#clairo pics
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cool girls with guitars because it is my fav instrument and i feel like female guitarists aren’t celebrated as much ??
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Mikan (pt. 14)
Hi, friends! We've gotten so far into the manga and have watched Mikan's feelings intensify without her knowledge. Today we will discuss the Christmas Ball Arc, which will introduce romantic themes for Mikan in a way she can't shrug off as easily this time. Cheek kisses, accidental kisses, really long kisses in trees... It's a big night for her!
I feel like I might not have been the only one anticipating this particular post, so I hope you all enjoy. Please go easy on me. You have no idea how nervous I am posting these.
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Chapter Forty-Eight
Finally--the Christmas Ball Arc! This long awaited (by me) event has finally come to Alice Academy! Mikan is easily impressed by her surroundings and the cake she helped with. We go through the typical line-up to see what all the costumes look like this time and to give Mikan an excuse to hang out with all her friends. She even sees Natsume briefly, though he sours things by sticking his tongue out at her. She knows quite a few people on the stage during the representative’s address, but it’s Natsume who stands out to her. She still doesn’t understand all the mystery around him, so he’s intriguing for that reason (like we still don't really know what he's doing onstage). Also, she has a crush on him, which makes him stand out even more.
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He's so special and important! That's why he's on a stage!
The Masquerade Ball is another great hook-up event of Alice Academy. There’s an in-depth tradition regarding the switching of masks and confessions and staying together forever, but there’s also a dark side: if your mask falls off when you’re dancing, then you’ll lose something important to you. Hotaru’s logic is to just not dance then, but Mikan finds the tradition terrifying, even if she doesn’t really understand what it means. This will be important later which is why I’m bringing it up now. 
Mikan is introduced to more customs and traditions until she notices Youichi, who’s lost his teddy bear. He perks up when he gets attached to Mr. Bear, but Mr. Bear does not want to spend time with a toddler when he has a job to do. But Mikan owes Youichi a favor from Natsume’s birthday, so she’s forced into the position of negotiator. This obligation is what makes her try to make a deal with Bear, but there’s something else that makes her decide to clean up the party in Bear’s stead so he can hang out with Youichi.
Natsume cares about Youichi. 
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Natsume isn't even here, but the fact that Natsume cares about Youichi is enough to get Mikan to make the deal with Mr. Bear.
It’s something Mikan doesn’t want to do. She’s been looking forward to this party for a long time and making this deal means she won’t be participating as much. But Natsume looks out for Youichi. They’re both in the DA class, they both suffer, and Natsume takes care of him. So even though Mikan is doing this out of kindness and to help Youichi, it’s undeniable that she’s also doing it for Natsume.
She stays upbeat, even though this job sucks, and she refuses help because she doesn’t want anyone else to miss out on the holiday fun. The gig isn’t half-bad, though, when she can see Youichi is happy. 
Eventually, her gig becomes unnecessary: Hotaru has started issuing littering fees (capitalistic profiteering off of environmentalist efforts is okay when it’s her) and Mr. Bear ran away from Youichi anyway. So Mikan is chilling out on the terrace to catch her breath before going back inside.
Mr. Bear ran away, but Youichi still wants to thank her. He does so by pulling her hair and then kissing her cheek. It’s innocent and sweet, so Mikan just giggles. A pleasant little surprise to make the cleaning business all worth it. But then Ruka kisses her on her other cheek, thanking her too.
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Thanks for what, exactly?
But she didn’t really do anything to prompt thanks from him, and that kiss didn’t feel like Youichi’s. That’s Ruka’s command: to keep that kiss a secret between them.
Chapter Forty-Nine
Mikan is freaking out. She’s confused by romance and has never been “pursued” in this way. I use the word “pursue” hesitantly because Ruka is ten and all he did was kiss her on the cheek. It’s hardly a marriage proposal or even asking her out. But even though it came at the tail of Youichi thanking her and kissing her, Mikan can tell there’s romantic intent. Mikan might be oblivious for the most part, but I think this kiss gave her a pretty good idea about how Ruka feels. After all, his kiss felt unprompted and much more serious than Youichi’s.
I think part of Mikan's discomfort about romance, particularly in this moment, aside from the fact that she's only ten, is that Ruka liking her romantically would complicate their relationship. She doesn't know anything about romance or romantic feelings or how to tell how she feels, so Ruka acting in a way that suggests he likes her makes her nervous. He likes her. So does she like him? If she does, are they supposed to date or something? If she doesn't, is she supposed to tell him? How is she supposed to tell the difference between romance and friendship? It makes sense that Mikan would freak out so much.
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Mikan may be pretty oblivious to romance, but it's partially because she doesn't really want to understand. Despite that, she can still tell the difference between a toddler kissing her out of gratitude and Ruka kissing her out of... something else.
It doesn’t help that Hotaru becomes cold with her when she figures out that Mikan is keeping a secret from her. They’re supposed to be best friends and best friends don’t keep secrets but Ruka commanded her.  
(Also, Hotaru can tell the secret has something to do with Ruka so she torments him with a bad slice of cake as retribution.)
It’s time for the Masquerade Ball and though Mikan is excited to dance, she starts freaking out again as soon as she spots Ruka. He doesn’t seem to be nervous about what happened at all, which only makes her feel weirder, but calm and composed Ruka puts her and Natsume on the spot by proposing they dance together, since they didn’t get to at the festival afterparty (and we know why they didn’t dance then). He sets them up and then takes off, seemingly proud of himself. Both Mikan and Natsume are startled by this. 
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Why the hell did he think this would be a good idea? They both look uncomfortable!
Even at the after-party, dancing with Natsume hadn’t seemed like a possibility. So far in the story, Natsume and Mikan haven’t really touched a lot. The beginning of their relationship has involved a degree of violent touch (like slamming her against a tree, keeping her in a headlock, tackling him in the middle of a suicide attempt). Then there was a bit of “mocking” touch (like when Natsume rubs in his victory at the end of the SA labyrinth, or his little kick in Chapter Forty-Seven). There hasn’t been a lot of earnest, gentle touch. (Which is bizarre because Natsume is so tactile when he loves someone. See how he interacts with Ruka for evidence.)
Dancing requires touch. Not violence, not mocking, but actual touch. And Mikan isn’t used to touching Natsume, so the idea of dancing with him--being in close proximity, holding onto each other--is startling. They’re the only ones without their masks on, standing still among a sea of masked dancers. I think it’s interesting that they’re not wearing masks. Whether they do or don’t wouldn’t really change the way the scene progresses. But they don’t and every choice is worth analyzing (step #1 of any literary analysis is just asking “why?”). The idea that most appeals to me after I asked myself that question is that their “courtship” (again, I’m using these words hesitantly) is so outside the sphere of what’s normal. 
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I'm always asking myself, "Is this arc my favorite?" and I can't really answer that question but whenever I read this scene, I feel like it might just be my favorite...
For one: he’s not even courting her. He may have feelings for her, but that’s a secret he’s content to keep to himself. Second, she’s not courting him! Mikan may have a crush on him by now, but it’s certainly not something she’s aware of and if someone suggested it, she’d protest. Third, most people dance with those they like; they go through the motions. The hook-up event requires the masks and the tradition, the social rules and graces of the normal way to get together. It’s very interesting that Natsume and Mikan don’t follow any of these rules and don’t engage with each other properly for any of the hook-up events. The great hook-up events of Alice Academy tease the potential of a relationship blossoming, but at no point during these events does such a hook-up actually occur! (Mikan dances the Last Dance with Hotaru, the mask tradition only bears relevance during her dance with the ESP, and giving Ruka chocolates is the focal part of Valentine’s Day--they’re all misleading.) They’re not wearing masks because, narratively, the rules and traditions just don’t apply to their relationship.
But they don’t stand still for too long, because Natsume suddenly moves closer and takes her hand to start dancing. When she reacts with surprise, he responds casually: “What? We’re gonna dance, right?” That bizarre scenario of dancing with Natsume is now reality! They’re standing close, holding hands. Mikan blushes and is hyper-aware of Natsume touching her--her waist, her hand. Natsume has never been so gentle with her before, just dancing nicely, the way a normal person would, and Mikan blushes whenever Natsume acts outside of her expectations. 
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She's danced this close before. Why is it only weird with Natsume? :)
Mikan danced with Ruka, with Hotaru, with every minor character ever, during the festival afterparty. She smiled and had fun. The proximity and closeness and touching didn’t bother her at all. It’s only when she dances with Natsume that she becomes insecure and nervous, that she starts to “feel weird” (and I look forward to comparing this “uncomfortable” dance with her dance with the ESP later). Mikan isn’t upset to be dancing with Natsume, but she feels internal pressure to do well, something she didn’t feel with the others. She wonders if dancing always requires this level of closeness, of touching, of holding hands--because it’s only with Natsume that she notices at all. She even steps on his foot and he doesn’t react negatively, the way he usually would. 
She is so insecure and uncomfortable that she can’t even hear the music playing. But why is this? Again, Natsume is different. She feels differently about him than she does anybody else but she doesn’t understand why he’s different, so that’s one reason why she’s uncomfortable. Another is that the feelings she doesn’t understand are actually romantic in nature, which will always bring a heightened awareness to touch (especially when it’s so rare). And one more reason is what I brought up when they were sitting by the lake during the Z Arc: fear of rejection. This fear is present whenever romantic feelings are involved, because there’s always the chance the other person doesn’t feel the same. Natsume might be special to her, but that doesn’t mean she’s special to him. The feeling of him holding her hand makes her blush, freaks her out, means something. That doesn’t mean that holding her hand means anything to him beyond the mechanics of dancing. She’s uncomfortable and he’s not and that only makes her more insecure. It’s only made worse by the fact that he’s acting so unlike himself, tolerating her stepping on his foot and just dancing. 
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He obviously isn't pleased to have his foot stepped on, but he doesn't say anything or do anything. He just keeps dancing. Very strange behavior.
(This is probably the way he danced with all the other people he danced with at the festival after-party: silent and exactly like he’s supposed to.)
She’s quiet and she’s not smiling, so Natsume complains. How come she’s not smiling like she did with Ruka? How come he’s different? (And we know from Natsume’s POV that he’s doing everything right on purpose, so that she might smile or have fun with him like she did with Ruka before.) Neither of them have any clue that he’s different because she actually likes him (likes him likes him, loves him likes him). So Natsume is done doing everything right on purpose. He’s back to being a jerk, calling her names, which only incites her to call him names and in no time at all they’re insulting each other under their breaths, but dancing all the same. 
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What if I told you that this is what true love looks like...
They never stop dancing. They don’t stand farther apart or stop holding hands. Mikan doesn’t stop blushing. But she does start smiling, because bickering with Natsume makes her happy, even if he’s being mean. And maybe Higuchi Tachibana could make her masochism claim here, but I don’t think that’s why she enjoys it.
She’s bickering with him, but she feels herself forget about all of the things that were bothering her before. Ruka kissing her on the cheek doesn’t feel like such a big deal anymore, dancing doesn’t feel uncomfortable. Fighting with him makes her feel normal again. 
Why is this different from the time she danced with Ruka?
Dancing with Ruka made her forget about romance. Dancing with him felt fun and platonic enough that romance didn’t matter. She’d been freaking out about the Last Dance and all the traditions, as well as all the gossip about her, that she felt left out regarding ideas about romance. Ruka made her feel like dancing didn’t have to be romantic, that she didn’t have to worry about that.
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She's so happy! He makes her so happy!
Dancing with Natsume made her feel insecure. It’s arguing with him that makes her feel normal again. Natsume’s intriguing when it comes to Mikan because he both challenges her to get out of her comfort zone while also being her comfort zone (I’ll talk way more about this next chapter). Her conclusion in this scene isn’t that “dancing should just be fun!” It’s that being with Natsume (specifically) makes her feel better, particularly when he’s acting like himself.
But the happy moment ends abruptly when they’re shoved by another dancing couple by accident, sending them both falling to the floor.
She lands with her mouth on his, her teeth piercing his lip and causing him to bleed. It’s hardly a kiss, just an accident. 
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Ruh roh...
She’s still freaking out and he looks pissed, but she’s waiting for a solid reaction from him, for him to dismiss what happened as nothing, because she wants it to be nothing (not the best way to have a first kiss, and she already had a not-a-great-first-kiss scare with the musical). 
But then he says--in front of everyone--that she sucks at dancing and kissing, almost as if just wanted to piss her off. 
Chapter Fifty
It’s time.
At first she’s just pissed off at Natsume. She can’t blame him for the kiss itself because it was an accident and thus not his fault. But she can blame him for calling it a kiss. Her anger is interrupted by Sumire attacking her--Permy is angrier at the idea of a NatsuMikan kiss than Mikan is--and Natsume gets the chance to escape, saying something about it not being a big deal, before finding solace in a tree for most of the chapter. Thus rumors start circulating that Natsume’s kissed plenty of girls before, which bothers Mikan. It might not be a big deal to him, after all, but it is to her!
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They're so cute. I love them so much.
Koko embarrasses her by saying her thoughts out loud, particularly about how it was different when Ruka did it and how she doesn’t want Ruka to get the wrong idea.
Which leads to me thinking that Mikan knows Ruka’s cheek kiss was supposed to be romantic, which is why the accidental kiss on the mouth with Natsume felt different. It was just something that happened when they fell, with no intentions of any kind, so it can’t be romantic. I also think Mikan gets very confused about romance around this part of the manga. Ruka likes her romantically and she knows it. She likes Natsume romantically but she doesn’t know it. Being around Ruka is fun and he’s very nice, a clear source of comfort for her. It’s easy to get confused then. 
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If only Koko would mind his own business...
Again, I’m not a multishipper. I’m not interested in the love triangle. I don’t wanna say anything bad about the Mikan/Ruka ship because I actually really like their relationship (I just only like them platonically). It’s just that to me this seems familiar, like something that has happened to me before, thinking you like somebody just because he’s nice to you. I don’t think Mikan’s had a lot of close friends of the same quality as Ruka. Finding out he likes her romantically inspires questions like, “Do I like him that way too?” and she’s not really sure how she’s supposed to know the answer.
In any case, she definitely doesn’t want Ruka to come to any conclusions before they’ve actually talked--though she also doesn’t want to talk about it.
In the end, Ruka chases Koko off (and how sweet is it that even though Koko is reading Mikan’s thoughts, and thoughts he might like to hear, Ruka chases him off and scolds him for invading her privacy? Like I said--I like their relationship!). 
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Ruka is a gentleman! I want to get him a lot of pets on the head!
Mikan’s thoughts about romance only get further complicated by Tsubasa and Misaki, who dance the Last Dance each year and aren’t wearing masks when they dance (and it’s only here that Mikan learns people wear masks with friends or when they’re dating already, so my earlier analysis still counts!!). Tsubasa starts to say that they are going out, but Misaki laughs and waves off the idea, saying they’re friends and she only dances with him because he’s comfortable. Mikan can tell that there’s romance between them but that it’s unspoken. If Misaki only thinks that she and Tsubasa have a platonic relationship, but that they are really romantic, then maybe it’s the same for her?
After all, a whole panel serves to parallel Misaki’s obliviousness to Mikan’s. It’s understandably very confusing.
Anyway, Mikan dances with a few more people, all presumably without feeling insecure or hyper-aware of touching them, until she is approached by a mysterious boy (the ESP). He looks to be her age but she’s unfamiliar with him. He startles her too, just like Natsume had. He also seems to know all about her, including her name and that she’s Natsume’s partner. She starts blushing because he’s not really acting like a kid: his mannerisms and the way he speaks are all too elegant and smooth. 
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He killed your dad, Mikan! Walk away!!
Like when she was dancing with Natsume, Mikan is a little uncomfortable, but this time it’s because the boy is charming and complimenting her. She’s embarrassed to be addressed like this, but it’s not entirely unpleasant. UNTIL, the mood changes. And unlike when she was dancing with Natsume and the mood changed to something nicer because he started bickering with her, the mood turns sour. He moves suddenly and her mask falls off. The boy smiles the entire time as Mikan recalls the darker side of the mask tradition: that your mask falling off means you’ll lose something important. 
He warns her to be careful not to lose something important to her and then he walks away, but not before taking his mask off so that Mikan can recognize him (though she’s still unsure it’s really the ESP).
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Scummy, scummy little weasel man...
Ugh. WHY WAS THIS DANCE DIFFERENT, you might ask. 
The ESP is charming and handsome and always has been. It’s why he’s managed to get such loyal followers like Persona and Luna. He knows how to talk in order to charm the pants off of someone or how to terrify them, both of which he demonstrates here in one conversation.
Mikan is an intuitive girl, like we’ve seen, so she gets a weird vibe from him (“the atmosphere changed” when he showed up). She has no idea who he is or where he came from but he’s not like the other kids. 
Unlike with Natsume, that “different” vibe doesn’t come from romantic feelings, it comes from the fact that the ESP is actually a grown-ass man and that he is the villain of the story. 
Long story short, Natsume’s dance was different in a good, romantic way, and ESP’s was different in a weird, chilling way. 
I’m not 100% sure if it’s Natsume or Mikan remembering his warning to her from the night of the festival afterparty because they both appear on the page, but for all I know it was both of them! Whatever, we’re analyzing Mikan so let’s go. 
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Everything is connected!
If she’s thinking it, then that means that she’s making a connection. She can tell that the ESP’s warning was ominous, and that it might have even been a threat. She’s received a warning before (one of many), from Natsume, when he told her to stay in the light and out of the dark. It wasn’t a threat when Natsume said it, just the most explanation she ever got in terms of his behavior towards her. She isn’t sure what to make of the ESP’s threat, but it concerns her just like Natsume’s did.
She wanders around trying to find someone to comfort her, specifically thinking of Hotaru, Yuu, Ruka, or Tsubasa. She climbs the Christmas tree in the hopes that she’ll see one of them from up there. She has a distinct goal in mind: to find someone who will listen to her and make her feel better.
But the person she finds is Natsume.
Mikan was told to stay away from black cats when she first met him, but Mikan’s instincts with Natsume are never to run away, even when she’s mad at him. She could easily just crawl back down the tree and find somebody else, but she stays with him. For all of him being unpleasant, he’s still a friend, albeit a weird and different friend.
Even though she doesn’t think of him as the supportive, comforting type, she ends up venting to him, complaining about the situation (particularly in terms of the jinx). It’s worth noting that her explanation must have been unclear because Natsume doesn’t figure out it was the ESP she danced with until he speaks to stalker-Nobara. If he knew, he might have been more concerned. Instead he tells her she’s worried over nothing. It’s pathetic to be this worked up over something so insignificant! Her mask fell off, so what?! 
And Mikan smiles. 
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"Makes people angry." Y'all already get it at this point, right?
He might not be comforting in the way Ruka or Yuu are, but he is able to comfort her in a completely different way. “It’s because he always ticks me off that bad things stop bothering me.” She has an epiphany about him--even though he’s not saying nice things, she always feels better when she talks with him. 
(Like I said in the Natsume chapter, that’s the method that feels safest. When he starts being comforting in kinder ways, she’ll find him to be that much more of a safe space.)
We’re beginning to see the ways that Natsume is Mikan’s sunshine too.
But Natsume reminds her that she was mad and she remembers the rage until Natsume asks her about what happened between her and Ruka. Mikan, sworn to secrecy, clams up, even though Natsume keeps bugging her about it. She changes the subject to the rumors of Natsume kissing lots of people before. It becomes a back and forth--who kissed who forever. 
I think it’s interesting that Mikan stays firm on the subject of Natsume kissing other people, almost like it bothers her to imagine. We’ll later see Mikan get jealous in a bigger way, but this is sort of like a preview. Not only was their “kiss” not a big deal to him, but it’s not a big deal because he kisses all the time! The tense conversation again progresses into an argument where Mikan is screaming insults, particularly that she doesn’t understand why anybody would kiss him and shouting that what happened between them does not count as a kiss.
So he makes it official.
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You might recall that I more or less brushed over the kiss in the Natsume essay. I said that he kisses her and that she pulls away and then I moved on to the post-kiss scene. That’s because Natsume is very interesting post-kiss. But Mikan is very interesting during the kiss. Why? 
Because it’s a long kiss! And it didn’t have to be! 
(For context, here are some other examples of kisses in this manga and their lengths: Narumi and Misaki’s kiss in Chapter 39 is two panels. Yuka and Izumi’s first kiss is one page/3 panels before it transitions into a post-sex scene. Hotaru and Mikan’s kiss is one panel. Naru and Yuka’s kiss in Chapter 132 is one panel. For the sake of fairness, I am only counting panels where the characters are actually kissing, not just leaning in or hugging.)
9 panels. 4 pages. She had time to say (part of) his name between kisses. A pretty looooooong kiss. This is not a quick peck.
And it could’ve been.
I’m not entirely sure why it took her so long to pull away (yes I am). But my honest opinion is that the only reason she did was because she couldn’t breathe, not because she didn't want to kiss him. Because she had been kissing him back by that point. Embarrassing.
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He might have initially forced the kiss, but by this point she's kissing back, holding onto him, blah blah blah blah!
This kiss is much more romantic than an accidental kiss on the dance floor; there’s twinkly lights, they’re alone in a tree, it’s Christmas. It’s nice. This might have started out as a surprise kiss but Mikan kisses back. I don’t think that anyone who would read almost 60k words about how much Mikan loves Natsume would need much convincing about that point, but I’ll do it anyway, for both our sakes, because we're obviously both insane. She’s obviously surprised, confused, flustered. I think she’s also… happy? Content? Not entirely sure what word I’d use for a ten-year-old enjoying her first kiss. She holds onto his arm five panels in. She closes her eyes. Panel eight of the kiss has always looked like her leaning in to me. It honestly doesn’t matter because in the last panel of the kiss, he’s holding onto her and she’s holding onto him.
Zoe put it nicely during a text exchange I had with her when I was writing this part of the analysis: “he’s got the initiative (somehow despite his whole isolating, break her heart to save her schtick) and she’s got a lot of pent up affection and frustration that she can’t communicate properly because he’s so wishy-washy.” Brilliant.
When she pulls away, it’s with a gasp. She stays silent and tries to catch her breath because WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT. What a bizarre scene, to have Mikan silent for once, and Natsume talking to fill in the silence. Nobody is forcing the boy to speak, for once, and yet he keeps yammering on, first to explain himself, then to muse on what kisses feel like. Mikan now has her answer--no, Natsume hadn’t “kissed other people.” It’s just her, just now. Their first real, official, earnest kiss.
Then he says it’s no big deal, nothing to get worked up about. All that fuss people make about kissing is needless hype!
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Big fuss over nothing??? People died!!!
But it’s a big deal to Mikan. This is Chapter Fifty--Mikan likes him romantically already, even if she doesn’t understand that. She just got swept away in a 9-panel long kiss just for the guy to say it was no big deal. She says nothing because there’s nothing she can say. She’s not angry like she was at the beginning of the chapter. The only evidence that the kiss meant anything to Natsume is that, after he jumps from the tree, he turns back to look at her. 
Chapter Fifty-One
Mikan spends her cleaning day stuck on Christmas. It’s hard to move on when she hasn’t spoken to either Ruka or Natsume. The kids of Class B gather to tell scary stories and Mikan takes cover behind Hotaru when she makes eye contact with Ruka and Natsume. She’s very confused about the whole thing and only gets more confused the more she thinks of what happened--especially in regards to Natsume. 
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Poor Mikan! I know I say that a lot but she's so innocent and confused.
“The more I think about it, what they’re probably thinking and my own feelings get all messed up.” Thinking about what the boys are thinking and feeling only makes her more confused about what she thinks and feels, and that sucks because she was already confused to begin with! And the sad thing is that this chapter doesn’t really clear anything up either, though they all eventually “make up.”
Mikan is caught between being terrified of the ghosts stories and conflicted about having been kissed by two best friends. Natsume is acting relatively normal, but he and Ruka aren’t speaking very much, which only serves to freak Mikan out even more.
They get stuck together cleaning the halls. The silence is haunting, but Natsume seems to be the only one working to end it. Mikan is usually the one who can’t shut up and yet she’s entirely silent. It’s awkward until Natsume starts teasing her. Then it’s just weird and tense until there’s blackout and all three of them are cursed into sitting against the wall and waiting for the power to turn back on. 
Mikan is still scared of the ghost stories, but somehow this situation is harder than that. She’s confused about her feelings, about their feelings, about the fact that they haven’t spoken to each other. What are ghosts compared to that?
It’s only made worse when both of them take hold of one of her hands. Poor Mikan has no idea what to do. She doesn’t want to cause more of a conflict or to further confuse herself, but the boys seem to be doing all the work on that front anyway. When they each spot the other holding onto her other hand…
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They start to laugh. And Mikan is only more confused. I don’t think that Mikan is that stupid that she can’t tell their conversation is about her; I just don’t think that their conversation is what she’s focusing on. They’re talking cryptically and she’s not really following it, if she’s even really listening. Honestly, I think she’s more taken by the fact that they’re so laid-back and jovial about the situation. So she smiles, relieved, because there isn’t a problem after all. She’d been concerned that the boys would get into some sort of conflict because of her, and there’s good reason why she thought she’d already caused some, before they assuaged all her doubts. 
She’s happy for once until a ghost (Nobara) seems to appear down the hall. Mikan and Ruka take off out of fear.
Chapter Fifty-Two
Mikan is touched that Nobara would “become a ghost” just to see her again, but they are quickly parted once again by cleaning duties, when Mikan gets sent to the SA room to help tidy up there. Though Mikan is in much brighter spirits than before, she’s still concerned about why nobody likes Nobara. Even Natsume, who’s in the same class, dislikes her, even though he likes Yo-chan. Is there no feeling of kinship? But Hotaru appears out of nowhere to assure her that just Mikan being friends with her is enough. 
While the SA class is cleaning, they move a bookshelf and see that the wall behind it is covered in love-confession graffiti. One speaks to Mikan: Yuka and Sensei. They also find a bunch of old photo albums, which prompts many questions. 
For one, many pictures have two specific people (Yuka and Izumi) burnt out of them. (This is sad to me because it means that after she watches them both die, Mikan won’t have any pictures of them to look back on. Evidence of their existence will be gone except for in fickle memory.) Noda is able to clarify that the teacher in question used to have his job as lead teacher of the SA class who had the nullification alice like Mikan does. 
Then there’s the question of parentage and love connections. Apparently most alices marry other alices, particularly that they meet at school. Ruka, who was born from two non-Alices is a rarity compared to most of the other kids who have at least one Alice parent. 
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The sad and tragic longing.
These new topics cause Mikan to feel a connection to the Yuka and Sensei graffiti. She wonders if her own parents had a love story, if they met at school, if they were Alices. We know already that Mikan feels a sense of connection to the mysterious former SA teacher, but she doesn’t know much about him other than his alice. It’s primarily Sensei that has her attention, and then incidentally Yuka, both of whom had their faces burnt out of all the pictures. That particular graffiti is precious to her now and she doesn’t want to clean it up and erase what little evidence of their love is left (and I don’t think she’s completely ignorant to the fact that she could be evidence to their love too).
When Tsubasa catches her being sad, he attempts to cheer her up by adding something silly to the graffiti. He also adds a heart to the Yuka/Sensei graffiti to reassure her that their love was strong and wouldn’t be disturbed by tiny obstacles (like Narumi falling in love with Yuka, like Mikan erasing the graffiti, like Izumi being murdered…). It gets out of hand when everyone starts adding more names to the wall, making up a bunch of SA drama and making the sadness of the Yuka/Sensei graffiti feel a little more fun. 
And Mikan gains the courage to add her own writing to the wall, since it’ll all get erased anyway: Jii-chan on the top, and Mikan on the bottom, the daughter of Yuka and Sensei.
Like I have said many times, Mikan is intuitive. She gets feelings about things and is usually right. She guessed rather easily that Natsume had the fourth alice shape without much evidence, though she disregarded that theory. And she can sense now that the former SA teacher who had the nullification alice like her must have something to do with her, as well as the student Yuka. She draws the line and makes the connection because Mikan has been yearning for her parents for her whole life. She has never known anything about them and this is the closest thing she’s ever gotten to an idea of who they were. People who were in love. People who loved her.
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This is so cute and sweet. She just wants to connect to her parents!
Mikan’s embarrassed by Hotaru catching her in the act, but her friend only supports her, saying that “Mikan” and “Yuka” seem to match, two citrus names. Hotaru adds herself to the graffiti too, eventually adding on “Penguin” as well. It’s all Mikan wanted, to add new people into her mysterious and mostly empty family tree. 
I think this may be the reason Mikan craves connections the way she does. She never knew much about her real biological family and the only person she had from the start was her Jii-chan. She understands the importance of knowing people because she knows how much it hurts to not know. It’s why she looks so closely at people, why she seeks out their “true selves,” why now that she’s at Alice Academy she feels more compelled to make friends than ever. She might have been a strange girl before, but this is her home and will be for another ten years (or so she thinks). This might’ve been her parents’ home. She wants to fill the hole her parents’ absence created by loving and knowing and understanding as many people as she can.
I wanted to leave off on Chapter 50 but then I'd have to save 51 and 52 for one stand alone post and I kinda hate the idea of that. I want these essays to be more or less connected through arcs and themes, and I want them all to be long and fun to read. So.
Well, in any case, today we talked a lot about the Christmas Ball and a couple kisses that take place, including one really long one. Next time, we'll begin the New Years Arc, beginning with Mikan's birthday! I spent so much time analyzing that arc... I'm now only a measly 20 chapters ahead of the posts, which means I'm gonna have to pick up the pace!
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cirixwqnd · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˚ ⁎ ( + 🍂 ) ⁺ ˳ ★ ⋆ ☕ ࣪ .
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★ filter name 彡 🍂 4EVER !?
like and reblog if you use it! <3
credits are not needed but are appreciated.
feel free to readjust it to your liking! if asked for the filter though, please redirect them to this post. :D
please don’t repost it or add it in filter packs, etc. :)
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jacksphotos · 9 months
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ephemeral-winter · 1 year
google search what to do if you think semi-close friend might have feelings for you and also you might have feelings for her and you’ve matched on tinder but you’re not sure if it was a haha we know each other kinda match or if it was legit and also you haven’t really ever hung out 1-on-1 before but she’s coming over tonight to bake lava cakes in ur kitchen
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dersciety · 2 years
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pelova4president · 3 months
pretty fangirl
Kyra Cooney-Cross x FamousMusician!Reader
y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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kyracooneyx, arsenalwfc
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liked by y/n_y/l/n and 729.827 others
North London is welcoming another Aussie. Welcome Kyra Cooney-Cross.
stephcatley oiii oiii she’s heree 💛💚
caitlinfoord there she issss
wrightyofficial 🔥🔥
stinaballerina1 can’t wait to see the aussies play together
sechalfsenal best signing this season fr
y/nsingzz y/n what’re you doing hereee
↳ arsenalll11 she is in London recording a new album soooo who knows..
y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 82.382 others
my people my home <3
y/n_y/l/n cute 😍
victoriapelova oeh la la!!!
caitlinfoord so the mysterious girl got to see sydney
leahwilliamsonn backstage privilege 🙄
kcclessiii who’s that in pic 1??
↳ peado9 kyra’s gf probs
↳ bestofy/l/n they’re soooo dating
↳ ars3nalkyra y/n posted that she’s in Australia too, they have to be
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liked by caitlinfoord and 492.829 others
head over 👠s
stephcatley puppy love 💗
billieeilish so ready for our concert next month!!
sukiwaterhouse you should be my tour guide in Aus
↳ y/n_y/l/n you can borrow my local tour guide
florencepugh love love
y/n4lifee omg who is she kissing in pic 4??
↳ ausarsenal32 looks like kyra cooney cross
katrinagorry10 posted on their story
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liked by katie_mccabe11 and 528.720 others
pretty girl at my concert
leahwilliamsonn since when are you dating fans??
↳ y/n_y/l/n the only exception
kyracooneyx love you sm pookie 😘
↳ y/n_y/l/n ew don’t call me that
↳ kyracooneyx rather i call you dookie?
y/nfiles I KNEW IT OMG
arsenaly/n the IT couple
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liked by clairo and 217.839 others
secret’s out, my not so mysterious girl
katie_mccabe11 sneak me in back stage next time 😘
victoriapelova gross 🤮
↳ kyracooneyx you’re gross xx
y/n_y/l/n harper’s a little artist
↳ kyracooneyx i helped her, where’s my credits harps can’t even write marriage 🙄
↳ stephcatley you’re fighting like a married couple already
↳ katrinagorry10 we’re proud of you too ky don’t worry
samanthakerr20 lookin’ good
y/nxxkyra i love them with my whole heart
aus3nal3 y/n needs to perform in the Emirates
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1onelypoet · 3 months
stuck by the glue || Oscar Piastri smau
a/n: 1st ever tumblr post so the formating is weird and the album cover still says beabadoobe but whatever. hopefully it's good, tips are always welcome :) to be continued (maybe, possibly, probably)
fc: beabadoobe
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liked by yourbff, clairo, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername thank u from the bottom of my heart seattle 💞 can't wait to be back :)
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yourbff ur so hot
yourusername you.
y/nswife y/n come home the kids miss u
yourfriend1 i have tickets for la teehee 🤭🤭
yourusername wonder how u got those...
laufey so proud
yourusername ily
y/nupdates what's 3 + 5 ‼️
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liked by mclaren, logansargeant, landonorris and others
tagged landonorris, mclaren, silverstonecircuit
oscarpiastri P4 today! Thank you, Silverstone 🧡
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mclaren Great job, Oscar!!
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡
op81lvr slayyyy 🔥🔥
silverstonecircuit Can't wait to have you back on the track!
oscarpiastri can't wait to be back 👊
landonorris_fans the landoscar crumbs ☹️☹️
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liked by taylorswift, oscarpiastri, yourbff and others
yourusername la u were insane. thank u thank u thank u. what a special way to end the tour 🌸endlessly grateful for everyone who made this possible. it's truly a dream come true <3
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taylorswift ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername TAYLORRRR 😭😭
yourbff the dress is everything
liked by yourusername
landoscar not to be delulu but why is oscar liking y/ns posts?? like this is the 2nd time...
oscarpastryyy I WAS WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SAY THIS OMGG y/nfangirl can he not be a fan? 💀 landoscar girl chill 💀💀
yourusername posted to their story
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[caption: homebound ☁️]
seen by pinkpantheress, oscarpiastri, laufey and others
oscarpiastri can't wait to see you 🩷 yourusername me toooo 🩷🩷🩷
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liked by f1gossipgirl, op81updates, f1teaaa and others
tagged oscarpiastri
f1gossip Oscar Piastri spotted in NYC by fans. He is allegedly "just visiting" 👀
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carlando4ever finally a gossip post that isn't invasive or speculation
justaninchident it's a gossip acc what do u expect lmao
vroomleclerc we stan a king who actually makes time for his fans 👏
33verstappen33 shouldn't he be training 💀💀
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, yourfriend2 and others
tagged yourbff, yourfriend1, yourfriend2
yourusername summer in nyc with my lovelies
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ihearty/n MA'AM???? WHO IS THAT?????
y/nupdates whoever it is, i hope they can fight
sabrinacarpenter 😍😍
yourfriend2 hot summer nights
yourusername mid julyyy yourfriend1 when you and iiiii were forever wildd
landoscar i see you in the likes oscar 👀
y/n4life pls god let it be just a friend 🙏
y/ntaylorsversion why are yall so obsessed with celebrities relationships, it's fucking weird 😐
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liked by fia.official, mclaren, yourfriend3 and others
oscarpiastri quick recharge before Hungary
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piastrispastry just one chance. please.
logansargeant cannot believe you went to the us without me
oscarpiastri oops 😬
lnop_481 oh to be a malnourished pigeon in nyc 🥲
landonowins WHAT LMFAOO
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liked by oscarpiastri, troyesivan, gracieabrams and others
yourusername surpise! glue song out 2night ;)
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gracieabrams so excited 🎀
yourusername tysm gracieeee
sheplaysbass just saw someone fall to their knees in walmart
lizzymcalpine already crying
y/n_usa she's so real for this
ellefanning 💕💕
yourusername 🫶🫶
y/nnnieee just fell to my knees in walmart
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liked by phoebebridgers, y/nupdates, oscarpiastri and others
yourusername gluesong out now 🧸 this song means a lot to me, as does the person who inspired it (you know who u r, i love you more than you'll ever know), so i hope you like it 🎶 here's a little appreciation post for the love of my life ❤️
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y/n.com CAN HE FIGHT 🔪🔪🔪
yourbff ur still my wife tho 💋
yourusername ofc babygirl 💍💍
laufey feeling rlly single rn
kaliuchis cutest song by the cutest girlie 💖
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oscarpiastri posted to their story
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[caption: great song!]
seen by yourusername, f1gossip, lilymhe and others
yourusername i love u ❤️ oscarpiastri i love you more yourusername impossible oscarpiastri we'll have to debate it over dinner yourusername oscar piastri, r u asking me out on a date? oscarpiastri yes the 22nd works, right? yourusername counting down the hours oscarpiastri 😊
335 notes · View notes
smelliewilliams · 22 days
━━ my pov of ellie iii
warnings : use of yn, lowkey self inserted uhh, using spotify cause the blend thingy but PLEASE BOYCOTT SPOTIFY GUYS !!!
cr : @idontgetanysleep & pinterest for the pics
ellie's taglist (lmk if u wanna be add / remove) : @ellstronaut , @dinaissoprettyoml , @julienology , @euphternal , @sapphhicslut
also chat, boop me !!
part i ⟶ part ii
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⭐️ she’s the type of person who is not into pda that much (but you guys still do pda like holding hands/hand on waist or shoulder & some kisses here n there) BUT SHE LOVE YOU LOUD & PROUDLY!! 🍮 all of her social media bios would be something like “taken by @yourtag” or “e + your initial : ♡” or “i love my wife” KNOWING DAMN WELL YALL ARE NOT MARRY (yet… 😏) 🕯️ her page would be filled with your pictures / something that has you in it. and would caption like “she saw it first” or “yn chose it for me” like okay we get it ellie 🙄✋
⭐️ GUYS HEAR ME OUT!!!! she’s the type that would wait for you to get ready and be like “oh it's okay, i can wait. just make sure to be safe & look pretty f’me” LIKE HIHIRHEUDBSOANA 🍮 would let you do her hair (tiny braids !!!) 🕯️ she so corny guys i just know it
⭐️ omg few months or maybe even weeks of you two talking she would be asking you if you have spotify (boycott spotify guys!!) and ask you if you wanna do a blend, she just wanna know you better through your music taste 🍮 WOULD TOTALLY FREAK OUT WHEN THE RESULTS ARE ABOVE 80 “she’s my soulmate, i knew it” and do hand YES! gesture thingy (pls know what im saying (◞‸◟) ) 🕯️ why, just why, her gf had to live 34764482939 away from her!! (ellie is being dramatic but so real)
⭐️ WOULD LEARN YOUR FAV SONGS TO PLAY ON HER GUITAR AND SENT YOU VIDEOS OF HER PLAYING IT AND BE LIKE “for you, baby” or post it on her story and captioned (?) “for my girl @yourtag” 🍮 i know she makes a lot of playlists for you. started when you were her crush, then you were in the talking stage with her, then the two of you dating, then songs that reminded her of you
⭐️ her home & lock screen is your picture, it doesn’t matter if the pictures of both of you tgt or just you. 🍮 matching stuff with you LIKE HELLO YES SHE LOVE IT !!!! immediately drop everything when you ask her if she wanna matches w you, per examples :
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🕯️ she just a biggest simp ever!!! ⭐️ loveee calling you especially facetime, she just adore looking at your pretty face, your sweet smile & listen to your cute laughs every time ellie cracks a joke. 🍮 would cut & peel fruits for you, and you do it to her as well 🕯️ text you in 3 in the morning for her & you scolding her for not sleeping
⭐️ blurts out i love you one time and since then she just wont stop saying how much she loves you 🍮 since you guys are in ldr :(, ellie had to give you gifts & all that by giving you a package but the good thing is that you can keep the letters she wrote for you and the drawing she gave you as well !! 🕯️ HER FRICKING JOURNAL IS FULL WITH YOU..... not kidding...and some sweet details that she had noticed about you
⭐️ always tweeting how she wished she's with you and would diff tweet something like " 'if she wanted, she would', then WHY IS SHE NOT TELEPORTING HERE, NEXT TO ME, LAYIN ON MY ARM, WHYYY" (this is so me coded lol)
🍮 omg would do streaks with you to update abt each other's day and also locket
🕯️ timezone sucks so be ready to be wake to 99+ tiktoks ellie had sent you while you were sleeping. (you did the same thing too)
⭐️ movie night every friday !!
🍮 few years of ldr and both you & ellie had decided to moved in together
🕯️ would surprise you once in awhile and vice versa
⭐️ girly would treat the teddy bear that you gifted her like its her CHILD (it is)
🍮 ellie who loves you very dearly
🕯️ ellie is your girlfriend & also now, your roommate (hehe hinted)
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that neil is a zionist and therefore dont buy his games, doesnt matter remastered or not !!!
before you leave, have you DONATE TO PALESTINE today? ITS FREE TOO !!
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biconickyoshi · 7 months
Thought I’d share some of my favorite songs on my playlist for my Zukaang AU, The Avatar and the Fire Prince! I have a lot more songs than just these on there, but these are the ones I feel like are just *chef’s kiss*.
If you haven’t read it, in this AU, Zuko and Iroh discover Aang in the iceberg right after Zuko was burned and banished at age 13 in 96AG, so he and Aang are only one year apart in age. The AU will eventually follow a similar course of events as the canon show, just over the span of 4ish years instead of 1, meaning that Aang will be nearly 16 when Sozin’s Coment arrives in 100AG. The images of Aang and Zuko below represent what they will both look like at that time (pic of Aang is from the Imbalance comic trilogy where he’s around 15-16, pic of Zuko is from S3E21 where he’s 16, likely nearly 17).
19 chapters are currently posted on ao3 (most recent update was 9/15/23), and I’m getting super close to 1k kudos, which is absolutely mind-boggling to me!! I never expected that my fic would get this much love, especially as someone who has never posted a fic before lol. If you’re a reader, thank you so so much for your support! ❤️
Links below are all to YouTube videos since I know not everyone has Spotify :)
muse - MisterWives
light - wave to earth
Clouds - flor
Colours of You - Baby Queen
Glue Song (feat. Clairo) - beabadoobee
like everyone else - zeph (this fits pining Zuko so well)
From The Start - Laufey
More Than The Day Before - Cody Fry
Smitten - Leanna Firestone
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
Body Language - Mint Green
Anyone But You - Particle House, Le June
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161 notes · View notes
myoddessy · 1 year
your social media aus are iconic!! 🎀 do you think you could do a lil thing with ksi? like his gf always being there at his boxing fights and stealing the show and stuff with her outfits and being adorbs in interviews and yk?! thank you! and congrats on 2k!! xx
thank you!!!! I love this idea so. much. I hope you like this!
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liked by landonorris, jennaortega, freyanightingale, and 1,899,076 others
yourusername travels were had and shots were taken (and spilled) in prep for fight night tomorrow. good luck, baby!
taliamar rip that tray of shots 💔
yourusername let's take a moment of silence for our fallen commerades 😔
faithlouisak may they stick to the club floor for many nights to come 🕊
freyanightingale they were avenged well... from what I can remember ❤️‍🩹
ksi was that picture necessary tho
yourusername absolutely
siennaluvsyn my dream is to be as pretty as you omg
siennaluvsyn omg I'm literally crying 😭 thank you so much 😭😭
ksynlvrr you're so mother
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yourusername posted an instagram story !
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yourusername just posted !
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liked by clairo, safiyanygard, tobjizzle, and 1,010,997 others
yourusername YOU DID IT!! there was never a doubt in my mind that you would. jj, I love you more than I could ever put into words and to see you work hard and excell is beautiful, to say the least. I'm forever proud of you, stink 💞💞💞
sdmnminter they actually invented being in love
ynslover it's so hard to see the woman you love be with someone else, but ig he'll do 💔❤️‍🩹
ynsbabymama me and who?
lesbians4ksi me n u 😘
harrrrrrylewis oh nah they flirting in a comment section....
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578 notes · View notes
aropride · 1 year
► [character] playlist
for [character] kinnies || [character quote] || pic credit: yuormom69 on twt
catboyblorbo • 972 likes • 145 songs, 8 hr 27 min
Line Without A Hook - Ricky Montgomery
Little Miss Perfect - Write out Loud
Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
Are You Bored Yet - Wallows, Clairo
Art Is Dead - Bo Burnham
Soap - Melanie Martinez
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery
As The World Caves In - Matt Maltese
Look Who's Inside Again - Bo Burnham
Washing Machine Heart - Mitski
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Hidden In The Sand - Tally Hall
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Nobody - Mitski
This Is Home - Cavetown
I Bet On Losing Dogs - Mitski
putting a spin on hey there delilah - Egg
Heather - Conan Grey
Alien Blues - Vundabar
brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Our Word - 36 Questions
Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
Cry Baby - Melanie Martinez
Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
Freaks - Surf Curse
Rät - Penelope Scott
Be Nice To Me - The Front Bottoms
Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
Out Of My League - Fitz And The Tantrums
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hstylesloverr · 1 year
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i accidentally deleted the question sorry 😭 u asked for it and here it is!!!
yourinstagram via instagram post
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liked by yourbff, username, johnslsh and more
yourinstagram what the shirt says 🫶
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yourbff you’re literally the hottest person on the planet
yourinstagram u mean urself
username i love your style!!
username can't believe she's that pretty
brycedlls 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
yourfriend your boyfriend is so lucky😿😿😿
username she has a bf? we lost
yourinstagram @ yourfriend but u haven’t seen my man 🤭🤭
taissafarmiga ❤️
yourinstagram love uu 🫶🫶
yoursister clean ur shirt pig
yourinstagram 🙄🙄🙄
username honestly the most beautiful girl i've ever seen
johnslsh i would change my career to marine biology just to be with you
yourinstagram don't even try, you'd fail every semester
clairo give me back my skirt
yourinstagram come for it 🫶
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evanfan via instagram post
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liked by username, ahsfan, evanfan3 and more
evanfan i found her browsing among those followed by taissa... she's living the dream fr
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username no bc i literally followed her from seeing her so often on pinterest she removed me from followers and made the account private 😭😭😭
evanfan dont worry she surely remove from followers all the people she didn't know personally
username okay but SHE’S A SWIFTIE
evanfan evan is in good hands now
ahsfan ok but can we talk about how pretty the girl is? i’m literally in love with her
evanfan7 i just hope this one doesn't turn out to be like ponprincess
evanfan2 naah i'm sure if it wasn't for the people she knew who leaked that she was dating evan we never would have found out
ahsfan8 okay but the photos that came out at the beginning of the year of evan leaving a university residence? they were shouting it to our faces
username i think they really want to keep the relationship super private so maybe that's why she made all her social media private
evanfan4 i can't even imagine being y/n and seeing that every woman alive wants to fuck her man
username exactly ?? on the one hand i would die of jealousy but on the other my ego would be through the roof knowing all the people who would literally KILL to be in my place
ahsfan3 she’s getting that dick every day. she’s getting that dick every day. she’s getting that dick every day.
evanupdates via instagram post
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liked by evanfan, ahsfan, taissafan, evanyn and more
evanupdates 🚨 | Evan and his girlfriend out tonight in New York.
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username nooo please don’t do this to me
evanfan7 my guts are turning from jealousy
ahsfan this reminded me of the paps pics of emma and evan
emmafan nah emma better
evanfan @ emmafan girl be fr u don’t even know y/n
evanyn the way evan has his arm around y/n's shoulder
evanfan4 the girl is soo pretty
ahsfan5 i really like this couple 😭😭 please sir let y/n be the one
username the fact that they are having physical contact at all times
evanfan8 the way this is the only picture we get of them in public and they've probably been together for almost a year
evanfan we ❤️ a private relationship
taissafan i want to cry from the pain i feel right now
username wait, isn't she the girl who has been seen on several occasions with clairo and gracie abrams?
graciefan yes she is!! she went with gracie in highschool and they’ve been very close friends
evanfan9 play the other woman by lana del rey
username y/n is the definition of “who is she”
evanfan6 ok but after the tweet y/n put up about not knowing evan peters this is iconic
username she was lying to us fr
yourinstagram via instagram story
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308 notes · View notes
sivyera · 1 year
my MLP headcanons!
(I'm gonna use them on my other mlp posts)
! PICS OF THEIR FACES THAT I'M GONNA USE ARE DRAWN BY CLOIIIIII ! I don't know if she has tumblr or not but her insta, tiktok and twitter is @cloiiiiii ! I just love her drawing and I think she made them look so cool and that's just how I imagine them as humans.
none of those pictures are mine!
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⤷ AJ
lesbian, she/her
makes apple cider, apple pie and bread for her friends
her hat was actually her mom's
listens: Rascal Flatts, Faith Hill, Luke Bryan, Toby Keith, Sam Hunt, Brad Paisley, Bernadette Peters, Dolly Parton
wears suits to formal events
she has trouble asking for help but if she does ask you for help, she trusts you with all her heart
mom friends type
strong af, like buff type of body (like Rhea Ripley)
loves sunrises
early bird
play a guitar
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face claim:
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body type:
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⤷ Dash
lesbian, she/her
also wear suits to formal events
plays electric guitar and drums
loves energy drinks (monsters)
likes spicy food
skater girl and she is really good at skating
she loves showing off
collects sneakers
writes songs but never show/play them to anybody
loves running and sometimes she runs at the very morning
bad sleep schedule
listens: AC/DC, eminem, my chemical romance, the offspring, imagine dragons, kordhell, NF, girl in red
dog person
athletic strong
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face claim:
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body type:
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⤷ Rarity
bi, she/her
she's constantly questioning her sexuality (between bi and a lesbian)
loves shopping
sometimes using pinterest for clothing inspo
loves getting her nails done
loves romantic movies
loves doing her make-up and loves doing make_up to her friends or makeovers
loved Bratz when she was little
makes clothes for her friends when they want something specific they can't find in stores
loves necklaces
obsessed with skin care
cat person
listens: lady gaga, MARINA, Poppy, Britnes Spears, Doja Cat, ariana grande, nelly furtado, madanna
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⤷ Twilight
bi, she/they
drinks a lot of tea and coffee
has bad sleep schedule
loves reading
big harry potter fan and owns a ravenclaw scarf
loves astrology
everything has to be perfect, tidy and clean, unless she's studying at that moment she doesn't care about anything
loves chocolate croissant
hates PE
pear body type/shape
loves comedy movies or movies based on true events
sometimes she doesn't know what sleep and rest means it :|
loves AJ's bread
listens: mother mother, penelope scott, beach bunny, cavetown, mitski, twenty one pilots, MARINA, arctic monkeys, olivia rodrigo
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⤷ Pinkie Pie
pansexual, she/they
eats a lot of candy
donuts are her favourite
uses a lot of emojis
loves to draw
very creative
watches anime
good with kids
loves stickers
tries different hairstyles all the time
doesn't like cold colours
loves painting rocks
drink chocolate milk
loves AJ's apple cider
listens: bambee, the living tombstone, nightcore reality, katty perry, pharrell williams, gwen stefani
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⤷ Fluttershy
pansexual, she/they
loves tea, hates coffee
,, :3 ''
loves stuffed animals and has a lot of them
her fav animals are rabbits and frogs, but after all she loves all kinds of animals
social anxiety
loves sweets
her fav flower is daisy
healthiest sleep schedule of all girls
sometimes watch anime with pinkie
likes chocolate cake
owns funny socks and kinda collects them
listens: clairo, mxmtoon, melanie martinez, chloe moriondo, olivia rodrigo, cavetown, olivia o., naikho
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eyesfullofsttars · 7 days
i wanted to ask where do you find all of those pictures that literally scream abby and ellie 😭 ik it's probably pinterest but what do you search up? btw you're literally my favorite account <3
☆ hey!!! first of all, thanks so much for the message. that's so sweet of you to say my account is your favorite! it really makes me happy knowing you enjoy the silly stuff i do. <3
not sure if you mean individual pics of ellie and abby or them together, so i'll answer both! (sorry if i misunderstood, but i hope this helps!)
i spent over an hour looking for photos, and i’m a bit embarrassed to admit it, but well...
☆ for ellie, i focused on finding people with a similar vibe: short brown hair and green eyes. for me, clairo or talia ryder work great.
☆ finding photos for abby is tougher, so i look for specific traits like blonde hair, facial features, and blue eyes. models like freja wewer sometimes resemble her a bit.
☆ finding photos of them together is the hardest and takes the most time to find images that match a certain aesthetic or vibe. it’s tricky because it's so specific.
☆ i'm explaining too much about something so simple, sorry! but to help with your search, i made pinterest boards with my vision of each and their relationship: ellie, abby, and ellabs!
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shortnotsweet · 1 year
daily unrendered rhaenicent doodle based off of that vivienne westwood catwalk pic bc they were girlfriends ok? they were in love your honor and I think about them every day
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