#colllapses on the ground
bebagerie · 2 years
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Alright! I think that wraps it up folks, quest to assign every hermit an elytra has been completed! :)
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sacredslaycdd · 3 years
@wickedlehane​ gets a plotted starter.
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Usually, childlike laughter echoed from the green space just a block away from the Lehane home but dusk had fallen and the innocence the place represented during the day faded away like a curtain of darkness had been pulled across the sky, in more ways than one. The park was one of the brunette’s favourite places in the city. It was an escape from the confines of the walls of the house. Things had indeed grown better between the two slayers since Faith had discovered her true identity but there was still an air of distance, a carefully veiled, cleverly placed layer she wasn’t sure who had created, but it was an invisble line they toed daily, almost a game of who would break it first, neither wanting to lay that vulnerability out there, neither wanting a weakness to exploit- or at-least, those were her own reasons, she could only guess the other woman’s. 
Another part of the younger woman was scared of losing her now she’d found her again- as she nearly had Jo. some days the ptsd was better, she could sleep without getting sucked into night terrors, she could make it through the day without having to push down the panic that came with the reminder of the arena, which was just about everything- she’d done a good job so far of keeping her tattoo’s hidden from Faith. She kept her hair up while training but covered the marks with concealer, every morning without fail. She didn’t need her pity, didn’t need her looking at her differently, like she was weak or broken, because she had survived.
Lately, the nightmares had been creeping back in, the flashbacks every time she closed her eyes. So she didn’t. She consumed enough coffee that her hands trembled by her side, and she was full of a nervous energy. An energy she threw into training and slaying, putting in the extra hours, frequently going on runs just to burn some of it off, the agitation that bubbled underneath the surface, threatening to creep out at a moments notice. Which was exactly what she was doing now, having announced she was going for a run and not to wait up before leaving the house, door slamming in her wake before the elder could say a word, not that she was sure she would anyway. 
By night, the park became a playground for the undead, demons and vampires alike lurking in wait for waifes and strays and the odd teens who had decided to get drunk and it seems like the perfect place to clear her head, even if by clear her head, that meant a fight, which in truth, had been what she’d come out looking for and it appears as though her wish is granted almost as soon as she steps across the boundary of the park. Screams reach her ears almost instantly, sending her body into an adrenaline rush, heart working overtime to pump the blood round her body, fight or flight kicking in as she rushes towards the sound. 
The scream isn’t coming from the girl being attacked though, oh no, to make her life worse there’s two of them. The girl screaming is staring at her friend, face devoid of colour and the shriek that leaves her throat is shriller than even a banshee’s. and god she was in the way. Her friends neck was firmly attached to a vampires face, small trickles of crimson liquid dripping from his mouth. she shoves the friend out of the way instantly, moving to grab the vampire by the collar of his coat. 
“ You vamps never know when to call it quits do ya? Why don’t you pick on someone your own size? “ she yanks him away from the girl, unable to do a thing as the girl collapses to the ground from blood loss, barely conscious as she hits the cold hard floor with a thud. “ C’mon big fellow, she’s easy pickings, you don’t want her when you can have me, a real fight will leave you so much more saisfied when you suck my blood like a leech, don’t you think? “ and she backs up, trying to give the girl a chance to get her friend and get out of there but no, of-course not, because why would anything be that easy? 
“ Big words for a little girl. “ and she shrugs, still moving backwards, still trying to put distance between them and the girls but she makes the dreadful mistake of glancing at the unconscious girl, make the mistake of looking at her and her features are enough to send her stomach into somersaults because the resemblance to Jo is uncanny- bile rises in her throat, the world spinning on it’s axis and she freezes, stake still carefully concealed in her jacket, the hand grasping it falling away as a choked sound echoes from her vocal cords.
“ WATCH OUT. “ It’s only the scream that draws her attention from her spinning thoughts and too late as the vampire shoves her back into the wall behind them, head smashing against it hard enough she’s seeing stars. Teeth grit as laughter echoes from the vampires throat and she struggles in his grasp, managing to put just enough distance between them to bring her knee up, extending it into a kick with just enough force to send him stumbling backwards. Panting, the brunette pushes forwards, unleashing an onslaught of attacks until she has enough time to pull the stake from her pocket, pushing it into the vampires heart. She barely notices him turn to dust, barely aware of her surroundings as she practically sprints to the girl still lying on the floor, shoving her friend out of the way once more. Hand immediately goes to her neck, checking for a pulse. 
It was there. And strong enough. She breathes a sigh of relief, yanking the material of her top until rips and wraps it around the girls neck, though not tight enough to cut off her airway, in an attempt to stop the bleeding, just as the girl begins to come round, letting out a groan. By this point, Hope’s hands are caked in red and she’s long since lost her stake. 
A shaky breath is all she can manage as she turns to her friend, ignoring her crying as she shakes her shoulders roughly. “ Listen, I need you to get her out of here, can you do that? “ she questions, only barely holding back the tremble to her voice. “ She’s coming round now, she should be able to walk but you’re going to have to help, it’s not safe here, I need you to get to the nearest house and ring for help, you got that? “ the girl nods but doesn’t move so she tries again, voice raising. She can feel herself losing control of her surroundings and she needs them out of here now.  “ NOW. “
and they’re gone. She watches them as far as her eyes will allow before finally, everything she’d been holding back for days finally hits her and she’s retching, the contents of her stomach onto the ground. The world is losing focus around her and her head pounds, legs feel like jelly beneath her, barely able to hold her weight. Hands wipe desperately against her bottoms, trying to escape the slick feeling of blood, but to no avail and the logical part of her brain knows it’s probably dry but still it sends her spiralling deeper and feet move without any conscious thought, breathing coming hard and fast as she begins to hyperventilate. 
Jo’s body falling to the ground, demons dragging her away, her first kill, a stake over her heart and she turns it around, sliding it through the ribcage of the girl above her who colllapses on top of her, leaving Hope coated in her blood,tasers and her best friend lying in bed, near death.
She makes it back somehow and the moment she gets through the door, back collides against it, sliding down it to hit the floor with a bang, hot tears streaming down her face as she tries to catch a breath, tries to move, to do something. she hears the sounds of footsteps coming towards her and instantly cries out without thinking, without consciously recognising what she’s saying, a voice a strangled sound in the back of her throat. 
“ Mom- I can’t, I can’t- ” but the words are lost in translation, hands falling to her head, fisting into her hair and pulling at it in frustration as she tries to express that she can’t breathe. 
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acutecoral · 7 years
Having been tired out from flying and exploring with Eras, we headed home. I opened a path, but...we didn't end up going home. I froze. There was a weird feeling of familiarity and newness that came over me, as the world made itself clear to my vision. Great buildings surrounded us, looming over. The city was...in a cave? Or cavern. Red gems imbedded in the ceiling and walls glowed like stars. In the distance, was...a sort of lighthouse? But instead of a while light, it was also red. Sweeping around the city. I wasn't sure if we were safe. The time where I got caught was still fresh in my mind and since Eras was with me, I had more of a reason to go home rather than to stay and find out what this place was. I begged Eras to take us home. Part of me didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to stay. I was scared. Eras seemed to have unlocked a teleportation ability, and though it took a couple of tries, to get home. I called Rick and sort of just collapsed in his arms when I got to him. Eras explained what happened and I mostly focused on getting calmer and such. Rick pointed it out to me gently that it sounded like a similar thing that happened before, an encounter of a past life. But I don't usually mention it because it's just...hard to believe. Usually when people talk about their past lives they’ve prepared a spell to explore it and gain insight. But these ones are sudden, usually caused by a song. I wasn't sure if that was it was. And I wasn't really...keen to find out. But Eras said that I wouldn't know if I didn't go. He had a point. So we did go back. But this time Rick tagged along, just to make sure we're okay and to help out when needed. Gaster stayed back just in case it was like before and the place was a trap of sorts. Someone had to bust us out if we couldn't do so ourselves. Anyways we arrived back and I was...overwhelmed. I couldn't control myself calling out for people in the city. Which were more like ruins really aince some of the buildings were crumbling, or were destroyed. There was no one around. I felt suddenly unsure if I should be here and doing this, but a part of me whispered that I should just let it play out. See how things work out. So reluctantly I did. Rick and Eras followed behind, minding me, Rick on his cool hoverboard, which I was happy to see he still has. Eventually I was in the range of the lighthouse, tower thing and I froze up again. The light stopped on me, and red markings appearing on my body, my eyes glowing red and I felt like I was being called towards the tower. And again I had to force myself to let it play out as I walked towards the light. We arrived inside and when a spotlight came on me I felt this...pain? It hurt. Or at least ot hurt my mindform. Then flashes of things passed into my mind. People in robes. Being chained up on a wooden stage that people pulled up. Destroying a town. Rick pulled me out when it got too much for me and suggested we go home. And I wanted to, but at the same time, a part of me refused. They didn't want to go. I separated them from me. And I met another version of me. They were angry and in outrage. They explained what I saw. In the past, I was captured by a civilization that centrered themselves around me. They used the previous me as a resource, used to power the city and be used as a secret weapon to enemy towns and cities. Eventually I tried to escape, but before I could reach the stars, I was shot down and died. Whatever remained of my power and soul was tied to this place. Trapped and unable to escape. All the while the other me was getting more visibly upset. Eventually I talked to her gentrlt, calming her down. It seems I was here for a reason, and so we went up to the top level where what remained of them was stuck, and I freed them. It returned back to them, the light disappearing, and immediately the ground began to shakes as the cavern started to colllapse. They thanked me, and said that I should leave. And so we did. I held onto Rick, as he made a portal back home. I felt tired and at the same time, confused, before I felt something return back to me. I wanted to rest for a bit and centre myself after the whole thing, and Rick took it upon himself to invite Eras to help him and Gaster at the lab. Apparently they needed to move the infinite power source they created a while back. I left them to it.
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