finiffy · 2 years
geyre with long hair does not exist geyre with long hair does not exist geyre with long hair does not exist gears with long hair is a myth-
aw fuck it
died a bit while trying to not mess that nice face up (tho now I think that the metal parts were a bit out of place) but yeah. HERE COMES THE GAYMING GOD, weawejaweja
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and the second one is kinda of the original design, first created as the idea of an AU where Gears is kind of an archivist/engineer at the Broken God church. or something like that, idont rememba. just some less detailed and less simp-ed version of sorts I guess.
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...and now imagine the same guy with a headset and wearing some gaming merch lmao. damn I love the thing so much!
I can't believe the cure to fix Geyre's receding hairline is to become a god
But wow I do love your design for him, the gaming god
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finiffy · 2 years
Okay, let's speak some facts in here.
SCP-3999 actually never existed in the form we know of.
Talloran just pissed off Francis and was sent to a guide trip of the worst levels of Backrooms ever possible.
One shall not call Ukulele being tone deaf or allow any other commentaries towards his musical capabilities if one not wish for the same fate.
P.S No, doctor Bright, pissing off doctor Clef for sake of "losing your immortality in the dephts of other dimension" is not allowed. Don't even think of it — O5 Council
Oh my god...I can't fucking believe that everything Talloran had to go through was because they got banished to the backrooms because they said that Ukulele's skills sucked
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finiffy · 2 years
Charles' socialisation in short:
"Dad can we bring Mr. Snowman home?"
"But he is my friend!"
"I listen to no complaints from you, Ogden. Now go back in the house."
(bonus points if Charles was not introduced to Bright at the moment, tho I can imagine little Jack doing some mini copy of the snowman and dragging it to Gears's window or smt)
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!!!!! This is so cute
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finiffy · 2 years
name at least ONE human in Foundation personnel that does NOT have:
family issues
weird relatives of non-human/anomalous/crazy as hell form
anomalies of their own
a number of mental illnesses
24/7 exhaustment
grayishly dark morals from all the shit that goes on in the highest ranks
I dare you, I double dare you
Sure it might become a challenge of "what kind of person N would be, if the event X never happened in their life" or something, but I can't imagine such things myself right now so yeah...
These are the requirements of being able to join the Foundation
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finiffy · 2 years
How do I draw kids lmao??
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The start of a long and beautiful friendship, and their ever first exposure of creating a their first ever breach at the amazing age of 6
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finiffy · 2 years
...Yeah, Charles' life went wrong at the very start of it, it seems. Aaand yeah, what kind of things his mother could say to the Founder had she ever knew? I am not sure if she'd care whatsoever as she left but hell knows...
Anyways, Charles would probably feel quite awkward at the normal human things. Like Iceberg joking in a way like "What ya mean you can't do ice skating? Every kid knows how to, did ya live in Arizona or something?" and Gears just staring awkwardly feeling a bit guilty. Like, guilty not for the exact fact of not knowing how to skate or do any other common activity, but because he damn skipped that huge part of life as a childhood and is just completely lost now.
Cus when he met Iceberg, he actually got a reason to ever do all those leisure activities, yet he remains unable to actually fulfill those needs without a guidance due to the lack of experience. Experience, which normal person might achieve till the end of their teenhood, it's the latest. Relationships, hobbies, just some sort of things that are not connected to "study-work-sleep once and forever" life schedule of his.
No, really, we now need a hug anon, urgently. That guy needs a hell ton of hugs, no matter how weird he might find them (can't say that Founder was much of a love-giving parent in the days of his presence at home, not sure).
.....Ouch, wow yeah...he lost quite a bit of the social aspects in his childhood days. You are reminding me of childhood friends Jack and Charles where Jack made a lifetime of plans/bucket list of things they need to do together (go out to the amusement park, etc) because Charles never did the things he did. But as they got older and busier the list hasn't at all been touched
Yeah I don't think Founder is the type to spoil their kid with affection. He does care, but not too much in the parental aspect if that makes sense
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finiffy · 2 years
Okay but, remember the phrase about Founder thinking of kids as just "smaller adults"? Was apparent at the very first phase of "Jack and Charles break havoc in the Council" discussion or kind of. It kinda inspired me on some fic idea, but since I still can't get myself to continue that one story to actually put this moment out, gotta explain it here.
So Charles (could) came at the Council only at somewhat about eight, if I remember right...
And then I can clearly see the situation of "Okay kid, you're five, independive enough, here's a three days pack of motor oil, hope you don't burn the house down while your Father goes off some important business you know". Just gives him some studies or house chores to do or something.
Anyways, Charles will have to grow up soon enough to simply not die of such care. Just, trying to catch up on some books to not feel that lonely; sleeping through the days; wishing to get that one "friend" so often mentioned in the child's literature... In fact, wishing for just something to change in his life, cus everything he knows at the moment is this one ancestory's home, where he remains all alone for the most of the time, and imaginitive worlds he read down somewhere. "Contain," that's his part of the motto, isolated he is.
...Yeah, maybe living with the bunch of freaks in Council and burning Sites down with lil Jack is still better for Charles than all of this.
Oh my god, poor tiny Charles....
In any scenario Founder will never be the best dad, too work focus and plus he has very poor grasp of what a tiny human child needs to grow up. He will not know that maybe leaving your own kid alone for days on end because they are "mature for their age" is maybe not the best thing
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finiffy · 2 years
... And yeah, Gears has to live through not only the first Jack's death, but through some others (the most violent maybe) as well.
And knowing that immortality kinda boosted Bright's mental health getting worse, provoking his suicidal tendencies hitting their best notes...
Gears probably had a lot of conversations of "you should be more careful with your life" type, but, heh... Jack is not that small kid with a bright smile anymore. Neither is Gears tho...
... And now I need advices on how to fight off procrastination urgently. Cus I need to write an angst fanfic about all their friendship story, it's my very oxygen now.
I am so glad that childhood friends Gears and Bright took off here cause I had that thought in my brain for years, it has so much good angst potential and backstory stuff
Their change in personalities as they get older and their dynamic as they are being hit with working in the Foundation after years and years...
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finiffy · 2 years
And if someday Bright will actually speak of this whole situation "no one except two of us believes that we have a relationship" to Glass during some therapy or smt... oh well
It's just that realisation of "oh well now I see the roots of his mental problems", disappointment of "damn even I can't make him happy cus of those freaks" and the confusion of "what you mean Gears has 13 parents and all of them are Council members?!"
wondering at what point Simon himself will need a therapist... not like he doesn't need them on a daily basis, knowing what kind of people he is working usually... but ya got the thing
Good luck to Glass, he is now part of this chaotic family dynamic of whatever the hell is going on in the o5 council
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finiffy · 2 years
...And now Bright will put hella lot of bets considering dr Clef's DID behaviour, poking him a bit.
Like "Are we gonna have a good day today or that guy comes in that stupid hawaiian shirt again?"
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finiffy · 2 years
Guess at some point of his life Gears, as the guy who is kinda cool at mechanical stuff, will have to write a full 10 paged instruction on "How to fix the Founder". And will give one copy to Iceberg in case if something happens to Gears himself, just in case.
Love the idea Gears straight up makes an instruction manual for him and Founder in the case they ever blue screen
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finiffy · 2 years
O5s: We do our best to protect our kiddo Charlies and his happiness of love! We won't let him ever be sad, 100% guarantee our care is efficient blah blah blah!
While that, Iceberg: slowly losing his feelings and sanity under the pressure of Foundation, three days till his last morning left
Charles: uh-uh, good plan, all of you... give me some oil, it's going to be a long week...
I feel a terrible foreshadowing coming on..
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finiffy · 2 years
yeah, d-a, the culmination part of this one is supposed to be a rollercoaster of feelings and different edges of madness in Simon's mind. At first we had his wild desire to murder, then lots of doubts and "was it ever me" kind of questions as the investigation starts, and then that giant thunderwave of guilt and "whoever I've become now, it's not a human" kind of thing. So yeah, yet another mentally unstable boy to the box of Foundation insanes' collection.
Ah, and by the way. I got some quirky idea right now. So, Glass can reveal the truth either by confessing during his panic attack/breakdown, or by... Trying to assault doctor Bright, one of the most odd patients of his and forgetting of his immortality... Somehow.
Like yeah, in most of the cases he'd probably go by well-worked-through plan, but maybe somehow he just falls in that one, you know vampire haze of thirst for blood and does not have that much time to think and goes after the first target he can remember without thinking of the details.
Or maybe Simon was planning on killing some other researcher yet Bright accidentally borrowed their body right before being shot dead by Simon lol.
Yet I like the breakdown idea more than that cus... emotional speeches, breakdowns, dialogues and monologues and just damn waaah-effect as I call it... incredible thing to experience, truly.
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finiffy · 2 years
but it's only web version so it might not look that comfy on phones or small screenes.
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Hooks: Ragdoll: easily thrown around dammit ;))
And also he is actually of "Merchant of Death" class. Wondering what kind of role Gears would take, if we say it also shall be connected to Death somehow. Cus, well, servant of Death, Mort... nah, forget it, I am just some Pratchett's freak.
And skilled Iceberg' kin as you can guess now :>>
someone please help I am going insane it's 1 am I am grinning at the monitor like a freak and just bouncing in chair like some stupid kitten and AWWW GOD MY BOY :DDD
Glad that you are having fun there
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finiffy · 2 years
"Anatidaephobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck. The anatidaephobic individual fears that no matter where they are or what they are doing, a duck watches." - Urban Dictionary.
So now the question exists: which one of the a major system would have this odd phobia? It sounds ridiculous enough for them lol. Who will be our "dont say 'quack' in front of me or I'll kick you in the face" kind of men?
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Of course Bright gets to be a little shit to them
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finiffy · 2 years
What if Gears is a perfect gaymer/god/Founder's heir simply because... he is, truly, objectively, a robot? Human-masked android made by the image of it's Creator (Siegel) which was let out to sort of "freedom" yet kept under watch the whole time. Just to test out his learning possibilties. And so he became a Foundation employee. A good, professional one, who seems to survive any sort of event, including all sorts of memetic hazards which would drive other people insane in a matter of minutes. Yet no one knows, that the rumors they're telling each other in the breakrooms are actually truthful.
That would explain his always neutral expression and the decisions he makes. No disappointment, hatred, even love — just some pure logic. Choosing the less negative option, thinking of consequences beforehand, all that. And the motor oil, yeah, it's explained as well. Yet two questions remain.
First — what kind of laws his brain follows when set up with moral problems and murders? If classic Azimov's ones, than what we do with "One shall not hurt or allow a human to be hurt?", his job simply does not allow such mercy. (well, if we not count the Zeroth law, which is "One shall not harm the Humanity or allow it to be hurt", cus this one goes well with Foundation narrative of "we Protect the Earth" and Gears' own position (chk. Epitaph).
Second — what kind of treatment he gets in the medward if his robot's nature shall not be known by masses? Or they keep some special mechanic guy that secretly follows him from Site to Site and has some private workshop where Gears visits in the case of "injury"?
Okay, actually there is an optional problem number three with the codename of "Allyson: how she was birthed", but that's completely other story.
Okay, guess I am too long into it. Read too much Azimov's stories of Elijah Baley and R. Daneel Olivaw and now thirsting for C/Fe gearsberg au, yeah. Someone help me.
Love the idea of Gears being like...Founder's "creation" and being sent out to see how he would interact with the world...this can play out in so many fun directions especially if Gears himself doesn't know his own nature
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