#color coding
respectthepetty · 1 month
I have a Wild Ass Theory based on roughly 100 images about the use of light x dark (white x black) in promo materials and events for branded pairs in a QL series, and what is *says* about the characters they play within those pairs.
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So I find it really interesting how the colors are being used in the promo material for 4 Minutes.
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Considering before . . .
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You know what?
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cler1csfink · 27 days
Will Byers.
First of all, in case you didn’t follow: Ross just posted a birthday picture of Will, (well to be more specific two pics), and the first one catches my attention the most. And this is why.
So this is the picture I’m talking about:
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Firstly, let’s state some facts:
- He’s likely to be at the radio station together with the party
- He’s wearing appealingly byler coded colors: Blue for Mike, Yellow for Will and Green for their relationship, love and them together basically + but what catches my eyes as well, is that he’s wearing a little bit of red; which is associated with Vecna‘s Lair or the UD (more likely Vecna‘s Lair though (I’m scared for life rn))
- his hair is shaggier than usual
You see that yellow light reflecting on Will? My point is, as we know from previous seasons (specifically season 4) whenever light is projected onto, behind or somewhere close to a character it means something deeper, it has a simple symbolism.
For Will it’s him being the light, or also sun, to Mike. However, it’s also always there whenever he’s talking to Mike, OPENING UP TO HIM ABOUT HIS FEELINGS IN MIKE‘S PERSPECTIVE.
Additionally, as if that wasn’t enough to be going feral about, there’s specifically GREEN light right behind him (and also green objects, not to mention his byler coded clothing..).
This could either mean nothing much (which would be very unusual for the Duffers, since we know they love using cinematography to symbolise certain aspects) OR it could be Will opening up to MIKE about his feelings and us being able to see how Mike receives the obvious; Will‘s feelings.
Or I’m just looking into it too much. Even if I was, there‘d be still green lighting behind him, the yellow shining onto him and his clothes.
We won.
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Magic Girls <3333
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
as someone who's not well-versed in media color theory, what exactly does being blue/red/yellow/etc. coded mean?
Hi Anon! Thanks for this question. I'll preface this answer by saying that I'm in no way an expert in this topic but I can give you my understanding of the matter (and others can chip in too if they want).
tvtropes.org offers a simple explanation to colour use in media:
Vision is the one sense we humans rely on the most. We usually identify things by sight rather than sound or smell. It is for this reason that creators of visual media will make sure that things look different enough for the audience to easily recognize and tell apart. It can also be a form of visual shorthand for characterization, so that the audience can tell certain things about a character or setting without having to be told. One way to do this is to use color as an indicator that two things are different (when using different colours) or two things belong to the same category (when using the same colors). Color can indicate who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, they can indicate personality type, they can say things about gameplay elements in a video game, which organization or group the person belongs to, et cetera.
In different cultures, people have generally come to an agreement about what colours might represent in terms of emotions or personalities etc. These interpretations usually come from nature. For example, blue 'things' like the ocean or the sky bring to mind feelings of calm and stability, whereas red 'things' like fire or blood can evoke sensations of danger or love. Greens and browns are closely related to nature, thus can be relaxing or 'down to earth'.
Wikipedia lists some common associations...but this can vary across different cultures (and can change over time - for example, blue used to be a feminine colour whereas red/pink used to be masculine, now it is the opposite). In tv shows, characters are commonly colour-coded to not only set them apart from the other characters but to also help indicate their personality type. See @respectthepetty's own listing of what colours can mean with examples of characters from ql media.
With the romance genre, using colour-coded characters gives us the added visual representation of them accepting their feelings/becoming a couple etc when they exchange their colours.
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Blue Talay in Puen's Pink/red (and vice versa) in Vice Versa. Red Pran lying on Blue Pat's colours (and vv) in Bad Buddy. Black/Blue Bi King in Uea's red (and vv) in Bed Friend. And Orange/Yellow Ink in Pa's lime green (and vv) in Bad Buddy.
Also, this is another great post in which @respectthepetty offers examples of the common colour choices used in ql media in Thailand, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. And here's one which goes into more detail about The Eclipse and colours in Thailand and how they connect to tradition and other object symbolism such as the sun/moon/days of the week etc.
I hope this has gone some way to answering your question anon. I'll just add that, although there is a kind of universal understanding of the meanings of colour, they're not absolute truths. You can also make them mean what you want to. So if you see a character who quite often wears the colour blue, they might be stable and loyal...but they also might be passionate and loud, or a happy ball of sunshine...because more often than not people aren't just one thing, we contain a multitude of emotions and the labels we attribute to ourselves (or others) can change all the time. The use of the single colour, however, is just a helpful visual way of identifying and highlighting a character's persona.
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Pat Napat Jindapat, a loyal and stable Blue Boy who also has a fiery passion and a sunshine core. And is one of the greenest flags to ever walk.
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wip · 11 months
Hi, I was wondering if you guys have ever considered implementing coding in colors for mobile users. I read somewhere that we used to be able to codes in to change text color before but it was taken out for some reason. Though this was before I got on Tumblr.
As a roleplayer on Tumblr who also has many characters, I like to assign diffrent colors for their text, this is especially helpful since I don't have icons for them all. However since there's only seven colors available on mobile (I'm on a Samsung) it can get confusing if two characters have the same color text and one doesn't have icons.
Before anything is said, I was on desktop Tumblr first before my laptop went and stopped working and even then I didn't know about the text coding thing. So I feel a bit envious for desktop Tumblr users being able to color code text now that I've been mobile bound for a year.
This is in no way saying to take that ability to code text away from desktop user's, it's just me saying that I feel that other mobile bound roleplayers could benefit from having that ability as well. Or at least the ability to imput a hex code in when we highlight the text in question.
Answer: Hey hey, @shatteredminds!
There is not a great deal we can say for this right now, but what we can say is this—we *love* this idea very much, and we are seriously considering adding it at some point in the future. There is unfortunately nothing more concrete to be said with regards to a timeframe, for example.
If we have anything further to add here, we will do so through WIP or indeed through @changes. You'll be the first to know!
—Caroline and Javi
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caspers-delusions · 12 days
whumpee is green and caretaker is blue, idk
it might just be another one of my ocd things (i'm diagnosed) but the colors just fit perfectly, i have to use their colors right
for sure tho whumper is red
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augment-techs · 3 months
Had weird thoughts about Dino Thunder after marathoning it and had to write it down.
Tommy: Black, Red, White, Green Grid compatible, but could also probably carry on like a strobe light if given half the chance, because he is The Special, so I'm not getting into the meaning.
Conner: Red Grid compatible, but, like, how ROCKY was Red Grid compatible. Is better in a small group, so they can share the burden. Kind of wish they'd done more with him in Beyond the Grid than just that one panel with Terona.
Ethan: Blue Grid compatible, but the entire time I watched the series my brain kept thinking a very stupid thought in that--should he be? Given all of the stuff all of these teens went through in equal measure, he seems to be the one to get in over his head or have shit tossed at him almost as much as Trent. I kinda feel like he would make a very good Green.
Kira: I get why she's Yellow. Yellow needed someone as sassy and in the moment/down to earth as her to ground the boys. I get it. But she should have either had a different Dino Zord or been given Pink as a secondary color. It kinda pisses me off.
Trent: They should have made his clone earlier to have made the secret keeping bullshit draw out and actually mean something. I'm happy that he's a White Ranger with a PAST that is not all sunshine and rainbows and is clearly mentally ill due to the strain and whatever was happening the entire time with Anton and Mesagog; but also I feel like he could have pulled in extra attention from Hayley, Devin, and Cassidy--because he's the member of the team with that vibe and it was SO wasted.
Hayley: Everyone has already said this, but I'll say it too. She should have been gay and hooked up with Elsa at the end, but more than that, she felt WAY more like an additional SPECIAL Ranger than most other tech support in PR. She would have been lovely in Gold or Silver, just sayin'.
Cassidy: They CODED her Purple. They coded the shit out of her and it pisses me off that it never went anywhere. She is regal, bossy, go in or go home; but more than that she has the Purple indicator of The Planner. A lot of her plans didn't go anywhere, but some of them DID and that feels important to a member of a comedy duo. Although I am a little grateful that this wasn't obvious because her hooking up ONCE with Ethan lead to--
Devin: Ethan was actually friends with this little softie who is so incredibly Orange coded that it makes me want to cry. Cass might be the Planner, but Devin is the DOER--he questions, he hesitates, but he gets the job DONE. And when we get to the end of the season, somehow unsurprisingly, he is gamer buddies with Ethan in a way that works for both of them. The Blue/Orange dynamic that could have been a building block for MORE to come. All these thoughts basically just boil down to my BEGGING the universe that when the comics get into the Dino Thunder series, some things get addressed that were missed on. Please.
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imthepunchlord · 7 months
Do you like color coding characters? If so, why?
I do, the core reason is that color can give a hint to a character's personality and work off their themes, and if you're struggling with a personality for a character or what themes to tie them to, color can help shape that personality.
It's an idea that TMNT long embodies.
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Blue is a color often associated with clarity, truth, trust, coolness, but also inner struggles and depression. Red represents anger, passion, intensity, drive; but also represents love. Orange is playful and expressive and joyful, and purple is a color of mystery, imagination, passion, and wisdom.
Another great thing about color coding is when those colors give a hint to personalities, you can throw a curve or do a new spin for the expected personality the color brings. Like pink is associated with being bubbly, loving, and affectionate. You can take the bubbly energy and curve ball it with aggression. And then this cute pink character you have is actually deadly and dangerous.
Lastly, if you have something magical/powerful that's going to have a handful of characters in the cast that's going to use these powerful tools/objects, color coding will help show who's going to get what cause usually they match in colors.
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This isn't always for sure but usually that's how it's done. And I prefer when it works off color coding, it's aesthetically pleasing for me, but I would also accept a reverse of color coding to play off foils or counterparts. It's a great way to mix it up and show connections between characters. Just for an example:
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Fandom popular rival/foil/antagonistic pair Lila and Alya. Lila is most color coded for Ladybug (reddish colors, with dark greys, spots on her attire) but is associated with the Fox. Alya is most color coded for Fox (curly red tipped hair, orange, white, and purple shirt) but has Ladybug. They could've had the Miraculous the other is color coded for, and it could be a nice unique way to show there's a connection between them. In which case the idea of them being nemesis to each other.
To me, color coding is a lot of fun, and I think it's a useful design tool to give an audience an idea on the character and what they're life, and give hints for them in the future, their roles, themes, or what they'll be tied to. It's not always a must, but I do love it when it's included.
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turrielle · 1 year
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Okay guys… I’ve been actually liking dark colors of the color coding dots but the problem with them is that you can barely tell they’re 4 different colors. Help?
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verybigvag · 2 months
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Hazbin hotel fans are never beating the racist allegations cuz wtf is this???
Also queer coding has existed long before Tumblr was a thing.
You can also color code characters without being offensive that are non human, idk...just saying
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respectthepetty · 1 month
In case you missed it, I have a Wild Ass Theory:
Black/White Photo Covers
Black/White Photo Covers 2
Black/White Photo Covers 3
But since so many of you screamed "Perth x Chimon" in my last post about the black x white colors, here are your kings:
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And two more
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Now for some more evidence of my Wild Ass Theory
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And my kings, the troublesome tykes!
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shreya11111 · 2 years
i want to make a compilation of all the instances i can find in season 4 when blue and yellow have been associated with mike and will for each episode. this is part 1 for ep 1.
Episode 1 MIKE:
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blue walls in his room
blue bedsheets
yellow closet door
yellow towel hanging from his closet door
the lamp that is on in his room gives it a yellow hue as well
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yellow door and doorframe
looks like the desk chair is yellow too
you can see on the third row of the shelves (starting from bottom up) there is a blue mask (i think) and a stuffed yellow animal next to it.
plus other small parts of his room eg the light switch and the shelves that are yellow as well
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i’m probably just going crazy but can y’all not see the AMOUNT of people wearing blue and yellow surrounding mike??
(also unrelated but wtf
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am i tripping rn or what 😭
someone may have brought this up before but
this girl was literally directly in front of mike too- plus she’s wearing a blue headband bye)
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NAH stop this shot is absolutely hilarious- we have two girls, one in blue and another right next to her in yellow and they are both behind mike. the one in blue is the closest to mike and literally HOLDING A GREEN FLAG RIGHT NEXT TO HIS FACE LMAO.
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i’m sorry but in this shot you can still see the blue behind him- and it’s quite bright so it catches your attention too.
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again, person wearing blue behind mike but towards the left side of him.
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there’s blue and yellow EVERYWHERE it’s insane
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same girl wearing blue and yellow RIGHT in front of mike (and peep the blue & yellow textbooks next to her lmao)
Episode 1 WILL:
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yellow walls
small hues of blue from the painting under the ‘boys don’t cry’ poster
may not mean much but the ‘boys don’t cry’ poster is mostly blue, yellow & green itself!!
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will’s shirt here has yellow hues
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look at this extremely bright yellow backpack behind him lmao
PLUS the fact that the alan turing post is blue ^
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and then the same person wearing the backpack stays in the shot behind will for another two or three seconds-
this is the end of my episode 1 compilation. episode 2 should be here soon. thank you for reading this far!
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olameni · 1 day
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Learning how to use data analytics software is much more when you pretend that you are a warlock compiling a grimoire.
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sorry guys the autism got me i have to go color code my closet for the next few hours
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loooongfurby4444 · 2 months
Ok these are the correct colors for different subjects:
Green is definitely Science (yellow and blue are tolerable though)
Blue is math
Yellow is history (red is tolerable)
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mhathotfic · 1 year
@laurenmarieie suggested I talk about purple coded characters so that’s what I’m gonna do!
Purple is actually rather complex depending on where the media comes from and the shade, this post will be focusing on my favorite associations ivory personally noted but if you’d like to add please feel free to!
Interesting enough I’ve noticed specifically deeper purples tend to be associated with villainous characters. I think it’s because they carry this air of mystery about them.
Deep purples tend to keep to themselves, be it because they’re mistrusted or mistrustful they just carry this lone wolf attitude and with the heroic variety we often see then try to convince other’s they’re better off this way, at first at least. They usually come around to the idea of friendship and actively work to help them when possible.
Lighter shades tend to share their deeper toned counterparts habit of isolation but it’s often selfish imposed. They withdraw into themselves and their interest as a way of self soothing and safety because companionship is difficult at times. Get them out their comfort zone and show them they can trust you and you have a friend for life.
Both share an underlying insecurity of the idea of companionship. If it’s real or if they deserve it but once overcome you’ll never know a more loyal friend. They’re big thinkers and know how to make a lot out of a little.
I think I have more but I’m getting kinda tired so I think I’ll check on this in the morning and add or reword something if needed
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