clockwork-cryptid · 1 year
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Necromancer plague doctor kenku for the soul
His name is Moori and he can keep a pretty human-like cadence, at the expense of regularly skipping over random words in his sentences
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snaileer · 1 month
Time Unsolved
Dp Unsolved
“Today on Buzzfeed unsolved we cover the Timely Disappearance of Charles T. Williamsworth.”
Danny slurped loudly on his drink as the intro played. Was he maybe crazy for watching a Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime alone, at night? Maybe.
But Danny had been attacked by ghosts. What was a human gonna do that Skulker couldn’t?
“What a name!” Shane cut it immediately, yellow words typing themself across the screen. Ryan laughed.
“‘Ello, yes, my name is Sir Charles T. Williamsworth, how art thou Ah yes, jolly good!” Shane mimicked with a horrifically bad posh British accent.
Ryan laughed harder, “We’ve been to London, they don’t sound like that!” He said between laughs.
“Uh, /he does! There’s no way a man with a name like that is not ‘mm yes I will take a spot of tea with my biscuit thank you.’ I’m calling it, he definitely talked like that!”
Danny smiled at the antics as Ryan wheezed, “Well it’s too bad we’ll never know for sure then isn’t it, what with his disappearance, y’know what we’re actually here to talk about.”
“That’s okay. /I’ll know. I know my buddy Charles.”
“Alright then.”
The screen was lit up with an image of a man on a black backdrop.
“The Williamsworths were a French-German family who moved to Biel, Switzerland in early 1914, just months before the largest war in European history kicked off.
They were one of the lucky few families to have left France before the war broke out…”
“Oh a family moving, that’s suspicious now?” Shane cut in.
“Well, it was right before World War 1, I mean the timing is kind of suspicious.” Ryan replied in blue.
-People move, Ryan.-
-Okay, okay, it’s just the facts of the case,.-
Danny rolled his eyes, ready for the story to continue.
The images came back.
“This move would evidently prove to be quite fortunate for the family for obvious reasons. However, it also led Charles to find his true passion: … Watchmaking.”
There was a pause as a map of Switzerland came on screen. “Biel, the town that Charles would live in for the majority of his recorded younger life, was known for watchmaking, being one of several in the heart of an area named ‘Watch Valley.’ “
-You ever own a Swiss watch?-
-Heard they’re good. Reeeal good.-
“Charles would reportedly develop a passion for clocks, watches, and timepieces in general, only getting more entrenched in his obsession over time.”
The image of the man now shifted to be overlaid on a map.
“By the time the First World War was over, Charles had gained an ostentatious apprenticeship under one of the premiere watchmakers of the time, Max Stührling. This lasted until Stührling’s death in 1938, after which Charles vanished from any records for two years.”
-Well y’know, his mentor had just died. -Maybe he wanted to grieve. Y’know curl up in his room and not see anybody for a bit.-
Ryan laughed, -2 years, he was crying in his room for 2 years and nobody found him?-
-Well, it’s not like records were great back then, I mean what are you gonna write on the census… just.. like..-
-Loud weeping heard from inside. One resident. Unnamed.-
“The next time Charles T. Williamsworth appears on record, it is in the back of a photo from France in 1940. Showing Williamsworth standing in front of a watch shop wearing dark clothes, a distinct pocket watch, and looking into the camera.”
The black and white image appears on screen, zooming in on the background figure. Danny tilts his head at it, something about it niggling at him.
“The shop and its owner would go on to be infamous within the town for the duration of the Second World War. Charles was unwillingly drafted in the summer of 1941, serving on the front lines for no more than 3 months before sustaining a wound to his face, leaving him with damaged eyesight, facial scarring, and a medical discharge.
He returned to his shop soon after.”
Danny frowned at the mention of what the man had probably gone through.
“With later evidence statements regarding Charles stating that he was an ‘odd man. He never mentioned the war, leaving it behind once he was not forced to be a part of it. He seemed to be separate from it all, he only cared for his watches.’
This sense of separation would extend to his shop, as when the town was bombed in 1944 leading up to D-day, his shop was left miraculously unharmed. It was reportedly open the very next day.”
-I can appreciate the dedication- Shane says in yellow.
-Yeah, I mean, the morning after is a bit soon, but he did really love watches. If he didn’t have to, I guess he wasn’t gonna close his shop.-
-He’s advertising, ‘Sure you were almost killed in a fiery explosion, but look! I’ve got new watches!’-
Ryan laughs.
“Over the next 50 years, Charles T. Williamsworth would disappear from records repeatedly, sometimes for months, only present on seven censuses between 1952 and 1979. Despite this, the clock shop was never sold, remaining in wait for its master’s return.”
Multiple pictures of pocket watches came onscreen. “It became known in the surrounding area for especially good pocket watches and grandfather clocks. Each personally made using Swiss essemblage practices, often engraved.
While it was a place of prestige, some described the shop as having ‘an unbearably loud sound of ticking, as if a thousand clocks were set to the same second.’
Apparently, Charles ‘seemed to enjoy the sound, often standing in the front room when no one was present. He was able to pick out one clock if it was off time.’ Witnesses stated.”
It cut to showing Shane and Ryan at their table.
“God, I can’t imagine. That’d drive me crazy.” Shane said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, I don’t know, a thousand clocks at the same time? Just..” Ryan looked back and forth frantically, as if there were sounds from every direction, “I’d go nuts pretty fast, I can’t even handle one sometimes.”
“I’d just go off and punch one of the clocks, just- RAAAH and -oh my god is that where that comes from?! I’m gonna punch your clock? Or like you clock somebody!?! Oh my god I never realized that!”
Danny’s jaw drops at the realization as Ryan laughs. Shane looks to be losing his mind as well.
“However, Charles’ most notable disappearance was his last.”
Dramatic music played as Danny zoned back in.
“Due to his frequency of vanishing for extended periods of time, it is unknown when exactly Charles disappeared. The last definite sighting of Charles T. Williamsworth was late at night on April 23rd, 1999, when neighborhood patrolman, Elliot Dubois, noticed him locking the door to his shop with its lights still on. Elliot, concerned for the safety of the elderly man, questioned him but eventually allowed Charles to leave, noting that he turned down a road that only led into the woods outside of town.
Two weeks later, 12 year old James Chappellè, a mailboy in the area, noted during his morning run on May 7 that mail had begun to pile up in front of the shop’s door.
Something that had never happened before.”
The word ‘before’ faded into red.
“It reached such a point that the mail system declared they would no longer deliver, as they couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t be stolen.
At this point, the police got involved and the case was assigned to Detective Jacob Laurent.
It turned out to be a more difficult case than first expected, as when they looked into Charles’ past, they were unable to turn up any such notable documents as a birth certificate nor any document containing a birthdate.
But when police entered the shop on May 10th, they found it largely empty, with only the shelves, register, and equipment left remaining between the front and back room.
It should be noted that there was still money in the register, and a light on in the back though the other bulbs for the front seemed to have been burnt out.
Upon entering the living space above the shop, it was found to be covered in dust, and all of Charles’ clothes and belongings still present.
Rather, there was evidence that Charles largely slept in his shop, with a cot beside his workbench.
A workbench that, upon police entry, only held one gold pocketwatch, personally engraved with the initials ‘C. W.’ As it was known for Charles to always carry the pocketwatch, he was officially declared missing and possibly presumed dead.
The watch’s presence also led detective Laurent to suspect foul play.
However, despite the declaration of foul play, the police did not extensively search the town woods, citing the size and density of the forest.”
The video cut to Shane staring at Ryan, face deadpan. Ryan was clearly trying to hold back laughs.
“So… let me get this straight… an old man who’s… how old at this point exactly?”
Ryan laughs, “Nobody knows, there’s no known birthday-“
“That’s weird too, but okay, let’s say he’s like what, at least 95? I mean… there’s a certain age that like if you disappear… ..eh.” Shane shrugged.
Ryan looked at him incredulously, “Eh??”
“Yeah,” Shane shrugged again, “Eh.”
“I mean… y’know… old people wander into the woods sometimes, maybe he just went for a walk and got lost. At that age… death has gotta be around every corner, I mean come on!”
Ryan wheezed into his elbow.
Danny laughed quietly.
Once Ryan calmed down, he organized the file, clipping it down on the table, “So! With the story finished, let’s get into the theories,”
Shane rolled his eyes, “Oh god this is gonna be one of yours isn’t it? What ghosts are abducting people now?”
Danny smiled, briefly considering how much effort it would take to go haunt Shane all the way in LA.
“The first theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth was involved with the mafia at the time and was a long standing or high ranking member that had crossed the wrong people.
Some reasons for this theory is the lack of early documents, suggesting a fake identity or forgery.
This case is especially supported by the long absences, where his shop remained closed and yet still remained in his possession.
In fact, the deed for the shop was not listed under Charles’ name, instead Iisted as owned under a private organization.
This theory explains his disappearance and possible subsequent death as an act of revenge from an enemy made from illicit activities. Leaving no body behind, there would be no evidence to prosecute the acting party.
Within this, there are also some who believe that if Charles was engaged in the mafia and lived under a false identity, that his disappearance was him returning to his actual identity, possibly due to being caught.
Prison records indicate 6 Swiss-German inmates arrested at the approximate time of his disappearance, roughly matching the age and appearance of Charles. Notably, none of them had a distinct facial scar and no identification was ever confirmed.”
The screen switched.
Shane smiled at Ryan, “Oh Ho Ho, my boy Charles is getting into some funky stuff, huh? Workin’ for the Mob, breaking knees, chopping fingers?”
Ryan laughed, “Yeah maybe, it definitely lends credit to him being a part of something. Maybe he was out in the woods breaking knees y’know. Or burying something.”
“Someone,…”Shane said ominously, then burst out laughing, “What if he buried himself! Just-“Shane mimed digging, clapping his hands like he was wiping off dust, “Alright, thats a good illegal grave right there, just a good hole for a dead- woaaah!” He pretended to fall, “Boom, stuck in his own grave.”
“Really, this old man dug a 6 foot deep grave? On his own?”
“Hey you don’t know his strength, maybe he lifts.”
“Alright.” Ryan shook his head, still grinning.
Danny smiled, considering it, it did kind of make sense.
“The second theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth did indeed just walk into the woods and never come out. If this is the case, what happened in the woods is widely speculated on. Some saying that animals may have attacked him, or that he simply fell or was injured and could not get up due to his age.
This theory loses support due to the fact that no body was ever found. Though some say that if the woods were too big for the police to search, there may be a den or that his body was covered naturally.”
“Or in a grave.”
“You really think he was mafia?”
“I mean, who could tell?” Shane shrugged.
“The third theory, much like the first, is that Charles was a federal agent for one of the Allied Powers.
This theory is also supported by the significant periods of absence and lack of documents to indicate a forged identity, meant to fool the German government and allow him to work behind the lines. However, unlike the first, there is also evidence of a man with the same distinct scar on his eye, showing up in the background of photos at the British Intelligence Office, the Eiffel Tower during Germany’s occupancy, and behind closed Swiss borders.
None of which would be possible without the unique skills and permissions of a government agent.”
Silence reigned as Shane and Ryan stared each other down, Shane clearly ramping up for something.
“The name’s Williamsworth. Charles Williamsworth.” He said dramatically.
Ryan burst out laughing. “You support this one more then?”
“Yeah, I’ve changed my mind, he’s not in the mafia. His suspicious activities were in the name of secrecy, national secrets, confidential war trades. Espionage…”
“Well I guess, nobody’s gonna suspect the 95 year old man to be up to anything. I mean, if I saw an old man somewhere I’d just be like, huh I wonder who lost their grandpa, not ‘I bet he’s secretly working to take down Hitler.’ Y’know.”
“Charles gets caught: just ‘Whaa-at me~e? I’m just a gentle~e o~ ol~ld ma~an, I can’t harm nobody~y.” Shane mimed leaning over a cane.
“He gets caught and just pretends he has dementia, ‘Who am I? Who are you? Why am I here? Where’s my breakfast?”
Shane cackled as Ryan laughed.
Danny considered it more, this one seemed the most likely, though… he’d definitely be the oldest agent.
“Another theory is that the shop was robbed and Charles returned while or before it was happening, catching the criminals off guard and leading them to react rashly, injuring or killing Charles. They then would have hidden his body and cleaned out the shop to hide any other evidence.
This theory however is disproven by the lack of money taken from the register.
Despite this, it is the official claimed circumstance by the police at the time.”
“Fucking police, always with the boring one.” Shane said ruefully.
“Our last theory, and my personal favorite,-“
Shane groaned. Danny smiled, this was gonna be good.
“-is that Charles T Williamsworth was a time traveler. And that all of his disappearances were when he was traveling through time.
This theory supports his families early move to Switzerland under odd timing, his appearance in so many photos and even his obsession with clocks. As well as why he seemed unbothered by the tumultuous times.”
“I can… accept it.” Shane said, hesitant.
Ryan laughed, “I’ll take it.”
“Despite all of these theories, there is still significant information missing from the case.
And so, like clockwork this case shall remain:
Danny’s mouth dropped as the screen went dark.
No way.
No freaking way.
He lurched upwards, eyes wide.
Obsessed with clocks, scar on his eye, fricking weird and talks in riddles.
Oh mygod!
Danny threw himself out of bed, “I’ve connected the dots!” He rushed to untangle himself from his sheets, transforming immediately, “I’ve connected them!”
He dove for the ghost portal.
Holy frick!
Charles T. Williamsworth was Clockwork!
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when introducing demonic cryptids to each other, it's recommended to put one in a separate room to let them get used to the other's presence /j
soft hilarity coming from what if SCtW!Eclipse met @naffeclipse's Cryptid Sightings boy (I don't actually know if they're centuries old, but they do seem to be Old). Eclipse is a little baby, they ain't got manners yet
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home-of-renn · 1 year
I love fics where Danny is an otherworldly abomination - but not yet.
Like he's still a baby and hasn't yet grown into his eldritch existence. As of now, he gives you a little chill whenever you get too close or look him in the eye. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end when he's in the room and sometimes you feel like there's something not quite right with the Fenton kid and you have to resist the urge to just turn tail and run.
But also he's just the resident weird kid at school who still hasn't hit his growth spurt and keeps getting shoved into lockers even though he's a senior now. Like maybe he's just ~ like that ~ ya know?? Who wouldn't turn out weird if their parents were nutjob ghost hunters.
He makes you want to clench your teeth every time he walks past and sometimes you swear he barely even breathes - but he stutters when he's nervous and does that thing where he rubs his neck and he's got curly handwriting and keeps getting detention from falling asleep in class - half the time his notes are plastered on his cheek and he's got ink on his chin.
But give him a few hundred years and he'll fill you with so much existential dread that it'll make you question your entire existence and place in the universe and your lungs will feel like they've been filled with lead - every time he opens his mouth to order the newest item on the Nasty Burger menu.
Clockwork would be so proud.
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Dc x Dp prompt
Ok, so we know that Jack Fenton is descended from witch hunters in Salem, right?
What if we combine that with Bruce Wayne travelling back in time and ending up in Salem during the witch trials. I'm not completely familiar with that storyline, but from what I gather Bruce gets lost in the time stream after a big fight and Tim has to track down proof in order to get him back.
So Bruce is finally returned to his proper time and is in the park spending time with his boys when he goes pale like he's seen a ghost. Walking past is the Fenton family, in town for a brief holiday while they settle Jazz in for university.
Jack is supposed to be a doppelganger for his ancestor, and walking behind him is that meta he met at a different point during his whirl through time (clockwork had sent him there to save Bruce so that he would survive long enough to be rescued, and Bruce saw him transform back and assumed he was a local meta).
It's not necessary, but even funnier, Danny might not have gone back in time yet, so this could be the thing that prompts Clockwork to send him back.
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escaped-cryptid · 10 months
Clockwork hates the flash family.
I mean HATES them. You know how many times the observers got in his ass because one of them was fucking with time again.
Don’t get him started of “the speed force” just being his living room
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mikami1992 · 1 year
Crazy Idea #4.3
Part 1.    Part 2
Danny is furious...
He is already starting to see the future repercussions of the last 24 hours... and he already knew who was to blame...
He just had to say the "I wish" near Desire so that immediately a lot of people he doesn't know end up in the Ghost King's castle...
and some have not left yet!!
And in the little that he remembered (damn Al Capone's ghost liquor, he assures that he erases your inhibitions and leaves you with a blurred memory for a week), in his castle it happened:
-two weddings (he believes that he was the one who married them)
-a divorce (he is sure it was unilateral, if the cry of "YOU DARE TO TRY A DIVORCE, YOU WILL SEE ME, MY LOVELY HUSBAND" that woke him up says anything to him)
-He got engaged (he hopes that Damian Wayne's memories return more quickly, they have a lot to talk about)
- the union of some extremely dangerous people (his surprise when he entered the library to see Clockwork, an old butler, a pink-haired woman and... a talking rabbit stuffed animal?... having tea next to the chimney is something to see... he better get out of there as quickly as possible, he doesn't want to know what they're talking about)
-Some people are missing (where is Dani, Sam and .. Ember?, Skulker went by asking for his girlfriend, he don't knows since when she has been missing)
- Some people (spirits, gods, beings?) that he still doesn't know or remember are still in the castle (the bride and groom are in one of the towers still asleep... with clothes thank God... and a complete set of stuffed animals/spirits/talking gods are making a mess in the kitchen together with cujo)
...and many more things that he saw in his relentless search for him, all so that finally, after hours, he would find the culprit of everything...
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zelda7999 · 1 year
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All of the doodles for the Palette challenge! :D I enjoyed doing these immensely, they are a lot of fun!! 
You can find the post for the palette challenge I did: here! 
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 3 months
Can someone write a proper Batman/Bruce fic
Like the “relationship” they have in Manor-Dad lets me drive the Batmobile. Batman could be an actual Cryptid and that’s why he isn’t around a lot in the day because it takes a lot of energy to walk in the sun and he’s too young for that. And Batman could be the same age or older than Bruce but Bruce woke him up when he fell down that well when he was younger.
Making the kid cryptid view kid Bruce as his only friend because kids can see crupitd’s better than adults (so can Alfred but that’s because he’s Alfred).
They both go on the training journey but Batman’s had more other worldly experiences than Bruce’s. So they can switch off the role of Batman and because Bruce has the ambition to make Wayne industries the number 1 in the world
Gothamites want them to be in a relationship they ship these to hard. Whether the JL knows is up to the author or even if the trinity doesn’t know is fine to. (One sided loves?)
Only Jim Gordon, Selina, the kids and Alfred know because of course. And Talia suspects but isn’t 100%
Please some write this😭😭🙏🏾🙏🏾
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thatweirdocryptid · 5 months
Exuse me while I go sob in a corner.
Even if you never read the fic you'd cry
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clockwork-cryptid · 1 year
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DnD was canceled yesterday but luckily we got to play a one-shot instead so I (unwisely) decided to make a whole new character
His name is Kierrah, he's a loud and drooly gnoll fighter, and I am entirely Not Normal about him because me and one other player decided they're enemies to lovers
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If I may share another headcanon..
Clockwork is from France. Born there, she but grew up in America and so while she does know some sentences and words, she's not fluent.
She can only speak around 15% of the language and no one has ever heard her speak it.. unless she's drunk.
When Clockwork gets stupidly drunk (which is rare) she just starts speaking French gibberish, accent and all, while everyone around her just looks on in absolute awe and confusion.
It's like she's completely forgotten how to speak English, and the rest of the night she's just talking to people in shitty broken French just getting progressively more annoyed because no one has a clue what the fuck she's yelling about.
She had no recollection of it the next day when she woke up. Nearly punted Jeff a few times after that for pronouncing her name in a French accent to try and mess with her.
Bro just imagine being some dude just trying to walk home and then some crazy lady with a clock stuck in her face who is drunk off her ass tries to pick a fight with you or smth.
I actually have a similar(ish) hc! Not for clockwork but for EJ. EJ was born and raised in Russia and spoke only Russian until they where in the 7th grade. They can now speak Russian and English (but have a real thick accent). Since nobody around them understands Russian they speak mainly English but if mad or drunk off their ass they will just yell at people in Russian.
I personally want to see these two drunk together, not understanding a word the other is saying but vibing.
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zylev-blog · 2 months
Apprentice of time Danny AU.
in Danny’s dimension, he was Phantom, savior of Earth, and also Danny Fenton. To the rest of the universes he was a nobody, a cryptid, a shadow.
As Danny got older, he began to learn what it would take to be King. This causes Clockwork to send him on missions through time and space, which eventually lead him to the DC verse.
Clockwork had told him of some things to say if he was ever confronted about his identity. Danny agreed, because why would he argue with the ancient of time? Clockwork knew best. But he also knew Clockwork was an asshole, and he figured this was one of those times.
He was floating above the surface of the planet. He didn’t want to touch ground on molten lava, so that’s why he had opted to float. He was going to try and reason with Darkseid, the way he always tried to. He was a being of peace, after all. But Darkseid was not to be reasoned with, so Danny did what he must for the timeline. Apokolyps was destroyed violently. The shockwaves of this planet’s destruction echoed through the universe.
Earth found all of their missing meta teens delivered back safely, and they didn’t have any other problems from Apokolyps ever again. Highfather invited Danny to a grand dinner fit for a god.
By the time whispers travel to Earth of the new god of space, the legends had already dubbed him as the son of Kronos. The protector of the innocent.
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a doodle for @naffeclipse's most delightful Valentines' drabble for Cryptid Sightings! I kinda came up with my own design for the cryptid boy on the spot, but it came out well at least~
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soarrenbluejay · 1 month
Supervillains for a community. (Well, except those jerks over in Gotham, insular lot, but they’re they’re one problem) Of course they do- supervillains are a group defined by strong opinions and a willingness to see them through, often with a healthy dash of societal failures and trauma as a catalyst.
The fentons, while not active even on the online message boards, are well known and explosive when they do show up, full of fascinating insights and hours long rants on mad science on hair pin turns courtesy of that ADHD attention span. Bit of the cryptids you feel honored to bump into kind of deal. Besides, like a good quarter of the community as it aged, they’d settled down and had kids (not necessarily in that order) and taken it very seriously! Out in the middle of nowhere, where even the most fearsome government outpost members, the local branch of the IRS, quake before them in fear. Out of the way.
Reveal gone okay-ish, Danny moves to Gotham still to get some air bc now things are Akward and he landed that engineering scholarship which is loads better than any other college would give him with his track record. So- the mysterious Fenton children are finally crawling out of hiding! Everyone is psyched! And roll in to Gotham en masse to witness the fireworks!
Except Danny is Determined To Be Normal. He’s had enough of the throwing himself into harms way shit for a lifetime- he wants to be free to peacefully built Rube Goldberg machines and unintentional increasingly complex bombs to his hearts content. JAZZ, on the other hand- the coveted token Normal One, has finally snapped! She’s watched her baby brother she practically raised throw himself into danger over and over and could do nothing, and now that she’s exposed to this whole network of superheroes outside of small town Amnity, some of those uglier emotions are coming out. And boy is she pissed! And can’t afford to show it much while filing the paperwork to have Arkham legally razed to the ground!
See I love this idea of like, niches in superhero society. A villain the heroes know they can plop their kiddo down with for an exciting afternoon brawl while they take care of a particularly grisly case and come back to a few hours later ranting about some new life lesson and a new move they really want to try. A villain who has a functioning moral compass despite their somewhat batshit long term goal and you can contact to fuck with another villains’s plan so they can laugh at them and you can have an easy afternoon. One who pries up hostile architecture and fills in pot holes, idk man. Get creative here, there’s such potential!
So Jazz becomes a Training villain- someone the heroes know their sidekicks will walk away from in a fight 100% of the time, usually with some new lesson to ponder and only a couple of bruises. Sometimes even snacks!
She also absolutely ambushes mentors to check that they’re worth the kiddo, which they appreciate once they get over being jumped in a dark alley by a 7 foot Amazon trained force of nature. They are not used to being on that side of the jumping, it’s a little unnerving.
(Yes, she low key adopts Shazam upon checking in with him on cursory ‘is the main hero of this city and asshole’ checkin. Yes, the super clones get yoinked out from under Superman’s negligent thumb to go have a blast with Ellie. What about it?)
This however only encourages more assorted weirdos to crawl out of the woodwork. It’s not often one of their own forfeits their potential spot for the running of the coveted Most Normal I Swear prize, but when they do it’s bound to be good! But jazz is off hounding various heroes and punching the faces in of pedophiles and shit whenever there’s no cape within easy reach, and so is a mite bit harder to contact than Danny, who has innocently gotten an apprenticeship under a clockworker for access to their workshop and is gleefully going about doing nerdy shit with great abandon.
Plus this is Gotham. No one gives a shit if someone in the Mad Alchemist uniform and still smoking from their latest experiment pokes their head in a window to bother the local shrimp teen- none of the usual social rules apply, everyone’s crazy here! So everyone drops any and all attempts at masking and just acts their genuine unhinged selves, much to the alarm of the Bats and frustration of Danny.
Bc he cannot get these mfers to go. Away. Even liberal use of the creep stick has little effect when the interloper is calibrated for an opponent with super speed or laser vision or whatever, and he’s trying to maintain his guise as a Normal College Student Do No Investigate.
So he calls in the big guns. He’s not super active in the supervillain kids group chat ever since things in amnity calmed the fuck down post becoming King and then immediately using a loophole that says he will not take the throne until he is grown, as defined by finishing learning his trade a la the medieval standards Pariah set up. So he can just take his sweet ass time with his graduate degree and out of inter dimensional bull shit that much longer! Point is, he hasn’t taken the chance to rant over there in a while, so his Crazy friends are getting a lil worried.
The change to come over and shout at their batshit crazy but (mostly) well meaning parent AND see Danny? Score!
The bats, however, are getting awfully suspicious about this one kid that villains from all over the country are flocking to, especially young and upcoming ones as of recently! And he’s acting his engineering course- all the worst rogues are known to have flown through their PhD studies prior to Cracking. They seem to have a real problem on their hands with this Fenton guy.
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laxxarian · 2 months
Okay, instead of Clockwork disliking the Speedsters, he's actually loving them cuz they made his work so fun and interesting, I mean, he knows everything and he also knows that the Speedsters would fix it sooner or later and the timeline would be alright.
And the plus side of it all, is that he gets to see it in his cog mirror shaped portal thing directly with popcorn in hand.
The dramas, the angst, the comedy, the romance and things. Its just a full blown telenovela to him.
So when the day came where he finally found a smidge of time to go on a vacation, he brought Danny with him, so much for the boy's confusion in Clockwork's sudden invitation to drag him along to Gotham then to space of all place.
Turns out, Clockwork just needed the 'human' Danny for a sec and trolled around in the watchtower that he got a human hostage while Danny was just confused as hell as to what's happening.
Danny: Clockwork??? Hello??? What's happening?!?
Clockwork and his cryptid speech: Unnatural of a fog, the forest has changed. This time, the flow of the clock is mine.
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And then the JL just thinking that the human is in distress from being a hostage by this entity while Clockwork just wants to have fun.
And this is why the Observants wants to keep Clockwork at bay because of his trolling tendencies.
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