#city of walls and secrets
esmedalma · 2 years
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Girls crashing the Earth King's party
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oneatlatime · 5 months
City of Walls and Secrets
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I am also once again saving the commentary for a rewatch.
I still think rock trains are neat but their inefficiencies hurt my brain. The friction! They should at least install dynamic braking.
That's big. This show has really confined itself to the hinterlands so far, so this is really novel. I had no clue anything this big existed in the Avatar universe.
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Complete nitpick time! Given that earthbending is a thing that exists, why bother making things out of stone with individual tiles like this?
Single most threatening musical sting of the whole show so far goes to an overly smiley tour guide.
Wow! I hate this lady already!
"Oh, Ba Sing Se has many walls! There are the ones outside, protecting us, and the ones inside, protecting us from smelly poors!"
"In case someone brings home a lady friend!" Do you know your nephew AT ALL?
Both Iroh and Zuko are right. Life does happen everywhere and without your permission. But, the city is also remarkably prison-like.
He got them jobs in an afternoon. AN AFTERNOON. Stop it Iroh, you're making me feel inadequate.
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Once a fuckboy, always a fuckboy. This particular leopard can't change his spots, no matter how he tries to dress up his actions in a new law-abiding veneer. I feel sorry for Smellerbee. Her faith in her leader isn't exactly being rewarded.
So... is there a law on the books that makes being a firebender illegal in Ba Sing Se? Because the head-in-the-sand vibe I'm getting from Judy makes me think that the average citizen doesn't even know there's a reason to dislike the Fire Nation. Iroh and Zuko could probably bend as openly as a waterbender or an earthbender could here.
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This whole being handled thing must be dredging up some pretty nasty feelings for Toph. This is specifically what she left behind.
Speaking of precisely targeted torture, Judy is engineered to be as irritating to Sokka as possible. Man of action versus Lady of script.
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What a productive use of time! What an exemplary case of turning over a new leaf!
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Iroh buddy I have news for you regarding the ingredients of tea.
That's like the nicest thing a member of the Fire Nation royal family has said all year.
How to get Iroh's ass in gear: Step 1: Make insulting tea. Step 2: There is no step 2.
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I thought that little thingy in the background was one of those electricity things.
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The attention to detail in this show is stupid. There's a moving reflection of the carriage in the water as it goes past.
Hi forbidden city!
Ba Sing Se has a morality police?
I've already run out of patience with the city and I'm 7 minutes in. I haven't even made it to a commercial break yet!
Their house is cute but the veranda is so substantial that it's probably really dark inside. Also there's a pumpkin hood ornament on the roof.
I don't think you can stop there for a month. Have you guys forgotten the now-doubled ticking clock? Eclipse and comet?
Oh ok we're doing 1984 now. Damn. This show goes places.
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I stand corrected. Everyone knows about the war and would be appropriately non-welcoming to firebending. But not openly. This could be like one of those Bugs Bunny bits where he traps someone in societal rules. If someone told a firebender not to bend, all they would have to do to get the guy off their case would be to ask why they aren't supposed to be firebending. What's the guy going to say, because there's a war on?
Shout out to Pong for doing the Gaang a solid and providing the only useful info since they've arrived.
There is something very Gollum-like about Jet, crouched in laundry on a roof in the dark, talking to his stolen spark rocks.
Sokka. Feet off the artwork.
Time for Toph to weaponise her oppressive upbringing and out-fancy the fancies in the name of ending the war.
Aang can master an element in a couple of months but a qualified expert declared manners to be beyond him.
I just realised that Sokka and Katara don't have a last name.
Sneaking into a Bear's (JUST Bear's) birthday party may be the single least violent infiltration attempt in the show so far.
Smellerbee is very articulate, and it's rare that this show spells out its themes so obviously. No metaphors, just "you're obsessed. It's not healthy." And Jet still doesn't get it. Maybe Smellerbee should have tried metaphors.
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Normally glowy green stuff is bad news, but all of Ba Sing Se's green lighting is surprisingly cozy.
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Sometimes, rarely but sometimes, Zuko has to put up with a lot of nonsense.
A raise? Did I miss a timeskip?
Busting in to a local business, yelling about the enemy, pulling out a lethal weapon: How to Look Sane, A Guide by Jet.
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Customers, amirite?
I guess the Bei Fongs are too minor as nobles?
"You don't know what I had to do to get seats this near the bear!" but I want to.
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I know this guy's voice from something.
Momo ghost plan. I want it.
Pretty funny that the busboys plan works better than the fancy ladies plan. Goes to show you should always play to your strengths.
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Get de-wheated punk.
I'm not sure I've rooted for Zuko this wholeheartedly since The Storm.
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Jet be like.
Judy is not good at her job. Like really not good. Her insistence on getting out of there before they cause a scene caused the scene. Nice going!
The music slowing down when Judy's face falls is really effective.
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You ever get the feeling that it should be Aang who ran away to the circus rather than Ty Lee?
Actually a travelling circus would be a great way to be, and remain, an incognito airbender. Aang should have done that rather than frozen himself. Ok I'm not sure how much say he had in that, but you know what I mean.
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For the first time in his life, Zuko has people take his side. It's too bad that it's based on a lie, but it must feel nice.
I would have preferred if Zuko had a clean win against Jet - they're both great with swords, but I thought Zuko was better - but an assist from the funky hat police works too.
I'm getting some funky vibes from the funky hat police.
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Bye! I won't miss you!
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The face on the guy on the left is the funniest part of this episode.
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Now these are some funky hats.
I know this scene is supposed to be scary and tense and action-packed, but I can't get over the fact that the king just did a drive by. They carried him in one side and out the other. This concludes the King's presence at his Bear's birthday party. He's a very busy man, you see.
Long Fang's title keeps getting fancier.
Brain washing crops up quite a lot in kids' cartoons. This is not the first time I've seen this plot beat.
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Forget the Fire Lord. Forget the Fire Nation. Long Fang just threatened Appa. Long Fang has to die now.
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The Judys are replaceable. Given everything else this city seems ok with, they're probably disposable too. Yikes!
Final Thoughts
This episode was probably the most expository I've seen this season. Maybe even the whole show. It was a big infodump with barely any humour. Actually that's wrong; there was humour, but not to my taste.
Jet is infuriating as usual. I think the writers are going for the villainous decay trope, because smooth-talking season one Jet hasn't reappeared once.
I feel really sorry for Smellerbee and the archer guy. I wonder if they even wanted to go to Ba Sing Se in the first place.
Once again, for the third episode in a row, Zuko is one of, if not the, most reasonable character. Season one shouty Zuko is gone. Is this what I think it is? Has Zuko really turned a corner? If so, I'm liking (rather, disliking less) this new Zuko. This is good. I'm also surprised, because in my experience, if you want to domesticate someone, you don't put them in a customer-facing role. That will have the opposite effect and make them turn feral.
Iroh is having too much fun. It's good for him to have something of his own going on. I think he's been in Zuko wrangling mode 24/7 for the last two? three? years, so he definitely deserves to pursue his own interests for a bit. But I can't see Zuko being a tea boy for long before he's back to needing wrangling.
What's the long term plan though? Are Zuko and Iroh going to live the rest of their lives in Ba Sing Se? Are they waiting for something? Are Iroh and Zuko functionally dead, with Lee and Mushi taking their place?
I will give the show credit for finally coming up with and antagonistic force that Aang & company can't just bend or talk into submission. Bureaucratic tomfoolery covering for authoritarian censorship and information suppression and re-education was not something I'd ever have expected in this show, because it's a little too much like the real world, if you know what I mean.
I don't like seeing our heroes unable to triumph, so this episode was kind of uncomfortable to watch. It felt off the whole way through, which I credit to that creepy music box tune that played throughout. The soundtrack of this episode was a cut above what I usually hear in this show. I noticed it more than I usually do, and I mean that in a good way.
As someone who'd be lucky to pass as a busboy, upper class intrigue and social games stuff doesn't do it for me, so this wasn't an episode I was going to enjoy anyway. I preferred the B plot with Zuko and Iroh, for the sheer absurdity of the concept. Imagine you're in 1950s London, having barely survived the Blitz, and you come across Himmler working in a pub. It's so odd that it almost wraps back around to normal again.
I didn't find this episode very enjoyable. I don't like the forced inactivity that's been imposed on the Gaang. The humour was not to my taste. The worldbuilding was substantial, but - probably thanks to Joo Dee, whose name I've definitely been misspelling - it felt inorganic, like a lecture. Which the writers do lampshade by making Joo Dee sound like one of those audio guide things you rent from tourist attractions. But lampshading a fault does not make a fault go away.
Thanks to what happens to Jet, I know that the people of Ba Sing Se don't dare even think about the war, for their own safety. But after spending more than half a season being shown every type of refugee and victim of war in other parts of the Earth Kingdom, I could not bring myself to give a flying fuck over Pong's concern for keeping his house. The city is frustrating, the officials are frustrating, their priorities are beyond frustrating. Zuko was right when he said he didn't want to make a life there, although I did find the lower ring where Zuko and Iroh are to be far more comfortable than the high ring where the gaang is.
This episode makes me want to bite something.
And still no Appa.
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forgotn1 · 1 year
I think one of the best examples of "spoilers don't matter if the story is written well enough" is rewatching "City of Walls and Secrets" from ATLA. It's the episode where the Gaang arrive in Ba Sing Se to tell the King about the eclipse and get the run around from Joo Dee. The B-story is Iroh and Zuko settling into life in Ba Sing Se and working at the tea shop while Jet tails them to find evidence of their bending abilities.
Both of which are some of the best single stories in ATLA. And they play off each other so well, with the chaos of the Gaang contrasted by the calmer and more settled lives of Iroh & Zuko. Of particular note is how this gets inverted with the party and the fight. After all the chaos, it finally seems like things are going right for the Gaang while Jet's accusations threaten to uproot everything Zuko and his uncle have built.
Then it all comes to a head, with Zuko winning and Jet getting hauled off by the Dai Lee while the Gaang are corralled by Long Feng and kept from seeing the King. Which is when the other shoe drops: There is No War In Ba Sing Se. It's done in such a striking way too, with Long Feng's explanation interplayed over Jet's brainwashing. It's an absolutely incredible twist that was delivered masterfully.
But the true beauty of it is that the episode is so well written overall, that even with multiple rewatches the reveal still manages to have a serious impact. It's not quite the same huge shock, but you can still feel the weight of the moment. It's like you get caught up in how good the fight is that you temporarily forget what comes next, then it happens and you're like "Oh shit, right!"
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theowritesfiction · 1 year
'City of Walls and Secrets'
I remember my first viewing of ATLA and getting a look at proper Ba Sing Se inside the inner wall and going... oh fuck that is astonishing. BSS isn't the beating heart of Earth Kingdom. It literally IS the Earth Kingdom. Everything else just feels like backwater - and I suspect that is the attitude in Upper and Middle Rings of the capital.
Joo Dee's faraway smile remains the stuff of nightmares. There's no war in Ba Sing Se, indeed. It was interesting to see Aang and the Water Tribe kids getting their first good look at what inequality truly means. Giving the Avatar and his friends a posh Upper Ring mansion to butter them up makes so much sense. Honestly, the political situation in Ba Sing Se is set up so fascinatingly, and also realistically. There's something very chilling about the Dai Li stranglehold on information.
Jet's obsession with Zuko just fascinates me. Smellerbee and Longshot: dude, we were supposed to be starting over here. Jet: shut up, I have entered stalker mode. <3 And boy, does Jet become obsessed with Zuko and Iroh. I just love how earlier I praised Jet for his plans both to destroy the village (obviously horrible, but it was an efficient plan!) and stealing the food for refugees. Here he's just... I'm done being clever! It's gay sword fight time! But watching Jet get dragged away was more depressing than I thought it would be...
I enjoyed the plan of sneaking in on the king during a party. I had to laugh at Toph writing Aang and Sokka off as nothing more than busboys. Katara and Toph made for very fetching young ladies, though. After the rocky start to their relationship, we're seeing more instances of Katara and Toph working together very well... even if they ended up soliciting the help of someone they really shouldn't have asked. Long Feng is the kind of opponent that the group have never faced before. The Gaang don't think like Azula and don't have the tools to beat Long Feng at his own game.
I know that the party for the bear is supposed to be cute and funny, but to me it's illustrative of the neglect that Kuei is showing for his subjects, living in a bubble and indulging in excesses. This reminds me so much of the apocryphal story of Caligula making his favorite horse a consul for the year. Kuei gets 50 Jerk Points before we've even seen him.
Sokka's plan of sneaking into the party is so dumb that even Aang shuts it down right away. Sokka is now 1 from 2 for plans this season.
Lastly, Long Feng telling the Gaang how things work in Ba Sing Se while in the meantime, Jet is being brainwashed by the Dai Li... that was very chilling. Also, using Appa to threaten Aang and keep him in line is a major dick move. Welcome to the Jerk Points contest, Long Feng, you have been awarded 60 points.
Jerk Points for Book 2:
Iroh - 550 Azulon - 300 Ursa, General Fong  - 200 Aang - 160 Zuko - 120 Ozai, Toph Beifong - 100 Sokka - 70 Long Feng - 60 Bumi, Lao Beifong, King Kuei - 50 Pakku - 30
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
City of Walls & Secrets Re-Watch
Oh wow, this episode, ok. I was mainly focused on Jet & Zuko (again oops) during this episode. But, that's not to say the rest of the episode wasn't interesting, because it absolutely was. I loved the opening scene with the Gaang seeing the city, & Sokka & Katara's excitement was cute. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a tiny village where everyone knows each other & then see a big bustling city like that.
Joo Dee is right away so terrifying. Sorry Ozai, but you've got nothing on this chick. She is the stuff of nightmares to me.
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It's the subtle, consistent creepiness for me. The feeling that something is not quite right. The way she shakes her head, smiling, at everyone that the Gaang tries to talk to & they shut their mouths. I love the underlying creepiness of Ba Sing Se. "Why do you keep all the poor people hidden & separate?" The dawning realization that there's something very wrong here. Also, Aang's continued lack of luck finding Appa is so depressing & I remember not being able to focus on much else because I was so worried about Appa the first time I watched.
I love Sokka & Aang pretending to be fancy rich people & goofing around. Sokka & Aang's bestie-ism moments where they're just being dorks are so precious. +100 iconic behavior points each. Another A+ comedy moment that gets me every time is everyone's confusion at the notion of just a regular old bear. Katara & Toph dressed all fancy was so cute, & I love Toph shutting down Katara responding to Aang's compliment like "don't speak to the commoners!" That moment just cracks me up. Katara gets +300 iconic behavior points for getting them into the party & +100 for making Toph's fake name "dung." And some people think Katara isn't funny!
Jet becoming increasingly obsessed with Zuko & Iroh is just so sad. What's important to note is that Jet was actually obsessed with Zuko before he found out that Zuko & Iroh are fire-benders. He wanted Zuko to join the Freedom Fighters because he felt a connection with him after they stole the food for the refugees together. He was following Zuko around & trying to convince Smellerbee & Longshot to give Zuko a chance & that's the only reason he was paying enough attention to see Iroh fire-bend. It's the betrayal & tragedy for me <3 Wow, I love a good ol' tragic fucked-up whirlwind love-hate romance dynamic.
And like - the thing is that Jet is right! He's more right than he even knows! Zuko & Iroh ARE fire-benders but not only that, they're Fire Nation royalty. Like not even just "yeah, they are fire-benders," no, they are literally both personally directly responsible for harm caused by the Fire Nation. Yet everyone around him treats him like he's crazy. Even his closest friends think he's becoming too obsessed. And it's understandable. Smellerbee & Longshot both want Jet to move on for his own good. They want to move on with their lives & stop obsessing over vengeance, & the Fire Nation. They want a new life, but Jet is still stuck in his obsessive hate. And like.....the thing is, the thing that gets me, Jet is not wrong to be stuck? The more I think about it, the more right he is. As we know, Zuko eventually personally helps the Fire Nation conquer Ba Sing Se. Like??? Hello??? Jet was literally 100% right to be obsessed & concerned.
Anyway. Jet & Zuko obviously both get +1000 iconic behavior points for having a dramatic gay sword fight in a teashop. I'm losing track of who's winning, but they might be at this point. Katara's also doing pretty good. Anyway, I will never get over Jet attacking Zuko to try & force him to fire-bend. It's dramatic, it's hilarious, it's tragic, & it's a great fight scene. They really do have the range. I absolutely love Zuko popping out with his dual swords like - "I'll give you a show!" Dramatic fucking king, I love you so much Zuzu. Also, can we just like, acknowledge that Zuko apparently had his swords on him while waiting tables? Good for him.
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The end of this episode is pretty chilling. Jet getting arrested is just a rough scene. And the introduction to the creepy brainwashing that happens? Terrifying.
When the new Joo Dee shows up & she smiles creepily & says "I am Joo Dee"? Eugh. Chills, every time.
This is a great episode. Very creepy & foreboding. I love the introduction to Ba Sing Se. I just love a setting where Something is Wrong.
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take-that-you-rock · 11 months
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One Scene from Every Episode
2.14 City of Walls and Secrets
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ifriqiyyah · 1 year
been binge-rewatching avatar & honestly i have to say, i know the common consensus among fans is that the puppetmaster is the spookiest episode, & it makes sense since it is the halloween one, but personally i find city of walls and secrets & lake laogai creepier; the dai li are so shadowy & weird, & i've always found the idea of brainwashing disturbing. the whole concept of long feng disappearing people & making them do his bidding without any bending or magic, just through conditioning & manipulation, is creepy as all hell. that + the idea of a century-long war being concealed from everyone? imagine literally all the residents in your huge city (except the refugees who aren't even allowed to talk about what brought them there) living in total ignorance that there's been a major war raging outside the walls all that time. people have been dying in huge numbers & you just have zero clue. that is sca-ry. so yeah my unpopular opinion is that those two share the spot for most chilling episodes in the series lol
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questioningdragons · 2 months
Joo Dee:
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sesamenom · 23 days
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more from the reverse gondolin au
#silm#silmarillion#reverse gondolin au#idril#lomion#celebrimbor#lomion is so fun to draw#featuring celebrimbor with his weird himlad hairstyle#realized i forgot to color his mouth oh well#they made the Three ahead of schedule and single handedly fixed the entire feanorian-nolofinwean feud#thinking abt idrils house of the mole being more focused on protection compared to maeglins mole#if the fall comes (bc aredhel is not quite as cautious as turgon) idril and the house of the mole already have escape and backup escape pla#and reinforced fallback points inside the city when the wall is breached#growing up w eol and foresight means idril always has plans and backup plans and alternate plans and contingencies for those plans too#meanwhile lomion is well equipped with nenya to counter balrogs & fire drakes#idril is the sort of person who hardens inward to defend herself & her family#maeglin hardens outward to preemptively counter perceived threats#despite having an exponentially better late-childhood than maeglin#lomion is still very much traumatized from being orphaned at the Lammoth.#he probably freaks out when rog (his mentor/father figure) leads the hammer of wrath at the gates.#when their positions are switched lomion bonds better with the rest of gondolin#and either never gets nabbed by morgoth or gets promptly rescued on his way to angband.#idril plans for the worst because growing up in nan elmoth#the situation usually ended up being the worst she could predict#so morgoth doesnt have the extra intel#lomion has friends and one of the Three#and idril has an even better prepared version of the Secret Way#and hey maybe gondolin does end up surviving
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roguecanoe · 1 month
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I was screaming when they showed up!! (Hope more mendies show up soon!!)
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asoiafreadthru · 1 month
A Game of Thrones, Catelyn IV
Visenya’s Hill was crowned by the Great Sept of Baelor with its seven crystal towers.
Across the city on the hill of Rhaenys stood the blackened walls of the Dragonpit, its huge dome collapsing into ruin, its bronze doors closed now for a century.
The Street of the Sisters ran between them, straight as an arrow. The city walls rose in the distance, high and strong.
And above it all, frowning down from Aegon’s high hill, was the Red Keep, seven huge drum-towers crowned with iron ramparts, an immense grim barbican, vaulted halls and covered bridges, barracks and dungeons and granaries, massive curtain walls studded with archer’s nests, all fashioned of pale red stone.
Aegon the Conqueror had commanded it built. His son Maegor the Cruel had seen it completed. Afterward he had taken the heads of every stonemason, woodworker, and builder who had labored on it.
Only the blood of the dragon would ever know the secrets of the fortress the Dragonlords had built, he vowed.
Yet now the banners that flew from its battlements were golden, not black, and where the three-headed dragon had once breathed fire, now pranced the crowned stag of House Baratheon.
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esmedalma · 1 year
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I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us.
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tones3d · 9 months
Just released my new Garry's Mod map, rp_Kowloon!
It's based on the kowloon walled city, and it's great for darkrp and fishing! Don't check out the sewers!
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nametakensff · 4 months
Genuinely cannot WAIT to get just under 2 weeks off for Christmas. I can do so much writingggg
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m1d-45 · 1 year
“he was permanently condemned to hell.” if you hear screaming and crying don’t worry it’s just losing my GODDAMN FUCKING MIND. OH MY GOD. KAEYA WITH RELIGIOUS TRAUMA HITS DIFFERENT. IT HITS SO SO DIFFERENT.
okay so with the blue blood thing we can just be like you aren’t fully divine yet so the blood doesn’t turn blue until. idk you die and ascend or whatever. that’s the excuse i use in my brain!
i interrupted myself. anyways. imagine if kaeya was the one to kill you. when he recounts your death, he has allll the grisly details of how you were pinned to the ground by a sword in your throat, almost the same way you’d pin a butterfly to a board. he smiles as he recalls the way your blood spilled onto the ground and the light faded from your eyes. for a moment, he even scoffs at the tears on your cheeks, remnants of the way you’d cried and begged.
and then he gets the news, and it turns out that he truly cannot do anything right. he tries to be honest and loses his family. he tries to redeem his home and dooms himself. he doesn’t bother praying for forgiveness - no matter how kind and understanding everybody said you were, there’s no way you’d forgive a sinner with your blood on his hands.
me when kaeya. when he. him. he’d be so guilty and fucked up post-imposter and i think it adds to his appeal heart emoji - teddy anon
i did NOT mean for it to be religious trauma but. you have a point.
if we follow my headcanon about the blue blood—that it’s swirly like a galaxy, representative of your power—then it makes sense it manifests alongside your power, and if you blur some lines and squint we can work with that.
anyway i do think kaeya should be the one to kill (that sounds bad) and you. your words man you are so good at this-
he probably wouldn’t pray. and i don’t think, other than the first night getting blackout drunk, that he’d drink, as a form of self-punishment. no, he needs to be awake and sober to truly live through his crimes, for he would only condemn himself more with liquor.
kaeya that stops worshipping at altars or attending service, simply because he doesn’t believe that somebody like him should be in such a holy place. he never takes shifts at the cathedral, and he always takes point on the bloodiest missions. not out of enthusiasm—the sight of blood, even red, now makes him a bit sick—but out of a form of sacrifice. why put blood on innocent hands when he, somebody already sunk to the lowest of hells, can take it?
#m1d : [chats]#m1d : [secrets]#teddy anon#do you think after you descend he’d very suddenly be very busy?#that he’d be taking on more paperwork for an excuse to be in his office; sheltered away as jean leads you around the knights’ hq and kindly#leads you away from the door that’s been permanently closed?#do you think he takes up night patrols to have an excuse to sleep during the day. to not have to hear your festivities as he roams?#do you think he runs into the darknight hero with eyes of embers; eyes that droop when he declines to head back to the city?#do you think diluc is one of your closest friends on complete accident—he’d only wanted to offer you some wine and you ended up talking for#hours about grapes and vineyards and everything about production and bottling#do you think kaeya walks past the winery on his way to take care of the slimes that always congregate—he never cared before but now that you#have taken an interest in the industry he’d hate for his brothers reputation to be tarnished—and as he walks he sees a light in the manor#do you think he hides behind the staff’s houses as you walk by? hearing your voice and wiping away tears as he remembers how you pleaded?#do you think adelinde reports unusual frost and calls over diluc? diluc who stares and recognizes the height of kaeya’s vision and the#pattern of a clutched hand on the wall? do you think he melts it away and reports nothing just as how he’d assured you the rustle in the#bushes the night prior was only the wind or an owl?#do you think kaeya realizes that diluc was right; that diluc was the one who deserved the glory and fame; that diluc deserved your care and#your touch? do you think he traces the star on his gloves and thinks of the one behind his eyepatch—symbols of his eternal lineage of sin#do you think about kaeya?
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loveelypsyche · 2 years
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how do i explain Once More To See You is literally their song? Mitski wrote it for them like i could write a whole essay about it💔
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i typed this with tears in my eyes.
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