#color: darkorange
icopixelcraft · 1 year
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Desert Dreams: A Vibrant Sunrise Amidst the Sands
echoing the brilliance of noah bradley and alex grey, this desert sunrise pixel art captures the essence of a breathtaking morning in the sahara. the bold lithographic style and vivid hues intertwine to create a mesmerizing panorama that transports you to the heart of the desert.
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(uses [i]IC Account Profile[/i])
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colorpictionary · 2 years
Colori X11
La lista dei colori X11 ordinata per 'colore' (puoi anche ordinare alfabeticamente).
bianco #FFFFFF   white
avorio #FFFFF0   ivory
crema di menta #F5FFFA   mintcream
giallo chiaro #FFFFE0   lightyellow
azzurro #F0FFFF   azure
neve #FFFAFA   snow
melata #F0FFF0   honeydew
bianco floreale #FFFAF0   floralwhite
bianco fantasma #F8F8FF   ghostwhite
ciano chiaro #E0FFFF   lightcyan
blu alice #F0F8FF   aliceblue
granturco #FFF8DC   cornsilk
conchiglia #FFF5EE   seashell
ciambella di limone #FFFACD   lemonchiffon
giallo solidago chiaro #FAFAD2   lightgoldenrodyellow
vecchio merletto #FDF5E6   oldlace
bianco fumo #F5F5F5   whitesmoke
lavanda rosata #FFF0F5   lavenderblush
beige #F5F5DC   beige
lino #FAF0E6   linen
frullato di papaya #FFEFD5   papayawhip
bianco antico #FAEBD7   antiquewhite
mandorla pelata #FFEBCD   bleachedalmond
rosa nella nebbia #FFE4E1   mistyrose
lavanda #E6E6FA   lavender
biscotto #FFE4C4   bisque
mocassino #FFE4B5   mocassin
solidago chiaro #EEE8AA   palegoldenrod
giallo #FFFF00   yellow
bianco navajo #FFDEAD   navajowhite
turchese chiaro (x11) #AFEEEE   paleturquoise
khaki #F0E68C   khaki
grano #F5DEB3   wheat
pesca scuro #FFDAB9   peachpuff
acquamarina #7FFFD4   aquamarine
gainsboro #DCDCDC   gainsboro
verde pallido #98FB98   palegreen
giallo verde #ADFF2F   greenyellow
blu polvere #B0E0E6   powderblue
grigio chiaro #D3D3D3   lightgray
verde chiaro #90EE90   lightgreen
blu chiaro #ADD8E6   lightblue
rosa #FFC0CB   pink
chartreuse #80FF00   chartreuse
oro #FFD700   gold
cardo #D8BFD8   thistle
rosa chiaro #FFB6C1   lightpink
verde prato #7CFC00   lawngreen
blu acciaio chiaro #B0C4DE   lightsteelblue
ciano #00FFFF   cyan / aqua
blu cielo chiaro (x11) #87CEFA   lightskyblue
argento #C0C0C0   silver
blu cielo #87CEEB   skyblue
grigio (x11) #BEBEBE   gray
burlywood #DEB887   burlywood
turchese #40E0D0   turquoise
verde primavera #00FF80   springgreen
tanno / catrame #D2B48C   tan
verde primavera medio (x11) #00FA9A   mediumspringgreen
prugna #DDA0DD   plum
acquamarina medio #66CDAA   mediumaquamarine
verde giallo #9ACD32   yellowgreen
kaki scuro #BDB76B   darkkhaki
turchese medio (x11) #48D1CC   mediumturquoise
salmone chiaro #FFA07A   lightsalmon
marrone sabbia #F4A460   sandybrown
verde mare scuro #8FBC8F   darkseagreen
verde #00FF00   lime
grigio scuro (x11) #A9A9A9   darkgray
arancione #FFA500   orange
salmone scuro #E9967A   darksalmon
solidago #DAA520   goldenrod
violetto (x11) #EE82EE   violet
turchese scuro (x11) #00CED1   darkturquoise
verde lime #32CD32   limegreen
marrone rosato #BC8F8F   rosybrown
salmone #FA8072   salmon
corallo chiaro #F08080   lightcoral
ceruleo #00C0FF   deepskyblue
arancione scuro #FF8C00   darkorange
corallo #FF7F50   coral
verde mare medio #3CB371   mediumseagreen
fiordaliso #6495ED   cornflowerblue
blu cadetto #5F9EA0   cadetblue
orchidea #DA70D6   orchid
rosa caldo #FF69B4   hotpink
verde mare chiaro #20B2AA   lightseagreen
peru / marrone chiaro #CD853F   peru
rosso violetto chiaro (x11) #DB7093   palevioletred
grigio ardesia chiaro #778899   lightslategray
solidago scuro #B8860B   darkgoldenrod
pomodoro #FF6347   tomato
viola medio #9370DB   mediumpurple
blu dodger #1E90FF   dodgerblue
grigio ardesia #708090   slategray
verde olivastro #6B8E23   olivedrab
blu acciaio #4682B4   steelblue
cioccolato #D2691E   chocolate
blu ardesia medio #7B68EE   mediumslateblue
orchidea medio (x11) #BA55D3   mediumorchid
rosso indiano #CD5C5C   indianred
oliva #808000   olive
verde mare #2E8B57   seagreen
ciano scuro #008B8B   darkcyan
blu reale #4169E1   royalblue
foresta #228B22   forestgreen
grigio sporco #696969   dimgray
blu ardesia #6A5ACD   slateblue
rosso arancio #FF4500   orangered
anatra #008080   teal
verde oliva scuro #556B2F   darkolivegreen
terra di siena #A0522D   sienna
orchidea scuro (x11) #9932CC   darkorchid
rosa profondo #FF1493   deeppink
marrone (x11) #B03060   maroon
blu violetto (x11) #8A2BE2   blueviolet
sella #8B4513   saddlebrown
viola #A020F0   purple
magenta #FF00FF   magenta / fuchsia
grigio ardesia scuro #2F4F4F   darkslategray
porpora di rebecca #663399   rebeccapurple
blu ardesia scuro #483D8B   darkslateblue
rosso violaceo (x11) #C71585   mediumvioletred
marrone #A52A2A   brown
verde scuro #006400   darkgreen
cremisi #DC143C   crimson
rosso mattone #B22222   firebrick
rosso #FF0000   red
violetto scuro (x11) #9400D3   darkviolet
magenta scuro #8B008B   darkmagenta
blu mezzanotte #191970   midnightblue
rosso scuro #8B0000   darkred
indaco #4B0082   indigo
blu #0000FF   blue
blu medio #0000CD   mediumblue
blu scuro #00008B   darkblue
blu marina #000080   navy
nero #000000   black
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snakes-stims · 3 years
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champagne cork
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naaf · 4 years
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Shades of Orange II. #roses #gift #reddishorange #atwork #orangeandyellow #brokenflowers #shadesoforange #flowers #orangerose #yellowrose #darkorange #imbored #colors #orange #thecolororange #partofatrilogy #sundayafternoon #shotwithhuaweip10 #shotonhuaweip10 #noedit #nofilter #instagood #instapic #instaflower #photooftheday #likeforlike #likeforfollow (hier: Würzburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9AKuSwoKDQ/?igshid=18a9w1gw4bp43
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praeludio · 5 years
What color are you? QUIZ.
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you are darkorange #FF8C00
Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down. Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
Tagged by: @initiare Tagging: YOU
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Color Quiz  
you are darkorange #FF8C00 Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down. Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
Tagged by: @ancientgoldboundspirit
Tagging: @compassionatedestiny @bitterpixiebros @blindambitixn @luckyredeyes
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kolorzz · 2 years
#FFA500   arancione orange
Il colore arancione (usata anche la forma arancio) è una delle radiazioni dello spettro che l'uomo riesce a vedere. Si trova tra il rosso e il giallo.
È lo stesso colore del frutto dell'arancia da cui ha preso il nome; infatti, prima della scoperta di questo frutto, non si aveva una nozione precisa di questo colore, che veniva spesso considerato rosso. Per questo motivo sono rimaste nell'uso locuzioni come “pesci rossi”, “gatti rossi”, “capelli rossi”, nonostante questi appaiano arancioni.
Nella lista X11 comaiono altre due tonalità diq eusto colore:
#FF8C00   arancione scuro darkorange
#FF4500   rosso arancio orangered
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engineeringmath · 2 years
Algebra ENGG10: Age Word Problem
Peter is 36 years old. Peter is twice as old as Jun was when Peter was as old as Jun is now. How old is Jun?
Peter is 36 years old. Peter is twice as old as Jun was when Peter was as old as Jun is now. How old is Jun? Solution: Let be the age of Jun now. Consider the following table: Therefore, \begin{align*} 36-x & =x-\frac{x}{2} \\ 36-x & = \frac{x}{2} \\ 36 & = \frac{x}{2}+x \\ 36 & = \frac{3x}{2} \\ x & = \frac{36\left( 2 \right)}{3} \\ x & = 24 \ \text{years old} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange}…
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harknesstm · 6 years
you are darkorange
Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down.
Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.
Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
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tak4hir0 · 4 years
Textures.js SVG patterns for Data Visualization Textures are useful for the selective perception of different categories Getting started -- from the top of d3.js -- var svg = d3.select("#example") .append("svg"); var t = textures.lines() .thicker(); svg.call(t); svg.append("circle") .style("fill", t.url()); Lines textures.lines(); textures.lines() .heavier(); textures.lines() .lighter(); textures.lines() .thicker(); textures.lines() .thinner(); textures.lines() .heavier(10) .thinner(1.5); textures.lines() .size(4) .strokeWidth(1); textures.lines() .size(8) .strokeWidth(2); textures.lines() .orientation("vertical") .strokeWidth(1) .shapeRendering("crispEdges"); textures.lines() .orientation("3/8") .stroke("darkorange"); textures.lines() .orientation("3/8", "7/8") .stroke("darkorange"); textures.lines() .orientation("vertical", "horizontal") .size(4) .strokeWidth(1) .shapeRendering("crispEdges") .stroke("darkorange"); textures.lines() .orientation("diagonal") .size(40) .strokeWidth(26) .stroke("darkorange") .background("firebrick"); Colors and textures can be combined to have further levels of selection Circles textures.circles(); textures.circles() .heavier(); textures.circles() .lighter(); textures.circles() .thicker(); textures.circles() .thinner(); textures.circles() .complement(); textures.circles() .size(5); textures.circles() .radius(4); textures.circles() .radius(4) .fill("transparent") .strokeWidth(2); textures.circles() .radius(4) .fill("darkorange") .strokeWidth(2) .stroke("firebrick") .complement(); textures.circles() .size(10) .radius(2) .fill("firebrick") .background("darkorange"); Textures of increasing size can represent an order relation Paths textures.paths() .d("hexagons") .size(8) .strokeWidth(2) .stroke("darkorange"); textures.paths() .d("crosses") .lighter() .thicker(); textures.paths() .d("caps") .lighter() .thicker() .stroke("darkorange"); textures.paths() .d("woven") .lighter() .thicker(); textures.paths() .d("waves") .thicker() .stroke("firebrick"); textures.paths() .d("nylon") .lighter() .shapeRendering("crispEdges"); textures.paths() .d("squares") .stroke("darkorange"); Create custom patterns `M 0,${s * 3 / 4} l ${s / 2},${-s / 2} l ${s / 2},${s / 2}` ) .size(20) .strokeWidth(1) .thicker(2) .stroke("darkorange");
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suzanneshannon · 4 years
Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case
This is a concept I first came across a few years back when Lea Verou wrote an article on it. Multi-range sliders have sadly been removed from the spec since, but something else that has happened in the meanwhile is that CSS got better — and so have I, so I recently decided to make my own 2019 version.
In this two-part article, we'll go through the how, step-by-step, first building an example with two thumbs, then identify the issues with it. We'll solve those issues, first for the two-thumb case then, in part two, come up with a better solution for the multi-thumb case.
The sliders we'll be coding.
Note how the thumbs can pass each other and we can have any possible order, with the fills in between the thumbs adapting accordingly. Surprisingly, the entire thing is going to require extremely little JavaScript.
Article Series:
Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case (This Post)
Multi-Thumb Sliders: General Case (Coming Tomorrow!)
Basic structure
We need two range inputs inside a wrapper. They both have the same minimum and maximum value (this is very important because nothing is going to work properly otherwise), which we set as custom properties on the wrapper (--min and --max). We also set their values as custom properties (--a and --b).
- let min = -50, max = 50 - let a = -30, b = 20; .wrap(style=`--a: ${a}; --b: ${b}; --min: ${min}; --max: ${max}`) input#a(type='range' min=min value=a max=max) input#b(type='range' min=min value=b max=max)
This generates the following markup:
<div class='wrap' style='--a: -30; --b: 20; --min: -50; --max: 50'> <input id='a' type='range' min='-50' value='-30' max='50'/> <input id='b' type='range' min='-50' value='20' max='50'/> </div>
Accessibility considerations
We have two range inputs and they should probably each have a <label>, but we want our multi-thumb slider to have a single label. How do we solve this issue? We can make the wrapper a <fieldset>, use its <legend> to describe the entire multi-thumb slider, and have a <label> that's only visible to screen readers for each of our range inputs. (Thanks to Zoltan for this great suggestion.)
But what if we want to have a flex or grid layout on our wrapper? That's something we probably want, as the only other option is absolute positioning and that comes with its own set of issues. Then we run into a Chromium issue where <fieldset> cannot be a flex or grid container.
To go around this, we use the following ARIA equivalent (which I picked up from this post by Steve Faulkner):
- let min = -50, max = 50 - let a = -30, b = 20; .wrap(role='group' aria-labelledby='multi-lbl' style=`--a: ${a}; --b: ${b}; --min: ${min}; --max: ${max}`) #multi-lbl Multi thumb slider: label.sr-only(for='a') Value A: input#a(type='range' min=min value=a max=max) label.sr-only(for='b') Value B: input#b(type='range' min=min value=b max=max)
The generated markup is now:
<div class='wrap' role='group' aria-labelledby='multi-lbl' style='--a: -30; --b: 20; --min: -50; --max: 50'> <div id='multi-lbl'>Multi thumb slider:</div> <label class='sr-only' for='a'>Value A:</label> <input id='a' type='range' min='-50' value='-30' max='50'/> <label class='sr-only' for='b'>Value B:</label> <input id='b' type='range' min='-50' value='20' max='50'/> </div>
If we set an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute on an element, we also need to give it a role.
Basic styling
We make the wrapper a middle-aligned grid with two rows and one column. The bottom grid cell gets the dimensions we want for the slider, while the top one gets the same width as the slider, but can adjust its height according to the group label's content.
$w: 20em; $h: 1em; .wrap { display: grid; grid-template-rows: max-content $h; margin: 1em auto; width: $w; }
To visually hide the <label> elements, we absolutely position them and clip them to nothing:
.wrap { // same as before overflow: hidden; // in case <label> elements overflow position: relative; } .sr-only { position: absolute; clip-path: inset(50%); }
Some people might shriek about clip-path support, like how using it cuts out pre-Chromium Edge and Internet Explorer, but it doesn't matter in this particular case! We're getting to the why behind that in a short bit.
We place the sliders, one on top of the other, in the bottom grid cell:
input[type='range'] { grid-column: 1; grid-row: 2; }
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
We can already notice a problem however: not only does the top slider track show up above the thumb of the bottom one, but the top slider makes it impossible for us to even click and interact with the bottom one using a mouse or touch.
In order to fix this, we remove any track backgrounds and borders and highlight the track area by setting a background on the wrapper instead. We also set pointer-events: none on the actual <input> elements and then revert to auto on their thumbs.
@mixin track() { background: none; /* get rid of Firefox track background */ height: 100%; width: 100%; } @mixin thumb() { background: currentcolor; border: none; /* get rid of Firefox thumb border */ border-radius: 0; /* get rid of Firefox corner rounding */ pointer-events: auto; /* catch clicks */ width: $h; height: $h; } .wrap { /* same as before */ background: /* emulate track with wrapper background */ linear-gradient(0deg, #ccc $h, transparent 0); } input[type='range'] { &::-webkit-slider-runnable-track, &::-webkit-slider-thumb, & { -webkit-appearance: none; } /* same as before */ background: none; /* get rid of white Chrome background */ color: #000; font: inherit; /* fix too small font-size in both Chrome & Firefox */ margin: 0; pointer-events: none; /* let clicks pass through */ &::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { @include track; } &::-moz-range-track { @include track; } &::-webkit-slider-thumb { @include thumb; } &::-moz-range-thumb { @include thumb; } }
Note that we've set a few more styles on the input itself as well as on the track and thumb in order to make the look consistent across the browsers that support letting clicks pass through the actual input elements and their tracks, while allowing them on the thumbs. This excludes pre-Chromium Edge and IE, which is why we haven't included the -ms- prefix — there's no point styling something that wouldn't be functional in these browsers anyway. This is also why we can use clip-path to hide the <label> elements.
If you'd like to know more about default browser styles in order to understand what's necessary to override here, you can check out this article where I take an in-depth look at range inputs (and where I also detail the reasoning behind using mixins here).
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
Alright, we now have something that looks functional. But in order to really make it functional, we need to move on to the JavaScript!
The JavaScript is pretty straightforward. We need to update the custom properties we've set on the wrapper. (For an actual use case, they'd be set higher up in the DOM so that they're also inherited by the elements whose styles that depend on them.)
addEventListener('input', e => { let _t = e.target; _t.parentNode.style.setProperty(`--${_t.id}`, +_t.value) }, false);
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
However, unless we bring up DevTools to see that the values of those two custom properties really change in the style attribute of the wrapper .wrap, it's not really obvious that this does anything. So let's do something about that!
Showing values
Something we can do to make it obvious that dragging the thumbs actually changes something is to display the current values. In order to do this, we use an output element for each input:
- let min = -50, max = 50 - let a = -30, b = 20; .wrap(role='group' aria-labelledby='multi-lbl' style=`--a: ${a}; --b: ${b}; --min: ${min}; --max: ${max}`) #multi-lbl Multi thumb slider: label.sr-only(for='a') Value A: input#a(type='range' min=min value=a max=max) output(for='a' style='--c: var(--a)') label.sr-only(for='b') Value B: input#b(type='range' min=min value=b max=max) output(for='b' style='--c: var(--b)')
The resulting HTML looks as follows:
<div class='wrap' role='group' aria-labelledby='multi-lbl' style='--a: -30; --b: 20; --min: -50; --max: 50'> <div id='multi-lbl'>Multi thumb slider:</div> <label class='sr-only' for='a'>Value A:</label> <input id='a' type='range' min='-50' value='-30' max='50'/> <output for='a' style='--c: var(--a)'></output> <label class='sr-only' for='b'>Value B:</label> <input id='b' type='range' min='-50' value='20' max='50'/> <output for='b' style='--c: var(--b)'></output> </div>
We display the values in an ::after pseudo-element using a little counter trick:
output { &::after { counter-reset: c var(--c); content: counter(c); } }
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
It's now obvious these values change as we drag the sliders, but the result is ugly and it has messed up the wrapper background alignment, so let's add a few tweaks! We could absolutely position the <output> elements, but for now, we simply squeeze them in a row between the group label and the sliders:
.wrap { // same as before grid-template: repeat(2, max-content) #{$h}/ 1fr 1fr; } [id='multi-lbl'] { grid-column: 1/ span 2 } input[type='range'] { // same as before grid-column: 1/ span 2; grid-row: 3; } output { grid-row: 2; &:last-child { text-align: right; } &::after { content: '--' attr(for) ': ' counter(c) ';' counter-reset: c var(--c); } }
Much better!
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
Setting separate :focus styles even gives us something that doesn't look half bad, plus allows us to see which value we're currently modifying.
input[type='range'] { /* same as before */ z-index: 1; &:focus { z-index: 2; outline: dotted 1px currentcolor; &, & + output { color: darkorange } } }
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
All we need now is to create the fill between the thumbs.
The tricky part
We can recreate the fill with an ::after pseudo-element on the wrapper, which we place on the bottom grid row where we've also placed the range inputs. This pseudo-element comes, as the name suggests, after the inputs, but it will still show up underneath them because we've set positive z-index values on them. Note that setting the z-index works on the inputs (without explicitly setting their position to something different from static) because they're grid children.
The width of this pseudo-element should be proportional to the difference between the higher input value and the lower input value. The big problem here is that they pass each other and we have no way of knowing which has the higher value.
First approach
My first idea on how to solve this was by using width and min-width together. In order to better understand how this works, consider that we have two percentage values, --a and --b, and we want to make an element's width be the absolute value of the difference between them.
Either one of the two values can be the bigger one, so we pick an example where --b is bigger and an example where --a is bigger:
<div style='--a: 30%; --b: 50%'><!-- first example, --b is bigger --></div> <div style='--a: 60%; --b: 10%'><!-- second example, --a is bigger --></div>
We set width to the second value (--b) minus the first (--a) and min-width to the first value (--a) minus the second one (--b).
div { background: #f90; height: 4em; min-width: calc(var(--a) - var(--b)); width: calc(var(--b) - var(--a)); }
If the second value (--b) is bigger, then the width is positive (which makes it valid) and the min-width negative (which makes it invalid). That means the computed value is the one set via the width property. This is the case in the first example, where --b is 70% and --a is 50%. That means the width computes to 70% - 50% = 20%, while the min-width computes to 50% - 70% = -20%.
If the first value is bigger, then the width is negative (which makes it invalid) and the min-width is positive (which makes it valid), meaning the computed value is that set via the min-width property. This is the case in the second example, where --a is 80% and --b is 30%, meaning the width computes to 30% - 80% = -50%, while the min-width computes to 80% - 30% = 50%.
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
Applying this solution for our two thumb slider, we have:
.wrap { /* same as before */ --dif: calc(var(--max) - var(--min)); &::after { content: ''; background: #95a; grid-column: 1/ span 2; grid-row: 3; min-width: calc((var(--a) - var(--b))/var(--dif)*100%); width: calc((var(--b) - var(--a))/var(--dif)*100%); } }
In order to represent the width and min-width values as percentages, we need to divide the difference between our two values by the difference (--dif) between the maximum and the minimum of the range inputs and then multiply the result we get by 100%.
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
So far, so good... so what?
The ::after always has the right computed width, but we also need to offset it from the track minimum by the smaller value and we can't use the same trick for its margin-left property.
My first instinct here was to use left, but actual offsets don't work on their own. We'd have to also explicitly set position: relative on our ::after pseudo-element in order to make it work. I felt kind of meh about doing that, so I opted for margin-left instead.
The question is what approach can we take for this second property. The one we've used for the width doesn't work because there is no such thing as min-margin-left.
A min() function is now in the CSS spec, but at the time when I coded these multi-thumb sliders, it was only implemented by Safari (it has since landed in Chrome as well). Safari-only support was not going to cut it for me since I don't own any Apple device or know anyone in real life who does... so I couldn't play with this function! And not being able to come up with a solution I could actually test meant having to change the approach.
Second approach
This involves using both of our wrapper's (.wrap) pseudo-elements: one pseudo-element's margin-left and width being set as if the second value is bigger, and the other's set as if the first value is bigger.
With this technique, if the second value is bigger, the width we're setting on ::before is positive and the one we're setting on ::after is negative (which means it's invalid and the default of 0 is applied, hiding this pseudo-element). Meanwhile, if the first value is bigger, then the width we're setting on ::before is negative (so it's this pseudo-element that has a computed width of 0 and is not being shown in this situation) and the one we're setting on ::after is positive.
Similarly, we use the first value (--a) to set the margin-left property on the ::before since we assume the second value --b is bigger for this pseudo-element. That means --a is the value of the left end and --b the value of the right end.
For ::after, we use the second value (--b) to set the margin-left property, since we assume the first value --a is bigger this pseudo-element. That means --b is the value of the left end and --a the value of the right end.
Let's see how we put it into code for the same two examples we previously had, where one has --b bigger and another where --a is bigger:
<div style='--a: 30%; --b: 50%'></div> <div style='--a: 60%; --b: 10%'></div>
div { &::before, &::after { content: ''; height: 5em; } &::before { margin-left: var(--a); width: calc(var(--b) - var(--a)); } &::after { margin-left: var(--b); width: calc(var(--a) - var(--b)); } }
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
Applying this technique for our two thumb slider, we have:
.wrap { /* same as before */ --dif: calc(var(--max) - var(--min)); &::before, &::after { grid-column: 1/ span 2; grid-row: 3; height: 100%; background: #95a; content: '' } &::before { margin-left: calc((var(--a) - var(--min))/var(--dif)*100%); width: calc((var(--b) - var(--a))/var(--dif)*100%) } &::after { margin-left: calc((var(--b) - var(--min))/var(--dif)*100%); width: calc((var(--a) - var(--b))/var(--dif)*100%) } }
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
We now have a nice functional slider with two thumbs. But this solution is far from perfect.
The first issue is that we didn't get those margin-left and width values quite right. It's just not noticeable in this demo due to the thumb styling (such as its shape, dimensions relative to the track, and being full opaque).
But let's say our thumb is round and maybe even smaller than the track height:
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
We can now see what the problem is: the endlines of the fill don't coincide with the vertical midlines of the thumbs.
This is because of the way moving the thumb end-to-end works. In Chrome, the thumb's border-box moves within the limits of the track's content-box, while in Firefox, it moves within the limits of the slider's content-box. This can be seen in the recordings below, where the padding is transparent, while the content-box and the border are semi-transparent. We've used orange for the actual slider, red for the track and purple for the thumb.
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Recording of the thumb motion in Chrome from one end of the slider to the other.
Note that the track's width in Chrome is always determined by that of the parent slider - any width value we may set on the track itself gets ignored. This is not the case in Firefox, where the track can also be wider or narrower than its parent <input>. As we can see below, this makes it even more clear that the thumb's range of motion depends solely on the slider width in this browser.
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Recording of the thumb motion in Firefox from one end of the slider to the other. The three cases are displayed from top to bottom. The border-box of the track perfectly fits the content-box of the slider horizontally. It's longer and it's shorter).
In our particular case (and, to be fair, in a lot of other cases), we can get away with not having any margin, border or padding on the track. That would mean its content-box coincides to that of the actual range input so there are no inconsistencies between browsers.
But what we need to keep in mind is that the vertical midlines of the thumbs (which we need to coincide with the fill endpoints) move between half a thumb width (or a thumb radius if we have a circular thumb) away from the start of the track and half a thumb width away from the end of the track. That's an interval equal to the track width minus the thumb width (or the thumb diameter in the case of a circular thumb).
This can be seen in the interactive demo below where the thumb can be dragged to better see the interval its vertical midline (which we need to coincide with the fill's endline) moves within.
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
The demo is best viewed in Chrome and Firefox.
The fill width and margin-left values are not relative to 100% (or the track width), but to the track width minus the thumb width (which is also the diameter in the particular case of a circular thumb). Also, the margin-left values don't start from 0, but from half a thumb width (which is a thumb radius in our particular case).
$d: .5*$h; // thumb diameter $r: .5*$d; // thumb radius $uw: $w - $d; // useful width .wrap { /* same as before */ --dif: calc(var(--max) - var(--min)); &::before { margin-left: calc(#{$r} + (var(--a) - var(--min))/var(--dif)*#{$uw}); width: calc((var(--b) - var(--a))/var(--dif)*#{$uw}); } &::after { margin-left: calc(#{$r} + (var(--b) - var(--min))/var(--dif)*#{$uw}); width: calc((var(--a) - var(--b))/var(--dif)*#{$uw}); } }
Now the fill starts and ends exactly where it should, along the midlines of the two thumbs:
See the Pen by thebabydino (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
This one issue has been taken care of, but we still have a way bigger one. Let's say we want to have more thumbs, say four:
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An example with four thumbs.
We now have four thumbs that can all pass each other and they can be in any order that we have no way of knowing. Moreover, we only have two pseudo-elements, so we cannot apply the same techniques. Can we still find a CSS-only solution?
Well, the answer is yes! But it means scrapping this solution and going for something different and way more clever — in part two of this article!
Article Series:
Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case (This Post)
Multi-Thumb Sliders: General Case (Coming Tomorrow!)
The post Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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colorpictionary · 2 years
Colori X11
La lista dei colori X11 ordinata alfabeticamente, secondol il nome inglese (puoi anche ordinare per 'colore').
blu alice #F0F8FF   aliceblue
bianco antico #FAEBD7   antiquewhite
acquamarina #7FFFD4   aquamarine
azzurro #F0FFFF   azure
beige #F5F5DC   beige
biscotto #FFE4C4   bisque
nero #000000   black
mandorla pelata #FFEBCD   bleachedalmond
blu #0000FF   blue
blu violetto (x11) #8A2BE2   blueviolet
marrone #A52A2A   brown
burlywood #DEB887   burlywood
blu cadetto #5F9EA0   cadetblue
chartreuse #80FF00   chartreuse
cioccolato #D2691E   chocolate
corallo #FF7F50   coral
fiordaliso #6495ED   cornflowerblue
granturco #FFF8DC   cornsilk
cremisi #DC143C   crimson
ciano #00FFFF   cyan / aqua
blu scuro #00008B   darkblue
ciano scuro #008B8B   darkcyan
solidago scuro #B8860B   darkgoldenrod
grigio scuro (x11) #A9A9A9   darkgray
verde scuro #006400   darkgreen
kaki scuro #BDB76B   darkkhaki
magenta scuro #8B008B   darkmagenta
verde oliva scuro #556B2F   darkolivegreen
arancione scuro #FF8C00   darkorange
orchidea scuro (x11) #9932CC   darkorchid
rosso scuro #8B0000   darkred
salmone scuro #E9967A   darksalmon
verde mare scuro #8FBC8F   darkseagreen
blu ardesia scuro #483D8B   darkslateblue
grigio ardesia scuro #2F4F4F   darkslategray
turchese scuro (x11) #00CED1   darkturquoise
violetto scuro (x11) #9400D3   darkviolet
rosa profondo #FF1493   deeppink
ceruleo #00C0FF   deepskyblue
grigio sporco #696969   dimgray
blu dodger #1E90FF   dodgerblue
rosso mattone #B22222   firebrick
bianco floreale #FFFAF0   floralwhite
foresta #228B22   forestgreen
gainsboro #DCDCDC   gainsboro
bianco fantasma #F8F8FF   ghostwhite
oro #FFD700   gold
solidago #DAA520   goldenrod
grigio (x11) #BEBEBE   gray
giallo verde #ADFF2F   greenyellow
melata #F0FFF0   honeydew
rosa caldo #FF69B4   hotpink
rosso indiano #CD5C5C   indianred
indaco #4B0082   indigo
avorio #FFFFF0   ivory
khaki #F0E68C   khaki
lavanda #E6E6FA   lavender
lavanda rosata #FFF0F5   lavenderblush
verde prato #7CFC00   lawngreen
ciambella di limone #FFFACD   lemonchiffon
blu chiaro #ADD8E6   lightblue
corallo chiaro #F08080   lightcoral
ciano chiaro #E0FFFF   lightcyan
giallo solidago chiaro #FAFAD2   lightgoldenrodyellow
grigio chiaro #D3D3D3   lightgray
verde chiaro #90EE90   lightgreen
rosa chiaro #FFB6C1   lightpink
salmone chiaro #FFA07A   lightsalmon
verde mare chiaro #20B2AA   lightseagreen
blu cielo chiaro (x11) #87CEFA   lightskyblue
grigio ardesia chiaro #778899   lightslategray
blu acciaio chiaro #B0C4DE   lightsteelblue
giallo chiaro #FFFFE0   lightyellow
verde #00FF00   lime
verde lime #32CD32   limegreen
lino #FAF0E6   linen
magenta #FF00FF   magenta / fuchsia
marrone (x11) #B03060   maroon
acquamarina medio #66CDAA   mediumaquamarine
blu medio #0000CD   mediumblue
orchidea medio (x11) #BA55D3   mediumorchid
viola medio #9370DB   mediumpurple
verde mare medio #3CB371   mediumseagreen
blu ardesia medio #7B68EE   mediumslateblue
verde primavera medio (x11) #00FA9A   mediumspringgreen
turchese medio (x11) #48D1CC   mediumturquoise
rosso violaceo (x11) #C71585   mediumvioletred
blu mezzanotte #191970   midnightblue
crema di menta #F5FFFA   mintcream
rosa nella nebbia #FFE4E1   mistyrose
mocassino #FFE4B5   mocassin
bianco navajo #FFDEAD   navajowhite
blu marina #000080   navy
vecchio merletto #FDF5E6   oldlace
oliva #808000   olive
verde olivastro #6B8E23   olivedrab
arancione #FFA500   orange
rosso arancio #FF4500   orangered
orchidea #DA70D6   orchid
solidago chiaro #EEE8AA   palegoldenrod
verde pallido #98FB98   palegreen
turchese chiaro (x11) #AFEEEE   paleturquoise
rosso violetto chiaro (x11) #DB7093   palevioletred
frullato di papaya #FFEFD5   papayawhip
pesca scuro #FFDAB9   peachpuff
peru / marrone chiaro #CD853F   peru
rosa #FFC0CB   pink
prugna #DDA0DD   plum
blu polvere #B0E0E6   powderblue
viola #A020F0   purple
porpora di rebecca #663399   rebeccapurple
rosso #FF0000   red
marrone rosato #BC8F8F   rosybrown
blu reale #4169E1   royalblue
sella #8B4513   saddlebrown
salmone #FA8072   salmon
marrone sabbia #F4A460   sandybrown
verde mare #2E8B57   seagreen
conchiglia #FFF5EE   seashell
terra di siena #A0522D   sienna
argento #C0C0C0   silver
blu cielo #87CEEB   skyblue
blu ardesia #6A5ACD   slateblue
grigio ardesia #708090   slategray
neve #FFFAFA   snow
verde primavera #00FF80   springgreen
blu acciaio #4682B4   steelblue
tanno / catrame #D2B48C   tan
anatra #008080   teal
cardo #D8BFD8   thistle
pomodoro #FF6347   tomato
turchese #40E0D0   turquoise
violetto (x11) #EE82EE   violet
grano #F5DEB3   wheat
bianco #FFFFFF   white
bianco fumo #F5F5F5   whitesmoke
giallo #FFFF00   yellow
verde giallo #9ACD32   yellowgreen
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naaf · 4 years
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Shades of Orange I. #desperados #freebie #promogift #shadesoforange #cinnabar #darkorange #siliconering #drinkingbeer #desperadosbeer #ringfinger #digitusanularis #myhand #flash #imbored #orangeandblack #colors #orange #thecolororange #partofatrilogy #tuesdayevening #shotwithhuaweip10 #shotonhuaweip10 #noedit #nofilter #instagood #instapic #photooftheday #likeforlike #likeforfollow (hier: Würzburg - Grombühl) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9AKHWaouil/?igshid=5qpiqruzr03c
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seomxj · 6 years
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR MUSE? Tagged by @haosk Tagging @candid-jieunne @lostonesfound @hail-the-king-jaehyun @king-erebus-daehyun @minxygi (and anyone that wants to do it
you are darkorange
Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too.  You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down. Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going.  You shouldn't be afraid to lead people because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is very bright.  You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
you are mediumauqamarine
Your dominant hues are cyan and green.  Although you definitely strive to be logical you care about people and know there’s a time and place for thinking emotionally.  Your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days. Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you.  You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it. Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's.  You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up.  You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
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kaiju-kitsune7 · 7 years
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Made the Peppercutie by @whiteponensfw for PT Colors are approximate, done with side-by-side comparisons (I don't have any art programs to help me get the colors, eh..) Body-525252 Wing-525252 Wing(Mem.)-303030 Mark(1)-743404 Mark(2)-972c14 Mane,BackMane,Tail-d3d3d3 Mane(Color2)-dca61f Mane(Color3,4)-Darkorange Eyes-D07c16 Markings-929292 Scarf-E2ae4e BackSocks(Color1)-E2ae4e BackSocks-525252 Bonus!- Whitepone plushie Color1-d8d8d8 Color2-57503d Color4,5,6-363636
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