#class 1-a girls
violetlunette · 1 year
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Well, in celebration of the year of the rabbit, everyone’s drawing the MHA in bunny costumes, so I drew two of my favorite girls. I couldn’t resist adding my own spin on them. Poses are ridiculous, but whatever!
I drew another version of Toru’s costume here, but I’m worried that it might be a bit risky, even for Toru...
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Asleep In The Keep: A DP x BNHA fic
Summary: Danny's day at the cafe
Word count: 5547
Chapter 21: Customer Service Smile
TW for minor dysphoria
Working at the coffee shop was a lot harder than Danny thought. When he had met with Mr. Tanaka a few hours before, they agreed on Danny working the early morning shift to afternoon, since no one else was able to cover. Apparently there were only 2 other employees, but they both had “nightly duties,” whatever that meant. Danny wasn’t so much as trained as he was thrown in the fire. Mr. Tanaka explained what each thing did and how it was done, but it was so fast Danny didn’t understand, but nodded along anyway. It seemed simple then. He had been an avid coffee drinker when he was alive, and had even made his own coffee. Of course, it was with the Fenton Coffee Maker™ (gave it an extra kick), but the theory was the same. Coffee was just hot bean water after all. Danny only had 30 minutes of instruction before the shop opened, and Mr. Tanaka left to go back upstairs. 
He was excited when his first customer came in. It was a man with the most beautiful hair he had ever seen. Honestly, Danny thought he was a ghost but then he remembered quirks were a thing. Danny still couldn’t completely process it. Heroes made sense (he’d read comics), but powers were usually the minority rather than the rule. As long as none of them triggered his ghost sense (or blindly attacked him like last night), it didn’t really matter. He has gotten a few false alarms here and there, but that's usually around monster-type quirks, or whatever the term was. 
The man ordered a super fancy coffee that Danny had never heard of. He understood “mocha” and “espresso shots”, but the rest he was flying blind. He really wished he had his phone on him, but he’s pretty sure that was on his other body. Danny shivered. He did not want to know what ended up happening to it. Maybe it was still with him somehow. After the guy sat down, Danny went to the booklet that had all the recipes that Mr. Tanaka told him about (it was the one thing he remembered). He had just found the specific recipe when another customer came in. 
He wore dark baggy clothes and looked like he hadn't slept in days, Danny could relate. His clothes were all dirty and he smelled like smoke, or that he had just been in an alley. He was probably homeless . He ordered a black coffee and nothing else. He was reaching into his pocket when Danny told him it was on the house. The man looked taken aback, but didn’t protest, just nodded and sat down. He looked out of it, like he just might collapse right there. 
He got back to making the other man’s coffee and after a few attempts, he finally got it right. Danny didn’t know what it tasted like, but it smelled pretty good so he must’ve done something right. He brought it over to the man and smiled at him. Danny was pretty proud of himself. 
Just when he was back behind the counter, the man shot up and bolted at Danny.
“What the hell is this shit?!” Danny was stunned, he was about to say something when the man cut him off, “You can’t expect me to drink this garbage?! I paid 1,304¥ for this and I demand a refund!” 
“I’m sorry dude-” Danny tried to calm down the man, but he looked even angrier, turning red.
“Dude?!” he shouted even louder and his hair changed colors and hues to match a fire. 
“Sir!” Danny corrected, “but could you tell me what was wrong with it?” He thought he did a really good job…
“What’s wrong with it? What isn’t wrong with it?!” in his craze his hands started shaking and he spilled some of his coffee on the floor. Danny frowned, he was the one who had to mop that up. The man suddenly stuck out his tongue, but Danny already stopped paying attention to what he was saying.
When he finally stopped talking, Danny offered him a refund but the guy didn’t really seem interested. Danny noticed that the homeless guy from before had gotten up and looked towards him. 
“It’s time for you to stop-” But no sooner had the man spoken those words did Danny suddenly feel the coffee seep into his uniform and hair. Oh he was pissed! 
Before Danny could jump over the counter to kick the guy out, mummy-like tendrils shot out from the homeless guy’s neck, no, scarf, and the man went down. Danny jumped back, he was not gonna be taken by surprise like last night. Instead of going after Danny, the homeless man just dragged the man out the store. 
Danny started to wipe himself off while they were preoccupied. He was gonna get sticky if he let the coffee dry, he hated being sticky. He could still feel it in his clothes, so while the men were outside, Danny briefly went intangible, letting the coffee spill on the floor. The floors will get sticky but at least he was safe. 
The homeless mummy came back inside and returned to his table. He looked even more exhausted. There was an awkward silence in the air. What were you supposed to do when that happened? 
He suddenly remembered the man’s coffee and decided that was a good way to break tension. He set it down on the table with a coaster, careful not to get it near the thick folder in front of the man. Weird.  
“Thank you…for that…” Danny gave him a short bow, copying it from the boy he met before.
“Anytime kid.” The man nodded. He seemed nice enough if a bit standoffish, and he did help Danny with that customer (even if he could’ve handled it on his own). Danny walked back behind the counter, but could still feel the guy staring at him. He started cleaning a random cup to seem busy. He could’ve cleaned the floor but he didn’t want to turn his back completely to the guy. He was still looking at him…
Danny wouldn’t let it bother him. He turned around and went back to scrubbing. A pair of eyes opened on the back of his head, hidden by his hair. Danny didn’t even mean for that to happen, but it suited him all the same. He watched the man sip the coffee- and then spit it out. 
Danny snapped his head back, expecting the man to react in aggression like the one before. Instead Mr. Mummy kept drinking it. Perhaps it was too hot? The man gave him a weird smile with dead eyes and too much teeth. 
He finished it quickly and left the café, leaving Danny alone once more.
Only one thought ebbed in his mind…
“Am I really that bad at making coffee?”
His shift was pretty uneventful afterwards. He was able to get around his coffee making skills by saying the machine broke, which some customers understood (others not so much). Just because it was uneventful didn’t mean he didn’t get death threats. 
A group of teenage girls walked in with brightly colored clothes. They all idled around the counter and started at the menu above Danny. A few of them were glancing at him then back at the menu, their faces red from embarrassment. It was awkward deciding something to order with someone watching you.
“Here,” he picked up a stack of menus, “you can order so you don’t have to stand here.” 
The girls lined up and each took one, bowing slightly as they walked away. The last one was a girl with big eyes and messy colorful hair. Her costume was the most bare, just a plain blue bodysuit with chunky gloves and boots. She kinda glowed a little and Danny felt a tickle in his throat. 
She looked more nervous than the others and her lip quivered. She grabbed the menu then ran off, forgetting to bow (it’s not like Danny cared).
The girls started talking and Danny did his best not to eavesdrop.
It was their final day of internships, but most of class 1-A got released early, due to the stress from the Hosu attacks. Their mentors didn’t make it known that was the reason though, instead saying they did such a good job they deserved a day off early, ribbit . It didn’t make sense to Tsu, since she had been nowhere near land when the attacks happened and would’ve liked to finish out the whole 2 weeks. Although after saying that, her body was starting to get tired of the non-stop work, ribbit . 
The rest of the girls thought it would be a good idea to hangout at a café (apparently Momo’s favorite), and catch up. It has been less than two-weeks, but a lot has happened since then. Tsu feels she has learned a lot, and she was sure the others did too.
“It was absolutely awful!” Momo moaned, still looking elegant if a bit stressed. “Medusa had us do nothing but work on a hair commercial. I felt useless... We’re supposed to be training to be heroes but instead we’re selling hair spray?”
“There there” Mina patted her on the back as she pouted. She looked like a baby who was told no ice cream. 
“It wasn’t completely for nothing. I was able to get closer to the girl from class 1-B, Ms. Itsuka.”
“Was she the one with the, you know” Uraraka made karate chop gestures, “the hand quirk?” She had a nervous smile on her face. 
“The very same,” Momo responded. “We both came in looking for a strong womanly role model, but we were both disappointed.” she shook her head solemnly. Mina patted her back again, mimicking her face. 
“Are we actually gonna look at the menu?” Jiro asked, “I feel bad making the guy wait”
“The barista?” Uraraka asked.
“He’s kinda cute, don’t you think?” 
“Mina!” Momo sounded scandalized. 
“What? You were all thinking it” she teased, “Look at him”
In sync all the girls turned their heads at the poor barista. He looked awkward and turned away from them. Tsu didn’t see what the big deal was, ribbit.  
“I think he was able to see me,” a small voice sounded. Everyone turned their heads to the pair of floating gloves.
“What? No way” Mina beamed. 
“How could you even tell?” Momo seemed more skeptical. 
“When he handed me the menu, he looked at me in the eyes…”
“What!” Mina leaned over the table and grabbed Hagakure’s gloves, “so he gets to see a total cutie and I can’t” She then pulled her into a hug and pressed their cheeks together (or at least where Hagakure’s cheeks seemed to be, ribbit).
“Get off, you look ridiculous” Momo pulled Mina down, looking around the cafe for any pair of eyes. She succeeded and Mina was back on her chair with a yelp. 
“You’re no fun” She stuck her tongue out.
“Do you think Itsuka would want to join us sometime?” Uraraka asked.
“That would be absolutely lovely!” Momo beamed, clasping her hands together. “Her and I exchanged numbers, do you want me to add her to the group chat?”
The girls of class 1-A had a group chat they’ve been using since the start of school. They’ve planned outings, worked on homework or just shared memes. Tsu didn’t always respond to it (usually using a 👍or👎), but she still felt like she was still pretty included, ribbit. 
“It might be better to hangout with her first. Catch the vibe.” Mina stated.
 “Yeah, it would be awkward if we don’t get along and have to kick her from the chat”
“I would die of humiliation if I saw her after that!” Uraraka put her head on the table and covered it with her arms.
“Guys, the menu,” Jiro stressed. She had her face in it like it was a textbook.
“Whooo did you guys hear about the attack last night?” Mina sidestepped. 
“Geez, we’re never gonna order…”
“What attack?” Tsu didn’t hear anything about that in the news. The rest of the table was also interested.
“Okay so, allegedly some heroes found one of the members of Phantom…” she drew out the name for dramatic effect, and it worked. 
“Which heroes?” Jiro asked, forgetting the menu. 
“I think Mt. Lady and some other guys?”
“I hope she wasn’t injured, I like Mt. Lady” Momo pouted again. 
“If it was Mt. Lady one of the others could be Kamui Woods” Uraraka tapped her chin, looking up. 
“You’ve been hanging around with Midoriya too much” Tsu had noticed them walking around the school more often (that was when he wasn’t chasing after Bakugo). As soon as Tsu said the name, Uraraka’s face turned red, ribbit.  
“Whaaa no, he’s just a really good friend and he likes to talk about heroes so I like to listen to him talk about heroes…” There was something in there, but Tsu decided to ignore it.
“Back to topic-”
“The menus?”
“No, the Phantoms! Where was I…” Mina bobbed her head back and forth a few times before lighting up, “oh yeah! So- the heroes find a member of Phantom. They start fighting him, trying to get him into custody, but he’s fighting back.” while she's telling the story she’s making wild hand gestures, “They have him on the ropes though, or roots in this case, but then!” She jumped at them with her hands raised like claws. Only Momo jumped. “Another member shows up! It’s now 2 on 2 and they’re evenly powered! Then I think another guy shows up and one of the Phantoms gets downed!”
“Of course, they’re fighting against professionally trained heroes.” Momo leaned back in her chair and folded her arms, unimpressed.
“I heard rumors that Phantom are all trained too. That's why it's taking so long to catch them.” Jiro said. 
“That would make sense. They were able to take down a Nomu” Tsu added. Even All Might had trouble with one. Whoever they are, she’s glad they aren’t a part of the league. The table went quiet after she mentioned the Nomus. The memories of the USJ attack still fresh in their minds. 
“Whatever, can we just order? He’s gonna think we’re loitering.”
“No, let me finish my story.”
“Finish it fast, I’m hungry!” Jiro yelled, but they could all tell she was teasing.
“Geez, alright, you’re so annoying” Mina stuck her tongue out again. “Aaafffttteeerrr ttthhheee Ppphhha-OW!” Jiro japped her in the ribs.
“Come on,” Jiro threatened.
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell it normally. Okay, so after one of the Phantom’s goes down, The rest show up!” 
“How many are there?” Hagakure asked.
“I think officially it’s 5?” Mina tilted her head, unsure. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter, just know that the heroes are outmatched now. One of them grabs the downed brother, and the rest are able to hold back the heroes. Doesn’t last though since more heroes soon enter the alley.”
“Yeah, the alley a few blocks from here. That’s why I’m telling the story?”
“Wait, this all happened nearby?” Jiro looked shocked. “Why don’t we go over and investigate?”
“Already did.” Mina responded causally, like she didn’t walk into a crime scene, ribbit.
“It was pretty boring. You can barely tell that there was even a fight. The Hero Commission must’ve covered it up good.” 
“Where did you even hear about this?” Momo's voice was tight, like a plucked string on a harp. 
“Online” Mina responded simply. “Denki sent it to me. You should hear him, he’s obsessed with Phantom” 
“And you believe that idiot?” Jiro looked baffled.
“He wasn’t the one who wrote it.” Mina shrugged.
“Yeah, but he still believes it.”
“And he also believes that I have the best stories, so he still has some brains.”
“His brain is worse than fried chicken and you know it”
“Can you just finish your story so we can order?” Uraraka pleaded. 
“Of course!” She eyed Jiro, “that's what I’ve been trying to do. Uhhh so more heroes show up and somehow, through spooky forces, Phantom disappeared…” She wiggled her fingers.
“And?” Jiro pressed. 
“That’s it” Mina shrugged her shoulders again. 
“That's how it ends?!”
“Oh, and one of the heroes got beaten up.”
“As long as it wasn’t Mt. Lady…” Momo commented. 
“It wasn’t”
“Okay, so can we order now?” Jiro pleaded with her hands clasped. 
“Yeah, I already know what I want.”
“Me too.”
“I’ve known for a while, ribbit.”
“You guys suck…” Jiro laid her head down on the table and looked away. 
The girls stayed in the café for a while, almost two hours. Danny didn’t really mind since it would’ve been empty without them. He tried his best not to eavesdrop, but they were so loud. Most of the stuff he didn’t understand, topics of internships and classmates. He wondered if they went to the same school as Deku. If so, that must mean that they’re training to be heroes, which would explain the get-ups. 
He did overhear them talking about Phantom, which was weird. Sure, he’s heard people talk about him in Amity, but this wasn’t Amity. It also didn’t help that the story was way wrong. 
It made sense that the media (or whatever power oversaw them), would spin it that way. The public's reaction to a single kid defeating even one pro-hero would be massive. Still, things were different now that Danny knew they were after him specifically (and not just because he broke the anti-quirk law). When the heroes attacked him, they did it to take him down. He was almost able to taste their desperation. He tried to give them opportunities to run, but they wouldn’t. What was so special about him than any other person illegally using their quirk? Danny knew he was different (he was a ghost after all), but what did they know? There must've been a reason he made headlines over other vigilantes…
Danny started wiping down the tables the girl’s sat at. Despite how noisy they were (which wasn't that bad, Danny just had good hearing), they were really polite customers. At the end of their meal (wow those girls could eat a lot), they cleaned up their trash and dishes and put it away. They were delightful, and he hopes they come again. 
In a way, watching them reminded him of Sam, Paulina and him. It was in another lifetime (back when he was known as Dani ) that the 3 of them would go on little outings. That was back in middle school, before things got complicated. He partially blames himself for that, but Sam and Paulina both have explosive personalities, so it was bound to happen (they have a lot more in common than they would admit). 
It used to hurt thinking about the him from then. He was trapped in a body that wasn’t his, pretending everything was alright. Not much different from now. At first he wanted to forget that part of himself, reject it in all forms and despise it. I was weak then, I was worse then, but that didn’t help the swirling of emotions inside. The painful truth was he loved the little girl he was then, he loved the little boy he was then. They were so strong to be able to get him here, and now he could protect them. He wouldn’t let himself destroy his own innocence, not when so many things made it crack. He was a collection of all his scars. They were proof that he lived.  
Danny rubbed at his wrists, the faded scars hidden under fabric. After he woke up in the Keep, all his scars had faded. Another swirl of emotion twisted at him when he thought about it. He didn’t want to have everything taken away from him, his body to heal while he lay dead. He wanted to be the one to care for his scars, to watch them fade because of his own effort, not the invisible hand of time. Danny understands he might have a different perspective had they stayed. He probably would’ve looked at them in shame and disgust, but that would’ve been his choice. Now, he didn’t have anything to tend to. 
He clenched his fist and stared at the table. He had to stop thinking about it. He had to get back to work and enjoy life and all he’s been given. It was just so hard when it felt like all the choices that were laid out in front of him were ripped away. He was dead now, and dead things can’t heal. Who he is now is who he’ll forever be. The past can’t change and he belonged in the past. 
Danny grabbed a washcloth and started obsessively cleaning. He scrubbed every countertop, every table, every nook and cranny. When he was done with that, he grabbed a mop and did the same to the floors. He can’t fix himself, but he can make this place neat. He went into a daze where the only thing he was aware of was the smell of bleach. 
He didn’t know how long he was in this state for until he heard the chime of the door bell. In walked a familiar face, and Danny gasped.
Izuku walked into the familiar coffee shop. Momo discovered the place a few weeks ago and since then, it has become almost a communal spot for class 1-A. Izuku preferred going alone though. He's been able to make a few friends within the class, but he still feels like an outcast. He feels like they see a greater version of him that he wasn’t yet. It was reassuring as much as it was stressful, like he had to be someone else to live up to the exceptions he set in their mind. He hasn’t failed yet so that must mean he’s doing something right… 
Izuku could hear himself mumbling and he shut his mouth. Fortunately, no one else was in the shop, aside from the barista, who was currently cleaning something. Izuku walked up to the counter to say his order, but stopped when he saw the barista’s face. Glowing green eyes met his.
“Pha-No wait, Tucker?!” He shouted despite himself. He clasped his hands over his mouth. No, Phantom didn’t have black hair. Izuku slowly lowered his hands, ready to apologize when not-Tucker laughed.
“No, Tucker’s my brother.” his eyes were intense and now a blue-green, “My twin brother,” he coughed, “My name’s Tommy.” Tommy shook his hand out, presumingly for Izuku to shake. He had latex gloves on for cleaning, but the image just reminded him of Phantom. “He likes to pretend that I’m a clon- copy of him since he’s older.” Tommy laughed again.
Izuku did remember Phantom saying he was the “original”, he guessed that’s what that meant. Weird way to say you’re a twin. “So does that mean you’re a vigilante too then?” Izuku was still really confused…
“No, I’m…” He paused, “quirkless?” His voice sounded unsure. He was probably nervous to tell someone. Izuku understood. He wanted to say he was quirkless too, but that would be hard to explain.
“Oh.” he opted for instead. 
“Yeah. So how do you know my brother?” Tommy changed the subject, “Did he threaten you? Did he beat you up? I think I remember him saying he beat up a green kid last week” Is that how he remembers it?! Tommy continued, ”Tell you what, how about you order and I’ll come sit down with you?” He smiled at him.
“Ok. Uhh can I just have a water bottle and a sandwich?” Izuku got out his wallet.
“You’re gonna get a water at a café?” Izuku felt his heart go into overdrive. Was this a test? Did he fail? “Smart choice.” Tommy smiled, “I’ve been told my coffee sucks.” Izuku shakily put the money on the counter but Tommy didn’t take it. “Nuh uh. This ones on the house.”
“Are you allowed to do that?” Izuku took his money and put it away, unsure.
“I don’t know, but I have been. Which sandwich do you want?” 
“A1?” It was a turkey sandwich with tomatoes and lettuce, good for a day like this. 
“Cool. You can go sit down and I’ll be over in a minute” He smiled and turned around. 
Izuku walked away from the counter feeling dizzy. He found a spot in a corner by a shelf with a lot of little figurines. Yeah, that made sense to be there. His head finally caught up with him when he sat down. How could Phantom have a brother?! Were they both grown in a lab or were they taken from a loving family? If so, why would All For One keep the quirkless twin? Maybe he used him as leverage over Phantom? Or maybe he was the spare if Phantom died? Is that why he called himself Phantom? Because he was a dead-man walking? The thought made him sick. 
Suddenly Tommy was in front of him with his water and sandwich. He set them down and sat in front of him. He smiled at him and motioned for him to take it.
“I’m glad you’re alright. Tucker thought he’d never see you again.” The way he said Tucker was wrong, like it was forced. He didn’t think Tucker and Tommy were their real names. And was Tucker here? Tommy said it like Tucker was at the table. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think I would see him again either.” He bobbed his head around, looking behind Tommy in case Tucker was there, “Is there a way for me to contact him? Like a phone number or something?” He wanted to know if he was okay. He read some rumors online that he got into an alteration with some heroes. 
“No, we don’t have a phone” Izuku deflated, “But I can pass on a message?” Tommy smiled again. He couldn’t imagine what they’ve been through. They both seem so happy now, it was hard to imagine them small and hiding in the corner of a lab. Izuku scratched at the table. 
“Really?” Tommy nodded. He seemed so fake. There was the same lightfulness that Phantom had, but it seemed forced somehow. The smile was real, but it was like there was something more behind it. “Is he okay?” Are you both okay?
“What?” Tommy looked off-guard and for the first time he stopped smiling. 
“I heard a rumor he got into some trouble last night…and I wanted to make sure he was alright.”
“Oh…” Tommy’s smile returned but it was wetter now, “Yeah, he’s okay” He put his hand over Izuku’s, stopping him from scratching anymore. “Thank you.” He squeezed it, “I’m uhh..” he stood up, “I’m gonna go clean some stuff in the back, okay?” He whipped his hands on his apron, “You can take your time, no one else is here.” He patted Izuku’s head and then walked off.  
Izuku didn’t stop him. It gave him time to be alone and process his thoughts. Was Tommy crying just then? It was probably the first time that anyone had expressed worry for them. Tommy and Phantom only had each other for so long, no one else to care for them. He clenched his fist just thinking about what they had to endure. 
They probably escaped when Shiguraki let out those Nomus. They finally had the opportunity to see the world, and yet they stayed here. Why? Phantom can fly, he could fly them somewhere far away, but he didn’t. Did Phantom want revenge? He had become a vigilante and most notably took down most of the Nomus from that night. Maybe he's like Todoroki, trying to prove something to his creator.
Or maybe he was afraid? Afraid that as long as All For One was out there, they’d never be safe. 
Where did that leave Tommy then? He just had to watch his brother go down that path? To possibly destroy himself? Did he try to convince him to leave but was powerless to stop him? How did it feel to be the quirkless twin? Was he jealous of his brother? Or was he relieved everytime they took Phantom away instead of him? 
Izuku just quietly ate his sandwich. He didn’t want to think about it anymore, worried he would get sick. After he was done he got up and brought the plate back up to the counter. Tommy wasn’t there when he left. He walked by a couple walking in and he could hear Tommy greet them behind him. Izuku swore he wouldn’t let them be alone anymore. He would become a constant for Tommy, at least while he was at work. 
Danny felt bittersweet watching Deku walk out the door. When he first saw the kid he was so surprised that he couldn’t even react. He defaulted to his first instinct, which was to lie. He had thought about telling him, but he didn’t know how he would take it. Plus he didn’t even really know the poor boy, they had only met 2ish times. For some reason though, Danny trusted him. It was weird. It was like there was a strange rope that latched onto the both of them. Danny couldn’t describe it. It was almost like a recognition in the other? Maybe it had to do with the ghostly vibe from his quirk?
Regardless, Danny didn’t end up telling him. He just sat in front of him like a smiling coward. The kid seemed off today too. He wasn’t as perky as he usually was, although that probably has more to do with Tommy being a stranger. What Deku said was a shock though. 
Is he okay? Was Phantom okay? Are you okay? The boy had cared about him, even if it was the other him. He wasn’t used to that in this world. The question rang in his ears like a sharp bell.
Am I okay? Surface level, yeah, Danny was doing pretty okay. He had gotten a job, found the portal, gotten a hold on his new body and powers, but under that? Danny felt nothing. He should be feeling so much more after everything's that's happened, but he just feels …dead. 
The lights started to flicker and Danny felt cold. 
Ghosts feel more than people. They no longer hold back in their emotions because emotions are all that they have left. By ghost logic, Danny should be rampaging. He had gotten his head blown off last night! People are still hunting him down, even in another dimension! Danny thought, he really did, in a world of heroes he wouldn’t be the only freak out there. Why do people always get what he can’t have? He was dead. He died a long time ago and life moved on. He needed to move on, but what would that leave him? He needed to hold on to these emotions otherwise he’ll disappear. Is this how Dan felt? Is this how Vlad felt? Everything is just so unfair and he was still just a kid.
Danny shut his eyes tight. The more he thought about these emotions, the more hollow he felt. He was such a fuck up. He sucked at being a human and now he sucks at being a ghost. He wanted to stop feeling this, feeling everything. He missed being nothing. It almost felt like he was in the nothing now except for the prickly sensation of being aware. He felt something cover him, something warm and real.
“Are you okay, kid?” he was able to hear his dad’s voice call out to him, but it was fussy under all his boiling thoughts.
He just wanted to be happy again, but there's no such thing as a happy ghost. If they were truly happy, they would pass on. The only cluster of ghosts that couldn’t move on were the actual denizens of the Infinite Realms, or the Ancients. 
“My god, you’re freezing” Danny felt like he was being wrapped into a blanket. He felt like a kid again. He wanted to drift into it.
“Just breathe,” His dad guided. Danny wanted to tell him that he didn’t need to, but didn’t want to fight him. He instead followed his motions. In and out, air being breathed into him like a dead frog. 
“There you go, in” He paused and breathed in, “and out…” Danny could smell coffee and mint toothpaste. His dad continued to repeat the motions over and over above him.
Despite not needing to breathe, Danny had started to feel better. He knew it was the presence of a person that pulled him back, rather than the breathing. He had felt so lonely for so long that he started to actually feel like a ghost. He waited a few more breaths to open his eyes. 
At first he was only able to make out long black hair and a pale face. Vlad? His vision adjusted to the darkness, slowly. Instead of seeing the familiar eyes of his dad or Vlad, panicked black ones looked back…
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kaeyas-beloved · 1 year
Class 1-A with a fem! Quirkless reader! Cold, reserved, yet polite and soft spoken when talking, S/O may as well be an Ice Queen. Growing up alone with no love in exchange for massive training and tons of combat experience in illegal underground rings, making her one of the strongest students. Also, she has countless scars and burn marks all over her body from neck to toe, which she conceals by wearing scarfs, gloves, winter clothes. Class 1-A and some teachers reactions?
Characters: Class 1-A, All Might and Aizawa (really brief Recovery Girl and Nezu)
Genre: General, Minor h/c if you really squint, minor angst if you squint really hard + HCs
CW: Abuse (briefly stated but no in-depth descriptions + physical aftermath talked about), F!Reader (uses the girl's change room but other than that nothing else), all relations are platonic
a/n: Hi anon! Thanks for the request (only took me forever lol), hope you like it :)
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Honestly, everyone thought that you were either cold or that the extra layers had something to do with your quirk. Both were plausible conclusions and there had been no other indication it could be some other reason. However, within the first week, the quirk theory was debunked.
Of course, this bred questions upon questions. How the hell did you pass the entrance exam quirkless? And just what are you capable of doing out of the field?
When the opportunity was presented, many not so subtly hinted at you to join the first round of the exercise. Finally, they’d get to see what you can do! Come the end of your round let’s just say they easily understood why you passed the entrance exam and never questioned it again.
This also left them with their final - and only - conclusion that the bundle of clothes you wear is due to you being cold. A few ask if you’d like them to turn the heat up so you could take off an article or two, though you always decline. So be it, they don’t push.
Midoriya has tremendous respect, adoration and idolization for you. Whether he lets it be known or not really just depends on the day. After all, you made it to UA quirkless, the one thing he thought was unachievable. Hell, the whole class may have some ounce of respect for you, seeing as the achievement is inspiring.
They all care very little about your personality or how you first come off. Deep down you’re nice and kind and polite and that's all that mattered to them. You’ll come around eventually, most do.
It's the girls that find out about your little secrets first. Concealing 101 and you trip up; a rookie mistake while changing after class. Shocked and horrified gasps are all you need to hear to know you've let one of the nastier scars show.
Whether you tell them the truth, just some of it or none at all, most will be on the verge of tears. No matter what you say though, they all know that tremendous pain is linked to that mark and insist on reporting it to the police. No accident would leave those scars. And if not the police then at least Mr. Aizawa or All Might (of course, none force you to take this step. They know it's not their place).
Regardless of how much your story was told the ladies all silently agreed to never let slip what they saw that evening. Unfortunately, everyone else knows by the end of the week; another, similar mistake regarding a looser shirt on a warm day slipping down just right being the cause.
It’s more wide-eyed looks than a verbal reaction. You're tossing between running or letting things play out naturally. However, given how your body is locked in freeze mode you don't think you have much of a say. Only when the looks of understanding, curiosity and sympathy (or is it pity?) register are you able to get to your feet. You're making a beeline down the hall and to the safety of your room where no one can see the darker parts of yourself. Unfortunately, it all comes to a crashing halt (literally) when you run into Mr. Aizawa.
Even though he was able to stop you both from falling over the wind is still knocked from his lungs. There’s a quick scolding on the tip of his tongue, something about no running or watching where you’re going, but it quickly dies off when he sees what’s got everyone silent.
The scars are one thing, they’re marks he’s seen often on both himself and others. No, what really has his heart dropping to the pits of his stomach is the branded insignia etched into your skin. He knows it far too well but it’s also something he never thought to see again.
Coming to his senses a mumbled, “…be careful next time," is what leaves his mouth instead, carefully letting you go to walk off to your room. Whatever the Pro Hero was going to say to everyone before doesn't come, instead, he too turns back the way he came. There are some things he has to think about about.
Sleep didn't come easy that night, Aizawa's mind plagued with memories from years ago. He knows that you can't save everyone, it's not always possible, but he could have sworn he and a few others rescued all the victims from the underground ring case. If you slipped under the radar then just how many others did he and his team miss?
There’s a mix of rage and guilt swirling in his chest as he finally drifts off. Aizawa knows what went on in that illegal organization and to think you went through more than you had to because of his negligence? He’ll be kicking himself for it for a while.
Come morning - a weekend thankfully - there were a few ways Aizawa thought to approach this. One was to relay this information to the other Pro Heroes, the ring could still be happening for all they know. The second option was to call you into his office in the dorms and talk with you. Of course, the second option was what he went with.
The room was thick with awkwardness; you, unsure why you'd been called in, and Aizawa was unsure where to begin exactly.
"That symbol... I know, (L/N)." Your teacher didn't have to say much more for you to get where the conversation was heading. He asked if there were others still out there and if there were if you would share their location and any names you might know. Though, he paused in his onslaught upon seeing you curl into yourself.
"Sorry. I just..." want to help. To stop the monsters that do these things to the innocent.
He gives you a moment to calm down before asking if it was alright to continue. Aizawa went slower with his questions, fetching you some water to sip on throughout and staying quiet as you spoke until you were done.
He's a man that gets straight to the point, and at times a man of few words, but he knew that no words would be able to convey how grateful he is or how proud he is that you told him all you could. Even if you couldn't or didn't tell much, it doesn't erase how brave you are for trying.
You have yet to gain your hero license but already you're saving lives. "Thank you."
With your permission, Aizawa told the other Pros that he felt should know. All Might was one of them. He took the news harder than Aizawa did, having worked on the case as well, but he was the one that proudly and confidently stated that all victims had been saved. That every villain was apprehended and that no one else was to be harmed because of them. What a joke - he sees now what a liar he was.
The former number one apologies to you. Full on “I’m sorry... for failing you...” because that’s what he believes he’s done. And in some ways, that's what he did. While others got to go home to whatever families they had or live better lives, you sat chained to a cold and lonely routine, unable to leave the side of the group who used you for their own personal monetary gain and sick entertainment. But perhaps, another part of you wants to forgive, because you too know that the operation was huge and that there are always those few that aren't found. Who are you to hold it against them when they obviously did all they could? Besides, it's not their fault for being deceived - told by those they caught that they had everyone, that there was no one else to catch.
When you were advised that Recovery Girl might be able to patch up and ease the more prominent scars, you weren't sure what to do or say. Still, you figured it wouldn't hurt to go and see her. The moment the little old lady peeked at your skin her smile faded. Before, she had kept a conversation going with you but now she continued her examination in silence. She'd been told what to roughly expect but she couldn't be prepared for the sheer volume of it all.
As soon as the old woman finished she told it to you straight: "I'm sorry dear. At best I can give you something to allow them to fade but I make no guarantee that any would disappear." Despite the news, you thank her and leave with the cream and ointment she prescribed.
Nezu asked for you to visit him a few days later. While keeping his cheery tone he told you that if at any point you couldn't complete an assignment, accommodations would be made for you. After all, he wishes for all UA students to be safe and succeed - you included. (And perhaps it's because he too understood a fraction at least of what you'd gone through. He knew the trials it takes to get back on your feet and that there is no easy, straightforward path.)
Your friends encourage you at times to shed the scarf or jacket you wear around the dorm, assuring you that your scars don't scare them and that they won't judge you for them. While old habits are very hard to break (especially when tied to something traumatic, something that each of your classmates understands is hard to unravel) there are times when you can let yourself breathe just a little easier and stay cool during the warmer months. In these times, it's the little achievements that go a long way.
The whole class makes it so that they watch their tones and movements - they don't want to accidentally bring forth a memory. Half the class already was pretty quiet but it's students like Bakugou that you can really see the change in. Anyone can see that if you're around his voice isn't as loud compared to before, or that there are fewer and fewer times his hands will pop with mini explosions. Midoriya, Mina, Ida, Uraraka, Denki and Kirishima become more aware to tone down their own voices as well, knowing that they can get pretty loud at times. Shouji watched where his extra limbs were and Tokoyami instructed Dark Shadow to not creep up on you.
Todoroki will sometimes randomly come up to you and share a tip or two on how to care for your burns (both long-term and for any more recent ones should there be any) while Midoriya tells you how he personally maintains his scarring.
There was only once that everyone collectively told you that you could talk to them if you'd like. A few pointed out that if you were told repeatedly then you might be inclined to not reach out, hence their decision. Teachers, classmates, whoever, you could talk to them if you want or need to. Each of them would be there for you no matter what and they want to make that clear. Whether you reached out or not is up to you.
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Tag list: @tickotaku // @dorkylittleweirdo // @thylocalcrackhead //@unidentifiedzombie // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @lordbugs // @akiria12167
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s-aint-elmo · 7 months
thinking about book cerise/raven again and the way it converted me completely in the span of like 300 pages. listen. listen. it's about cerise trusting raven with her biggest secret. it's about raven coming to cerise for help about her now uncertain destiny. it's about cerise letting raven in and becoming her friend despite her need for secrecy and solitude. it's about raven inspiring cerise to be proud of who she is, simply by showing her that they all have a choice. it's about cerise outing herself to save raven. it's about raven fighting smarter than all the hoods and wolfs combined to help cerise win the right to choose her fate. it's about cerise coming out of her shell and welcoming friendship and camaraderie because of raven's efforts. it's about raven being afraid and unsure in a dangerous place doing dangerous things, and wishing she were wrapped up in cerise's cloak instead, to ward all the bad things away. it's about
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kur0m1sblog · 1 year
Class 1-A’s favorite things to do when they’re s/o has a big butt!
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Summary: Class 1-A Girls Favorite Things To Do When They’re S/O Has A Big Ass
Characters: Class 1-A Girls
Warnings: Cussing, Groping, Mentions of Panties, sfw
Genre: Fluff
Reader: Fem! Reader
Ochako Uraraka
She doesn’t notice it until you guys are changing with the other girls in the locker room
She thinks it’s one of your cuter features
One of her favorite things to do with your butt is to leave her hand on it
You don’t know why, and she doesn’t either
Tsuyu Asui
She adores it honestly
She loves seeing it in anything
Skirts, jeans, shorts, leggings, low rise jeans, panties, nothing, anything.
Sometimes in private when your walking around in bottoms that are tiny on you, she yanks the belt-loop just to give you a quick kiss
Momo Yaoyorozu
Didn’t notice it till Mineta pointed it out
She clearly saw that you were uncomfortable, so she went out to buy you multiple pairs of black and white tights for you
Plain colors, that weren’t see-through
She will admit when you guys weren’t dating, she sometimes would be flustered by your body in the uniforms
When you guys started dating and being more comfortable with each other, she’s take you to the mall and buy new panties and bras for you
She finds you cute in just your panties and a small t-shirt
Mina Ashido
She loveeeees it!
She thinks it’s the best thing on the entire universe
She loves how plush and soft it is
She loves when you or her go to each others dorm and lay down together
She usually likes when you lay on her chest cause she likes playing with the lining of your panties
Kyouka Jirou
Doesn’t pay much attention to it till one day she was changing by the hole, and Mineta saw you only in a bra and panties and was being loud about it and poked him in the eye
She laughs everytime you fall on your butt
She thinks it’s cute when you get hurt, she doesn’t know why, and you don’t
She loves taking care of you
She likes poking your butt too, she likes when it jiggles and laughs at it
Tooru Hagakure
Not one of her favorite features of you, but still gives it the same attention as the rest of you
She likes seeing you in tiny mini-skirts
She loves shopping with you for panties and bras
She thinks the color lavender fits you
Notes: Thank you so much for the support! The First Part was super good, and thank you for everything! Hope you enjoy, and have a great morning/afternoon/night!
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
Feel free to ignore this but as someone who also goes to art school, I find it really interesting how other art schools also have a “don’t date your peers” sort of faux pa. Like so many people I know (including me) refuse to date anyone else who goes to my college 😭
I wonder why that is tbh, small school thing maybe?
being so serious i didn't have anything against dating other art school peers when i first came here and i think most freshmen dont but once you have one or two art school relationships under your belt you realize why all the upperclassmen avoid dating each other like the plague
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literary-heights · 6 months
oh my god…
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citrus-sours · 11 months
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vote ibara, dont let misogyny win
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~ Masterlist ~
• Shows I will write for/take request for •
~ Sweet home 1
~Sweet Home 2
~ The Uncanny Counter 1
~ The uncanny counter 2
~ Strong girl Nam-soon
~ Weak Hero Class 1
~ Alice in the Borderlands
~ Bloodhound
~ My name
~ Death game
~Night has come
~ Genre ~
~ Smut
~ Romance
~ Kinks
~ plus more
Request are open
~ small thing with request , send name or person , show/Kdrama they are in , gender of reader , genre , if any kinks send them also 💕
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mysblog · 5 months
I wish I could lose all my memories to watch these Movies/Dramas again for the first time.
1. Bloodhounds
2. Weak hero class 1
3. Blind
4. Save me
5. Young Adult matter (Movie)
6. Better days (Movie)
7. Extracurricular
8. Christmas Carol (Movie)
9. The Glory
10. Itaewon Class
11. Parasite (Movie)
12. Stranger from Hell
13. Nobody knows (2004 Japanese movie)
Dramas/Movies not to lose my memory for but definitely a good choice:
1. V.I.P. (Movie)
2. The Call (Movie)
3. Tunnel (Movie)
4. Seobok (Movie)
5. Train to Busan (Movie)
6. Midnight runners (Movie)
Not a must-watch but I watched it anyway and lowkey enjoyed it:
1. Connect
2. Duel
3. Gannibal (Japanese drama)
4. Secrets in the Hot Spring (Chinese Movie; horror and comedy: just extremely silly but kinda amusing)
5. Shadow Beauty
6. Mask Girl
7. Night has come
○ Celebrity
○ Death's Game
○ A Killer Paradox (will be released 9th February)
○ Sinkhole
○ All of us are Dead
○ Class of lies
○ Swing Kids
○ Ròm
○ In cold Blood
○ 19th floor
○ Not a murder Story
I'm gonna post this List now but keep updating it.
If there are any recommendations: text me, I need to avoid Uni as much as possible before my procrastination fails me.
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evalevaeva · 7 months
Eva's Masterlist!
updated: 7 december 2023
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Harry Potter:
george weasley : running to you
george weasley : i love you
george weasley : haunting
draco malfoy : malfoy
harry potter : you lived!
K Drama:
[weak hero class 1]
yeon sieun : strangers
oh beomseok : who?
yeon sieun : alright
oh beomseok : abandoned
yeon sieun : rival
ahn sooho : hero
ahn sooho : lean on me
&team fuma : manga
&team fuma : rose
&team fuma : future
TXT BEOMGYU : nostalgia
Strong Girl Namsoon:
ryu shioh / ryu sio : all yours
ryu shioh / ryu sio : show you off
ryu shioh / ryu sio : only us
ryu sio x sweet! reader : headcanon
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violetlunette · 1 year
Toru and Jiro have powers that lend themselves well to character arcs. The girl who can hear anything, and the girl who can’t be seen can tell very compelling character arcs.
I lean more toward Toru as she makes no sense with the impromptu Aizawa physical, or the entrance exam, because, well, she was a poorly thought out joke. Giving her an actual reason, or giving her a backstory that gives her exemption (such as maybe the child of notorious villains) would do well to make her and the early part of the series make a lot more sense.
Her being a child of villains would be interesting, especially if they are still loving parents and goes well with the themes of redemption.
"Toru! She has the least put into her and most in need of a character arc, also the only one with no focus originally"
I combined two anons. (Hopefully they’re not two alien rivals bent on the other’s destruction. If so, take it to the other galaxy, pls.)
I agree that Toru is extremely underrated and a wasted character. Her being a child of a villain would be fun, like her father could have been like the original invisible man and the reason she wants to be a hero is to redeem her family name. As top anon said, it would have gone with the redemption theme. It would especially be interesting if the reason Toru got into the hero course was because she had a high level of rescue points. Speaking of which;
And I definitely agree we needed a reason for Toru to have made it into the hero course. Why? Because the story makes a big of it in in Shinsou’s character arc, then makes it a point to state that the entrance exam is unfair.
Bottom Anon also has a point; the others are at least explored personality wise, but Toru? She’s just cheery and there to fail.
As is Toru is a gag character that isn’t even that funny. She’s just—there. For more details on my thoughts I covered most of it here.
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fever-dreamer97 · 2 years
Okay but why is the dynamic between Sero and Jiro so underrated??
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dailytomlinson · 9 months
We’ve all got our own worries and frustrations, but regardless of whatever those frustrations may be, to strive to see that glass as half full, it’s something I’ve always tried to do, no matter what I’ve been up against in life. All I’m trying to say is just spread positive messages. It’s just as simple as that, really.
Louis on being a positive person and spreading positivity, Page Six
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starliteonearth · 5 months
Listen, I knew the likelihood of Suho being in season 2 was extremely low because he's only part of the backstory and character development for Sieun and whatnot but goddamnit it still hurts 😭😭😭
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mebiselfandi · 1 month
I think if I ever become famous and I see my old classmates posting pictures of me and them in the yearbook like ‘omg when you went to school with her’, I will personally fly over to their house and beat them up.
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