chuanjing-blog · 5 years
webpack 是一个现代 JavaScript 应用程序的静态模块打包器(module bundler)。当 webpack 处理应用程序时,它会递归地构建一个依赖关系图(dependency graph),其中包含应用程序需要的每个模块,然后将所有这些模块打包成一个或多个 bundle。
webpack 不太容易被新手理解,虽然强大,但是需要一定的学习成本,对于单一框架性开发过于臃肿。
babel-loader 加载并解析js文件
url-loader 加载并解析图片,字体相关文件
vue-loader 加载并解析.vue文件
css-loader 加载并解析 css 文件
sass-loader 加载并解析 scss 文件
react-hot-loader 加载并解析 react 文件
loaders 有三种使用模式
内联型,引用时使用 import Styles from 'style-loader!css-loader?modules!./styles.css';
通过命令cli启动webpack --module-bind jade-loader --module-bind 'css=style-loader!css-loader'
DllPlugin 抽离公用方法,样式
UglifyJsPlugin 丑化js
OptimizeCSSPlugin 优化压缩css
CommonsChunkPlugin 多次使用js,css方法抽离
CopyWebpackPlugin 文件移动处理
CompressionWebpackPlugin 提供带 Content-Encoding 编码的压缩版的资源
DefinePlugin 编译时全局常量
HtmlWebpackPlugin html生成器
HotModuleReplacementPlugin 热更新
OccurenceOrderPlugin 模块优先级排序
ExtractTextPlugin 提取css为class
loaders 排除 node_modules模块,减少查询时间
指定 resolve.modules,让 Webpack 去除 node_module 寻找第三方库
指定 module.noParse,排除非模块化文件解析
指定 resolve.extensions,让 Webpack 寻找可解析文件
使用 externals 外链第三方库,减轻编译压力
使用 DllPlugin 预先打包公用dll库,在引入mainfest文件到webpack中
使用 OccurenceOrderPlugin 排序模块优先级,使用频繁的模块优先级会提高,使得检索速度加快
打包功用方法,公用模块 CommonsChunkPlugin
使用 ParallelUglifyPlugin 替代 UglifyJsPlugin,开启多进程编译
使用 Happypack 开启多线程处理loaders,可以处理 babel 和 样式
使用 resolve.alias 指定相对路径,减少查询文件时间
开发环境关闭 source-map
使用 babel-plugin-import 来按需加载模块
监听文件变化排除 node_modules
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zzzmgzine · 7 years
via はてブ
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cloudandcode · 7 years
Webpack Tutorial
Webpack is a build tool that allows us to take all of our assets independencies and turn them into a production ready bundle. All of our files are considered modules and we tell webpack to load those modules and require them when we configure our project.
This from the Webpack npm page:
webpack is a bundler for modules. The main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.
Credit to Lynda.com for much of this information - although their version is a little outdated - there are some errors that their code now produces since, which I have found fixes to.
Special thanks to Eve Porcello for her wonderful course, which can be found at https://www.lynda.com/Webpack-tutorials/Learn-Webpack-Basics/483222-2.html
Example Code
Examples of nearly all of the concepts below are available at: https://github.com/bengrunfeld/webpack-examples
Difference Between Webpack, Gulp, and Grunt
Webpack is a module bundler. Gulp and Grunt are task runners.
While Webpack can transpile and modify code, there are some things Gulp and Grunt can do that Webpack can't, but these tasks can be performed by using npm scripts in your package.json with much less code.
Using the Webpack CLI
In the following code, webpack takes entry.js as the input, and outputs the file to ./dist/main.bundle.js
webpack entry.js ./dist/main.bundle.js
Using the Webpack Config File
To save your configuration to a file, create webpack.config.js. The file below will output the bundled code to dist/main.bundle.js
let path = require('path') module.exports = { entry: './src/entry.js', output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: 'main.bundle.js' } }
Using the -w flag
If run webpack -w, it will watch the entry point that you provided, and if anything changes in it, it will rebundle your package.
Webpack loaders load and perform transformations on files. Typically use cases for loaders are JSX and ES6. JSX isn't supported natively in browsers, and not all features of ES6 are supported across all browsers, so both need to be transpiled into plain vanilla Javascript in order for them to run smoothly. We use loaders for this.
In most cases, we use Babel (babel-loader) to perform this transpilation step.
npm install babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --save-dev
let path = require('path') module.exports = { entry: './src/entry.js', output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: 'main.bundle.js' }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /(node_modules)/, loader: 'babel', query: { presets: ['es2015', 'react'] } } ] } }
In Babel 6, you have to opt-in for any transpilation steps. So you have to specify what you want to transpile using presets. Note the query object that has presets for es2015 and react.
We also have to set up a .babelrc file
{ 'presets': [ 'es2015', 'react' ] }
If you receive a deprecation warning for using babel-loader, it's a known bug and they're trying to fix it.
Simply set process.noDeprecation = true in the main part of the file (i.e. outside of module.exports) and all will be well.
Loading CSS with Webpack
When you load CSS as a module in your code, Webpack will only bundle the styles that your app uses. To do this, you need to require the CSS file in your JS code.
First you need to install dependencies.
npm install style-loader css-loader --save-dev
Then add a css loader to your webpack.config.js
module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader' } ] }
Then require the css file inside of your Javascript
Loading SASS with Webpack
We can use Webpack loaders to transpile SASS (*.scss).
npm install sass-loader node-sass --save-dev
Then just change the CSS loader to the following in your webpack.config.js
{ test: /\.scss$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader' }
And of course in your Javascript files, change the file extensions in the require statements to scss
Loading Images with Webpack
We use url-loader with Webpack to load images. Webpack in-lines a URL to the image bundle and then returns it from require. We wanna do this because in-lining images will reduce the number of HTTP requests which will speed up our applications a lot.
npm install url-loader file-loader --save-dev
Then in your SASS file, you just load an image as usual, e.g. background: url(mypic.jpg).
To enable in your webpack.config.js:
{ test: /\.(png|jpg)$/, loader: 'url-loader?limit=20000' },
The limit=20000 just means that if the image size is greater than 20kb, then use the loader to create a direct url to the image asset.
Code Splitting
Code splitting is the idea of using multiple entry points for better performance optimization. So if someone loads the contact us page, they do not receive the code for about us as well. They only receive the code that they need to load that page.
This way, separate bundles are created for different pages. So we will only load the code that we need.
For example, say you have home.html that calls home.js which in turn requires messages.js.
And you also have blog.html that calls blog.js which in turn requires posts.js
The following webpack config file will cause 2 bundles to be created - home.bundle.js and blog.bundle.js. home will only have the code that it needs, and blog will only have the code that it needs.
entry: { home: './src/home', blog: './src/blog' }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: '[name].bundle.js' },
Common Chunks Plugin
The CommonsChunkPlugin will look for reused code and will create a separate bundle with common code. Then we'll load the common code into the page first and load in page specific code after that.
To use it in your webpack.config.js
let CommonsChunkPlugin = require('./node_modules/webpack/lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin') entry: '', output: '', module: { loaders:[] }, plugins: [ new CommonsChunkPlugin('commons', 'commons.bundle.js') ]
commons.bundle.js will now be added to dist and it will have any code that is common inbetween home and blog. So, home.bundle.js is code just for the home page. blog.bundle.js is code just for the blog page.
Then you need to call commons.bundle.js via script tags in all the html files that need access to it. In our example - home.html and blog.html.
Creating a Vendor Bundle
entry: { home: './src/home', blog: './src/blog', vendor: ['jquery', 'react', 'react-dom'] }, output: {}, module: {}, plugins: [ new CommonsChunkPlugin({name: 'vendor', filename: 'vendor.bundle.js'}) ]
This will create a bundle of all our vendor code, in the above example, specifically jquery, react, and react-dom.
You then need to change the <script src=""> tags to vendor.bundle.js in your html pages.
Hot Reloading with Webpack Dev Server
Webpack offers a dev server that will immediately re-transpile and bundle your code every time it detects a change. It will also allow you to view your project at a local url like localhost:3000.
In our webpack.config.js
entry: './dist/app.js', output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: 'main.bundle.js' }, devServer: { inline: true, contentBase: './dist', port: 3000 },
In our package.json
"scripts": { "build": "webpack", "start": "webpack-dev-server" },
Now, if you make a change to any of the files that are being watched, webpack dev server will recompile.
0 notes
acegeraci · 7 years
This time, the “rules to the game” were simple. Install webpack-bundle-analyzer, generate a fancy colorful image of all of your bundles, and share it with me. In return, the webpack team offered to help identify any potential issues we could spot!  via Pocket
0 notes
letsmicrodesign · 7 years
Recommended read @Medium: “webpack bits: Getting the most out of the CommonsChunkPlugin()” https://t.co/PqLT9KOzg5 https://t.co/PaAt3d9nKD
Recommended read @Medium: “webpack bits: Getting the most out of the CommonsChunkPlugin()” https://t.co/PqLT9KOzg5 https://t.co/PaAt3d9nKD
— Martin Tonev (@microDesignn) March 29, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/microDesignn March 29, 2017 at 10:56AM via IFTTT
0 notes
devinsba · 7 years
I just read "webpack bits: Getting the most out of the CommonsChunkPlugin()" on @Medium and I think you should too! http://ift.tt/2niZCy5
0 notes
chikuwa-parfait · 8 years
var webpack = require('webpack'); module.exports = { entry: { bundle: [ 'jquery', 'react' ] }, output: { path: './', publicPath: '/', filename: '[name].js' }, plugins: [ new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ minChunks: 3, name: 'bundle' }) ] };
$ npm install jquery react webpack $ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack
0 notes
letsmicrodesign · 7 years
Recommended read @Medium: “webpack bits: Getting the most out of the CommonsChunkPlugin()” https://t.co/PqLT9KOzg5
Recommended read @Medium: “webpack bits: Getting the most out of the CommonsChunkPlugin()” https://t.co/PqLT9KOzg5
— Martin Tonev (@microDesignn) March 29, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/microDesignn March 29, 2017 at 10:56AM via IFTTT
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