bssaz97 · 2 years
Snow approaches, Rowan, Summer and Joanna carrying two large boxes
Snow: Hey guys, Rory and I baked a bunch of cookies for the holidays, hope you guys enjoy!
Summer: COOKIES!!! *hops up and down*
Rowan: Whoa, thanks Snow! *takes one box*
Joanna: Yeah, this is so kind of you. I wish we had something to give you though… *accepts the other box in her hands*
Summer: Oh! I know! *runs back inside the house*
Loud noises erupt from the house, no doubt from the sounds of cutlery and pans.
Joanna: What is she up to?
Rowan: By the sounds of the clanging, could be anything really-
Summer: Here we go! This is for you, Rory, Summer II and Pyrrha!
In her hands Summer holds out a tray of gingerbread men, women, and Roses. Even a few snowflake shaped gingerbread treats.
Rowan: Where did you-?
Summer: Family secret, now hope you and everyone have a great holiday! 😁
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laserdog10 · 3 years
RWBabies Among Us 3
Summer: *working on code imput then fails*
Jack: It was STEVEN!
Steven: ^u^;
Joanna: It was definitely Jack!
Blaze: Okay, okay, ok-
Rowan: Oh no, do we flip a coin?
Blaze: Joanna why do you think it was Jack cause I though Jack was like...good cause-
Joanna: Nononono, hold on hold on; see here’s the thing when Steven actually discovers somebody killing right in front of him usually, unless it’s really funny like last time Jack killed in front of everybody, he’ll be like “Dude...you can’t just kill people in front of me.” That’s why.
Blaze: Isn’t that what he did? That’s what he did.
Joanna: Yeah, that’s what I say-
Jack: The only problem with this theory is that IT’S FUCKING WRONG!!!!!
Rowan: Guys we could vote one then vote the other but-
Snow: Yeah cause we’ll know it’s the other one.
Jack: Okay but start with Steven!
Steven: I’m pretty sure it’s Jack!
Citrus: I voted Steven because I feel like Steven if he was innocent would keep trying to fight his innocence but I think that like naaah yeah yeah that seems sus to me...
Jack: Vote for Steven!!! What just cause I don’t have a good track record doesn’t mean trustworthy and you’re not gonna listen to me?
Rory: Is everyone voting for Jack? I voted Steven on accident...
Snow: Okay Rowan who’d you vote for!
Rowan: Jack.
Jack: You bitch!
Rowan: *WHEEEZE* Sorry Jack!
Citrus: I voted for Steven.
Summer: I voted for Jack.
Jack: NOOO!
Jack gets voted out 5 to 3 on Steven
[Jack was not the Imposter]
Jack: FUCKIN’-*inaudble*
Rowan: Uh oh, it’s probably Steven... >:)
(A/N: Another Among Us RWBY thing based on the Genshin Impact Voice Actors playing the game, specifically this scene! Rowan, Joanna, Summer, and Blaze belong to me bud-bud @bssaz97 & Rory, Snow, and Steven belong me other bud @coleconcon. Jack and Citrus belong to yours truly! <3)
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fairytailsfacebook · 4 years
Tumblr media
Requested by coleconcon
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bssaz97 · 3 years
Yang, Whitley how did you guys start dating?
Yang: We’ve been dating for a couple years now, how long has it been?
Whitley: We’ve been dating for three years, officially.
Yang: Oh right *giggles* But we’ve been in a relationship for much longer haven’t we?~
Whitley: A partnership is a form of relationship.
Yang: With benefits~
Whitley: ...That it does. *lightly blushes*
Yang: 😁
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bssaz97 · 3 years
Message through the alternate universe portal from Rory Rose, “Hey mom, I heard about what happened to dad in your universe. I’m so sorry that happened, it scares me to imagine something like that. Man, I want to hug you right now. Wherever dad is now, I know he’s proud of you. I love you, mom. Say hi to Summer, Rowan and Citrine for me.”
Ruby smiles at the screen then smushes her cheek into it (as a result of trying to hug the screen).
Ruby: Oh, thank you Rory, I’ll be sure to tell them. Thank you so much, love you too sweetie.
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bssaz97 · 3 years
What’s life like as a mother, Nora?
Nora: It’s been great! I have a beautiful baby girl, who I just love so much! But I’ll admit... it was scary at first. I didn’t have the best childhood growing up, so I was a bit nervous and honestly terrified that I was gonna be a bad mama. But I think that’s what drove me to try being the best mother I could be for my Princess. Sure there’s been ups and downs, and I’ve may have made a few tiny mistakes along the way but I’m happy that my girl was raised in a loving home and that she knows she’s loved by both of her parents.
Ren: That’s beautiful Nora.
Liena: *Nods while smiling*
Nora: Plus I get to raise another generation of Valkyrie huntresses! We are few but we are mighty, and I shall raise in the ways of the Thunder Thighs! *maniacal laughing*
Ren/Liena: 😓
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bssaz97 · 3 years
So Ren, did Nora have any particularly strange cravings when she was pregnant with Lienna?
Ren: Hmm... usually she would eat something in pairs. Nutella and Twizzlers, Pickles and Ice Cream, Chocolate covered Bacon, Potatoe chips and Toasted Marshmallows, and whatever that mess of pasta was from the movie Elf.
Nora: Yeahhh. *blushes* But thankfully there’s no black lashes of pregnancy eating... well except maybe the post baby weight but I worked that off quick. Besides I gave birth to a healthy beautiful girl! Ain’t that right Princess.
Liena is busy sipping from a bottle of maple syrup but noticed her parents looking at her, then fumbles to putting the bottle away.
Liena: *typing* [Y-Yes! Perfectly fine.]
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bssaz97 · 3 years
So, Lienna, when and how was your semblance unlocked, if you don’t mind me asking?
Liena: *Typing* [Hello Cole, it’s nice to hear from you again. When did I unlock my semblance? That was three years ago. Um, how I unlocked it?- ] .......
“-I’m part of a group that’s very interested in your group of friends.”
“Let my daughter go! She doesn’t need to be a part of this!”
“Are you prepared to die for her?”
“Renny no!”
“Father.... daddy.... Daddy! Daddy NO!”
*flashback ended*
Liena: .... *typing* [-Stopping a bad man.]
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bssaz97 · 3 years
Hi Liena! Nice to meet you! I’m curious, what kind of weapon do you use?
Liena: *typing* [Hello! It’s nice to meet you too. For what weapon I use, right now I have twin daggers that can shift into fans. I’m able to use different dust types too thanks to Joanna helping me mod my weapons. I think I may add something new later on to my arsenal, nowadays a lot of training huntsmen and huntresses are having multiple weapons.]
A/N: Think the fans like Kitana’s from MK. Also this counts as your question too @laserdog10 (too convenient)
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laserdog10 · 4 years
My Journey through RWBY Discord Servers
Lancaster Server
Me: Oh hey, some people I know from Tumblr are on here, cool!
*Some months later*
Me: Hey so RWBY should get a reboot so no BB shit will happen-
*I then get proceeded to be ganged up on by three people calling me out for shit I was right about, and finding out Riggy doxxed someone and lil-red-reaper is a piece of shit Wasp*
Me: Welp, I’m not welcome here, deuces!
Black Sun Server
Me: Wow, so many cool people here, pretty fun ones too, this place is perfect!
*The RWDE channel is a fucking cesspool, I get shat on for an opinion related to Naruto, hardly anyone listens to reason or has faith in RT, and Owl is actually an ass who won’t stfu and let people enjoy things, making me and another friend feel bad over liking Renora a ship*
Me: Yeeeaaah, I’m just gonna leave...
Iceberg Server
Me: Hmm, alright, got a good tight nit group her-
*Two assholse who won’t shut their fucking mouths and won’t listen to another argument and have zero faith in RT nor believe the show will improve*
Me: ...nope.
Me, some time later: Ugh, why are there no safe havens?!?!??! I just want to talk, have fun with others, and enjoy the show!!!
Data Farms Server admin: Pssst, hey buddy, come here.
Me: Hmm? Oh, another server...
Admin: We have no RWDE channel, we listen to others, and have faith in CRWBY, let’s engage in talks about our RWBabies for ships we have!
Me: ...thank you. *single tear rolls down my cheek*
(So @coleconcon, when you see this, you are the coolest person ever, dude)
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bssaz97 · 4 years
Snow do you have a crush on someone
Wrong tumblr friend 😅
That would be @coleconcon’s blog
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