrugs, and pops it into his mouth, washing it down with the last sips of his can of Coke from dinner.
And nothing happens. Jimin would know if it did, hands planted firmly on the belly that would be stretching further outward if these pills worked as instantly as Jungkook had hoped, but there’s no budge except for the contraction of muscles when Jungkook swallows his soda. He stares downward, poking himself in the stomach so his fingertip sinks into soft fat, and his shoulders slump.
“I don’t know why I thought it would be instant,” Jungkook grumbles.
Jimin shrugs, moving one hand from his boyfriend’s still-just-pudgy body to card through his curls. “It’s the ‘go big or go home’ in you,” he says, letting his fingers cup a chubby cheek, guiding their faces back together. “Come on, relax. We’ll wait it out, see if anything happens.”
They kiss again, slower. Jimin lets his fingertips keep mapping out the cushioned planes of Jungkook’s body, slipping under his t-shirt and lightly beneath his snug waistband. Jungkook’s skin feels warm to the touch, more than usual, and he keeps squirming, differently to the way he usually does when he’s getting worked up.
“You okay, Jungkookie?” Jimin asks against his heated cheek.
“M’just—ngh—really warm,” Jungkook grumbles, stretching his back this way and that so his belly bucks Jimin’s chest. “Feel kinda bloated.”
Jimin doesn’t notice at first that when Jungkook tugs his t-shirt back down, it doesn’t quite go all the way—he just slides his perpetually cold hands up the back of it, letting them chill the overwarm skin across Jungkook’s spine, pulling him in closer and closer. He doesn’t really notice, either, that the pressure on his thighs is growing stronger, just blindly assuming that Jungkook’s finally relaxed so more of his weight rests on Jimin than on his own legs.
Jimin doesn’t notice anything until Jungkook makes a small grunt above him at the same time his hands start struggling to meet around his middle.
“Hyung,” Jungkook says, awed, a little pained. “Hyung, I think it’s—”
He doesn’t finish his thought, interrupted by a low whine that escapes his lips seemingly of its own volition. His belly juts forward, crowding his lap, pushing into Jimin’s torso, thick and heavy and so warm, so unnaturally warm that this can’t be anything but—
“It’s working,” Jimin finishes for him. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit is right,” Jungkook gasps as his already too-small shirt continues to slide up his expanding gut, seams straining as his body starts spilling—really spilling, his once-perkily taut stomach now beginning to sag onto his thighs with doughy fat—out of it. He squirms as if pinned down by the constant motion of his body growing outward, trying to scoot his hips backward but instead accidentally grinding down where Jimin’s dick is taking clear interest. “Hyung, hyung, help me get off you, you’re gonna get crushed.”
Jimin does no such thing. He stays put, hands on Jungkook’s ballooning waistline now that it’s all he can really reach without his arms being forced apart by the growth, and moves his hands in slow, deep ministrations. It seems to make Jungkook relax, panic easing as it really hits him what’s happening.
“Hyung, I’m… I’m getting so fucking fat. Look how I keep growing, keep swelling, keep getting fatter. Am I heavy? I bet I’m so fucking heavy on you.”
It’s punctuated with a low creak, the elastic waist of Jungkook’s cargo pants stretched to its limits until finally, the plastic button just barely holding them shut breaks free, careening across the room to clatter against the wood floor somewhere between the living area and the kitchen. Unbidden, the mass of his gut flows through the open V left in the button’s wake, no longer held back by rigid fabric, free to rest on his legs that have blown up to the point of his pants—baggy before—fitting like sausage casings.
And he is heavy—is, quote, so fucking heavy. By the time the stretch and swell of him slows to a halt, Jungkook has to be twice the size he was when he sat down. His shirt that hugged his chubby stomach now barely passes beneath his chest, filled out like a crop top, the seams at the sleeves strained and splitting from Jungkook’s arms that had previously still held some tone and definition now gone flabby. Between his thick arms and his chest grown into plump, protruding tits, his arms don’t lower the way they used to—not like it matters with how Jungkook’s hands map his own body, picking up the upper roll his now double belly and sliding his fat, dimpled hands into the crevice it makes between itself and his lower belly. A lower belly that hangs so far out of his pants that it’s flowing between stocky thighs and pinning Jimin right to the back of the couch.
Not that Jimin’s complaining. He was the one who didn’t budge when Jungkook tried to climb off of him a couple of minutes probably 45 kilograms ago. The weight of him is heavy and grounding and, shit, arousing. He’s been mostly into Jungkook’s weight gain kink in that he probably has a Jungkook kink, attracted to him at all times and all sizes, but a double-sized Jungkook pinning him to the couch… it’s doing a lot for him. He wonders if Jungkook can even feel how Jimin’s rock-hard against his blubbery overhang or if there’s just too much padding in the way.
“Jungkook-ah.” Jimin tugs at one of the many rolls of Jungkook’s stomach—because there are rolls big enough to tug with his whole hand now, to pull him closer. “Baby, lean forward.”
Jungkook, hazy-eyed, seemingly entranced into a fog by his body grown so fat so quickly, blinks heavily a few times. “What do you mean?”
“Lean forward,” Jimin repeats, pulling him in closer. The heavy thighs caging him in and the massive gut pinning his lower half to the back of the couch don’t feel like enough. He needs Jungkook all over him.
Jungkook gets it this time. Hesitantly, checking Jimin’s face beforehand and going gloriously red when Jimin nods and keeps guiding him forward, he leans his upper half against Jimin’s, holding him down further into the couch cushions. In his lap like this, Jimin’s face-height with Jungkook’s chest, his rucked-up t-shirt that pushes up even further with his movements, revealing his chest, fat tits that Jimin buries his face between, biting at the skin, swirling his tongue around a hardened nipple just to hear Jungkook groan in that pained ecstasy that means he’s really into it.
It’s not the easiest to breathe with what’s probably nearly three times his own weight pushing his body down, but it’s easy enough for Jimin to still get worked up, grinding up as much as he can despite the pressure, despite the mass that is now Jungkook jiggling and quivering on top of him. He didn’t start putting in more weightlifting and core-building time when Jungkook decided to get fat for nothing.
By the time Jimin’s seeing white, Jungkook’s emerging from his horny haze too, eyes clearer and more mischievous as he leans back, letting Jimin breathe again. Very deliberately, he’s lifting his gut, dropping it back down—massaging his chest—grabbing the hem of his t-shirt so that it rips straight down the middle with how strained the cotton has become.
Quickly, they catch each other in another kiss. It’s like before, but it’s not—still Jimin and Jungkook, still hot and heavy, but Jungkook keeps having to take breathers, unused to the new weight on his body, and so does Jimin, unused to the new weight on top of his body.
Pulling away, puffing and panting, Jungkook laughs, low and rumbling in a way that makes his whole belly undulate. “Do you think this effect is permanent?” he asks, curious, maybe a little hopeful.
“I don’t know,” Jimin gasps in reply, heart thrumming. “If it’s not, you have a few more pills left.”
A nod. “And if it is?”
Jimin blinks at him through heavy eyes. “Then you still have a few more pills left.”
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chubby-manggae · 1 year
The Candy Village Hotel pt.2
Cw: force feeding, public humiliation
During the night, Taehyung, trying to get out of his cabin got stuck in the doorway from to eat all of the candy he was given once his friends had brought him in the day before. He squirming and struggling with getting out, he came to the conclusion of just eating his way out. So Tae broke off big chunks from his door way until he was able to get out, and decided to eat them on the way over to his first victims house. Breaking off pieces of ginger bread and gumdrops from the roof and door way for Jimin's cabin, Taehyung enters. Setting some of the candy down on the table, Taehyung takes some of the smaller pieces like the gumdrops in his hand, all he has to do is get Jimin to eat these few little drops and then he'll swell into like a lard filled balloon just like Taehyung, he just has to figure out a way to get Jimin to eat them. With an idea coming to mind, Taehyung walks over to Jimin's bed…..and sits on him, crushing the smaller boy with his enormous weight. The smaller shoots awake and out let's out a scream that is quickly muffled by the gumdrops being shoved in his mouth. Not comprehending what was just shoved into his mouth, Jimin quickly eats the candy so he can yell at his best friend to get off him, only that's not what comes out of his mouth, "M-more, Tae I want more." Having seen the side affects already take place, Taehyung heaves himself off the growing boy to the table and hands Jimin the candy he collected for him. Taehyung sits to the side as he watches his friend devour the candy like a starved man, his body filling out in every direction, not unlike what his own did. Soon Jimin was nothing but a circle of lard with 4 pudgy roll filled appendages, munching away happily at the candy he was given. Of course Taehyung couldn't carry the amount of candy both the lard boys would need to be full, if they every could be at this point, so Jimin goes to get candy from the outside of the house, while Taehyung brakes some of the cabinets and table for the candy inside the house. Jimin having collected some of the grass, walkway and roof comes back inside, hips brushing the doorway. Together Jimin and Tae eat way at the stash they collected while sitting on the cotton candy and marshmallow bed. Getting halfway through their stash, the candy cane bed frame breaks causing them both to tumble to the floor. The two fat boys, not caring they have broken the bed with their weight, continue on eating mindlessly, even eating the bed when the rest of their candy runs out. When they start to get to the end of their candy stash, Taehyung speaks up and tells Jimin about they're plan on fattening up hobi as well. The other obese boy agrees and they both try to decide a time to strike. They decide to wait till the oldest is back from his morning walk, which won't be long as their binge has taken them into the middle of the morning. Knowing hobi would come check on them after his run, they leave to try to meet him outside the cabins, only for Jimin to get stuck in the doorway. Taehyung laughs at the predicament his friend is in while a flustered Jimin tries to get himself unstuck, resulting in him braking and eating the door frame as well.
Once their both out, they waddle over to where hobi is about to go inside tae's cabin. Taehyung goes to pin the older against the whole while jimin break off bits of the roof and shoves it in Hoseok's mouth. The older refuses to eat it staring at his friends in shock, when did they both get so fat? Jimin and Taehyung put of their best puppy dog eyes, trying to convince their friend to eat and join them. Hobi, ever weak to the pleading faces of the youngers starts chewing slowly and swallows the candy. Soon the dancers body starts expanding, exactly like the two before him, and as soon has he is let up by Taehyung, he turns towards his own cabin and runs as fast as his expanding body will let him. Once he gets to it, starts ripping chuck by chunk, shoving it into his mouth one after the other. Fat spilling over and ripping seems in his clothes. Taehyung and Jimin, happy with their work both go to their own cabins and continue their feast, eating chunks and chunks of the little candy cabins.
And that's how Seokjin, the owner of the hotel found them, three obese boys eating away at the cabins he and his husband, Yoongi, made. No one ever thought that having a culinary and hotel management degree would come and handy together but they made it work. Jaw on the floor from seeing their hard work being destroyed, he walks up to the unit and starts yelling at them. Unfortunately that doesn't work as all three of the boys are in their own little worlds munching away, so he goes over with security and has each of them dragged to his office to discus their punishments. Whining about the lack of candy on the way over to the lobby, none of them seemed phased by all the stares they were getting, some in curiosity others in disgust their faces smeared with chocolate and gingerbread crumbs as they're ginormous roll ridden bellies hung out for everyone to see as they were being escorted. Once to Seokjin's office each boy struggled to smoosh themselves into the chairs they out grew, resorting in them moving the chairs and having to sit on the ground. Not wanting the boys to keep whining while Seokjin tried to explain their punishments, he have them each a big bowl to snack on while he explained. They're punishments were to be workers at the hotel during school breaks and as full time once they were done with school, moving luggage and cleaning cabins when guests left, if any of the cabins were found eaten they're years of working would increase. They would not be payed in money but in candy and they would be given a place to live, that wasn't the candy cabins. All three looked upset at the later statement but they quickly forgot about it when they're bowls were refilled with more candy. Once the boys were munch on the new candy, Seokjin clapped and stood up, "Now to get your pictures taken." The boys looked up, still eating of course, confused. "Oh I forgot to mention the second part of your punishments, your before and after pictures will now forever be posted in the hotel lobby along side are pervious warnings about not eating the candy cabins." Seokiin said with a small smirk. With that, all three balls of lard were heaved up by security and taken town the hall for pictures. The shock didn't last for long as they all quickly went back to eating their large bowls of candy, and that's how their pictures were taken, with their fat, bulging stomachs exposed by their ill fitting †-shirts that looked more like bras for their tits that hung down to rest on their stomachs, their faces still smeared with chocolate and crumbs, holding a huge candy bowl in one hand and holding a handful a candy with the other. Their pictures from before when they were lean and skinny marchers, to the fat candy addicted little pigs they had become were posted size by side in the lobby for everyone to see. The boys couldn't really care that much that their bodies were being used in such a demeaning way, all that matter to them now was candy and that their appetite for it was always met. The boys got onto the charter bus, which was a struggle in itself, four times the weight they were when they left it, sad to have to leave the hotel, but excited for their next holiday brake.
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sweetestpjm · 1 year
forgot to do more then just put it in my bio but my rps are open! Just message or ask, but yeah! I only have one fic up atm for reference though but i’m very adjusting
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btsforlif · 1 month
Missed You
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Paring: jungkook x reader/chubby reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, fluff
Warnings‼️: nipple play, unprotected sex ( please don't do this guys), fingering, possesive jungkook, jealous jungkook, creampie, sad tae(?), drinking(that's all?).
Synopsis: In which you break up with jungkook due to some personal reasons but after a year you meet him again in a club and jungkook wants to know why you broke up with him, not letting you go this time. (Read to know what happens further).
Note: hi guys, posting after a year or two? I am so sorry for not posting before. I had so many things going on in my life that I got no time to write anything. Hope you enjoy this! Love you all💜 (SORRY FOR ANY GRAMMATICAL OR SPELLING MISTAKE).
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You were sitting at the bar drinking water because you aren’t into drinking alcohol and your friends forced you to join them for a random hangout and you couldn't say no because you really loved them. You really loved them but half of them are gone, wait you might be thinking where? So, with those men with whom they had the urge to spend a night with and you were left out with your only friend Taehyung who never liked anyone other than you.
"They all really ditched us", he said. You laughed and said that, "yeah they did" Tae laughs too. "You really wanna drink only water". He asked pointing at his beer and than pointing at you, you nod and said yes "I do not consume alcohol and you know it, right?" You said while drinking water. You know you can drink for today right?" He sips his beer "actually I think you somewhat right but I don't want to" You say while smiling to him and he nods as he understood not pushing you too much.
You both were talking to each other when suddenly tae says "I will be back within no time as I need to go to restroom". He didn't even wait for your answer, before he marched off to the restroom. You sat there waiting for your friend, in the mean time your eyes were scrolling through everyone; seeing some with their partners or with their friends but when you were watching others your eyes stopped at one man whom you didn't wanted to meet ever again but now it's seems impossible. You see him smiling and talking like nothing ever happened between you and him one year ago.
After your break up with him he was gone, completely gone from your life just like a warm breeze. And now he was here laughing, smiling and talking with others like nothing really happened. How did he move on so fast, you thought. As you were still fighting with those beautiful memories he gave you, with those charming moments spent him where you both were having your best time with each other and now he is here without even informing you about his arrival.
You didn't wanted to see him because you knew your feelings would come back in second when you meet him and that's what is now happening, all your feelings, memories are coming back. Just when you were thinking about him Taehyung comes running back saying, "sorry there was a que". He says before sitting beside you. "Why are you so upset suddenly?" He asks you out of nowhere seeing your face which was glowing few minutes ago and now it's like you are in deep pain.
"Lo-look behind you" You whispered to him and he turns around seeing your Ex Jungkook sitting with his friends in booth. "If you want we can leave from here", he hurriedly said as he did not want you to be more upset. "No I came here to enjoy and that's what I am going to do, he is my past" You order a beer and when it comes you drink it quickly without taking pauses.
Taehyung was worried for you, he knew how you were when you two broke up and it was really hard for you to come out of it. "Let's go to the dance floor". You took his hand not waiting for his approval and he didn't say anything he just let you take him. You started dancing with him on the beat almost forgetting about jungkook.
On the other hand Jungkook was laughing with his friends when he saw you on the dance floor dancing with some boy who he didn't recognise. He froze on the spot seeing you, smile gone seconds ago "hey what happened?" One of his friends asks him "nothing" Jungkook replies while still watching you. Is this the reason you broke up with him? Jungkook thought, was this so easy for you? Easy for you to forget all those memories that you both shared. He was furious, he wanted to know the reason for a whole year now because "it's not working between us" is definitely not the reason and he knew it.
He already knew he did wrong by not telling you that he was going abroad but he was heart broken, how was he even supposed to talk to you without crying and telling you that he was going. He wanted to talk to you for months now but he doesn't have much courage to talk to you so he let it slip his mind trying to forget everything. But he wasn't able to because he loved you deeply and still loves you.
How dare that boy was dancing with you when it should have been him. Why were you letting him dance with you? All he wanted to know about why you broke up with him, he wanted you back. Just seeing you on the dance floor, his heart wast beat fast. He will forget everything just for you and will restart everything if you want to.
Just for you.
He see you talking to him and you walk away from him somewhere probably restroom. He wanted to meet you and talk to you so he stood up and excused himself before following you. You enter female restroom and go into the stall not knowing Jungkook was following you. While you were in the stall Jungkook came in and locked the door not wanting you go anywhere before talking to him.
After coming out of the stall you go near sink to wash your hands but when you look up in mirror to look at yourself, you see Jungkook standing behind making you gasp loudly. You turn around and look at him standing leaning against the nearby wall "w-what are you doing here Jungkook?" You look at him with glassy eyes. "Just want to talk to you y/n please" He pleases with his pretty eyes making you melt in them. They always made you melt in them.
"What?" You ask him softly "why? Why did you broke up with me y/n?" You glup at his question and look down on the floor before speaking "I already told you Jungkook, it was not working for me!" You say loudly not willing to repeat yourself "liar! You know it's lie baby. Why can't you tell the truth love? Was it that boy you were dancing with?" He is much closer to you now, you didn't even realise it but now you actually have to look a little up just to look into his eyes "Jungkook that is the truth and it's none of your business if I was dancing with that boy or not" You were done here, you wanted to get out.
You were leaving when jungkook suddenly holds your wrist "you can't go now, not before you answer my question" His hold gets a little tighter after finishing his sentence "jungkook this is getting too much, let me go right now! I have answered your question before and i am not going to answer it again" You try to get your hand back but he suddenly pulls you towards him putting his hands on your waist and turns you around to face him caging you between him and the sink making you gasp loudly.
"W-what are you doing J-jungkook" You whisper "you can't go till you tell the truth y/n" He whispers back. His breath hitting your neck making you shiver lightly "there is only one truth and i have already said it" You push him a little making him face you and you look up into his eyes. "You have already got over me that easily?" He asks you making you look down onto his moving lips. "Yes" You answer shortly not trusting your voice.
"So this don’t affect you?" He moves near your face his breath hitting your lips. In reality it was affecting you, it has always affected you, anything related to him has always affected you. "No", you reply. Eyes staring into his to insert dominance. He suddenly kisses your neck just below your right ear "not even this?" You gasp lightly making him smirk against your neck.
"N-no not even this" You were trying hard not to feel anything but you knew you were lying to yourself more than to him. He looks up at your face again and see you breathing heavily, he knew you were getting butterflies with everything he was doing to you then why were you resisting? He wants to know the reason but he gets up from you and looks at your beautiful face "you want me to go don't you?" He whispers loudly enough you to hear "say it while looking into my eyes and I will go". He says it while looking at you with hope, he wanted to stay just with you. You let his words sink in and look at his face for a few seconds before looking at the wall behind him "yes I want you to go" You whisper. "Look into my eyes and tell me love." He takes your face into his hands and moves it up till it was face to face with his.
You look into his eyes and feel your eyes getting watered "n-no I don't want you to go!" You whisper, breaking your wall because you can't hurt yourself more just for some weird reason. You suddenly kiss him making him pull you closer by your hips. "I missed this, I missed your lips, fuck I missed you" He whispers before kissing you passionately again.
You break the kiss to breathe but he didn't waste any time before he was on your neck kissing and licking on your sensitive skin. "You want this?" He asks stopping everything, you nod and he starts to remove your straps from your shoulder making your boobs bounce out making him groan "I missed these two so much" He squeezes both of your breasts in his hands and bends down to take your right nipple in his mouth sucking and biting on it. You moan feeling yourself getting more wet in your panties. You stop yourself from moaning too loud by sucking on your finger and the other hand goes into his hair pulling it slightly.
He gives the same treatment to your other boob before coming back up and kissing you again, fighting with your tongue and exploring your mouth. His right hand goes under your dress and slide the panties to the side before gently rubbing your clit, you moan then again stop yourself from moaning too loud but he had other plans and took out your finger from your mouth and pinned your hands behind you "don't stop yourself please, I wanna hear it so bad" He literally begged you, you just nod not trusting your voice.
He goes back to rubbing your clit and teasing your entrance with his fingers "you want them in, don't you?" You nod in response but he pinches your clit "words" He was still teasing your entrance while looking at your eyes "y-yes I want your fingers in me please" You say whimpering a little when he inserted his middle finger in your pussy "like this yeah?" He asks before thrusting it in and out of you "More" You say closing your eyes "you want more? Always so greedy" He inserts his ring finger too and folds it making you moan loudly in response.
It was feeling so good, Jungkook coming back and making you cum on his fingers that you thought it was all a dream but then you feel your high cumming and feeling Jungkook's fingers just right in you making your insides twist "fuck jungkook don't stop please I am cumming" You say loudly while moaning. But jungkook stops and pulls his fingers out licking them clean. "I want you to cum on my dick" He says and turns you around and folds your dress till it was exposing your ass to him and he bends you down .
You wait for him when you hear him open his pants "I can't wait anymore, I want to feel you around my dick" He says before using your arousal as his lube and slowly sinking in slowly. You both moan feeling each other. You whimper feeling the stretch after long. You shudder when you feel him bottom out, he slaps your right butt "fuck you are squeezing me so good y/n, nobody fucked you after me?" He asks before taking his dick out and slamming it back in making you moan louder.
"No" You say loudly to his question. He thrust in and out of you finding his pace "I knew it, because this pussy belongs to me and me only, you belong to me only". He starts to go fast hitting your spongy thing again and again making you cry out "say you are mine" He pulls on your hair till your back meets his chest. You whimper "I am all yours" You cry out while slapping and moaning noises fills the entire room.
Jungkook lets you go making you fall onto the counter moaning. He changes position by lifting your leg and keeping it on the counter and thrusting more deep into you "so deep" You groan "yes as it should be, me being deep in you always". He bends down kissing your back while thrusting hard into you. He was hitting your insides so good that you felt yourself on cloud nine.
You were feeling close, the knot in your stomach was getting more and more intense "fuck jungkook I am close, don't stop please". You had tears in your eyes feeling yourself so close. He hums and sneaks his hand around you and start to rub your clit. You close your eyes whimpering squeezing his cock hard "yes j-just like that, squeeze me even harder". He groans out "cum". He commands and you cum on his cock moaning loudly and chanting his name again and again.
He gets you through your climax and put your leg down before thrusting again and moaning. You whimper feeling your overstimulation kick in "I am cumming, I am cumming in you fuck" He groans loudly making you whine "please please cum in me" You moan before he groans loudly chanting "mine mine" and cums deep in you, throwing ropes of cum in you before taking his dick out and helping you in standing up and in rearranging your clothes and then you help him back before you were standing in front of him still in haze.
He kisses your lips before kissing your forehead "I know you don't want me to know the reason about our break up and I won't ask it but please don't leave me this time, I love you, always have and always will please come back to me again" He says almost tears in his eyes looking into your eyes. You caress his face before smiling and giving him a quick kiss and noding "I love you too jungkook, I won't go this time" You say to which jungkook hugs you "missed you so much". He says and kisses your neck before taking your hand in his "let's go home, I want to tell you so many things". He smirks and looks at you. You giggle at his smirk and nod knowing what he means. But you stop "jungkook your cum is still dripping down my leg" You whine "that's good let others see who you belong to". He proudly says before you hear knocks on the bathroom door "y/n are you okay? it's been more than 20 minutes" You hear Taehyung’s voice and your eyes go wide "y-yes I am okay I am coming out" You start to painc and look at jungkook "what should we do now, if we both go out he will know that we had sex right now" You say panicking "so? He should know" Jungkook says and pulls you out against your say and you see taehyung looking at you and then at jungkook "hm hi taehyung, I am so sorry for leaving you" You nervously say "i-its okay" He says while blushing he understood what you two did and you look at jungkook glaring at him "hi taehyung, I am jungkook, I am sorry but I have to take y/n home right now we have some work to do". He doesn't wait for his reply and pulls you with him. You turn around while walking and mouth sorry to taehyung to which he gives you thumbs up and smile.
Taehyung stands there for few minutes before going to bar and sitting down on chair. He knew he should have told you about his feelings sooner. Now he doesn't have a chance. He asks the waiter to serve him a drink before he is thinking about you again.
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Hope you enjoyed this! Please leave a comment and don't forget to reblog💜
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