#cid garlond x wol
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✧✦✧ “Fragments” - episode 7 ✧✦✧
"Life is short, so fall in love, dear maiden, before your youthful ardor cools off, for there is no tomorrow."
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sharlayandropout · 8 months
Part II (Part I here)
Back in Sharlayan, a couple of days after New Beginnings
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smitten-miqitten · 9 months
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tasirfarosh · 1 year
Cid vs the Female Omega Outfit
Tumblr user @yukiotacon had written something involving the F Omega Outfit for some Ishgardian men, but what about our resident Magitech nerd? 
It was fairly late
Cid had already sent Biggs and Wedge home (they probably went out drinking though) 
And Nero was gods know where
But that left Cid by himself, tinkering, trying to finish one final thing in the workshop
And then the sound of the large doors alerted him
Probably Nero again, he thought to himself
When he heard the sound of heels, though, he changed his mind
He glanced up, and oh. Oh gods.
He stared at the suit hugging your body, leaving very little to the imagination
Tools dropped
Mouth hanging open
Cid was properly stunned
Thank the gods he wears that thicccck apron or else, you know, wink wink nudge nudge 
“[Y/n]-- Wha-- what is, what are--” 
Face red, trying to look everywhere but you
Not that he didn’t like it. Absolutely the opposite
He was afraid he’d stare at certain... assets for far too long
You giggled at his reaction, brushing it off as trying to see what he’d do 
As you turn to leave, however, you didn’t hear the sound of his apron dropping
Until you feel his hands on your exposed hips, pressed against your back
His... interest in the suit is well apparent now
“Where do you think you’re going? I think some... experiments may be in order, here.” 
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ivorystand · 4 months
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"No, you are NOT putting weapons on the airship!"
Cid loves his partners dearly, but they certainly test his patience 😂😂
I started working on the airship stuff for the FC I made on Cactuar, and I knew just who would be in charge of it in the fic. A certain Garlean polycule with two engineering degrees... and Novia, she's there too 😂
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thearthangout · 24 days
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otherworldseekers · 1 year
They Can’t Take You Away From Me: Amnesia AU part 1
Takes place after 5.0 but no spoilers. As always, feedback appreciated. 
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“Tataru! I’m home!” Severia’s voice rings through the Rising Stones for the first time in months, having just returned from another world. 
Tataru emerges from one of the back storage rooms jumping for joy. “Severia! You made it back! Are the others with you?”
Severia kneels down to give the Lalafell a hug. It’s good to see her familiar face. “No. They can’t return yet. But we’re working on it. Don’t worry. There’s hope.”
“Of course there is. We have you on our side,” Tataru says, full of confidence. “Krile’s with them now. I’m sure she’ll want to check in with you.”
“Oh of course,” says Severia, but there’s someone else on her mind. Someone she absolutely must see right away. “Have you seen Nero around?” She doesn’t notice Tataru’s bright smile fade into worry. 
“Er… well... The thing is…”
Severia drops her gear off on one of the empty tables in the common room. “No matter. I expect he’s at the Ironworks.” She heads back toward the entrance, eager to see her lover after so long away. 
“Wait! Krile will want to talk to you! She’s concerned about-”
“Tell Krile I’ll be back in just a bit,” Severia calls over her shoulder. 
Tataru sighs as Severia disappears through the door. She taps her linkpearl. “Cid? It’s Tataru. You’ll never believe this, but she’s back and she’s on her way over.”
“Tell me you’re joking.”
“I wish it was. She’s set on finding Nero.”
Muffled cursing crosses the line. “Your job is to stall her!”
“Well, excuse me for being unable to halt the unstoppable force,” Tataru says with a huff.
Cid cuts off the channel and heaves a sigh. “It’s always down to me.” No sooner has he risen from his desk than he hears Severia’s voice in the main workroom and heading his way. “How did she get here so bloody fast?” he mutters grumpily. 
Scrambling to head her off, Cid throws himself out of his office and manages to get in the way before Severia can reach Nero’s door. 
“Severia! Welcome back!”
“Cid, it’s good to see you,” she says with a smile. “I was just looking for Nero.”
“Nero isn’t here,” Cid blurts out. “I sent him on an errand…” But typically, Nero takes that exact moment to emerge from his office down the hall. “Damnit,” Cid mutters.
As soon as Severia catches sight of his tall, blonde head, she starts forward eagerly. “Oh, Nero! You are here.” 
Following behind Nero another man exits the office. Shorter than Nero, handsome with brown skin and dark golden hair, hand entwined in Nero’s, the man seems to be laughing at some comment of Nero’s as they proceed in Severia and Cid’s direction. 
Nero barely glances at Severia. “I’m off for lunch, Garlond. Don’t let anyone touch my latest project while I’m gone. It’s in a highly volatile state.” As Nero and his companion pass them by, Cid catches the Hyur sending a malicious glance toward Severia. 
But Severia has eyes only for Nero. Confused, she turns to follow them. “Nero… what…”
Nero looks back at her with a neutral expression as his companion places a possessive hand on Nero’s chest. “Sorry, do I know you?”
Severia freezes in shock. “What?”
“Look, if you had business with me with me before the accident then we can talk it over after lunch,” he tells her impatiently. “If not, don’t waste my time.” 
Severia watches them go feeling stunned and paralyzed in her confusion. At last she finds her voice. “Cid… Cid, what’s going on? This is a prank, right? Tell me it’s a prank.” 
Without waiting for Cid to reply, she runs out of the Ironworks and searches for Nero in the square outside. She spots him a moment later making his way toward the market. Running after him, she manages to grab his sleeve. “Nero, wait. This is a joke, right? I’m not sure I appreciate it at all, but it’s just a joke.” 
Nero shrugs to his companion and frowns down at her. “I’m afraid I’ve no idea who you are. You look like an adventurer so I’m not sure what we would have to do with each other. I’ve little patience for adventurers.” He shakes her off his sleeve. “And less for adventurers who don’t respect personal boundaries.”
Nero’s companion gives a little chuckle and smirks down at Severia. “Next time mind your manners, little girl,” he says in a low, velvety voice, as he and Nero walk away. 
Severia watches them go, panic spiking inside her. “Cid… Tell me what’s going on,” she says when he catches up with her. 
Cid sighs again. “Severia, I’m sorry.”
“Just explain.”
“Let’s go to the Rising Stones. I think you should sit down before I start.”
Fighting the tears building behind her eyes, Severia agrees. When they get back to the Stones Tataru is there anxiously waiting for them. She catches Cid’s eye with a questioning look and he shakes his head. He wasn’t able to prevent the worst from happening. 
“I’ll make some tea,” says Tataru and heads off to the kitchens. 
Cid and Severia take seats at one of the tables in the common area. Severia looks at him expectantly. 
“Don’t try to soften it, Cid. Just tell me,” she begs.
“The long and the short of it is that Nero lost his memories,” Cid says without preamble. 
Severia pales. “All of them?”
“All of them,” Cid confirms. “There was an accident. A prototype he was working on suddenly exploded. He nearly didn’t make it, and when he did pull through, he didn’t know who he was anymore.”
She gasps. “But he’s alright now?”
“Physically, he’s completely healed. But his mind… We hoped it would be temporary. But it’s been about a month now since the amnesia started.”
Tataru bustles back out with a tea service on a tray and begins pouring for the three of them. Severia takes up a spoon and idly stirs her tea. “So he doesn’t remember me. But… he’s still working for you. You must have told him about himself. Did you not tell him about me?”
Cid and Tataru exchange guilty looks. “The thing is, he was so confused by everything I tried to tell him,” Cid continues. “And it was overwhelming him.”
“And you weren’t here,” Tataru adds. “We agreed that it would be too much to try and make him accept a lover he couldn’t even meet. And we hoped by the time you returned, it would all be resolved.”
Severia grips her tea cup as if it is a raft in a raging river. “I see. So he has no idea.”
“No. I’m sorry, Severia, truly sorry,” says Cid. 
“Where does… that man come into it?”
Tataru takes a seat by Severia and puts her hand over the hero’s. “As soon as he began coming around, Cid and I knew we had made a mistake. But by then it was too late.”
“You must understand, Nero lost his memories, but he is still very much Nero. He quickly tired of me hovering around him and my efforts to make him remember. He got sick of hearing about his old life. He wanted to move forward. He stopped listening to me entirely.”
Severia can’t help a small smile. “How very like him.”
“And that’s when… that man showed up,” Cid growls. 
“He calls himself Alecto, and I’d swear I never saw him before in this town until the day he started wooing Nero,” Tataru takes up the story. 
“Oh yes, it was clear from the start what he was after. At least to us. But he’s a smooth bastard. He latched onto Nero’s insecurities right away and fed him a lot of lines about how if no one else could accept Nero for who he was now then he, Alecto, could. He pitted himself against Cid and the rest of us from the beginning. And perhaps we’d all made a mess of things from the start because it bloody well worked,” Tataru says bitterly. “Nero fell for it hook, line and sinker.”
“So then… they’re…”
“Romantically involved,” Tataru confirms grimly. “Gods, Severia, I’m so sorry.”
It makes sense, Severia thinks. Nero’s never been as independent as he thinks he is. He craves validation. He would see Cid’s efforts as trying to get him to be something he could no longer be. He would be easy prey for someone with the right words. I’m making assumptions. I don’t know that man’s true feelings. If he’s giving Nero something he needs… who am I to object? But she remembers the smirk the Hyur directed at her, the triumph in it. I don’t know what to do. 
Leaving her tea cold and untouched on the table, Severia gets up. “I don’t blame you,” she says, trying to reassure her friends. “None of what has happened is your fault. But, I think I need to be alone for a while now. Excuse me.”
Flying over the crystalline landscape of Mor Dhona, Severia doesn’t think about where she is going. But it comes as no surprise that she gravitates toward the Crystal Tower. She lands on the terrace just past the Eight Sentinels, the place where she first spoke to Nero. The place where the two of them have come on so many nights to admire the inspiring view together. Their favorite place for star viewing. Severia dismounts and sits down at the edge of the terrace, feet hanging over the abyss that surrounds the Tower. 
The dam bursts on the tears she has been holding back since he looked at her with eyes empty of recognition. Of all the many expressions and looks she has seen him direct toward her over the years, he has never looked at her like that before. As if she were nothing. The pain of it is shocking in its intensity. Their relationship had only started a few months before she was called to the First, but feeling it end like this is like having a limb suddenly cut off. A limb she never realized was so important to her. 
Am I just going to accept it ending this way? She asks herself. But what else can I do? She doesn’t want to make this hardship even more difficult for him to bear. 
Laying back on the cool stone and curling up on her side, she lets herself weep until all that’s left inside her is a dull ache of emptiness. The truth is that she’s afraid of seeing him again. Afraid of that void in his eyes where appreciation and affection used to be. Afraid it will break her. 
“Oh gods, I love him,” she whispers to herself. “Why did I have to realize it like this?”
I can’t stay here, she knows. Not in Revenant’s Toll. Not in Mor Dhona. Not in Eorzea. Not on the Source. There’s only one place that isn’t tainted by memories of him. 
And so the following morning, she repacks her bags and returns to Norvrandt. 
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faindessiness · 1 year
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Who needs pillows when you got your husband's boobs
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chrysalispen · 2 years
Prompt #5 - Cutting Corners
Fill under cut.
It was the small hours of the morning, the coverlet and sheets at his side were rumpled and thrown back, and the bed was cold. Swiping at his eyes with a hand rendered clumsy from deep sleep, Cid squinted at the digital chronometer Nero had insisted on tossing in the pack for their long trip to Sharlayan until his vision had adjusted to the lights.
0530. He bit back a sigh. Nero was a night owl at the best of times but the man only ever eschewed sleep altogether when there was something weighing on his mind.
Cid considered letting it lie and catching another bell or so of sleep before deciding against it.
Stifling a deep yawn, he pushed himself from his elbows to a seated position and - with more than a little reluctance - kicked the quilt back to free his feet. Mistress Krile had given the senior Ironworks engineers use of the Students of Baldesion's semi-private sleeping quarters during their stay in Sharlayan, and the beds were remarkably comfortable even if the collegiate bunks were somewhat more austere than they'd hoped.
He dressed quickly. Like the surrounding air the marble floor was cold and slightly damp, owing no doubt to Sharlayan's wet northern climate. Cid grimaced at the brief shock of that chill against his bare feet but decided not to bother with the nearby house shoes hastily procured for him. He'd experienced far worse over the years, and he'd be used to the chill by the time he reached the door where his well-worn workboots waited for him.
Shoving his feet into stockings and then the boots, Cid glimpsed out of the corner of one eye through the dorm window that thin silver-grey line like starlight just on the edge of a blue so dark it was nearly black. A sure sign that dawn was imminent, and a sight he had seen countless times before himself having burned his own share of midnight oil over the years.
Somehow it all seemed strangely... still. The star turned as it had ever done even in the face of this latest crisis, yet the morning felt frozen in this one elastic moment that stretched and folded in on itself as if the world were holding its breath. And mayhap it is, he thought. He could feel his own anxiety driving his early morning restlessness, an invisible beast gnawing at the bars of its cage.
Warm light shimmered beneath the door. Cid paused, letting out a soft breath of relief.
When he pushed the door open he saw precisely what he had expected. Nero sat hunched over the unmanned lobby counter on a stool not meant for a man his size in a position that surely could not be comfortable, a decidedly rumpled-looking and half-opened linen undershirt draped over his wiry frame and a set of goldsmith's spectacles slipping down the bridge of his nose. He seemed heedless of the curling forelocks that drooped over his brow as he squinted at the object of his focus and muttered something under his breath.
Cid half-thought his approach had gone unnoticed until Nero spoke without even a wayward glance in his direction. "You're up early."
"Looking for you. You haven't stayed up all night, have you?"
A listless lift and drop of the shoulders. "What time is it?"
"Half five. I saw you were gone- what are you doing?"
"Not your business, Garlond," and this time he could hear it: the telltale irritation threading itself through Nero's voice that indicated the other engineer had worked himself into a spate of ill temper. Cid crossed his arms and leaned against the threshold of the open door. "Something's clearly bothering you."
"You are bothering me. I'm trying to concentrate."
"Well, you might as well take a break. I'm not leaving before you talk to me."
Finally, Nero set down the tool he held in his left hand - placed with notable care upon the varnished wood - and uttered an exasperated sigh. "As I've no doubt you intend to nag me incessantly about it, fine. Yes. I'm worried. As anyone with a modicum of sense should be."
"You're worried about Aurelia. You could have said as much."
"No. I couldn't. And this is precisely why."
"You insist upon making a production of it every time my nose is even slightly out of joint. I merely decided to work on a personal project because I see no point in sitting about twiddling my thumbs. If I am forced to be useless, I might as well be productive."
"Let me finish. I understand. I do. But Aurelia is more than capable of handling herself."
Nero only afforded him a steady glare, mouth set in a grim and unyielding line of displeasure. "That Baldesion woman sent Zenos after her," he said flatly. "Were you aware?"
Cid froze. He didn't know that. After the Ragnarok's signal was lost he'd remained in the bowels of Labyrinthos to consult with Fourchenault Leveilleur and the Forum's engineers.
"Zenos yae Galvus?"
"No, Garlond, Zenos the florist who sells lilies down by the bloody harbor. Yes, Zenos yae Galvus. It's 'viator' now, by the by." Nero's fingers drummed against the countertop with an urgency anyone else would assume to be impatience but Cid knew full well was sheer nervous energy. "So, now that I've given you your answer, I trust you'll leave me be."
Zenos. Cid felt his stomach clench unpleasantly and his mouth seemed to have turned into its own personal wasteland in a span of mere seconds, but after a deep breath of his own he managed to reply, "I can't imagine that Mistress Krile of all people would have done such a thing without any regard for Aurelia's safety. Surely she had her reasons."
"Reasons which she has not seen fit to explain to anyone. Not that it matters. I doubt I would find them satisfactory."
Nero had picked up the tools again as he spoke, and when no response was forthcoming from Cid, returned to his work. His posture was even worse than it had been before, with so much muscular tension to fold his lanky body even farther in on itself, but he had regained his focus on- whatever it was he was doing.
"Will you at least tell me about your project?" Cid asked him.
"All right, I'll bite. Is there some reason you're being so closemouthed about it?" Nero set down the small hammer, this time opting for a set of thin and delicate-looking pincers. "You realize the toolkit we brought along has-"
"No. This is a matter of personal importance to me, Garlond. I refuse to cut corners for convenience's sake, and work which requires my full attention is a welcome distraction at present." After a moment, he added, somewhat grudgingly: "...That said, I appreciate the thought."
That was a downright amiable response coming from Nero Scaeva, especially given his foul mood, but watching the man's hunched shoulders Cid understood that he wasn't going to get anything more out of him. He shrugged, then ran a hand through his hair. He'd see to a proper brushing once he was a bit more awake. "The Last Stand opens in a half bell," he said. "Might as well break our fast. Do you want me to bring you anything?"
"Coffee. Black." A brief pause. "One of those chocolate eclairs, if they have any."
He hid his answering smile. Nero probably wasn't in the mood to be teased about his sweet tooth.
"I'll be back."
The door snicked shut. One beat passed, then another, and at last a quiet sigh echoed through the half-lit room. With another glance at the door, reassured that he was alone, Nero adjusted the magnifying lens over his left eye. The enhanced view would allow him to place the sapphire into its setting without any unfortunate incidents.
Carefully he lifted the pincers. The stone's tiny facets caught the lamplight with each minute tremor of his hand. They flickered in prismatic shimmers like sunlight dancing over sea waves.
"You'll find out what it is after she's seen it, Garlond," he said aloud, "and not a moment sooner."
Resolute, fear shunted securely into the back of his mind where it would no longer be so troublesome, Nero returned to the task at hand. With any luck he'd finish restoring the ring before her return.
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punningway · 10 months
"By the Twelve...you made it back." Cid's voice caught as he tried to compose himself and failed, the tears that welled in his eyes beginning to fall. His love, his Lura, was back from space and in his arms where he needed her to be. It was no small feat. Lura's own voice was hoarse, and Cid noticed how she clung to him to keep her spent self upright as her own tears answered his.
"I had to see you again, beloved. There was no other option." She kissed him then, long and slow and sweet. It would be the first of many kisses they shared that day. Many around Sharlayan bore witness to the Warrior of Light refusing to let go of his hand as he accompanied her around, checking on everyone, letting them see she'd returned with their own eyes. He steadied her, keeping her upright as long she needed.
When her fatigue grew too great, he carried her the rest of the way to the Baldesion Annex, where he tucked her into bed and curled around her protectively, falling into a deep, exhausted sleep. In the middle of the night, she began to purr in her sleep and he woke, curling more tightly around her. He felt his heart finally daring to believe that she was truly there.
His Lura was home.
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✧✦✧ “Fragments” - episode 5 - part 1 ✧✦✧
The cutely begging catboy and cute Cid. Everyone in this comic is cute and has an attitude.
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pangolinheart · 10 months
Rhiki & Cid
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[[WWWW I thought this one would be one of the easier ones but it was actually one of the most difficult. But congrats on suggesting the single biggest non-villain NPC anyone has ever submitted to me through this ask game.]]
CId Garland | M'zhet Tia | Lahabrea
145… 146.
There were exactly 146 rivets holding the ceiling in place. Though, perhaps she had miscounted? Maybe she should count them a third time, just to be sure…
“I’m bored,” Rhiki complained, swinging her legs back and forth against the side of one of the wooden crates she lay sprawled upon. She turned her head to look at Cid, who sat crouched in front of a tall magitek pylon of some sort. It had been nice to watch him work, at first – the endearing crease that formed in his brow when he concentrated, the tension in his biceps as he tightened a bolt. It was cute, how engrossed he got in his projects. But that had been several hours ago, and the charm had slowly worn off.
“If you have more pressing engagements, my dear, I won’t keep you.” Cid didn’t look up from his tinkering, which annoyed her, but she could see the small smile on his face.
“In fact, I don’t think I remember asking you to come.”
Rhiki did her best to sulk – not that he could see. “Well, you weren’t paying enough attention to me, so I decided to come here and make you. I don’t get that much time off these days, you know?”
His eyebrows lifted in a way that told her he was about to say something, though he remained focused on his work. She continued before he could open his mouth. “But no, you’re right. That was silly of me. After all, how could I, the Warrior of Light – and your girlfriend! – possibly expect to compare to the majesty of… whatever that is.” She waved her hand in the general direction of the device.
Cid sat back on his heels, finally glancing up at her. “It’s a prototype for an improved airship-mounted forcefield generator,” he pointed out. His tone was more amused than annoyed.
He sighed, setting down the screwdriver he had been holding and fully relaxing into a sitting position. “I’m sorry, Rhiki. I do want to spend time with you, but we’re on a tight deadline for this project.”
“I know,” she mumbled. She shouldn’t complain, really. She was being petulant. They were both busy people, and neither could afford to drop everything whenever the other became available. His work was important, both to him and to the wider world, just as hers was. She knew she wasn’t actually competing with his creations for his affection. She knew that, but sometimes knowing it was different from feeling it.
Cid sat quietly for a few seconds, watching her through soft blue eyes. Then, his smile returned, as if he had finally thought of a way to make all of the pieces of his latest contraption fit together.
“Here,” He beckoned, “Why don’t I show you how to do this part, and you can help me?”
Rhiki sat up so fast it made her dizzy. “Really? You never let me play with your magitek stuff!”
He laughed at her enthusiasm, “Why not? The hardest part’s already done. All that’s left is the finishing touches.”
Excitedly, she pushed herself off of the pallet of crates and trotted over to join him at the base of the forcefield generator. He scooted back a few inches to allow her to sit in front of him and share his view of the open panel. He placed an arm over her shoulder and began pointing to some of the incomprehensible components in front of her. “See this wire? It’s carrying a current that needs to go here,” he angled his wrist to point at another element slightly above and to the left, “So that a rotor deeper inside can turn. So, to do that we need to – Here, let me show you,”
He lowered the hand he had been pointing with to grasp her own and gently guided it to the section he had indicated. She couldn’t feel the warmth of his skin nor the callouses on his fingers through his thick work gloves, but the gentle yet firm grip was familiar and comforting. His broad chest pressed against her back as he leaned forward. The not-quite-embrace was so soothing it made it difficult to concentrate, but she tried her hardest to focus. For once, she wanted to be a good student. It wasn’t every day he made an effort to include her in the minutiae of his work, and she didn’t want to disappoint.
“You’ll want to hold it like this. Be careful not to touch the exposed bits,” He adjusted the position of her fingers with his own. “There, just like that. Now, move it just an ilm or so until it connects right here and then we’ll…."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“OW!” Rhiki hissed, yanking her hand back and shaking it vigorously to alleviate the burning sensation prickling along her thumb and forefinger. Over the course of the past hour or so of Cid’s instruction she’d become more confident in connecting and arranging the machine’s various innards. A little too confident, perhaps; as she reached to grab the last wire for Cid to connect her fingers had grasped too close to the end of the rubber casing and touched bare metal.
“Really? That hurt you? I’ve seen you take blows from primals without even flinching!” Cid teased.
“I just wasn’t expecting it!” She insisted, defensively.
She could feel his chuckle against her back and he patted her on the shoulder. “Sorry, sorry. I knew I should have gotten you a pair of gloves. Here, all finished,” He twisted the final two wires together with practiced ease. “I’m sure I can entrust you with the task of putting the front panel back on?”
“Fine, fine,” She pawed through the pile of bolts at her side with one hand until she found one that looked to be the right size and grasped along the floor next to her blindly with her other, searching for the discarded panel. Cid plucked it from just out of her reach and handed it to her before disentangling himself from her and climbing to his feet. He stretched, and she heard some of his joints pop. She snickered.
“I hear you laughing at me.” He winced a little.
“What? Oh, I was just thinking about something funny,” She lied, not even trying to sound convincing. She lined the panel up and braced it with one hand. The other hand placed the bolt and reached for the wrench. “Anyways, I did a good job, right? You should take me to dinner, as a treat. Or I could take you. Payment. I’m sure a personal lesson from the head of Garlond Ironworks doesn’t come cheap~”
Out of the corner of her eye she saw him wince again, though this time not because of the sore muscles in his back. “I’m sorry, Rhiki. I still need to power this thing up and record the preliminary readings. Then I’ve got to file all the paperwork.”
“Seriously?” She fumbled the wrench, almost dropping it.
“I know, I know. I’d love to take you to dinner. You know I would. But if I don’t get this report finished Jesse will weld me in here permanently.”
She heaved a sigh, shoulders slumping as she continued tightening bolts. “Fine.”
“But,” he continued, “Once I’m done I’ll tell her that I’m taking the next few days off. The Warrior of Light has requested my presence and you can’t just say ‘no’ to the savior of Eorzea, can you? Plus, my girlfriend is in town.”
Rhiki took a moment to consider this. She moved on to the last bolt. “Promise?”
“I promise,” he said with a smile. It was that soft, fond smile that made crinkles appear around his eyes and always made her heart melt. She couldn’t help but give in. Unfair.
“Alright, I believe you.” She gave the wrench a last twist before setting it back on the floor with the rest of the project’s leftovers. She stood, mimicked his stretch from earlier (without the cracking, she noted smugly,) and strode over to him. He was shorter than most Garleans, but she still had to stand on her tiptoes to solicit a kiss from him. He graciously leaned down and acquiesced, before walking her to the door.
“Come and find me when you’re done? If it’s not too late I might be in a good enough mood to whip us up a midnight snack,”
He opened the door for her, “The Warrior of Light really is as benevolent as the stories say.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She smacked him lightly on the shoulder with the back of her hand as she passed. Rather than heading down the path that led to the exit, however, she veered right.
“Where are you going?” She heard him ask after her.
“To make problems for Nero!” She called back gleefully with a wave.
The warm, full sound of his laughter followed her down the corridor. “And that, my dear, is one of the many reasons why I love you.”
So, I think the reason this one was so difficult is because it would go... fine, probably? Like with Riol from before, it doesn't seem like it would be a romance for the ages, but it also doesn't seem like it would be a total debacle, either They're both good natured, well-meaning people who would probably have a mostly-healthy, middle of the road relationship. There would be some problems, for sure - they both spend most of their time working, for one. They also both have struggles that the other might have trouble empathizing with. But, if they really put their minds to it, I think they could make it work.
I think the hardest part would be getting them into a relationship to begin with. It seems like there's not really anything to act as a spark. They already get along pretty well, but they don't necessarily have a ton in common. Rhiki thinks magitek seems interesting, but she's not an engineer or a scientist or a scholar, so she's not that into it. Most of the technical stuff goes way over her head. So they probably couldn't bond over, like, hours talking about magitek or the Allagan technology or anything like that. I also don't know that Rhiki is really Cid's type. He seems pretty focused on her work, so I don't know to what extent he's really looking for a relationship, anyway. He's also at least 10 years older than Rhiki, and while that's not a deal-breaker she might not consider him as a romantic option initially. So this ship is more of a "If for some reason they had to get married...." scenario lol.
If it were to develop organically, I think it would probably be during the Weapons storyline. The events in and around Werlyt really shook Rhiki, so she would probably in need of some support. And I'm sure that Cid had some feelings about 1) working with Gaius again after everything and 2) seeing a bunch of Gaius' other adopted kids get fused physically and mentally into magitek weaponry.
What Cid does have going for him is that he's very reliable, which Rhiki would really appreciate about him. He's always there when the WoL needs him and when something that's within his purview needs doing he'll work around the clock to make it happen. He's also friendly and open, and has a pretty consistent temperament, which I think Rhiki would benefit from. And, while their struggles aren't the same, they are, like, second cousins. which could allow them to understand and support each other better. Rhiki has a really hard time living up to her reputation as a hero, and Cid grew up a child prodigy, so I imagine he has some frame of reference for what that pressure is like. Rhiki sometimes worries that her attempts to "save the world" do more harm than good, and Cid clearly grapples with magitek, including things he or his father hard a hand in creating, being misused to hurt or oppress others. So, they both have probably asked themselves, "Am I doing the right thing?" I think these are things that could bring them together.
The other big wrench in the works (no pun intended) though... is that it seems like if Rhiki and Cid got married Nero would live in their spare bedroom which would really put a damper on the romance but would also be extremely funny.
[[Send me a character and I'll tell you how a ship with them and Rhiki would go.]]
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smitten-miqitten · 1 year
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Some Cid/WoL propaganda
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yemojanoykin · 1 year
Don't know what to title this
This is the first thing I've tried to write. My FC and other friends said it was good so I'm going to share here.
Yemoja peaked an eye open slightly. A small gasp left her mouth before a smile formed. He was still there. It was late at night, or maybe very early morning. There were no orange or yellow rays coming through the window yet. But that didn’t matter to her cause he was still here. He had stayed. No running off. No disappearing. He stayed with her, like he promised.
Moonlight came in through the window making his hair shine from the inside like quartz in the light. A white, ghostly glow. Beautiful. It seemed like everything had stopped for this moment. For her. Her small ashy, dark purple hands reached up to move his white hair from his face. It was soft, if a little knotted. Carefully she started to unknot his hair.
The Au’ra never noticed the man before her had awoken when she did. A small smile crept to his face as she started to hum. He loved her voice. Sometimes it was strong like a river cutting through a mountain and other times free as the wind on the Steppe. Right now, now it felt like the light on a petel. Wow. When did he become like this? 
His large hand squeezes her hip softly, causing a gasp to escape the recipient.
“Cid? How long have you been up?” Yemoja asked, a little panicked. “I’m so sorry. Did I wake you?”
Cid chuckled before finally opening his eyes, “No. I’ve been up for a while.”
They stay like that, just looking at each other's face. Cid’s ice blue eyes studied her mitch-match ones. One a clear yellow, the other a deep blue-green with glowing teal-ish rings around them. She always called them Hydaelyn’s mark as she didn’t have them before her first vision. His eyes traveled down her face to the yellow freckles that adorned her nose and cheeks like stars. Laying there, her face reminded him of the night sky and the scales were like pure white clouds.
Yemoja studied Cid’s face with as much intensity. She wanted to engrave this moment into her mind’s eye. From the way his beard laid at this moment to the normally tight eyebrows finally relaxing. She could make out the slight bags under his eyes. No doubt from the nights he’s forgotten to rest when he was close to a breakthrough. Nothing was covering the pearly bead on his head, his third eye. A small smile came to her plump lips. To show what is probably his weakest point, that trust was something she was never going to break. The shadow cast by his strong nose could not hide the softness in his eyes. The admiration. The joy.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” She asked, pulling the blanket up over her bare shoulder, suddenly embarrassed.
“Like what?” Cid smiled fondly.
“Like you believe I could put the stars in the sky?”
“Cause I do. Don’t worry. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure they get there.”
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giryajaabwol · 1 year
Girya Fic: Suspicions and Trust Issues Pt. 2
Here's the second part of the fic I began on the previous post. This story documents the beginning of Girya and Cid's relationship. They don't even know they're going to be an item soon!
This went on for some time and as with anything that becomes routine Girya became too comfortable. 
On this particular day, Girya perched on the railing to watch him, almost daring him to see her and say something. Her sleek green tail twitched with irritation; she hadn’t been getting much sleep herself between resuming her work to unlock her remaining chakras, fetching the materials for the Enterprise and watching Cid from the shadows. She was growing impatient waiting for him to slip up. Perhaps she could startle him out of this role he’d adopted. 
Girya narrowed her eyes, boring holes into the back of his head and then into the spot between his shoulder blades when he bent forward to adjust something on the hull. He straightened and rolled his shoulders back. She remained undistracted by the flex of muscles that caused his shoulders and neck, rather she stayed focused despite the display, until her concentration shattered when he spoke loudly enough for her to hear. 
“I don’t mind an audience,” he said, raising his arms overhead to stretch his back and neck. “But I do require that they lend a hand.” 
She balked and struggled to think of some retort. As if to hammer his point home, he glanced over his shoulder right at her without having to search in the slightest. When she did not answer he grinned, the cheeky bastard. 
“Either come down and help or I’ll have to ask you to leave.” 
Trying and failing not to sulk, Girya slid off the railing to descend the steps. She walked with purpose, watching him as she did. He didn’t wait for her to alight on the landing deck before scaling a tall step ladder. 
As she neared, he stretched out a hand, gaze fixed on whatever it was he was working on. “Hand me one of those bolts, will you?” 
She looked down at the pile of bolts on the deck and in that moment decided that she would help rather than integrate. She dropped one of the bolts into his palm and he resumed his work, unaware of the ice in her eyes or not caring. 
“Thanks,” he said. “You don’t have to stay up there, you know. There’s a much better view of her down here.” 
He was right, she thought. The Enterprise was beginning to look more like she must have before she crashed; the blue canopies stretched, seamless and taut, over her head and the wooden deck. From here she could examine the massive wheel at the helm, the many handles tempted her hand even before the wood had been restored to a subtle luster. This miraculous machine had somehow survived years in the dark, freezing cold and could still climb high into the clouds – a marvel if she were to admit it and give in to her curiosity.  
“I’m not keen on conversation when I really get to work.” 
She looked back up at him to find him watching her with a light in his eye that hadn’t been there in Coerthas. She handed him another bolt. “You won’t have to talk much and I would be grateful for the help.” 
Girya didn’t answer and he went back to work. She also did not remount the stairs to resume her distant stake out. The allure of the airship and the heights it could climb captured her imagination the way the tall trees of the Shroud captivated her as a little miqo-te in her village. If the price to be this close was handing the man tools occasionally, she could pay that easily. 
From here she could keep an even closer eye on this supposed legendary engineer from here than from her spot on the upper platform. This arrangement wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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angryaurikhori · 2 years
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Khori, now is not the time nor the place for flirting. Trying to butter him up after confessing that Biggs and Wedge invited themselves along might work, but not after confiding that the suspicious and outlandishly dressed masked man lurking near the camp sounds an awful lot like Nero. Besides, he's way too focused on how to work those perfect crystals into fangs and if he has enough aethersand.
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