septentrrional · 2 months
I hear their screams and know, though I can't see, though I don't want to see, that some of them are already burning. Next to me, a man with blond hair and a beard, an unfamiliar but familiar face, prays to God, begging him that everything happening now is a nightmare. He has his eyes closed and his hands together. Crushed between the bodies, his elbows pressed to his stomach and his head resting on the shoulder blades of the one in front of him, he begs in a trembling voice, "Please, God, it can't be true, please, God, make it not real," then recites "Our Father." The screams of those who did not reach the container cover his prayer. Flames and smoke rush over us, engulfing us. I feel the fire on my skin. It wraps around my back and I reflexively bring my hands to my face. I try to breathe but this is no longer air, but fire. It burns my throat and boils in my chest with its chemical, toxic smell. My thin fingers curl and the flesh on them snaps loudly. The thick plastic rimmed glasses melt in my palms and the burning liquid runs down my blouse. We fall one by one, but we also burn on the ground, in the ashes made by our bodies. The flame engulfed me completely and I feel it on my head, hands, back, destroying me, undressing me. Burn I have no idea if mine is among the dying voices. Let it end, God, let it end once and for all. It hurts, it hurts! The unworldly wail of fire deafens and eats up our screams. I see my mother and sister. I'm sure I'm going to die and my last thought goes to them. I ask their forgiveness for leaving like this, for the immense suffering I will cause them, for, like my father, leaving this world so quickly. I cry without tears, gasping, defeated. Suddenly, a vast, heavy darkness descends upon me. I went blind. The fire devoured my eyes. I died. Perhaps this is how the beyond begins, or perhaps eternity is nothing but a black ocean, without form, without attributes. It's light again. It takes a while for me to understand that I am alive. Beside me, a girl with long hair sways on her feet. The skin on his hands hangs like wings that have given up flight. “Can you help me up?” I automatically ask her in a dead voice. She tries, but when she touches me with her injured arms, she pulls back. "It hurts too much, forgive me, I have no strength," he tells me. Cry. I feel sorry for her and thank her. "There is nothing". I kind of lean on my left palm. I manage to jump to my feet. The floor itself is terribly hot. The air is less and less and in the bewildered people fear grows again. We rush again. The exit is blocked by overlapping, suffering bodies. Screams were replaced by wailing noises. A couple of guys desperate to save themselves push me out of their way and climb on top of me. They fall with me, too. They are heavy, very heavy and crush me. Not even this sick oxygen enters my lungs. "Please, I'm choking", "Please" I whisper to them, but they don't hear. It's getting darker. My chest squeezes and pops under the weight of their bodies. - Alexandra Furnea in the link above
On the night of 30th October 2015 I remember I was studying for a quiz for the operating systems class next day, smoking a cig while a friend/neighbour came sort of panicked telling me that there was an explosion in the old town.
Turns out it was not an explosion, it was a club fire during a (literally) underground metal concert. 65 people died then and during the next months due too the wounds and to improper treatment, including all the members of the band apart from the singer.
Thinking about it, and of the frequency I started going to metal concerts afterwards (especially underground ones), it was fortunate for me that I had only moved to Bucharest 2 months earlier and didn't yet know all the scene.
I just found out that one of the survivors (Alexandra Furnea) wrote a (short) journal about her experience with the ordeal. The concert, the fire, the treatment while hospitalized, the continous treatment afterwards, the psychological effects.
You will need to use the Translate feature of the browser on this, but it is worth reading.
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hopernicus · 1 year
Ajung la Gaudeamus
Dragi cititori, fani, fufuzele, poliontologi, jurnalisti, critici, insomniaci, inistorici, oameni de teatru, arta si film, actanti, sectanti, factori decizionali si operationali, doctori, terapeuti, cascadorii rasului, oameni de lumini si umbre! Iata ajung la Gaudeamus! Nu eu, numai o varianta mai buna a mea, volumul ” suntem cameleoni”, acum in editia a doua (se intampla si asa). Volumul este…
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ashapa · 1 year
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jurnaldeoltenia · 1 year
Astăzi se împlinesc 7 ani de la tragedia din Colectiv.
Astăzi se împlinesc 7 ani de la tragedia din Colectiv.
Duminică, 30 octombrie, se împlinesc 7 ani de la tragedia din clubul Colectiv, din noaptea fatidică în care 65 de persoane și-au pierdut viața în urma incendiului provocat de niște artificii și alte 150 au suferit răni grave și au rămas cu sechele pe viață. În București vor fi organizate mai multe evenimente de comemorare, printre care o slujbă și un marș. Astăzi se împlinesc 7 ani de la tragedia…
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bloominskyline · 6 months
maybe i just didn't pay that much attention to it before, but the amount of super-ultra-extra christian god-honoring and most of all, god-fearing romanians truly, genuinely believe that Halloween is a holiday for worshipping the devil is fucking astounding. was this always this way or is this just a new fad brought on by the extreme right or whoever else associated with it?? And they teach this shit to kids as well so when you want to make a lesson abt it cause it's such a huge thing in the english speaking parts of the world they get all offended and try to lecture me about how it's a satanic holiday or whatever
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inprimalinie · 2 months
Ambasadorul Rusiei în Italia: eșecul Occidentului colectiv în Ucraina ar fi o victorie pentru Europa
Ambasadorul rus în Italia, Aleksei Paramonov, susține că eșecul planurilor Occidentului colectiv în Ucraina ar putea reprezenta o victorie pentru Europa. Georgiana Arsene Oricât de provocator și paradoxal ar suna, eșecul planurilor colective ale Occidentului în Ucraina ar putea fi cea mai reală victorie pentru Europa, care ar putea în sfârșit să respire cu “ambii plămâni”, eliberându-se de…
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seowebdeveloper · 6 months
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(via 8 ani de la Colectiv - Dan-Marius Sabău)
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goldencrownofsorro · 9 months
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nicolae · 1 year
Comportamentul colectiv
Expresia comportament colectiv a fost folosită pentru prima dată de Franklin Henry Giddings[1] și folosită mai târziu de Robert Park și Ernest Burgess,[2] Herbert Blumer,[3] Ralph H. Turner și Lewis Killian[4] și Neil Smelser[5] pentru a se referi la procese și evenimente sociale care nu reflectă structura socială existentă (legi, convenții și instituții), dar care apar într-un mod „spontan”.…
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revindicatedbyhistory · 10 months
Here are the measures i will take if ellected tumblr president:
-colectivization of agriculture
-affirmative action for national minorities
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disasterarea-podcast · 2 months
A listener named Tobi was nice enough to give me a head’s-up that Netflix had a five-episode miniseries named “The Endless Night” about the Kiss Nightclub fire in 2013. Which I’ve been tempted to do an episode on, but the book this miniseries was based on isn’t translated into English, or at least not that I can find. I can fumble my way through Spanish and Swedish, but not Portuguese, alas.
I will warn to those who want to watch that the first two episodes deal with the fire and the parents looking for their children, so if that might trigger you, tread lightly.
The Kiss nightclub fire was caused by pyrotechnics set off inside the club which set fire to soundproofing and killed 242 people. If the cause sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the same thing brought down the Station in Rhode Island, and the Lame Horse in Perm, Russia, and Club Colectiv in Bucharest, Romania.
*hits nightclub owners over the head with a rolled-up newspaper*
Stop. Allowing. Pyrotechnics. In. The. Nightclub.
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‘Ai de pla mea… tbh the last time we were trending, it was because of colectiv
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Tudor Chirilă s-a dezlănțuit după sentințele de la Colectiv!
Tudor Chirilă s-a dezlănțuit după sentințele de la Colectiv!
Artistul Tudor Chirilă consideră că sentinţele date în dosarul Colectiv sunt “mici pentru o tragedie atât de mare”, precizând că atâta vreme cât statul nu se poate responsabiliza faţă de cetăţeni, este un moment trist pentru România. El consideră că statul este duşmanul numărul unu al cetăţenilor şi că “ne hrănim călăii, practic”. Tudor Chirilă a fost întrebat, duminică, în cadrul emisiunii…
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arhitectul · 1 year
am pășit în noul an singur. n-am luat pe nimeni după mine. oricum, în final, oamenii te vor lăsa când ai nevoie de ei. în 2022 am încercat să construiesc prietenii, am încercat să unesc un colectiv, am încercat să muncesc mai mult, am evoluat. am uitat de mine uneori. am uitat de restul de cele mai multe ori. am rănit. am părăsit. am îmbrățișat. m-am uitat în urmă, am privit înainte. uneori am uitat ce zi este, alteori am uitat să mănânc. n-am realizat prea multe, dar am realizat suficient cât să am speranță. speranță că pot, că voi face mai mult, speranță că în sfârșit îmi voi găsi oamenii mei, speranță c-o să pun punct unde trebuie pus punct și virgulă unde e loc de virgulă. am obosit, m-am odihnit, m-am tratat și aproape că m-am vindecat. n-a fost un an lung. n-a fost un an scurt. am greșit. am învățat din ce-am greșit. m-am controlat. am răbufnit. m-am dărâmat și m-am reconstruit. în 2023 o iau de la capăt, mă așez la linia de start și-mi dozez energiile cât să-mi ajungă încă 365 de zile. o iau la pas, hoinărind. o să călătoresc. o să fac mai mulți bani. o să-mi repar greșelile. o să continui să  evoluez. o să muncesc. o să mă îngrijesc. o să vorbesc despre ce nu-mi convine. o să tac. și-o să fac măcar un lucru din cele pe care le-am visat.
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inprimalinie · 7 months
Articolul lui Nikolai Patrușev: Colapsul imperiilor parazite
Omenirea a intrat într-o eră critică, o nouă perioadă a istoriei mondiale. Nu este vorba doar de schimbarea ordinii mondiale, de reformatarea sistemului de relații internaționale și de evoluția doctrinelor și valorilor care stau la baza arhitecturii mondiale. În prezent, au loc schimbări profunde, cu adevărat tectonice. Ordinea mondială colonială centrată pe Occident, care a luat naștere în…
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unatkozorobotok · 2 years
tavaszi román mugshot-gyűjtemény
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Bukarest volt főpolgármestere ellen adtak ki nemzetközi körözést, akit pénteken jogerősen 10 év börtönre ítéltek egy mindössze 25.000 eurós korrupciós perben.
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Egy más ügyben, április elején Elena Udrea volt román turisztikai miniszter kapott 6 évet, ő is lelépett az országból, Costa Ricát is megjárta, de végül elkapták Bulgáriában, várják kiadatását.
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A Colectiv diszkótűz kapcsán pedig egy rakás embert, többek között Bukarest egyik kerületi polgármesterét, illetve a tűzvédelmi engedélyek felett szemet húnyó tűzoltót ítélték el a múlt héten
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